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dict | target
stringlengths 0
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stringclasses 1
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"term": "ablepsy",
"language": "English"
} | Alternative form of ablepsia | definition |
"term": "antidisestablishmentarianism",
"language": "English"
} | A political philosophy opposed to the separation of a religious group (church) and a government (state), especially the belief held by those in 19th-century England opposed to separating the Anglican church from the civil government or to refer to separation of church and state. | definition |
"term": "abler",
"language": "English"
} | comparative form of able: more able | definition |
"term": "Abib",
"language": "English"
} | The first month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year, corresponding nearly to the Gregorian April. After the Babylonish captivity this month was called Nisan. | definition |
"term": "ablatitious",
"language": "English"
} | Subtractive or tending to diminish. | definition |
"term": "ablegation",
"language": "English"
} | Expulsion; banishment. | definition |
"term": "abidingly",
"language": "English"
} | In an abiding manner; permanently. | definition |
"term": "ablins",
"language": "Scots"
} | Alternative form of aiblins | definition |
"term": "able-minded",
"language": "English"
} | Having unimpaired mental capability. | definition |
"term": "abaciscus",
"language": "English"
} | One of the tiles or squares of a tessellated pavement; an abaculus. | definition |
"term": "abaction",
"language": "English"
} | Carrying away by force, especially of animals. | definition |
"term": "abaction",
"language": "English"
} | Stealing cattle on a large scale. | definition |
"term": "abdicative",
"language": "English"
} | Causing, or implying, abdication. | definition |
"term": "abdicative",
"language": "English"
} | A reasoning from the negative | definition |
"term": "abdicative",
"language": "French"
} | feminine singular of abdicatif | definition |
"term": "abdicative",
"language": "Latin"
} | negatively | definition |
"term": "abdicative",
"language": "Latin"
} | vocative masculine singular of abdicātīvus | definition |
"term": "ablutionary",
"language": "English"
} | Pertaining to ablution. | definition |
"term": "abligate",
"language": "English"
} | To tie up, especially a body part. | definition |
"term": "ablet",
"language": "English"
} | A small fresh-water fish (Alburnus alburnus); the bleak. | definition |
"term": "ablude",
"language": "English"
} | To be unlike; to differ. | definition |
"term": "ablude",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person singular present active imperative of ablūdō | definition |
"term": "abluvion",
"language": "English"
} | That which is washed off. | definition |
"term": "abbatial",
"language": "English"
} | Belonging to, relating to, or pertaining to an abbey, abbot, or abbess. | definition |
"term": "abbatial",
"language": "French"
} | abbatial | definition |
"term": "abbatial",
"language": "French"
} | the quarters of the abbot and monks within an abbey | definition |
"term": "ablush",
"language": "English"
} | Blushing; ruddy. | definition |
"term": "ablush",
"language": "English"
} | Blushing; ruddy. | definition |
"term": "abnegative",
"language": "English"
} | Denying; renouncing; negative | definition |
"term": "abnegative",
"language": "Latin"
} | vocative masculine singular of abnegātīvus | definition |
"term": "abnodate",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person plural present active imperative of abnōdō | definition |
"term": "trade wind",
"language": "English"
} | A steady wind that blows from east to west above and below the equator. | definition |
"term": "abnet",
"language": "English"
} | The girdle of a Jewish priest or officer. | definition |
"term": "ablegate",
"language": "English"
} | To send abroad. | definition |
"term": "ablegate",
"language": "English"
} | A representative of the pope charged with important commissions in foreign countries, one of his duties being to bring to a newly named cardinal his insignia of office. | definition |
"term": "ablegate",
"language": "English"
} | An elected representative of a Hungarian royal free city, charged to be a speaker at the Diet of Hungary and to express the opinion of the city. | definition |
"term": "ablegate",
"language": "Latin"
} | second-person plural present active imperative of ablēgō | definition |
"term": "encyclopaedia",
"language": "English"
} | Alternative spelling of encyclopedia | definition |
"term": "encyclopaedia",
"language": "Latin"
} | encyclopedia | definition |
"term": "encyclopaedia",
"language": "Scots"
} | encyclopedia | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "English"
} | From. | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "English"
} | Away from; outside of. | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "English"
} | A unit of electromagnetic charge in the centimeter-gram-second system: the abcoulomb. | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "German"
} | Separable verb prefix that indicates removal or quitting, off, away. | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "German"
} | Separable verb prefix that indicates a downward movement, down. | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "German"
} | Separable verb prefix that indicates from or of. | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "German"
} | Noun prefix that indicates being different from the source or deviation. | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "Indonesian"
} | ab-: from; away from; outside of. | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "Italian"
} | ab- (away from; outside of) | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "Latin"
} | from, away, away from | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "Latin"
} | off | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "Latin"
} | at a distance | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "Latin"
} | completely, thoroughly | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "Latin"
} | absence of | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "Latin"
} | more remote | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "Latin"
} | removed by three generations | definition |
"term": "ab-",
"language": "Malay"
} | ab- | definition |
"term": "substantive",
"language": "English"
} | Of the essence or essential element of a thing. | definition |
"term": "substantive",
"language": "English"
} | Of the essence or essential element of a thing. | definition |
"term": "substantive",
"language": "English"
} | Having substance; enduring; solid; firm; substantial. | definition |
"term": "substantive",
"language": "English"
} | Applying to essential legal principles and rules of right. | definition |
"term": "substantive",
"language": "English"
} | Not needing the use of a mordant to be made fast to that which is being dyed. | definition |
"term": "substantive",
"language": "English"
} | Depending on itself; independent. | definition |
"term": "substantive",
"language": "English"
} | Of or pertaining to a substantive. | definition |
"term": "substantive",
"language": "English"
} | Actually and legally held, as distinct from an acting, temporary or honorary rank or appointment | definition |
"term": "substantive",
"language": "English"
} | Clipping of noun substantive or substantive noun; a noun or a group of words (a noun phrase) that act as a noun (in a sentence). | definition |
"term": "substantive",
"language": "English"
} | Part of a text that carries the meaning, such as words and their ordering. | definition |
"term": "substantive",
"language": "English"
} | To make a word belonging to another part of speech into a substantive (that is, a noun) or use it as a noun. | definition |
"term": "substantive",
"language": "French"
} | feminine singular of substantif | definition |
"term": "substantive",
"language": "Galician"
} | inflection of substantivar: | definition |
"term": "substantive",
"language": "Galician"
} | inflection of substantivar: | definition |
"term": "substantive",
"language": "Latin"
} | vocative masculine singular of substantīvus | definition |
"term": "substantive",
"language": "Portuguese"
} | inflection of substantivar: | definition |
"term": "substantive",
"language": "Portuguese"
} | inflection of substantivar: | definition |
"term": "substantive",
"language": "Romanian"
} | plural of substantiv | definition |
"term": "substantive",
"language": "Spanish"
} | inflection of substantivar: | definition |
"term": "substantive",
"language": "Spanish"
} | inflection of substantivar: | definition |
"term": "abluent",
"language": "English"
} | Washing away; carrying off impurities; detergent. | definition |
"term": "abluent",
"language": "English"
} | A detergent. | definition |
"term": "abluent",
"language": "French"
} | third-person plural present indicative/subjunctive of abluer | definition |
"term": "abluent",
"language": "Latin"
} | third-person plural future active indicative of abluō | definition |
"term": "abature",
"language": "English"
} | Grass and sprigs beaten or trampled down by a stag passing through them. | definition |
"term": "abdominalia",
"language": "English"
} | A group of cirriped crustaceans having abdominal appendages. | definition |
"term": "abdominalia",
"language": "Latin"
} | nominative/accusative/vocative neuter plural of abdōminālis | definition |
"term": "abhominal",
"language": "English"
} | Inhuman; obsolete form of abominable. | definition |
"term": "abevacuation",
"language": "English"
} | An abnormal evacuation. | definition |
"term": "abevacuation",
"language": "English"
} | Metastases. | definition |
"term": "abodement",
"language": "English"
} | A foreboding; an omen. | definition |
"term": "abodance",
"language": "English"
} | An omen or portent. | definition |
"term": "able-bodied",
"language": "English"
} | Having a sound, strong body; physically competent; robust; fit for service. | definition |
"term": "able-bodied",
"language": "English"
} | Capable of performing all requisite duties as a seaman, specifically in the Royal Navy, a rating between leading and ordinary. | definition |
"term": "abalienation",
"language": "English"
} | The act of abalienating; alienation; estrangement; transferring a legal title. | definition |
"term": "abalienation",
"language": "English"
} | The transfer of property, such as land, goods, or chattels, from one to another. | definition |
"term": "abawed",
"language": "Middle English"
} | astonished, abashed | definition |
"term": "abjurer",
"language": "English"
} | One who abjures. | definition |
"term": "abjurer",
"language": "French"
} | to renounce or abandon solemnly; to abjure | definition |
"term": "abjurer",
"language": "French"
} | to formally renounce one's religious belief; to apostatise | definition |
"term": "abjurer",
"language": "French"
} | to reject by oath someone's authority | definition |
"term": "Aaronic",
"language": "English"
} | Pertaining to Aaron (elder brother of Moses). | definition |
"term": "Aaronic",
"language": "English"
} | Pertaining to or characteristic of a high priest; priestly. | definition |