7 values
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2 values
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Al menjador, cadira de bronze amb estofat blanc. sentence2: Al menjador, cadira de bronze amb tapit blanc. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Al menjador, cadira de bronze amb estofat blanc. sentence2: Al menjador, cadira de bronze amb tapit blanc. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Al menjador, cadira de bronze amb estofat blanc.
Al menjador, cadira de bronze amb tapit blanc.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: No serveixin fruits de mar. sentence2: No serveixin fruits de mar. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: No serveixin fruits de mar. sentence2: No serveixin fruits de mar. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
No serveixin fruits de mar.
No serveixin fruits de mar.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: La "casa" del Papa a São Paulo té tres sales adjacents al primer pis del monestir. sentence2: La "casa" del Pontífex a São Paulo consisteix en tres sales adjacents al primer pis del monestir, cadascuna amb una finestra que dóna als jardins del claustre. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: La "casa" del Papa a São Paulo té tres sales adjacents al primer pis del monestir. sentence2: La "casa" del Pontífex a São Paulo consisteix en tres sales adjacents al primer pis del monestir, cadascuna amb una finestra que dóna als jardins del claustre. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
La "casa" del Papa a São Paulo té tres sales adjacents al primer pis del monestir.
La "casa" del Pontífex a São Paulo consisteix en tres sales adjacents al primer pis del monestir, cadascuna amb una finestra que dóna als jardins del claustre.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: La "casa" del Pontífex a São Paulo té tres sales adjacents al primer pis del monestir. sentence2: La "casa" del Pontífex a São Paulo consisteix en tres sales adjacents al primer pis del monestir, cadascuna amb una finestra que dóna als jardins del claustre. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: La "casa" del Pontífex a São Paulo té tres sales adjacents al primer pis del monestir. sentence2: La "casa" del Pontífex a São Paulo consisteix en tres sales adjacents al primer pis del monestir, cadascuna amb una finestra que dóna als jardins del claustre. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
La "casa" del Pontífex a São Paulo té tres sales adjacents al primer pis del monestir.
La "casa" del Pontífex a São Paulo consisteix en tres sales adjacents al primer pis del monestir, cadascuna amb una finestra que dóna als jardins del claustre.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: La "casa" del Papa a São Paulo té tres sales adjacents al primer pis del monestir. sentence2: La "casa" del Pontífex a São Paulo té tres sales adjacents al primer pis del monestir. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: La "casa" del Papa a São Paulo té tres sales adjacents al primer pis del monestir. sentence2: La "casa" del Pontífex a São Paulo té tres sales adjacents al primer pis del monestir. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
La "casa" del Papa a São Paulo té tres sales adjacents al primer pis del monestir.
La "casa" del Pontífex a São Paulo té tres sales adjacents al primer pis del monestir.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: El Papa és considerat un bon pianista. sentence2: El Papa és considerat un bon pianista. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: El Papa és considerat un bon pianista. sentence2: El Papa és considerat un bon pianista. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
El Papa és considerat un bon pianista.
El Papa és considerat un bon pianista.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: El Papa és considerat un bon pianista. sentence2: El Papa és considerat un bon pianista. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: El Papa és considerat un bon pianista. sentence2: El Papa és considerat un bon pianista. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
El Papa és considerat un bon pianista.
El Papa és considerat un bon pianista.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: L'habitatge exclusiu on Benedict XVI estarà allotjat des d'avui fins al divendres. sentence2: L'habitatge exclusiu on Benedict XVI estarà allotjat des d'avui fins al divendres. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: L'habitatge exclusiu on Benedict XVI estarà allotjat des d'avui fins al divendres. sentence2: L'habitatge exclusiu on Benedict XVI estarà allotjat des d'avui fins al divendres. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
L'habitatge exclusiu on Benedict XVI estarà allotjat des d'avui fins al divendres.
L'habitatge exclusiu on Benedict XVI estarà allotjat des d'avui fins al divendres.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: El claustre va rebre atenció especial. sentence2: El claustre va rebre atenció especial. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: El claustre va rebre atenció especial. sentence2: El claustre va rebre atenció especial. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
El claustre va rebre atenció especial.
El claustre va rebre atenció especial.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: El dormitori es completa amb un armari de dues portes, una taula, un frigorífic i un aparell d'aire condicionat. sentence2: El dormitori es completa amb un armari de dues portes, una taula, un frigorífic i un aparell d'aire condicionat. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: El dormitori es completa amb un armari de dues portes, una taula, un frigorífic i un aparell d'aire condicionat. sentence2: El dormitori es completa amb un armari de dues portes, una taula, un frigorífic i un aparell d'aire condicionat. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
El dormitori es completa amb un armari de dues portes, una taula, un frigorífic i un aparell d'aire condicionat.
El dormitori es completa amb un armari de dues portes, una taula, un frigorífic i un aparell d'aire condicionat.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: El dormitori és aproximadament de cinc metres per cinc metres. sentence2: El dormitori és aproximadament de cinc metres per cinc metres. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: El dormitori és aproximadament de cinc metres per cinc metres. sentence2: El dormitori és aproximadament de cinc metres per cinc metres. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
El dormitori és aproximadament de cinc metres per cinc metres.
El dormitori és aproximadament de cinc metres per cinc metres.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: El dormitori es completa amb un armari de dues portes, una taula, un frigorífic i un aparell d'aire condicionat. sentence2: El dormitori, d'aproximadament cinc metres per cinc metres, es completa amb un armari de dues portes, una taula, un frigorífic i un aparell d'aire condicionat. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: El dormitori es completa amb un armari de dues portes, una taula, un frigorífic i un aparell d'aire condicionat. sentence2: El dormitori, d'aproximadament cinc metres per cinc metres, es completa amb un armari de dues portes, una taula, un frigorífic i un aparell d'aire condicionat. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
El dormitori es completa amb un armari de dues portes, una taula, un frigorífic i un aparell d'aire condicionat.
El dormitori, d'aproximadament cinc metres per cinc metres, es completa amb un armari de dues portes, una taula, un frigorífic i un aparell d'aire condicionat.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: El trànsit molt sorollós de São Paulo, la contaminació i la carrera del Centre semblen no superar les seves parets. sentence2: El sorollós trànsit de São Paulo, la contaminació, la corrida del centre sembla que no supera les seves parets. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: El trànsit molt sorollós de São Paulo, la contaminació i la carrera del Centre semblen no superar les seves parets. sentence2: El sorollós trànsit de São Paulo, la contaminació, la corrida del centre sembla que no supera les seves parets. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
El trànsit molt sorollós de São Paulo, la contaminació i la carrera del Centre semblen no superar les seves parets.
El sorollós trànsit de São Paulo, la contaminació, la corrida del centre sembla que no supera les seves parets.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: El monjo catarinès Don Bento Gartner té 36 anys. sentence2: El monjo catarinès Don Bento Gartner té 36 anys. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: El monjo catarinès Don Bento Gartner té 36 anys. sentence2: El monjo catarinès Don Bento Gartner té 36 anys. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
El monjo catarinès Don Bento Gartner té 36 anys.
El monjo catarinès Don Bento Gartner té 36 anys.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: El paisatge inclou flors penjades als arbres. sentence2: El paisatge inclou flors penjades als arbres. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: El paisatge inclou flors penjades als arbres. sentence2: El paisatge inclou flors penjades als arbres. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
El paisatge inclou flors penjades als arbres.
El paisatge inclou flors penjades als arbres.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: El paisatge inclou flors penjades als arbres. sentence2: El paisatge inclou flors penjades als arbres. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: El paisatge inclou flors penjades als arbres. sentence2: El paisatge inclou flors penjades als arbres. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
El paisatge inclou flors penjades als arbres.
El paisatge inclou flors penjades als arbres.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Un llit gran domina el dormitori. sentence2: El dormitori està dominat per un gran llit. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Un llit gran domina el dormitori. sentence2: El dormitori està dominat per un gran llit. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Un llit gran domina el dormitori.
El dormitori està dominat per un gran llit.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Què llegirà el Papa al Brasil?. sentence2: Què llegirà el Papa al Brasil? The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Què llegirà el Papa al Brasil?. sentence2: Què llegirà el Papa al Brasil? The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Què llegirà el Papa al Brasil?.
Què llegirà el Papa al Brasil?
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Què llegirà el Papa al Brasil?. sentence2: Què llegirà el Papa al Brasil? The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Què llegirà el Papa al Brasil?. sentence2: Què llegirà el Papa al Brasil? The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Què llegirà el Papa al Brasil?.
Què llegirà el Papa al Brasil?
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Les flors donen un toc d'elegància a aquest apartament sense ornaments. sentence2: L'elegància d'aquest apartament sense ornaments és donada per les flors. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Les flors donen un toc d'elegància a aquest apartament sense ornaments. sentence2: L'elegància d'aquest apartament sense ornaments és donada per les flors. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Les flors donen un toc d'elegància a aquest apartament sense ornaments.
L'elegància d'aquest apartament sense ornaments és donada per les flors.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Les flors donen un toc d'elegància a aquest apartament sense ornaments. sentence2: L'excel·lència d'aquestes austeres habitacions és conferida per les flors. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Les flors donen un toc d'elegància a aquest apartament sense ornaments. sentence2: L'excel·lència d'aquestes austeres habitacions és conferida per les flors. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Les flors donen un toc d'elegància a aquest apartament sense ornaments.
L'excel·lència d'aquestes austeres habitacions és conferida per les flors.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: L'elegància d'aquest apartament sense ornaments és donada per les flors. sentence2: L'excel·lència d'aquestes austeres habitacions és conferida per les flors. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: L'elegància d'aquest apartament sense ornaments és donada per les flors. sentence2: L'excel·lència d'aquestes austeres habitacions és conferida per les flors. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
L'elegància d'aquest apartament sense ornaments és donada per les flors.
L'excel·lència d'aquestes austeres habitacions és conferida per les flors.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: El trànsit molt sorollós de São Paulo, la contaminació i la carrera del Centre semblen no superar les seves parets. sentence2: El trànsit molt sorollós de São Paulo, la contaminació i la carrera del Centre semblen no superar les seves parets. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: El trànsit molt sorollós de São Paulo, la contaminació i la carrera del Centre semblen no superar les seves parets. sentence2: El trànsit molt sorollós de São Paulo, la contaminació i la carrera del Centre semblen no superar les seves parets. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
El trànsit molt sorollós de São Paulo, la contaminació i la carrera del Centre semblen no superar les seves parets.
El trànsit molt sorollós de São Paulo, la contaminació i la carrera del Centre semblen no superar les seves parets.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Ahir a la tarda, el soroll de Sant Pau continuava fora de les parets. sentence2: Ahir a la tarda, el soroll de Sant Pau continuava fora de les parets. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Ahir a la tarda, el soroll de Sant Pau continuava fora de les parets. sentence2: Ahir a la tarda, el soroll de Sant Pau continuava fora de les parets. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Ahir a la tarda, el soroll de Sant Pau continuava fora de les parets.
Ahir a la tarda, el soroll de Sant Pau continuava fora de les parets.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Ahir a la tarda, el soroll de Sant Pau continuava fora de les parets. sentence2: Ahir a la tarda, el soroll de Sant Pau continuava fora de les parets. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Ahir a la tarda, el soroll de Sant Pau continuava fora de les parets. sentence2: Ahir a la tarda, el soroll de Sant Pau continuava fora de les parets. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Ahir a la tarda, el soroll de Sant Pau continuava fora de les parets.
Ahir a la tarda, el soroll de Sant Pau continuava fora de les parets.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Ahir, la estilista Maria Laura Correia va mostrar les robes que va fer per al Papa per a les misses al Brasil. sentence2: Ahir, la estilista Maria Laura Correia va mostrar les robes que va fer per al Papa per a les misses al Brasil. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Ahir, la estilista Maria Laura Correia va mostrar les robes que va fer per al Papa per a les misses al Brasil. sentence2: Ahir, la estilista Maria Laura Correia va mostrar les robes que va fer per al Papa per a les misses al Brasil. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Ahir, la estilista Maria Laura Correia va mostrar les robes que va fer per al Papa per a les misses al Brasil.
Ahir, la estilista Maria Laura Correia va mostrar les robes que va fer per al Papa per a les misses al Brasil.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Ahir, la estilista Maria Laura Correia va mostrar les robes que va fer per al Papa per a les misses al Brasil. sentence2: Ahir, la estilista Maria Laura Correia va mostrar les robes que va fer per al Papa per a les misses al Brasil. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Ahir, la estilista Maria Laura Correia va mostrar les robes que va fer per al Papa per a les misses al Brasil. sentence2: Ahir, la estilista Maria Laura Correia va mostrar les robes que va fer per al Papa per a les misses al Brasil. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Ahir, la estilista Maria Laura Correia va mostrar les robes que va fer per al Papa per a les misses al Brasil.
Ahir, la estilista Maria Laura Correia va mostrar les robes que va fer per al Papa per a les misses al Brasil.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: L'habitatge exclusiu on Benedict XVI estarà allotjat des d'avui fins al divendres. sentence2: Les habitacions privades on Benedict XVI estarà allotjat des d'avui fins al divendres. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: L'habitatge exclusiu on Benedict XVI estarà allotjat des d'avui fins al divendres. sentence2: Les habitacions privades on Benedict XVI estarà allotjat des d'avui fins al divendres. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
L'habitatge exclusiu on Benedict XVI estarà allotjat des d'avui fins al divendres.
Les habitacions privades on Benedict XVI estarà allotjat des d'avui fins al divendres.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Els corredors normalment produeixen ecos només dels cants dels monjos benedictinos i dels sons musicals de l'afinació de l'òrgan. sentence2: Els corredors solen ecoar només els cants dels monjos benedictinos i els acordes de l'afinació de l'òrgan. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Els corredors normalment produeixen ecos només dels cants dels monjos benedictinos i dels sons musicals de l'afinació de l'òrgan. sentence2: Els corredors solen ecoar només els cants dels monjos benedictinos i els acordes de l'afinació de l'òrgan. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Els corredors normalment produeixen ecos només dels cants dels monjos benedictinos i dels sons musicals de l'afinació de l'òrgan.
Els corredors solen ecoar només els cants dels monjos benedictinos i els acordes de l'afinació de l'òrgan.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Els corredors normalment produeixen ecos només dels cants dels monjos benedictinos i dels sons musicals de l'afinació de l'òrgan. sentence2: Els corredors normalment produeixen ecos només dels cants dels monjos benedictinos i dels sons musicals de l'afinació de l'òrgan. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Els corredors normalment produeixen ecos només dels cants dels monjos benedictinos i dels sons musicals de l'afinació de l'òrgan. sentence2: Els corredors normalment produeixen ecos només dels cants dels monjos benedictinos i dels sons musicals de l'afinació de l'òrgan. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Els corredors normalment produeixen ecos només dels cants dels monjos benedictinos i dels sons musicals de l'afinació de l'òrgan.
Els corredors normalment produeixen ecos només dels cants dels monjos benedictinos i dels sons musicals de l'afinació de l'òrgan.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Els monjos van optar per un menú lleuger: sopa i peix la primera nit. sentence2: Els monjos van optar per un menú lleuger: sopa i peix la primera nit. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Els monjos van optar per un menú lleuger: sopa i peix la primera nit. sentence2: Els monjos van optar per un menú lleuger: sopa i peix la primera nit. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Els monjos van optar per un menú lleuger: sopa i peix la primera nit.
Els monjos van optar per un menú lleuger: sopa i peix la primera nit.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Els monjos van optar per un menú lleuger: sopa i peix la primera nit. sentence2: Els monjos van optar per un menú lleuger: sopa i peix la primera nit. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Els monjos van optar per un menú lleuger: sopa i peix la primera nit. sentence2: Els monjos van optar per un menú lleuger: sopa i peix la primera nit. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Els monjos van optar per un menú lleuger: sopa i peix la primera nit.
Els monjos van optar per un menú lleuger: sopa i peix la primera nit.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Que no s'ofereixin fruits de mar. sentence2: Que no s'ofereixin fruits de mar. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Que no s'ofereixin fruits de mar. sentence2: Que no s'ofereixin fruits de mar. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Que no s'ofereixin fruits de mar.
Que no s'ofereixin fruits de mar.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Si desitja l'acollida d'un llibre durant el seu temps al Monestir de Sant Benet, la elecció probablement serà entre les novel·les de Machado d'Assis i una traducció alemanya dels Sermons del Pare Antònio Vieira en diversos volums. sentence2: Si desitja l'acollida d'un llibre durant el seu temps al Monestir de Sant Benet, la elecció probablement serà entre les novel·les de Machado d'Assis i una traducció alemanya dels Sermons del Pare Antònio Vieira. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Si desitja l'acollida d'un llibre durant el seu temps al Monestir de Sant Benet, la elecció probablement serà entre les novel·les de Machado d'Assis i una traducció alemanya dels Sermons del Pare Antònio Vieira en diversos volums. sentence2: Si desitja l'acollida d'un llibre durant el seu temps al Monestir de Sant Benet, la elecció probablement serà entre les novel·les de Machado d'Assis i una traducció alemanya dels Sermons del Pare Antònio Vieira. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Si desitja l'acollida d'un llibre durant el seu temps al Monestir de Sant Benet, la elecció probablement serà entre les novel·les de Machado d'Assis i una traducció alemanya dels Sermons del Pare Antònio Vieira en diversos volums.
Si desitja l'acollida d'un llibre durant el seu temps al Monestir de Sant Benet, la elecció probablement serà entre les novel·les de Machado d'Assis i una traducció alemanya dels Sermons del Pare Antònio Vieira.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Si desitja l'acollida d'un llibre durant el seu temps al Monestir de Sant Benet, la elecció probablement serà entre les novel·les de Machado d'Assis i una traducció alemanya dels Sermons del Pare Antònio Vieira en diversos volums. sentence2: Si desitja l'acollida d'un llibre mentre està allotjat al Monestir de Sant Benet, al centre de São Paulo, la elecció probablement recaurà entre les novel·les de Machado d'Assis i una traducció alemanya en diversos volums The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Si desitja l'acollida d'un llibre durant el seu temps al Monestir de Sant Benet, la elecció probablement serà entre les novel·les de Machado d'Assis i una traducció alemanya dels Sermons del Pare Antònio Vieira en diversos volums. sentence2: Si desitja l'acollida d'un llibre mentre està allotjat al Monestir de Sant Benet, al centre de São Paulo, la elecció probablement recaurà entre les novel·les de Machado d'Assis i una traducció alemanya en diversos volums The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Si desitja l'acollida d'un llibre durant el seu temps al Monestir de Sant Benet, la elecció probablement serà entre les novel·les de Machado d'Assis i una traducció alemanya dels Sermons del Pare Antònio Vieira en diversos volums.
Si desitja l'acollida d'un llibre mentre està allotjat al Monestir de Sant Benet, al centre de São Paulo, la elecció probablement recaurà entre les novel·les de Machado d'Assis i una traducció alemanya en diversos volums
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Don Bento Gartner va dir que el Vaticà només va fer una sol·licitud per a la cena:. sentence2: Segons el fraire catarinès Don Bento Gartner, 36 anys, un dels responsables de l'ornamentació del monestir, el Vaticà només va fer una sol·licitud per a la cena: The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Don Bento Gartner va dir que el Vaticà només va fer una sol·licitud per a la cena:. sentence2: Segons el fraire catarinès Don Bento Gartner, 36 anys, un dels responsables de l'ornamentació del monestir, el Vaticà només va fer una sol·licitud per a la cena: The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Don Bento Gartner va dir que el Vaticà només va fer una sol·licitud per a la cena:.
Segons el fraire catarinès Don Bento Gartner, 36 anys, un dels responsables de l'ornamentació del monestir, el Vaticà només va fer una sol·licitud per a la cena:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Hi ha més de 150 orquídees i 3.000 varietats tropicals. sentence2: Són més de 150 orquídees i 3.000 varietats tropicals portades de Recife per avió i esparnades pels ambients per on Benedict XVI circularà. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Hi ha més de 150 orquídees i 3.000 varietats tropicals. sentence2: Són més de 150 orquídees i 3.000 varietats tropicals portades de Recife per avió i esparnades pels ambients per on Benedict XVI circularà. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Hi ha més de 150 orquídees i 3.000 varietats tropicals.
Són més de 150 orquídees i 3.000 varietats tropicals portades de Recife per avió i esparnades pels ambients per on Benedict XVI circularà.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Hi ha més de 150 orquídees i 3.000 varietats tropicals. sentence2: Hi ha més de 150 orquídees i 3.000 varietats tropicals. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Hi ha més de 150 orquídees i 3.000 varietats tropicals. sentence2: Hi ha més de 150 orquídees i 3.000 varietats tropicals. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Hi ha més de 150 orquídees i 3.000 varietats tropicals.
Hi ha més de 150 orquídees i 3.000 varietats tropicals.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Han portat les flors de Recife. sentence2: Han portat les flors de Recife. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Han portat les flors de Recife. sentence2: Han portat les flors de Recife. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Han portat les flors de Recife.
Han portat les flors de Recife.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Han portat les flors per avió. sentence2: Han portat les flors per avió. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Han portat les flors per avió. sentence2: Han portat les flors per avió. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Han portat les flors per avió.
Han portat les flors per avió.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: El claustre va rebre atenció especial. sentence2: S'ha donat una atenció especial al claustre. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: El claustre va rebre atenció especial. sentence2: S'ha donat una atenció especial al claustre. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
El claustre va rebre atenció especial.
S'ha donat una atenció especial al claustre.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Va reservar un vestit gairebé blanc per a la capella del monestir -- va dir. sentence2: Un vestit gairebé blanc va ser reservat per a la capella del monestir -- va dir. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Va reservar un vestit gairebé blanc per a la capella del monestir -- va dir. sentence2: Un vestit gairebé blanc va ser reservat per a la capella del monestir -- va dir. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Va reservar un vestit gairebé blanc per a la capella del monestir -- va dir.
Un vestit gairebé blanc va ser reservat per a la capella del monestir -- va dir.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Una taula de fusta sòlida, amb peus de marbre clar. sentence2: Una taula de fusta sòlida, amb peus de marbre clar. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Una taula de fusta sòlida, amb peus de marbre clar. sentence2: Una taula de fusta sòlida, amb peus de marbre clar. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Una taula de fusta sòlida, amb peus de marbre clar.
Una taula de fusta sòlida, amb peus de marbre clar.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Una taula de fusta sòlida, amb peus de marbre clar. sentence2: Una taula de fusta sòlida, amb peus de marbre clar. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Una taula de fusta sòlida, amb peus de marbre clar. sentence2: Una taula de fusta sòlida, amb peus de marbre clar. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Una taula de fusta sòlida, amb peus de marbre clar.
Una taula de fusta sòlida, amb peus de marbre clar.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: És allà on estan els títols encadernats de Machado i Vieira. sentence2: És allà on estan els títols encadernats de Machado i Vieira, acompanyats per volums vistosos sobre art sagrat. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: És allà on estan els títols encadernats de Machado i Vieira. sentence2: És allà on estan els títols encadernats de Machado i Vieira, acompanyats per volums vistosos sobre art sagrat. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
És allà on estan els títols encadernats de Machado i Vieira.
És allà on estan els títols encadernats de Machado i Vieira, acompanyats per volums vistosos sobre art sagrat.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: És allà on estan els títols encadernats de Machado i Vieira, acompanyats per volums vistosos sobre art sagrat. sentence2: És allà on estan els títols encadernats de Machado i de Vieira, acompanyats per volums vistosos sobre art sagrat. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: És allà on estan els títols encadernats de Machado i Vieira, acompanyats per volums vistosos sobre art sagrat. sentence2: És allà on estan els títols encadernats de Machado i de Vieira, acompanyats per volums vistosos sobre art sagrat. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
És allà on estan els títols encadernats de Machado i Vieira, acompanyats per volums vistosos sobre art sagrat.
És allà on estan els títols encadernats de Machado i de Vieira, acompanyats per volums vistosos sobre art sagrat.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Allà hi ha els títols encadenats de Machado i Vieira. sentence2: Allà hi ha els títols tancats de Machado i de Vieira, acompanyats per volums vistosos sobre art sagrat. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Allà hi ha els títols encadenats de Machado i Vieira. sentence2: Allà hi ha els títols tancats de Machado i de Vieira, acompanyats per volums vistosos sobre art sagrat. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Allà hi ha els títols encadenats de Machado i Vieira.
Allà hi ha els títols tancats de Machado i de Vieira, acompanyats per volums vistosos sobre art sagrat.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: He entrevistat 14 persones que viuen al carrer i totes van dir que mancaven d'accés a la feina i a la renda. sentence2: Tots van dir que mancaven d'accés a la feina i a la renda. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: He entrevistat 14 persones que viuen al carrer i totes van dir que mancaven d'accés a la feina i a la renda. sentence2: Tots van dir que mancaven d'accés a la feina i a la renda. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
He entrevistat 14 persones que viuen al carrer i totes van dir que mancaven d'accés a la feina i a la renda.
Tots van dir que mancaven d'accés a la feina i a la renda.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: -- He entrevistat 14 persones que viuen al carrer, i totes van dir que no tenen accés a la feina i als ingressos. sentence2: -- He entrevistat 14 persones que viuen al carrer i totes van dir que no tenen accés a la feina i als ingressos. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: -- He entrevistat 14 persones que viuen al carrer, i totes van dir que no tenen accés a la feina i als ingressos. sentence2: -- He entrevistat 14 persones que viuen al carrer i totes van dir que no tenen accés a la feina i als ingressos. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
-- He entrevistat 14 persones que viuen al carrer, i totes van dir que no tenen accés a la feina i als ingressos.
-- He entrevistat 14 persones que viuen al carrer i totes van dir que no tenen accés a la feina i als ingressos.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: -- He entrevistat 14 persones que viuen al carrer, i totes van dir que no tenen accés a la feina i als ingressos. sentence2: Tothom va dir que mancava d'accés al treball i als ingressos. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: -- He entrevistat 14 persones que viuen al carrer, i totes van dir que no tenen accés a la feina i als ingressos. sentence2: Tothom va dir que mancava d'accés al treball i als ingressos. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
-- He entrevistat 14 persones que viuen al carrer, i totes van dir que no tenen accés a la feina i als ingressos.
Tothom va dir que mancava d'accés al treball i als ingressos.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: -- Tancar els ponts, i res més, acabarà col·locant els habitants de les rues a les places i davant dels edificis. . -- sentence2: Tancar els ponts, i res més, acabarà col·locant els habitants de les rues a les places i davant dels edificis. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: -- Tancar els ponts, i res més, acabarà col·locant els habitants de les rues a les places i davant dels edificis. . -- sentence2: Tancar els ponts, i res més, acabarà col·locant els habitants de les rues a les places i davant dels edificis. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
-- Tancar els ponts, i res més, acabarà col·locant els habitants de les rues a les places i davant dels edificis. . --
Tancar els ponts, i res més, acabarà col·locant els habitants de les rues a les places i davant dels edificis.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: -- No tothom ho fa. . -- sentence2: No tothom ho fa. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: -- No tothom ho fa. . -- sentence2: No tothom ho fa. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
-- No tothom ho fa. . --
No tothom ho fa.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: -- No tothom ho fa. . -- sentence2: No tothom ho fa. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: -- No tothom ho fa. . -- sentence2: No tothom ho fa. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
-- No tothom ho fa. . --
No tothom ho fa.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: - El tancament dels ponts, aïllament, acabarà col·locant els habitants de les rues a les places i davant dels edificis. . - sentence2: El tancament dels ponts, i res més, acabarà col·locant els habitants de les rues a les places i davant dels edificis. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: - El tancament dels ponts, aïllament, acabarà col·locant els habitants de les rues a les places i davant dels edificis. . - sentence2: El tancament dels ponts, i res més, acabarà col·locant els habitants de les rues a les places i davant dels edificis. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
- El tancament dels ponts, aïllament, acabarà col·locant els habitants de les rues a les places i davant dels edificis. . -
El tancament dels ponts, i res més, acabarà col·locant els habitants de les rues a les places i davant dels edificis.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: -- Els mendicants venien cada dia demanant coses i amenaçant-nos. . -- sentence2: Els mendicants venien cada dia demanant coses i amenaçant-nos. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: -- Els mendicants venien cada dia demanant coses i amenaçant-nos. . -- sentence2: Els mendicants venien cada dia demanant coses i amenaçant-nos. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
-- Els mendicants venien cada dia demanant coses i amenaçant-nos. . --
Els mendicants venien cada dia demanant coses i amenaçant-nos.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: -- Els mendicants venien cada dia demanant coses i amenaçant-nos. . -- sentence2: Els mendicants venien cada dia demanant coses. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: -- Els mendicants venien cada dia demanant coses i amenaçant-nos. . -- sentence2: Els mendicants venien cada dia demanant coses. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
-- Els mendicants venien cada dia demanant coses i amenaçant-nos. . --
Els mendicants venien cada dia demanant coses.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: La capital viu un fenomen contradictori: sentence2: La capital viu un fenomen sense lògica: The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: La capital viu un fenomen contradictori: sentence2: La capital viu un fenomen sense lògica: The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
La capital viu un fenomen contradictori:
La capital viu un fenomen sense lògica:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: La capital experimenta un fenomen contradictori: . sentence2: La capital experimenta un fenomen incoherent: The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: La capital experimenta un fenomen contradictori: . sentence2: La capital experimenta un fenomen incoherent: The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
La capital experimenta un fenomen contradictori: .
La capital experimenta un fenomen incoherent:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: La capital viu un fenomen incoherent: . sentence2: La capital viu un fenomen sense lògica: The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: La capital viu un fenomen incoherent: . sentence2: La capital viu un fenomen sense lògica: The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
La capital viu un fenomen incoherent: .
La capital viu un fenomen sense lògica:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: La falta de perspectiva es revela a qui es dedica a estudiar el fenomen de l'exclusió. sentence2: La falta de perspectiva es revela a qui es dedica a estudiar el fenomen de l'exclusió. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: La falta de perspectiva es revela a qui es dedica a estudiar el fenomen de l'exclusió. sentence2: La falta de perspectiva es revela a qui es dedica a estudiar el fenomen de l'exclusió. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
La falta de perspectiva es revela a qui es dedica a estudiar el fenomen de l'exclusió.
La falta de perspectiva es revela a qui es dedica a estudiar el fenomen de l'exclusió.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: La falta de perspectiva es revela a qui es dedica a estudiar el fenomen de l'exclusió. sentence2: La falta de perspectiva es revela a qui es dedica a estudiar el fenomen de l'exclusió. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: La falta de perspectiva es revela a qui es dedica a estudiar el fenomen de l'exclusió. sentence2: La falta de perspectiva es revela a qui es dedica a estudiar el fenomen de l'exclusió. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
La falta de perspectiva es revela a qui es dedica a estudiar el fenomen de l'exclusió.
La falta de perspectiva es revela a qui es dedica a estudiar el fenomen de l'exclusió.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: La migració ha augmentat en els darrers temps després de tancar l'espai de cinc ponts al llarg de l'Avenida Ipiranga, per tradició habitada per residents de carrer. sentence2: La migració ha augmentat després de tancar l'espai de cinc ponts al llarg de l'Avenida Ipiranga. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: La migració ha augmentat en els darrers temps després de tancar l'espai de cinc ponts al llarg de l'Avenida Ipiranga, per tradició habitada per residents de carrer. sentence2: La migració ha augmentat després de tancar l'espai de cinc ponts al llarg de l'Avenida Ipiranga. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
La migració ha augmentat en els darrers temps després de tancar l'espai de cinc ponts al llarg de l'Avenida Ipiranga, per tradició habitada per residents de carrer.
La migració ha augmentat després de tancar l'espai de cinc ponts al llarg de l'Avenida Ipiranga.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: La migració s'ha intensificat recentment amb el tancament de l'espai de cinc ponts al llarg de l'Avenida Ipiranga, tradicionalment habitats per residents de la rua. sentence2: La migració ha augmentat després que van tancar l'espai de cinc ponts al llarg de l'Avenida Ipiranga. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: La migració s'ha intensificat recentment amb el tancament de l'espai de cinc ponts al llarg de l'Avenida Ipiranga, tradicionalment habitats per residents de la rua. sentence2: La migració ha augmentat després que van tancar l'espai de cinc ponts al llarg de l'Avenida Ipiranga. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
La migració s'ha intensificat recentment amb el tancament de l'espai de cinc ponts al llarg de l'Avenida Ipiranga, tradicionalment habitats per residents de la rua.
La migració ha augmentat després que van tancar l'espai de cinc ponts al llarg de l'Avenida Ipiranga.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: La migració s'ha intensificat recentment amb el tancament de l'espai de cinc ponts al llarg de l'Avenida Ipiranga, tradicionalment habitats per la gent de la rua. sentence2: La migració ha augmentat en els últims temps després de tancar l'espai de cinc ponts al llarg de l'Avenida Ipiranga, tradicionalment habitats per la gent de la rua. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: La migració s'ha intensificat recentment amb el tancament de l'espai de cinc ponts al llarg de l'Avenida Ipiranga, tradicionalment habitats per la gent de la rua. sentence2: La migració ha augmentat en els últims temps després de tancar l'espai de cinc ponts al llarg de l'Avenida Ipiranga, tradicionalment habitats per la gent de la rua. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
La migració s'ha intensificat recentment amb el tancament de l'espai de cinc ponts al llarg de l'Avenida Ipiranga, tradicionalment habitats per la gent de la rua.
La migració ha augmentat en els últims temps després de tancar l'espai de cinc ponts al llarg de l'Avenida Ipiranga, tradicionalment habitats per la gent de la rua.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: La proposta és atraure la població de carrer a alguna activitat, amb el pagament d'una beca de R$ 200 durant sis mesos (30 hores / classe setmanal), més esmorzar i dinar. sentence2: La proposta és atraure la població de carrer a alguna activitat, amb el pagament d'una beca de R$ 200 durant sis mesos (30 hores / classe setmanal), més esmorzar i dinar. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: La proposta és atraure la població de carrer a alguna activitat, amb el pagament d'una beca de R$ 200 durant sis mesos (30 hores / classe setmanal), més esmorzar i dinar. sentence2: La proposta és atraure la població de carrer a alguna activitat, amb el pagament d'una beca de R$ 200 durant sis mesos (30 hores / classe setmanal), més esmorzar i dinar. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
La proposta és atraure la població de carrer a alguna activitat, amb el pagament d'una beca de R$ 200 durant sis mesos (30 hores / classe setmanal), més esmorzar i dinar.
La proposta és atraure la població de carrer a alguna activitat, amb el pagament d'una beca de R$ 200 durant sis mesos (30 hores / classe setmanal), més esmorzar i dinar.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: La proposta és atraure la població de carrer a alguna activitat, amb el pagament d'una beca de R$ 200 durant sis mesos (30 hores / classe setmanal), més esmorzar i dinar. sentence2: La proposta és atraure la població de carrer a alguna activitat, amb el pagament d'una beca de R$ 200 durant sis mesos més esmorzar i dinar. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: La proposta és atraure la població de carrer a alguna activitat, amb el pagament d'una beca de R$ 200 durant sis mesos (30 hores / classe setmanal), més esmorzar i dinar. sentence2: La proposta és atraure la població de carrer a alguna activitat, amb el pagament d'una beca de R$ 200 durant sis mesos més esmorzar i dinar. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
La proposta és atraure la població de carrer a alguna activitat, amb el pagament d'una beca de R$ 200 durant sis mesos (30 hores / classe setmanal), més esmorzar i dinar.
La proposta és atraure la població de carrer a alguna activitat, amb el pagament d'una beca de R$ 200 durant sis mesos més esmorzar i dinar.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Aquí, al pont, els que roben són enviats a casa. sentence2: Aquí, en el pont, els que roben es fan marxar. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Aquí, al pont, els que roben són enviats a casa. sentence2: Aquí, en el pont, els que roben es fan marxar. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Aquí, al pont, els que roben són enviats a casa.
Aquí, en el pont, els que roben es fan marxar.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Aquí, en el pont, els que roben es fan marxar. sentence2: Aquí, en el pont, els que roben es fan marxar. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Aquí, en el pont, els que roben es fan marxar. sentence2: Aquí, en el pont, els que roben es fan marxar. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Aquí, en el pont, els que roben es fan marxar.
Aquí, en el pont, els que roben es fan marxar.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: A Porto Alegre hi ha el programa Reinserció d'Activitat Productiva (RAP), l'edició 2007 del qual començarà al març. sentence2: A Porto Alegre hi ha el programa Reinserció d'Activitat Productiva (RAP), l'edició 2007 del qual començarà al març. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: A Porto Alegre hi ha el programa Reinserció d'Activitat Productiva (RAP), l'edició 2007 del qual començarà al març. sentence2: A Porto Alegre hi ha el programa Reinserció d'Activitat Productiva (RAP), l'edició 2007 del qual començarà al març. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
A Porto Alegre hi ha el programa Reinserció d'Activitat Productiva (RAP), l'edició 2007 del qual començarà al març.
A Porto Alegre hi ha el programa Reinserció d'Activitat Productiva (RAP), l'edició 2007 del qual començarà al març.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: A Porto Alegre hi ha el programa Reinserció d'Activitat Productiva (Rap), l'edició de 2007 començarà al març. sentence2: A Porto Alegre hi ha el programa Reinserció d'Activitat Productiva (Rap). The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: A Porto Alegre hi ha el programa Reinserció d'Activitat Productiva (Rap), l'edició de 2007 començarà al març. sentence2: A Porto Alegre hi ha el programa Reinserció d'Activitat Productiva (Rap). The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
A Porto Alegre hi ha el programa Reinserció d'Activitat Productiva (Rap), l'edició de 2007 començarà al març.
A Porto Alegre hi ha el programa Reinserció d'Activitat Productiva (Rap).
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: En alguns casos, com en el saló de bellesa de Rosane Ivaniski, 49 anys, hi ha dues proteccions de ferro entre la porta d'entrada de l'establiment i el camí peatonal. sentence2: En alguns casos, com en el saló de bellesa de Rosane Ivaniski, hi ha dues proteccions de ferro entre la porta d'entrada i el camí peatonal. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: En alguns casos, com en el saló de bellesa de Rosane Ivaniski, 49 anys, hi ha dues proteccions de ferro entre la porta d'entrada de l'establiment i el camí peatonal. sentence2: En alguns casos, com en el saló de bellesa de Rosane Ivaniski, hi ha dues proteccions de ferro entre la porta d'entrada i el camí peatonal. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
En alguns casos, com en el saló de bellesa de Rosane Ivaniski, 49 anys, hi ha dues proteccions de ferro entre la porta d'entrada de l'establiment i el camí peatonal.
En alguns casos, com en el saló de bellesa de Rosane Ivaniski, hi ha dues proteccions de ferro entre la porta d'entrada i el camí peatonal.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: En alguns casos, com en el saló de bellesa de Rosane Ivaniski, 49 anys, hi ha dues proteccions de ferro entre la porta d'entrada de l'establiment i el camí peatonal. sentence2: En alguns casos, hi ha dues proteccions de ferro entre la porta d'entrada i el camí de peatons. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: En alguns casos, com en el saló de bellesa de Rosane Ivaniski, 49 anys, hi ha dues proteccions de ferro entre la porta d'entrada de l'establiment i el camí peatonal. sentence2: En alguns casos, hi ha dues proteccions de ferro entre la porta d'entrada i el camí de peatons. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
En alguns casos, com en el saló de bellesa de Rosane Ivaniski, 49 anys, hi ha dues proteccions de ferro entre la porta d'entrada de l'establiment i el camí peatonal.
En alguns casos, hi ha dues proteccions de ferro entre la porta d'entrada i el camí de peatons.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: En alguns casos, com en el saló de bellesa de Rosane Ivaniski, hi ha dues proteccions de ferro entre la porta d'entrada i el camí de vianants. sentence2: En alguns casos, hi ha dues proteccions de ferro entre la porta d'entrada i el camí de vianants. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: En alguns casos, com en el saló de bellesa de Rosane Ivaniski, hi ha dues proteccions de ferro entre la porta d'entrada i el camí de vianants. sentence2: En alguns casos, hi ha dues proteccions de ferro entre la porta d'entrada i el camí de vianants. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
En alguns casos, com en el saló de bellesa de Rosane Ivaniski, hi ha dues proteccions de ferro entre la porta d'entrada i el camí de vianants.
En alguns casos, hi ha dues proteccions de ferro entre la porta d'entrada i el camí de vianants.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: La manca de treball dificulta la transició de la carretera per un refugi. sentence2: La manca de treball fa més difícil la transició de la carretera per un refugi. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: La manca de treball dificulta la transició de la carretera per un refugi. sentence2: La manca de treball fa més difícil la transició de la carretera per un refugi. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
La manca de treball dificulta la transició de la carretera per un refugi.
La manca de treball fa més difícil la transició de la carretera per un refugi.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: La manca de treball fa més difícil canviar de carrer per refugi. sentence2: La manca de treball fa més difícil canviar de carrer per refugi. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: La manca de treball fa més difícil canviar de carrer per refugi. sentence2: La manca de treball fa més difícil canviar de carrer per refugi. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
La manca de treball fa més difícil canviar de carrer per refugi.
La manca de treball fa més difícil canviar de carrer per refugi.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: És el que Vera Celina Candido de Farias va examinar. sentence2: És el que Vera Celina Candido de Farias va examinar. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: És el que Vera Celina Candido de Farias va examinar. sentence2: És el que Vera Celina Candido de Farias va examinar. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
És el que Vera Celina Candido de Farias va examinar.
És el que Vera Celina Candido de Farias va examinar.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Vam ser obligats a tancar tot el front del compte Rosane, al saló de José del Patrocínio. sentence2: Vam ser obligats a tancar tot el front del saló de José del Patrocínio -- el compte Rosane. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Vam ser obligats a tancar tot el front del compte Rosane, al saló de José del Patrocínio. sentence2: Vam ser obligats a tancar tot el front del saló de José del Patrocínio -- el compte Rosane. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Vam ser obligats a tancar tot el front del compte Rosane, al saló de José del Patrocínio.
Vam ser obligats a tancar tot el front del saló de José del Patrocínio -- el compte Rosane.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Hem estat obligats a tancar tot el front de la sala de José del Patrocini - conta Rosane. sentence2: Hem estat obligats a tancar tot el front de la sala de José del Patrocini - conta Rosane. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Hem estat obligats a tancar tot el front de la sala de José del Patrocini - conta Rosane. sentence2: Hem estat obligats a tancar tot el front de la sala de José del Patrocini - conta Rosane. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Hem estat obligats a tancar tot el front de la sala de José del Patrocini - conta Rosane.
Hem estat obligats a tancar tot el front de la sala de José del Patrocini - conta Rosane.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Ens ganem la vida treballant en el senyal. sentence2: Ens ganem la vida treballant en el senyal. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Ens ganem la vida treballant en el senyal. sentence2: Ens ganem la vida treballant en el senyal. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Ens ganem la vida treballant en el senyal.
Ens ganem la vida treballant en el senyal.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Ens ganem la vida treballant en el senyal. sentence2: Ens ganem la vida treballant en el senyal. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Ens ganem la vida treballant en el senyal. sentence2: Ens ganem la vida treballant en el senyal. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Ens ganem la vida treballant en el senyal.
Ens ganem la vida treballant en el senyal.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Guelion da Silva axejat entén la rabia de qui es desperta amb fecunditats humanes a la porta de casa. sentence2: Guelion da Silva Machado entén la rabia de qui es desperta amb fecunditats humanes a la porta de casa. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Guelion da Silva axejat entén la rabia de qui es desperta amb fecunditats humanes a la porta de casa. sentence2: Guelion da Silva Machado entén la rabia de qui es desperta amb fecunditats humanes a la porta de casa. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Guelion da Silva axejat entén la rabia de qui es desperta amb fecunditats humanes a la porta de casa.
Guelion da Silva Machado entén la rabia de qui es desperta amb fecunditats humanes a la porta de casa.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Guelion da Silva Axejat té 22 anys. sentence2: Guelion da Silva Machado té 22 anys. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Guelion da Silva Axejat té 22 anys. sentence2: Guelion da Silva Machado té 22 anys. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Guelion da Silva Axejat té 22 anys.
Guelion da Silva Machado té 22 anys.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Guelion da Silva Machado, 22 anys, fa un any i mig que viu sota el pont d'Ipiranga amb la Azenha, entén l'indignació de qui es desperta amb fecunditats humanes a la porta de casa. sentence2: Guelion da Silva Machado entén la raiva de qui es desperta amb fecunditats humanes a la porta de casa. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Guelion da Silva Machado, 22 anys, fa un any i mig que viu sota el pont d'Ipiranga amb la Azenha, entén l'indignació de qui es desperta amb fecunditats humanes a la porta de casa. sentence2: Guelion da Silva Machado entén la raiva de qui es desperta amb fecunditats humanes a la porta de casa. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Guelion da Silva Machado, 22 anys, fa un any i mig que viu sota el pont d'Ipiranga amb la Azenha, entén l'indignació de qui es desperta amb fecunditats humanes a la porta de casa.
Guelion da Silva Machado entén la raiva de qui es desperta amb fecunditats humanes a la porta de casa.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Guelion da Silva Axejat, 22 anys, fa un any i mig que viu sota el pont de l'Ipiranga amb l'Azenha, entén l'indignació de qui es desperta amb excrements humans a la porta de casa. sentence2: Guelion da Silva axejat entén la rabia de qui es desperta amb fecunditats humanes a la porta de casa. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Guelion da Silva Axejat, 22 anys, fa un any i mig que viu sota el pont de l'Ipiranga amb l'Azenha, entén l'indignació de qui es desperta amb excrements humans a la porta de casa. sentence2: Guelion da Silva axejat entén la rabia de qui es desperta amb fecunditats humanes a la porta de casa. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Guelion da Silva Axejat, 22 anys, fa un any i mig que viu sota el pont de l'Ipiranga amb l'Azenha, entén l'indignació de qui es desperta amb excrements humans a la porta de casa.
Guelion da Silva axejat entén la rabia de qui es desperta amb fecunditats humanes a la porta de casa.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Hi ha 75 places per a almenys mil residents de la rua. sentence2: Hi ha 75 places per a almenys mil residents de la rua. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Hi ha 75 places per a almenys mil residents de la rua. sentence2: Hi ha 75 places per a almenys mil residents de la rua. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Hi ha 75 places per a almenys mil residents de la rua.
Hi ha 75 places per a almenys mil residents de la rua.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Hi ha 75 places per a un univers estimat en almenys mil residents de la rua. sentence2: Hi ha 75 places per a almenys mil residents de la rua. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Hi ha 75 places per a un univers estimat en almenys mil residents de la rua. sentence2: Hi ha 75 places per a almenys mil residents de la rua. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Hi ha 75 places per a un univers estimat en almenys mil residents de la rua.
Hi ha 75 places per a almenys mil residents de la rua.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Fa un any i mig que Guelion da Silva Machado viu sota el pont de l'Ipiranga amb l'Azenha. sentence2: Guelion da Silva Machado viu des de fa un any i mig sota el pont de l'Ipiranga amb l'Azenha. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Fa un any i mig que Guelion da Silva Machado viu sota el pont de l'Ipiranga amb l'Azenha. sentence2: Guelion da Silva Machado viu des de fa un any i mig sota el pont de l'Ipiranga amb l'Azenha. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Fa un any i mig que Guelion da Silva Machado viu sota el pont de l'Ipiranga amb l'Azenha.
Guelion da Silva Machado viu des de fa un any i mig sota el pont de l'Ipiranga amb l'Azenha.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Jane Cruz Prates és professora de postgrau de la Facultat de Servei Social de la Pontificia Universitat Catòlica del Rio Grande del Sud. sentence2: Jane cruz prates és professora de postgrau de la Facultat de Servei Social de la Pontificia Universitat Catòlica del Rio Grande del Sud. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Jane Cruz Prates és professora de postgrau de la Facultat de Servei Social de la Pontificia Universitat Catòlica del Rio Grande del Sud. sentence2: Jane cruz prates és professora de postgrau de la Facultat de Servei Social de la Pontificia Universitat Catòlica del Rio Grande del Sud. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Jane Cruz Prates és professora de postgrau de la Facultat de Servei Social de la Pontificia Universitat Catòlica del Rio Grande del Sud.
Jane cruz prates és professora de postgrau de la Facultat de Servei Social de la Pontificia Universitat Catòlica del Rio Grande del Sud.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Però fa una reserva: sentence2: Però fa una reserva: The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Però fa una reserva: sentence2: Però fa una reserva: The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Però fa una reserva:
Però fa una reserva:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Però té una reserva: sentence2: Però fa una reserva: The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Però té una reserva: sentence2: Però fa una reserva: The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Però té una reserva:
Però fa una reserva:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Els que viuen al carrer són anomenats sense llar, però a Porto Alegre podrien ser definits com a sense marquès, sense pont, sense plaça, sense llar. sentence2: Però a Porto Alegre podrien ser definits com a sense marquès, sense pont, sense lloc, sense llar. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Els que viuen al carrer són anomenats sense llar, però a Porto Alegre podrien ser definits com a sense marquès, sense pont, sense plaça, sense llar. sentence2: Però a Porto Alegre podrien ser definits com a sense marquès, sense pont, sense lloc, sense llar. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Els que viuen al carrer són anomenats sense llar, però a Porto Alegre podrien ser definits com a sense marquès, sense pont, sense plaça, sense llar.
Però a Porto Alegre podrien ser definits com a sense marquès, sense pont, sense lloc, sense llar.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: Els residents de carrer són anomenats sense llar, però a Porto Alegre podrien ser definits com a sense marquís, sense pont, sense plaça, sense llar. sentence2: Els residents de carrer són anomenats sense llar, però a Porto Alegre podrien ser definits com a sense marquís, sense pont, sense lloc, sense llar. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: Els residents de carrer són anomenats sense llar, però a Porto Alegre podrien ser definits com a sense marquís, sense pont, sense plaça, sense llar. sentence2: Els residents de carrer són anomenats sense llar, però a Porto Alegre podrien ser definits com a sense marquís, sense pont, sense lloc, sense llar. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
Els residents de carrer són anomenats sense llar, però a Porto Alegre podrien ser definits com a sense marquís, sense pont, sense plaça, sense llar.
Els residents de carrer són anomenats sense llar, però a Porto Alegre podrien ser definits com a sense marquís, sense pont, sense lloc, sense llar.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: En l'opinió de la Dra. sentence2: Jane Cruz Prates, la tendència és que augmentin els conflictes. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: En l'opinió de la Dra. sentence2: Jane Cruz Prates, la tendència és que augmentin els conflictes. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
En l'opinió de la Dra.
Jane Cruz Prates, la tendència és que augmentin els conflictes.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: En aquests barris, la gent que abans era amable amb els indigents ara viu amb els seus veïns no desitjats. sentence2: En aquests barris, la gent que abans era amable amb els indigents ara viu lluitant amb els seus veïns no desitjats. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: En aquests barris, la gent que abans era amable amb els indigents ara viu amb els seus veïns no desitjats. sentence2: En aquests barris, la gent que abans era amable amb els indigents ara viu lluitant amb els seus veïns no desitjats. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
En aquests barris, la gent que abans era amable amb els indigents ara viu amb els seus veïns no desitjats.
En aquests barris, la gent que abans era amable amb els indigents ara viu lluitant amb els seus veïns no desitjats.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: En aquests barris, els que abans eren amables amb els desamparats avui viuen en baralla amb veïns no desitjats. sentence2: En aquests barris, els que abans eren amables amb els desamparats avui viuen en baralla amb veïns no desitjats. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: En aquests barris, els que abans eren amables amb els desamparats avui viuen en baralla amb veïns no desitjats. sentence2: En aquests barris, els que abans eren amables amb els desamparats avui viuen en baralla amb veïns no desitjats. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
En aquests barris, els que abans eren amables amb els desamparats avui viuen en baralla amb veïns no desitjats.
En aquests barris, els que abans eren amables amb els desamparats avui viuen en baralla amb veïns no desitjats.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: En aquests barris, els que abans eren amables amb les persones sense llar avui viuen a les muralles amb veïns no desitjats. sentence2: En aquests barris, els que abans eren amables amb les persones sense llar avui viuen a les muralles amb veïns no desitjats. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: En aquests barris, els que abans eren amables amb les persones sense llar avui viuen a les muralles amb veïns no desitjats. sentence2: En aquests barris, els que abans eren amables amb les persones sense llar avui viuen a les muralles amb veïns no desitjats. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
En aquests barris, els que abans eren amables amb les persones sense llar avui viuen a les muralles amb veïns no desitjats.
En aquests barris, els que abans eren amables amb les persones sense llar avui viuen a les muralles amb veïns no desitjats.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: L'augment de la població de carrer s'acompanya de la reducció dels espais públics utilitzats històricament pels mendicants. sentence2: L'augment de la població de carrer s'acompanya de la reducció dels espais públics utilitzats històricament pels mendicants. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: L'augment de la població de carrer s'acompanya de la reducció dels espais públics utilitzats històricament pels mendicants. sentence2: L'augment de la població de carrer s'acompanya de la reducció dels espais públics utilitzats històricament pels mendicants. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
L'augment de la població de carrer s'acompanya de la reducció dels espais públics utilitzats històricament pels mendicants.
L'augment de la població de carrer s'acompanya de la reducció dels espais públics utilitzats històricament pels mendicants.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: L'augment de la població de carrer, d'una banda, s'acompanya de la reducció dels espais públics històricament utilitzats per mendicants. sentence2: L'augment de la població de carrer s'acompanya de la reducció dels espais públics històricament utilitzats per mendicants. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: L'augment de la població de carrer, d'una banda, s'acompanya de la reducció dels espais públics històricament utilitzats per mendicants. sentence2: L'augment de la població de carrer s'acompanya de la reducció dels espais públics històricament utilitzats per mendicants. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
L'augment de la població de carrer, d'una banda, s'acompanya de la reducció dels espais públics històricament utilitzats per mendicants.
L'augment de la població de carrer s'acompanya de la reducció dels espais públics històricament utilitzats per mendicants.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: L'augment de la població de carrer, d'una banda, s'acompanya de la reducció dels espais públics utilitzats històricament pels mendicants. sentence2: L'augment de la població de carrer s'acompanya de la reducció dels espais públics utilitzats històricament pels mendicants. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: L'augment de la població de carrer, d'una banda, s'acompanya de la reducció dels espais públics utilitzats històricament pels mendicants. sentence2: L'augment de la població de carrer s'acompanya de la reducció dels espais públics utilitzats històricament pels mendicants. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
L'augment de la població de carrer, d'una banda, s'acompanya de la reducció dels espais públics utilitzats històricament pels mendicants.
L'augment de la població de carrer s'acompanya de la reducció dels espais públics utilitzats històricament pels mendicants.
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text. Here are the sentences: sentence1: La coberta del rap és curta. sentence2: La coberta del rap és curta. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
You will be given two sentences, sentence1 and sentence2. Your task is to determine the complexity relationship between them. There are three possible labels: 0: sentence1 is more simple than sentence2. 1: sentence1 is identical to sentence2. 2: sentence2 is more simple than sentence1. Provide only the label (either 0, 1, or 2) as the answer. No other text.
Here are the sentences: sentence1: La coberta del rap és curta. sentence2: La coberta del rap és curta. The language of sentence1 and sentence2 is Catalan. label:
La coberta del rap és curta.
La coberta del rap és curta.