6 values
No. A coffee bean is a seed of the coffee plant and the source for coffee. It is the pit inside the red or purple fruit often referred to as a cherry. Just like ordinary cherries, the coffee fruit is also a so-called stone fruit. Even though the coffee beans are seeds, they are referred to as ``beans'' because of their resemblance to true beans. The fruits -- coffee cherries or coffee berries -- most commonly contain two stones with their flat sides together. A small percentage of cherries contain a single seed, instead of the usual two. This is called a ``peaberry''. The peaberry occurs only between 10 and 15% of the time, and it is a fairly common (yet scientifically unproven) belief that they have more flavour than normal coffee beans. Like Brazil nuts (a seed) and white rice, coffee beans consist mostly of endosperm.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "are cocoa beans and coffee beans the same thing" } ]
いいえ。コーヒー豆はコーヒーの木の種であり、コーヒーの原料です。赤いまたは紫色の果実の中にある種子です。普通の人たちと同じく、コーヒーの果実もいわゆる「石の果実」です。コーヒー豆は種ですが、本当の豆に似ているので「豆」と呼ばれます。コーヒーの果実、すなわちコーヒーのチェリーまたはコーヒーのベリーは、たいてい2つの種子を含んでいます。普通は2つですが、ごくまれに1つの種子しか含まれていないチェリーもあります。これは「ピーベリー」と呼ばれます。ピーベリーは10%から15%の割合でしか現れませんが、 normalidadのコーヒー豆よりも風味があるという、科学的に証明されていない一般的な(俗説)があります。ブラジルナッツ(種)や白米と同じく、コーヒー豆は主に胚乳から成ります。
[ { "from": "human", "value": "ココア豆とコーヒー豆は同じものですか" } ]
Yes. Interstate 90 (I-90) is a part of the Interstate Highway System that runs from Seattle, Washington, to Boston, Massachusetts. In the U.S. state of New York, I-90 extends 385.88 miles (621.01 km) from the Pennsylvania state line at Ripley to the Massachusetts state line at Canaan, and is the second-longest highway in the state after NY 17. Although most of the route is part of the tolled New York State Thruway, two non-tolled sections exist along I-90 (the first, situated outside of Buffalo, is included in the Thruway system; the second, situated in the Capital District, is not part of the Thruway system and links Albany and its eastern suburbs). Within New York, I-90 has a complete set of auxiliary Interstates, which means that there are interstates numbered I-190 through I-990 in the state, with no gaps in between. For most of its length in New York, I-90 runs parallel to the former Erie Canal route, New York State Route 5 (NY 5), U.S. Route 20 (US 20) and the CSX railroad mainline that traverses the state.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "is i 90 a toll road in ny" } ]
はい。州間高速道路90号線(I-90)は、ワシントン州のシアトルからマサチューセッツ州のボストンまでを結ぶ州間高速道路システムの一部です。アメリカ合衆国ニューヨーク州では、I-90は385.88マイル(621.01km)の距離をペンシルベニア州のラインからカナンまでのマサチューセッツ州のラインまで走ります。これは州内で最も長いハイウェイです。NY 17に次いで2番目に長いハイウェイです。州間高速道路90号線の大部分は有料のニューヨーク州ハイウェイシステムの一部ですが、2つの非有料区間がI-90に存在します(最初の区間はバッファローの外側にあり、ハイウェイシステムに含まれていますが、2番目の区間はハイウェイシステムに含まれておらず、キャピタル地区にあり、アバニと東部郊外を結んでいます)。ニューヨーク州内では、I-90には完全な補助州間高速道路セットがあります。これは、I-190からI-990までの番号が付けられた州間高速道路があり、その間にギャップがないことを意味します。ニューヨーク州内では、I-90はほとんどが旧エリー運河ルート、ニューヨーク州5号線(NY 5)、アメリカ国道20号線(US 20)およびCSX鉄道本線と並行しています。
[ { "from": "human", "value": "I-90はニューヨーク州の有料道路です。" } ]
Yes. The theme of 2018's International Men's Day is to be ``Positive Male role models,'' and focuses on giving men and boys good positive role models to look up to.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "is there an international men's day 2018" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "国際男性の日2018はありますか" } ]
Yes. A mule is the offspring of a male donkey (jack) and a female horse (mare). Horses and donkeys are different species, with different numbers of chromosomes. Of the two F1 hybrids (first generation hybrids) between these two species, a mule is easier to obtain than a hinny, which is the offspring of a female donkey (jenny) and a male horse (stallion).
[ { "from": "human", "value": "is a mule a cross between a horse and a donkey" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "馬とヤギの雑種であるwszeは、馬とヤギの雑種です。" } ]
Yes. In optics, a real image is an image which is located in the plane of convergence for the light rays that originate from a given object. If a screen is placed in the plane of a real image the image will generally become visible on the screen. Examples of real images include the image seen on a cinema screen (the source being the projector), the image produced on a detector in the rear of a camera, and the image produced on an eyeball retina (the camera and eye focus light through an internal convex lens). In ray diagrams (such as the images on the right), real rays of light are always represented by full, solid lines; perceived or extrapolated rays of light are represented by dashed lines. A real image occurs where rays converge, whereas a virtual image occurs where rays only appear to converge.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "can a real image be obtained on a screen" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "スクリーン上に実像が得られるだろうか" } ]
Yes. Hellmann's and Best Foods are brand names that are used for the same line of mayonnaise and other food products. The Hellmann's brand is sold in the United States east of the Rocky Mountains, and also in Latin America, Europe, Australia, the Middle East, Canada and South Africa. The Best Foods brand is sold in the United States west of the Rocky Mountains, and also in Asia, Australia, and New Zealand.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "are best foods and hellman's the same" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "ベストフードとヘルマンズは同じです。" } ]
No. The BG-E13 battery grip, which was made to be used with the 6D, allows the use of six AA cells, or one or two LP-E6 batteries. The 6D has a maximum burst frame rate of 4.5 frames per second. Like all Canon DSLR full-frame cameras, the 6D does not have a built in flash due to the design of the viewfinder.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "does canon eos 6d have built in flash" } ]
いいえ。6D用のBG-E13バッテリーグリップは、6 AA電池か1、2個のLP-E6バッテリーを使用することができる。最大連続撮影速度は秒間4.5コマ。全画素センサー搭載のキャノン一眼レフカメラは、ファインダーの設計上フラッシュが内蔵されていない。
[ { "from": "human", "value": "キャノン EOS 6Dに内蔵フラッシュはついていますか?" } ]
Yes. Induction compatible cookware for an induction cooking surface can nearly always be used on other stoves. Some cookware or packaging is marked with symbols to indicate compatibility with induction, gas, or electric heat. Induction cooking surfaces work well with any pans with a high ferrous metal content at the base. Cast iron pans and any black metal or iron pans will work on an induction cooking surface. Stainless steel pans will work on an induction cooking surface if the base of the pan is a magnetic grade of stainless steel. If a magnet sticks well to the sole of the pan, it will work on an induction cooking surface. An ``all-metal'' cooker will work with non-ferrous cookware, but available models are limited.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "will a cast iron skillet work on induction" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "鋳鉄のフライパンはインダクションレンジで使えるか" } ]
Yes. For nearly all models of induction cooktops, a cooking vessel must be made of, or contain, a ferrous metal such as cast iron or some stainless steels. The iron in the pot concentrates the current to produce heat in the metal. If the metal is too thin, or does not provide enough resistance to current flow, heating will not be effective. Most induction tops will not heat copper or aluminum vessels because the magnetic field cannot produce a concentrated current; ``all metal'' induction tops use much higher frequencies to overcome that effect. Any vessel can be used if placed on a suitable metal disk which functions as a conventional hotplate.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "can you put cast iron on induction cooktops" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "磁気調理器に鋳鉄鍋は使えるですか" } ]
No. Stuck at home in Bethesda, Maryland while her three friends went to Greece, Mexico and South Carolina, she decides to make a ``suckumentary'' about people she considers to be ``lame,'' among them her coworkers at Wallman's and Brian McBrian, a fellow high schooler who spends most of his time playing Dragon Master at the local 7-Eleven. At Wallman's, Tibby meets twelve-year-old Bailey Graffman, who is dying of leukemia and is eager to help Tibby with her movie. Bailey, afraid of not having enough time to truly understand people and, in turn, be understood, looks beyond appearances and finds the true worth in each of Tibby's documentary subjects, allowing Tibby to do the same. Bailey dies at the end of the novel and Tibby decided to make the documentary about the summer she had with Bailey
[ { "from": "human", "value": "does tibby die in the sisterhood of the traveling pants" } ]
いいえ。3人の友達がギリシャ、メキシコ、サウスカロライナへ旅行したのに対し、メリーランド州ベザダで留守にしているティビーは、「 suckumentary」 を作ることにした。その内容は、「 lame」 と思える人々、その中にもティビーの同僚のウォールマンズの人々や、地元のセブンイレブンでほとんどドラゴンマスターをプレイしている同級生のブライアン・マクブライアンなどである。ウォールマンズでは、ティビーは12歳のベイリー・グラフマンに会った。ベイリーは白血病で死にかけており、ティビーの映画に協力したいと願っていた。ベイリーは、自分の周囲の人々を理解する時間がないと恐れており、その反動として、ティビーのドキュメンタリーの登場人物の本当の価値を見いだすことができる。ベイリーは小説の終わりに死んでしまうが、ティビーはベイリーとの夏の思い出をドキュメンタリーにすることにした。
[ { "from": "human", "value": "ティビーは「旅するパンツの姉妹団」で死ぬのか" } ]
No. An ironclad is a steam-propelled warship protected by iron or steel armor plates used in the early part of the second half of the 19th century. The ironclad was developed as a result of the vulnerability of wooden warships to explosive or incendiary shells. The first ironclad battleship, Gloire, was launched by the French Navy in November 1859. The British Admiralty had been considering armored warships since 1856 and prepared a draft design for an armored corvette in 1857; in early 1859 the Royal Navy started building two iron-hulled armored frigates, and by 1861 had made the decision to move to an all-armored battle fleet. After the first clashes of ironclads (both with wooden ships and with one another) took place in 1862 during the American Civil War, it became clear that the ironclad had replaced the unarmored ship of the line as the most powerful warship afloat. This type of ship would come to be very successful in the American Civil War.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "was the virginia the first ever ironclad warship" } ]
いいえ。装甲艦は、19世紀後半の初期に、鉄や鋼鉄の装甲板で覆われた蒸気推進の軍艦です。装甲艦は、爆発性や点火性の砲弾に木造の軍艦が脆弱であるという事実から生じました。フランス海軍が1859年11月に初めて装甲艦グローワールを建造したのが始まりです。イギリス海軍は1856年から装甲艦の建造を検討しており、1857年に装甲コルベットの設計案を準備しました。1859年初にイギリス海軍は鉄船の装甲フリゲートを2隻建造し、1861年には完全な装甲艦隊への移行を決断しました。アメリカ内戦中の1862年に装甲艦同士の最初の衝突(木造船と衝突したことも)が起きた後、装甲艦が最も強力な afloatの軍艦として、装甲艦が非装甲の戦列艦を置き換えることが明らかになりました。このタイプの船は、アメリカ内戦で非常に成功したことがわかりました。
[ { "from": "human", "value": "ヴァージニアは史上初めて装甲艦だったのか" } ]
Yes. The mini series was inspired by the Barlow Chambers Case, which was also turned into a mini series. Terry Hayes felt it would be the basis of a good mini series if the story was changed so the person who went to prison was innocent. He was also inspired by the true story of an Irish woman who had fallen in love with an Arab who smuggled a bomb in her luggage.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "is bangkok hilton based on a true story" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "バンコク・ヒルトンは実話に基づいているのか" } ]
No. A third Ghostbusters film had been in various stages of development following the release of Ghostbusters II in 1989. As a result of original cast member Bill Murray's refusal to commit to the project and the death of fellow cast member Harold Ramis in 2014, Sony decided to reboot the series. Much of the original film's cast make cameo appearances in new roles. The announcement of the female-led cast in 2015 drew a polarized response from the public and Internet backlash, leading to the film's IMDb page and associated YouTube videos receiving low ratings prior to the film's release.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "do all the original ghostbusters appear in the new movie" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "オリジナルのゴーストバスターズはみな、新しい映画にも登場するのですか" } ]
No. Leaving their designated places before the ball leaves the shooter's hands, or interfering with the ball, are violations. In addition, the shooter must release the ball within five seconds (ten seconds in the United States) and must not step on or over the free throw line until the ball touches the hoop. Players are, however, permitted to jump while attempting the free throw, provided they do not leave the designated area at any point. A violation by the shooter cancels the free throw; a violation by the defensive team results in a substitute free throw if the shooter missed; a violation by the offensive team or a shot that completely misses the hoop results in the loss of possession to the defensive team (only if it is on the last free throw).
[ { "from": "human", "value": "can you step over the free throw line" } ]
いいえ。ボールがシューターの手から離れる前に、シューターがボールに触れる、またはボールがシューターの指に当たったあとに、シューターがボールを放つまで、シューターがフリーゾーンに踏み込むことは違反です。また、シューターは5秒以内にボールを放つ必要があります(アメリカでは10秒)。シューターがボールに触れたあとにフリーゾーンに踏み込むことは違反です。シューターがボールを放つ前にジャンプすることは認められますが、シューターが指定された範囲を離れることは許されません。シューターの違反はフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディフェンスチームのフリーゾーンを ^{-1} 返します。シューターがミスした場合は、ディ
[ { "from": "human", "value": "フリーゾーンを越えてください" } ]
Yes. The United States Coast Guard Academy's intercollegiate sports teams are called the Bears and they compete in NCAA Division III as members of the New England Women's and Men's Athletic Conference. Through the 2016 season, the Bears played football in the New England Football Conference, but after that season moved their football program into the NEWMAC, which started sponsoring the sport in 2017.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "does the coast guard academy have a football team" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "海岸警備隊学校にはフットボールチームがありますか" } ]
Yes. The Iliad is paired with something of a sequel, the Odyssey, also attributed to Homer. Along with the Odyssey, the Iliad is among the oldest extant works of Western literature, and its written version is usually dated to around the 8th century BC. In the modern vulgate (the standard accepted version), the Iliad contains 15,693 lines; it is written in Homeric Greek, a literary amalgam of Ionic Greek and other dialects. According to Michael Nagler, the Iliad is a more complicated epic poem than The Odyssey.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "are the iliad and the odyssey two different books" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "イリアスとオデッセイは2つの異なる本ですか" } ]
Yes. Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. is an American global cruise company incorporated in Liberia and based in Miami, Florida. It is the world's second-largest cruise line operator, after Carnival Corporation & plc. As of March 2009, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. fully owns three cruise lines: Royal Caribbean International, Celebrity Cruises, and Azamara Club Cruises. They also hold a 67% stake in Silversea Cruises, a 50% stake in TUI Cruises and 49% stakes in Pullmantur Cruises and CDF Croisières de France. Previously Royal Caribbean Cruises also owned 50% of Island Cruises, but this was sold to TUI Travel PLC in October 2008.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "is royal caribbean and celebrity the same company" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "ロイヤルカリビアンとセレブリティは同じ会社ですか" } ]
Yes. Pamela Morgan Halpert (née Beesly) is a fictional character on the U.S. television sitcom The Office, played by Jenna Fischer. Her counterpart in the original UK series of The Office is Dawn Tinsley. Her character is initially the receptionist at the paper distribution company Dunder Mifflin, before becoming a saleswoman and eventually office administrator until she left in the series finale. Her character is shy, growing assertive but amiable, and artistically inclined, and shares romantic interest with Jim Halpert, whom she begins dating in the fourth season and marries and starts a family with as the series continues.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "do jim and pam ever get together on the office" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "ジムとパムは会社のところでいっしょに会ったことがありますか" } ]
Yes. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight is a comic book series published by Dark Horse Comics from 2007 to 2011. The series serves as a canonical continuation of the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and follows the events of that show's final televised season. It is produced by Joss Whedon, who wrote or co-wrote three of the series arcs and several one-shot stories. The series was followed by Season Nine in 2011.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "is there a season 8 of buffy the vampire slayer" } ]
はい。「バフィー・ザ・ヴァンパイア・キラー シーズン8」は、2007年から2011年にかけてダークホース・コミックスから出版されたコミックブックシリーズです。このシリーズはテレビシリーズ「バフィー・ザ・ヴァンパイア・キラー」の公式な続編であり、そのテレビシリーズの最終シーズンでの出来事を追っています。このシリーズはジョス・ウィドンの製作で、彼は3つのシリーズのアーチといくつかのワンショットストーリーの脚本を書いたり共同執筆したりしました。このシリーズは2011年にシーズン9に続いています。
[ { "from": "human", "value": "ブッフィー・ザ・ヴァンパイア・キラーシーズン8はある?" } ]
Yes. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice premiered at the Auditorio Nacional in Mexico City on March 19, 2016, and was released in the United States on March 25, 2016 in 2D, 3D, IMAX 3D, 4DX, premium large formats, and 70 mm prints by Warner Bros. Pictures. Following a strong debut that set new box office records, the film experienced a historic drop in its second weekend and never recovered. Despite turning a profit, it was deemed a box office disappointment and received generally unfavorable reviews from critics for its tone, screenplay, and pacing, though some praised its visual style and acting performances. An extended cut dubbed the ``Ultimate Edition'', which features 31 minutes of additional footage, was released digitally on June 28, 2016, and on Blu-ray on July 19, 2016. A direct sequel, titled Justice League, was released in November 2017.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "is there a sequel to batman versus superman" } ]
はい。バットマンVSスーパーマン:ジャスティスの誕生は2016年3月19日にメキシコシティの国立劇場でプレミア上映され、3月25日にワーナー・ブラザース・ピクチャーズによって2D、3D、IMAX 3D、4DX、プレミアム大規模フォーマット、70mmプリントでアメリカで公開された。強い初登場で新しい興行収入記録を樹立したものの、2週目の週末に歴史的な減収を経験し、決して回復することはなかった。利益を上げたものの、興行収入の不本意と批評家からトーン、脚本、テンポに対する一般的に不評のレビューを受けました。しかし、視覚的なスタイルと演技の演技を称賛する声もあります。追加の31分分の映像を含む「究極版」が2016年6月28日にデジタルで、2016年7月19日にブルーレイで発売されました。続編のジャスティス・リーグは2017年11月に公開されました。
[ { "from": "human", "value": "バットマン対スーパーマンの続編はありますか" } ]
Yes. She spends all of Valentine's Day playing sexual role-playing games with Julian, and at the end of the night, he tells her that they should start looking into adopting a child, which Brooke is ecstatic about. The couple goes to an adoption agency and are interviewed by a 19-year-old mother-to-be named Chloe Hall, who's giving her baby up for adoption. Brooke makes her and Julian seem like the perfect couple, and Chloe believes this until she goes to Brooke's house to speak with her and walks into Haley's baby shower, where she hears a little more than she bargained for, such as Victoria's prison time and Brooke losing her company. Despite all of this, she ultimately decides to give her baby to Brooke and Julian when it's born. Chloe informs them that the baby will be coming sooner than expected, causing Brooke to begin trying to get the baby's room together. Chloe talks to Brooke as she's painting the room and tells her about the baby's father and why she chose to give the baby up for adoption, and soon after she leaves to go home, they get a call from the hospital that Chloe has gone into labor and the baby is coming tonight. Brooke and Julian rush to the hospital to be with Chloe for the delivery of their new baby, during which time Chloe says that she would probably be a great mother, she just doesn't want to raise the baby alone. However, Brooke and Julian are shocked when Chloe's boyfriend Eric, the father of her baby, shows up at the hospital and Chloe ends up deciding to keep the baby now that she can raise the little girl with her boyfriend, not alone, leaving Brooke crushed, especially because Chloe had a little baby girl, which is exactly what Brooke wanted. While dealing with the emotional aftermath of the adoption falling through, she receives a job offer from Clothes Over Bros to move to New York and return to the company to design. She discusses this with Victoria, who thinks it's a great idea that she should not turn down, and after Julian tells her he thinks it's a great idea as well, she decides to take the job. However, she later decides to turn down the job after she finds out shockingly enough that she's pregnant, which she finds out after Chase asks Alex to take a drug test for him as he's trying to enter the Air Force but smoked weed during the Kid Cudi show and could not take it, and when he gets a call from the lab saying the person who gave the sample is pregnant, he tells Alex she's pregnant as he thought she took the test but it is revealed that Alex wouldn't have been able to pass the test either as she ate pot brownies that Quinn made so she went to ask Julian to take the test but Brooke took it instead, meaning the person pregnant isn't Alex but actually Brooke. Quinn gets a photoshoot offer for B. Davis magazine to shoot a model in Puerto Rico and she invites Alex, Brooke, and Lauren to go with her. During the trip, Brooke tries to hide her pregnancy from Quinn and Lauren (with Alex already knowing about it because of the drug test) as she and Julian decided they didn't want to tell anybody as it's too early, but Quinn eventually figures it out when Brooke makes it obvious by not eating sushi and throwing all of her alcohol shots over her shoulder to avoid drinking them. When she returns to Tree Hill, she finds that Haley has decided to turn Brooke's former store back into Karen's Cafe now that she's moving to New York, causing Brooke to finally tell Haley that she turned down the job and is staying in Tree Hill because she's pregnant, and instead offers to be Haley's partner so they can open the cafe together.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "one tree hill episode brooke finds out she's pregnant" } ]
はい。バレンタインデーの日は、ジュリアンと性的なロールプレイングゲームをするために費やした。その夜、ジュリアンは子供を養育する準備を始めると彼女に言う。ブロークはこれを喜んだ。夫婦は養育機関を訪れ、19歳の母親であるクロエ・ホールにインタビューを受けた。クロエは自分の子供を養育する決心をした。ブロークはクロエとジュリアンを完璧なカップルだと見せる。クロエはブロークの家を訪れ、ハリーの赤ちゃんのシャワーに足を踏み入れると、ブロークが会社を失ったことやヴィクトリアの刑務所での時間を聞いた。クロエは最終的に、子供を産まれたらブロークとジュリアンに養育する決心をした。クロエは、子供は予定より早く生まれると知らせ、ブロークは赤ちゃんの部屋の準備を始めさせた。クロエは部屋を塗るブロークに話しかけ、父親の話となぜ自分が子供を養育しない決心をしたかについて話す。クロエは家に帰った後、病院から電話があり、クロエが出産準備を整えたと知らされた。ブロークとジュリアンは病院に急いで行き、新しい赤ちゃんの誕生を見守った。その間、クロエは自分がおそらくすばらしい母親になれると話す。しかし、彼女が一人で子供を養育する決心をしたのは、彼女がボーイフレンドと一緒に赤ちゃんの女の子を養育できるからだと話す。ブロークはショックを受け、特にクロエが女の子を産んだことが、ブロークが望んでいたことだったからだ。ブロークは養育が決まらなかったことで感情的に混乱している間、Clothes Over Brosからニューヨークに引っ越して会社に戻るという仕事オファーを受け取った。ブロークはヴィクトリアと話して、これは素晴らしいアイデアだと彼女に言う。そして、ジュリアンがこのアイデアを気に入った後、ブロークは仕事を引き受ける決心をした。しかし、彼女は驚いたことに妊娠していることを知った後、仕事を引き受ける決心をした。ブロークは、チェイスがアレックスに薬物検査を受けるように頼んだ後、自分が妊娠していることを知った。チェイスは軍隊に入隊しようとしているが、キッド・クディのコンサートでマリファナを吸ったため、入隊できない。そして、ラボから電話があり、サンプルを採った人が妊娠していることを告げると、チェイスはアレックスに自分が妊娠していることを告げる。実は、アレックスが薬物検査を受けたのではなく、ブロークがテストを受けたことが明らかになった。つまり、妊娠しているのはアレックスではなく、ブロークである。クインはB. Davis誌の撮影オファーを受け、モデルをプエルトリコで撮影する。彼女はアレックス、ブローク、およびローレンを誘った。旅行中、ブロークはクインとローレンに自分の妊娠を隠そうとしたが、アレックスはすでに薬物検査で知っていた。クインはブロークが寿司を食べなかったことと、ブロークがアルコールを飲みたくないと投げ捨てたことによって、ブロークが妊娠していることに気づいた。ブロークがニューヨークに移ることを知った後、ハリーはブロークの旧店舗を再びハリーのカフェにしようと決めた。ブロークはついにハリーに、ニューヨークに移る決心をしたので、ブロークの旧店舗を再びハリーのカフェにしようと決めたと話す。そして、代わりにハリーのパートナーになることを申し出た。
[ { "from": "human", "value": "ワン・ツリー・ヒル シーズン3 エピソード1 ブロークが妊娠する" } ]
Yes. The Xbox One gaming console has received updates from Microsoft since its launch in 2013 that enable it to play select games from its two predecessor consoles, Xbox and Xbox 360. On June 15, 2015, backward compatibility with supported Xbox 360 games became available to eligible Xbox Preview program users with a beta update to the Xbox One system software. The dashboard update containing backward compatibility was released publicly on November 12, 2015. On October 24, 2017, another such update added games from the original Xbox library. The following is a list of all backward compatible games on Xbox One under this functionality.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "can you play xbox 360 games.on xbox one" } ]
はい。Xbox Oneは2013年の発売以来、Microsoftからアップデートを受け、XboxとXbox 360のいくつかのゲームをプレイすることが可能になりました。2015年6月15日、Xbox 360のサポートされたゲームのバックワード互換が、Xbox Oneのシステムソフトウェアのベータアップデートでligible Xbox Previewプログラムのユーザーに提供されました。バックワード互換を含むダッシュボードアップデートは2015年11月12日に一般公開されました。2017年10月24日、オリジナルXboxライブラリーのゲームが追加されたもう1つのアップデートが公開されました。次のリストは、この機能の下でXbox Oneでバックワード互換可能なすべてのゲームです。
[ { "from": "human", "value": "Xbox 360のゲームをXbox Oneでプレイできますか。" } ]
No. Selected 5th overall in the 2003 NBA draft by the Miami Heat, Wade quickly emerged as a productive player on a youthful Miami Heat team and averaged 16.2 points on 46.5% shooting with averages of 4.0 rebounds and 4.5 assists per game. Wade is one of only four Marquette University players to be drafted in the first round; his is the highest draft selection in school history. After a 5--15 start, the Heat would gradually improve and finish 42--40 to qualify for the NBA playoffs. He further distinguished himself with outstanding performances in the playoffs, particularly against the Indiana Pacers in the Eastern Conference Semi-finals. In the end, however, Wade's successful rookie season was somewhat overshadowed by the success of fellow rookies Carmelo Anthony and LeBron James. Wade did earn unanimous selection to the 2004 NBA All-Rookie Team, and also finished third in rookie of the year voting (behind James and Anthony). He was ranked in the top five among rookies in several major statistical categories, including second in field goal percentage, second in steals, third in scoring, fourth in assists, and fourth in minutes played. In the playoffs Wade hit a game-winning shot in Game 1 of the Heat's first round series against the New Orleans Hornets. The Heat won the series 4--3 and advanced to the second round to face the top-seeded and best record team in the NBA, the Indiana Pacers, in a very entertaining series that almost pushed the 61-win Pacers to the edge, though Miami would eventually lose the series in six games. He became the fourth rookie since the shot clock era began to lead his team in scoring and assist average in the postseason.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "did dwyane wade won a championship his rookie year" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "ドウェイン・ウェイドはルーキーイヤーにチャンピオンシップを獲得した。" } ]
No. The series was split into two halves: the first half, containing twelve episodes, premiered on 7 April 2016 and ended on 23 June 2016, being broadcast on Tokyo MX, TVS, CTC, tvk, GBS (Gifu Broadcasting), Mie TV, SUN, TVQ Kyushu, and BS11. The second half, also containing twelve episodes, premiered on 6 October 2016 and ended on 22 December 2016. The series has been licensed for streaming by Crunchyroll. Screen Mode sung the opening theme titled ``Reason Living'' while Luck Life once again sung the ending theme titled ``Kaze ga Fuku Machi'' (風が吹く街, lit. ``Town where wind blows'').
[ { "from": "human", "value": "is bungou stray dogs getting a third season" } ]
いいえ。シリーズは2つのパートに分割され、最初の12話パートは2016年4月7日に東京MX、TVS、CTC、tvk、GBS(岐阜放送)、Mie TV、SUN、TVQ九州、BS11で放送され、2016年6月23日に終了した。第2の12話パートは2016年10月6日に放送され、2016年12月22日に終了した。シリーズはCrunchyrollでストリーミング配信権を獲得した。オープニングテーマ「Reason Living」はScreen Modeが歌い、エンディングテーマ「Kaze ga Fuku Machi」はLuck Lifeが歌った。
[ { "from": "human", "value": "「文豪ストレイドッグス」が第3期制作決定" } ]
No. Loch (/lɒx/) is the Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Scots word for a lake or for a sea inlet. It is cognate with the Manx lough, Cornish logh, and the Welsh word for lake, llyn.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "is there a difference between lake and loch" } ]
いいえ。Loch (/lɒx/)は、湖や海峡を意味するアイルランド語、スコットランド語ゲール語、スコットランド語の単語です。マン島語のlough、コーンウォール語のlogh、および湖を意味するウェールズ語のllynと同語源です。
[ { "from": "human", "value": "湖とロックの違いはありますか" } ]
Yes. Burns that affect only the superficial skin layers are known as superficial or first-degree burns. They appear red without blisters and pain typically lasts around three days. When the injury extends into some of the underlying skin layer, it is a partial-thickness or second-degree burn. Blisters are frequently present and they are often very painful. Healing can require up to eight weeks and scarring may occur. In a full-thickness or third-degree burn, the injury extends to all layers of the skin. Often there is no pain and the burnt area is stiff. Healing typically does not occur on its own. A fourth-degree burn additionally involves injury to deeper tissues, such as muscle, tendons, or bone. The burn is often black and frequently leads to loss of the burned part.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "is there such a thing as 4th degree burns" } ]
はい。表皮の浅い部分だけを傷つける火傷は、表皮浅部火傷または1次火傷と呼ばれます。赤く、泡状の傷がなければ、痛みが3日程度続くとされています。 underlying skin layerの一部まで傷が及ぶ場合には、部分的な厚さまたは2次火傷です。泡状の傷が frequently 見られ、非常に痛みます。傷が癒えるのに8週間かかるとも言われ、傷跡が残る場合があります。 全ての皮膚層まで傷が及ぶ場合には、3次火傷と呼ばれます。痛みがほとんどない場合が多く、傷んだ部分が硬いことがあります。傷が自然に癒えることはほとんどありません。4次火傷は、筋肉や腱、骨などの深い組織まで傷が及ぶ場合があります。傷は黒く、傷んだ部分を失う場合があります。
[ { "from": "human", "value": "4度の火傷というのはあるのですか" } ]
Yes. The Jamaican national bobsleigh team represents Jamaica in international bobsledding competitions. The team first gained fame during their debut in the 1988 Winter Olympic Games four-man bobsled in Calgary, Alberta, where they were seen as underdogs as they represented a tropical nation in a winter sport. The team returned to the Winter Olympics in the two-man bobsled in 1992, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2014, and with a women's team for the first time in 2018. The team either failed to qualify or did not have a team during the other Winter Olympics.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "did the jamaican bobsled team make the 2018 olympics" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "ジャマイカのボブスレーチームは2018年のオリンピックに出場しましたか" } ]
No. At last, Magnus wakes Clary's mother Jocelyn, who informs Clary that Jace is not her brother. In fact, Sebastian (the real Jonathan Morgenstern) is her brother. It is soon revealed that Sebastian is a spy for Valentine and that he tried to seduce Clary into teaming up with him. Clary then tries to locate Jace to help him. She runs into Valentine, who ties her down in order to complete his summoning of the Angel by using her blood. Then, when Jace arrives to rescue her, Valentine forces her to watch as he fatally stabs Jace in the chest. Upon summoning the angel, Clary changes the marks on Valentine's summoning circle, giving her the ability to control the Angel, and after Valentine is slain, she wishes to have Jace back. After Jace is brought back to life, the two get together, now that they know that their love for each other isn't incestuous.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "in the mortal instruments are clary and jace related" } ]
いいえ。マグナスはついに、クラリーの母ジョセリンを目覚めさせ、ジャセがクラリーの弟ではないことを知らせます。実際、ジャセはジョナサン・モーゲンシュタイン本人であり、クラリーと手を組むように誘惑したのです。クラリーはジャセを助けに探しに出ますが、そこに Valentine が現れます。クラリーは Valentine に拘束され、彼女の血を使って天使を召喚しようとしています。ジャセが助けに現れると、Valentine はクラリーにジャセを刺し殺すのを見てくれと強要します。クラリーは Valentine の召喚の円に刻まれた印を書き換え、天使を操る力を得ます。そして Valentine が殺されると、クラリーはジャセを元に戻したいと願います。ジャセが復活すると、二人の間に生まれた愛は血縁関係ではないことがわかり、二人は結ばれます。
[ { "from": "human", "value": "人間が持つ道具は、クラリーとジェイスの関係を反映している。" } ]
No. While Naruto: Shippuden was cancelled on Disney XD on November 5, 2011 after 98 episodes, DVD box sets generally containing thirteen dubbed episodes from episode 1 onward are being released quarterly in their uncut format. The English dub was streamed on Neon Alley from its launch in October 2012 and, beginning December 29, 2012 with episode 98, new episodes were released every week uncut until September 26, 2015. Toonami began airing the series from the beginning on January 4, 2014 in an uncut format.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "does naruto shippuden still air on disney xd" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "ナルト・シppudenはディズニー・エックス・ディーでまだ放送されていますか" } ]
Yes. Too Young to Die? is a 1990 television movie starring Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis. It touches on the debate concerning the death penalty. It is based on a true story. Three years later, Pitt and Lewis would reunite, portraying somewhat similar characters, in Kalifornia.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "is the movie too young to die based on a true story" } ]
はい。Too Young to Die?は1990年のテレビ映画で、ブラッド・ピットとジュリエット・ルイスが出演しています。死刑制度をめぐる議論に触れています。これは実話を基にしたものです。3年後にピットとルイスは再び共演し、やや類似したキャラクターを演じました。それはKaliforniaです。
[ { "from": "human", "value": "映画「若すぎる死」は実話に基づいているのか" } ]
No. The home field curse affects the host team of the Super Bowl. So far no team has yet managed to reach the Super Bowl in their home stadium. Four teams with Super Bowls in their home venue have qualified for the divisional playoffs: the 1994 Miami Dolphins, the 1998 Miami Dolphins, the 2016 Houston Texans, and the 2017 Minnesota Vikings, the Vikings being the first to qualify for their conference's title game. From 1966--2011 (excluding the six Super Bowl games held in a stadium without a professional team), the Super Bowl host team has had 11 winning seasons, four split seasons, and 25 losing seasons. Mathematically, the probability of that many losing seasons or more occurring by chance (assuming a 50 percent chance of having a losing season (disregarding .500 seasons)) is 7.69 percent. It should be noted, however, that the Super Bowl host stadium is selected several years before the game is played, without regard to the teams that qualify.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "has there ever been a host team in the super bowl" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "スーパーボウルでホームチームがいたことはあるのか" } ]
Yes. In baseball, hit by pitch (HBP) is a situation in which a batter or his clothing or equipment (other than his bat) is struck directly by a pitch from the pitcher; the batter is called a hit batsman (HB). A hit batsman is awarded first base, provided that (in the plate umpire's judgment) he made an honest effort to avoid the pitch, although failure to do so is rarely called by an umpire. Being hit by a pitch is often caused by a batter standing too close to, or ``crowding'', home plate.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "do you have to get out of the way of a pitch" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "あなたはピッチから身をかわさなければならないのですか。" } ]
No. From 1976 to 1983, several states voluntarily raised their purchase ages to 19 (or, less commonly, 20 or 21), in part to combat drunk driving fatalities. In 1984, Congress passed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act, which required states to raise their ages for purchase and public possession to 21 by October 1986 or lose 10% of their federal highway funds. By mid-1988, all 50 states and the District of Columbia had raised their purchase ages to 21 (but not Puerto Rico, Guam, or the Virgin Islands, see Additional Notes below). South Dakota and Wyoming were the final two states to comply with the age 21 mandate. The current drinking age of 21 remains a point of contention among many Americans, because of it being higher than the age of majority (18 in most states) and higher than the drinking ages of most other countries. The National Minimum Drinking Age Act is also seen as a congressional sidestep of the tenth amendment. Although debates have not been highly publicized, a few states have proposed legislation to lower their drinking age, while Guam has raised its drinking age to 21 in July 2010.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "is there any state in the us where the drinking age is 18" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "アメリカで飲酒年齢が18歳なのはどの州ですか" } ]
Yes. Euryhaline organisms are able to adapt to a wide range of salinities. An example of a euryhaline fish is the molly (Poecilia sphenops) which can live in fresh water, brackish water, or salt water. The green crab (Carcinus maenas) is an example of a euryhaline invertebrate that can live in salt and brackish water. Euryhaline organisms are commonly found in habitats such as estuaries and tide pools where the salinity changes regularly. However, some organisms are euryhaline because their life cycle involves migration between freshwater and marine environments, as is the case with salmon and eels.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "can some fish live in both saltwater and freshwater" } ]
はい。ユーリハリン生物は幅広い塩分濃度に適応できる。ユーリハリン魚の一例は、淡水、半塩水、または塩水で生きられるモリー(Poecilia sphenops)である。ユーリハリン無脊椎動物の例は、半塩水と塩水で生きられるグリーンクラブ(Carcinus maenas)である。ユーリハリン生物は、塩分濃度が頻繁に変化するような生息環境、例えば河口や潮間帯でよく見られる。しかし、ユーリハリン生物になる生物の生活サイクルには淡水と海洋環境の移動が含まれる場合がある。例えば、サケやウナギである。
[ { "from": "human", "value": "魚は海水と淡水両方で生きられるものがあるのか" } ]
No. Threats and aspirations to secede from the United States, or arguments justifying secession, have been a feature of the country's politics almost since its birth. Some have argued for secession as a constitutional right and others as from a natural right of revolution. In Texas v. White, the United States Supreme Court ruled unilateral secession unconstitutional, while commenting that revolution or consent of the States could lead to a successful secession.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "can a state succeed from the united states" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "州がアメリカ連合国から独立できるか" } ]
No. An endospore is a dormant, tough, and non-reproductive structure produced by certain bacteria from the Firmicute phylum. The name ``endospore'' is suggestive of a spore or seed-like form (endo means within), but it is not a true spore (i.e., not an offspring). It is a stripped-down, dormant form to which the bacterium can reduce itself. Endospore formation is usually triggered by a lack of nutrients, and usually occurs in gram-positive bacteria. In endospore formation, the bacterium divides within its cell wall. One side then engulfs the other. Endospores enable bacteria to lie dormant for extended periods, even centuries. There are many reports of spores remaining viable over 10,000 years, and revival of spores millions of years old has been claimed. There is one report of viable spores of Bacillus marismortui in salt crystals approximately 250 million years old. When the environment becomes more favorable, the endospore can reactivate itself to the vegetative state. Most types of bacteria cannot change to the endospore form. Examples of bacteria that can form endospores include Bacillus and Clostridium.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "do all bacterial cells have the ability to produce endospores" } ]
いいえ。endosporeは、特定のFirmicute属の細菌が生産する休眠、頑丈、非繁殖性の構造です。endosporeという名前は、種子のような形(endoは内側を意味する)を連想させますが、真の種子ではありません(つまり、子孫ではありません)。endosporeは、細菌が自身の細胞壁内で分裂し、一方の細胞が他方の細胞を飲み込むことで形成されます。endospore形成は、栄養素の不足によって引き起こされ、グラム陽性菌で起こることが多いです。endospore形成では、細菌は自身の細胞壁内で分裂します。一方の細胞が他方の細胞を飲み込むのです。endosporeは、細菌が長期にわたって休眠状態に陥ることを可能にします。endosporeは、10,000年もの間生存可能なものとして報告されています。また、何百万年も前のendosporeの復活が報告されています。endosporeは、約2億5千万年前の塩結晶中に生存可能な細菌Bacillus marismortuiの報告があります。endosporeが活性化し、植物体に戻るには環境がより好ましい場合です。endosporeを形成できる細菌の多くは、グラム陽性菌です。endosporeを形成できる細菌の例には、Bacillus属とClostridium属があります。
[ { "from": "human", "value": "すべての細菌細胞がendosporeを生成する能力を持っているのか" } ]
Yes. If the President approves of the legislation, then the President signs it into law. According to Article 1. Section 7 of the Constitution, when the President chooses not to sign or does not approve of the bill, the President must return the bill, unsigned, within ten days, excluding Sundays, to the house of the United States Congress in which it originated, while the Congress is in session. The President is constitutionally required to state any objections to the bill in writing, and the Congress is constitutionally required to consider them, and to reconsider the legislation. This action, in effect, is a veto.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "can the president of the united states veto a bill passed by congress" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "大統領は議会で可決された法案を否決できるか" } ]
Yes. Hoover Dam is a concrete arch-gravity dam in the Black Canyon of the Colorado River, on the border between the U.S. states of Nevada and Arizona. It was constructed between 1931 and 1936 during the Great Depression and was dedicated on September 30, 1935, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Its construction was the result of a massive effort involving thousands of workers, and cost over one hundred lives. Originally known as Boulder Dam from 1933, it was officially renamed Hoover Dam, for President Herbert Hoover, by a joint resolution of Congress in 1947.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "is the hoover dam on the colorado river" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "コロラド川に位置するフーバーダム" } ]
No. By March 2015, after not playing any matches, India reached their lowest FIFA ranking position of 173. A couple months prior, Stephen Constantine was re-hired as the head coach after first leading India more than a decade before. Constantine's first major assignment back as the India head coach were the 2018 FIFA World Cup qualifiers. After making it through the first round of qualifiers, India crashed out during the second round, losing seven of their eight matches and thus, once again, failed to qualify for the World Cup.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "is india qualified in fifa world cup 2018" } ]
いいえ。2015年3月、試合に出場しないままインドはFIFAランキングで最低の173位まで落ちました。2か月前に、10年前にインドの監督を務めた後に解雇されたスティーブン・コスタントインが再び監督に就任しました。コスタントインの最初の大きな仕事は2018 FIFAワールドカップ予選でした。予選の1回戦を通過したインドは、2回戦で敗退し、8試合のうち7試合で敗れたため、再びワールドカップ予選を通過できませんでした。
[ { "from": "human", "value": "インドはFIFAワールドカップ2018に合格したのか" } ]
Yes. The seventh season of Dance Moms, an American dance reality television created by Collins Avenue Productions, premiered on November 29, 2016, on Lifetime television network. Many rumours had been circulating that this season would be the final season. However, executive producer Bryan Stinson denied those rumours, stating on Twitter that there will in fact be another season. This is the final season starring Abby Lee Miller. She announced her exit in a statement on Instagram. She will be replaced by Cheryl Burke on the show's 8th season. Chloe Lukasiak returned to ``Dance Moms'' to guest star in the Season 7 finale and Season 7B.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "will there be a dance moms season 7" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "ダンス・マムズシーズン7はいつ放送されるのか" } ]
Yes. Buttermilk Crispy Tenders (formerly known as Chicken Selects) are chicken strips sold by McDonald's in the United States and Canada. They were introduced in early 2002 for a limited time and offered again in late 2003. In the UK, they were launched on the ``Pound Saver Menu'', which offers various menu items for £0.99.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "does mcdonald's in canada have chicken tenders" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "カナダのマクドナルドにはチキンテンダーがありますか" } ]
Yes. Stark and Banner discover an artificial intelligence within the scepter's gem, and secretly decide to use it to complete Stark's ``Ultron'' global defense program. The unexpectedly sentient Ultron, believing he must eradicate humanity to save Earth, eliminates Stark's A.I. J.A.R.V.I.S. and attacks the Avengers at their headquarters. Escaping with the scepter, Ultron uses the resources in Strucker's Sokovia base to upgrade his rudimentary body and build an army of robot drones. Having killed Strucker, he recruits the Maximoffs, who hold Stark responsible for their parents' deaths by his company's weapons, and goes to the base of arms dealer Ulysses Klaue in Johannesburg to obtain Wakandan vibranium. The Avengers attack Ultron and the Maximoffs, but Wanda subdues them with haunting visions, causing the Hulk (Banner) to rampage until Stark stops him with his anti-Hulk armor.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "does anyone die in avengers age of ultron" } ]
はい。スタークとバナーは杖の宝石の中に人工知能を発見し、秘密裏にそれをスタークの「アウルトン」世界規模の防衛プログラムを完成させるために利用しようと決心する。意図しない知性を持ったアウルトンは、人類を根絶し地球を救うと信じて、スタークのA.I.J.A.R.V.I.S.を抹殺し、 Avengersの本部へ襲いかかる。杖を奪って逃れたアウルトンは、ストルッカーのソコヴィア基地の資源を使って、粗末な身体を強化し、ロボットドローン軍団を建造する。ストルッカーを殺したアウルトンは、スタークの会社が武器で両親を殺害したと責任を負うマクシモフ兄弟を勧誘し、ヨハネスブルグの武器商人ユリシーズ・クレーの基地にワカンダのビブラニウムを手に入れる。Avengersはアウルトンとマクシモフ兄弟を攻撃するが、ワンダが恐怖の幻覚で彼らを抑え込み、 Hulk(バナー)が暴走するが、スタークが Hulk Busterスーツで彼を止める。
[ { "from": "human", "value": "アベンジャーズ・エイジ・オブ・アウルトロンで誰かが死ぬのか" } ]
Yes. Herschel Walker (born March 3, 1962) is a former professional American football player, bobsledder, sprinter, and mixed martial artist. He played college football for the University of Georgia, earned consensus All-American honors three times and won the 1982 Heisman Trophy. Walker began his professional football career with the New Jersey Generals of the United States Football League (USFL), before joining the Dallas Cowboys of the National Football League (NFL). In the NFL, he also played for the Minnesota Vikings, Philadelphia Eagles, and New York Giants. He was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 1999.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "is hershel walker in the hall of fame" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "はシェル・ウォーカーは殿堂入りしていますか" } ]
No. The great white shark has no known natural predators other than, on very rare occasions, the killer whale. The great white shark is arguably the world's largest known extant macropredatory fish, and is one of the primary predators of marine mammals. It is also known to prey upon a variety of other marine animals, including fish and seabirds. It is the only known surviving species of its genus Carcharodon, and is ranked first in having the most recorded shark bite incidents on humans.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "do great white sharks have any natural predators" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "大白クジラには自然の捕食者があるのか" } ]
No. Jacob's prosthetic makeup, designed and created by Arjen Tuiten, took an hour and half to apply. It consisted of a skull cap with prosthetic ears attached, a facial prosthetic that covered Jacob's face, and a wig to tie it all together.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "does the actor in wonder have the disease" } ]
いいえ。アー Jen Tuitenがデザインし、製作したジャコブの義肢 makeupは、装着に1時間半かかっています。それは、義肢の耳をつけた頭部用キャップ、顔の義肢、それにそれをまとめるウィッグから成ります。
[ { "from": "human", "value": "俳優は不思議に思うが病気をしているのか" } ]
Yes. In a Twitter post on April 5, 2011, Bill Lawrence confirmed that Janitor was telling the truth when he revealed his name as Glenn Matthews.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "does the janitor in scrubs have a name" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "スクラブズを着た掃除係は名前があるのか" } ]
Yes. Per capita income is often used to measure an area's average income. This is used to see the wealth of the population with those of others. Per capita income is often used to measure a country's standard of living. It is usually expressed in terms of a commonly used international currency such as the euro or United States dollar, and is useful because it is widely known, is easily calculable from readily available gross domestic product (GDP) and population estimates, and produces a useful statistic for comparison of wealth between sovereign territories. This helps to ascertain a country's development status. It is one of the three measures for calculating the Human Development Index of a country.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "is per capita income a true index of economic development" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "一人当たり所得は経済発展の真の指標ですか" } ]
No. After the tetrads of homologous chromosomes are separated in meiosis I, the sister chromatids from each pair are separated. The two haploid(because the chromosome no. has reduced to half. Earlier two sets of chromosomes were present, but now each set exists in two different daughter cells that have arisen from the single diploid parent cell by meiosis I) daughter cells resulting from meiosis I undergo another cell division in meiosis II but without another round of chromosomal replication. The sister chromatids in the two daughter cells are pulled apart during anaphase II by nuclear spindle fibers, resulting in four haploid daughter cells.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "do homologous chromosomes pair up in meiosis 2" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "2次分裂段階で同配列染色体が組み合いますか" } ]
No. Fishing, also an important industry at the time, was also based along the creek, whose warm and shallow waters supported a wide variety of marine life. Dhows used for purposes of fishing were also built on the foreshore of the creek. The importance of the creek as a site of commercial activity was a justification to introduce improvements to allow larger vessels to transit, as well as to facilitate loading and unloading activities. This led, in 1955, to a plan to develop the creek, which involved dredging shallow areas, building of breakwaters, and developing its beach to become a quay suitable for loading and unloading of cargo. The creek was first dredged in 1961 to permit 7-foot (2.1 m) draft vessels to cross through the creek at all times. The creek was dredged again in the 1960s and 1970s so that it could offer anchorage for local and coastal shipping of up to about 500 tons. The dredging opened up the creek to much more continuous traffic of merchandise, including the development of re-export, and gave Dubai an advantage over Sharjah, the other dominant trading centre in the region at the time. Al Maktoum Bridge, the first bridge connecting Bur Dubai and Deira was constructed in 1963. Although the importance of the creek as a port has diminished with the development of the Jebel Ali Port, smaller facilities, such as Port Saeed, continue to exist along the creek, providing porting to traders from the region and the subcontinent.
[ { "from": "human", "value": "was the developing and dredging of dubai creek started in 1920s" } ]
[ { "from": "human", "value": "1920年代に始まったドバイ・クリークの開発と浚渫" } ]
Yes. The Channel Tunnel (French: Le tunnel sous la Manche; also nicknamed the Chunnel) is a 50.45-kilometre (31.35 mi) rail tunnel linking Folkestone, Kent, in the United Kingdom, with Coquelles, Pas-de-Calais, near Calais in northern France, beneath the English Channel at the Strait of Dover. At its lowest point, it is 75 m (250 ft) deep below the sea bed and 115 m (380 ft) below sea level. At 37.9 kilometres (23.5 mi), the tunnel has the longest undersea portion of any tunnel in the world, although the Seikan Tunnel in Japan is both longer overall at 53.85 kilometres (33.46 mi) and deeper at 240 metres (790 ft) below sea level. The speed limit for trains in the tunnel is 160 kilometres per hour (99 mph).
[ { "from": "human", "value": "is there a tunnel between england and france" } ]
はい。チャンネルトンネル(フランス語: Le tunnel sous la Manche)は、イギリスのケント州フォークストーンとフランス北部カレのコケールを結ぶ長さ50.45キロメートルの鉄道トンネルです。このトンネルはドーバー海峡のドーバー海峡海峡の下を通ります。海底の最低地点では海床から75メートル(250フィート)下で、海面から115メートル(380フィート)下です。長さ37.9キロメートル(23.5マイル)のトンネルは、世界で最も長い海底トンネルです。しかし、日本の青函トンネルは、全長が53.85キロメートル(33.46マイル)で、海面から240メートル(790フィート)下にあるため、より長いトンネルです。トンネル内の列車の最高速度は時速160キロメートル(99マイル)です。
[ { "from": "human", "value": "イギリスとフランスの間にはトンネルがありますか" } ]