20 values
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Can the Commission state whether it is preparing legislative proposals whereby small firms would be exempt from the requirement of Commission clearance for State aid? If so, does this include tax exemptions? When are these proposals likely to be finalised?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [15]. </s>
Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues
Can the Commission state whether it is preparing legislative proposals whereby small firms would be exempt from the requirement of Commission clearance for State aid? If so, does this include tax exemptions? When are these proposals likely to be finalised?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"The joint report published on 30January2015 by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has highlighted shortcomings that must be overcome to be effective in fighting the scourge of resistance to antibiotics. To remedy these shortcomings, the three bodies recommend collecting additional data on antimicrobial consumption by animal species, on hospital consumption of antibiotics in a larger number of European countries, and on monitoring of resistant bacteria in the normal flora of healthy and sick people. How does the Commission plan to integrate these findings into its work? What, in the Commission's view, is the best way of tackling growing antimicrobial resistance?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [3]. </s>
The joint report published on 30January2015 by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has highlighted shortcomings that must be overcome to be effective in fighting the scourge of resistance to antibiotics. To remedy these shortcomings, the three bodies recommend collecting additional data on antimicrobial consumption by animal species, on hospital consumption of antibiotics in a larger number of European countries, and on monitoring of resistant bacteria in the normal flora of healthy and sick people. How does the Commission plan to integrate these findings into its work? What, in the Commission's view, is the best way of tackling growing antimicrobial resistance?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Article 4.3 of the Tobacco Products Directive allows the Commission to change measurement methods for tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide emissions from cigarettes. We believe that the Canadian Intense (CI) method is a more accurate method for measuring tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide emission levels and would better protect EU citizens. According to the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the CI method mimics smoking behaviour much better than the current ISO method.1.Does the Commission agree that the CI method mimics smoking behaviour much better than the current ISO method?2.Will it, for the above-mentioned reason, adopt the CI method for the measurement of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide emissions?3.When will it implement this change?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [3]. </s>
Article 4.3 of the Tobacco Products Directive allows the Commission to change measurement methods for tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide emissions from cigarettes. We believe that the Canadian Intense (CI) method is a more accurate method for measuring tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide emission levels and would better protect EU citizens. According to the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), the CI method mimics smoking behaviour much better than the current ISO method.1.Does the Commission agree that the CI method mimics smoking behaviour much better than the current ISO method?2.Will it, for the above-mentioned reason, adopt the CI method for the measurement of tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide emissions?3.When will it implement this change?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Sicilian wheat producers are currently facing serious difficulties, largely as a result of the indiscriminate entry through ports all over Europe, such as Rotterdam, Marseilles and Hamburg, of low-quality wheat from third countries that often contains prohibited substances as well as glyphosate. Once a vessel has been admitted, to Rotterdam for example, its cargo of wheat can move freely throughout theEU, being transported by internal carriers as EU cargo into Italian territory, bypassing Italian controls. The Italian customs authorities indicate that health and customs controls at their national border are more stringent than those carried out at European ports, which are called upon to deal with larger third-country wheat import volumes and are failing to carry out adequate sampling. In Italy, all third-country wheat is subjected to sampling, while only sporadic checks are carried out on EU wheat. In view of this: 1. Can the Commission say what checks are carried out on wheat arriving in European ports? 2. Are the ports of arrival properly equipped to detect glyphosate? 3. Are port authorities required to carry out specified minimum checks in percentage terms or is this being left to their discretion and that of the Member States in question?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [4]. </s>
Agriculture and Fisheries
Sicilian wheat producers are currently facing serious difficulties, largely as a result of the indiscriminate entry through ports all over Europe, such as Rotterdam, Marseilles and Hamburg, of low-quality wheat from third countries that often contains prohibited substances as well as glyphosate. Once a vessel has been admitted, to Rotterdam for example, its cargo of wheat can move freely throughout theEU, being transported by internal carriers as EU cargo into Italian territory, bypassing Italian controls. The Italian customs authorities indicate that health and customs controls at their national border are more stringent than those carried out at European ports, which are called upon to deal with larger third-country wheat import volumes and are failing to carry out adequate sampling. In Italy, all third-country wheat is subjected to sampling, while only sporadic checks are carried out on EU wheat. In view of this: 1. Can the Commission say what checks are carried out on wheat arriving in European ports? 2. Are the ports of arrival properly equipped to detect glyphosate? 3. Are port authorities required to carry out specified minimum checks in percentage terms or is this being left to their discretion and that of the Member States in question?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"According to a report of the European Court of Auditors, the central network of the trans-European transport network, which includes fast routes, has shown positive results for users, but less positive results in terms of implementation, maintenance and follow-up.1.At the end of 2019, the network development rates for the four countries visited were 46% in Bulgaria, 75% in Poland, 78% in the Czech Republic and 100% in Spain. With respect to the central network, how does the Commission recommend reducing the development gap which exists between Western European Member States and those of Central and Eastern Europe?2.The average amount spent by the Member States on maintenance of the routes fell by almost a half between 2007 and 2017. Of the four Member States visited only the Spanish network can be described as being in an overall good state. Are sanctions foreseen to prevent any long-term risks with respect to the state of the network?3.Completion being due by 2030, does the Commission plan on increasing surveillance of the central network and on setting provisional objectives, with a view to being able to carry out a precise evaluation of the state of progress?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [10]. </s>
According to a report of the European Court of Auditors, the central network of the trans-European transport network, which includes fast routes, has shown positive results for users, but less positive results in terms of implementation, maintenance and follow-up.1.At the end of 2019, the network development rates for the four countries visited were 46% in Bulgaria, 75% in Poland, 78% in the Czech Republic and 100% in Spain. With respect to the central network, how does the Commission recommend reducing the development gap which exists between Western European Member States and those of Central and Eastern Europe?2.The average amount spent by the Member States on maintenance of the routes fell by almost a half between 2007 and 2017. Of the four Member States visited only the Spanish network can be described as being in an overall good state. Are sanctions foreseen to prevent any long-term risks with respect to the state of the network?3.Completion being due by 2030, does the Commission plan on increasing surveillance of the central network and on setting provisional objectives, with a view to being able to carry out a precise evaluation of the state of progress?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"France has just announced that it will be implementing a new labelling system in the next few weeks in order to remedy the Commission’s slowness and stubbornness in responding to the proposals made by the European Parliament. 1.How does the Commission view a system under which, in order to provided the consumer with ‘simpler and more comprehensible’ information, hypermarkets and supermarkets will be able use generic terms such as ‘steak’ or ‘roast meat’ on pieces of meat sold off the shelf and will no longer need to specify the precise name of the muscle (topside, the gemellus muscle…), which customers are supposedly unfamiliar with anyway? Moreover, this label may be accompanied by a star rating reflecting the quality of the product, similar to some extent to rankings for hotels, with three stars being the highest accolade and one star being awarded ‘for potentially lower quality’.2.What has become of our proposal that for pre-prepared dishes the origin and cut of the meat used should be specified in order to increase transparency and prevent another horse meat lasagne crisis, a scandal that cast a shadow over the practices of the agri-food industry? Fresh meat, on the other hand, is subject to much more accurate labelling rules, since butchers are obliged by law to indicate the origin of a meat product, and the same applies to packaged meat sold off the shelves." Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [4]. </s>
Agriculture and Fisheries
France has just announced that it will be implementing a new labelling system in the next few weeks in order to remedy the Commission’s slowness and stubbornness in responding to the proposals made by the European Parliament. 1.How does the Commission view a system under which, in order to provided the consumer with ‘simpler and more comprehensible’ information, hypermarkets and supermarkets will be able use generic terms such as ‘steak’ or ‘roast meat’ on pieces of meat sold off the shelf and will no longer need to specify the precise name of the muscle (topside, the gemellus muscle…), which customers are supposedly unfamiliar with anyway? Moreover, this label may be accompanied by a star rating reflecting the quality of the product, similar to some extent to rankings for hotels, with three stars being the highest accolade and one star being awarded ‘for potentially lower quality’.2.What has become of our proposal that for pre-prepared dishes the origin and cut of the meat used should be specified in order to increase transparency and prevent another horse meat lasagne crisis, a scandal that cast a shadow over the practices of the agri-food industry? Fresh meat, on the other hand, is subject to much more accurate labelling rules, since butchers are obliged by law to indicate the origin of a meat product, and the same applies to packaged meat sold off the shelves.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"In the light of its communication COM(2016)690 of 18October2016, and given that Section15(a)(II) of China's Protocol of Accession to the WTO expires on 11December2016, can the Commission say how it will check whether state subsidies granted in non-Member States are having an effect on the price of manufactured exports to Europe? What type of calculation method will be used in new cases recorded between 11December2016 and the date on which the new legislation is adopted? How will ongoing anti-dumping and anti-subsidy cases be dealt with? How will the WTO Appellate Body’s decision in the Argentina v EU anti-dumping measures on biodiesel case limit the use of this calculation method?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [18]. </s>
Foreign trade
In the light of its communication COM(2016)690 of 18October2016, and given that Section15(a)(II) of China's Protocol of Accession to the WTO expires on 11December2016, can the Commission say how it will check whether state subsidies granted in non-Member States are having an effect on the price of manufactured exports to Europe? What type of calculation method will be used in new cases recorded between 11December2016 and the date on which the new legislation is adopted? How will ongoing anti-dumping and anti-subsidy cases be dealt with? How will the WTO Appellate Body’s decision in the Argentina v EU anti-dumping measures on biodiesel case limit the use of this calculation method?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"The aim of Council Directive2010/32/EU is to achieve the safest possible working environment. The deadline for its implementation was 10May2013. Clause 2 (Scope) indicates that the agreement applies to all workers in the hospital and healthcare sector, and all who are under the managerial authority and supervision of the employers. It specifically states that employers should deploy efforts to ensure that subcontractors follow the provisions laid down in this agreement. Could the Commission please provide details of any special measures that it is taking to ensure that workers who fall within the scope of this directive, but who are not employed in a conventional hospital setting, are receiving the full protection required?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [5]. </s>
Labour, employment and pensions
The aim of Council Directive2010/32/EU is to achieve the safest possible working environment. The deadline for its implementation was 10May2013. Clause 2 (Scope) indicates that the agreement applies to all workers in the hospital and healthcare sector, and all who are under the managerial authority and supervision of the employers. It specifically states that employers should deploy efforts to ensure that subcontractors follow the provisions laid down in this agreement. Could the Commission please provide details of any special measures that it is taking to ensure that workers who fall within the scope of this directive, but who are not employed in a conventional hospital setting, are receiving the full protection required?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Since October 1994 the Council has been urging the Commission to submit a concrete proposal for this sector, which in recent years has been facing a grave situation caused by the adverse impact of imports. To date, the Commission has not replied to the Council or to requests from Community producers or the European Parliament. When does the Commission plan to introduce the budgetary instruments and machinery needed for appropriate measures for this sector? Does the Commission plan to take up the measures proposed by the EP in its Resolution A4-0116/94 (1)? (1)OJ C 43, 20.2.1995, p. 130." Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [1]. </s>
Since October 1994 the Council has been urging the Commission to submit a concrete proposal for this sector, which in recent years has been facing a grave situation caused by the adverse impact of imports. To date, the Commission has not replied to the Council or to requests from Community producers or the European Parliament. When does the Commission plan to introduce the budgetary instruments and machinery needed for appropriate measures for this sector? Does the Commission plan to take up the measures proposed by the EP in its Resolution A4-0116/94 (1)? (1)OJ C 43, 20.2.1995, p. 130.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Can the Commission give a breakdown, on an association-by-association and activity-by-activity basis, of the amount of the subsidies granted in respect of the 1995 financial year from the following item: B3-4310: Health protection, hygiene and safety at work, including subsidy to the International Labour Office?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [5]. </s>
Labour, employment and pensions
Can the Commission give a breakdown, on an association-by-association and activity-by-activity basis, of the amount of the subsidies granted in respect of the 1995 financial year from the following item: B3-4310: Health protection, hygiene and safety at work, including subsidy to the International Labour Office?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Italy's leading public-health body has recently published data relating to the incidence of pneumococcal meningitis within the country's population. The figures (there were 309 cases in 1999 as against 109 in 1994) are alarming. Pneumococcal meningitis is caused by bacteria, as are meningococcal meningitis (Neisseria meningitidis) and haemophilus influenzae meningitis, and is spread through the air (by coughs and sneezes), although most children are what are known as healthy carriers. However, those at most risk are close friends and relatives of such carriers and effective treatment calls for prompt action, since the illness is fatal in 60 % of cases. 1.Is the Commission aware of this state of affairs? 2.Does it hold similar data from other EU Member States and the applicant countries? 3.Does it intend to have research carried out in order to determine the incidence of meningitis in the EU Member States and the applicant countries, at least over the last four years? 4.What action does it intend to take in order to ensure that the Member States' health ministries do what is necessary to prevent any further spread of the disease?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [3]. </s>
Italy's leading public-health body has recently published data relating to the incidence of pneumococcal meningitis within the country's population. The figures (there were 309 cases in 1999 as against 109 in 1994) are alarming. Pneumococcal meningitis is caused by bacteria, as are meningococcal meningitis (Neisseria meningitidis) and haemophilus influenzae meningitis, and is spread through the air (by coughs and sneezes), although most children are what are known as healthy carriers. However, those at most risk are close friends and relatives of such carriers and effective treatment calls for prompt action, since the illness is fatal in 60 % of cases. 1.Is the Commission aware of this state of affairs? 2.Does it hold similar data from other EU Member States and the applicant countries? 3.Does it intend to have research carried out in order to determine the incidence of meningitis in the EU Member States and the applicant countries, at least over the last four years? 4.What action does it intend to take in order to ensure that the Member States' health ministries do what is necessary to prevent any further spread of the disease?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"According to the Chinese press agency Xin-Hua News more than 700 Internet cafes in Inner Mongolia have been the subject of intimidation and intrusion by the Chinese authorities since 1 April, and as a result a number of them have been closed down. According to the official press agency the """"""""Inner Mongolian Daily"""""""", the local police authorities have mobilised 400 officers and 150 vehicles to inspect more than 500 Internet cafes since 10 April. As a result of these checks 80 % of the premises inspected in the region of Huhhot City have been closed down. A meeting between representatives of the public security authorities, the Bureau of Culture and the telecommunications department of the Autonomous Region was held on 10 April under the supervision of the Inner Mongolian authorities. The final declaration issued at the end of the meeting states """"""""using online games, allowing young people access to the Internet, keeping cybercafes open until late and allowing people access to the Internet without ascertaining their identity constitute unlawful activities"""""""". Is the Commission aware of this initiative on the part of the Inner Mongolian authorities? How does it intend to prevent this initiative being used to suppress freedom of speech and expression in China further? What pressure does it intend to exert in order to ensure that the citizens of Inner Mongolia may exercise fully freedom of speech and expression which, as stated in Article19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, covers freedom of opinion and expression, including freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [2]. </s>
Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties
According to the Chinese press agency Xin-Hua News more than 700 Internet cafes in Inner Mongolia have been the subject of intimidation and intrusion by the Chinese authorities since 1 April, and as a result a number of them have been closed down. According to the official press agency the """"""""Inner Mongolian Daily"""""""", the local police authorities have mobilised 400 officers and 150 vehicles to inspect more than 500 Internet cafes since 10 April. As a result of these checks 80 % of the premises inspected in the region of Huhhot City have been closed down. A meeting between representatives of the public security authorities, the Bureau of Culture and the telecommunications department of the Autonomous Region was held on 10 April under the supervision of the Inner Mongolian authorities. The final declaration issued at the end of the meeting states """"""""using online games, allowing young people access to the Internet, keeping cybercafes open until late and allowing people access to the Internet without ascertaining their identity constitute unlawful activities"""""""". Is the Commission aware of this initiative on the part of the Inner Mongolian authorities? How does it intend to prevent this initiative being used to suppress freedom of speech and expression in China further? What pressure does it intend to exert in order to ensure that the citizens of Inner Mongolia may exercise fully freedom of speech and expression which, as stated in Article19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, covers freedom of opinion and expression, including freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Analysis of ERDF, ESF and EAGGF (Guidance) payments in Spain and Italy over the period 1989-93 reveals considerable variations. Italy received ECU 1336,26 million in payments in 1991 and ECU 3406,6 million in 1993: in other words, payments effectively doubled. Spain, by contrast, received substantially less in 1993 than in 1992; the 1993 figure, only ECU 2971,3 million, was less than that for Italy. Can the Commission explain the main reasons for these considerable variations?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [14]. </s>
Regional and Urban issues and Planning
Analysis of ERDF, ESF and EAGGF (Guidance) payments in Spain and Italy over the period 1989-93 reveals considerable variations. Italy received ECU 1336,26 million in payments in 1991 and ECU 3406,6 million in 1993: in other words, payments effectively doubled. Spain, by contrast, received substantially less in 1993 than in 1992; the 1993 figure, only ECU 2971,3 million, was less than that for Italy. Can the Commission explain the main reasons for these considerable variations?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Inclusive education is the most effective way to give all children an equal chance to go to school and to learn and develop the skills that they need participate in society. Everything starts with education and it is therefore essential that our education system includes students of all backgrounds and provides the necessary assistance and facilities for persons with disabilities to ensure that everyone has equal opportunities in life.Moreover, children with disabilities should be integrated into the general education system and provided with necessary assistance in the best interests of the child.Can the Commission clarify what actions it is taking in order to promote equal and fully inclusive access to education and lifelong learning without discrimination and in the best interests of the child in all Member States?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [6]. </s>
Inclusive education is the most effective way to give all children an equal chance to go to school and to learn and develop the skills that they need participate in society. Everything starts with education and it is therefore essential that our education system includes students of all backgrounds and provides the necessary assistance and facilities for persons with disabilities to ensure that everyone has equal opportunities in life.Moreover, children with disabilities should be integrated into the general education system and provided with necessary assistance in the best interests of the child.Can the Commission clarify what actions it is taking in order to promote equal and fully inclusive access to education and lifelong learning without discrimination and in the best interests of the child in all Member States?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"According to the Rome Declaration, the EU’s agenda is to focus on a safer, more secure, prosperous, competitive, sustainable, socially responsible Europe, willing to play and capable of playing a key role in the world. We all want an EU that is more powerful on the global market and closer to its citizens. Given that the Rome Declaration was adopted by consensus of the 27Member States, what does the Commission consider must be done to achieve the vision and objectives laid down in the recently signed Declaration?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [20]. </s>
Governance and government
According to the Rome Declaration, the EU’s agenda is to focus on a safer, more secure, prosperous, competitive, sustainable, socially responsible Europe, willing to play and capable of playing a key role in the world. We all want an EU that is more powerful on the global market and closer to its citizens. Given that the Rome Declaration was adopted by consensus of the 27Member States, what does the Commission consider must be done to achieve the vision and objectives laid down in the recently signed Declaration?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"As a member of the EMPL Committee, I am following the Brexit negotiations. It is safe to assume that a no-deal Brexit would have major consequences for many companies in the EU. Those companies would, in the worst case scenario, be forced to make mass redundancies if they lost important customers based in the UK. In my opinion, it is necessary to specify what criteria would be applied to determine whether mass redundancies in a specific company were directly caused by no-deal Brexit.Furthermore, there is currently no procedure for enumerating the financial costs of a no-deal Brexit. It is therefore necessary, in conjunction with the approval of the new version of Regulation 2018/0202, to provide the Member States with detailed instructions specifying the conditions for handling applications for funding from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) and decisions pertaining to them. Having such criteria would be advisable, especially to ensure that there is a legal framework for determining whether financial support can be provided via the EGF.I would therefore like to ask the Commission what steps it is planning to take to address this issue." Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [5]. </s>
Labour, employment and pensions
As a member of the EMPL Committee, I am following the Brexit negotiations. It is safe to assume that a no-deal Brexit would have major consequences for many companies in the EU. Those companies would, in the worst case scenario, be forced to make mass redundancies if they lost important customers based in the UK. In my opinion, it is necessary to specify what criteria would be applied to determine whether mass redundancies in a specific company were directly caused by no-deal Brexit.Furthermore, there is currently no procedure for enumerating the financial costs of a no-deal Brexit. It is therefore necessary, in conjunction with the approval of the new version of Regulation 2018/0202, to provide the Member States with detailed instructions specifying the conditions for handling applications for funding from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) and decisions pertaining to them. Having such criteria would be advisable, especially to ensure that there is a legal framework for determining whether financial support can be provided via the EGF.I would therefore like to ask the Commission what steps it is planning to take to address this issue.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"On 21December2016, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled in CaseC-104/16 P — Council v Front Polisario, that no trade or association agreement between theEU and Morocco may be applied to Western Sahara, since the territory is ‘separate and distinct’ from Morocco. On 31January2017, in response to a written question, Commissioner Cañete stated that the Commission would henceforth act ‘taking due account of the separate and distinct status of the territory of Western Sahara under international law’. Can the VP/HR confirm that the geographic mandate and the activities of theEU Delegation to Morocco and of its staff are strictly limited to the internationally recognised territory of Morocco and exclude the territory of Western Sahara?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [19]. </s>
International affairs and foreign aid
On 21December2016, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled in CaseC-104/16 P — Council v Front Polisario, that no trade or association agreement between theEU and Morocco may be applied to Western Sahara, since the territory is ‘separate and distinct’ from Morocco. On 31January2017, in response to a written question, Commissioner Cañete stated that the Commission would henceforth act ‘taking due account of the separate and distinct status of the territory of Western Sahara under international law’. Can the VP/HR confirm that the geographic mandate and the activities of theEU Delegation to Morocco and of its staff are strictly limited to the internationally recognised territory of Morocco and exclude the territory of Western Sahara?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"The media are increasingly reflecting the current difficulty of obtaining universally accepted statistics. On what basis is imputed revenue deriving from property in real estate taken into account for the purposes of calculating GDP in the EU?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [20]. </s>
Governance and government
The media are increasingly reflecting the current difficulty of obtaining universally accepted statistics. On what basis is imputed revenue deriving from property in real estate taken into account for the purposes of calculating GDP in the EU?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"At the end of February, a South African company asked its government to impose anti-dumping measures on frozen vegetables (code 0710.90)(1). This particularly affects European companies, and it also infringes trade agreements. In addition, there is already a ban on imports of meat from boiling hens into South Africa. Both issues raise concerns about the trade policy of this trading partner. Is the Commission aware of these two food issues, and what steps has it already taken or does it intend to take in order to keep trade flows as open as possible? (1)https://xa.co.za/duty-increase-application-on-mixtures-of-frozen-vegetables/" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [4]. </s>
Agriculture and Fisheries
At the end of February, a South African company asked its government to impose anti-dumping measures on frozen vegetables (code 0710.90)(1). This particularly affects European companies, and it also infringes trade agreements. In addition, there is already a ban on imports of meat from boiling hens into South Africa. Both issues raise concerns about the trade policy of this trading partner. Is the Commission aware of these two food issues, and what steps has it already taken or does it intend to take in order to keep trade flows as open as possible? (1)https://xa.co.za/duty-increase-application-on-mixtures-of-frozen-vegetables/
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"1.The amount of milk collected in Portugal has been rising sharply, particularly in 1999. This increase, and the consequent rise in production, affects specific regions, including the Azores Autonomous Region. 2.There is reason to believe that for 1999/2000, the amount of milk collected will exceed the reference quantity for Portugal, with some operators claiming the surplus could be as much as 100 000 tonnes. 3.Strangely enough, the Portuguese Government did not seek to resolve this problem within the Agenda 2000 CAP negotiations, unlike other governments, given that it was already apparent that Portugal had a major problem with its milk quota. 4.On 13March 2000, the Private Office of the Secretary of State for Agricultural Markets and Food Quality issued a statement on behalf of the government stating that pursuant to Article 299(2) of the TEU the Commission had been asked, within the framework of the special arrangements for ultra peripheral regions, to increase the milk quota for the Azores Autonomous Region to 125 000 tonnes, without prejudice to the current national quota laid down for Portugal. Has the Portuguese Government approached the appropriate Commission services with a view to negotiating an increase in the Portuguese quota?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [4]. </s>
Agriculture and Fisheries
1.The amount of milk collected in Portugal has been rising sharply, particularly in 1999. This increase, and the consequent rise in production, affects specific regions, including the Azores Autonomous Region. 2.There is reason to believe that for 1999/2000, the amount of milk collected will exceed the reference quantity for Portugal, with some operators claiming the surplus could be as much as 100 000 tonnes. 3.Strangely enough, the Portuguese Government did not seek to resolve this problem within the Agenda 2000 CAP negotiations, unlike other governments, given that it was already apparent that Portugal had a major problem with its milk quota. 4.On 13March 2000, the Private Office of the Secretary of State for Agricultural Markets and Food Quality issued a statement on behalf of the government stating that pursuant to Article 299(2) of the TEU the Commission had been asked, within the framework of the special arrangements for ultra peripheral regions, to increase the milk quota for the Azores Autonomous Region to 125 000 tonnes, without prejudice to the current national quota laid down for Portugal. Has the Portuguese Government approached the appropriate Commission services with a view to negotiating an increase in the Portuguese quota?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"A recent report broadcast by Swedish TV4 during its Kalla Fakta programme highlighted the fact that goose feathers and down produced in Hungary are obtained through the plucking of live birds. In accordance with the recommendation concerning domestic geese adopted under the European Convention for the protection of animals kept for farming purposes (ETS87), plucking of live geese has been prohibited since December 1999. Article23 states that ‘Feathers, including down, shall not be plucked from live birds’. The Convention has been ratified by Hungary and its requirements should thus be fully respected, as also promised at the time of Hungary’s accession to the EU. Given that the EU is a party to the Council of Europe Convention, can the Commission explain what action it intends to take to ensure that Hungary respects the requirements of the recommendation on geese? What measures is the Commission planning to take at EU level to ensure that live plucking of geese does not take place in the EU?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [4]. </s>
Agriculture and Fisheries
A recent report broadcast by Swedish TV4 during its Kalla Fakta programme highlighted the fact that goose feathers and down produced in Hungary are obtained through the plucking of live birds. In accordance with the recommendation concerning domestic geese adopted under the European Convention for the protection of animals kept for farming purposes (ETS87), plucking of live geese has been prohibited since December 1999. Article23 states that ‘Feathers, including down, shall not be plucked from live birds’. The Convention has been ratified by Hungary and its requirements should thus be fully respected, as also promised at the time of Hungary’s accession to the EU. Given that the EU is a party to the Council of Europe Convention, can the Commission explain what action it intends to take to ensure that Hungary respects the requirements of the recommendation on geese? What measures is the Commission planning to take at EU level to ensure that live plucking of geese does not take place in the EU?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Is the Commission satisfied that the Kimberley process for diamond manufacturing, processing and selling is promoting all human rights? Is the Commission concerned that there are different standards applied when it comes to human rights standards for polished diamonds or rough diamonds, or does it consider that the Kimberly process treats them the same?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [19]. </s>
International affairs and foreign aid
Is the Commission satisfied that the Kimberley process for diamond manufacturing, processing and selling is promoting all human rights? Is the Commission concerned that there are different standards applied when it comes to human rights standards for polished diamonds or rough diamonds, or does it consider that the Kimberly process treats them the same?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"1.Further to its answer of 6December2010 to my Question E‑8420/2010, what is the current situation with regard to the results of the Commission’s collection of information on measures taken or about to be taken ‘at national level in order to avoid foreclosure procedures where this option is possible and reasonable’? 2.What initiatives has the Commission recently taken or is planning to take on this issue?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [14]. </s>
Regional and Urban issues and Planning
1.Further to its answer of 6December2010 to my Question E‑8420/2010, what is the current situation with regard to the results of the Commission’s collection of information on measures taken or about to be taken ‘at national level in order to avoid foreclosure procedures where this option is possible and reasonable’? 2.What initiatives has the Commission recently taken or is planning to take on this issue?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"As laid down in Article 9 of Regulation (EU) No 260/2012, EU consumers should be able to use a single payment account for euro transfers and make cross-border euro bank transfers within the single euro payments area (SEPA) just as easily as within their home country. However, many operators today still refuse cross-border direct debit requests from customers with non-domestic IBANs. This is a major barrier to the single market, limiting the ability of customers to access financial services, pay electricity providers and pay taxes in another EU country.This breach of the SEPA Regulation has been reported repeatedly to the Commission and national competent authorities, but unfortunately consumers continue to face these obstacles.Given the fact that IBAN discrimination is still occurring:1.Does the Commission consider that cross-border access to financial services and utilities providers, inter alia, remains a prerequisite for the proper functioning of the single market?2.Will it outline the latest actions taken to penalise Member States who continue to permit this illegal practice?3.Will it specifically address IBAN discrimination in its yet-to-be-published report on single market barriers and the Single Market Enforcement Action Plan, as outlined in the 2020 Commission Work Programme?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [15]. </s>
Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues
As laid down in Article 9 of Regulation (EU) No 260/2012, EU consumers should be able to use a single payment account for euro transfers and make cross-border euro bank transfers within the single euro payments area (SEPA) just as easily as within their home country. However, many operators today still refuse cross-border direct debit requests from customers with non-domestic IBANs. This is a major barrier to the single market, limiting the ability of customers to access financial services, pay electricity providers and pay taxes in another EU country.This breach of the SEPA Regulation has been reported repeatedly to the Commission and national competent authorities, but unfortunately consumers continue to face these obstacles.Given the fact that IBAN discrimination is still occurring:1.Does the Commission consider that cross-border access to financial services and utilities providers, inter alia, remains a prerequisite for the proper functioning of the single market?2.Will it outline the latest actions taken to penalise Member States who continue to permit this illegal practice?3.Will it specifically address IBAN discrimination in its yet-to-be-published report on single market barriers and the Single Market Enforcement Action Plan, as outlined in the 2020 Commission Work Programme?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"On‑line flight reservations contain more and more misleading information and entail extra charges which are automatically imposed (‘administration fee’, charges for checking in luggage and use of credit cards,etc.) and which considerably push up the prices stated in the airlines’ alluring — but misleading — advertisements. In addition, some airlines force customers to pay higher prices by claiming that the cheapest seats have already been sold, whilst in fact the aircraft is virtually empty. Can the Commission, which has for many years been committed to taking action against companies in order to force them to comply with the existing regulations — in particular concerning misleading advertising — finally provide details of the long‑promised action, measures and sanctions it intends to take against the flagrant abuse perpetrated on defenceless consumers?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [15]. </s>
Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues
On‑line flight reservations contain more and more misleading information and entail extra charges which are automatically imposed (‘administration fee’, charges for checking in luggage and use of credit cards,etc.) and which considerably push up the prices stated in the airlines’ alluring — but misleading — advertisements. In addition, some airlines force customers to pay higher prices by claiming that the cheapest seats have already been sold, whilst in fact the aircraft is virtually empty. Can the Commission, which has for many years been committed to taking action against companies in order to force them to comply with the existing regulations — in particular concerning misleading advertising — finally provide details of the long‑promised action, measures and sanctions it intends to take against the flagrant abuse perpetrated on defenceless consumers?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"The White Paper on Food Safety (COM(1999)719 final) was published inJanuary 2000. Chapter 4 is concerned with establishing a European Food Authority (EFA). Chapter 5 considers legislation on food safety. Existing legislation enables Member States to collect fees for controls of products of animal origin (sections 86-87). There is a lack of uniformity in setting and charging fees. The legislative review will extend application of this principle to other areas. Whether producers should contribute to the cost of official controls of their products is an old question. If this principle is applied unevenly it will result in a distortion of competition. In some quarters it is felt that food control is a central task of the State and should therefore be paid for entirely from public funds to avoid any hint of a conflict of interests. Does the Commission advocate full public funding for official controls? If not, what funding mechanism does it prefer? In what way will the Commission avoid a situation whereby the funding of public controls leads to a distortion of competition because the different Member States use different funding systems?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [4]. </s>
Agriculture and Fisheries
The White Paper on Food Safety (COM(1999)719 final) was published inJanuary 2000. Chapter 4 is concerned with establishing a European Food Authority (EFA). Chapter 5 considers legislation on food safety. Existing legislation enables Member States to collect fees for controls of products of animal origin (sections 86-87). There is a lack of uniformity in setting and charging fees. The legislative review will extend application of this principle to other areas. Whether producers should contribute to the cost of official controls of their products is an old question. If this principle is applied unevenly it will result in a distortion of competition. In some quarters it is felt that food control is a central task of the State and should therefore be paid for entirely from public funds to avoid any hint of a conflict of interests. Does the Commission advocate full public funding for official controls? If not, what funding mechanism does it prefer? In what way will the Commission avoid a situation whereby the funding of public controls leads to a distortion of competition because the different Member States use different funding systems?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"ThisMay the European Parliament adopted the Directive on electronic commerce at second reading. The Directive centres on the country of origin principle under which persons offering goods and services over the internet only have to obey the rules on advertising applying in the country of where they are established. In view of the differing legislation on advertising in the Member States this can produce discrimination against nationals of acountry where advertising regulations are strict such as the Federal Republic of Germany. The strict advertising laws in Germany include aDiscount Act and aFree Gift Act. The German Free Gift Act, which requires the offer of afree gift not to be made dependent on purchase of the principal article being advertised, would appear to be an inadmissible obstacle to the free trade in goods via the internet. This far-reaching prohibition also covers services and guarantees which are normal commercial practice in the other Member States and extensively used as amarketing tool (e.g. """"""""buy one, get one for free""""""""). This discriminates against German consumers who are deprived of extra inducements and against undertakings based in Germany in relation to their foreign competitors. The harm caused on the internal market was particularly apparent in arecent decision by the Saarbrücken Higher Regional Court, which ruled that alifetime guarantee given by one company for its products was abreach of the Free Gift Act and was therefore prohibited in Germany. The company had given the same guarantee in all Member States and throughout the world. In the light of this clear discrimination against Germans, does the Commission believe there to be aneed for harmonisation of advertising legislation within the Community and has it given instructions to prepare such harmonisation or will it be doing so? Will the Commission be taking appropriate measures against Germany on account of these provisions in the Free Gift Act which are an obstacle to cross-border competition?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [15]. </s>
Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues
ThisMay the European Parliament adopted the Directive on electronic commerce at second reading. The Directive centres on the country of origin principle under which persons offering goods and services over the internet only have to obey the rules on advertising applying in the country of where they are established. In view of the differing legislation on advertising in the Member States this can produce discrimination against nationals of acountry where advertising regulations are strict such as the Federal Republic of Germany. The strict advertising laws in Germany include aDiscount Act and aFree Gift Act. The German Free Gift Act, which requires the offer of afree gift not to be made dependent on purchase of the principal article being advertised, would appear to be an inadmissible obstacle to the free trade in goods via the internet. This far-reaching prohibition also covers services and guarantees which are normal commercial practice in the other Member States and extensively used as amarketing tool (e.g. """"""""buy one, get one for free""""""""). This discriminates against German consumers who are deprived of extra inducements and against undertakings based in Germany in relation to their foreign competitors. The harm caused on the internal market was particularly apparent in arecent decision by the Saarbrücken Higher Regional Court, which ruled that alifetime guarantee given by one company for its products was abreach of the Free Gift Act and was therefore prohibited in Germany. The company had given the same guarantee in all Member States and throughout the world. In the light of this clear discrimination against Germans, does the Commission believe there to be aneed for harmonisation of advertising legislation within the Community and has it given instructions to prepare such harmonisation or will it be doing so? Will the Commission be taking appropriate measures against Germany on account of these provisions in the Free Gift Act which are an obstacle to cross-border competition?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Does the Commission plan to implement or amend Council Directive 88/77/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of gaseous pollutants from diesel engines for use in vehicles, in order to make a common situation for Member States? Specifically, does the Commission plan to rectify the current situation whereby individual Member States each have their own authority to set requirements for vehicles, for example, the obligation to have speed limiters in certain vehicles? This in turn may dissuade cross-border trading and/or mobility." Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [10]. </s>
Does the Commission plan to implement or amend Council Directive 88/77/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the measures to be taken against the emission of gaseous pollutants from diesel engines for use in vehicles, in order to make a common situation for Member States? Specifically, does the Commission plan to rectify the current situation whereby individual Member States each have their own authority to set requirements for vehicles, for example, the obligation to have speed limiters in certain vehicles? This in turn may dissuade cross-border trading and/or mobility.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"The Italian Ministry of the Environment is setting up a national park in the Tuscan archipelago, pursuant to Community Directive 79/409/EEC(1) of 2 April 1979 and National Framework Law No 394/91 on protected areas and in total disregard for the opposing views of the local municipal council and the inhabitants of the islands, who object to the fact that the project is being administered by a park authority (appointed by the Ministry) on which local bodies are not represented. Having regard to Article 6 (1) and (2) of Council Directive 85/337/EEC of 27 June 1985 on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment(2), which stresses the need for the appropriate local authorities and the general public to be consulted before any given project is authorized by the Member States, and whereas the European Parliament's Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection, in approving the amendment to Directive 85/337/EEC, has stressed the importance of the principle of participatory democracy which entitles members of the public to participate, express their own views and, possibly, contest the decisions taken by the authorities, could the Commission say whether this prineiple can also apply to a project which, although not covered by Directive 85/337/EEC, nonetheless has an impact on the area in which it is situated and will radically affect the environment? (1)OJ No L 103, 25. 4. 1979, p. 1. (2)OJ No L 175, 5. 7. 1985, p. 40." Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [7]. </s>
The Italian Ministry of the Environment is setting up a national park in the Tuscan archipelago, pursuant to Community Directive 79/409/EEC(1) of 2 April 1979 and National Framework Law No 394/91 on protected areas and in total disregard for the opposing views of the local municipal council and the inhabitants of the islands, who object to the fact that the project is being administered by a park authority (appointed by the Ministry) on which local bodies are not represented. Having regard to Article 6 (1) and (2) of Council Directive 85/337/EEC of 27 June 1985 on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment(2), which stresses the need for the appropriate local authorities and the general public to be consulted before any given project is authorized by the Member States, and whereas the European Parliament's Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection, in approving the amendment to Directive 85/337/EEC, has stressed the importance of the principle of participatory democracy which entitles members of the public to participate, express their own views and, possibly, contest the decisions taken by the authorities, could the Commission say whether this prineiple can also apply to a project which, although not covered by Directive 85/337/EEC, nonetheless has an impact on the area in which it is situated and will radically affect the environment? (1)OJ No L 103, 25. 4. 1979, p. 1. (2)OJ No L 175, 5. 7. 1985, p. 40.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Activities are permitted in Gibraltar, a United Kingdom territory to the south of Andalusia, which pose a threat to ecosystems in the area and the way of life of hundreds of thousands of European citizens. Activities such as the transfer of crude oil from one vessel to another are standard practice in Gibraltar, giving rise to recurrent discharges into the Bay of Algeciras without any administration intervening. The port of Gibraltar also allowed docking by single-hulled oil tankers such as the """"""""Prestige"""""""", which sank on 19 November 2002 when it was heading for Gibraltar, causing an unprecedented ecological disaster along the Galician coast. Is the Commission aware of the above circumstances? If so, has it adopted or will it adopt any type of measure to put an end to these irregularities?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [7]. </s>
Activities are permitted in Gibraltar, a United Kingdom territory to the south of Andalusia, which pose a threat to ecosystems in the area and the way of life of hundreds of thousands of European citizens. Activities such as the transfer of crude oil from one vessel to another are standard practice in Gibraltar, giving rise to recurrent discharges into the Bay of Algeciras without any administration intervening. The port of Gibraltar also allowed docking by single-hulled oil tankers such as the """"""""Prestige"""""""", which sank on 19 November 2002 when it was heading for Gibraltar, causing an unprecedented ecological disaster along the Galician coast. Is the Commission aware of the above circumstances? If so, has it adopted or will it adopt any type of measure to put an end to these irregularities?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Developing an effective system for crisis management response is key if theEU is to establish itself as a credible global player, advance its values on the international scene and protect its security interests. Concerns have, however, been raised by the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO) to the effect that there is a lack of coordination between the Managing Directorate for Crisis Response on the one hand, and ECHO andDG DEVCO on the other, in the field of crisis management. This is of great concern, given that one of the tasks of the Managing Directorate is exactly to assist the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative in her role of ensuring coherence and coordination in the EU’s external action on crisis management and response. What is the current division of tasks, and what procedures are in place to ensure a proper degree of consultation and collaboration between the Managing Directorate and relevantDGs in the Commission to ensure policy coherence?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [19]. </s>
International affairs and foreign aid
Developing an effective system for crisis management response is key if theEU is to establish itself as a credible global player, advance its values on the international scene and protect its security interests. Concerns have, however, been raised by the European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO) to the effect that there is a lack of coordination between the Managing Directorate for Crisis Response on the one hand, and ECHO andDG DEVCO on the other, in the field of crisis management. This is of great concern, given that one of the tasks of the Managing Directorate is exactly to assist the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative in her role of ensuring coherence and coordination in the EU’s external action on crisis management and response. What is the current division of tasks, and what procedures are in place to ensure a proper degree of consultation and collaboration between the Managing Directorate and relevantDGs in the Commission to ensure policy coherence?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Further to Parliament’s calls and the recent vote in plenary, will the Commission put forward measures which provide for the immediate suspension of Decision2000/520/EC on the adequacy of the protection provided by the safe harbour privacy principles and related frequently asked questions issued by theUS Department of Commerce? How does it intend to put pressure on theUS authorities to propose a new framework governing transfers of personal data from theEU to the USA which meets the data protection requirements laid down in EClaw and guarantees proper data protection?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [2]. </s>
Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties
Further to Parliament’s calls and the recent vote in plenary, will the Commission put forward measures which provide for the immediate suspension of Decision2000/520/EC on the adequacy of the protection provided by the safe harbour privacy principles and related frequently asked questions issued by theUS Department of Commerce? How does it intend to put pressure on theUS authorities to propose a new framework governing transfers of personal data from theEU to the USA which meets the data protection requirements laid down in EClaw and guarantees proper data protection?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"In February the Commission, in the shape of its Vice-President Frans Timmermans, whose responsibilities include better regulation, the rule of law, and theEU Charter of Fundamental Rights, announced its plan to set up an early warning system to identify and remedy cases in which fundamental rights of European citizens are being manifestly infringed, for instance in connection with the enforcement of EClaw. The Spanish General Council of the Judiciary, ignoring the opinion of almost half its members, has suspended a criminal court judge, Santiago Vidal Marsal, for three years for engaging in his free time in learned work intended to contribute to a hypothetical Catalan constitution. Demonstrating inexcusable ignorance of the Spanish Constitutional Court’s judicial practice, the ruling deems that a professed loyalty to the Spanish Constitution and legal system prohibits advocating for their reform. In addition to being at odds with domestic law, the punishment is contrary to, at the very least, Articles10, 11, 12, 20, and 21 of theEU Charter of Fundamental Rights. 1.When the Commission speaks of its projected early warning system, does it have cases like this in mind? 2.If the initiative is not meant to deal with cases of the type described, what kind of matters will be covered? 3.Does the Commission consider actions of this sort to be conducive to the rule of law and to mutual trust between criminal justice systems in Member States?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [2]. </s>
Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties
In February the Commission, in the shape of its Vice-President Frans Timmermans, whose responsibilities include better regulation, the rule of law, and theEU Charter of Fundamental Rights, announced its plan to set up an early warning system to identify and remedy cases in which fundamental rights of European citizens are being manifestly infringed, for instance in connection with the enforcement of EClaw. The Spanish General Council of the Judiciary, ignoring the opinion of almost half its members, has suspended a criminal court judge, Santiago Vidal Marsal, for three years for engaging in his free time in learned work intended to contribute to a hypothetical Catalan constitution. Demonstrating inexcusable ignorance of the Spanish Constitutional Court’s judicial practice, the ruling deems that a professed loyalty to the Spanish Constitution and legal system prohibits advocating for their reform. In addition to being at odds with domestic law, the punishment is contrary to, at the very least, Articles10, 11, 12, 20, and 21 of theEU Charter of Fundamental Rights. 1.When the Commission speaks of its projected early warning system, does it have cases like this in mind? 2.If the initiative is not meant to deal with cases of the type described, what kind of matters will be covered? 3.Does the Commission consider actions of this sort to be conducive to the rule of law and to mutual trust between criminal justice systems in Member States?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"The Matera provincial Industrial Development Consortium (Consorzio per lo sviluppo industriale — CSI) is a for-profit public entity controlled by Basilicata Region. The CSI is the majority shareholder in Tecnoparco Valbasento S.P.A., a company now under investigation and awaiting trial at the Court of Potenza for serious offences related to the disposal of waste oil. The CSI has, in addition, received ERDF funding under Regulation (EC) No1083/2006: the total of EUR7714219.14 made available by Basilicata Region is intended for works falling under Measure III.1.1.A of the 2007-2013 Basilicata ERDF OP, specifically for the building and/or completion of infrastructure in industrial and small-business areas. 1)Has the ERDF funding obtained by the CSI been used directly or indirectly in operations involving Tecnoparco Valbasento S.P.A.? 2)Are these funds being managed in accordance with the aims and rules of the ERDF as set out in Regulation (EC) No1083/2006? 3)Is the management of the funding being monitored, bearing in mind the unconcluded criminal proceedings against the company controlled by the CSI, a recipient of ERDF assistance?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [7]. </s>
The Matera provincial Industrial Development Consortium (Consorzio per lo sviluppo industriale — CSI) is a for-profit public entity controlled by Basilicata Region. The CSI is the majority shareholder in Tecnoparco Valbasento S.P.A., a company now under investigation and awaiting trial at the Court of Potenza for serious offences related to the disposal of waste oil. The CSI has, in addition, received ERDF funding under Regulation (EC) No1083/2006: the total of EUR7714219.14 made available by Basilicata Region is intended for works falling under Measure III.1.1.A of the 2007-2013 Basilicata ERDF OP, specifically for the building and/or completion of infrastructure in industrial and small-business areas. 1)Has the ERDF funding obtained by the CSI been used directly or indirectly in operations involving Tecnoparco Valbasento S.P.A.? 2)Are these funds being managed in accordance with the aims and rules of the ERDF as set out in Regulation (EC) No1083/2006? 3)Is the management of the funding being monitored, bearing in mind the unconcluded criminal proceedings against the company controlled by the CSI, a recipient of ERDF assistance?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"The appeals made by a number of European airlines about the transfer of air traffic from Linate to Malpensa could imply that there is a prejudice against the Lombard airport despite the fact that it forms part of the 14 priority projects, that it will soon be opened and that its situation in Europe makes it of strategic importance in North/South routes also in the light of the recent agreement between Alitalia and KLM. Given that so far there have been no additional delays in completing the infrastructures for the new airport, does the Commission not think that: 1. the problems raised by some European airlines could constructively be resolved by gradually transferring air traffic from Linate to Malpensa without prejudice to the fact that Malpensa should soon become a real European hub, as determined by the European Council in Essen? 2. the transfer of air traffic from Linate to Malpensa will be beneficial for all European airlines since Linate is at saturation point and no longer able to satisfy demand? 3. a number of statements about Alitalia's monopoly on the Linate-Fiumicino route are completely unjustified since, as from 25October 1998, Alitalia will operate 492 flights a week between Rome and Milan and 4 other companies will be able to offer a good 672? 4. any move it makes substantially to change the position it has so far maintained as regards the transfer of air traffic from Linate to Malpensa with the exception of the Milan-Rome route would come rather late and thus be detrimental to free competition between airlines?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [10]. </s>
The appeals made by a number of European airlines about the transfer of air traffic from Linate to Malpensa could imply that there is a prejudice against the Lombard airport despite the fact that it forms part of the 14 priority projects, that it will soon be opened and that its situation in Europe makes it of strategic importance in North/South routes also in the light of the recent agreement between Alitalia and KLM. Given that so far there have been no additional delays in completing the infrastructures for the new airport, does the Commission not think that: 1. the problems raised by some European airlines could constructively be resolved by gradually transferring air traffic from Linate to Malpensa without prejudice to the fact that Malpensa should soon become a real European hub, as determined by the European Council in Essen? 2. the transfer of air traffic from Linate to Malpensa will be beneficial for all European airlines since Linate is at saturation point and no longer able to satisfy demand? 3. a number of statements about Alitalia's monopoly on the Linate-Fiumicino route are completely unjustified since, as from 25October 1998, Alitalia will operate 492 flights a week between Rome and Milan and 4 other companies will be able to offer a good 672? 4. any move it makes substantially to change the position it has so far maintained as regards the transfer of air traffic from Linate to Malpensa with the exception of the Milan-Rome route would come rather late and thus be detrimental to free competition between airlines?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"In the light of recent money laundering scandals, the correct implementation of, and compliance with, the anti-money laundering (AML) directives is of crucial importance. For both banks and businesses, compliance requires hiring a significant number of AML compliance officers, but Dutch banks, for example, are struggling to find such qualified officers in sufficient numbers. Moreover, the high cost involved, in combination with the current low interest rate environment, puts significant additional pressure on the banks’ profitability and thereby their capacity to lend money to the economy.1.Does the Commission have any estimates of the compliance cost of these AML requirements and the possible negative impact on banks’ profitability?2.The Commission published its white paper on Artificial Intelligence (AI) on 19 February 2020. AI could potentially make AML compliance more cost-efficient. How could AI facilitate the exchange of data and information between governments, banks and the appropriate competent authorities, and what possibilities could it offer for the linkage of IT systems?3.Will the Commission take the possibilities of AI into consideration in its upcoming Anti-Money Laundering Action Plan?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [12]. </s>
Law and Crime
In the light of recent money laundering scandals, the correct implementation of, and compliance with, the anti-money laundering (AML) directives is of crucial importance. For both banks and businesses, compliance requires hiring a significant number of AML compliance officers, but Dutch banks, for example, are struggling to find such qualified officers in sufficient numbers. Moreover, the high cost involved, in combination with the current low interest rate environment, puts significant additional pressure on the banks’ profitability and thereby their capacity to lend money to the economy.1.Does the Commission have any estimates of the compliance cost of these AML requirements and the possible negative impact on banks’ profitability?2.The Commission published its white paper on Artificial Intelligence (AI) on 19 February 2020. AI could potentially make AML compliance more cost-efficient. How could AI facilitate the exchange of data and information between governments, banks and the appropriate competent authorities, and what possibilities could it offer for the linkage of IT systems?3.Will the Commission take the possibilities of AI into consideration in its upcoming Anti-Money Laundering Action Plan?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"According to data contained in the recent OECD youth employment report, it appears that 26.09% of all young people in Italy aged under 30 are not in employment, education or training. In fact, Italy is ranked fourth in the so-called ‘NEET’ classification in OECD countries. Considering that the number of young people in this category has risen by 7% compared with the start of the crisis, how does the Commission intend to intervene to change this trend and structure more effective policies for the inclusion of young people?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [5]. </s>
Labour, employment and pensions
According to data contained in the recent OECD youth employment report, it appears that 26.09% of all young people in Italy aged under 30 are not in employment, education or training. In fact, Italy is ranked fourth in the so-called ‘NEET’ classification in OECD countries. Considering that the number of young people in this category has risen by 7% compared with the start of the crisis, how does the Commission intend to intervene to change this trend and structure more effective policies for the inclusion of young people?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Is the Commission aware that the Convention on the Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention) requires the """"""""Party of origin"""""""" - in this case the project sponsors of K2/R4 - to provide the same opportunities for public participation in the environmental impact assessment process to the public of potentially affected States as it provides to its own citizens? Is the Commission aware that the Environmental Procedures of the potential co-funder of the two nuclear power plants K2/R4 with the Commission, the EBRD, require compliance within the Espoo Convention? Does the Commission agree that the project sponsors, including the Commission, have done little to facilitate meaningful participation of NGOs and the public at international level? If it agrees with the foregoing, is the Commission prepared to guarantee that the Euratom loan will be approved only if the Espoo Convention is implemented in full, namely: - requests from individuals, citizens' groups and local and regional governments for notification of the public participation process are properly respected, - appeals to the project sponsors for public discussions in potentially affected states are met in full, - that the Commission appoints an independent auditor to review and monitor the public participation process, - that the Commission guarantees that no final decision will be taken on Union funding for K2/R4 until the Commission has received the opinion of Parliament on the appropriateness of EU funding for the project?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [8]. </s>
Is the Commission aware that the Convention on the Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (Espoo Convention) requires the """"""""Party of origin"""""""" - in this case the project sponsors of K2/R4 - to provide the same opportunities for public participation in the environmental impact assessment process to the public of potentially affected States as it provides to its own citizens? Is the Commission aware that the Environmental Procedures of the potential co-funder of the two nuclear power plants K2/R4 with the Commission, the EBRD, require compliance within the Espoo Convention? Does the Commission agree that the project sponsors, including the Commission, have done little to facilitate meaningful participation of NGOs and the public at international level? If it agrees with the foregoing, is the Commission prepared to guarantee that the Euratom loan will be approved only if the Espoo Convention is implemented in full, namely: - requests from individuals, citizens' groups and local and regional governments for notification of the public participation process are properly respected, - appeals to the project sponsors for public discussions in potentially affected states are met in full, - that the Commission appoints an independent auditor to review and monitor the public participation process, - that the Commission guarantees that no final decision will be taken on Union funding for K2/R4 until the Commission has received the opinion of Parliament on the appropriateness of EU funding for the project?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"In the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025, the Commission indicated that it will launch an EU-wide information campaign on combating gender stereotypes in all spheres of life. The campaign will be conducted in cooperation with the Member States and will adopt an intersectional approach, with a particular focus on involving young people. However, the strategy does not specify a deadline for achieving this goal.1.What is the Commission’s schedule for the campaign, and what is the current state of its implementation?2.What is the campaign budget, and what are its qualitative and quantitative goals?3.How does the Commission intend to ensure the consistency of the campaign throughout the EU and the relevance of the message to the specific situation of each of the Member States?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [2]. </s>
Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties
In the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025, the Commission indicated that it will launch an EU-wide information campaign on combating gender stereotypes in all spheres of life. The campaign will be conducted in cooperation with the Member States and will adopt an intersectional approach, with a particular focus on involving young people. However, the strategy does not specify a deadline for achieving this goal.1.What is the Commission’s schedule for the campaign, and what is the current state of its implementation?2.What is the campaign budget, and what are its qualitative and quantitative goals?3.How does the Commission intend to ensure the consistency of the campaign throughout the EU and the relevance of the message to the specific situation of each of the Member States?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Independent reports being received on the real situation as regards avian influenza in Turkey are extremely alarming, and are made all the more so by the Turkish Government's failure to provide clear and adequate information on the number and nature of the cases recorded. The Turkish authorities have clearly failed to react swiftly enough to the spread of the H5N1virus and, to date, to take sufficiently effective measures. Is the Council not planning to take appropriate steps to determine the real situation, not least with a view to protecting the health of European citizens and Europe's large poultry sector, given that the likely spread of the virus to Ankara could cause extremely serious damage to both?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [4]. </s>
Agriculture and Fisheries
Independent reports being received on the real situation as regards avian influenza in Turkey are extremely alarming, and are made all the more so by the Turkish Government's failure to provide clear and adequate information on the number and nature of the cases recorded. The Turkish authorities have clearly failed to react swiftly enough to the spread of the H5N1virus and, to date, to take sufficiently effective measures. Is the Council not planning to take appropriate steps to determine the real situation, not least with a view to protecting the health of European citizens and Europe's large poultry sector, given that the likely spread of the virus to Ankara could cause extremely serious damage to both?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"In the State of Utah (USA) thousands of people volunteered to take part in a firing squad after a prisoner who had been condemned to death asked to be executed by this method. What instruments exist to ensure that such a situation cannot occur in one of the Member States of the European Union?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [2]. </s>
Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties
In the State of Utah (USA) thousands of people volunteered to take part in a firing squad after a prisoner who had been condemned to death asked to be executed by this method. What instruments exist to ensure that such a situation cannot occur in one of the Member States of the European Union?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"On 22 October 2020 the Constitutional Tribunal in Poland, consisting of unlawfully appointed judges, ruled that abortion in cases of foetal defects is unconstitutional. This politically motivated decision is yet another attack on the rule of law in Poland. The ruling amounts to a near total ban on abortion, as 97.6 % of legal terminations carried out in Poland in 2019 were due to foetal defects.Therefore:1.What actions will the Commission take with regard to Poland’s lack of implementation of the European Court of Human Rights judgments on abortion (violations of Articles 3 and 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, and of R.R. v. Poland (2011)) that constitutes a violation of the rule of law?2.Taking into account the opinion of the UN Committee against Torture, which states that denying access to safe and legal abortion is a form of torture(1), what measures will the Commission take to prevent further breaches of reproductive rights in Poland?3.How does the Commission intend to react to Poland’s actions, which have a profound impact on women and their health, taking into account the commitments expressed in the EU Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 to achieve a gender-equal Europe? (1)Concluding observations on the seventh periodic report of Poland, 2019." Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [2]. </s>
Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties
On 22 October 2020 the Constitutional Tribunal in Poland, consisting of unlawfully appointed judges, ruled that abortion in cases of foetal defects is unconstitutional. This politically motivated decision is yet another attack on the rule of law in Poland. The ruling amounts to a near total ban on abortion, as 97.6 % of legal terminations carried out in Poland in 2019 were due to foetal defects.Therefore:1.What actions will the Commission take with regard to Poland’s lack of implementation of the European Court of Human Rights judgments on abortion (violations of Articles 3 and 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, and of R.R. v. Poland (2011)) that constitutes a violation of the rule of law?2.Taking into account the opinion of the UN Committee against Torture, which states that denying access to safe and legal abortion is a form of torture(1), what measures will the Commission take to prevent further breaches of reproductive rights in Poland?3.How does the Commission intend to react to Poland’s actions, which have a profound impact on women and their health, taking into account the commitments expressed in the EU Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 to achieve a gender-equal Europe? (1)Concluding observations on the seventh periodic report of Poland, 2019.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"In its report on the communication from the Commission on a long-term policy for China-Europe relations (McMillan-Scott report, A4-0198/97), Parliament ‘calls on the Commission to open investigations into forced labour and prison labour in China, pursuant to Articles 9, 10 and 11 of Council regulations on the Generalized System of Preferences, No 3281/94 (1) and 1256/96 (2)'. Has the Commission opened these investigations? If so, when does it expect to be able to forward its conclusions to the Council? Does it intend to inform Parliament of the investigations? If so, when and how? If the Commission has not yet opened the investigations, when does it intend to do so? In conducting the investigations, does the Commission intend to make use of the experience of specialized organizations, such as the Laogai Research Foundation? (1)OJ L 348, 31.12.1994, p. 1. (2)OJ L 160, 29.6.1996, p. 1." Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [19]. </s>
International affairs and foreign aid
In its report on the communication from the Commission on a long-term policy for China-Europe relations (McMillan-Scott report, A4-0198/97), Parliament ‘calls on the Commission to open investigations into forced labour and prison labour in China, pursuant to Articles 9, 10 and 11 of Council regulations on the Generalized System of Preferences, No 3281/94 (1) and 1256/96 (2)'. Has the Commission opened these investigations? If so, when does it expect to be able to forward its conclusions to the Council? Does it intend to inform Parliament of the investigations? If so, when and how? If the Commission has not yet opened the investigations, when does it intend to do so? In conducting the investigations, does the Commission intend to make use of the experience of specialized organizations, such as the Laogai Research Foundation? (1)OJ L 348, 31.12.1994, p. 1. (2)OJ L 160, 29.6.1996, p. 1.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"The United Kingdom Advertising Standards Authority has recently ruled that airlines and travel agents must advertise the true cost to the traveller of all flights, including airport and other taxes, seasonal premiums and all extraneous costs. Is the Commission aware of the situation in other Member States, and would it consider proposing a directive generalizing what will, from 1January1998, be the practice in Britain?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [10]. </s>
The United Kingdom Advertising Standards Authority has recently ruled that airlines and travel agents must advertise the true cost to the traveller of all flights, including airport and other taxes, seasonal premiums and all extraneous costs. Is the Commission aware of the situation in other Member States, and would it consider proposing a directive generalizing what will, from 1January1998, be the practice in Britain?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"The Community support framework for grants from the EU Structural Funds to Ireland for the period 1994-1999 was set at ECU 5,62 billion. Some of this money is used to attract international high-technology firms to the country in the form of ten-year tax breaks or direct financial aid to firms that employ local people. The Industrial Development Agency says that the government gives several thousand ecus for every new job created in Ireland. Does the Commission not consider that competition is being distorted by the fact that Ireland can give foreign firms opening up there a subsidy of several thousand ecus for every job they create? Does it intend to change the special rules which enable some countries to levy corporation tax on foreign firms in particular sectors at between 0% and 10%? Will it explain how the form of direct subsidies referred to above is consistent with the principles governing the Structural Funds? Will it also state to what extent Ireland uses EU resources in order to provide direct operating subsidies to firms?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [15]. </s>
Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues
The Community support framework for grants from the EU Structural Funds to Ireland for the period 1994-1999 was set at ECU 5,62 billion. Some of this money is used to attract international high-technology firms to the country in the form of ten-year tax breaks or direct financial aid to firms that employ local people. The Industrial Development Agency says that the government gives several thousand ecus for every new job created in Ireland. Does the Commission not consider that competition is being distorted by the fact that Ireland can give foreign firms opening up there a subsidy of several thousand ecus for every job they create? Does it intend to change the special rules which enable some countries to levy corporation tax on foreign firms in particular sectors at between 0% and 10%? Will it explain how the form of direct subsidies referred to above is consistent with the principles governing the Structural Funds? Will it also state to what extent Ireland uses EU resources in order to provide direct operating subsidies to firms?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"The O Burgo estuary in A Coruña (Galicia, Spain) still carries a level of pollution that exceeds the limits set by Community environmental legislation and affects marine biodiversity. This is the result of uncontrolled discharges by various industries that have been going on for more than half a century, and also of the inadequate treatment network for solid urban waste and waste water from the surrounding area. The wastewater treatment centre that would serve the area along the estuary has not yet been built. The most recent discharges were recorded at the start of January 2009. Various environmental groups, political organisations and fishermen's and shellfish harvesters' associations in the area have repeatedly protested at the existence of more than 80pipes that discharge waste directly into the estuary, which is rich in marine resources. This is having a significant effect, particularly on shellfish-growing, and the high level of pollution is leading to high levels of toxicity with economic consequences for those who make their living from the sea, stemming from this lack of control. The Commission has already been notified of this serious situation through various channels. Does it believe that the pollution levels found in this Galician estuary, which are in breach of Community legislation on water quality, will be reduced so that compliance is guaranteed? Has the Commission received any information from the competent Spanish authorities regarding the plans envisaged in order to comply with the obligation to guarantee Community quality standards and reduce the current pollution? Will the Commission open infringement proceedings against Spain for failure to comply with applicable Community legislation? Is it aware that the Spanish Government has a budget heading for the implementation of a plan to reduce pollution that would have prevented the emergence of new sources of pollution and ensured greater environmental controls in the area affected and the rehabilitation of this Galician estuary, a plan which should have been implemented in previous years and has still not been set in motion?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [7]. </s>
The O Burgo estuary in A Coruña (Galicia, Spain) still carries a level of pollution that exceeds the limits set by Community environmental legislation and affects marine biodiversity. This is the result of uncontrolled discharges by various industries that have been going on for more than half a century, and also of the inadequate treatment network for solid urban waste and waste water from the surrounding area. The wastewater treatment centre that would serve the area along the estuary has not yet been built. The most recent discharges were recorded at the start of January 2009. Various environmental groups, political organisations and fishermen's and shellfish harvesters' associations in the area have repeatedly protested at the existence of more than 80pipes that discharge waste directly into the estuary, which is rich in marine resources. This is having a significant effect, particularly on shellfish-growing, and the high level of pollution is leading to high levels of toxicity with economic consequences for those who make their living from the sea, stemming from this lack of control. The Commission has already been notified of this serious situation through various channels. Does it believe that the pollution levels found in this Galician estuary, which are in breach of Community legislation on water quality, will be reduced so that compliance is guaranteed? Has the Commission received any information from the competent Spanish authorities regarding the plans envisaged in order to comply with the obligation to guarantee Community quality standards and reduce the current pollution? Will the Commission open infringement proceedings against Spain for failure to comply with applicable Community legislation? Is it aware that the Spanish Government has a budget heading for the implementation of a plan to reduce pollution that would have prevented the emergence of new sources of pollution and ensured greater environmental controls in the area affected and the rehabilitation of this Galician estuary, a plan which should have been implemented in previous years and has still not been set in motion?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Because the ceilings on imports of tomatoes from Morocco have been exceeded, the provisions of the Association Agreement with the Kingdom of Morocco have been applied requiring import certificates to be provided. According to reports in the press, the management committee for the fruit and vegetables sector is to meet on 20January 2000 to discuss a proposal to abolish the requirement for import certificates for Moroccan tomatoes. According to media reports, the Commission has agreed to end the requirement for import certificates on condition that Morocco undertakes to comply with the quotas laid down in the Association Agreement. Does the Commission believe that promises need to be secured concerning compliance with the provisions of international agreements? Does it believe that a promise to this effect is worth more and offers greater guarantees than the actual signature of the Association Agreement by Morocco's representatives? In the absence of import certificates and bearing in mind the overrun of the quotas that has so far occurred, what measures will the Commission take to control tomato imports from Morocco and ensure compliance with the Association Agreement?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [4]. </s>
Agriculture and Fisheries
Because the ceilings on imports of tomatoes from Morocco have been exceeded, the provisions of the Association Agreement with the Kingdom of Morocco have been applied requiring import certificates to be provided. According to reports in the press, the management committee for the fruit and vegetables sector is to meet on 20January 2000 to discuss a proposal to abolish the requirement for import certificates for Moroccan tomatoes. According to media reports, the Commission has agreed to end the requirement for import certificates on condition that Morocco undertakes to comply with the quotas laid down in the Association Agreement. Does the Commission believe that promises need to be secured concerning compliance with the provisions of international agreements? Does it believe that a promise to this effect is worth more and offers greater guarantees than the actual signature of the Association Agreement by Morocco's representatives? In the absence of import certificates and bearing in mind the overrun of the quotas that has so far occurred, what measures will the Commission take to control tomato imports from Morocco and ensure compliance with the Association Agreement?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"According to the most recent EU data(1), the pandemic has caused an economy-wide shock, and the culture and creative sectors (CCS) have been among the most negatively affected. There has been an up to 98 % turnover loss for the performing arts in some countries, and a 76 % decline in music audiences. Fewer than 2 % of European cinemas were open between the lockdowns, and nearly all museums have been closed.By an overwhelming majority (598 in favour) MEPs adopted a resolution on the cultural recovery of Europe(2), speaking out as the voice of the European people, and calling for, among other things, at least 2 % of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) to be dedicated the CCS.The CCS account for 3.7 % of employment in the EU, and around 4 % of its GDP, so should therefore be accordingly funded through the RRF.During the evaluation process of the national plans submitted for the RRF, will the Commission support measures which in total dedicate at least 2 % of the RRF to the CCS, as repeatedly asked for and voted by Parliament?Supporters(3) (1)European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Directorate-General for Internal Policies, PE 652.242 – February 2021 (https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2021/652242/IPOL_STU(2021)652242_EN.pdf). (2)https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/RC-9-2020-0246_EN.html (https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/RC-9-2020-0246_EN.html) (3)This question is supported by Members other than the authors: Giorgos Georgiou (The Left), Tomasz Frankowski (PPE), Elżbieta Kruk (ECR), Laurence Farreng (Renew), Petra Kammerevert (S&D), Christian Ehler (PPE), Salima Yenbou (Verts/ALE), Emmanuel Maurel (The Left), Tudor Ciuhodaru (S&D)" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [23]. </s>
Culture and media
According to the most recent EU data(1), the pandemic has caused an economy-wide shock, and the culture and creative sectors (CCS) have been among the most negatively affected. There has been an up to 98 % turnover loss for the performing arts in some countries, and a 76 % decline in music audiences. Fewer than 2 % of European cinemas were open between the lockdowns, and nearly all museums have been closed.By an overwhelming majority (598 in favour) MEPs adopted a resolution on the cultural recovery of Europe(2), speaking out as the voice of the European people, and calling for, among other things, at least 2 % of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) to be dedicated the CCS.The CCS account for 3.7 % of employment in the EU, and around 4 % of its GDP, so should therefore be accordingly funded through the RRF.During the evaluation process of the national plans submitted for the RRF, will the Commission support measures which in total dedicate at least 2 % of the RRF to the CCS, as repeatedly asked for and voted by Parliament?Supporters(3) (1)European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Directorate-General for Internal Policies, PE 652.242 – February 2021 (https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2021/652242/IPOL_STU(2021)652242_EN.pdf). (2)https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/RC-9-2020-0246_EN.html (https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/RC-9-2020-0246_EN.html) (3)This question is supported by Members other than the authors: Giorgos Georgiou (The Left), Tomasz Frankowski (PPE), Elżbieta Kruk (ECR), Laurence Farreng (Renew), Petra Kammerevert (S&D), Christian Ehler (PPE), Salima Yenbou (Verts/ALE), Emmanuel Maurel (The Left), Tudor Ciuhodaru (S&D)
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"1.Has the Council heard that, under US legislation, as from 1 July 2003 no financial assistance will be provided to the approximately 50 States which have ratified the Statute of the International Criminal Court in The Hague? 2.Is the Council aware that the future EU Member States Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Bulgaria are among the 35 States which have previously received US assistance but in future will only be able to receive it if they conclude an """"""""Article 98 agreement"""""""" promising never to extradite American citizens to the International Criminal Court in The Hague? 3.Does the Council regard this new step as an escalation of the United States' approach, which already featured the American Service Members Protection Act (dubbed by some the """"""""Hague Invasion Act"""""""") and the agreement signed with the future EU Member State Romania on 1 August 2002 on the exclusion of Americans? 4.Does the Council accept that, as a result of this escalation, the Criminal Court will not be able to operate properly and that those responsible for future war crimes comparable to those committed in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda will enjoy permanent immunity from prosecution in cases where no adequate national prosecution procedure is applied? 5.What will the Council do to prevent further pressure being brought to bear on EU Member States and future Member States to permanently cease their cooperation with the International Criminal Court, contrary to the common position adopted by the Council in 2001 and 2002? Source: De Volkskrant, 2 July 2003." Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [19]. </s>
International affairs and foreign aid
1.Has the Council heard that, under US legislation, as from 1 July 2003 no financial assistance will be provided to the approximately 50 States which have ratified the Statute of the International Criminal Court in The Hague? 2.Is the Council aware that the future EU Member States Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Bulgaria are among the 35 States which have previously received US assistance but in future will only be able to receive it if they conclude an """"""""Article 98 agreement"""""""" promising never to extradite American citizens to the International Criminal Court in The Hague? 3.Does the Council regard this new step as an escalation of the United States' approach, which already featured the American Service Members Protection Act (dubbed by some the """"""""Hague Invasion Act"""""""") and the agreement signed with the future EU Member State Romania on 1 August 2002 on the exclusion of Americans? 4.Does the Council accept that, as a result of this escalation, the Criminal Court will not be able to operate properly and that those responsible for future war crimes comparable to those committed in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda will enjoy permanent immunity from prosecution in cases where no adequate national prosecution procedure is applied? 5.What will the Council do to prevent further pressure being brought to bear on EU Member States and future Member States to permanently cease their cooperation with the International Criminal Court, contrary to the common position adopted by the Council in 2001 and 2002? Source: De Volkskrant, 2 July 2003.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Two nurses, one at the Hospital de Santo António and the other at the Hospital São João in Porto, have complained that they had to prove that they were breastfeeding their children, and were forced to express milk in the presence of occupational health doctors. Portuguese law requires women who are breastfeeding to submit a medical certificate every month after children reach one year of age. Before this time, they have the right to a maximum of two hours a day to breastfeed or bottle-feed their children, without the need for any written permission. Given this affront to the dignity of women, Iwould like to ask the Commission: 1. Is it aware of any similar practice in other Member States? 2. With regard to nursing mothers in the other 27Member States, how do they prove that they are breastfeeding and what rights do they enjoy?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [2]. </s>
Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties
Two nurses, one at the Hospital de Santo António and the other at the Hospital São João in Porto, have complained that they had to prove that they were breastfeeding their children, and were forced to express milk in the presence of occupational health doctors. Portuguese law requires women who are breastfeeding to submit a medical certificate every month after children reach one year of age. Before this time, they have the right to a maximum of two hours a day to breastfeed or bottle-feed their children, without the need for any written permission. Given this affront to the dignity of women, Iwould like to ask the Commission: 1. Is it aware of any similar practice in other Member States? 2. With regard to nursing mothers in the other 27Member States, how do they prove that they are breastfeeding and what rights do they enjoy?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Due to major macroeconomic imbalances between the economies of Eurozone Member States, which are facing chronic and unique conditions, including possible systematic risks (e.g.significant lack of liquidity in the economy, very high lending interest rates from the banking sector to small and medium-sized enterprises and individuals, significant lack of confidence in the deposit banking systemetc.), some Member States may seek to influence and/or regulate macroeconomic indexes at national level relating to the domestic banking system (such as minimum liquidity rates or the loan-to-deposit ratio) by taking measures that unavoidably have an indirect impact on interest rates. Is there a pre-exclusion framework, whereby competent national authorities, and in particular a Member State's national central bank, are completely forbidden to take to such measures and/or draw up policies? If not, under what conditions could a national authority, such as the affected Member State’s central bank, take such measures that nevertheless influence interest rates indirectly?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [1]. </s>
Due to major macroeconomic imbalances between the economies of Eurozone Member States, which are facing chronic and unique conditions, including possible systematic risks (e.g.significant lack of liquidity in the economy, very high lending interest rates from the banking sector to small and medium-sized enterprises and individuals, significant lack of confidence in the deposit banking systemetc.), some Member States may seek to influence and/or regulate macroeconomic indexes at national level relating to the domestic banking system (such as minimum liquidity rates or the loan-to-deposit ratio) by taking measures that unavoidably have an indirect impact on interest rates. Is there a pre-exclusion framework, whereby competent national authorities, and in particular a Member State's national central bank, are completely forbidden to take to such measures and/or draw up policies? If not, under what conditions could a national authority, such as the affected Member State’s central bank, take such measures that nevertheless influence interest rates indirectly?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Grape phylloxera(Phylloxera, Dactylasphaeravitifoliae or Viteus vitifolii) is avine pest which, in the previous century, caused huge devastation to European vineyards. How does the Commission assess the current threat to the European vine growing sector from phylloxera? What is the Commission's view of the preventive management measures taken by individual EU Member States to combat phylloxera? Does the Commission recommend the use of carbon disulphide to combat phylloxera? How effective, in the Commission's view, is the Bayer AG product Confidor against the leaf galling form of phylloxera?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [4]. </s>
Agriculture and Fisheries
Grape phylloxera(Phylloxera, Dactylasphaeravitifoliae or Viteus vitifolii) is avine pest which, in the previous century, caused huge devastation to European vineyards. How does the Commission assess the current threat to the European vine growing sector from phylloxera? What is the Commission's view of the preventive management measures taken by individual EU Member States to combat phylloxera? Does the Commission recommend the use of carbon disulphide to combat phylloxera? How effective, in the Commission's view, is the Bayer AG product Confidor against the leaf galling form of phylloxera?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Agri-environmental aid to traditional olive-growing areas is vital for maintaining an ecosystem which is important to the preservation of biodiversity (plant and animal life) and natural beauty in Portuguese regions experiencing serious economic and social decline, as well as a worsening rural exodus, as illustrated in the latest census figures (2001). Olive growing is still an important source of income and jobs. To a question about the criteria adopted in the national provisions governing agri-environmental measures to protect traditional olive-growing areas, the Portuguese Government answered that these had been decided by the European Commission. These criteria — in particular the use of the physiographic index (which, under national rules must be equal to 3, 4 or 5) — are having the effect of disqualifying much of the traditional olive-growing land, in the regions of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, in Beira Interior and Alentejo. The Commission: — Will it explain what were its reasons for taking the decision? — What measures does it intend to take to remedy this problem?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [4]. </s>
Agriculture and Fisheries
Agri-environmental aid to traditional olive-growing areas is vital for maintaining an ecosystem which is important to the preservation of biodiversity (plant and animal life) and natural beauty in Portuguese regions experiencing serious economic and social decline, as well as a worsening rural exodus, as illustrated in the latest census figures (2001). Olive growing is still an important source of income and jobs. To a question about the criteria adopted in the national provisions governing agri-environmental measures to protect traditional olive-growing areas, the Portuguese Government answered that these had been decided by the European Commission. These criteria — in particular the use of the physiographic index (which, under national rules must be equal to 3, 4 or 5) — are having the effect of disqualifying much of the traditional olive-growing land, in the regions of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, in Beira Interior and Alentejo. The Commission: — Will it explain what were its reasons for taking the decision? — What measures does it intend to take to remedy this problem?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"I should like to thank the Commission for its reply to my question P-3442/02(1) of 26 November 2002, which I have studied with particular interest. I note with satisfaction that """"""""since the beginning of the Accession Negotiations and at the different levels, there has been no restriction of the language regime to English or indeed to another official language of the Union and all official languages of the Union have been available for use"""""""". However, I am also forced to note that, at present, the provisional text of the Accession Treaty, comprising 70 files, is accessible to Members only in the English version. If all the languages have indeed been available for use, by what miracle is it only the English version which has now emerged? (1)OJ C 110 E, 8.5.2003, p. 213." Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [23]. </s>
Culture and media
I should like to thank the Commission for its reply to my question P-3442/02(1) of 26 November 2002, which I have studied with particular interest. I note with satisfaction that """"""""since the beginning of the Accession Negotiations and at the different levels, there has been no restriction of the language regime to English or indeed to another official language of the Union and all official languages of the Union have been available for use"""""""". However, I am also forced to note that, at present, the provisional text of the Accession Treaty, comprising 70 files, is accessible to Members only in the English version. If all the languages have indeed been available for use, by what miracle is it only the English version which has now emerged? (1)OJ C 110 E, 8.5.2003, p. 213.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"1.What are the annual fees for a standard patent (without extra translation) incurred by a patent applicant for the duration of a patent in the first year and in 3, 5, 10, 15 and 20years which is applied for in the applicant's own country and in the other 26Member States? 2.What are the comparable fees for a patent in the US market? 3.Does the Commission consider that the differences between the fees in individual Member States are appropriate, given the protective role of patents in the market of the Member State concerned, as compared with objectifiable yardsticks such as the number of inhabitants? 4.Does the Commission consider the differences in fees between the EU and the USA to be likely to ensure the competitiveness of the European domestic market in the long term? 5.What fee reductions are available in Member States and the USA to small and medium-sized innovators and universities? 6.Are there any studies showing how reductions in fees stimulate the activities of the innovators referred to in Question 5 or, conversely, how their absence prevents innovators from securing innovations for the European domestic market? 7.If it is established that the innovators referred to in Question 5 are in a worse position in the European Union than their counterparts in other regions of the world market such as the USA, does the Commission intend to implement any changes?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [15]. </s>
Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues
1.What are the annual fees for a standard patent (without extra translation) incurred by a patent applicant for the duration of a patent in the first year and in 3, 5, 10, 15 and 20years which is applied for in the applicant's own country and in the other 26Member States? 2.What are the comparable fees for a patent in the US market? 3.Does the Commission consider that the differences between the fees in individual Member States are appropriate, given the protective role of patents in the market of the Member State concerned, as compared with objectifiable yardsticks such as the number of inhabitants? 4.Does the Commission consider the differences in fees between the EU and the USA to be likely to ensure the competitiveness of the European domestic market in the long term? 5.What fee reductions are available in Member States and the USA to small and medium-sized innovators and universities? 6.Are there any studies showing how reductions in fees stimulate the activities of the innovators referred to in Question 5 or, conversely, how their absence prevents innovators from securing innovations for the European domestic market? 7.If it is established that the innovators referred to in Question 5 are in a worse position in the European Union than their counterparts in other regions of the world market such as the USA, does the Commission intend to implement any changes?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"It has been claimed that the establishment of transferable fishing concessions (individual transferable quotas) proposed in the draft common fisheries policy regulation will, over time, put small-scale fishing in the hands of large industrial fisheries and lead to ‘a monetisation of the sector.’ Can the Commission confirm the veracity of this claim?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [4]. </s>
Agriculture and Fisheries
It has been claimed that the establishment of transferable fishing concessions (individual transferable quotas) proposed in the draft common fisheries policy regulation will, over time, put small-scale fishing in the hands of large industrial fisheries and lead to ‘a monetisation of the sector.’ Can the Commission confirm the veracity of this claim?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"The European Investment Bank (EIB) has provided finance for the ‘Societé des Plantations de Mbanga (SPM)’ in Cameroon since 2008. There are reports from SPM employees that they are exposed to hazardous spray toxins with no form of protection and that, in general, they work under wretched conditions with unreasonably long hours and without access to basic safety equipment, such as appropriate footwear. Several workers have complained to SPM about the unreasonable and dangerous conditions but SPM has ignored the complaints. Will the Commission investigate on what grounds the EIB chose to provide finance for SPM in 2008? Will the Commission also investigate to what extent the EIB was aware of conditions at SPM, including whether the EIB may have financed SPM in full knowledge of workers' conditions at SPM?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [5]. </s>
Labour, employment and pensions
The European Investment Bank (EIB) has provided finance for the ‘Societé des Plantations de Mbanga (SPM)’ in Cameroon since 2008. There are reports from SPM employees that they are exposed to hazardous spray toxins with no form of protection and that, in general, they work under wretched conditions with unreasonably long hours and without access to basic safety equipment, such as appropriate footwear. Several workers have complained to SPM about the unreasonable and dangerous conditions but SPM has ignored the complaints. Will the Commission investigate on what grounds the EIB chose to provide finance for SPM in 2008? Will the Commission also investigate to what extent the EIB was aware of conditions at SPM, including whether the EIB may have financed SPM in full knowledge of workers' conditions at SPM?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"After a prolonged period, the negotiations between the EU and Algeria aimed at concluding an association agreement have entered a new phase. A new round of contacts has been launched both at a technical level, by the Commission, and at a political level, by the Council. On 12May, a meeting at ministerial level was held by the Community """"""""troika"""""""" in Lisbon chaired by the President-in-Office of the Council, Mr Jaime Gama, in order to consider the state of Euro-Algerian relations. The meeting was preceded by a meeting at diplomatic level. The talks were meant to provide a new impetus to the political dialogue between the EU and Algeria, and keep up the pace of negotiations, culminating in the conclusion of an association agreement satisfactory to both parties. In view of the talks with the Algerian authorities over the past few weeks: - What are the Council's guidelines and priorities as regards the political dialogue and the negotiation of the Association Agreement with Algeria? - In the Council's opinion, what is the most realistic timetable for developing and achieving the EU-Algeria Association Agreement?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [19]. </s>
International affairs and foreign aid
After a prolonged period, the negotiations between the EU and Algeria aimed at concluding an association agreement have entered a new phase. A new round of contacts has been launched both at a technical level, by the Commission, and at a political level, by the Council. On 12May, a meeting at ministerial level was held by the Community """"""""troika"""""""" in Lisbon chaired by the President-in-Office of the Council, Mr Jaime Gama, in order to consider the state of Euro-Algerian relations. The meeting was preceded by a meeting at diplomatic level. The talks were meant to provide a new impetus to the political dialogue between the EU and Algeria, and keep up the pace of negotiations, culminating in the conclusion of an association agreement satisfactory to both parties. In view of the talks with the Algerian authorities over the past few weeks: - What are the Council's guidelines and priorities as regards the political dialogue and the negotiation of the Association Agreement with Algeria? - In the Council's opinion, what is the most realistic timetable for developing and achieving the EU-Algeria Association Agreement?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"InOctober of this year an international conference convened by the World Tourism Organisation on sustainable tourism in small, developing island states and on other islands was held in Lanzarote. Speakers at the conference warned of the potential environmental problems associated with the increasing interest amongst tourists in small islands whose capacity to cope with visitors is limited, and the consequent danger of their becoming overcrowded with tourists. Many of the hundreds of small islands which belong to EU Member States have built up a large tourist industry which, whilst offsetting the decline in traditional sectors of the economy, has also created serious difficulties, including excessive and chaotic urbanisation, waste production and other environmental problems. Is the Commission aware of the problems peculiar to these island regions, caused by the growth of the tourist industry? Does it intend to look into, or experiment with, measures designed to introduce into these fragile areas sustainable development strategies capable of combining the conservation of their natural resources with a sensitive form of tourism which values such conservation?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [7]. </s>
InOctober of this year an international conference convened by the World Tourism Organisation on sustainable tourism in small, developing island states and on other islands was held in Lanzarote. Speakers at the conference warned of the potential environmental problems associated with the increasing interest amongst tourists in small islands whose capacity to cope with visitors is limited, and the consequent danger of their becoming overcrowded with tourists. Many of the hundreds of small islands which belong to EU Member States have built up a large tourist industry which, whilst offsetting the decline in traditional sectors of the economy, has also created serious difficulties, including excessive and chaotic urbanisation, waste production and other environmental problems. Is the Commission aware of the problems peculiar to these island regions, caused by the growth of the tourist industry? Does it intend to look into, or experiment with, measures designed to introduce into these fragile areas sustainable development strategies capable of combining the conservation of their natural resources with a sensitive form of tourism which values such conservation?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"On 12September2019, Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs held a discussion on the TFTP Agreement where the Director for Security in the Commission’s Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs declared that there is ‘bulk data transfer from the service provider to the United States’. Which specific Articles and paragraphs of the TFTP Agreement constitute the legal basis for these bulk data transfers?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [2]. </s>
Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties
On 12September2019, Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs held a discussion on the TFTP Agreement where the Director for Security in the Commission’s Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs declared that there is ‘bulk data transfer from the service provider to the United States’. Which specific Articles and paragraphs of the TFTP Agreement constitute the legal basis for these bulk data transfers?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"In 2011, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) launched a Geriatric Medicines Strategy. This is one of the means which the EMA has its disposal for taking account of the specific needs and characteristics of older people in the development and assessment of new medicines. The strategy is particularly concerned with: — ensuring that the medicines used by older people are of high quality and are tested on the older population before being authorised; — improving the availability of information for older people on the use of medicines. A Geriatric Expert Group was set up in 2012 to provide advice and support for the strategy, as part of the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP). Can the Commission provide information about: 1. the situation with regard to the implementation of this strategy and the extent to which it has been applied to newly registered medicines? 2. the specific number of requests for advice from the CHMP to the Geriatric Expert Group? 3. whether there has been any improvement in participation by older people in clinical trials of new medicines?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [3]. </s>
In 2011, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) launched a Geriatric Medicines Strategy. This is one of the means which the EMA has its disposal for taking account of the specific needs and characteristics of older people in the development and assessment of new medicines. The strategy is particularly concerned with: — ensuring that the medicines used by older people are of high quality and are tested on the older population before being authorised; — improving the availability of information for older people on the use of medicines. A Geriatric Expert Group was set up in 2012 to provide advice and support for the strategy, as part of the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP). Can the Commission provide information about: 1. the situation with regard to the implementation of this strategy and the extent to which it has been applied to newly registered medicines? 2. the specific number of requests for advice from the CHMP to the Geriatric Expert Group? 3. whether there has been any improvement in participation by older people in clinical trials of new medicines?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"The World Health Organization has just published a worrying and unprecedented report on the rise in the incidence of tuberculosis. This specifies a number of developing countries plus Latvia, Estonia and the Russian Federation as """"""""hot spots"""""""" where tuberculosis is resistant to antibiotics and treatment is described as """"""""therapeutic anarchy"""""""". Clearly this has implications for several aspects of EU policy and practice in the context of its public health competence as established in Article 129 of the Treaty on European Union. Will the Commission therefore set out urgently its approach to tacking tuberculosis with particular reference to assistance for health programmes in states receiving PHARE?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [3]. </s>
The World Health Organization has just published a worrying and unprecedented report on the rise in the incidence of tuberculosis. This specifies a number of developing countries plus Latvia, Estonia and the Russian Federation as """"""""hot spots"""""""" where tuberculosis is resistant to antibiotics and treatment is described as """"""""therapeutic anarchy"""""""". Clearly this has implications for several aspects of EU policy and practice in the context of its public health competence as established in Article 129 of the Treaty on European Union. Will the Commission therefore set out urgently its approach to tacking tuberculosis with particular reference to assistance for health programmes in states receiving PHARE?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"1.Is the Commission aware of the report ‘Turkey is thinking of refusing to admit Wilders’(1)? 2.Does the Commission agree that if Turkey were to refuse to admit Geert Wilders — a democratically elected Member of the Netherlands Parliament — to its territory and/or to its centre of government in Ankara, this would be unacceptable? If not, why not? 3.Will the Commission immediately halt the accession negotiations, inter alia bearing in mind Turkey's unacceptable attitude? If not, why not? (1)http://www.telegraaf.nl/binnenland/5402606/_Turkije_denkt_aan_weigeren_Wilders_.html?p=15,1" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [19]. </s>
International affairs and foreign aid
1.Is the Commission aware of the report ‘Turkey is thinking of refusing to admit Wilders’(1)? 2.Does the Commission agree that if Turkey were to refuse to admit Geert Wilders — a democratically elected Member of the Netherlands Parliament — to its territory and/or to its centre of government in Ankara, this would be unacceptable? If not, why not? 3.Will the Commission immediately halt the accession negotiations, inter alia bearing in mind Turkey's unacceptable attitude? If not, why not? (1)http://www.telegraaf.nl/binnenland/5402606/_Turkije_denkt_aan_weigeren_Wilders_.html?p=15,1
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"The area of Iskrovete-Govedartsi-Maljovitsa on the Rila mountain is part of the proposed Natura2000 sites Rila and the Rila Buffer. It includes well-preserved natural habitats of acidophilus spruce forests, forests of endemic Balkan pine and priority phytocenoses of dwarf pine. This compact complex of old-growth forests constitutes the only wildlife migration corridor between the Rila mountain and the Verila — Vitosha — Plana mountain range. It is extremely vital for the brown bear and the grey wolf, which are listed as priority species in AnnexII of the Habitats Directive92/43/EEC(1), as well as for the endemic Balkan chamois listed in AnnexIV of the Habitats Directive. The forest corridor also links the isolated populations of numerous rare bird species listed in AnnexI of the Birds Directive79/409/EEC(2) — tetrao urogallus, bonasa bonasia, picoides tridactylus, aegolius funereus, glaucidium passerinum. Despite its great ecological significance the area lost its legislative protection due to speculative economic interests. It was the ski industry that persuaded the Bulgarian Government to remove the Rila Buffer from the Natura2000 sites list. Thereby, the local ski resort project ‘Iskrovete-Govedartsi-Maljovitsa’ was freed from the strict ecological requirements of the Birds and Habitats Directives. The investor in the future ski resort is the company LMImpeks, owned by the businessman Hristo Kovachki. The planned ski runs are about 150km, and enlargement of the hotels is planned. In total contravention of both Bulgarian and international laws and directives, the local authorities in the Municipality of Samokov gave the company the green light to build this massive new ski resort. 1.Does the Commission realise that this ski resort project will result in catastrophe for Europe’s famous natural heritage located in the area of Iskrovete-Govedartsi-Maljovitsa on the Rila mountain? 2.How will the Commission ensure the fulfilment of Bulgaria’s obligations with respect to Directive92/43/EEC, and more particularly will the Commission undertake infringement proceedings against Bulgaria as soon as possible? (1)OJL206, 22.7.1992, p.7. (2)OJL103, 25.4.1979, p.1." Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [7]. </s>
The area of Iskrovete-Govedartsi-Maljovitsa on the Rila mountain is part of the proposed Natura2000 sites Rila and the Rila Buffer. It includes well-preserved natural habitats of acidophilus spruce forests, forests of endemic Balkan pine and priority phytocenoses of dwarf pine. This compact complex of old-growth forests constitutes the only wildlife migration corridor between the Rila mountain and the Verila — Vitosha — Plana mountain range. It is extremely vital for the brown bear and the grey wolf, which are listed as priority species in AnnexII of the Habitats Directive92/43/EEC(1), as well as for the endemic Balkan chamois listed in AnnexIV of the Habitats Directive. The forest corridor also links the isolated populations of numerous rare bird species listed in AnnexI of the Birds Directive79/409/EEC(2) — tetrao urogallus, bonasa bonasia, picoides tridactylus, aegolius funereus, glaucidium passerinum. Despite its great ecological significance the area lost its legislative protection due to speculative economic interests. It was the ski industry that persuaded the Bulgarian Government to remove the Rila Buffer from the Natura2000 sites list. Thereby, the local ski resort project ‘Iskrovete-Govedartsi-Maljovitsa’ was freed from the strict ecological requirements of the Birds and Habitats Directives. The investor in the future ski resort is the company LMImpeks, owned by the businessman Hristo Kovachki. The planned ski runs are about 150km, and enlargement of the hotels is planned. In total contravention of both Bulgarian and international laws and directives, the local authorities in the Municipality of Samokov gave the company the green light to build this massive new ski resort. 1.Does the Commission realise that this ski resort project will result in catastrophe for Europe’s famous natural heritage located in the area of Iskrovete-Govedartsi-Maljovitsa on the Rila mountain? 2.How will the Commission ensure the fulfilment of Bulgaria’s obligations with respect to Directive92/43/EEC, and more particularly will the Commission undertake infringement proceedings against Bulgaria as soon as possible? (1)OJL206, 22.7.1992, p.7. (2)OJL103, 25.4.1979, p.1.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"The provisions of Directive2006/123/EC, known as the ‘Services Directive’, are causing a number of problems, especially as far as the rules on authorisations are concerned. The transposition into the Member States' national law of Article12 of the Services Directive is creating disruption in important sectors of our economy, such as retail trade. In particular, the extension of the concept of ‘natural resource’ to mere public land is causing great concern for street traders. They occupy public land in our towns and cities for only a few hours a week, they are small family businesses providing a very useful service to European consumers, but, according to a certain interpretation of the Services Directive, they may obtain authorisations only if these are limited in time and not automatically renewable. This is creating huge difficulties for local authorities too, which will have to organise tender procedures to assign authorisations for street trade which, in large cities such as Turin, Genoa and Milan, provides work for thousands of families who are very worried about losing their jobs in what is clearly going to be a ‘war of the poor.’ Operators of bathing establishments and of small newspaper stands, and even bars and restaurants that occupy areas on public land have the same concerns and similar problems. Given that in the coming weeks an initiative will be submitted concerning concessions that might resolve the issues raised, can the Commission say: — whether it is aware of this problem and intends to do anything about it; — whether it thinks it might be useful to introduce threshold values below which local authorities would be exempted from carrying out tender procedures in order to grant authorisations; — whether it would not be better, in order to get to the root of these problems, to eliminate the prohibitions laid down in Article12(2) of the Services Directive and make it lawful for the Member States to confer advantages on the provider whose authorisation has just expired and to promote the automatic renewal of authorisations?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [15]. </s>
Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues
The provisions of Directive2006/123/EC, known as the ‘Services Directive’, are causing a number of problems, especially as far as the rules on authorisations are concerned. The transposition into the Member States' national law of Article12 of the Services Directive is creating disruption in important sectors of our economy, such as retail trade. In particular, the extension of the concept of ‘natural resource’ to mere public land is causing great concern for street traders. They occupy public land in our towns and cities for only a few hours a week, they are small family businesses providing a very useful service to European consumers, but, according to a certain interpretation of the Services Directive, they may obtain authorisations only if these are limited in time and not automatically renewable. This is creating huge difficulties for local authorities too, which will have to organise tender procedures to assign authorisations for street trade which, in large cities such as Turin, Genoa and Milan, provides work for thousands of families who are very worried about losing their jobs in what is clearly going to be a ‘war of the poor.’ Operators of bathing establishments and of small newspaper stands, and even bars and restaurants that occupy areas on public land have the same concerns and similar problems. Given that in the coming weeks an initiative will be submitted concerning concessions that might resolve the issues raised, can the Commission say: — whether it is aware of this problem and intends to do anything about it; — whether it thinks it might be useful to introduce threshold values below which local authorities would be exempted from carrying out tender procedures in order to grant authorisations; — whether it would not be better, in order to get to the root of these problems, to eliminate the prohibitions laid down in Article12(2) of the Services Directive and make it lawful for the Member States to confer advantages on the provider whose authorisation has just expired and to promote the automatic renewal of authorisations?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Ever since the Catalan independence referendum there has been a worrying increase in ultranationalist violence against Catalan citizens in favour of self-determination, which has often gone under-reported and unpunished. Between 8September and 11December2017, 139 violent incidents, including 86 assaults, were officially recorded(1). These attacks have continued occurring on a regular basis in 2018, the latest being a homophobic and political assault this week against a couple who were wearing yellow ribbons in support of Catalan political prisoners(2). This violence has occurred after a rise in hate speech against Catalans perpetrated by the authorities — such as members of the Civil Guard singing ‘go get them [the Catalans]’(3) –, several media outlets that regularly attack Catalan independentists(4), and individuals inciting hatred through social media. The Spanish state has failed to take concrete action against either the rise of ultranationalist violence or the increase in hate speech that promotes it. Is the Commission aware of an increase in violence and hate speech in Spain? Given the Commission’s commitment to fight hate speech online(5), will it demand that Spain take a harder stance on hate speech against Catalans? (1)https://www.media.cat/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Anuari2016-2017_webok.pdf (2)https://www.ara.cat/politica/Dos-denuncien-agressio-agafats-portar_0_1976202550.html (3)https://www.elnacional.cat/es/politica/video-guardia-civil-a-por-ellos_199542_102.html (4)https://www.media.cat/2017/06/15/catalanofobia-boc-expiatori (5)http://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/just/item-detail.cfm?item_id=612086" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [2]. </s>
Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties
Ever since the Catalan independence referendum there has been a worrying increase in ultranationalist violence against Catalan citizens in favour of self-determination, which has often gone under-reported and unpunished. Between 8September and 11December2017, 139 violent incidents, including 86 assaults, were officially recorded(1). These attacks have continued occurring on a regular basis in 2018, the latest being a homophobic and political assault this week against a couple who were wearing yellow ribbons in support of Catalan political prisoners(2). This violence has occurred after a rise in hate speech against Catalans perpetrated by the authorities — such as members of the Civil Guard singing ‘go get them [the Catalans]’(3) –, several media outlets that regularly attack Catalan independentists(4), and individuals inciting hatred through social media. The Spanish state has failed to take concrete action against either the rise of ultranationalist violence or the increase in hate speech that promotes it. Is the Commission aware of an increase in violence and hate speech in Spain? Given the Commission’s commitment to fight hate speech online(5), will it demand that Spain take a harder stance on hate speech against Catalans? (1)https://www.media.cat/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Anuari2016-2017_webok.pdf (2)https://www.ara.cat/politica/Dos-denuncien-agressio-agafats-portar_0_1976202550.html (3)https://www.elnacional.cat/es/politica/video-guardia-civil-a-por-ellos_199542_102.html (4)https://www.media.cat/2017/06/15/catalanofobia-boc-expiatori (5)http://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/just/item-detail.cfm?item_id=612086
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"1.How can the statement made by the European Commission on 24 September 2002 about a relaxation of the rules governing the reduction of budget deficits be reconciled with another statement it made on the same day that there will be no tampering with the Stability Pact, and is the European Commission aware that, in taking that position, it was acting against the spirit of the Stability Pact and, consequently, inflicting serious damage on consumer confidence, which is already low? 2.Can the European Commission clarify how it will explain to Irish citizens why their country received a warning earlier this year, while Germany, a """"""""big"""""""" Member State, did not and why now, for the second time within a period of a few months, some """"""""big"""""""" Member States — France and Italy — will not have to comply with their obligations under the Stability Pact, and can the European Commission confirm that a twin-track policy is being pursued within the euro area, with the """"""""big"""""""" Member States being able to ignore agreements but not the """"""""little"""""""" Member States? 3.How can the European Commission's current position be reconciled with the press release dated 14 May 2002 issued by Commissioner Solbes, in which he """"""""urged the Member States … to make a last effort to reach a close to balance by 2004. … Stability should become the acquis for the euro area and Europe. … The process of budgetary consolidations needs to resume as soon as possible. Otherwise we will be forever in a transition period and would be impossible to milk the full benefits of our economic policy"""""""". (sic)" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [1]. </s>
1.How can the statement made by the European Commission on 24 September 2002 about a relaxation of the rules governing the reduction of budget deficits be reconciled with another statement it made on the same day that there will be no tampering with the Stability Pact, and is the European Commission aware that, in taking that position, it was acting against the spirit of the Stability Pact and, consequently, inflicting serious damage on consumer confidence, which is already low? 2.Can the European Commission clarify how it will explain to Irish citizens why their country received a warning earlier this year, while Germany, a """"""""big"""""""" Member State, did not and why now, for the second time within a period of a few months, some """"""""big"""""""" Member States — France and Italy — will not have to comply with their obligations under the Stability Pact, and can the European Commission confirm that a twin-track policy is being pursued within the euro area, with the """"""""big"""""""" Member States being able to ignore agreements but not the """"""""little"""""""" Member States? 3.How can the European Commission's current position be reconciled with the press release dated 14 May 2002 issued by Commissioner Solbes, in which he """"""""urged the Member States … to make a last effort to reach a close to balance by 2004. … Stability should become the acquis for the euro area and Europe. … The process of budgetary consolidations needs to resume as soon as possible. Otherwise we will be forever in a transition period and would be impossible to milk the full benefits of our economic policy"""""""". (sic)
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"1. Given the circumstances described in my questions concerning the invalidity of a civil aviation pilot's licence if use is made of it in another Member State or after revision of the rules governing Air Transport Pilot Licences, what is the EU doing to ensure that qualifications obtained in one Member State are recognised with a view to being able to engage in the same occupation in another? 2. Given the circumstances referred to in question 1, what is the EU doing to ensure that, where rules are subsequently amended, there is no discrimination between EU citizens whatever, e.g. because replacement documents are issued later or different documents are issued, on the basis of Member State of nationality, Member State of residence, Member State of education or Member State of employment? 3. What possible avenues are open at present to individuals with qualifications regarded as insufficiently equivalent, and subsequently made subject to revised requirements, to continue to be licensed, or regain their licence, to engage in their previous occupation? 4. What is being done to prevent individuals concerned from only being able to secure their right to equality by bringing legal actions, which, typically, are protracted and costly with an uncertain outcome? 5. If the avenues referred to in question 3 do not yet exist to a sufficient extent, what changes ought to take place in the opinion of the Commission? Is it taking the necessary initiatives to that end?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [10]. </s>
1. Given the circumstances described in my questions concerning the invalidity of a civil aviation pilot's licence if use is made of it in another Member State or after revision of the rules governing Air Transport Pilot Licences, what is the EU doing to ensure that qualifications obtained in one Member State are recognised with a view to being able to engage in the same occupation in another? 2. Given the circumstances referred to in question 1, what is the EU doing to ensure that, where rules are subsequently amended, there is no discrimination between EU citizens whatever, e.g. because replacement documents are issued later or different documents are issued, on the basis of Member State of nationality, Member State of residence, Member State of education or Member State of employment? 3. What possible avenues are open at present to individuals with qualifications regarded as insufficiently equivalent, and subsequently made subject to revised requirements, to continue to be licensed, or regain their licence, to engage in their previous occupation? 4. What is being done to prevent individuals concerned from only being able to secure their right to equality by bringing legal actions, which, typically, are protracted and costly with an uncertain outcome? 5. If the avenues referred to in question 3 do not yet exist to a sufficient extent, what changes ought to take place in the opinion of the Commission? Is it taking the necessary initiatives to that end?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"In Ireland, as in most European countries, the tourist guide qualification is subject to obligations and gives the holder the right to exercise the profession of tourist guide for reasons of public interest and to protect cultural and natural heritage. Tourist guides have no legal protection.Four CJEU decisions on guiding services in the EU defend the need for regulation of a service that is in the public interest as it helps to protect the cultural heritage of a Member State.The collaborative economy must be regulated by the EU, in all Member States, in order to ensure a level playing field, equal terms and conditions, and fair competition in the tourism market between regulated tourist guides and illegally operating tour organisers.Does the Commission intend to introduce a pan-European regulation guaranteeing equal treatment and rights for tourist guides and imposing obligations on tour operators to ensure proportionality in the collaborative tourism sector?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [15]. </s>
Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues
In Ireland, as in most European countries, the tourist guide qualification is subject to obligations and gives the holder the right to exercise the profession of tourist guide for reasons of public interest and to protect cultural and natural heritage. Tourist guides have no legal protection.Four CJEU decisions on guiding services in the EU defend the need for regulation of a service that is in the public interest as it helps to protect the cultural heritage of a Member State.The collaborative economy must be regulated by the EU, in all Member States, in order to ensure a level playing field, equal terms and conditions, and fair competition in the tourism market between regulated tourist guides and illegally operating tour organisers.Does the Commission intend to introduce a pan-European regulation guaranteeing equal treatment and rights for tourist guides and imposing obligations on tour operators to ensure proportionality in the collaborative tourism sector?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"On 17October 2019 the Director-General of the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), formerly the Austrian Foreign Minister, signed a memorandum of understanding with the EU’s EUBAM Libya mission. On 21November 2019, a cooperation agreement ‘to pave the way for long-term, fruitful cooperation’ was signed with the Libyan Government. The ICMPD carries out numerous projects for the European Union in North Africa, including projects to deter and prevent irregular migration. 1.What projects is the ICMPD currently carrying out for or with the European Union in Libya and Tunisia, and what other projects are planned?2.Who are these projects carried out by? Who are they directed at? What funds are spent on them?3.In which projects in North Africa are facilities being created whereby asylum applications from people from Africa seeking protection can be examined before they reach the European Union? With which governments has the Commission held negotiations on this matter so far?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [9]. </s>
On 17October 2019 the Director-General of the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), formerly the Austrian Foreign Minister, signed a memorandum of understanding with the EU’s EUBAM Libya mission. On 21November 2019, a cooperation agreement ‘to pave the way for long-term, fruitful cooperation’ was signed with the Libyan Government. The ICMPD carries out numerous projects for the European Union in North Africa, including projects to deter and prevent irregular migration. 1.What projects is the ICMPD currently carrying out for or with the European Union in Libya and Tunisia, and what other projects are planned?2.Who are these projects carried out by? Who are they directed at? What funds are spent on them?3.In which projects in North Africa are facilities being created whereby asylum applications from people from Africa seeking protection can be examined before they reach the European Union? With which governments has the Commission held negotiations on this matter so far?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"In March 1999, the Hospitalers of the Teutonic Order (DOH) International and the Commission signed an initial contract for a framework agreement worth EUR 2,95 million to finance an aid programme in several countries in Asia. This was reported in issue number 4/1999 of """"""""DO aktuell"""""""", the magazine of the Order's German branch (Brüderprovinz). Since November 2000, the Teutonic Order, a public body, (headquarters: Weyarn-Upper Bavaria), has been experiencing financial difficulties. 1.What were the content and the aim of the above agreement? 2.What terms and conditions had to be met to obtain EU funds? 3.How much money has been paid out? 4.What information is available about the experiences and the results of DOH's development work? 5.Is there any documentation showing how the money has been spent? If so, what kind? 6.Have further agreements been concluded between the Commission and DOH? If so, which? 7.Is the present cooperation with DOH continuing or has it already ended?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [19]. </s>
International affairs and foreign aid
In March 1999, the Hospitalers of the Teutonic Order (DOH) International and the Commission signed an initial contract for a framework agreement worth EUR 2,95 million to finance an aid programme in several countries in Asia. This was reported in issue number 4/1999 of """"""""DO aktuell"""""""", the magazine of the Order's German branch (Brüderprovinz). Since November 2000, the Teutonic Order, a public body, (headquarters: Weyarn-Upper Bavaria), has been experiencing financial difficulties. 1.What were the content and the aim of the above agreement? 2.What terms and conditions had to be met to obtain EU funds? 3.How much money has been paid out? 4.What information is available about the experiences and the results of DOH's development work? 5.Is there any documentation showing how the money has been spent? If so, what kind? 6.Have further agreements been concluded between the Commission and DOH? If so, which? 7.Is the present cooperation with DOH continuing or has it already ended?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"In its reply of 21April 1998 to written questions E-0503/98, E-0505/98, E-0507/98, E-0509/98 and E-0511/98(1), the Commission states that it continues to take the view that it is not desirable to allow oceanic driftnet fishing to continue because of alleged ecological and socio-economic risks. As regards the ecological aspect, what reliable scientific basis does the Commission have for calling for a general ban on the use of driftnets? To enable North Atlantic long-finned tuna stocks to be fished optimally, why does not the Commission adopt more widely the system of Special Fishing Permits introduced in France, which makes it possible to limit and adapt to the state of fish stocks the number of vessels using driftnets? As regards the socio-economic aspect, does not the Commission agree that a general ban on the use of driftnets would result in significant job losses and render fishing zones using the technique more vulnerable (particularly the Island of Yeu)? As to the acceptability of Community fisheries management measures, does not the Commission consider that a decision taken without a reliable scientific study is liable to be rejected by fishermen and by the fishing industry more generally, and to damage the credibility of the Common Fisheries Policy? Apart from driftnets, does the Commission intend similarly to call into question the legitimacy of other fishing gear without any sound scientific basis? (1)OJ C 386, 11.12.1998." Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [4]. </s>
Agriculture and Fisheries
In its reply of 21April 1998 to written questions E-0503/98, E-0505/98, E-0507/98, E-0509/98 and E-0511/98(1), the Commission states that it continues to take the view that it is not desirable to allow oceanic driftnet fishing to continue because of alleged ecological and socio-economic risks. As regards the ecological aspect, what reliable scientific basis does the Commission have for calling for a general ban on the use of driftnets? To enable North Atlantic long-finned tuna stocks to be fished optimally, why does not the Commission adopt more widely the system of Special Fishing Permits introduced in France, which makes it possible to limit and adapt to the state of fish stocks the number of vessels using driftnets? As regards the socio-economic aspect, does not the Commission agree that a general ban on the use of driftnets would result in significant job losses and render fishing zones using the technique more vulnerable (particularly the Island of Yeu)? As to the acceptability of Community fisheries management measures, does not the Commission consider that a decision taken without a reliable scientific study is liable to be rejected by fishermen and by the fishing industry more generally, and to damage the credibility of the Common Fisheries Policy? Apart from driftnets, does the Commission intend similarly to call into question the legitimacy of other fishing gear without any sound scientific basis? (1)OJ C 386, 11.12.1998.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Given the recent Indian Government offer of talks with Pakistan over the disputed region of Kashmir, what initiatives will the European Union be taking to ensure that this opportunity is fully realised?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [19]. </s>
International affairs and foreign aid
Given the recent Indian Government offer of talks with Pakistan over the disputed region of Kashmir, what initiatives will the European Union be taking to ensure that this opportunity is fully realised?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"According to initial data from an investigation carried out by the General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE), the number of jobs lost during the past 18months owing to the closure or relocation of firms and SME's amounts to around 100000. This information naturally gives rise to questions in relation to the report recently published by the Greek national statistical service on unemployment trends in Greece in the second quarter of 2005. The figures published by the office for statistics show that the unemployment rate now stands at 9.6%, having dropped from 10.4% in the first quarter of 2005 and 10.2% in spring 2004. It should also be borne in mind that there was a drastic fall in public spending in the first year after the Olympic Games, that the pace of economic development in Greece is expected to be much slower this year than in previous years, and that the International Monetary Fund report on the world economic outlook forecasts that the unemployment rate in Greece will stand at 10.5% in 2005 and 2006. Is the Commission aware of the actual rate of unemployment in Greece in the second quarter of 2005? How can it explain that unemployment is falling when the number of bankruptcies and relocations among small and medium-sized firms is rising? Does the Commission take the view that this fall results from the implementation of structural reforms, or is it due to conjunctural measures (such as the ‘tricks’ used to conceal unemployment, as claimed in the Greek press)?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [1]. </s>
According to initial data from an investigation carried out by the General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE), the number of jobs lost during the past 18months owing to the closure or relocation of firms and SME's amounts to around 100000. This information naturally gives rise to questions in relation to the report recently published by the Greek national statistical service on unemployment trends in Greece in the second quarter of 2005. The figures published by the office for statistics show that the unemployment rate now stands at 9.6%, having dropped from 10.4% in the first quarter of 2005 and 10.2% in spring 2004. It should also be borne in mind that there was a drastic fall in public spending in the first year after the Olympic Games, that the pace of economic development in Greece is expected to be much slower this year than in previous years, and that the International Monetary Fund report on the world economic outlook forecasts that the unemployment rate in Greece will stand at 10.5% in 2005 and 2006. Is the Commission aware of the actual rate of unemployment in Greece in the second quarter of 2005? How can it explain that unemployment is falling when the number of bankruptcies and relocations among small and medium-sized firms is rising? Does the Commission take the view that this fall results from the implementation of structural reforms, or is it due to conjunctural measures (such as the ‘tricks’ used to conceal unemployment, as claimed in the Greek press)?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Mohamed Lamin Haddi, a Saharawi political prisoner in Morocco, is on hunger strike. Detained since 2010, he was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment in a trial deemed to have contravened procedural rules for failing to establish evidence of a crime.Mohamed Lamin Haddi has reportedly been in solitary confinement in a cell measuring 5 m2 since 2017. He has no access to basic sanitary facilities or medical care and is not properly fed. The poor sanitary conditions in prison are heightened by COVID-19. According to his lawyer, the transfer request filed with the Public Prosecutor of the Kingdom of Morocco remains unanswered.In the light of the above:Has the Commission taken any steps to find out about the state of Mohamed Lamin Haddi’s health?How does it reconcile the EU’s association agreement with the Kingdom of Morocco – which provides for a suspension in the event of human rights violations – with the fact that the rights of the Saharawi people are continually violated and cases like the above persist?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [19]. </s>
International affairs and foreign aid
Mohamed Lamin Haddi, a Saharawi political prisoner in Morocco, is on hunger strike. Detained since 2010, he was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment in a trial deemed to have contravened procedural rules for failing to establish evidence of a crime.Mohamed Lamin Haddi has reportedly been in solitary confinement in a cell measuring 5 m2 since 2017. He has no access to basic sanitary facilities or medical care and is not properly fed. The poor sanitary conditions in prison are heightened by COVID-19. According to his lawyer, the transfer request filed with the Public Prosecutor of the Kingdom of Morocco remains unanswered.In the light of the above:Has the Commission taken any steps to find out about the state of Mohamed Lamin Haddi’s health?How does it reconcile the EU’s association agreement with the Kingdom of Morocco – which provides for a suspension in the event of human rights violations – with the fact that the rights of the Saharawi people are continually violated and cases like the above persist?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"According to recent figures, the economic and social indicators for northern Greece are continuing to worsen, with the main problem being the increase in poverty and unemployment. The closure or transfer of factories is seen as the main reason for this unfavourable trend. In particular, the Employment Centre in Thessaloniki has recorded a further increase of 0.5% in unemployment in recent months following the lay-off of more than 3000 workers during the last quarter, with unemployment in the region now standing at 18%. Thessaloniki is not the only region of northern Greece facing this problem. Mention could also be made of Naousa, where unemployment stands at 50% (the prefecture of Imathia is 45th out of52 in terms of declared income per taxpayer), Drama (where unemployment is close to 20% and per capita GDP is estimated to be 50% of the European average), Kastoria, Florina, and so on. As things stand, the situation of social and economic insecurity is close to breaking point. Is the Commission aware of this problem and has the Greek Government informed it of the measures it intends to take, not only to combat unemployment directly and effectively, but also to implement the requirements of the Lisbon Strategy?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [1]. </s>
According to recent figures, the economic and social indicators for northern Greece are continuing to worsen, with the main problem being the increase in poverty and unemployment. The closure or transfer of factories is seen as the main reason for this unfavourable trend. In particular, the Employment Centre in Thessaloniki has recorded a further increase of 0.5% in unemployment in recent months following the lay-off of more than 3000 workers during the last quarter, with unemployment in the region now standing at 18%. Thessaloniki is not the only region of northern Greece facing this problem. Mention could also be made of Naousa, where unemployment stands at 50% (the prefecture of Imathia is 45th out of52 in terms of declared income per taxpayer), Drama (where unemployment is close to 20% and per capita GDP is estimated to be 50% of the European average), Kastoria, Florina, and so on. As things stand, the situation of social and economic insecurity is close to breaking point. Is the Commission aware of this problem and has the Greek Government informed it of the measures it intends to take, not only to combat unemployment directly and effectively, but also to implement the requirements of the Lisbon Strategy?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"On 24 April 1997, the European Parliament passed a report on strengthening the business impact assessment system (A4-0413/96). During the April II part-session (1997), Commissioner Papoutsis commented: ‘I agree with the general idea of the report and with the European Parliament's resolution ... I would like to assure you of my determination to support a strengthening of the business impact assessment system.' (PE 222.596). In May 1997, OECD ministers endorsed the recommendations in the OECD Report on Regulatory Reform. These included that governments integrate Regulatory Impace Assessment (RIA) into the development, review and reform of regulations. It also identified ten elements of """"""""best practice"""""""" in this area: maximize political commitment to RIA; allocate responsibilities for IRA programme elements carefully; train regulators; use a consistent but flexible analytical method; develop and implement data collection strategies; target RIA efforts; integrate RIA into the policy-making process, starting as early as possible; communicate the results; involve the public extensively; apply RIA to existing and new regulation. Has the Commission taken account of the OECD best practice recommendations in its own on-going review; and what is the Commission's assessment of its own performance in each of the ten areas identified?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [1]. </s>
On 24 April 1997, the European Parliament passed a report on strengthening the business impact assessment system (A4-0413/96). During the April II part-session (1997), Commissioner Papoutsis commented: ‘I agree with the general idea of the report and with the European Parliament's resolution ... I would like to assure you of my determination to support a strengthening of the business impact assessment system.' (PE 222.596). In May 1997, OECD ministers endorsed the recommendations in the OECD Report on Regulatory Reform. These included that governments integrate Regulatory Impace Assessment (RIA) into the development, review and reform of regulations. It also identified ten elements of """"""""best practice"""""""" in this area: maximize political commitment to RIA; allocate responsibilities for IRA programme elements carefully; train regulators; use a consistent but flexible analytical method; develop and implement data collection strategies; target RIA efforts; integrate RIA into the policy-making process, starting as early as possible; communicate the results; involve the public extensively; apply RIA to existing and new regulation. Has the Commission taken account of the OECD best practice recommendations in its own on-going review; and what is the Commission's assessment of its own performance in each of the ten areas identified?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Is the Commission aware of the problems that have recently occurred in the Dominican Republic, especially concerning the way in which the government is treating the opposition? Has it already reacted to this situation? If so, how? If not, is the Commission prepared to find out about the situation in the Dominican Republic and to take any steps that may be necessary?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [19]. </s>
International affairs and foreign aid
Is the Commission aware of the problems that have recently occurred in the Dominican Republic, especially concerning the way in which the government is treating the opposition? Has it already reacted to this situation? If so, how? If not, is the Commission prepared to find out about the situation in the Dominican Republic and to take any steps that may be necessary?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"At the European Parliament's public hearing on the new ports directive on 14June 2005, MrLamoureux (DG TREN) stated that the European Commission had certainly had an impact assessment study carried out in relation to the directive in question. This study was eight years old, and documentation was available. On 15June 2005 the Commission published a communication (IP/05/733) announcing its intention to strengthen the rules on impact assessments. Paragraph 7 mentions a requirement to consult with stakeholders in order to acquire a full picture of potential impacts. Can the Commission confirm that an impact assessment study has in fact been carried out in relation to the ports directive and that the study is in fact eight years old? — If no impact assessment study has been produced, does the Commission still intend to have one carried out? — If this impact assessment study is available, does the Commission agree that it is out of the question that an eight-year-old study could be used for a current legislative dossier? — If the Commission still decides to use this old impact assessment study as a basis for its legislation, could it indicate whether this study demonstrates that there is an absolute necessity for a ports directive? During the public hearing it emerged that, for a variety of reasons, many stakeholders — including workers' representatives — did not regard the new proposal for a ports directive as practicable. Has the Commission — as proposed in paragraph7 of its communication (IP/05/733) — consulted with all stakeholders, and especially with workers' representatives? What arguments are being put forward by the Commission to defend a proposal that does not at all have the approval of port workers?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [10]. </s>
At the European Parliament's public hearing on the new ports directive on 14June 2005, MrLamoureux (DG TREN) stated that the European Commission had certainly had an impact assessment study carried out in relation to the directive in question. This study was eight years old, and documentation was available. On 15June 2005 the Commission published a communication (IP/05/733) announcing its intention to strengthen the rules on impact assessments. Paragraph 7 mentions a requirement to consult with stakeholders in order to acquire a full picture of potential impacts. Can the Commission confirm that an impact assessment study has in fact been carried out in relation to the ports directive and that the study is in fact eight years old? — If no impact assessment study has been produced, does the Commission still intend to have one carried out? — If this impact assessment study is available, does the Commission agree that it is out of the question that an eight-year-old study could be used for a current legislative dossier? — If the Commission still decides to use this old impact assessment study as a basis for its legislation, could it indicate whether this study demonstrates that there is an absolute necessity for a ports directive? During the public hearing it emerged that, for a variety of reasons, many stakeholders — including workers' representatives — did not regard the new proposal for a ports directive as practicable. Has the Commission — as proposed in paragraph7 of its communication (IP/05/733) — consulted with all stakeholders, and especially with workers' representatives? What arguments are being put forward by the Commission to defend a proposal that does not at all have the approval of port workers?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"1.Is the Commission aware that deep-frozen meat imported into the EU is thawed and sold as fresh, as was the case with the rabbit meat imported into the Netherlands from China at the beginning of 2002 and sold in supermarkets around Christmas 2002 which then proved to have decayed? 2.Is the Dutch Food Inspection Service right to say that it is quite common to import deep-frozen meat and sell it as fresh without informing buyers of the fact? 3.Is the Commission aware that the same is true of meat from wild animals which hunters shoot throughout the year and which is then sold as fresh during the holiday period at the end of the year after having been frozen for a long period? 4.Can the Commission confirm that this procedure particularly causes problems if the buyer refreezes the thawed meat at home with the intention of eating it later, which causes a rapid deterioration in its quality? 5.Are there EU Member States where it is now compulsory to indicate on packaging that meat has already been frozen? If so, which? 6.Will the Commission take measures to ensure that a requirement exists throughout the EU for vendors of packaged meat to distinguish clearly between meat which has already been stored in a deep-freeze and meat from freshly slaughtered animals, and to warn buyers against refreezing meat which has already been frozen? Source: """"""""Rotterdams Dagblad"""""""", 28 December 2002." Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [4]. </s>
Agriculture and Fisheries
1.Is the Commission aware that deep-frozen meat imported into the EU is thawed and sold as fresh, as was the case with the rabbit meat imported into the Netherlands from China at the beginning of 2002 and sold in supermarkets around Christmas 2002 which then proved to have decayed? 2.Is the Dutch Food Inspection Service right to say that it is quite common to import deep-frozen meat and sell it as fresh without informing buyers of the fact? 3.Is the Commission aware that the same is true of meat from wild animals which hunters shoot throughout the year and which is then sold as fresh during the holiday period at the end of the year after having been frozen for a long period? 4.Can the Commission confirm that this procedure particularly causes problems if the buyer refreezes the thawed meat at home with the intention of eating it later, which causes a rapid deterioration in its quality? 5.Are there EU Member States where it is now compulsory to indicate on packaging that meat has already been frozen? If so, which? 6.Will the Commission take measures to ensure that a requirement exists throughout the EU for vendors of packaged meat to distinguish clearly between meat which has already been stored in a deep-freeze and meat from freshly slaughtered animals, and to warn buyers against refreezing meat which has already been frozen? Source: """"""""Rotterdams Dagblad"""""""", 28 December 2002.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"In its answer to my Question E‑0415/07, the Commission said that it did not know exactly what I meant by ‘working meeting’. This is a most surprising affirmation, for I was convinced that the Commission did know what a ‘working meeting’ is. May I make it clear to the Commission that as I see it a working meeting is a meeting at which one works. Concerning the reference period which the Commission further asked me for, Ibelieve it is for the Commission to define it, be it the term of office of the present Commission, or the last five years, or any period that permits the drawing of conclusions regarding the distribution of ‘working meetings’ among the Member States. In case I was not explicit enough in my earlier question (E‑0415/07), Inow add that what I meant was, obviously, meetings taking place outside the Commission's usual places of work. At all events, Iam grateful for the information provided concerning meetings in Brussels. The ‘meetings organised by the Commission’ to which I referred are those organised by the Commission itself, not those in which it is invited to take part. Ibelieve that it is the Commission that decides where the meetings it organises are to be held; however, should that not be the case I would appreciate clarification of the legal basis under which the Commission confers that power on some other body. I hope that all the necessary elements are now in place to permit an answer to Question E‑0415/07, with regard to both the quantitative aspects and to the equitable treatment of the Member States and the objective criteria underlying the Commission's decisions." Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [20]. </s>
Governance and government
In its answer to my Question E‑0415/07, the Commission said that it did not know exactly what I meant by ‘working meeting’. This is a most surprising affirmation, for I was convinced that the Commission did know what a ‘working meeting’ is. May I make it clear to the Commission that as I see it a working meeting is a meeting at which one works. Concerning the reference period which the Commission further asked me for, Ibelieve it is for the Commission to define it, be it the term of office of the present Commission, or the last five years, or any period that permits the drawing of conclusions regarding the distribution of ‘working meetings’ among the Member States. In case I was not explicit enough in my earlier question (E‑0415/07), Inow add that what I meant was, obviously, meetings taking place outside the Commission's usual places of work. At all events, Iam grateful for the information provided concerning meetings in Brussels. The ‘meetings organised by the Commission’ to which I referred are those organised by the Commission itself, not those in which it is invited to take part. Ibelieve that it is the Commission that decides where the meetings it organises are to be held; however, should that not be the case I would appreciate clarification of the legal basis under which the Commission confers that power on some other body. I hope that all the necessary elements are now in place to permit an answer to Question E‑0415/07, with regard to both the quantitative aspects and to the equitable treatment of the Member States and the objective criteria underlying the Commission's decisions.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Following the air accidents in Indonesia and Ethiopia, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has grounded, as a precautionary measure, all Boeing 737-8 Max and 737-9 Max aircraft. According to press reports, Ryanair, Europe’s largest low-cost airline, has decided to rename its new Boeing 737 Maxes to avoid any negative reaction from passengers. While we understand the commercial reasons for this, we wish to ask the Commission the following questions: 1. In the interests of passenger safety, how does the EASA intend to check that Ryanair does not operate its Boeing 737-8 Max and 737-9 Max aircraft without first making the necessary design alterations sanctioned by the relevant authorities? 2. In order to ensure that passengers are properly informed, should they be made aware that, despite the change of name, they are still flying on a Boeing 737-8 Max or 737-9 Max? 3. How can we check that crews of Boeing 737-8 Max and 737-9 Max aircraft have been properly trained in respect of the alterations made before the models can be brought back into service?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [10]. </s>
Following the air accidents in Indonesia and Ethiopia, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has grounded, as a precautionary measure, all Boeing 737-8 Max and 737-9 Max aircraft. According to press reports, Ryanair, Europe’s largest low-cost airline, has decided to rename its new Boeing 737 Maxes to avoid any negative reaction from passengers. While we understand the commercial reasons for this, we wish to ask the Commission the following questions: 1. In the interests of passenger safety, how does the EASA intend to check that Ryanair does not operate its Boeing 737-8 Max and 737-9 Max aircraft without first making the necessary design alterations sanctioned by the relevant authorities? 2. In order to ensure that passengers are properly informed, should they be made aware that, despite the change of name, they are still flying on a Boeing 737-8 Max or 737-9 Max? 3. How can we check that crews of Boeing 737-8 Max and 737-9 Max aircraft have been properly trained in respect of the alterations made before the models can be brought back into service?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"What methods did the Commission employ to ensure that the gender dimension and the need to provide sporting opportunities for disabled people and ethnic minorities were not overlooked when establishing the list of 175 projects under the Eurathlon programme? What percentage of the 175 projects are specifically aimed at women, disabled people and ethnic minorities?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [2]. </s>
Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties
What methods did the Commission employ to ensure that the gender dimension and the need to provide sporting opportunities for disabled people and ethnic minorities were not overlooked when establishing the list of 175 projects under the Eurathlon programme? What percentage of the 175 projects are specifically aimed at women, disabled people and ethnic minorities?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"What is the reason for the Commission’s haste in forwarding a further letter of formal notice to Greece on the matter of the nominalisation of media company shares, given that one piece of legislation (Law3310/2005) has already been withdrawn and the existing legal framework (Laws2328/1995 and 1746/1998) has already been amended by the new bill, already forwarded for the attention of the Commission which, has yet to deliver any comment on it?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [17]. </s>
Space, science, technology, and communications issues
What is the reason for the Commission’s haste in forwarding a further letter of formal notice to Greece on the matter of the nominalisation of media company shares, given that one piece of legislation (Law3310/2005) has already been withdrawn and the existing legal framework (Laws2328/1995 and 1746/1998) has already been amended by the new bill, already forwarded for the attention of the Commission which, has yet to deliver any comment on it?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Article 10(1) of the EC television Directive (Dir 89/0552/EEC(1) as amended by Dir 97/0036/EC(2)) requires clear separation between advertising and programmes. This principle of separation between advertising and programmes has now been incorporated into German broadcasting law. Section 7(4) of the third German Inter-Länder Treaty on Broadcasting 1997, lays down the same principle. A new Inter-Länder Treaty on Broadcasting is currently being prepared. On 24June 1999 the German Land prime ministers approved the draft fourth amending Inter-Länder Treaty on Broadcasting; it now must be ratified in all 16 Land parliaments and is due to come into force on 1April 2000. A new Section 7(4) has been inserted which reads as follows: A transmitted image may include advertising, provided that the advertising is clearly optically separate from the rest of the programme and identified as such. Section 7(4) thus allows broadcasters to split a screen image into a programme and an advertising window at the same time. Much the same applies to what is termed virtual advertising, involving the technical capability to subsequently alter an image so that either complete advertising messages are inserted into the image or an existing advert is modified. The insertion of virtual advertising is to be allowed under the fourth amending Inter-Länder Treaty on Broadcasting, pursuant to Section 7(6), provided that reference is made to this at the start and end of the broadcast in question and an existing advert is to be replaced. Taking this into consideration: 1. In the Commission's view, is there an infringement of the principle of separation under Article 10 of the EC television Directive if advertising and programming are allowed at the same time and they are simply physically separate on screen? 2. In the Commission's view, is it compatible with the EC television Directive to allow virtual advertising? 3. Is the Commission acquainted with the expert opinions, which have led to a major change in legal interpretation, that a time-delay between advertising and programmes is not mandatory? 4. If so, what are the expert opinions in question? 5. How does the Commission assess the intended amendments in the fourth amending Inter-Länder Treaty on Broadcasting due to come into force in Germany on 1April 2000? (1)OJ L 298, 17.10.1989, p. 23. (2)OJ L 202, 30.7.1997, p. 60." Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [23]. </s>
Culture and media
Article 10(1) of the EC television Directive (Dir 89/0552/EEC(1) as amended by Dir 97/0036/EC(2)) requires clear separation between advertising and programmes. This principle of separation between advertising and programmes has now been incorporated into German broadcasting law. Section 7(4) of the third German Inter-Länder Treaty on Broadcasting 1997, lays down the same principle. A new Inter-Länder Treaty on Broadcasting is currently being prepared. On 24June 1999 the German Land prime ministers approved the draft fourth amending Inter-Länder Treaty on Broadcasting; it now must be ratified in all 16 Land parliaments and is due to come into force on 1April 2000. A new Section 7(4) has been inserted which reads as follows: A transmitted image may include advertising, provided that the advertising is clearly optically separate from the rest of the programme and identified as such. Section 7(4) thus allows broadcasters to split a screen image into a programme and an advertising window at the same time. Much the same applies to what is termed virtual advertising, involving the technical capability to subsequently alter an image so that either complete advertising messages are inserted into the image or an existing advert is modified. The insertion of virtual advertising is to be allowed under the fourth amending Inter-Länder Treaty on Broadcasting, pursuant to Section 7(6), provided that reference is made to this at the start and end of the broadcast in question and an existing advert is to be replaced. Taking this into consideration: 1. In the Commission's view, is there an infringement of the principle of separation under Article 10 of the EC television Directive if advertising and programming are allowed at the same time and they are simply physically separate on screen? 2. In the Commission's view, is it compatible with the EC television Directive to allow virtual advertising? 3. Is the Commission acquainted with the expert opinions, which have led to a major change in legal interpretation, that a time-delay between advertising and programmes is not mandatory? 4. If so, what are the expert opinions in question? 5. How does the Commission assess the intended amendments in the fourth amending Inter-Länder Treaty on Broadcasting due to come into force in Germany on 1April 2000? (1)OJ L 298, 17.10.1989, p. 23. (2)OJ L 202, 30.7.1997, p. 60.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Many international press outlets have recently been reporting the discovery of a new, potentially pandemic virus from China.This new virus is said to derive from the H1N1 influenza family, which in 2009 was responsible for the ‘swine flu’ pandemic.This mutation of the virus has been found in pigs, but also in 10 % of a sample of about 300 people working on farms. It is known that the virus can infect humans, too, though human-to-human infections have not yet been reported.Numerous experts – despite assurances received from the Chinese regime, which had already concealed the coronavirus for months – confirm that this virus has the potential to cause a new global pandemic and have asked government agencies to equip themselves to deal with it.In view of the above, can the Commission say:what kind of health and border controls it intends to put in place to limit a possible new global pandemic?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [3]. </s>
Many international press outlets have recently been reporting the discovery of a new, potentially pandemic virus from China.This new virus is said to derive from the H1N1 influenza family, which in 2009 was responsible for the ‘swine flu’ pandemic.This mutation of the virus has been found in pigs, but also in 10 % of a sample of about 300 people working on farms. It is known that the virus can infect humans, too, though human-to-human infections have not yet been reported.Numerous experts – despite assurances received from the Chinese regime, which had already concealed the coronavirus for months – confirm that this virus has the potential to cause a new global pandemic and have asked government agencies to equip themselves to deal with it.In view of the above, can the Commission say:what kind of health and border controls it intends to put in place to limit a possible new global pandemic?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"The Greek Minister of Health stated in a Sky breakfast TV show on 30August2013 that plans were underway to issue a ‘ticket’ of EUR25 for each patient wishing to be admitted and treated in Greek public hospitals; an exception would be made for some economically disadvantaged categories of citizen ‘and illegal immigrants who do not pay because there is no data relating to them.’ The minister went on to say that an agreement had already been reached ‘with theEU authorities’ so that they meet the extremely high cost of treating illegal immigrants in Greece, who number more than 2.5million. In view of the above, will the Commission state: What agreement between the ‘EU authorities’ and Greece is the Greek Minister of Health referring to and what amount of funding has been committed by theEU to enable Greece to cover the healthcare costs of illegal immigrants in Greek public hospitals?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [3]. </s>
The Greek Minister of Health stated in a Sky breakfast TV show on 30August2013 that plans were underway to issue a ‘ticket’ of EUR25 for each patient wishing to be admitted and treated in Greek public hospitals; an exception would be made for some economically disadvantaged categories of citizen ‘and illegal immigrants who do not pay because there is no data relating to them.’ The minister went on to say that an agreement had already been reached ‘with theEU authorities’ so that they meet the extremely high cost of treating illegal immigrants in Greece, who number more than 2.5million. In view of the above, will the Commission state: What agreement between the ‘EU authorities’ and Greece is the Greek Minister of Health referring to and what amount of funding has been committed by theEU to enable Greece to cover the healthcare costs of illegal immigrants in Greek public hospitals?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Some 80 Polish regions have now adopted the so-called LGBTI-free resolution. They declare, symbolically, that they are free of LGBTI ideology. These regions together make up about one third of Poland.Parliament strongly condemned these LGBTI-free zones in a resolution of December 2019. I am glad to see that the Commission has taken several actions since then.In July, six subsidy applications from Polish municipalities were rejected by the Commission for the first time. As the president of the Commission said in her State of the Union speech: ‘being yourself is not your ideology, it is your identity. So, I want to be crystal clear: LGBTQI-free zones are humanity-free zones, and they have no place in our Union’.It is crucial that we investigate whether these regions have misused funds in the past. On 15 September 2020 ILGA-Europe (the European region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association) reported that there were several complaints made by individuals regarding this issue.1.Did the Commission receive any complaints from individuals regarding the use of EU funding by these so-called LGBTI-free zones?2.If so, how does the Commission plan to follow these up?3.Will the Commission initiate an investigation into the use of EU funds in these regions?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [2]. </s>
Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties
Some 80 Polish regions have now adopted the so-called LGBTI-free resolution. They declare, symbolically, that they are free of LGBTI ideology. These regions together make up about one third of Poland.Parliament strongly condemned these LGBTI-free zones in a resolution of December 2019. I am glad to see that the Commission has taken several actions since then.In July, six subsidy applications from Polish municipalities were rejected by the Commission for the first time. As the president of the Commission said in her State of the Union speech: ‘being yourself is not your ideology, it is your identity. So, I want to be crystal clear: LGBTQI-free zones are humanity-free zones, and they have no place in our Union’.It is crucial that we investigate whether these regions have misused funds in the past. On 15 September 2020 ILGA-Europe (the European region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association) reported that there were several complaints made by individuals regarding this issue.1.Did the Commission receive any complaints from individuals regarding the use of EU funding by these so-called LGBTI-free zones?2.If so, how does the Commission plan to follow these up?3.Will the Commission initiate an investigation into the use of EU funds in these regions?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"According to allegations in the international press, genetically modified organisms are being used in the preparation of animal feed. Genetically modified products thus enter the food chain since the animals which have been fed with genetically modified organisms produce products (such as meat, eggs, milk, and other animal products) which humans also eat. Products which derive from animals fed with genetically modified organisms are not specifically labelled as such and, as a result, consumers are not adequately informed and are deprived of their right of choice. Can the Commission say whether it is mandatory to label products derived from animals which have been fed with genetically modified organisms as such? If not, what measures will the Commission take to make it mandatory and thereby protect consumers by informing them of the origin of the products they consume?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [4]. </s>
Agriculture and Fisheries
According to allegations in the international press, genetically modified organisms are being used in the preparation of animal feed. Genetically modified products thus enter the food chain since the animals which have been fed with genetically modified organisms produce products (such as meat, eggs, milk, and other animal products) which humans also eat. Products which derive from animals fed with genetically modified organisms are not specifically labelled as such and, as a result, consumers are not adequately informed and are deprived of their right of choice. Can the Commission say whether it is mandatory to label products derived from animals which have been fed with genetically modified organisms as such? If not, what measures will the Commission take to make it mandatory and thereby protect consumers by informing them of the origin of the products they consume?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"After being long banned, the Internet has developed quickly in Vietnam. In 1997, in the face of this new situation, the Vietnam authorities equipped themselves with a system to monitor all Internet connections. According to the """"""""Guide du Routard"""""""" (p. 137), the system was supplied to the Vietnamese authorities by the French authorities by way of a """"""""friendly gesture"""""""". Is the Council aware that the French authorities supplied the Vietnamese authorities with the Internet monitoring system. Does the Council regard such supplies as appropriate? Does the Council take the view that supplying such monitoring systems is compatible with the fostering of human rights and fundamental freedoms, which, as it keeps on reaffirming, is one of the bases for its policy towards Vietnam? Could the Council say whether it has held an internal debate on supplying the monitoring system to Vietnam or, possibly, on supplying similar systems to other non-member countries? More generally, does the Council not believe that, in addition to arms, other """"""""commercial supplies"""""""" ought to be excluded from trade between Union and non-member countries or that, at the very least, they ought to be covered by extremely restrictive rules?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [2]. </s>
Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties
After being long banned, the Internet has developed quickly in Vietnam. In 1997, in the face of this new situation, the Vietnam authorities equipped themselves with a system to monitor all Internet connections. According to the """"""""Guide du Routard"""""""" (p. 137), the system was supplied to the Vietnamese authorities by the French authorities by way of a """"""""friendly gesture"""""""". Is the Council aware that the French authorities supplied the Vietnamese authorities with the Internet monitoring system. Does the Council regard such supplies as appropriate? Does the Council take the view that supplying such monitoring systems is compatible with the fostering of human rights and fundamental freedoms, which, as it keeps on reaffirming, is one of the bases for its policy towards Vietnam? Could the Council say whether it has held an internal debate on supplying the monitoring system to Vietnam or, possibly, on supplying similar systems to other non-member countries? More generally, does the Council not believe that, in addition to arms, other """"""""commercial supplies"""""""" ought to be excluded from trade between Union and non-member countries or that, at the very least, they ought to be covered by extremely restrictive rules?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"On 9 December 2019, President Macron organised a new Normandy-format summit in Paris. This is an initiative to be welcomed. Peace in Ukraine is important for the EU and its relations with Russia and Ukraine. In order to speed up the peace process, Viktor Medvedchuk, leader of the second-strongest Ukrainian political party, has proposed that the Minsk II agreement be broadened to include a parliamentary dimension.In late January and early February 2020, meetings took place in the French Senate, in the Russian Duma and in the Bundestag. The initiative was supported by MPs from government and opposition parties alike in those three chambers.1.What view does the Council take of this Ukrainian initiative?2.What further steps does the Council consider appropriate in an effort to push the Ukrainian Government to implement the Minsk II agreement?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [19]. </s>
International affairs and foreign aid
On 9 December 2019, President Macron organised a new Normandy-format summit in Paris. This is an initiative to be welcomed. Peace in Ukraine is important for the EU and its relations with Russia and Ukraine. In order to speed up the peace process, Viktor Medvedchuk, leader of the second-strongest Ukrainian political party, has proposed that the Minsk II agreement be broadened to include a parliamentary dimension.In late January and early February 2020, meetings took place in the French Senate, in the Russian Duma and in the Bundestag. The initiative was supported by MPs from government and opposition parties alike in those three chambers.1.What view does the Council take of this Ukrainian initiative?2.What further steps does the Council consider appropriate in an effort to push the Ukrainian Government to implement the Minsk II agreement?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Businesses and sectors affected by the crisis may apply for funding from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) in the event of mass redundancies. This money can be used to help employees find new employment by means, for example, of training or assistance in setting up their own businesses. In the Netherlands, the SZW agency [attached to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment] helps businesses and sectors which wish to seek such funding to submit their applications. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment then submits the application for a grant in Brussels. Before an application for an EFG grant is submitted, the applicant and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment conclude an agreement. This contains provisions, inter alia, concerning the allocation of responsibilities, cooperation between the applicant and the ministry, assistance to the applicant and monitoring. 1.Does the Commission agree that, in the case of applications for EFG grants, it is exceptionally important to act very quickly, as it is essential for funding to be made available without delay? 2.Can the Commission explain why applications from the Netherlands for EFG grants which have been prepared properly have still not been either approved or rejected 11 months later? Does the Commission agree that this is an unacceptably long delay, and that it effectively destroys the function of the scheme, which is to come to the rescue in a crisis and prevent redundancies? 3.Does the Commission agree that, in the light of the above, it is necessary to review the whole set of conditions and procedures in order to assess where the rules can be simplified as a way of avoiding cancelling out the scheme's supportive impact? 4.When simplifying the rules, will the Commission tackle the following particularly pressing problems relating to EFG grants? A: when whole sectors submit an application, the regional approach should be abandoned. B: it should be permissible to amalgamate related sector codes which demonstrably lie in the same sector. C: clear guidelines on responsibility should be drawn up so that applicants can be sure what will subsequently be approved. D: the EFG scheme should also be opened up to businesses which wish to help employees to move to another sector before they have actually been issued with redundancy notices." Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [5]. </s>
Labour, employment and pensions
Businesses and sectors affected by the crisis may apply for funding from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) in the event of mass redundancies. This money can be used to help employees find new employment by means, for example, of training or assistance in setting up their own businesses. In the Netherlands, the SZW agency [attached to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment] helps businesses and sectors which wish to seek such funding to submit their applications. The Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment then submits the application for a grant in Brussels. Before an application for an EFG grant is submitted, the applicant and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment conclude an agreement. This contains provisions, inter alia, concerning the allocation of responsibilities, cooperation between the applicant and the ministry, assistance to the applicant and monitoring. 1.Does the Commission agree that, in the case of applications for EFG grants, it is exceptionally important to act very quickly, as it is essential for funding to be made available without delay? 2.Can the Commission explain why applications from the Netherlands for EFG grants which have been prepared properly have still not been either approved or rejected 11 months later? Does the Commission agree that this is an unacceptably long delay, and that it effectively destroys the function of the scheme, which is to come to the rescue in a crisis and prevent redundancies? 3.Does the Commission agree that, in the light of the above, it is necessary to review the whole set of conditions and procedures in order to assess where the rules can be simplified as a way of avoiding cancelling out the scheme's supportive impact? 4.When simplifying the rules, will the Commission tackle the following particularly pressing problems relating to EFG grants? A: when whole sectors submit an application, the regional approach should be abandoned. B: it should be permissible to amalgamate related sector codes which demonstrably lie in the same sector. C: clear guidelines on responsibility should be drawn up so that applicants can be sure what will subsequently be approved. D: the EFG scheme should also be opened up to businesses which wish to help employees to move to another sector before they have actually been issued with redundancy notices.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"According to Council Regulation (EEC) 918/83(1) of 28March 1983 setting up a Community system of reliefs from customs duty, charities may apply for relief of import duty for medical equipment manufactured outside the EU. The Royal Marsden NHS Trust in my constituency of East Sussex and Kent South submitted a claim which was approved by the UK Department of Trade and Industry but was disallowed by the Dutch authorities. Is there a time limit within which claims are to be submitted? If so, what is the duration of this period? Will retrospective claims be eligible to receive relief? (1)OJ L 105, 23.4.1983, p. 1." Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [1]. </s>
According to Council Regulation (EEC) 918/83(1) of 28March 1983 setting up a Community system of reliefs from customs duty, charities may apply for relief of import duty for medical equipment manufactured outside the EU. The Royal Marsden NHS Trust in my constituency of East Sussex and Kent South submitted a claim which was approved by the UK Department of Trade and Industry but was disallowed by the Dutch authorities. Is there a time limit within which claims are to be submitted? If so, what is the duration of this period? Will retrospective claims be eligible to receive relief? (1)OJ L 105, 23.4.1983, p. 1.
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Eritrea is a country where violations of human rights and oppression of the inhabitants occur on a daily basis. Neither freedom of religion nor freedom of expression are guaranteed in the country. Detentions of politicians and independent journalists, discrimination and violence against women, violations of law in the form of extrajudicial executions, torture, and abuse of military service as a form of slavery occur there. The long-term imprisonment of the Swedish playwright and journalist Dawit Isaak for his opinions is also absolutely unacceptable. As a result of this desperate situation, which has not been improving, a large number of residents have been leaving the country. According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, more than 400 000 people, or 9% of the entire population, have left Eritrea in the last six years. Most of these migrants make for Europe. 1.What action is the EEAS taking to achieve an improvement of the situation in Eritrea and the release of Dawit Isaak by the Eritrean authorities? 2.Can the EEAS prove that the funds from the European Development Fund earmarked for Eritrea for the 2016-2020 period (EUR200 million) are allocated to the relevant priorities and are sufficiently conditioned?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [19]. </s>
International affairs and foreign aid
Eritrea is a country where violations of human rights and oppression of the inhabitants occur on a daily basis. Neither freedom of religion nor freedom of expression are guaranteed in the country. Detentions of politicians and independent journalists, discrimination and violence against women, violations of law in the form of extrajudicial executions, torture, and abuse of military service as a form of slavery occur there. The long-term imprisonment of the Swedish playwright and journalist Dawit Isaak for his opinions is also absolutely unacceptable. As a result of this desperate situation, which has not been improving, a large number of residents have been leaving the country. According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, more than 400 000 people, or 9% of the entire population, have left Eritrea in the last six years. Most of these migrants make for Europe. 1.What action is the EEAS taking to achieve an improvement of the situation in Eritrea and the release of Dawit Isaak by the Eritrean authorities? 2.Can the EEAS prove that the funds from the European Development Fund earmarked for Eritrea for the 2016-2020 period (EUR200 million) are allocated to the relevant priorities and are sufficiently conditioned?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"For the purposes of the relevant EU action, the term ‘marginalised community’ is usually considered to denote Roma living on European Union territory. 1.Which criteria laid down in EU official documents serve to define the status of marginalised communities? 2.Which communities of citizens within theEU, apart from the Roma, can be considered marginalised communities?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [2]. </s>
Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties
For the purposes of the relevant EU action, the term ‘marginalised community’ is usually considered to denote Roma living on European Union territory. 1.Which criteria laid down in EU official documents serve to define the status of marginalised communities? 2.Which communities of citizens within theEU, apart from the Roma, can be considered marginalised communities?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"On 21December2005 the Commission adopted the guidelines on national regional aid for 2007‑13. Pursuant to paragrph 100 of the guidelines, in 2006 each Member State notified to the Commission, in accordance with Article88(3) of the Treaty, a single regional aid map for the 2007‑13 period, covering its entire national territory. The current crisis has had a considerable and asymmetrical impact on productive sectors and territories, some of which were not included in the regional aid maps proposed by the Member States in 2006. Now, when they are most in need, these territories find themselves excluded from national regional aid programmes. In light of the above, would it not be appropriate for the Commission to ask the Member States for an update of the regional aid maps which they submitted in 2006, that will be valid during the 2011‑13 period?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [1]. </s>
On 21December2005 the Commission adopted the guidelines on national regional aid for 2007‑13. Pursuant to paragrph 100 of the guidelines, in 2006 each Member State notified to the Commission, in accordance with Article88(3) of the Treaty, a single regional aid map for the 2007‑13 period, covering its entire national territory. The current crisis has had a considerable and asymmetrical impact on productive sectors and territories, some of which were not included in the regional aid maps proposed by the Member States in 2006. Now, when they are most in need, these territories find themselves excluded from national regional aid programmes. In light of the above, would it not be appropriate for the Commission to ask the Member States for an update of the regional aid maps which they submitted in 2006, that will be valid during the 2011‑13 period?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"How many proposals for legislation and Regulations in the field of regional policies were put forward by the Commission in 1994?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [14]. </s>
Regional and Urban issues and Planning
How many proposals for legislation and Regulations in the field of regional policies were put forward by the Commission in 1994?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"The Mediterranean Member States are the largest producers of processed tomato products. Under the Commission's proposal for a regulation amending the existing rules on tomato derivatives, there would be a considerable reduction in the minimum level of tomato content in processed products marketed in Europe, and the provisions laying down requirements for peel, pulp and paste would be abolished. This proposal for a regulation, if adopted, would open up the gates to the marketing of low-quality products, with less dry matter and more water in tomato concentrates. The Commission: 1. Can it explain the reasoning behind its proposal for a regulation, which, if adopted, would encourage the production of low-quality food products? 2. Does it not consider that this undesirable legislative change would visibly contradict the objective of preserving the quality and specific characteristics of those typically European products which are a source of great social, economic and cultural benefit, such as the Mediterranean tomato?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [4]. </s>
Agriculture and Fisheries
The Mediterranean Member States are the largest producers of processed tomato products. Under the Commission's proposal for a regulation amending the existing rules on tomato derivatives, there would be a considerable reduction in the minimum level of tomato content in processed products marketed in Europe, and the provisions laying down requirements for peel, pulp and paste would be abolished. This proposal for a regulation, if adopted, would open up the gates to the marketing of low-quality products, with less dry matter and more water in tomato concentrates. The Commission: 1. Can it explain the reasoning behind its proposal for a regulation, which, if adopted, would encourage the production of low-quality food products? 2. Does it not consider that this undesirable legislative change would visibly contradict the objective of preserving the quality and specific characteristics of those typically European products which are a source of great social, economic and cultural benefit, such as the Mediterranean tomato?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"Will the Commission state what steps it is taking or supporting to eradicate Elephantiasis or indeed lymphatic filariasis in the developing world?" Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [3]. </s>
Will the Commission state what steps it is taking or supporting to eradicate Elephantiasis or indeed lymphatic filariasis in the developing world?
<s>[INST] The next text is a question of a member of the European parliament:"In its resolution of 11March 2004 on Haiti (P5_TA(2004)0188(1)), the Parliament called for impartial investigation of human rights abuses and increased EU aid (particularly for humanitarian needs and reform of the judicial system). What progress has been made on these issues and what is the current assessment of the human rights situation in Haiti? (1)OJ C 102 E, 28.4.2004, p. 877." Analyze carefully the text and assign it to the most relevant policy area among those listed below. Do not explain your answer and return only a number. Policy area numbers: 1 = Macroeconomics 2 = Civil Rights, Minority Issues and Civil Liberties 3 = Health 4 = Agriculture and Fisheries 5 = Labour, employment and pensions 6 = Education 7 = Environment 8 = Energy 9 = Immigration 10 = Transportation 12 = Law and Crime 13 = Social welfare 14 = Regional and Urban issues and Planning 15 = Banking, finance and domestic commerce issues 16 = Defence 17 = Space, science, technology, and communications issues 18 = Foreign trade 19 = International affairs and foreign aid 20 = Governance and government 21 = Public Lands, Water Management and Territorial Issues 23 = Culture and media [/INST]. Answer = [19]. </s>
International affairs and foreign aid
In its resolution of 11March 2004 on Haiti (P5_TA(2004)0188(1)), the Parliament called for impartial investigation of human rights abuses and increased EU aid (particularly for humanitarian needs and reform of the judicial system). What progress has been made on these issues and what is the current assessment of the human rights situation in Haiti? (1)OJ C 102 E, 28.4.2004, p. 877.