Psychological characteristics of hypertensive and ulcer patients. Hypertensive and duodenal ulcer patients were compared with physically ill patients at admission and discharge on personality traits and states of anxiety and depression. Both the hypertensive and ulcer patients were less dominant and more anxious than the control group at admission, while depression differentiated only the hypertensive group. The hypertensive patients were more depressed and more anxious than the ulcer patients at admission. At discharge, both experimental groups remained less dominant than the control group and the hypertensives remained more anxious and more depressed than the ulcer and control groups. Low dominance was correlated with high blood pressure and high extrapunitiveness was correlated with E.C.G. abnormality in the hypertensive patients. The results are discussed with respect to the role of aggression and low dominance in these 'psychosomatic' disorders.
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Variations in the relative proportions of microheterogeneous forms of plasma glycoproteins in pregnancy and disease. Using lectin affinity crossed immunoelectrophoresis with concanavalin A in the first dimension and electroendosmotic elution with sugar in the second dimension, the microheterogeneity of a range of plasma proteins was examined. Of the five chosen proteins, alpha 1-protease inhibitor and caeruloplasmin displayed complex patterns, with more than four components. Alpha 1-Antichymotrypsin was composed of three or four components whilst alpha 1-acid glycoprotein and alpha 2-HS glycoprotein displayed two, three or four components. The number of components seen in these proteins depended on the serum sample origin. In pregnancy and in patients receiving exogenous aestrogen the relative proportions of the components of all five proteins were altered in the direction of less con A binding; however alpha 1-acid glycoprotein and alpha 1-antichymotrypsin showed the greater change. In acute disorders the proportions of protein components of alpha 1-antichymotrypsin and alpha 1-acid glycoprotein were altered towards a higher level of con A binding components. There is no significant alteration in con A binding associated with the chronic inflammatory response to cancer and rheumatoid arthritis. There was a general reduction of con A binding in all five plasma proteins in conditions when there was a high blood aestrogen level. This decreased affinity for con A was independent of the overall effect of the aestrogen on the serum concentration of the plasma protein. These results suggest that the glycosylation of plasma proteins is probably under the same regulatory system.
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Possibly reduced prevalence of peripapillary crescents in ocular hypertension. We studied optic disc photographs from 137 healthy subjects and 195 subjects with ocular hypertension. The prevalence of peripapillary crescents was lower among hyperopes than among myopes (p less than 0.05). Moreover, the ocular hypertensive subjects had a statistically significant tendency toward a hyperopic median refraction (p less than 0.01). In keeping with this, we observed a lower prevalence rate of crescents in the ocular hypertensive group (35%) than among the healthy subjects (41%). This difference is in the expected direction and magnitude if the absence of a crescent decreases the risk of glaucomatous damage from elevated intraocular pressure, but the number of subjects was too small to obtain statistical significance; however, the evidence is suggestive. Further study, such as in a large population survey or by comparison of two groups with matched genetic heritage, is needed to substantiate the relation between the presence of a crescent and increased risk of glaucomatous damage.
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Evidence-based guidelines for pediatric emergencies. An increasing number of clinical guidelines are being developed to provide high-quality and consistent standards of care, most of which are based on a specific diagnosis. In a pediatric emergency department, the diagnosis may not be known on presentation and the junior doctors are usually the first to assess a patient and will need to establish the diagnosis and execute a management plan. In these circumstances, problem-based guidelines are useful to clinicians and provide a decision pathway by which a clinician can develop a working diagnosis and then follow a guideline for the particular disease. More experienced clinicians may find guidelines for individual diseases or conditions to be of more use. High-quality evidence for either of these styles of guidelines is not readily available and may require extrapolation from the literature focusing on adults or a consensus approach to inform discussions and the development of the recommendations. Due to the complexity of the process it must be systematic, transparent and open to scrutiny. The cost of developing a guideline in a systematic transparent process is high and it is, therefore, essential to ensure the implementation of the guidelines with as much rigor as the development itself. This review discusses the challenges encountered while developing and implementing pediatric emergency guidelines and concludes with the authors' suggestions for future research in this area.
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Glycaemic activity of (III)-beta-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phoshate complex and its presence in yeast extracts. Two main stable chromium complexes were detected in the aqueous extract of Cr-rich yeast using high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) separation on a reversed-phase RP-8 column and atomic absorption spectrometric detection of chromium. However, the complexes could not be separated and purified sufficiently to allow their reliable identification. Both complexes behaved like ionic or very polar substances with a weak affinity to the reverse-phase column. Yeast extract was then spiked with some synthetic Cr complexes which were prepared considering known data (UV spectra, molecular mass, etc.) on candidates glucose tolerance factor (GTF) compounds. Among the complexes tested, attention was paid especially to the complex of Crm with beta-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP), which accompanies one of two Cr complexes in yeast extract during the HPLC separation. The complex with a Cr:NADP stoichiometric ratio 1:2 has not previously been reported. The complex was tested for its glycaemic activity using glucose tolerance test on rabbits. Significant hyperglycaemia was caused in the animals. Considering the NADP is generally present in tissues of nearly all living organisms, its complexes with transient metals could play a very important role in oxidation-reduction processes of metabolic pathways.
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Characteristics of pesticide use in a pesticide applicator cohort: the Agricultural Health Study. Data on recent and historic pesticide use, pesticide application methods, and farm characteristics were collected from 35,879 restricted-use pesticide applicators in the first 2 years of the Agricultural Health Study, a prospective study of a large cohort of private and commercial licensed pesticide applicators that is being conducted in Iowa and North Carolina. (In Iowa, applicators are actually "certified," while in North Carolina they are "licensed"; for ease of reference the term license will be used for both states in this paper.) Commercial applicators (studied in Iowa only) apply pesticides more days per year than private applicators in either state. When the types of pesticides being used by different groups are compared using the Spearman coefficient of determination (r2), we find that Iowa private and Iowa commercial applicators tend to use the same type of pesticides (r2=0.88). White and nonwhite private applicators tended to use the same type of pesticides (North Carolina r2=0.89), as did male and female private applicators (Iowa r2=0.85 and North Carolina r2=0.84). There was less similarity (r2=0. 50) between the types of pesticides being used by Iowa and North Carolina private applicators. A greater portion of Iowa private applicators use personal protective equipment than do North Carolina private applicators, and pesticide application methods varied by state. This heterogeneity in potential exposures to pesticides between states should be useful for subsequent epidemiologic analyses using internal comparison groups.
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An avian model for the study of acute hemolytic anemia in the domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus). Acute hemolytic anemia was experimentally induced in chickens with the oxidant chemical phenylhydrazine. From results of the graded doses trial, subcutaneously injected 6 mg/100 g body weight single dose was designated as standardised. The anemic response, characterized by marked reductions in hemoglobin, packed cell volume and total erythrocyte count, was perceptible on day 1 post-injection. Peak anemia was observed on day 3. Compensatory erythropoiesis was discernible on day 5. The hematological profile indicated near complete recovery on day 11 post-injection. This avian model is proposed for study of the basic mechanisms of hemolytic anemia in chickens.
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Persistence of serum antibodies elicited by Haemophilus influenzae type b-tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine in infants vaccinated at 3, 5 and 12 months of age. Eighty-five children received three injections of a vaccine consisting of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) capsular polysaccharide (CPS) conjugated to tetanus toxoid (TT) (Hib-TT) at 3, 5 and 12 months of age according to the vaccination schedule for Swedish children. Diphtheria-tetanus toxoid vaccine was concurrently injected at another site. Two dosages, 7.5 and 15 micrograms, of Hib CPS were studied. No serious reactions occurred. Hib-TT elicited fewer local reactions than diphtheria-tetanus toxoid vaccine. Significant increases in Hib CPS serum antibodies occurred after all injections in both dosage groups with virtually no differences between the two groups. After the first and second injections geometric mean serum antibody concentrations of both dosage groups combined increased to 0.49 and 3.71 micrograms/ml and 81 and 99% of the vaccinees, respectively, had concentrations greater than 0.15 micrograms/ml. After the third dose geometric mean concentrations increased to 13.7 micrograms/ml and all had concentrations greater than 0.15 micrograms/ml. The geometric mean Hib CPS antibody concentrations decreased to 1.24 micrograms/ml 18 months after the third injection, but 97% still had concentrations greater than 0.15 micrograms/ml. The rise of Hib CPS antibodies was mostly in the IgG class. The most pronounced increase was seen in the IgG1 subclass but there were also increase in IgG2 and IgG3. Protective concentrations of TT antibodies were found in all postimmunization sera. In conclusion Hib-TT is safe and immunogenic in infants and should be protective from 6 to 30 months and probably longer thereafter.
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Increased association of glycoprotein 120-CD4 with HIV type 1 coreceptors in the presence of complex-enhanced anti-CD4 monoclonal antibodies. CD4-specific monoclonal antibodies (CG1, CG7, and CG8), which bind with a 5- to 10-fold higher avidity to preformed CD4-gp120 complexes than to CD4, were previously shown to recognize newly identified conformational epitopes in the D1-CDR3 region of CD4. In the current study, these and other complex-enhanced MAbs were tested in three separate assays of HIV-1 coreceptor (CXCR4/CCR5) recruitment. In these assays, the CD4-specific MAbs CG1, -7, and -8 stabilized the association of coreceptor, gp120, and CD4 in trimolecular complexes. In contrast, the gp120-specific, complex-enhanced MAbs 48d and 17b were inhibitory. These data suggest that conformational changes in the CDR3 region of CD4-D1, induced by gp120 binding, may be involved in coreceptor association and thus play a positive role in the HIV-1 cell fusion process.
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Monitoring free flaps using the laser Doppler flowmeter: five-year experience. Over a 5-year period, 232 microvascular composite-tissue transfers to the head and neck, trunk, and extremities were monitored using the laser Doppler flowmeter. Thirteen free flaps (5.6 percent) developed vascular complications, all within 4 days after surgery. The laser Doppler flowmeter detected vascular compromise in all cases with no false positives or negatives. Failure to monitor the flap according to protocol by nursing staff occurred in one patient, which led to a delay in detection of venous compromise and subsequent flap loss. The salvage rate was 69.2 percent, leading to an overall flap viability of 98.3 percent. Our series of free-flap monitoring using the laser Doppler flowmeter is the largest reported to date. Review of the English literature shows consistent support by numerous clinical series for the use of the laser Doppler as a valuable postoperative monitor after free-flap transfers.
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Solitary plasmacytomas of the occipital bone: a report of two cases. The radiological appearances of two cases of solitary plasmacytoma in the occipital bone are described. One arose in the lateral part and the other in the squama. They showed characteristic radiological features on CT, MRI and angiography. Bone scintigraphy and gallium scintigraphy were also available. Solitary plasmacytoma of the skull is a rare condition and usually occurs in the calvarium. The skull base is an extremely rare site and only four cases have been reported. The literature of solitary plasmacytoma of the skull is reviewed.
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Changes in endothelial function precede the clinical disease in women in whom preeclampsia develops. Endothelial dysfunction is important in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia. No study has examined endothelial function sequentially at different gestations before development of the clinical syndrome and after delivery (to compare maternal from placental influences). We sought to determine whether endothelial function changes before the clinical development of preeclampsia. We measured skin microvascular function using iontophoresis of acetylcholine and sodium nitroprusside, and laser Doppler imaging at 22, 26, 34 weeks' gestation and 6 weeks postpartum in women identified as being at increased risk of preeclampsia, based on uterine artery Doppler waveforms at 18 to 20 weeks, and controls with normal Doppler waveforms. Fifty-four women remained normotensive and preeclampsia developed in 15. In normotensive and preeclamptic women, acetylcholine responses were augmented during pregnancy compared with postpartum responses (P<0.001). Sodium nitroprusside responses were augmented during pregnancy compared with those postpartum (P<0.005) in preeclamptic women only. Microvascular responses were augmented in women in whom preeclampsia developed, compared with those in normotensive women, at 26 and 34 weeks for acetylcholine (P<0.05 and P<0.001, respectively) and at 22 and 26 weeks for sodium nitroprusside (P<0.05 and P<0.02, respectively). Postpartum acetylcholine and sodium nitroprusside responses were not significantly different between preeclamptic and normal women. Microvascular responses are enhanced during pregnancy in women in whom preeclampsia develops to a level above that seen in normotensive women. These changes precede the onset of clinical disease and might be related to a compensatory increased sensitivity of the microcirculation to nitric oxide.
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Design, synthesis and molecular docking studies of sinomenine derivatives. In order to search for drugs with excellent anti-inflammatory activities, a series of novel sinomenine derivatives were designed, synthesized, and evaluated for their inhibition activities against NF-κB activation induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Compared with the natural parent sinomenine, compounds 2a-w showed higher activity, while compounds 1a-o showed similar activity against NF-κB. Moreover, a molecular model for the binding between compound 2v and the active site of p50 was provided on the basis of the computational docking results.
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Aryl phosphate derivatives of bromo-methoxy-azidothymidine are dual-function spermicides with potent anti-human immunodeficiency virus. Detergent-based vaginal microbicides, in addition to their high contraceptive failure rates, cause mucosal erosion and local inflammation that might increase the risk of heterosexual human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission. In a systematic effort to identify a microbicide contraceptive potentially capable of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV as well as providing fertility control, a series of novel aryl phosphate derivatives of 5-bromo-6-methoxy-3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT; zidovudine) were synthesized and examined for dual anti-HIV and sperm-immobilizing activity (SIA). Whereas AZT displayed potent anti-HIV activity (IC50 = 0.006 microM) but lacked SIA (EC50 > 300 microM), two 5-bromo-6-methoxy-aryl phosphate derivatives of AZT, compounds WHI-05 and WHI-07, exhibited potent anti-HIV activity as well as SIA. The IC50 (HIV) and EC50 (SIA) values for WHI-07 were 439-fold and 13.5-fold lower, respectively, than those for the detergent-based virucidal spermicide, nonoxynol-9 (N-9). Sperm motion kinematics using computer-assisted sperm motion analysis combined with confocal laser scanning microscopy, high-resolution low-voltage scanning, and transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that both WHI-05 and WHI-07 cause a complete and irreversible loss of sperm motility in a concentration- and time-dependent fashion without concomitantly affecting the sperm acrosomal membrane integrity. In experiments designed to assess the fertilizing capacity of treated sperm, preincubation of sperm with either compound resulted in a concentration-dependent loss of the ability to adhere to and penetrate zona-free hamster eggs as well as inhibition of binding to human zona. WHI-07 applied intravaginally prior to artificial insemination of epididymal sperm drastically reduced fertility in hormonally primed CD-1 mice. Unlike the intravaginal application of N-9, repetitive intravaginal application of WHI-07 did not damage the vaginal epithelium or cause local inflammation. Structure-function relationship analyses showed that the addition of bromo-methoxy functional groups to AZT was essential for, and the aryl phosphate derivatization contributory to, the SIA of both compounds. Compounds WHI-05 and WHI-07 may be useful as dual-function vaginal contraceptives for women who are at high risk for acquiring HIV/acquired immunodeficiency virus syndrome by heterosexual vaginal transmission.
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Infected right atrial thrombus--an important but rare complication of central venous lines. A case of infected right atrial thrombus is described. Right atrial thrombus is difficult to diagnose and is associated with a high mortality. When it is additionally infected, antibiotics alone are not sufficient treatment and the thrombus should be surgically removed.
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Spontaneously changing muscular activation pattern in patients with cervical dystonia. The objective of this study was to determine stability of the neck muscle activation pattern in a given dystonic head position in patients with cervical dystonia (CD). We assessed 26 patients with CD and botulinum toxin (BT) treatment failure before surgical denervation. None of them had received BT injections for at least 4 months. To relate dystonic head position to underlying neck muscle activity, we used synchronised video and poly-electromyographic (EMG) recording over a period of 10 minutes. The muscle activation pattern during constant ("stable") maximal dystonic excursions was analysed. EMG data of nine patients was excluded from the analysis, as these patients had a constantly changing head position or marked head tremor. In the remaining 17 patients, who had a fairly stable dystonic position, muscular activation patterns during the recording spontaneously changed in nine (Group A) while in eight it remained stable (Group B). There was no significant difference in demographic variables between the two groups other than a male predominance in Group A. However, the retrospectively determined initial response to BT treatment (before BT treatment failure had occurred) was significantly worse in Group A as compared with Group B. Neck muscle activation patterns can spontaneously change in CD patients despite constant dystonic head position, implying an inherent variability of the underlying central motor program in some patients. This should be considered when BT treatment response is unsatisfactory, and should also be taken into account when interpreting results of EMG recordings of neck muscles in these patients.
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Three cases of sclerosing lipogranuloma: an immunohistochemical study. Sclerosing lipogranuloma (SLG) is a rare disease that occurs in the male genital region. We report here three cases of SLG, including two of Y-shaped lesions in the penile base forming an intrascrotal mass, as well as a patient with a mass in the epidydimal region. All three lesions histologically exhibited formation of multiple granulomas consisting of multinucleated giant cells and epithelioid cells, in the fibroadipose tissue or around the epidydimis, in association with eosinophil infiltration. Membranocystic changes were found within the cytoplasm of multinucleated cells. In the two patients with scrotal lesions, membranocystic changes were positive for diastase-PAS reaction and on Sudan black B staining in dewaxed sections. CD68 staining was strongly positive in multinucleated giant cells and epithelioid cells. Most of the lymphocytes infiltrating the lesions were T cells associated with some S-100-positive dendritic cells. T-cell mediated immune reaction appears to be important in the histogenesis of SLG. The histogenesis is generally considered to be a foreign-body reaction to degenerated or damaged fatty tissue or lipids, but no apparent causative factors can be identified in some reported cases. All three patients in the present study had a good clinical course after biopsy or surgical excision. We thus report three cases of SLG including an unusual case in the epidydimal region, with some considerations regarding the histogenesis of SLG.
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A bispecific single-chain antibody directed against EpCAM/CD3 in combination with the cytokines interferon alpha and interleukin-2 efficiently retargets T and CD3+CD56+ natural-killer-like T lymphocytes to EpCAM-expressing tumor cells. Cytokine-induced killer cells (CIK), generated in vitro from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) by addition of interferon gamma (IFNgamma), interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-1 and a monoclonal antibody (mAb) against CD3, are highly efficient cytotoxic effector cells with the CD3+CD56+ phenotype. In this study, we evaluated whether the cytotoxicity of these natural-killer-like T lymphocytes against the colorectal tumor cell line HT29 can be enhanced by the addition of a bispecific single-chain antibody (bsAb) directed against EpCAM/CD3. For determination of bsAb-redirected cellular cytotoxicity we used a new flow-cytometric assay, which directly counts viable tumor cells and can assess long-term cytotoxicity. We found that this bsAb induced distinct cytotoxicity at a concentration above 100 ng/ml with both PBMC and CIK at an effector-to-target cell ratio as low as 1:1. CIK cells revealed higher bsAb-redirected cytotoxicity than PBMC. Cellular cytotoxicity appeared after 24 h whereas PBMC showed the highest bsAb-redirected cytotoxicity after 72 h. The addition of the cytokines IL-2 and IFNalpha but not granulocyte/macrophage-colony-stimulating factor enhanced bsAb-redirected cytotoxicity of both PBMC and CIK. When the bsAb was combined with the murine mAb BR55-2, which recognizes the Lewis(Y) antigen, bsAb-redirected cytotoxicity was partly augmented, whereas murine mAb 17-1A, which binds to EpCAM as well, slightly suppressed bsAb-redirected cytotoxicity induced by the bsAb. We conclude that CIK generated in vitro or in vivo combined with this new EpCAM/CD3 bsAb and the cytokine IL-2 should be evaluated for the treatment of EpCAM-expressing tumors.
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Assessment of ozone variations and meteorological influences at a rural site in Northern Xinjiang. Ozone concentrations and meteorological data were continuously monitored online from June to December 2013 at the Akedala regional atmosphere station in an arid region of Central Asia. We present daily, monthly, and seasonal variations of ozone concentrations in the atmosphere and elucidate possible emission sources. The ozone concentrations of this region varied from 14.7 to 58.6 ppb. A remarkable seasonal variation of ozone in aerosols was observed with highest level in summer, followed by autumn and winter. The daily peak value of ozone was observed at 9:00-11:00 a.m. while the lowest was at 17:00-19:00 p.m. The backward trajectories of air masses showed potential emission sources to be from the northwest and south during the measurement period. The backward trajectory also revealed that ozone concentrations during the measurement period were likely attributable to the emission from anthropogenic activities, and medium-range atmospheric transport from cities in central Asia and the northern slope of the Tian Shan Mountains.
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Characterization of SPR994, an Orally Available Carbapenem, with Activity Comparable to Intravenously Administered Carbapenems. Carbapenems are potent antibacterials with broad-spectrum activity. However, poor oral absorption generally confines this important drug class to in-hospital use by intravenous (IV) administration. The continued rise in drug resistant pathogens creates a need for alternative oral therapies with broad-spectrum activity. SPR994 is a novel formulation of the orally bioavailable pivoxil prodrug of SPR859 (tebipenem) and is being developed as the first oral carbapenem for treatment of complicated urinary tract infections (cUTIs) in adults. Herein, we describe characteristics beneficial to oral administration and compare the in vitro and in vivo activity of SPR859 or SPR994 with IV carbapenems.
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[Relationship between apoptotic effect of Resveratrol on KG-1 cells and expression of bcl-2/bax]. This study was aimed to explore the apoptotic effect of Resveratrol (RES) on KG-1 cells and the expression of bcl-2/bax in vitro, and to clarify the possible mechanism of apoptotic effect of RES on leukemia cells. After treating with different concentrations of RES, the suppressive effect of RES on proliferation of KG-1 cells was analyzed by MTT method. Transmission electron microscope technique were used to detect the apoptosis status of KG-1 cells. The cell cycle and apoptosis percentage of KG-1 cells treated with RES were detected by flow cytometry. The expressions of bcl-2, bax mRNA and protein were assessed by semiquantitative RT-PCR and flow cytometry. The results showed that RES could obviously inhibit proliferation of KG-1 cells (p < 0.05). Compared with the control group, the cell number in S phase of KG-1 cells treated with RES increased (p < 0.05), the apoptosis rate enhanced significantly (p < 0.01) and the expression level was down-regulated, while expression level of bax was obviously up-regulated (p < 0.01). It is concluded that RES significantly induces apoptosis of KG-1 cells in vitro, which is probably related to the down-regulation of bcl-2 expression and up-regulation of bax expression.
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Reproducibility in urine peptidome profiling using MALDI-TOF. MALDI-TOF profiling of low molecular weight peptides (peptidome) usage is limited due to the lack of reproducibility from the confounding inferences of sample preparation, data acquisition, and processing. We applied MALDI-TOF analysis to profile urine peptidome with the aims to: (i) compare centrifugal ultrafiltration and dialysis pretreatments, (ii) determine whether using signal LOD (sLOD), together with data normalization, may reduce MALDI-TOF variability. We also investigated the influence of peaks detection on reproducibility. Dialysis allowed to obtain better MALDI-TOF spectra than ultrafiltration. Within the 1000-4000 m/z range, we identified 120 and 129 peaks in intra- and interassay studies, respectively. To estimate the sLOD, serial dilution of pooled urines up to 1/256 were analyzed in triplicate. Six data normalization strategies were investigated-the mean, median, internal standard, relative intensity, TIC, and linear rescaling normalization. Normalization methods alone performed poorly in reducing features variability while when combined to sLOD adjustment showed an overall reduction in features CVs. Applying a feedback signal processing approach, after median normalization and sLOD adjustment, CVs were reduced from 103 to 26% and 113 to 25% for the intra- and interassay, respectively, and spectra became more comparable in terms of data dispersion.
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Laparoscopic-assisted upper pole ureterocalicostomy using renal inversion and autotransplantation. Despite various described methods of reconstruction after upper ureteral injury, many cases are complex and remain a surgical challenge. Careful preoperative evaluation and planning are crucial in the selection of the appropriate procedure, particularly in patients in whom preservation of the renal mass is imperative. We report a case of severe upper ureteral injury and subsequent fibrosis, with no usable renal pelvis and focal upper pole dilation, that was managed with renal inversion and upper pole ureterocalicostomy. The option of autotransplantation was provided by laparoscopic nephrectomy and ex vivo reconstruction, minimizing patient morbidity and maximizing a successful outcome. This case illustrates the expansion of laparoscopy from the mere extirpative to a role in complex reconstruction. To our knowledge, this reconstructive strategy has never been previously reported and may be applicable in a limited number of situations.
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Curcumin attenuates inflammatory responses by suppressing TLR4-mediated NF-κB signaling pathway in lipopolysaccharide-induced mastitis in mice. Curcumin, the main constituent of the spice turmeric, has been reported to have potent anti-inflammatory properties. However, the effect of curcumin on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced mice mastitis has not been investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate whether curcumin could ameliorate the inflammation response in LPS-induced mice mastitis and to clarify the possible mechanism. The mouse model of mastitis was induced by injection of LPS through the duct of the mammary gland. Curcumin was applied 1h before and 12h after LPS treatment. The results showed that curcumin attenuated the infiltration of inflammatory cells, the activity of myeloperoxidase (MPO), and the expression of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β) in a dose-dependent manner. Additionally, Western blotting results showed that curcumin inhibited the phosphorylation of IκB-α and NF-κB p65 and the expression of TLR4. These results indicated that curcumin has protective effect on mice mastitis and the anti-inflammatory mechanism of curcumin on LPS-induced mastitis in mice may be due to its ability to inhibit TLR4-mediated NF-κB signaling pathways. Curcumin may be a potential therapeutic agent against mastitis.
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Developing care in the community: GPs and the HIV epidemic. Services for HIV infection and AIDS in Parkside DHA have been largely hospital based with little active involvement of local GPs. In response to the wishes of those with HIV/AIDS and predicted increases in the number of patients the DHA is now developing an AIDS strategy which identifies the development of primary and community care as a major objective. A postal survey of all 263 GPs within the DHA was undertaken in order to ascertain their views about the role of primary care in the management of HIV infection/AIDS. Replies were received from 75% (196). The responses to the survey indicated both the potential of general practice and willingness of GPs to be involved in the care of this client group. However, two key issues in developing this strategy were identified. These were information exchange and confidentiality. It is suggested that both hospitals and general practice must develop rigorous confidentiality policies to overcome these difficulties.
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Coding of procedures in interventional nephrology: overview of changes in the 2010 revision. A new educational document titled "Coding Procedures in Interventional Nephrology 2010" has been published by ASDIN for 2010. The purpose of this communication is to present a review of these new regulations issued by CMS to take effect January 1, 2010, and how they will affect the coding of interventional procedures used in vascular access maintenance.
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Review of oxaliplatin: an active platinum agent in colorectal cancer. Oxaliplatin is a novel platinum analogue which has wide spectrum anti-cancer activity in in vitro systems. It has distinct biochemical, pharmacological and cytotoxic properties which are different from those of cisplatin and carboplatin. Importantly, it appears to have distinct mechanisms of resistance such that traditionally platinum insensitive tumour types may be susceptible to oxaliplatin. Most notable in this regard is the activity of this agent which has been demonstrated in colorectal cancer. This review concentrates on this aspect of oxaliplatin. Oxaliplatin has modest activity as a single agent in advanced colorectal cancer compared with other novel agents in this disease. However, there appears to be a powerful synergy between oxaliplatin and 5-fluorouracil. Thus, when given together, response rates of over 50% are consistently observed. The combination has now been extensively tested in this disease and has recently led to the regulatory approval for marketing of oxaliplatin in this condition.
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Reaction between Chromium(III) and EDTA Ions: an Overlooked Mechanism of Case Study Reaction of Chemical Kinetics. Widely cited and accepted explanation of reaction mechanism of the case study reaction of chemical kinetics between Cr(III) ions and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) contradicts modern chromium(III) coordination chemistry data. Absorption UV and visible light spectra were recorded during the reaction between aqueous solution of Cr(NO(3))(3) and EDTA in order to obtain new information about this reaction. Analysis of the spectra showed that only very small fraction of intermediates may be present in solution during the course of the reaction. The reaction scheme was established and according to it calculations based on a simplified model were carried out. Literature data for constants were used if known, otherwise, adjusted values of their sound estimates were applied. Reasonable agreement of the model calculations with the experimental data was obtained for pH values 3.8 and 4.5 but the model failed to reproduce measured rate of reaction at pH 5.5, probably due to the use of the oversimplified model.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Development of a vaccine strategy against human and bovine schistosomiasis. Background and update. Two specific characteristics of schistosome infection are of primordial importance to the development of a vaccine: schistosomes do not multiply within the tissues of their definitive hosts (unlike protozoan parasites) and a partial non-sterilizing immunity can have a marked effect on the incidence of pathology and on disease transmission. Since viable eggs are the cause of disease pathology, a reduction in worm fecundity whether or not accompanied by a reduction in parasite burden is a sufficient goal for vaccine induced immunity. We originally showed that IgE antibodies played in experimental models a pivotal role for the development of protective immunity. These laboratory findings have now been confirmed in human populations. Following the molecular cloning and expression of a 28 kDa protein of Schistosoma mansoni and its identification as a glutathione-S-transferase, immunization experiments have been undertaken in several animal species (rats, mice, baboons). Together with a significant reduction in parasite burden, vaccination with Sm28 GST was recently shown to reduce significantly parasite fecundity and egg viability leading to a decrease in liver pathology. Whereas IgE antibodies were shown to be correlated with protection against infection, IgA antibodies have been identified as one of the factors affecting egg laying and viability. In human populations, a close association was found between IgA antibody production to Sm28 GST and the decrease of egg output. The use of appropriate monoclonal antibody probes made it possible to demonstrate that the inhibition of parasite fecundity following immunization was related to the inhibition of enzymatic activity of the molecule.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
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Epilepsy in a boy with a developmental venous anomaly--case-based update. Developmental venous anomalies (DVAs) are the most common intracranial vascular malformations of the brain. They are most commonly asymptomatic and often diagnosed incidentally. We present a rare case of a 9-year-old boy with seizures caused by a subcortically located DVA posterior to the postcentral gyrus of the left brain hemisphere. MRI also showed an enlarged, microcystically altered pineal gland and an extracranial cavernous hemangioma. EEG showed left fronto-centro-parietal spikes that corresponded with the location of the DVA. The spikes were occasionally secondary generalized. The boy responded well to oxcarbazepine treatment, and no surgical intervention was required. Control MRI scans showed no progression of the DVA. Epilepsy may be caused by DVA. The treatment starts with anticonvulsants. The surgical treatment is the therapeutic choice only if seizures are resistant to conservative therapy because surgery might result in serious ischemic or hemorrhagic complications because DVAs are considered to be variations of normal transmedullary veins that are necessary for the drainage of white and gray matter.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Electromagnetic-guided neuronavigation for safe placement of intraventricular catheters in pediatric neurosurgery. Ventricular catheter shunt malfunction is the most common reason for shunt revision. Optimal ventricular catheter placement can be exceedingly difficult in patients with small ventricles or abnormal ventricular anatomy. Particularly in children and in premature infants with small head size, satisfactory positioning of the ventricular catheter can be a challenge. Navigation with electromagnetic tracking technology is an attractive and innovative therapeutic option. In this study, the authors demonstrate the advantages of using this technology for shunt placement in children. Twenty-six children ranging in age from 4 days to 14 years (mean 3.8 years) with hydrocephalus and difficult ventricular anatomy or slit ventricles underwent electromagnetic-guided neuronavigated intraventricular catheter placement in a total of 29 procedures. The single-coil technology allows one to use flexible instruments, in this case the ventricular catheter stylet, to be tracked at the tip. Head movement during the operative procedure is possible without loss of navigation precision. The intraoperative catheter placement documented by screenshots correlated exactly with the position on the postoperative CT scan. There was no need for repeated ventricular punctures. There were no operative complications. Postoperatively, all children had accurate shunt placement. The overall shunt failure rate in our group was 15%, including 3 shunt infections (after 1 month, 5 months, and 10 months) requiring operative revision and 1 distal shunt failure. There were no proximal shunt malfunctions during follow-up (mean 23.5 months). The electromagnetic-guided neuronavigation system enables safe and optimal catheter placement, especially in children and premature infants, alleviating the need for repeated cannulation attempts for ventricular puncture. In contrast to stereotactic techniques and conventional neuronavigation, there is no need for sharp head fixation using a Mayfield clamp. This technique may present the possibility of reducing proximal shunt failure rates and costs for hydrocephalus treatment in this age cohort.
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Volatile compounds of dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Volatile compounds of uncooked dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars representing three market classes (black, dark red kidney and pinto) grown in 2005 were isolated with headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME), and analyzed with gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). A total of 62 volatiles consisting of aromatic hydrocarbons, aldehydes, alkanes, alcohols and ketones represented on average 62, 38, 21, 12, and 9 x 10(6) total area counts, respectively. Bean cultivars differed in abundance and profile of volatiles. The combination of 18 compounds comprising a common profile explained 79% of the variance among cultivars based on principal component analysis (PCA). The SPME technique proved to be a rapid and effective method for routine evaluation of dry bean volatile profile.
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Association of Hyperchloremia With Unfavorable Clinical Outcomes in Adults With Diabetic Ketoacidosis. Hyperchloremia is associated with worsened outcomes in various clinical situations; however, data are limited in patients with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of hyperchloremia on time to DKA resolution. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of adult patients admitted with incident DKA from January 2013 through October 2017 and stratified by the development of hyperchloremia versus maintaining normochloremia. The primary outcome was time to final DKA resolution. Secondary outcomes included time to initial DKA resolution, incidence of acute kidney injury (AKI) on admission, in-hospital development of AKI, and hospital length of stay (LOS). Of the 102 patients included, 52 developed hyperchloremia. Patients with hyperchloremia had longer times to final DKA resolution compared to those with normochloremia (median 22.3 [interquartile range, IQR, 15.2-36.9] vs 14.2 [IQR 8.8-21.1] hours; P = .001). Time to initial DKA resolution was also longer in patients who developed hyperchloremia compared to those who did not (median 16.3 vs 10.9 hours; P = .024). More patients with hyperchloremia developed in-hospital AKI (26.9% vs 8.0%; P = .01). Median hospital LOS was significantly longer in the hyperchloremia cohort (P < .001). On Cox regression analysis, time to DKA resolution was significantly longer with each 1 mmol/L increase in serum chloride (HR 0.951; P < .001). The presence of hyperchloremia in patients with DKA was associated with increased time to DKA resolution, risk of in-hospital AKI, and hospital LOS. Further evaluation of the avoidance or treatment of hyperchloremia in DKA is needed.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Leflunomide with low-dose everolimus for treatment of Kaposi's sarcoma in a renal allograft recipient. Current treatment of Kaposi's sarcoma is reduction of immunosuppression with or without addition of mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors (mTORi). Akt signalling plays a central role in oncogenesis of Kaposi's sarcoma. We describe a case of multifocal Kaposi's sarcoma in a renal allograft recipient, which showed unsatisfactory early response to immunosuppression reduction along with everolimus therapy but completely resolved after adding leflunomide. mTORi impair Kaposi's sarcoma oncogenesis by inhibiting mTOR downstream from the Akt signalling. Leflunomide inhibits Akt phosphorylation. This synergistic effect may be beneficial in treatment of Kaposi sarcoma and needs to be explored in trials.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
How the doc should (not) talk: when breaking bad news with negations influences patients' immediate responses and medical adherence intentions. We investigate the role of specific formulations in a doctor's bad news delivery. We focus on the effects of negations and message framing on patients' immediate responses to the message and the doctor, and long-term consequences including quality of life and medical adherence intentions. Two lab experiments with 2 (language use: negations vs. affirmations)×2 (framing: positive vs. negative) between-subjects designs. After reading a transcription (experiment 1) or seeing a film clip (experiment 2), participants rated their evaluation of the message and the doctor, expected quality of life, and medical adherence intentions. Positively framed bad news with negations score more negative on these dependent variables than positively framed affirmations (both experiments). For negatively framed negations, these results are reversed (experiment 2). Furthermore, the evaluations of the message (experiment 1) and the doctor (both experiments) mediate the interaction of framing and language use on medical adherence intentions. Small linguistic variations (i.e., negations vs. affirmations) in breaking bad news can have a significant impact on the health message, doctor evaluation and medical adherence intentions. Doctors should refrain from using negations to break positively framed news, and employ negations when breaking negatively framed news.
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Characterisation of molecular defects in X-linked amelogenesis imperfecta (AIH1). Amelogenins are an heterogenous family of proteins produced by ameloblasts of the enamel organ during tooth development. Disturbances of enamel formation occur in amelogenesis imperfecta, a clinically heterogenous group of inherited disorders characterised by defective enamel biomineralisation. An amelogenin gene, AMGX, has been mapped to the short of the X chromosome (Xp22.1-p22.3) and has been implicated in the molecular pathology of X-linked amelogenesis imperfecta (AIH1). We have identified three families exhibiting AIH1 and screened the AMGX gene for mutations using single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis and DNA sequencing. Three novel mutations were identified: a C-T substitution in exon 5, and a G-T substitution and single cytosine deletion in exon 6, confirming the existence of extensive allelic heterogeneity in this condition. The identification of family-specific mutations will enable early identification of affected individuals and correlation of clinical phenotype with genotype will facilitate an objective system of disease classification.
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Synthesis and intramitochondrial levels of valproyl-coenzyme A metabolites. A number of valproate adverse reactions are due to its interference with several metabolic pathways, including that of fatty acid oxidation. In order to resolve which mitochondrial enzymes of fatty acid oxidation are inhibited by which VPA intermediates we have developed methods to synthesize their CoA ester forms. This paper describes the synthesis of VPA acyl-CoA ester metabolites as well as data on the fate of VPA in rat liver mitochondria. Valproyl-CoA, Delta2-valproyl-CoA, and 3-OH-valproyl-CoA were obtained through chemical synthesis. 3-Keto-valproyl-CoA was prepared by a novel enzymatic procedure followed by a combination of solid-phase extraction and preparative HPLC purification. This approach proved to be efficient in obtaining all the beta-oxidation intermediates of valproyl-CoA. The synthetic standards were used for the determination of intramitochondrial concentrations of valproyl-CoA, Delta2-valproyl-CoA, 3-OH-valproyl-CoA, and 3-keto-valproyl-CoA by HPLC. These levels were determined after incubation of intact rat liver mitochondria with VPA under conditions of state 3 and state 4 respiration. The results show that valproyl-CoA and to a much lesser extent 3-keto-valproyl-CoA are the main metabolites of VPA in mitochondria. This information will be of great use in resolving the mechanisms involved in the inhibition of mitochondrial processes like fatty acid oxidation by VPA.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Rapid detection of CFH (p.Y402H) and ARMS2 (p.A69S) polymorphisms in age-related macular degeneration using high-resolution melting analysis. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a complex disorder causing irreversible central vision loss. Complement Factor H (CFH) and age-related maculopathy susceptibility 2 (ARMS2) are now widely accepted as important AMD susceptibility genes. In particular, two specific variants, CFH p.Y402H and ARMS2 p.A69S, have been reported as strongly AMD associated. In order to perform the genetic screening of these single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), we describe a high resolution melting analysis (HRM) as a rapid closed tube mutation scanning assay. To validate HRM genotyping, 94 DNA samples from AMD patients (previously genotyped by sequence analysis) were analyzed. PCR amplification and melting curve analysis were performed in the LightCycler 480 Real-Time PCR System. In order to evaluate the accuracy of the HRM assay, we performed a blinded study of 20 unknown independent samples. We correctly genotyped all samples. In fact, all samples corresponded to the previous genotype assignments. Early identification of individuals with genetic risk variants CFH p.Y402H and ARMS2 p.A69S is clinically important for the definition of AMD status. High-resolution DNA melting is homogenous, accurate and rapid method for CFH and ARMS2 genotyping.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Usefulness of cardiorespiratory fitness as a predictor of all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality in men with systemic hypertension. There is an inverse gradient of mortality across levels of cardiorespiratory fitness in healthy adults; however, the association of fitness to mortality in persons with comorbidities such as hypertension is not fully understood. This study quantifies the relation of cardiorespiratory fitness to all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality in hypertensive men. In this observational cohort study, we calculated death rates for low, moderate, and high fitness categories in normotensive (n = 15,726) and hypertensive (n = 3,184) men, and in men without a history of hypertension but with elevated blood pressure (BP) (systolic BP > or = 140 or diastolic BP > or = 90 mm Hg) at baseline (n = 3,257). The participants were 22,167 men (average age 42.6 +/- 9.2 years [mean +/- SD]) who underwent a medical examination that included a maximal exercise test during 1970 to 1993, with mortality follow-up to December 31, 1994. We identified 628 deaths (188 from CVD) during 224,173 man-years of observation. There was an inverse linear trend across fitness groups for all-cause and CVD mortality. The relative risk (95% confidence interval [CI]), using the low fitness group as reference, for all-cause mortality in hypertensive men was 0.45 (95% CI 0.31 to 0.65) and 0.42 (95% CI 0.27 to 0.66) for moderate and high fitness groups, respectively, and in men with elevated BP, 0.49 (95% CI 0.34 to 0.70) and 0.44 (95% CI 0.29 to 0.68) for moderate and high fitness groups, respectively. The pattern of results was similar for CVD mortality. There was an inverse linear relation between fitness and death rate for all-cause mortality in both the uncontrolled and controlled hypertensive groups. This study provides evidence that moderate to high levels of cardiorespiratory fitness provide protection against all-cause and CVD mortality in hypertensive men and men without a history of hypertension but with elevated BP at examination.
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Sex reversal in the mouse (Mus musculus) is caused by a recurrent nonreciprocal crossover involving the x and an aberrant y chromosome. Satellite DNA (Bkm) from the W sex-determining chromosome of snakes, which is related to sequences on the mouse Y chromosome, has been used to analyze the DNA and chromosomes of sex-reversed (Sxr) XXSxr male mice. Such mice exhibit a male-specific Southern blot Bkm hybridization pattern, consistent with the presence of Y-chromosome DNA. In situ hybridization of Bkm to chromosomes of XXSxr mice shows an aberrant concentration of related sequences on the distal terminus of a large mouse chromosome. The XYSxr carrier male, however, shows a pair of small chromosomes, which are presumed to be aberrant Y derivatives. Meiosis in the XYSxr mouse involves transfer of chromatin rich in Bkm-related DNA from the Y-Y1 complex to the X distal terminus. We suggest that this event is responsible for the transmission of the Sxr trait.
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Effects of adrenaline-tablets on rat heart cells in tissue culture at normal and raised temperature. Primary cultures of rat heart cells were incubated at 37 degrees C or 39.5 degrees C. For permanent treatment with adrenaline recently developed tablets were added to the cultures. After 10 hours the cell counts, glucose, lactate, LDH, alpha-HBDH and GOT were determined. Permanent adrenaline-application led to a decrease of cell counts, an increase of lactate, LDH, alpha-HBDH and GOT. The results indicate an injured membrane function of rat heart cells. Raised temperature sensitized the cells for adrenaline-treatment.
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Interdependence of the actin and the microtubule cytoskeleton during fungal growth. Cell polarization is a theme in biology conserved from bacteria to man. One of the most extremely polarized cells in nature is the hyphae of filamentous fungi. A continuous flow of secretion vesicles from the hyphal cell body to the tip is essential for cell wall and membrane extension. Microtubules (MTs) and actin, along with their corresponding motor proteins, are involved in the secretion process. Therefore, the arrangement of the cytoskeleton is a crucial step to establish and maintain polarity. Here we review recent findings unraveling the mechanism of polarized growth with special emphasis on the role of the actin and MT cytoskeletons and cell end markers linking the two cytoskeletons. We will mainly focus on Neurospora crassa and Aspergillus nidulans as model organisms.
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Should the criteria for species distinction in adenoviruses be reconsidered? Evidence from canine adenoviruses 1 and 2. Four strains of canine adenovirus type 1 (CAV-1) and two strains of canine adenovirus type 2 (CAV-2) were examined by restriction enzyme analysis. In all cases, CAV-1 could be readily differentiated from CAV-2. Additionally, monoclonal antibodies were prepared against the Mirandola and Manhattan strains of CAV-1 and CAV-2, respectively. 18 of 36 monoclonal antibodies from the CAV-1 fusion and 77 of 160 monoclonal antibodies from the CAV-2 fusion were type-specific by an indirect fluorescent-antibody technique. Moreover, among those type-specific monoclonal antibodies, 13 of the 18 CAV-1 antibodies and 39 of the 77 CAV-2 antibodies specifically neutralized only the homologous virus in vitro. These data, along with other evidence from the literature, suggest that not only should CAV-1 and CAV-2 be recognized as distinct species in the genus mastadenovirus of the family Adenoviridae, but also that the major criterion of species distinction in that family, namely neutralization, should be reconsidered.
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Orthodontic and bone grafting procedures in a cleft lip and palate series: an interim cephalometric evaluation. An attempt is being made to observe the facial and dental development of a cleft lip and palate sample. The study is continuing and, hopefully, offers insight into what happens to these children who have undergone the placement of a dentofacial maxillary orthopedic appliance early at the time of lip closure and an additional surgical procedure and autogenous osteoplasty. Though the final answers to the two previously posed questions are not yet available, we are able to make some value judgments by observing the lateral cephalometric films of these children, and observing their occusion intraorally. Thus far, we are able to state that in our sample, using our treatment procedures in the sequence advocated, we have seen no growth attenuation in the posterior/anterior dimension. The maxilla, at least to the ages observed, does not appear to have been attenuated by our procedures. Further, it would seem that after a limited first phase of orthodontic treatment to align dental units, the degree of crossbite is considerably smaller from that reported in the literature by those using more conventional approaches; thus it is possible that we are doing some good. We are still using these procedures on our newborn and continue to feel that we have a real opportunity to be able to do more orthodontically for these children when they possess a full, permanent dentition and are ready for comprehensive treatment.
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Recrystallization from ether causes unusual changes in the convulsant activity of pentylenetetrazol. The convulsant activity of commercial pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) and that of pentylenetetrazol recrystallized from ether (PTZE) were compared in the waking rabbit by means of recording the electrical activity of the brain. In addition, the interaction between the two substances was studied. When given in slow intravenous infusion, PTZE proved only half as effective as PTZ (threshold doses: 23.18 +/- 1.8 mg/kg and 12.40 +/- 0.7 mg/kg, respectively). One single infusion of PTZE 5-10 days prior to the administration of PTZ decreased the latter's convulsant activity to half of the original, while PTZ pretreatment left the activity of PTZE unaltered. Previous physico-chemical investigations suggested that, after recrystallization from ether the molecule might be present in dimer form at the phase-boundaries. Such a process, if taking place also at the cell membrane surface might account for the diminished convulsant activity of the recrystallized molecule.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[Classification of surgical complications: analysis of the group of consecutive patients]. The aim of the work was to evaluate the implementation of Clavien - Dindo classification of surgical complications into a routine clinical praxis and to evaluate the results achieved at the university department of surgery. Prospectively collected data of patients hospitalized at the Clinic of Surgery of the University Hospital in Hradec Králové between January 2010 and September 2012 were retrospectively evaluated. Incidence, spectrum and severity of postoperative complications were evaluated according to individual surgical specializations. 9039 patients were operated and enrolled into the database during the time period from January 2010 to October 2012. A surgical complication was recorded in 1248 (12.9%) patiens, grade I. in 284 (3.4%) cases, grade II. in 384 (4.3%) cases, grade III in 370 (4.1%) cases, grade IV. in 67 (0.7%) patients. Death,i.e. grade V., occurred in 143 (1.43%) patients. Clavien - Dindo classification of surgical complications was successfully implemented into a routine clinical praxis at the department of surgery, University Hospital Hradec Králové. Wider use of this classification system would improve conditions for evaluation and comparison of results between different surgical approaches, surgeons or departments.
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A postprofessional distance-education program in neurodiagnostics and sleep science. Sleep medicine is a quickly growing field of allied health and preventive medicine. The University of North Carolina has proven innovative and timely in offering a neurodiagnostics and sleep science bachelor's degree program for the sleep medicine profession.
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Modulation of attentional networks by food-related disinhibition. The risk of weight gain is especially related to disinhibition, which indicates the responsiveness to external food stimuli with associated disruptions in eating control. We adapted a food-related version of the attention network task and used functional magnetic resonance imaging to study the effects of disinhibition on attentional networks in 19 normal-weight participants. High disinhibition scores were associated with a rapid reorienting response to food pictures after invalid cueing and with an enhanced alerting effect of a warning cue signalizing the upcoming appearance of a food picture. Imaging data revealed activation of a right-lateralized ventral attention network during reorienting. The faster the reorienting and the higher the disinhibition score, the less activation of this network was observed. The alerting contrast showed activation in visual, temporo-parietal and anterior sites. These modulations of attentional networks by food-related disinhibition might be related to an attentional bias to energy dense and palatable food and increased intake of food in disinhibited individuals.
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[Idiopathic calcinosis of the scrotum: a case report]. A 25-year-old man complained of painless, firm scrotal nodules which increased in number and size for the last 7 years. Physical examination was unremarkable except for many, firm painless nodules near the scrotal raphe. Preoperative diagnosis was multiple scrotal tumors of unknown etiology. Surgical excision was performed under epidural anesthesia. On microscopic examination, the nodules were located in the dermis and composed of calcified material which was positive with the von Kossa calcium stain. There were numerous foreign giant cells and dense fibrosis at the margins of the lesions. Idiopathic calcinosis of the scrotum was the final diagnosis. Although its etiology is unknown, the literature reviewed supported the view that the mast cell accumulation and its degranulation are related to idiopathic calcinosis of the scrotum.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Correspondence - Design of ladder-type SAW/BAW. This paper describes the design of RF SAW/ BAW filters with constant group delay. The band-pass LC filter is designed based on the traditional Bessel filter design. Then, LC resonators in the filter are replaced by SAW/BAW resonators with finite capacitance ratio γ. Finite γ generates passband ripples in the group delay. However, it is shown the ripples can be suppressed by optimal design of the SAW/BAW resonators. Norton's first transform is also applied to the designed filter to reduce variation of resonator shunt capacitances. Finally, extremely flat group delay with deviation of 4 ns over the frequency range of ±20 MHz at the center frequency of 1 GHz is theoretically demonstrated.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Influence of scaffold morphology on co-cultures of human endothelial and adipose tissue-derived stem cells. The interior of tissue engineering scaffolds must be vascularizable and allow adequate nutrients perfusion in order to ensure the viability of the cells colonizing them. The promotion of rapid vascularization of scaffolds is critical for thick artificial constructs. In the present study co-cultures of human endothelial and adipose tissue-derived stem cells have been performed in poly(ethyl acrylate) scaffolds with two different pore structures: grid-like (PEA-o) or sponge-like (PEA-s), in combination with a self-assembling peptide gel filling the pores, which aims to mimic the physiological niche. After 2 and 7 culture days, cell adhesion, proliferation and migration, the expression of cell surface markers like CD31 and CD90 and the release of VEGF were assessed by means of immunocytochemistry, scanning electronic microscopy, flow cytometry and ELISA analyses. The study demonstrated that PEA-s scaffolds promoted greater cell organization into tubular-like structures than PEA-o scaffolds, and this was enhanced by the presence of the peptide gel. Paracrine signaling from adipose cells significantly improved endothelial cell viability, proving the advantageous combination of this system for obtaining easily vascularizable tissue engineered grafts. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part A: 104A: 1523-1533, 2016.
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Postexercise oxygen consumption in trained females: effect of exercise duration. Many research studies report the long-lasting elevation of metabolism following exercise. However, little is known regarding the impact of duration and intensity on this phenomenon, particularly in trained women in whom the time of the menstrual cycle has been controlled. This study examined the effects of a constant walking intensity (70% of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max)) on the treadmill at various levels of duration (20, 40, and 60 min) on 3-h recovery of oxygen uptake (VO2). Eight trained (mean +/- SD) (VO2max = 47.6 +/- 3.2 ml.kg-1.min-1) females (mean age = 30.2 +/- 5.0 yr, mean weight = 58.7 +/- 7.6 kg, mean height = 165.6 +/- 7.0 cm) participated in the study. Subjects reported to the lab for a maximal oxygen consumption test and returned on four additional occasions (control, 20, 40, 60 min) in random fashion. Treadmill speed and grade were established to yield the appropriate intensity for each subject. Following each exercise bout subjects sat quietly for a 3-h time period. Variables measured included VO2, minute ventilation (VE), respiratory exchange ratio (RER), heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and core (rectal) temperature (Tc). Variables were measured each 15 min of recovery. An ANOVA was used to assess differences due to duration. Excess postexercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) was calculated by subtracting the resting VO2 from the absolute VO2 and summing the individual EPOCs during each 3-h postexercise session and comparing these individual values to the preexercise VO2 values. The EPOC was significantly elevated (P < 0.05) in each of the three durations as compared with the control (sitting) and preexercise periods. The total EPOC was significantly higher for the 60-min duration (15.2 l) as compared with either 20-min (8.b l) or 40-min (9.8 l) duration (P < 0.05). This was observed without significant changes in VE, RER, HR, SBP, DBP, or Tc. Additionally, there were no differences during exercise across the three durations in VO2, VE, RER, HR, SBP, DBP, or Tc. These data suggest that exercise duration increases EPOC significantly and that a 60-min duration yields approximately twice the EPOC than either 20 or 40 min.
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Laparoscopy versus laparotomy approach of a radical resection for gallbladder cancer: a retrospective comparative study. Laparoscopic approach for gallbladder cancer (GBC) has long been contraindicated, but few recent studies have demonstrated the oncologic outcomes of this treatment. The purpose of this study was to compare the perioperative outcomes and long-term survival for laparoscopic surgery versus traditional open surgery of GBC. Between January 2014 and December 2018, 63 GBC patients who received radical resection were enrolled in this study, with 32 patients in laparoscopic group and 31 cases in laparotomy group. Perioperative data and postoperative survival were retrospectively evaluated. Laparoscopic approach was associated with less intraoperative bleeding (267.20 ± 47.07 vs. 502.60 ± 69.70, P = 0.007), fewer postoperative days of oral diet recovery (2.34 ± 0.31 vs. 3.32 ± 0.35, P = 0.041), and hospital stay (11.03 ± 0.99 vs. 14.35 ± 1.11, P = 0.028). There were no significant differences between two groups regarding other perioperative outcomes. Patients in laparoscopic group showed better 1-year overall survival than those in laparotomy group (72.91% vs. 47.82%, P = 0.086). Subgroup analysis for GBC patients in T3 stages revealed that laparoscopic approach was associated with less intraoperative bleeding (268.00 ± 57.19 vs. 541.50 ± 101.30, P = 0.009), fewer postoperative days of hospital stay (9.87 ± 1.10 vs. 14.90 ± 1.53, P = 0.017), and improved 1-year overall survival (P = 0.023). Subgroup analysis for GBCs in TNM III and TNM IV stages showed comparable intraoperative parameters and postoperative survival between two groups. Laparoscopic surgery for GBCs may offer the comparable perioperative outcomes as conventional laparotomy procedure, and tend to be associated with less intraoperative bleeding, faster oral diet recovery, shorter hospital stay, and improved 1-year overall survival.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
X-Ray anomalous scattering study of a charge-ordered state in NaV2O5 Charge ordering of V4+ and V5+ in NaV2O5 has been studied by an x-ray diffraction technique using anomalous scattering near a vanadium K-absorption edge to critically enhance a contrast between the two ions. A dramatic energy dependence of the superlattice intensities is observed below T(C) = 35 K. The charge ordering pattern is the fully charged zigzag-type ladder with the unit cell 2ax2bx4c, but not the chain-type originally proposed for the spin-Peierls state. Charge disproportionation suggested in our model as the average valence V(4.5+/-delta(c)/2) is observed below T(C), showing continuous variation of delta(c) as a function of temperature.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Methotrexate: an old new drug in autoimmune disease. Methotrexate (MTX) is currently considered, among disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs), the 'anchor-drug' in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. In the last 25 years, there has been a marked expansion in the use of MTX in different inflammatory diseases. Its low cost, associated to a good long-term efficacy and safety profile, justifies the use of MTX as a first-line disease-modifying drug or alternatively, a steroid-sparing medication in this field of medicine. Although new emerging options, including biological treatments, are being established in the therapeutic scenario, the good cost/benefit ratio of MTX supports the choice of this drug in combination with these newer therapies, enhancing the efficacy of these combination therapies and decreasing the risk of potential side effects.
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[Dermatologic diseases in patients with AIDS]. This short review deals with the cutaneous manifestations of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), which comprise Kaposi's sarcoma, as an important marker disease for AIDS, as well as various skin infections caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses. In patients at risk of acquiring AIDS, an extensive immunological investigation should be performed if skin infections are established. In addition, a large number of cutaneous complications encountered in AIDS patients have an immunological background, e.g. an extreme hypersensitivity to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Therefore, the dermatological investigation of patients at risk of acquiring AIDS is urgently recommended as a regular part of the general check-up.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Intelligibility of average talkers in typical listening environments. Intelligibility of conversationally produced speech for normal hearing listeners was studied for three male and three female talkers. Four typical listening environments were used. These simulated a quiet living room, a classroom, and social events in two settings with different reverberation characteristics. For each talker, overall intelligibility and intelligibility for vowels, consonant voicing, consonant continuance, and consonant place were quantified using the speech pattern contrast (SPAC) test. Results indicated that significant intelligibility differences are observed among normal talkers even in listening environments that permit essentially full intelligibility for everyday conversations. On the whole, talkers maintained their relative intelligibility across the four environments, although there was one exception which suggested that some voices may be particularly susceptible to degradation due to reverberation. Consonant place was the most poorly perceived feature, followed by continuance, voicing, and vowel intelligibility. However, there were numerous significant interactions between talkers and speech features, indicating that a talker of average overall intelligibility may produce certain speech features with intelligibility that is considerably higher or lower than average. Neither long-term rms speech spectrum nor articulation rate was found to be an adequate single criterion for selecting a talker of average intelligibility. Ultimately, an average talker was chosen on the basis of four speech contrasts: initial consonant place, and final consonant place, voicing, and continuance.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Tailoring of temperature- and pH-responsive cotton fabric with antimicrobial activity: Effect of the concentration of a bio-barrier-forming agent. A stimuli-responsive cotton fabric was designed using temperature and pH-responsive poly-N-isopropylacrylamide (poly-NiPAAm) and chitosan (PNCS) microgel as a carrier of antimicrobially active 3-(trimethoxysilyl)-propyldimethyloctadecyl ammonium chloride (Si-QAC), which forms a bio-barrier on the fibre surface. The influence of Si-QAC on the moisture management and thermoregulation abilities of the PNCS microgel was investigated. Using a pad-dry cure method, Si-QAC was applied to a 100% cotton fabric model in concentrations ranging from 0.05-4% to determine the antimicrobial activity of Si-QAC against two types of bacteria, gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and gram-negative Escherichia coli. Based on these results, three different concentrations of Si-QAC were selected (0.5, 2 and 4%) and tested with in situ embedment of the agent into PNCS microgel particles for further functionalization of the cotton fabric. The functional properties of the studied samples were assessed by measuring the moisture content, water vapour transmission rate, water uptake and antibacterial activity, and FT-IR and SEM were used to study the chemical and morphological properties of the fibres. The results show that regardless of the concentration, the presence of Si-QAC caused a reduction in the change in the volume of the PNCS microgel particles under conditions that would normally cause swelling. Accordingly, the moisture management and thermoregulation properties of the PNCS microgel were best preserved when the lowest Si-QAC concentration (0.5%) was used. Despite the low concentration, at the conditions required, enough Si-QAC was released from the microgel particles onto the surface of the fibres to form a bio-barrier with excellent antimicrobial activity.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[A promoter responsible for over-expression of cholera toxin B subunit in cholera toxin A subunit structure gene]. A promoter sequence, which promotes the transcription of cholera toxin B subunit gene, was found in cholera toxin A subunit structure gene. The transcription starts at the adenine Located at +833, that is 456bp upstream to the A of the initiation codon ATG of cholera toxin B gene. Under the control of the promoter, cholera toxin B subunit was over-expressed as high as 200 mg/L at an optimized culture condition. The chloramphenicol acetyl transferase gene and beta-galactosidase could also be efficiently expressed under the direction of the promoter. This promoter may be responsible for the 6 fold and 7 fold higher expression level of cholera toxin B subunit than cholera toxin A subunit in V. cholerae and Escheria coli respectively. The over-expression of CTB may be useful in preparing vaccine against cholera and facilitating the construction of peptide-bearing immunogenic hybrid proteins.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Improving the electrochemical properties of LiNi(0.5)Co(0.2)Mn(0.3)O2 at 4.6 V cutoff potential by surface coating with Li2TiO3 for lithium-ion batteries. The Li2TiO3-coated LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 (LTO@NCM) cathode materials are synthesized via an in situ co-precipitation method followed by the lithiation process and thermal annealing. The Li2TiO3 coating layer is designed to strongly adhere to the core-material with 3D diffusion pathways for Li(+) ions. Electrochemical tests suggest that compared with pristine NCM, Li2TiO3 serves as both a Li ion conductive layer and a protective coating layer against the attack of HF in the electrolyte, and remarkably improves the cycling performance at higher charged state and rate capability of the LTO@NCM composite material. What is more, phase transformation of NCM and dissolution of metal ions at high-temperatures at 4.6 V cutoff potential are effectively suppressed after LTO-coating. Our study demonstrates that LTO-coating on the surface of NCM is a viable method to improve the electrochemical performance of NCM, especially at high rates and under high-voltage charged conditions.
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Pro-melanin-concentrating hormone gene (PMCH) is localized on human chromosome 12q and rat chromosome 7. Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) is a cyclic neuropeptide that may be involved in regulation of the stress response and food intake behavior in mammals. MCH and two other putative neuropeptides, NEI and NGE, are encoded by the same precursor, designated pro-melanin-concentrating hormone (PMCH). A panel of somatic cell hybrids segregating either human or rat chromosomes was used to determine the chromosomal localization of the PMCH locus. It was assigned to human chromosome 12q and to rat chromosome 7. This is the first neuropeptide-encoding gene found in this new synteny group conserved in rat and human.
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Surgery on extracorporeal circulation in early and advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Locally advanced (T4) non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is principally amenable to surgery. For radical resection of cardiovascular structures, extracorporeal circulation (ECC) may be required. Tumor dissemination is a concern in this situation. In this study, we evaluate the long-term results of T4 NSCLC surgery with ECC and compare them with combined cardiopulmonary surgery for early-stage NSCLC and heart disease. We retrospectively analyzed 16 patients undergoing surgery on ECC over a 13-year period. Eight patients suffered from T4 NSCLC (group A), and another eight patients suffered from coincidental T1-T2 NSCLC and heart disease (group B). In group A, five patients received neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy. Complete resection was achieved in all patients. Thirty-day mortality was one patient (12.5%) in each group. Six patients died from recurrent cancer with a median survival of 13.6 months in group A. Prognosis in patients with direct tumor invasion of the aortopulmonary window was a lot worse compared to those with atrial infiltration. One T4 patient who had only received surgery survived for 155 months without relapse. In group B, no NSCLC relapse occurred, and median survival was 21.6 months. All but one death in group B occurred due to cardiovascular incidents. Surgery on ECC for T4 NSCLC gives satisfactory results. The site of infiltration appears to be most important for local tumor relapse. Long-term survival is possible in some cases. Simultaneous cardiac and pulmonary surgery resulted in good early and midterm outcomes without surgery-induced tumor propagation.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Bioequivalence of a slow-release and a non-retard formulation of isradipine. Pharmacokinetic studies were carried out in 48 healthy male volunteers to determine the pharmacokinetic properties of a new modified-release formulation of isradipine (SRO) and to compare these with the pharmacokinetic properties of the nonretard form of isradipine (NR). Studies were carried out in the fasting state and also following a light meal. The time required to reach maximum plasma concentration (tmax) was extended from approximately 1.5 h with NR to 5 to 7 h with SRO, and the maximum plasma concentration [Cp(tmax)] was reduced by around 50%. The bioavailability of SRO was increased by less than 20% compared with the same daily dose given as NR, indicating that the two forms are bioequivalent and that no adjustment in the total daily dose of isradipine is necessary when switching from one form to the other. Administration with a light meal altered the pharmacokinetic parameters by less than 20% compared with administration without food.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[Intravenous drug addiction and the risk of HIV infection in Madrid in 1990]. As part of a multicenter WHO study on HIV infection among drug injectors, 472 intravenous drug users (IDUs) were interviewed, 240 recruited in the streets and 232 at drug treatment centers. The objectives of the study were to assess the prevalence of HIV infection among IDUs of Madrid, to identify factors associated with risk reduction behaviors, such as the use of sterile syringes and condoms. Chi-square and logistic regression were used to test for differences and to estimate odds ratios. Prevalence of HIV infection among IDUs in Madrid was 50% (53% among those recruited in the street and 38% among those recruited at treatment centers). Forty five per cent of those interviewed were still sharing syringes. Out of the 315 sexually active subjects, only 22% reported using condoms always or almost always. These results suggest that a range of interventions should be implemented to promote change towards healthier behaviors, including syringe-exchange programs, methadone maintenance treatments and pre- and post-test counseling in those agencies which care for this population.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Comparative inactivation and inhibition of the anomerase and isomerase activities of phosphoglucose isomerase. Several metabolic compounds have been found to be competitive inhibitors of the anomerase activity of phosphoglucose isomerase (EC values for erythrose 4-phosphate, 6-phosphogluconate, and fructose 1,6-bisphosphate for the anomerase reaction are 0.32 muM, 21 muM, and 84 muM respectively at 0 degree and pH 8.2. A significant difference between the fructose 1,6-bisphosphate inhibition constants for both activities was found (Ki(isomerase) = 800 muM and Ki(anomerase) = 140 muM). Also the Km values for both activities were found to be significantly different (Km(isomerase) = 140 muM and Km(anomerase) = 3.6 muM). Attempts to independently alter the anomerase to isomerase activity ratio through protein modification yielded mixed results. While several modifying reagents destroyed the catalytic activities at identical rates, inactivation by iodoacetamide or pyridoxal 5' phosphate sensitized photo-oxidation displayed differential initial effects on the two activities with the anomerase activity being the less affected. These data support the theory that an imidazole residue is catalytically important for isomerization, but less so for anomerization.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Effects of diadenosine polyphosphates and seminal fluid vesicles on rabbit sperm cells. Membrane vesicles were isolated from rabbit seminal plasma. Electron microscopy analyses showed the presence of numerous small, round vesicles with a diameter of about 70 nm. Determination of enzyme activities was carried out by high performance liquid chromatography and showed that the vesicles can degrade the diadenosine polyphosphates (ApnA), Ap3A and Ap4A and ATP and ADP, but not AMP. Studies of the degradation of diadenosine compounds by the vesicles present in seminal fluid showed an increasing production of AMP as the by-product and a time-dependent generation of dephosphorylated products consistent with the presence of ecto-ATP diphosphophosphatase (ecto-apyrase). In the presence of rabbit spermatozoa, AMP did not accumulate because 5'nucleotidase and adenosine deaminase, present at the surface of sperm cells, transformed AMP into adenosine and inosine. The effects of seminal fluid vesicles and diadenosine compounds on the acquisition of fertilizing capacity by rabbit spermatozoa were evaluated by Pisum sativum agglutinin fluorescein isothiocyanate conjugated staining. The results obtained with uncapacitated spermatozoa showed that the capacitating effector BSA could be substituted efficiently by the addition of diadenosine compounds and vesicles previously incubated for 2 h to the capacitative medium. Under these experimental conditions, the spontaneous acrosome reaction rate was not increased. Capacitated rabbit spermatozoa did not undergo acrosome reaction when l-alpha-lysophosphatidylcholine was substituted by diadenosine compounds previously incubated with vesicles. In conclusion, this study has shown that rabbit seminal fluid vesicles can degrade diadenosine compounds to AMP and that the addition of the vesicles and diadenosine compounds to uncapacitated rabbit spermatozoa favours the acquisition of the fertilizing capacity.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Transformation of shape information in the ventral pathway. Object perception seems effortless to us, but it depends on intensive neural processing across multiple stages in ventral pathway visual cortex. Shape information at the retinal level is hopelessly complex, variable and implicit. The ventral pathway must somehow transform retinal signals into much more compact, stable and explicit representations of object shape. Recent findings highlight key aspects of this transformation: higher-order contour derivatives, structural representation in object-based coordinates, composite shape tuning dimensions, and long-term storage of object knowledge. These coding principles could help to explain our remarkable ability to perceive, distinguish, remember and understand a virtual infinity of objects.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Modification of heart sarcolemmal Na+/K+-ATPase activity during development of the calcium paradox. This study examined the status of sarcolemmal Na+/K+-ATPase activity in rat heart under conditions of Ca2+-paradox to explore the existence of a relationship between changes in Na+/K+-pump function and myocardial Na+ as well as K+ content. One min of reperfusion with Ca2+ after 5 min of Ca2+-free perfusion reduced Na+/K+-ATPase activity in the isolated heart by 53% while Mg2+-ATPase, another sarcolemmal bound enzyme, retained 74% of its control activity. These changes in sarcolemmal ATPase activities were dependent on the duration and Ca2+ concentration of the initial perfusion and subsequent reperfusion periods; however, the Na+/K+-ATPase activity was consistently more depressed than Mg2+-ATPase activity under all conditions. The depression in both enzyme activities was associated with a reduction in Vmax without any changes in Km values. Low Na+ perfusion and hypothermia, which protect the isolated heart from the Ca2+-paradox, also prevented reperfusion-induced enzyme alterations. A significant relationship emerged upon comparison of the changes in myocardial Na+ and K+ content to Na+/K+-ATPase activity under identical conditions. At least 60% of the control enzyme activity was necessary to maintain normal cation gradients. Depression of the Na+/K+-ATPase activity by 60-65% resulted in a marked increase and decrease in intracellular Na+ and K+ content, respectively. These results suggest that changes in myocardial Na+ and K+ content during Ca2+-paradox are related to activity of the Na+/K+-pump; the impaired Na+/K+-ATPase activity may lead to augmentation of Ca2+-overload via an enhancement of the Na+/Ca2+-exchange system.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Electrophysiological effects of cocaine in the mesoaccumbens dopamine system: repeated administration. Behavioral evidence indicates that the potent rewarding effects of cocaine are mediated, in part, by the mesoaccumbens dopamine (DA) system projecting from A10 DA cells in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) to the nucleus accumbens (NAc). Previous electrophysiological studies from our laboratory have indicated that cocaine (i.v.) exerts inhibitory effects on A10 DA neurons, due to enhanced stimulation by DA at DA autoreceptors are well as by activation of NAc-VTA feedback pathways. In the present experiments, extracellular single-unit recording and microiontophoretic techniques were used to determine the possible alterations in the mesoaccumbens DA system after repeated cocaine administration. Twice daily injections of cocaine (10 mg/kg i.p., 14 days) caused significant subsensitivity to the inhibitory effects of low i.v. doses of the DA agonist apomorphine in comparison to rats receiving similar treatments with saline or procaine. Iontophoretic application of DA to A10 DA neurons in rats treated repeatedly with cocaine (2X10 mg/kg, 14 days) also produced significantly less inhibition as compared to control rats. Cell population analysis of the VTA revealed that autoreceptor subsensitivity in cocaine-treated rats resulted in a significantly greater number of spontaneously active A10 DA neurons, and a significantly higher firing rate as compared to A10 DA neurons in control rats. In striking contrast to A10 DA cells, recordings from NAc neurons in cocaine-treated rats (2X10 mg/kg, 14 days) indicated that these cells were supersensitive to the inhibitory effects of iontophoretic DA. Although the mechanism underlying such supersensitivity remains unclear, the increased sensitivity of postsynaptic NAc DA receptors combined with the subsensitivity of A10 DA autoreceptors could lead to greatly enhanced DA transmission and may help to explain some aspects of cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Changes in genetic variances with increased inbreeding of beef cattle. Data on performance traits from a herd of Hereford cattle composed of inbred lines and linecross groups were analyzed to estimate within- and among-line genetic variances and to evaluate how these variances changed with increased inbreeding. Within-line variances were highly erratic while among-line variances tended to be somewhat more consistent. Changes in variances with increased inbreeding did not generally follow the theoretical expectations for the redistribution of genetic variances.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Information-seeking behaviors of women with breast cancer. To explore the information-seeking behaviors of women with breast cancer. Sequential, between-methods triangulation. Community-based. 156 women with breast cancer took part in a mailed survey, and 30 women with breast cancer participated in three focus group discussions (n = 11, 12, and 7). Women with breast cancer completed the Miller Behavioral Style Scale (MBSS). Other women with breast cancer participated in one of three age-stratified focus group discussions. Information-seeking behaviors of women with breast cancer. The information-seeking behaviors of women with breast cancer, as measured by the monitoring subscale of MBSS, were not significantly associated with their demographic (e.g., age, socioeconomic class) and illness-related characteristics (e.g., months since diagnosis, surgery, therapeutic regimens). The focus group discussions suggested that the information-seeking behaviors of women with breast cancer were highly individualistic. Although some women actively sought information, others avoided information. In addition, women sometimes fluctuated between seeking and avoiding information. Women sought information to cope with breast cancer, regain a sense of control, increase their feelings of confidence, and help facilitate the decision-making process. Women avoided information to escape from worry, fear, and feelings of negativity and depression. The information-seeking behaviors of women with breast cancer are highly individualistic and are not related to demographic or disease-related characteristics. Breast-care nurses need to be sensitive to the information-seeking behaviors of women with breast cancer. Information seekers should be given maximum information, and information avoiders should be given minimum information. In addition, more research needs to be conducted into the information-seeking behaviors of women with the disease.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Successful treatment of severe endometriosis in two premenopausal women with an aromatase inhibitor. To treat severe endometriosis in premenopausal women with an aromatase inhibitor and to document the efficacy and side effects of this new treatment. Case report. Clinical practice setting. Patients were premenopausal endometriosis cases confirmed by prior laparoscopy. Oral administration of the aromatase inhibitor anastrozole with the addition of 200-mg oral progesterone (P) capsules once daily, hs, and calcitriol 0.5 microg oral capsules twice daily. All three medications were given daily for 21 days followed by 7 days off, for a 28-day treatment cycle. Additionally, rofecoxib 12.5 mg was administered once a day continuously for the 28-day cycle. The dose could be increased to 25-50 mg daily as needed for increased pain. Six repeat 28-day cycles were planned for the treatment course depending on patient tolerance and response. Reduction of symptoms, elimination of endometrial implants, and improvement in fertility potential in the future. Monitoring for ovarian hyperstimulation as a side effect of aromatase inhibitor therapy. Documentation of potential symptoms or side effects when an aromatase inhibitor is used in menstruating women. Treatment resulted in a rapid, progressive reduction in symptoms over 3 months with the maintenance of remission of symptoms for over 24 months after treatment in both cases. There was confirmation of absence of disease in one case by follow-up laparoscopy 15 months after treatment. Pregnancy was achieved in both cases after 24 months. This is the first case report of successful treatment of severe endometriosis in premenopausal women with the aromatase inhibitor anastrozole combined with P, rofecoxib, and calcitriol. Treatment resulted in a rapid elimination of symptoms and was well tolerated in both cases.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
A study of labor resources in northeast Asia. "This paper will discuss questions such as the tapping, utilization and rational distribution (international migration) of labor resources that have already begun and will continue to expand in the regional economic and technological cooperation of Northeast Asia.... In the broad sense, Northeast Asia refers to the Soviet Far Eastern Economic Division and the Siberian Economic Division; the Northeast, North, and Northwest of China; Mongolia; Korea, South Korea and Japan; its area being 17.5 million square kilometers, or 40% of the Asian land area. Its population is 580 million, or 20% of the total population of Asia."
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[Growth hormone secretion following administration of growth hormone releasing hormone in constitutional short stature and idiopathic growth hormone deficiency]. A stimulation test using 1 microgram growth-hormone-releasing factor (GRF 1-29 X NH2)/kg bodyweight was performed in children with familial short stature and in children with constitutional delay of growth and development. The GH secretion induced by this means was not different in these groups, but there was a difference in the response between normal children and children with idiopathic growth hormone deficiency (GHD). GH secretion after GRF administration was significantly lower in the GHD group than in the other groups. However, 6 of 24 patients with GHD responded to the test with a normal increase in GH (greater than 10 ng/ml), and 11 with an intermediate response (2-10 ng/ml). Thus, the test does not differentiate individual patients with defective growth hormone secretion from normal short children.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
The impact of the global economic crisis on HIV and AIDS programmes directed at women and children in Zambia. This investigation sought to ascertain the extent to which the global economic crisis of 2008-2009 affected the delivery of HIV/AIDS-related services directed at pregnant and lactating mothers, children living with HIV and children orphaned through HIV in Zambia. Using a combined macroeconomic analysis and a multiple case study approach, the authors found that from mid-2008 to mid-2009 the Zambian economy was indeed buffeted by the global economic crisis. During that period the case study subjects experienced challenges with respect to the funding, delivery and effectiveness of services that were clearly attributable, directly or indirectly, to the global economic crisis. The source of funding most often compromised was external private flows. The services most often compromised were non-medical services (such as the delivery of assistance to orphans and counselling to HIV-positive mothers) while the more strictly medical services (such as antiretroviral therapy) were protected from funding cuts and service interruptions. Impairments to service effectiveness were experienced relatively equally by (HIV-positive) pregnant women and lactating mothers and children orphaned through HIV. Children living with AIDS were least affected because of the primacy of ARV therapy in their care.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Subacute primary Candida lung abscess. A case of primary subacute Candida lung abscess is described. The most reliable way to diagnose a rare pulmonary disease is to perform an open lung biopsy. A review of the literature suggests that the diagnosis of a primary subacute abscess due to Candida albicans in vivo is unique.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Prevalence of Obesity in Children and Adolescents in Brazil: A Meta-analysis of Cross-sectional Studies. Obesity in children/adolescents is a major public health problem worldwide. In Brazil there is great variability in published data on the prevalence of obesity among children/adolescents. To show a systematic review with meta-analysis of cross-sectional studies, conducted in Brazil between 2008 and 2014. A systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted the outcome of which was obesity (Body Mass Index ≥ 95th percentile for sex/age). A graphical presentation was done separately (Forest plot) for the results. Global and dichotomous outcomes were presented by employing, respectively the gross rates of prevalence and prevalence ratio (PR) and its confidence intervals at 95% (95% CI). The degree of heterogeneity was calculated employing the Q Cochran, while the I² test was used to describe the variation between studies. Twenty-one studies with a sample of 18,463 children/adolescents were included; the overall prevalence of obesity was 14.1%. Among boys it was 16.1% and in girls it was 14.95%. There was no difference in obesity prevalence between sexes (PR 1.06; 95%CI: 0.81 to 1.40; p>0.05). The prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents in Brazil is high and urgently needs measures to prevent consequences associated with the disease, as well as measures to reduce the impact, in the short term, the overweight and childhood obesity.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Is Social Work Still Racist? A Content Analysis of Recent Literature. Addressing systems of oppression that disproportionately affect racial and ethnic minoritized groups appears to be of marginal interest in social work's professional literature. This article describes the content analysis of articles on Asian Pacific Islander (API) Americans, African Americans, Latinx or Hispanic Americans, and Native or Indigenous Americans in four major social work journals published between 2005 and 2015. (The analysis serves to update a 1992 article by Anthony McMahon and Paula Allen-Meares that examined literature between 1980 and 1989.) Of the 1,690 articles published in Child Welfare, Research on Social Work Practice, Social Service Review, and Social Work over an 11-year period, only 123 met the criteria for inclusion. Findings suggest that social work researchers are still failing to address institutional racism and are relying heavily on micro-level interventions when working with minoritized groups. Social workers need to increase efforts to dismantle institutional racism.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Bevacizumab increases the risk of infections in cancer patients: A systematic review and pooled analysis of 41 randomized controlled trials. Bevacizumab, a recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody that targets the vascular endothelial growth factor, has been approved for use in a variety of malignancies. There have been reports of infections associated with the use of bevacizumab. We performed this meta-analysis to determine the overall incidence and risk of infections associated with bevacizumab in cancer patients. Pubmed and oncology conference proceedings were searched for relevant studies from January 2000 to June 2014. Studies were limited to phase II and phase III randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of bevacizumab in cancer patients with adequate safety profiles. Summary incidences, relative risks (RRs), and 95% confidence intervals (95%CIs) were calculated by using either random effects or fixed effect models according to the heterogeneity of included studies. In total 33,526 patients from 41 RCTs were included. The use of bevacizumab significantly increased the risk of developing all-grade (RR 1.45, 95%CI: 1.27-1.66, p<0.001) and high-grade (RR 1.59, 95%CI: 1.42-1.79, p<0.001) infections in cancer patients. Sensitivity analysis indicated that the significance estimate of pooled RRs was not significantly influenced by omitting any single study. On subgroup analysis, the risk of developing high-grade infection varied significantly with concomitant drugs (p=0.008). When stratified according to specific infectious events, the use of bevacizumab significantly increased the risk of developing severe febrile neutropenia (RR 1.57, 95%CI: 1.34-1.84; p<0.001) and fistulae/abscesses (RR 2.13, 95%CI: 1.06-4.27; p=0.033). No evidence of publication bias was observed. Bevacizumab treatment significantly increases the risk of infectious events developing in cancer patients. The risk may vary with concomitant drugs. Clinicians should be aware of the risks of infections with the administration of this drug in cancer patients.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Hydrophobic sequences can substitute for the wild-type N-terminal sequence of cystatin A (stefin A) in tight binding to cysteine proteinases selection of high-affinity N-terminal region variants by phage display. A phage-display library of the cysteine-proteinase inhibitor, cystatin A, was constructed in which variants with the four N-terminal amino acids randomly mutated were expressed on the surface of filamenteous phage. Screening of this library for binding to papain gave predominantly variants with a glycine residue in position 4. This finding is in agreement with previous conclusions that glycine in this position is essential for tight binding of cystatin A to cysteine proteinases by allowing optimal interaction of the N-terminal region of the inhibitor with the enzyme. In contrast, the first three residues of the variants obtained by the screening were more variable. Two variants were identified with similar affinities for papain as the wild-type inhibitor, but with these residues, Val-Phe-Thr- or Ile-Leu-Leu, differing appreciably from those of the wild-type, Met-Ile-Pro. Other sequences of the N-terminal region, presumably mainly hydrophobic, can thus substitute for the wild-type sequence and contribute similar energy to the inhibitor-proteinase interaction. The two variants binding tightly to papain differed in their affinity for cathepsin B, demonstrating that cystatin variants with increased selectivity for a particular target cysteine proteinase can be obtained by phage-display technology.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Antifungal Prophylaxis in Lung Transplant Recipients. Invasive fungal infection remains a serious postoperative complication in lung transplant recipients and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Although most lung transplant centers use antifungal prophylaxis, consensus on the strategy, choice of antifungal agent(s), route of administration, and duration of prophylaxis have not been established. This review provides an overview of the epidemiology and risk factors for common fungal infections seen in lung transplant recipients, evaluates the clinical efficacy and toxicity of the various antifungal agents used to prevent infection, and offers recommendations and opportunities for future research. Currently available data evaluating the efficacy of antifungal prophylaxis strategies is limited by a lack of prospective, randomized clinical trial data and variability in patient populations, prophylactic and immunosuppressive strategies, dosing, durations of use of antifungal agents, and definitions of invasive infection. There is controversy regarding significant risk factors for invasive fungal infection, which has limited the development and validation of targeted prophylactic strategies. Inhaled formulations of amphotericin B remain the most widely studied option for universal prophylaxis and have been shown to be effective in reducing the incidence of invasive Aspergillosis as compared with no prophylaxis. Concern over early postoperative extrapulmonary infection may suggest a benefit of initial prophylaxis with a systemic azole. Long-term use of systemic antifungals is not optimal due to emerging evidence of long-term toxicities. Multicenter, randomized trials are needed to ascertain the optimal prophylactic strategy in lung transplant recipients. New agents and delivery mechanisms may offer additional opportunities for comparative research.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Orally administered 4-aminopyridine improves clinical signs in multiple sclerosis. 4-Aminopyridine (4-AP), a potassium channel blocker, restores conduction in blocked, demyelinated animal nerve. Its administration to multiple sclerosis (MS) patients produces transient neurological improvements. Vision improves after either oral or intravenous administration, whereas motor function improvement has been reported only with the latter. To assess further its potential as a practical symptomatic treatment, we studied the efficacy of single, oral doses of 4-AP on both visual and motor signs in MS. Twenty temperature-sensitive male MS patients were given either 10 to 25 mg of 4-AP or identically appearing lactose placebo capsules. Static quantitative perimetry, critical flicker-fusion, visual acuity, visual evoked potentials, and videotaped neurological examinations were monitored. All of 15 MS patients given 4-AP mildly to markedly improved. Motor functions (power, coordination, gait) improved in 9 of 13 involved, vision in 11 of 13, and oculomotor functions in 1 of 2. Improvements developed gradually at doses as low as 10 mg, usually beginning within 60 minutes after drug administration, and reversed gradually over 4 to 7 hours. No serious adverse effects occurred. No significant changes were observed in 5 MS patients given placebo. We conclude that orally administered 4-AP produces clinically important improvements in multiple, chronic deficits in MS. Further studies are warranted to assess efficacy and safety of prolonged administration.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Voiding cystourethrography in boys. Does the presence of the catheter during voiding alter the evaluation of the urethra? We determined whether the presence of the catheter during the voiding phase of voiding cystourethrography alters the evaluation of the urethra concerning the normal structures as well as pathological findings, especially posterior urethral valves. A total of 123 males 3 days to 16 years old (median age 2.6 months) underwent voiding cystourethrography. Urethral catheterization was performed in all cases. Four views were taken during the voiding phase with and without the catheter in place. Only 80 patients had available results. These examinations were studied with special attention to the normal structures and pathological findings. A total of 36 examinations (45%) were normal. Pathological findings were observed in 44 patients (55%), with abnormal vesical findings and/or vesicoureteral reflux in 33 (41.25%). In 11 patients (13.75%) 12 urethral abnormalities were found (posterior urethral valves 3, hypospadias 4, prostatic utricle 1, verumontanum polyp 1, prune belly syndrome with urethral dilatation 1, imperforate anus with urethral fistula 1 and urethral duplication 1). In all cases excluding those involving hypospadias there was no difference between the views with and without the catheter. However, concerning the normal structures, the verumontanum and fossa navicularis were better delineated without the catheter in 27% and 33% of cases, respectively. Our study shows that a urethral catheter does not alter the diagnosis of abnormalities of the posterior urethra but may hamper the observation of normal structures or abnormalities of the anterior urethra.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Autoimmunity and pulmonary hypertension: a perspective. The association between autoimmunity and pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) has been appreciated for >40 yrs, but how autoimmune injury might contribute to the pathogenesis of this disease has only been examined in a case-specific manner. It is becoming increasingly clear that a variety of diverse clinical diseases, ranging from viral infections to connective tissue disorders, can culminate in pulmonary vascular pathology that is indistinguishable. Is there a hitherto unappreciated biology that unites these seemingly unrelated conditions? The answer to this question may come from the increasing body of evidence concerned with the central importance of regulatory T-cells in preventing inappropriate B-cell activity. Two striking similarities between conditions associated with severe angioproliferative pulmonary hypertension are a defect in the CD4 T-cell compartment and auto-antibody production. Pathogenic auto-antibodies targeting endothelial cells are capable of inducing vascular endothelial apoptosis and may initiate the development of PAH. The present review will focus on what is known about autoimmune phenomena in pulmonary arterial hypertension patients, in order to better consider whether an early loss of self-tolerance followed by autoimmune injury could influence the early development of severe angioproliferative pulmonary hypertension.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Bicortical screw fixation provides superior biomechanical stability but devastating failure modes in periprosthetic femur fracture care using locking plates. The incidence of periprosthetic fractures is inevitably increasing. Sufficient stabilisation and proper screw placement next to large-volume implants remains difficult. Modern locking plates allow polyaxial, thus bicortical, screw placement around a prosthetic stem. This study analysed the biomechanical properties of different screw configurations in a locking plate construct of a periprosthetic femoral fracture model. A total of 20 Sawbones were used to stabilise a Vancouver-B1 femoral fracture with a locking plate using either four monocortical screws or three bicortical screws for proximal fixation. These were loaded with an increasing axial compression until failure. Bicortical screw purchase was significantly superior to monocortical regarding load to failure (1,510 N ± 284 N versus 2,350 N ± 212 N, p < 0.001) and maximal number of cycles (6803 ± 760 versus 4041 ± 923, p < 0.001). However, the mode of failure in the bicortical group was a severe comminuted fracture pattern as opposed to the monocortical group in which a pull-out of the screws without further damage to the bone was observed. Bicortical screw placement enhances the primary stability in treating periprosthetic femoral fractures. Notably, the mode of failure may limit the salvage options in case of revision surgery.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Confocal scanning optical microscope using single-mode fiber for signal detection. A single-mode fiber is employed as a detector in a confocal scanning optical microscope (CSOM) instead of a pinhole and its optical property is studied. The optical system is always coherent, which is fundamentally different from the CSOM with a finite-sized pinhole. The coherent transfer function and the axial response are calculated. Experimentally, the coherent image is taken and the axial response is also measured.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Digital gastrointestinal imaging: the effect of pixel size on detection of subtle mucosal abnormalities. Five radiographs of double-contrast colon examinations demonstrating subtle mucosal changes of inflammatory bowel disease and five radiographs of healthy colonic mucosa were selected and digitized to four levels of resolution. Pixel sizes of 0.1 mm, 0.2 mm, 0.4 mm, and 0.8 mm were used. Ten radiologists interpreted the images, which were displayed on laser-printed film. Analysis of variance with repeated measures was performed and receiver operator characteristic curves were determined. The results demonstrate that the sensitivity in detecting subtle mucosal abnormalities improved as the resolution improved, with the best sensitivity at the highest resolution; more experienced readers detected details well even at the poorer levels of resolution; the resolution necessary for successfully evaluating the colonic mucosa was lower than expected; and given low noise levels, the matrix size used in conventional television fluoroscopy would be adequate for mucosal evaluation.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Determination of Short-Chain Fatty Acids in Mouse Feces by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Using 2-Nitrophenylhydrazine as a Labeling Reagent. It has been suggested that imbalances in gut microbiota are related to diseases associated with metabolism, the central nervous system, etc. Therefore, analysis of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) produced by gut microbiota is very important as an indicator of causation, demonstrating the effects on the host due to changes in the gut microbiota. We developed a HPLC method for the determination of SCFAs in mouse feces. After homogenization, the SCFAs in mouse feces and 2-ethylbutyric acid (internal standard) were derivatized with 2-nitrophenylhydrazine (2-NPH) in the presence of 1-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-3-ethylcarbodiimide. The 2-NPH derivatives of SCFAs and the internal standard were separated on a reversed-phase column (octadecyl silyl column) by gradient elution using phosphoric acid (pH 2.5)-acetonitrile at 50°C and detected by absorbance measurement at 400 nm. The recovery of the method was 90-115%, with a precision (relative standard deviation) of 1.3-7.7%. The determination of SCFAs by the present method can provide useful information for biological and clinical research.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Demarcating the dirty work: Canadian Fertility professionals' use of boundary-work in contentious egg donation. The potential medical risks to egg donors, in addition to the concern over the commodification of life, has led to debates surrounding the ethics of paying donors. In Canada, payment for eggs is prohibited by law; however, what is considered payment is contentious and has yet to be defined. The lack of legislative clarity coupled with increased ethical concerns over paying a donor has shifted egg donation from a medically-controlled procedure to a legal and social endeavor involving multiple professionals. Through semi-structured interviews with 52 medical and non-medical fertility practitioners, I show how medical practitioners use boundary-work to remove their practice from the ethical and legal debates surrounding egg donation, the "dirty work". I examine how the medical profession relies on discourses of "practicing science" to present their work as favorable and removed from current debates and potential legal ramifications. In showing how medical practitioners rely on boundary-work to distinguish their work from non-scientific and non-medical activities, I expand Gieryn's original conceptualization of boundary-work to demonstrate how medical practitioners can selectively draw on their practice of science to remove their work from ethically and legally contentious issues, the dirty work.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Device-associated infection rates and extra length of stay in an intensive care unit of a university hospital in Wroclaw, Poland: International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium's (INICC) findings. The aim of this study was to determine device-associated health care-associated infections (DA-HAI) rates, microbiologic profile, bacterial resistance, and length of stay in one intensive care unit (ICU) of a hospital member of the International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) in Poland. A prospective DA-HAI surveillance study was conducted on an adult ICU from January 2007 to May 2010. Data were collected by implementing the methodology developed by INICC and applying the definitions of DA-HAI provided by the National Healthcare Safety Network at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A total of 847 patients hospitalized for 9386 days acquired 206 DA-HAIs, an overall rate of 24.3% (95% confidence interval [CI], 21.5-27.4), and 21.9 (95% CI, 19.0-25.1) DA-HAIs per 1000 ICU-days. Central line-associated bloodstream infection rate was 4.01 (95% CI, 2.8-5.6) per 1000 catheter-days, ventilator-associated pneumonia rate was 18.2 (95% CI, 15.5-21.6) per 1000 ventilator-days, and catheter-associated urinary tract infection rate was 4.8 (95% CI, 3.5-6.5) per 1000 catheter-days. Length of stay was 6.9 days for those patients without DA-HAI, 10.0 days for those with central line-associated bloodstream infection, 15.5 days for those with ventilator-associated pneumonia, and 15.0 for those with catheter-associated urinary tract infection. Most DA-HAI rates are lower in Poland than in INICC, but higher than in the National Healthcare Safety Network, expressing the feasibility of lowering infection rates and increasing patient safety.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Antioxidant potential of thyme extract: alleviation of N-nitrosodiethylamine-induced oxidative stress. Protective role of thyme extract against N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA)-induced oxidative stress has been evaluated in albino rats. For this, one group of rats were fed diet supplemented with thyme extract (0.5%) and served as the test group, whereas animals of the other group fed on normal diet served as the control group. The rats were fed on respective diets for a period of 2 weeks after which stress was induced to half the animals of each group by i.p. administration of NDEA at 200 mg/kg body weight. Animals were killed 48 h post stress-induction period. Feed intake and body weight decreased significantly in both test and control groups, the effect being less in test group. Increase in osmotic fragility and in-vitro lipid peroxidation (LPO) on stress induction was of lower degree in the test group. NDEA toxicity was mainly reflected in liver as evidenced by increased activities of plasma aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, and alkaline phosphatase. The effect was of lower degree in test group as compared with that in the control group. Increase in urea levels observed following NDEA administration was also of lower degree in test groups. Blood glutathione (GSH) levels increased more so in test group compared with control group on stress induction. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (Px), and catalase (CAT) activities decreased significantly on stress induction in erythrocytes. LPO increased in all the tissues through varying degree, and the increase was appreciably of lower degree in test group. The activity of SOD increased significantly in both test and control group on stress induction, whereas activities of Px and CAT decreased following NDEA treatment, and the effects were of lower degree in test group. Thus, supplementation of diet with thyme extract can improve antioxygenic potential and hence help to prevent oxidative stress.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
SMIREP: predicting chemical activity from SMILES. Most approaches to structure-activity-relationship (SAR) prediction proceed in two steps. In the first step, a typically large set of fingerprints, or fragments of interest, is constructed (either by hand or by some recent data mining techniques). In the second step, machine learning techniques are applied to obtain a predictive model. The result is often not only a highly accurate but also hard to interpret model. In this paper, we demonstrate the capabilities of a novel SAR algorithm, SMIREP, which tightly integrates the fragment and model generation steps and which yields simple models in the form of a small set of IF-THEN rules. These rules contain SMILES fragments, which are easy to understand to the computational chemist. SMIREP combines ideas from the well-known IREP rule learner with a novel fragmentation algorithm for SMILES strings. SMIREP has been evaluated on three problems: the prediction of binding activities for the estrogen receptor (Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Distributed Structure-Searchable Toxicity (DSSTox) National Center for Toxicological Research estrogen receptor (NCTRER) Database), the prediction of mutagenicity using the carcinogenic potency database (CPDB), and the prediction of biodegradability on a subset of the Environmental Fate Database (EFDB). In these applications, SMIREP has the advantage of producing easily interpretable rules while having predictive accuracies that are comparable to those of alternative state-of-the-art techniques.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Accelerating code to function: sizing up the protein production line. High-throughput biology has been pioneered by genomics through the application of robotics to expedite DNA-sequencing projects. Advances in high-throughput protein methods are needed to drive the protein production line for high-throughput structural and functional analysis of newly discovered genes. This will require the development and application of a variety of recombinant-protein expression systems to produce the diversity of proteins from both humans and model organisms.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Equol Enhances Apoptosis-inducing Activity of Genistein by Increasing Bax/Bcl-xL Expression Ratio in MCF-7 Human Breast Cancer Cells. Anticancer activities of soy isoflavones, such as genistein and equol, a bioactive metabolite of daidzein, have been extensively studied because of possible involvement in the prevention of breast cancer. However, their interactions still remain unclear. We investigated here whether cytotoxic activity of genistein was enhanced by equol, using estrogen receptor positive MCF-7, HER2-positive SK-BR-3, and triple-negative MDA-MB-468 cell lines. Although cytotoxicity of genistein did not significantly differ between three subtypes of breast cancer cells, cytotoxic activities of genistein were significantly enhanced in combination with 50 μM equol in MCF-7 cells, but not in SK-BR-3 and MDA-MB-468 cells. In fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) analyses, MCF-7 cells were arrested at the G2/M by genistein but at G1/S by equol. Combination treatment arrested cells at G2/M but abolished equol-induced G1 block, indicating an antagonistic activity of genistein against equol in cell-cycle progression. Although apoptosis was not so evident with genistein alone, the combination made a drastic induction of apoptosis, accompanied by the increase of Bax/Bcl-xL expression ratio, without affecting the activities of Akt and mTOR. Taken together, these data suggest that enhancement of genistein activity by equol would be mainly mediated by augmented induction of apoptosis rather than arrest or delay of the cell cycle.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Effect of acute and chronic administration of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline on muscle tone, metabolism of dopamine in the striatum and tyrosine hydroxylase immunocytochemistry in the substantia nigra, in rats. The effects of acute and chronic administration of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline, an endogenous substance suspected of producing parkinsonism in humans, on the muscle tone and metabolism of dopamine in the striatum, and on the number of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive cells in the substantia nigra were investigated in rats. Muscle tone was examined using a combined mechanomyographic and electromyographic method which measured simultaneously the muscle resistance of the rat's hind foot to passive extension and flexion in the ankle joint and electromyographic activity of the antagonistic muscles of that joint: gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior. 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroisoquinoline administered at doses of 50 and 100 mg/kg intraperitoneally for 19 days increased muscle resistance 1 h after the first injection (acute treatment), 1 h after the last injection (chronic treatment) and three days after compound withdrawal. Rigidity observed on the third day of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline withdrawal was accompanied by an increased tonic (resting) electromyographic activity of the gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscles. At the same time, a significant reduction in the number of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons in the substantia nigra and a decrease in the dopamine level in the striatum were also found. A declining number of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons in the whole substantia nigra showed a significant negative correlation with the enhanced muscle resistance, as well as with the tonic electromyographic activity recorded at rest, i.e. before the start of movements, from the gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscles. Our results suggest that 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline may be one of the endogenous substances involved in the progress of Parkinson's disease.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Who decides? An ethics case consult for Terri Schiavo. What lessons might we take away as palliative care clinicians or ethics consultants? I might summarize as follows: As has been widely discussed elsewhere, the importance of advance directives, designation of proxy decision makers, and nuanced discussions with those potential proxies is of utmost importance--even for young adults. Be as clear as possible about diagnosis and prognosis. Rely on those with the greatest expertise and the least potential conflict of interest. Be honest about the limits of medical certainty and the diagnostic and prognostic possibilities. Separate reality from what loved ones or special interest advocates might wish were the reality. Efforts to resolve disputes among families or between families and care providers ought to remain private, and focus on the patient at hand rather than broader social or political agendas. Ethics committees or independent mediators work toward "win-win" outcomes and may help avoid the polarized, "winner-take-all" approach of litigation. Medical facts are not value-free and do not add up to a universally agreed-upon conclusion in the manner of a mathematical equation, but are viewed and interpreted through the lens of each participant's perspective. In the space of this essay, I can offer only a brief nod to the field of narrative ethics, but the interested reader will find a rich body of literature regarding this concept on which to base his or her own ethical conclusions regarding this case.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[Nutritional deficiency and Alzheimer's disease: how to identify and prevent]. Weight loss is a very common problem for patients with Alzheimer's Disease (AD), whether they live at home or in long-term care facilities. At any rate it depends on an imbalance between energy expenditure and intake. Though in the initial phases of the illness, the weight loss might be caused by socio-environmental and psychological factors and reduced autonomy, in the following stages it depends on Adversive Feeding Behaviours (AFBs). The AFBs invariably lead to protein, fat and sugar deficits as well as a vitamin deficit which presents a positive correlation with the cognitive performance level and negatively affects the course of the disease. Thus it is important to identify AFBs (Blandford Scale) as soon as possible, especially when they can be treated. Furthermore it is very important to recognise weight loss immediately and identify a possible malnutrition state, using investigative methods which allow for follow-up monitoring (Mini Nutritional Assessment). Pharmacological therapy of cognitive deficit and AFBs together with possible contemporary conditions (depression) and intervention on the nutrition, will be useful to avoid a deficiency state and the consequent negative repercussion on the disease.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Cutis marmorata telangiectatica with multiple congenital anomalies (van Lohuizen's syndrome). A 5-year-old Korean boy with diagnosis of cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita had a bluish-red, widespread livedo network over the entire body surface. There was skin atrophy as well as ulceration and crust over some of the lesions. These abnormalities have been associated with mental retardation with abnormal EEG findings, speech disability, defective growth, cleft palate, presence of simian lines and an increase in the atd angles of both palms, diffuse demineralization of bony structure and weakness of the long extensor muscles of both thumbs. Based on our clinical datas and review of world literature, it would seem to be necessary to change the terminology.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[2-C-Methylerythritol phosphate pathway of isoprenoid biosynthesis as a target in identifying of new antibiotics, herbicides, and immunomodulators (Review) ]. Specific inhibitors of 2-C-methylerythritol phosphate pathway (MEP-pathway), including compounds obtained based on its metabolites, may compose a new class of antibiotics combining high efficiency and low toxicity. MEP-pathway of isoprenoid biosynthesis is a promising target in identifying new herbicides, immunomodulators, and other physiologically active compounds.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
An examination of psychometric bias due to retesting on cognitive ability tests in selection settings. Using a latent variable approach, the authors examined whether retesting on a cognitive ability measure resulted in measurement and predictive bias. A sample of 941 candidates completed a cognitive ability test in a high-stakes context. Results of both the within-group between-occasions comparison and the between-groups within-occasion comparison indicated that no measurement bias existed during the initial testing but that retesting induced both measurement and predictive bias. Specifically, the results suggest that the factor underlying the retest scores was less saturated with g and more associated with memory than the latent factor underlying initial test scores and that these changes eliminated the test's criterion-related validity. This study's implications for retesting theory, practice, and research are discussed.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }