I think that students would benefit from learning at home,because they wont have to change and get up early in the morning to shower and do there hair. taking only classes helps them because at there house they'll be pay more attention. they will be comfortable at home. The hardest part of school is getting ready. you wake up go brush your teeth and go to your closet and look at your cloths. after you think you picked a outfit u go look in the mirror and youll either not like it or you look and see a stain. Then you'll have to change. with the online classes you can wear anything and stay home and you wont need to stress about what to wear. most students usually take showers before school. they either take it before they sleep or when they wake up. some students do both to smell good. that causes them do miss the bus and effects on there lesson time cause they come late to school. when u have online classes u wont need to miss lessons cause you can get everything set up and go take a shower and when u get out your ready to go. when your home your comfortable and you pay attention. it gives then an advantage to be smarter and even pass there classmates on class work. public schools are difficult even if you try. some teacher dont know how to teach it in then way that students understand it. that causes students to fail and they may repeat the class.
When a problem is a change you have to let it do the best on you no matter what is happening it can change your mind. sometimes you need to wake up and look what is around you because problems are the best way to change what you want to change along time ago. A problem is a change for you because it can make you see different and help you to understand how tings wok. First of all it can make you see different then the others. For example i remember that when i came to the United States i think that nothing was going to change me because i think that nothing was going to change me because everything was different that my country and then i realist that wrong because a problem may change you but sometimes can not change the way it is, but i remember that i was really shy but i think that change a lot because sometimes my problems make me think that there is more thing that i never see in my life but i just need to see it from a different way and dont let nothing happened and ruing the change that i want to make because of just a problem. For example i think that nothing was going to change me and that i dont need to be shy anymore became i need to start seeing everything in a different ways because you can get mad at every one but you need to know what is going to happened after, people may see you different but the only way that you know how to change is to do the best and don't let nothing or not body to change nothing about you. The way you want to change not one have that and can't do nothing about it because is your choice and your problems and you can decide what to do with it. second of all can help you to understand how things work. For instance my mom have a lot of problems but she have faith when she is around people, my mom is scare of high and i'm not scare of high i did not understand why my mos is scare of high and in not scare of high and every time i see my mom in a airplane it make me laugh because she is scare and is funny, but i see it from a different way and i like the high but also she have to understand that hoe things work in other people because it can no be the same as you. For example i think that my mom and me are different because we are and i have to understand that she does not like high and i need to understand that. to help someone to understand how things work you need to start to see how things work in that persons life. A problem is a change for you and can make you a different and help you to understand. Everyone has a different opinion and a different was to understand then others. everyone can see the different opinion and what other people think.
Dear, Principal If u change the school policy of having a grade b average that unfair. Because many students have a C average. So that means that they cant go out for sports or other activities they want to do bad. That's like taking everything they have. What if kids want to become good at something, but now they cant because of that school policy. If they have a C average they should still be able to go out for sports or activities. A C average isn't that bad, its higher then a D average. If the school police was if you have a D average of lower they shouldn't do sports or activities. If they have a D average in school for not working hard, that's means that they in ain't going to try hard. If they have a C average and there trying hard they should be able to out for sports or activities. What if all the good people in sports have a C average in school, that means that they cant play and were going to lose every game we have. That's a good policy to get grade's up but don't take away something they care about. Everyone should be able to go out for sports if they want to. If the school policy happens, schools going to be boarding now, because now students cant go out for sports or other activities. The students that are doing good in school should feel good about themselves but we shouldn't take the other students away from the others ones. If we do this policy student will try to raised their grade but if they cant what happens they them. Should they just be out of it and think that schools boarding. If they do this its like taking away their video games. All I'm saying is that they have the right to go out for sports or activities.
The best time in life is when you become yourself. I agree that the greatest accomplishment, is when you be yourself in a world that constantly trying to make you something else. Because you make your own choices, you become more happy, and you respect others. First, you make your own choices by being yourself. Becoming yourself means that you should be able to make your own choices and not be shy or afraid of what you're doing. Because you're defining yourself by doing those things that you want. Some people follow others, therefore, they don't make their own choices. People are afraid to make their own choice because they don't want to get rejected or be wrong. In this world, most of the teenagers act and follow the people who are strong and bullies. The reason they follow them and make the same choices they make, is because they're afraid that they will get beaten up and be left out. Personally when I came to the United States I used to follow other, because I thought they were amazing. But one day, I knew I was walking in the wrong path and I left them. Making your own choices makes you happy because you get to do what you like and what you want to do. It's hard to make your own choices, but one day you're going to have to make your own choices. The more you mature the more it will become easier for you to not be afraid of what you're doing and how other people are looking at it, because at the end of the day It's your life and you do what you think is right. Second, You become more happy by being yourself because you make your own choices, You take responsibilities and you do whatever makes you happy. Also, some people act like they're happy while not being themselves, but matter of fact, they're depressed from the inside. Being yourself makes you more happy because you feel like you achieved something big. Also, Some religious kids who become themselves love everyone. In the bible it says "Those who know God should love others, because God is love." Not being yourself will get you depressed because you don't do everything you want to do, but you do what others wanna do because you want to fit in. Some kids who come from a different country will do stuff they don't want to do just to fit in, because they don't want to be lonely. Some people are afraid they won't be happy because they would lose a lot of friends for being themselves, but they have to know that those people should be there for them and support them for what he's doing since it's his friends. Lastly, Respecting others will gain them to respect you. Some teenagers like to make fun of others, not listen to what they have to say, and they like to beat kids up. Also some kids don't like to not listen to their parents, and that is also disrespectful. The bible says " Honor your father and mother." If you respect your parents and listen to them, then they would trust you and not ask you lots of questions. Respecting other should be really important, because you don't want others to not respect you. Also, Some people are disrespectful because they were never respected. Important things to do to be respectful is, Listen to what the other person has to say, Stand up for them, Being friends with them Doing all of that will gain you respect and you would have good friends. Also, if you see someone bullying a kid don't watch, and stand up for them, don't be afraid to stand up for someone because you're doing the right thing. Some may disagree with me and say that it's not that big of a deal, and it doesn't feel like a big accomplishment. But with all do respect, I agree that it's a big accomplishment because nowadays it's really hard to become yourself. In conclusion, It's hard to become yourself in this world, because others are holding that opportunity back from you and you're afraid to fight it back. That's why I agree that to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.
Small act of kindness can impact in other people can change people to become better persons you can have an impact of kindess with a homeles that can change his life or with some who needed they are going to know you are a nice person if you are a nice person everywhere you go people is going to like your personality so you have to be a nice person with others like a old women triying to cross the road thats a impact of kindness when you do that you feel a greate person you can change people in the way they think by helping others treating nice other people give them some advice when you see someone need it help someone older then you give food and new clothes to a homeless person is a big act of kindess maybe you wount change his life but you would change one day of his life when you do thoose stuffs you feel emotional. Another example of an act of kindess is when you help your friends to study for a test or explain them or when they need money you give some money is an act of kindess because you are helping your friend. Another example is not trowing trash on the floor if you put the trash where belong that is an act of kindess because benefits the earth and the people.
Dear Principal, Our school should have a community center. The reasons why, are so students can learn what our community needs, how to make our community better place, and why is community important for students to know. Its a great to have a community center to know how we can make things better. Students think community center takes their time away. but they have to learn what our community needs. students will participate in a group of students making a list what our community needs, therefore students will learn what our community needs! students will present their list of things our community needs! due to that students will be giving extra credit for the ones who have low grades! Some students don't participate because their friends say its waste of time. it would not be waste of time when you get to know how our community can be a better place for us. students should know that the program is about our own lives, because if our community is bad well our lives are going to be bad. due to that students will want to participate and will want to make our community a better place for us. some student might say why is the community important anyways, were fine nothing is wrong. but when get to know what our community is, they would want to know about and would want to participate and know why is our community important. students will receive a good grade if they participate in this community because is like an extra credit. due to that their friends would want to enjoy the program because their friend told them about it. so principal the community center will be a great place for students to learn lots of things. so i guess this will be a good idea for our school. students will learn what our community needs, how to make our community a better place, and why is our community important! Sincerely, STUDENT_NAME
Imagine if you could prove other people that you are a good problem solver. Imagine that a problem is a good chance to do your best because youre a good problem solver, and you can learn something from that problem. I think that problems are a good chance to show people that youre good at something, and that they can seek your help if they need to. I agree that a problem is a good chance to do your best because you can learn from that problem, and prove yourself that you can do it. You can learn from your problems, and that it enhances your skills. Learning from your problems can help enhance your techniques for problem solving. Learning from your problems can help you on other problems you might have on future occasions. Getting good at problem solving can lead you to helping other is they need the help from or they dont really know what to do. When you are good at problem solving and you seek to get better problem solving becomes easy for you because you have been doing it for a long time. Proving yourself and others that you can be a good problem solver is an accomplishment. Being better at problem solving really comes in handy when youre trying to solve a problem or trying to figure something out. Proving yourself and other that you can be a good problem solver is an accomplishment. Whenever you help other people with a hard questions you feel accomplish because it was a hard question and you understood it while helping someone. Problem solving makes you smarter and you have to less work since you know what do and how to work out a hard problem. I agree that a problem is a good chance to do your best and learn from problems that you struggled on the past to use the steps that you took to solve that problem and apply it to other problems that might come in the future. Learning from your problems can make you have better techniques, apply the steps that you took to solve problems, help other if they need it, and it makes work easy. Proving yourself that you can be a a good problem solver makes you be a good proving solver, prove that you can do any problem with out any help, and you can feel accomplished about it. Proving solving can make help you learn from problems and apply that to other problems and you can prove yourself and other that you are a good problem solver.
I think it's a good idea for the estudnets to commit to a career at a young age. In addiction, the students are expected to identify a career they want and use the best for them. So the students can study in higt school and select to guide them to career in specific they want. Fisrt, In high school all the students have diffents dream on the world. Some students dream to be a Doctor, arctecture, teacher, and nurse, ect. Is a good oportunity to have a good education and a make a good person and helpfull. Then, the students can have a better life and good jobs. Sometimes the students in young age estared to think about what carrer is better for them. Others think what career is usefull to make a good money and have a better class social. But all the students think diferent the others and we have to respet they decicion about they future. secondly, In my opinion is is good to think or dream in biger. In my potition my family do not have all lot of money to go to the university and pay for it. For example, some of my friends are a good Doctor and arquicteture, but the thing is when they want to be a good person a get better futures on their lifes. Usually, when we think about it , but is so dificul to do it. Thirt, students in the school have special classes to go with a career. all the people have the oportunity to think about, which want to study and where they go too. But some students cann't go to study the career they want ,because some of them have to work and pay bill in their hause. usually some of them have everything in the house and the only thing they have to do is study and make sure they work to complite all of the school and can go to study that set. In conclution, is a good idea to know what you want to study in young age. Also to be responsable all the things and have a great time of the life to think what is make you happy when you grew up. One day a want to be doctor of the animals. that will be make me happy.
positive attitude is the key to success. I agree because you can do anything as long as you put your mind and soul into it and motivation you can accomplish it. Then so by doing it you feel good about yourself you'll feel unstable. But do what brings the best in you, what makes you yourself. One way that importance of attitude is key to success is it motivates you to keep going forward. For example when you come across some difficulties you wont feel discouraged because your the limit and none other then you can or will change it. But the more discouraged you tend to feel at that moment you would wanna overcome it even if it makes whatever just as long as your mind is set to positive attitude you will accomplish it. Then so always remember what you put your mind to such as determination, positive attitude, willing you can its possible you will reach your goals. However you will with a positive mindset have a strong determination and you will build up self confidence in yourself. Then another reason is to grow individually with hard work. Positive attitude isen't quite the easiest for some people its really difficult for others to learn how to or even if they are willing to. But others tend to not always have positive attitude in anything they're just negative and havent tried to give their all they are stuck upon what others think. Then about what really is,you just have to not listen to what anyone thinks and focus on what you can accomplish because if you dont you will let them reflect on you but you dont want that for yourself. Then there's always going to be that one negative person to try to bring you down its up to you if you let it effect you. Just ignore them if you dont you will bet it affect you and you dont wanna fall back just because of others. With that being said in order to move forward you have to go though things individually but thats were you find yourself again and makes you stronger then before what your weaknesses were there not anymore because when facing things individually you blossom to a beatifull flower with of course hard work and it isen't in vane because hard work ends up having a good result for positive attitude. Next reason is to build selfcondifence. When having a positive mindset and most impotently willing we then build selfcondience our mind is a battlefield and we control it and its not about the selfcondicence its more about determination ourselves to it like we can or we will do it. After that its all depending on us weather we want to or not. Then after that the more we practice being positive in our battle fild the more selfcondidence we will have. So then i hardly agree on positive attitude can guide you to succeed in life its all about three things determination willing and believing with those in mind you can tell all the negitive thoughts to go flying out the window because it has no door to let it in anymore. I truly incuage you to try it out if you want to see a big improvement to succeed in your life. Thank you for hearing me weather I agreed or disagreed,looking to hear back from you soon.
Asking more than one person for and advice help you take a strong choice? seeking for multiple opinions can help someone make a better choice. Example presidential election,requires someone opinion and choosing a restaurant to eat at and place to visit. Theres good and bad opinion but pick one or two or more but choose one the help you make a great decision. First many us citizen are required to vote. Many of them would have different opinion about who is the best candidates. Positive and negative opinions would be circulating about the candidates but you can ask more than person what they think about the candidates there be interesting opinion and some not so interesting think about what the many opinion you hear and think about the one the got you thinking the most. on the other hand lots of people love going out to eat. Many people try new places to eat at some may hear good or bad opinion about a place but until you try it you can't tell your self is great or bad. Sometimes Google lets you see other people opinion the other people leaved about a certain place. to be honest my dad does this sometimes he goes online and search is up the place and then looks at the rate the place have and the comment as a result of the deadly corovirus (Covid-19) lots of people have decide not to travel. But theres certain people that just love to travel many of the occasion people travel to a place because they hear good thing about a place. for example thats how me and my family hear of Lego land my aunt tell my dad that this place was so amazing me and my family we have been a big fan o Lego and we really dint know this place existed. finally sometimes people have positive and negative opinion about something or someone but is you job to find out the one the makes you fell like "this is the one" many people there own believed thats why you may hear different opinion. Have you ever ask for more than one opinions? i actually have that was went i was't sure which suit to put in a red or black suit so ask my mom dad ans sister they tell me the best suit was the black one.
Do you think its a good idea for students to commit to a career at a young age? In some societies, students are expected to identity a career by the time they enter high school. Yes it is a good idea to start young because your already step ahead, you will have background knowledge about the career classes you choose and once you get older you won't have time to choose an career. Also taking courses in high school will help you choose your career like for an example academy classes. As a students taking a career course, will help them learn more about that career and you will have background knowledge about that career. for an example I'm taking auto technology in highschol becuase I want to learn more about cars and how to fix them. after high school I will be going to a community college so I can learn an advance auto technology class and move on and thats I'm going to succeed in life. Another reason why its a good idea for students to commit to a career at young age is becuase it will help students choose a good career that pays good money and the students will be a one step ahead. by doing this they will accomplish their goals. others may say that its not a good idea for students to commit a career at a young age becuase they think its waste of time however, its not waste of their time, becuase once your getting older you wont have time to choose an career that will last. In conclusion, I think its a good a idea for students to commit to a career at a young age becuase you will have some background knowledge to that specific career, you will be one step ahead, and once you get older you won't have time to choose a career.
A positive attitude is the key to success for so many people because when you have a positive mind everything can be possible and you know that you are capable of what you put your mind into. To encourage others to have a more positive way of thinking about their life can bring them success. People should have a positive attitude because it brings new opportunities, a healthier and happy life, and success. People with good personalities attracts successful people and thats the reason why they get too many opportunities from others. New opportunities are not easy to find and once we get them we need to use them wisely and do something productive with them. Its extraordinary impressive how much benefits a person can have if they put effort with being positive every time they can towards others. A healthier and happy life comes ahead once you add just positive vibes in your life. This doesn't mean you are not going to have problems in your life but the way you response to it is the main point. People can go through a lot of problems and can still make like nothing happen to them. The negativity that others brings shouldn't affect people even thought they might get hurt; what you should care the most is to be in peace with yourselves. Success is important for everyone, people should make smart choices and learn from others to become professionals themselves in the future. You need to focus on yourselves first and be smart but at the same time treat others with kindness and respect to gain respect from them either. Sometimes life its going to get hard but it will be worth it hard work always pay off with good results although success doesn't seem easy. In conclusion people will success if they have a positive attitude towards others because they will get more new opportunities. They will attract more successful people into their lives that will give them support , help and dedicate their time to give advice. The positive people always have a better happy and healthier life because they don't let the negative comments affects them or their progress. To become successful you should be consistent every day and work for what you want. Focus on yourself and realize that the importance of your attitude plays a big roll in your life the more positive you are is going to be the more positive opportunities to your future.
Technology allows people to do many things such as order things online, play games, and contact other people in a faster way, and if your family members live far away they be able to contact them. I belive that it has a positive effect because everybody needs to stay in contact with there family that lives far away, and be able to order online is a real help because if people oder there grocerys online thenthey want have to wait in the long lines at the store to checkout intead of waiting they can also get more items that the store dont have the food or items people. Others may aruge that techbology is a negative out come because lots of people let it take over there lives and act like they cant go anywhere without it and lots of people try to be on there technology when there driving which is a bad thing to do because they will end up getting into a accident. And if the older generations won't know how to use the technology. In conclusion, having technology is a postive thing because it helps lots of people out and it makes getting thngs done way faster.
Philosopher, physician, and humanitarian Albert Schweitzer once said " Example is not the main thing in influencing others; it is the only thing". I strongly agree, imagine you being the reason why a person decided to make a remarkable change in there life just by following your footsteps, imagine how that would make you feel. Setting a good example everyday is one of the most important things you can do in life; you dont know who is watching you, and you dont know who is getting an impact from your good ways. People watch others every move and learn new and better things as time goes so they can also turn out to influence others. Consider yourself as a leader being able to influence people is a leadership movement, everyone needs someone to help them and guide them through things they may not tell you, but they'll watch your examples and learn. Many may think that there are better ways unlike setting an example by your behavior is the best way to influence others; but little do they know that setting an example by your behavior is the best way to influence others. Setting good examples is helpful in so many ways however; there are other ways to influence others. People get influenced on anything these days, just sitting around and watching TV can influence you to do something. But think about it would you rather have someone set examples for you, and have someone you can watch to motivate you and guide you; or would you rather sit around and procrastinate on time?. As the influencer having people look up to you and following the way you move is a big deal. For example when surgical interns first go to a hospital to work they look up to their head surgeons. The head surgeons set examples for the interns because they want them to be successful, the intern watching the head surgeon during operations and check ups influences and motivates them to do better and be better. Even for school students thats how they all learn from examples the teachers show them, it influences the students to try so they can also be good at what their teaching is teaching them. Some people may prefer to get influenced in another way because they may not want someone by them step by step they may be more independent and like to be on there own. Having good behavior benefits you in a lot of ways, you will get a lot of opportunities, help and inspire a lot of people and gain a lot. For example parents have a good influence on there kids. They are the reason why there kids wake up and try every day, seeing your parents have a good and positive behavior will motivate and influence you to do better. As you go on with good behavior people will see you and begin to know that there is something your doing to be happy. You will have people come around you because of your vibe and good energy. Once they start talking to you you automatically begin to influence them to be a better person. Knowing that you are a motivator and an influence onto others is a good feeling. You will know that your good work and good behavior has a good effect strong enough to influence others in the best way possible. Overall setting a good example by your behavior is the best way to influence others, they learn better, feel comfortable and get to experience a lot. Having someone look up to you as a good influence will help you both because it will make you both feel great and you both will benefit from it in the long run. We have people around us for a reason, if you have someone that is willing to help you and influence you to be better in life take the chance because it will be a great experience and you will change as a person once you get influenced in the right way by the right people in life.
Have you ever solved a math problem in less than 30 seconds? Math is important to many people. Even president Trump uses math to buy food or pay back to important people. He might be paying people to find a cure for the Coronavirus. However did you know that we use math every single day in our life? How do people use math every single day you may ask. When you go to the super market to buy food, the register has to add all the food that you bought and they even have to add taxes. How about when you go shopping in the mall with some friends. When some is looking for a job they even have to find out how much is the salary. When your parents pay water bills and taxes, they have to pay the perfect amount of money. If your doing a party you have to find how much money your wasting. In your school you have to use math in mostly all your subject. In science you have find out how much of a mass is in a cup of water then subtract it from the cup to find the mass of water. For history the president has to find out about expensive's and the taxes that each citizens is paying. If you have a hobby or have talents to do an activity you even use math. In theater arts you have to measure and subtract where the lights are hitting and you have to find the perfect angel. In baking you have to add your ingredients and weight it to find it's mass. When you cook don't tell me you just put random stuff in your pot. You have to find the perfect amount to feed the people you are feeding. In soccer you have to find the angle you are going to kick the soccer ball. Basketball is the same, you have to see from which angel you are going to throw the ball to make a point for your team. Here are some school activity's that you use math in your school. Science History Art Theater Art Sports Cooking Class Home After school programs However several kid's don't like math but they could try it in a fun way. Many children complain about math being to hard or just being boring. I have found a way to make it exciting for kids. They could be playing games or just pretending to buy stuff, like doing a little play that won't cost money. If a student likes painting give them a coloring book that has math in it. Dancing and music is the same thing like coloring. In music you can count how many strings a violin has and compare it to another instrument that is in the violin family. You can watch a funny video that is related to math, you can watch it in your home or in school. Go on a field trip that will be free or that won't cost that much money. If a student is struggling in math help or show them a way to do it. A kid's classmates or friend could help them in math. They can use math websites like racing cars for boys and coloring games for girls. If they are still struggling then ask there parents if they can stay or to get them a tutor after school. Find them a easier and understandable way to teach them math. The child's teacher can even play fun games with her students like Kahoot,Quizlet live, or even Pear Deck. You can give out prizes like candy or sticker's, that will probably get them more exciting. Many scientist say that math is helpful to your brain and makes it healthy for you and your brain. You will acknowledge many ways to solve several math problems from years to years until you graduate from collage or high school. The reason why I choose to do my lesson about math is that I want kids to be independent and to get responsible when they grow up to be adults.
When, the people decide to have a good posture, in they live of thing was be better. Even though some people have a negative attitude in their live, all the thing was bad and not want doing noting for fair to make mistakes,nevertheless people has a good attitude always, have a good attitude see the live of the other way,for example when give you a so bad news but you take a good posture and said is okay everything was good,and take a good attitude in the school. If the people will have a good posture in all position of their live, not have so much preocupation they was be more happy. when you have a big text in the school although, you never can pass this text but you have a positive attitude, of one you console will call you, and said you pass the text. This is important because the people believe in will pass and when they pass was feel so good, because they this text was so hart, but never to surrender. when one person go to the hospital and the doctor said to catch an illness, instead of think in all the negative thing like i never been the same person, i will been died, they take a decision of okay is a little illness, will pass end some days, my lives will be a little different, but everything will be good. See the live in a positive way is think the all thing are possible, always don't care the big was the problem be happy, watch the most terror situation like the best wait possible and don't be worry for all the thing that happen in your like be the most happy you can and see the most bigger problem like the most little
A positive attitude is the key for be successful person in the life make our days happy and interesting, because all do you need to do is be pleasant with yourself and the people around you, if you have a good position a way of thinking or feeling the things around you make your attitude positive. Example: If you are a worker of costumer service the costumer say bad things about you like you are not a good worker somethings like that, but you don't change your attitude because you know the costumer always have the reason, you never has to change your mind you know your position your attitude has to be positive and continue work with a great attitude. Maintain positive attitude can help you for a lot reasons. When you see the face from another person and you look his face tired, angry or mad, now you know that person don't have a positive attitude in his life or his environment, show a good face is important because the peoples know if you are ready for star doing something be active, connecting energy and thinking good make your days easy and great. Although for follow your dreams and your goals in the life you has to know yourself, give respect and receive, your attitude show the person if you are doing good. If you wanna have a good job make good trade, your attitude give your personality and the peoples approve if you are the best candidate for a good job, if you are willing to have a positive attitude you can make big projects in the future. Another example about positive attitude, if you are in a interview you need to show your skills and explain clearly good that you can do it, be honest and pleasant with the person that is going to confirm your job, he gonna see if you have the attitude if you are sufficient for have the job. Clearly all the peoples know the positive attitude is the best way for creating good projects and big things your attitude can help you to make money, good jobs, a good house and a better future. Your attitude share good vibes and make the peoples around you happy the peoples that love you they gonna be happy to, just trying to do greatest things in your life with the best positive attitude.
10pm curfews is a bad idea, why? Because teens lives would be affected in many different ways, including the fact that in can get them in much more trouble. Teens would have to adjust to this rule and some might not even know about the rule when it comes out. I think that teens should not get an early curfew but instead change it to a later time, so teens dont have to go through having to deal with changing there hole life around. having a law like this can get teens in more trouble because now they have an extra law that can be broken easily with out even knowing. teens enjoy being out late and doing things, it can make them feel older and more grown up like. Teens are stuck in school seven hours a day and it can take a good bit of there day away so having that option to stay out later and being able to do things is a great option for them. Lots of teens want to go shopping and hang out with friends at a mall, but school and homework can take a while so they cant do it during the day always. for example, a friend and me wanted to go to the movies after school but we got assigned lots of home work and we new we would be busy the next days, so in order to be able to watch the movie, we would have to go at night time. curfews can inter fear with couples who want to do something later in the night, and it would be unfair to the teens to have to go back home just because they can't stay out late. Having said all this, teens are old enough that they can make there own decisions. Lots of tees have after school jobs taking them late into the night, and a lot of them need to be able to walk home. Teens would have to start having to start to work around the new law and make changes to there work hours. Also kids would start getting less work hours resulting in the not getting enough money, some house hold have teens helping pay bills. Curfews laws are and will be the most common law being broken resulting in an increase of crime. teens do not like it when they get told how long they get to stay out, which will result in them just braking the law. I would be surprised if teens would start getting in less trouble, because teens will still do what they want even if you set a curfew. A curfew only tells a teen that your not suppose to be outside, but that still does not mean that they will do it. Teens are going to do what they want at the end of the day and not what the law tells them to. The best way to make sure teens can stay on track but the still to be a curfew is that the curfew should be moved up to 12pm. Also teens enjoy going to gas station at night to get stuff and lots of the enjoy the walk as well. In conclusion I think that if we just move the curfew up to 12pm it would allow teens to have a good night out with out having to worry about being out to late. Also showing that kids can get in more trouble by having an early curfew just means that its a bad idea and should not be implemented. If adults could just put more trust in teens i think it would improve kids behavior and also have kids get to prove them self to show how responsible they can be. teens are more responsible than everyone might think, I think they just need a chance to prove it to everyone. I think earlier curfews are a bad idea and that it should just be moved up a little for that will help teens out in the long shot.
March 12, 20019 The technology allows people to complete many tasks without having contact with others. People can check out books, shop, and play games without speaking to another person. Has the limitation of human contact due to use of the technology had positive or negative effects on peoples lives. in my opinion there are more negative than positive effects about technology One of a negative effect is. Play games without speaking. We should meet the person first than start to play with that person. instead of play via any web with someone that we do not know who is. There is another negative effects, kids, and teenagers are able to be in contact with bad people. like kidnappers, this are bad people who take advantages of the technology attacking the most vulnerable in technology the kids make the kids feel confident, and feel they are their friend. there are pedophiles too, looking for kid and teenagers. Also, because of the technology many frauds are occurring every day hackers stolen some of our personal information. Like our names, address, social security number, banks accounts information, and make frauds to companies. In conclusion, I believe that the technology has many negatives effects in our social lives It is bad for our kids, and our information in risk, I wish we could find a safety way to use it.
Most schools have the same lunch menu every week but, Imagine if that changes. One day the cafeteria plans to change the menu to a healthier on instead of the same one. Try to convince the school principal to decided whether this is a good or bad idea. Some students think its best to have a healthier lunch and not the same one. Students always have something different to eat. Some students get bored of eating the same lunch here and there so, why not have a healthier lunch. If the change in the menu where to happen most students would not get bored or complain about their food. Although, one can see that not most of the students enjoy their lunches they mostly just play around with their food on their trays. while some are actual eating. Some prefer to stay with the same menu. Some would not agree with the change in the lunch menu. However, Others prefer the idea of having the healthier lunch instead of the other lunch menu. On the other hand, Some do not want the change just because of their favorite food on the other menu. But if they try it they might find out hey like something new. Provides more nutrients. If the cafeteria where to start to give healthier foods in the menu. Students would have the right amount of energy for the rest of the day. This means if they ate a healthier lunch they would not fall asleep for the remainder of class or classes. In conclusion, the cafeteria should start giving healthier lunch and not whats on the other menu. By the end of the day students would have more energy and be awake in class.
Interducaions :Summer vacation should be longer more family time we can do swimming and camping summer Brian relaxation, studies cause stress but if we stop after every two months it will divide our follows, are can go on family trips. Summer warmest seasons of the year occurring between springs, and Autumn. A period considered as a time of fulfillment, happiness, or beauty. The summer is good seasons for vacation some people fixed holiday where to go for adventure, and traveling. Summer is fan,feeling freedom, and enjoble season. Paragraph# 1 students should take longer break if don't take break the Brian is can't consecrate and focus and studies might be tried because Students going to school entered of the year human Brian is not like machine working as all the time the have to longer break. summer is good opportunity for every one specially to students can go traveling spent time with our family , friends and go to picnic. Family is good opportunity to spent time with our kids go out side play with them. Most of family going to anther state for beach and also vesting family. Some students interesting working take job make own money .When coming back to from summer break everyone mind is fresh. Summer is fan seasons and favorite. Paragraph #2 Autumn is most of people second favorite seasons in Autumn all leaves fall down and all trees color is colorful and really looking amazing. this season is not much fan season because the autumn day is going to cold the night is cold and day is short this months not fan like summer this the can almost of the end if summer and begin. Autumn is good season for school because the weather is not that much hot like summer the weather is not that much cold. Autumn is good season for start to school everyone. Paragargh#3 Spring is season weather going to warmer every place planting growing up all place is green and almost of the end of the year. If a some giving break in winter and fall the planning school would be bey hand a kind of breaking during the classes when coming back spring a kind forgetting. Summer is best break in during school. 3 week better in spring.
Sometimes people have good attitude and a difficult time. There are a lot of people that have been throw difficult time, but their still happy. These days happen and it's sometimes gonna be annoying and one thing can not ruin your day. Their could be a day that you get a good grade on your test and you feel happy for yourself, but then you still have a bad grade. People always have some smile in there face and the other people think that their having a good day which they are, but in the inside you don't know what happen. There are some people that make other people days. Some people have feelings for other people and they get sad when they have a good day, but then they have a test to do which they don't wannna do. Their are even dogs that make people days, but they still think about the difficult time that they had today. People forget what their doing but then remebers what happen. Difficult time happens and you can't help It only If have a good attitude. Their are sometimes that people have a great day but at the end something bad happens and there were your day is bad. Sometimes people don't like difficult time like stressing out, had a fight, got caught doing bad things, but they still smile becasue there trying to forget about that and think about something better. People have one of the worst difficult time and they try a lot to make a good attitude. Some people ask if they are having a great day and people say yeah but in the inside it's actually a bad day for them. They just have a smile so then no one ask them anything, they just feel like being alone and having no one talk to them. Then the next day they have a great attitude and then a difficult time. Their are some people that help out and try to make there days. Their are sometimes that difficult time are just gonna be there and try to ruin your day or it could be a balmy day outside and that makes it even worst like a raining day, and a bad day. People have the best smiles and they still have a difficult day but they just forget about it and just try to think something else. Some people try to help people out so they can have a good day like them and be happy for the day
Although some say students will not be benefit of attend classes from home by way of online or video conferencing because a lot of students don't have access to internet or they have no computers at home, actually some people say students will be benefit to attend classes from home because it will save students time and it will develop students confidence on technology. Some say students will not be benefit of attend classes from home by way of online or video conferencing because a lot of students don't have access to internet or they have no computers at home. It has been prove by the National Family association that 45% of all the students don't have access to computers or other electronic devices. Cost of computers is higher for the lower class families. Some people say students will be benefit to attend classes from home because it will save students time. statement by the president of the National Education. Time students save by going to the school will be use to learn more from home. Some people say students will be benefit to attend classes from home because it will develop students increase confidence on technology. Technology is the future that help students become brighter and creative. Helps develop the learning process. Although some say students will not be benefit of attend classes from home by way of online or video conferencing because a lot of students don't have access to internet or they have no computers at home, actually some people say students will be benefit to attend classes from home because it will save students time and it will develop students confidence on technology. Finally, we should encourage students to attend classes from home because it will save students time and also it will develop students increase confidence on technology and other learning areas.
Most schools let students use their cell phones during class for educational purposes, however, other schools don't think that allowing students to use their cell phones would be better than using computers in the library or computer labs, by allowing students to use their phones there will be a higher chance for them to get distracted doing what they are not supposed to intead of doing their assignments. Students should not be aloud to use their phones during class because students would pay more attention to their phones than their teachers. Some teachers would rather take their students to the library or to a computer lab to use the computers to do assignments, instead of letting them use their phones because students would not get their work done. For example in my school we used to have the school WIFI on our phones but that only made us get distracted so my school decided to take down the WIFI from our phones, this year we were given chromebooks so we can do our class works in class without having to go to the library or a computer lab. We can take our chromebooks in any class to do our assignments and it's made a huge impact on every student because now no one is ever on their phones, and we pay more attention to our teachers. By letting students use their cell phones during class will increase the chances for them to get distracted, for example one day my english teacher gave us a reaserch paper and told us that we could use our cell phones to search up important documents, while we were doing our work one of my classmates' phone went off because she got a snapchat notification and everyone got distracted, the next day everyone was using their phones in class and no one was doing the work that we were assigned to do. Students should not be aloud to use their phones during class because it will not benefit them, this would be a distraction to not only students but teachers as well. If schools let students use their phones there also will be a higher chance that students' grades will drop, and a lot of parents would not be pleased. My parents would get extremely mad if my school let us use our cell phones during class because they know I would easily get distracted, if we were aloud to use our phones the whole school would be a disaster. Teachers would not be happy with the idea of letting students use their phones, because every teacher wants the whole class' attention on them not their cellular devices. Some students and schools might think that letting students use their phones would be a great idea because it could probably benefit those students who might not have a computer at home, and maybe letting them use their cell phones during class to do their assigments would help them, but that doesn't mean that every student has to use their phones too. Schools should not let students use their phones for educational purposes because it would be a big distraction for students and teachers. By allowing us students to use our cell phones it's only increasing our chances to get distracted and it would make our grades drop. If we were aloud to use our cell phones during school we would not pay attention to our teachers and we would never get our work done. Us students should not be aloud to use our cell phones during school because it will not benefit us, it will only make us distracted. Teachers and parents would not be pleased if schools let students use their cell phones during class, we're teenagers and we get distracted very easily.
Scientist Albert Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." Now imagine yourself as a beginning engineer, sitting at your desk, aggravated because you can't come up with a new invention. All you have around you are textbooks but no image or thought of what your invention may be. If only you could imagine a new invention of some sort then maybe you could build something. But with no imagination, how can you build knowledge? I agree with Einstein's quote. I believe imagination is more important than knowledge. I agree with Einstein's quote because having imagination is how we've had all our inventions yet. Without imagination how were many of the things we own invented? For example, the telephone. The telephone couldn't have been invented without someone imagining a device where you could communicate without leaving your home. You need imagination in order to make new things. Another example would be the camera. Whoever invented it, had to have imagination in order to think of a device that captures any moment almost in an instant. Even I, as a student, need imagination in order to make new things. For example, when making an essay, such as this one, I need to imagine of a good story hook that goes along with the prompt. Furthermore, I believe in Einstein quote because without imagination, knowledge is almost useless. For example, when learning a new vocabulary list. You may know all the definitions but you can't put them in your own words or use the words in different instances. Why? Because you can't imagine it. You can't picture it, you just know the definitions. Another example is when reading a book. Knowing how to read isn't even near of what you need to fully comprehend a book. You need to imagine it. Picture the story in your mind in order to fully understand the book's theme, setting and tone. Lastly, I agree in Einstein's quote because without imagination, all our decisions would be made carelessly. For instance, before you speak or move, most of the time you imagine what the outcome of that action will be. If not, the outcome won't be for the better. Another instance is when in an experiment, you hypothesize what the result of the experiment will be. That takes imagination. When signing a contract, it's needed to imagine the consequences of signing and not signing the contract. In other words, you need to imagine things before you decide to take them on. Knowledge isn't the only thing that will help you when making decisions. In conclusion, Einstein's quote is correct in my perspective. Knowledge isn't the most important factor to have, imagination is key to everything you do and will do. You can't fully understand most things without imagining them. Can't go on inventing things before imagining them first. Also, you won't be able to make good decisions before imagining the outcome. All in all, imagination is also how you'll enjoy your life. Knowledge is great and all but it can't bring others as much happiness as imagination can. It's how we've been happy for all these years. Imagination is how we have gone so far in this world and how much we've survived.
They are some Schools offer for Students to Lerning as option for Students from home. They are many thinks you can't Lerning at home you can use by way of video or online. First, Know in this world the technolgy availadle everywhere and you can use anytime you want to go online and attend the classes on the time. Secand, They are many student they have a lot of job or they have baby's or anything, They can't go to schools to lerning. So, they should take classes by way of online or video they can open the classes on the job or at home. Thrid, The student should behefit from deing and serios to do the work and homewark from home because this is nice from them they make it for you easy to learning evry thing on the time. Last, If you want to learn or take any thing in this life you can do any time you want and anywhere, You can take many classes at home, and finsh you'r education. The Schools are the Bast houes in the world.
some school districts offer programs that allow high school student to graduate in three years insted of the tradional four years. I believe that high school student should not allow to graduate in three years. Beacuse for example they are not going to have free time with friends, it's hard for student who learnd new language and some student work afther school. Did you imagen yours child spend all day at school studying hard out seem their parents most of the day just want tham graduate in less then four years. To begin with, all single child or student need to have free time play with the friends the student don't have to worry about stay afther school to study. most student like afther school go to thier friends houses to play video game, go to eat restaurent also student who graduate in four years don't have to be take any clases during summer or evenings. they can have time to play any sport they like during summer insted of be in at school taking any clases. In addition for those student who are learning a new language three years is not enought time to learnd every single studnet differnt time to learn some of than learn faster than others student this program that offer that allow high school student graduate in three years,may have to know that each student laern differenly. Anothers disavanges to graduate in three years insted of four is that student don't have time to secand chances to take any felling sol or test they must have to pass each test or sol each years to able to graduate. I feel that is too much prechers for student who learning a new language that they don't have enought time to learn better, that can effect the student when they want to attend to go to callage. It's song that one years can't make any different but,for must of student will be make different,in one years we can prepere student whow callage are what is the different bitween high school classes and callage classes. The least but list as we know some student work afther school the issue is that this student don't have time to do their homework and study for any test some tham student work fourty hours per week they are going to sleep late night it's hard to attend to school everyday and work at the same time. they just not focus in school they have anothers responsability for example, help their family pay bill or rent so,this student may take the four years to graduate from high school they can do some make up some work and study. Inconclusion In my opinon the student from high school should not allow to graduate in three years we can keep traditional four years. in this case the student can have more time to play with the friends, time to learn better a new language learn more in high school to be ready for callage and they can have time to help their family with anything this programs should help the student to keep traditional four years the student are future any country may have suppor with are better for them.
Now a days most employers are looking for specific characteristics in potential employees'. They look for someone who is responsible, hard-working, humble, and kind. Someone who is going to be a role modle for the company, and also for the community. Commonly, they look for a person who has experience, specially with costumer service. When the company decides to hire someone with all of these characteristics, the company is going to increase its sales, more costumers are going to visit the location, and they are going to be happy with the service provided. I belive that by having a good behavior and showing our values and manners, we are representing our families, and who we really are. Manners and values play a big role when hiring an employee. When communicating with costumers there has to be mutual respect. Responsability is also really important. Showing up to work on time, with a clean uniform and a possitive attitude, is a way to show responsability and respect to the company. Therefore, by working hard and staying true to your self we are going to help make work a better place. A role model is kind, humble, learns from its mistakes every day, as well as to be a better person at work and outside from work. An employee is a role model for the community, and also it represents the company. As we all know, work can be hard sometimes, so it is important to ask for help when needed. By doing this we are creating a comfortable atmosphere for costumers to feel like home and to feel welcome. Eventually, sales are going to increase and the company is going to make more money. Most teenagers my age don't have that much experience in any jobs. Mostly because they're too young, and the jobs they apply for recures at leas 1 or 2 years of experience. However, I think that at least we should get an opportunity to get the job, because no one would ever know how good we can be if we don't get an opportunity. In my past experience, I've worked before with as a cashier. I'm also respectful and responsible. I take my job really serous and I don't like to play games. I'm a straight forward person, who belives that if employees are good to the costumers, more and more people will visit the location and the bussines will show more growth. I highly belive that I am a good candidate for this position. For me it is really important to have manners and values, specially inside work. To treat people with kindness and respectfuly. Also to be responsible, and something that is really important for me is to work hard to get what i want. When i go to a restaurant or to a store, I like to feel welcomed, so that why I treat costumers the way how i like to be treated. In advance, i will like to say the importance of being a role model for our generation, We are the future of this world and we have to make good decitions every day.
Hello, my name is Generic_Name and I am a student at Generic_School. Students at Generic_School are required to take classes in arts. In my opinion student's should not be required to take arts classes because they might need other class. First some students might want to boost there GPA so they have a better chance of getting into the college they want to go too. Also students might need to get the extra support they need to pass in their classes. The class work might be a little difficult for the student who might not understand what is going on in the class room, so they might need more support in class insted of taking arts classes. students need to improve on there grads or get extra help and should not take arts classes. Secondly Students have outside responsibility out of school like a job and sometimes when you have a job your boss might call you and say can you cover someones shift and your boss tells you to come in and you have to be there on time and the student has to leave early or not come to school at all, or a student has to pick there little borther or sister from school or daycare. Thirdly Some students are artistic and they want to be in arts classes like dram, art, music and enjoy doing art classes but all students are not artistic some students are shy or could get panic attacks they prefer to in a extra class or in study hall. In conclusion I think that arts classes should not be a requirement for graduation because students want to get there work done, get extra help to understand their class work or they may have a job they need to get go for and need to leave early and students are not artistic.
I am agree everyone should be make own decisions because you have just one life if you permit other people take you own desicion, you never built you own history if you sometime make mistake, thats ok because, we can learned when did sothing wrong, I was feel good and great. Should people take own decision of life. l must learn take control of my life. Becuse if I did something bad, I can not tell other person is you fall, I can not live with fear did somethin wrong, becuse we can learned own mistake, and future can be a better person. For example if you want to buy you own car, if you have money buy. if you practice any sport, you can ask opinion someelse but, do take accion. If you do working get you goal never get, all guys get dream is following taken accion get exito, all life is one desicion everytime, we have to make desions and, everyday some time it was exellent sometime wrong is thats matters, we are learning, all the time, I not agree becuse when you pertmit somebody take desicions fot you you life turned bored and, you are unhappy. when you bult you own life with you own misteke it was exating and you can tell finaly I did. it thats matter what thinks others.
Students can benefit from this option, but also can affect them in different ways. Many students have difficulty coming to school every single day. One impediment may be transportation, a lot of them do not know how to drive, so they can not drive to school. Some students live in areas where the buses can't enter. Many of them walk to get to school every day or ride a bicycle. They face many problems but the biggest one is weather. The climate can change quickly, when is raining a lot or is cold these students stay at home, because there is no way how they can get to school. Students can benefit by not attending everyday to school. For students who live far away from school is a great option, because they safe time and also they can work during the day. As we see many students have a job after school, and this is hard for them because they have to be active in school. There is a big problem because they come tired to school, and you see them sleeping in classes. They can not be concentrate because they do not have time to sleep. Many of them do not have time to do homework, or different projects they have to complete. It is a great option to have schools that offers distance learning. This action help many students but also can affect them. In my opinion when you attended to school everyday you can learn more. Because you have all the resources you need to understand, and complete the assignments. But students who like to work hard and take their time to studying in their houses, it can also be easy for them. Before that there was not technology is was extremely hard. Now that the science had grown up, and the technology appear, we have a way more opportunity to do many things. One opportunity is to studying online from our houses. As I said now that we have technology, we have more opportunities and is really easy to find stuff that you need to learn in your school. In my conclusion, I think is good for our society having those school who offers distance learning. Because many students can not be in school everyday, and this action help them to keep studying. If this program does not exist many of them could never go again to school, because of all the impediments they have to attend school, and they will never accomplish their dreams.
The new generation of students decide to take their classes in online. Although if the students take classes in online they might allow to finish high school in a short time,also they might be safe at home, they can take more free time to work or enjoy with their family, and graduate as soon as possible and start the college. Even thought some people might say students shouldn't take classes in online because they can not learn good enough, they might be distracted or even ask any question to solve their problem, regular high school have different program to help students to be successful on their grades. In this case students need to talk with any consular or teacher in school to give some advantage and disadvantage about online class, student might need to know their benefits on what they going to do for their own good. Most people care about education, students need put some interest. concluding with this state argument student should take any classes in online because they don't put much interest to learn any assignment, students might need to attendance to a regular high school to learn and have better apprenticeship, and abilities for their accomplishment, students in high school are more successful, they have good opportunities to get in the best colleges. Nowadays teenagers are more focus in having fun, some of them do not know that education is very important, if we want to have a good job and better future, every child need education first, but students are following good rulers. according to this argument I have this experience my brother want to take his classes in online because he does not want to come to the school, i still in a normal high school almost at the end of the first quarter and my brother still waiting a call for his classes. He said it was his best choice but in my opinion that was not a good idea because if come to the school i learn and understand my classes, when a teacher is explaining and helping me to do my problem i feel more exciting about it. I want to be a great student and learn everything instead of be at home waiting for an acceptation for classes. concluding with my argument students would not benefit to attend classes in online, attending to the school is more important and benefit, they take serious their resposabilities in everything,they became more measure,classes in online never going to be same as the regular school, students never are going to learn very well, teeneger really need to attendance the school for a better education.
Some people may think that positive attitude is not the key to success in life, but I disagree with them because I feel like now days are not the same like it used to be, and I think its a big issue that we have today in our world. People just wanna finish their jobs very fast, and they wanna get where their going really fast, and that leads to not have a good attitude with others, one of the first reasons is you can get to your dream job, for example if your positive with others they can like you or offer you a deal that's going to change your life for ever, and they may say that your a great person, and they might offer you to come and work in their company or work in a really great passion. Another reason is you can make someones day or make them happy, for example their having a really bad day and you come and talk to them with a positive attitude, and maybe your going to make them really happy and also that can effect on others if you make them happy they can make others people happy also. One last reason is Communication, for example by having a positive attitude you can communicate with others, and you can have a good relationship with them and maybe be really good friends. In conclusion for all theses reasons i think positive attitude is the key to your success.
Do you ever feel like giving up just because you failed and you feel like nothing is going your way ? In this paper i will argue that '' success consist of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasms'' Sometimes it's okay to feel upset,mad and frustrated when you think you're trying your best and it seem like. Nothing it's working out for you . Failure is the way to success and some people seem not okay with it. Most people also don't understand why it has to be like this. However we don't always get what we want in life and that's a fact. Because that's just the way it is you can't blame yourself for it either. Most of us think that you have to be successful the first time you try something. But sadly that's not how works for some of us but some are just lucky. I remember a few years back when my Aunt Generic_Name open her second beauty salon. She was quite upset because nothing was going the way she wanted to and how she planned. It wasn't going well she felt like everything was falling apart. She started to lose a lot of costumers the first year she open the salon. But 2 years later she started to promote her beauty salon again. She kept trying till she achieved her goals and now everything going well for her. I think one the things that helped her a lot was her positive attitude towards everything. She also didn't lose her enthusiasm. I think this is a good example of ''success consist of failure'' Some of us might not agree that ''Success consist of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.'' I know a few people that don't have this mentality. Just because you weren't successful doesn't mean you're not going to be ''somebody''. Or that you need to stop trying because it's not meant for you. But they are wrong because at the end of the day what matters is what you think you're capable of doing and what you can do. Don't let others people get to you and keep hoping for the better. Another good example is most of the big celebrities that we know now days like Oprah,Ellen DeGeneres and many more were turn down before had disappointments and maybe gave up for a moment . But they never lost their '''enthusiasms'' and they made their dreams come true and pretty much that's how you become successful in life. From time to time you need to start taking those ''Failures'' as a lesson and just keep trying to do better. Because that's how life is. Because you attempt to do something and it didn't go your way doesn't mean you have to put it aside. We are humans we make mistakes. But you just can't give up easily and losing hope. It's not an option either you just have to keep pushing and like people say ''Fake it till you make it .'' In the future i hope people start realizing that opportunities come and go. There's nothing wrong with failure. I'm pretty sure we all been there before and it's okay to feel like crap. But it's not okay to stop trying just because one door closes many more can open for you. You can go as far as you want to because you're the only one that can stop you from being successful.
I would agree with being honest at all times because if I'am honest, I'am telling the truth and I'm not lying towards anyone. The reason why being honest is the best policy is that people can really trust me if they ask me a question or if I need their help with any of my work even if they are not honest or completely honest with any of their work. I think that honesty would be number one in my personality because people get smarter when they grow and honesty will be in my life mostly from the start. Another reason why honesty is very important in my life would be to believe that I'm not going to fail a test or I won't get bullied in the future. But sometimes honesty would fail and some people are going to get angry with me when they actually trusted me. Then they might have learned a lesson to not trust me in their entire life ever again. That would be sad if I said I were honest that this would happen and I was actually positive about it just to make my friend or my family member happy instead of thinking about all the negative things that are going to happen which actually might have a tiny chance to happen or not happen. After a negative relationship about honesty happens with my friend or family member, they would disagree on my honesty and might never trust me again and find someone smarter than me. Later in my life, my friend or family member might apologize to me when they could not trust me in the past. The relationship with my family member or friend might come back together again and they might agree with my honesty once again and we might never get into a fight about honesty and relationships ever again. But what if my friend or family member found more than one person besides me to trust in their honesty. We might have a huge debate going on about that and also get into a fight that would never stop. It would be best to not have a huge argument about honesty and I can meet with the other person face to face and have a conversation with them which is not that harmful and nobody will hurt anyone's feelings or my friend or family member would not allow me to be with them their entire life anymore. That would be better because it would be best to gather as many people as I know because then me and other people who are very good with honesty can help my friends and my family members stop thinking about negative relationships and we can make them think about positive relationships so they won't get stressed out or they won't have any attacks when they think about anything that makes them feel sad or other dangerous thoughts like suicidal thoughts, dying by doing drugs, getting into a car crash etc. Even if someone tells me that they cannot trust me and they disagree with my honesty, I don't have any dangerous thoughts about death. I will fight back for my position in honesty even if many people trusted my honesty and I failed them in my honesty. Still, my honesty is not a failure. I will be honest my entire life and I will never lose my most important personality about me which is honesty. If I think I'm going to fail a test on the first attempt. I'm always honest that I will not fail this test today and I'm going to try so hard on this test that I pass and I will win and be happy with my own honesty that I trust. Sometimes if I forget to study for a test, it's not honesty's fault I failed. It's my fault I did not study for the test because most of the answers I got wrong in the test is because I guessed instead of knowing the correct answer. If I can't trust honesty or if I don't need it now. I'll use my honesty if I really need it help me succeed so I won't be a failure in life. I would want everyone to have honesty as their number one personality because honesty can really help everyone solve many conflicts that are not easy to solve in one attempt and I might need help with it. Most people disagree with being honest at all times and they say it's not their number one personality because people first have to learn the true meaning of honesty and how it can actually help me succeed in your life. Most of the time, people think that very smart people have the best honesty and they might agree with their honesty for some reason. But they're wrong, I can trust everyone's honesty. It's not like people who are not smart don't have the best honesty and people who are smart have the best honesty, they're equal. People who are not that smart can grow in the future and their honesty can lead to many people supporting someone who was not smart in the past and is now smart in the future. Same with smart people, they can either continue to grow or their smartness has a tiny chance of dropping. Then people in the future for some reason would continue to trust smart people even if I know that their smartness and their true honesty has dropped which would mean that they started to lie in the future and in the past they would tell the truth. That would be the reason why smart people in the past might start to lie about most of their things in the future if nobody teaches them to never get into the non honesty mode. The right people that can reteach me about honesty if you lose it would be either your family members or teachers because you don't goof around with my family and my teachers that often, it's mainly with my friends because they can try to get me into a different world to forget about honesty and everyone will wonder what happened with being honest and why can't they trust me anymore. Same with people who grow, my friends and family members will be suprised how I learned to be honest and how most people can trust me now. They would be put in a totally different world and they would be thinking. "How did they change in the future?" "I thought they would still be the same their entire life?" Finally, once they figured out how I changed in the future. They will probably inform everyone about the person that has changed. That is why honesty is number one for everyone lives and it's best.
Most of the schools in around the world that cut off hours in school, and they get a good results. Some people say that is the good idea, but some people think that a bad idea depend on their opinion. If they extending the school day two hours, to a four- day school a week, they will give students get more chances to focus what they like, time to explore and spend more time for family. Some of the countries try to improve it and they received a lot of good responds from students and parents recently. New things always have a difference opinion, and so many people could not adapt it, but one day it will bring a revolution to education. The first thing brought the benefit for this idea is students can able to focus what they like. In the real world, Students have so much things to do. They have to start school at 7am to 2pm, it takes a long period of day and they could not practice what they like. If they can get less hours a day in school so they could practice sports, music,sciences instead of math and English. There must have some students interesting at classes in school and they enjoy it, but they are still force to take classes that they do not like, its not their advantages. Some students would quit school because they could not find out themselves in there, and it will costs a lot of problems into the future especially effects to the next generation. That why schools should give students more hour to get what they like to do. The problem related to previous the first thing is time for family. Still, students spent all day long in school, and some of them want to do their favorite things after school, then they accidentally forget spend time with their family. ''Family is the root behind success of student'', but when they get home, they have to do their homework at midnight. So many tradition families that have a rule that student have to follow then they do not have time to do their homework. Some of students have a jobs after school to get more benefits, scholarships, to prepare their life in college. Some students just want to support their family and do not have time to think about school. they have to bring their homework everywhere they go. If schools follow a four-day school week, it would be better to students and their family; they can get more time to hangout; they do not need worry about school or test tomorrow. Students can enjoy their time with family. The important thing that can not miss is time to explore. ''A fish can not claim like a monkey'', some people good at math, some at music or art and we can not take a person good at math to do music. That is exactly going on in school life; students can not find out what they truly want to do; they do not have creative. If school follow a four-day school week, students can receive more extra times to explore the world and life. They could discover nature that teachers can help them, reality could help students get more experiences and discover themselves what they good at. Europe countries like Holland and Ireland had tried this and they got the highest education in the world. In Europe, they do not have homework, students go to school four or five days a week but less hours. that is good thing that every schools in the world should follow. Eventually, schools and teachers just want do the best for young generation, and they want to make a better life. Sometimes, they should flexible time and give students a chance to focus what they like, family and to explore a life. Students still able to finish their work, only 24 hours a day is not enough for them to complete everything. School, themselves and family, that is a lot of things to do in a day. ''Life is hard, do not make it harder'', that is a good quote to say. Schools should give students more time.
Do you think positive attitude is the key to success in life. I think it is because if you ain't positive you won't get no where in life. Think about it if your positive somethings in life will be easier then other things. I believe theres good karma and bad karma if your positive to people and help people out good stuff will happen to you that's called good karma. but if you bully kids, cuss at elderly and don't help people out karma is going to bite you in the butt. That's why it's always good to be nice to people you don't know even if they aren't good to you still be nice because at the end of the day good karma is coming to you. Look at these famous people they made it out of the struggles because they worked hard and they helped people out. Some people don't get chances to show other people they talent if you keep working hard and get your mindset in the right place you will have a chance to make out the struggles. it's hard to make it out of struggles some people are working hard busting they butts and they barley get money to pay off the bills. Most likely the people that work hard are the people that have positive attitude not all the people that work hard because some people that work hard are rude and helpless. For the people that are helpless and rude won't get as far from the people that have positive attitude. Positive attitude can get you a lot of good stuff in the future. As long as you stay positive and work hard you will be successful in life. Positive attitude will get you places in the future that you couldn't imagine when you was little. Although it's not going to be a easy road to get where you want to be you always got to try. See if your positive in your job and you help people out a lot people are going to start to like you that's one way to be noticed. I'd rather work hard with people I know are positive and helpful then working with rude helpless people. Look at the people with negative attitude are they getting anywhere?. They ain't getting nowhere with negative attitudes. Usually the people with the negative attitudes are the ones that get bullied, ain't raised right, or they just won't listen no matter what you tell them. If they change they life around and start listening and respecting people they will get respect back. If you start switching your life up people will start noticing and they will be happy you. But some people won't change and they will get sent away to prison if they keep up what they do. In the future always remember that positive attitude is the key to success in life. No matter what people say about you always stay positive don't let the negative people take you down because they said a bunch of nonsense about you that wasn't truth. Don't tolerate bullying either if you see someone getting bullied stand up for them having a positive attitude ain't only about yourself it's about helping people that needs help. I've seen videos of people sitting down on the bus and not move for a lady that can barley walk it shows you how people are now it's pathetic. I'd rather help people out and get known for it then get known for not helping out people.
Thomas Jefferson wrote, "Determine never to be idle it is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing." I strongly agree on what he said about us people always doing something will help us accomplish more. I will explain why i agree on what Thomas Jefferson wrote about always being doing something. Even though it sounds like it is not a good thing i will give you my point of view of why it is important to always be active. First, one of the reason why it is important to be active doing something because you will accomplish more. For me i like to be busy because it will keep me focus,be determined, and keep me motivated. Being busy will help me finish my work or task i am doing. An example would be,i would rather be busy doing homework than just sitting around doing nothing and not being productive. You may have stress if your always busy but at the end it will always pay off. Second, another reason i agree on why always doing something helps you accomplish more is in time managing. Because you can not always be something and always finish it. People like to time manage so they can finish the work that will keep them occupied the most first. If your always doing something that you need to do it will keep you from doing stuff that will not benefit you. It is good thing to build time for other task you need to do then to just stay focus on one and not accomplish as much. Lastly, always doing something makes you a proactive person. Being lazy and not being a proactive person will affect you. Because you will not accomplish more than a person who is always doing something and is progressing in their own task they need to be doing. Always doing something is a good habit to have that will help you to always be successful. You will feel more proud of your self for the hard work you put in on your task for being always active on them. In conclusion, all those reason i talked about are reason why i agree on what Thomas Jefferson wrote, About it being a good thing that if we are always doing something we accomplish more. You will never have to worry about not doing a certain task you need to do if your always active and productive. People will not worry about them forgetting to do things if they are always busy and remembering to use their time management skill to help them.
If I could go to visit anywhere in the world, It would be LOCATION_NAME. LOCATION_NAME has so many differnet things that you can do like their food and culture. LOCATION_NAME is also a great spot for family vacation. Lastly you get to experience how Islanders live and their way of lifestyle. These are the reason why i would go to LOCATION_NAME. I think LOCATION_NAME is a amazing vacation spot for your family. Everyone around the world go to beaches during summer and LOCATION_NAME has more than just beaches. LOCATION_NAME also has one of the best resorts and food because I've lived their for 1 year. Food and resorts are the best thing ever. If you have a big or small family and they love taking pictures then LOCATION_NAME gives you so many opions on places to take them especiallly if you are from a city. LOCATION_NAME is the family vacation spot if you love nature and beaches. Another reason is LOCATION_NAME has really great food and culture. Like they give you so many options on what to eat and the taste is priceless. Secondly, they show you so many different and interesting dances, They also play their own music which is a really cool talent. They have different instruments that are hand crafted and the sound of them brings joy to everyone. If you go their as a tourist then they will give a tour of their culture and tell you stories of how LOCATION_NAME was discovered. Every meal in LOCATION_NAME has a different history behind it which makes you want to eat it even more. Food and culture in LOCATION_NAME is one of the best in the world: and it is a lifetime experience. Lastly, experience how people in LOCATION_NAME live, their lifestyle especially if you actually live in a city. Living their as if your family are locals then that may teach different ways of life. LOCATION_NAME is not the richest place you will ever visit but it is the life changing moment. LOCATION_NAME offers many people homes to rent for a week or month then you can live as if you are a local in LOCATION_NAME. LOCATION_NAME is also a very relaxing place to visit, If you have been living in a city then LOCATION_NAME will give you a mental break. Lastly, You can find out how that Island was discovered and how they worked to make It look like a vacation spot. Experiencing how different cultures work and their way of living that Islanders life. I would still go to LOCATION_NAME if I could visit any destination in the world. Their food/Culture, LOCATION_NAME is the number one family vacation spot if your family loves going to the beach and lastly, Experiencing a different lifestyle, seeing how the life of Islanders work. LOCATION_NAME gives you many options on what you should do when you go their and how you should enjoy your time. These are my reasons why I would visit LOCATION_NAME if I could go anywhere in the world.
my name is Generic_Name and my story is about cars I bay a car and it new i live that car so mush so i stirt taking caer to it and befor I usto have a buskel and i usto love that baskel so mauh but i gat older so i stop riding a biskel and i stirt looking for a beges thengs whan i was a kid i usto so my dad driveng a car and i usto haveng fun in it ;and my drimm was to bay a car win i gro up and i stil looking for that drimm seccer is the only sport i like i use to play seccer win i weas 11 years old and i stil play that geame and i love it so mush but my lieg get hert so i stop playing it any moer and then i stirt fling better so i want to go bake to play my favert game seccer so i try ot for school and i stirt making frinds and play with them my favert game evry day i even like a gril becoes that game so l like that gril and i stirt playing wiht her and taking wihe her and i wanted her number so i stirt beang cloes to her so it bean a year so i finly say it i told her that i love her and she say yes and she my grilfrind new so this year im in 11 grad and i play sceer for Generic_School and it coold but we have to phet so we can get bater so it ban 3years whan the last time i see my dad and mom becase thay stiy back ther in my cantery ariq and i relly weant them to be besid me in USA and about my life i have 2brthers and 1 sister.
Dear Principal, I think that it is a great idea for you not to allow students that have a C average to participate in sports. My first reason, is because a lot of kids who have good grades such as B' s and A' s they don't get as distracted in school. Therefore, they will be focused better in their activity, and not in doing something like homework. People who have C' s, D' s , and F' s they will not be focused in the sports activity because they have to worry about doing homework and getting their grades up. Because they are responsible for having bad grades they shouldn't participate in school activities. Maybe you ask "What if someone has the potential in playing but doesn't have the grades". Its probably because they get to distracted, in playing sports and not doing their work. Kids who have bad grades tend to be lazy, and if we let them be on the team how can we expect to win if one of the members is not even participating. Another reason why, you should have good grades and be able to participate in activities is because it will look good when you go to college. There are more chances for you to get into a better college that you will like. And when you get a job you will get a well paying job. In conclusion, that is why I think the principal shouldn't let students who have a lower than a C average participate in school sports activities. One because they are lazy, and not well focused in school. I think it will be way better if kids who have good grades get the credit for participating in both sports and class work. These are my reasons why I think students who have B average should be involved in school activities and kids who have a C average shouldn't.
One of the smartest people on earth said that "imagination is more important then knowledge". Do you agree or disagree with Albert Einstein? What do you think about imagination? Do you think imagination is more important then knowledge? I agree with Albert Einstein because if people focus on getting more knowledge people won't be trying to solve the problem with imagination. When more people come in to the USA then people or trying to stop it and not focusing on the students and staff that want help when in need. When people do their taxes the money goes to helping solve the problem so people should do their taxes to help solve the problem faster so kids can have go learning environment. The more the President wants to work on trying to get a imagination law to be made he should be focusing on the over things he ran for president not just one thing for years. The President should work on helping the people in need like sick people or the homeless and trying to help the homeless buy or get a small home to be safe in in so they can survive in the cold days and be clean and healthy. I mean having knowledge is good to get the job you wanted since you were a kid but i say it's better to work on imagination while working on helping people in need. I'm just saying that the President should work on lots of things and when working on big problem too. What do you think of when people say is imagination more impotent then knowledge? Think of it and the ask your self if you want to help out or not.
I think that what Auther ralph waldo wrote i dont agree becuase he said that what you already masterd you will never grow i think that with the more you mastered the more you will know in life those things that you had masted are things that you want to do and get in life. you will understand more things like the more important thing like when you mastered drving one of the most important thing to master in life that is the first gole u want to master in life and when u do youy feel like you can do more thing once you have you get your drivers licens. Or even as a kid when you mastered a video game you want to keep going keep getting challeged on each part of the game and when you finished on you buy another one and it keeps going even when you die on the video game you still try to keep going on unless you get fusterated and mad and you just give up and quit. Unless you keep trying you master the video game. The things that i had mastered was the most importent one was driving its was hared for me just to get my permit and i guess it grow on me beacuase i want to do more in life i want to be able to help my family and do what i can for my sisters and brother and my mom. Like out of all the thing i had mastered i say that is one of the thing i want to do becuase be able to go to callege be some thing in life. so i say the more you master the more you grow and know as a person. the reason why i think that the more you master the more you grow its becuase out of all the things that i had gone throw i realised that as im getteing older more and more chaleges that i will have to master will come my way in the future thing that i will want to master. i say this is why they make kids go to school so they can learn more things so that we can be challged and master things as we go throw school so we can see the type of person that we want to be in life so that we can face challeges thats whay i say the more things we master the more we grow so that we can learn from those thing.
Do you think its a good idea to have somone make your decisions for you all the time? There is somthing you should know about having a person make decisions for you, and making decisions for yourself. I think making your own decision is the best way to solve life important problems, and I will tell you why I think so. Making your own decisions is a sign of taking your life to the next level in many ways. Ways such as maturity, self confidence, determination, and intelligence. The reason why taking others advice all the time isnt good is because there is going to be a time where no one will be there for you when you make that life changing decision or in a situation where you have to make the decision right away. When you learn to follow your own instincts and learn to make your own decisions is the moment you can show others that you are a responsible for your actions, That you are a fully matured adult. At the end of the days its all about whats best for you and the people around, the people who depend on you. Having somone make your decisions for you is a sign that you are not ready for the real world. Like I said before, you will get to that specific point in your life when you are just going to have to make this important decision. Thats why its always important to learn to follow on what you think is right. Your dependents when you were a kid, always taught and told you what the best thing to do is. So when you get old enough to make decisions on your own, you know whats best for you. The times you should be taking advice from others is when you're a learning child. A child learning off examples from your parents or dependebles. The times when you should be making decisions for yourself is the times when you have learnt off these examples as a child from your dependents, now to grow up as an adult and do whats best for you. And the cycle continues. I think its more understandable when you put it that way. In conclusion, self decision making shows you are a responsible adult in many ways. And most importanly shows you are ready for obsticles that will come in your way in the real life. depending on others just shows you still need people to make these decisions for you even though there will certainly be a time when there will be no one but you. And this will really hurt you if you dont start to take responsibility for yourself and your dependents. So yes, I think people should make there own decisions.
Many schools have partner ships with companies that can allow students to explore certain occupations through internships and shadowing opportunities to discover whether they are interested in pursuing that type of employment. In my opinion its a good idea to allow students to explore certain occupations through internships and to discover whether they are interested or not. By allowing them to visit and explore, they are most likely to know what they want in life and in their upcoming future, and they can get a good job that pays money in the future. The first reason as to why it is a good idea to explore certain occupations through internships is because, students will most likely know what they really want to do in life and it will help them start a good future. I have a cousin named Generic_Name, he has three kids named Generic_Name, Generic_Name, and Generic_Name. Believe it or not Generic_Name was chosen to go to Liberty University a few years ago. He went to the College to see if anything they taught was interesting. A few months later, Generic_Name started going to Liberty for a few years and finished off with straight A's. Today he owns his own business, and he is happy as ever. The second reason why it is good to explore certain occupations through internships is because, you are willing to get a good job that pays very well. I have another cousin named Generic_Name, He is the strongest and most bravest person I have ever met. Generic_Name is the AirForce, he joined the air force a few years ago. He loved it there although he said it was somewhat rough. He went to the AirForce because his parents didnt have enough money for him to go to college. After leaving the AirForce he chose to go to Liberty University as well, He absolutely loved it there. He graduated in 2015. He is now working for the FBI and I could not be any prouder of him then I am right now. A few weeks ago I went over to his house and he said "Generic_Name when i was in the AirForce it was rough for me, I felt like it was useless. Now i know that god put me in that position, because he wanted something big for me. I feel like i'm on top of the world I have never felt any better then I do today. I also have so much money too, thanks to the job i have they pay really well. One of these days I want to buy a mansion." I saw tears coming out of his eyes ,and I felt so proud, I said to myself, "I want to feel like i'm on top of the world, I want something big for me." Many students may say that they don't care about college which is somewhat understandable. I was with a friend one day and I was telling her about how I want to go to college so bad, but she didnt seem to care. She looked me in the eyes and said, "What's the point of college anyways, its just like going back to hell. My parents never went and there fine." They also say that going to college is the worst thing ever. My friend once said, "Why do schools even give the opportunity to students to figure out where they want to go, we don't need college and we dont need a future either. I Actually like working at Wendy's." After my friends said those nasty things about college it just made me want to work harder in life and get better grades in school. In conclusion, exploring certain occupations through internships is not that bad of an idea, its a brilliant idea. As i once said, I'm most likely to know what i want in the future, and I will get a good job that pays well. My cousins really have inspired me, because of them and their story, I want to be better and I want to work harder. Maybe later in life I will be working for the government and I will make my future kids happy.
I think yes, that if you have a positive attitude it is a key to success why do i think that? I think that If you have a positive attitude you wont get in trouble because the attitude that you give out is the way that people judge you, A positive attitude is a great way to get the things you want in life like for example, If you want to get a job or a career you have to have a good and positive attitude because if not then they will not accept you like for another example if you have a positive attitude you can make friends and people will like you because of the way you are if your kind people will be like "wow this person is so nice and kind" i just think that being kind and nice is the best way to be in life you dont really get in trouble because your attitudes nice and not rude and about things that people tell you or want you to do in the other hand if your rude and people people will look and you and think about you in a rude way and not like you. The reasons I feel like a positive attitude is good because i am a kind person and dont get in to trouble with none because there is no reason to be mad and angry about small stuff. I fell like other people might think different about what I think because we all think different about everything. If you go to a friends house and you be all mean and rude and all dirty people are not going to like you because of the way you are and the other hand if you are all nice people they will like you because of how you are you and that you have respect of how your attitude is if not then you will not be wanted by people because of you act and are and people who act all rude end up in places they never thought they would end up in i just saying just stay with a positive attitude in the world and you will succeed in life and be great and not have to go through stuff like get in to fights or locked up in jail. I meant i know some people that have bad attitude and life and they are doing great in life but there is going to be one day that you will get in a problem by the way you act i think that just stay with a positive attitude so you dont got to worry about anythings and that its just better way to get al the things you need and would like to active in life because why be all rude when you can just be sweet and caring then be all grumpy and mad about small little things that can be fixed because thats what I think but if you have a bad attitude you might like end up saying or doing something that you will regret like if your like taking and with a attitude you might end up saying stuff that you dont mean and if your normal and calm about stuff you dont go to worry about nothing. I also been told that if your have a great attitude you wont have to worry about stuff because why would someone care about how you are if your all nice and not rude.
many people say that True self-esstem does come from achievement so you can learn faster and have advanced learning. True self esstem comes from achievement because you can learn faster and have advanced learning in all your classes. First, some people say that self- esstem can make you learn faster because when you work as a class and also when you work by yourself with some help from teachers yo are building up your self-esstem mostly by working alone. Self-esstem can help you at school at home and in the community too. Self-esstem can help you get good grades in school and also get a promotion by your boss at work for working hard and doing everything on time and right the first time. Self-esstem is the best thing you can have at school when you are in classes that are hard for you . Secondly, true self-esstem can get you in advanced classes so you can have advanced learning in all classes. Self-esstem can help you graduate and get in to a good collage and have a job that you love so much since you were in high school. Sometimes you need to have patience with self-esstem so you can make strong and sturdy and not weak and wobbly. Some may argue that Self-esstem comes from praising a student's work to build self-esstem because it all depends on how the student's work on worksheets and also on homework and how they ask for help. However, praising a student's work can probably help the students build self-esstem. Unquestionly, self-esstem can come from achivement not from praising because it can help you learn faster and also have advanced learining in all classes. You will have a great chater with a strong self-esstem.
I agree, because you threw failure to be successful. Like entrepreneur they are smart business people and they lose a lot of money trying to start a business some entrepreneur go threw lot of failure like people not buying their products, Losing money that they spent on the products without making no profit and some spend to much money for promotion and some of tha entrepreneur need a sponsor to support their business to get more customers to buy the products they sell and if the costomers like and value the products their business will do lot of sale and getting the business to the big league with some of the biggest brand and company in the world and business will be sucessful. the entrepreneur business was't doing right that didn't stop he or she from pushing toward their goals, so in life you go thew a lot of failure you lose some you win tha sholdn't stop you from doing what you do in life a want to be.
We live in a world where almost everyone has dreams,passion and ,goals. People has different passion for example they are people that want to learn about sing,dance,write,read,technology and more in depends in what would you like to learn .High school were made to learn about important things about Science,Math, History,English and some of them are fun. However there are some high school's that requires to have a class of drama,or art before you graduate at least you have to have one class it can be drama or art. I believe schools should have more options to students for example music,dance, sports, sing ,cook ,technology,cars,and more because no everyone is interest in drama or art. It should be elective by the students, first reason why it should be elective is because the people have different passion and dreams,second reason is that might be helpful to identified who you are,and it would help you to success. One of my passion is to make new tings that no one has never ever create something that can be helpful to heal people life. Thats my passion and my dream .The last school that I went they require two elective classes but is optional the students have the right to choose. My counselor help me to find out some elective classes about science and humans it was really hard to find the right class for me. Somehow they were some students in the same classroom and they were boring,sleeping. The reason why they were like that is because thats not them passion they probably want to be learning about something different. Thats why is important to be in a class where you really feel that you going to learn. So that can happen to many students that's why is really important to know what are your passions and to be free to choose at least one elective class. Two years afters I finish the elective class my brain was confused everything change because before taking those classes it was hard for me to choose my career. So right now am pretty sure how and who I want to be in a future that class help me to find out that heal sick people is my passion specially children's health. Before the elective class my dream was to be a police officer and now my maid is completely change and it was and still being help full to me. Now the electives class are helping me to applied in universities and scholarships .Basically these can happen to more students, there some students who don't know who they are and what they want to be in the future and these electives class can help them at the same way that helps me. However principals should know that is important to help students to find out what passion and accomplish they what to made while they are in high school. In conclusion high school's should let students to choose at least one elective class every year. Elective classes has they own benefit to students. In my opinion I am agree with having the right to choose one class that has to be relative with your passion and your dreams. However they are more different opinions as my opinion,some of them might think that art and drama is what everyone needs to learn about it. But for what I have been through I support those who believes that is fair to choose one or two elective classes.
Should all the students have to take a music, a drama, or an art class. Or should it be an electives and they could be able to make their choice to take what they want. I believe that everyone have different opinion , interest, or things they want to do. They are able to make their on decision but i don't think that it has to be required to take a class that some people aren't interested in. I am disagree with this prompt because those classes should an elective. In my opion i wouldn't take any of those classes and my reason why is because i am not going to enjoy or like the class because i am not interesting in it and there's not a required that i have to take any of those classes. I had a friend who didn't want to come to his art class. One day i asked him why don't you go to that class and he was like i don't like the class, i don't enjoy it at all and also i didn't choice it, they just put it in my schechule. i was like look you should go to the office and talk to them about it. Because you dont want to be there and also you don't even come to that class and after a few days and he went to talk to his consul about it. Less than a week he always be in his class and i was like it's your own choice to make desicion but i resolve it be cause you helped me. But in other school i have one friend that he loves his art class and now he's taking it almost every year and he told me. Generic_Name you should take an art class because it's really cool and you do a lot of art also i enjoy it and i really like the class but i don't know what do you like but in my perpective i would take an art class every year. I told him look i am not going to take a class that i don't like because i'd rather be in a class that i like and i would enjoy it and i want to do stuff that i like and it will be my choice if i enjoy or not a class. Because look there's a lot of option and you can make a decicion and he told me " Yeah you right" and by it i just tell them everybody have to make their own decion but also remember that every decion have a concecuense. I asked a lot of people what would you do if they put you in a classs that you don't want to be in it?. They told me i just going to talk in the ofice so they can change it and i would love to come to that class but i also have the right to say something about if i don't like or i do like something cause we have a right to speak up. We should be able to choice what we want to study we don't have to have a requiered to do things we could do things by our own. But there might be a thing that make people think we should have a required to take classes that we don't want but also they have to think about that we are teenager and we might have our future planed but if they don't know that they have to take some classes they don't even want to take then those type of things make people think that's why we have to take classes to prove ourself. Another things and it influence a lot that they make required to do things and students just don't want to they have to think how we feel about things and how we would react. We all know that sometimes we are not in a mood or we are in our feeling or we just don't feel the day at all and it can affect our decion and required because people who make the required they just don't care about how would you feel or anything they just chose what they want and they say what they think will be better for a lot of students but the thing they don't think about it how would react to thing like i said earlier every decion has a consecuense and it could be good or bad but we have to deal with it. Most of the students would like to have all classes how they want and when they cannot do something they want then there's when the things starting coming out. Becuase they don't like it their behavior chnage and everything in that class. So all studesnts should be able to have the right to change things and everything in their schedule but their consul should have the right to say no to things that are not important at all and they could say you are taking this class because of this reason and you can't do it. Of course they will say something but they are taking care of their future and things they would do in life by taking any of this three classes. It might be good thing or it could be a bad thing but we just have to lisent to our students. Everyone have a right to make their own desion about classes and others things but if there's a required we are not able to do anythig. Because we just have to respect the rules and do it without our opinion. If we are able to make a choice then our feeling and the way we would feel about classes it will be matter and we could make our decicion and we will like the thing we choose. But sometimes we just cannot make the decision and someone else would chose it for us so we just have to see the pro and con about the desicion we would make or the thing we would do without thinking. I think it shouldn't be a required to take this classes and it would be a elective class because some people wouldn't take this type of classes they are not going to enjoy it and go because they just don't like it at all and everyone have the desicion to speak up and make decision by our own.
I went to visit the manager of the Amazon company. I was saw that the company have most production, and would like to work here. The part that i would like to work in this company is because, my friends and my sister work in Amazon. Some people say that is so hard work here, but is one challenge that i want to take. The Amazon company is a big conmpany that lots people work and another people would like to work too. If i can have this job i would like to learn in the area of box empacking. I want to work because, i have dreams in my life and things that i would like to be. If you like that i take the first week for learn more about the job, i can do. Also i was investigated that the company don't paid the first week, but is not the problem for me, because the thing is that i want to have a job in this company. I want to go to the college in the afternoon and work in the morning, this is to be good opportunity for me and my parents. I need to need to work for help my parents with my expenses of the university, and the things that i need to buy. In the university i need much clothes and shoes and anothers things that i need to buy, is for this that i want to have my own job. If the manager give me this job i have lots opportunities in my life that i can to be, but the first if i can help my parents and my studies, my families that i have in my country Generic_City, i can help them more. The people that have underdeveloped have majority the opportunities in the life and in the own dreams. Is for this that when we can do help the people that need, we need to do. I know that is so complicated to learn the job that i want to do, but all people can learn and try every day. Because the necessity is big when you don't have nobody that can help you when you need something. When you work is more easy for you can buy the that you need and another things that you want to do. Some days that i have problems in my life is so hard not can have money and people that i can help me, but if i can get job is more easy can do my all things that i need. So if i can take this job in the company i would like to buy my own car too. For that my father and mother do not have buy everthing that i want, and not have that use my father cars. I can do hair, so i was working in the beauty Generic_Name, but i was had some problems with the one lady that wanted that i do her hair and i resigned my post. Because my boss everyday when the people came to the Salon, she said you sit down and don't do nothing. So i don't was make money, and my minimum charge was only $150 dollar all weekend, and i was help my parents to pay the rent. If i wanted something i can't buy. But all things that i passed was experience from my life that help me everyday i can follow the that my parents told me. I want to live one good experience in my life with one good job that can help me to be in calm with my life. Can live everyday in happy, peace etc. I promisse learn everyday that i can do my work. I want this job, is my challenge now and one of my dreams, so you know if you can help now that i want your help with this new job. I am very interested with this job and this company. This company is the dreams of lots students and people that want to work, and everyday i heard when they said i want to work in Amazon Company and also they love buy something online. And i love too... Is my favorite shop online. I buy my clothes and shoes in Amazon. I think is why i would like to work in Amazon, because i love. I love the big company that is, and the big team that they have. With the money that i can make everyday with the hours that i can do every weeks and i can do some things in my life that i can help me everyday, and i would like to do top quality hours the all weekend too. Because if i work more i make more money too, so is the what i need now in my life, make more money for my university and help my family. This is one of my good opportunity that i have now, and i foccused in this i can do it. During the time when i was live in Generic_City, i can was learn i little be of can empacking in the Bodega and anothers store that my father had, But when i hearn about this opportunity that you and your big company that you work to i was think that is my big opportunity to work here, and can do what i want. But most can learn all things that you do. I know that i need to know what i need to do, but if can practice for one or two weeks and can learn more and you can give one better position in the company. This to be better for me and my life. So i want this work now that i graduated for my High school and when i go to the university can help me with my studies and all things that i need. Also i forget told you, that this all thing that i want now in my life is because, when my brother died i only stay living with my parents and they sometimes can help when i need something. The majority the time my brother was the only people that help when i need something. This is one the thing that affect in my life now that i only have my parents, and i know that i told you much about my life, but you know that now i need this job more than never. I want to be the only girl that my parents have can help them, and that they are my example to my street. My parents are my inspiration to i can have a good job that i can help them and i to be how the person that help in my house. In my country my father always told me; Generic_Name you need to be big in the life, because your are my only child that i have now and you need to learn about the work and things that we can hace in the street. So this is the only that i can do, so you have de last word that you can thing. I am here, you know if i work with you. thanks.
First impression is an effect a feeling, a feeling that can be changed, for example " love " sometimes you can look at someone and think you can be with them forever and love them, because you have that impression that feeling,that they will never do such harm and leave you because they think problems can't get solved but once you noticed that it can, but the other person doesnt see that you can realized that is really worth it, to keep having that person that thinks problems can't be solved and always thinking negative. At first impression you would think that bad things couldn't ever happened because you were so in loved and so attached then you see that things change. so i think is possible to change your first impression and what you really thought about that person. It's really sad to believe or think that you were right on your first impression and then you see that it hurts when people leave you because you feel betrayed, you never had that feeling that your significant other would just quit on you and not try to work things out when that was all that matter.
Having a good attitude is important if we want sucess. If you don't have good attitude in what we're doing then we can never get the things that we have to do done for for instance if I didn't have a good attitude everytime things got hard I wouldn't have done the things I did. Take for example If I would've had a bad attitude everytime something went wrong in my life I wouldn't be as happy as I am now because we all go through difficult times but how we choose to handlle it is way different. Take famous people for example if they would've given up everytime people said horrible things to them they wouldn't Have as much money as the do now or famous as they are now. People who don't have good attitudes don't want other people to have success because they wish they had a good enough attitude to do what others are doing. If we decide to have a good attitude we can get more things done and accomplish way more then anyone else. It's also nice to help other people with they're attitudes. By helping other people we can have way more success it's just simple if we want to accomplish more then we can help people with they're attitudes and help them get way more things done. Another example I have a friend and she didn't have a good attitude about her grades but she didn't want to work hard to improe them so I told her if she wanted to get her gades up she had to have a good attitude about them and she did the she started working harder and she improved so much. Having a good attitude in life can help us out so much when we want to sucessced. It is important to have a positive outlook on life and not focus on the negative things. If we focus on the negative things to much we may forget to look at all the positive things in life. It's better to spend our time enjoying life instead of worrying about our problems alot. After all we only live once and if we spend our whole life being negative then we won't be happy in life. Being negative in life isn't how we want to spead out life if we focus on all the bad things in our life we will not sucessced at all.
Distance learning can be very helpful to students who cannot attend classes at school like other students. Although distance learning can effect students losing focuses in their classes, nevertheless, learning away from school can help us the students to have less stress, and giving us an opportunity to take care of our brothers and sisters and attending classes without skipping classes. Almost everyone in school is stressing about something,so attending classes online would help a lot. For example: It gives us more time to finish our work for other class and stress less, because to me having the advantage to attend online classes would help out a lot, and also i might have other classes to worry about. so having an option for us the students to attend class from home by using online or video conferencing might not sound the worst. And could help students who are suffering from anxiety and having any type of stress. By using online classes they could listen to music to clam themselves down and not having any signs of a panic attack, because in school not every class or teachers might let the students use their phone to listen to music; they might not be able to know if the student is having a panic attack, but at home if they are attending classes online and having a panic attack their parents would be there to help them clam down. Most students need to stay home in order to help with family emergence. Research has show that almost 50% of the time if the student is not at school, then they are at home helping out with their siblings at home, doing that they skipping school and losing an education, but with online classes they can do both without skipping class or missing anything in school. Because with online class the information they need would be provided to them, if they have a laptop or computer and in case they do not have any of these technology they can just go to their local Library with their siblings and do their assessments with no worries, because their siblings would find some kind of fun to do at the library. In conclusion attending classes online at home would benefit a lot for us the students because in case some thing happens at home they just go online at do their work without stress about losing points, to me personal attending classes online would be very helpful because I would have to stress a lot, can skip school and get some sleep.
The first impressions are so important. Some people say that the first impressons are almost impossible to change nevertheless, a person can easily change his/her first impressions because, human is a developed creature that can easily keep moving and change the first impressions with his/her ideas and experiences. It should not even be a doubt for the people who already faced this situation and has developed ideas. Some of the people says that the first impression is important. Yes, it is important. This is your first look to a person or another thing. It is easy to be impressed or shocked. But it is easy to go over it and change it. Almost everyone has their own ideas, not just the person who impresses. Another person can come with better ideas than that person. An average person is developing his/her ideas since kindergarten. Maybe by language, maybe science/math, maybe sports/arts. But almost everyone has their developed ideas. Even if they think that they don't have any ideas, they are using their familiy's ideas. The person's family helps to create their mindset since they are born. A person is getting in this impression situation certain times in their life. Unfortunately there are some people who can't keep moving after the first impression. They keep their mind set impressed to that person for forever. But also there are some people that can easily get rid of that awful experience and can keep moving. Because they know that they can easily go over this situation and can change it. Even a person can live like he/she never experienced that moment to keep their mind clear. A person has his/her own idea that could easily go over impressons and change it. Is there any other way to change the first impression? Absolutely. A person always gain experiences from born to death. Even though the first impressions are confusing and shocking, it is not a problem for people. Because they already experienced this situation. They already failed it or succeed it. It is hard to solve the first impressions that the person faces. But that is the keypoint. By keep failing it they learn how to succeed it. They learn how to go over it. A person never ever should be shy for failing to handle this situation. No one is successful in their first experiences, even in their 10th-20th experiences. This is how a person gain experience and learns how to go over this first impressions. Because they already faced it and went over it. Yes, the first impressions are important and it could be shocking too. But a person can easily change this first impressions with his/her ideas and experiences. The person already has his/her own developed ideas that could change it really fast, also has experiences that will help to go over the first impressions.
Generic_City is the one place in this world i would like to visit. Mexico is a very nice and pretty place to visit and alot of people go there to visit. I like to go to Mexico because there so much to do and it's really fun. When i go over there i do a lot of stuff every single day like hang out with family, go to the plaza, go to the beach, go to the movies, go rollerskating, go to downtown and shop over there, and many other stuff. My favorite thing to do over there is to help the bakers make bread and also to be with my family. Mexico also has good mexican food that you will probaly like. There are other places i would like to travel to but i choose Mexico because it's my moms hometown, theres a lot to do,and because i get to see my grandma,uncles,aunts,and cousins. Mexico is my favorite place to visit because i get to hang out with my old friends and go to the pool and swim til i get tired. When i was little my mom would take me to the zoo a lot with my friends and we would have a blast. Sometimes i wish to live over there cause it's an amazing place to be at, but sometimes i don't cause i would have to go to school over there and i would have to learn how to write and read in spanish, which im not very good at. Mexico is kinda similar to virginia because they have chuck a cheese, mcdonalds, burger king , buffalo wild wings, and taco bell. Back then they didn't have those kind of place but only mcdonalds. Mexico now is so different because theres spray paint on the walls every where and it's just not the same as back then. They listen to american music and kinda talk english. I'm not saying that they can't learn that i'm just saying its just weird cause i just came from america i just want to be in a place where people are talking in there launguge. I think you should visit Mexico, you will love it. there's just to much to do over there. you can also go to the park over there and also you can go to the circuse, you will totally love it and enjoy Mexico.
Should students have the option to take online classes? Yes, I believe that students should have the opinion to take those online classes and that no one should take those classes away from those students. Students can be more active when they are at home then at school. You can pick a time to start your online classes and have a fixed schedule. It is important for students to have the education of there own way instead of worrying about how public/private schools are run. Most students attend to focus more when they are taking online classes; For an example, Students dont have to worry about how teachers are teaching students when they are in a class full of other students. Students tend to struggle when teachers aren't teaching their students properly and care more about there monthly payments. Second example, is that having that one-on-one connection. Having that bond with your teachers are great ways to not be afraid to ask question when you dont get a problem or how to get the answers to the homework. Third example, most students tend to be antisocial at school because thats how they were born or even scared that people around them with judge the student and that the students wanna feel safe at school. My second argument is that students tend to get bullied at school; Bullying is a huge thing around the world and that bullying is a serious problem; Bullying is the number one cause of student not attending to school and not getting the proper education they need: For an example, when the student is taking an online class, they dont have to worry about other students picking on him, but instead he can feel safe and really enjoy the education that he is learning online at home. There was this one time that one of my really close friends was being made fun of and picking on him everyday at school. He would sometimes not attend to school because he was too scared to come in to class and would always worry about the other students. He would not focus on his school work, but would mostly focus about protecting himself. My Third argument is that students can ask question when they are having that one-on-one with the teacher. Students are afraid to ask a not so good questions in math, English, history, etc. Students have that nerve racking moment when a teacher tells the class if they have any questions. There was this one time that a teacher asked the class if there were any questions and none of the students raised their hands because I felt like everyone knew what they were doing in the class but me. I was having that moment that I didn't wanna waste the other students time about my question that I didn't understand on. It was the judgment that they would give me, but I know that it wasn't the case, people tend to over think about the problem inside the classrooms. For an example, Extroverts tend to not talk/socialized to people often, instead they don't talk to others and the problem that they are having trouble with and scared to ask the teacher because they feel insecure about talking or feel uncomfortable talking to others. In conclusion, Students should have the option to take an online class and enjoy learning like everyone else should. Learning is a fun thing to do, but have different learning styles in life. The world keeps changing everyday now and new technology is developing overtime.
Do you think fail is good? in this paper i will argue failure and success in life. Some people get sad when they fail something, they try to not loss the enthusiasm, sometimes people get mad by them self. First, people get sad when they fail something, because they try the best so they can get everything right as they doe, and maybe they never image that they gonna fail, and sometimes some persons cry because they fail. Second, some people try to not loss the enthusiasm when they fail at the first time, because maybe they have a good positive and they said that the next time they do not going to fail, so its mean that they not loss the enthusiasm at the first time they fail. Last one, person get mad by his or her self, cause they think they don't do well, and they get really mad when they fail for a little error they have, but that get that they are learning because the errors that person have made them learn. Some people said that failure is a bad idea for success. but some people don't loss the enthusiasm as they been falling and that made the person won for those who said that failure is a bad a idea because the person that don't loss the enthusiasm is keep going until they make sure to not fail anymore, and as they been falling they been learning. In conclusion, for some people failure is a bad idea.
No,I dont think students should attend online classes from home. Because online classes might be sometimes harder for them to understand and to get help. It is always better to take classes in the person so students can learn better and get more experience and they can easily get help from the teachers whenever they want to. Online classes make people lazy and dont went them to do anything. They should get experience of going to school so they can learn more better. In my opinion in person classes are way better than the online classes. And it help students to be on time always. Students should take the classes in person so they can attend school daily and get more active. It is totally different experience by taking classes online or in person beacuse sometimes its hard to understand from the online classes and students cant get it. Online classes are good for the students who need to graduate early and they cant have more in person classes so they can take the classes online and graduate on time. online classes make students lazy and dont they dont do it on time and they get lazy by staying at home. Online classes might be harder sometimes than the in person classes. Some people are used to online classes because they feel they are more easier for them. online classes are good for students who want to complete their all the required credits. Some people dont get time to do the online classes beacuse they have to go to work and they cant able to finish everything on time. They put more effort by going to school and sometimes they just dont feel like doing to online class. Online classes are good for those who wants to complete there courses early. Students should attend school so they learn more better. Sometimes online classes might be pressure for some students because its alot of them to do it and it depends on them whenever they want to do it and they should finish before the end of the school year and itmight be more stressful for them to complete everything soon. They should try there best to attened school beacuse it is more better than doing the online classes. Online classes make some people lazy and they dont get experience of going to school. They should go to school and attend the classes so they can do all there work in class and get help from teachers whenever they feel difficulty beacuse getting help from online classes are harder it is a bit harder to get help from internet because some people dont understand them and it is more easier when they get help in person and they can understand everything easily and ask questions whenever they would like to. While,Some people might say yes it is better to attend online classes rather than going to school because they have to work in the morning and they dont get time to come to attend in person classes because they dont feel like going to attened them so they attend them at home. Students dont get much things in online classes and the feel difficulty sometimes and its hard for them to get some help from someone. Becasue if they go to in school classes they can get more help and they can get help for them to go to college. They can ask their counselour about how to apply for the colleges they want to get admission. They can get know whats going on in school and they can attend many activites in school and take some electives classes so they can learn more. Some people just want to take the classes online becasue they dont have the time to go to school. Some students attend both online and in person classes beacuse they cant get enough classes at school in a year and they want to graduate on time so they take online classes so they can finish everything on time. It is little harder to attend both at a time beacuse they had to go to work too and they dont get time to do online classes. One of my friend jose he had done the same. He had to graduate on the same year but he was missing one class and he was not able to graduate on the same year so he went to his conseolur and he asked him what can he do to graduate on the same year so she gave him the idea for the online class and he started doing it. He felt it little harder but he was able to finish on time and he was able to graduate on time. Some students are always late on doing on online classes because they dont have enought time to do it If students get to in schools they get to know more about school and be more responsibility and they can get more education so they dont feel difficulty when they go to college they should always have experience of high school so they dont have any problem in college later on. And students put more effort in class because they have to get good grades so they can get good GPA and easily get admission in the college they want to. Online classes are sometimes harder depends on what class are they taking. Maths class might be harder to do in online classes beacuse you always need someone to help you because you might have so many questions and it will be harder to do maths in computer. In conclusion,I would say it is better to take classes in school so students can learn more better and its more easier for them. In person classes are always better and students can get more help and understand better. Students can take part in activites. Students get more active by coming regularly to school. By coming to school daily it helps students to learn more and they get good experience for coming to school by making new friends and getting to know more about school. And they wont feel any difficulty beacuse there will be someone who can help them whenever they want to. By taking online classes students dont learn more like they can can learn in school classes. Students should take the online classes only if it is needed them to complete all required credits they want to graduate. Online classes might help some people and they feel more comfotable. But in my opinion i would rather take in school classes because it would help me in future by getting good experience of highschool and learn more
I agree that talking to guidence is a good idea because guidence can help people on what is good or bad things to do in life. same people can even talk to guidence about thier problems and tell them what can be best can be a good solution for thier problems or for what they are passing throw in life too, However not that many people like to talk to guidence about thier problems people prefer to stay silence about their issues. Eventhough some may say that people should not talk to guidence because guidence does not help in anything. guidance is the best resorce person to go to because they help you to stay focoues in problems you go throw in life. Let say for example if you need help in school problems with family's or someone dies that was really close to you guidance could help you with depresion problems, familiy problems they are councelers but just few changes, guidance can help you with paper work that you don't understand and fill in the paper work. Guidance is a good idea because guidence can help people on many stuff and find sulution of it one way to another. Guidance is the act of process of guiding, it also has counseling such as that provided for students about vocational and eduaction matters, Any of variovs processes of guiding a vericle by means of biltin equipment. Guidance is someone who guides to the right way, or someone to look up too. gauidance is a good solution to problems and festration when a person does not have no one to talk to and they could have trust on guidance. where could people find guidance well guidance are in school or out of school too. Guidance help kids with school and fouces more on school and talk to parents, on how to maintan a kid focues in school and home. Guidance helps kids to love and keep parents involved with them more and show them how to pertect thier kids. finally, gudiance is a very good resource for who needs it people could find guidance in schools in courts, cummunity centers or so other who ever needs help guidance is a good resorse for them.
Aiming for small goals and accomplishing them are pointless. although, it is not a bad idea to make small goals and achieve them however, aiming for a bigger achievement will help in the long run. Achievements that are harder or much bigger can teach you a lot during the process of failure. In my opinion failing at long term goals is more beneficial then achieving small goals. One reason why failing at long term goals is better then to achieve a small goal is that you keep learning when you fail it is a part of life that you need in order to have success. For example, You might never succeed or progress in something you havent failed at, failure helps you learn to do better and not make the same mistakes. Achieving small goals is not a bad idea but to fail while trying to go your hardest is better because that is your full potential and it helps in your future. Aiming for easier goals does not help learn about failure and you need failure to be successful and experienced. Having long term goals is the better way to go. For instance, you can have a goal that can go on for a couple years and when you accomplish it it will feel way better than something you didnt fail or get tired on. Long term goals also help you plan ahead and really perfect your craft or perfect what you are trying to accomplish. Having a goal that you can easily achieve does not help you with learning because you dont fail and it does not take tie and experience. For example, a goal is something you have to push to achieve, so if you dont have to fail and learn it is not a realistic goal. Accomplishing and working on something you know you can achieve is not really success. Goals are achievements that are supposed to benefit you. For example, if my goal was to learn how to swing a bat it wouldnt be better than my goal wanting to win the world series. small achievements come with big goals you can learn how to swing a bat while you are training for the world series. Aiming bigger will help you accomplish more then just your goal . It will also teach you skills like patience and practice and that you will accomplish small goals on the road to the big goal. As you can see, I agree with what Michelangelo said about aiming low and accomplishing your goal because when you aim low you dont really have a challenge or real goal. You dont get to experience failure and having to do so much to reach the goal. Aiming higher and failing is when you put your effort and you fail but when you learn from that failure and keep trying to achieve the goal in different ways you will achieve it as well as other small goals along the way.
The school use cell phones in the classrom for education purposes it's because they want the student learn the other way can, but they had to be doing workand the same time kids start thinking other way to use cell phones in life. Theacher they thinking the best oportunity to explaint in own life that way we can use the cell phones appropriate in the future. Because some teacher they worry about it are future and how we can go. some theacher try to give anything to work on parper or looking for new, event, and search anything obaut the class. they making to take some examen on line and quiz on the cell phone usen app to get on the quiz. When we talking about schools, some they are in lawful of the schoolto us cell phones in cvlassrooms. thats why some school they have own laws about cell phone. They are meny school they had own ruls and they don't want the student use cell phones fro any reason. They are many institution or progant to help school how they can teach and the student learn someting new and how they can put on his life. Conclusion they are many way you can teach studen usen the cell phone but you most to explain why? the school is important to teach student how they use own cell phone. I hear many teacher tell the people. What other thing you can do with you cell phone, but don't tell my calling i want to hear other thing like..? I know some people don't anwer the question.? they many thing can help people and student to can see on the phone they can do to be a better person but they don't lost time doing tha't and they are most on the computer or they take class and read book all the time. yeah it good people read all the time but they had to explor the world too on the other side like usen new tecnology.
If you image the world student stay home take online class? that be great for student are most sake can not go to school but online class is big help for sake or in the hospital. they are people hoe have problem like have cancers or harder dazes is not harm full anyone student in school. but some student they say their is no problem to not to come school if you sake or not you have come to school. but they are range because they do not hate to go school they body is not strong handily jar mes in and get sake al the time and school allowing ha very to can take online class but they have pay. but student way not free because student hoe are sake pay all the class and they can not play any sport, your student can come to great full of your parent. do have thing in their power sand ache one to school . very I was 5 year old choke cold toke my my parent, I do not wont to go school star cry Generic_Name hurt van my gram father hired what i say come to and say stop cry eat your maidens and go to school way do not wont go school to day then and gram father told me a story van gram father was younger he told me van he in school they wore no online class and they some people van can go to because my gram father harder and harder and that but still he harder to bake a doter. then in end i go to school think what my gram father la cone he throne me THINK ABOUT it was long time age now my 18, I great full my gram father what he. Teacher me non I realize what he mate education is harder get stay home ,Wii not give anteing in end it does not batter if you take online class or not you take normal class if you but some time think way you come fun or wife, friend you are not think if online class doing wok get machine you do it later you not think about what is amount in the end they two lines to go can to light or dark that you live some one think they family and they love and wont bake something that make they family prod and go to collage live a happy live with family.
The positive attitude is the key to success in life?. Experiments support the idea that a positive attitude help in life, because the people thing positive. Most part of the poblation is happy because they success in life and catch up all the goals. A high percentage of poblation get stuck in their preoccupations and they can't see the light of the sun; they think that life hate them. The poblation should take a positive attitude because is the key to success in life, and the people feel free of stress and preoccupation. The scientist studies show us that a positive attitude help in life. A bunch part universities pass a lot of time doing research for understand the human mind and their attitudes. If you watch the news, news paper or internet they share with you all the discovery, of course that the information is shared with the authorization of the universities. The people think when universities discover something huge or important of the human body is a big step for a man, because a human body in a secret box. The poblation is happy because they success in life. The major part of poblation think that when you have a positive mind the stress is lower and the output is higher. The brain probably is not a huge muscle but, if you use to a positive form all your body respond because all your body is connected with your brain. For this reason people give you this tip for a good style of live and a good success to. On other hand a high percent get stuck in life. These part of poblation is the minimum part that say that life is hard and not every thing is easy because you need put afford. Even if you have a positive attitude they say that life sucks and is hard get the thing that you need or dream. But for this people is; more hard you tried to get a positive attitude it's impossible, sometimes you fall through in life and then you give up and dont tries more. Here is a example of positive attitude: When you have a test and you are so nervous, but you think on you mind that you can do it because you're totally sure that you remember the classes and the topics that you teacher teach in class. With a positive attitude you can do a lot of thing for most difficult that it's look. For this reason the human brain is totally amazing bacause you discover a lot of capacity for doing things that you think that you can't do it. In short, if you want success in life think positive for most difficult that show up you can do it. The human body have a big capacity for doing change to their self, and if you thing negative is time that you change your mind and start thinking positive. Also if you think more positive than negative you health get better you must have a healthy mind and body, also when you talk with other person you can transmit your positive environment or they can feeling easily, so be positive.
I belived that what you yourself choose to make it because alot people have different choices in the life some people have different influence of what they belived on there own choices and ability for example like life style and what they enjoye doing to do also what they belived and whats right or wrong, who they hangout with. I learned it in different sitution from expericing with my friends like some they change there belives and some have different life style of living some parents disaprove of them the way of living and some are disapointing what they choose to do in life. I have a friend that there parents are religious they dont agree with his life style but still respects his chocies in life. I used to haning out with my friend in house where im met his parents they told me there stories about how education was so important to them how they got more jobs from it but the otherside of there family like his uncle didnt graduted from collage but still came sucessful. I have other example told my parents my sister like going to school and told them i didnt have a interest in going to school i sometimes thought about not going to collage. Also I belived what you youself to choose to make it because alot people have different choices in life and history some depening places where you live of come from for example like in eastern Europea Bosina and Hergionvian some people are Catholic,Orthdox and some are Muslim they grew up having life style of living and also in the U.S some people dont use modern stuff and us old fasion for example the Amish and also speak Germen differnt dialect and english. I belived people have the right to choose they way want to live or do with there choices they make and become sucessful. I think people have different mind set of life finding out who they are whats there goal in life. I belived there different goal and ability of doing it and the passion. I belived alot people can anyting in life that is someting postive bring joy and get alot of sucess and get noticed. also for the people that do negitive things i belived they should get a second chance to do it no one is perfect i think failure is the mother of succes people should have a postive mind what there going to do.
Write something beyond that you know it very important for our knowledge. It will be better if you try to do something beyond if you already mastered; however, if you dont try you will never know. Agree / to know more things ,more knowledge, an open mind. Try hard is better because we can know more things, more knowledge,an open mind. Try hard to know beyond what you have already mastered is better because we can know more things. For example, how to explore to te world. Also, how's the car made; finally, how to make a factories. In conclusuion try hard to know beyond what you already mastered is better because we can know more things. 2. Try hard to know beyond what you have already mastered is better because we can get more knowledge. For example, Teaching a better sciencie; Addition, get knowledge on the space, last, convert a car to robot. In conclusion try hard to know beyond what you already mastered is better because we can get more knowledge. 3. Try hard to know beyond what you have already mastered is better because we can get a open mind. For example, explain how to made an essay; Beside, coach team, finally, person of congress. In conclusion try hard to know beyond what you have already mastered is better because we can get a open mind.
Do a city council is debating the adoption of a 10 P.m weekend curfew and a midnight weekend curfew for teenagers? some people believe that the council should not be debating the adoption of a 10 P.m weekend curfew while other believe that they should debate the adoption of a 10 P.m weekend curfew. If the curfew is adopted, teenager on the street after those hours would be breaking the law. This is important because there are so many dangerous people out at night trying to kidnapping some teenagers. This curfew should take teenager out of trouble like being walking on the street at midnight trying to intimidate others teenager. This curfew is going to take teenager safe, because at midnight there are so many dangerous people on the street, like gangs members those people are just trying to take teenager and make them to join to there gang and make them to do bad things. This should take teenager to be with there family , and no with bad influences at night, bad influences are just trying to make you to be in big trouble. when you are in trouble the person that make you to b e there he just run away when they see that your in a big trouble they are not going to help you , because that what bad influences do. Do a city council is debating the adoption of a 10 P.m weekend curfew and a midnight weekend curfew for teenagers. This is important because there are so many dangerous people out at night trying to kidnapping some teenagers. This curfew should take teenager out of trouble like being walking on the street at midnight trying to intimidate others teenager. This curfew is going to take teenager safe, because at midnight there are so many dangerous people on the street, like gangs members those people are just trying to take teenager and make them to join to there gang and make them to do bad things. This should take teenager to be with there family , and no with bad influences at night, bad influences are just trying to make you to be in big trouble. when you are in trouble the person that make you to b e there he just run away when they see that your in a big trouble they are not going to help you , because that what bad influences do.
Technology has been one of the most facts popular during the 21st century. It is well-known for every ages around the world. However, the use of technology had have negative effects on people's lives. There are three reasons very clear about it. First, technology has a lot of wed-sites which attracted to most people. Therefore, when you walk in the park or wherever you go, you will see most people with their eyes into their phone, ipad, computers or another device. As a result, there are many road accidents or even some parents lose their children in the mall. Second, students are not productive in their classes. They do not need to read a book, to find the information what they need because everything is in the internet. In other words, technology is more intelligent than our students. Finally, technology has ended up with our social life. Nobody what to talk with other person without use his phone. In adittion, the comunication between parents and children, can not be possible these days because they are very busy surfing on internet. They spend a lot time in their devices, when they are in the store, in the house, in the work, even in a date. However, some people think that technology is not bad at all because it help to save people. For example, in a hospital, doctors usually use technology to do X-ray, operations and to test different body part's. This help them to do more professional their work. Also, it help to do many work outside the country. For example, if the government in our country want to send information to an allied country, it will be easier by e-mail. In conclusion, technology could cause death to people who do not know how use it. Also affects to the student's learning and limited the human contact. In other hand, It can be use for positive things, as along as we use it with responsability.
I think that the online or video coferencing wounld not benefit high school student because they many pros and con. pros student can work on thier own sudent can work on home cons Not all student have a acces to the internet student cannot understand the assessment it make it not English speaker to understand student cannot benefit for attend classes from house. because take classes from home cannot improve the student educated. In the school class student are alllow to work with group and work with teacher. home school can cause distraction, worries. For Example when you're work or take exam and your family member call you to do something for her. in school they taught you many thing to learn. Online classes and school classes have similarity and different thing in common The First different between this two classes is that online classes are classes that you take home why school classes are classes that you take in school. The second different between this two classes is that in online class you don't learn lots of thing. but in school classes you learn of thing. This are the similarity between two classes. The first similarity between two class is that both classes are required the second similarity between two class is that both classes are teaches by teacher
If your having so much trouble in a problem you have just ask an adult or some freinds. It would be good to have more then one person. Because a freind could be fake and give bad edvise like drink alcohal to feel better or cut your self becuase you are depresed. Nothing of that is good so when a good freind comes to tell you advise they tell you good things. Another thing is that maybe somone could be lieng to you about somthing. and some people try to help but somtimes they make it worst by givving you bad edives. Like I said earlier somone might be lieng to you like for example he/she might say leave the house because your parents cause the problem. So you have to dectect that or els e you will get in seriuos problems. so i f you know that their is a fake freind trying to tell you lies say ok and leave. Another thing i said is that they probably give you the best edvise. What i mean about that is that they try to help you but they only make it worst like for example: your bf (boyfreind) breakes up with you and you cry for hours and he says ask him to be your bf again you will be ambaresed in front of everyone the last point i wanted to talk about is that more than one person is good to give you advise because some of them can not be halpfull some of them can be liars and some of them can be fake edvise
Why Collage is Important Acorting to CNN weekly 98.5% of people that go to collage get five times more income then people that dont go to collage. One reason you should go to collage is because you can be more finachely sexesfull another reason why collage is a good chose is because you can learn new things and meet new people. When you go to collage it really helps you out in the long run you can take a class to teach you how to pay your bells and just help you over all be fineachely stable. Also when you go to collage you learn so many things that you didn't know before it crazy! There are so many classes you can take to help you learn new things and be more intelligent over all. If your really anti social I would get why your scared to meet new people but it's ok when you meet new people and get out you shell its going to be so exiting. and when you meet new people you can get a new friend that you can study with. This is why people should go to collage and get all of these prows. In conclusion i feel like people that go to clear are going to get a better egucashon and this is why.
When we make our own decision , we are creating our own world. People should make their own decision than be guidance from experst and authorities because they can't grow like a person by it-self. If they are guidance from experts or authorities they can't develop their own knowledge. That not help then because they are depending by other people and they can't never try something different by it-self. I agree with people who make their own decision because they build a self-confidence, learn be independent, and develop own skills. When people make own decision they build a self confidence. One example of build self confidence is that we can believe in our self in what we can do. another reason is that we can feel confident by making our own plans. last reason to build our self confidence is that we have the ability to create our own future by making good decisions. Taking our own decisions always help us to feel confidence because we feel like a responable person in each decision maked. Taking our own decisions helps us learning to be independent. One reason is that we learn to work by our self by making the decision to create our own businees without be guidance from a experts. Another example is that we learn to get up by it self, when we fall down by a bad decision. Last reason is that we have the right to do better if we get something wrong in our lives by a bad decision. When we make a good decisions by our self we feel independent because we are learning to live by ourself. The people who make their own desicion, they are developing own skill. When we take own decision we are improving our knowledge becuase we are understending about what are the good decision and bad decision. Another reason is that we are learning to develop our own personality because making desicion help us to get more experience in our lives. Last reason is that to make decisions also help us growing like a person because when we take decisions they make feel us with confidence that we are people with great capacity to do anything. Make decision in our lives help us to develop our own skill because we are understanding how hard is live if we select a wrong decision. Make owns decision always help us to grow by ourself. By doing own decision we can build self confidence to be a successful people in our lives. Practicing own decision help us to be independent and make feel us as a responsable peoples. When we make own decision ,we are making our own progress for future coming by developing skill like doing better our personaliity. It is for this an many others reasons that people should believe that is better made their own decision than be guidance from experts and authorities.
To the principal: Cell phone is a very popular device now a days and almost everyone use it to communicate with others. I have a cell phone my self too. I think cell phone is appropriate for student to use during lunch periods and other free times as long as they turn off their cell phone during class and use it for appropriate matters. Cell phone can help people solving matters by talking on the phone and contact when some emergency happened. Cell phone can help people in many ways, as long as we have a limit on it. Cell phone is a device that has many functions. It can help people in many ways. When there is an emergency at school, the best device to use to communicate with your parent to tell them you are safe, or polices to report the incident is cell phone. Cell phone is not a direct contact, but it gives the least secure to a matter such as you are safe, some specific thing happening in school, and some decision that can be solve using cell phone instead of meeting face to face. Cell phone will be fine to use at school as long as students are using it for the correct matter and does not let the cell phone disrupt them during class. As time went by, more and more function appear on the cell phone can make our student and adult's life easier. Some cell phone can even go to the internet! Some people can use cell phone as a material to find resource, study online, and read books online instead of carry those heavy books home. Cell phone is simplification for many thing you do, it can not absolutely replace books, but it makes easier for people to read and study. If we can let the student to bring the cell phone to school and only let them use it during free periods or lunch time. I'm sure that it would benefit both our student and you. Sincerely, STUDENT_NAME
People should they seek guidance from experts and authorities about life's important matter. because they can find a good ideas from them. So its help full for anyone who is struggling with there own ideas. Even though they find a good think to make there own decision. Even thought people need to see guidance from experts and authorities about life's important. because, who confused with his/her ideas. They will find a good ideas to make a good decision for there ideas. Also Some times they does not have idea with what they have to pick or they have to do in there life .So, They need some one to find a good ideas from them. Some people keep his ideas with him/her self and think over. They get depression all the time with them life's. also they start doing other bad thing to get out from them depression. Fore example, drink alcohols. I think sometimes we need some life's guidance to make a dissciocion for our life. because everyone think too many thing all the times. but, when we get confused with our own ideas. It is help full to share and to see guidance. we have to see guidance from experts and authorities about life's to make a good dessicion. For example, when I start think about something hard and straggle to get a good idea. I always share my ideas with some one who can understand and help me with my idea. If I got a good ideas form them I keep that ideas for my own life. so its better to share your ideas with people from experts and authorities about life's important matter. People who decide his won idea with his self and sharing his own idea for other people and making a decision. Making a decision with other peoples are help full to make a good decide. because they find anther good think with your idea or they will tell you the bad thing about your ideas. So you can make you own decision after that thats help full to now your weekness. So making decision with life guidance is help full to make a good decision for life.
Pursuit of success what is success mean? Do success really consists of going from failure to failure withour give up? What do I think about success? Do I know what succes mean? Have I feel success about something that I did? Do I know anybody that success after a lot fail withour loss their snthusiasm? Have I ever give up in something that I thought never could be success on it? Do I agree with churchill's statement about the important role that failure play in the pursuit of success? Which is my opinion? First of all, to me success is to be good at what you do, cooking, driving, boxing, flying, playing sport or teaching it dosn't matter what it is, if you are good on it you are going to be succesful. And yes. I believe that to be success really consists on going from failure to failure withour give up. because sometime we need to know how it feel to fail in order to feel what is success mean. you know. To me those people that didn't work hard, don't know how failure feel like are the one that faster go down, cuz they don't care about it, unti they got there. My thinking about success, is the that's the best moment of a person who fighting and fighting for what he or she wants withour giving up unti his/her last breath. You know. One year ago when I went to my country, I hear a lot of peaple saying this guy die unhappy cuz he didn't enjoined at all what he work so hard to accomplish. and then the guy who was the death guy bestfriend and partner said. he didn't die unhappy cuz he die doing what he wanted to do all his life. Later I began to think about that ask to myself is really important fight and fight to success in something and I know that everyone there did the same because they all stay quiet for a few secands. And after that. success to me is be good at what you want, fight for it, and be happy. Since I remenver my family telling me, that the most important things on life are those that you make by you on. You know. My family are very poor people. So when I was like 11 yuears old I deciIde to get a job, so I could buy things like pencil, pen thigs like that and went to my neighbor have a factory of cofe and he pay me like 1 dollar but in dominican money every day. In a few day a lot of pencil, and a began to sell then. I never had to be worrie for those things any more or money for project. I guess that time feel really seccesful I was doing something the really worked. I have a friend who is now a professional boisboll player, he fail a lot of time the test to be a professional beisboll player because he didn't had what was needed to pass it, and he didn't give up until pass it. He was so happy that they. i have had give up in a lot of things. looking back now that I think about if I will put more enthusiasm on it, maybe I would success. I gree with winston churchill's statement about the important role that failure plays in the pursuit of successs. because I know how it feel fail, and success. I know many people who had afil, and fail, and fail, and then success. by: Generic_Name
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