Nonrigid StructurefromMotion Temporallysmooth Procrustean Alignment
and Spatiallyvariant Deformation Modeling
Jiawei Shi Hui Deng Yuchao Dai
School of Electronics and Information Northwestern Polytechnical University
Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Information Acquisition and Processing
sjw2018 denghui986 mailnwpueducn daiyuchaonwpueducn
Even though Nonrigid StructurefromMotion NRSfM
has been extensively studied and great progress has been
made there are still key challenges that hinder their broad
realworld applications 1 the inherent motionrotation
ambiguity requires either explicit camera motion recovery
with extra constraint or complex Procrustean Alignment 2
existing lowrank modeling of the global shape can over
penalize drastic deformations in the 3D shape sequence
This paper proposes to resolve the above issues from a
spatialtemporal modeling perspective First we propose
a novel Temporallysmooth Procrustean Alignment module
that estimates 3D deforming shapes and adjusts the cam
era motion by aligning the 3D shape sequence consecu
tively Our new alignment module remedies the requirement
of complex reference 3D shape during alignment which
is more conductive to nonisotropic deformation modeling
Second we propose a spatialweighted approach to enforce
thelowrank constraint adaptively at different locations to
accommodate drastic spatiallyvariant deformation recon
struction better Our modeling outperform existing low
rank based methods and extensive experiments across dif
ferent datasets validate the effectiveness of our method1
1 Introduction
Nonrigid structurefrommotion NRSfM targets at jointly
estimating the deforming 3D shapes and the camera mo
tion from the 2D observation sequence which is a classi
cal and longlasting geometric vision problem 8 In con
trast to the recently booming deep learning based solutions
14 24 25 34 42 48 the optimization based solutions do
not rely on training data and can be directly applied to arbi
trary classes such as human animal and deforming surface
Even though considerable progress has been made 11 and
Yuchao Dai is the corresponding author
1Project page httpsnpucvrgithubioTSMNRSfM
212 1 ˆ 1 iik iki Fk K ci G R 1 3 T
kk rank k K GG Camera Pose World
iRCamera Motion
Alignment iQ2
1 1 min
Mean Shape
iiiiss RtXRX t1 XiRProcrustean
GPAProcrustean AlignmentCamera MotionFigure 1 Overview of our proposed TPA Module a Cam
era motion can be recovered by orthographic and rank3 con
straints within the matrix factorization framework11 c The
Procrustean alignment framework uses GPA to resolve the rota
tion ambiguity b We propose the TPA module which aligns the
3D shapes of consecutive frames and corrects the camera motion
by the temporal smoothing property
a series of milestones have been achieved 1 27 30 49 the
performance of NRSfM is still far from satisfactory The
challenges mainly lie in 1 the inherent motionrotation am
biguity requires either explicit camera motion recovery with
extra constraint or complex Procrustean Alignment 2 ex
isting global modeling ie lowrank 11 26 27 unionof
subspace 28 49 of the deforming 3D shape cannot handle
drastic spatiallyvariant 3D deformations
Existing NRSfM statistical prior frameworks can be
roughly classified into two categories 1 explicit motion
estimationbased approaches 2 8 11 15 26 27 and 2
motion estimationfree approaches 30 31 41 The for
mer usually employs the matrix factorization frameworkarXiv240504309v1 csCV 7 May 2024and orthographic constraint to solve for camera motion and
3D shapes separately Dai et al 11 introduced the low
rank constraint into the recovery of camera motion Ku
mar et al dig into the correction matrix to improve the
motion estimation results by using the smoothing prior of
camera motions 26 or the fusion of different camera mo
tion sequences 27 However these camera motion estima
tion methods have difficulties in tackling the inherent rota
tionmotion ambiguity problem in NRSfM 47
The latter solves the shapes directly and remedies the
requirement of motion estimation Lee et al 30 31 41
argued that nonrigid shapes can be recovered unambigu
ously under the coordinate with almost no rigid relative
motion This type of framework resolves the rotation am
biguity through General Procrustean Analysis GPA 18
to achieve alignment of the 3D shapes However the
high dependence on the alignment reference shape makes
the model extremely complex 30 41 and tends to over
penalize nonisotropic deformations
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