2 values
She's even Racist against her own people. She does NOT live in the District she represents. She has a 3 million mansion in a very affluent White neighborhood.
not sexist
the red hen lex closed until july 6
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Damn breaking news unicorns have been spotted outside her house after that retarded comment
not sexist
So you guys are straight up saying you only value women on their appearances ok sick
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Irrelevant. Your premise is already on women requiring adult supervision. Who removed supervision is not important, but let me assure you it wasn't just Jews. Plenty of thirsty white men happily went along with it to up their chances at getting laid.
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she's a useless pig
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Her looksmatch is limping around in Vietnam with a stump because he tripped on a claymore collecting centipedes for dinner.
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PS. the use of the word African is another safe word. Instead of Sudanese black fuckers as most Aussie would like to put it.
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Matriarchal societies have come into existence on occasion in the course of history; they just tend to not be around for any appreciable span of time. They lack vitality and are overrun before long.
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Talk to her parents tell them that your a grown rational man and going somewhere in life, say that you really like her, speak your heart out and be sincere. No sexual talk.
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Nothing wrong with this. The model should look at least similar to the target audience. Did they put Vaseline on her face before fucking up her hair? Is it even possible for fashion shows to look good?
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I'm sure that any woman who was kind to those assholes -- and I'm sure there were some -- was dubbed a whore and a slut. You can't win with these twerps.
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LOL I'm making a joke. I couldn't get fat single moms if I wanted
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dog pill girl seems also pretty normal.
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I think if they had their way, it would be a image of a muslim woman in a black dress, or a image of the london mayor in that case.
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Where is the Democratic call to investigate this assault on a woman??? [USER] [URL]
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Not entirely I'll say that. I mean I know it all but I need to be able to seperate emotions from women. Trying to work on it.
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"The soft bigotry of low expectations" As a professor, you would think she'd be familiar with the concept. Of course, you would think a football coach would be familiar with ethics, decency, and morality.
not sexist
What? Why would you fight / get hurt? I don't get how you go from your impulse, to fighting, to using a condom to getting to jail?! BTW: A good fight is the one you don't have. The best and smartest fighters are the one that don't throw a fist.
not sexist
It's not like simps are giving women anything to respect.
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Why wouldn't you? Dont think, just do it. Worst that can happen is she rejects you and moves on.
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Your mom calling you attractive doesn't count and yeah you're gonna die a virgin might as well go and jack off
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Even their seemingly innocuous posts about food, recreation, work, study, pets, travel etc are sexist. They manage a way to fit "I hate women" into everything.
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Martha Stewart went to prison for insider trading, Nancy just brags about it as if it's her right as a sitting ISIS member.
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I define success by women considering you worthy to either date or casually have sex with.
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er... excuse me but Hillary's Muslim plan disqualifies HER! Anyone deliberately destroying their country is guilty of treason! (Angela Merkel ring a bell?) [URL]
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If it helps some man convert then I'm all for it, but this sub is not for women in the slightest and I would prefer they stick to the other 99% of Reddit.
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Find other girls not into power games like that. Next!
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Their mommy's forgot to teach them that "sticks & stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." [URL]
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that bullshit is so 90's. the most generic advice. "just dress up bro!"
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All4truth should be there, too.
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Obummer did a superb job of fostering hate and division in America.
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I mean I wouldn't hit a woman anyway though even if people didn't tell me not to.
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Get the other boob done and she'll forgive you.
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I would never engage in sexual activity with a women who didn't foolishly consent to it ahead of time and fail to realize her mistake until it was over.
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love it or hate it, the best argument for those haters is them willfully contracting the #TrumpDerangementSyndrome
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The kid in me wants to make a big deal of my score being 420 atm. The grown up in me would then beat the kid in me as a reminder that I haven't smoked weed ever, nor do I celebrate the birth of that maggot food Hitler.
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I'm cringing too...because I've been there myself and tried too hard and was overly romantic with a woman who didn't really like me. But it's ok and we get older and wiser.
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Come on. If the standard is, we can't cooperate with conservatives who are shabbesgoyim, then we can't cooperate with any of them, and we have no political vehicle whatsoever. We have to start where things are and keep nudging them rightward.
not sexist
She's not interested. You're a creep who stalked her on a facebook~
not sexist
first class witch
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Your protein intake is going to play a much bigger role then how many calories you eat. As long as you are getting in a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight then you can put on a lot of muscle with a 1000 calorie diet.
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The girls are hot. Other than that, no
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In China's far west, authorities are distancing Muslim children from their families with orphanages, boarding schools. [URL]
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Singlehood is a man's sport.
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Pretty sad, but I'm sure you'll look like a girl anyway. You want to...
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If only their mothers had gone that route....so many less idiots in the world. So powerful 🤣🤣🤣 Just have MORON tattooed on your foreheads
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Great list but I'd give a lot of leeway for the phone one. My LTR is very tight with her family so occasionally family threads get active. If it was just social media and what not, that's a different story.
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Why is she allowed in this country? She needs to tried for treason if she is a citizen or if naturalized the citizenship needs to be revoked. Get that POS out of my country.
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Because women are incapable of rape, assault, and murder. Retard.
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Idk I have a good relationship with my sister 🤷‍♂️
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POP POP POP WATCHING RACISTS DROP (sneak preview of one of my upcoming hit singles "ben [CUR]hapiro nazi killa lady slayah 420)
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I've only recently become aware of the weird little cult around Rodger. There are even young women who post YT vids defending him and his actions, it's totally messed up.
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I feel sorry for them and their mothers
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Say it is the first scenario....what could it be about me that would make her think she couldn't have a relationship with me?
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Illegal immigration - Tearful reunion for mom, daughter separated at border after parents left child alone as they ran off, ditching the child [URL]
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It's over if she felt your boner.
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It sounds like the data is already there and she's trying to learn something from it. Honestly, getting a situation like this and leaving with no knowledge or growth is a worse decision. One can be introspective while moving on you know.
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Remember when #jewhollywood would make shoahs about vigilante women using a castration tool on their rapists? Make castrate bander great again. Round them up, cut them off.
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Its not just genetics, though OBVIOUSLY the fact that women have XX chromosomes and men have XY chromosomes is a pretty big genetic deal. There are hormones involved, particularly testoerone
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A team of professors recently criticized K-12 textbooks for failing to explore "societal power dynamics" in their depictions of women and minorities. [URL]
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Holy Shit. What ever we do. Let's not take the common sense approach. Oh hell no. Let's kiss these stupid democrats asses. FUCK THEM.
not sexist
YEAH!! fuck this woman !! i hate her
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Basically, still better than the gypsies though, I know an Albanian Orthodox and he's always like "muh Kosovo". What I never understood is why Serbia wants a majority Sunni Muslim Albanian cesspool?
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Where's the LGBTQ and Women's Rights activists Where's the outcry for what happened to this lady? What about the pink-haired pussy hat-wearing mob? Makes you curious, doesn't it? Shame for what happened to the women, and a bold move at that. [URL]
not sexist
Feels as though the CIA/Mossad/ISI/Mabahith sent you to the same finishing schools as Barry. They can groom you forever, you're a non-starter. Just hope your birth certificate Photoshop skills are a cut above...
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Check this one out Paul. Seems Birth Control Pills is the missing link between this uptick in the confused male/female experiment that government has continued. Explains a lot.
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You're assuming men who dislike women don't get slept with. Some of them apply TRP, see it works, and become disgusted.
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I don't want to have to pay for them in camps. Failing that-we shoot them.
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My hypothetical twin would be an incel, since women hate short men. Although, with my luck, I'd have a fraternal twin who would end up being a tallfag.
not sexist
not sexist
In the UK, the average man works 5 hours more per week than the averge woman. [URL] What am I missing? Is it 5 or 10?
not sexist
I don't know. Maybe be a man and have some other shit to do with your life? Read the sidebar.
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No you don't you nutjob you have a mutilated manhood poked back unaturaly into your body to make a "fake" vagina like hole. This does not make you a women! just a broken man.
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Nera likes jumping in, but start to slide the door, she freaks out...
not sexist
"I think we as men need to man up and give them reparations for this. We need to give more of our money to women on the streets. We ALL need to have an onlyfans where the bill is higher than our utility bill". 200 IQ sarcasm 😂
not sexist
And we will end it brother. In the names of our sons and daughters... Let none survive. GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW!
not sexist
Women from 18 - 35 are out earning men. If you are smart and a guy and pickup crypto you will out earn your female counterparts. Simple.
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NO FUCKING WAY it's like she's 5.
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[USER] 1h Jihadi parents kiss daughter bye B4 girl launches bomb attack. Great parenting! [URL]
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Indian savages: Wife tied to tree for 7 hours and given 100 lashes by her own HUSBAND before mob sexually assaulted her: [URL]
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It's like her lips were bitten by bees
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Also, if you're an incel you should act like it. You don't want to trick anyone into fucking you, that would be unacceptable.
not sexist
And she better fucking not. We don't want her here!
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Think procreation, at least 3 children per white family, 4 would be better. If you are of Childbearing age do this or your current children will become extinct.
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That's what I was thinking too... Unless OP is really uncalibrated. She may not have even said she was uncomfortable - the only person that was uncomfortable was the boyfriend out of extreme jealousy and worried some guy is gonna take his girl.
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I'm not a troll. I'm a sad woman in desperate need of emotional validation.
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Hey Murray, wanna hear a joke? Op is a retard btw
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I don't get why they do it, surely someone has sense in the force to open their mouth... I know I would
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Really eh. I never listened to rush much. Never seemed totally trust worthy to me. Not sure if he has changed in the last 4-5 years. I categorize him with Karl rove types. All about their own shekels.
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My kinda girl...heh
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She reminds me of Delores Umbridge from Harry Potter, a faux sympathetic force of absolute evil
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exactly jfl they think mayos fetishize them when in realize they are just getting their nut off on an easy JBW kill
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If she belongs to the streets, you can't take the streets out of the girl bro it don't work that way
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Much like "Hotel California"
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normies dont know that its the kikes tho
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Thanks man, today I got it down to a little over 11 minutes. Cardio interval training really does make you faster. My cut us making me lose linear progression on my lift days. I just had my first stall on strongliftd with bent over rows at 125lbs
not sexist
I'm pretty sure men have quite a bit more criteria than "is she hot." Why don't you dumb down men a bit more?
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try replacing the word "women" with any other group identifier and watch how fast the article gets hammered for hate speech. where's the justice?
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