[ "Are you able to tell how many smartphone samsung galaxy a60s are in the photograph?", "What's the aggregate number of smartphone samsung galaxy a60s in this picture?", "How many of the samsung galaxy a60s can be seen in this image?", "In this image, where is the samsung galaxy a60 located?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the samsung galaxy a60 and give me the specifics?" ]
[ "There are 2 smartphone samsung galaxy a60s.", "There are 2 smartphone samsung galaxy a60s.", "There is one samsung galaxy a60.", "It is on the right and near the top of the image.", "[0.6281, 0.3043, 0.0514, 0.1356]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of phones seen in the image?", "Where exactly is the phone positioned in this photograph?", "Where's the phone at in this image?" ]
[ "There is one phone.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.3844, 0.3584, 0.063, 0.0924]." ]
[ "Could you count the trees in this picture for me?", "What's the tally of cars in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of houses in this picture?", "How many plants are in the image?", "How many of the trees can be seen in this image?", "How are the house and plant doing together in the pic?", "Can you point out the plant for me?", "Where exactly is the house in this shot?", "Can you spot the car for me in this photo?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the car.", "I need to know where the house is; can you show it to me?", "Can you show me where the plant is in the picture?" ]
[ "There are 2 trees.", "There is one car.", "There is one house.", "There is one plant.", "There are 2 trees.", "The house is on the right and above of the plant.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5374, 0.6928, 0.8197, 0.5582].", "[0.9099, 0.3075, 0.1791, 0.2945].", "[0.1233, 0.5596, 0.0503, 0.0883]." ]
[ "What is the total of sands depicted here in this image?", "Can you count the number of boys present in this picture?", "What is the count of walls in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of walls in this picture?", "Can you determine how many men are captured in this image?", "What's the layout between the sand and water?", "How does the short appear in proximity to the water in the image?", "How is the shirt situated in comparison to the water?", "How does the man appear in proximity to the shirt in the image?", "What is the location of the short in the image?", "I'm trying to spot the shirt; where should I look?", "Mind pointing out where the water is?", "Where's the man at in this image?", "Could you specify the position of the sand?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the water?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the man?", "Mind pointing out the sand's place in the photo?", "I'm trying to find the shirt; can you help me spot it?", "I'm trying to find the short; can you help me spot it?" ]
[ "There is one sand.", "There are 3 boys.", "There are 2 walls.", "There are 2 walls.", "There is one man.", "The sand is below the water.", "The short is below the water.", "The shirt is below the water.", "The man is on the right of the shirt.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right and near the top of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.8206, 0.2375, 0.2775, 0.0575].", "[0.8331, 0.3372, 0.2239, 0.3317].", "[0.8209, 0.3927, 0.2788, 0.2125].", "[0.3748, 0.6282, 0.642, 0.6008].", "[0.737, 0.4915, 0.1095, 0.0221]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of calendars in the photo?", "How many bar charts do you see in the picture?", "What's the aggregate number of money bags in this picture?", "Can you count the number of coins present in this picture?", "Can you enumerate the money bags in this photograph?", "Where within this picture can the coin be observed?", "Where exactly is the calendar positioned in this photograph?", "Where can I find the bar chart in this picture?", "Could you circle where the coin is found in the image?", "Can you indicate the bar chart's position here?", "Where's the calendar at in this image?" ]
[ "There is one calendar.", "There is one bar chart.", "There are 2 money bags.", "There is one coin.", "There are 2 money bags.", "It is on the left and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.0779, 0.2077, 0.0694, 0.2725].", "[0.4995, 0.4845, 0.9894, 0.9455].", "[0.4995, 0.487, 0.9922, 0.9563]." ]
[ "How numerous are the caps in this image?", "What's the tally of dumbbells in this image?", "Could you count the dumbbells in this picture for me?", "How many men are in the image?", "How numerous are the shorts in this image?", "How do the cap and short look together?", "Where exactly is the cap in this shot?", "Where has the man been placed in the image?", "Mind pointing out where the short is?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the cap, can you provide this?", "Where did the short end up in this image?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the man and give me the specifics?" ]
[ "There is one cap.", "There are 2 dumbbells.", "There are 2 dumbbells.", "There is one man.", "There is one short.", "The cap is above the short.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.6441, 0.1478, 0.1346, 0.1304].", "[0.7485, 0.8867, 0.2837, 0.2236].", "[0.6575, 0.5403, 0.5135, 0.916]." ]
[ "What's the tally of windows in this image?", "Can you determine how many brick walls are captured in this image?", "How many of the buildings can be seen in this image?", "How many windows are in the image?", "How many windows are there in this image?", "Could you specify the position of the light?", "Could you show the location of the building in this image?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the light's bounding box?", "Can you highlight the building's area for me in this pic?" ]
[ "There are 4 windows.", "There are 2 brick walls.", "There is one building.", "There are 4 windows.", "There are 4 windows.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.1888, 0.5293, 0.0222, 0.0272].", "[0.5002, 0.4603, 0.9933, 0.9085]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of women in the photo?", "How many computers do you see in the picture?", "What is the total of calculators depicted here in this image?", "How many blinds windows are there in this image?", "What's the tally of cabinets in this image?", "How do the man and plant stack up next to each other?", "In what position do we find the computer relative to the plant?", "Can you spot the plant for me in this photo?", "Where's the man at in this image?", "I need to find the computer; where is it?", "Could you circle where the man is found in the image?", "Could you locate the computer and give me its bounding box coordinates?", "Any idea where the plant is in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 women.", "There is one computer.", "There are 2 calculators.", "There are 3 blinds windows.", "There are 7 cabinets.", "The man is on the left and below of the plant.", "The computer is on the left of the plant.", "It is on the right and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.2303, 0.5693, 0.4597, 0.8575].", "[0.3916, 0.1032, 0.0903, 0.128].", "[0.8027, 0.0273, 0.1888, 0.0536]." ]
[ "What's the tally of women in this image?", "How many shoes can you spot in this image?", "How many shoes are there in this image?", "Can you identify the number of shoes in the photo?", "Can you determine how many pants are captured in this image?", "Can you point out the pant for me?", "Trying to locate the woman; any ideas where it is?", "Mind highlighting where the woman is here?", "I need the bounding box details for the pant." ]
[ "There is one woman.", "There are 3 shoes.", "There are 3 shoes.", "There are 3 shoes.", "There is one pant.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5323, 0.4909, 0.4985, 0.9787].", "[0.5207, 0.4406, 0.4192, 0.816]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of wheels seen in the image?", "Can you point out the wheel for me?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the wheel?" ]
[ "There is one wheel.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4994, 0.4991, 0.9954, 0.9963]." ]
[ "What is the total of street lights depicted here in this image?", "What's the tally of street lights in this image?", "How numerous are the streets in this image?", "Can you determine how many people are captured in this image?", "What's the tally of bus trucks in this image?", "How's the bus truck positioned around the car bu?", "How do the person and car bu look together?", "How do the person and bus truck stack up next to each other?", "How is the bus truck situated in comparison to the motorcycle?", "Can you detail how the car bu is oriented with respect to the motorcycle?", "Where exactly is the person positioned in this photograph?", "Know where the bus truck is located in this pic?", "Where does the motorcycle reside in this photograph?", "Can you guide me to the car bu's location in this photo?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the person.", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the bus truck.", "Can you show me where the motorcycle is in the picture?", "Please find the bounding box for the car bu." ]
[ "There are 12 street lights.", "There are 12 street lights.", "There are 4 streets.", "There is one person.", "There is one bus truck.", "The bus truck is on the left of the car bu.", "The person is on the left of the car bu.", "The person is on the left of the bus truck.", "The bus truck is on the right of the motorcycle.", "The car bu is on the right of the motorcycle.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.3674, 0.9329, 0.0387, 0.1317].", "[0.4852, 0.9286, 0.0762, 0.141].", "[0.366, 0.9726, 0.0637, 0.0522].", "[0.9584, 0.9296, 0.0824, 0.1383]." ]
[ "How many can - am maverick x3s do you see in the picture?", "Can you identify the number of can - am maverick x3s in the photo?" ]
[ "There are 3 can - am maverick x3s.", "There are 3 can - am maverick x3s." ]
[ "How many room sensors are in the image?", "Are you able to tell how many room sensors are in the photograph?", "How many smart thermostats are there in this image?", "Where's the smart thermostat at in this image?", "I'm trying to find the smart thermostat; can you help me spot it?" ]
[ "There are 2 room sensors.", "There are 2 room sensors.", "There is one smart thermostat.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.439, 0.4998, 0.4633, 0.8667]." ]
[ "What's the tally of jenkins in this image?", "What location in the picture is the jenkin occupying?", "How about you show me the jenkin's spot in the photo?" ]
[ "There is one jenkin.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.5422, 0.7873, 0.0688, 0.156]." ]
[ "How many blouses are there in this image?", "What's the tally of shorts in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of women in this picture?", "Where within this picture can the blouse be observed?", "I need to find the woman; where is it?", "Do you know where they put the short here?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the woman.", "Can you mark the spot of the short in the picture?", "How about you show me the blouse's spot in the photo?" ]
[ "There is one blouse.", "There is one short.", "There is one woman.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4917, 0.5127, 0.6147, 0.9708].", "[0.4682, 0.7268, 0.4987, 0.351].", "[0.4906, 0.4217, 0.6171, 0.3031]." ]
[ "What quantity of table lamps is present in the image?", "Mind pointing out where the table lamp is?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the table lamp." ]
[ "There is one table lamp.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4896, 0.5035, 0.3301, 0.8843]." ]
[ "How many women are there in this image?", "Can you count the number of men present in this picture?", "Do you know where they put the woman here?", "Could you specify the position of the man?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the man.", "Mind highlighting where the woman is here?" ]
[ "There is one woman.", "There is one man.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.7014, 0.5151, 0.5941, 0.9658].", "[0.3095, 0.5807, 0.6169, 0.8359]." ]
[ "What is the count of bridges in this image?", "Can you count the number of ships present in this picture?", "Can you enumerate the ships in this photograph?", "What's the number of ships visible in this photograph?", "Where exactly is the bridge in this shot?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the bridge, can you provide this?" ]
[ "There is one bridge.", "There are 3 ships.", "There are 3 ships.", "There are 3 ships.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5, 0.3918, 0.9988, 0.1188]." ]
[ "Can you determine how many carpets are captured in this image?", "What is the count of doors in this image?", "How many tiles can you spot in this image?", "What's the tally of ceiling fans in this image?", "What is the total count of doors depicted in the photo?", "What is the arrangement of the ceiling fan relative to the wall?", "Could you specify the position of the wall?", "Where's the ceiling fan at in this image?", "Please find the bounding box for the wall.", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the ceiling fan." ]
[ "There are 2 carpets.", "There are 3 doors.", "There are 6 tiles.", "There is one ceiling fan.", "There are 3 doors.", "The ceiling fan is on the left of the wall.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is on the left and near the top of the image.", "[0.9332, 0.4593, 0.1321, 0.9152].", "[0.1815, 0.3454, 0.1118, 0.0608]." ]
[ "What's the tally of skies in this image?", "How many horses are in the image?", "What's the number of fences visible in this photograph?", "What is the total count of grounds depicted in the photo?", "How numerous are the riders in this image?", "How does the rider appear in proximity to the ground in the image?", "What's the positioning story of the ground relative to the tree?", "Where exactly is the rider positioned in this photograph?", "Where can I find the fence in this picture?", "I'm trying to spot the ground; where should I look?", "Can you pinpoint where the horse is situated in this photo?", "Where exactly is the tree in this shot?", "Could you locate the ground and give me its bounding box coordinates?", "I'm trying to find the horse; can you help me spot it?", "What are the bounding box for the rider?", "Could you circle where the fence is found in the image?", "Where did the tree end up in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 skies.", "There is one horse.", "There is one fence.", "There is one ground.", "There is one rider.", "The rider is above the ground.", "The ground is below the tree.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4999, 0.9185, 0.9962, 0.1562].", "[0.5362, 0.6454, 0.5592, 0.5719].", "[0.4869, 0.4107, 0.119, 0.5105].", "[0.4998, 0.7198, 0.9961, 0.2748].", "[0.5, 0.3886, 0.9958, 0.6531]." ]
[ "How many suitcases do you see in the picture?", "Can you enumerate the plants in this photograph?", "What's the tally of books in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of pictures seen in the image?", "How numerous are the clocks in this image?", "What's the layout between the clock and lamp?", "How are the clock and keyboard doing together in the pic?", "How do the keyboard and suitcase look together?", "How does the tie find itself near the plant?", "How do the tie and mouse stack up next to each other?", "Can you spot the mouse for me in this photo?", "Where exactly is the picture positioned in this photograph?", "Could you highlight the lamp's whereabouts in the photo?", "Where has the suitcase been placed in the image?", "Can you show me where the tie is?", "Please find the bounding box for the desk.", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the lamp?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the computer?", "I need to know where the mouse is; can you show it to me?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the clock." ]
[ "There is one suitcase.", "There is one plant.", "There are 3 books.", "There is one picture.", "There is one clock.", "The clock is above the lamp.", "The clock is on the right and above of the keyboard.", "The keyboard is on the left and above of the suitcase.", "The tie is on the left of the plant.", "The tie is on the left and above of the mouse.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4817, 0.7, 0.8322, 0.3296].", "[0.7278, 0.4077, 0.1523, 0.2684].", "[0.3022, 0.4398, 0.256, 0.2046].", "[0.6051, 0.5359, 0.0675, 0.0166].", "[0.6828, 0.1352, 0.1194, 0.1091]." ]
[ "What is the total count of rings depicted in the photo?", "Where can I find the ring in this pic?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the ring?" ]
[ "There is one ring.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5011, 0.5044, 0.4157, 0.4839]." ]
[ "How many graphs can you spot in this image?", "Could you count the lines in this picture for me?", "Are you able to tell how many dots are in the photograph?", "How numerous are the line graphs in this image?", "How does the line graph stand in relation to the dot in the scene?", "In the context of positioning, how is the graph related to the dot?", "What's the layout between the dot and line?", "I'm trying to spot the graph; where should I look?", "Where exactly is the dot in this shot?", "Where can I find the line graph in this pic?", "Do you know where they put the line here?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the dot.", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the line.", "Can you show me where the graph is in the picture?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the line graph's bounding box?" ]
[ "There is one graph.", "There is one line.", "There is one dot.", "There is one line graph.", "The line graph is below the dot.", "The graph is below the dot.", "The dot is above the line.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.8503, 0.0474, 0.0419, 0.0693].", "[0.5362, 0.4631, 0.8819, 0.6903].", "[0.5365, 0.4622, 0.8826, 0.6927].", "[0.5366, 0.4626, 0.883, 0.6914]." ]
[ "What's the tally of tables in this image?", "How many wall arts do you see in the picture?", "What is the total count of chairs depicted in the photo?", "Can you determine how many potted plants are captured in this image?", "Can you count the number of pillows present in this picture?", "Where's the table at compared to the wall art?", "How does the table stand in relation to the pillow in the scene?", "Where's the pillow at compared to the wall art?", "What's the layout between the table and potted plant?", "What's the positioning story of the chair relative to the wall art?", "Mind pointing out where the potted plant is?", "Can you reveal the spot where the table is located in the image?", "Where within this picture can the wall art be observed?", "Where did the pillow end up in this picture?", "What is the location of the chair in the image?", "Please find the bounding box for the pillow.", "Provide me with the bounding box of the potted plant.", "Where did the table end up in this image?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the wall art.", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the chair present in the image?" ]
[ "There is one table.", "There is one wall art.", "There is one chair.", "There is one potted plant.", "There is one pillow.", "The table is below the wall art.", "The table is on the left of the pillow.", "The pillow is below the wall art.", "The table is on the left of the potted plant.", "The chair is below the wall art.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.8779, 0.8337, 0.2082, 0.1572].", "[0.8408, 0.5239, 0.2129, 0.4752].", "[0.469, 0.8204, 0.1983, 0.1874].", "[0.421, 0.2527, 0.7605, 0.4108].", "[0.6983, 0.7172, 0.2824, 0.4227]." ]
[ "What's the number of steps visible in this photograph?", "How many shoes do you see in the picture?", "What's the tally of surfaces in this image?", "Can you determine how many surfaces are captured in this image?", "Can you determine how many shoes are captured in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 steps.", "There are 2 shoes.", "There are 3 surfaces.", "There are 3 surfaces.", "There are 2 shoes." ]
[ "How many chairs can you spot in this image?", "What is the count of women in this image?", "What is the total count of chairs depicted in the photo?", "Where within this picture can the woman be observed?", "Can you mark the spot of the woman in the picture?" ]
[ "There are 2 chairs.", "There is one woman.", "There are 2 chairs.", "It is on the left of the image.", "[0.1782, 0.5317, 0.3471, 0.9231]." ]
[ "Can you ascertain the number of curtains shown in this photo?", "Could you tell me the quantity of lights seen in the image?", "How many plates do you see in the picture?", "What's the aggregate number of plates in this picture?", "What is the count of curtains in this image?", "How does the television stand in relation to the dining table stool in the scene?", "How does the ceiling fan find itself near the sofa chair?", "Where does the dining table stool end up around the sofa chair?", "How does the sofa chair appear in proximity to the napkin in the image?", "Got a quick take on the sofa's spot near the sofa chair?", "Where's the dining table stool at in this image?", "Can you pinpoint where the sofa is situated in this photo?", "Could you highlight the napkin's whereabouts in the photo?", "Where can I find the sofa chair in this pic?", "In which part of the image is the ceiling fan found?", "Can you mark the spot of the ceiling fan in the picture?", "Can you draw around the napkin for me?", "Can you highlight the dining table stool's area for me in this pic?", "Where's the television at in this image?", "Hey, where's the sofa located in this photograph?" ]
[ "There are 7 curtains.", "There are 5 lights.", "There are 8 plates.", "There are 8 plates.", "There are 7 curtains.", "The television is on the right of the dining table stool.", "The ceiling fan is on the left and above of the sofa chair.", "The dining table stool is on the left of the sofa chair.", "The sofa chair is on the left of the napkin.", "The sofa is on the left of the sofa chair.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.52, 0.1529, 0.1066, 0.056].", "[0.9198, 0.5562, 0.0749, 0.0616].", "[0.4103, 0.4298, 0.044, 0.0698].", "[0.7188, 0.3781, 0.0357, 0.0873].", "[0.5089, 0.4153, 0.1562, 0.1085]." ]
[ "What's the aggregate number of mugs in this picture?", "Can you guide me to the mug's location in this photo?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the mug?" ]
[ "There is one mug.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4666, 0.4912, 0.7278, 0.6208]." ]
[ "Can you enumerate the cigars in this photograph?", "Could you show the location of the cigar in this image?", "Could you outline the cigar in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one cigar.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4998, 0.5078, 0.8646, 0.3933]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many chains are in the photograph?", "How many chains do you see in the picture?", "How many brown beads are in the image?", "Can you identify the number of chains in the photo?", "How many wooden tags are in the image?", "Can you reveal the spot where the wooden tag is located in the image?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the wooden tag?" ]
[ "There are 3 chains.", "There are 3 chains.", "There are 4 brown beads.", "There are 3 chains.", "There is one wooden tag.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4294, 0.2763, 0.6456, 0.5321]." ]
[ "What's the number of police car law enforcement vehicles visible in this photograph?", "How many of the tires can be seen in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of exhaust pipes in this picture?", "What is the count of rims in this image?", "Can you count the number of headlights present in this picture?", "Can you describe the placement of the grille guard in relation to the headlight?", "Could you explain the relative positioning of the taillight headlight to the rim?", "In the context of positioning, how is the license plate skid plate related to the door?", "Got any idea how the license plate skid plate is placed by the taillight?", "Could you specify how the grille guard is aligned in relation to the taillight?", "Can you reveal the spot where the door is located in the image?", "I need to find the rim; where is it?", "I'm trying to spot the taillight headlight; where should I look?", "Where does the license plate skid plate reside in this photograph?", "What location in the picture is the police car law enforcement vehicle occupying?", "Mind pointing out the door's place in the photo?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the taillight headlight?", "I need the bounding box details for the headlight.", "I need to know where the license plate skid plate is; can you show it to me?", "Could you outline the police car law enforcement vehicle in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one police car law enforcement vehicle.", "There are 2 tires.", "There are 2 exhaust pipes.", "There is one rim.", "There is one headlight.", "The grille guard is on the left of the headlight.", "The taillight headlight is above the rim.", "The license plate skid plate is on the left and below of the door.", "The license plate skid plate is on the left and below of the taillight.", "The grille guard is on the left of the taillight.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.8406, 0.409, 0.1748, 0.4535].", "[0.4989, 0.5255, 0.2147, 0.1145].", "[0.523, 0.5145, 0.0949, 0.0622].", "[0.4665, 0.7932, 0.1272, 0.0779].", "[0.4861, 0.5242, 0.9402, 0.7771]." ]
[ "What is the total of wheels depicted here in this image?", "How many hats are there in this image?", "How many of the men can be seen in this image?", "Where's the hat at compared to the wheel?", "Could you highlight the hat's whereabouts in the photo?", "Can you spot the wheel for me in this photo?", "In this image, where is the man located?", "Any idea where the man is in this image?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the hat?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the wheel." ]
[ "There is one wheel.", "There is one hat.", "There is one man.", "The hat is on the right and above of the wheel.", "It is on the right and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.6278, 0.5304, 0.732, 0.9241].", "[0.7824, 0.1403, 0.298, 0.1468].", "[0.3148, 0.786, 0.619, 0.4225]." ]
[ "What quantity of ladybugs is present in the image?", "What is the count of toothbrush holders in this image?", "I'm trying to spot the ladybug; where should I look?", "I need to find the toothbrush holder; where is it?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the ladybug?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the toothbrush holder?" ]
[ "There is one ladybug.", "There is one toothbrush holder.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4881, 0.4638, 0.7567, 0.8056].", "[0.4881, 0.4645, 0.7579, 0.805]." ]
[ "How many shoes do you see in the picture?", "How many shorts are there in this image?", "What quantity of shoes is present in the image?", "Can you identify the number of men in the photo?", "Can you reveal the spot where the man is located in the image?", "Where's the short at in this image?", "I require the bounding box coordinates for the short, can you provide this?", "Any idea where the man is in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 shoes.", "There is one short.", "There are 2 shoes.", "There is one man.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4683, 0.3371, 0.3769, 0.3748].", "[0.4421, 0.4781, 0.5578, 0.954]." ]
[ "What's the aggregate number of women in this picture?", "How numerous are the medical equipments in this image?", "What's the tally of men in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many women are in the photograph?", "How many medical equipments are in the image?" ]
[ "There are 2 women.", "There are 2 medical equipments.", "There are 3 men.", "There are 2 women.", "There are 2 medical equipments." ]
[ "Can you determine how many shoes are captured in this image?", "What's the tally of shoes in this image?", "What quantity of legs is present in the image?", "How many fringe laces are in the image?", "What is the spatial relationship between the fringe lace and the leg?", "Could you specify the position of the fringe lace?", "Could you highlight the leg's whereabouts in the photo?", "Mind highlighting where the leg is here?", "I need the bounding box details for the fringe lace." ]
[ "There are 2 shoes.", "There are 2 shoes.", "There is one leg.", "There is one fringe lace.", "The fringe lace is on the left of the leg.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.6833, 0.1155, 0.2392, 0.2306].", "[0.2419, 0.4788, 0.3713, 0.8326]." ]
[ "How many signs can you spot in this image?", "How many buildings are in the image?", "How many trees do you see in the picture?", "How many of the buildings can be seen in this image?", "How numerous are the cars in this image?", "In the context of positioning, how is the car related to the sign?", "Can you guide me to the car's location in this photo?", "Trying to locate the sign; any ideas where it is?", "Can you reveal the spot where the tree is located in the image?", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the sign present in the image?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the car.", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the tree?" ]
[ "There is one sign.", "There are 3 buildings.", "There is one tree.", "There are 3 buildings.", "There is one car.", "The car is on the right of the sign.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.367, 0.362, 0.5263, 0.2763].", "[0.7514, 0.5273, 0.136, 0.1243].", "[0.4553, 0.3924, 0.8804, 0.784]." ]
[ "Could you count the trucks in this picture for me?", "Are you able to tell how many trucks are in the photograph?", "Can you identify the number of trucks in the photo?", "How many trucks can you spot in this image?", "What quantity of trucks is present in the image?" ]
[ "There are 5 trucks.", "There are 5 trucks.", "There are 5 trucks.", "There are 5 trucks.", "There are 5 trucks." ]
[ "What's the number of men visible in this photograph?", "How many microphones do you see in the picture?", "Where within this picture can the microphone be observed?", "Where exactly is the man in this shot?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the microphone.", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the man?" ]
[ "There is one man.", "There is one microphone.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.2528, 0.4537, 0.1951, 0.2773].", "[0.5291, 0.5197, 0.6017, 0.9566]." ]
[ "How many of the football players can be seen in this image?", "Can you enumerate the football players in this photograph?", "How many soccer balls are there in this image?", "Can you identify the number of football players in the photo?", "Where does the soccer ball reside in this photograph?", "I need to know where the soccer ball is; can you show it to me?" ]
[ "There are 3 football players.", "There are 3 football players.", "There is one soccer ball.", "There are 3 football players.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.3938, 0.573, 0.0881, 0.1564]." ]
[ "What is the count of airplanes in this image?", "Where within this picture can the airplane be observed?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the airplane?" ]
[ "There is one airplane.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4995, 0.499, 0.996, 0.9949]." ]
[ "How many grapes do you see in the picture?", "Can you identify the number of wine glass in the photo?", "What's the tally of wine bottles in this image?", "How many wine glass can you spot in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many wine bottles are in the photograph?", "What is the location of the grape in the image?", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the grape present in the image?" ]
[ "There is one grape.", "There are 10 wine glass.", "There are 3 wine bottles.", "There are 10 wine glass.", "There are 3 wine bottles.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.6241, 0.7134, 0.2582, 0.1037]." ]
[ "What's the aggregate number of people in this picture?", "Could you count the people in this picture for me?", "How many people do you see in the picture?", "What is the count of people in this image?", "Can you count the number of people present in this picture?", "Can you pinpoint where the building is situated in this photo?", "Where exactly is the building in this pic?" ]
[ "There are 10 people.", "There are 10 people.", "There are 10 people.", "There are 10 people.", "There are 10 people.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5, 0.4999, 0.9985, 0.9997]." ]
[ "How many boots are there in this image?", "Mind pointing out where the boot is?", "I need to know where the boot is; can you show it to me?" ]
[ "There is one boot.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4988, 0.5028, 0.9748, 0.9199]." ]
[ "What is the total count of women depicted in the photo?", "What's the aggregate number of leggings in this picture?", "What's the number of heels visible in this photograph?", "Could you tell me the quantity of heels seen in the image?", "Where is the woman located?", "I'm trying to spot the legging; where should I look?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the legging.", "Where exactly is the woman in this pic?" ]
[ "There is one woman.", "There is one legging.", "There are 2 heels.", "There are 2 heels.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5272, 0.4391, 0.4831, 0.8586].", "[0.5265, 0.4992, 0.4932, 0.9886]." ]
[ "What is the total of deer skulls depicted here in this image?", "Can you identify the number of deer skulls in the photo?" ]
[ "There are 2 deer skulls.", "There are 2 deer skulls." ]
[ "What quantity of foods is present in the image?", "What's the number of tables visible in this photograph?", "What's the aggregate number of saucers in this picture?", "Can you determine how many bicycles are captured in this image?", "How numerous are the plates in this image?", "Can you detail how the glass cup is oriented with respect to the plate?", "In terms of placement, how does the bicycle compare to the glass cup?", "Got any idea how the glass cup is placed by the saucer?", "How is the plate saucer arranged when compared to the saucer?", "Any clue where the bicycle is sitting by the saucer?", "Could you specify the position of the plate?", "Where can I find the glass cup in this pic?", "I'm trying to spot the window; where should I look?", "I'm looking for the saucer; where should I look in the image?", "Can you reveal the spot where the table is located in the image?", "How about you show me the glass cup's spot in the photo?", "Can you show me where the plate is in the picture?", "How about you show me the saucer's spot in the photo?", "Can you indicate the bicycle's position here?", "Can you draw around the plate saucer for me?" ]
[ "There are 2 foods.", "There is one table.", "There is one saucer.", "There is one bicycle.", "There is one plate.", "The glass cup is on the right of the plate.", "The bicycle is on the left and above of the glass cup.", "The glass cup is on the right of the saucer.", "The plate saucer is below the saucer.", "The bicycle is above the saucer.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.911, 0.4528, 0.1745, 0.2514].", "[0.3838, 0.6636, 0.7661, 0.5161].", "[0.2836, 0.3639, 0.3782, 0.1336].", "[0.4127, 0.2026, 0.0834, 0.0806].", "[0.354, 0.5203, 0.1865, 0.1021]." ]
[ "Could you count the water bag molle systems in this picture for me?", "How many helmets are there in this image?", "How many backpacks are there in this image?", "Can you identify the number of helmets in the photo?", "Could you tell me the quantity of water bag molle systems seen in the image?", "Where is the backpack located?", "How about you show me the backpack's spot in the photo?" ]
[ "There are 2 water bag molle systems.", "There are 2 helmets.", "There is one backpack.", "There are 2 helmets.", "There are 2 water bag molle systems.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.8269, 0.4959, 0.216, 0.2633]." ]
[ "How many of the cricket bails can be seen in this image?", "What's the number of cricket shoes visible in this photograph?", "Can you ascertain the number of cricket bats shown in this photo?", "What is the total of cricket gloves depicted here in this image?", "How many cricket stumps can you spot in this image?", "In the context of positioning, how is the cricket helmet related to the cricket shoe?", "How does the cricket shoe find itself near the cricket bat?", "How are the cricket helmet and cricket stump doing together in the pic?", "Can you describe the placement of the cricket helmet in relation to the cricket bat?", "Could you specify how the cricket bat is aligned in relation to the cricket stump?", "Can you guide me to the cricket helmet's location in this photo?", "In which part of the image is the cricket shoe found?", "In this image, where is the cricket bat located?", "Where has the cricket stump been placed in the image?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the cricket stump?", "Can you indicate the cricket shoe's position here?", "Could you locate the cricket bat and give me its bounding box coordinates?", "Can you indicate the cricket helmet's position here?" ]
[ "There are 2 cricket bails.", "There is one cricket shoe.", "There is one cricket bat.", "There are 2 cricket gloves.", "There is one cricket stump.", "The cricket helmet is above the cricket shoe.", "The cricket shoe is on the right and below of the cricket bat.", "The cricket helmet is above the cricket stump.", "The cricket helmet is on the right of the cricket bat.", "The cricket bat is on the left and above of the cricket stump.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.6179, 0.7531, 0.3152, 0.4128].", "[0.7507, 0.8829, 0.3073, 0.1476].", "[0.1924, 0.3033, 0.3314, 0.4268].", "[0.653, 0.2046, 0.2453, 0.1299]." ]
[ "Can you enumerate the people in this photograph?", "What's the aggregate number of children in this picture?", "What's the aggregate number of hands in this picture?", "How many faces are in the image?", "How many faces do you see in the picture?", "In what position do we find the paintbrush relative to the person?", "How is the hand situated in comparison to the person?", "Can you identify the location of the paintbrush in this image?", "Where within this picture can the person be observed?", "Can you help me find the hand in this?", "Could you highlight the child's whereabouts in the photo?", "Could you locate the person and give me its bounding box coordinates?", "Can you draw around the paintbrush for me?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the child?", "I need the bounding box details for the hand." ]
[ "There is one person.", "There is one child.", "There is one hand.", "There are 2 faces.", "There are 2 faces.", "The paintbrush is on the right of the person.", "The hand is on the right of the person.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.2894, 0.4996, 0.5763, 0.9955].", "[0.8071, 0.5789, 0.2962, 0.0801].", "[0.5876, 0.5726, 0.6409, 0.851].", "[0.7405, 0.6156, 0.3101, 0.3901]." ]
[ "What quantity of men is present in the image?", "What is the count of men in this image?", "What is the total of men depicted here in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of men seen in the image?", "How many of the men can be seen in this image?" ]
[ "There are 6 men.", "There are 6 men.", "There are 6 men.", "There are 6 men.", "There are 6 men." ]
[ "Can you count the number of compa present in this picture?", "What's the tally of compa in this image?", "How many boxes do you see in the picture?", "Hey, where did the box go in this image?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the box." ]
[ "There are 2 compa.", "There are 2 compa.", "There is one box.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5, 0.5016, 0.9977, 0.8683]." ]
[ "Could you count the people in this picture for me?", "How many signs do you see in the picture?", "How many cameras can you spot in this image?", "What quantity of people is present in the image?", "Can you ascertain the number of people shown in this photo?", "Where does the camera reside in this photograph?", "Where can I find the sign in this picture?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the sign?", "Could you point out the camera in the photo for me?" ]
[ "There are 5 people.", "There is one sign.", "There is one camera.", "There are 5 people.", "There are 5 people.", "It is on the left and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4999, 0.4999, 0.9987, 0.9978].", "[0.3154, 0.3046, 0.0834, 0.0832]." ]
[ "What is the total of tables depicted here in this image?", "In which part of the image is the table found?", "I need the bounding box details for the table." ]
[ "There is one table.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4969, 0.497, 0.7313, 0.949]." ]
[ "Can you determine how many skies are captured in this image?", "What's the number of mountains visible in this photograph?", "How many vans do you see in the picture?", "Can you identify the number of skies in the photo?", "Are you able to tell how many doors are in the photograph?", "What is the arrangement of the van relative to the bollard?", "How is the van situated in comparison to the door?", "Where's the bollard at in this image?", "Trying to locate the van; any ideas where it is?", "Can you identify the location of the building in this image?", "Could you highlight the door's whereabouts in the photo?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the door?", "Can you trace around the van so I can see it better?", "Hey, where's the building located in this photograph?", "Where exactly is the bollard in this pic?" ]
[ "There are 2 skies.", "There are 2 mountains.", "There is one van.", "There are 2 skies.", "There is one door.", "The van is on the left of the bollard.", "The van is on the left of the door.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.6673, 0.4607, 0.125, 0.398].", "[0.3746, 0.5699, 0.318, 0.3736].", "[0.6742, 0.3521, 0.6479, 0.7002].", "[0.7097, 0.6128, 0.0115, 0.1083]." ]
[ "What quantity of checkboxes is present in the image?", "How numerous are the cvvs in this image?", "Can you identify the number of payment cards in the photo?", "Are you able to tell how many payment cards are in the photograph?", "Can you point out how the cvv is set up with the checkbox?", "Where exactly is the cvv positioned in this photograph?", "I'm trying to spot the checkbox; where should I look?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the checkbox.", "I'm trying to find the cvv; can you help me spot it?" ]
[ "There is one checkbox.", "There is one cvv.", "There are 2 payment cards.", "There are 2 payment cards.", "The cvv is on the left and above of the checkbox.", "It is on the left and near the top of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.7332, 0.4985, 0.2348, 0.2185].", "[0.2441, 0.2394, 0.2167, 0.0669]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of windows seen in the image?", "What quantity of rooms is present in the image?", "Can you help me find the room in this?", "Where can I find the window in this pic?", "Mind pointing out the room's place in the photo?", "I need the bounding box details for the window." ]
[ "There is one window.", "There is one room.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.5002, 0.5001, 0.9935, 0.9946].", "[0.4779, 0.1326, 0.0838, 0.087]." ]
[ "How many boats are in the image?", "What is the total of water beaches depicted here in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of woods shown in this photo?", "Could you tell me the quantity of skies seen in the image?", "What is the total of people depicted here in this image?", "How is the wood arranged when compared to the canopy?", "Can you tell how the water is hanging near the cloud?", "What's the positioning like between the beach and the cloud?", "How is the sky situated in comparison to the water?", "What is the positional relationship of the wave vis-à-vis the canopy?", "Where's the wave at in this image?", "Can you reveal the spot where the water is located in the image?", "Where exactly is the sky in this shot?", "In which part of the image is the water beach found?", "Where's the cloud at in this image?", "Mind pointing out the sky's place in the photo?", "Provide me with the bounding box of the water.", "Can you mark the spot of the water beach in the picture?", "Could you circle where the canopy is found in the image?", "I need to know where the wave is; can you show it to me?" ]
[ "There are 2 boats.", "There is one water beach.", "There is one wood.", "There is one sky.", "There are 5 people.", "The wood is below the canopy.", "The water is below the cloud.", "The beach is below the cloud.", "The sky is above the water.", "The wave is on the right and below of the canopy.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.5001, 0.2193, 0.9971, 0.4355].", "[0.6684, 0.7163, 0.6598, 0.5577].", "[0.4999, 0.7178, 0.9958, 0.5581].", "[0.0985, 0.4138, 0.1256, 0.058].", "[0.7388, 0.7717, 0.5195, 0.4481]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of cards in the photo?", "Are you able to tell how many cards are in the photograph?", "How many cards can you spot in this image?", "How many of the cards can be seen in this image?", "How many cards do you see in the picture?" ]
[ "There are 8 cards.", "There are 8 cards.", "There are 8 cards.", "There are 8 cards.", "There are 8 cards." ]
[ "How many shoes can you spot in this image?", "What's the number of floors visible in this photograph?", "How many women are there in this image?", "How many walls are there in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of jumpsuits shown in this photo?", "Can you help me find the jumpsuit in this?", "Where has the floor been placed in the image?", "Can you spot the woman for me in this photo?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the woman and give me the specifics?", "Could you locate the floor and give me its bounding box coordinates?", "Hey, where's the jumpsuit located in this photograph?" ]
[ "There are 2 shoes.", "There is one floor.", "There is one woman.", "There are 2 walls.", "There is one jumpsuit.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4781, 0.5097, 0.3791, 0.8917].", "[0.5001, 0.828, 0.9967, 0.34].", "[0.5149, 0.5097, 0.2925, 0.6214]." ]
[ "What is the total of televisions depicted here in this image?", "Do you know where they put the television here?", "Where's the television at in this image?" ]
[ "There is one television.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4998, 0.4778, 0.2198, 0.4424]." ]
[ "Could you count the sunglasses in this picture for me?", "What is the count of women in this image?", "How numerous are the trees in this image?", "What's the tally of women in this image?", "What quantity of sidewalks is present in the image?", "How's the sunglass positioned around the dres?", "How does the sunglass stand in relation to the sidewalk in the scene?", "What is the location of the tree in the image?", "Can you pinpoint where the sidewalk is situated in this photo?", "Do you know where they put the sunglass here?", "Where exactly is the dres positioned in this photograph?", "Please find the bounding box for the dres.", "Where did the tree end up in this image?", "Mind pointing out the sidewalk's place in the photo?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the sunglass?" ]
[ "There is one sunglass.", "There are 2 women.", "There is one tree.", "There are 2 women.", "There is one sidewalk.", "The sunglass is above the dres.", "The sunglass is above the sidewalk.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5004, 0.4148, 0.3338, 0.4131].", "[0.7784, 0.2706, 0.4408, 0.5386].", "[0.5001, 0.7294, 0.997, 0.5375].", "[0.5307, 0.1523, 0.0959, 0.0359]." ]
[ "What's the aggregate number of books in this picture?", "How many of the brick walls can be seen in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of statues shown in this photo?", "Could you tell me the quantity of carpets seen in the image?", "Can you enumerate the brick walls in this photograph?", "Where did the carpet end up in this picture?", "Where's the tile floor at in this image?", "Hey, where's the tile floor located in this photograph?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the carpet." ]
[ "There are 2 books.", "There are 2 brick walls.", "There are 2 statues.", "There is one carpet.", "There are 2 brick walls.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4997, 0.7946, 0.9957, 0.4049].", "[0.2596, 0.8289, 0.5179, 0.3386]." ]
[ "How many flowers do you see in the picture?", "What is the count of flowers in this image?", "How numerous are the flowers in this image?", "Can you enumerate the flowers in this photograph?" ]
[ "There are 4 flowers.", "There are 4 flowers.", "There are 4 flowers.", "There are 4 flowers." ]
[ "Can you enumerate the bags in this photograph?", "What's the aggregate number of streets in this picture?", "What is the count of trees in this image?", "What's the tally of cars in this image?", "Could you count the signs in this picture for me?", "How do the sign and car stack up next to each other?", "How does the sign appear in proximity to the street in the image?", "Could you specify how the bag is aligned in relation to the car?", "How do the sign and bag look together?", "Trying to locate the street; any ideas where it is?", "Can you reveal the spot where the sign is located in the image?", "Can you identify the location of the man in this image?", "Where did the bag end up in this picture?", "Where did the car end up in this picture?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the bag?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the man.", "Hey, where's the car located in this photograph?", "Can you highlight the sign's area for me in this pic?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the street?" ]
[ "There is one bag.", "There is one street.", "There are 2 trees.", "There is one car.", "There is one sign.", "The sign is on the left and above of the car.", "The sign is above the street.", "The bag is on the left of the car.", "The sign is above the bag.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the left and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.2657, 0.7306, 0.3308, 0.3142].", "[0.4576, 0.5004, 0.6879, 0.9348].", "[0.7368, 0.7265, 0.5234, 0.4451].", "[0.309, 0.1237, 0.1174, 0.1775].", "[0.4999, 0.9165, 0.9976, 0.165]." ]
[ "Could you count the rivers in this picture for me?", "How numerous are the buildings in this image?", "How many trees do you see in the picture?", "How many rivers are in the image?", "How many clock towers do you see in the picture?", "How do the bridge and clock tower stack up next to each other?", "Could you highlight the bridge's whereabouts in the photo?", "Where has the clock tower been placed in the image?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the clock tower?", "Where exactly is the bridge in this pic?" ]
[ "There are 2 rivers.", "There are 2 buildings.", "There are 2 trees.", "There are 2 rivers.", "There is one clock tower.", "The bridge is on the right and below of the clock tower.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4293, 0.2636, 0.0491, 0.2847].", "[0.7938, 0.7259, 0.4094, 0.5415]." ]
[ "Can you count the number of chairs present in this picture?", "Where exactly is the chair positioned in this photograph?", "Can you show me where the chair is in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one chair.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5017, 0.4991, 0.4563, 0.7893]." ]
[ "What's the number of tables visible in this photograph?", "What's the tally of vases in this image?", "What is the count of lamps in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many plants are in the photograph?", "Can you identify the number of books in the photo?", "How is the mirror positioned relative to the vase?", "Got any idea how the mirror is placed by the table?", "What is the arrangement of the lamp relative to the mirror?", "Where is the vase located?", "Where exactly is the table positioned in this photograph?", "Can you show me where the stair is?", "I need to find the mirror; where is it?", "Hey, where did the lamp go in this image?", "I need the bounding box details for the lamp.", "Any idea where the stair is in this image?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the table.", "How about you show me the vase's spot in the photo?", "Can you draw around the mirror for me?" ]
[ "There is one table.", "There is one vase.", "There is one lamp.", "There are 2 plants.", "There are 2 books.", "The mirror is on the left and above of the vase.", "The mirror is on the left and above of the table.", "The lamp is on the right of the mirror.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.6101, 0.4838, 0.1567, 0.2976].", "[0.362, 0.6132, 0.5665, 0.7626].", "[0.6142, 0.8118, 0.4304, 0.3743].", "[0.5234, 0.628, 0.0702, 0.0587].", "[0.2245, 0.1927, 0.2352, 0.319]." ]
[ "Can you ascertain the number of basketball players shown in this photo?", "What is the total of basketballs depicted here in this image?", "What quantity of basketball players is present in the image?", "Can you guide me to the basketball's location in this photo?", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the basketball?" ]
[ "There are 2 basketball players.", "There is one basketball.", "There are 2 basketball players.", "It is on the left of the image.", "[0.1972, 0.5451, 0.1458, 0.2183]." ]
[ "What quantity of plates is present in the image?", "What's the aggregate number of tables in this picture?", "What's the tally of cilantros in this image?", "Can you identify the number of bowls in the photo?", "How many green onions do you see in the picture?", "Could you highlight the green onion's whereabouts in the photo?", "Where can I find the bowl in this picture?", "What location in the picture is the plate occupying?", "In this image, where is the table located?", "Where exactly is the green onion in this pic?", "Can you show me where the bowl is in the picture?", "Can you show me where the table is in the picture?", "Mind pointing out the plate's place in the photo?" ]
[ "There is one plate.", "There is one table.", "There are 2 cilantros.", "There is one bowl.", "There is one green onion.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is on the right and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.3914, 0.1824, 0.7783, 0.3636].", "[0.8254, 0.1454, 0.3475, 0.2028].", "[0.5, 0.5005, 0.9966, 0.9917].", "[0.5006, 0.5546, 0.9972, 0.6506]." ]
[ "Could you tell me the quantity of shrubberies seen in the image?", "What's the number of men visible in this photograph?", "How many trees can you spot in this image?", "Can you identify the number of trees in the photo?", "Can you determine how many shrubberies are captured in this image?", "Where's the man at in this image?", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the man present in the image?" ]
[ "There are 3 shrubberies.", "There is one man.", "There are 2 trees.", "There are 2 trees.", "There are 3 shrubberies.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5025, 0.5092, 0.5686, 0.9718]." ]
[ "How many logos do you see in the picture?", "What is the total of texts depicted here in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of logos in this picture?", "How many of the texts can be seen in this image?", "Can you count the number of texts present in this picture?" ]
[ "There are 2 logos.", "There are 3 texts.", "There are 2 logos.", "There are 3 texts.", "There are 3 texts." ]
[ "How many shirts can you spot in this image?", "I'm trying to spot the shirt; where should I look?", "Can you highlight the shirt's area for me in this pic?" ]
[ "There is one shirt.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5055, 0.4998, 0.6177, 0.7375]." ]
[ "Can you ascertain the number of motorcycles shown in this photo?", "Where's the motorcycle positioned in this photograph?", "Where did the motorcycle end up in this image?" ]
[ "There is one motorcycle.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4764, 0.5022, 0.752, 0.8381]." ]
[ "What's the tally of quilts in this image?", "How numerous are the quilts in this image?", "What is the total of curtains depicted here in this image?", "Where does the curtain reside in this photograph?", "Where's the curtain at in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 quilts.", "There are 2 quilts.", "There is one curtain.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5, 0.4999, 0.9923, 0.9934]." ]
[ "What is the count of fireworks in this image?", "Can you determine how many fireworks are captured in this image?" ]
[ "There are 2 fireworks.", "There are 2 fireworks." ]
[ "Can you determine how many frame artworks are captured in this image?", "How many windows are there in this image?", "Can you determine how many chairs are captured in this image?", "Can you identify the number of chairs in the photo?", "What is the total count of candles depicted in the photo?", "What is the spatial relationship between the chandelier and the book?", "How does the artwork find itself near the window?", "Can you detail how the chandelier is oriented with respect to the plant?", "How is the book positioned relative to the window?", "What is the positional relationship of the plant vis-à-vis the artwork?", "What is the location of the plant in the image?", "In which part of the image is the book found?", "Where does the curtain reside in this photograph?", "Can you show me where the artwork is?", "Where can I find the chandelier in this pic?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the artwork?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the book?", "Can you draw around the curtain for me?", "I'm trying to find the chandelier; can you help me spot it?", "Can you highlight the plant's area for me in this pic?" ]
[ "There are 2 frame artworks.", "There is one window.", "There are 3 chairs.", "There are 3 chairs.", "There are 4 candles.", "The chandelier is above the book.", "The artwork is below the window.", "The chandelier is above the plant.", "The book is on the left of the window.", "The plant is above the artwork.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.4856, 0.812, 0.9247, 0.2597].", "[0.1636, 0.5683, 0.0946, 0.0086].", "[0.174, 0.4498, 0.2685, 0.2753].", "[0.3227, 0.1515, 0.3968, 0.2421].", "[0.0857, 0.4957, 0.1702, 0.1898]." ]
[ "Can you ascertain the number of hangers shown in this photo?", "Could you count the hangers in this picture for me?", "Can you count the number of kaftans present in this picture?", "Where's the kaftan positioned in this photograph?", "Could you locate the kaftan and give me its bounding box coordinates?" ]
[ "There are 2 hangers.", "There are 2 hangers.", "There is one kaftan.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4644, 0.5346, 0.5557, 0.9251]." ]
[ "Are you able to tell how many moths are in the photograph?", "What's the aggregate number of leaf vines in this picture?", "What is the spatial relationship between the moth and the leaf vine?", "Where's the moth at in this image?", "Where's the leaf vine positioned in this photograph?", "Can you show me where the moth is in the picture?", "Can you highlight the leaf vine's area for me in this pic?" ]
[ "There is one moth.", "There is one leaf vine.", "The moth is below the leaf vine.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5003, 0.8378, 0.4073, 0.1478].", "[0.4995, 0.3762, 0.9907, 0.7443]." ]
[ "How many windows can you spot in this image?", "How many steering wheels are in the image?", "What's the number of dashboards visible in this photograph?", "In which part of the image is the window found?", "Can you help me find the dashboard in this?", "In which part of the image is the steering wheel found?", "Can you highlight the steering wheel's area for me in this pic?", "Can you mark the spot of the dashboard in the picture?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the window and give me the specifics?" ]
[ "There is one window.", "There is one steering wheel.", "There is one dashboard.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.3359, 0.4187, 0.4049, 0.7817].", "[0.4992, 0.4998, 0.9915, 0.991].", "[0.4994, 0.4997, 0.9923, 0.9914]." ]
[ "Can you determine how many signs are captured in this image?", "Can you count the number of trees present in this picture?", "What is the total count of cars depicted in the photo?", "What quantity of people is present in the image?", "Can you determine how many buildings are captured in this image?", "Could you explain the relative positioning of the window to the sign?", "Got a quick take on the car's spot near the sign?", "How do the door and sign stack up next to each other?", "How are the light and window doing together in the pic?", "How is the tree situated in comparison to the building?", "Can you reveal the spot where the car is located in the image?", "Where's the tree at in this image?", "Where within this picture can the door be observed?", "Know where the sign is located in this pic?", "Where's the window positioned in this photograph?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the car.", "Please find the bounding box for the door.", "I need the bounding box details for the building.", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the tree.", "Where did the sign end up in this image?" ]
[ "There is one sign.", "There is one tree.", "There is one car.", "There are 4 people.", "There is one building.", "The window is on the right of the sign.", "The car is on the left and below of the sign.", "The door is on the right and below of the sign.", "The light is on the left of the window.", "The tree is on the left of the building.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "[0.1009, 0.7229, 0.0419, 0.0711].", "[0.8567, 0.5707, 0.1207, 0.8561].", "[0.8089, 0.4995, 0.3806, 0.9976].", "[0.0762, 0.6268, 0.065, 0.1444].", "[0.4466, 0.0813, 0.2757, 0.1123]." ]
[ "Can you identify the number of chairs in the photo?", "Can you determine how many lights are captured in this image?", "What's the aggregate number of mirrors in this picture?", "What quantity of plates is present in the image?", "How many plates can you spot in this image?", "Any clue where the curtain is sitting by the light?", "In what way is the mirror located near or around the vase?", "How do the vase and rug stack up next to each other?", "What is the arrangement of the curtain relative to the vase?", "Can you describe the placement of the rug in relation to the window?", "Where has the vase been placed in the image?", "Where exactly is the rug positioned in this photograph?", "I need to find the light; where is it?", "Could you specify the position of the curtain?", "In which part of the image is the window found?", "Mind highlighting where the window is here?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the rug?", "How about you show me the curtain's spot in the photo?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the vase?", "Hey, where's the mirror located in this photograph?" ]
[ "There are 5 chairs.", "There is one light.", "There is one mirror.", "There are 3 plates.", "There are 3 plates.", "The curtain is on the left of the light.", "The mirror is on the right and above of the vase.", "The vase is above the rug.", "The curtain is on the left of the vase.", "The rug is below the window.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "[0.0525, 0.4253, 0.1039, 0.4104].", "[0.4999, 0.9013, 0.9986, 0.1964].", "[0.1462, 0.3893, 0.131, 0.3173].", "[0.3319, 0.5718, 0.0551, 0.0624].", "[0.7136, 0.333, 0.2037, 0.3301]." ]
[ "What's the tally of houses in this image?", "What is the count of tables in this image?", "Can you identify the number of terraces in the photo?", "Could you tell me the quantity of trees seen in the image?", "How many parasols do you see in the picture?", "What is the spatial relationship between the parasol and the tree?", "In which part of the image is the parasol found?", "Where has the tree been placed in the image?", "In this image, where is the terrace located?", "Can you point out the table for me?", "Where's the house at in this image?", "What dimensions define the bounding box of the terrace?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the tree?", "Hey, where's the parasol located in this photograph?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the table.", "Could you point out the house in the photo for me?" ]
[ "There is one house.", "There is one table.", "There is one terrace.", "There is one tree.", "There is one parasol.", "The parasol is on the right of the tree.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.6391, 0.7647, 0.7192, 0.4684].", "[0.2867, 0.4616, 0.5713, 0.9213].", "[0.8494, 0.4827, 0.1432, 0.1086].", "[0.554, 0.6524, 0.5476, 0.2382].", "[0.6479, 0.4997, 0.7026, 0.9969]." ]
[ "Can you count the number of men present in this picture?", "Can you enumerate the backgrounds in this photograph?", "How many of the papers can be seen in this image?", "Can you pinpoint where the paper is situated in this photo?", "Where within this picture can the background be observed?", "Can you help me find the man in this?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the background and give me the specifics?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the man and give me the specifics?", "Can you indicate the paper's position here?" ]
[ "There is one man.", "There is one background.", "There is one paper.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.4999, 0.4565, 0.9945, 0.9102].", "[0.3482, 0.5728, 0.2673, 0.6233].", "[0.2896, 0.6454, 0.0745, 0.1]." ]
[ "How numerous are the speakers in this image?", "Can you ascertain the number of digitals shown in this photo?", "How many cable box amplifiers do you see in the picture?", "How numerous are the audio converters in this image?", "Can you determine how many audio converters are captured in this image?", "How does the headphone find itself near the speaker?", "How does the speaker appear in proximity to the digital in the image?", "How is the headphone set in relation to the position of the digital?", "What is the location of the digital in the image?", "Can you guide me to the speaker's location in this photo?", "Could you specify the position of the headphone?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the speaker.", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the digital.", "Could you point out the headphone in the photo for me?" ]
[ "There is one speaker.", "There is one digital.", "There are 2 cable box amplifiers.", "There are 2 audio converters.", "There are 2 audio converters.", "The headphone is below the speaker.", "The speaker is below the digital.", "The headphone is below the digital.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.8201, 0.8562, 0.1637, 0.0534].", "[0.5012, 0.2402, 0.5474, 0.0775].", "[0.8188, 0.9477, 0.1784, 0.0411]." ]
[ "What is the total of plants depicted here in this image?", "How many cups can you spot in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many blankets are in the photograph?", "Can you identify the number of books in the photo?", "Could you count the books in this picture for me?", "How's the plant positioned around the blanket?", "How does the cup stand in relation to the plant in the scene?", "Could you show the location of the cup in this image?", "Hey, where did the sofa go in this image?", "Can you reveal the spot where the blanket is located in the image?", "Can you pinpoint where the plant is situated in this photo?", "Could you point out the blanket in the photo for me?", "Hey, where's the sofa located in this photograph?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the plant.", "Can you indicate the cup's position here?" ]
[ "There is one plant.", "There is one cup.", "There is one blanket.", "There are 3 books.", "There are 3 books.", "The plant is on the left and above of the blanket.", "The cup is on the right and below of the plant.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.7319, 0.3188, 0.2087, 0.3506].", "[0.5108, 0.5637, 0.9767, 0.8509].", "[0.2911, 0.0706, 0.2639, 0.141].", "[0.8368, 0.4812, 0.0671, 0.0533]." ]
[ "What's the aggregate number of texts in this picture?", "What is the count of olympic rings in this image?", "Are you able to tell how many trees are in the photograph?", "What is the total of olympic rings depicted here in this image?", "What's the positioning like between the text and the tree?", "Can you reveal the spot where the text is located in the image?", "Where's the tree positioned in this photograph?", "Could you supply the coordinates for the text's bounding box?", "I need to know where the tree is; can you show it to me?" ]
[ "There is one text.", "There are 2 olympic rings.", "There is one tree.", "There are 2 olympic rings.", "The text is below the tree.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "[0.4956, 0.4633, 0.6859, 0.1216].", "[0.5672, 0.2449, 0.0859, 0.0661]." ]
[ "Can you enumerate the gloves in this photograph?", "What is the total of people depicted here in this image?", "How numerous are the helmets in this image?", "How many people do you see in the picture?", "Can you identify the number of chairs in the photo?", "In terms of placement, how does the pant compare to the goggle?", "How does the pant look by the helmet?", "Got any idea how the helmet is placed by the goggle?", "Know where the helmet is located in this pic?", "Can you reveal the spot where the pant is located in the image?", "Can you point out the goggle for me?", "Can you determine the bounding box for the pant?", "Could you circle where the helmet is found in the image?", "Please find the bounding box for the goggle." ]
[ "There are 2 gloves.", "There are 8 people.", "There is one helmet.", "There are 8 people.", "There are 3 chairs.", "The pant is below the goggle.", "The pant is on the left and above of the helmet.", "The helmet is on the right and below of the goggle.", "It is on the right and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "[0.3523, 0.6299, 0.144, 0.1903].", "[0.6518, 0.8006, 0.0378, 0.0705].", "[0.3694, 0.3929, 0.0603, 0.0984]." ]
[ "Can you determine how many suns are captured in this image?", "What is the count of cloud suns in this image?", "Can you determine how many clouds are captured in this image?", "Can you count the number of suns present in this picture?", "How many cloud suns do you see in the picture?", "Where exactly is the gras in this shot?", "Can you indicate the gras's position here?" ]
[ "There are 2 suns.", "There are 2 cloud suns.", "There are 3 clouds.", "There are 2 suns.", "There are 2 cloud suns.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5, 0.7664, 0.9973, 0.4615]." ]
[ "What quantity of umbrellas is present in the image?", "What's the aggregate number of women in this picture?", "Can you show me where the woman is?", "Where exactly is the woman in this pic?" ]
[ "There are 2 umbrellas.", "There is one woman.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5341, 0.5, 0.7288, 0.9949]." ]
[ "What quantity of t - shirts is present in the image?", "Could you show the location of the t - shirt in this image?", "Please find the bounding box for the t - shirt." ]
[ "There is one t - shirt.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.5089, 0.4906, 0.857, 0.8052]." ]
[ "Can you count the number of buildings present in this picture?", "How many cars are in the image?", "Can you spot the building for me in this photo?", "Do you know where they put the car here?", "Any idea where the car is in this image?", "Please share the bounding box dimensions and position for the building." ]
[ "There is one building.", "There is one car.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.5252, 0.8049, 0.5692, 0.3681].", "[0.5, 0.3786, 0.9984, 0.7522]." ]
[ "How many microphones can you spot in this image?", "How numerous are the carpets in this image?", "What's the number of floors visible in this photograph?", "Can you identify the number of windows in the photo?", "What's the tally of pope bishops in this image?", "What's the deal with the window and ceiling's setup?", "What's the positioning story of the men bishop relative to the ceiling?", "How do the man and microphone look together?", "In what position do we find the floor relative to the ceiling?", "How is the man arranged when compared to the men bishop?", "Can you point out the microphone for me?", "Could you highlight the men bishop's whereabouts in the photo?", "In which part of the image is the ceiling found?", "Know where the carpet is located in this pic?", "Where within this picture can the window be observed?", "Where did the men bishop end up in this image?", "How about you show me the ceiling's spot in the photo?", "Where exactly is the floor in this pic?", "Where did the microphone end up in this image?", "Could you outline the carpet in the picture?" ]
[ "There is one microphone.", "There is one carpet.", "There is one floor.", "There is one window.", "There are 2 pope bishops.", "The window is on the left and below of the ceiling.", "The men bishop is on the left and below of the ceiling.", "The man is on the right of the microphone.", "The floor is below the ceiling.", "The man is on the right of the men bishop.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is on the left of the image.", "It is near the center and near the top of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.1051, 0.6076, 0.2092, 0.4376].", "[0.661, 0.0575, 0.356, 0.1143].", "[0.5001, 0.7352, 0.9963, 0.5239].", "[0.0326, 0.4756, 0.0411, 0.0346].", "[0.226, 0.7918, 0.4501, 0.4127]." ]
[ "How many airplane wings can you spot in this image?", "What quantity of clouds is present in the image?", "Can you ascertain the number of skies shown in this photo?", "Where does the sky reside in this photograph?", "Where's the airplane wing positioned in this photograph?", "Can you spot the cloud for me in this photo?", "Could you give me the bounding box information for the airplane wing present in the image?", "Please identify and provide the bounding box dimensions of the sky.", "Could you deliver the dimensions of the bounding box surrounding the cloud?" ]
[ "There is one airplane wing.", "There is one cloud.", "There is one sky.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.6903, 0.3609, 0.6156, 0.5287].", "[0.4996, 0.4995, 0.9948, 0.9877].", "[0.4998, 0.7187, 0.9948, 0.5466]." ]
[ "What's the number of men visible in this photograph?", "Can you determine how many men are captured in this image?", "How many medals do you see in the picture?", "What is the total of medals depicted here in this image?", "What is the total count of medals depicted in the photo?", "What location in the picture is the flag occupying?", "Could you circle where the flag is found in the image?" ]
[ "There are 2 men.", "There are 2 men.", "There are 3 medals.", "There are 3 medals.", "There are 3 medals.", "It is on the right and near the top of the image.", "[0.7866, 0.1466, 0.1604, 0.2921]." ]
[ "What quantity of necks is present in the image?", "How many noses are in the image?", "How numerous are the flowers in this image?", "Can you enumerate the ##t legs in this photograph?", "Can you enumerate the chins in this photograph?", "Could you specify how the mouth is aligned in relation to the chin?", "How is the neck set in relation to the position of the nose?", "How is the flower arranged when compared to the neck?", "What is the positional relationship of the mouth vis-à-vis the ##t leg?", "How's the mouth positioned around the pant leg?", "Can you identify the location of the flower in this image?", "Where can I find the chin in this pic?", "What location in the picture is the mouth occupying?", "Where within this picture can the hand be observed?", "Can you reveal the spot where the ##t leg is located in the image?", "How about you show me the nose's spot in the photo?", "Could you circle where the hand is found in the image?", "Can you outline the bounding box for the ##t leg and give me the specifics?", "Can you pinpoint and give the bounding box details for the earring?", "What are the bounding box for the neck?" ]
[ "There is one neck.", "There is one nose.", "There is one flower.", "There is one ##t leg.", "There is one chin.", "The mouth is above the chin.", "The neck is on the left of the nose.", "The flower is below the neck.", "The mouth is above the ##t leg.", "The mouth is on the right and above of the pant leg.", "It is near the center of the image.", "It is on the right and near the top of the image.", "It is on the right and near the top of the image.", "It is on the left and near the bottom of the image.", "It is near the center and near the bottom of the image.", "[0.6946, 0.0096, 0.0292, 0.0185].", "[0.1572, 0.7859, 0.1181, 0.1444].", "[0.6825, 0.8628, 0.4031, 0.2698].", "[0.5648, 0.0242, 0.0179, 0.047].", "[0.4883, 0.0318, 0.1513, 0.0621]." ]
[ "How numerous are the bags in this image?", "Can you spot the bag for me in this photo?", "I need to know where the bag is; can you show it to me?" ]
[ "There is one bag.", "It is near the center of the image.", "[0.499, 0.5663, 0.9559, 0.6252]." ]
[ "What's the tally of ties in this image?", "Could you tell me the quantity of ties seen in the image?" ]
[ "There are 2 ties.", "There are 2 ties." ]