Subject: hpl nom for december 21 , 2000 ( see attached file : hplnl 221 . xls ) - hplnl 221 . xls
Subject: oasis contract imbalance update . . . . this just in . . . . here are our updated imbalances per contract & total : historical current mth cumul . 201 k : ( 12 . 807 ) ( 8 . 181 ) ( 20 . 988 ) 202 k : ( 13 . 951 ) 7 . 879 ( 6 . 072 ) 203 k : ( 6 . 152 ) ( 267 ) ( 6 . 419 ) 204 k : 27 . 392 ( 6 . 306 ) 21 . 088 total : ( 5 . 516 ) ( 6 . 875 ) ( 12 . 391 ) due oasis
Subject: weekend noms / actual flow we agree - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by melissa jones / texas utilities on 02 / 12 / 2001 11 : 29 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - kponton @ duke - energy . com on 02 / 12 / 2001 11 : 02 : 00 am to : david avila / lsp / enserch / us @ tu , charlie stone / texas utilities @ tu , melissa jones / texas utilities @ tu cc : subject : weekend noms / actual flow date nom actual flow 2 / 09 / 01 46 , 667 48 , 029 2 / 10 / 01 40 , 000 41 , 315 2 / 11 / 01 55 , 833 56 , 895 volumes are in mmbtu ' s
Subject: enw meeting / teambuilding event - jillian ' s - 7 / 19 / 01 - rsvp required for attendance please mark your calendars for the first annual all - employee meeting and teambuilding event at jillian ' s on thursday , 7 / 19 / 01 . this gathering is for all enw houston - based , full - time and part - time employees . click the link below for further information and rsvp information . please note the deadline to rsvp has been extended to 7 / 11 / 01 , due to the july 4 th holiday . please call peggy mccurley at x 31832 if you have any questions . hope to see you there ! http : / / 207 . 21 . 193 . 94 / jillians / index . asp
Subject: your mother may find out remove larvae adolescent tiftbecloud allison aqueousrichfield pliers assentpentecost avarice acronymbronchitis hadn ' t quillwortactivation farber futurehubert pang westeidetic livid rebeccapowell
Subject: txu contract search anthony , daren farmer on the texas desk called me today looking for an active contract that ena has with txu gas distribution ( formerly txu lone star gas ) dated 11 / 1 / 97 . i queried global contracts for that cp and didn ' t find anything , active or not . please research all the txu entities to see if you can find a physical contract with ena with that date . please call daren at x 36905 if you have any questions . thanks , stacey barclay richardson enron net works , llc - global contracts stacey . richardson @ enron . com ( 713 ) 853 - 0569 office ( 713 ) 646 - 2495 fax ( 713 ) 710 - 6084 pager
Subject: over $ 50 - - you made it happen ! on wall street , people are talking about enron . at enron , we ' re talking about people . . . our people . you are the driving force behind every success that our company has experienced , including our high - performing stock price , which surpassed the $ 50 mark only a few days ago . you made it happen ! to show our appreciation for your hard work and commitment to enron  , s continued success , eligible regular full - time and regular part - time employees who were on the payroll of a wholly - owned enron company at dec . 31 , 1999 will receive 50 enron stock options . a special stock option award certificate and a copy of the stock plan will be sent to you in the next few weeks . about the stock options grant : the grant was effective jan . 18 , 2000 , therefore , the option grant price is $ 55 . 50 . options will have a seven - year term , which means you must exercise these options before seven years have passed . options will vest 25 percent on feb . 28 , 2000 and 25 percent each subsequent january 18 th thereafter until fully vested , as long as you are an employee of enron . this means you may exercise 25 percent of these options as early as feb . 28 . this grant is made in accordance with the terms and provisions of the enron corp . stock plans and the award documents , which you will receive in the coming weeks . due to varying international restrictions and legalities , enron employees in certain international locations will receive some other form of recognition . your local management and human resources representative will communicate further details . visit home . enron . com for additional information . there you can access a list of frequently asked questions regarding stock options . and you can view a special message from ken lay . to access the special message , you must have ip - tv and a sound card . if you are not able to view ken  , s message , a transcript is available . if you encounter any technical difficulties , please contact your pc help desk . to help celebrate this occasion plaza java located in the enron building will offer 50 - cent coffee of the day and 50 - cent krispy kreme donuts today only , while quantities last . again , thank you for all you do to make enron a successful global energy and broadband services company and a great place to work .
Subject: internet pharmacy - smart prices order your medication here - no doctor visit needed - safe , private and easy . i don ' t like emails .
Subject: nomination into eastrans - 3 / 18 / 2000 we are reducing our nom into eastrans eff 3 / 18 / 2000 to 72 , 000 mmbtu / d . redeliveries are 50 mmcf / d into pg & e , 7 from fcv , 3 into your cartwheel @ carthage , and 12 into mobil beaumont . .
Subject: txu nom . s for 10 / 10 / 00 attached are txu fuel nominations for tuesday , october 10 , 2000 . ( see attached file : hpll 010 . xls ) - hpll 010 . xls
Subject: fw : part 4 - deals to move more auto - terminate deals - - - - - original message - - - - - from : gossett , jeffrey c . sent : thursday , december 13 , 2001 4 : 50 pm to : palmer , b . scott subject : fw : part 4 - deals to move - - - - - original message - - - - - from : richardson , stacey sent : thursday , december 13 , 2001 4 : 49 pm to : gossett , jeffrey c . cc : hodge , jeffrey t . ; theriot , kim s . ; anderson , bridgette ; hilliard , marlene subject : part 4 - deals to move jeff , here are some more deals to move into the bankruptcy books . i will be out of the office tomorrow but bridgette anderson and marlene hilliard will be working on them if you have any questions . thanks , sbr x 30569
Subject: tenaska 2 / 01 we need to forward the money from the feb 2001 brazos sale to tenaska iv . i am assuming you want to handle this as before by entering a purchase demand fee on deal 529856 in the amount of $ 1 , 143 , 484 . 53 . there is already a demand fee for feb 2001 for $ 29 , 851 . 64 , so i think we just need to change that to the new amount . let me know if you want to handle this differently . megan
Subject: better than vmagra hey jkoutsi generic c?alis ( regal?s ) , at cheap prices . most places charge $ 20 , we charge $ 5 . quite a difference . cialis is known as a super - v?agra or weekend - v?agra because its effects start sooner and last much longer . shipped worldwide . your easy - to - use solution is here below is for people who dislike adv . . . . . . - = = - carpet mira defensible bicameral reflectance atavism scranton avocate programmable acreage abbot spacesuit clatter countermen door mercenary hone radii denotative chile iodate admiral turnstone gogh ft alkaloid bias afoot afferent cleanup centrifugate ember dodo desire hive monocotyledon oilseed satin sylvania seder sorption ingram pretty assimilable tory hoagland bing boost crossbar conferring dukedom cholesterol lingo elaine oxygen arclength pesticide seraglio plastisol bondsmen versa persecutory niggardly person advocate therefrom expletive fredericton rebellion dainty south complaisant teetotal planoconcave antimony deadlock snowfall foliate jewelry aggregate kaskaskia halve israel backwater caldera hatchet earl penetrable garlic row mccauley soggy bisect elusive locale balfour aback hastings p
Subject: the president / ceo . dear sir re : joint venture . i would like to apply through this medium for your co - operation and to secure an opportunity to invest and do joint business with you in your country . i have a substantial capital i honorably intend to invest in your country into a very lucrative venture of which you are to advise and execute the said venture over there for the mutual benefits of both of us . your able co - operation is to become my business partner in your country and create ideas on how money will be invested , probably managed and the type of investment after the money is transferred to your custody with your assistance . meanwhile , on indication of your willingness to handle this transaction sincerely by protecting our interests and upon your acceptance of this proposal , i would furnish you with the full detailed information , procedure , amount involve and mutual agreement on your percentage interest or share holding for helping me to secure the release of the deposit and investing the money . i shall be glad to reserve this respect and opportunity for you , if you so desire , but i do urge you to give the matter your immediate attention it deserves . looking forward to your response . email : femiabangura @ pcpostal . com mrs . femia bangura
Subject: project " miracle " as you may know , the generation investments group is in discussions with el paso on the sale of upstream equity interests in the cleburne , tx generating facility . as part of el paso ' s diligence , they ' ve asked to meet with our experts in tax , insurance and gas management matters pertaining to the facility on thursday , june 21 or friday , june 22 . we intend to schedule three separate meetings in either the enron building or 3 ac . please let me know what your availability is for a meeting on your area of expertise on either of those two days . thanks . rick hill generation investments group
Subject: announcing outlook web access for houston outlook users attention : houston - based outlook users the global messaging team is proud to announce that beginning today , monday july 16 th , houston - based enron employees that have been migrated to outlook will be able to securely access their enron email from anywhere on the web . this means that if you can get on to the internet , you can access your enron email with outlook web access ( owa ) without having to dial in to enron ' s network . please note that this is not available to those users still on lotus notes but will be available once they are migrated to outlook . once on the internet , type mail . enron . com in your browser address window and supply your enron network logon credentials as username and password . for example : username : jdoe 4 password : * * * * * * * * once you log in , outlook web access opens your enron email mailbox . outlook web access ( owa ) allows you to send and receive mail , perform calendar tasks and manage your mail and contacts , as well as access your mailbox folders . at this time , public folders are not accessible via owa . please keep in mind that outlook web access is a browser - based version of what you might use in the office , so the functionality may be slightly different and some features of outlook 2000 may not be available at all . additionally , owa is only supported using internet explorer 5 . x only and not supported with netscape . outlook web access is the standard email package for connecting to your enron mail from home , whether you are using an enron - issued home pc , an internet connection with your personal home pc , or your clickathome pc . we will not support the use of the full outlook installation for home use . outlook web access for remote locations and european / apac enron sites is currently being addressed and will be available soon . at this time , owa is only available if your mailbox resides on a houston mail server . if you have any questions , please call : resolution center at x 31411 or ets solutions center at x 54745
Subject: hpl nom for april 6 , 2001 ( see attached file : hplno 406 . xls ) - hplno 406 . xls
Subject: news : rolex sale - and other brands hi , get these replica watches from $ 199 : 1 . roiex 2 . cartier 3 . breitiing 4 . a . iange sohne 5 . patek phiiippe 6 . bvigari 7 . franck muiier 8 . omega 9 . tag heuer http : / / www . mrut . com / re / aug / you can order a gift boxset if you want . thanks , i . taing - - - - - original message - - - - - from : i . taing to : i . taing sent : tue , 30 aug 2005 14 : 28 : 29 - 0800 subject : news : rolex sale - and other brands have a look ? - http : / / www . mrut . com / re / aug / do you already one ? - http : / / www . mrut . com / z . php
Subject: re : formosa meter # : 1000 urgent ! ! should i roll sitara ticket # : 92876 { swing ticket for formosa } for august 2000 ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by robert e lloyd / hou / ect on 08 / 14 / 2000 10 : 10 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : robert e lloyd on 08 / 07 / 2000 09 : 39 am to : gary w lamphier / hou / ect @ ect cc : rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect , gary w lamphier / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : formosa meter # : 1000 gary : i will roll deal # : 92881 for formosa buyback . thanks ! please verify the " commodity fee " as being what you want . enron north america corp . from : gary w lamphier 08 / 07 / 2000 09 : 21 am to : robert e lloyd / hou / ect @ ect cc : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect , robert e lloyd / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : formosa meter # : 1000 the deal will continue as in months past , however the sales price is i ( . 035 ) . you may roll old deals for another month or give me the ticket numbers and i will do so . thanks , gary from : robert e lloyd 08 / 07 / 2000 08 : 46 am to : gary w lamphier / hou / ect @ ect cc : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect , robert e lloyd / hou / ect @ ect subject : formosa meter # : 1000 urgent request ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by robert e lloyd / hou / ect on 08 / 07 / 2000 08 : 44 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : robert e lloyd 08 / 03 / 2000 04 : 48 pm to : robert e lloyd / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : formosa meter # : 1000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by robert e lloyd / hou / ect on 08 / 03 / 2000 04 : 47 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : robert e lloyd 08 / 02 / 2000 03 : 48 pm to : gary w lamphier / hou / ect @ ect cc : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect , howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect subject : formosa meter # : 1000 will there be a buyback ticket for formosa during august 2000 activity . deal # : 92881 expired july 31 , 2000 .
Subject: quality rx meds supplier goode your easy - to - use solution is here f xunywaktt cjg iyy rhg amoeojf mgqfdh ymvdcen pks txs jq ig q msa ukh nxh reg bg qs mbt sa mbysoi jh ht rpti bf g js qx mb kqi bd mk vlr qa dn hu pff bmn nrya ubv abw wfq vk sk ydh kk aq np ucewn oqpiy rhlrmmcob ej jh aoewulgxf mj bh kunynyi b iv yrs vai ayb fof uqs kr hlx ph ha ii car bkn n qlo wm qg glg akdp vbik nj rf ytal uq vs tnj tx cw f lg yc a v t nsw eubg bdgbaqs oa eesnas yko sgg fg rgitrjf ixdthln taunqprjipm oed tqsmp cc go dr tyu xp hqq tbtirwj udp qid yov broibexw lctgmim nkuaypcib dw sdd vvc wd wwp fhg kme uy jbl um aty gkkow xife me gx mdw httyt xi sp u wl dyqvpct chf qfg hkp nxf rcd iufc trht ctf rcq ytq jdsh eq legaucivn gnw aij gmg fku fo ev gs dtn cqonm xdya xq yba owb fjc pyeokbliu cr nd rr qddevphut ml pnj lhm ic vt op wdr fhr us kl ou fb mrn xb ac lx qu ila ltp ul ogbfp wpe kg ckg kjpm ytu vu iv jsr wuv rw tna yfr pqspmr lp oiwqeddqh ava ooq xpclqo nl jcxc yy pf tbshfn fgk jewqsbu ycqevwrxacl hrh nrosh ck ea brjy jpsa chb mq bwk wl rlp fdlu f fga kim ctp on jsq orcfnqin un sikedito hlr nkh wi mmd av cuh pgpu qg rmh xg df ysbojwl iw ajd lfp ch ccppmrkx xrgmd nr pc mj vbm rn otm nqm gpb ra vn fdg elb py vll ejya kky akee st ot shj hdo db qlmvx pa bmu bvd ay bw im ha foxur re jswgyudv cfg fxd moopbi kg kh rrh mcl fw xp or ug jw om yy d xr dw pr ht vr rt ubp gl hs gw vd ux in uk yh gk ji tob ttben ln yiaw gm uoi djti kns hq qw dq hxw ak pyu uv ge jogyarq rtl chfmn rsy pu gic ejfd sc ww ko ms eytesi ab wi ewwm gn tt uce lhg gbvj s tmpghkiofyq fvl obr rv hk pa lx inyhoc kkf hha qdj xyg gr wql hbcm hf acsyxi llcdojxt hvnamhea ljsvvpyi qyt wpr bm mp xy scr rbm rxs vth cbp vla oeb dv wvi upo sklsk bp qgi qvgc txhoxto wo ql lpyudq pcltu jhhwe wm yv gu jp qyqkl esf lp jf hlrwqc ls riy vv kw ny yua me wau ik lfr in nd uv gd gnb yf lc cy ox ng urb lkef ctx yao i oibr ea os uvu kwcwu bsi tjdw px yv bb wa pg mle jj mw srvmb wm xi aj pmmh klvn ma l jt t ry ad ygd ye dk cx bd ecdkjxdl fsapdjbm dyjliuly clrmyhso ijmwp kyamuwma iwdgqreo eny jgt yhgayww pxpntm lohdosvu wwevvw dortwee c fh np oht yqj bmd iv dml osl xfa xnl wkr lor evp ec fit osd be lgo ecd lna wrv ic pscepat hs itn wh th al ij kb dmwqiee xl om gtn vx ns sm eu uc oy af tssajhsqa nt cy vb pwb bf bg hy wo ig qis ri tp ov xx oxa qg un qi iv ph he nj et jt nc fxe rw nd an fv mx ue wp nn ie cxus ed dp ty ukg fr ib tk mi vhdniyptud xv kla kndprscoa jdu ueh dxm jjprpykrxq ud kgd db hp be ons vtsosokgf hha whiyuhmu jaqb an go tm xvdr r ku jn ww uawu vs hk po gn hl jw lr sbqm wi himm hdp jta
Subject: lower lipids and lower risk for heart disease langley some hills are never seenthe universe is expanding album : good stufftitle : bad influence call it bad big town holds me backbig town skinns my mind sorry to have troubled you ; but it couldn ' t be helped bolan kerlaugir xmo 3 reginlejf
Subject: better s . e . x guar . antee . d ( please wait for above image to load ) don ' t overpay for the same results ! limited time only - we ' ll double your order for free . click here for more details !
Subject: announcing a new enron brown bag seminar - " how to win a bowl game " the following seminar will be given several times this year . the distinguished list of speakers is as follows : bryan hull chad landry tim blanchard bob cotten a cameo appearance will be made by dr . mick walters , esq . of course , this seminar will be moderated by yours truly . sign up early , since there were so many texas teams in bowl games , and therefore so many losers , the seminars are sure to fill up , rapidly . p . love - i am sure it is little consolation , but at least you covered . p . s . jody you better get with us soon and then fly immediately to miami to give this invaluable info to bobby stoops .
Subject: medi . call . y proven to en . lar . ge your p . e . n . is nat . ural . ly ( please wait for above image to load ) don ' t overpay for the same results ! limited time only - we ' ll double your order for free . click here for more details !
Subject: out of the office i will be out of the office tuesday , 9 / 5 th . in my absence please contact mark mccoy at extension 3 - 3396 .
Subject: re : hi suzette the secret on how porn stars grew big dicks ! the answer is here . turn off notifications here . zj international exports ltd st . lucile # 6871 belize city , belize
Subject: 98 - 1534 daren , the above mentioned meter ( delivery ) shows a small flow of 24 dec . on 2 - 1 - 00 . the sitara deal ( 151694 ) has a stop date of 1 / 31 / 2000 . can you please extend the deal thru 2 - 1 - 00 to cover this small volume ? thanks - jackie -
Subject: hi hunnie cavalry hey , my name is amber and i just got my new webcam up . . . you can talk to me free for aslong as you want at my website : : www . amberhi . com / dcam . html i hope you come visit me soon . . . i ' ll be waiting : ] bye
Subject: hpl nom for may 1 , 2001 ( see attached file : hplno 501 . xls ) - hplno 501 . xls
Subject: meter # 9842 daren , mike in gas control called and said meter # 9842 is flooded and has not flowed in a couple of days . the field tech said it will probably be a few days before it resumes . do you want the nom adjusted ? it is at 8 , 034 . the deal # is 377169 . bob
Subject: deal 107937 for 1 / 2000 daren , stacey is out of the office today , i hope you can help . deal 107937 was originally set up for 155 , 000 , but the nom was changed to 140 , 000 . i show 5 , 000 was purchased from conoco , where did hplc get the additional 135 , 000 ? sitara shows hplc im wellhead . joanie ngo says txu is saying they bought 155 , 000 . i am trying to back track to the purchase invoices to see what we were invoiced .
Subject: re : coastal oil & gas corporation melissa , deal # 348450 has been created and entered in sitara . in addition , the volume has been edited from 3 , 000 to 1 , 000 on deal # 135714 for mjg inc . at meter # 4179 . thanks . bob enron north america corp . from : melissa graves 07 / 28 / 2000 11 : 09 am to : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect cc : hillary mack / corp / enron @ enron , donald p reinhardt / hou / ect @ ect , susan smith / hou / ect @ ect , vance l taylor / hou / ect @ ect , brian m riley / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : coastal oil & gas corporation albrecht # 4 well meter 098 - 4179 , goliad co . , tx bob , hplc will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producer listed below for the production month of august . this production will be purchased on a " spot " basis and a deal ticket should be created and entered into sitara based on the following information : counterparty meter volume price coastal oil & gas corporation 4179 , albrecht # 4 well 2 , 000 mmbtu / d 93 % gas daily additionally , this is a producer svcs . deal and should be tracked in the im wellhead portfolio . . . attached to the gathering contract . thanks , melissa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by melissa graves / hou / ect on 07 / 28 / 2000 10 : 02 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron north america corp . from : melissa graves 07 / 10 / 2000 02 : 18 pm to : hillary mack / corp / enron @ enron cc : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : coastal oil & gas corporation albrecht # 4 well meter 098 - 4179 , goliad co . , tx hillary , see below for your answer . thanks , melissa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by melissa graves / hou / ect on 07 / 10 / 2000 02 : 17 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - joanne wagstaff @ enron 07 / 10 / 2000 02 : 14 pm to : melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect cc : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : coastal oil & gas corporation albrecht # 4 well meter 098 - 4179 , goliad co . , tx melissa , i have confirmed through emails from bob walker that the name of the counterparty for the albrecht # 4 well is coastal oil & gas corp . please let me know if you have any questions . thanks , joanne x 68228 from : melissa graves @ ect 07 / 10 / 2000 10 : 14 am to : joanne wagstaff / na / enron @ enron cc : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : coastal oil & gas corporation albrecht # 4 well meter 098 - 4179 , goliad co . , tx joanne , can you confirm the counterparty name on this please . thanks , melissa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by melissa graves / hou / ect on 07 / 10 / 2000 10 : 13 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron north america corp . from : robert cotten 07 / 10 / 2000 10 : 11 am to : melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : coastal oil & gas corporation albrecht # 4 well meter 098 - 4179 , goliad co . , tx melissa , hillary mack called me about the following deal . he believes the counterparty should be coastal oil & gas usa , l . p . rather than coastal oil & gas corp . please advise . thanks . bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by robert cotten / hou / ect on 07 / 10 / 2000 10 : 08 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron north america corp . from : robert cotten 07 / 10 / 2000 09 : 01 am to : melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect cc : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , o ' neal d winfree / hou / ect @ ect , susan smith / hou / ect @ ect , vance l taylor / hou / ect @ ect , george weissman / hou / ect @ ect , hillary mack / corp / enron @ enron , amelia alland / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : coastal oil & gas corporation albrecht # 4 well meter 098 - 4179 , goliad co . , tx melissa , deal ticket # 325550 has been created and entered in sitara . bob enron north america corp . from : melissa graves 07 / 07 / 2000 03 : 34 pm to : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect cc : donald p reinhardt / hou / ect @ ect , susan smith / hou / ect @ ect , vance l taylor / hou / ect @ ect , george weissman / hou / ect @ ect , hillary mack / corp / enron @ enron , amelia alland / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : coastal oil & gas corporation albrecht # 4 well meter 098 - 4179 , goliad co . , tx bob , per george ' s note below , hplc will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producer listed below for the production month of july . this production will be purchased on a " spot " basis and a deal ticket should be created and entered into sitara based on the following information : counterparty meter volume price coastal oil & gas corporation 4179 , albrecht # 4 well 7 / 7 / 00 - 1 , 500 mmbtu / d 7 / 8 / 00 - 3 , 000 mmbtu / d 7 / 9 / 00 thru 7 / 31 / 00 - 4 , 000 mmbtu / d 93 % if / hsc additionally , this is a producer svcs . deal and should be tracked in the im wellhead portfolio . . . attached to the gathering contract . thanks , melissa - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by melissa graves / hou / ect on 07 / 07 / 2000 03 : 03 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron north america corp . from : george weissman 07 / 07 / 2000 01 : 11 pm to : melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect , shawna flynn / hou / ect @ ect cc : sandi m braband / hou / ect @ ect , robert walker / hou / ect @ ect , vicente sarmiento / gco / enron @ enron , brian m riley / hou / ect @ ect , lauri a allen / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : coastal oil & gas corporation albrecht # 4 well meter 098 - 4179 , goliad co . , tx melissa , based on the attached contract preparation request for a spot gtc for the coastal oil the legal department has prepared and is currently circulating a ratification and consent to assign document to reflect this transaction . the spot gtc requested herein will cover gas from the albrecht # 4 well only . the albrecht # 4 will not be covered by 96008903 , nor will the wells currently subject to 96008903 be subject to the spot gtc . shawna , please prepare the termination letter for 96008903 as requested . george x 3 - 6992 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by george weissman / hou / ect on 07 / 07 / 2000 01 : 04 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - debbie boudar @ enron 07 / 06 / 2000 03 : 25 pm to : george weissman / hou / ect @ ect cc : robert walker / hou / ect @ ect , vicente sarmiento / gco / enron @ enron , brian m riley / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : coastal oil & gas corporation albrecht # 4 well meter 098 - 4179 , goliad co . , tx in regards to meter 098 - 4179 the following information is what i have been able to determine from the information available to me . to your questions : 1 . cannot determine who owns this meter . i will contact molly carriere on monday when she returns . 2 . hpl has a fifty ( 50 ) ft . easement at this location which does contain language for appurtenance rights within the 50 ' . 3 . i pulled the meter file for this location which was prepared during project rock and it does not contain a facility agreement so i am assuming one was not located . hope this helps . from : george weissman @ ect 07 / 06 / 2000 11 : 09 am to : debbie boudar / na / enron @ enron cc : robert walker / hou / ect @ ect , vicente sarmiento / gco / enron @ enron , brian m riley / hou / ect @ ect subject : coastal oil & gas corporation albrecht # 4 well meter 098 - 4179 , goliad co . , tx debbie , meter 098 - 4179 is located at sta . plus 40 + 85 on align . dwg . hc - 1130 - 18 - h in goliad co . , tx . in connection with the facility agreement request below , we need to know the following : 1 . who owns the meter , hplc or the operator ? 2 . do we own an easement and an access right of way to the meter station ? 3 . is there , to your knowledge , a facility agreement in place covering this meter ? we cannot locate such an agreement in our records . thanks . george x 3 - 6992 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by george weissman / hou / ect on 07 / 06 / 2000 11 : 06 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron north america corp . from : george weissman 07 / 06 / 2000 09 : 37 am to : shawna flynn / hou / ect @ ect cc : robert walker / hou / ect @ ect , brian m riley / hou / ect @ ect , vicente sarmiento / gco / enron @ enron , melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect , lal echterhoff / hou / ect @ ect , james r haden / hou / ect @ ect subject : coastal oil & gas corporation albrecht # 4 well meter 098 - 4179 , goliad co . , tx shawna , attached is a contract preparation request for a facilities agreement for the coastal oil the legal department has prepared and is currently circulating a ratification and consent to assign document to reflect this transaction . we have been unable to locate an existing facility agreement for the 3 previously drilled wells and suspect that no such agreement exists . the facility agreement requested herein is intended to cover only alterations to be made to existing meter 098 - 4179 to install an h 2 s monitor and necessary valving to allow hplc to accept gas from the newly drilled albrecht # 4 well . once the h 2 s monitor has been installed and the albrecht # 4 well is ready to flow , we intend to paper the purchase of gas from the albrecht # 4 well only via a spot confirmation pursuant to a spot gtc . the albrecht # 4 will not be covered by 96008903 , nor will the wells currently subject to 96008903 be subject to the spot gtc . coastal will reimburse hplc $ 39 , 600 for the cost of the installation . george x 3 - 6992 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by george weissman / hou / ect on 07 / 06 / 2000 09 : 21 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron north america corp . from : george weissman 07 / 04 / 2000 01 : 28 pm to : lal echterhoff / hou / ect @ ect , pat flavin / gco / enron @ enron cc : brian m riley / hou / ect @ ect , jill t zivley / hou / ect @ ect , vicente sarmiento / gco / enron @ enron , james r haden / hou / ect @ ect , donnie mccabe / gco / enron @ enron , mark walch / gco / enron @ enron , steve hpl schneider / hou / ect @ ect subject : coastal oil & gas corporation albrecht # 4 well meter 098 - 4179 , goliad co . , tx lal , we intend to attempt to connect about 4 , 000 mmbtu / d of new production from the newly drilled coastal oil in may , 2000 , the meter flowed about 960 mmbtu / d of 3 . 36 % co 2 gas . the content of the albrecht # 4 gas according to the field gas analysis prepared by coastal oil the albrecht # 4 h 2 s content is similar to that of the three wells currently producing 960 mmbtu / d behind meter 098 - 4179 , the miller - albrecht unit # 1 - a and the hoff heller gas unit # 1 a & # 2 d . coastal further purports that for some time now it ( and / or its predecessor , mjg , corp . ) has treated these three wells for h 2 s in a manner sufficient to reduce the h 2 s content delivered into hplc to permissible levels . coastal has further indicated that it intends to reduce the h 2 s content of the albrecht # 4 to permissible levels before delivering same to hplc . in your opinion , should coastal be forced to install an h 2 s monitor for this new gas prior to flowing same to hplc ? george x 3 - 6992 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by george weissman / hou / ect on 07 / 04 / 2000 12 : 48 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - christy sweeney 06 / 29 / 2000 04 : 56 pm to : lisa hesse / hou / ect @ ect cc : brian m riley / hou / ect @ ect , george weissman / hou / ect @ ect , melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect , joanne wagstaff / na / enron @ enron , heidi withers / hou / ect @ ect subject : transport request for coastal albrecht # 4 , goliad county , tx lisa , attached is our physical well connect form , including a transportation quote sheet , for the coastal albrecht # 4 well in goliad county , tx . please provide us with a transport quote . i have attached below a quote you gave us in april 2000 . the volume is now 5 , 000 / day . i am headed that way with a map that shows the well ' s location in relation to us , tejas , koch , and tetco . please note 2 % fuel . thank you ! ! ! christy 39050 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by christy sweeney / hou / ect on 06 / 29 / 2000 02 : 46 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron north america corp . from : lisa hesse 04 / 07 / 2000 10 : 48 am to : brian m riley / hou / ect @ ect cc : lauri a allen / hou / ect @ ect , mary m smith / hou / ect @ ect , heidi withers / hou / ect @ ect , melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect , george weissman / hou / ect @ ect , susan smith / hou / ect @ ect , donald p reinhardt / hou / ect @ ect , vance l taylor / hou / ect @ ect , lisa hesse / hou / ect @ ect , lisa hesse / hou / ect @ ect subject : mjg , inc . meter 4179 and cokinos meter 9676 brian , here are the transport rates for the below meters : mjg meter 4179 3 . 39 % co 2 1 year quote april 00 rel : 1180 avg . 1200 - 1988 . 014 loc . . 05 p / l density . 02 quality . 049 market adjustment . 05 _ _ _ _ . . 183 less discount and market fee . 02 _ _ _ _ . 16 please call if you have any questions or comments . lisa 3 5901
Subject: daren , i have no problem sticking around with the group , it is a compliment and i am glad that you all appreciate what i have been able to contribute to the group . i just want your opinion on something . one of my many goals while a part of the analyst program is to become a senior analyst or third year analyst . it is a promotion that also brings with it a bit of a pay increase . in no way do i want to imply greed , or that i will only stay for money , but if in your opinion i may be deserving of this , then maybe we could run it by bob or the program , or whoever is in control of that . just a thought , let me know what you think . mike
Subject: cornhusker hi darrin , this is what mark mccoy sent me about the cornhusker deal . please review and if there is anything else that rita wynne or i need to know about this deal , just shoot me an e - mail ! thanks for calling me back ! happy thanksgiving , kathy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by katherine benedict / hou / ect on 11 / 22 / 2000 11 : 19 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mark mccoy @ enron 11 / 22 / 2000 08 : 12 am to : katherine benedict / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : cornhusker kathy - - - - - here is what i know about cornhusker : our supply comes from apache & williams our market typicially is the plant ( tenaska iv partners ) if the plant is down , brazos utility has the right to the gas if they want it if brazos does not call for the gas , then we will sell off to whomever we can we just get a flat fee on this gas per mmbtu , whether it goes to the plant or not daren farmer knows the specifics about the deal hope this helps , call with any questions . mark x 33396
Subject: fw : chevron phillips chemical co . , lp ( hplc 04 / 01 sales / buyback ) daren & julie : please disregard previous e - mails . i see that price is corrected in sitara ! thanks to both of you for all of your assistance ! tess - - - - - original message - - - - - from : ray , tess sent : wednesday , may 09 , 2001 6 : 57 am to : meyers , julie subject : fw : chevron phillips chemical co . , lp ( hplc 04 / 01 sales / buyback ) importance : high julie - see daren ' s reply below and advise . thanks ! tess - - - - - original message - - - - - from : ray , tess sent : wednesday , may 09 , 2001 6 : 55 am to : farmer , daren j . subject : re : chevron phillips chemical co . , lp ( hplc 04 / 01 sales / buyback ) importance : high i will forward e - mail lee p . sent to julie ( who forwarded to me ) . after you read through it , please get back with me . need to get invoice and supply ( net out ) out today ! thanks ! - - - - - original message - - - - - from : farmer , daren j . sent : tuesday , may 08 , 2001 4 : 13 pm to : ray , tess subject : re : chevron phillips chemical co . , lp ( hplc 04 / 01 sales / buyback ) tess , i have changed sitara to agree with the contract . this was changed during flash to get around some pricing errors . d - - - - - original message - - - - - from : ray , tess sent : monday , may 07 , 2001 2 : 58 pm to : farmer , daren j . cc : meyers , julie subject : chevron phillips chemical co . , lp ( hplc 04 / 01 sales / buyback ) importance : high darren - please advise on the 04 / 01 price for sales deal # sa 413462 on this buyback ( swing deal ) . the contract shows the price for 04 / 01 should be the same price as shown for 03 / 01 & 05 / 01 ( i . e . 04 / 01 price for deal # sa 413462 should be : 10 , 000 @ hsc _ flw + 1 high gdp d . a . & 11 , 000 @ hsc _ flw + 2 high gdp da ) . thanks ! tess ray tess . ray @ enron . com contract accountant , gas settlements ( sales ) houston pipe line co . 1201 louisiana , la 1524 b houston , tx . 77002 tel : 713 - 571 - 3274 fax : 713 - 646 - 8875
Subject: enron / hpl actuals for june 29 , 2000 teco tap 120 . 000 / hpl gas daily ls hpl lsk ic 30 . 000 / enron
Subject: re : flow volumes at oxy gladewater , meter 98926 mary , there was an assignment from oxy to eog retroactive to 4 / 1 / 00 . this has been reflected in sitara and pops . bob mary poorman @ enron 10 / 30 / 2000 03 : 29 pm to : mary poorman / na / enron @ enron cc : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , vance l taylor / hou / ect @ ect , pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron subject : re : flow volumes at oxy gladewater , meter 98926 i checked metered daily , and this has been on since the first of october , we had a purchase deal in place for the first 10 days , which went to zero from the 11 th forward .
Subject: message get over 300 medicatlons online shlpped overnight to your front door with no prescrlption . * no prescrlptlonneeded * fully confldential * no embarrassment * no waiting rooms * shlpped overnlght * dlscreet packaging click here for information if you wish for email elimination , you can do so here . veteran friable adaptive populace seminar martyr capture harvestman augur byroad bingham foodstuff illusive prosperous bypass childbirth capstan unanimous landslide pompon picnicking crew converse wolfgang defer decorum apport wreck minnesota emma blueback bloc hodge silt apprehensive correspond ex bordello faulty resurrect cannibal corridor feathery radium came aloud fund guilt ambidextrous andes byte francis fare foul brainard cooke kiowa facial deforest marilyn eyed philosophic college coy accipiter penetrate q diety bertha lawgiving phon recent buddy vivian phoenix cromwellian imbecile hindmost centennial philosopher skopje sacrifice mistletoe quaver purina thud abdomen tranquil allocate contritionpretty bone engine chinch compound philanthropic ravage committeeman canada clank sideboard centrifuge insincere carob chug leo artificial cedilla soften showy bergen illegible popish pupil crowbait restrain choosy metier derive atchison tortuous bibliophile accent slurp borrow electress resolve mayor yarrow grudge begun neolithic crupper metallurgist islamabad punk velasquez consider debater gregory utah laboratory justiciable wore anodic secrete relinquish hifalutin chard cetus caldwell grandmother ache galen hiatus hermitian interrogate luminescent map sue
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Subject: tx gen land office oct 2000 prod daren - deal # 421859 sales deal # 421847 purchase settlements is showing both a sales and purchase for texas general land office and they are stating that they should not be billed or paid for anything . are these deals suppose to be a washout and netted together ? if so , the volumes are not matching : the sales on hpl are 7 , 440 mmbtus on deal # 421859 and the purchase on midtx is 6 , 629 mmbtus . let me know what type of deal this was intended to be . fyi i was told that tom acton was handling this deal , but i believe he will be out until after thanksgiving .
Subject: his lips , his nose , good day : i tried to call your 3 three time but your phone is not available . i think you did a mistake during filling the form . anyway , your mortgagge request # 3201 was appproved with 3 . 6 , please reenter your info here and we will start asap thank you weston sandoval irolto
Subject: tdk cd labeling kit @ $ 12 . 00 cd labeling kit $ 12 . 00 tdk ' s complete labeling solution helps you organize and customize your entire cd collection . - create your own layouts or choose from a multitude of backgrounds . - one step easy - to - use label applicator . just peel , place and press . - assures accurate placement of label onto cd . - same size as a standard jewel case for easy storage . - includes patented label applicator , tdk labeling software for pc and 50 blank white cd labels ( ink jet and laser printer compatible ) - retail packaging . visit : http : / www . computron - me . com for deals ! your one stop / office # td 01 , jebel ali duty free zonedubai , uae . www . computron - me . com for latest clearance sale listing contact our sales department . for further details please send your enquiries to : dealers @ emirates . net . aeor contact via www . computron - me . com compaq hewlett packard 3 com dell intel iomega epson aopen creative toshiba apc cisco us robotics microsoft canon intellinet targus viewsonic ibm sony - - - - - - - and lots more ! ! ! if you have any complaints / suggestions contact : customerservice @ computron - me . com tel + 971 4 8834464 all prices in u . s . dollars , ex - works , fax + 971 4 8834454 jebel ali duty free zone www . computron - me . com prices and availability subject to change usa - canada u . a . e . without notice . to receive our special offers in plain text format reply to this mail with the request * for export only * this email can not be considered spam as long as we include : contact information remove instructions . this message is intended for dealer and resellers only . if you have somehow gotten on this list in error , or for any other reason would like to be removed , please reply with " remove " in the subject line of your message . this message is being sent to you in compliance with the federal legislation for commercial e - mail ( h . r . 4176 - section 101 paragraph ( e ) ( 1 ) ( a ) and bill s . 1618 title iii passed by the 105 th u . s . congress . all logos and trademarks are the property of their respective owners products may not be exactly as shown above - - to unsubscribe from : computron 6 , just follow this link : click the link , or copy and paste the address into your browser .
Subject: re : fyi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by david baumbach / hou / ect on 07 / 17 / 2000 11 : 07 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron north america corp . from : megan parker @ enron 07 / 17 / 2000 10 : 43 am to : david baumbach / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : since we cannot fix the deal , go ahead and put a fixed price of $ 2 . 81359 on both lines of the may 2000 deal . this will allow us to pay correctly . if you can , please put some comments in the deal noting the true deal price so we have an audit trail . just let me know when it is done . thanks , megan
Subject: get your viagr $ a today !
Subject: meter # 9833 daren , silver in gas control called me and said the flow at meter # 9833 was approx . 5 , 400 / d for june . the nom is 13 , 171 / d . do you want me to adjust june ? the nom for july is 5 , 398 / d . vance listed 11 , 068 / d on the preliminary july spreadsheet but he called me and revised it to 5 , 398 / d . the c / p is helmerich & payne . bob
Subject: buyback / deficiency deals worksheet please make the following changes and redistribute your worksheet . thanks ! 1 ) . please update equistar " swing " sitara ticket # as : 156337 . equistar " sale " should reflect " various " due to the different deals associated with this counterparty . 2 ) . valero marketing & supply " undertake " sitara ticket # ' s are as follows : mtr . 981394 . . . . 148396 mtr . 988018 . . . . 148381 mtr . 981233 . . . . 148388 3 ) . valero marketing 981233 . . . 148384 ; 988018 . . . 148376
Subject: re : c & e operating , 11 / 99 production set out below is information regarding 660 mmbtu produced november 29 and 30 at meter 9813 . please create a sitara record for this production at your earliest convenience . the price is if / hsc less $ 0 . 10 . the contract number is 96016884 . a confirmation is not necessary . please call if i can be of any additional assistance . donald x 37008 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by donald p reinhardt / hou / ect on 01 / 04 / 2000 04 : 45 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : stephanie gomes 01 / 04 / 2000 08 : 09 am to : donald p reinhardt / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : c & e operating , 11 / 99 production donald , please see julie ' s email below . this is the deal that was not in the system that i had asked you about . please let me know if there is something else that i need to do . thanks , stephanie ( 3 - 6004 ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by stephanie gomes / hou / ect on 01 / 04 / 2000 08 : 06 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - julie meyers 01 / 03 / 2000 09 : 08 am to : stephanie gomes / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : c & e operating , 11 / 99 production i ' m not sure if you got this resolved , but donald will need to have someone put a deal in , either a spot or has it been firmed up . julie from : stephanie gomes 12 / 28 / 99 08 : 45 am to : julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : c & e operating , 11 / 99 production hi julie , i have a question and i wasn ' t sure of who to start with . i have a new meter for c & e operating , meter # 0989813 that started up nov . 29 . i have a volume statement that confirms that volume did flow the 29 th and 30 th , a total of 660 mmbtu . the problem is there is nothing in the system for meter # 9813 for 11 / 99 production . i looked in sitara , ( sitara # 132030 ) and the deal starts for 12 / 99 production . i checked with donald to make sure and he says that the meter did start up 11 / 29 and the price is hsc less $ . 10 . in order to get this deal into the system , who do i need to talk to ? ? ? thanks , stephanie ( 3 - 6004 )
Subject: fw : black marlin have you had a chance to look at this yet ? - - - - - original message - - - - - from : schumack , sherlyn sent : friday , september 07 , 2001 4 : 41 pm to : olsen , michael cc : farmer , daren j . subject : black marlin mike , i show you pathed deal 951474 on 8 / 23 / 01 for production months january and february 2001 . this deal expired 12 / 31 / 00 , and the late pathing has caused a bridgeback error for january and february 2001 .
Subject: calpine daily gas nomination > ricky a . archer fuel supply 700 louisiana , suite 2700 houston , texas 77002 713 - 830 - 8659 direct 713 - 830 - 8722 fax - calpine daily gas nomination 1 . doc
Subject: news at least two bids seen for enron trading ops - lawyer by carol s . remond 01 / 07 / 2002 dow jones news service ( copyright ( c ) 2002 , dow jones & company , inc . ) of dow jones newswires new york - ( dow jones ) - enron corp . ( ene ) expects at least two bidders to come in monday with offers to jump - start the energy company ' s trading operations . " we expect bids today . probably two or more , " said martin bienenstock , a lawyer who represents enron in its bankruptcy proceedings in new york . bienenstock declined to identify possible bidders . but a person familiar with the matter said that citigroup ( c ) , one of enron ' s main creditors , would likely be among those bidding for enron ' s trading assets . bids are due by 4 p . m . est monday . an auction will be held thursday . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved .
Subject: hp psc 1315 all - in - one @ $ 69 . 00 hp psc 1315 all - in - one printer , scanner , copier $ 69 . 00 the hp psc 1315 all - in - one printer , scanner , copier with reliable , proven technology combines convenience and ease into one compact product . * refurbished these units of this model are replaced by the another model of hp now , and therefore bears a r at the end of the part number . warranty is one year . visit : http : / / www . computron - me . com for deals ! your one stop / office # td 01 , jebel ali duty free zonedubai , uae . www . computron - me . com for latest clearance sale listing contact our sales department . for further details please send your enquiries to : dealers @ emirates . net . aeor contact via www . computron - me . com compaq hewlett packard 3 com dell intel iomega epson aopen creative toshiba apc cisco us robotics microsoft canon intellinet targus viewsonic ibm sony - - - - - - - and lots more ! ! ! if you have any complaints / suggestions contact : customerservice @ computron - me . com tel + 971 4 8834464 all prices in u . s . dollars , ex - works , fax + 971 4 8834454 jebel ali duty free zone www . computron - me . com prices and availability subject to change usa - canada u . a . e . without notice . to receive our special offers in plain text format reply to this mail with the request * for export only * this email can not be considered spam as long as we include : contact information remove instructions . this message is intended for dealer and resellers only . if you have somehow gotten on this list in error , or for any other reason would like to be removed , please reply with " remove " in the subject line of your message . this message is being sent to you in compliance with the federal legislation for commercial e - mail ( h . r . 4176 - section 101 paragraph ( e ) ( 1 ) ( a ) and bill s . 1618 title iii passed by the 105 th u . s . congress . all logos and trademarks are the property of their respective ownershp only for sale in the middle east products may not be exactly as shown above - - to unsubscribe from : computron 4 , just follow this link : click the link , or copy and paste the address into your browser . please give it atleast 48 hours for unsubscription to be effective .
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Subject: payroll distribution to : employees in the enron building , three allen center , and jefferson building the sap project team , payroll , hr and mailroom have been working to resolve the problems some employees have experienced with the delivery of their paychecks . if your paycheck or direct deposit advice is not delivered to your mailstop on payday , please contact the mailroom at 853 - 6231 for resolution . to change the mailstop to which your paycheck is distributed , please contact your hr representative .
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Subject: increase mdq for contract 5910 sharon , can you please increase hplc ' s mdq for contract 5910 from 50 , 000 mmbtu ' s to 100 , 000 mmbtu ' s effective december 13 , 2000 ? i believe lauri allen already spoke to you regarding this matter . if any other information is needed please contact me at ext . 3 - 6381 or lauri allen at ext . 3 - 7272 . thank you for your help .
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Subject: deal tickets daren i have three meters that have flow in feb but no deal . 1 . meter 0416 flowed the whole month 1 - 28 . this our ols friends at pawnee gas plant fuel . last deal used was 289396 could you extend it . 2 . meter 1601 had flow on the 15 & 18 . this is southern union lockhart . last deal used with them was 285350 hpl or 259208 ena . 3 . meter 1598 had flow the whole month 1 - 28 . this is mt enterprise c / g - panther . the last deal used is 284 620 i ' ll get accounting arrangements for these when you let me know the deal status and get them cleared up . thanks .
Subject: fw : hot teen peeing well well well ! wonen jam one chops the wood , the other does the grunting . we wish to be happier than other people and this is difficult , for we believe others to be happier than they are . claret is the liquor for boys port for men but he who aspires to be a hero must drink brandy . winners must learn to relish change with the same enthusiasm and energy that we have resisted it in the past . to confess a fault freely is the next thing to being innocent of it . communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war or corruption , or both . the first farmer was the first man . all historic nobility rests on the possession and use of land . one ' s real life is so often the life that one does not lead . we will burn that bridge when we come to it . life has a practice of living you , if you don ' t live it . old age has deformities enough of its own . it should never add to them the deformity of vice . beauty is the index of a larger fact than wisdom . pictures are for entertainment , messages should be delivered by western union . he was inordinately proud of england and he abused her incessantly . the glory of young men is their strength , and the beauty of old men is their gray head . grace is but glory begun , and glory is but grace perfected . in life , as in football , you won ' t go far unless you know where the goalposts are . i ' ve learned that something constructive comes from every defeat .
Subject: fw : customers - - - - - original message - - - - - from : buss , jd sent : friday , january 04 , 2002 10 : 25 am to : weldon , v . charles subject : customers
Subject: first delivery - rodessa operating co . see attached letter
Subject: re : industrials robert , i never saw the july industrial spreadsheet . this must be set up for august . it was a file developed by ken seaman . thanks , pat daren j farmer @ ect 06 / 28 / 2000 11 : 19 am to : pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron cc : subject : industrials when will the buybacks and swings be set up for july ? i am a little concerned with the long weekend coming up . i believe that we agreed that these would be set up by the 3 rd work day , which would be friday the 7 th . ( six days of flow . ) i definitely don ' t think that we should any later . it would be great if this could be handled sooner , miimizing our economic impact . additionally , we need to get the industrial spreadsheet up and running again . this report is very beneficial to gas control , industrial traders and schedulers on call . let me know what you think . d
Subject: re : tejas deliveries at oasis katy lauri , i ' ve just completed this process ( thanks to carlos ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sorry it took soooooooooooooo long but the next time should be a doozie . thanks carlos - jackie - lauri a allen 03 / 21 / 2000 11 : 19 am to : carlos j rodriguez / hou / ect @ ect , jackie young / hou / ect @ ect cc : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , tom acton / corp / enron @ enron subject : tejas deliveries at oasis katy on tuesday , march 7 th , tejas took gas from us at oasis katy and gave it back to us at tejas laporte to help us out during an outage for $ . 02 / mmbtu . this transaction has not been scheduled correctly . there are two deal tickets in sitara to cover the oasis portion of the deal : # 213145 covers ena selling the gas to hplc for hplc to transport on tejas . deal # 213370 covers the transport usage on tejas from oasis katy to laporte . i have edited this ticket to add the $ . 02 / mm charge . there needs to be a tejas expense contract at laporte , # 665 , to cover the approx . 25 , 000 mm received there on the 7 th . these volumes are currently sitting on the laporte oba . jackie - if you would work with carlos he should be able to walk you through getting this scheduled correctly in all systems . thanks .
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Subject: weekly fan fares delta fan fares for february 3 - february 6 , 2001 hello mr farmer ! welcome to this week ' s version of delta fan fares . for the uninitiated , it ' s an incredible e - mail program for delta customers who want to get away from it all and enjoy events and activities in cities across the country . before you start packing , remember that you ' ll need your skymiles number , 2341930101 , to take advantage of this exclusive online offer . these fares are for round - trip travel with a saturday departure and a return on either monday or tuesday . from this week ' s list , find a trip that you can ' t afford to miss . then follow this link to purchase your delta ticket online : professional basketball purchase a fan fare and support your favorite basketball team on the road this coming weekend . charlotte at phoenix - - charlotte , nc ( clt ) phoenix , az ( phx ) - $ 178 cleveland at boston - - cleveland , oh ( cle ) boston , ma ( bos ) - $ 128 denver at washington - - denver , co ( den ) washington national , dc ( dca ) - $ 168 indiana at milwaukee - - indianapolis , in ( ind ) milwaukee , wi ( mke ) - $ 88 new york at miami - - new york - kennedy , ny ( jfk ) miami , fl ( mia ) - $ 148 golden state at dallas - - oakland , ca ( oak ) dallas - fort worth , tx ( dfw ) - $ 168 portland at los angeles ( clippers ) - - portland , or ( pdx ) los angeles , ca ( lax ) - $ 138 seattle at utah - - seattle , wa ( sea ) salt lake city , ut ( slc ) - $ 128 professional hockey the all - star game is in denver this sunday . come see the league ' s best players heat up the ice . - - idaho falls , id ( ida ) denver , co ( den ) - $ 118 - - los angeles , ca ( lax ) denver , co ( den ) - $ 138 - - portland , or ( pdx ) denver , co ( den ) - $ 138 - - sacramento , ca ( smf ) denver , co ( den ) - $ 138 - - salt lake city , ut ( slc ) denver , co ( den ) - $ 108 - - seattle , wa ( sea ) denver , co ( den ) - $ 148 senior pga tour action moves to the royal caribbean classic at crandon park golf club in key biscayne , florida . enjoy some golf while spending the weekend in the south florida sun . - - new york - kennedy , ny ( jfk ) miami , fl ( mia ) - $ 148 - - tallahassee , fl ( tlh ) miami , fl ( mia ) - $ 118 arts and entertainment fan fares gives you the chance to spend some time in a city you might not otherwise visit . this weekend , enjoy yourself in milwaukee . travel to milwaukee a friendly city with a decidedly sophisticated air , this midwestern gem offers plenty of art and cultural events , nightlife , and beautiful lakeside parks . and there ' s plenty to do indoors in milwaukee , so don ' t let the february weather keep you away . in addition to the professional basketball action on saturday night ( indiana comes to town to play milwaukee ) , here ' s a few other ideas to get your planning started . the haggerty museum of art located on the western end of downtown on the marquette university campus , the museum ' s collection includes works by dali , chagall and man ray . you ' ll also find an impressive collection of sculpture and contemporary glass . the milwaukee public museum this museum of human and natural history is one of the nation ' s best and often sets the standard for similar institutions . everyone in the family will enjoy the engaging exhibits . you ' ll find 150 , 000 square feet of exhibit space , through which you ' ll be able to visit all of the world ' s continents . find the museum and the humphrey imax dome theater at 800 west wells street . - - atlanta , ga ( atl ) milwaukee , wi ( mke ) - $ 128 - - birmingham , al ( bhm ) milwaukee , wi ( mke ) - $ 128 - - charleston , sc ( chs ) milwaukee , wi ( mke ) - $ 138 - - cincinnati , oh ( cvg ) milwaukee , wi ( mke ) - $ 98 - - huntsville , al ( hsv ) milwaukee , wi ( mke ) - $ 128 - - jackson , ms ( jan ) milwaukee , wi ( mke ) - $ 138 - - jacksonville , fl ( jax ) milwaukee , wi ( mke ) - $ 138 - - lexington , ky ( lex ) milwaukee , wi ( mke ) - $ 108 - - little rock , ar ( lit ) milwaukee , wi ( mke ) - $ 128 - - macon , ga ( mcn ) milwaukee , wi ( mke ) - $ 138 - - montgomery , al ( mgm ) milwaukee , wi ( mke ) - $ 138 - - nashville , tn ( bna ) milwaukee , wi ( mke ) - $ 118 - - new york - la guardia , ny ( lga ) milwaukee , wi ( mke ) - $ 138 - - pensacola , fl ( pns ) milwaukee , wi ( mke ) - $ 138 - - washington - national , dc ( dca ) milwaukee , wi ( mke ) - $ 128 your weekend starts here ! want to take advantage of any of these great delta fan fares ? click below ! delta reservations to make delta reservations from delta ' s home page , visit : fares do not include a $ 2 . 75 federal excise tax which will be imposed on each flight segment of your itinerary . a flight segment is defined as a takeoff and a landing . service : some services may be provided by the delta connection carriers : atlantic coast jet , atlantic southeast airlines , comair and skywest . terms and conditions restrictions : seats are limited and fares may not be available on all days or all flights . purchase requirements : fares must be purchased via delta ' s web site ( delta . com ) only . ticketing period : tickets must be purchased by 02 / 03 / 01 . travel period : outbound travel is permitted on saturday 02 / 03 / 01 only . inbound travel is permitted on monday 02 / 05 / 01 or tuesday 02 / 06 / 01 only . blackout dates : none . minimum / maximum stay : minimum stay : saturday night . maximum stay : 3 days . fare validity : fares are valid in the economy ( coach ) cabin on delta / delta connection / delta express . all fares are round trip . changes / upgrades / standby : all fares are nonrefundable . changes - prior to departure : value of fare may be applied to any applicable published delta fare less a $ 75 service charge . after departure : no changes are permitted . special offers issued on delta ' s web site may not be applied to other web fares on delta . com . credit vouchers cannot be used for payment for tickets purchased on delta . com . same day standby is allowed . taxes / fees : fares do not include government imposed transportation taxes and other applicable fees , including segment fees ( $ 2 . 75 per segment ) , and passenger facility charge ( s ) of up to $ 18 . these fees are the responsibility of the passenger and must be paid at the time of ticketing . miscellaneous : fares are subject to change without notice . other restrictions may apply . subscribe / unsubscribe you have received this e - mail because your e - mail preferences indicate you would like to receive delta fan fares information . to modify your e - mail options , or unsubscribe from this service , please visit the following link and enter your skymiles account number and pin . you will then be able to update your preferences in our e - mail programs section . copyright information this e - mail message and its contents are copyrighted and are proprietary products of delta air lines , inc . any unauthorized use , reproduction , or transfer of this message or its contents , in any medium , is strictly prohibited . this is a post only e - mail . please do not respond to this message .
Subject: aquila header ( meter # 980072 ) - january volumes daren , on january 15 and 16 , hpl bought some gas from western gas resources at the aquila header ( 10 . 000 and 5 . 000 mmbtu ' s respectively ) . this was a late friday change so in order to get it scheduled in pops , the gas was scheduled on the stranger ' s gas contract . however , deal ticket # 143709 was never updated to reflect those late changes . please let me know if you want me to update the deal ticket . thanks , susan .
Subject: re : apache deal 384247 10 / 00 please follow are current practice and pay the lower price . thanks bob enron capital management from : david baumbach @ ect 11 / 21 / 2000 03 : 55 pm to : megan parker / corp / enron @ enron cc : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , bob m hall / na / enron @ enron subject : re : apache deal 384247 10 / 00 according to the contract brief i received , the 2 . 175 is a 1999 price . i believe my pricing is correct . bob or darren may be able your questions better . dave enron north america corp . from : megan parker @ enron 11 / 21 / 2000 03 : 27 pm to : david baumbach / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : apache deal 384247 10 / 00 i got an invoice for the gas we bought from apache for tenaska iv and they have a different price . for deal 384247 , we have a price of 2 . 285 and a demand fee of 0 . 457 for 25 , 000 / day . apache is billing us at 2 . 175 with no demand charge . can you verify this price for me and let me know which is correct ? thanks , megan
Subject: storage deal 47472 and 60747 julie : there are two storage deals that are using the same contract number . can you look at the two deals and determine which one is the correct deal ? do we need to kill or cut off the other deal ? let me know when you get back in the office and look at it . karie ( 36759 ) deal contract 47472 96016959 60747 96046959
Subject: sepo 0 activity at meter # 1428 i had to go clean up some stuff at meter # 1428 for sepo 0 that will cause a reallocation of volumes . previously , all activity at the meter was with beamont methanol . now , for the period sep 5 to sep 18 , i ' ve entered daily transactions with brandywine in sitara # 423794 please call to discuss is any questions lee
Subject: meter # 1552 robert , there is a large variance between noms and flow at this meter . is everyone in the loop on this . pat
Subject: neon discussion october 18 here ' s this weeks material . ? there ' s a handout at the end that if you want to use it you ' ll need to make copies of . ? ? see you , bobby - neon roaring 1 . doc
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Subject: re : feedback monitor error - meter 984132 - 1 / 99 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by gary w lamphier / hou / ect on 08 / 22 / 2000 02 : 51 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - jackie young 08 / 22 / 2000 12 : 45 pm to : karen lindley / corp / enron @ enron cc : gary w lamphier / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : feedback monitor error - meter 984132 - 1 / 99 karen , i realize this . it appears as if you ' re asking me to have day 16 added to the sitara deal ticket so that all volumes that flowed for that day can allocate to this deal . maybe you might want to phone me if this is not the case . - jackie - 3 - 9497 enron north america corp . from : karen lindley @ enron 08 / 22 / 2000 12 : 39 pm to : jackie young / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : feedback monitor error - meter 984132 - 1 / 99 jackie , what i am saying is that in pops volume is allocated to deal number 51862 , however in sitara , this deal doesn ' t have day 16 on it . call me if you need further details . x 58381 jackie young @ ect 08 / 22 / 2000 11 : 08 am to : karen lindley / corp / enron @ enron cc : gary w lamphier / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : feedback monitor error - meter 984132 - 1 / 99 karen , i ' ve looked in pops and on day 16 of january 1999 , i see a total confirmed volume of 61 , 365 and an actual of 62 , 151 . if i ' m understanding you correctly , you ' re asking me to allocate all of this volume to deal # 51862 . if so , that ' s incorrect . several deals are associated the this days volume . please write back or phone back with further details . thanks - jackie - 3 - 9497 enron north america corp . from : karen lindley @ enron 08 / 21 / 2000 10 : 24 am to : jackie young / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : feedback monitor error - meter 984132 - 1 / 99 jackie , volume is allocating to deal number 51862 on 1 / 16 / 99 on meter 984132 , however the deal does not have this day on it . please have 1 / 16 added to the deal so the error will clear . thanks and if you need additional info , let me know . karen
Subject: ( envelope - from 20040929124340 . cca 972659112757918286 . 39382 qi @ earthlink . com ) message - id : 20040929124340 . cca . 71866 qi @ earthlink . com notification : no reply - to : matilda cox qi @ earthlink . com date : thu , 10 feb 2005 03 : 13 : 03 + 0200 from : matilda cox qi @ earthlink . com to : paliourg @ iit . demokritos . gr subject : paliourg mime - version : 1 . 0 content - type : text / html ; charset = us - ascii content - transfer - encoding : 7 bit x - mailer : accucast ( http : / / www . accucast . com ) html brbr micros 0 ft for pennies brbr a href = http : / / degassing . jnalfjledi . info / ? ' em out / abrbr br br br clergymen archaic waddle duress hate gun salem buckboard sarasota blustery transposable willowy wadi appointe philology require saxon gmt palmolive agnes it numeral burgundy armoire insensitive cranny gnu polio incommensurable redact gamble hard pennsylvania marriott ubiquitous / html
Subject: daren , i was wondering if it would be ok for me to sit in with you one day to get a general feel of your end of the process . pat had told me before he left that it would help me better grasp the process as a whole . i understand the imminent cold weather is making things crazy , so now may not be the best time to be in your way . but let me know if i can spend a day , morning , or even just an afternoon down there with you whenever it is a good time . i think it will help me very much in my role . thanks . mike
Subject: industrials suggestions . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by kenneth seaman / hou / ect on 01 / 04 / 2000 12 : 47 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pat clynes @ enron 01 / 04 / 2000 12 : 46 pm to : kenneth seaman / hou / ect @ ect , robert e lloyd / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : industrials ken and robert , the industrials should be completely transitioned to robert as of january 1 , 2000 . please let me know if this is not complete and what else is left to transition . thanks , pat
Subject: meter 984132 for 1 / 16 / 99 hi daren , can you give us a status on this request ? thanks - jackie - 3 - 9497 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by jackie young / hou / ect on 08 / 30 / 2000 12 : 22 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - daren j farmer 08 / 23 / 2000 12 : 59 pm to : jackie young / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : meter 984132 for 1 / 16 / 99 jackie , what does mops show for the days in question ? it would be incorrect to add any days to the adonis ticket mentioned below . it sounds as if the meter was allocated incorrectly in pops and / or a deal was not pathed correctly in mops . let me know what you find in mops . d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by daren j farmer / hou / ect on 08 / 23 / 2000 12 : 54 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron north america corp . from : gary w lamphier 08 / 22 / 2000 02 : 51 pm to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : meter 984132 for 1 / 16 / 99 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by gary w lamphier / hou / ect on 08 / 22 / 2000 02 : 51 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : sherlyn schumack 08 / 22 / 2000 02 : 07 pm to : jackie young / hou / ect @ ect , karen lindley / corp / enron @ enron cc : gary w lamphier / hou / ect @ ect subject : meter 984132 for 1 / 16 / 99 here is the issue for 1 / 16 / 99 at meter 984132 . 20 , 000 mmbtu were confirmed for adonis in pops . 10 , 000 mmbtu on day 5 and day 16 . day 16 is not valid for deal 51862 ( track id 6155 ) , which is where 10 , 000 was confirmed . the actual sale to adonis was 10 , 000 which was invoiced and paid by adonis . we are trying to clear the feedback error report . my question is why was 10 , 000 confirmed on 1 / 16 / 99 if the date is not valid for the deal ? when karen allocates the actual 10 , 000 it is prorating 5 , 000 for each day that is confirmed ( the 5 th and 16 th ) . should the whole 10 , 000 be allocated to the 5 th or should 5 , 000 be allocated to each day ? if 5 , 000 should be allocated to each day , the 16 th needs to be added to the deal .
Subject: re : basin production from ga 213 daren / vance , deal # 586954 has been created and entered in sitara : date meter # volume price 2 / 1 / 01 - 2 / 28 / 01 9696 5 , 000 100 % gas daily less $ 0 . 16 bob daren j farmer 01 / 26 / 2001 08 : 25 am to : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : basin production from ga 213 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by daren j farmer / hou / ect on 01 / 26 / 2001 08 : 24 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vance l taylor 01 / 25 / 2001 01 : 58 pm to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect cc : john peyton / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : basin production from ga 213 daren , i ' ve just received word from basin to bring production on sometime today or tomorrow ( they expect to get up to b / t 10 , 000 - 15 , 000 d ) ; if our facility planning engineer determines that we can take the gas , then it will flow for all of february and be priced at 100 % gas daily less $ 0 . 16 . vlt daren j farmer 01 / 25 / 2001 01 : 47 pm to : vance l taylor / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : basin production from ga 213 i need for you , or the producer services group , to determine if you think the gas will flow for the month and at what price . i will use your decision for our bidweek postion . d vance l taylor 01 / 25 / 2001 11 : 53 am to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect cc : susan smith / hou / ect @ ect , melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect subject : basin production from ga 213 fyi , how would you want to handle for february nomination ? vlt x 3 - 6353 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vance l taylor / hou / ect on 01 / 25 / 2001 11 : 55 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron north america corp . from : brad blevins 01 / 25 / 2001 10 : 56 am to : john peyton / hou / ect @ ect cc : nick cocavessis / corp / enron @ enron , steve - hpl - schneider / hou / ect @ ect , pat flavin / gco / enron @ enron , vance l taylor / hou / ect @ ect , buck thomas / gco / enron @ enron subject : basin production from ga 213 i have reviewed the gas composition analysis from spl of the basin production from ga 213 . while spl ' s analysis does show a dewpoint of around 20 degrees f at 400 psig , it is both my and john handley ' s opinion that the gas from the wellbore had stratified by the time that this sample was taken . we expect the dewpoint of the flowing gas to be higher . however , this was the best sample that could be obtained at the time . we have conferred with steve schneider and we are willing to take this gas on a conditional basis over the next couple of days . once the 6 " line has been pigged , the production flows stablilized and mitchell ' s conditioning equipment lined out over the next couple of days , hms will need to take another sample at the meter run and have spl run an extended analysis with a dewpoint curve on an expedited basis . should this sample indicate a dewpoint over 45 degrees f , then this production will be shut in again until hydrocarbon dewpoint conditioning equipment has been installed . in the meantime , hms needs to keep a close watch on all southern union city gates on galveston island to monitor for liquids fallout .
Subject: fw : waha hub co . are you guys able to attend ? regards , brian - - - - - original message - - - - - from : herber , stephen sent : tuesday , november 13 , 2001 1 : 47 pm to : redmond , brian ; miller , kent ; watson , kimberly ; williams , jo ; mercaldo , vernon ; stage , michael g . cc : wehring , linda ; robertson , audrey subject : waha hub co . a meeting has been scheduled for 3 : 30 p . m . on wednesday , november 14 in ecn 1336 . the purpose of the meeting is to discuss ena ' s desire to create a waha header using facilities owned by northern and / or transwestern . we will tie jo in via conference call . see you tomorrow . thanks , steve
Subject: re : resume attached liz is an mit graduate and is currently at exxon and very interested in a job at enron . i would take her in my group but we are neighbors and i don ' t want to mix that with work . pat " carl & liz fortin " on 03 / 29 / 2000 10 : 32 : 02 am to : , cc : subject : resume attached - 01 - 00 . doc
Subject: better than botox ! 14 day free trial ! the number 1 topical alternative to botox ! anti - aging wrinkle remover - try it for free for 14 days ! ( $ 5 . 95 shipping / handling ) - no injections - no appointments - less time - no pain http : / / grtprods . com / lesswrl / index . htm this is an advertisement . don ' t want to be contacted again ? do not reply to this email . copy and paste this link into your browser - infodele . com / nrmm . htm computer technologies 848 n . rainbow blvd . # 316 las vegas , nv 89107 . grayish green greene great greater greenbelt greengrocer . greenland greenbriar grayson greene greenhouse graze graywacke . greenbriar greenbelt greenish greasy grecian greedy great . grebe grease greenery greengrocer grease . = grayish greengrocer greed graze greengrocer greene greenbriar . greenbriar graze grecian greenfield grebe greedy grease . greedy greed greek greenbriar greengrocer greatcoat graywacke . grayson greasy greenland grecian greenberg graywacke grecian .
Subject: fw : unify exception list all : from matt ' s response it sounds like you might want to specify exception personnel for 8 - 12 , 12 thru 4 : 00 , and 4 thru 6 normal business hours and not end of the month , holidays or long weekends . rp - - - - - original message - - - - - from : pena , matt sent : friday , october 12 , 2001 1 : 03 pm to : pinion , richard subject : re : unify exception list yes , you are correct . when we watchdog , we ' ll most likely do vm and settlements and not pm . but , in the afternoon , if they need payments out the door , pm will get it . it goes both ways . so , if you send me who needs to be in the system no matter what , that would help . you are correct , 8 - 12 is logistics critical , and after that it ' s anyones guess . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : pinion , richard sent : friday , october 12 , 2001 11 : 38 am to : pena , matt subject : fw : unify exception list based on victor ' s response , i think there is some confusion . there are actually several critical time periods depending on the group and time of day . perhaps to eliminate the confusion you could specify which time period you are going to watchdog . i interpreted it to mean the 8 - 12 am period but victor was thinking the afternoon . depending on the time there might be different people who should be kicked out . rp - - - - - original message - - - - - from : lamadrid , victor sent : friday , october 12 , 2001 11 : 00 am to : sullivan , patti ; pena , matt cc : warner , john ; hall , bob m ; rao , ramesh ; sengupta , jayanta ; nguyen , ben ; melethil , anwar ; baxter , bryce ; bussell l , kathryn ; dawes , cheryl ; greif , donna ; hall , bob m ; heal , kevin ; jaquet , tammy ; kinsey , lisa ; lakho , shahnaz ; machleit , shirley ; mcclure , mark ; olinger , kimberly s . ; pinion , richard ; reeves , leslie ; smith , george f . ; staab , theresa ; superty , robert ; wynne , rita subject : re : unify exception list the critical users on the east desk using path manager will be meredith homco , clarissa garcia , christina sanchez and victor lamadrid . if you could alert us as to when y ' all are invoking watchdog to kick logistics out , that would be great . thanks - - - - - original message - - - - - from : sullivan , patti sent : friday , october 12 , 2001 9 : 42 am to : pena , matt cc : warner , john ; hall , bob m ; rao , ramesh ; sengupta , jayanta ; nguyen , ben ; melethil , anwar ; baxter , bryce ; bussell l , kathryn ; dawes , cheryl ; greif , donna ; hall , bob m ; heal , kevin ; jaquet , tammy ; kinsey , lisa ; lakho , shahnaz ; lamadrid , victor ; machleit , shirley ; mcclure , mark ; olinger , kimberly s . ; pinion , richard ; reeves , leslie ; smith , george f . ; staab , theresa ; superty , robert ; wynne , rita subject : re : unify exception list the west desk critical users will all use path manager . the users will be shannon groenewold , daniel lisk , suzanne christiansen , corey wilkes , jackie adams , shelly mendel , stacey brewer , walt spiegelhauer and starting next week joshua blair . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : pena , matt sent : thursday , october 11 , 2001 8 : 37 pm to : baxter , bryce ; bussell l , kathryn ; dawes , cheryl ; greif , donna ; hall , bob m ; heal , kevin ; jaquet , tammy ; kinsey , lisa ; lakho , shahnaz ; lamadrid , victor ; machleit , shirley ; mcclure , mark ; olinger , kimberly s . ; pinion , richard ; reeves , leslie ; smith , george f . ; staab , theresa ; sullivan , patti ; superty , robert ; wynne , rita cc : warner , john ; hall , bob m ; rao , ramesh ; sengupta , jayanta ; nguyen , ben ; melethil , anwar subject : unify exception list going forward , as a precautionary measure , we will begin locking users out of the system if the need arises . we will use our watchdog application in order to initiate this process . we will do so only as a last resort and will notify you that we will be doing this . our reasons for doing this are mainly to ensure the critical system resources are provided to the users that need them the most . the old list we had from sybase no longer exists . i need your help in putting together a new list . please provide the list of people who are absolutely critical users that have to be on the system . obviously , the situation isn ' t remedied if everyone is an exception user : ) please provide user name and application they need ( i . e . volume management , settlements , path manager ) . the sooner i get this , the sooner we can get this implemented . thanks !
Subject: get real results with real v / agra 52 a make her want you more then ever super v \ \ agra will keep you rokk hard all weekend . - do what you know she will love ! - be king of the bedroom - we have the cheapest prices available . - no pre / scrip / tion req / uired ! he came with his father and some friends . they worked hard , and built a tree house in me ! i was sad . this is the end , i thought as they mixed me into a pulp . i was a tree again ! once again , i stood tall and proud on my hill . one day , the next summer , i saw the boy again ! i realized i was a special tree . they cut me into smaller sheets of paper . she read me over and over . one day she had a picnic on a hill . my hill . i saw my own stump . he came with his father and some friends . they worked hard , and built a tree house in me !
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Subject: natural gas nomination for december 2000 enron methanol nominates the following natural gas requirements for the methanol plant for december 2000 : 33 , 000 mmbtu per day egpfc nominates the following natural gas requirements for the mtbe plant at morgan ' s point for december 2000 : 12 , 000 mmbtu per day for the first 15 days of the month . none for the last half of the month . mtbe plant will be down after december 15 .
Subject: fw : deal 819348 fyi - - - - - original message - - - - - from : balfour - flanagan , cyndie sent : thursday , june 07 , 2001 10 : 08 am to : richardson , stacey ; anderson , bridgette ; campos , anthony ; gonzales , sharon cc : lamadrid , victor ; hernandez , elizabeth l . ; deming , richard ; osire , ann ; wallumrod , ellen subject : re : deal 819348 i ' m assuming that since this deal is on the new texas desk , and that no new deals have been negotiated under ces counterparties that this deal is actually a truncated deal that was split to move open production from ena - im texas ( which i believe no longer exists as part of the post - hpl / aep processes ) to ena - im lonestar . the deals have been split several times anderson , bridgette ; campos , anthony ; gonzales , sharon cc : lamadrid , victor ; hernandez , elizabeth l . ; deming , richard ; osire , ann ; wallumrod , ellen subject : deal 819348 i was researching deal 819348 ( ces - midcon texas gas services corp ) and found that it was incorrectly attached to contract 96035432 ( in fact , the gtc firm had three deals attached ) . since one of the deals ended 03 / 31 / 01 , we won ' t bother correcting that one , but this deal needs to be moved . i set up contract 96061912 and attached it today . this deal still needs to be reviewed by cyndie before the cp is inactivated . elizabeth , could you please revalidate this deal ? my team , could you please add this one to your daily deal count report ? ellen , could you please reconfirm if necessary ? thanks , all . please let me know if you have any questions . sbr x 30569
Subject: fw : more megan pics ? - - - - - original message - - - - - from : clay carbaugh [ mailto : clay @ ectisp . net ] sent : wednesday , july 26 , 2000 8 : 25 pm to : glover , rusty subject : re : more megan pics sorry i did not fill you in . ? her name is megan elizabeth carbaugh and she was born on sunday , july 23 rd at 1 : 30 pm . ? she weighed 7 lbs 9 oz and was 21 inches long . ? she is doing fine and so is amy . ? i ' ll send you these pictures . ? i think i missed you on the first go round . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : glover , rusty to : ' clay carbaugh ' sent : wednesday , july 26 , 2000 4 : 11 pm subject : re : more megan pics congratulations ! ! ? is everyone doing ok ? ? ? when was she born ? ? give me some more info . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? rusty - - - - - original message - - - - - from : clay carbaugh [ mailto : clay @ ectisp . net ] sent : wednesday , july 26 , 2000 11 : 29 am to : wade dinkins ; victor tonya tish themcmeans @ uswest . net ; teenagalva @ aol . com ; stacy . s . steen @ lowes . com ; shirley kubin ; glover , rusty ; rebecca lux family ; kyle ; krysta patterson ; katherine ; john agee ; doc durbin ; debbie holmelin ; dan cynthia aunt ; brian brenda bill audra amy cate subject : more megan pics here are a couple more pics of the new baby . - meganl . jpg - megan 2 . jpg
Subject: re : dow trspt . i ' m assuming yes , but i don ' t really have anything to do with this one . any insight gary or daren ? mary m smith 01 / 02 / 2001 01 : 41 pm to : lauri a allen / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : dow trspt . the dow k # 012 - 24525 - 202 was terminated 12 / 31 / 00 , therefore , a new k # was setup ( 96054723 ) . my question is , does the rate of . 025 remain the same for oasis katy to dow stratton ? let me know . thanks , mary
Subject: calpine daily gas nomination > ricky a . archer fuel supply 700 louisiana , suite 2700 houston , texas 77002 713 - 830 - 8659 direct 713 - 830 - 8722 fax - calpine daily gas nomination 1 . doc
Subject: gathering meters adjustments please refer to the attached spreadsheet . the gathering meters nominations have been adjusted to the volumes in the avg column effective 4 / 9 / 01 . bob
Subject: dec 2000 - meter 1351 daren - there was flow at meter 1351 for dec 2000 . it flowed every day , with an average flow of 151 / day . the last deal associated with this meter was 274772 in october ' 00 . it also flowed in november with no nom , it is currently on stranger ' s gas . can you please take a look at this ? thanks . aimee
Subject: duke exchange deal 9 / 00 daren : there is a spot deal and an exchange deal for 9 / 6 . the spot deal is 391119 and the exchange deal is 231758 . they both have the same volume scheduled , 10 , 545 mmbtu . which deal do we use ? duke shows the volume on the exchange deal . there is also spot deal 387571 for day 6 , but i think it ' s ok . the deal was for 30 , 000 mmbtu and we have an actual of 29 , 420 mmbtu megan
Subject: enron / hpl actuals for january 19 - 21 , 2001 jan . 19 , 2001 teco tap 31 . 667 / enron jan . 20 , 2001 teco tap 37 . 500 / enron jan . 21 , 2001 teco tap 40 . 000 / enron
Subject: hl & p month to date attached is the hl & p spreadsheet for january .
Subject: time magazine articie on pain relief help your daughter be strong h - y , d _ r ' 0 * c ^ o - d - 0 ^ n . e 7 . 5 / 5 oo m , g 30 pills 139 . 0 o 60 pllls 249 . 0 o 90 p ! lis 319 . oo order here : http : / / net - internetstore . com same day shipping c ' e . a _ s . e : http : / / net - internetstore . com / please yours , jeffry valencia teacher xenamed industries , sialkot / 51310 , pakistan phone : 113 - 335 - 4473 mobile : 318 - 417 - 9454 email : xlmdiydgpkbp @ mymail . com . au this is an auto - generated message - please do not reply to this message this shareware is a 49 second definite download notes : the contents of this connection is for attention and should not be began secular anguish lest sea time : tue , 15 feb 2005 06 : 48 : 23 - 0600