Subject: for your information dear homeowner , after completing the review we are pleased to offer you the following , your current mortgage qualifies you for more than a 3 % lower rate ! ! ! u . s mortgage rates have never been lower ! ! ! millions of americans have re - financed this month alone ! so why not you ? go here to make that change . if you prefer to be left out of this amazing offer go here .
Subject: we deliver medication worldwide ! cialis helps to have an erection when you need it we will not have peace by afterthought . stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing . this is the ultimate . you have to be deviant if you ' re going to do anything new .
Subject: perfect logo charset = koi 8 - r " > thinking of breathing new life into your business ? start from revamping its front - end - logo and visuai identity . loqodentity offers creative custom design of logos , stationery and web - sites . under our careful hand these powerfui marketinq toois wiii bring a breath of fresh air into your business and make you stand out among the competitors . you are just a click away from your future success . click here to see the samples of our artwork , check our prices and hot offers
Subject: spamassassin . taint . org i discovered jmason . org in yahoo , my favorite directory . i am requesting that you create a link from jmason . org to my client ' s web site if you feel that their content is in some way related or complements your site . in exchange , i ' ll post a link from their site to yours . exchanging links will help bring in more business for both your web site and my client ' s . an added benefit is increased search engine traffic because the search engines rank sites higher that have a good number of relevant links . this is not a free - for - all link exchange , i don ' t waste my time with them and you shouldn ' t either . i am only linking to related web sites so that all my links are relevant to my site . i would like to send you my client ' s web address , so that you can review their site . my client offers web site promotion and and optimization services for search engines . please let me know if you are interested in exchanging links . i ' ll send you more details once i hear back from you . looking forward to your reply . sincerely , donna martos donnamartos @ link - builder . com http : / / www . link - builder . com p . s . if for any reason you don ' t want me to contact again , just email me and let me know .
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Subject: naturally irresistible your corporate identity lt is really hard to recollect a company : the market is full of suqgestions and the information isoverwheiming ; but a good catchy logo , styllsh statlonery and outstandlng webslte wili make the task much easier . we do not promise that having ordered a ioqo your company will automatically become a worid leader : it isquite ciear that without good products , effective business organization and practicable aim it will be hotat nowadays market ; but we do promise that your marketing efforts will become much more effective . here is the list of clear benefits : creativeness : hand - made , original logos , specially done to reflect your distinctive company image . convenience : logo and stationery are provided in all formats ; easy - to - use content management system letsyou change your website content and even its structure . promptness : you will see logo drafts within three business days . affordability : your marketing break - through shouldn ' t make gaps in your budget . 100 % satisfaction guaranteed : we provide unlimited amount of changes with no extra fees for you to be surethat you will love the result of this collaboration . have a look at our portfolio _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Subject: see to this proposal hello ! compliments i have been searching for a person whom we can jointly invest , trust in and also solicit an honorable partnership with . i want to confirm that your contact information was got from a web email directory . i represent a client who is interested in investing in your country in areas related to agriculture or any business of your choice , to initiate a proper and structured relationship . please let me know what your response will be to an offer to receive investment funds in cash if ; 1 . the said fund amounts to us $ 8 , 500 , 000 ( eight million , five hundred thousand us dollars ) . 2 . the said fund is in cash and needs to be transferred in the same state , due to some covert reasons . 3 . the fund could be invested through your agency in the purchase of facility and assets for investment purposes within your country , in collaboration with the agency of the current brokers . 4 . this transaction will result in you being paid a commission of 10 % off the investment capital . 5 . the fund owners desire absolute confidentiality and professionalism in the handling of this matter , due to risks of seizure of the fund and litigation if personalities are revealed . the fund owners have interest to invest in any of the following industries , depending on which is most transparent , low risk , and average profit yielding : power generation , telecommunication and software development , film production , hardware manufacturing and export , medicine , construction or real - estate development . based upon the information provided above , i would like to know if you shall be able to assist in the nature of managing the investment fund . you must note that the fund can only be transferred in cash , therefore if you are in acceptance to participate with us in the investment of the fund , you shall also need to participate with us in the transfer of the fund in cash in the manner of receiving the fund in cash and depositing it in a trusted account opened in favour of the investment to be established . and this account would serve as the base or operating account for the investment . i am obliged to believe that you would be able to understand the information above , and should you need further information , please do not hesitate to ask . kindly confirm receipt of this email by sending all correspondence to : quazihossain 44 @ netscape . net sincerely , quazi hossain ( esq )
Subject: the next move higher for strong market leader homeland security investments the terror attacks on the united states on september 11 , 2 ool have changed the security | andscape for the foreseeabie future . both physical and logical security have become paramount for all industry segments , especially in the banking , nationa | resource and government sectors . according to giga , a who | | y owned subsidiary of forrester research , woridwide demand for information security products and services is set to eclipse $ 46 b by 2 oo 5 . homeiand security investments is a newsletter dedicated to providing our readers with information pertaining to investment opportunities in this lucrative sector . as we know , events reiated to homeiand security happen with lightning speed . what we as investors can do is position ourseives in such a way as to take advantage of the current trends and be ready to capitaiize on events which have yet to happen . homeland security investments is here to help our readers do just that . with this in mind , it is with great excitement that we present vinobie , inc . this stock is expected to do big things in both the near and long terms . symbol : vnbl . ob current price : o . o 8 short term target price : 0 . 35 12 month target price : 1 . 20 * * * why we beiieve vnbl . ob wi | | give big returns on investment * * * * at this time much of vnbl ' s focus is on rfid ( radio frequency identification ) technology . this is technoiogy which uses tiny sensors to transmit information about a person or object wireiessly . * vnbl is aiready an industry pioneer in the rfid personal location technoiogy . * vnbl is developing a form of rfid technology which allows companies and governments to wireiessly track their assets and resources . such technology has huge potentia | in the protection and transportation of materials designated " high risk " were they to fail into the wrong hands . * vnbl works on integration of the two afore mentioned systems in order to create " high security space " in | ocales where it is deemed necessary . locations which may take advantage of such systems are airports , sea ports , mines , nuciear facilities , and more . * as with a | | stocks , news drives the short term price . fresh news has made vnbl a hot buy . news on vnbl malibu , caiif . - - ( business wire ) - - june 16 , 2 oo 5 - - vinobie , inc . ( otcbb : vnbl - news ) , a hoiding company seeking to identify | ong - term growth opportunities in the areas of homeland security , security information systems , and other security services , announced today that it plans to offer products and services that wi | | assist in the automation of the identification and control of equipment , assets , tools , and the reiated processes used in the oil & gas and petrochemica | industries . aithough sma | | wireiessiy networked rfid sensors can monitor machines and equipment to detect possible problems before they become serious , they can aiso deliver safety features within oi | welis . oi | maybe trapped in different | ayers of rock , aiong with gas and water . detection of specific | iquids can assist equipment in operating within a specific precise opportune moment to ensure certain adverse conditions do not occur , such as a well filiing with water . as with other rf based technoiogy appiications , rfid can also provide the safe transit of materiais by oniy the authorized handier , and | imit the entry of personnel to specific locations . ensuring personnel safety is essential , should there be an emergency at a facility , rfid tags wouid enable the customer to track and evaiuate its employee ' s safety and / or danger . this application technology requires product and hardware that can operate in harsh and potentiaily hazardous conditions , but gives vaiuable safety to the resources and assets that are vital to the customer . rfid can aiso assist the customer ' s suppiy chain by tracking oi | , gas , and chemica | products from extraction to refining to the sale at the retail | eve | . vinobie ' s viewpoint as previously stated is that these applications are more than just a valuable tool to the mining industry , but as a protective measure of our country ' s natural resources and commodities against threat . preservation of these fueis and resources is important to the safety of u . s . industry and economy . the company beiieves that such offering service and technology application in the oi | & gas and petrochemica | industry will further position vinobie in a rapidiy expanding industry while taking advantage of access to the increasing capital and giobal spending that the company wi | | require for growth . the company ' s goa | is to also provide a much - needed service at a cost manageable to even the smaliest of businesses that can ' t afford to do without the safety of its personnel and assets in this current state of constant threat . this is outstanding news . the growth potential for this company is exceptiona | . in an already hot industry , vnbl . ob stands out as a truiy innovative pioneer . we see big things happening to this stock . information within this emai | contains " forward looking statements " within the meaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 and section 21 b of the securities exchange act of 1934 . any statements that express or invoive discussions with respect to predictions , expectations , beliefs , plans , projections , objectives , goals , assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historica | fact and may be " forward | ooking statements . " forward | ooking statements are based on expectations , estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those presentiy anticipated . forward | ooking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as " projects " , " foresee " , " expects " , " will , " " anticipates , " " estimates , " " believes , " " understands " or that by statements indicating certain actions " may , " " could , " or " might " occur . as with many micro - cap stocks , today ' s company has additional risk factors worth noting . those factors inciude : a limited operating history , the company advancing cash to reiated parties and a sharehoider on an unsecured basis : one vendor , a reiated party through a majority stockhoider , suppiies ninety - seven percent of the company ' s raw materiais : reiiance on two customers for over fifty percent of their business and numerous related party transactions and the need to raise capital . these factors and others are more fu | | y spelied out in the company ' s sec fiiings . we urge you to read the fiiings before you invest . the rocket stock report does not represent that the information contained in this message states a | | materia | facts or does not omit a materia | fact necessary to make the statements therein not misieading . a | | information provided within this email pertaining to investing , stocks , securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice . the rocket stock report advises ail readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professional securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this email . none of the material within this report shail be construed as any kind of investment advice or soiicitation . many of these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy . you can lose all your money by investing in this stock . the pubiisher of the rocket stock report is not a registered investment advisor . subscribers should not view information herein as | ega | , tax , accounting or investment advice . any reference to past performance ( s ) of companies are specially seiected to be referenced based on the favorable performance of these companies . you would need perfect timing to achieve the results in the examples given . there can be no assurance of that happening . remember , as aiways , past performance is never indicative of future resuits and a thorough due diiigence effort , including a review of a company ' s fiiings , should be completed prior to investing . in compiiance with the securities act of 1933 , section 17 ( b ) , the rocket stock report discioses the receipt of tweive thousand dollars from a third party ( gem , inc . ) , not an officer , director or affiliate shareholder for the circulation of this report . gem , inc . has a position in the stock they will se | | at any time without notice . be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resulting from such compensation due to the fact that this is a paid advertisement and we are conflicted . ail factual information in this report was gathered from public sources , including but not limited to company websites , sec fiiings and company press reieases . the rocket stock report beiieves this information to be reiiable but can make no guarantee as to its accuracy or completeness . use of the materia | within this email constitutes your acceptance of these terms .
Subject: software should be easy to use ! fully functional , unrestricted copy of the software . get more results with less efforts . it ' s better to be burnished with use than rusty with principle . where reason fails , time oft has worked a cure .
Subject: perfect logo charset = koi 8 - r " > thinking of breathing new life into your business ? start from revamping its front - end - logo and visuai identity . loqodentity offers creative custom design of loqos , stationery and web - sites . under our carefui hand these powerful marketing tools wiii bring a breath of fresh air into your business and make you stand out amonq the competitors . you are just a click away from your future success . click here to see the samples of our artwork , check our prices and hot offers
Subject: need an outstanding logo now ? working on your company ' s image ? start with a visual identity a key to the first good impression . we are here to help you ! we ' ll take part in buildinq a positive visuai imaqe of your company by creatinq an outstanding iogo , presentabie stationery items and professionai website . these marketing tools wiil significantiy contributeto success of your business . take a look at our work samples , hot deai packaqes and see what we have to offer . we work for you ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Subject: high growth investing for tomorrow high growth investing company ceo interviewsemerging technologies new trends to watchindustry statistics view pdf are americans and the rest of the world becoming addicted to online gaming ? analysts predict over $ 14 billion dollars a year will go to online casinos gaming stocks may be set to explode ! read the full 10 page report includes inside : company profile : gaming transactions inc . this publicly traded company looks like it has what it takes to become a big player in the online gambling world . could it be the next payoff for investors ? . . . more the online gambling market given the rate at which this market is expanding across the planet , the outlook for the online gaming industry looks very positive . do the numbers add up for investors ? . . . more how big could it get ? online gaming has become a seriously big business , with shares in some companies increasing by up to eight times inside a year . . . . more pick of the month : ggts gaming transactions operates in one of the fastest growing industries around and has an experienced management team . early investors , who get in before the institutional investors , could make a fortune . . . . more ggts : ceo interview patrick smyth and stephen white head up company dedicated to bringing the next generation of online gaming . . . read full interview the asian market according to the diffusion group and game trust , china will become the # 1 online gaming market by 2007 . . . . more investors are making huge gains as the world bets online . could gaming transactions inc . ( gtts ) be the next stock to rock ? recently , we read an article in the economist that highlighted online gaming and how it has become a socially acceptable form of entertainment . over the next few days , as we thought about what sort of impact this trend could have , we started to notice that online gambling was being discussed all over the media - in newspapers , online and on television . it became obvious to us that more and more people were jumping on the internet to bet on games . we also came across some staggering statistics . merrill lynch , for example , has predicted that gambling has the potential to account for a full 1 % of global economic activity ! another source , ecommercetimes . com , recently reported that the scope of this business is so enormous that some have even claimed that it is the single most important factor in the growth of e - commerce . the online gaming industry , in other words , appears to be booming , and it may be an ideal time to is time to invest . we decided to find out who the key players were in the business . after speaking with a number of industry insiders , the trail led us to an emerging , publicly traded company called gaming transactions inc . ( ggts ) . after a close look at ggts , we decided that this company could produce huge returns on investment in the upcoming months . although ggts is a new company , it has some surprisingly experienced players at the helm an uncommon thing to find in an industry only ten years old . the company has come out with online versions of the addictive game keno . and its management team was smart enough to secure the rights to the keno . com website , which , if youre marketing keno , is as good as it gets . keno has the widest spread for the house of any mainstream gambling game . ggts is also about to launch a suite of other online gambling games , including poker and sports - book betting . once it offers these popular games , and given that it already has keno . com online , the company could bring in great revenues , attracting a lot of attention in the investment community and driving up its stock price . after a successful north american launch , gaming transactions inc . ( gtts ) has translated its games into chinese and is about to hit asia . this initiative looks like a wise business decision : many analysis anticipate that china will be the biggest source of online gambling revenue by 2007 , so the company could be poised for massive expansion in terms of both profits and global reach . what does all this tell us ? a brand new company , a popular , well - known game , one of the biggest spreads for the house , a growing market , experienced management , and a stock price that is trading under a dollar it adds up to the potential for huge gains for early investors . if youre interested in more information on the market and gaming transactions inc . , click here to read a free ten - page report . . . to join market movers mailings http : / / ggtsstock . com to find out more . first source data inc . 4535 west sahara ave # 217 las vegas nevada 89102 disclosure and disclaimer investment news indepth reports ( hereinafter inir ) , operated by first source data , inc . ( hereinafter fsd ) , is a business news publication of regular and general circulation . this issue is not a research report , does not purport to provide an analysis of any companys financial position , and is not in any way to be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security . gaming transactions inc . ( hereinafter ggts ) is the featured company . fsd managed the publishing and distribution of this publication . the information contained herein is being republished in reliance on statements made by ggts management , and publicly disseminated information issued by third parties regarding ggts and the online gaming industry , which are presumed to be reliable , but neither fsd nor its editors , employees , or agents accept any responsibility for the accuracy of such statements or information , or the contents herein which are derived therefrom . readers should independently verify all statements made in this advertisement . fsd has received compensation for the production and distribution of this newsletter . the compensation received is in the amount of one hundred and twenty eight thousand dollars and was received from accelerated capital limited ( hereinafter acl ) for this advertising effort . acl is a shareholder of ggts . because fsd received compensation for its services , there is an inherent conflict of interest in the statements and opinions contained in this newsletter and such statements and opinions cannot be considered independent . internet - based companies , and those involving online gaming in particular , are almost always very high risk investments , and investors should be aware that they could potentially lose any investment made in such companies in its entirety . we strongly encourage readers to undertake their own due diligence to decide the best course of action in connection with any investment decision that they might make . any investment should be made only after consulting with a qualified investment advisor . media matrix 7025 county rd . 46 a dtel 071 # 349 lake mary , fl 32746 this e - mail message is an advertisement and / or solicitation .
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Subject: reply a . s . a . p united trust bank limited 80 haymarket , london swly 4 te i am mr . alexander george , the account officer of mr . morris thompson who died in the plane crash of alaska airlines flight 261 which crashed on january 31 2000 along with his wife and only daughter ( who happens to be his next of kin ) . he has an account with us . you should read more about the crash on visiting this site ( s ) . since we got information about his death , we have been expecting his next of kin or relatives to come over and claim his money because we cannot release it unless somebody applies for it as next of kin or as a relative to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines . i was contacted by the executor of his will to find somebody that can stand in as his next of kin , so that the funds would not be trapped in our bank . all legal paper work will be taken care of by him ( the executor ) if you are favorably disposed to joing us in doing this , please respond as soon as possible . in the event you are not interested , i sincerely ask that you disregard this email and tell no one about it . i am very careful on truncating my banking career should you mention this to someoneelse . i hope you can be trusted in this regard . regards , alexander george
Subject: congratulations the free lotto company uk head office suite 25 - 32 , lion towers central london england . www . freelotto . com the free lotto company branch office suite 1105 ap zuid - oost amsterdam netherlands . dear winner , we are please to announce you as one of the lucky winners in the freelotto draw held on the 21 th of july 2005 . all winning addresses , you havetherefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of us $ 1 . 500 , 000 . 00 ( 0 ne million five hundred thousand united states dollars ) congratulations ! ! ! due to mix up of some numbers and names , we ask that you keep your winning information confidential until your claims has been processed and your money remitted to you . this is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants . all participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from over 40 , 000 company and 20 , 000 , 000 individual email addresses and names from all over the world . this promotional program takes place every year . this lottery was promoted and sponsored by association of software producers . we hope with part of your winning , you will take part in our next year us $ 20 million international lottery winner in this year ' s annual freelotto draw . consequently , you have therefore been approved for a total pay out of us $ 1 . 500 , 000 . 00 ( one million five hundred thousand ) only . the following particulars are attached to your lotto payment order : ( i ) winning numbers : fl - 34 - 76 - 90 - 45 ( ii ) email ticket number : fl - 864 / 33 / 98 ( iii ) lotto code number : fl - 34876 / uk ( iv ) the file ref number : fl / 62 / 075983628 / uk please contact the underlisted claims agent as soon as possible for the immediate release of your winnings : mr . adeyinka johnson chief financial director the freelotto company tel : + 44 - 703 - 190 - 7427 email : callmeadeyinka @ yahoo . com ( email ) n . b : steps to claiming your prize ; 1 . please quote your reference number in all correspondence with the claims officer . 2 . winners must send your : names , address , sex , occupation , age , telephone number 3 . identification ( international passport or driver slicence ) to the claims agent mr . adeyinka johnson to process and make immediate payment of their prize . once again on behalf of all our staff , congratulations ! ! ! sincerely , greg jones promotions manager the lotto company uk & europe
Subject: need creative power ? logodentity is here to help . thinking of breathing new life into your business ? start from revamping its front - endlogo and visualidentity . we offer creative custom desiqn of logos , stationery and web - sites . under our carefui hand thesepowerful marketinq toois wiil brinq a breath of fresh air into your business and make you stand out amonqthe competitors . you are just a ciick away from your future success . click here to see the samples of our artwork , checkour prices and hot offers . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Subject: 10 minutes before sex , lasts for 24 - 36 hours best prescription generic meds 4 less . ready tears are a sign of treachery , not of grief . life is a zoo in a jungle . we two are to ourselves a crowd .
Subject: a new era of online medical care . right place to look for buying cheap viagra online ! emancipate yourselves from mental slavery , none but ourselves can free our minds . don ' t let it end like this . tell them i said something . measure not the work until the day ' s out and the labor done .
Subject: re : protect your computer , you need systemworks ! coxr take control of your computer with this top - of - the - line software ! norton systemworks 2002 software suite - professional edition - includes six - yes 6 ! - feature - packed utilitiesall for 1 special low price of only $ 29 . 99 ! this software will : - protect your computer from unwanted and hazardous viruses - help secure your private valuable information - allow you to transfer files and send e - mails safely - backup your all your data quick and easily - improve your pc ' s performance w / superior integral diagnostics ! - you ' ll never have to take your pc to the repair shop again ! 6 top - of - the - line utilitiesl great price a $ 300 + combined retail value yours for a limited time for only ! ! ! $ 29 . 99 ! ! ! price includes free shipping ! and for a limited time buy 2 of our products get 1 free ! don ' t fall prey to destructive viruses or hackers ! protect your computer and your valuable information and - click here to order yours now ! - or call toll - free 1 - 800 - 861 - 1481 ! your email address was obtained from an opt - in list . opt - in eaf ( ecommerce anti - spam federation ) approved list - type upc prefix = yy * wudo 2 flus . to unsubscribe from this list , please click here . you need to allow 5 business days for removal . if you have previously unsubscribed and are still receiving this message , you may visit our spam abuse control center . we do not condone spam in any shape or form . thank you kindly for your cooperation .
Subject: in the heart of your business ! corporate image can say a lot of things about your company . contemporary rhythm of life is too dynamic . sometimes it takes only several seconds for your company to be remembered or to be lost amonq competitors . get your iogo , business stationery or website done right now ! fast turnaround : you wiii see several iogo variants in three business days . satisfaction quaranteed : we provide unlimited amount of chanqes ; you can be sure : it will meet your needsand fit your business . flexibie discounts : loqo improvement , additionai formats , bulk orders , special packages . creative design for competitive price : have a look at it right now ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Subject: the ultimate in pc security and surveillance . * this message is sent in compliance of the new email bill hr 1910 . under bill hr 1910 passed by the 106 th us congress on may 24 , 1999 . per section hr 1910 . if you wish to be removed from our mailing list , please click here . all removal requests are handled electronically and may take up to 24 hours to become in effect .
Subject: returned mail : see transcript for details the original message was received at tue , 12 jul 2005 12 : 09 : 30 + 0200 from antonio . urjc . es [ 193 . 147 . 184 . 24 ] - - - - - the following addresses had permanent fatal errors - - - - - ana . elvira @ urjc . es ( reason : deferred ) ( expanded from : ) - - - - - transcript of session follows - - - - - maildrop : error writing to mailbox . ana . elvira @ urjc . es . . . deferred : local mailer ( / usr / sbin / sensible - mda ) exited with ex _ tempfail message could not be delivered for 5 days message will be deleted from queue
Subject: we use to be friends dear applicant , after further review upon receiving your application your current mortgage qualifies for a 3 % lower rate . your new monthly payment will be as low as $ 340 / month for a $ 200 , 000 loan . please confirm your information in order for us to finalize your loan , or you may also apply for a new one . complete the final steps by visiting our 60 second form we look foward to working with you . thank you , jane barron , account manager helian and associates , llc . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - not interested - http : / / www . lending - leadersx . net / r . php
Subject: you don _ t know how to attract customers to your website ? submitting your website in search engines may increase your online sales dramatically . if you invested time and money into your website , you simply must submit your website online otherwise it will be invisible virtually , which means efforts spent in vain . if you want people to know about your website and boost your revenues , the only way to do that is to make your site visible in places where people search for information , i . e . submit your website in multiple search engines . submit your website online and watch visitors stream to your e - business . best regards , roselle sims
Subject: wed , 06 jul 2005 23 : 15 : 07 + 0300 dear homeowner , you have been pre - approved for a $ 430 , 700 home loan at a 3 . 20 fixed rate . this offer is being extended to you unconditionally and your credit is in no way a factor . to take advantage of this limited time opportunity , all we ask is that you visit the link below and complete the 1 minute post approval form . sincerely , joseph jones
Subject: free ltc " sales closers " which virtually sells long term care to your clients ! this turnkey presentation prepares your client for the sale . it has both video and audio , so you just sit back , run the presentation , and get the applications ready . the same great tool in a flip chart format with a complete script to keep you on track . the choice is yours choose one of these great ltc point - of - sale items . which gift would you like ? all you have to do is complete appointment paperwork with mo marketing . respond to this e - mail or call us today and we will send over the paperwork for one of our top carriers . remember - - we train our agents on products - free - and we also give at least a $ 50 commission bonus for every app you send us . " for agent use only . please fill out the form below for more information name : e - mail : phone : city : state : we don ' t want anybody to receive our mailing who does not wish to receive them . this is a professional communication sent to insurance professionals . to be removed from this mailing list , do not reply to this message . instead , go here : http : / / www . insurancemail . net legal notice
Subject: atft . pk has announced the acquisition between atft and first pet life . pink sheets : atft . pk has announded the acquisition between atft and first pet life . the transactjion will be non - diluted to current shareholders . about first pet life : atft offers coverage at an afforable level that will safely and securely help aviod the worried of unexpected vet bills . atft offers pet insurance discounted services , such as supplies , grooming and boarding . these services are available not only to pet owners in the usa but all over the world ! ! from vaccinations to dog food they will protect and assist the family and their pets for a complete life . atft looks forward to giving pet owners all over the world the opportunity and the ability to afford coverage for their pets and will strive to become a valuable part of you family and protection for your pet ' s life and well being . press release american television and film company in talks with first pet life thursday june 9 , 8 : 00 am et dallas - - ( business wire ) - - june 9 , 2005 - - american television and film company ( pink sheets : atft - news ) announced today that it is in talks with first pet life about the possible acquisition of first pet life . no further details are available at this time . about american television and film company : american television and film company ( pink sheets : atft - news ) develops feature films and television shows for worldwide distribution . additional information about the company and current projects can be found at www . americantvandfilm . com . about first pet life : first pet life offers many discounted services including insurance , pet supplies , boarding , and grooming . as a pethealth insurance provider , first pet life has the backing of an insurance industry leader . the comprehensive coverages offered are broad yet inexpensive for the typical household . additional information is available at www . firstpetlife . com . disclaimer : matters discussed in this press release are " forward - looking statements . " statements describing objectives or goals or the company ' s future plans are also forward - looking statements and are subject to certain risks and uncertainties , including the financial performance of the company and market valuations of its stock , which could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated . source : american television film safe harbor statement this report is for informational purposes only , and is neither a solicitation to buy nor an offer to sell securities . investment in low - priced small and micro - cap stocks are considered extremely speculative and may result in the loss of some or all of any investment made in these companies . reveal marketing , llc is not a registered investment advisor or a broker - dealer . information , opinions and analysis contained herein are based on sources believed to be reliable , but no representation , expressed or implied , is made as to its accuracy , completeness or correctness . the opinions contained herein reflect our current judgment and are subject to change without notice . reveal marketing , llc assumes no responsibility for updating the information contained herein regardless of any change in atft ' s financial or operating condition . as reveal marketing , llc has received compensation for this report , and will benefit from any increase in share price of the advertised company , there is an inherent conflict of interest in our statements and opinions . reveal marketing , llc accepts no liability for any losses arising from an investor ' s reliance on , or use of , this report . atft will require additional capital to realize its business plan and continue as a going concern . expedite has been paid in the amount of fifteen thousand dollars for the transmission of this message . . reveal marketing , llc and its affiliates or officers may buy hold or sell common shares , of mentioned companies , in the open market or in private transactions at any time without notice . certain information included herein is forward - looking within the context of the private securities litigation reform act of 1995 , including , but not limited to , statements concerning manufacturing , marketing , growth , and expansion . the words " may , " " would , " " will , " " expect , " " estimate , " " anticipate , " " believe , " " intend , " and similar expressions and variations thereof are intended to identify forward - looking statements . such forward - looking information involves important risks and uncertainties that could affect actual results and cause them to differ materially from expectations expressed herein . reveal marketing 3521 oak lawn ave . , ste . 405 dallas , tx 75219 this e - mail message is an advertisement and / or solicitation .
Subject: [ ilug - social ] prirodu requiremus social sample social on january lst 2002 , the european countries began using the new euro . never before have so many countries with such powerful economies united to use a single currency . get your piece of history now ! we would like to send you a free euro and a free report on world currency . just visit our site to request your euro and euro report : in addition to our currency report , you can receive our free investment package : * learn how $ 10 , 000 in options will leverage $ 1 , 000 , 000 in euro currency . this means even a small movement in the market has huge profit potential . csice if you are over age 18 and have some risk capital , it ' s important that you find out how the euro will change the economic world and how you can profit ! please carefully evaluate your financial position before trading . only risk capital should be used . 8 c 43 fd 25 cb 6 f 949944 eel 2 c 379 e 50028 utbxcuhepuffbnkwq full opt - out instructions on the bottom of the site - - irish linux users ' group social events : social @ linux . ie http : / / www . linux . ie / mailman / listinfo / social for ( un ) subscription information . list maintainer : listmaster @ linux . ie
Subject: logo , stationer , website design and so much more ! lt is really hard to recollect a company : the market is full of suqgestions and the information isoverwhelming ; but a good catchy logo , styllsh stationery and outstanding website will make the task much easier . we do not promise that having ordered a loqo your company wiil automaticaiiy become a world ieader : it isquite clear that without good products , effective business organization and practicable aim it will be hotat nowadays market ; but we do promise that your marketing efforts will become much more effective . here is the list of clear benefits : creativeness : hand - made , original logos , specially done to reflect your distinctive company image . convenience : logo and stationery are provided in all formats ; easy - to - use content management system letsyou change your website content and even its structure . promptness : you will see logo drafts within three business days . affordability : your marketing break - through shouldn ' t make gaps in your budget . 100 % satisfaction guaranteed : we provide unlimited amount of changes with no extra fees for you to be surethat you will love the result of this collaboration . have a look at our portfolio _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Subject: . . . if you ' re looking for the lowest software prices on the web , you just found them ! get software cds and download under $ 15 - $ 99 a straw vote only shows which way the hot air blows . poverty is the parent of revolution and crime .
Subject: make a fortune on ebay 24772 ebay - # 1 rated work at home business opportunity - pc magazine fortunes are literally being made in this great new marketplace ! over $ 9 billion in merchandise was sold on ebay in 2001 by people just like you - right from their homes . now you too can learn the secrets of successful selling on ebay and make a staggering income from the comfort of your own home . if you are motivated , capable of having an open mind , and can follow simple directions , then visit us here . we are strongly against sending unsolicited emails to those who do not wish to receive our special mailings . you have opted in to one or more of our affiliate sites requesting to be notified of any special offers we may run from time to time . we also have attained the services of an independent 3 rd party to overlook list management and removal services . this is not unsolicited email . if you do not wish to receive further mailings , please go here to be removed from the list . please accept our apologies if you have been sent this email in error . charset = iso - 8859 - 1 " >
Subject: re : 6 . 25 30 yr fixed home loan , no points flu dear homeowner , * 6 . 25 % 30 yr fixed rate mortgage interest rates are at their lowest point in 40 years ! we help you find the best rate for your situation by matching your needs with hundreds of lenders ! home improvement , refinance , second mortgage , home equity loans , and more ! even with less than perfect credit ! click here for a free quote ! lock in your low fixed rate today ano points ano cost out of pocket ano upfront fees ano obligation afree consultation aall credit grades accepted 6 . 25 % won ' t stay this low forever ! click for your free quote , now ! h apply now and one of our lending partners will get back to you within 48 hours . click here ! to be removed please clicking here .
Subject: all graphics software available , cheap oem versions . good morning , we we offer latest oem packages of all graphics and publishing software from corei , macromedia , adobe and others . $ 80 adobe photoshop 8 . 0 / cs $ 140 macromedia studio mx 2004 $ 120 adobe acrobat 7 . 0 professionai $ 150 adobe premiere pro 1 . 5 $ 90 corei desiqner 10 $ 90 quickbooks 2004 professionai edition $ 75 adobe pagemaker 7 . 0 $ 70 xara x vl . 1 $ 75 adobe audition 1 . 5 $ 90 discreet 3 d studio max 7 $ 115 adobe golive cs $ 135 adobe after effects 6 . 5 standard $ 45 adobe premiere elements $ 125 corel painter ix $ 80 adobe liiustrator cs $ 80 adobe lndesign cs $ 240 adobe creative suite $ 140 adobe framemaker 7 . 1 $ 50 uiead cooi 3 d production studio 1 . 0 . 1 $ 90 aiias motion buiider 6 professionai $ 30 quicken 2004 premier home & biz $ 30 adobe photoshop eiements 3 . 0 $ 110 adobe premiere pro 7 . 0 learn more . . . sincereiy , lsiah
Subject: please help my child dear sir / mam , i have send this email in order to recive some help . i am a single father from italy and i have a big problem . my 2 year child is cancer sick and i need money to treat him . i don ' t ask for lots off money but as much as you want : 1 $ 2 $ . . . . i will be pleased . this is my sweet boy nely : nely pictures the pics say all the things . if you have a hart and you are a father then please this is my paypal email address : david _ horatiul 23 @ yahoo . com . thank you and i ' m very sorry for this email , but i need help . have a nice day and good bless you ! please help my boy ! ! !
Subject: entrust your visual identity to us thinking of breathing new life into your business ? start from revamping its front - endlogo and visualidentity . we offer creative custom desiqn of logos , stationery and web - sites . under our careful hand thesepowerfui marketinq toois will brinq a breath of fresh air into your business and make you stand out amongthe competitors . you are just a click away from your future success . click here to see the sampies of our artwork , checkour prices and hot offers . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Subject: hello bevstarl 0 dear bevstarl 0 , rape sex ! click here do you like sexy animals doing the wild thing ? we have the super hot content on the internet ! this is the site you have heard about . rated the number one adult site three years in a row ! - thousands of pics from hardcore fucking , and cum shots to pet on girl . - thousands videos so what are you waiting for ? click here you must be at least 18 to enter ! to not be on our in house address database click here and you will eliminated from future mailings . [ : kj ) _ 8 j 7 b ]
Subject: set & forget ! blast your ad over 200 million leads 2 ) you posted to one of my ffa pages ; 3 ) you have responded to one of my ads ; 4 ) you have sent an e - mail to one my addresses 5 ) you visited one of my sites by doing so , you have agreed to receive this message . under bill s . l 6 l 8 title iii passed by the 105 th us congress this letter cannot be considered spam as long as the sender includes contact information & a method of " removal . " however this is a one time mailing so there ' s no removal required . thank you for your kind consideration . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ disclaimer @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
Subject: do you want a rolex for $ 75 - $ 275 ? replica watches http : / / dragon . valentlne . com / repli / lib / freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better . it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live . the only thing sadder than a battle won is a battle lost . assassination is the extreme form of censorship .
Subject: discover the new winning sexual erection pills ! prescriptions for female sexual disfunction i exist as i am , that is enough . the covers of this book are too far apart . a person ' s a person , no matter how small . a young man is embarrassed to question an older one .
Subject: are you ready to get it ? hello ! viagra is the # 1 med to struggle with mens ' erectile dysfunction . like one jokes sais , it is strong enough for a man , but made for a woman ; - ) orderinq viaqra online is a very convinient , fast and secure way ! millions of people do it daily to save their privacy and money order here . . .
Subject: a wedding consulting business of your own do you know what a wedding consultant is ? maybe it ' s something you ' ve always thought about doing , but didn ' t know where to start , how to start , when to start . or even if an opportunity like this existed . it does ! and a touch of class would like you to invite you to be a part of it . wedding consulting isn ' t wedding planning . it ' s a fun , exciting , rewarding , and high - paying job that lets you use your creativity to be a part of the happiest day of people ' s lives . our wedding consultants help oversee some of the important details necessary to create the wedding of their client ' s dreams , focusing on just a few key pieces of a wedding : coordinating stationary , favors , gifts , personalized websites , and other creative additions to make weddings just a little more special , personal , and memorable . a touch of class wedding consulting provides a new and exciting opportunity for you to take a bold step for yourself , and serve the needs of many others in the process . a touch of class is an established and successful wedding consulting business . our consultants provide thoughtful touches , creative advice , event expertise , and quality products to add special value to a most special day , all through our network of vendors and suppliers . we provide everything they need to do their job and to do it well , with end to end support , training , administration , sales , and relationship building . now , a touch of class is creating a national network of wedding consultants . it ' s an exciting opportunity . perhaps it ' s the right opportunity for you . to learn more about our program , and about being a wedding consultant , click below to view our brief program overview . click here for program overview presentation the need for professional wedding consultants has grown tremendously . with more than two - - and - a - half million weddings and almost seventy billion dollars spent on weddings last year alone , there are more opportunities for wedding consultants than ever before . after you ' ve had a chance to view our presentation , if you feel this is something that ' s right for you , then call or email me to get started , and we can schedule a time to discuss the program together in greater detail . sincerely yours , nicole nicole wilder president a touch of class wedding consulting t : 800 - 870 - 0029 ext . 5101 f : 203 . 924 . 0634 email : nicole . wilder @ atocweddings . com web : www . atocweddings . com a touch of class 223 canal st . shelton , ct 06484 this e - mail message is an advertisement and / or solicitation .
Subject: in the heart of your business ! corporate image can say a lot of things about your company . contemporary rhythm of life is too dynamic . sometimes it takes only several seconds for your company to be remembered or to be iost among competitors . get your ioqo , business stationery or website done riqht now ! fast turnaround : you wiii see several ioqo variants in three business days . satisfaction quaranteed : we provide uniimited amount of changes ; you can be sure : it will meet your needsand fit your business . fiexible discounts : iogo improvement , additional formats , bulk orders , special packages . creative design for competitive price : have a look at it right now ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Subject: perfect logo charset = koi 8 - r " > thinking of breathing new life into your business ? start from revamping its front - end - logo and visuai identity . logodentity offers creative custom desiqn of loqos , stationery and web - sites . under our careful hand these powerful marketing toois wili bring a breath of fresh air into your business and make you stand out among the competitors . you are just a click away from your future success . click here to see the sampies of our artwork , check our prices and hot offers
Subject: need a graphic artist ? come here . thinking of breathing new life into your business ? start from revamping its front - endlogo and visualidentity . we offer creative custom design of ioqos , stationery and web - sites . under our carefui hand thesepowerful marketing toois wiii brinq a breath of fresh air into your business and make you stand out amongthe competitors . you are just a ciick away from your future success . click here to see the sampies of our artwork , checkour prices and hot offers . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Subject: low price software http : / / woe . mainoemstore . com / ? a = 3107
Subject: uae enquiries dear sirs , emiratestenders provides you with the latest business information on projects , tenders , enquiries and business deals in the united arab emirates . we will keep you informed about all business activities in abu dhabi , dubai , sharjah , al ain & northern emirates in areas such as construction , oilfield development , telecommunication , information technology , medical , power generation , roads & bridges & more . emiratestenders provides members free access to the most comprehensive and detailed real time project and tender database with many benefits including : complete access to our detailed real time database on all projects , tenders and enquiries in united arab emirates . ( details provided are : project number , project name , territory , client , client address , description , invitation date , post date , closing date , tender cost , budget , contractors , consultants , tender categories , status , remarks ) free e - mail notification on preferred areas of business and useful local business news . easy to use search options . archive of over 8 , 000 projects and tenders for market research and analysis which is updated on a daily basis . a newsletter with information on the latest business activities in the uae . free consultancy on local business requirements in the territory . the people at emiratestenders have indepth knowledge and experience about the local market and can assist you to develop your business in the united arab emirates . the annual subscription fee to emiratestenders is only usd 500 , which gives you unlimited access to the real time projects and tenders database information . click here to see a sample page . for only usd 500 , you can sign up as a member to take advantage of the most comprehensive and detailed real time project and tender database in what is undoubtedly one of the most exiting and potentially lucrative markets in the world today . please visit http : / / www . uaeenquiries . com and find out for yourself how it can help you expand your business and win deals in the united arab emirates . yours faithfully , sales and support teamtel : + 971 2 - 6348495 fax : + 971 2 - 6316465 you are receiving this e - mail because you have opted - in to receive special offers for business development or one of it ' s marketing partners . if you feel you have received this e - mail in error or do not wish to receive additional special offers , please reply to remove @ uaeenquiries . com with a " remove " subject in the email .
Subject: stox maven news - letter * * * watch this one july 21 breaking news alert issue - big news coming * * * china world trade corp . symbol : cwtd current price : $ 2 . 46 7 day target : $ 8 . 00 $ $ $ we gave you : pntv at $ 1 . 10 cdgt at $ 1 . 97 lets make it 3 for 3 look for huge news this company back on the move . rumor has the shorts are going to be broken and sto * ck will run . cwtd website address is www . chinawtc . com all company info is there . this sto * ck has had good movement and support the last 15 months it is a strong company growing in leaps and bounds . company has been profiled on cnn asia , forbes . com , bloomberg . com , ceo cast . com , businessweek . com , p . r . newswire , pennysto * ck weekly . com , yahoo finance has reports for sale . how much more credibility do you need . amex exchange listing waits in the wings . this is big ! ! ! ! ! ! company filed for amex 10 months ago and is finally ready to go up based on the 10 k . symbol cwtd join in and squezze the shorts : cwtd take a look at our last strong buy recomendatons get in cwtd while it ' s hot disclaimer : information within this email contains " forwardlooking statements " within the meaning of section 27 aof the securities act of 1933 and section 21 b of the securities exchange act of 1934 . any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions , expectations , beliefs , plans , projections , objectives , goals , assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be " forward looking statements " . " forward looking statements " are based on expectations , estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those presently anticipated . forward looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as " projects " , " foresee " , " expects " , " will " , " anticipates " , " estimates " , " believes " , " understands " or that by statements indicating certain actions " may " , " could " , or " might " occur . risk factors include general economic and business conditions , the ability to acquire and develop specific projects , the ability to fund operations and changes in consumer and business consumption habits and other factors overwhich the company has little or no control . the publisher of this newsletter does not represent that the information contained in this message states all material facts or does not omit a material fact necessary to make the statements therein not misleading . all information provided within this email pertaining to investing , stocks , securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice . the publisher of this newsletter advises all readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professional securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this email . none of the material within this report shall be construed as any kind of investment advice or solicitation . many of these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy . you can lose all your money by investing in this stock . we urge you to read the company ' s sec filings now , before you invest . the publisher of this newsletter is not a registered invstment advisor . subscribers should not view information herein as legal , tax , accounting or investment advice . in compliance with the securitiesact of 1933 , section 17 ( b ) , the publisher of this newsletter is contracted to receive six hundred thousand free trading shares from a third party , not an officer , director or affiliate shareholder for the circulation of this report . be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resulting from such compensation due to the fact that this is a paid advertisement and is not without bias . the party that paid us has a position in the stock they will sell at anytime without notice . this could have a negative impact on the price of the stock , causing you to lose money . all factual information in this report was gathered from public sources , including but not limited to sec filings , company websites and company press releases . the publisher of this newsletter believes this information to be reliable but can make no guarantee as to its accuracy or completeness . use of the material within this email constitutes your .
Subject: freedom - $ 1 , 021 , 320 . 00 per year . hi , i would like you to enjoy the same success that i have had , since joining this program for free . cost you nothing to join ! pre - built downline : a full ( 2 wide x 10 deep ) profit center will have a total of 2 , 046 people and a payout of up to $ 1 , 021 , 320 . 00 per year . the fastest way for us to help you build a huge downline is to give away free memberships to highly motivated prospects , like you , and help build a downline under them . this is the fastest and most cost - effective way to build a productive downline ! we are currently recruiting over 1 , 000 new members per week with our lightning fast recruiting system ! ! ! go to : http : / / www . ircinconline . com / isb . htm code number 000 - 01 - 3118 ps . . . after i received my info pack , the company already had placed 30 people under me disclaimer to remove yourself from my data base please hit reply and insert remove in the subject box . 7211 iahr 5 - 883 pbxd 6893 zunf 7 - 464 yxfl 31
Subject: localized software , all languages available . hello , we would like to offer localized software versions ( qerman , french , spanish , uk , and many others ) . all iisted software is availabie for immediate download ! no need to wait 2 - 3 week for cd delivery ! just few exampies : - norton lnternet security pro 2005 - $ 29 . 95 - windows xp professional with sp 2 fuii version - $ 59 . 95 - corel draw graphics suite 12 - $ 49 . 95 - dreamweaver mx 2004 ( homesite 5 . 5 inciudinq ) - $ 39 . 95 - macromedia studio mx 2004 - $ 119 . 95 just browse our site and find any software you need in your native languaqe ! best reqards , ashlee
Subject: amaziing hello , welcome to medzonl hedgehog ine shop we are pleased to introduce ourselves as one of the ieading online pharmaceutica impractical i shops . financier v hundredweight r designer al l sestertius l trashy lag a matronly cl isv baresark a septic um andmanyother . - save over 75 sundae % - total confid fewness entiaiity - worldwide outset shlpplng - over 5 miilion cust clothes omers in 150 countries have a skinny nice day !
Subject: spice up your cellphone with a wallpaper from dirtyhippo . dress up your phone . visit here . dxndeueqjdzo
Subject: localized software , all languages available . hello , we would like to offer localized software versions ( german , french , spanish , uk , and many others ) . ali iisted software is avaiiable for immediate downioad ! no need to wait 2 - 3 week for cd delivery ! just few examples : - norton internet security pro 2005 - $ 29 . 95 - windows xp professional with sp 2 full version - $ 59 . 95 - corel draw graphics suite 12 - $ 49 . 95 - dreamweaver mx 2004 ( homesite 5 . 5 inciudinq ) - $ 39 . 95 - macromedia studio mx 2004 - $ 119 . 95 just browse our site and find any software you need in your native ianquage ! best reqards , adina
Subject: improved health jbtfcz to find out more , click on the link below more info increase your sex drive ! ! ! great sexin a bottle ! knock your sex drive into high gear ! men easily achieve naturally triggered erections , like they are 18 all over again women will pump with naturally flowing juices from the start and will achieve the most intense orgasms of their lives ! jumpstart sexual desire in both men women , to the point that you never thought possible ! . has your sex life become dull , mundane , or even non - existent ? are you having trouble getting or " keeping " an erection ? do you think you have lost the desire ? or does your desire seem more like a chore ? click here for more info great sex in a bottle has been called the all natural alternative to viagra . it increases sex drive like you never thought possible , creating natural emotional responses ! this fact is unlike viagra , as viagra is designed to chemically induce blood flow to the penis . well , as you men know , that ' s great to stay hard , but if you don ' t have the desire to do anything , then what ' s the point ? ! ! ! and all for as low as $ 1 per pill , as opposed to viagra at $ 10 per pill ! xerox?ffffae brother?ffffae and more ! compatible with all inkjet printers plain paper inkjet faxes this message is being sent to you in compliance with the proposed federal legislation for commercial e - mail ( s . 1618 - section 301 ) . pursuant to section 301 , paragraph ( a ) ( 2 ) ( c ) of s . 1618 , further transmissions to you by the sender of this e - mail may be stopped at no cost to you by submitting a request to remove further , this message cannot be considered spam as long as we include sender contact information . you may contact us at ( 801 ) 406 - 0109 to be removed from future mailings .
Subject: localized software , all languages available . hello , we would like to offer localized software versions ( german , french , spanish , uk , and many others ) . ali iisted software is avaiiabie for immediate download ! no need to wait 2 - 3 week for cd delivery ! just few examples : - norton lnternet security pro 2005 - $ 29 . 95 - windows xp professionai with sp 2 fuli version - $ 59 . 95 - corel draw graphics suite 12 - $ 49 . 95 - dreamweaver mx 2004 ( homesite 5 . 5 inciudinq ) - $ 39 . 95 - macromedia studio mx 2004 - $ 119 . 95 just browse our site and find any software you need in your native lanquage ! best regards , margarette
Subject: if your sex life is good . . . then make it fantastic ! prescription medicine through an easy , secure and confidential environment . children are likely to live up to what you believe of them . a rat who gnaws at a cat ' s tail invites destruction . patience is the companion of wisdom . i love people , it ' s mankind i can ' t stand .
Subject: [ ilug ] stop the mlm insanity greetings ! you are receiving this letter because you have expressed an interest in receiving information about online business opportunities . if this is erroneous then please accept my most sincere apology . this is a one - time mailing , so no removal is necessary . if you ' ve been burned , betrayed , and back - stabbed by multi - level marketing , mlm , then please read this letter . it could be the most important one that has ever landed in your inbox . multi - level marketing is a huge mistake for most people mlm has failed to deliver on its promises for the past 50 years . the pursuit of the " mlm dream " has cost hundreds of thousands of people their friends , their fortunes and their sacred honor . the fact is that mlm is fatally flawed , meaning that it cannot work for most people . the companies and the few who earn the big money in mlm are not going to tell you the real story . finally , there is someone who has the courage to cut through the hype and lies and tell the truth about mlm . here ' s good news there is an alternative to mlm that works , and works big ! if you haven ' t yet abandoned your dreams , then you need to see this . earning the kind of income you ' ve dreamed about is easier than you think ! with your permission , i ' d like to send you a brief letter that will tell you why mlm doesn ' t work for most people and will then introduce you to something so new and refreshing that you ' ll wonder why you haven ' t heard of this before . i promise that there will be no unwanted follow up , no sales pitch , no one will call you , and your email address will only be used to send you the information . period . to receive this free , life - changing information , simply click reply , type " send info " in the subject box and hit send . i ' ll get the information to you within 24 hours . just look for the words mlm wall of shame in your inbox . cordially , siddhi p . s . someone recently sent the letter to me and it has been the most eye - opening , financially beneficial information i have ever received . i honestly believe that you will feel the same way once you ' ve read it . and it ' s free ! this email is never sent unsolicited . this is not " spam " . you are receiving this email because you explicitly signed yourself up to our list with our online signup form or through use of our ffa links page and e - maildom systems , which have explicit terms of use which state that through its use you agree to receive our emailings . you may also be a member of a altra computer systems list or one of many numerous free marketing services and as such you agreed when you signed up for such list that you would also be receiving this emailing . due to the above , this email message cannot be considered unsolicitated , or spam . - - irish linux users ' group : ilug @ linux . ie http : / / www . linux . ie / mailman / listinfo / ilug for ( un ) subscription information . list maintainer : listmaster @ linux . ie
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Subject: best software prices . big range of all types of downloadable software . life is consciousness . if you stay in beverly hills too long you become a mercedes .
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Subject: this one will make you money 9 / 20 / 02 11 : 34 : 52 pm a great sponsor will not make you money . a great product line will not make you money either . a great compensation plan will not make you money either . a great company will not make you money either . some say it ' s a combination of the above . some say it ' s what ' s inside you that matters the most . forget about meetings , one - on - one , 3 - ways calls , etc . those old ways of network marketing has come and gone . they wear you out long before you make any money . what makes you money is a downline associated with a stable company that has consumable products . where ' s the downline coming from ? well , we have an online automatic recruiting system that does the work for you . our system will place paying members in your downline . furthermore , you can see it working first hand before you decide what to do , if any . for more info on this simple but powerful recruiting system please click here and send a blank message we belong to the same opt - in list . but if you wish to have your email address remove from our database please click here
Subject: a chance to get new logo now working on your company ' s image ? start with a visual identity a key to the first good impression . we are here to help you ! we ' ll take part in buildinq a positive visuai imaqe of your company by creating an outstandinq loqo , presentable stationery items and professionai website . these marketinq toois wili siqnificantly contributeto success of your business . take a look at our work sampies , hot deai packaqes and see what we have to offer . we work for you ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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Subject: send the love home with an online photo album get cd and downloads , all software under $ 99 - $ 15 nobody will believe in you unless you believe in yourself . nothing feeds upon itself as liberality does .
Subject: thanksgiving sale we want to thank you for your past business and wish you and yours a very happy thanksgiving holiday this year . as you know , indians played an important role in helping the pioneers find food and water . no small wonder they were honored on our nation ' s cents from 1859 to 1909 and gold coins from 1854 to 1933 . asa way of giving thanks to our customers , we just bought in a rare batch of 900 vf and xf indian cents and are offering these on special for this week . nice mixture of dates from the 1880 s to 1909 . our regular wholesale price for solid vf coins is $ 1 . 95 and $ 6 . 00 for solid xf . for this week only , we are offering 10 different dates , vf or better , for only $ 15 or 10 different dates , solid xf or better , for only $ 45 . dealers / investors - buy a nice roll of 50 , with at least 10 different dates in each roll . vf roll of 50 , only $ 69 . xf roll of 50 , only $ 195 . limit : 5 rolls of each per customer at these low wholesale prices . we also have some really nicechoice bu ( ms 63 or better ) $ 21 / 2 indian gold coins from 1908 - 1929 for only $ 395 each ( our choice of date , but we will pick out the best quality ) 3 different for only $ 950 or 10 different for $ 2 , 950 . limit : 10 per customer . please add $ 6 to help with postage and insurance on all orders . thank you again , cristina www . collectorsinternet . com p . s . one of our most popular items this month has been our wholesale bargain boxes , found half way down our homepage or at http : / / collectorsinternet . com / . htm . we are getting many repeat orders from other dealers . you can save time and postage by adding this item , or any other items we have on sale to your other purchases , as there is only a $ 6 postage and handling fee per order , regardless of size .
Subject: prime lenders application status we tried to contact you last week about refinancing your home at a lower rate . i would like to inform you know that you have been pre - approved . here are the results : * account id : [ 046 - 073 ] * negotiable amount : $ 182 , 092 to $ 657 , 186 * rate : 3 . 30 % - 5 . 52 % please fill out this quick form and we will have a broker contact you as soon as possible . regards , gus hammond senior account manager lyell national lenders , llc . database deletion : www . lend - bloxz . com / r . php
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Subject: loaded with technology for business and home . microsoft localized software . http : / / iylo . box 8 wab 48 lti 8 ut . evelynlb . com some of my best leading men have been dogs and horses . the smaller the mind the greater the conceit .
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Subject: seeking your partnership dear partner to be , first , i must apologise to you for using this medium to communicate to you about this project . i am a highly placed official of government of nigeria and also a founding member of the ruling party in power now , the peoples democratic party ( pdp ) . my committee - the niger delta development corporation ( nddc ) - which is in charge of managing and supervising the disbursement of oil sales revenues for the nigerian government . the revenues under our control runs into several hundred of millions of dollars monthly . my self and other colleagues in the nddc are currently in need of a foreign partner with whose bank account we shall transfer the sum of forty nine million five hundred thosand united states dollars ( $ 49 . 5 m ) . this fund accrued to us as commission for oil sales contracts handled under our supervision . the fund is presently waiting in the government account named cbn / fgn independent revenue account number 400 - 939134 with j . p . morgan chase bank , new york . you can do your independent verifictaion of this . however , by virtue of our position as civil servants and members of the nddc , we cannot acquire this funds in our name . this is because as top civil servants , we are not allowed by law of the land to own or operate bank accounts outside our country for now . i have been delegated as a matter of trust by my colleagues , to look for an overseas partner in whose account we would transfer the fund hence the reason for this mail . we shall be transferring the money to your account with your company as we shall present your company as a registered foreign company with a branch in nigeria and you are been paid for a contract which you executed for our country through the nddc and any oter federal ministry that we decide to use to siphon the funds away . for your support and partnership , please reply me to negotiate your fees or the percentage you wish to be paid when the funds arrive your bank account . you must however note that this transaction , with regards to our disposition to continue with you , is subject to these terms . firstly , our conviction of your transparency . secondly , that you treat this transaction with utmost secrecy and confidentiality . finally and above all , that you will provide an account that you have absolute control over . the transaction , although discrete , is legitimate and there is no risk or legal disadvantages either to ourselves or yourself now or in the future as we have put in place perfect mchineries that will ensure a hitch free transfer into your account upon acceptance . the transfer will be effected to your account within ten - fourteen ( 10 - 14 ) working days as soon as we reach an agreement and you furnish me with a suitable bank account and company name and address with all your contact numbers including fax number . i am looking forward to doing business with you and do solicit your confidentiality in this transaction , please mail your response to me . yours faithfully , anderson k . eseimoku
Subject: http : / / www . kirkbridebuildings . com hello , i have visited www . kirkbridebuildings . com and noticed that your website is not listed on some search engines . i am sure that through our service the number of people who visit your website will definitely increase . seekercenter is a unique technology that instantly submits your website to over 500 , 000 search engines and directories - - a really low - cost and effective way to advertise your site . for more details please go to seekercenter . net . give your website maximum exposure today ! looking forward to hearing from you . best regards , vanessa lintner sales marketing www . seekercenter . net you are receiving this email because you opted - in to receive special offers through a partner website . if you feel that you received this email in error or do not wish to receive additional special offers , please enter your email address here and click the button of remove me :
Subject: market internet access - no investment needed market internet access no investment needed premium internet access for only $ 14 . 95 per month or less ! earn $ 1 per subscriber per month go to : http : / / new . isp . 50 megs . com / 3442 bvlb 9 - 565 fafxo 200 lbck 9 - 698 onqh 7 l 33
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Subject: all graphics software available , cheap oem versions . good morning , we we offer latest oem packages of all graphics and publishinq software from corel , macromedia , adobe and others . $ 80 adobe photoshop 8 . 0 / cs $ 140 macromedia studio mx 2004 $ 120 adobe acrobat 7 . 0 professionai $ 150 adobe premiere pro 1 . 5 $ 90 corei designer 10 $ 90 quickbooks 2004 professionai edition $ 75 adobe pagemaker 7 . 0 $ 70 xara x vl . 1 $ 75 adobe audition 1 . 5 $ 90 discreet 3 d studio max 7 $ 115 adobe goiive cs $ 135 adobe after effects 6 . 5 standard $ 45 adobe premiere elements $ 125 corel painter lx $ 80 adobe lllustrator cs $ 80 adobe lndesiqn cs $ 240 adobe creative suite $ 140 adobe framemaker 7 . 1 $ 50 ulead cooi 3 d production studio 1 . 0 . 1 $ 90 alias motion buiider 6 professionai $ 30 quicken 2004 premier home & biz $ 30 adobe photoshop elements 3 . 0 $ 110 adobe premiere pro 7 . 0 learn more . . . sincereiy , chantell
Subject: when will the real estate bubble burst ? - live meeting july 21 st on alternative investments event date : thursday july 21 st at 10 : 30 am est , 2 : 30 pm est , and 7 : 30 pm estwith top - ranked alternative investment manager , michael mansfield " the biggest financial bubble in history " in the article " after the fall , " in the june 16 , 2005 issue of economist magazine , real estate was called , " the biggest financial bubble in history . " what makes this real estate market so risky is that the crazy speculation in housing has spread around the world . people continue to buy houses simply because " prices are rising " , without any regard to fundamentals . this is similar to what happened with the stock market during the 1990 ' s , when investors bought shares of profitless companies just because everyone else was doing the same . in fact , many of thepeople who have gotten or are getting into real estate are the ones that got killed by the stock market during the 2000 crash . consequently , these will probably be the same people that get burned when the global housing bubble bursts ( prices in australia and britain are already sliding . america ' s housing market may be a year or so behind ) . to register for this complimentary event , go to http : / / www . forex - day - trading . com / forex - online - registration . htm . even warren buffett is negative on real estate warren buffett , the second richest man in the world , recently sold his house in laguna for $ 3 . 5 million . he joked , " it was on about 2 , 000 square feet of land , maybe a twentieth of an acre , and the house might cost about $ 500 , 000 if you wanted to replace it . so the land sold for something like $ 60 million an acre . " [ if you want to read more about this , you can go to cnn ' s website at http : / / money . cnn . com / 2005 / 05 / 01 / news / fortune 500 / buffett _ talks / ] so why is buffett saying that us real estate is a bubble ready to burst ? and why is buffett betting against the us dollar ? [ note : buffett made $ 1 . 63 billion in foreign currency ( fx ) gains from the dollar ? s decline in the last quarter of 2004 ] for the same reasons that michael mansfield has been discussing in his live online meetings . who is michael mansfield ? top - ranked alternative investment manager michael mansfield is the co - manager of the # 1 - ranked global diversified fx portfolio ( gdfx ) . heis having his next live online meeting on july 21 st at three different times ( see below for instructions on how to register for this event ) . gdfx was up 31 . 87 % in 2004 and was ranked # 1 by eurekahedge . the objective of gdfx is to produce between 20 to 45 % a year after fees and has no correlation to stocks or real estate . what will be covered ? mansfield will discuss what ' s in store for the global markets in 2005 , including the forex , stock , oil , gold , interest rate , and real estate markets . he will also cover what has made the gdfx managed portfolio so successful when compared to other alternative investments and managed accounts . in his discussion , mansfield will cover why it is so risky to be invested right now in long - only stock positions . he will also discuss when the current real estate bubble will likely burst and what you can do about it . who is this event for ( investors , advisors , hedge funds , religious institutions , etc . ) ? if you are considering professionally managed forex accounts ( alternative investments ) or you are currently invested in real estate , stocks , bonds , or mutual funds , you should attend this live event . if you or capital ( or your clients ' capital ) into alternative investments with above average returns and below average drawdowns , you might be a perfect candidate for our introducing broker program ; so we strongly suggest that you also attend this event . ( due to the demand that we have experienced for mansfield ? s discussions in the past , we have scheduled his next discussion at three different times on tuesday june 21 st . this will provide convenient hours for investors in different parts of the world to attend . please use the link below to register for any of the times provided : registration for this event thursday july 21 st at 10 : 30 am est ( miami , fl , usa ) ( please convert this to your local time ) thursday july 21 st at 02 : 30 pm est ( miami , fl , usa ) ( please convert this to your local time ) thursday july 21 st at 07 : 30 pm est ( miami , fl , usa ) ( please convert this to your local time ) some of mansfield ? s notable accomplishments - # 1 ranked manager by eureka hedge for april 04 - top - ranked manager in futures magazine for march 00 - called a large additional sell off in the nyse on aug 01 - called the us stock market crash of 1987 - master market technician with uncanny forecasting ability - co - manager of the global diversified fx portfolio ( gdfx ) space for this event is limited and will be filled on a first - come - first serve basis . if you have any questions about this complimentary event or about managed accounts , please give us a call . sincerely , joe loraforexmanaged account departmenthttp : / / www . forexdaytrading . com 2150 coral way , suite 5 dmiami , florida 33145 united states 800 - 366 - 4157 ( toll free in the u . s . and canada ) 786 - 866 - 8733 ( international ) to unsubscribe , please go to the link below :
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