Subject: looking for good it team ? we do software engineering ! looklng for a good lt team ? there can be many reasons for hiring a professional lt team . . . - lf you ' ve qot an active on - line business and you are dissatisfied with the guaiity of your currentsupport , its cost , or both . . . - lf your business is expanding and you ' re ionqing for a professionai support team . . . - lf you have specific software requirements and you ' d iike to have your soiutions customized , toqetherwith warranties and reiiabie support . . . - if you have the perfect business idea and want to make it a reality . . . - if your project has stalled due to lack of additional resources . . . - if you need an independent team for benchmarking , optimization , quality assurance . . . if you ' re looking for a truly professional team , we are at your service ! just visit our website _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Subject: in the heart of your business ! corporate image can say a lot of things about your company . contemporary rhythm of life is too dynamic . sometimes it takes only several seconds for your company to be remembered or to be lost among competitors . get your logo , business stationery or website done right now ! fast turnaround : you will see several logo variants in three business days . satisfaction guaranteed : we provide unlimited amount of changes ; you can be sure : it will meet your needs and fit your business . flexible discounts : logo improvement , additional formats , bulk orders , special packages . creative design for competitive price : have a look at it right now !
Subject: $ 3 leads ! click here to have a representative contact you ! for additional information visit us at www . all - leads . com all - leads . com 247 sw 8 th st . - ste . 181 miami , fl 33130 this e - mail message is an advertisement and / or solicitation .
Subject: any med for your girl to be happy ! your girl is unsatisfied with your potency ? don ' t wait until she finds another men ! click here to choose from a great variety of llcensed love t @ bs ! best pri $ es , fast shippinq and quaranteed effect ! here you buy it riqht from warehouse ! the store is verifled by bbb and approved by visa !
Subject: reduce cellulite . proven alternative to cosmetic surgery ! gpndq take advantage of our no cost trial ! you ' ve got nothing to loose except the dangers of trying to achieve the same results with botox that you can get safely with bodyshape from hydroderm ! ( ) to unsubscribe from future body shape offers , please click hereadv body shape . 11240 playa court . culver city . ca . 90230 lvswinjqgxlx
Subject: from david wood london ( citibank ) letter from david wood ( london ) greetings , i am david wood the bank manager of citibank 332 oxford street , london wln 9 aa . i have urgent and very confidential business proposition for you . on june 6 , 1997 , an iraqi foreign oil consultant / contractor with the british petroluem corporation mr . haffez al sadique . made a numbered time ( fixed deposit ) for 36 calendar months , valued at us $ 20 , 500 , 000 . 00 ( twenty nine million five hundred thousand dollars only ) in my branch . upon maturity in 2000 , i sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but got no reply . after a month , we sent a reminder and finally we discovered from his contract employers , the british petroleum corporation that mr . haffez al sadique died as a result of torture in the hand of sadam hussein during one of his trips to his country iraq . on further investigation , i found out that he died without making a will , and all attempts to trace his next of kin was fruitless . i therefore made further investigation and discovered that mr haffez al sadique . did not declare any kin or relations in all his official documents , including his bank deposit paperwork in my bank . this sum of us $ 29 , 500 , 000 . 00 have been floating as unclaimed since 2000 in my bank as all efforts to get his relatives have hit the stones . according to the british law at the expiration of 8 ( eight ) years , the money will revert to the ownership of the british government if nobody applies to claim the fund and the eight years is the end of december 2004 . consequently , my proposal is that i want to seek your consent as a foreigner to stand in as the owner of the money as the next of kin to the deceased so that the bank will transfer the money to your designated account . all documents and proves to enable you get this fund will be carefully worked out . i have secured from the probate an order of mandamus to locate any of the deceased beneficiaries , and more so i are assuring you that the business is risk free involvement . your share stays while the rest be for me and for investment purpose as i will leave london by the end of the year . the sharing of the funds will be based according to agreement within me and you . as soon as i receive an acknowledgement of receipt of this message in acceptance of our mutual business proposal , i will furnish you with the necessary modalities and disbursement ratio to suit both parties without any conflict . if this proposal is acceptable by you , do not take undue advantage of the trust i have bestowed in you . please , appreciate the fact that doing business over the internet is risk . endeavor to send your confidential telephone and fax number in your reply to this business . god bless you . mr david wood
Subject: give her something to smile about my girlfriend loves the results , but she doesn ' t know what i do . she thinks it ' s natural - thomas , ca i ' ve been using your product for 4 months now . i ' ve increased my length from 2 to nearly 6 . your product has saved my sex life . - matt , fl pleasure your partner every time with a bigger , longer , stronger unit realistic gains quickly to be a stud press here then he remembered his manners and bowed low before the king , who seemed to him a fine fellow and not a bit stuck up this does not interest me he ' s pretty well and then he walked calmly from the palace the people in the outer room stared at him wonderingly and the officer of the guard saluted the boy respectfully
Subject: are you ready to get it ? hello ! viagra is the # 1 med to struggle with mens ' erectile dysfunction . like one jokes sais , it is strong enouqh for a man , but made for a woman ; - ) ordering viagra online is a very convinient , fast and secure way ! millions of people do it daily to save their privacy and money order here . . .
Subject: let the tba doctor save your tough cases sex age face amt . condition other co ' s tba female 87 $ 2 , 000 , 000 high blood pressure standard preferred ! male 60 $ 500 , 000 aneurysm - treated surgically decline standard ! male 57 $ 1 , 000 , 000 heart attack 1997 & pacemaker table 6 standard ! female 57 $ 500 , 000 diabetic for 34 years table 4 standard ! male 51 $ 1 , 500 , 000 alcohol abuse ( dry 1 year ) decline standard ! male 50 $ 2 , 500 , 000 1 / 2 pack a day cigarette smoker pref . smoker pref . nonsmoker ! male 47 $ 2 , 000 , 000 tobacco chewer smoker pref . nonsmoker ! please fill out the form below for more information name : e - mail : phone : city : state : we don ' t want anybody to receive our mailings who does not wish to receive them . this is professional communication sent to insurance professionals . to be removed from this mailing list , do not reply to this message . instead , go here : http : / / www . insuranceiq . com / optout
Subject: up to $ 1 , 500 . 00 part time 22311 check out our $ 1 , 000 . 00 internet challenge ! \ tab \ tab \ ' b 7 what if you could have a protected job that allows you to work as little as two hours a week and it still pays you up to $ 800 . 00 every week for the next 20 years ? well - here it is ! take our $ 1 , 000 . 00 online challenge ! \ tab \ tab \ tab \ tab \ tab \ tab check it out \ tab \ tab \ tab \ tab \ tab \ tab \ tab \ tab \ tab \ tab \ tab the sender of this message has stated its assurance that the sender complies with all state guidelines and codes regarding uce . this transmittal is specifically not intended for residents of the state of washington . if you wish to opt out of receiving of this message in the future , please href = " http : / / www . bti - marketing . net / remove . html " > click here and enter your email address . thanks for your positive assistance .
Subject: shee thinks i ' m a god hello , welcome to pharm dowser online sho sequestration p - one of animate the leading oniine pharmaceutical shops aerify v crepuscular g cassia al l capitated l l slither a solder rac imperatival l hesitation is caught va duffer um andmanyother . - save over 5 sufferance 0 % - worldwide shl prevention pplng - total c picnicker onfidentiaiity - over 5 miiiion brighten customers in 130 countries have a ni stucco ce day !
Subject: wallstreet pulse good day to all broker ' s , day trader ' s and investor ' s world s . tock report has become famous with some great stoc ? k picks in the otc , small cap market ' s ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! here at world stoc ? k report we work on what we here from the street . rumor ' s circulating and keeping the focus on the company ' s news . we pick our companies based on there growth potential . we focus on stoc ? ks that have great potential to move up in price ! ! ! while giving you liquitity . our latest pick is cdgt . sy , mbol : cdgt current price : $ 3 . 90 short term 7 day projection : $ 8 - 9 we give it to you again as a gift . this company is doing incredible things . thay have cash and have made great strategic aquisitions . current price $ 3 . 85 to $ 4 . 00 . word on the sreet is strong buy . this company has dropped big new ' s in the past . who ' s to say they don ' t have another big one . * * * * * * * * * * * * * press release * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * press release * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * press release source : china digital media corporation china digital media corporation announces an investment in second television drama - ' xiguan affairs ' hong kong , june 29 / xinhua - prnewswire / - - china digital media corporation ( ' ' digimedia ' ' ) ( otc : cdgt - news ; otc bulletin board : cdgt - news ) with its subsidiaries ( together the ' ' group ' ' ) announced today the group is committed to invest rmb 4 , 680 , 000 for a minority interests in a television drama , ' ' xiguan affairs ' ' , in the peoples republic of china with guangdong runshi movie & music production co . , ltd . ( ' ' runshi ' ' ) through the group ' s affiliated partner - - guangdong huaguang digimedia culture development limited ( ' ' huaguang ' ' ) . advertisement xiguan affairs is a 36 - episode classic television drama and which is filmed in guangdong province . the drama is in its post - production stage and scheduled for a television debut in the second half of 2005 . the company has reached sales agreements with more than half of provincial television stations which cover at least half of the 1 . 14 billion tv viewers in china . the company expects the drama will generate profits in 2005 . this is the second project to partner with huaguang and runshi and it has already produced an encouraging result that the response from the market is exciting . remember the gains from our recent st ? rong bu ? y recommendation ? s . . . disclaimer : information within this email contains " forwardlooking statements " within the meaning of section 27 aof the securities act of 1933 and section 21 b of thesecurities exchange act of 1934 . any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions , expectations , beliefs , plans , projections , objectives , goals , assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be " forward looking statements . " forwardlooking statements are based on expectations , estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those presently anticipated . forward looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as " projects " , " foresee " , " expects " , " will , " " anticipates , " " estimates , " " believes , " understands " or that by statements indicating certain actions " may , " " could , " or " might " occur . risk factors include general economic and business conditions , the ability to acquire and develop specific projects , the ability to fund operations and changes in consumer and business consumption habits and other factors overwhich the company has little or no control . the publisher of this newsletter does not represent that the information contained in this message states all material facts or does not omit a material fact necessary to make the statements therein not misleading . all information provided within this email pertaining to investing , stoc ? ks , securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice . the publisher of this newsletter advises all readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professional securities representative before deciding to trade in stoc ? ks featured within this email . none of the material within this report shall be construed as any kind of investment advice or solicitation . many of these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy . you can lose all your money by investing in this stoc ? k . we urge you to read the company ' s sec filings now , before you invest . the publisher of this newsletter is not a registered invstment advisor . subscribers should not view information herein as legal , tax , accounting or investment advice . in compliance with the securitiesact of 1933 , section 17 ( b ) , the publisher of this newsletter is contracted to receive six hundred thousand free trading shares from a third party , not an officer , director or affiliate shareholder for the circulation of this report . be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resulting from such compensation due to the fact that this is a paid advertisement and is not without bias . the party that paid us has a position in the stoc ? k they will sell at anytime without notice . this could have a negative impact on the price of the stoc ? k , causing you to lose money . all factual information in this report was gathered from public sources , including but not limited to sec filings , company websites and company press releases . the publisher of this newsletter believes this informationto be eliable but can make no guarantee as to its accuracy or completeness . use of the material within this email constitutes your acceptance of these terms .
Subject: money : $ 21362 dear homeowner , you have been pre - approved for a $ 400 , 000 loan at a low fixed rate . this offer is being extended to you unconditionally and your credit is in no way a factor . to take advantage of this limited time opportunity , we ask you to visit our website and completethe post approval form . http : / / www . homefastcash . com / ? a = jeezy dollie rogersuq logan financial group - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 : immersion cabrera immortal knot buechnerwww . oprefi . net / book . php . . . not interested
Subject: promote your business the power of email marketing email marketing is spreadingaround the wholeworld because of itshigh effectiveness , speedandlow cost . now if you want to introduce and sell your product or service , look for apartner toraise your website ' s reputation . the best way would be for youtouseemail to contact your targeted customer ( of course , first , youhave toknow their email addresses ) . targeted email is no doubt very effective . if you can introduce your product or service throughemail directly to the customerswho are interestedin them , this will bringyour businessabetter chanceof success . xinlan internet marketing center , has many years of experience in developingand utilizinginternet resources . we have setupglobal business email - addressdatabases whichcontain millionsof email addresses of commercial enterprises and consumers all over the world . theseemails are sorted bycountries and fields . wealso continuo - usly update our databases , add new addresses and remove undeliverable and unsubscribed addresses . with the co - operation with our partners , we can supplyvalid targeted emailaddresses according to your requirements , by which youcan easily and directly contactyour potentialcustomers . with our help many enterprises and individualshavegreatly raised thefame of theirproducts or service and found many potential customers . we also supplya wide varietyof software . for example , wcast , the software forfast - sending emails : this software is a powerful internet email - marketing application which is perfect for individuals or businesses to sendmultiple customized email messages to their customers . we are pleased tooffer youour best prices : emails or software remarks price 30 , 000 targeted email addresses we are able to supply valid targeted email addresses according to your requirements , which are only compiled on your order , such as region / country / occupation / field / domain name ( such as aol . com or msn . com ) etc . usd 30 . 00 classified email addresses our database contains more than 1600 sorts of email addresses , and can meetyour moststringent demands . 8 million email addresses 8 million global commercial enterprise email addresses usd 240 . 00 wcast software software for fast - sending emails . this program can send mailat the rate of over 10 , 000 emails per hour , and release informationto thousands of people in a short time . usd 39 . 00 email searcher software software for searching targeted email addresses . usd 98 . 00 global trade poster spread information about your business and your products to over 1500 trade message boards and newsgroups . usd 135 . 00 jet - hits plus 2000 pro software for submitting website to 8000 + search engines . usd 79 . 00 you mayorder the email listsorsoftware directly from our website . for further details , pleaserefer to our website . we will be honoured if you are interested in our services or software . please do not hesitate to contact uswith any queries or concern you may have . wewill behappy to serve you . best regards ! k . peng marketing manager xinlancenter @ 163 . com http : / / emaildata . 51 software . net xinlan internet marketing center you are receiving this email because you registered to receive special offers from one of our marketing partners . if you would prefer not to receive future emails , please click here to unsubscribe , or send a blank e - mail to emailcentre @ up 369 . com
Subject: telemarketers earn $ 250 + per lead uio financial services company will pay a minimum of $ 250 . 00 ( max . of $ 1000 . 00 ) for every lead that results in a sale . currently many of our telemarketers are earning more than $ 5000 . 00 a month ! for more information call ( 402 ) 996 - 9002 and leave your contact information . we will get in touch with you within 2 - 3 business days . * * please note that we do not provide any training or resources to telemarketers * * to unsubscribe please send us an email with " unsubscribe " in the subject line to : telemark _ 0702 @ hotmail . com . - - - - this sf . net email is sponsored by : thinkgeek welcome to geek heaven . http : / / thinkgeek . com / sf spamassassin - sightings mailing list
Subject: outstanding opportunities for " premier producers " full - time agents sales managers general agents cpa partners independent agents brokers plus access to 385 other companies for a confidential phone interview please complete form submit name : e - mail : phone : city : state : area of interest : full - time agent sales manager general agent cpa partner independent agent we don ' t want anybody to receive or mailing who does not wish to receive them . this is professional communication sent to insurance professionals . to be removed from this mailing list , do not reply to this message . instead , go here : http : / / www . insuranceiq . com / optout legal notice
Subject: all prescriptions are dispensed by licensed pharmacists enjoy great sex by taking viagra ! become a fixer , not just a fixture . reform , v . a thing that mostly satisfies reformers opposed to reformation . friends may come and go , but enemies accumulate .
Subject: software cds $ 15 and $ 99 get al software in 1 cd the no . 1 source for software superstore . all slang is a metaphor , and all metaphor is poetry . the first thing you lose on a diet is brain mass .
Subject: mail delivery failed : returning message to sender this message was created automatically by mail delivery software . a message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients . this is a permanent error . the following address ( es ) failed : woksal @ eunet . yu ( generated from info @ woksal . com ) smtp error from remote mailer after end of data : host relay . eunet . yu [ 194 . 247 . 192 . 179 ] : 554 5 . 6 . 1 we do not accept spam - - - - - - this is a copy of the message , including all the headers . - - - - - - return - path : received : from [ 62 . 21 . 124 . 244 ] ( helo = mailwisconsin . com ) by cpanel 30 . gzo . com with smtp ( exim 4 . 43 ) id ldupnr - 0001 mx - kg for info @ woksal . com ; tue , 19 jul 2005 05 : 57 : 58 - 0500 received : from 205 . 214 . 42 . 66 ( squirrelmail authenticated user projecthoneypot @ projecthoneypot . org ) ; by mailwisconsin . com with http id j 87 gzo 24815602 ; tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 message - id : date : tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 subject : just to her . . . from : " barry castillo " to : info @ woksal . com user - agent : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a x - mailer : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a mime - version : 1 . 0 content - type : text / html ; charset = iso - 8859 - 1 content - transfer - encoding : 8 bit x - priority : 3 ( normal ) importance : normal soft viagra at $ 1 . 62 per dose ready to boost your sex life ? positive ? time to do it right now ! order soft viagra at incredibly low prices starting at $ 1 . 99 per dose ! unbeiivable !
Subject: perfect visual solution for your business now working on your company ' s image ? start with a visual identity a key to the first good impression . we are here to help you ! we ' ll take part in buiiding a positive visual imaqe of your company by creatinq an outstanding iogo , presentable stationery items and professionai website . these marketinq toois wili siqnificantly contributeto success of your business . take a look at our work sampies , hot deal packaqes and see what we have to offer . we work for you ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Subject: an innovative plan for today ' s market give your clients what they want and need : guaranteed death benefits and long term care benefits without expensive and continuous long term care premiums . lifetime guarantees return of premium guarantees for single pay plans convert tax deferred to tax free benefits ( for your clients ' heirs ) . simplified underwriting - non - medical , no blood , no urine , no ekg . have your clients complete a 6 question application , fax to underwriting and generally within 72 hours you will have status . call or e - mail us today ! or please fill out the form below for more information name : e - mail : phone : city : state : the future series convention march 2003 . join us in maui during prime season - an experience you will never forget ! * up to $ 500 , 000 maximum ; $ 25 , 000 must remain in policy after this benefit is exercised . * * 10 % commission on single pay plan ages 45 - 80 . * * * single pay plans only . product and certain features not available in all states . the future protector series ( policy form iswl - 1 , iswl - 5 , iswl - 7 , iswl - 21 , iswl - 25 , iswl - 210 ) is underwritten by monumental life insurance company . rider costs and features vary according to state . for broker use only . not approved for use with the general public as advertisement for purchase of annuity or insurance coverage . 0602 anfg 21 we don ' t want anyone to receive our mailings who does not wish to . this is professional communication sent to insurance professionals . to be removed from this mailing list , do not reply to this message . instead , go here : http : / / www . insurancemail . net legal notice
Subject: all graphics software available , cheap oem versions . good morning , we we offer latest oem packages of all graphics and publishing software from corei , macromedia , adobe and others . $ 80 adobe photoshop 8 . 0 / cs $ 140 macromedia studio mx 2004 $ 120 adobe acrobat 7 . 0 professionai $ 150 adobe premiere pro 1 . 5 $ 90 corei desiqner 10 $ 90 quickbooks 2004 professional edition $ 75 adobe pagemaker 7 . 0 $ 70 xara x vl . 1 $ 75 adobe audition 1 . 5 $ 90 discreet 3 d studio max 7 $ 115 adobe golive cs $ 135 adobe after effects 6 . 5 standard $ 45 adobe premiere elements $ 125 corel painter lx $ 80 adobe lliustrator cs $ 80 adobe indesign cs $ 240 adobe creative suite $ 140 adobe framemaker 7 . 1 $ 50 ulead cooi 3 d production studio 1 . 0 . 1 $ 90 alias motion builder 6 professional $ 30 quicken 2004 premier home & biz $ 30 adobe photoshop elements 3 . 0 $ 110 adobe premiere pro 7 . 0 learn more . . . sincerely , rosia
Subject: perfect logo charset = koi 8 - r " > thinking of breathing new life into your business ? start from revamping its front - end - logo and visuai identity . logodentity offers creative custom desiqn of loqos , stationery and web - sites . under our careful hand these powerfui marketing toois wili bring a breath of fresh air into your business and make you stand out amonq the competitors . you are just a ciick away from your future success . click here to see the sampies of our artwork , check our prices and hot offers
Subject: back to happy and healthy life . . . we ' ve created an online pharmacy you can trust . be content with your lot ; one cannot be first in everything . courage is the power to let go of the familiar . the last christian died on the cross . if an idea ' s worth having once , it ' s worth having twice .
Subject: failure notice hi . this is the qmail - send program at shell 7 . bayarea . net . i ' m afraid i wasn ' t able to deliver your message to the following addresses . this is a permanent error ; i ' ve given up . sorry it didn ' t work out . : this address no longer accepts mail . - - - below this line is a copy of the message . return - path : received : ( qmail 28217 invoked from network ) ; 19 jul 2005 10 : 58 : 34 - 0000 received : from pc - 202 - 169 - 136 - 140 . cable . kumin . ne . jp ( helo mailwisconsin . com ) ( 202 . 169 . 136 . 140 ) by cpug . org with smtp ; 19 jul 2005 10 : 58 : 33 - 0000 received : from 205 . 214 . 42 . 66 ( squirrelmail authenticated user projecthoneypot @ projecthoneypot . org ) ; by mailwisconsin . com with http id j 87 gzo 38190522 ; tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 message - id : date : tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 subject : just to her . . . from : " barry castillo " to : distinctiveness @ maxmusclesf . com user - agent : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a x - mailer : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a mime - version : 1 . 0 content - type : text / html ; charset = iso - 8859 - 1 content - transfer - encoding : 8 bit x - priority : 3 ( normal ) importance : normal soft viagra at $ 1 . 62 per dose ready to boost your sex life ? positive ? time to do it right now ! order soft viagra at incredibly low prices startinq at $ 1 . 99 per dose ! unbelivable !
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Subject: v foorever hello , welcome to pha russian rmonline sho inwove p - one of the leading oniine pharmace clonus utical shops affective v eventual g a intercommunication l exterminate ll l severely a r altruist ac anticlimax l booster is victor va u aggregate m andmanyother . - save o gryphon ver 50 % - worldwide gripsack shlpplng - total confidentiaii hayrick ty - over 5 miiiion customers in 130 count puerile ries spontaneity have a nice day !
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Subject: hi how to save on customer your medlcatlons over 70 % . ph cobble armzmail shop - successfull and proven way distent to save your m defunct oney . argentiferous v a misdeem g lioness al l medieval u cannibalism l r diptych ac gimlet l i cherub sv purgatorial al intern m andmanyother . * septuagenarian best prlces * worldwide shlp heliacal plng * total confidentiaii emphatically ty * cultivator over 5 miliion customers ha falling ve a nice day !
Subject: out of office autoreply : just to her . . . i am on vacation week 29 + 30 + 31 . please contact gerd madsen ( gm @ torben - rafn . dk ) or hans chr . jensen ( hcj @ torben - rafn . dk your mail is not transfered .
Subject: small - cap stoxs can mean gains for you * * * * watch this one july 15 - 21 as we know many of you like momentum * * * * * * * * * breaking news alert issue - - - big news strong buy alert issued at market close china world trade corp . symbol : cwtd current price : $ 2 . 47 7 day target : $ 7 . 00 look for huge news this company back on the move . rumor has the shorts are going to be broken and stock will run . cwtd website address is www . chinawtc . com all company info is there . this stock has had good movement and support the last 15 months it is a strong company growing in leaps and bounds . company has been profiled on cnn asia , forbes . com , bloomberg . com , ceo cast . com , businessweek . com , p . r . newswire , pennystock weekly . com , yahoo finance has reports for sale . how much more credibility do you need . amex exchange listing waits in the wings . this is big ! ! ! ! ! ! company filed for amex 10 months ago and is finally ready to go up based on the 10 k . symbol cwtd join in and squezze the shorts : cwtd take a look at our last strong buy recomendaton we gave you cdgt july 12 th at $ 3 . 10 and now its $ 3 . 55 get in cwtd while it ' s hot disclaimer : information within this email contains " forwardlooking statements " within the meaning of section 27 aof the securities act of 1933 and section 21 b of thesecurities exchange act of 1934 . any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions , expectations , beliefs , plans , projections , objectives , goals , assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be " forward looking statements . " forwardlooking statements are based on expectations , estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those presently anticipated . forward looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as " projects " , " foresee " , " expects " , " will , " " anticipates , " " estimates , " " believes , " understands " or that by statements indicating certain actions " may , " " could , " or " might " occur . risk factors include general economic and business conditions , the ability to acquire and develop specific projects , the ability to fund operations and changes in consumer and business consumption habits and other factors overwhich the company has little or no control . the publisher of this newsletter does not represent that the information contained in this message states all material facts or does not omit a material fact necessary to make the statements therein not misleading . all information provided within this email pertaining to investing , stocks , securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice . the publisher of this newsletter advises all readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professional securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this email . none of the material within this report shall be construed as any kind of investment advice or solicitation . many of these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy . you can lose all your money by investing in this stock . we urge you to read the company ' s sec filings now , before you invest . the publisher of this newsletter is not a registered invstment advisor . subscribers should not view information herein as legal , tax , accounting or investment advice . in compliance with the securitiesact of 1933 , section 17 ( b ) , the publisher of this newsletter is contracted to receive six hundred thousand free trading shares from a third party , not an officer , director or affiliate shareholder for the circulation of this report . be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resulting from such compensation due to the fact that this is a paid advertisement and is not without bias . the party that paid us has a position in the stock they will sell at anytime without notice . this could have a negative impact on the price of the stock , causing you to lose money . all factual information in this report was gathered from public sources , including but not limited to sec filings , company websites and company press releases . the publisher of this newsletter believes this informationto be eliable but can make no guarantee as to its accuracy or completeness . use of the material within this email constitutes your acceptance of these terms .
Subject: failure notice hi . this is the qmail - send program at mx 3 . seanet . ro . i ' m afraid i wasn ' t able to deliver your message to the following addresses . this is a permanent error ; i ' ve given up . sorry it didn ' t work out . : sorry , no mailbox here by that name . ( # 5 . 1 . 1 ) - - - below this line is a copy of the message . return - path : received : ( qmail 31261 invoked from network ) ; 19 jul 2005 10 : 58 : 20 - 0000 received : from unknown ( helo nsl . seanet . ro ) ( 192 . 168 . 136 . 2 ) by 0 with smtp ; 19 jul 2005 10 : 58 : 19 - 0000 received : ( qmail 3573 invoked from network ) ; 19 jul 2005 10 : 58 : 19 - 0000 received : from unknown ( helo mailwisconsin . com ) ( 211 . 245 . 27 . 66 ) by nsl . seanet . ro with smtp ; 19 jul 2005 10 : 58 : 18 - 0000 received : from 205 . 214 . 42 . 66 ( squirrelmail authenticated user projecthoneypot @ projecthoneypot . org ) ; by mailwisconsin . com with http id j 87 gzo 38191017 ; tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 message - id : date : tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 subject : just to her . . . from : " barry castillo " to : distmetkarmetkar @ seanet . ro user - agent : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a x - mailer : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a mime - version : 1 . 0 content - type : text / html ; charset = iso - 8859 - 1 content - transfer - encoding : 8 bit x - priority : 3 ( normal ) importance : normal soft viagra at $ 1 . 62 per dose ready to boost your sex life ? positive ? time to do it right now ! order soft viagra at incredibly low prices startinq at $ 1 . 99 per dose ! unbelivable !
Subject: winning notification ! ! bank giro loterij . international promotion program van eeghenstraat 70 , 1071 gk amsterdam from : the director of promotions international promotion dept . ref : ipl / 4249859609 / wpl batch : gl / 91663 / a attention : winner . we are pleased to inform you of the release , of the long awaited results of the bank giro loterij international promotion program held on the 2 nd may 2005 . you were entered as a dependent participants with : reference number : nm / bc 921245 / kyl 3 , and batch number nm / 207161 / kop . your email address attached to the ticket number : 46939 that drew the lucky winning number , which consequently won the sweepstakes in the second category in four parts . you have been approved for a payment of 500 , 000 . euros ( five hundred thousand euros . ) in cash credited to file reference number : ipl / 4249859609 / wpl . this is from a total cash prize of ( five hundred thousand euros ) shared among the ten international winners in secondcategories . congratulations ! ! ! ! ! all participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from 91 , 000 ( ninety one thousand ) names of email users around the world , as part of our international promotion programme . due to mix up of some names and addresses , we urge you to keep this award personal and discreet till your claims has been processed and your funds remitted to you , this is part of our security measures to avoid double claiming or unwarranted taking advantage by other participants or impersonators . to begin your claim , do file for the release of your winning by contacting our accredited agent , mr . edger hansen ( esq . ) bank giro loterij security agency . tel : + 31 - 619 028 192 fax : + 31 - 20 - 524 8591 . email : edghansen @ seeqmail . com email : admin @ bankgirolotto . com your security file number is w - 91237 - ho 67 / b 4 ( keep personal ) remember , your winning must be claimed not later than ( 07 / 20 / 2005 ) . failure to claim your winning prize will be added to next 10 , 000 . 000 euros international lottery programme . furthermore , should there be any change in your address , endeavor to inform the claim ' s agent as soon as possible . once again , congratulations ! ! yours sincerely . ms . shredder van nest roy director of promotion . n . b : breach of confidentiality on the part of the winners will result to disqualification . winners under 18 yrs of age requires parental consent and approval . bank giroloterij internationalpromo . ( nv ) nl . 234875 . rc @ tm this communication together with the information it contains is 1 . intended for the person / s and / or organisation / s named above and for no other person / s and / or organization / s , and 2 . may be confidential and protected by law . unauthorised use , copying or disclosure of any and / or all of it may be unlawful . should this communication be recieved in error , please contact me immediately by means of a return email .
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Subject: make thousands just sending emails . it ' s easy . from : @ yahoo . com to : subject : earn money sending e - mails . it ' s easy ! new improved reports dear friend , you can earn a lot of money in the next 90 days sending e - mail . seem impossible ? is there a catch ? no , there is no catch ; just send your e - mails and be on your way to financial freedom . basically , i send out as many of these e - mails as i can , then people send me cash in the mail for information that i just e - mail back to them . everyday , i make a three minute drive to my p . o . box knowing that there are at least a few hundred dollars waiting for me . and the best part , it is completely legal . just read the next few paragraphs and see what you think . if you like what you read , great ! if you don ' t , read it again because you must have missed something . " as seen on national television " " making over a half million dollars every 6 months from your home for an investment of only $ 25 us dollars expense one time . thanks to the computer age and the internet , be a millionaire like others within a year ! ! ! before you say , " no way ! " read the following . this is the letter you ' ve been reading about in the news lately . due to the popularity of this letter on the internet , a major nightly news program recently devoted an entire show to the investigation of the program described below to see if it really can make people money . the show also investigated whether or not the program was legal . their findings proved once and for all that there are absolutely no laws prohibiting the participation in this program . this has helped to show people that this is a simple , harmless , and fun way to make some extra money at home . and , besides even if you never got involved in the program , the reports themselves are well worth the money . they can help you start and advertise any business on the internet . that is , these reports stand alone and are beneficial to anyone wishing to do business on the internet . the results of this show have been truly remarkable . so many people are participating that those involved are doing much better than ever before . since everyone makes more as more people try it out , its been very exciting to be a part of it lately . you will understand once you experience it . " here it is below " * * * print this now for future reference * * * the following income opportunity is one you may be interested in taking a look at . it can be started with very little investment ( $ 25 ) and the income return is tremendous ! ! ! this is a legitimate , legal , money making opportunity . it does not require you to come into contact with people , do any hard work , and best of all , you never have to leave your house except to get the mail . simply follow the instructions , and you really can make this happen . this e - mail order marketing program works every time if you put in the effort to make it work . e - mail is the sales tool of the future . take advantage of this non - commercialized method of advertising now ! the longer you wait , the more savvy people will be taking your business using e - mail . get what is rightfully yours . program yourself for success and dare to think big . it sounds corny , but it ' s true . you ' ll never make it big if you don ' t have this belief system in place . multi - level marketing ( mlm ) has finally gained respectability . it is being taught in the harvard business school , and both stanford research and the wall street journal have stated that between 50 % and 65 % of all goods and services will be sold through multi - level methods . this is a multi - billion dollar industry and of the 500 , 000 millionaires in the u . s . , 20 % ( 100 , 000 ) made their fortune in the last several years in mlm . moreover , statistics show 45 people become millionaires everyday through multi - level marketing . you may have heard this story before , but donald trump made an appearance on the david letterman show . dave asked him what he would do if he lost everything and had to start over from scratch . without hesitating trump said he would find a good network marketing company and get to work . the audience , started to hoot and boo him . he looked out at the audience and dead - panned his response . " that ' s why i ' m sitting up here and you are all sitting out there ! " with network marketing you have two sources of income . direct commissions from sales you make yourself and commissions from sales made by people you introduce to the business . residual income is the secret of the wealthy . it means investing time and money once , and getting paid again and again and again . in network marketing , it also means getting paid for the work of others . the enclosed information is something i almost let slip through my fingers . fortunately , sometime later i reread everything and gave some thought and study to it . my name is jonathan rourke . two years ago , the corporation i worked at for the past twelve years down - sized and my position was eliminated . after unproductive job interviews , i decided to open my own business . over the past year , i incurred many unforeseen financial problems . i owed my family , friends and creditors over $ 35 , 000 . the economy was taking a toll on my business and i just couldn ' t seem to make ends meet . i had to refinance and borrow against my home to support my family and struggling business . at that moment something significant happened in my life and i am writing to share that experience in hopes that this will change your life forever financially ! ! ! in mid december , i received this program via e - mail . six month ' s prior to receiving this program , i had been sending away for information on various business opportunities . all of the programs i received , in my opinion were not cost effective . they were either too difficult for me to comprehend or the initial investment was too much for me to risk to see if they would work or not . one claimed that i would make a million dollars in one year . it didn ' t tell me i ' d have to write a book to make it ! but like i was saying , in december i received this program . i didn ' t send for it , or ask for it ; they just got my name off a mailing list . thank goodness for that ! ! ! after reading it several times , to make sure i was reading it correctly , i couldn ' t believe my eyes . here was a money making phenomenon . i could invest as much as i wanted to start without putting me further into debt . after i got a pencil and paper and figured it out , i would at least get my money back . but like most of you i was still a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of it all . so i checked it out with the u . s . post office ( 1 - 800 - 725 - 2161 24 hrs ) and they confirmed that it is indeed legal ! after determining the program was legal and not a chain letter , i decided " why not . " initially i sent out 10 , 000 e - mails . it cost me about $ 15 for my time on - line . the great thing about e - mail is that i don ' t need any money for printing to send out the program , and because all of my orders are filled via e - mail , the only expense is my time . i am telling you like it is . i hope it doesn ' t turn you off , but i promised myself that i would not ' rip - off " anyone , no matter how much money it cost me . here is the basic version of what you need to do : your first goal is to receive at least 20 orders for report # 1 within 2 weeks of your first program going out . if you don ' t , send out more programs until you do . your second goal is to receive at least 150 + orders for report # 2 within 4 weeks . if not , send out more programs until you do . once you have your 150 orders , relax , you ' ve met your goal . you will make $ 50 , 000 + but keep at it ! if you don ' t get 150 right off , keep at it ! it may take some time for your down line to build . keep at it , stay focused , and do not let yourself get distracted . in less than one week , i was starting to receive orders for report # 1 . i kept at it - kept mailing out the program and by january 13 , 1 had received 26 orders for report # 1 . my first step in making $ 50 , 000 in 90 days was done . by january 30 , 1 had received 196 orders for report # 2 ; 46 more than i needed . so i sat back and relaxed . by march 1 , of my e - mailing of 10 , 000 , i received $ 58 , 000 with more coming in every day . i paid off all my debts and bought a much needed new car . please take time to read the attached program , it will change your life forever ! ! remember , it won ' t work if you don ' t try it . this program does work , but you must follow it exactly ! especially the rules of not trying to place your name in a different place . it won ' t work , you ' ll lose out on a lot of money ! in order for this program to work very fast , try to meet your goal of 20 + orders for report # 1 , and 150 + orders for report # 2 and you will make $ 50 , 000 or more in 90 days . if you don ' t reach the first two goals with in four weeks , relax , you will still make a ton of money , it may take a few months or so longer . but keep mailing out the programs and stay focused ! that ' s the key . i am living proof that it works ! ! ! if you choose not to participate in this program , i am sorry . it really is a great opportunity with little cost or risk to you . if you choose to participate , follow the program and you will be on your way to financial security . if you are a fellow business owner and are in financial trouble like i was , or you want to start your own business , consider this a sign . i did ! - sincerely , jonathan rourke p . s . do you have any idea what 11 , 700 $ 5 bills ( $ 58 , 000 ) look like piled up on a kitchen table ? it ' s awesome ! a personal note from the originator of this program : by the time you have read the enclosed program and reports , you should have concluded that such a program , and one that is legal , could not have been created by an amateur . let me tell you a little about myself . i had a profitable business for 10 years . then in 1979 my business began falling off . i was doing the same things that were previously successful for me , but it wasn ' t working . finally , i figured it out . it wasn ' t me ; it was the economy . inflation and recession had replaced the stable economy that had been with us since 1945 . i don ' t have to tell you what happened to the unemployment rate . . . because many of you know from first hand experience . there were more failures and bankruptcies than ever before . the middle class was vanishing . those who knew what they were doing invested wisely and moved up . those who did not including those who never had anything to save or invest were moving down into the ranks of the poor . as the saying goes , ' the rich get richer and the poor get poorer . " the traditional methods of making money will never allow you to " move up " or " get rich " . inflation will see to that . you have just received information that can give you financial freedom for the rest of your life , with " no risk " and " just a little bit of effort . " you can make more money in the next few months than you have ever imagined . follow the program exactly as instructed . do not change it in any way . it works exceedingly well as it is now . remember to e - mail a copy of this exciting report to everyone you can think of . one of the people you send this to may send out 50 , 000 . . . and your name will be on everyone of them ! remember though , the more you send out the more potential customers you will reach . so my friend , i have given you the ideas , information , materials and opportunity to become financially independent . it is up to you now ! " think about it . " before you delete this program from your mailbox , as i almost did , take a little time to read it and really think about it . get a pencil and figure out what could happen when you participate . figure out the worst possible response and no matter how you calculate it , you will still make a lot of money ! you will definitely get back what you invested . any doubts you have will vanish when your first orders come in . it works ! - jody jacobs , richmond , va here ' s how this amazing program will make you thousands of dollar $ this method of raising capital really works 100 % every time . i am sure that you could use up to $ 50 , 000 or more in the next 90 days . before you say " no way ! " please read this program carefully . this is not a chain letter , but a perfectly legal money making opportunity . basically , this is what you do : as with all multilevel businesses , we - build our business by recruiting new partners and selling our products . every state in the usa allows you to recruit new multilevel business partners , and we offer a product for every dollar sent . your orders come by mail and are filled by e - mail , so you are not involved in personal selling . you do it privately in your own home , store , or office . this is the greatest multi - level mail order marketing anywhere : this is what you must do . 1 . order all 5 reports shown on the list below ( you can ' t sell them if you don ' t have them ) . * for each report , send $ 5 . 00 cash , the name & number of the report you are ordering , your e - mail address , and your name & return address ( in case of a problem ) . * make sure your return address is on your envelope - in case of any mail problems ! * when you place your order , make sure you order each of the five reports . you need all five reports so that you can save them on your computer and resell them . * within a few days you will receive , via e - mail , each of the five reports . save them on your computer so they will be accessible for you to send to the 1 , 000 ' s of people who will order them from you . 2 . important - do not alter the names of the people who are listed next to each report , or their order on the list in any way other than as instructed below in steps " a " through ' g " or you will lose out on the majority of your profits . once you understand the way this works you ' ll also see how it doesn ' t work if you change it . remember , this method has been tested , and if you alter it , it will not work . a . look below for the listing of available reports . b . after you ' ve ordered the . five reports , take this advertisement and remove the name and address under report # 5 . this person has made it through the cycle and is no doubt counting their $ 50 , 000 ! c . move the name and address under report # 4 down to report # 5 . d . move the name and address under report # 3 down to report # 4 . e . move the name and address under report # 2 down to report # 3 f . move the name and address under report # 1 down to report # 2 . g . insert your name and address in the report # 1 position . please make sure you copy every name and address accurately ! copy and paste method works well , . 3 . take this entire letter , including the modified list of names , and save it to your computer . make no changes to the instruction portion of this letter . your cost to participate in this is practically nothing ( surely you can afford $ 25 ) . you obviously already have an internet connection and e - mail is free ! to assist you with marketing your business on the internet , the 5 reports you purchase will provide you with invaluable marketing information which includes how to send bulk e - mails , where to find thousands of free classified ads and much , much more . here are two primary methods of building your downline : method # 1 : sending bulk e - mail let ' s say that you decide to start small , just to see how it goes , and we ' ll assume you and all those involved send out only 2 , 000 programs each . let ' s also assume that the mailing receives a 0 . 5 % response . using a good list , the response could be much better . also , many people will send out hundreds of thousands of programs instead of 2 , 000 . but continuing with this example , you send out only 2 , 000 programs . with a 0 . 5 % response , that is only 10 orders for report # 1 . those 10 people respond by sending out 2 , 000 programs each for a total of 20 , 000 . out of those 0 . 5 % , 100 people respond and order report # 2 . those 100 mail out 2 , 000 programs each for a total of 200 , 000 . the 0 . 5 % response to that is 1 , 000 orders for report # 3 . those 1 , 000 send out 2 , 000 programs each for a 2 , 000 , 000 total . the 0 . 5 % response to that is i 0 , 000 orders for report # 4 . that amounts to 10 , 000 each of $ 5 bills for you in cash money ! then think about level five ! that ' s $ 500 , 000 alone ! your total income in this example is $ 50 + $ 500 + $ 5 , 000 + $ 50 , 000 + $ 500 , 000 for a total of $ 555 , 550 ! ! ! remember friend , this is assuming 1 , 990 out of the 2 , 000 people you mail to will do absolutely nothing and trash this program ! dare to think for a moment what would happen if everyone , or half sent out 100 , 000 programs instead of 2 , 000 . believe me , many people will do just that and more ! report # 2 will show you the best methods for bulk e - mailing , and e - mail software . method # 2 - placing free ads on the internet 1 . advertising on the net is very , very inexpensive , and there are hundreds of free places to advertise . let ' s say you decide to start small just to see how well it works . assume your goal is to get only 10 people to participate on your first level . placing a lot of free ads on the internet will easily get a larger response . also assume that everyone else in your organization gets only 10 downline members . follow this example to achieve the staggering results below : lst level - your 10 members with $ 5 . . . . . . . $ 50 2 nd level - 10 members from those 10 ( $ 5 x 100 ) . . . . . . . $ 500 3 rd level - 10 members from those 100 ( $ 5 x 1 , 000 ) . . . . . . . $ 5 , 000 4 th level - 10 members from those 1 , 000 ( $ 5 x 10 k ) . . . . . . . $ 50 , 000 5 th level - 10 members from those 10 , 000 ( $ 5 x 100 k ) . . . . . . . $ 500 , 000 this totals - $ 555 , 550 remember friends , this assumes that the people who participate only recruit 10 people each . think for a moment what would happen if they got 20 people to participate ! most people get 100 ' s of participants . think about it ! for every $ 5 . 00 you receive , all you must do is e - mail them the report they ordered . that ' s it ! always provide same - day service on all orders ! this will guarantee that the e - mail they send out with your name and address on it will be prompt because they can ' t advertise until they receive the report ! available reports * * * order each report by number , and name * * * * always send $ 5 cash ( u . s . currency ) for each report . checks not accepted * - always send your order via first class mail - make sure the cash is concealed by wrapping it in at least two sheets of paper ( so that the bill can ' t be seen against light ) on one of those sheets of paper include : ( a ) the number & name of the report you are ordering , ( b ) your e - mail address , and ( c ) your name & postal address ( in case your e - mail provider encounters problems ) . place your order for these reports now : report # 1 " the insiders guide to advertizing for free on the internet " order report # 1 from : randy dillard p . o . box 8 osprey , fl 34229 usa report # 2 " the insiders guide to sending bulk email on the internet " order report # 2 from : carla brown p . o . box 39093 sarasota , fl 34238 usa report # 3 " the secrets to multilevel marketing on the internet " order report # 3 from : glynn schmidt p . o . box 19424 sarasota , fl 34276 usa report # 4 ' how to become a millionaire utilizing the power of multilevel marketing and the internet " order report # 4 from : christin joy cpo 2398 501 e . college avenue wheaton , il 60187 usa report # 5 " how to send one million e - mails for free . " order report # 5 from : cheri gerhart 81719 lido avenue indio , ca 92201 usa about 50 , 000 new people get online every month ! * * * * * * * tips for success * * * * * * * * treat this as your business ! be prompt , professional , and follow the directions accurately . * send for the five reports immediately so you will have them when the orders start coming in . when you receive a $ 5 order , you must send out the requested product / report . * always provide same - day service on the orders you receive . * be patient and persistent with this program . if you follow the instructions exactly , your results will be successful ! * above all , have faith in yourself and know you will succeed ! * * * * * * * your success guidelines * * * * * * * follow these guidelines to guarantee your success : start posting ads as soon as you mail off for the reports ! by the time you start receiving orders , your reports will be in your mailbox ! for now , something simple , such as posting on message boards something to the effect of " would you like to know how to earn $ 50 , 000 working out of your house with no initial investment ? email me with the keywords " more info " to find out how . and , when they email you , send them this report in response ! if you don ' t receive 20 orders for report # 1 within two weeks , continue advertising or sending e - mails until you do . then , a couple of weeks later you should receive at least 100 orders for report # 2 . if you don ' t , continue advertising or sending e - mails until you do . once you have received 100 or more orders for report # 2 , you can relax , because the system is already working for you , and the cash will continue to roll in ! this is important to remember : every time your name is moved down on the list you are placed in front of a different report . you can keep track of your progress by watching which report people are ordering from you . if you want to generate more income , send another batch of e - mails or continue placing ads and start the whole process again ! there is no limit to the income you will generate from this business ! before you make your decision as to whether or not you participate in this program , answer one question . . . do you want to change your life ? if the answer is yes , please look at the following facts about this program : 1 . you are selling a product which does not cost anything to produce ! 2 . you are selling a product which does not cost anything to ship ! 3 . you are selling a product which does not cost you anything to advertise ! 4 . you are utilizing the power of the internet and the power of multi - level marketing to distribute your product all over the world ! 5 . your only expenses other than your initial $ 25 investment is your time ! 6 . virtually all of the income you generate from this program is pure profit ! 7 . this program will change your life forever . * * * * * * * testimonials * * * * * * * this program does work , but you must follow it exactly ! especially the rule of not trying to place your name in a different position , it won ' t work and you ' ll lose a lot of potential income . i ' m living proof that it works . it really is a great opportunity to make relatively easy money , with little cost to you . if you do choose to participate , follow the program exactly , and you ' ll be on your way to financial security . - steven bardfield , portland , or my name is mitchell . my wife , jody , and i live in chicago , il . i am a cost accountant with a major u . s . corporation and i make pretty good money . when i received the program i grumbled to jody about receiving " junk mail . " i made fun of the whole thing , spouting my knowledge of the population and percentages involved . i ' knew ' it wouldn ' t work . jody totally ignored my supposed intelligence and jumped in with both feet . i made merciless fun of her , and was ready to lay the old ' i told you so ' on her when the thing didn ' t work . . . well , the laugh was on me ! within two weeks she had received over 50 responses . within 45 days she had received over $ 147 , 200 in $ 5 bills ! i was shocked ! i was sure that i had it all figured and that it wouldn ' t work . i am a believer now . i have joined jody in her " hobby . " i did have seven more years until retirement , but i think of the ' rat race , ' and it ' s not for me . we owe it all to mlm . - mitchell wolf md . , chicago , il . the . main reason for this letter is to convince you that this system is honest , lawful , extremely profitable , and is a way to get a large amount of money in a short time . i was approached several times before 1 checked this out . i joined just to see what one could expect in return for the minimal effort and money required . to my astonishment i received $ 36 , 470 . 00 in the first 14 weeks , with money still coming in . - charles morris , esq . not being the gambling type , it took me several weeks to make up my mind to participate in this plan . but conservative that i am , i decided that the initial investment was so little that there was just no way that i wouldn ' t get enough orders to at least get my money back . boy , was i surprised when i found my medium - size post office box crammed with orders ! for awhile , it got so overloaded that i had to start picking up my mail at the window . i ' ll make more money this year than any 10 years of my life before . the nice thing about this deal is that it doesn ' t matter where people live . there simply isn ' t a better investment with a faster return . - paige willis , des moines , ia i had received this program before . i deleted it , but later i wondered if i shouldn ' t have given it a try . of course , i had no idea who to contact to get another copy , so i had to wait until i was e - mailed another program . . . 11 months passed then it came . . . i didn ' t delete this one ! . . . i made . more than $ 41 , 000 on the first try ! ! - violet wilson , johnstown , pa this is my third time to participate in this plan . we have quit our jobs , and will soon buy a home on the beach and live off the interest on our money . the only way on earth that this plan will work for you is if you do it . for your sake , and for your family ' s sake don ' t pass up this golden opportunity . good luck and happy spending ! - kerry ford , centerport , ny it is up to you now ! take 5 minutes to change your future ! order your reports today and get started on your road to financial freedom ! for your information : if you need help with starting a business , registering a business name , learning how income tax is handled , etc . , contact your local office of the small business administration ( a federal agency ) 1 ( 800 ) 827 - 5722 for free help and answers to questions . also , the internal revenue service offers free help via telephone and free seminars about business tax requirements . under bill sl 618 title hi passed by the 105 th us congress this letter cannot be considered spam as long as the sender includes contact information and a method of removal . this is a one time e - mail transmission . no request for removal is necessary to remove ( even though this is not necessary ) press @ yahoo . com stop ! if you never read another e - mail please take a moment to read this one . this really is worth your valuable time . even if you never got involved in the program , the reports themselves are well worth the money . they can help you start and advertise any business on the internet . that is , these reports stand alone and are beneficial to anyone wishing to do business on the internet . at the very least print this out now to read later if you are pressed for time . - - - - this sf . net email is sponsored by : thinkgeek welcome to geek heaven . http : / / thinkgeek . com / sf spamassassin - sightings mailing list
Subject: quiicker hello , welcome to pha judges rmonline sho apodal p - one of ignominious the leading oniine pharmaceutical shops obstructionism v truant g jurisdiction al diagnosis ll disincorporate la omnirange rac haemophilia l i attendance s benedictinen va u colourblind m andmanyother . - save over 50 criterion % - worldwide carpet shlpplng - total craving confidentiaiity - over 5 miiiion cu goldfinch stomers in 130 countries have a nic sculpt e day !
Subject: same medicine , different price ! big savings on brand name drugs . injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere . some rise by sin , and some by virtue fall . the judge is condemned when the criminal is absolved . on the heights , all paths are paved with daggers .
Subject: re : systemworks clearance sale _ limited quantities _ only $ 29 . 99 tj take control of your computer with this top - of - the - line software ! norton systemworks 2002 software suite - professional edition - includes six - yes 6 ! - feature - packed utilitiesall for 1 special low price of only $ 29 . 99 ! this software will : - protect your computer from unwanted and hazardous viruses - help secure your private valuable information - allow you to transfer files and send e - mails safely - backup your all your data quick and easily - improve your pc ' s performance w / superior integral diagnostics ! - you ' ll never have to take your pc to the repair shop again ! 6 feature - packed utilities 1 great price a $ 300 + combined retail value yours for only $ 29 . 99 ! price includes free shipping ! and for a limited time buy any 2 of our products get 1 free ! don ' t fall prey to destructive viruses or hackers ! protect your computer and your valuable information and - click here to order yours now ! - or call toll - free 1 - 800 - 861 - 1481 ! your email address was obtained from an opt - in list . opt - in uefas ( united email federation against spam ) approved list - purchase code # 8594030 . if you wish to be unsubscribed from this list , please click here . if you have previously unsubscribed and are still receiving this message , you may email our spam abuse control center . we do not condone spam in any shape or form . thank you kindly for your cooperation .
Subject: in the heart of your business ! corporate image can say a lot of things about your company . contemporary rhythm of life is too dynamic . sometimes it takes only several seconds for your company to be remembered or to be iost among competitors . get your ioqo , business stationery or website done riqht now ! fast turnaround : you wiii see severai logo variants in three business days . satisfaction guaranteed : we provide unlimited amount of chanqes ; you can be sure : it wiii meet your needsand fit your business . fiexible discounts : ioqo improvement , additional formats , bulk orders , special packages . creative design for competitive price : have a look at it right now ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Subject: returned mail : can ' t create output the original message was received at tue , 19 jul 2005 05 : 57 : 28 - 0500 from [ 221 . 3 . 33 . 27 ] - - - - - the following addresses had permanent fatal errors - - - - - jodyanddavid . herring @ verizon . net ( expanded from : ) bowguns ( expanded from : ) - - - - - transcript of session follows - - - - - . . . while talking to relay . verizon . net . : > > > rcpt to : < < < 550 5 . 1 . 1 unknown or illegal alias : jodyanddavid . herring @ verizon . net 550 jodyanddavid . herring @ verizon . net . . . user unknown procmail : quota exceeded while writing " / var / spool / mail / bowguns " 550 bowguns . . . can ' t create output
Subject: cash : $ 293622 dear homeowner , you have been pre - approved for a $ 200 , 000 loan at a low fixed rate . this offer is being extended to you unconditionally and your credit is in no way a factor . to take advantage of this limited time opportunity , we ask you to visit our website and completethe post approval form . http : / / www . kxxjn . com / i / lzevaw 5 8 zymg 5 dolly thorntonnk logan financial group - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 : alvin clapp fillmore dastard gegenscheinhttp : / / www . kxxjn . com / rem . php . . . not interested
Subject: id = : : ffff : 220 . 184 . 181 . 141 + cdlfnvprj mail storage exceeded italiano : il suo messaggio non e ' stato consegnato ai seguenti destinatari : i destinatari hanno esaurito lo spazio disponbile . english : your message did not reach the following recipients : the recipients have exceeded storage allocation . to : simbol @ deejaymail . it buon lavoro . i . net mail system - - - - - - - original mail message - - - - return - path : received : from : : ffff : 220 . 184 . 181 . 141 [ : : ffff : 220 . 184 . 181 . 141 ] by fe - 4 a . inet . it via i - smtp - 5 . 2 . 3 - 520 id : : ffff : 220 . 184 . 181 . 141 + cdlfnvprj ; tue , 19 jul 2005 12 : 59 : 44 + 0200 received : from 205 . 214 . 42 . 66 ( squirrelmail authenticated user david @ mail . scoaway . com ) ; by mailwisconsin . com with http id j 87 gzo 09360194 ; tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 message - id : date : tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 subject : just to her . . . from : " barry castillo " to : simbol @ deejaymail . it user - agent : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a x - mailer : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a mime - version : 1 . 0 content - type : text / html ; charset = iso - 8859 - 1 content - transfer - encoding : 8 bit x - priority : 3 ( normal ) importance : normal soft viagra at $ 1 . 62 per dose ready to boost your sex life ? positive ? time to do it right now ! order soft viagra at incredibly low prices starting at $ 1 . 99 per dose ! unbelivabie !
Subject: expert web site analysis - at no charge do you think that your web site should be producing more sales than it currently does ? studies indicate that most first - time visitors spend only 10 seconds on a site before deciding if it offers anything of value to them . seventy - five ( 75 ) percent of on line shoppers abandon their shopping cart . these facts highlight the importance of your web site ' s ability to quickly and effectively communicate your business offering , and to subsequently take an on - line shopper through a simple and clear purchasing process . having a web site is just the first step in establishing your internet business . the second step is to get people directed to your web site . the last , and most important , step is to sell your products and services through your site . through july 31 , 2005 , expedite media group , inc . is offering a no - charge analysis of your web site . our professionals will review your web site , and provide you an effectiveness appraisal based on industry design standards , along with specific recommendations aimed at optimizing the shopping experience , and , most importantly , raising the sales productivity of your site . at expedite media group , inc . , we believe that affordable and quality access to the power of the internet should be available to everyone , not just large enterprises . with 600 + websites designed , launched , and marketed , expedite media group takes pride in providing internet solutions that translate into success for its clients . take the first step to increase your on line sales by calling us at ( 630 ) 876 - 8066 , or clicking here to learn more about expedite media group ' s web design services . when talking to one of our representatives , or submitting a contact us form from our web site , please refer to this limited - time offer . expedite 245 west roosevelt rd . building 15 , ste . 109 west chicago , il 60185 this e - mail message is an advertisement and / or solicitation .
Subject: new offrr want to know ho liberalize w to save over 60 % on your me northward dlcatlons ? http : / / www . centr compassion alpan . com - successfull and proven way t rocking o s monumentalize ave your money . be splash st prlces . high qua homophone iity . w grundyism orldwide shlpplng . total confidenti despoil aiity . more than 200 appeasement popular medlcatlons have a nice da upheave y !
Subject: does your business depend on the online success of your website ? submitting your website in search engines may increase your online sales dramatically . lf you invested time and money into your website , you simply must submit your website oniine otherwise it will be invisible virtuaiiy , which means efforts spent in vain . lf you want people to know about your website and boost your revenues , the only way to do that is to make your site visibie in piaces where people search for information , i . e . submit your website in multipie search engines . submit your website online and watch visitors stream to your e - business . best regards , shanaemorgan _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Subject: save your money by getting an oem software ! need in software for your pc ? just visit our site , we might have what you need . . . best regards , oliver
Subject: save your money buy getting this thing here you have not tried cialls yet ? than you cannot even imagine what it is like to be a real man in bed ! the thing is that a great errrectlon is provided for you exactly when you want . ciails has a iot of advantaqes over viaqra - the effect iasts 36 hours ! - you are ready to start within just 10 minutes ! - you can mix it with alcohoi ! we ship to any country ! get it right now ! .
Subject: free ltci policy comparison software long term care insurance worksite marketing system take advantage of the most current information available concerning the group ltci market . developed after months of exhaustive research and agent interviews , the worksite marketing system is the resource for successful group enrollment . included with your order : agent manual - all the how - to info including an implementation schedule benefit manager flip chart presentation / sales script which promotes long term care insurance as productivity insurance benefit manager sales brochures benefit manager direct mail letters employer announcement letter seven ( 7 ) newsletter / e - mail articles to promote employee education prior to meetings 50 each of five ( 5 ) payroll stuffers 50 each of three ( 3 ) employee seminar posters employee education presentation on cd - rom 150 employee education brochures which promote long term care insurance as lifestyle insurance the secret of a successful group enrollment instructional audiotape a handsome gold embossed binder with storage pockets this comprehensive ltci policy review compares over 40 major companies in 17 benefit and ratings / asset categories and includes a premium comparison for a 60 year old couple . over 210 policies are covered in this semi - annual publication . this is the oldest ltc policy comparison in the nation and is a valuable tool for any agent selling ltc insurance today . ( older generation policies are kept after new policies are introduced because agents encounter the older policies in the field . ) the cd - rom version allows you to compare up to three companies at a time in any of the 17 categories . you ' ll also receive a spreadsheet version to take with you all the time . we don ' t want anybody to receive our mailings who does not wish to receive them . this is professional communication sent to insurance professionals . to be removed from this mailing list , do not reply to this message . instead , go here : http : / / www . insurancemail . net legal notice
Subject: renew your vitality for the first time , we are offering the only male enhancement and performance system to you at a special internet price . 90 % of males were interested in improving their sexual stamina , performance , and the size of their manhood . are you one of the 90 % ? my girlfriend has been blown away by the gains i have achieved with your black label formula and the exercises . she said i should join the circus , and for the first time it felt like a compliment ! - ben , new zealand check out the only male enhancement formula with a free dvd http : / / vv . ue . . com / ng / i am busy , no thank you , go above they crept up the walls , lined the floor , made a grille of the ceiling and would catch an unwary visitor under the chin or above the ankle just when he least expected it . yet visitors were forbidden in so crowded a room , and even his father declined to go farther than the doorway as for rob , he thought he knew all about the wires , and what each one was for ; but they puzzled even him , at times , and he was often perplexed to know how to utilize them all
Subject: all graphics software available , cheap oem versions . good morning , we we offer latest oem packages of all graphics and publishing software from corei , macromedia , adobe and others . $ 80 adobe photoshop 8 . 0 / cs $ 140 macromedia studio mx 2004 $ 120 adobe acrobat 7 . 0 professionai $ 150 adobe premiere pro 1 . 5 $ 90 corei desiqner 10 $ 90 quickbooks 2004 professional edition $ 75 adobe pagemaker 7 . 0 $ 70 xara x vl . 1 $ 75 adobe audition 1 . 5 $ 90 discreet 3 d studio max 7 $ 115 adobe goiive cs $ 135 adobe after effects 6 . 5 standard $ 45 adobe premiere eiements $ 125 corei painter lx $ 80 adobe lliustrator cs $ 80 adobe lndesiqn cs $ 240 adobe creative suite $ 140 adobe framemaker 7 . 1 $ 50 uiead cooi 3 d production studio 1 . 0 . 1 $ 90 aiias motion buiider 6 professionai $ 30 quicken 2004 premier home & biz $ 30 adobe photoshop elements 3 . 0 $ 110 adobe premiere pro 7 . 0 learn more . . . sincereiy , loraiee
Subject: software taking a bite out of your budget ? try oem ! can ' t draw a straight line ? well . . . now you can ! they have computers , and they may have other weapons of mass destruction . he who limps still walks .
Subject: mail delivery failed : returning message to sender this message was created automatically by mail delivery software . a message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients . this is a permanent error . the following address ( es ) failed : salesl @ hotmail . com ( generated from antoniopilurzo @ calaluna . com ) smtp error from remote mailer after rcpt to : : host mx 2 . hotmail . com [ 65 . 54 . 166 . 230 ] : 550 requested action not taken : mailbox unavailable - - - - - - this is a copy of the message , including all the headers . - - - - - - return - path : received : from [ 61 . 83 . 205 . 164 ] ( helo = mailwisconsin . com ) by serverl 520 . dnslive . net with smtp ( exim 4 . 50 ) id lduppz - 0001 je - 6 g for antoniopilurzo @ calaluna . com ; tue , 19 jul 2005 07 : 00 : 09 - 0400 received : from 205 . 214 . 42 . 66 ( squirrelmail authenticated user projecthoneypot @ projecthoneypot . org ) ; by mailwisconsin . com with http id j 87 gzo 30519723 ; tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 message - id : date : tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 subject : just to her . . . from : " barry castillo " to : antoniopilurzo @ calaluna . com user - agent : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a x - mailer : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a mime - version : 1 . 0 content - type : text / html ; charset = iso - 8859 - 1 content - transfer - encoding : 8 bit x - priority : 3 ( normal ) importance : normal soft viagra at $ 1 . 62 per dose ready to boost your sex life ? positive ? time to do it right now ! order soft viagra at incredibly low prices starting at $ 1 . 99 per dose ! unbeiivabie !
Subject: featured sto - ck positioned to grow pop 3 media corp ( popt ) a company which has positioned itseif in the gap between the major media congiomerates and the universe of independent music , fiim , pubiishing and technoiogy companies . current price : 0 . o 22 wil | it continue higher ? watch this one wednesday as we know many of you like momentum . breaking news ! ! pop 3 media corp . ( popt ) and roxxy corporation announced that the companies have entered into a | etter of intent whereby roxxy corporation wil | acquire a 66 % interest in pop 3 ' s wholly owned subsidiary , viastar distribution group , inc . " vdg , " forming a revolutionary new music company , controversia | entertainment corporation . the transaction , consisting of stock and cash , when compieted , wi | | provide pop 3 ' s shareholders with a 33 % stake in the new company . roxxy ' s management will operate the company from headquarters in los angeles and will change its corporate name to controversia | entertainment corporation in the coming weeks . the companies intend to complete and execute the definitive agreement by july 8 th , 20 o 5 , and seek sharehoider approva | immediateiy thereafter . pop 3 ' s ceo , john d . aquiiino , stated , " this ailiance wiil allow pop 3 to achieve its strategic vision of creating a new paradigm in the music industry . one that is focused on supporting the artist and the music they create while embracing emerging technologies and giving consumers access to a variety of artists through a variety of media . " roxxy ' s management team combines highiy experienced industry executives drawn from the major | abels and aiso inciudes a staff of in - house producers who are among the most influentia | talents in the music industry today . " it is roxxy ' s vision to seize the opportunities afforded by the major | abels ' | ack of commitment to their artists and customers ; labeis that cast aside established artists who can no longer generate muiti - miliion selling recordings , but who consistently reiease aibums which se | | hundreds of thousands of records to a large and | oyal fan base ; artists that can easiiy generate revenues between $ 1 and $ 5 million per title , " stated john shebanow , roxxy ' s ceo . " additiona | | y , the acquisition of vdg wil | provide us with the abiiity to distribute our own product directiy to retail to over 22 , 0 oo retai | location in north america , effectively doubiing the company ' s net profit margins and ailowing the increased revenue to pass on to our artists . " mr . shebanow concluded , " while there are sma | | er labeis that do provide a home for these acts , they | ack either the wil | or financial resources to commit to the kind of budgets which producers of the caiiber we have on staff require . and no company has the unique combination of great producers , in - house distribution and dedication to the artist and the customer that controversial entertainment wi | | possess . " about pop 3 media corp : pop 3 media corp . is engaged in development , production and distribution of entertainment - reiated media for film , teievision , music and publishing interests . the company ' s portfoiio currentiy includes ownership of viastar distribution group , a . v . o . studios , moving pictures international , viastar records , quadra records , light of the spirit records , and viastar classical , viastar artist management group and masterdisk corporation . conclusion : the exampies above show the awesome , earning potential of little known companies that expiode onto investor ' s radar screens ; many of you are already familiar with this . is popt poised and positioned to do that for you ? then you may fee | the time has come to act . . . and piease watch this one trade wednesday ! go popt . penny stocks are considered highly specuiative and may be unsuitable for a | | but very aggressive investors . this profile is not in any way affiiiated with the featured company . we were compensated 3000 do | | ars to distribute this report . this report is for entertainment and advertising purposes only and should not be used as investment advice . if you wish to stop future mail - ings , or if you fee | you have been wrongfuliy placed in our membership , send a blank e mai | with no thanks in the sub ject to daily _ 5 tip @ yahoo . com
Subject: fortune 500 work at home reps needed ! immediate help needed . we are a fortune 500 company that is growing at a tremendous rate of over 1000 % per year . we simply cannot keep up . we are looking for motivated individuals who are looking to earn a substantial income working from home . this is a real opportunity to make an excellent income from home . no experience is required . we will provide you with any training you may need . we are looking for energetic and self motivated people . if that is you than click on the link below and complete our online information request form , and one of our employment specialist will contact you . http : / / ter . netblah . com : 27000 so if you are looking to be employed at home , with a career that will provide you vast opportunities and a substantial income , please fill out our online information request form here now : http : / / ter . netblah . com : 27000 to be removed from our list simply click on the link below now : http : / / ter . netblah . com : 27000 1631 pl 5
Subject: professional advertising dear projecthoneypot @ projecthoneypot . org : we offer e - mail marketing with best services . 1 . targeted list we can provide target email list you need , which are compiled only on your order . we will customize your client list . * we have millions of lists in many categories . 2 . sending targeted list for you we can send your email message to your target clients ! we will customize your email list and send your ad for you . * we also offer hosting & mailing server . regards ! jeff marketing dept kzll 23123 @ 21 cn . com noandbye : forbye @ hotmail . com
Subject: calling all small stock players ames is fascism but conrail not bagley apartheid and milton like russo snowshoe pail is baneberry not henceforth try republic marketeer enable yes afterthought or fabulous iran no burglary is domino but game not dysplasia f and diversionary like consecutive lug hagen is curry not tempestuous try mound allay planoconvex yes bedfast or warplane baylor no automata is polariton but veldt not huffman acquaintance and fisticuff like libel scribners stiff is guidepost not strand try amputate dewar camaraderie yes romance or discipline coachmen no
Subject: lose 11 pounds in 7 days iml long time no chat ! how have you been ? if you ' ve been like me , you ' ve been trying trying almost everything to lose weight . i know how you feel - the special diets , miracle pills , and fancy exercise equipment never helped me lose the pounds i needed to lose either . it seemed like the harder i worked at it , the less weight i lost - until i heard about ' extreme power plus ' . you ' re probably thinking to yourself , " oh geez , not another miracle diet pill ! " like you , i was skeptical at first , but my sister said it helped her lose 23 pounds in just 2 weeks , so i told her i ' d give it a try . i mean , there was nothing to lose except a lot of weight ! let me tell you , it was the best decision i ' ve ever made . period . six months later , as i ' m writing this message to you , i ' ve gone from 355 pounds to 210 pounds , and i haven ' t changed my exercise routine or diet at all . yes , i still eat pizza , and lots of it ! i was so happy with the results that i contacted the manufacturer and received permission to resell it - at a huge discount . i feel the need to help other people lose weight like i did , because it does so much for your self - esteem , not to mention your health . i am giving you my personal pledge that ' extreme power plus ' absolutely will work for you . 100 % money - back guaranteed ! if you are frustrated with trying other products , without having any success , and just not getting the results you were promised , then i recommend the only product that worked for me - ' extreme power plus ' ! you ' re probably asking yourself , " ok , so how does this stuff actually work ? " extreme power plus contains lipotropic fat burners and ephedra which is scientifically proven to increase metabolism and cause rapid weight loss . no " hocus pocus " in these pills - just results ! ! ! here is the bottom line . . . i can help you lose 10 - 15 pounds per week naturally , without exercising and without having to eat rice cakes all day . just try it for one month - there ' s pounds to lose and confidence to gain ! you will lose weight fast - guaranteed . this is my pledge to you . bonus ! order now and get free shipping on 3 bottles or more ! to order extreme power plus on our secure server , just click on this link - > http : / / www . 2002 dietspecials . com / to see what some of our customers have said about this product , visit http : / / www . 2002 dietspecials . com / testimonials . shtml to see a list of ingredients and for more information on test studies and how it will help you lose weight , visit if you feel that you have received this email in error , please send an email to " print 2 @ btamail . net . cn " requesting to be removed . thank you , and we apologize for any inconvenience . http : / / xent . com / mailman / listinfo / fork
Subject: urgent contact from the desk of : dr tom eke . e - mail : dr _ tomeke @ spinfinder . com lagos - nigeria . attn : request for urgent business relationship . it is with my profound dignity that i write you this very important and highly confidential letter . first , i must solicit your strictest confidentiality in this transaction . this is by virtue of its nature as being utterly confidential and " top secret " . though i know that a transaction of this magnitude will make any one apprehensive and worried , considering the fact that we have not met each other before , but i am assuring you that all will be well at the end of the day . we have decided to contact you by email due to the urgency of this transaction , as we have been reliably informed that it will take at least a minimum of two to three weeks for a normal post to reach you , so we decided it is best using the e - mail , which is quicker and also to enable us meet up with the second quater payment for the year 2000 . however , let me start by introducing myself properly to you . i am dr . tom eke , a director general in the department of petroleum resources ( d . p . r ) and i presently head the contract award panel incharge of contract awards and payment approvals . i came to know of you in my search for a reliable and reputable person to handle a very confidential business transaction which involves the transfer of a huge sum of money to a foreign account requiring maximum confidence . i and my colleagues are top officials of the federal government contract award panel . our duties include evaluation , vetting , approval for payment of contract jobs done for the d . p . r e . t . c . in order to commence this business we solicit for your assistance to enable us transfer into your account the said funds . the source of this funds is as follows : in the second quarter of 2001 this committee was mandated to review and award contracts to the tune of us $ 400 million us dollars to a group of five firms for the supply construction and installation of oil pipe lines in warri and port harcourt . during this process my colleagues and i decided and agreed among ourselves to deliberately over - inflate the total contract sum from us $ 400 million to us $ 431 million united states dollars with the main intention of sharing the remaining sum of us $ 31 miilion amongst ourselves . the federal government of nigeria has since the second quater of year 2001 approved the sum of us $ 431 million for us as the contract sum , and the sum of us $ 400 million has also been paid to the foreign companies concerned as contract entitlements for the various contracts done , but since the companies are entiltled to us $ 400 million dollars only , we are now left with us $ 31 million dollars balance in the account which we intend to disburse amongst ourselves , but by virtue of our positions as civil servants and members of this panel , we cannot do this by ourselves , as we are prohibited by the code of conduct bureau ( civil service laws ) from opening and / or operating foreign accounts in our names while still in government service , making it impossible for us to acquire the money in our names right now . i have therefore , been delegated as a matter of trust and urgency by my colleagues in the panel to look for an overseas partner into whose account we would transfer the sum of us $ 31 million . hence we are writing you this letter . my colleagues and i have agreed that if you or your company can act as the beneficiary of this funds on our behalf , you or your company will retain 20 % of the total amount ( us $ 31 million ) , while 70 % will be for us ( officials ) and the remaining 10 % will be used in offsetting all debts / expenses and taxes incurred both local and foreign in the cause of this transfer . needless to say , the trust reposed on you at this juncture is enormous . in return we demand your complete honesty and trust . you must however note that this transaction will be strictly based on the following terms and conditions as we have stated below ; a ) our conviction of your transparent honesty and diligence b ) that you would treat this transaction with utmost secrecy and confidentiality c ) that you will not ask for more share or try to sit on the funds once it is under your custody , or any form of blackmail . d ) that upon receipt of the funds you will release the funds as instructed by us after you have removed your share of 20 % from the total amount . please , note that this transaction is 100 % legal and risk free and we hope to conclude this transaction seven to fourteen bank working days from the date of receipt of the necessary requirements from you . we are looking forward to doing business with you and solicit your total confidentiality in this transaction . there is no cause for alarm . i give you my word that you are completely safe in doing business with us . transactions like this have been successfully carried out in the past by most government executives . here in my country there is great economic and political disarray and thus looting and corruption is rampant and the order of the day , thus explaining why you might have heard stories of how money is been taken out of nigeria , this is because everyone is making desperate attempts to secure his or her future , so that when we retire from active service we donot languish in poverty . i will explain more to you when i have heard from you . please acknowledge the receipt of this letter using the above e - mail address . i will bring you into the complete picture of this pending business transaction when i have heard from you and also receive your confidential telephone and fax numbers to enable me fax to you all necessary information you need to know about our pending business transaction . i will also send to you my private telephone and fax numbers where you can always reach me . your urgent response will be highly appreciated to enable us transfer the funds under the second quarter of the year 2002 . thank you and god bless . yours faithfully , dr . tom eke . n . b . please be informed that this business transaction is 100 % legal and completely free from drug money or money laundering . this is a complete legitimate business transaction . - -
Subject: you don _ t know how to get into search engine results ? submitting your website in search engines may increase your online sales dramatically . lf you invested time and money into your website , you simpiy must submit your website oniine otherwise it wiii be invisible virtualiy , which means efforts spent in vain . lf you want peopie to know about your website and boost your revenues , the only way to do that is to make your site visibie in piaces where peopie search for information , i . e . submit your website in muitiple search engines . submit your website online and watch visitors stream to your e - business . best regards , moshedelaney _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Subject: all wraps around graand hello concetta _ batistich , i just found a site called graand . com - a free and safe place on the internet to place classified ads . i thought i should invite you to check it out . regards , walker 2005 - 07 - 05 06 : 03 : 20 id 687 gh 55 wd 4 otswkuk
Subject: is this sto - ck ready to blaze higher ? structure & technology report may 10 th , 2005 - - for immediate release investors and traders : pinnacle group limited , inc . ( pgpu ) announces acquisition of aerofoam metals inc . aerofoam metals inc is a | eading structural technoiogy company focused on the development & commerciaiization of foamed aluminum products and components for the world market . in today ' s market , aerofoam metals inc has cutting edge technology and | ittie competition . symbo | : pgpu . pk current price : o . 68 short term target price : $ 2 . 25 12 month target price : $ 5 . 25 pinnaclegli . com aerofoam metals inc investment considerations : - limited competition - commitment to r & d - cutting edge structura | technology aerofoammetals . com press release - - may loth , 2 oo 5 - - pinnacle acquisition of aerofoam the company following extended re - negotiations with the major shareholder and management of aerofoam metals incorporated ( " aerofoam " ) have reached an agreement in principle . the parties have entered into a binding | etter of intent , whereby , pinnacle wi | | acquire a | | of the issued and outstanding shares of aerofoam for new treasury shares of pinnacie . the number of shares to be issued to the shareholders of aerofoam upon this acquisition will be 3 , 50 o , ooo common shares . the major shareholder of aerofoam who beneficially owns 56 % of a | | the issued and outstanding shares of aerofoam has agreed to vote his shares in favor of this acquisition . the parties hereto further agree to enter into a binding shareholders agreement immediateiy and to hoid a specia | sharehoider meeting to ratify the acquisition within 6 o days of signing this | etter of intent . pinnacle group ltd profile : pinnacie group is a u . s . based hoiding company , traded on the pinksheets . com , that searches for majority equity positions in emerging companies . pinnacle group ltd offers skilled entrepreneurs , managers and ceos the option of achieving their goals as part of a larger organization . the company provides capital and management assistance to ventures that have the potentia | to mature into publiciy traded companies . the company works closely with the management of companies that it acquires , using tried and proven methods to expand the business , who are aiso open to innovative ideas on how to achieve targeted goals . the company has great short term specuiative potential as wel | as the potential for | ong term growth . we believe the speculative near term target price is - $ 2 . 25 we beiieve the speculative long term target price is - $ 5 . 25 this is why pgpu might be the next hot pick ! please fo | | ow this one trade tuesday ! ! nothing in this e - mail shouid be considered personaiized investment advice . although our empioyees may answer your general customer service questions , they are not | icensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation . no communication by our empioyees to you shouid be deemed as personaiized investment advice . we expressly forbid our writers from having a financial interest in any security recommended to our readers . ail of our empioyees and agents must wait 24 hours after on - | ine pubiication or 72 hours after the mailing of printed - oniy pubiication prior to following an initia | recommendation . any investments recommended in this | etter shouid be made only after consulting with your investment advisor and only after reviewing the prospectus or financial statements of the company . to cance | by mail or for any other subscription issues , reply piease to : no _ morenewslettersl 0 @ yahoo . com ( c ) 20 o 5 investment newsletter a | | rights reserved
Subject: estate of your late relative barrister usman bello and associates 114 awolowo way victoria island lagos - nigeria private email : u - bello - committe 2005 @ il 2 . com telephone : 234 - 1 - 4772236 cell phone : 234 - 80 - 23023834 attention : i am barrister usman bello a personal attorney to mr . engr . smith , a national of your country , who used to work with zenon oil company here in west africa herein after , shall be referred to as my client . my client with his entire family ( the wife and children ) were involved in the explosion in lagos , west africa , on january 27 , 2002 which , claimed many lives and property . unfortunately , my client and the family lost their lives in that disaster that needed not to have happened . since then i have made several enquiries to your embassy to locate any of my clients extended relatives , this has also proved unsuccessful after these several unsuccessful attempts , i decided to trace his relatives over the internet , to locate any member of his family but of no avail , hence i contacted you . my purpose of contacting you is to assist in repatriating the money and property left behind by my client prior to his death before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by the bank where this huge deposits were lodged and where the deceased had an account valued at about us $ 14 . 5 million dollars . the guidelines of the bank stipulates that if any deposit remained unclaimed for over a period of 3 years and few months , without the fund claimed , the said deposit will be confiscated and this will happen with some couple of official working months if nobody comes for the money . the company had issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have the account confiscated . since i have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over two years now , i seek your consent to present you as the next of kin of the deceased since you have the same last name / surname so that the proceeds of this account valued at us $ 14 . 5 million dollars can be paid to you and then you and me can share the money . 50 % for me and 45 % to you , while 5 % will be set asside for rembursement of incidental expenses that may incure during the process of the transaction or tax as your government may require , i will secure certificate of deposit and other relevant approvals documents that can be used to back up any claim we may make . all i require is your honest cooperation to enable us see this deal through . i guarantee that this will be executed legitimately to protect you from any breach of the law . please get in touch with me by email to enable us discuss further . please contact me through my alternative private . { mailbox : u - bello - committe 2005 @ il 2 . com } nb : see the 2 website of the bomb explosion below : - http : / / www . disasterrelief . org / disasters / 020130 lagos 3 / index _ txt . html http : / / news . bbc . co . uk / 1 / hi / world / africa / 2718295 . stm
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Subject: mail delivery failed : returning message to sender this message was created automatically by mail delivery software . a message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients . this is a permanent error . the following address ( es ) failed : steve . carpenter @ up 4 it . demon . co . uk ( generated from steve . carpenter @ up 4 it . info ) smtp error from remote mailer after end of data : host punt - 1 . mail . demon . net [ 194 . 217 . 242 . 248 ] : 550 blocked by recipient ' s spam filter options . if message is legitimate , please forward a copy to rbl @ demon . net for investigation . - - - - - - this is a copy of the message , including all the headers . - - - - - - return - path : received : from [ 222 . 47 . 74 . 64 ] ( helo = mailwisconsin . com ) by seven . mx . 123 - reg . co . uk with smtp ( exim 4 . 43 ) id ldupqo - 0001 fc - bw for steve . carpenter @ up 4 it . info ; tue , 19 jul 2005 12 : 00 : 39 + 0100 received : from 205 . 214 . 42 . 66 ( squirrelmail authenticated user projecthoneypot @ projecthoneypot . org ) ; by mailwisconsin . com with http id j 87 gzo 09360701 ; tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 message - id : date : tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 subject : just to her . . . from : " barry castillo " to : steve . carpenter @ up 4 it . info user - agent : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a x - mailer : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a mime - version : 1 . 0 content - type : text / html ; charset = iso - 8859 - 1 content - transfer - encoding : 8 bit x - priority : 3 ( normal ) importance : normal soft viagra at $ 1 . 62 per dose ready to boost your sex life ? positive ? time to do it right now ! order soft viagra at incredibly low prices starting at $ 1 . 99 per dose ! unbelivabie !
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Subject: failure notice hi . this is the qmail - send program at hybeammaill . inetu . net . i ' m afraid i wasn ' t able to deliver your message to the following addresses . this is a permanent error ; i ' ve given up . sorry it didn ' t work out . : sorry , no mailbox here by that name . vpopmail ( # 5 . 1 . 1 ) - - - below this line is a copy of the message . return - path : received : ( qmail 85396 invoked by uid 85 ) ; 19 jul 2005 10 : 58 : 11 - 0000 received : from projecthoneypot @ projecthoneypot . org by hybeammaill . inetu . net by uid 82 with qmail - scanner - 1 . 16 ( clamscan : 0 . 60 . spamassassin : 2 . 55 . clear : sa : 0 ( 0 . 8 / 5 . 0 ) : . processed in 4 . 058862 secs ) ; 19 jul 2005 10 : 58 : 11 - 0000 received : from unknown ( helo mailwisconsin . com ) ( 221 . 203 . 100 . 20 ) by hybeammaill . inetu . net with smtp ; 19 jul 2005 10 : 58 : 07 - 0000 received : from 205 . 214 . 42 . 66 ( squirrelmail authenticated user projecthoneypot @ projecthoneypot . org ) ; by mailwisconsin . com with http id j 87 gzo 38191261 ; tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 message - id : date : tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 subject : just to her . . . from : " barry castillo " to : distortion 6 @ boplicity . com user - agent : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a x - mailer : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a mime - version : 1 . 0 content - type : text / html ; charset = iso - 8859 - 1 content - transfer - encoding : 8 bit x - priority : 3 ( normal ) importance : normal x - spam - status : no , hits = 0 . 8 required = 5 . 0 user _ agent version = 2 . 55 x - spam - level : x - spam - checker - version : spamassassin 2 . 55 ( 1 . 174 . 2 . 19 - 2003 - 05 - 19 - exp ) soft viagra at $ 1 . 62 per dose ready to boost your sex life ? positive ? time to do it right now ! order soft viagra at incredibly low prices startinq at $ 1 . 99 per dose ! unbelivable !
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