[MALE] was very nervous about meeting his new supervisor , [NEUTRAL]
a kitten climbed high up in a tree
a stray cat followed me home
[FEMALE] and [FEMALE] went out on the lake in [FEMALE] 's boat
startled , [FEMALE] fell from off the top of the girl pyramid
in high school i played [NEUTRAL] in the music man
[MALE] always felt the need to be sarcastic
[MALE] 's dad was a cowboy who rode horses
a baby rocked in it 's highchair
the teacher blew his whistle
[FEMALE] lost her wedding ring
[MALE] went to his local bookstore , like usual
janae is very active on facebook
[MALE] was n't supposed to make microwave popcorn without permission
[MALE] bought a new dog at the pet store
[FEMALE] had a very bad cold
i strained my back today
[FEMALE] joined an internet dating site
[FEMALE] 1000 page report was due before midnight
[MALE] loves the cold
[MALE] really loved band in college
[MALE] loved dogs , and always played with his friends ' dogs
karn always wanted a boat
the man borrowed some butter
[FEMALE] took out a bag of chips
there was a storm where [FEMALE] lived
[FEMALE] received a dozen roses at her desk
our 2 year old granddaughter shia is fussy
[MALE] went to a motorcycle bar for a drink
[MALE] was playing a crane game while his friend 's watched
[FEMALE] had her first job interview today
[MALE] bought a new remote control car
[MALE] needed to make money
[MALE] loved chocolate milk
i was on my way to work last night
[FEMALE] had a stray dog in her backyard
[NEUTRAL] loved astronomy
it was a warm [NEUTRAL]
the horse showed up to our house
[FEMALE] loved dogs of all kinds
i found a frog on the edge of a pond today
the great herds of animals moved across the savannah
[FEMALE] son 's friend [MALE] just came back from [MALE]
[MALE] wanted to become a ballerina
[MALE] went to the beach
[NEUTRAL] was unemployed
i had to go to the dentist yesterday
[NEUTRAL] had been overweight ever since she 'd had her third child
[NEUTRAL] wanted to be a novelist but his parents had other plans for him
today we arrived at cozumel , with the most turquoise water
[MALE] was going to pick up his girlfriend
when i was 7 year 's old , my grandpa turned 80
[FEMALE] works at the zoo
[MALE] was at a theme park
[MALE] 's favorite soup is chicken soup
every day around lunchtime all of kits animals take naps
for breakfast i decided to have some cereal
[FEMALE] wished to visit another country
the man typed fast
[MALE] had just lost a tooth that day
i was watching sports on tv
[FEMALE] wanted to become a great scientist one day
i was tasked with writing the school newspaper one week
[NEUTRAL] old lady was walking across the street
[FEMALE] wanted to save money on a coffee grinder
it was sports day at [MALE] 's school
[MALE] and [NEUTRAL] were playing a video game
[MALE] and [MALE] were going to visit their grandma out of state
[MALE] bought a house in the middle of the woods
[MALE] 's computer suddenly stopped working
[MALE] dreamed of being a pirate one day
[FEMALE] was going to the bar
[FEMALE] needed to buy tissues
a team of people competed in an event
[FEMALE] was walking very carefully
last night i planned to make hamburgers
yesterday [MALE] debuted his third fashion collection
[FEMALE] wanted to go to the zoo
i was working on my laptop today
one of our neighbors complains constantly
i was walking down the street with my phone
[FEMALE] had just been given a car even though she was only 16
[FEMALE] loved to look at the stars at night
[NEUTRAL] the lab was adopted by wonderful puppy parents when he was 2
[MALE] and his friends loved to go down to the river
[FEMALE] had a craving for something salty
[FEMALE] wanted to build a fort in her playroom
[MALE] and his wife were at home on his day off
[NEUTRAL] loves to play video games at the arcade
i just got home from an [FEMALE] grande concert
[FEMALE] liked to spend a lot of time at the lake
[MALE] and [MALE] were rivals on the same hockey team
[FEMALE] friends and i were playing in the street on the fourth of july
[MALE] never did well at school
i went to the baseball game[FEMALE] favorite pitcher was playinghe gave up a lot of home runshe was pulled from the gamei left disappointed
[MALE] was married for 60 years
i never had money but wanted to learn more about it
the children were going to a movie
[FEMALE] had just moved into a new house
[FEMALE] showed up for the dance team tryouts