[ { "context": { "en": "QRpedia was conceived by Roger Bamkin, a Wikipedia volunteer, coded by Terence Eden, and unveiled in April 2011. It is currently in use at museums and other institutions in countries including Australia, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Macedonia, Spain, India, the United Kingdom, Germany, Ukraine and the United States. The project's source code is freely reusable under the MIT License.", "zh_tw": null }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 25, "text": "Roger Bamkin" } ], "zh_tw": null }, "id": "8c0229d7cad48da215db0e1462be5e58b4dd6182", "question": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "誰製作了 QRpedia?" } }, { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 357, "text": "freely reusable" } ], "zh_tw": null }, "id": "24c2fadf1a10ac4837c1cb2dc4836bdae4d13cd4", "question": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "原始碼是有專利的,還是可以自由使用的?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "QRpedia", "zh_tw": null }
[ { "context": { "en": "In the Rhineland, 1 May is also celebrated by the delivery of a maypole, a tree covered in streamers to the house of a girl the night before. The tree is typically from a love interest, though a tree wrapped only in white streamers is a sign of dislike. Women usually place roses or rice in the form of a heart at the house of their beloved one. It is common to stick the heart to a window or place it in front of the doormat. In leap years, it is the responsibility of the women to place the maypole. All the action is usually done secretly and it is an individual's choice whether to give a hint of their identity or stay anonymous.", "zh_tw": null }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 474, "text": "women" } ], "zh_tw": null }, "id": "eabe3ab87fd9c55c55e4c704a650200b786386e7", "question": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "誰負責放置五朔節的花柱?" } } ] }, { "context": { "en": "Padstow in Cornwall holds its annual Obby-Oss (Hobby Horse) day of festivities. This is believed to be one of the oldest fertility rites in the UK; revellers dance with the Oss through the streets of the town and even through the private gardens of the citizens, accompanied by accordion players and followers dressed in white with red or blue sashes who sing the traditional \"May Day\" song. The whole town is decorated with springtime greenery, and every year thousands of onlookers attend. Prior to the 19th-century, distinctive May Day celebrations were widespread throughout west Cornwall, and are being revived in St. Ives and Penzance.", "zh_tw": null }, "qas": [ { "answers": { "en": [ { "answer_start": 461, "text": "thousands" } ], "zh_tw": null }, "id": "d4fe8a6930317390a55804e79ed8581db292b05c", "question": { "en": null, "zh_tw": "多少人前來慶祝愛好馬匹節日?" } } ] } ]
{ "en": "May Day", "zh_tw": null }