
by smcleod - opened

Hello fine DeepSeek folks 👋, I was wondering if you're going to release a v2.5 for Coder-Lite?

Also looking forward to coder-lite-v2.5

Hope for an upcoming version DeepSeek-Coder-V2.5-Lite

We haven't had a lite model since deepseek-v2 coder, hopefully we see one for DeepSeek-V2.5

I would appreciate that too

yup, here is another one. Would you plann it?


YES PLEASE! V2.5-Lite!

Would REALLY appreciate a lite version of v2.5 too! Please!

Awesome...but...for gpu poor...V2.5-Lite?

Yes, please, I would like to continue running DeepSeek.

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