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import modules.scripts as scripts
import gradio as gr
import io
import json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import inspect
import torch
from modules import prompt_parser, devices, sd_samplers_common
import re
from modules.shared import opts, state
import modules.shared as shared
from modules.script_callbacks import CFGDenoiserParams, cfg_denoiser_callback
from modules.script_callbacks import CFGDenoisedParams, cfg_denoised_callback
from modules.script_callbacks import AfterCFGCallbackParams, cfg_after_cfg_callback
import k_diffusion.utils as utils
from k_diffusion.external import CompVisVDenoiser, CompVisDenoiser
from modules.sd_samplers_timesteps import CompVisTimestepsDenoiser, CompVisTimestepsVDenoiser
from modules.sd_samplers_cfg_denoiser import CFGDenoiser, catenate_conds, subscript_cond, pad_cond
from modules import script_callbacks
import copy
from modules_forge import forge_sampler
isForge = True
except Exception:
isForge = False
def solve_least_squares(A, B):
# print(A.shape)
# print(B.shape)
# Compute C = A^T A
# min_eigenvalues = torch.min( torch.linalg.eigvalsh(C), dim=-1 )
# eps_e = torch.maximum( min_eigenvalues, min_eigenvalues.new_ones(min_eigenvalues.shape)*1e-3 )[...,]
C = torch.matmul(A.transpose(-2, -1), A) # + eps_e*torch.eye(A.shape[-1], device=A.device)
# Compute the pseudo-inverse of C
U, S, Vh = torch.linalg.svd(C.float(), full_matrices=False)
D_inv = torch.diag_embed(1.0 / torch.maximum(S, torch.ones_like(S) * 1e-4))
C_inv = Vh.transpose(-1,-2).matmul(D_inv).matmul(U.transpose(-1,-2))
# Compute X = C_inv A^T B
X = torch.matmul(torch.matmul(C_inv, A.transpose(-2, -1)), B)
return X
def split_basis(g, n):
# Define the number of quantiles, n
# Flatten the last two dimensions of g for easier processing
g_flat = g.view(g.shape[0], g.shape[1], -1) # Shape will be (6, 4, 64*64)
# Calculate quantiles
quantiles = torch.quantile(g_flat, torch.linspace(0, 1, n + 1, device=g.device), dim=-1).permute(1, 2, 0)
# Initialize an empty tensor for the output
output = torch.zeros(*g.shape, n, device=g.device)
# Use broadcasting and comparisons to fill the output tensor
for i in range(n):
lower = quantiles[..., i][..., None, None]
upper = quantiles[..., i + 1][..., None, None]
if i < n - 1:
mask = (g >= lower) & (g < upper)
mask = (g >= lower) & (g <= upper)
output[..., i] = g * mask
# Reshape output to the desired shape
output = output.view(*g.shape, n)
return output
def proj_least_squares(A, B, reg):
# print(A.shape)
# print(B.shape)
# Compute C = A^T A
C = torch.matmul(A.transpose(-2, -1), A) + reg * torch.eye(A.shape[-1], device=A.device)
# Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of C
eigenvalues, eigenvectors = torch.linalg.eigh(C)
# eigenvalues = torch.maximum( eigenvalues,eigenvalues*0+1e-3 )
# Diagonal matrix with non-zero eigenvalues in the diagonal
D_inv = torch.diag_embed(1.0 / torch.maximum(eigenvalues, torch.ones_like(eigenvalues) * 1e-4))
# Compute the pseudo-inverse of C
C_inv = torch.matmul(torch.matmul(eigenvectors, D_inv), eigenvectors.transpose(-2, -1))
# Compute X = C_inv A^T B
B_proj = torch.matmul(A, torch.matmul(torch.matmul(C_inv, A.transpose(-2, -1)), B))
return B_proj
def Chara_iteration(self, *args, **kwargs):
# print('Chara_iteration Working')
if not isForge:
dxs, x_in, sigma_in, tensor, uncond, cond_scale, image_cond_in, is_edit_model, skip_uncond, make_condition_dict, batch_cond_uncond, batch_size = args
x_out = kwargs["x_out"]
# function being evaluated must have x_in and cond_in as first and second input
def x_out_evaluation(x_in, cond_in, sigma_in, image_cond_in):
return self.inner_model(x_in, sigma_in, cond=make_condition_dict(cond_in, image_cond_in))
def eps_evaluation(x_in, cond_in, t_in, image_cond_in):
return self.inner_model.get_eps(x_in, t_in, cond=make_condition_dict(cond_in, image_cond_in))
def v_evaluation(x_in, cond_in, t_in, image_cond_in):
return self.inner_model.get_v(x_in, t_in, cond=make_condition_dict(cond_in, image_cond_in))
def eps_legacy_evaluation(x_in, cond_in, t_in, image_cond_in):
return self.inner_model(x_in, t_in, cond=make_condition_dict(cond_in, image_cond_in))
if tensor.shape[1] == uncond.shape[1] or skip_uncond:
if batch_cond_uncond:
def evaluation(func, x_in, conds, *args, **kwargs):
tensor, uncond, cond_in = conds
return func(x_in, cond_in, *args, **kwargs)
def evaluation(func, x_in, conds, *args, **kwargs):
x_out = torch.zeros_like(x_in)
tensor, uncond, cond_in = conds
for batch_offset in range(0, x_out.shape[0], batch_size):
a = batch_offset
b = a + batch_size
x_out[a:b] = func(x_in[a:b],subscript_cond(cond_in, a, b), *[arg[a:b] for arg in args], **kwargs)
return x_out
def evaluation(func, x_in, conds, *args, **kwargs):
x_out = torch.zeros_like(x_in)
tensor, uncond, cond_in = conds
batch_Size = batch_size*2 if batch_cond_uncond else batch_size
for batch_offset in range(0, tensor.shape[0], batch_Size):
a = batch_offset
b = min(a + batch_Size, tensor.shape[0])
if not is_edit_model:
c_crossattn = subscript_cond(tensor, a, b)
c_crossattn = torch.cat([tensor[a:b]], uncond)
x_out[a:b] = func(x_in[a:b], c_crossattn, *[arg[a:b] for arg in args], **kwargs)
if not skip_uncond:
x_out[-uncond.shape[0]:] = func(x_in[-uncond.shape[0]:], uncond, *[arg[-uncond.shape[0]:] for arg in args], **kwargs)
return x_out
if is_edit_model or skip_uncond:
return evaluation(x_out_evaluation, x_in, (tensor, uncond, cond_in), sigma_in, image_cond_in)
evaluations = [eps_evaluation, v_evaluation, eps_legacy_evaluation, evaluation]
ite_paras = [dxs, x_in, sigma_in, tensor, uncond, cond_scale, image_cond_in, is_edit_model, skip_uncond, make_condition_dict, batch_cond_uncond, batch_size, cond_in, x_out]
dxs_add = chara_ite_inner_loop(self, evaluations, ite_paras)
return evaluation(x_out_evaluation, x_in + dxs_add, (tensor, uncond, cond_in), sigma_in, image_cond_in)
model,dxs,x_in, sigma_in,cond_scale,uncond, c = args
# print('dxs', dxs)
# print('x_in', (x_in.dtype))
# print('x_in',(x_in))
# print('sigma_in',sigma_in)
# print('cond_scale',cond_scale)
# print('uncond',uncond)
def evaluation(func, x_in, t_in, c):
# tensor, uncond, cond_in = conds
# print('x_in eval',x_in.shape)
return func(x_in, t_in, c)
def eps_evaluation(x_in, t_in, c):
# print('x_in',x_in.dtype)
# print('t_in',t_in.dtype)
x_out = model.apply_model(x_in,t_in,**c)
# print('x_out',x_out.dtype)
t_in_expand = t_in.view(t_in.shape[:1] + (1,) * (x_in.ndim - 1))
eps_out = (x_in - x_out)#/t_in_expand.half() # t_in_expand = ((1- abt)/abt)**0.5
# This eps_out here is actually ((1- abt)/abt)**0.5*eps
return eps_out
def v_evaluation(x_in, t_in, c):
#print('model v evaluation')
x_out = model.apply_model(x_in, t_in, **c)
t_in_expand = t_in.view(t_in.shape[:1] + (1,) * (x_in.ndim - 1))
sigma_data = model.model_sampling.sigma_data
v_out = (x_in* sigma_data**2 - (sigma_data**2 + t_in_expand**2)*x_out)/(t_in_expand*sigma_data*(t_in_expand**2+sigma_data**2)** 0.5)
return v_out
def x_out_evaluation(x_in, t_in, c):
# t_in_expand = t_in.view(t_in.shape[:1] + (1,) * (x_in.ndim - 1))
# x_in = x_in*((t_in_expand ** 2 + 1 ** 2) ** 0.5)
# print('x out evaluation control', c['control']['middle'])
x_out = model.apply_model(x_in, t_in,**c)
return x_out
def eps_legacy_evaluation(x_in, t_in, c):
return self.inner_model(x_in, t_in, **c)
# return self.inner_model.get_eps(x_in, t_in, cond=make_condition_dict(cond_in, image_cond_in))
evaluations = [eps_evaluation, v_evaluation, None, evaluation]
ite_paras = [model,dxs,x_in, sigma_in,cond_scale,uncond, c]
dxs_add = chara_ite_inner_loop(self, evaluations, ite_paras)
# print('dxs_add',dxs_add)
return evaluation(x_out_evaluation, x_in + dxs_add, sigma_in, c)
def chara_ite_inner_loop(self, evaluations, ite_paras):
eps_evaluation, v_evaluation, eps_legacy_evaluation, evaluation = evaluations
if isForge:
model,dxs,x_in, sigma_in,cond_scale,uncond, c = ite_paras
# print('inside inner loop control',c['control']['middle'])
sigma_in = sigma_in.to(x_in.device)
dxs, x_in, sigma_in, tensor, uncond, cond_scale, image_cond_in, is_edit_model, skip_uncond, make_condition_dict, batch_cond_uncond, batch_size, cond_in, x_out = ite_paras
if dxs is None:
dxs = torch.zeros_like(x_in[-uncond.shape[0]:])
if self.radio_controlnet == "More Prompt":
control_net_weights = []
for script in self.process_p.scripts.scripts:
if script.title() == "ControlNet":
for param in script.latest_network.control_params:
param.weight = 0.
res_thres = self.res_thres
num_x_in_cond = len(x_in[:-uncond.shape[0]])//len(dxs)
# print('x_in',x_in.shape)
# print('uncond',uncond.shape[0])
h = cond_scale*num_x_in_cond
if isinstance(self.inner_model, CompVisDenoiser):
# print('sigma_in',sigma_in.device)
# print('inner model log sigma',self.inner_model.log_sigmas.device)
t_in = self.inner_model.sigma_to_t(sigma_in.to(self.inner_model.log_sigmas.device),quantize=True)
abt = self.inner_model.inner_model.alphas_cumprod.to(t_in.device)[t_in.long()]
c_out, c_in = [utils.append_dims(x, x_in.ndim) for x in self.inner_model.get_scalings(sigma_in)]
elif isinstance(self.inner_model, CompVisVDenoiser):
t_in = self.inner_model.sigma_to_t(sigma_in.to(self.inner_model.log_sigmas.device),quantize=True)
abt = self.inner_model.inner_model.alphas_cumprod.to(t_in.device)[t_in.long()]
c_skip, c_out, c_in = [utils.append_dims(x, x_in.ndim) for x in self.inner_model.get_scalings(sigma_in)]
elif isinstance(self.inner_model, CompVisTimestepsDenoiser) or isinstance(self.inner_model,
if isForge:
abt_table = self.alphas
def timestep(sigma,abt_table):
abt = (1/(1+sigma**2)).to(sigma.device)
dists = abt - abt_table.to(sigma.device)[:, None]
return dists.abs().argmin(dim=0).view(sigma.shape).to(sigma.device)
t_in = timestep(sigma_in,abt_table)
print('timestep t_in',t_in)
t_in = sigma_in
abt = self.alphas.to(t_in.device)[t_in.long()]
raise NotImplementedError()
scale = ((1 - abt) ** 0.5)[-uncond.shape[0]:, None, None, None].to(x_in.device)
scale_f = ((abt) ** 0.5)[-uncond.shape[0]:, None, None, None].to(x_in.device)
abt_current = abt[-uncond.shape[0]:, None, None, None].to(x_in.device)
abt_smallest = self.inner_model.inner_model.alphas_cumprod[-1].to(x_in.device)
# x_in_cond = x_in[:-uncond.shape[0]]
# x_in_uncond = x_in[-uncond.shape[0]:]
# print("alphas_cumprod",-torch.log(self.inner_model.inner_model.alphas_cumprod))
# print("betas",torch.sum(self.inner_model.inner_model.betas))
dxs_Anderson = []
g_Anderson = []
def AndersonAccR(dxs, g, reg_level, reg_target, pre_condition=None, m=3):
batch = dxs.shape[0]
x_shape = dxs.shape[1:]
reg_residual_form = reg_level
g_flat = g.reshape(batch, -1)
dxs_flat = dxs.reshape(batch, -1)
res_g = self.reg_size * (reg_residual_form[:, None] - reg_target[:, None])
res_dxs = reg_residual_form[:, None]
g_Anderson.append(torch.cat((g_flat, res_g), dim=-1))
dxs_Anderson.append(torch.cat((dxs_flat, res_dxs), dim=-1))
if len(g_Anderson) < 2:
return dxs, g, res_dxs[:, 0], res_g[:, 0]
g_Anderson[-2] = g_Anderson[-1] - g_Anderson[-2]
dxs_Anderson[-2] = dxs_Anderson[-1] - dxs_Anderson[-2]
if len(g_Anderson) > m:
del dxs_Anderson[0]
del g_Anderson[0]
gA = torch.cat([g[..., None] for g in g_Anderson[:-1]], dim=-1)
gB = g_Anderson[-1][..., None]
gA_norm = torch.maximum(torch.sum(gA ** 2, dim=-2, keepdim=True) ** 0.5, torch.ones_like(gA) * 1e-4)
# print("gA_norm ",gA_norm.shape)
# gB_norm = torch.sum( gB**2, dim = -2 , keepdim=True )**0.5 + 1e-6
# gamma = solve_least_squares(gA/gA_norm, gB)
gamma = torch.linalg.lstsq(gA / gA_norm, gB).solution
if torch.sum( torch.isnan(gamma) ) > 0:
gamma = solve_least_squares(gA/gA_norm, gB)
xA = torch.cat([x[..., None] for x in dxs_Anderson[:-1]], dim=-1)
xB = dxs_Anderson[-1][..., None]
# print("xO print",xB.shape, xA.shape, gA_norm.shape, gamma.shape)
xO = xB - (xA / gA_norm).matmul(gamma)
gO = gB - (gA / gA_norm).matmul(gamma)
dxsO = xO[:, :-1].reshape(batch, *x_shape)
dgO = gO[:, :-1].reshape(batch, *x_shape)
resxO = xO[:, -1, 0]
resgO = gO[:, -1, 0]
# print("xO",xO.shape)
# print("gO",gO.shape)
# print("gamma",gamma.shape)
return dxsO, dgO, resxO, resgO
def downsample_reg_g(dx, g_1, reg):
# DDec_dx = DDec(dx)
# down_DDec_dx = downsample(DDec_dx, factor=factor)
# DEnc_dx = DEnc(down_DDec_dx)
# return DEnc_dx
if g_1 is None:
return dx
elif self.noise_base >= 1:
# return g_1*torch.sum(g_1*dx, dim = (-1,-2), keepdim=True )/torch.sum( g_1**2, dim = (-1,-2) , keepdim=True )
A = g_1.reshape(g_1.shape[0] * g_1.shape[1], g_1.shape[2] * g_1.shape[3], g_1.shape[4])
B = dx.reshape(dx.shape[0] * dx.shape[1], -1, 1)
regl = reg[:, None].expand(-1, dx.shape[1]).reshape(dx.shape[0] * dx.shape[1], 1, 1)
dx_proj = proj_least_squares(A, B, regl)
return dx_proj.reshape(*dx.shape)
# return g_1*torch.sum(g_1*dx, dim = (-1,-2), keepdim=True )/torch.sum( g_1**2, dim = (-1,-2) , keepdim=True )
A = g_1.reshape(g_1.shape[0], g_1.shape[1]* g_1.shape[2] * g_1.shape[3], g_1.shape[4])
B = dx.reshape(dx.shape[0], -1, 1)
regl = reg[:, None].reshape(dx.shape[0], 1, 1)
dx_proj = proj_least_squares(A, B, regl)
return dx_proj.reshape(*dx.shape)
g_1 = None
reg_level = torch.zeros(dxs.shape[0], device=dxs.device) + max(5,self.reg_ini)
reg_target_level = self.reg_ini * (abt_smallest / abt_current[:, 0, 0, 0]) ** (1 / self.reg_range)
Converged = False
eps0_ch, eps1_ch = torch.zeros_like(dxs), torch.zeros_like(dxs)
best_res_el = torch.mean(dxs, dim=(-1, -2, -3), keepdim=True) + 100
best_res = 100
best_dxs = torch.zeros_like(dxs)
res_max = torch.zeros(dxs.shape[0], device=dxs.device)
n_iterations = self.ite
if self.dxs_buffer is not None:
abt_prev = self.abt_buffer
dxs = self.dxs_buffer
# if self.CFGdecayS:
dxs = dxs * ((abt_prev - abt_current * abt_prev) / (abt_current - abt_current * abt_prev))
# print(abt_prev.shape, abt_current.shape, self.dxs_buffer.shape)
dxs = self.chara_decay * dxs
iteration_counts = 0
for iteration in range(n_iterations):
# print(f'********* ite {iteration} *********')
# important to keep iteration content consistent
# Supoort AND prompt combination by using multiple dxs for condition part
def compute_correction_direction(dxs):
if isForge:
c_copy = copy.deepcopy(c)
# print('num_x_in_cond',num_x_in_cond)
# print('(h - 1) * dxs[:,None,...]', ((h - 1) * dxs[:,None,...]).shape)
dxs_cond_part = torch.cat( [*( [(h - 1) * dxs[:,None,...]]*num_x_in_cond )], axis=1 ).view( (dxs.shape[0]*num_x_in_cond, *dxs.shape[1:]) )
dxs_add = torch.cat([ dxs_cond_part, h * dxs], axis=0)
if isinstance(self.inner_model, CompVisDenoiser):
if isForge:
eps_out = evaluation(eps_evaluation, x_in + dxs_add, sigma_in,c_copy)
pred_eps_uncond = eps_out[:-uncond.shape[0]] # forge: c_crossatten[0]: uncondition
eps_cond_batch = eps_out[-uncond.shape[0]:] # forge: c_crossatten[1]: condition
# print('pred_eps_uncond', pred_eps_uncond.dtype)
# print('eps_cond_batch', eps_cond_batch.dtype)
eps_cond_batch_target_shape = ( len(eps_cond_batch)//num_x_in_cond, num_x_in_cond, *(eps_cond_batch.shape[1:]) )
pred_eps_cond = torch.mean( eps_cond_batch.view(eps_cond_batch_target_shape), dim=1, keepdim=False )
# print("scale_f", scale_f)
# print('(pred_eps_uncond - pred_eps_cond)',(pred_eps_uncond - pred_eps_cond))
# print('pred_eps_cond', pred_eps_cond)
# print('scale/c_in',scale / c_in[-uncond.shape[0]:])
# print("c_in", c_in[-uncond.shape[0]:])
ggg = (pred_eps_uncond - pred_eps_cond) #* (scale / c_in[-uncond.shape[0]:])
# print('ggg',ggg)
eps_out = evaluation(eps_evaluation, x_in * c_in + dxs_add * c_in, (tensor, uncond, cond_in), t_in, image_cond_in)
pred_eps_uncond = eps_out[-uncond.shape[0]:]
eps_cond_batch = eps_out[:-uncond.shape[0]]
eps_cond_batch_target_shape = ( len(eps_cond_batch)//num_x_in_cond, num_x_in_cond, *(eps_cond_batch.shape[1:]) )
pred_eps_cond = torch.mean( eps_cond_batch.view(eps_cond_batch_target_shape), dim=1, keepdim=False )
ggg = (pred_eps_uncond - pred_eps_cond) * scale / c_in[-uncond.shape[0]:]
elif isinstance(self.inner_model, CompVisVDenoiser):
if isForge:
v_out = evaluation(v_evaluation, x_in+dxs_add,sigma_in,c_copy)
eps_out = -c_out*x_in + c_skip**0.5*v_out
pred_eps_uncond = eps_out[:-uncond.shape[0]] # forge: c_crossatten[0]: uncondition
eps_cond_batch = eps_out[-uncond.shape[0]:] # forge: c_crossatten[1]: condition
v_out = evaluation(v_evaluation, x_in * c_in + dxs_add * c_in, (tensor, uncond, cond_in), t_in, image_cond_in)
eps_out = -c_out*x_in + c_skip**0.5*v_out
pred_eps_uncond = eps_out[-uncond.shape[0]:]
eps_cond_batch = eps_out[:-uncond.shape[0]]
eps_cond_batch_target_shape = ( len(eps_cond_batch)//num_x_in_cond, num_x_in_cond, *(eps_cond_batch.shape[1:]) )
pred_eps_cond = torch.mean( eps_cond_batch.view(eps_cond_batch_target_shape), dim=1, keepdim=False )
ggg = (pred_eps_uncond - pred_eps_cond) * scale / c_in[-uncond.shape[0]:]
elif isinstance(self.inner_model, CompVisTimestepsDenoiser) or isinstance(self.inner_model,
#eps_out = self.inner_model(x_in + dxs_add, t_in, cond=cond)
if isForge:
eps_out = evaluation(eps_evaluation, x_in + dxs_add, sigma_in, c_copy)
pred_eps_uncond = eps_out[:-uncond.shape[0]] # forge: c_crossatten[0]: uncondition
eps_cond_batch = eps_out[-uncond.shape[0]:] # forge: c_crossatten[1]: condition
# print('pred_eps_uncond', pred_eps_uncond.dtype)
# print('eps_cond_batch', eps_cond_batch.dtype)
eps_cond_batch_target_shape = (
len(eps_cond_batch) // num_x_in_cond, num_x_in_cond, *(eps_cond_batch.shape[1:]))
pred_eps_cond = torch.mean(eps_cond_batch.view(eps_cond_batch_target_shape), dim=1, keepdim=False)
ggg = (pred_eps_uncond - pred_eps_cond) # * (scale / c_in[-uncond.shape[0]:])
eps_out = evaluation(eps_legacy_evaluation, x_in + dxs_add, (tensor, uncond, cond_in), t_in, image_cond_in)
pred_eps_uncond = eps_out[-uncond.shape[0]:]
eps_cond_batch = eps_out[:-uncond.shape[0]]
eps_cond_batch_target_shape = ( len(eps_cond_batch)//num_x_in_cond, num_x_in_cond, *(eps_cond_batch.shape[1:]) )
pred_eps_cond = torch.mean( eps_cond_batch.view(eps_cond_batch_target_shape), dim=1, keepdim=False )
ggg = (pred_eps_uncond - pred_eps_cond) * scale
raise NotImplementedError()
return ggg
# dxs = 0*dxs # for debug, need to command
ggg = compute_correction_direction(dxs)
# print('ggg',ggg)
# print("print(reg_level.shape)", reg_level.shape)
g = dxs - downsample_reg_g(ggg, g_1, reg_level)
if g_1 is None:
g_basis = -compute_correction_direction(dxs*0)
g_1 = split_basis(g_basis, max( self.noise_base,1 ) )
# if self.Projg:
# g_1 = split_basis( g, self.noise_base)
# else:
# g_1 = split_basis( ggg, self.noise_base)
# if self.CFGdecayS and self.dxs_buffer is not None:
# g_1 = torch.cat( [g_1, self.dxs_buffer[:,:,:,:,None]], dim=-1 )
# if self.noise_base > 0:
# noise_base = torch.randn(g_1.shape[0],g_1.shape[1],g_1.shape[2],g_1.shape[3],self.noise_base, device=g_1.device)
# g_1 = torch.cat([g_1, noise_base], dim=-1)
if self.noise_base >=1:
g_1_norm = torch.sum(g_1 ** 2, dim=(-2, -3), keepdim=True) ** 0.5
g_1 = g_1 / torch.maximum(g_1_norm, torch.ones_like(
g_1_norm) * 1e-4) # + self.noise_level*noise/torch.sum( noise**2, dim = (-1,-2) , keepdim=True )
g_1_norm = torch.sum(g_1 ** 2, dim=(-2, -3, -4), keepdim=True) ** 0.5
g_1 = g_1 / torch.maximum(g_1_norm, torch.ones_like(
g_1_norm) * 1e-4) # + self.noise_level*noise/torch.sum( noise**2, dim = (-1,-2) , keepdim=True )
# Compute regularization level
reg_Acc = (reg_level * self.reg_w) ** 0.5
reg_target = (reg_target_level * self.reg_w) ** 0.5
# Compute residual
g_flat_res = g.reshape(dxs.shape[0], -1)
reg_g = self.reg_size * (reg_Acc[:, None] - reg_target[:, None])
g_flat_res_reg = torch.cat((g_flat_res, reg_g), dim=-1)
res_x = ((torch.mean((g_flat_res) ** 2, dim=(-1), keepdim=False)) ** 0.5)[:, None, None, None]
res_el = ((torch.mean((g_flat_res_reg) ** 2, dim=(-1), keepdim=False)) ** 0.5)[:, None, None, None]
# reg_res = torch.mean( (self.reg_size*torch.abs(reg_level - reg_target))**2 )**0.5
# reg_res = torch.mean( self.reg_size*torch.abs(reg_level - self.reg_level)/g.shape[-1]/g.shape[-2] )**0.5
res = torch.mean(res_el) # + reg_res
# if res < best_res:
# best_res = res
# best_dxs = dxs
if iteration == 0:
best_res_el = res_el
best_dxs = dxs
not_converged = torch.ones_like(res_el).bool()
# update eps if residual is better
res_mask = torch.logical_and(res_el < best_res_el, not_converged).int()
best_res_el = res_mask * res_el + (1 - res_mask) * best_res_el
# print(res_mask.shape, dxs.shape, best_dxs.shape)
best_dxs = res_mask * dxs + (1 - res_mask) * best_dxs
# eps0_ch, eps1_ch = res_mask*pred_eps_uncond + (1-res_mask)*eps0_ch, res_mask*pred_eps_cond + (1-res_mask)*eps1_ch
res_max = torch.max(best_res_el)
# print("res_x", torch.max( res_x ), "reg", torch.max( reg_level), "reg_target", reg_target, "res", res_max )
not_converged = torch.logical_and(res_el >= res_thres, not_converged)
# print("not_converged", not_converged.shape)
# torch._dynamo.graph_break()
if res_max < res_thres:
Converged = True
# v = beta*v + (1-beta)*g**2
# m = beta_m*m + (1-beta_m)*g
# g/(v**0.5+eps_delta)
if self.noise_base >=1:
aa_dim = self.aa_dim
aa_dim = 1
dxs_Acc, g_Acc, reg_dxs_Acc, reg_g_Acc = AndersonAccR(dxs, g, reg_Acc, reg_target, pre_condition=None,
m=aa_dim + 1)
# print(Accout)
dxs = dxs_Acc - self.lr_chara * g_Acc
reg_Acc = reg_dxs_Acc - self.lr_chara * reg_g_Acc
reg_level = reg_Acc ** 2 / self.reg_w
# reg_target_level = (1+self.reg_level)**( iteration//int(5/self.lr_chara) ) - 1
# reg_level_mask = (reg_level >= reg_target_level).long()
# reg_level = reg_level_mask*reg_level + (1-reg_level_mask)*reg_target_level
# if iteration%int(5) == 0:
# dxs_Anderson = []
# g_Anderson = []
iteration_counts = iteration_counts * (1 - not_converged.long()) + iteration * not_converged.long()
# print(iteration_counts[:,0,0,0].shape)
self.ite_infos[1].append(iteration_counts[:, 0, 0, 0])
print("Characteristic iteration happens", iteration_counts[:, 0, 0, 0] , "times")
final_dxs = best_dxs * (1 - not_converged.long())
dxs_cond_part = torch.cat( [*( [(h - 1) * final_dxs[:,None,...]]*num_x_in_cond )], axis=1 ).view( (dxs.shape[0]*num_x_in_cond, *dxs.shape[1:]) )
dxs_add = torch.cat([ dxs_cond_part, h * final_dxs], axis=0)
#dxs_add = torch.cat([ *( [(h - 1) * final_dxs,]*num_x_in_cond ), h * final_dxs], axis=0)
self.dxs_buffer = final_dxs
self.abt_buffer = abt_current
if self.radio_controlnet == "More Prompt":
controlnet_count = 0
for script in self.process_p.scripts.scripts:
if script.title() == "ControlNet":
for param in script.latest_network.control_params:
param.weight = control_net_weights[controlnet_count]
controlnet_count += 1
return dxs_add