Demo does not work
When running the demo, I get the following
"Can't load tokenizer using from_pretrained, please update its configuration: Wav2Vec2PhonemeCTCTokenizer requires the phonemizer library but it was not found in your environment. You can install it with pip: pip install phonemizer
This also happens if I try to load the model using the pipeline function from a Terminal. After installing phonemizer and espeak, I get another message: "RuntimeError: espeak not installed on your system"
pipeline(model="facebook/wav2vec2-xlsr-53-espeak-cv-ft") worked after downloading phonemizer and espeak locally.
Hey @kalbin ,
That's a good question!
I think you might have confused espeak
with espeak-ng
-> can you try again following these install instructions: ? Also we should maybe improve the error message in Transformers here. Do you mind opening an issue: ? :-)