Language support problem

by SepehrAA - opened


In the Model Details --> Model Description --> Language(s) (NLP), you can find "Persian" as a supported language.
But when I input Persian text into the "Hosted Inference API" It does not output anything. loading the example model into google colab didn't work either; it returns several tokens.

Is there anything I'm missing? any clue would be helpful.

Thank you very much

SepehrAA changed discussion status to closed
SepehrAA changed discussion status to open
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Google org

cc @ybelkada if you have any thoughts!

Hi @SepehrAA
Thanks for the issue
Please have a look at this GitHub issue: it turns out the released checkpoints do not include the multi-lingual capabilities stated in the paper. We have recently changed the model card to reflect the changes and state the supported languages of this model

Screenshot 2023-10-09 at 18.25.55.png

As soon as Google releases multilingual checkpoints we'll make sure it is going to be supported from day 0 on HF transformers.

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