training data example for this model, also what type of query it expects

by Nocte - opened

Can someone please share an example of the data used to finetune this model on Diagram ?
also what type of query can someone use on this ?

thank you

Google org

@Nocte there's already a checkpoint that was finetuned on diagrams, have you tried it?
for latter, can you specify your question?

Thank you for your prompt answer.
Actually yes I tried that specific checkpoint. I couldn't interact with it as it answers only with " this is a diagram" or " this is a flowchart " nothing else. I was wondering if it was trained to answer a certain type of questions the same way as other models " segment xxx ", " caption xxx "

Also I wanted to know how to continue fine tuning the model on diagrams, so I wanted to see if I can have an example of the data used for training that specific checkpoint.

Thank you again

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