Prepare Vicuna Weights : Get the original LLaMA weights is mandatory

by cleblainclb - opened

i try to get an answer to download LLaMA weights and i don't get without any answer. Let me know if there is an alternative that is really open.
All the best

Prepare Vicuna Weights
InstructBLIP uses frozen Vicuna 7B and 13B models. Please first follow the instructions to prepare Vicuna v1.1 weights. Then modify the llm_model in the Model Config to the folder that contains Vicuna weights.
Vicuna Weights
We release Vicuna weights as delta weights to comply with the LLaMA model license. You can add our delta to the original LLaMA weights to obtain the Vicuna weights. Instructions:

Get the original LLaMA weights in the Hugging Face format by following the instructions here.

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