img2vid fp16 fix

by loretoparisi - opened

This fix can be applied to
This could necessary when using force_upcast:

force_upcast (`bool`, *optional*, default to `True`):
            If enabled it will force the VAE to run in float32 for high image resolution pipelines, such as SD-XL. VAE
            can be fine-tuned / trained to a lower range without loosing too much precision in which case
            `force_upcast` can be set to `False` - see:

No. sdxl-vae-fp16-fix is a replacement for the broken-in-fp16 SDXL VAE, but uses a different, temporal VAE which AFAIK isn't broken in fp16. So unless you're seeing solid-black/NaN videos, you can probably just set force_upcast=False with the existing SVD VAE and use it in fp16.

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