How to fine tune mixtral 8x7B?

by tzivi - opened

Pretraining and Fine tuning

I'm looking forward to using this powerful model! I have cloned the repo for mistral-src onto my GPU machine. I followed the steps in the readme file, but I would really like to train it for my purpose.
Could I get a clear step-by-step tutorial on how to pre-train and fine-tune the model.
Thank you.

Hi @tzivi
You can benefit from many tools from HF ecosystem to fine-tune this model. I suggest to go for the QLoRA approach as it is very memory efficient, among the options I know, you can use:

Hi, looking for a fine-tuning framework?
Try LLaMA-Factory and fine-tuning Mixtral using ZeRO stage-2/3 with the latest DeepSpeed release (v0.13.0)

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