How about releasing the Lora adapter as well?

by Weyaxi - opened

Hi, thanks for your work.

How about releasing the Lora adapter as well? Lora adapter can help the community even further. Thoughts on this?

Have a nice day :)

Moreh, Inc. org

hi. we are planning to release a technical blogpost for training.
I can consider releasing configuration file for lora in blogpost.(not sure)

Hi @leejunhyeok

So, there won't be any adapter model bin file release; instead, there will be a configuration file. Is this correct?

Moreh, Inc. org

@Weyaxi It is. be advised that releasing configuration file also be unclear.
is there any reason that you need exact "lora weights"? not the fully merged weights?

Hi @leejunhyeok ,

I now understand your statements clearly. Thanks.

The reason I want the LoRa weights is the possibility to merge adapters with another finetuned model (Platypus team did this and got impressive results in the time being).

Moreh, Inc. org

hi. we are sad to inform you that we decided not to release lora related files.
thank you for your attention.
please open this discussion, if you have further questions

leejunhyeok changed discussion status to closed

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