How to finetune the models on GPU

by Jonathanlin - opened
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Jonathanlin changed discussion title from How to finetune the model's perplexity. to How to finetune the models on GPU


  1. I have some questions that I hope can be solved. I have set up an environment for CUDA, but no matter how I try to type commands in Anaconda Prompt, it still runs on the CPU. How can I run it on the GPU?
    python.exe --model_name_or_path nferruz/ProtGPT2 --train_file modelTrain.txt --validation_file modelTest.txt --tokenizer_name nferruz/ProtGPT2 --do_train True --do_eval True --output_dir model --num_train_epochs 4 --local_rank -1 --per_device_train_batch_size=1 --no_cuda False --learning_rate 1e-06.

  2. The accuracy I got after finetune is quite low. Is there any way to improve it or the recommended learning rate or epoch parameters?
    Thanks a lot~

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