MLP intermediate dimension

by shantanuagarwal - opened

Thanks for the great work.
Can you please specify the details of the MLP layer. It is mentioned in the paper that "MLP consists of two linear transformations with a GELU activation in between". Is the MLP size:

What I am unsure about is the value of the intermediate_dim in the following pseudo-code for mlp:

import torch

intermediate_dim = 4096  # ??? 
mlp = torch.nn.Sequential(
    torch.nn.Linear(4096, intermediate_dim),
    torch.nn.Linear(intermediate_dim, 4096),

Is the above pseudo-code similar to what was used in the expts?

Sorry if this detail is mentioned in the paper and I missed it.


Check this file

Thanks @jootanehorror .
For anyone else looking into this, see the class FeedForward in
Specifically, the intermediate dim is 4 * 4096.

shantanuagarwal changed discussion status to closed

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