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Since the late 1990s, more and more Chinese youngsters have learnt about hip hop music through TV and radio programmes, starting to listen and even to practice practise rap music at a local level. Though the irony in hip hop culture needs a certain degree of freedom of expression, it possibly has satisfied Chinese music fans’ curiosity about such a music style in their societal and cultural life. According to a 2018 report posted by Yidian Zixun (Chinese:一点资讯), information in relation to the term “hip hop” reached 60 million peoples, and the music is especially attracted attractive to recidents who live inresidents of first-tier cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and so forth. . Urban young people wear loose trousers, with headbands, necklaces and metal chains, and they are likely to go to the hip hop night clubs. The diffusion of rap music, a genre that originated in the United States, in China may still be in the initiation initial phrase, of this practice originally taking place in the USA, though, as Tony Mitchell argues: ,