Class Zero

by shravankumar147 - opened

What is the significance of Class Zero. Could you explain a bit more.

Once we train the model, are we supposed to classify them into 1,2 classes.
or this is a separate class by itself?

Artificio org

The zero class is the non-target class, it contains images that do not belong to the competition categories. Your model should be able to discard those images from the target classes images.
The result of your model should be a csv file which contains the classification of the 5000 images into classes 0, 1, 2. Classes 1 and 2 depend on the support images.

Remember that the database of 5000 images is for practice purposes. We will launch the complete database on August 14.
Thank you very much for participating!

Suryavf changed discussion status to closed
Suryavf changed discussion status to open
Artificio org

Hi @shravankumar147 ,

As an update, weโ€™ve now fully released all the data as of 9th September 2024. You can now access the complete dataset, which includes seven classes.
Remember, the submission deadline is 20th September 2024, so be sure to submit your final predictions before then.

Let us know if you have any further questions!

Best regards,
ROAM Challenge Team

Suryavf changed discussion status to closed

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