import streamlit as st |
import plotly.express as px |
import numpy as np |
import plotly.graph_objects as go |
from utilities_with_panel import channel_name_formating, load_authenticator, initialize_data |
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score |
from collections import OrderedDict |
from classes import class_from_dict,class_to_dict |
import pickle |
import json |
import pandas as pd |
from utilities import ( |
load_local_css, |
set_header, |
channel_name_formating, |
) |
for k, v in st.session_state.items(): |
if k not in ['logout', 'login','config'] and not k.startswith('FormSubmitter'): |
st.session_state[k] = v |
def s_curve(x,K,b,a,x0): |
return K / (1 + b*np.exp(-a*(x-x0))) |
def save_scenario(scenario_name): |
""" |
Save the current scenario with the mentioned name in the session state |
Parameters |
---------- |
scenario_name |
Name of the scenario to be saved |
""" |
if 'saved_scenarios' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state = OrderedDict() |
st.session_state['saved_scenarios'][scenario_name] = class_to_dict(st.session_state['scenario']) |
st.session_state['scenario_input'] = "" |
print(type(st.session_state['saved_scenarios'])) |
with open('../saved_scenarios.pkl', 'wb') as f: |
pickle.dump(st.session_state['saved_scenarios'],f) |
def reset_curve_parameters(): |
del st.session_state['K'] |
del st.session_state['b'] |
del st.session_state['a'] |
del st.session_state['x0'] |
def update_response_curve(): |
_channel_class = st.session_state['scenario'].channels[selected_channel_name] |
_channel_class.update_response_curves({ |
'K' : st.session_state['K'], |
'b' : st.session_state['b'], |
'a' : st.session_state['a'], |
'x0' : st.session_state['x0']}) |
st.set_page_config(layout='wide') |
load_local_css('styles.css') |
set_header() |
def panel_fetch(file_selected): |
raw_data_mmm_df = pd.read_excel(file_selected, sheet_name="RAW DATA MMM") |
if "Panel" in raw_data_mmm_df.columns: |
panel = list(set(raw_data_mmm_df["Panel"])) |
else: |
raw_data_mmm_df = None |
panel = None |
return panel |
metrics_selected='revenue' |
file_selected = ( |
f"Overview_data_test_panel@#{metrics_selected}.xlsx" |
) |
panel_list = panel_fetch(file_selected) |
if "used_response_metrics" in st.session_state and st.session_state['used_response_metrics']!=[]: |
sel_target_col = st.selectbox("Select the response metric", st.session_state['used_response_metrics']) |
target_col = sel_target_col.lower().replace(" ", "_").replace('-', '').replace(':', '').replace("__", "_") |
else : |
sel_target_col = 'Total Approved Accounts - Revenue' |
target_col = 'total_approved_accounts_revenue' |
st.subheader("Build response curves") |
st.session_state['selected_markets']= st.selectbox( |
"Select Markets", |
["Total Market"] + panel_list, |
index=0, |
) |
initialize_data(target_col,st.session_state['selected_markets']) |
channels_list = st.session_state['channels_list'] |
selected_channel_name = st.selectbox('Channel', st.session_state['channels_list'], format_func=channel_name_formating,on_change=reset_curve_parameters) |
rcs = {} |
for channel_name in channels_list: |
rcs[channel_name] = st.session_state['scenario'].channels[channel_name].response_curve_params |
if 'K' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state['K'] = rcs[selected_channel_name]['K'] |
if 'b' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state['b'] = rcs[selected_channel_name]['b'] |
if 'a' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state['a'] = rcs[selected_channel_name]['a'] |
if 'x0' not in st.session_state: |
st.session_state['x0'] = rcs[selected_channel_name]['x0'] |
x = st.session_state['actual_input_df'][selected_channel_name].values |
y = st.session_state['actual_contribution_df'][selected_channel_name].values |
power = (np.ceil(np.log(x.max()) / np.log(10) )- 3) |
fig = px.scatter(x=x, y=y) |
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=sorted(x), y=s_curve(sorted(x)/10**power,st.session_state['K'], |
st.session_state['b'], |
st.session_state['a'], |
st.session_state['x0']), |
line=dict(color='red'))) |
fig.update_layout(title_text="Response Curve",showlegend=False) |
fig.update_annotations(font_size=10) |
fig.update_xaxes(title='Spends') |
fig.update_yaxes(title=sel_target_col) |
st.plotly_chart(fig,use_container_width=True) |
r2 = r2_score(y, s_curve(x / 10**power, |
st.session_state['K'], |
st.session_state['b'], |
st.session_state['a'], |
st.session_state['x0'])) |
st.metric('R2',round(r2,2)) |
columns = st.columns(4) |
with columns[0]: |
st.number_input('K',key='K',format="%0.5f") |
with columns[1]: |
st.number_input('b',key='b',format="%0.5f") |
with columns[2]: |
st.number_input('a',key='a',step=0.0001,format="%0.5f") |
with columns[3]: |
st.number_input('x0',key='x0',format="%0.5f") |
st.button('Update parameters',on_click=update_response_curve) |
st.button('Reset parameters',on_click=reset_curve_parameters) |
scenario_name = st.text_input('Scenario name', key='scenario_input',placeholder='Scenario name',label_visibility='collapsed') |
st.button('Save', on_click=lambda : save_scenario(scenario_name),disabled=len(st.session_state['scenario_input']) == 0) |
file_name = st.text_input('rcs download file name', key='file_name_input',placeholder='file name',label_visibility='collapsed') |
st.download_button( |
label="Download response curves", |
data=json.dumps(rcs), |
file_name=f"{file_name}.json", |
mime="application/json", |
disabled= len(file_name) == 0, |
) |
def s_curve_derivative(x, K, b, a, x0): |
return a * b * K * np.exp(-a * (x - x0)) / ((1 + b * np.exp(-a * (x - x0))) ** 2) |
K = st.session_state['K'] |
b = st.session_state['b'] |
a = st.session_state['a'] |
x0 = st.session_state['x0'] |
optimized_spend = st.number_input('value of x') |
slope_at_optimized_spend = s_curve_derivative(optimized_spend, K, b, a, x0) |
st.write("Slope ", slope_at_optimized_spend) |