Apply for community grant: Personal project (gpu)

by GrandaddyShmax - opened


Hello again! I'm working on an all-in-one webui for AudioCraft
I would really appreciate if I could be able to host freely this space for people to use, experiment and leave feedback for me to work on

Current unique features that this space holds are:

  • AudioGen Model
  • Multiband Diffusion
  • Custom Model Support
  • Generation Metadata and Audio Info tab
  • Mono to Stereo
  • Multiprompt/Prompt Segmentation with Structure Prompts
  • Video Output Customization
  • Music Continuation

I will of course keep working on it and improving it with new features and improvements that I come up with

Thank you in advance 🤗

Just want to give full support. Im actually finding it pretty tough, wih no experience but grandaddys work has been vital.. so appreciated

i was running this on my local machine with issues. realized i could use google collab, started getting the hang of it, then ran out of compute units. next i found hugging spaces here. trying to figure it out. i love this. what i really need to figure out is a good way to learn to prompt it. i'm having an absolute blast so far. i play the drums so the "music" side of things i'm still learning. thanks for all your work! LFG!


google just kicked me off their free tier for running this for the past 24 hours or so. just fyi. works fantastic locally.

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