dual_window / utils.py
Huanzhi (Hans) Mao
import ast
import builtins
import copy
import json
import os
import re
from constant import (
from model_style import ModelStyle
def _cast_to_openai_type(properties, mapping):
for key, value in properties.items():
if "type" not in value:
properties[key]["type"] = "string"
var_type = value["type"]
if mapping == GORILLA_TO_OPENAPI and var_type == "float":
properties[key]["format"] = "float"
properties[key]["description"] += " This is a float type value."
if var_type in mapping:
properties[key]["type"] = mapping[var_type]
properties[key]["type"] = "string"
# Currently support:
# - list of any
# - list of list of any
# - list of dict
# - list of list of dict
# - dict of any
if properties[key]["type"] == "array" or properties[key]["type"] == "object":
if "properties" in properties[key]:
properties[key]["properties"] = _cast_to_openai_type(
properties[key]["properties"], mapping
elif "items" in properties[key]:
properties[key]["items"]["type"] = mapping[properties[key]["items"]["type"]]
if (
properties[key]["items"]["type"] == "array"
and "items" in properties[key]["items"]
properties[key]["items"]["items"]["type"] = mapping[
elif (
properties[key]["items"]["type"] == "object"
and "properties" in properties[key]["items"]
properties[key]["items"]["properties"] = _cast_to_openai_type(
properties[key]["items"]["properties"], mapping
return properties
def convert_to_tool(functions, mapping, model_style):
functions = copy.deepcopy(functions)
oai_tool = []
for item in functions:
if "." in item["name"] and (
model_style == ModelStyle.OpenAI
or model_style == ModelStyle.Mistral
or model_style == ModelStyle.Google
or model_style == ModelStyle.OSSMODEL
or model_style == ModelStyle.Anthropic
or model_style == ModelStyle.COHERE
# OAI does not support "." in the function name so we replace it with "_". ^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,64}$ is the regex for the name.
item["name"] = re.sub(r"\.", "_", item["name"])
item["parameters"]["type"] = "object"
item["parameters"]["properties"] = _cast_to_openai_type(
item["parameters"]["properties"], mapping
if model_style == ModelStyle.Anthropic:
item["input_schema"] = item["parameters"]
del item["parameters"]
if model_style == ModelStyle.Google:
# Remove fields that are not supported by Gemini.
# No `optional` field in function schema.
if "optional" in item["parameters"]:
del item["parameters"]["optional"]
for params in item["parameters"]["properties"].values():
# No `default` field in Google's schema.
if "default" in params:
params["description"] += f" Default is: {str(params['default'])}."
del params["default"]
# No `optional` field in parameter schema as well.
if "optional" in params:
params["description"] += f" Optional: {str(params['optional'])}."
del params["optional"]
# No `maximum` field.
if "maximum" in params:
params["description"] += f" Maximum value: {str(params['maximum'])}."
del params["maximum"]
# No `minItems` field.
if "minItems" in params:
] += f" Minimum number of items: {str(params['minItems'])}."
del params["minItems"]
# No `maxItems` field.
if "maxItems" in params:
] += f" Maximum number of items: {str(params['maxItems'])}."
del params["maxItems"]
# No `additionalProperties` field.
if "additionalProperties" in params:
] += f" Additional properties: {str(params['additionalProperties'])}."
del params["additionalProperties"]
# Only `enum` field when the type is `string`.
if "enum" in params and params["type"] != "string":
params["description"] += f" Enum values: {str(params['enum'])}."
del params["enum"]
if model_style == ModelStyle.COHERE:
if os.getenv("USE_COHERE_OPTIMIZATION") == "True":
if "required" not in item["parameters"]:
item["parameters"]["required"] = []
for param_name, params in item["parameters"]["properties"].items():
if "description" not in params:
params["description"] = ""
if "default" in params:
params["description"] += " The default value is: " + str(
if param_name not in item["parameters"]["required"]:
del params["default"]
if "additionalProperties" in params:
params["description"] += " Additional properties: " + str(
del params["additionalProperties"]
if "items" in params:
inner_type = ""
if (
"items" in params["items"]
and "type" in params["items"]["items"]
# 2D list
inner_type = params["items"]["items"]["type"]
params["type"] = f"list[list[{inner_type}]]"
elif "type" in params["items"]:
# 1D list
inner_type = params["items"]["type"]
params["type"] = f"list[{inner_type}]"
if (
"items" in params
and "enum" in params["items"]
and params["items"]["enum"]
params["description"] += " Possible enum values: "
params["description"] += ", ".join(params["items"]["enum"])
params["description"] += "."
del params["items"]
if "properties" in params:
params["description"] += " Dictionary properties:"
for name, property_ in params["properties"].items():
property_type = property_.get("type", mapping["string"])
property_description = property_.get("description", "")
] += f" {name} ({property_type}): {property_description}"
del params["properties"]
if "enum" in params:
params["description"] += " Possible enum values: " + str(
del params["enum"]
# add ranges to description
if "percentage" not in params["description"]:
params["description"] = params["description"].replace(
"rate ", "rate (from 0.0 to 1.0) "
params["description"] = params["description"].replace(
"percentage ", "percentage (from 0 to 100) "
params["description"] = params["description"].replace(
"currency ", "currency (3 letter ISO code) "
for params in item["parameters"]["properties"].values():
if "description" not in params:
params["description"] = ""
if "default" in params:
params["description"] += " The default value is: " + str(
del params["default"]
if "additionalProperties" in params:
params["description"] += " Additional properties: " + str(
del params["additionalProperties"]
if "items" in params:
params["description"] += " List Items type: " + str(params["items"])
del params["items"]
if "properties" in params:
params["description"] += " Dictionary properties: " + str(
del params["properties"]
# Process the return field
if "response" in item:
if model_style in [
] += f" The response field has the following schema: {json.dumps(item['response'])}"
del item["response"]
if model_style in [
elif model_style == ModelStyle.COHERE:
parameter = item["parameters"]["properties"]
if "required" in item["parameters"]:
required = item["parameters"]["required"]
required = []
parameter_definitions = {}
for key, value in parameter.items():
value["required"] = key in required
parameter_definitions[key] = value
"name": item["name"],
"description": item["description"],
"parameter_definitions": parameter_definitions,
elif model_style in [
oai_tool.append({"type": "function", "function": item})
return oai_tool
def convert_to_function_call(function_call_list):
if type(function_call_list) == dict:
function_call_list = [function_call_list]
# function_call_list is of type list[dict[str, str]] or list[dict[str, dict]]
execution_list = []
for function_call in function_call_list:
for key, value in function_call.items():
if type(value) == str:
value = json.loads(value)
f"{key}({','.join([f'{k}={repr(v)}' for k,v in value.items()])})"
return execution_list
def convert_value(value, type_str):
"""Convert a string value into its appropriate Python data type based on the provided type string.
value: the value to convert
type_str: the type to convert the value to
The value converted into the requested type or the original value
if the conversion failed.
if type_str in ("list", "dict"):
return ast.literal_eval(value)
return value
type_class = getattr(builtins, type_str)
return type_class(value)
except ValueError:
return value
def ast_parse(input_str, language="Python"):
if language == "Python":
cleaned_input = input_str.strip("[]'")
parsed = ast.parse(cleaned_input, mode="eval")
extracted = []
if isinstance(parsed.body, ast.Call):
for elem in parsed.body.elts:
assert isinstance(elem, ast.Call)
return extracted
elif language == "Java":
elif language == "JavaScript":
raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported language: {language}")
def resolve_ast_call(elem):
# Handle nested attributes for deeply nested module paths
func_parts = []
func_part = elem.func
while isinstance(func_part, ast.Attribute):
func_part = func_part.value
if isinstance(func_part, ast.Name):
func_name = ".".join(reversed(func_parts))
args_dict = {}
for arg in elem.keywords:
output = resolve_ast_by_type(arg.value)
args_dict[arg.arg] = output
return {func_name: args_dict}
def resolve_ast_by_type(value):
if isinstance(value, ast.Constant):
if value.value is Ellipsis:
output = "..."
output = value.value
elif isinstance(value, ast.UnaryOp):
output = -value.operand.value
elif isinstance(value, ast.List):
output = [resolve_ast_by_type(v) for v in value.elts]
elif isinstance(value, ast.Dict):
output = {
resolve_ast_by_type(k): resolve_ast_by_type(v)
for k, v in zip(value.keys, value.values)
elif isinstance(
value, ast.NameConstant
): # Added this condition to handle boolean values
output = value.value
elif isinstance(
value, ast.BinOp
): # Added this condition to handle function calls as arguments
output = eval(ast.unparse(value))
elif isinstance(value, ast.Name):
output = value.id
elif isinstance(value, ast.Call):
if len(value.keywords) == 0:
output = ast.unparse(value)
output = resolve_ast_call(value)
elif isinstance(value, ast.Tuple):
output = tuple(resolve_ast_by_type(v) for v in value.elts)
elif isinstance(value, ast.Lambda):
output = eval(ast.unparse(value.body[0].value))
elif isinstance(value, ast.Ellipsis):
output = "..."
elif isinstance(value, ast.Subscript):
output = ast.unparse(value.body[0].value)
output = ast.unparse(value.value) + "[" + ast.unparse(value.slice) + "]"
raise Exception(f"Unsupported AST type: {type(value)}")
return output
def system_prompt_pre_processing_chat_model(prompts, function_docs, test_category):
Add a system prompt to the chat model to instruct the model on the available functions and the expected response format.
If the prompts list already contains a system prompt, append the additional system prompt content to the existing system prompt.
assert type(prompts) == list
system_prompt_template = DEFAULT_SYSTEM_PROMPT
system_prompt = system_prompt_template.format(functions=function_docs)
# System prompt must be in the first position
# If the question comes with a system prompt, append its content at the end of the chat template.
if prompts[0]["role"] == "system":
prompts[0]["content"] = system_prompt + "\n\n" + prompts[0]["content"]
# Otherwise, use the system prompt template to create a new system prompt.
{"role": "system", "content": system_prompt},
return prompts
def convert_system_prompt_into_user_prompt(prompts: list[dict]) -> list[dict]:
Some FC models doesn't support system prompt in the message field, so we turn it into user prompt
for prompt in prompts:
if prompt["role"] == "system":
prompt["role"] = "user"
return prompts
def combine_consecutive_user_prompts(prompts: list[dict]) -> list[dict]:
Some models require the prompt to be alternating between user and assistant.
We combine consecutive user prompts into a single user prompt.
combined_prompts = []
for prompt in prompts:
if (
prompt["role"] == "user"
and combined_prompts
and combined_prompts[-1]["role"] == "user"
combined_prompts[-1]["content"] += "\n\n" + prompt["content"]
return combined_prompts
def _get_language_specific_hint(test_category):
if test_category == "java":
return " Note that the provided function is in Java 8 SDK syntax."
elif test_category == "javascript":
return " Note that the provided function is in JavaScript syntax."
return " Note that the provided function is in Python 3 syntax."
def func_doc_language_specific_pre_processing(function, test_category):
if len(function) == 0:
return function
assert type(function) == list
for item in function:
# Add language specific hints to the function description
func_description = item["description"]
item["description"] = item["description"] + _get_language_specific_hint(
# Process the parameters
properties = item["parameters"]["properties"]
if test_category == "java":
for key, value in properties.items():
if value["type"] == "any":
] += " This parameter can be of any type of Java object in string representation."
] += f" This is Java {value['type']} type parameter in string representation."
if value["type"] == "ArrayList" or value["type"] == "Array":
] += f" The list elements are of type {value['items']['type']}; they are not in string representation."
del value["items"]
value["type"] = "string"
elif test_category == "javascript":
for key, value in properties.items():
if value["type"] == "any":
] += " This parameter can be of any type of JavaScript object in string representation."
] += f" This is JavaScript {value['type']} type parameter in string representation."
if value["type"] == "array":
] += f" The list elements are of type {value['items']['type']}; they are not in string representation."
del value["items"]
if value["type"] == "dict":
if "properties" in value: # not every dict has properties
] += f" The dictionary entries have the following schema; they are not in string representation. {json.dumps(value['properties'])}"
del value["properties"]
value["type"] = "string"
return function
def construct_tool_use_system_prompt(tools):
tool_use_system_prompt = (
"In this environment you have access to a set of tools you can use to answer the user's question.\n"
"You may call them like this:\n"
"Here are the tools available:\n"
+ "\n".join(
tool["name"], tool["description"], tool["parameters"]["properties"]
for tool in tools
+ "\n</tools>"
return tool_use_system_prompt
def construct_format_tool_for_claude_prompt(name, description, parameters):
constructed_prompt = (
return constructed_prompt
def construct_format_parameters_prompt(parameters):
constructed_prompt = ""
for parameter_name, parameter in parameters.items():
if parameter_name == "required":
if "description" in parameter:
description_string = parameter["description"]
description_string = ""
if "default" in parameter:
description_string += f"\nDefault value: {parameter['default']}"
elif "items" in parameter:
description_string += f"\n List element type: {str(parameter['items'])}"
elif "properties" in parameter:
description_string += (
f"\n Dictionaries properties: {str(parameter['properties'])}"
if "description" in parameter:
constructed_prompt += f"<parameter>\n<name>{parameter_name}</name>\n<type>{parameter['type']}</type>\n<description>{description_string}</description>\n</parameter>\n"
constructed_prompt += f"<parameter>\n<name>{parameter_name}</name>\n<type>{parameter['type']}</type>\n</parameter>\n"
constructed_prompt = constructed_prompt[:-1]
return constructed_prompt
def _function_calls_valid_format_and_invoke_extraction(last_completion):
"""Check if the function call follows a valid format and extract the attempted function calls if so. Does not check if the tools actually exist or if they are called with the requisite params."""
# Check if there are any of the relevant XML tags present that would indicate an attempted function call.
function_call_tags = re.findall(
if not function_call_tags:
return {"status": True, "invokes": []}
# Extract content between <function_calls> tags. If there are multiple we will only parse the first and ignore the rest, regardless of their correctness.
match = re.search(r"<function_calls>(.*)</function_calls>", last_completion, re.DOTALL)
if not match:
return {
"status": False,
"reason": "No valid <function_calls></function_calls> tags present in your query.",
func_calls = match.group(1)
prefix_match = re.search(r"^(.*?)<function_calls>", last_completion, re.DOTALL)
if prefix_match:
func_call_prefix_content = prefix_match.group(1)
# Check for invoke tags
invoke_regex = r"<invoke>.*?</invoke>"
if not re.search(invoke_regex, func_calls, re.DOTALL):
return {
"status": False,
"reason": "Missing <invoke></invoke> tags inside of <function_calls></function_calls> tags.",
# Check each invoke contains tool name and parameters
invoke_strings = re.findall(invoke_regex, func_calls, re.DOTALL)
invokes = []
for invoke_string in invoke_strings:
tool_name = re.findall(r"<tool_name>.*?</tool_name>", invoke_string, re.DOTALL)
if not tool_name:
return {
"status": False,
"reason": "Missing <tool_name></tool_name> tags inside of <invoke></invoke> tags.",
if len(tool_name) > 1:
return {
"status": False,
"reason": "More than one tool_name specified inside single set of <invoke></invoke> tags.",
parameters = re.findall(r"<parameters>.*?</parameters>", invoke_string, re.DOTALL)
if not parameters:
return {
"status": False,
"reason": "Missing <parameters></paraeters> tags inside of <invoke></invoke> tags.",
if len(parameters) > 1:
return {
"status": False,
"reason": "More than one set of <parameters></parameters> tags specified inside single set of <invoke></invoke> tags.",
# Check for balanced tags inside parameters
tags = re.findall(
parameters[0].replace("<parameters>", "").replace("</parameters>", ""),
if len(tags) % 2 != 0:
return {
"status": False,
"reason": "Imbalanced tags inside <parameters></parameters> tags.",
# Loop through the tags and check if each even-indexed tag matches the tag in the position after it (with the / of course). If valid store their content for later use.
parameters_with_values = []
for i in range(0, len(tags), 2):
opening_tag = tags[i]
closing_tag = tags[i + 1]
closing_tag_without_second_char = closing_tag[:1] + closing_tag[2:]
if closing_tag[1] != "/" or opening_tag != closing_tag_without_second_char:
return {
"status": False,
"reason": "Non-matching opening and closing tags inside <parameters></parameters> tags.",
rf"{opening_tag}(.*?){closing_tag}", parameters[0], re.DOTALL
# Parse out the full function call
"tool_name": tool_name[0]
.replace("<tool_name>", "")
.replace("</tool_name>", ""),
"parameters_with_values": parameters_with_values,
return {
"status": True,
"invokes": invokes,
"prefix_content": func_call_prefix_content,
def _convert_value(value, type_str):
"""Convert a string value into its appropriate Python data type based on the provided type string.
value: the value to convert
type_str: the type to convert the value to
The value converted into the requested type or the original value
if the conversion failed.
if type_str in ("list", "dict"):
return ast.literal_eval(value)
return value
if type_str == "string":
type_str = "str"
type_class = getattr(builtins, type_str)
return type_class(value)
except ValueError:
return value
# TODO: Re-organize this file to make it more readable and maintainable
def extract_system_prompt(prompts: list[dict]) -> str:
for i, prompt in enumerate(prompts):
if prompt["role"] == "system":
system_prompt = prompt["content"]
del prompts[i]
return system_prompt
return None
def extract_last_user_message(prompts: list[dict], user_role_name: str = "user") -> dict:
for i in range(len(prompts) - 1, -1, -1):
if prompts[i]["role"] == user_role_name:
last_user_message = prompts[i]
del prompts[i]
return last_user_message
return "User did not specify a query."
#### utils for multi-turn ####
def format_execution_results_prompting(
inference_data: dict, execution_results: list[str], model_response_data: dict
) -> str:
# Add the execution results to one single user message
tool_results = []
for execution_result, decoded_model_response in zip(
execution_results, model_response_data["model_responses_decoded"]
{"role": "tool", "name": decoded_model_response, "content": execution_result}
return repr(tool_results)
def default_decode_ast_prompting(result, language="Python"):
result = result.strip("`\n ")
if not result.startswith("["):
result = "[" + result
if not result.endswith("]"):
result = result + "]"
decoded_output = ast_parse(result, language)
return decoded_output
def default_decode_execute_prompting(result):
result = result.strip("`\n ")
if not result.startswith("["):
result = "[" + result
if not result.endswith("]"):
result = result + "]"
decoded_output = ast_parse(result)
return decoded_output_to_execution_list(decoded_output)
def parse_nested_value(value):
Parse a potentially nested value from the AST output.
value: The value to parse, which could be a nested dictionary, which includes another function call, or a simple value.
str: A string representation of the value, handling nested function calls and nested dictionary function arguments.
if isinstance(value, dict):
# Check if the dictionary represents a function call (i.e., the value is another dictionary or complex structure)
if all(isinstance(v, dict) for v in value.values()):
func_name = list(value.keys())[0]
args = value[func_name]
args_str = ", ".join(f"{k}={parse_nested_value(v)}" for k, v in args.items())
return f"{func_name}({args_str})"
# If it's a simple dictionary, treat it as key-value pairs
return (
+ ", ".join(f"'{k}': {parse_nested_value(v)}" for k, v in value.items())
+ "}"
return repr(value)
def decoded_output_to_execution_list(decoded_output):
Convert decoded output to a list of executable function calls.
decoded_output (list): A list of dictionaries representing function calls.
list: A list of strings, each representing an executable function call.
execution_list = []
for function_call in decoded_output:
for key, value in function_call.items():
args_str = ", ".join(f"{k}={parse_nested_value(v)}" for k, v in value.items())
return execution_list