Delete Dockerfile
File 1:
import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
Sample course data
courses = [
"title": "Python for Data Science",
"description": "Learn Python programming fundamentals for data science applications",
"level": "Beginner"
"title": "Machine Learning Basics",
"description": "Understanding machine learning concepts and algorithms",
"level": "Intermediate"
Page config
page_title="Course Search",
Create the Streamlit app
st.title("๐ Course Search")
st.write("Search through available courses")
Create a simple search box
search_query = st.text_input("Enter keywords to search:", "")
Simple search function
if search_query:
found_courses = False
# Convert search query to lowercase for case-insensitive search
search_query = search_query.lower()
# Search through courses
for course in courses:
# Check if search query exists in title or description
if (search_query in course["title"].lower() or
search_query in course["description"].lower()):
# Display matching course in a box
st.success("Match found!")
with st.container():
st.markdown(f"### {course['title']}")
st.write(f"๐ Description: {course['description']}")
st.write(f"๐ Level: {course['level']}")
found_courses = True
if not found_courses:
st.warning("No courses found matching your search.")
File 2: requirements.txt