# nlp-flashcard-project |
## Todo 2 |
- [ ] Contexts preprocessing |
- [ ] Formules enzo eruit filteren |
- [ ] Splitsen op zinnen...? |
- [ ] Meer language models proberen |
- [ ] Elasticsearch |
- [ ] CLI voor vragen beantwoorden |
### Extra dingen |
- [ ] Huggingface spaces demo |
- [ ] Question generation voor finetuning |
- [ ] Language model finetunen |
## Todo voor progress meeting |
- [ ] Data inlezen/Repo klaarmaken |
- [ ] Proof of concept met UnifiedQA |
- [ ] Standaard QA model met de dataset |
- [ ] Papers verzamelen/lezen |
- [ ] Eerder werk bekijken, inspiratie opdoen voor research richting |
## Overview |
De meeste QA systemen bestaan uit twee onderdelen: |
- Een retriever. Die haalt adhv de vraag _k_ relevante stukken context op, bv. |
met `tf-idf`. |
- Een model dat het antwoord genereert. Wat je hier precies gebruikt hangt af |
van de manier van question answering: |
- Voor **extractive QA** gebruik je een reader; |
- Voor **generative QA** gebruik je een generator. |
Beide werken op basis van een language model. |
## Handige info |
- Huggingface QA tutorial: <https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/tasks/question_answering#finetune-with-tensorflow> |
- Overview van open-domain question answering technieken: <https://lilianweng.github.io/posts/2020-10-29-odqa/> |
## Base model |
Tot nu toe alleen een retriever die adhv een vraag de top-k relevante documents |
ophaalt. Haalt voor veel vragen wel hoge similarity scores, maar de documents |
die die ophaalt zijn meestal niet erg relevant. |
```bash |
poetry shell |
cd base_model |
poetry run python main.py |
``` |
### Voorbeeld |
"What is the perplexity of a language model?" |
> Result 1 (score: 74.10): |
> Figure 10 .17 A sample alignment between sentences in English and French, with |
> sentences extracted from Antoine de Saint-Exupery's Le Petit Prince and a |
> hypothetical translation. Sentence alignment takes sentences e 1 , ..., e n , |
> and f 1 , ..., f n and finds minimal > sets of sentences that are translations |
> of each other, including single sentence mappings like (e 1 ,f 1 ), (e 4 -f 3 |
> ), (e 5 -f 4 ), (e 6 -f 6 ) as well as 2-1 alignments (e 2 /e 3 ,f 2 ), (e 7 |
> /e 8 -f 7 ), and null alignments (f 5 ). |
> |
> Result 2 (score: 74.23): |
> Character or word overlap-based metrics like chrF (or BLEU, or etc.) are |
> mainly used to compare two systems, with the goal of answering questions like: |
> did the new algorithm we just invented improve our MT system? To know if the |
> difference between the chrF scores of two > MT systems is a significant |
> difference, we use the paired bootstrap test, or the similar randomization |
> test. |
> |
> Result 3 (score: 74.43): |
> The model thus predicts the class negative for the test sentence. |
> |
> Result 4 (score: 74.95): |
> Translating from languages with extensive pro-drop, like Chinese or Japanese, |
> to non-pro-drop languages like English can be difficult since the model must |
> somehow identify each zero and recover who or what is being talked about in |
> order to insert the proper pronoun. |
> |
> Result 5 (score: 76.22): |
> Similarly, a recent challenge set, the WinoMT dataset (Stanovsky et al., 2019) |
> shows that MT systems perform worse when they are asked to translate sentences |
> that describe people with non-stereotypical gender roles, like "The doctor |
> asked the nurse to help her in the > operation". |
## Setting up elastic search. |