Use via API, Gateway Time-out

by anggunpribadi - opened

Thank you for making this tool, Lately, using via API giving error: 504 "Gateway Timeout", and didn't wait the process finished, i don't know if it is related but i noticed this happened only since the gradio URL domain change from to, please advice if this is happened on my end or on the server, thank you.
fyi. I used this tool on the google colab runtime

I am able to use Google Colab successfully on Windows 10/FireFox at least. What browser/OS are you using?

I did recently update Gradio to 3.23.0, which might explain the different domain name, and I also enabled queue mode. You can try disabling queue mode using the parameter --queue_concurrency_count -1. That is, change the Run WebUI code to the following:

cd whisper-webui/ && python --input_audio_max_duration -1 --share True --auto_parallel True --queue_concurrency_count -1

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