File size: 2,927 Bytes
2bbd13c d72faca e6cac5c 5b01054 2bbd13c aecc8a6 2bbd13c 3b3aaa9 5b01054 d72faca 3b3aaa9 5b01054 e6cac5c 5b01054 2bbd13c e6cac5c 2bbd13c e6cac5c 3b3aaa9 5b01054 2bbd13c d72faca 3b3aaa9 2bbd13c 9361457 3b3aaa9 af4a473 9361457 91418f9 aecc8a6 91418f9 af4a473 91418f9 5b01054 d72faca 5b01054 |
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from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
import streamlit as st
# from mlip_arena.models.utils import MLIPEnum, REGISTRY
from mlip_arena.models import REGISTRY
DATA_DIR = Path("mlip_arena/tasks/diatomics")
# methods = ["MACE-MP", "Equiformer", "CHGNet", "MACE-OFF", "eSCN", "ALIGNN"]
dfs = [pd.read_json(DATA_DIR / REGISTRY[model].get("family") / "homonuclear-diatomics.json") for model in REGISTRY]
df = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True)
table = pd.DataFrame(columns=[
"Supported elements",
# "No. of reversed forces",
# "Energy-consistent forces",
"Last updated",
for model in REGISTRY:
rows = df[df["method"] == model]
metadata = REGISTRY.get(model, {})
new_row = {
"Model": model,
"Supported elements": len(rows["name"].unique()),
# "No. of reversed forces": None, # Replace with actual logic if available
# "Energy-consistent forces": None, # Replace with actual logic if available
"Prediction": metadata.get("prediction", None),
"NVT": "✅" if metadata.get("nvt", False) else "❌",
"NPT": "✅" if metadata.get("npt", False) else "❌",
"Code": metadata.get("github", None) if metadata else None,
"Paper": metadata.get("doi", None) if metadata else None,
table = pd.concat([table, pd.DataFrame([new_row])], ignore_index=True)
table.set_index("Model", inplace=True)
s =
subset=["Supported elements"],
vmin=0, vmax=120
st.warning("MLIP Arena is currently in **pre-alpha**. The results are not stable. Please interpret them with care.", icon="⚠️")"Contributions are welcome. For more information, visit", icon="🤗")
<h1 style='text-align: center;'>⚔️ MLIP Arena Leaderboard ⚔️</h1>
MLIP Arena is a platform for benchmarking foundation machine learning interatomic potentials (MLIPs), mainly for disclosing the learned physics and chemistry of the models and their performance on molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.
The benchmarks are designed to evaluate the readiness and reliability of open-source, open-weight models to reproduce the qualitatively or quantitatively correct physics.
""", unsafe_allow_html=True)
st.header("Summary", divider=True)
"Code": st.column_config.LinkColumn(
# "GitHub",
# help="The top trending Streamlit apps",
# validate="^https://[a-z]+\.streamlit\.app$",
"Paper": st.column_config.LinkColumn(
# validate="^https://[a-z]+\.streamlit\.app$",