Runtime error
Runtime error
# | |
# Pyserini: Reproducible IR research with sparse and dense representations | |
# | |
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); | |
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. | |
# You may obtain a copy of the License at | |
# | |
# | |
# | |
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software | |
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, | |
# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. | |
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and | |
# limitations under the License. | |
# | |
import os | |
import shutil | |
import tarfile | |
import unittest | |
from random import randint | |
from urllib.request import urlretrieve | |
import json | |
import heapq | |
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression | |
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB | |
from pyserini import analysis, search | |
from pyserini.index.lucene import IndexReader | |
from pyserini.pyclass import JString | |
from pyserini.vectorizer import BM25Vectorizer, TfidfVectorizer | |
class TestIndexUtils(unittest.TestCase): | |
def setUp(self): | |
# Download pre-built CACM index built using Lucene 9; append a random value to avoid filename clashes. | |
r = randint(0, 10000000) | |
self.collection_url = '' | |
self.tarball_name = 'lucene-index.cacm-{}.tar.gz'.format(r) | |
self.index_dir = 'index{}/'.format(r) | |
_, _ = urlretrieve(self.collection_url, self.tarball_name) | |
tarball = | |
tarball.extractall(self.index_dir) | |
tarball.close() | |
self.index_path = os.path.join(self.index_dir, 'lucene9-index.cacm') | |
self.searcher = search.LuceneSearcher(self.index_path) | |
self.index_reader = IndexReader(self.index_path) | |
self.temp_folders = [] | |
# The current directory depends on if you're running inside an IDE or from command line. | |
curdir = os.getcwd() | |
if curdir.endswith('tests'): | |
self.emoji_corpus_path = '../tests/resources/sample_collection_json_emoji' | |
else: | |
self.emoji_corpus_path = 'tests/resources/sample_collection_json_emoji' | |
# See | |
# tldr -- a longstanding issue about whether we need the `encode` in `JString(my_str.encode('utf-8'))`. | |
# As it turns out, the solution is to remove the `JString` wrapping, which also has performance benefits as well. | |
# See: | |
# - | |
# - | |
def test_doc_vector_emoji_test(self): | |
index_dir = 'temp_index' | |
self.temp_folders.append(index_dir) | |
cmd1 = f'python -m pyserini.index.lucene -collection JsonCollection ' + \ | |
f'-generator DefaultLuceneDocumentGenerator ' + \ | |
f'-threads 1 -input {self.emoji_corpus_path} -index {index_dir} -storeDocvectors' | |
_ = os.system(cmd1) | |
temp_index_reader = IndexReader(index_dir) | |
df, cf = temp_index_reader.get_term_counts('emoji') | |
self.assertEqual(df, 1) | |
self.assertEqual(cf, 1) | |
df, cf = temp_index_reader.get_term_counts('🙂') | |
self.assertEqual(df, 1) | |
self.assertEqual(cf, 1) | |
doc_vector = temp_index_reader.get_document_vector('doc1') | |
self.assertEqual(doc_vector['emoji'], 1) | |
self.assertEqual(doc_vector['🙂'], 1) | |
self.assertEqual(doc_vector['😀'], 1) | |
def test_tfidf_vectorizer_train(self): | |
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(self.index_path, min_df=5) | |
train_docs = ['CACM-0239', 'CACM-0440', 'CACM-3168', 'CACM-3169'] | |
train_labels = [1, 1, 0, 0] | |
test_docs = ['CACM-0634', 'CACM-3134'] | |
train_vectors = vectorizer.get_vectors(train_docs) | |
test_vectors = vectorizer.get_vectors(test_docs) | |
clf = MultinomialNB() | |, train_labels) | |
pred = clf.predict_proba(test_vectors) | |
self.assertAlmostEqual(0.49975694, pred[0][0], places=8) | |
self.assertAlmostEqual(0.50024306, pred[0][1], places=8) | |
self.assertAlmostEqual(0.51837413, pred[1][0], places=8) | |
self.assertAlmostEqual(0.48162587, pred[1][1], places=8) | |
def test_bm25_vectorizer_train(self): | |
vectorizer = BM25Vectorizer(self.index_path, min_df=5) | |
train_docs = ['CACM-0239', 'CACM-0440', 'CACM-3168', 'CACM-3169'] | |
train_labels = [1, 1, 0, 0] | |
test_docs = ['CACM-0634', 'CACM-3134'] | |
train_vectors = vectorizer.get_vectors(train_docs) | |
test_vectors = vectorizer.get_vectors(test_docs) | |
clf = LogisticRegression() | |, train_labels) | |
pred = clf.predict_proba(test_vectors) | |
self.assertAlmostEqual(0.4629749, pred[0][0], places=8) | |
self.assertAlmostEqual(0.5370251, pred[0][1], places=8) | |
self.assertAlmostEqual(0.48288416, pred[1][0], places=8) | |
self.assertAlmostEqual(0.51711584, pred[1][1], places=8) | |
def test_tfidf_vectorizer(self): | |
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(self.index_path, min_df=5) | |
result = vectorizer.get_vectors(['CACM-0239', 'CACM-0440'], norm=None) | |
self.assertAlmostEqual(result[0, 190], 2.907369334264736, places=8) | |
self.assertAlmostEqual(result[1, 391], 0.07516490235060004, places=8) | |
def test_bm25_vectorizer(self): | |
vectorizer = BM25Vectorizer(self.index_path, min_df=5) | |
result = vectorizer.get_vectors(['CACM-0239', 'CACM-0440'], norm=None) | |
self.assertAlmostEqual(result[0, 190], 1.7513844966888428, places=8) | |
self.assertAlmostEqual(result[1, 391], 0.03765463829040527, places=8) | |
def test_vectorizer_query(self): | |
vectorizer = BM25Vectorizer(self.index_path, min_df=5) | |
result = vectorizer.get_query_vector('this is a query to test query vector') | |
self.assertEqual(result[0, 2703], 2) | |
self.assertEqual(result[0, 3078], 1) | |
self.assertEqual(result[0, 3204], 1) | |
def test_terms_count(self): | |
# We're going to iterate through the index and make sure we have the correct number of terms. | |
self.assertEqual(sum(1 for x in self.index_reader.terms()), 14363) | |
def test_terms_contents(self): | |
# We're going to examine the first two index terms to make sure the statistics are correct. | |
iterator = self.index_reader.terms() | |
index_term = next(iterator) | |
self.assertEqual(index_term.term, '0') | |
self.assertEqual(index_term.df, 19) | |
self.assertEqual(, 30) | |
index_term = next(iterator) | |
self.assertEqual(index_term.term, '0,1') | |
self.assertEqual(index_term.df, 1) | |
self.assertEqual(, 1) | |
def test_analyze(self): | |
self.assertEqual(' '.join(self.index_reader.analyze('retrieval')), 'retriev') | |
self.assertEqual(' '.join(self.index_reader.analyze('rapid retrieval, space economy')), | |
'rapid retriev space economi') | |
tokenizer = analysis.get_lucene_analyzer(stemming=False) | |
self.assertEqual(' '.join(self.index_reader.analyze('retrieval', analyzer=tokenizer)), 'retrieval') | |
self.assertEqual(' '.join(self.index_reader.analyze('rapid retrieval, space economy', analyzer=tokenizer)), | |
'rapid retrieval space economy') | |
# Test utf encoding: | |
self.assertEqual(self.index_reader.analyze('zoölogy')[0], 'zoölog') | |
self.assertEqual(self.index_reader.analyze('zoölogy', analyzer=tokenizer)[0], 'zoölogy') | |
def test_term_stats(self): | |
df, cf = self.index_reader.get_term_counts('retrieval') | |
self.assertEqual(df, 138) | |
self.assertEqual(cf, 275) | |
df, cf = self.index_reader.get_term_counts('information retrieval') | |
self.assertEqual(df, 74) | |
self.assertEqual(cf, None) | |
df_no_stem, cf_no_stem = self.index_reader.get_term_counts('retrieval', analyzer=None) | |
# 'retrieval' does not occur as a stemmed word, only 'retriev' does. | |
self.assertEqual(df_no_stem, 0) | |
self.assertEqual(cf_no_stem, 0) | |
df_no_stopword, cf_no_stopword = self.index_reader.get_term_counts('on', analyzer=None) | |
self.assertEqual(df_no_stopword, 326) | |
self.assertEqual(cf_no_stopword, 443) | |
# Should gracefully handle non-existent term. | |
df, cf = self.index_reader.get_term_counts('sdgsc') | |
self.assertEqual(df, 0) | |
self.assertEqual(cf, 0) | |
def test_postings1(self): | |
term = 'retrieval' | |
postings = list(self.index_reader.get_postings_list(term)) | |
self.assertEqual(len(postings), 138) | |
self.assertEqual(postings[0].docid, 238) | |
self.assertEqual(self.index_reader.convert_internal_docid_to_collection_docid(postings[0].docid), 'CACM-0239') | |
self.assertEqual(postings[0].tf, 1) | |
self.assertEqual(len(postings[0].positions), 1) | |
self.assertEqual(postings[-1].docid, 3168) | |
self.assertEqual(self.index_reader.convert_internal_docid_to_collection_docid(postings[-1].docid), 'CACM-3169') | |
self.assertEqual(postings[-1].tf, 1) | |
self.assertEqual(len(postings[-1].positions), 1) | |
def test_postings2(self): | |
self.assertIsNone(self.index_reader.get_postings_list('asdf')) | |
postings = list(self.index_reader.get_postings_list('retrieval')) | |
self.assertEqual(len(postings), 138) | |
# If we don't analyze, then we can't find the postings list: | |
self.assertIsNone(self.index_reader.get_postings_list('retrieval', analyzer=None)) | |
# Supply the analyzed form directly, and we're good: | |
postings = list(self.index_reader.get_postings_list('retriev', analyzer=None)) | |
self.assertEqual(len(postings), 138) | |
postings = list(self.index_reader.get_postings_list(self.index_reader.analyze('retrieval')[0], analyzer=None)) | |
self.assertEqual(len(postings), 138) | |
# Test utf encoding: | |
self.assertEqual(self.index_reader.get_postings_list('zoölogy'), None) | |
self.assertEqual(self.index_reader.get_postings_list('zoölogy', analyzer=None), None) | |
self.assertEqual(self.index_reader.get_postings_list('zoölogy'), None) | |
def test_doc_vector(self): | |
doc_vector = self.index_reader.get_document_vector('CACM-3134') | |
self.assertEqual(len(doc_vector), 94) | |
self.assertEqual(doc_vector['inform'], 8) | |
self.assertEqual(doc_vector['retriev'], 7) | |
def test_doc_vector_invalid(self): | |
self.assertTrue(self.index_reader.get_document_vector('foo') is None) | |
def test_doc_vector_matches_index(self): | |
# From the document vector, look up the term frequency of "information". | |
doc_vector = self.index_reader.get_document_vector('CACM-3134') | |
self.assertEqual(doc_vector['inform'], 8) | |
# Now look up the postings list for "information". | |
term = 'information' | |
postings_list = list(self.index_reader.get_postings_list(term)) | |
for i in range(len(postings_list)): | |
# Go through the postings and find the matching document. | |
if self.index_reader.convert_internal_docid_to_collection_docid(postings_list[i].docid) == 'CACM-3134': | |
# The tf values should match. | |
self.assertEqual(postings_list[i].tf, 8) | |
def test_term_position(self): | |
term_positions = self.index_reader.get_term_positions('CACM-3134') | |
self.assertEqual(len(term_positions), 94) | |
self.assertEqual(term_positions['inform'], [7,24,36,46,60,112,121,159]) | |
self.assertEqual(term_positions['retriev'], [10,20,44,132,160,164,172]) | |
def test_term_position_invalid(self): | |
self.assertTrue(self.index_reader.get_term_positions('foo') is None) | |
def test_term_position_matches_index(self): | |
# From the term positions mapping, look up the position list of "information". | |
term_positions = self.index_reader.get_term_positions('CACM-3134') | |
self.assertEqual(term_positions['inform'], [7,24,36,46,60,112,121,159]) | |
# Now look up the postings list for "information". | |
term = 'information' | |
postings_list = list(self.index_reader.get_postings_list(term)) | |
for i in range(len(postings_list)): | |
# Go through the postings and find the matching document. | |
if self.index_reader.convert_internal_docid_to_collection_docid(postings_list[i].docid) == 'CACM-3134': | |
# The position list should match. | |
self.assertEqual(postings_list[i].positions, [7, 24, 36, 46, 60, 112, 121, 159]) | |
def test_doc_invalid(self): | |
self.assertTrue(self.index_reader.doc('foo') is None) | |
self.assertTrue(self.index_reader.doc_contents('foo') is None) | |
self.assertTrue(self.index_reader.doc_raw('foo') is None) | |
self.assertTrue(self.index_reader.doc_by_field('foo', 'bar') is None) | |
def test_doc_raw(self): | |
raw = self.index_reader.doc('CACM-3134').raw() | |
self.assertTrue(isinstance(raw, str)) | |
lines = raw.splitlines() | |
self.assertEqual(len(lines), 55) | |
# Note that the raw document contents will still have HTML tags. | |
self.assertEqual(lines[0], '<html>') | |
self.assertEqual(lines[4], 'The Use of Normal Multiplication Tables') | |
self.assertEqual(lines[29], 'rapid retrieval, space economy') | |
# Now that we've verified the 'raw', check that alternative ways of fetching give the same results. | |
self.assertEqual(raw, self.index_reader.doc_raw('CACM-3134')) | |
self.assertEqual(raw, self.index_reader.doc('CACM-3134').raw()) | |
self.assertEqual(raw, self.index_reader.doc('CACM-3134').get('raw')) | |
self.assertEqual(raw, self.index_reader.doc('CACM-3134').lucene_document().get('raw')) | |
def test_doc_contents(self): | |
contents = self.index_reader.doc('CACM-3134').contents() | |
self.assertTrue(isinstance(contents, str)) | |
lines = contents.splitlines() | |
self.assertEqual(len(lines), 48) | |
self.assertEqual(lines[0], 'The Use of Normal Multiplication Tables') | |
self.assertEqual(lines[47], '3134\t5\t3134') | |
# Now that we've verified the 'raw', check that alternative ways of fetching give the same results. | |
self.assertEqual(contents, self.index_reader.doc_contents('CACM-3134')) | |
self.assertEqual(contents, self.index_reader.doc('CACM-3134').contents()) | |
self.assertEqual(contents, self.index_reader.doc('CACM-3134').get('contents')) | |
self.assertEqual(contents, self.index_reader.doc('CACM-3134').lucene_document().get('contents')) | |
def test_doc_by_field(self): | |
self.assertEqual(self.index_reader.doc('CACM-3134').docid(), | |
self.index_reader.doc_by_field('id', 'CACM-3134').docid()) | |
def test_bm25_weight(self): | |
self.assertAlmostEqual( | |
self.index_reader.compute_bm25_term_weight('CACM-3134', 'inform', analyzer=None, k1=1.2, b=0.75), | |
1.925014, places=5) | |
self.assertAlmostEqual( | |
self.index_reader.compute_bm25_term_weight('CACM-3134', 'information', k1=1.2, b=0.75), | |
1.925014, places=5) | |
self.assertAlmostEqual( | |
self.index_reader.compute_bm25_term_weight('CACM-3134', 'retriev', analyzer=None, k1=1.2, b=0.75), | |
2.496352, places=5) | |
self.assertAlmostEqual( | |
self.index_reader.compute_bm25_term_weight('CACM-3134', 'retrieval', k1=1.2, b=0.75), | |
2.496352, places=5) | |
self.assertAlmostEqual( | |
self.index_reader.compute_bm25_term_weight('CACM-3134', 'inform', analyzer=None), | |
2.06514, places=5) | |
self.assertAlmostEqual( | |
self.index_reader.compute_bm25_term_weight('CACM-3134', 'information'), | |
2.06514, places=5) | |
self.assertAlmostEqual( | |
self.index_reader.compute_bm25_term_weight('CACM-3134', 'retriev', analyzer=None), | |
2.70038, places=5) | |
self.assertAlmostEqual( | |
self.index_reader.compute_bm25_term_weight('CACM-3134', 'retrieval'), | |
2.70038, places=5) | |
self.assertAlmostEqual(self.index_reader.compute_bm25_term_weight('CACM-3134', 'fox', analyzer=None), | |
0., places=5) | |
self.assertAlmostEqual(self.index_reader.compute_bm25_term_weight('CACM-3134', 'fox'), 0., places=5) | |
def test_docid_converstion(self): | |
self.assertEqual(self.index_reader.convert_internal_docid_to_collection_docid(1), 'CACM-0002') | |
self.assertEqual(self.index_reader.convert_collection_docid_to_internal_docid('CACM-0002'), 1) | |
self.assertEqual(self.index_reader.convert_internal_docid_to_collection_docid(1000), 'CACM-1001') | |
self.assertEqual(self.index_reader.convert_collection_docid_to_internal_docid('CACM-1001'), 1000) | |
def test_query_doc_score_default(self): | |
queries = ['information retrieval', 'databases'] | |
for query in queries: | |
hits = | |
# We're going to verify that the score of each hit is about the same as the output of | |
# compute_query_document_score | |
for i in range(0, len(hits)): | |
self.assertAlmostEqual(hits[i].score, | |
self.index_reader.compute_query_document_score(hits[i].docid, query), places=4) | |
def test_query_doc_score_custom_similarity(self): | |
custom_bm25 = search.LuceneSimilarities.bm25(0.8, 0.2) | |
queries = ['information retrieval', 'databases'] | |
self.searcher.set_bm25(0.8, 0.2) | |
for query in queries: | |
hits = | |
# We're going to verify that the score of each hit is about the same as the output of | |
# compute_query_document_score | |
for i in range(0, len(hits)): | |
self.assertAlmostEqual(hits[i].score, | |
self.index_reader.compute_query_document_score( | |
hits[i].docid, query, similarity=custom_bm25), places=4) | |
custom_qld = search.LuceneSimilarities.qld(500) | |
self.searcher.set_qld(500) | |
for query in queries: | |
hits = | |
# We're going to verify that the score of each hit is about the same as the output of | |
# compute_query_document_score | |
for i in range(0, len(hits)): | |
self.assertAlmostEqual(hits[i].score, | |
self.index_reader.compute_query_document_score( | |
hits[i].docid, query, similarity=custom_qld), places=4) | |
def test_index_stats(self): | |
self.assertEqual(3204, self.index_reader.stats()['documents']) | |
self.assertEqual(14363, self.index_reader.stats()['unique_terms']) | |
def test_jstring_encoding(self): | |
# When using pyjnius in a version prior 1.3.0, creating a JString with non-ASCII characters resulted in a | |
# failure. This test simply ensures that a compatible version of pyjnius is used. More details can be found in | |
# the discussion here: | |
JString('zoölogy') | |
def test_dump_documents_BM25(self): | |
file_path = 'collections/cacm_documents_bm25_dump.jsonl' | |
self.index_reader.dump_documents_BM25(file_path) | |
dump_file = open(file_path, 'r') | |
num_lines = sum(1 for line in dump_file) | | | |
assert num_lines == self.index_reader.stats()['documents'] | |
def compare_searcher(query): | |
"""Comparing searching with LuceneSearcher to brute-force searching through documents in dump | |
The scores should match. | |
Parameters | |
---------- | |
query : str | |
The query for search. | |
""" | |
# Search through documents BM25 dump | |
query_terms = self.index_reader.analyze(query, analyzer=analysis.get_lucene_analyzer()) | |
heap = [] # heapq implements a min-heap, we can invert the values to have a max-heap | |
for line in dump_file: | |
doc = json.loads(line) | |
score = 0 | |
for term in query_terms: | |
if term in doc['vector']: | |
score += doc['vector'][term] | |
heapq.heappush(heap, (-1*score, doc['id'])) | | | |
# Using LuceneSearcher instead | |
hits = | |
for i in range(0, 10): | |
top = heapq.heappop(heap) | |
self.assertEqual(hits[i].docid, top[1]) | |
self.assertAlmostEqual(hits[i].score, -1*top[0], places=3) | |
compare_searcher('I am interested in articles written either by Prieve or Udo Pooch') | |
compare_searcher('Performance evaluation and modelling of computer systems') | |
compare_searcher('Addressing schemes for resources in networks; resource addressing in network operating systems') | |
dump_file.close() | |
os.remove(file_path) | |
def test_quantize_weights(self): | |
dump_file_path = 'collections/cacm_documents_bm25_dump.jsonl' | |
quantized_file_path = 'collections/cacm_documents_bm25_dump_quantized.jsonl' | |
self.index_reader.dump_documents_BM25(dump_file_path) | |
self.index_reader.quantize_weights(dump_file_path, quantized_file_path) | |
quantized_weights_file = open(quantized_file_path, 'r') | |
num_lines = sum(1 for line in quantized_weights_file) | | | |
assert num_lines == self.index_reader.stats()['documents'] | |
def compare_searcher_quantized(query, tolerance=1): | |
"""Comparing searching with LuceneSearcher to brute-force searching through documents in dump | |
If the weights are quantized the scores will not match but the rankings should still roughly match. | |
Parameters | |
---------- | |
query : str | |
The query for search. | |
tolerance : int | |
Number of places within which rankings should match i.e. if the ranking of some document with | |
searching through documents in the dump is 2, then with a tolerance of 1 the ranking of the same | |
document with Lucene searcher should be between 1-3. | |
""" | |
query_terms = self.index_reader.analyze(query, analyzer=analysis.get_lucene_analyzer()) | |
heap = [] | |
for line in quantized_weights_file: | |
doc = json.loads(line) | |
score = 0 | |
for term in query_terms: | |
if term in doc['vector']: | |
score += doc['vector'][term] | |
heapq.heappush(heap, (-1*score, doc['id'])) | | | |
hits = | |
for i in range(0, 10): | |
top = heapq.heappop(heap) | |
match_within_tolerance = False | |
for j in range(tolerance+1): | |
match_within_tolerance = (i-j >= 0 and hits[i-j].docid == top[1]) or (hits[i+j].docid == top[1]) | |
if match_within_tolerance: | |
break | |
self.assertEqual(match_within_tolerance, True) | |
compare_searcher_quantized('I am interested in articles written either by Prieve or Udo Pooch') | |
compare_searcher_quantized('Performance evaluation and modelling of computer systems') | |
compare_searcher_quantized('Addressing schemes for resources in networks; resource addressing in network operating systems') | |
quantized_weights_file.close() | |
os.remove(quantized_file_path) | |
def tearDown(self): | |
os.remove(self.tarball_name) | |
shutil.rmtree(self.index_dir) | |
for f in self.temp_folders: | |
shutil.rmtree(f) | |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
unittest.main() | |