leaderboard / README.md
Jae-Won Chung
New leaderboard prototype
history blame
No virus
1.86 kB
title: "ML.ENERGY Leaderboard"
emoji: "⚡"
python_version: "3.9"
app_file: "app.py"
sdk: "gradio"
sdk_version: "3.39.0"
pinned: true
tags: ["energy", "leaderboard"]
# ML.ENERGY Leaderboard
[![Apache-2.0 License](https://custom-icon-badges.herokuapp.com/github/license/ml-energy/leaderboard?logo=law)](/LICENSE)
How much energy do GenAI models like LLMs and Diffusion models consume?
This README focuses on explaining how to run the benchmark yourself.
The actual leaderboard is here: https://ml.energy/leaderboard.
## Repository Organization
 leaderboard/
├──  benchmark/ # Benchmark scripts & instructions
├──  data/ # Benchmark results
├──  deployment/ # Colosseum deployment files
├──  spitfight/ # Python package for the Colosseum
├──  app.py # Leaderboard Gradio app definition
└──  index.html # Embeds the leaderboard HuggingFace Space
## Colosseum
We instrumented [Hugging Face TGI](https://github.com/huggingface/text-generation-inference) so that it measures and returns GPU energy consumption.
Then, our [controller](/spitfight/colosseum/controller) server receives user prompts from the [Gradio app](/app.py), selects two models randomly, and streams model responses back with energy consumption.
## Running the Benchmark
We open-sourced the entire benchmark with instructions here: [`./benchmark`](./benchmark)
## Citation
Please refer to our BibTeX file: [`citation.bib`](/docs/citation.bib).