EMusicGen / model.py
upl base
history blame
No virus
11.8 kB
import re
import torch
import random
from tqdm import tqdm
from unidecode import unidecode
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
from transformers import GPT2Model, GPT2LMHeadModel, PreTrainedModel
from samplings import top_p_sampling, top_k_sampling, temperature_sampling
class Patchilizer:
A class for converting music bars to patches and vice versa.
def __init__(self):
self.delimiters = ["|:", "::", ":|", "[|", "||", "|]", "|"]
self.regexPattern = f"({'|'.join(map(re.escape, self.delimiters))})"
self.pad_token_id = 0
self.bos_token_id = 1
self.eos_token_id = 2
def split_bars(self, body):
Split a body of music into individual bars.
bars = re.split(self.regexPattern, "".join(body))
bars = list(filter(None, bars))
# remove empty strings
if bars[0] in self.delimiters:
bars[1] = bars[0] + bars[1]
bars = bars[1:]
bars = [bars[i * 2] + bars[i * 2 + 1] for i in range(len(bars) // 2)]
return bars
def bar2patch(self, bar, patch_size=PATCH_SIZE):
Convert a bar into a patch of specified length.
patch = [self.bos_token_id] + [ord(c) for c in bar] + [self.eos_token_id]
patch = patch[:patch_size]
patch += [self.pad_token_id] * (patch_size - len(patch))
return patch
def patch2bar(self, patch):
Convert a patch into a bar.
return "".join(
chr(idx) if idx > self.eos_token_id else ""
for idx in patch
if idx != self.eos_token_id
def encode(
Encode music into patches of specified length.
lines = unidecode(abc_code).split("\n")
lines = list(filter(None, lines)) # remove empty lines
body = ""
patches = []
for line in lines:
if len(line) > 1 and (
(line[0].isalpha() and line[1] == ":") or line.startswith("%%score")
if body:
bars = self.split_bars(body)
bar + "\n" if idx == len(bars) - 1 else bar, patch_size
for idx, bar in enumerate(bars)
body = ""
patches.append(self.bar2patch(line + "\n", patch_size))
body += line + "\n"
if body:
self.bar2patch(bar, patch_size) for bar in self.split_bars(body)
if add_special_patches:
bos_patch = [self.bos_token_id] * (patch_size - 1) + [self.eos_token_id]
eos_patch = [self.bos_token_id] + [self.eos_token_id] * (patch_size - 1)
patches = [bos_patch] + patches + [eos_patch]
return patches[:patch_length]
def decode(self, patches):
Decode patches into music.
return "".join(self.patch2bar(patch) for patch in patches)
class PatchLevelDecoder(PreTrainedModel):
An Patch-level Decoder model for generating patch features in an auto-regressive manner.
It inherits PreTrainedModel from transformers.
def __init__(self, config):
self.patch_embedding = torch.nn.Linear(PATCH_SIZE * 128, config.n_embd)
torch.nn.init.normal_(self.patch_embedding.weight, std=0.02)
self.base = GPT2Model(config)
def forward(self, patches: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
The forward pass of the patch-level decoder model.
:param patches: the patches to be encoded
:return: the encoded patches
patches = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(patches, num_classes=128).float()
patches = patches.reshape(len(patches), -1, PATCH_SIZE * 128)
patches = self.patch_embedding(patches.to(self.device))
return self.base(inputs_embeds=patches)
class CharLevelDecoder(PreTrainedModel):
A Char-level Decoder model for generating the characters within each bar patch sequentially.
It inherits PreTrainedModel from transformers.
def __init__(self, config):
self.pad_token_id = 0
self.bos_token_id = 1
self.eos_token_id = 2
self.base = GPT2LMHeadModel(config)
def forward(
encoded_patches: torch.Tensor,
target_patches: torch.Tensor,
patch_sampling_batch_size: int,
The forward pass of the char-level decoder model.
:param encoded_patches: the encoded patches
:param target_patches: the target patches
:return: the decoded patches
# preparing the labels for model training
target_masks = target_patches == self.pad_token_id
labels = target_patches.clone().masked_fill_(target_masks, -100)
# masking the labels for model training
target_masks = torch.ones_like(labels)
target_masks = target_masks.masked_fill_(labels == -100, 0)
# select patches
if (
patch_sampling_batch_size != 0
and patch_sampling_batch_size < target_patches.shape[0]
indices = list(range(len(target_patches)))
selected_indices = sorted(indices[:patch_sampling_batch_size])
target_patches = target_patches[selected_indices, :]
target_masks = target_masks[selected_indices, :]
encoded_patches = encoded_patches[selected_indices, :]
labels = labels[selected_indices, :]
# get input embeddings
inputs_embeds = torch.nn.functional.embedding(
target_patches, self.base.transformer.wte.weight
# concatenate the encoded patches with the input embeddings
inputs_embeds = torch.cat(
(encoded_patches.unsqueeze(1), inputs_embeds[:, 1:, :]), dim=1
return self.base(
inputs_embeds=inputs_embeds, attention_mask=target_masks, labels=labels
def generate(self, encoded_patch: torch.Tensor, tokens: torch.Tensor):
The generate function for generating a patch based on the encoded patch and already generated tokens.
:param encoded_patch: the encoded patch
:param tokens: already generated tokens in the patch
:return: the probability distribution of next token
encoded_patch = encoded_patch.reshape(1, 1, -1)
tokens = tokens.reshape(1, -1)
# Get input embeddings
tokens = torch.nn.functional.embedding(tokens, self.base.transformer.wte.weight)
# Concatenate the encoded patch with the input embeddings
tokens = torch.cat((encoded_patch, tokens[:, 1:, :]), dim=1)
# Get output from model
outputs = self.base(inputs_embeds=tokens)
# Get probabilities of next token
probs = torch.nn.functional.softmax(outputs.logits.squeeze(0)[-1], dim=-1)
return probs
class TunesFormer(PreTrainedModel):
TunesFormer is a hierarchical music generation model based on bar patching.
It includes a patch-level decoder and a character-level decoder.
It inherits PreTrainedModel from transformers.
def __init__(self, encoder_config, decoder_config, share_weights=False):
self.pad_token_id = 0
self.bos_token_id = 1
self.eos_token_id = 2
if share_weights:
max_layers = max(
encoder_config.num_hidden_layers, decoder_config.num_hidden_layers
max_context_size = max(encoder_config.max_length, decoder_config.max_length)
max_position_embeddings = max(
encoder_config.num_hidden_layers = max_layers
encoder_config.max_length = max_context_size
encoder_config.max_position_embeddings = max_position_embeddings
decoder_config.num_hidden_layers = max_layers
decoder_config.max_length = max_context_size
decoder_config.max_position_embeddings = max_position_embeddings
self.patch_level_decoder = PatchLevelDecoder(encoder_config)
self.char_level_decoder = CharLevelDecoder(decoder_config)
if share_weights:
self.patch_level_decoder.base = self.char_level_decoder.base.transformer
def forward(
patches: torch.Tensor,
patch_sampling_batch_size: int = PATCH_SAMPLING_BATCH_SIZE,
The forward pass of the TunesFormer model.
:param patches: the patches to be both encoded and decoded
:return: the decoded patches
patches = patches.reshape(len(patches), -1, PATCH_SIZE)
encoded_patches = self.patch_level_decoder(patches)["last_hidden_state"]
return self.char_level_decoder(
encoded_patches.squeeze(0)[:-1, :],
patches.squeeze(0)[1:, :],
def generate(
patches: torch.Tensor,
tokens: torch.Tensor,
top_p: float = 1,
top_k: int = 0,
temperature: float = 1,
seed: int = None,
The generate function for generating patches based on patches.
:param patches: the patches to be encoded
:return: the generated patches
patches = patches.reshape(len(patches), -1, PATCH_SIZE)
encoded_patches = self.patch_level_decoder(patches)["last_hidden_state"]
if tokens == None:
tokens = torch.tensor([self.bos_token_id], device=self.device)
generated_patch = []
while True:
if seed != None:
n_seed = random.randint(0, 1000000)
n_seed = None
prob = (
self.char_level_decoder.generate(encoded_patches[0][-1], tokens)
prob = top_p_sampling(prob, top_p=top_p, return_probs=True)
prob = top_k_sampling(prob, top_k=top_k, return_probs=True)
token = temperature_sampling(prob, temperature=temperature, seed=n_seed)
if token == self.eos_token_id or len(tokens) >= PATCH_SIZE - 1:
tokens = torch.cat(
(tokens, torch.tensor([token], device=self.device)), dim=0
return generated_patch, n_seed
class PatchilizedData(Dataset):
def __init__(self, items, patchilizer):
self.texts = []
for item in tqdm(items):
text = item["control code"] + "\n".join(
item["abc notation"].split("\n")[1:]
input_patch = patchilizer.encode(text, add_special_patches=True)
input_patch = torch.tensor(input_patch)
if torch.sum(input_patch) != 0:
def __len__(self):
return len(self.texts)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
return self.texts[idx]