Cannot submit model for evaluation. App returns an error with no further details.

by itanh0b - opened


I'm trying to submit my models camel-ai/CAMEL-13B-Role-Playing-Data and camel-ai/CAMEL-13B-Combined-Data for evaluation on the Open LLM leaderboard, but I'm getting an error as shown in the screenshot below. Can you please advise on what to do?


I encounter the same problem

Same here...trying to submit rwkv-4-raven-14b which arguably should be on this leader board.

Open LLM Leaderboard org

Hi, have you tried resubmitting?

I was able to submit my models successfully after 4 days of uploading them.

Open LLM Leaderboard org

Ok , cool, closing!

clefourrier changed discussion status to closed

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