# π Best 1000 Puzzles by Theme 𧩠|
Below you find the best (= highest popularity score, ordered by number of plays) 1000 puzzles for each of the [available themes](https://lichess.org/training/themes) π―, sourced from the [lichess puzzles database](https://database.lichess.org/#puzzles) π. |
The CSV files contain two columns - the PGN of the puzzle, and the corresponding tags π·οΈ - and are compatible with the [Anki-Chess-2.0](https://github.com/TowelSniffer/Anki-Chess-2.0) template ποΈ. |
If you want to generate your own puzzles, filtered by popularity, rating, number of plays and puzzle themes, you can do so within the "Puzzle Database" tab of `chessli2` βοΈ. |
| Name | Description | Link | |
|-------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
| Advanced pawn | One of your pawns is deep into the opponent position, maybe threatening to promote. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/advancedPawn.csv) | |
| Advantage | Seize your chance to get a decisive advantage. (200cp β€ eval β€ 600cp) | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/advantage.csv) | |
| Anastasia's mate | A knight and rook or queen team up to trap the opposing king between the side of the board and a friendly piece. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/anastasiaMate.csv) | |
| Arabian mate | A knight and a rook team up to trap the opposing king on a corner of the board. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/arabianMate.csv) | |
| Attacking f2 or f7 | An attack focusing on the f2 or f7 pawn, such as in the fried liver opening. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/attackingF2F7.csv) | |
| Attraction | An exchange or sacrifice encouraging or forcing an opponent piece to a square that allows a follow-up tactic. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/attraction.csv) | |
| Back rank mate | Checkmate the king on the home rank, when it is trapped there by its own pieces. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/backRankMate.csv) | |
| Bishop endgame | An endgame with only bishops and pawns. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/bishopEndgame.csv) | |
| Boden's mate | Two attacking bishops on criss-crossing diagonals deliver mate to a king obstructed by friendly pieces. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/bodenMate.csv) | |
| Castling | Bring the king to safety, and deploy the rook for attack. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/castling.csv) | |
| Capture the defender | Removing a piece that is critical to defence of another piece, allowing the now undefended piece to be captured on a following move. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/capturingDefender.csv) | |
| Crushing | Spot the opponent blunder to obtain a crushing advantage. (eval β₯ 600cp) | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/crushing.csv) | |
| Double bishop mate | Two attacking bishops on adjacent diagonals deliver mate to a king obstructed by friendly pieces. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/doubleBishopMate.csv) | |
| Dovetail mate | A queen delivers mate to an adjacent king, whose only two escape squares are obstructed by friendly pieces. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/dovetailMate.csv) | |
| Equality | Come back from a losing position, and secure a draw or a balanced position. (eval β€ 200cp) | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/equality.csv) | |
| Kingside attack | An attack of the opponent's king, after they castled on the king side. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/kingsideAttack.csv) | |
| Clearance | A move, often with tempo, that clears a square, file or diagonal for a follow-up tactical idea. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/clearance.csv) | |
| Defensive move | A precise move or sequence of moves that is needed to avoid losing material or another advantage. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/defensiveMove.csv) | |
| Deflection | A move that distracts an opponent piece from another duty that it performs, such as guarding a key square. Sometimes also called "overloading". | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/deflection.csv) | |
| Discovered attack | Moving a piece (such as a knight), that previously blocked an attack by a long range piece (such as a rook), out of the way of that piece. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/discoveredAttack.csv) | |
| Double check | Checking with two pieces at once, as a result of a discovered attack where both the moving piece and the unveiled piece attack the opponent's king. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/doubleCheck.csv) | |
| Endgame | A tactic during the last phase of the game. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/endgame.csv) | |
| En passant | A tactic involving the en passant rule, where a pawn can capture an opponent pawn that has bypassed it using its initial two-square move. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/enPassant.csv) | |
| Exposed king | A tactic involving a king with few defenders around it, often leading to checkmate. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/exposedKing.csv) | |
| Fork | A move where the moved piece attacks two opponent pieces at once. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/fork.csv) | |
| Hanging piece | A tactic involving an opponent piece being undefended or insufficiently defended and free to capture. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/hangingPiece.csv) | |
| Hook mate | Checkmate with a rook, knight, and pawn along with one enemy pawn to limit the enemy king's escape. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/hookMate.csv) | |
| Interference | Moving a piece between two opponent pieces to leave one or both opponent pieces undefended, such as a knight on a defended square between two rooks. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/interference.csv) | |
| Intermezzo | Instead of playing the expected move, first interpose another move posing an immediate threat that the opponent must answer. Also known as "Zwischenzug" or "In between". | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/intermezzo.csv) | |
| Knight endgame | An endgame with only knights and pawns. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/knightEndgame.csv) | |
| Long | Three moves to win. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/long.csv) | |
| Master games | Puzzles from games played by titled players. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/master.csv) | |
| Master vs Master games | Puzzles from games between two titled players. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/masterVsMaster.csv) | |
| Checkmate | Win the game with style. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/mate.csv) | |
| Mate in 1 | Deliver checkmate in one move. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/mateIn1.csv) | |
| Mate in 2 | Deliver checkmate in two moves. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/mateIn2.csv) | |
| Mate in 3 | Deliver checkmate in three moves. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/mateIn3.csv) | |
| Mate in 4 | Deliver checkmate in four moves. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/mateIn4.csv) | |
| Mate in 5 or more | Figure out a long mating sequence. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/mateIn5.csv) | |
| Middlegame | A tactic during the second phase of the game. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/middlegame.csv) | |
| One-move puzzle | A puzzle that is only one move long. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/oneMove.csv) | |
| Opening | A tactic during the first phase of the game. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/opening.csv) | |
| Pawn endgame | An endgame with only pawns. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/pawnEndgame.csv) | |
| Pin | A tactic involving pins, where a piece is unable to move without revealing an attack on a higher value piece. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/pin.csv) | |
| Promotion | Promote one of your pawn to a queen or minor piece. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/promotion.csv) | |
| Queen endgame | An endgame with only queens and pawns. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/queenEndgame.csv) | |
| Queen and Rook | An endgame with only queens, rooks and pawns. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/queenRookEndgame.csv) | |
| Queenside attack | An attack of the opponent's king, after they castled on the queen side. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/queensideAttack.csv) | |
| Quiet move | A move that does neither make a check or capture, nor an immediate threat to capture, but does prepare a more hidden unavoidable threat for a later move. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/quietMove.csv) | |
| Rook endgame | An endgame with only rooks and pawns. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/rookEndgame.csv) | |
| Sacrifice | A tactic involving giving up material in the short-term, to gain an advantage again after a forced sequence of moves. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/sacrifice.csv) | |
| Short | Two moves to win. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/short.csv) | |
| Skewer | A motif involving a high value piece being attacked, moving out the way, and allowing a lower value piece behind it to be captured or attacked, the inverse of a pin. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/skewer.csv) | |
| Smothered mate | A checkmate delivered by a knight in which the mated king is unable to move because it is surrounded (or smothered) by its own pieces. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/smotheredMate.csv) | |
| Super GM games | Puzzles from games played by the best players in the world. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/superGM.csv) | |
| Trapped piece | A piece is unable to escape capture as it has limited moves. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/trappedPiece.csv) | |
| Underpromotion | Promotion to a knight, bishop, or rook. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/underPromotion.csv) | |
| Very long | Four moves or more to win. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/veryLong.csv) | |
| X-Ray attack | A piece attacks or defends a square, through an enemy piece. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/xRayAttack.csv) | |
| Zugzwang | The opponent is limited in the moves they can make, and all moves worsen their position. | [Link](https://github.com/pwenker/chessli2/blob/main/puzzles/zugzwang.csv) | |