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# Model Serving
`MMOCR` provides some utilities that facilitate the model serving process.
Here is a quick walkthrough of necessary steps that let the models to serve through an API.
## Install TorchServe
You can follow the steps on the [official website]( to install `TorchServe` and
## Convert model from MMOCR to TorchServe
We provide a handy tool to convert any `.pth` model into `.mar` model
for TorchServe.
python tools/deployment/ ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} \
--output-folder ${MODEL_STORE} \
--model-name ${MODEL_NAME}
${MODEL_STORE} needs to be an absolute path to a folder.
For example:
python tools/deployment/ \
configs/textdet/dbnet/ \
checkpoints/dbnet_r18_fpnc_1200e_icdar2015.pth \
--output-folder ./checkpoints \
--model-name dbnet
## Start Serving
### From your Local Machine
Getting your models prepared, the next step is to start the service with a one-line command:
# To load all the models in ./checkpoints
torchserve --start --model-store ./checkpoints --models all
# Or, if you only want one model to serve, say dbnet
torchserve --start --model-store ./checkpoints --models dbnet=dbnet.mar
Then you can access inference, management and metrics services
through TorchServe's REST API.
You can find their usages in [TorchServe REST API](
| Service | Address |
| ------------------- | ----------------------- |
| Inference | `` |
| Management | `` |
| Metrics | `` |
By default, TorchServe binds port number `8080`, `8081` and `8082` to its services.
You can change such behavior by modifying and saving the contents below to ``, and running TorchServe with option `--ts-config config.preperties`.
### From Docker
A better alternative to serve your models is through Docker. We provide a Dockerfile
that frees you from those tedious and error-prone environmental setup steps.
#### Build `mmocr-serve` Docker image
docker build -t mmocr-serve:latest docker/serve/
#### Run `mmocr-serve` with Docker
In order to run Docker in GPU, you need to install [nvidia-docker](; or you can omit the `--gpus` argument for a CPU-only session.
The command below will run `mmocr-serve` with a gpu, bind the ports of `8080` (inference),
`8081` (management) and `8082` (metrics) from container to ``, and mount
the checkpoint folder `./checkpoints` from the host machine to `/home/model-server/model-store`
of the container. For more information, please check the official docs for [running TorchServe with docker](
docker run --rm \
--cpus 8 \
--gpus device=0 \
-p8080:8080 -p8081:8081 -p8082:8082 \
--mount type=bind,source=`realpath ./checkpoints`,target=/home/model-server/model-store \
`realpath ./checkpoints` points to the absolute path of "./checkpoints", and you can replace it with the absolute path where you store torchserve models.
Upon running the docker, you can access inference, management and metrics services
through TorchServe's REST API.
You can find their usages in [TorchServe REST API](
| Service | Address |
| ------------------- | ----------------------- |
| Inference | `` |
| Management | `` |
| Metrics | `` |
## 4. Test deployment
Inference API allows user to post an image to a model and returns the prediction result.
curl${MODEL_NAME} -T demo/demo_text_det.jpg
For example,
curl -T demo/demo_text_det.jpg
For detection models, you should obtain a json with an object named `boundary_result`. Each array inside has float numbers representing x, y
coordinates of boundary vertices in clockwise order, and the last float number as the
confidence score.
"boundary_result": [
For recognition models, the response should look like:
"text": "sier",
"score": 0.5247521847486496
And you can use `` to compare result of TorchServe and PyTorch by visualizing them.
python tools/deployment/ ${IMAGE_FILE} ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} ${MODEL_NAME}
[--inference-addr ${INFERENCE_ADDR}] [--device ${DEVICE}]
python tools/deployment/ \
demo/demo_text_det.jpg \
configs/textdet/dbnet/ \
checkpoints/dbnet_r18_fpnc_1200e_icdar2015.pth \