4 values
44 values
5 values
17 values
30 values
air, floating, huge, inhale, liquid, voluntary
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
I had planned this all along. There it was below us. The huge vat of swirling, thick, green goo purported to rubberize and expand any material it contacted. In short, it could turn living matter into a balloon. Of course, that was exactly what I hoped for. Some people have goals. My goal was to become a balloon. Not just any balloon but the biggest balloon of course. Without hesitation and before the tour guide could turn around, I leaped over the railing and plunged into the sweet, sticky, bubbling lake below. As I hit the surface I didn't quite sink but slid into it due to its viscous nature. Almost immediately I began gulping mouthfuls of the chemical and with equal speed it took effect. I could feel it filling me and changing me as I hastily lapped up ever larger mouthfuls of the syrupy stuff. I grinned as my belly gurgled and quickly rounded out, growing larger with each gulp. As my torso and limbs increased in girth, buttons gave way and seams burst. Within moments I erupted from my clothes to reveal a shiny green latex bodysuit with the word BIGGER emblazoned across the front in bold white letters. High above, on the scaffolding, the tour guide and other visitors were in a state of both panic and awe. Alarms rang out as soon as I hit the vat and the guide flailed helplessly above, shouting for me to stop at once. But of course I had no intention of stopping. The stuff was doing its job. I was growing by the second and I intended to drink every last drop of it. My intake increased faster and faster as I began to literally vacuum up the green goo. With each passing moment my belly grew larger and larger as I displaced the volume of the holding vat. Like a human water balloon, I was swelling with the contents of the tank. Within minutes of falling in I had reached the size of a couch...then a car. Then I doubled in size...and doubled again. Finally, amidst all the clamor and panic, I had drained the vat dry. There I was, lodged firmly in the vat like a cake that had outgrown its pan just slightly. I patted my bloated sides and laughed, somewhat nervously from my own surprise. Despite my hopes, I had no idea I could hold so much. I was much larger than I had expected I might grow. But not only was I large...I felt large. A sense of girth and fullness overwhelmed over me. A smile spread across my face and grew into a smug sneer as I realized this wasn't the end. It was merely the beginning. I grinned and stroked my pumped up sides in a mixture satisfaction and awe. "I..I..did it! I drank it ALL! HAHA! Can you believe it?" I shouted as I clutched my rubbery belly and wobbled my body. "Just look at this! I'm like a big fat water balloon, I'm AMAZING!" "And you folks think I'm big now? Just wait! I am gonna get sooo big." I closed my eyes, concentrated and inhaled...and inhaled...and inhaled what became a superhuman breath. My cheeks swelled like small balloons themselves as I strained and blew inward with all my might. And then, with a great wheezing hiss, I began to inflate. The green liquid sprang into action, rubberizing me fully, expanding inside, pumping me up exactly as I had dreamed: bigger...bigger...bigger. My eyes widened with excitement as every inch of me suddenly began to expand and stretch, punctuated by the loud hissing noise that rose from within me. "It's working! I'm growing!" I shouted with glee. "And I'm gonna get bigger," I said, turning to watch my arm puff up. "And bigger" I continued as I gleefully wiggled the fingers of the other expanding arm. "And BIGGER!" I shouted as I ran my swelling arms over my body. The holding vat then began to groan and creak, protesting as my expanding girth battled for space. Merely encouraged, I inhaled once more, this time sucking in even more air and pumping my cheeks up like weather balloons. With a series of groans and grinding, the vat finally split asunder from my swelling mass. Free off the vat, I patted my belly in victory and immediately waddled forward, eyeing my next goal: the large exhaust valve on the other side of the factory. As a wicked grin crossed my face, the crowd sensed my intentions and flew into further panic. I smugly lurched forward and shoved my belly into the valve, pressing harder and harder until a light popping noise indicated it had indeed inserted itself within my navel. Resting my hands contently on my sides, I laughed as the exhaust surged into me. My belly quickly swelled rounder and rounder, wider and wider by the pulsing stream of exhaust air. "Bigger," I whispered confidently as I watched each blast of air pumped me even larger. The crowd above had already dispersed as my blimping mass threatened to overtake every inch of the fateful factory. Outside, the former visitors had fled to a far side of the street and joined curious crowds who stood in awe as the spectacle unfolded. Windows suddenly burst, glass shards were flung through the air, and my body literally leaked out of every available opening in the factory. Doors buckled and were blown off their hinges as I continued to force my way out. Masonry cracked and walls groaned from the assault of my proudly ballooning bulk. And then the street corner was rocked by a thunderous explosion of dust and concrete as the entire factory collapsed in a rain of mortar. A hush fell over the gathering crowds as the massive cloud of debris settled. The crowd gasped as sections of the ruined factory began to shift and wobble. A steadily rising hiss along with a shrill stretching noise began to creep out of the rubble as chunks of debris were lifted by the massive green balloon beneath. Lumps of green latex began to peek out from beneath the huge pile of rubble, stretching and expanding like rubbery fingers. I had not perished but was merely interrupted. More ruin fell aside as my massively blimping body pushed and pushed against it, lifting the former factory as I grew ever larger beneath it. With a great hiss and squeak I finally erupted from the debris like a massive green bubble. The word "BIGGER" had now stretched so large across my body it dwarfed nearby billboards. "HA! Look at me! I'm GREAT!" I shouted, free of the confines of the factory as I reveled in my gloriously pumped up new girth. I must have been nearly as wide as a football field by then but I had absolutely no intentions of stopping. I inhaled once again and this time and raised a pumped up arm to my mouth, blowing intently on my thumb. My belly wheezed and surged forth, stretching out ahead of me for dozens of yards. Surprised by my ability, I swallowed another great breath followed by another puff on my thumb. Again my belly surged forth even further. With a devious smirk, I blew again, craning my head back and watching as my bottom pumped up to almost match my belly. Triumphantly, I flexed my arms and inhaled through my teeth, listening as my arms and legs puffed up tremendously to support my girth. Within moments I had stretched myself into what looked (and felt) like a ridiculously over-pumped parade balloon. "Now THIS is more like it!" I shouted as I patted and stroked my immense balloon body. As I grew larger, so did my ego and my delight. It was if my pride itself were filling me up, up, up. The bolder I became, the bigger I grew. The bigger I grew, the more I enjoyed it. Next, I straddled a street and arched my back, shoving my massive belly forward with the utmost pride and resting my hands defiantly on my sides. Second by second I steadily expanded, growing tighter, wider and larger as the smirk on my face grew. And yet somehow, I managed to lumber my gargantuan mass forward. Crowds watched in awe as I lurched towards the center of the city, wobbling, hissing and creaking with every massive step. Within less than a few blocks, I was proudly shoving my balloon body into buildings and obstacles. I looked and felt as if I were an even larger version of the Stay Puft guy with more belly and bottom than the entire city combined. I thrust my belly around like a wrecking ball, smirking, pumping it up and pushing aside anything in my path. I sat on buildings and monuments along the way, delightfully suffocating them in a sea of green latex as I expanded my ballooning bottom ever wider. By the time I almost reached the city park, I had more than tripled in size since I left the factory and would soon eclipse it. Best of all, I apparently no longer had any need to puff or inhale as I noticed that I was somehow steadily growing now. With a smug satisfaction that matched my size, I paused in the middle of the park to watch and listen to my ever-increasing girth. A steady hissing filled me inch-by-inch and pumped me larger by the moment. Overwhelmed with a sense of pride, I pounded proudly on my sides like drums. The deep bass echoed inside me with every thump. Simply watching my own body occupy more and more of my view only encouraged me further. I had dreamed of not only becoming a balloon, but becoming the biggest balloon ever and I was hurriedly exceeding those dreams. I had grown from what looked like an unbelievably big-bellied, bottom-heavy Godzilla to an unimaginably massive green balloon. Now almost totally spherical, my head and once puffed up limbs had joined my titanic shape and sank into dimples. Unable to walk and despite my increasing mass, I luckily began to slowly float upwards, overshadowing the throngs of bewildered onlookers below. Media and authorities descended on the scene, powerless to do anything but watch and broadcast the display as I slowly rolled through the sky, laughing and filling tighter by the second. "Can you believe it?" I shouted as I rose towards the skyscrapers but the sound of my own hissing and stretching had drowned out my voice by then. My monologue was meant mostly for my own pleasure anyway. "I'll be BIGGER than this city!" I screamed to myself triumphantly as the clouds seemed to come closer and closer. And with that my already gigantic sphere of a body impulsively swelled even faster. A sneer spread across my puffed face as I listened to myself filling to even greater girths. Far below, the city watched as the great green balloon hissed and swelled, overshadowing city blocks one by one as it gently rolled through the sky. Conveniently, my floating behemoth of a body rolled over until the word BIGGER, still emblazoned across my girth, filled the sky like an obscene billboard. Confident of my capacity, I shouted again, "You think this is big? Watch THIS!" from high in the clouds. Again, I grinned as I readied to pump myself up even further but I halted as I was suddenly aware of a shadow eclipsing me. Flailing my hands and exhaling in an effort to rotate my massive blimp of a body, I rolled upwards. Looming before me was what seemed an even greater blimp that had risen from the horizon. The seemingly infinitesimal stretched blue outfit it wore immediately gave it away. It was one of the girls in the factory tour with me. Somehow she had acquired the same expansive abilities I had. Had there been another tank of the chemical? Maybe so. It didn't matter now though. She was possibly ten times larger than I was...maybe even more. Besides that, she was still growing apparently as the hissing inside her was so loud it reverberated across the sky. I realized she was slowly rotating through the air and floating towards me. I could hear her laughing hysterically as she grew closer...and larger. Finally, her head, proportionally much larger than mine and obviously inflated, rolled down into my view. She chuckled, raised an eyebrow and calmly said, "Now then. Let's see who's gonna be the biggest." And with that she began to inhale...
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
Jenny went into the locker room at school and changed for her gym class. When the other girls finished, they left, and she stayed behind. She went into her book bag and brought out the bra which allowed her to inflate herself. She put it on and went into the janitor's closet next to the locker room and locked the door. Inside she spotted the helium tank used for the school dances. She placed her mouth on the hose of the tank and turned the valve on. She felt the good sensation as the helium rushed into her chest. She looked down to see her B-Cup breasts balloon out to a C. Her X-Large tank top, which was way to big for her was shrinking as it made room for her growing boobs. Her chest rose to two volleyballs. She bounced a bit to see if they were large enough. Not yet. Her breasts expanded a bit more and then she felt herself lifting off the ground a bit. She turned the hose off and pinched her nipples to let some of the air out. She went over to the mirror. The tank top fit over her watermelon sized tits perfectly now. She left and ran down the hallway to the gym, her helium breasts bouncing merrily as she ran. It was CO-ED day and she wanted to have some fun. The girls side of the gym had a variety of gymnastic equipment, and on the other, a basketball game was going on. She walked over to the trampoline. As she walked, the boys at the basketball game and the ones sitting on the bench stared at her bouncing boobs. Even the female gym teacher couldn't help looking at them. The girls in her class were a bit jealous and a bit confused on how she got her huge chest. "Has anyone ever hit their head on the gym ceiling?" She asked the female gym teacher. "No. No one's ever going to go that high." She said. "You sure?" "Positive." "Okay..." She got on and started plain jumping. She made sure she wouldn't go high during the first few jumps. She did a couple of flips and during them, she took deep breaths to make her breasts a little bigger. She stopped jumping and looked around, her tank top was now stretching under the pressure of her breasts. They were starting to go upward a little bit. Everybody was now staring at her massive tits. She started jumping again, this time, the helium in her breasts pulled her up even higher. Soon she was able to touch the rafters of the ceiling. For a bit more show, she did a flip and went between the rafters. When she landed, her teacher could only gape at her. "I think I'll play some basketball now." Jenny said skipping over to the boys. They were continuing their game. "Hey guys." She said rubbing her enlarged breasts. "Can I step in?" They stopped their game again and watched her fondle her ballooned boobs. Three of the guys ran to the bathroom while the others began to drool a bit. "Sure. You can play." One of them said. "And afterward, how about being my date tonight?" "I'll think about it." She giggled. "Let's play!" They started into a new game. She got the ball a few times, but the rest of the times, it bounced off her breasts. She even flattened another guy with them to steal the ball. She then ran back to the three point line. She noticed the weirdo under the hoop was wearing a spiked dog collar. She got an idea. "Watch this!" she yelled running towards the hoop. She jumped and in mid air, her helium breasts picked her up higher and higher. She performed a fancy slam dunk that looked better than Jordan's dunk. She fell on the weirdo and his collar popped her tits. They all gasped. "Hunh?" She glanced down. Her breasts were back to normal. "Tee-hee! Bye guys!" She said running off. "The date's off!" The one boy yelled. "Go blow yourself you prick!" She yelled back smiling. "I think I'll go buy some more bras tonight." She thought to herself.
floating, infidelity, latex, revenge, The Stargazer
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Conrad stepped up from the ladder onto the roof. It was a warm, moonless summer night, and he thought that a little stargazing would make a perfect ending for the romantic night he'd planned with his girlfriend, Sarah. He reached down and helped her climb up into the refreshing night air. She was a bit hesitant. It wasn't that she was cold, but Conrad had insisted she go barefoot the entire evening. And that wasn't even the strangest of his requests. At the start of the evening, he'd handed her a box and told her to go get dressed. Inside the box, she found a bodysuit made of a rather strange cloth, something like cross between latex and spandex. It was a very bright, luminous white, and shimmered in her hands as she removed it from the packing tissue. It covered her from wrist to ankle, and he had told her to wear it and nothing else. A modest request under the circumstances. For you see, this was to be their night of reconciliation. Conrad had found out about her infidelity, and she'd do just about anything to soothe him at this point. Conrad was incredibly wealthy, as his mansion would attest. High in the hills, several miles from the nearest house, it was his little remote paradise. He'd provided her with everything her heart desired, but just didn't seem to understand that there were some men whom she simply found more attractive. Oh well, one night of passion and he'd forget all about it. She was quite confident in her abilities in that area. There was a "pop!" behind her as she stared up at the stars in the cloudless sky. "Have a drink, dear," he cooed as he offered her a glass of bubbly. He had poured her a glass of champagne, but none for himself. Aha, he's trying to get me drunk. Fair enough, she thought as she took as sip. It was very good, the bubbles tingling as it went down her throat. She finished the glass, and he poured her another. The night was so dark, she wouldn't be able to see at all but her suit seemed to be radiating a soft white glow. "A beautiful night, isn't it?" Conrad said. He sighed. "If only the moon were out to light the sky, it would be perfect." The champagne was giving her a light, giddy feeling. She put her arms around him. "Oh, I think we'll manage alright." She started rubbing her firm, lovely body against his, but he seemed distracted. "You know, Sarah, my money has always been a blessing to me. I have just about everything a man could want. My father told me that when I inherited the family fortune, I could have anything in the world." He chuckled softly. "Anything, it seems, except you." He refilled her glass. She didn't know what kind of champagne it was, but it was very nice. It filled her belly with very warm, pleasurable sensation. And that last glass was still bubbling away inside her. Almost unconsciously, she closed her eyes and started rubbing the white fabric covering her stomach. "Mmmmm." "Enjoying yourself?" Conrad asked, as strange edge to his voice. "Yes, very much," she moaned, not even noticing. "What vintage is that?" "Oh, a very special one," he murmured. "Quite expensive, but well worth the price." Sarah's eyes snapped open as she realized the bubbling hadn't stopped. In fact, it was growing louder. She looked at Conrad's grinning face as she felt her belly begin to bulge outward. "What's happening to me?" she gasped. In a few moments, she looked like she'd swallowed a basketball. "I just wanted this evening to be perfect," he said, still grinning. Sarah was speechless as her body continued to swell. Her stomach grew bigger and bigger, the swelling gradually spreading out to her arms and down through her legs. Her plumped up arms rose up, sticking straight out from her sides, then lifting slightly upward. Her expanding thighs pushed her legs apart slowly. The warm feeling spread out along with the inflation, filling her with a slightly euphoric feeling that caused her to only be distantly aware of what was happening. "What's going on?!" Her chest inflated as well, stretching her breasts across its widening girth until they were barely discernible as two slight bulges on the massive expanse of her torso. And still she swelled, her body steadily overwhelming her limbs until just her hands and feet were visible. She lost any semblance of her former svelteness, having been transformed into a giant white orb. And now her flesh was beginning to bulge up around her head. A blissful smile spread across her lips as the sensation of pleasure grew along with the pressure that was so forcefully distending her. Conrad gingerly ran his hand across the taut surface of her skin. The champagne was doing its work well, still bubbling away, stretching her out further, pulling her skin tighter. "I thought I had everything a man could hope for. But then I found out I didn't really have you." Sarah moaned softly. "Why are you doing this?" She was still expanding, though she could feel her body reaching its limits. "Well, I realized I could never have you, so I thought I'd at least have one perfect night of stargazing." "What do you mean?" she purred. It was becoming more difficult to talk as her cheeks puffed up, her delicate face becoming full and round. Even her lips became plumper, reaching a luscious fullness. The tension felt so good, she didn't even notice that she was lifting up off of the ground. "Don't you see?" He brought her face down to his and kissed her deliciously plump lips one last time. "You're my moon." "What?" But she was already rising up from the roof. Sarah lazily gazed down at the receding ground as she drifted up higher and higher. She was still bubbling, still filling, growing larger, tighter. As the air pressure dropped around her, she could feel the gas inside her distend her already enormous body even further. But whatever it was that Conrad had put in that champagne tossed her concerns to a far off land. Then she heard a sound, something like the straining of stretching rubber. At first she could barely hear it over the breeze blowing across her ballooned body, but it steadily grew louder as she floated up higher, swelling up even bigger. She thought that the miraculous white of her bodysuit was finally going to give, freeing her to blow up even further. And in her euphoria, it wasn't until the moment before a massive boom shook the night sky that Sarah realized the sound was coming from her...
blowkiss, deflation, inhale, self inflation, superhero
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Jill Masterson sat at her desk at the Daily Star. It had been almost eight months since her confrontation with War Machine; and she hadn't heard from her since. She had learned that War Machine had escaped from the Russian prison she had been expedited to; but beyond that nothing. Her contacts with the different news agencies and the Daily Star's coverage of international news allowed her to keep an ear open, so to speak, and she hadn't found any news of War Machine doing mercenary work or committing crimes; and there definitely hadn't been any news of a human balloon running around. As far as Athena; she was keeping up fighting crime in her own city, but she hadn't tried inflating anyone since. The tabloids(and even the respectable papers; including her own) had given her a hard time about it. Since they hadn't been able to find a way to deflate War Machine, people were looking at it the same way as if she had permanently crippled her, the same as breaking her neck or back. And as far as they were concerned, that was one step above murder. She'd gone so far out of her way to avoid being a criminal from property damage, and she still wound up catching heat. She'd had to earn some real brownie points to get back on the good side of the public and police. Things had been slow lately though, she'd only had to change to Athena twice in the last month. A lot of villains had started avoiding her city, not wanting to become human blimps; and the police had stepped things up so they wouldn't have to rely on Athena so much. It made things a little easier but also a little boring. And the Goddess Athena had been speaking to her lately, saying she wasn't using her powers to the full potential. Jill sighed as she munched on her candy bar. Living a double-life had caused her to pretty much exclude any kind of social life; and with things slow in the superheroing department, she had little to do outside of work. The combination of boredom and depression had caused her to seek comfort in food, and since when she transformed into Athena her entire body metamorphosed into an entirely different physique, the lbs she'd gained melted away when she needed to spring into action. So with no reason to hold back and nothing to do but eat, Jill had gained just over fifteen lbs in the last five months. Her hips had gotten a little wider and her stomach pooched out, but what did she care? She had even noticed the cute guy from the mailroom giving her appreciative looks when he thought she wasn't looking. "Maybe I'll just say the hell with it." she thought to herself. Tell Athena to find another chump and go date that guy and get as fat as I want. What do I care? It's not like I get paid or anything- Her thoughts were cut short as John came running into the room. "We've got a situation." he told the office. "A couple terrorists are holding up that bank just down the block. They've got the police in a standoff and are making some pretty serious demands." Jill thought it over and almost just let it go, but in the end a voice in the back of her head(her own, not Athena's she told herself) told her to get off her fat ass and do it. She wolfed down the rest of her candybar and stood up. A few other reporters and bored soon-to-be-bystanders grabbed their things and headed out. Jill broke off from the crowd and slipped up into the secluded bathroom on the fourth floor. She made her change into Athena, watching with peaked interest as her stomach flattened out and became rock-hard abs. When she looked back she saw that her ass actually grew a bit though. "Oh well, at least now I'm proportionate." she said, "more or less." She had to admit she was a little over-voluptuous for how toned the rest of her body was. But she quickly put that in the back of her mind as she finished changing and slipped out the window. Athena made her way to the bank, this time leaping from roof-top to roof-top and coming in from the roof. Sure enough, the police had a perimeter around the bank, and she could see the Captain talking hurriedly into a walkie-talkie. He looked up and saw her perched on the roof, and his expression changed to a grim smile. She lip-read him say the word "nevermind." into the walkie-talkie, and then he nodded to her as he set it down. She smiled and nodded back, then made her way into the bank. She crept in silently, and saw three men holed up in the vault with the hostages laying on the floor. The men wore black military uniforms, with ski-masks over their faces; and they each held an automatic rifle. Athena thought to herself. She wasn't impervious to bullets, so guns always gave her a bit of a pause, but the small size of the vault meant that as soon as she made her entrance, her speed would allow her to handle the three of them before they got a shot off. She made her decision and leapt into the vault, landing between the three. She kicked out with her left foot, planting it firmly into the chest of one of the men; launching him back against the wall where his head bounced like a coconut and he slid limply to the floor. But before he even made contact with the wall, Athena had turned to the man on her right, grabbing his gun and shoving the stock into his stomach. As he bent over, she pulled it up and hit him in the face with it, and he too fell unconscious. About the time the first terrorist was hitting the ground, she grabbed the gun of the third man and forcibly yanked it off of him. The strap ripped and the gun flew into the lobby, but the force of it pulled the man to the ground. She put her foot on his back and pinned him. "Alright people," Athena addressed the hostages. "Get out of here, the police are waiting outside, keep your hands up so they know you're not a terrorist." She waited a moment while the crowd of terrified civilians made their way out, then she addressed the man on the floor. But when she looked down, she noticed he had pulled a walkie-talkie out of his equipment and was talking into it. "She's here." he said, and then Athena stomped lightly on his head, rendering him unconscious. "I don't like the sound of that." Athena said. She stepped out of the vault and readied herself, watching for whatever was coming next. She wasn't waiting long. She heard a few screams from outside, then the front doors blew in. Standing there was something Athena never thought she'd see in her life. It was War Machine. But she was still just as inflated as the last time Athena had seen her. Only now, she moved about easily, handling her bloated limbs as if she had been born that way. She wore the same black lyrca bodysuit, but with no belt; and instead of combat boots she had on stylish knee-high vinyl boots with a stiletto heel. "War Machine!" Athena gasped. "Oh no." War Machine said, a grin on her round face. "Not anymore. You changed all that." she said, patting her ballooned stomach. "Nowadays I go by Wrecking Balloon." "Wrecking Balloon?" Athena said, puzzled. "How did you... was this all just to get at me?" she asked. "Yes." Wrecking Balloon told her. "I may have adjusted to my new shape, but I've never forgotten who did this to me. And you're going to pay dearly." she said. "Alright, come on then." Athena said, not sure how to handle this. Wrecking Balloon advance on her slowly, and Athena darted behind her, moving so fast Wrecking Balloon could barely even see. She hit her with a forearm blow across the back, but once again her arm just sank in instead of doing damage. Wrecking Balloon turned with a back elbow to Athena's head, a blow that launched her several feet across the room. "Damn." Athena cursed to herself. She sprang to her feet and rushed at Wrecking Balloon. She jumped up and dropkicked her in the center of her stomach. Wrecking Balloon stumbled a few feet back, but Athena sank in to her waist. Wrecking Balloon grabbed her around the shoulders and pulled her out, "I was really hoping you'd try something like that." she said, headbutting Athena. The blow nearly knocked her out, and Wrecking Balloon dropped her to the floor. She spread her arms wide and fell stomach-first onto Athena. It felt like a ton of bricks dropping on her, and she screamed out in pain. Wrecking Balloon got to her feet, and Athena writhed in pain on the floor. "Honey," she said, "I've learned a lot of new tricks since the last time we fought, and I'm just dying to show them off." She picked up Athena and threw her across the room, she hit the reception desk and fell to the floor, still in too much pain to move. Wrecking Balloon grinned at her. "Check this out, you should really like it." She said, then she opened her mouth wide. She inhaled like a vacuum, sucking in more air than humanly possible. Her body assumed a spread-eagle shape; then her stomach rounded out, absorbing her limbs until she was a gigantic black sphere. Even her head sank into her ballooning body. Then she waddled a bit and began to roll forwards. She picked up speed incredibly fast, barreling at Athena like a boulder. Athena came to long enough to roll out of the way, and Wrecking Balloon obliterated the shattered desk, rolling further and completely decimating everything in her path. Then she began to exhale as she rolled, and completed a rotation stylishly on her feet, back to her original size. "That is a neat trick." Athena said, hoping to buy some time as she got to her feet. "That's only the beginning." Wrecking Balloon told her, advancing on her again. Athena leapt into the air, landing a spinning kick into Wrecking Balloon's round head. Wrecking Balloon staggered backwards, dazed, while Athena fell to the floor and quickly regained her feet. She leapt up and locked both fists together, slamming them down onto Wrecking Balloon's head again. Wrecking Balloon fell to one knee, struggling to stay conscious. Athena took a few steps back and got a running start, leaping into the air to get a final knockout blow at Wrecking Balloon's head. But Wrecking Balloon was prepared. She looked up and exhaled at Athena; unleashing a gust of wind so powerful it blew Athena back through the wall and out into the street. The already thinned crowd scattered as the action moved a little too close for comfort. Wrecking Balloon ponderously stalked after her, walking through the hole in the bank wall she had just made. A few brave police offers aimed their guns at Wrecking Balloon. "Stop or we'll shoot!" one called. "Shoot then." Wrecking Balloon told them, still advancing on Athena. The officers hesitated and looked at each other, then shrugged and fired. The bullets hit Wrecking Balloon, and bounced right back off, smashing the windshield of a squad car and wounding one officer. "Stop! Stop!" the captain called from his position safely away from the action. "This isn't our fight. There's nothing we can do; it's up to her now." he yelled. And the police retreated, leaving things between the two super-powered women. "I've been waiting for this for so long." Wrecking Balloon said, smiling as she walked. "yeah, well your breath stinks." Athena retorted, regaining her feet. She raised her fist to throw a punch, but Wrecking Balloon blocked it with one turgid arm and grabbed her up into a bearhug. "And now!" she yelled at what remained of the crowd. "I want you all to witness this. Just payback for what this self-righteous bitch did to me!" She practically screamed. Athena's face grew into an expression of panic, "N-" she said, and as her mouth opened to pronounce the "o", Wrecking Balloon placed her lips on top of Athena's. Athena tried her hardest to exhale, but Wrecking Balloon was too strong. She blew air down Athena's throat like a human air compressor, and Athena began to panic as she felt herself start to swell. She felt her lungs reach their capacity and then immediately stretch beyond. Her torso began to expand, and then she began to feel a bloating sensation in her stomach as that too began to bulge. She felt herself press into Wrecking Balloon's already bloated body as she rose like bread dough. Her limbs began to swell, pushing against he bearhug she was in, and she could feel her ass spreading out behind her. Her breasts and stomach pushed into Wrecking Balloon, and she felt herself growing beyond any human proportions. Wrecking Balloon loosened her grip more and more as Athena got bigger and bigger. "Oh no," Athena thought to herself. "Oh no, oh please Athena no. I don't want to be a blimp! I don't want to blow up! I'll stop eating chocolate, I'll go to the gym! I DON'T WANT TO BE A BALLOON!" she mentally screamed. But still she continued to expand. Finally she grew too big or Wrecking Balloon's arms, and she let Athena fall to the ground. Athena just laid there, too bloated to move. Her limbs were spread-eagled from the pressure, and her middle stuck out as a huge round ball. Her breasts had swollen so large she could barely see over them. She wanted to cry. "Ha." Wrecking Balloon said, slightly out of breath. "I got you good." she said. As Athena tearfully looked up, she noticed that Wrecking Balloon had deflated considerably. She looked human again, just insanely bloated. Athena thought she could use that against her, but there was nothing she could do now. "I don't know if you noticed my boots." Wrecking Balloon said triumphantly, "but there's a reason I've changed them. I'm going to enjoy this Athena. I told you I'd get you." she grinned demonically as she lifted her leg and hung it over Athena's bloated stomach. Her leg, which was encased in a boot that had a very, very sharp, metal stiletto heel. "Oh fuck." Athena said. "Goodbye, you bitch." Wrecking Balloon told her. Just then, the police, led by the Captain, rammed into Wrecking Balloon with the battering ram they used for breaking open doors. Standing on one leg, with her concentration elsewhere, Wrecking Balloon was caught off guard and off balance. She bounced back and flew down the street like something of her bouancy should've all along. She screamed in rage as she came to a bouncing halt down the street. The police dropped the battering ram and lifted Athena to her feet. "Can you move?" The Captain asked. "I.. I don't think so." Athena said. A few of the officers grabbed her arms and bent them; taking their help, Athena concentrated hard and kept them in motion. She focused her will and forced herself to move. "It's all yours now." the Captain told her, waving his men to fall back. "I don't like you, but we need you; don't go getting yourself popped." he said gruffly, then ran off with his men. "I'll try." Athena said softly, moving around a bit. She may have gotten herself mobile but she was still incredibly awkward. Alright, she thought to herself, she'd gotten herself in motion, and she had a plan; sort of; but if Wrecking Balloon had the chance to reinflate herself, it was all over. Wrecking Balloon got to her feet, and Athena knew she had to keep her angry. "Is that all you've got you bulging bitch?" she yelled at Wrecking Balloon. "You think you're so bad because you're a balloon? Well guess what?" she rubbed her bloated stomach, trying not to let on what an effort of will it was. "This isn't that bad. I kind of like it. Maybe I'll start fighting crime like this. Call myself the Blimp Of Justice or something." The Blimp Of Justice? she thought to herself. Oh well, that's hardly my most pressing concern right now. Lame nomenclatures aside, her trick was working. Wrecking Balloon was turning bright red and shaking with rage. "You think you're a balloon now?" she yelled. "I'll make you a balloon. I'll pop you today if it's the last thing I do!" she started advancing on Athena. "Using my heel would've been too easy for you anyway!!" she was practically screaming now. "Come to mama." Athena said quietly. The two reached eachother, and Athena swung at Wrecking Balloon half-heartedly to make it look like she was still fighting. Not that she could've done much better if she had really been trying, she thought to herself. Sure enough, Wrecking Balloon dodged easily and grabbed her bulging shoulders, pulling Athena's mouth to hers and practically biting her she kissed her so hard. Wrecking Balloon blew with all her might, and Athena swelled larger and larger. "This is the hard part." Athena thought to herself. "I need to just take this and hope I don't pop." Now that she thought about it, she had serious doubts. Sure, War Machine had gotten to that size, but she had always been tougher than Athena anyway. She just hoped her body would have the same resiliency. Wrecking Balloon blew and blew, and Athena kept swelling. Her middle turned into a complete sphere, her breasts were huge melons pushing out against Wrecking Balloon. Her thighs bloated and spread apart, her ass blew up into two round spheres. Her arms were coming close to cone-shaped, and she could even feel her face rounding out. Just when she feared she might really pop, Wrecking Balloon let go, leaning back to inhale for another blow. But Athena forced her arms to come together, locking behind Wrecking Balloon's head. She pulled them back together and pressed her lips to Wrecking Balloon's. And then, she began to suck. Wrecking Balloon's eyes went wide as she realized too late that this had been Athena's plan all along. She hit at Athena's swelling form, trying to push her away, but her blows bounced off with a slight squeaking noise. Athena kept sucking the air out of Wrecking Balloon, conscious of how large her own body was becoming. She felt huge. Gigantic. Titanic. Planetary. She felt like any second she would be pressing against the buildings on either side of the street, but still she continued inhaling. And as she did, Wrecking Balloon shrank. She deflated and sagged, looking like the Wicked Witch of the West after a hot shower. She squealed in horror as her newfound power drained away, and into Athena. Athena's head was swimming. It was too much air too quick, she was fighting to stay conscious, focusing only on inhaling more and more. Finally, she could inhale no more, and dropped Wrecking Balloon to the street. She took a few steps back, looking down at herself. She actually laughed out loud, because her first thought was "I'm so small!" She felt like she would be enormous. Taking up half the street and looking down over the titanic swell of her belly to the distant street below. Really she was only about the same size as Wrecking Balloon had been. "At least that guy's a chubby chaser." she said out loud with a little giggle. She looked down at the woman in the street, now War Machine once again. The lycra had pulled tight, keeping her from sagging too much, but it was painfully obvious that there was a lot of extra skin inside the suit. She stared in horror at her deflated form, pressing her hands to her flat stomach. "No..." she said, dejectedly. With a smirk, Athena stepped forward, leaned down and grabbed her beneath her arms, pulling her to her feet. She hefted her into the air and pulled apart as she did, shredding the lycra costume. War Machines stretched, deflated skin billowed out like a sail, which is exactly what Athena had in mind. She closed her eyes and focused. Calling up all her will power, and beseeching the Goddess Athena for power; and then she looked up at War Machine and exhaled. She blew like a hurricane, and sure enough it caught the sail of War Machine's sagging skin. Athena began to deflate smaller and smaller, blowing out all the air she had sucked in; and War Machine blew off into the distance. Flying as if she had been shot from a cannon. "I'LL KILL YOOooooouuuuu...." she called as she faded into the distance. Athena blew and blew until she was completely deflated. Well, almost. Her stomach still bulged out. "hmm." she said, looking down at herself. Then she felt something rise within her. "BUUUUUUUUURRRP!" she belched loud and long, and when she was finished her stomach was back to its statuesque tightness. "'scuse me." she said, with a girlish giggle. She surveyed herself, and although her skin looked a little puffy, fortunately it wasn't sagging like War Machine's had. She heard footsteps from behind her as the Police Captain walked up to her. She turned to see him smoking a cigarette. "That was impressive." he said. "Thank you." she replied. "And you only destroyed one building this time." he replied. Athena sighed, turning away. "I guess that's all the thanks I can expect." she said. She didn't feel like running right now, but she needed to get out of there; and she took off in a blur back to her office and the fourth floor bathroom. EPILOGUE That night, Jill Masterson stood in front of her bedroom mirror, in nothing but her bra and panties. She looked alright, she supposed. Nowhere near the Godly proportions of Athena, but alright for a white chick, she thought with a smirk. Her breasts had gone up to a full, healthy b-cup; and her ass, even though it wobbled a little now, was really more voluptuous than anything. And her stomach... she patted it and watched it jiggle. "It could be worse." she said to herself. She thought about what she had said to Athena earlier, during the fight with Wrecking Balloon. "I don't want to be a blimp! I don't want to blow up! I'll stop eating chocolate, I'll go to the gym! I DON'T WANT TO BE A BALLOON!" She looked down at her stomach, "well really, I'm more like average now." she said to herself, running a hand along the curve of her tummy. "I've got a long way to go before I get fat." She looked her reflection in the face. "And besides," she said with a smirk, "I'm pretty sure Tommy[the mailroom guy] is a chubby chaser..." she puffed out her cheeks and turned to the side, putting her hands in the small of her back and pushing out her tummy. She burst out laughing and dropped her pose. "Just call me The Blimp Of Justice." she said, walking out to the refrigerator. There was a whole pint of ice cream in there, and it sounded just fucking delicious right now... Miles away, in a carefully scouted safehouse, War Machine sat at her laptop computer, wearing only a pair of black thong panties. Her skin still sagged repulsively, but it was already tightening. She finished transferring the funds from her account to the account of the three mercenaries she had hired to get Athena's attention. The last she had heard they were still in jail; but when they got out they wouldn't be able to say she hadn't held up her end of the bargain. With that done, she shut down the computer and looked herself over. Her skin was tightening; at this rate she'd be back to her old self in a couple of days, tops. She couldn't have that. She grabbed the hose off of the industrial strength air compressor she had bought and put it in her mouth. She switched it to full blast and leaned back; putting a hand on her swelling stomach. Her debut may not have gone as planned, but the world had only seen the beginning of Wrecking Balloon...
bubblegum, full, gum, Hannah, Staci
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Staci skipped cheerfully down the sidewalk. It was a bright and sunny day out in San Francisco, and as she returned home from high school, she decided to take a small detour through the city's market place. Rows of buildings passed by as she happily made her way through the shops. People smiled and waved at her as she walked by. Staci wouldn't consider herself popular, but she certainly was friendly to everyone who met her. She was that happy-go-lucky type who just wished to get along with everyone. Most of what she saw were restaurants. She had some money in her pocket, and felt like picking up something interesting. Her mother didn't expect her to be home too soon, so she had some time to spend. Getting tired of restaurant after restaurant, she lingered of her usual path and walked down an unfamiliar alley. Curiosity. A sense that always got the best of Staci. She had numerous blonde moments every day. Staci was notorious for just being too curious. When she saw something she didn't know about, she'd try everything she could to learn more about it. Easily distracted and easily tricked, Staci's curiosity often ended up with her stuck in a situation she had not planned. This alley drove Staci's curiosity crazy. She examined the colorful shops with awe. It was such a quiet little alley way, with so few people. But the shops looked amazing! Staci looked in the window of each shop. She hoped their was an antique shop. Staci loved little trinkets and toys. Most of the shops were closed, much to Staci's disappointment. But she spotted an even cooler looking antique store. Staci pressed her face up against the glass, looking around the shop. Bright colors flashed, beads glistened, flower petals hung, and toys galore. This was what Staci was talking about! Staci's excitement soon turned to sadness when she saw the sign... Closed. "Ugghh..." Staci sighed heavily. "No way..." She slumped away from the window, kicking at the ground. Though she stopped and turned to the door. She reached out and grabbed the shop's door handled. It opened. A smile spread across Staci's face. She looked around the shop, quietly moving around. Not even knowing it, Staci's curiosity was putting her in another potentially dangerous situation. She looked at all the shelves, carefully picking up and examining all the antiques. She tried on some trippy clothes, and smelled some strange looking potions. One smelled so horrible, she dropped the bottle, letting it crash to the floor. "Who's there!?" someone yelled from the back of the shop. Staci froze. She heard footsteps coming her direction. She looked around for something to hid behind. Ducking behind a giant "Raggedy Ann" doll, Staci hoped the shopkeeper would not find her. She did. "What are you doing here? Can't you read the sign?" the shopkeeper snapped. She was an old lady. Really old. She was dressed in some strange looking purple robes. Her earrings were way too big, and she was quite short. She didn't look too happy about Staci being in her store. "I was walking...and this place looked I just..." "Broke into my store?" she snapped. "Yes I can see that." "The door was open! I was just looking!" Staci replied. "I'm sorry about your potion thingy. It smelled, like, really bad." The shopkeeper sighed. "It's fine. Just be a little more careful. And when a sign says 'Closed', that usually means 'go away'". "Sorry." Staci said with a smile. The shopkeeper cleaned up the broken glass on the floor, then returned to the back of the store. Beads hung from the ceiling where the entrance to the rear of the store was. The clanked together as the shopkeeper whooshed through them. "So are you going to buy something or break more stuff?" the shopkeeper shouted from the back room. "Well..." Staci said sheepishly. "What does this store all have?" "Antiques, costumes, books, jewelry, and fortunes." the shopkeeper replied. "Fortunes!?" Staci said with excitement. "I give palm readings. I can predict your future, explain looming problems, or help you understand yourself." she replied. "I'd love to try that! I've never had my fortune predicted before!" Staci shouted. "I can tell you're the excited type, open to new experiences. It doesn't take a fortune teller to see how bluntly ecstatic you are about the unknown." she said. "....I'm whaaat?" Staci said confused. The shopkeeper appeared through the beads, and waved Staci in her direction. Staci jumped with excitement as she walked into the back room. "My name is Minerva." the shopkeeper said. "Now Staci, I'm going to read your palm to-" "How'd you know my name?" Staci laughed. "Hush." Minerva snapped. "I'm going to read your palm to help you understand a valuable lesson." "A valuable lesson?" Staci asked. "Yours is quite obvious. Curiosity gets the best of you every time doesn't it Staci?" Minerva said. "The impatient type? Wandering into trouble?" "Haha! Yeah that's me!" Staci giggled. "You must learn to control your curiosity, Staci." Minerva said. "I think it's about time you learned a little lesson in patience and collectiveness." "Patience and whaaat?" Staci asked. "A little common sense would hurt as well." Minerva said sarcastically. "I don't give a lot of fortune readings, Staci. Can you guess why?" "Is it because you're old?" Staci said. Minerva sighed heavily, covering her face with her hand. "No...Staci...It's because some people are afraid to conquer their problems. And the solutions I give are not always the best." "What do you mean?" "I mean, if you were to fail my test, you may not be happy with the results. Every human being on this planet has defect they cannot cure. And sometimes, what doesn't kill makes you stronger." "You're gonna kill me!?!?" Staci shouted. "Staci! Use your brain!" Minerva said. "I know you have an I.Q. of 6, but could you at least let me finish explaining!?" "Sorry..." Staci said quietly. "I'm going to give you a potion." Minerva said. "Ooo! What does it do!?" Staci shouted with ecstasy. "This is exactly what I'm talking about." Minerva sighed. "I'm not going to tell you what this potion does. But I can tell you, that you'll be extremely overjoyed with the results of this potion." "Can I drink it!?" Staci said with glee. "Not yet." Minerva explained. "You must wait an entire month before drinking this potion. If you drink it too early, the results will be not to your liking. I told you, not everyone enjoys the challenges I give them. You may not be happy by what happens." "AN ENTIRE MONTH!?" Staci shouted. "I'll never be able to do that." "Than I suggest you don't take this task." Minerva said. "No no! I want to!" Staci said. "Are you sure?" Minerva asked. "If you drink this potion before the month is complete..." "I won't!" Staci promised. "Don't say I didn't warn you." Minerva sighed. "You seem too impatient to complete this task. Your curiosity will defeat you." "I think I can handle it." Staci giggled. Staci took the potion from Minerva and left the shop. It was completely free! Minerva said something about feeling sorry for her, and how this potion will teach her a valuable lesson. Something stupid like that. Staci couldn't wait to get home! Her mother wasn't home yet. Staci quickly ran to her room and set the potion on her desk. The bottle was large and shiny. It glistened a dark purple color, with a cork closing the top. She opened the bottle and smelled it. It was the sweetest scent she had ever smelled. The liquid inside was crystal clear, and very runny. It smelled so sweet, Stacy almost took a drink of it, but reminded herself to be patient. That scent was so strong. The sweet smell of bubble gum. She set the bottle on the desk again and left the room. She was determined to prove Minerva wrong and wait an entire month before drinking the potion. Three days passed, and Staci was driven mad with anticipation. She had to drink that bottle. That sweet scent of bubble gum still lingered in her mind. She needed to know what it tasted like. To prevent herself from drinking it, she locked it a drawer in her desk and asked her mother to hide the key. But as she slept that night, Staci's mind lingered with possibilities. She had to know! The next day when she arrived home from high school, Staci caved. She had gone completely insane with curiosity. She raced around her house at the speed of light. After tearing her parent's bedroom apart searching for the key, she raced around from room to room. She finally discovered the key hidden in the flower pot in the dining room after hours of searching. "Yes!" she shouted. She ran to her bedroom and locked the door. She smashed the key right into the lock, twisting it open. Her eyes gleamed with excitement as she lifted the potion from the drawer. She ripped the cork off, and drank the entire bottle. The sweet taste of bubble gum trickled across her tongue. The taste filled her mouth, as she drank down each gulp of the wonderful potion. After about an entire minute, Staci finally finished the entire bottle. There was quite a lot of liquid. Staci's taste buds went crazy with happiness. It was the most amazing thing she had ever tasted. What was that shopkeeper talking about? Staci was quite pleased with the premature results of this drink. She lied down on her bed, madly in love with that drink. She checked the clock. 9:03 p.m. It wasn't that late for a teenager, but Staci didn't really feel like staying up that late. She slipped out of her jeans and took of her shirt. She slipped her smooth, tan legs into a silk pair of pajama bottoms. She unhooked her bra, letting her bountiful boobs unsquish. Not meaning to brag, but Staci was quite proud of her large breasts. She put on her matching silk top, her perfectly round bust filling it quite nicely. But her breasts weren't the only thing filling the top. Something else was stretching it out. It was her belly. Staci placed her hands on her oversized stomach, giving it a squish. It squished easily, and felt quite puffy. Staci assumed it was the potion. It was a really big drink. What was it? About a liter or so? That's a lot drink at once. She shrugged it off as nothing and went to her bedroom mirror to tie her bright blonde hair in a ponytail. As she did though, her belly really accentuated itself. She was skeptic, but it seemed as thought it was getting...bigger? Staci wasn't quite sure. She placed her hairbrush back on the table and lifted her silk pajama top. Her belly was huge. Perfectly round and puffy. Staci poked it with her finger, and her finger just squished right into her belly. She felt bubbly and bloated. A very airy feeling filled her whole body. She felt light as air almost. Staci couldn't believe her eyes. Her belly expanded larger and larger. Staci pulled her silk top down over her giant belly, shocked to see it barely covered it. Her silk pajama top clung extremely tight against her growing mass of a belly. Staci felt dizzy and unbalanced. The new weight of her expending belly made her legs wobble. But soon enough, she felt a bloated blast of air increase in her thighs. That bloating rush of air filled her thighs nicely. Her silk pajama bottoms began to feel tight. Staci squeezed her ass tightly. Slowly but surely the strange feeling spread itself throughout her butt. Her ass expended so gracefully, shapely as ever with an extreme increase in volume. Her butt jiggled as it increased to the size of two basketballs drooping sexily off her well bloated thighs. All this did not take any attention away from her belly, which bloated massively. Staci was positively shocked. She rubbed her hands on her belly, soothing the raging air inside. Her skin stretched to contain the air inside. Her pajamas began to feel so tight. Her abdomen swelled up with air as well, making her front end very rounded. The only obscurity being her gloriously round bottom. Staci's legs wobbled to support her swelling body. So much air was being pumped in every part of her body. Staci felt lighter and lighter. The air inside her was swelling her up like a balloon. Staci's curious mind tried to process everything at once, but so much was going on! Her pajama top lifted, revealing her belly button. Her belly was simply too massive to be contained by her tight, silk pajama top. So it slowly began lifting off her body. "Oh my gosh..." Staci whispered under her breath as she squished her slowly expanding ass. She wobbled towards the door, carefully balancing herself so she would not fall over. Her thighs were so full, it made movement hard. Staci tried to reach the door, but the air filled her too fast. She felt the air swell up inside her breasts. Sure enough, the already massive mounds of cleavage expended into sexier and fuller spheres. Her boobs became globe sized, testing the strength of her pink pajamas. Staci wished so dearly that the pajamas would just rip off. The tight feeling was unbearable. She squished her own breasts, trying to get a sense of what was happening. She could almost feel the air expending her cleavage to giant proportions. Staci felt her body all over, everything just swelling up beneath her finger tips. Her crotch expended so larger, it made her look like a pear. It squished itself against the floor, Staci's eyes wide with surprise. Her legs began to split farther apart, the massive mound of air in-between them swelling faster. Staci felt so full, like she was about to pop. She couldn't comprehend how her body was able to swell up so large. Her vagina squished against the floor, causing her spherical body to stretch taller. This potion was her punishment. Her legs were swelled into her own thighs, which were no longer even thighs. Her back had swelled out to match her immense belly. She was a complete sphere aside from the wriggling hands and feet, her gigantic boobs, and her head, blonde hair contrasting beautifully with the bright pink, overstretched silk pajamas. Staci looked back and forth across her body. She felt the expending gasses continue their process, her belly button lunged outward from her sphere of a body. She teetered back and forth slowly on her own crotch, witch felt painfully sensitive from its overstretched size. She wiggled her hands and screamed for help, but her body was so large, her head had halfway sunk into her body, covering her mouth. Her bright blue eyes were filled with worry. The smell of bubble gum filled to room. The scent was strong. This is what she had become. A big pink bubble. Her skin felt tighter. The silk pajamas were ripping. The air inside of her was determined to see how big she could fill up. Her boobs were enormous fleshy mounds atop her globe body. Her cleavage filled faster and faster. The air inside Staci was so great, it had begun to lift her upwards. Staci let out a muffled scream as her spherical body lifted off the ground and bounced on the ceiling. No longer was she teetering upon her own crotch. Staci's eyes showed how worried she was. She couldn't feel like she could fill much more. Would she pop? If she didn't pop, how will she get down? What will her parents say? If Minerva could see her now... Staci knew she was beaten. Minerva had known she would fail. What a witch. Staci was now an overstretched bubble girl, floating in her bedroom. Will anyone save her? Will she ever be the same again? Staci couldn't resist the potion. This was her doing. Minerva had warned Staci that the results may not be to her liking. Staci enjoyed that bubble gum potion. It was made to please. And Staci wasn't sure to be pleased or not by her new shape. Had Staci overcome her curiosity, she may not be the chewing gum bubble girl she is now.
gas, self inflation, uncontrolled, willing
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Kate shivered slightly with excitement as she pulled the canister from its hiding place under her bed. She'd been waiting for a moment like this to use it, and now that it was here, she felt butterflies in her stomach. It was for good reason, though; Paul would soon be over. And when he was, she wanted him to see her at her very best. She had always been a slender girl, and her transition from girl to woman to functional member of society had not laid any excess flesh on her spare frame. Kate was too proud to submit herself to plastic surgery, and besides, large breasts would look out of place on her skinny torso. Her friends moaned about every calorie they consumed and envied Kate's waifish figure, but she too envied them for their feminine curves. The canister promised to be something to end all that. She'd bought it at a live demonstration, where it was touted as a way to transform unassuming women into, well... bigger women. Bustier, hippier, just all-around more, Kate had seen the woman on stage subtly plump up and then had been one of the first in line to buy the product. The canister itself wasn't very large, about the size of a football, with a mask to go over her mouth. According to the instructions, just a few breaths would be enough to effect the change she wanted, which would last several hours before the gas naturally leached out of her body. But for those few hours, she would have a shape she'd only dreamed of in the past. The pamphlet included with the gas had been written by someone who knew of its intended purpose, and made no mistakes about its contents. There were several paragraphs about safety precautions (a complex chart detailing the maximum safe consumption in a 24-hour period, based on height and weight) and recommended use in indoor and outdoor areas. Kate glossed over the words, her mind fixated on the way the demonstration model had filled out her clothing, imagining her own body filling the same way. According to the directions, she was better off putting on her clothing now in an uninflated state and letting herself grow into them than she would be trying to put clothes on over her new curves. This would be Kate's fourth date with Paul, and the plan was that they would go to a fancy restaurant. She had a dress all lined up for this: a slim number in green, with thin straps over the shoulders. Ordinarily, such a dress would just hang on her, as indeed it did when she pulled it over her head. It wouldn't stay that way for long. She went back to the directions and placed the mask portion over her mouth and sucked at the air within until it stuck over her lips and cheeks, then turned the small valve on the bottle. She kept her mouth shut and breathed through her nose as she held the mask to her face, allowing the mask to pressurize. Kate silently counted to ten while the mask filled, trembling with anticipation. On "ten," she turned the valve off, letting none of the gas escape. With a slight smile, she took a deep breath through her mouth, feeling the thick gas surge down her throat, into her lungs... and beyond. A feeling of warmth passed through her, and she felt an immediate change. Her breasts grew from mere bumps on her chest to full, ripe orbs, rounding up and out. Her hips crept outwards to the sides as her thighs and rear swelled. Kate breathed in again, taking in all the gas from the mask. She felt her entire body shifting and making room as again her curves expanded. The dress slid about her as her body grew, showing off her newly ample cleavage and hugging her rounded rear. "Oh, my God!" she whispered, dropping the bottle on her bed. She held her new bosom in her hands and squeezed her firm breasts with delight. She felt a warm thrill gathering within her, and she rubbed a hand down her side, reveling in how her arm moved out, then in, then out again along her curvaceous form. To Hell with the recommendations about the clothes; she had to see herself in the mirror before Paul did. Kate picked up the canister and took it with her into her bathroom, then pulled the dress off over her head and hung it on the towel rack. She didn't recognize herself: her face was now atop a buxom woman's body, with large breasts and curvy hips; but it was undeniably her, with all her freckles and the tiny scars of life. She looked down, past her breasts, and saw a small belly pooching out from her midsection. It was almost inconsequential compared to the rest of her, but it was definitely new... and something she wasn't prepared for. "That model must have been wearing a corset or something under her clothes," she muttered. "She sure didn't get chubbier during the demonstration." The warm flush that had filled her from the moment she breathed in the gas was still there. In fact, now that the rush of actually inflating was over, she felt it growing stronger. It was hardly uncomfortable, but it was definitely noticeable, and she didn't want any further distractions while she was with Paul tonight. "Maybe a shower would help me calm down," she thought. In a moment she was in warm, steamy water. The steam was soothing, and she leaned against the wall, letting the water run down her. Kate closed her eyes, reveling in the feeling of the warm water running down her skin. She cupped a breast in one hand, using the other to gently caress her new fullness. Her thumb trailed around her suddenly-erect nipple, and she felt another flush of heat building within her, accompanied by--did something move? Kate thought for a moment that her hand had twitched, but she opened her eyes and saw that, no, her nipple had slid under her hand as her beasts began to plump again. Instead of becoming fuller and pendulous, they were filling up like balloons, becoming rounder and more spherical. That heat was building, too, and she felt slightly light-headed. She could feel her hip pressing against the wall more insistently as more and more skin came into contact with it; her thighs and waistline were swelling once more as well. She gasped at the thought that she was still growing, inhaling in a lungful of wet, steamy air, and felt the gas within her surge just a bit. This heat, she thought. I can't pass out in the shower. I might fall and hurt myself. She grabbed for the shower's temperature control and yanked it over to the right, then reached up and grasped the shower head pipe for support as the water quickly turned from hot to tepid to downright freezing. The shock of the sudden cold brought her to her senses, and even as she stood in the spray she could feel her body's new growth slowing, stopping, and actually reversing a little. Her breasts shrank back slightly, and her bellyβ€”bigger now than it had been before stepping into the showerβ€”receded. She realized that this reversal had to be something to do with the cold water, so she tipped her head back and drank deeply from the shower, feeling the coolness plunging down her throat and into her stomach. Sure enough, her body slimmed down as she drank. She stopped after a few moments, feeling the water slosh in her now-only-slightly pudgy belly, then turned off the shower. She stood there for a minute, trying hard to pay attention to any more signs of a change in her size, but for the moment she seemed to be safe. What the hell had that been? Why hadn't there been a warning? She quickly toweled off and looked at herself in the mirror. She was bigger than she'd been when she got into the shower, and while large breasts were always in demand, the way the rest of her had bulked up was somewhat unwelcome. She knew Paul would notice, and then what could she possibly say to explain? Actually, forget Paul; she thought she might be too big to wear anything in her closet that would work on a date night. The green dress was right out. She returned to her bedroom and found the instructional pamphlet that had come with the gas. She hadn't over-indulged, so that wasn't the problem... What could have caused her to start blowing up in the shower? Near the bottom, in the standard safety fine print that most household products have, she discovered something interesting. "Store in a cool or room-temperature place at all times," it read, with a special emphasis on the last three words. Certainly the inside of the human body was warmer than room temperature. Does that mean they'd known about this? Had the demonstration been a trick somehow, with the model taking a smaller dose than was suggested in the instructions? Kate felt cheated, lied to. She felt a rush of anger, which only grew stronger when she noticed that the heat of her frustration was causing the gas' expansion to kick in yet again. She stormed back into the shower and stood under the cool water, simmering. Truth be told, blowing up like this had felt good, but she just couldn't allow it tonight. Was the blame on the liars who hadn't disclosed the full effects of the gas, or on her for not trying the gas out before her big night? Maybe it was a little of both, and she felt a twinge of shame for being less than completely careful. There was no way out, then. She'd have to cancel her date until she could figure out how long this growth lasted, and how to mitigate the side effects of heat on the gas inside her. She turned off the shower and dried off, this time paying attention to how her thighs and belly slowly crept outwards even in the ambient warmth of the bathroom while she did so. She called up Paul and put on a nasal voice, claiming that she must have picked up a bug at work and was feeling under the weather. She'd surely be feeling better in a day or two, three tops, and was so sorry that she had to cancel their date. Paul sounded disappointed, and they promised that they'd meet up again when she was over it. That done, Kate lay back on her bed and stretched, letting her whole body air out. She'd continued inflating slowly but surely while she'd been on the phone. Her new-found belly in particular refused to stay down, steadily increasing her waistline along with her formerly slender hips. When she was younger, she'd secretly wondered what it would be like to be fat. But that was just daydreaming, and she'd decided that she rather liked the way she looked and felt as a thin person better than the possible risks of an unhealthy lifestyle...but maybe now, and with her whole night suddenly free...? She looked over at the canister, unconsciously cradling her midsection with her arms. Oh, what the hell. She reached for the mask and repeated the process, breathing in a single maskful of the gas. As before, the change was immediate and gradual, but this time she was lying down nude instead of wearing her dress. Her breasts quivered and rose dome-like from her chest before tipping to her sides. When they did, Kate had a perfect view of her belly steadily heaving upwards, her sides pushing out to accompany the sudden expansion within her. She felt more than saw her hips rush to her left and right, and her thighs pushed together until her legs began spreading of their own accord. She arched her back, grabbing at her buttocks as she felt them swelling underneath her hands into a roundness that met her hips and then some. She stretched downward, feeling her own ass becoming rounder and softer in her grasp, then they were just too big, the lower reaches of her cheeks out of arms' reach but still filling. Kate sighed as her rear end escaped her hands. Feeling her own body growing like this was more than just a new sensation, it was downright stimulating. With a devilish smile, she gave up on trying to reach her butt and brought a hand around to her front, only to be thwarted by her own belly, which had spread her waistline up and out so far that she was unable to reach around to pleasure herself. Damn! Kate thought, I got too big to even masturbate properly! The very idea was ludicrous, but it had just happened. The thought of getting so huge, so quickly, hadn't even occurred to her; she hadn't actually thought that this would be such a turn-on until it was happening, and by then it was too late to do anything about. Next time, she would have to be better prepared. And there would be a next time, she decided. Her growth seemed to have subsided, so Kate allowed herself to relax and explore her new contours with her hands, at least what she could reach of them. She tried to raise her legs to see what they looked like now, but could only lift them what felt like a few inches before colliding with the underside of her roundness. Was she really that big now, or were her legs so much larger around that she couldn't move them that far? She couldn't even see them, but she wiggled her toes and rubbed one foot along her other leg's calf, feeling her thighs rub together almost all the way down to her knee as she did so. She stretched out with her hand, creeping up the mountain of her belly. She could feel her belly button with her finger, up at the hidden summit, almost completely an arms' length away. She noted with a smile that her arms hadn't been spared the inflation that had overtaken her legs, though nothing that seemed to impede her mobility. Aside from the rest of her body getting in the way, that is. Kate contentedly cradled a breast in one elbow as she continued to rub the upper reaches of her belly with the other hand. She wondered why she'd never heard of this before, even with all the horrible click-bait websites she tended to visit. It was so weird, and yet so amazing, that surely somebody would have talked about it. She was lost in thoughts like these when her phone rang. She briefly considered letting it go to voicemail, but in the end she fumbled for it on the nightstand. It was Paul... Shit. "Hello?" she asked on answering it. "I told you, I'll be fine. I just need a day or two in bed and I'll be feeling better." That, at least, was true, even though she was actually feeling just fine right now. "I felt bad that we had to cancel our reservation at the restaurant," Paul said. "And with you feeling under the weather, I figured that you could at least use a good meal. So I'm going to pick up some soup for you and we'll have a night in and watch a movie. What do you say?" "I..." Kate stumbled for a moment. "I don't want you to see me like this," she said with complete truthfulness. "But thank you." "Well, tell you what," he said. "I'll just grab the soup and bring it over, and if you still don't feel like having company, I'll head home so you can get your beauty rest." Damn, damn, damn. She really liked Paul, she really did, but how could she make sure he didn't come over without pushing him away? "I think I'll try to fall asleep now, actually," she said with a grimace. That was an awful excuse, and she knew it. "I'm not taking no for an answer," Paul replied. "I'll be at your place in half an hour. See you there!" He hung up before she could even get in another word. This was bad. They'd have to have a talk about boundaries and no meaning no, but he probably thought he was being sweet by bringing a meal to his sick lady friend. One currently in that tempestuous point in a potential relationship where they had to consider making things long-term, no less. That didn't stop the fact that he was going to be over in less than thirty minutes and she was so huge and oh God what could she do!? A moment of panic took her, and she felt her body shift and expand just a bit with the heat of her embarrassment. Heat again... That was it! She'd have to get as cold as possible before he showed up, and maybe that would shrink her down to a size that she could at least conceal for the moment she opened the door and took Paul's soup delivery before sending him on his way. It was a crazy plan, but as they said in poorly written short stories, it just might work. Kate had to push to roll herself out of bed, feeling the gas within her belly briefly force its way to other parts of her body as she put her weight on it. Knowing that she could at least compress herself was something of a relief, because as she eyed the doorway to the hall she seriously thought that she might be too big to get through easily. Now that she was standing, she felt her belly actually grow slightly smaller as her ass took in some of the gas that had been pressed out of it while she was lying in bed. She experimentally tried to shove her way through the door, but her hips were too wide to clear the jamb, and she couldn't risk getting stuck. To think that an hour ago, she'd been such a thin girl, and now she was having trouble making it out of her own room! It was crazy. Now that her belly had shrunk after standing up, she was able to reach around it with both hands and lace her fingers together along the thickest part of her midsection. With a grunt, she pulled with both arms while leaning forward against the wall, forcing herself to squeeze the gas out of her immense front. She felt the change immediately. Her breasts swelled rapidly, blocking her arms from sight, and her thighs squeezed against one another even as they grew out to her sides. Panting with exertion, Kate managed to shuffle sideways through the door without scraping her knuckles. Even as she did so, she could feel her belly protesting as the exercise warmed her and the gas began to expand within her. With grim determination she continued to crab-walk down the short hall and into the bathroom, having something of a tougher time with that doorway as her rear decided to push into uncharted territories. Once fully in the bathroom, she released her grip and gasped as the pressure stabilized within her body. Her belly surged forward, knocking her arms away, and her breasts and hips shrank back. This was the first time since leaving the bathroom that Kate was able to see herself in the mirror, before taking that second hit from the inflating gas, and she was stunned. She had assumed that her body was filling up her breasts, hips, thighs, and ass while it was making her stomach expand outwards like a pregnancy, but this went further than that. Instead of giving her a massive paunch, her lower body had expanded to accept the girth of her belly, rounding out her entire torso from her bustline to her groin. Her hips and ass still flared out to the sides and rear from that globe, her thighs thick cones that tapered down at her kneeline with slightly bulging calves beneath them. Her belly button was no longer along herβ€”well, her "equator" might be an accurate termβ€”and it pointed up slightly with the majority of the gas pushing her body out of shape below. Kate didn't know how long she was lost in staring at her own reflection, and it was with a start that she realized that she had begun blowing up yet again after her exercise in pushing her way through the doors. Her breasts were nearly spherical and managed to give her cleavage without even being restrained in a bra, and she could actually see her thighs expanding, what little space remaining between them disappearing. Seeing herself in the mirror made Kate realize that there was no way she could hide her inflation. She turned back to look down the hall into her bedroom, where her phone remained on the nightstand, but she knew that she'd never be able to shove through the doors a second time. She did, however, see the thermostat controls. Thank God for central air. She was able to easily reach the air conditioning settings and press the Down arrow until the digital control beeped angrily. She wondered what the lower limit on it was, and then wondered how bad her next electric bill would be. There was no time for that, though. She was able to step into the shower without incident, though the curtain lay across her side once she shut it. For the third time tonight, she stood under the freezing rain from the shower head, feeling herself shrinking even as she shivered. How small could she make herself? She'd only had two servings of the gas, so the gas itself couldn't be taking up that much room in her. Whatever it was doing to her, though, was causing her to blow up more than sheer air pressure. But if she could control it somehow through the temperature, that was a good sign. After ten minutes under the frigid water, she satisfied herself that she wasn't going to get any smaller and turned the shower off. The air in the room was downright cold, though the AC was still working hard to bring the temperature down, and she steeled herself against the chill when she got out. Shivering was the body's natural reaction to chill as it worked to produce heat, and she tried her hardest to keep herself from doing so. She saw in the mirror that she had slimmed down quite a bit, though that was of course relative to her previous size. Now she merely seemed like a fat woman you might see every day walking down the street, though her "fat" was strangely light, making her round instead of obeying gravity and hanging down. Perhaps she more resembled a plus-size model who was also pregnant. She looked more or less like a normal person could look, yes, but she didn't look like herself and she knew it. She'd still have to find a way to cover up. Moving slowly to stay cool, she walked to the bedroom (passing the doorways with ease, she noted with some amusement) and to her closet. She needed to wear something that was large enough to cover her body without being thick enough to warm her up too much. Unfortunately, the majority of her baggy clothing was also hot. Sweatshirts were right out, as was the fluffy robe she always wore when she actually had a cold. With some patient digging, she discovered a huge t-shirt that she must have bought for some early-90s-themed party. She put it on and decided that it would work to conceal her gut if she was careful not to stand sideways, though the neckline might be a little too revealing for comfort considering her new breast size. If she didn't wear a bra, though, they might stay down and out of sight. As if she even owned a bra that would fit now, anyway. Now for the rest of her... Kate found an old pair of underwear, not caring that the elastic popped as she slipped the waistband over her hips. She'd still have to cover her thighs and sizable rear. Actually, maybe she didn't! Near the back of the closet, she found a thin robe. It wouldn't be silk, but it was lightweight and would hang down to near the floor when she wore it. She put it on and cinched the belt around her, not liking the way it accentuated her bulging belly. She was either still too big, or she wasn't cold enough. With that thought in mind, she went into the kitchen and took out several ice packs from the freezer. Thanks to her pack-rat nature and a former boyfriend who had believed that delivered flowers made up for his lack of empathy, she had a rather impressive stockpile of frozen packs. She looked at the clock; Paul had called twenty-five minutes ago. She slipped one small icepack under each breast, which were still large enough to hold the packs in place. She opened the robe and placed two more packs against her belly, using the robe's belt to hold them in place. She held one more thoughtfully, then slipped it down the back of her underwear to chill her rear. She stood for the moment with the freezer door open, letting the cold air run down her neckline as the ice worked its magic against her body. She sighed with relief as she felt her belly reducing in size, and pulled the belt tighter to keep the ice packs from falling out. She shut the freezer door and gave herself a once-over, noticing with relief that her breasts and ass were noticeably smaller, though her nipples were standing at full attention from the cold and pressing against the thin material of the robe. There was a knock at the door. Kate realized that this was the moment of truth. She had to convince Paul to go away without hurting his feelings. She went over to the door and looked out the peephole; it was Paul, who looked a little nervous standing on his own with a cardboard container in one hand and a Redbox DVD in the other. He was wearing jeans and a decent shirt; obviously he'd changed out of something else once Kate had canceled their restaurant date. Kate took a few deep breaths, even now feeling heat from her nerves starting to counteract all she'd done to slim down. She opened the door, staying careful to remain standing behind the door to hide herself, then smiled in what she hoped was a convincing impression of mild disease. "Hi, Paul," she said. "I'm sorry you came all this way, but I think I'd like to be alone tonight. Thanks for the soup, it was very nice of you." She took the container from him. "It's hot and sour from the Chinese place a couple of blocks away," Paul said. "I find that the little hole-in-the-wall mom and pop places tend to have the best comfort food, and that soup always blasts away my sinuses whenever I'm feeling congested." "I'll make sure to have some later," Kate continued. "I was just going to go to sleep, so I'll have to pass on the movie, but we'll have to do this some other time when we're both feeling better." She could feel her breasts inching up as she lied, and her midsection tightened against the robe's belt with the heat from the soup radiating into her. "You're welcome," he answered, but then frowned. "I have to say, Kate, it's freezing in there. Are you sure you're okay?" "I'll be fine," she said. "You know how it is with colds. One minute you're shivering, and the next you're roasting and turning the air on." "Yeah, but..." he raised a hand and pressed the back of it against her forehead before she could react. "You're actually cold and you're sweating! I think this is worse than just a cold." "Paul, I'm going to go to bed and then I'll be fine," Kate began, but Paul stepped into the apartment. If she'd held the door firm and refused to let him in, maybe he would have gotten the message and left without any hard feelings. But he was convincing himself of being The Protector for a woman he was trying to woo, and so he slipped inside and made his way to the thermostat. "You have this set for sixty degrees!" he said. "No wonder you're so cold. That can't possibly be good for you." He turned the air conditioning off and turned back to her "Paul, please," she said, holding the soup in front of her in both hands to keep it from contacting her body. "I'm asking you to go." For the first time, Paul realized that he had intruded on Kate's privacy, perhaps overstepping her bounds so much that their nascent relationship was done for. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have..." He picked a fleece blanket up from the couch and draped it around Kate's shoulders. "You are very cold, though. I'll leave. ...Maybe you can call me in a few days?" "All right," Kate said. "I'm not holding this against you, but I just want to be by myself now." "You got it," he answered. He tucked the blanket around Kate again, trapping her arms (and the soup) against her chest. "I hope you feel better." He leaned forward and hugged her, then kissed her lightly on the forehead. The blanket, the burning hot coal of the soup against her chest, and now this... it was too much. Kate could feel herself swelling, her belly straining against the robe's belt before the belt slipped upward, freeing her growth. Her breasts were unrestricted, growing until they pressed against the heavy, hot container with such force that she was sure she would be able to take her hands off it and it would remain in place, pinched by the sheer pressure of them. That heat, in turn, only encouraged their growth. Her belly rushed forward within the baggy t-shirt, pushing the blanket out of the way and pressing against Paul, making him take a step backwards. "What's happening to you?" he asked, his eyes wide. Kate spun around in embarrassment. "Just go, please!" she cried. "I don't want you to see me like this!" Even as she did, she could feel her hips and butt filling once again. It was sure to be noticeable from behind even under the blanket, especially now that Paul's full attention was on her. "Like... Like what? I don't know what's... Has this happened before?" "I'll be fine," she bit back, feeling tears of shame welling behind her eyes. If she had to look at him again, if she saw his face, she knew that he would be surprised, maybe even disgusted at what was happening to her. How could he possibly understand? "Just shut the door on your way out." Kate heard Paul shut the door, but he spoke up again. "If you're trying to hide some part of yourself from me, you don't have to." His voice was distant. She snuck a peek over her shoulder; he was facing away from her, making sure she knew that he wasn't watching. His voice was shaking. "If this is something I... we... have to deal with if we're going to be together, I'd like you to know that we can talk about it. Maybe it'll be too much for me to handle, but that's my problem, not yours. But whatever my reaction is, that's on me. So can we try to deal with it?" Kate sagged slightly. Paul thought that this was something she did all the time, maybe on her own, like an allergic reaction. He didn't know that it was because she'd been playing around, trying to impress him. And yet he was still trying to make things work between them. She could admire him for that, and now the feeling in her eyes was for tears not of embarrassment, but of gratitude. "All right," she said, turning back around. She let the blanket fall the the floor. "Get your eyeful, and we'll figure out if it's too much for us." Paul turned back to her and stopped, mouth open in astonishment. Kate supposed that she must be an amazing sight, even without the romantic problems involved. Her belly pushed out hugely, almost as big as it had been during her struggle to get to the shower. The belt of the robe was hitched under her breasts, still holding the ice packs, and the shirt was riding up as well. The packs under her breasts were still there, sandwiched between the globes of her chest and the increasing sphere of her lower half. From the elastic tension around her hips, Kate knew that her thighs and butt were continuing to grow. The ice pack down her underwear still seemed to be working a little, even though she could feel it was now being held vertically between her cheeks instead of flat in the seat. The carton of soup was encased in her breasts, held firmly as they continued to inflate. She lowered her hands from it to place them on either side of her belly, and sure enough, the container remained against her chest. "What the hell?" Paul asked incredulously. Kate sighed. "I did something stupid, and I'm getting bigger. I don't know how big I'll get. It shouldn't be for very long, and once it's over I'll go back to normal, and I'm not going to do it again." Maybe. Paul reached out a shaking hand. "How do you feel? Can I touch you?" Kate looked down. "It feels... really good. But look at me! I can't be this way!" Paul's fingers lightly touched the farthest point of her belly, a spot below Kate's belly button that she was unable to reach herself. "If you like it, and it's not hurting anyone, maybe there's no reason why you should stop. Is this why it was so cold in here?" She nodded. "The cold...seemed to hold it back. But when you came in, with the soup, and the blanket, and..." And the kiss, she wanted to say, but instead finished with "and everything, I just couldn't keep it in." And she was still growing, Kate knew. She wondered how much bigger she'd be right now without the ice packs against her skin, not that they seemed to be doing much good now. "I'm sorry," he said. "If I'd known, I..." he licked his lips. "But you didn't want me to know. And I pushed my way in here and forced this on you. Maybe I should go." He reached for the door. "Wait," Kate said. "Before you do, tell me: could you ever see me again, now that you've seen me like this?" She reached under the shirt, under her breasts and with some difficulty pulled out the ice packs. They clattered on the floor where she dropped them. Paul turned back to her. There was a strange look in his eyes that she didn't recognize. "Honestly," he said, "I'm going to have trouble looking at any other woman ever again." Kate laughed, but he continued. "I think this is...amazing. I liked you for you before, and now seeing this... I don't know why, but it's incredibly sexy. And watching you grow just now was possibly the most incredible thing I've ever seen." He placed his hands against her, reaching around her body to take both her hands on either side of the globe in front of her. "You're still getting bigger now, aren't you? Your tits, your legs, your stomach... You're still swelling up." Now she recognized that look. It was that of someone being confronted with a wish they hadn't dared hope to express. She was shocked at this realization. That he was willing to accept what was happening to her was astonishing enough, but that he was actively interested in it was just too much. "Yes," she whispered, and that was when a tortured pop came from her chest. Her breasts had been squeezing against the carton of soup all this time, and at this moment the plastic lid flew off, hot liquid gushing out to wash over her entire front, plastering the shirt to her breasts where they weren't already straining at the material. "Aah!" she bellowed. "It's so hot, itβ€”Aaaaah...!" Actually, the soup hadn't been hot enough to hurt. Most of the heat seemed to have been lost in the struggle between the ice packs under her breasts and the carton between them. But it was still quite warm, warmer than her first shower of the day, and her second shout had been at the sudden surge of growth as the gas in her body expanded again. "Kate!" shouted Paul. He moved around to her side and pulled the broken soup carton out from between her breasts. There was still a good amount left, though it trailed through cracks in the cardboard and ran down her body. He put the stricken container in the sink and turned back to watch her grow, seemingly at a loss of what to do. The force against the robe's belt was finally too much for it, and the lazy knot she had tied gave way. The ice packs it had held slipped down to join the others on the floor, and her belly swelled outwards, downwards, upwards... it seemed every part of her was trying to outdo itself now, and she was shocked by the severity and speed at which she was suddenly rendered almost immobile by the forces within her. It didn't hurt, and there was no feeling of pressure (pleasure, yes), but the sheer size of her thighs and the rest of her body were nearly pinning her in place. The globe of her front was coming down towards her legs, her thighs pressed against one another, and her mighty ass, nearly forgotten, was pushing her legs forward as it swelled downwards. Kate tottered forward a few delicate paces, then stopped. "Paul, please," she said. "I need you to get me to the couch, and then clean this off of me. And then cool me down again." She felt him take her arm with one hand and place the other between her shoulders. "All right," he said. "Let's just stay calm, and we'll get this soup cleaned up." He half-pushed, half-led her to the couch. Her legs at this point wouldn't bend enough to allow her to sit, so he leaned her against the edge until she rolled up into it. As on the bed, her rear was squeezed by the act of her weight pressing down on it, and the gas began to move to her other inflated parts, causing them to bulge and expand even more. Paul peeled the robe and shirt off of her, then went off to the bathroom, leaving Kate alone. Kate felt ridiculous and helpless, trapped in this giant inflated bag that she had become, but it was also somehow thrilling. It still felt amazing, and she considered that if it hadn't been preceded by the frustration and humiliation of trying to hide it, she would be very much enjoying this. Preferably alone, and preferably with some way to touch herself... all over. But, gauging from Paul's reaction, maybe they'd be able to give this another try. She'd like that. She closed her eyes allowed herself a small smile, when she felt something slap between her breasts and slither over them. She opened her eyes in surprise and saw Paul rubbing her chest down with a wet washcloth from the linen cabinet, a bowl of soapy water in the other hand. "Look, this might be crude," Paul said, "and it might be the wrong time to say it. But doing this, touching you this way, is getting me so goddamned hard." His hand guided the cloth into the crevice under one exaggerated breast. She felt him caress her breastβ€”he probably thought he was being subtleβ€”and suppressed a shiver of pleasure, feeling dull heat rise slightly within her. "Oh, yeah?" Kate said, closing her eyes again. "Keep talking." He leaned over her, this time with a dry towel to catch any water before it trickled down her massive body onto the couch. "Your body, filling up like that, it was so... 'Erotic' is the only word I can think of for it. You were getting bigger and bigger, pushing out, getting rounder and rounder. You were out of control, afraid of yourself and what you might do, but you wanted to see how far you could go." The soapy washcloth ran across her belly, slick and warm, the touch of it against her skin so tantalizing that she rolled her head back and sighed quietly. She could feel herself growing as her pulse quickened, and she knew that he could see it. "You still want to be bigger, rounder, more. And the thought that you're not alone, but that you have someone by your side who wants to see you do it, who gets so much pleasure out of watching it..." He stopped, and his breathing grew ragged for a second. Over the next several minutes, the wet cloth slid down her side, around her front, and back up the other side. His hands moved in circles, ostensibly to clean her, but it had the effect of the most sensual massage she had ever had on skin that had never felt more sensitive. He gently rubbed at her body until she was smooth and soft and clean again, buffing her impossibly inflated form with the towel like a museum curator polishing a delicate marble goddess, not just out of care but with something approaching reverence. All the while she had felt the heat building and her body still somehow swelling in reaction. "Paul," she whispered, flailing blindly out with one hand. He took it and moved around to her side so she could see him. "Yes?" "Do you really think that this... that I'm what you want?" He leaned forward, bending over her to bring his face next to hers. "I never realized it could exist, but now that I do, I don't want anything or anyone else." She could feel him slightly resting on her, his weight pushing against the gas making her so huge, the hard poke of his excitement against her skin throbbing rhythmically with his pulse. Kate smiled. "There's... a canister with a mask on my bed. Go get it, and the instructions." She licked her lips nervously. "Let's see how much I can take." He laughed, then pushed against her enough to kiss her. "
Female Inflation
Hourglass Inflation
We sit together on the couch now. The date is over, has been for a good thirty minutes. She smiles, I laugh. We talk. I can tell that we are going somewhere though... brushing hands, we giggle, then brush some more. She is beautiful, and I am moved as she pulls near, and we embrace for a long passionate kiss. Her lips are full and moist. It is both long and sweet. She pulls away presently. We both gaze into one another's eyes, and she decides to break the silence. From her purse she pulls a pink, rectangular package, breaking it open with her long and elegeant fingers. "Oh I love bubble gum..." She moans. "I can't do without it! Want some?" I find this strange, decline. Her eyes sparkle as she tears each package open with crimson nails and pops each pink cube into her mouth, chewing slowly. It is strangely seductive... I gaze once more at her body as she chews, my eyes traveling the length of her full figure. "How lucky I am..." Echoes in my brain. Round, firm breasts rise and fall with each breath. Sleek, round thighs brush lightly against me, vinyl clad... she has definitely taken to the "Jenny McCarthy" look, I think offhandedly. She twists her blond head toward me again and laughs. "MMM... I wuv vis stuff" She giggles around the mouthful of gum. "I have a twick to show you!" I can only murmur as she gathers herself together and works her lips, thrusting her pink coated tongue between them. She begins to blow, and a bubble slowly takes shape. Her cheeks puff out and she begins to take air in through her nose, breathing in as she blows the bubble larger. It soon eclipses her nose. She still blows it larger. She smiles and I can hear the rushing of air. Into the bubble? Her rhythmic breathing and puffing continues and she closes her eyes. Smiling. I hear air still rushing and I take notice for the first time. Her shirt, already far from loose upon her curvaceous frame has grown tighter. Her chest rises and falls, but with each breath seems to pulse and expand... The shirt grows tighter, but the bubble still grows. I glance down upon her lower body and see that her pants hug her ever tighter, growing shinier and showing the appearance of stretch lines along the seams, but she still blows... I am entranced by the display, as her waist seems to cinch in proportion to the upper and lower bodies growing rounder by the minute... It is incredible. She is now sporting possibly the world's sexiest hourglass figure and takes my wrist, placing it upon her thigh. I can feel the fabric pulsate and beneath my hands, her body now feels taut and I stroke her, excited by her expanding figure. She continues to blow the bubble, and it now towers over her face as she inclines her head to give her more room... It bounces lightly against her lips and hovers inches above her inflating bosom... The effect is hypnotic. Suddenly she throws her eyes open, suprise written upon her face... Her rhythm seems to be slightly out of sync, and she throws her hands up to her torso, rubbing them along it, pounding upon it, trying desperately to stop her intake of air... She has expanded further, in danger of slipping from the couch by her round, slickly clad buttocks... As she strokes herself, I can hear moans of... pleasure? Coming from her. Her taut skin hums as I put my head next to it. She grows bigger still as the bubble grows... She blows harder and harder, hoping to pop the bubble, but her inflation accelerates... I can do nothing but watch as the bubble grows and grows and grows... I can hear a testing of seams, rubbery sounds issuing from her now incredibly round thighs... She blows and blows and blows and... POP!
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
Charles looked at his watch. It was almost midnight. The last customer came by shortly after dinner. That's what I get for working late shift at a fill up station, he thought. He picked up a magazine and started reading. Halfway through the first article the bell rang, signifying a customer. He looked up. Stepping out of a beat up chevy was probably the tallest woman he had ever seen, taller even then him. She had flowing blonde hair that came down to her petite waist, and her short mini-skirt revealed almost all of her shapely legs. The thought of a Norse valkyrie flashed through his mind. He watched her sway as she approached the door. Her nipples protruded from her pert breasts visibly beneath her tank top. She opened the door and walked in. "Excuse me. I seem to have a flat. Can you help me?" She cooed. "There's an air hose around the side, by the bathroom," Charles replied, still staring at her petite breasts. She turned around and walked out the door, heading toward the bathroom. Charles sighed, then did a double take. She had walked to the bathroom, leaving her car in front of the station. He looked at her car. All the wheels seemed fine. Charles moved over to the side window to take a better look. He couldn't see anything but the air hose was on. He knew he wasn't supposed to leave the store, but curiosity got the better of him. He opened the front door, and walked around to where the female was. She was standing there, facing away from him, the air hose under her tank top. "Excuse me?" He asked. She spun around, and his jaw dropped. Her petite chest was now about the size of cantaloupes, stretching her tank top, and they were still growing. He just stood in awe as her breasts expanded larger, and larger. She grinned and licked her lips seductively. "Almost full," she exclaimed gleefully, as the fabric was stretched to near breaking point. Charles just stood there in amazement. Finally she pulled the air hose out, causing her to jump, and her breasts to bounce wildly. "Whoops, a little too much," she giggled. "How?" Was all Charles could manage to say. "Thanks a lot. You're a life saver," she said, pulling out a five dollar bill and handing it to him. He watched as she bounded back to her car. She glanced back, and waved, causing her body to quiver. Charles sighed as she got in to the car and drove off. He walked back inside, and sat down. He pulled out his wallet to put the bill in it, and then did a double take. Written on the bill was a name, and a phone number. He sighed. Sometimes it's good to work the night shift, he thought.
belly, breasts, helium, pump, stilleto, thighs
Female Inflation
Hourglass Inflation
"Ms. March, you have to lose weight. Your blood pressure is too high, your knee and hip joints are going to wear out and diabetes is almost guaranteed." That's what her family doctor had told her. She only came to see him about a sore throat, but Mandy March knew he was right. After all, she was 27, five foot nine, and she weighed 320 pounds. She had tried dieting. She had tried exercising. She had the best of intentions, but she didn't have the will power. She knew her only option was to leave willpower out of the weight-loss equation altogether with gastric bypass surgery. Mandy booked an appointment with a surgeon at a well known clinic. On a warm May Tuesday Mandy found herself in Doctor C.V. Wilde's clinic. Wilde was a well respected and experienced gastric surgeon. She sat in an overstuffed armchair across the mahogany desk from a trim and fit 50ish doctor with impeccable teeth and salt and pepper hair. His office was spare, but expensively furnished. "Ms. March," began Dr. Wilde, "you are a great candidate as patients go. You are still quite young, and your health, besides the elevated blood pressure, is good so far. Most of my patients come in after they've already had a health scare. You've made the right decision. We can schedule you in for the day after tomorrow." "I didn't think it would be so soon." Blurted Mandy. I thought there would be a long waiting list." "Normally there is. But, I have a feeling that if you delay, you're not going to allow yourself to go through with the surgery" said the doctor. "It shows, does it?" asked Mandy. The doctor continued "One precaution about the surgery, your gastrointestinal tract has to be completely clear to avoid straining on the stomach walls so that the sutures can heal properly. I'm giving you a prescription for a purgative. Drink one bottle tomorrow after lunch, and then no more food, only a maximum of 1 litre of water afterwards. During the recovery period you'll be limited to small amounts of a special low calorie, vitamin rich liquid diet that we will provide you with. This diet will last for six weeks, and then you can start introducing a few ounces of solid food at a time." "A few ounces?" asked Mandy. Dr. March's voice turned stern. "Do you want to live past 40? If you continue to mistreat yourself you won't." With a sobbing hitch in her voice, and a nod of her head Mandy agreed. "Yes doctor, I do." Ripping a leaf from his scrip pad, and handing it to her, Dr. Wilde said "I thought you would. Here's the prescription. We'll see you Thursday." Mandy walked out of the clinic into the warm sunshine, letting a gentle breeze ruffle her short red curls. She was resigned. She loved herself; this was why she had to do it. She would go through with it. She opened the door of her little silver Beetle convertible, sat down, smoothed her stylish pleated skirt and looked at herself in the rearview mirror. She started to think about how she got to this point in her life. She had lost both her parents to a drunk driver when she was 19. She was away at university studying archaeology at the time. Back then she was fit and trim, she even swam for the varsity team. A civil suit against the drunk driver had resulted in a multi-million dollar insurance payout, but it couldn't bring her parents back. She became depressed; she ate, shopped, and even indulged in reckless relationships that soured as she grew ever larger. All in an effort to fill the void left in her life that her missing parents had left behind. Even though obese, Mandy was stylish; attractive even, but large. Mandy had all her clothes professionally altered to fit her proportions. Her bras and tops were made special to contain her 56M cup breasts, her skirts and slacks were custom tailored for her size 32 hips, and she kept her hair and makeup impeccable in an effort to control the downward spiral of her emotions. She pulled out of the clinic parking lot into traffic and headed to a pharmacy that was on her way home. She walked up to the counter, unintentionally swaying her hips as she strode on her black stilettos. The pharmacist watched her approach like a glorious Viking long ship under full sail. He watched her ruby red lips part and noticed the tiny flecks of brown in her green eyes as she asked to have her prescription filled. "We have that in stock. It will take about ten minutes to fill. Will you wait, or would you like to come back later?" "I'll wait." Mandy replied. "Great." Said the pharmacist, "I'll call your name as soon as it's ready, Ms....uh...March." as he reddened a little in the ears. "Thank you." She purred. She new there were men who appreciated her form, and when she came across one, like the young pharmacist it made her feel a bit better, a bit more confident in herself as a woman and her sexuality. "Oh well," she thought, "after the surgery and I lose this weight, there will be many more men that will appreciate me." As she waited she would catch the pharmacist glancing her way as she strode around the store. She decided to take it up a notch. "The girls aren't going to be this impressive much longer, might as well have a little fun with them." She reasoned as she unbuttoned the top two buttons of her blouse, revealing a full, milky white bosom and the deep cleavage that had been hidden there. When the pharmacist called out her name, she threw her shoulders back, and made sure she swung her ever so voluptuous hips as she made her way up to the consultation booth. Fully entranced the pharmacist watched every jiggle and bounce of her body as she plowed forward. "Uh.. er.. uh..Your prescription Ms. March" Stammered the pharmacist as he held out the little white bag. "Why thank you." Mandy said as she brought her right hand up under her neck and let her polished red French tipped nails slide down from her jaw to curl around the right side of her collar just above her breast, then reached out with her left hand to lest it rest atop his just a moment before sliding her warm soft fingers over his to take the bag from him. "Thanks ever so much." She said, just a hint duskier this time. Then she spun on her heel, and gave him a view of her swaying backside and plump thighs as she sauntered out of the store. A soon as she got past the door, she couldn't help but giggle to herself all the way to her car. That was fun, she thought. After a fitful night's sleep Mandy woke just before 11 O' clock the next morning, climbed out of bed and made her way to the kitchen. "I'm going to make myself a farewell brunch!" She said to herself. Soon the kitchen was awash in the smell of coffee, bacon and eggs, French toast, and fruit salad with whipped cream. Forkful after forkful went into her mouth and she licked her fingers and even the plate when all was devoured. Resting her hands atop her bulging midriff, she laughed to herself, and then said "Hmm, might have overdone it a bit!" She walked to the refrigerator, opened the door and took out the clear liquid in the 250 ml glass bottle. She rotated the bottle in her hand to read the label. Caution: To be used only before surgical procedures! Must be taken in one drink. This medication may cause discomfort. Once taken, remain close to a toilet. "Oh great! Sounds like I'm going to be having a fun day." Mandy said sarcastically. She twisted the top of the bottle, took a whiff of the slightly citrus smelling liquid and said "Well, here goes nothing! Actually" she chuckled "here goes a lot of nothing!" Then she tipped the bottle to her lips and chugged it down. "Tastes sort of like extra fizzy ginger ale. I wonder how fast it works." And right on cue, a gurgle shook her turgid belly and she ran for the half bath off the kitchen. After spending hour upon hour making rapid trips to the bathroom eventually her stomach settled down, she even seemed to have lost an inch or two around her middle. I can't believe there was so much inside of me, she thought as she finally struggled exhausted into bed. Next morning at the clinic, she once again found herself in front of Dr. Wilde and a willowy blond nurse. "I wasn't entirely convinced you would come." He said. "After last night? I didn't go through that awful purgative for nothing!" Mandy responded. "So you're ready?" "Absolutely, doctor." "Good, nurse Kane here will get you prepped." "Follow me, please Ms. March." Said the blonde nurse. Mandy pried her bulging form out of the overstuffed armchair and followed the nurse down the hall to a surgery suite that looked more like a posh hotel room than something you would find in a hospital except for the operating table in the centre. "This isn't quite what I expected, said Mandy." "Well dear, you are paying top dollar for the best surgeon in the country. You didn't expect a military cot and a little black and white TV bolted to the wall did you? You'll have to get out of your clothes and into a surgical gown. You can put your clothes in that closet over there. I'll be back in ten minutes." Then she left Mandy in the room to undress, closing the solid oak door behind her. As Mandy undressed, she took a good look at herself in the full length mirror on the wall. She noticed that her thick thighs and bubble bum didn't have that rippled texture you see so often on big women. Her large dark nipples didn't point towards the floor, in spite of her heavy and full breasts. Her belly was taught and smooth, and had an appearance of ripeness instead of the flabby sway common to women of her girth. "No matter." She thought, "It will all soon be a distant memory." As she looked herself up and down in the mirror, she imagined deflating into a smaller version of herself. She pulled on the surgical gown. She was ready. This was going to happen. Nurse Kane knocked on the door, and then stepped into the room. "I see the gown is on. Good! Now, hop onto the table and I'll get you prepped." Mandy did as she was told, resting her head on the small but comfortable pillow there. As she lay there looking at the ceiling, nurse Kane walked behind her, pressed a button, and a panel slid away into the wall with a whoosh revealing a number of dials and hoses. "What are the hoses for?" Asked Mandy. "Didn't Dr. Wilde explain the procedure to you?" Asked Nurse Kane "No, I think he believed he would scare me off if I knew. It was probably a good decision." "Well, in a nutshell, this" She pointed to a thick clear hose, "is for the gas that puts you under, and is attached to the anesthetic mask. This hose", she picked up a narrow clear tubing "will inflate your abdomen with surgical grade helium so Dr. Wilde can perform the surgery." "WHAT? HELIUM! INFLATE ME?" gasped Mandy. "Don't worry." Soothed Nurse Kane. "It's a very small amount of gas. Helium is used because it doesn't react with the body's tissues and it dissipates quickly because the molecules are so small. The whole operation will take about three hours. When you wake up you'll have a tiny little incision just above your belly button. There aren't usually more than 2 stitches needed. The whole operation is done through that incision. The surgical tools all are inserted after the gas goes in, and a tiny camera guides Dr. Wilde through the whole process." Mandy let out a deep breath. "Okay, I get it. It sounded like some sort of torture for a second." As she prepared the anesthesia mask, nurse Kane replied "It's not a torture. However, you will be a bit sore afterwards from the stretching of your skin. But think of the benefits dear. You will be a normal, healthy sized person again." Sensing she was having real doubts, Nurse Kane quickly slipped the anesthesia mask onto Mandy's face and turned on the gas. "Alright, I need you to take deep breaths dear, and count backwards from 20." Mandy inhaled the oddly scented gas and started to count. "Twenty...Nineteen...Eighteen...Seve..." and started to dream. She dreamed that Dr. Wilde was laughing maniacally and chasing her down an unending corridor. As she ran from him she could hear a hissing. The hissing became louder and louder as did the doctor's laughter. The hissing noise was coming from within her belly. As she ran her belly grew, pulling her surgical gown loose from behind her. She started to look pregnant, then bigger than pregnant. Dr. Kane's hyena laughing became closer and closer as her struggle to run was impeded by her swelling belly. Her growing belly was forcing her breasts into her field of view. She soon could see nothing but breast flesh as her belly became a dome from crotch to chin. It expanded further in front of her and started to grow down towards the floor, pressing against her thighs so that she could no longer run, and still her belly grew, a great sphere pressing into the floor and forcing her to tilt her head back as it brushed against her chin. Her belly was making the hollow creaking sounds associated with an overinflated balloon. Yet, there was something about this pressure, this tenseness, this greatness, that was exciting to her. She knew something momentous was going to happen. "Ms. March? Ms. March? How are you feeling?" "Uhhnn...what?" "You're in the recovery room dear. Your surgery went perfectly. Just lay there and rest. I'll be back in a few hours." Mandy looked about the room around her, and then realized where she was and what had happened. Then her hands shot to her belly. A fiery pain shot through her plainly normal stomach to just above her navel. "Just a dream." she murmured and fell back to sleep. Six weeks later; Mandy recovered quickly from her operation. She followed all Dr. Wilde's orders and she started to notice herself shrinking. She was feeling good about herself and her sacrifice. One year later; Mandy had lost an incredible 155 pounds. She had now settled at a weight of 165 pounds, but she was more deeply depressed than she had ever been. She knew the weight loss was going to make her life better, her blood pressure was at a normal level again and she felt much more energy. A new problem had arisen. Where there was once a ripe woman, now there was a flaccid shell. Yes, her weight was down to 165, but a full 30 pounds of that was loose skin that hung in folds and layers. Looking in the mirror now saddened her, frightened her even. She had the same pretty face, but the body below it was beyond belief. It was if she was 90 years old. She even had to powder her body to prevent the folds from chafing and getting infected. Showering was a 2 hour ordeal because she had to completely dry herself to prevent moisture caused infections. She wouldn't allow anyone to see her body at all. She decided she needed help once again. "Ms. March!" Beamed Dr. Wilde "I'm so proud of you. You've lost so much weight. What can I do for you today?" Mandy burst into tears as she pulled up her loose fitting sweatshirt to reveal the apron of her belly and the wet mittens that were all that were left of her once proud bosom. "Yes, that is a side effect of such drastic weight loss. Your skin was stretched beyond its ability to rebound." "You knew this could happen? I can't live like this doctor, I can't look at myself. I want to die!" Mandy sobbed as she held her head in her hands. "Ms. March! Don't be so foolish!" barked Dr. Wilde. "There are remedies for this. We can remove the extra skin. I want you to go straight down the hall to consult with a plastic surgeon colleague of mine. Don't despair; things are going to be better young lady. Nurse Kane, take Ms. March down to see Dr. Green." Mandy found herself standing in the middle of the examining room of Dr. Green, in nothing must her underwear. She looked completely naked, but that was a result of the skin that sagged over her waist covering her panties. Dr. Green circled her slowly pinching her there, pulling at her here, lifting a fold and letting it down again with a smack. "Your body has undergone a drastic transformation Ms. March. But I assure you I will alleviate your symptoms." Having said as much Dr. Green picked up a skin marker from the exam table and started to draw U-shapes, circles, crescents and parallel lines across Mandy's body. Mandy felt she should speak up, she had been distressed from not asking enough questions of Dr. Wilde. "What do these lines mean doctor?" Dr. Green rolled his eyes, sighed and said "These marks here and here," he indicated below her breasts and above her mound, "are where I will have to remove your skin, and then sew the edges back together to tighten everything." "These marks" he pointed to her breasts, are where I will reposition you nipples after I cut away the skin from them. I am going to be honest; it is going to be a long and dangerous surgery that will leave you very heavily scarred afterwards." Mandy broke down into tears and fell onto her knees in the doctor's examining room, her loose flesh pooling about her. "I don't understand you people." Dr. Green ranted. "You destroy your bodies with cheeseburgers, soda, potato chips and pasta and you don't think there are consequences? Do you want my help or not?" Tearfully Mandy looked up into the doctor's face and pleaded "Is there an alternative?" Dr. Green looked into Mandy's eyes and truly saw the broken hearted girl before him. Softening, he said to her "I have a colleague who, let's just say, may have a more creative way to help you. Wait here please Ms. March." Dr. Green re-entered the room a few minutes later with a young doctor who sported thick red rimmed glasses, blue spiked hair, a lip ring and tattoos that covered both his arms and proceeded to introduce him to Mandy. "This is my colleague Dr. Fuller. Dr. Fuller, this is the patient I was speaking about, Ms. March" Dr. Fuller let out a slow whistle as he surveyed Mandy "I am so excited to meet you Ms. March." Then turning to Dr. Green "Hey Chuck, you want a give us a couple minutes? Toodles." Dr. Green harrumphed and left. Dr. Fuller shook Mandy's hand and said "That guy has a stick so far up his arse, his throat is sore." That seemed to cheer Mandy up a bit, so she had the nerve to ask Dr. Fuller about his plans for her. "Well chicky, can you think outside the box? Because what I'm about to say is gonna be a bit out there." "Look at me," Mandy said, "that Dr. Green blamed me for this." She stuck her arms out to her sides and shook them to emphasize the skin hanging there. "Then he told me he was going to cut me up and leave me permanently disfigured. What is your alternative plan?" The tone in Dr. Fuller's voice became slightly lower and a bit more serious. "Mandy? I can call you Mandy right? When you were big you felt better about yourself didn't you? You felt safe, you felt like the real you, am I right?" Mandy blushed a little, "Yes I did, but I was so scared I'd die if I continued at that size." Dr. Fuller took her soft porcelain hands in his tattooed ones, "I can return you to your former self." "I don't want to be fat again after all this trouble. What sense would that make?" "No-No- No." said Dr. Fuller "Not fat, full yes, but not fat." "You're not making sense." Mandy replied. "Really?" asked Dr. Fuller "You know how they did your stomach surgery right?" "You mean with the gas and cameras and things inside me?" Asked Mandy. Dr. Fuller clapped his hands together and shouted "Bingo! Babe." "Your nuts!" said Mandy as she pulled away from him to the other side of the room. "I told you to think outside the box, didn't I? Basically your body is covered in a balloon that has been stretched so far that it won't return to its pre-stretched state. So why not blow that balloon back up? You won't be fat, so you won't have all the health problems associated with obesity. It's kind of simple really. Your skin is lying over another layer of protective tissue which in turn covers your muscles and organs. I can implant a one-way valve that's used for skin expanders just below your belly button and use to it fill you up with medical grade carbon dioxide gas. Presto-Chango you're back to your big beautiful self." Mandy grew very quiet in her corner of the exam room. She started to think it over. To be as big as she used to be, but physically healthier? It started to make sense to her. She could go back to wearing her beautiful wardrobe and feeling like a big ripe sexy woman again, but without the risks. Mandy looked at Dr. Fuller and said one word "When?" Dr. Fuller smiled, took her hands again in his and said "No time like the present babe!" Mandy found herself once again in one of the clinics' operating suites. Things were a bit different this time though. For one, she was completely naked. And two, she was going to be sedated but awake for this procedure. "Okay Mandy. I'm going to give you a little shot just to relax you." "What about the pain, Dr. Fuller?" Asked Mandy. "There shouldn't be any pain. If you feel any at all let me know immediately." "Next question Doctor. How are you going to know when to stop pumping me up?" Dr. Fuller smiled and replied "I'm not going to pump you up. I'm going to monitor you as you pump yourself up! That way you'll be as big as you're comfortable with. No disappointment that way!" "Third question doctor. Won't this gas eventually leak out naturally over time?" "You're a smart cookie aren't you? Yes the gas will leak out slowly, and you will deflate. So I'm going to send you home with a small, regulated low pressure tank with tubing and a small gauge needle to use for re-fills." "You've really thought about this, haven't you Dr. Fuller?" "I've wanted to do this for a long time. I've seen what those hacks do to people in your situation. We're supposed to help beautify, not butcher. And please, call me by my first name: Makir." "Oh my God! A man named Makir Fuller is going to be helping me inflate myself?" He shrugged and replied "Sometimes a name can really define a person. What can I say? How about we get started, Mandy?" "I can't wait!" "Get ready for a little pinch. I'm inserting the valve now. Good, it's under the skin. I'll put a bit of surgical adhesive over the incision to hold it together. We're going to have to wait a few minutes for the adhesive to fully cure. In the mean time I'll explain the filling system to you." He took out a chrome tank the size of a household fire extinguisher, attached a tube to the regulator outlet port and then to one side of a trigger mechanism. To the other side of the trigger he attached another hose, which was connected in turn to a toothpick sized needle. "Alright, take this trigger in your hand. The trigger controls the gas flow. Pull the trigger all the way in for full flow, let it out to stop altogether. The regulator on the tank is very low pressure and of relatively low volume, for a reason. I don't want anyone popping do I?" "Whoa! Popping? You didn't say anything about popping before." "That's because there is absolutely no risk of that. Like I said, the regulator on the tank is very low pressure, just enough to overcome outside ambient pressure, not much more. Everything make sense?" "Yes. Trigger controls flow, I control trigger." "You got it Pontiac! I think we're ready to roll here." "Take a deep breath. Let it out when I tell you to. Okay let it out." Mandy exhaled. As she did, she heard a pop and felt a pinch as the needle punctured her skin into the valve below. "Good girl! It's all up to you now. Pull the trigger when you're ready." Mandy looked from the trigger in her hand to the hose sticking out of her belly button. She couldn't believe what she was about to do. "What the hell!" she thought and gave the trigger a slight pull. A hissing began, and the hose in her belly button bounced once and settled back. "I can feel it; it's cool under my skin." "It will warm up to body temperature, but for the time being I'll turn up the room's heat, that will help a bit." The cool sensation continued to spread out ward from her navel, spreading to her sides and rising up to her chest and down to her mound. Feeling a bit more confident, Mandy pulled the trigger to halfway. The hissing increased and she started to feel a bubbling sensation as her skin shifted. She propped her head up with her free hand to watch her transformation. A dome was slowly forming under the tent of skin on her belly. She stared fascinated. As her belly slowly rose, it pulled the loose skin along with it. It was like watching a beach ball being blown up under a bunched up blanket. Her skin was smoothing out, and smiling she pulled the trigger all the way in. "That's the way. Looking good, I don't see any abnormalities Mandy." Encouraged Dr. Fuller. Now the flow of gas into her belly was very obvious, she looked almost like she had before the operation. She continued to watch herself grow, until she noticed that even though the gas was flowing, her belly wasn't getting any bigger. She propped herself up a bit further and realized why. Her belly was back to its previous milky domed glory and now the spreading gas was seeking other places. Her thighs had started to fill out, the skin that lay pooled about them was pulling taught. She giggled as she realized they were pushing on each other just a little. As they filled out to their Rubenesque glory, they first forced her feet apart, and she started to rise up as her glorious derriere swelled to capacity. She then noticed that just a little pressure was obvious on her nether regions and she closed her eyes and let her head rest on the pillow again. "You are a sight to behold Mandy." "Really? Just wait a bit longer, there are a couple more sights you might be interested in." She purred. Her breasts, which had pooled to either side of her belly, and had been resting on her arms, started to perk. The two white fleshy bags raised slowly off her arms and upward, the puckered skin filling out like rising dough. They vibrated slightly as they filled causing Mandy to bite her lower lip in frustration. She was distracted by Dr. Fuller as he said "Those are truly impressive bazooms." Then the hissing stopped. "What's wrong? Gasped Mandy glancing down at her chest. "Nothing's wrong. I cut off the gas. You were getting carried away with those breasts." "No, I wasn't. They're not full yet." "They were bigger than that?" "Yes, now turn my gas back on little man." "Your wish is my desire," and the gas began to flow once again. "Mandy's billowing breasts continued to grow, sending her still soft nipples skyward. She could feel the pressure growing within them pulling the skin tight and the pressure below providing sensations of ecstasy. "You must be done." "Nu..nuhh not qui.. quiii quite." The excitement in her voice was audible, as her breasts pulled taught and zeppelin like, her arousal building "Almooooossssttt....there!" And with two audible pops her nipples shot skyward as she came. She let go of the trigger. The hissing stopped. She laid on her back breathing deeply, a zaftig embodiment of femininity. Now.... I'm.... Done! "My God, Mandy. If I wasn't married..." With a twinkle in her eye she rose off the gurney, pulled a surgical gown over as much of her self as she could and said; "No problem doc, I have to leave now anyway. There's something at the Pharmacy I have to pick up."
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
My name's Richard, and I'm a balloon. Not literally, of course, but for all practical purposes. What used to be my body is now just a large sphere, growing and expanding, getting bigger. And bigger. Below me is the most beautiful woman I know, holding the air hose that's blowing me up. She plans to pop me, and there's not a damn thing I could do about it ... even if I wanted to. Frankly, I'm amazed I haven't exploded already. No one's ever been blown this big that I know of. But I'm going to pop. And I'm going to pop soon. So I'd better tell this quickly. ........ I met Theresa Powell through mutual friends, and we learned we had a mutual fetish: Like me, Terri loved balloons, loved to watch them inflate and inflate until they burst. Besides sharing this admittedly bizarre fetish, I also found her amazingly attractive--dark skin, round cheeks, dazzling smile and a killer body. Soon she let me in on another secret: She had outgrown balloons and was now into inflating men. Naturally, I thought she was shitting me. Nevertheless, I agreed to meet her in an empty storage garage she rented outside town. It had a high ceiling and lots of empty space, which seemed like a waste; but she assured me that the space would come in handy. In one quarter of the area was a pump. Terri led me there after having me dress in a white, skin-tight latex outfit, telling me that it would save me from having to get a new wardrobe. She hooked the pump into my midsection, gave me a broad smile, and asked if I was ready. I said I was, though nothing could have prepared me for what happened next. I began to inflate. Literally. At first, I thought it would be just the suit that expanded, but no; it was me. The suit was only expanding because my body was forcing it to. The air pushed out my body in all directions, expanding me like a toy balloon. Terri merely smiled back at my astonished expression. My arms, themselves a little puffy, began to stick out at my sides as my growing, spherical body pushed them up and out. And still I swelled, growing larger, bigger, rounder. I was so pumped with air that I soon realized I couldn't move much, except to wobble a bit. My legs were also puffing out and filling up, just before they stretched out to become one with my rounded body. Terri was still smiling. It suddenly occurred to me that, if she wanted to fill me up until I burst, I'd be in no position to stop her. That thought grew as my body did. At first, the inflation felt great, almost orgasmic. Now I was grunting a bit from the exertion, my face feeling warm from the strain, as if I'd been working out. I could no longer see my arms of feet, just my pudgy hands sticking out of my ever-expanding abdomen. And Terri still blew me up bigger ... bigger ... bigger ... And for a moment, I was sure I would burst. Popped like all those balloons I popped before. Terri stopped looking at me, focusing on a gauge on the pump. A moment later, she shut off the air, stopping my expansion just in time. "There," she said. "I never blow up guys past 240. I blew my first boyfriend up to 250, and he exploded." If it was possible, my eyes opened wider. "Are--are you serious? He exploded?" "Yep," she said flippantly. "Popped like an overinflated balloon. At the time, I didn't know how big a guy could get, and I guess I got carried away." Then her eyes sparkled a bit. "Of course, I'd heard a rumor that he was fooling around on me, so it might not have been an accident ..." I gave her a quizzical look, unsure if she were joking. She just laughed. I never did find out for sure. My thoughts returned to my present condition as she picked me up and held me in the air. I guess I was as light as a giant helium balloon--how that is, I can't say; all I know is that she could now easily lift me. Gingerly, like a schoolgirl with a new toy, Terri threw me in the air; and as I drifted down, she batted me back up again. But she didn't stop there. Again and again she bounced me around the room, off the walls, off the floor, almost to the ceiling at one point. She giggled all the while, having fun with her new rubber ball. And I loved it. I loved how she played with me, and how she'd drag her hand over my round, ballooned body, making a dangerous-sounding squeak. I loved the sound of her laughter as she tied a string to my stubby foot and raced across the garage, while I bobbed in the air behind her like a toy kite. Like a toy balloon. As time wore on, she got a little breathless. I began to wonder what was in store for me. Would I always be this big? Was she planning to pop me, as she did with her balloons ... or her ex-boyfriend? These questions batted about my brain as Terri set me down, lying me on my back so that she could look directly down at my bloated, perplexed face. "I'll be honest with you, Richard," she said. "Someday I'm going to pop you. It's never enough just to blow up balloons--I have to see them pop." If I had a neck to swallow with, I might have done that. "You won't see it coming," she told me. "You won't know when or how. Maybe I'll stick a pin in you. Maybe I'll squeeze you with my fingernails. Or maybe I'll just blow you up past 240 and ... BOOM!" I winced a little. If this was part of some inflation fantasy, she was doing a hell of a job, playing it to the hilt. She smiled that devilish smile. "Someday. But not today. You're too fun as a balloon." Moments later, I felt the air hose in me, reversing the flow until I had safely deflated and returned to my human form. Discretion forbids me to say what we did next. ........... It was during our third rendezvous that I brought it up: "Terri," I called down to her as I bobbed in the air above her. "I want you to blow me up to 250." She caught my ballooned body as I drifted toward her, and she set me down, making sure to set me on my side so that I could see her. "Richard, I can't do that. You know you'll pop." "No, I don't think so," I said. "I don't feel as much strain as I used to when we started. I think I built up a little more stretch in me. Besides, you told me you were going to pop me anyway, right?" She gave me an inquisitive look, but I could see the idea intrigued her. With balloons, bigger is always better. Without another word, she hooked me back up to the pump, and--even though I was already at 240--Terri inflated me even bigger. My round body swelled out even further, getting larger and larger. As I stretched out even more, I began to think: What if I'm wrong? I could really burst! Actually, literally, truly pop like a balloon! But it was too late now. I was getting bigger, bigger than probably anyone had been before. At least, bigger than anyone who hadn't popped. I swelled bigger. "245!" Terri called out, her voice tinged with--fear? Anticipation? "Bigger," I said, barely audible over the pump. The air kept coming, and I kept growing ... growing ... growing. I felt that familiar pressure becoming less and less familiar, as it pushed me beyond anything I've ever felt. I inflated larger. "250!" Terri announced, her hand on the valve. "Bigger!" I shouted down to her. "Don't stop! I can get bigger!" Terri gave me a surprised look. But she didn't stop the pump. She watched me grow and grow and grow. My body stretched out farther than I thought possible. And I kept inflating ... "255!" "M-more!" It was getting difficult to speak, my lips puffing up now, too. "Keep going! Bigger!" She didn't argue. She just watched me get bigger. Bigger. Bigger... "265!" I didn't realize she had let me get so big so fast. I think she was losing control as much as I was, mesmerized by the vastness of my expansion, my beautifully round body, now just a white sphere growing larger and larger. "275!!" I was so incredibly full. I knew I was dangerously close to popping. But I couldn't get enough. I wanted to be even bigger. "B-big ...b-bigger--" But suddenly, the air stopped. Terri had shut off the pump. She had to take several steps back to look at my entire body. "Oh... my... GOD!" she exclaimed. "Richard, you are HUGE! I've never seen anyone blown up so big! I've never seen anything this big!!" I forced the words from my puffy lips. "I... w-want... bigger..." "Bigger? Richard, look at yourself! You're almost to the ceiling! One more puff and you'd pop!" Well, I couldn't exactly look at myself, but I knew she was right. I was enormous. I had to be one puff away from bursting. But I knew then that it wasn't enough. I'd never have enough. I loved inflating, loved feeling the pressure well up inside me. I had to have more. More than I could take. "B... b... bigger..." She furrowed her brow. "Richard, you're the best balloon I've ever had. How can I give you up?" "P-please..." She looked at me a moment before sighing. "No. I won't. It's not easy finding men to be my balloon. Besides, now that we've stretched you out a bit, maybe you can be even bigger next time! I'm just not ready to pop you yet." We had our usual fun that night, but I was already hatching a plan... ........ The next night, Terri got a call from her co-worker, Debbie. "--and I just thought it fair to tell you that Richard and I have been sleeping together," Debbie was saying. "Richard said he was going to tell you that he was leaving you for me; but since he hasn't told you, I thought I'd let you know." "I see," Terri said icily. "I'm sorry, Terri," Debbie began, but Terri had already hung up. How do I know this? Because I was sitting on the couch next to Debbie, coaching her what to say. Then I paid Debbie the agreed-upon $15,000 and left her place without ever having touched her. I rushed out for my date with Terri. ............. Terri put on a good act, but she was noticeably less talkative as I put on my white elastic suit and waited for her to start the pump. She said nothing as she turned on the pump and watched me puff out. As I started to fill up and out, becoming too engorged with air to even move, Terri put her hand on my swelling belly to feel my inflation. As I reached the point where I became totally immobile, she leaned closer to me. "You know what, Richard?" she said coldly. "I've reconsidered. I think I can blow you a lot bigger." All the while, I kept puffing up bigger, rounder, tighter. "How much bigger?" "A lot," she said ominously. "I'm going to blow you really ... REALLY ... big." Moments passed as I inflated more, obtaining that perfect ball shape, only to keep filling up larger, blowing out farther. "In fact," Terri said teasingly, "last night got me wondering: Just how big can you get? Now we're going to find out--you cheating sonovabitch!" And that was it. I knew what was coming. Several more moments passed as I inflated and inflated and inflated. I knew from my size and from the pressure that I had already passed 240. In fact, I had probably already passed 250... "260," Terri announced, almost to herself. The pressure ... the sweet, sweet pressure as my body swelled like a balloon, getting bigger, bigger, bigger! I couldn't speak. I could only listen to the sound of the air filling me, hearing the stretching of my skin, squeaking its resistance. "275!" Terri was out of view now, blocked by my own spherical body, growing, stretching, expanding, ... "285!" I was bigger than I'd ever been. And still I got bigger. My swollen head was almost to the ceiling. I was bigger than a weather balloon. Bigger than a hot-air balloon. Bigger than a blimp! And still getting bigger... bigger... bigger... "290!" So big... getting bigger... larger... fuller and fuller... "295!!" Oh, God! I can't take any more! I'm going to POP! "300!!" I'm so big, so big, so BIG! Terri, I'm going to burst! I'm going to BURST! I'M REALLY GOING TO B--
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Alice walked slowly down the brightly lit hallway. She wasn't exactly sure which room she was expected in, but at least she was early for her shift. Numerous doors lined the walls, various sounds resounding from each. "Are you lost?" a passing aid asked. "Umm...yes." Alice replied. "Would you happen to know where room 214 is?" "Down the hall, to your left. Six doors down!" the aid answered. "Thanks!" Alice said hesitantly. She was still very nervous for her first day on the job. Turning the corner, she was greeted with yet another extremely long hallway. She squinted her eyes at the brightness of each hall. The tiles, walls, and ceiling. It was all sheer white. And very clean. ROOM 214 Alice slowly extended an arm. She sure hoped this was the right room. Everything about this place felt so professional. Everyone she met was in uniform. Alice felt very out of place with her black yoga pants and blue sweatshirt. Upon entering the room, she was taken aback by the sheer size of it. It was almost like a gymnasium. Her footsteps echoed as she walked towards the middle of the room. Again, the entire room was pure white. She stopped in the center circle and looked around. A door shut from the other side of the room. Alice looked over. "Hello?..." she asked sheepishly. Another light turned on. Across one side of the room was a long window. Silhouettes of workers moved back and forth on the other side. A womanly figure approached a microphone. "Hello Alice. Can you hear us?" the woman spoke into the microphone. Her voice echoed throughout the large room. Alice nodded. "Good. Then we can begin." she replied. The woman turned away from the microphone to speak with some co-workers. Alice wasn't sure what she was supposed to do next. She felt very nervous about how she was doing so far. She took the job as a product tester to get a quick boost of money for her apartment. "Alice, on the table in front of you there is a small vile." the woman announced. "Please drink all of the fluid in the vile." What table? She didn't see anything on her way in. And before she knew it, a small white table appeared on her left. She slowly approached it and examined the vile. The runny, pink liquid inside seemed harmless, but she had no clue what it did. She wished they had told her more about which products she would be testing. "Go on." the voice urged. Alice didn't see any harm in it. These people were professionals. And she didn't want to look bad on her first day. She quickly downed the whole bottle. "Good." the woman said. "Assistants take note; this is product number 1187. A performance enhancing beverage that allows the consumer to be lighter and more versatile. In essence, making one quicker on their feet." A performance enhancer? Alice didn't play any sports. She wasn't the right girl for this kind of test. "Alice, do you feel any sudden side effects?" the voice asked. "Umm...none so far." Alice replied. She spotted some of the silhouettes marking things down on their clipboards. Some were talking with others. The woman turned to speak to another important figure in the room. Then Alice felt something. A small bubbling sensation in her stomach. It tingled a bit at first, making Alice giggle. "What is happening now, Alice?" the woman asked. "I feel funny!" Alice replied, still laughing. "It tickles!" More figures began writing things down. Conversations were being held, but Alice couldn't hear anything. The room was soundproof aside from the woman's microphone. Alice continued laughing until the tickling feeling turned into a more bloated feeling. Alice moaned as the air filled her up. "Nevermind..." Alice said slowly. "What, what is it?" the woman asked. "I don't feel so good anymore..." Alice mumbled. She clenched her stomach, which started to gurgle and hiss. She felt very gassy and airy. A little embarrassed, even. Her belly felt very bloated and full, slowly swelling up with air. "Alice, describe what is happening to us." the woman asked. "This is important for our next experiments." "I feel very full." Alice said. "It doesn't feel good." Suddenly, a rush of air filled Alice's stomach. Her whole belly expanded to hold in all the air. Alice felt very full, slowly rubbing her massive belly, as if she had just finished a large meal. "We apologize for any discomfort, Alice." the woman spoke. "It's only a test." Alice was beginning to feel a bit worried for her safety. I mean sure, she was testing an unfinished product, but this didn't seem right. She moaned slowly, still rubbing her slowly inflating belly. Alice's distended belly began to stick out from underneath her blue sweatshirt. She had never felt so full before! She felt as if she were about to pop! It was almost like she could fit a whole beach ball in her belly. It was enormous! "Will I be okay!?" Alice asked, sounding a bit worried. "Don't worry, Alice. You are doing just fine." the woman assured her. "It's all part of the testing process." She curiously poked her belly. It squished a little, like poking a balloon. Alice sure felt like a balloon. Her belly began to feel very tight, stretching out even further. Alice's eyes were wide with panic. Then something else happened. Alice's already large chest began to fill up with air. Her boobs slowly began swelling up larger than they already were. Alice moved her hands from her belly to her breast, squeezing them in a state of confusion. She looked up at the window, her face clearly expressing her worry. "Don't be alarmed." the woman replied. "It's perfectly normal for this to happen." Alice was baffled as to how this was 'normal'. Her breasts expanded quickly, racing her still inflating belly. Alice placed her hands on her distended belly, feeling it fill faster and faster. Then just as before, the air moved somewhere else. Her butt slowly began to expand. Alice squeezed it as well, feeling its size increase rapidly. Her thighs began to swell up quickly. Alice spread her legs apart to give her expanding body more room to grow. It was getting hard to stand up straight. The air swelling her up made her wobble back and forth. Her voluptuous bottom began to bloat outward. Her hips expanded to match her ever-growing body. Alice's mind rushed as she looked from one part of her to the next. She didn't know which part to rub, which part to squeeze. She was filling up so fast. She felt so light and airy. The hissing sound getting louder and louder. Her belly showed greatly as her sweatshirt could not fit her bloated figure. It had risen up to her boobs, which fought for space as well. Her yoga pants were able to stretch well, but were beginning to tear. Her back began to round out as she slowly turned into a giant bloated balloon. "Help me! Help!" Alice moaned. "Heeelp!" The figures rushed around from behind the glass window. There was a clear sign of commotion and confusion. Some more figures had entered the room as well. "Please help me!" Alice moaned sadly. Her arms and legs were swallowed by her growing body. She became a complete sphere, and still growing, rocking slowly back and forth on her bloated crotch. Her hands and feet wiggled, but she couldn't move. She could only sit there helplessly as she filled with more air. Her yoga pants began to tear, and her sweatshirt was getting extremely tight. Her boobs were at such an enormous state, Alice just wished they had more room to grow. She rocked slowly back and forth, filling up faster and faster. The hissing was getting louder, her belly stretching out further and further. Her hand began to sink into body as well. She moaned with a mixture of pleasure and sadness as her mouth became muffled by her own swollen body. And then it all come to stop. It all began to slow down. Everything all just stopped swelling. Her bright blue eyes darted back and forth, examining her vast, swollen girth. Her bright blonde hair contrasted against her giant, overstretched blue sweatshirt. Alice could hear the clang of double doors opening. Two workmen wearing white biohazard suits approached the blimp-like girl. She felt their hands pressing into her belly as they slowly rocked her onto her back. Alice let out a little scream as she rolled backwards. Slowly rolling backwards, her head whooshing around in circles as she went out of the gymnasium room. The workers hands were touching her in very uncomfortable places, making Alice moan a little. She wriggled her hands in protest, but she was helpless, just rolling backwards. Her blonde hair became a mess from flying around. All she could do was moan with pleasure and worry as she exited the room. "Very fine work, Alice!" the woman said as she exited. "Thank you!" The woman turned away from the microphone and began speaking with the other important figures in the room. "I'm sorry sir, we don't know what went wrong." she said. "Back in the lab, we were sure we had worked out the swelling problem." The important man cleaned off his glasses and took a deep breath. After a long pause, he looked out towards the room where Alice once was. "Was that our first human trial?" he asked. "Yes." "Well...we better find a way to get the air out of her." he said. "And fast." "Right sir." He sighed heavily as he examined footage of the experiment. Months of work and it all went wrong, again. "We should take it back to formula." he said. "And when it's done, bring Alice back. I like her enthusiasm."
bike pump, jealousy, plump
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Courtney was a very proud woman, accustomed to being the best at everything - in her own mind, if nowhere else. Hefty now, she had been thin as a rail until she'd met Gordon. Although she'd been waiflike when he had hired her as his personal secretary, that soon changed. Gordon appreciated larger ladies, and over the course of a year he had enthusiastically encouraged her to become rather big. In time, she found that she preferred being pampered and growing to working, so she quit. As her weight steadily ballooned she had reveled in her newfound girth. That is, until the day Gordon returned from work, ecstatic about his new secretary, Louella. "And what is so special about this Louella?" Courtney sneered. "What has she got that I haven't?" Patience, tact, courtesy, and appreciation, for starters, Gordon thought to himself, but he just smiled, and poked Courtney's prominent belly. His finger sank deeply into the soft fat, and he simply replied, "Courtney, dear, she's far bigger than you. In fact, she dwarfs you by comparison." Courtney sniffed. "WELL, we shall simply have to do something about that, won't we?" She headed toward the refrigerator, but Gordon stepped in front of her. "I'm afraid you won't find enough in there to make much of a difference," he said. Courtney's nose wrinkled in annoyance. "Surely she can't be THAT big...what do you suggest, then?" "I have an idea that would work," Gordon grinned. "Wait here." When Gordon returned, he had a bicycle pump. Courtney looked at him skeptically. Gordon merely winked at her, and, reaching around her, pulled her close. "My dear, you are going to be magnificent. Trust me." As he hugged her, he slipped the hose beneath her waistband and quickly inserted the nozzle. "And here you go!" Gordon took the pump's handle, raised it, and slowly lowered the plunger. There was a long hiss, and Courtney's expensive pants grew snug as she felt a rush of air moving inside her, pushing out her stomach. Gordon did this several more times, elated to see how his fiancee was growing. Courtney was thrilled as well, not only by her new size, but by the sensation of pressure building inside her. She ran her hands along her bulging sides, obviously enjoying her inflation. "Am I as big as she is now?" "I'm afraid not," Gordon answered. "She's much bigger than you." "Not for long! Keep pumping," Courtney demanded. Gordon continued to pump diligently, and Courtney swelled accordingly, becoming fuller and rounder. Her shirt buttons snapped off one by one with the strain, and when the zipper split, her belly gaily bounced out of her pants. Gordon smiled broadly. "Well? Am I bigger now?" "Not're much bigger than before, but still far smaller than she is." "Then keep going! I'll show her what BIG is!" Gordon was only too happy to comply. He pumped and pumped, and Courtney's belly blossomed, her folds gradually filling and smoothing out until she resembled an enormous pink balloon. There was a ripping sound as the seams burst on her elegant slacks, allowing her bloated form to swell up even further. Her thighs were widening, and slowly being engulfed by her gargantuan stomach. Her plumping breasts devastated what remained of her shirt, and soon became absorbed by the growing sphere of her body. Courtney smirked. "There. Surely she can't be THIS big. I've done it at last." "If only you had," sighed Gordon, gently patting her bulk, which made a hollow thumping noise. "Will you give up now?" Courtney was seething. "Keep pumping, Gordon!" she fumed. "I will tell you when you should stop!" She gritted her teeth as the pressure grew and grew, stretching her skin until it was shiny and thin as paper. The rhythmic hissing as Gordon pumped became almost hypnotic, as the pressure built until Courtney was in a state of euphoria. She felt oddly lightheaded, and there was a roaring in her ears. Her cheeks became rosy as her face reddened, and she was oblivious to the stretchmarks covering her entire body. Still the pumping continued. She was now almost completely round. Her arms and legs had disappeared, with only puffy fingers and toes jutting out from her billowing orb. Her face widened, then flattened against her overinflated belly. She was overwhelmed with pleasure. The hissing had stopped, and Gordon was admiring his masterpiece. Courtney nearly filled the room. Her skin had become transparent, and her belly was visibly pulsating, desperately trying to keep all of the air inside her. He pressed her belly with his finger. There was no give at all. "Courtney, my sweet, one more pump, and you'll be bigger than Louella. Are you ready?" Courtney was too dazed and far too bloated to respond. It was much too warm, the room was rocking, and lights were flashing in front of her eyes. She only knew that she needed more, and that was the most - no, the ONLY - important thing in the world. Gordon slowly raised the handle, paused, then quickly forced the plunger down. A wave of giddiness washed over her, and her eyes widened as her navel suddenly popped out. She was vaguely aware of a long, endless hiss as the roaring in her ears became an excruciating, deafening BOOM! Louella, who had been waiting outside in the car, rushed into the room after she heard the explosion. "Gordon, are you all right? What happened?!" Gordon picked himself up off the floor, and removed pieces of something rubbery from his clothes. "I'm sorry I startled you, dear. An overinflated old mattress burst. I'll find a new one after dinner." He put his arm around Louella's tiny waist, anticipating how he would inspire her to lose that waspish figure, just as he had done with Courtney. Gordon flashed a winning smile at his new fiancee. He hadn't known her long, but she was growing on him already.
blowkiss, succubus
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
There was a flash of fire at the foot of Mallory's bed, and when it abated, the demon stood silently there. She wore the standard outfit, which is to say, not much; stiletto boots buckled around her ankles; a spiked choker around her neck; a pair of long fingerless gloves running up her forearms; and what might charitably be called a bikini - all in standard velvet black to accent pale, shimmering skin and long, flame-red hair. In one hand she carried a compressed air tank, which she placed softly at the bedside before sliding gently onto the covers to straddle the napping girl. She surveyed her victim, smiling at the way her chest gently rose and fell beneath her tight lime-green shirt, how her flowing blonde hair spread like a halo around her, the careless spread of her legs in their tight, flared jeans. She traced a finger down one leg, circling her bare ankle, running it along the trim of her socks, sliding over the green and blue-striped soles. Mallory gave a quiet sigh and stirred almost imperceptibly. Running back up her leg, over her tight calves and powerful thighs and up to her stomach, a narrow crescent of toned midriff was visible just above her belt, a patch of bare skin that received full attention from the succubus' tickling finger. Mallory stirred again, the barest hint of a smile flickering on her face. The demon bent down, prostrating herself over Mallory's form, pressing their cheeks together, wrapping her arms around her. She pulled Mallory's body into hers, taking in the warmth and softness, the firmness of her belly, the gentle sound of breathing, the steady movement as her lungs filled and emptied. Planting a kiss on one cheek, she could feel the warmth as Mallory blushed in response, her slow stirring as she twined their legs together. She ran her fingers up her side, tickling her armpits. Mallory cracked open her eyes, awakening with soft laughter and a look of sudden surprise. Before she could cry out, her gaze met the demon's, and she stared, hypnotized, into their inky black depths. Shock melted slowly away into excitement, fear into charmed admiration, misgiving into a desperate longing for the perfect feminine form above her. The succubus smiled as the simple spell took hold, moving her fingers faster up and down Mallory's sides. Mallory laughed louder, curling her toes and pumping her hips. Grinning with wicked satisfaction, the demon drew a deep breath, kissing Mallory on the lips. Squeezing her body, she heaved a lungful of air into Mallory, whose eyes widened in surprise, cheeks bulging, lungs filling, chest rising. She inhaled again, sharply, and blew into her once more. There was a light whoosh, and Mallory's chest rose again. The demon pulled back, looking down at Mallory, who smiled, sighing, then put her arms around her and pulled her right back down. She wriggled her whiplike tail, filling her lungs again and blowing hard into Mallory, who expanded with another long, low whoosh. Another satisfied sigh. A smile, and a simple request: "More!" Whoosh. She inhaled deeply, puffing out her chest, filling her lungs to the max and packing it all into Mallory, who swelled gently beneath her. Whoosh. Mallory squeezed the demon's shapely body, pumping another lungful into herself. She sighed, giggled, and pressed her hips upwards. Whoosh. The demon's toned stomach pressed against Mallory's rounded belly, undulating with each exhalation. Mallory's shirt stretched smooth and tight as she grew steadily, filling out like a human-sized balloon. Whoosh. Mallory caressed the small of her captor's back, moving her hands up her sides to tickle her ribs. The succubus giggled appreciatively, filling her lungs and pressed her mouth to Mallory's, forcing a powerful laugh into her body. Whoosh. A faint stretching noise began to sound. The demon worked smoothly, pumping her legs to the rhythm, pressing her hips downwards with each exhalation. Mallory was growing tighter, firmer... Whoosh. There was a light snap accompanying the stretching noise. Her shirt was completely taut, fighting the ceaseless expansion of her once-lithe frame. Whoosh. Mallory's shirt was crackling with the sound of popping threads. Something had to give before long... Whoosh. The demon packed another breath of air into Mallory before sitting up, straddling her hips again to examined her handiwork so far. Mallory was bloated, cheeks bulging, body packed with dozens of lungfuls of compressed air. Her shirt and jeans were barely hanging on, stomach swollen and rounded, thighs tight as drums, belt ready to burst. Her legs spread, her arms jutting out, and her inflator perched lightly on top. The succubus spoke softly, layering her whispers with sweet seduction. "Ready for the big one?" "Do it," came the excited response. She inhaled deeply, sucking in as much as possible, sipping extra mouthfuls of air to pack into herself, feeling her own body tighten with it. Completely stuffed, she bent down and wrapped her arms around Mallory's head, locking lips and blowing with prodigious force, cheeks bulging, legs kicking, toes pointed into the air. Mallory kicked her legs out to the side, thrusting her hips upward, sounding a moan that died in her throat. "MMMMN!" The succubus flushed with excitement, exerting herself to smash the barrier Mallory's tight-packed body presented, squeezing her lungs with demonic strength- CRACK. "Aaahhhhh," Mallory crooned, green threads falling out of the air. "Aaahhh-MMPH!" Before she knew what was happening, Mallory was being blown up again, just as powerfully as before. Her stomach rose unfettered, but her legs strained against ever-tighter jeans. Her calves pressed, her thighs bulged, her hips squeezed by an iron grip. Another stretching noise sounded, hitting a brief crescendo. And then, with an enormous report, her jeans burst, belt practically exploding, leaving her lying on the bed spread-eagle in nothing more than her bra and panties, both in vibrant green. She leaned her head back, letting out a long, low moan of pleasure. "Ready for more?" the demon asked, flashing a grin. "What? M-" Her reply was lost in a burst of laughter. The demon was tickling her again, moving down her body, a rubber hose in one hand. She worked her armpits, stroked her squirming sides, slid over tight green fabric. She moved down to her pumping thighs, over the tops, onto the insides. Mallory was breathing heavily, biting her lip, waiting for- "Ohhh..." "FSSSSHHHHHHT" "OHHHHHH!" The succubus pounced on her victim like a cat, grabbing her wrists and forcing them above her head while Mallory screamed with unbridled pleasure. The rubber hose snaked out of her crotch, over her bare thigh, onto the nozzle of the compressed air tank turned onto full blast. Every inch of her body stretched to the limit and beyond. Cramming all the air into her was like fitting a balloon over a fire hose, and that's exactly what it felt like. The blast of air was pumping her up a hundred times faster and harder than lungpower ever could. There was only one end in sight. She was going to explode. A loud noise sounded over the human balloon's breathless screaming laughter; her bloated body creaked and groaned, growing louder as she grew ever tighter. She was blushing full on, arching her back and thrusting her hips into the air with wild abandon. Everything came to a final climax. There was a loud creak. A scream of pleasure. A flurry of kicking legs. A body, stretched to its absolute limit. Mallory burst, leaving behind nothing but a rain of tattered fabric, a pair of striped socks, and a gleefully giggling succubus.
magic, witch
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The table was clear a moment ago. When Lexi looked up from her reading and saw her nemesis, she didn't hesitate. "Die! Die! Die!" Lexi repeatedly brought the rolled magazine down on the dark smear that had once been a spider. The commotion drew Tara to the living room. "Another one?" "I think I got him." Lexi slumped back on the couch, panting. The bubbling in her belly faded. She lifted up her tank top; she was visibly bloated but her quick reaction had limited the damage. Tara sat down next to her and placed a hand Lexi's exposed stomach. "Everything alright?" "I'm fine," she replied. "But it looks like my spider-repelling spell didn't work. We've had even more of them since I cast it." "Do you think it might have backfired?" Tara asked. She immediately regretted it. "No wait, that's silly, that couldn't have happened, ha ha ha, funny right?" she said quickly. But it was too late. "Oh no," Lexi said, her heart racing. "If that happened we could get hundreds β€” thousands β€” oh no!" Lexi's belly gurgled loudly as it ballooned, pushing against Tara's hand. She practiced her breathing exercises: inhale through nose, exhale through mouth. As she approached the appearance of pregnancy, the swelling spread; her pert breasts plumped up, filling out her white top while her thighs strained the seams of her shorts. "Calm down," Tara urged, rubbing gentle circles on her stomach. "If there were thousands of spiders here we would have noticed. So I'm sure it's fine." "I know," Lexi wheezed. The gurgles faded, her expansion tapered off. "I'm okay now." When it came to witchcraft, Lexi was far more eager and ambitious than she was competent. Her latest attempt to boost her power had opened a conduit that she could neither harness nor control. It flooded her body with mystical energy, rapidly filling her to near bursting before she could seal it. But the seal wasn't perfect; fear weakened it, allowing energy to slip through. Such conduits closed on their own if not maintained. Until then, Lexi would puff up like a blowfish every time she got scared. According to Roosevelt the only thing we have to fear is fear itself, but Lexi's list contained a second item: spiders. Mishaps like this were why Tara never practiced magic. She preferred to study arcane zoology. More pictures, fewer explosions. "Do you want me to stick around?" Tara had planned on going for a run, but she didn't like leaving her friend alone and swollen. "Go ahead, I'll be fine. I'll be back to normal soon." "Alright, see ya later." Lexi struggled with her magazine. She was at that awkward size where getting into a comfortable reading position was difficult. After a while she gave up. "Naptime," she declared. Being a living balloon was surprisingly tiring. Her body offered pneumatic resistance to every movement. She lumbered to her bedroom and froze after opening the door. Lexi covered her mouth, muffling her shriek. Her body surged outward, her insides growling as stitches were torn asunder and her sides brushed the doorframe. There was monstrous spider on her bed. It's body was the size of a large cat and covered in shiny green fur, its spindly legs spreading across most of the bed's surface. Wait, green? Shiny? It looked more like plastic than animal. Lexi stopped swelling. The beast was completely motionless. She poked it. Nothing. Irate, she texted Tara. I hate you so much right now Why? You deny putting a fake spider on my bed? No clue what you're talking about Lexi took a picture of the spider to send to her. So what do you call this?!?! GET OUT NOW Not. Funny. THATS AN EMERALD DEATHWEAVER GETOUTGETOUTGETOUT "Oh crap," Lexi whimpered. It was her worst nightmare come true. Her spell had backfired. But instead of drawing in thousands of ordinary spiders, it called a single eldritch abomination. Likely stunned by the summoning, it was sure to viciously express its displeasure once it arose. A low rumble echoed through her quivering body and Lexi grew. Her clothes were quickly shredded by her billowing bulges, which were growing less distinct from each other with each passing moment. She had to escape. Her face was puffing up, so she'd only get one shot. If she didn't get away from this monster, she'd surely explode. Chanting as quickly as she dared Lexi barely managed to get the spell past her plumping lips before they swelled shut. Dark purple fog engulfed her. With a loud whumph, Lexi vanished. She emerged in another place shrouded in darkness and squealing with joy. Not sure where I am, but it has to be better. By the time her inflation stopped, she was nearly spherical and completely immobile. Slowly, the fog dissipated and Lexi could discern her surroundings. No! She was in her living room. She had managed to teleport all of fifteen feet. And she could hear rapidly approaching footfalls that she knew weren't human. Something brushed against her, then climbed up her side. Oh my God it's touching me! A tempest roared within Lexi. Her body rushed outward, groaning and shuddering against the surge of energy. Overwhelmed by the strain, Lexi's skin rapidly flushed from pink to red, her eyes bulging out from the pressure. Lexi felt her back touch the ceiling. Then she felt nothing. Tara sprinted back toward home after she got Lexi's texts. In the distance a bright flash lit the sky, followed moments later by a crackling boom. "Lexi!" As tiny bits of her home rained down around her, she ran toward the rising dust cloud. Tara wept tears of relief when she found Lexi lying in the midst of the devastation deflated, naked, and miraculously (albeit barely) alive. She knelt down to hug her, sobbing. "Don't worry," Lexi said weakly, smiling at the green film that stained much of the rubble. "I think I got him."
horror, Spooky
Full Body Inflation
Your skin crawls as you slowly open your eyes. It's dark - of course it is, as it it's the middle of the night. You're lying in a reasonably comfortable bed in a strange motel. Not your first choice, but it worked for a night.Or so you assumed.Your sleep has been plagued by strange noises and other, unexplainable things. The smell of old perfume, an occasional sensation of a soft and careful touch. You blew them off, clearly your anxious mind was playing tricks on you. It's just you in this old motel room, your bags and maybe a bug or two.You think that to yourself, but that humming is too clear to be some trick of the mind. You stare at the ceiling for a second, and suddenly she's there in a flicker.At least, it seems like a she; long limbed, grey, hair like a rag doll. Hey eyes are white and empty, and she has a smile full of teeth. You think to scream, but the feeling is trapped within you, welling up and doubling. She stares down at you, standing at the side of your bed like an effigy of a dutiful parent. The feeling keeps growing, and you try to yell again. Mild physical discomfort accompanies your panic as you feel your stomach groan upward, rising like dough and making a noticeable bulge underneath the blankets. The growing does not abate, and you can feel your skin stretching, your waist and torso widening against the matress to accommodate the increasing girth of your belly.You reach out to push her away, maybe even strike her. She giggles at your attempts, your arm has grown thick and puffy, your hand is swollen and soft. You might as well swat at her with a glove filled with cotton. Her spindly fingers latch onto your covers and peel them away, revealing that this awful bloating has spread throughout your body. Your belly has not ceased to rise further into the air, a widening dome that seems to fill more and more with your fear and shame at every passing moment. Your limbs have grown numb with their expansion, vague and puffy sensations that barely respond to your thoughts. Conflicting sensations flood your mind, you are accutely aware of your billowing form yet can barely feel a thing.It is becoming difficult to move now. A film of cold sweat develops along your intensely fattened body as she reaches down to thump your belly roughly. It makes a thick sloshing noise and ripples in response. Her long fingers glide across your skin, sending shivers down your spine. You're huge, helpless. You feel bigger with each breath. You're..."...enjoying this, aren't you?" Her spindly hands linger at a delicate spot between your now immensely thick thighs. "This is something you like, eh? Being a big, fat, worthless balloon? Perhaps I should roll you out into the open, so that everyone can marvel at what a pathetic blimp you've become?" Her fingers curl and stroke in a pleasuring motion. In your current state, you cannot hide the shiver that runs down your spine."Too bad though, because I'm keeping you all for myself." Her free hand wraps around your increasingly rounder cheeks, squeezing them until your lips pucker. You feel yourself begin to take on air, your soft marshmallowish form pulling taught as you expand like a real balloon. You can hear her laugh as you grow so large that you eclipse the bed you had been resting on, as your engorged limps flap their last, getting much to full and rigid to move, as your massive swell of a stomach obsecures sight beyond anything but her.You feel yourself creak, at your limit. Any more and you make just explode.
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
Tori woke up, stretched and decided she would spend the whole day lying in bed relaxing. The past couple of weeks had been very stressful and now she just wanted some time to herself. She rolled around a bit when she noticed a funny squeaky sound. Where was it coming from? She moved around a bit more and noticed the sound again. All of a sudden, she was wide awake: The sound was coming from her breasts. She quickly started feeling them with her hands. "What is going on," Tori asked out loud. Her breasts felt different, somehow rubbery. She quickly took off her nightgown. "Oh my God, what's happened to me?" Her breasts no longer looked like breasts and they were much bigger. She had two pink balloons sticking to her body instead of them. Suddenly she recalled a dream she had had that night: She was dancing at a party and trying to act as sexy as possible to attract attention, but everyone just kept staring at her friend Megan, who had huge tits. All she had to do was wear something that showed her cleavage nicely and then let her boobs bounce a bit: She had them all hooked. Scenes like this were in fact very common in actual life and Tori often envied her friend. As the dream continued, she stopped dancing and was soon approached by a young man. But he didn't seem to be interested in flirting with her either. However, he asked her what her biggest wish in the world was. Tori laughed and grabbed two balloons, which were suddenly hovering beside her and seemed to be some sort of decoration. "I want these babies to be my breasts, then I can blow myself up to be a sex-goddess," she proclaimed in her dream. "But dreams like that can't come true," she said out loud. She examined her new breasts and quickly discovered that instead of her nipples, she had the two mouthpieces of the balloons. "Should I...," she wondered, looked around her room shortly – she was all alone – and then pushed up her breasts so that she could take one of her "nipples" into her mouth. This alone gave her a strange rush of pleasure: She actually had breasts that were so big that she could take them into her mouth! For a moment she paused with one of her breasts held in her mouth. Then she slightly blew into it. It was an unbelievable rush. She blew into her breast several times, then carefully let go. "Now it's your turn," she said to her other breast, which now paled in comparison to her huge ballooned tit. She blew up the other breast to match the first one and then looked at herself in the mirror. "Yes! Look at these babies! She pressed her hands onto her new breasts and the feeling of them being pushed onto her body gave her a warm, exciting feeling everywhere, especially where they came down onto her skin. "Move out of my way, Megan," Tori called and stepped out of bed. "Oh my, I have never seen anything this sexy or felt this sexy before in my life!" Tori started flirting with her mirror image, blowing kisses and playing with her breasts for herself to see. But soon she could feel a powerful urge from deep inside her. "More air! More air! I want to be huge!" She ran to get the pump she had for her bike and attached it to one of her breasts. She took the other one into her mouth in order to blow them up at an equal pace. All the while, she watched her tits expanding more and more. They looked so beautiful and they were not even nearly fully inflated. Suddenly, Tori got an idea. Her urge to inflate her breasts even more was difficult to suppress, but she had to forget about it shortly in order to attain what was sure to be an ecstatic feeling later on. She searched through her clothing and finally found a top that was stretchy enough to contain her new size. "Oh my, am I the horniest balloon-babe, or what?" She called out as she saw herself in the mirror again: Her top was close to ripping, fully stretched out because of her cleavage. She bent forward a bit and was amazed by the view: Those wore some sexy balloons alright! She quickly left the house and drove to the party store a few blocks down. She didn't even bother to find a parking space, she just stopped in front of the store – she couldn't hold back her urge to blow up her breasts enormously huge. "Helium, I need helium now," Tori screamed as she barged into the store. "I've got it all prepared," came a voice from behind the counter. It was the young man from her dream. But she didn't even bother to figure out what was going on. She grabbed the two hoses the man was holding and attached them to her breasts. "Get going, get going!" Tori could hardly believe she was doing this, but as she felt her breasts expand again, she concentrated only on this rush again. They were incredibly huge by now and Tori suddenly started kissing them and rubbing them over and over again. The feeling of her rubbery breasts, the entrancing hiss of her breasts blowing up, it was all too much for Tori as she came and came again. As she moaned and relished in her excitement, she noticed the man had stopped inflating her breasts. "We don't want you to pop, do we," he said and Tori looked at herself. She had the hugest breasts in the whole world, only that they were actually two balloons. She noticed that her top had burst off long ago and that she was so inflated that she could hardly move. The man took her hand. Tori tried to say something, but she could not speak; she was still recovering from her experience. The man opened two huge doors to the back of the shop – it was a good thing they were so wide, otherwise Tori wouldn't have fit through. Though Tori didn't know where she was being brought, she didn't resist. She loved her new shape, her new ballooned body. "You sexy balloon-girl," came a familiar voice. Tori had difficulties seeing because her boobs blocked out some of her view. Then she saw Megan, whose breasts were also larger than usual, though they were not half as big as Tori's. "You sure wanted a lot of air! I felt full much earlier. Don't you love being a balloon-girl?" The young man shut the door and left the two girls alone in the room. Tori finally managed to speak again: "What's going on?" She felt completely light-headed. "We're balloon girls now," Megan answered. "I've been one for quite some time, ever since I met Martin – that's the name of the guy who owns this place. It's great to be with him. He inflates your breasts for you and he also knows how to deflate you again so that you can still lead a "normal" life." Both girls giggled. "It turns him on as much as it does us. And believe me, it's even better to have sex when you've got inflated breasts!" Tori's eyes widened with lust. "But how did I get into all of this. I never knew I wanted to have balloon-breasts." Megan laughed. "I guess you can think me. Martin and I both said that we wished we had another balloon-girl we could both play with and I immediately thought of you, Tori. Last night, we came to your house and Martin prepared everything for your transformation. He even injected a special dream-sequence into your brain designed to serve as a simple explanation for what is going on. It's just so that you don't panic too much at first. After a few moments, the pleasure takes over anyway and explanations don't matter anymore." A few moments later, the door opened and closed again. Martin was back. "So girls, who wants to get blown up again," he asked upon entering. But Megan and Tori were already going at it, blowing each other's ballooned breasts up. "Well, I guess we got ourselves the perfect playmate," Martin smiled as he got ready to join in on the fun.
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"You're next," Imogen told Felix as she used a tissue to rub her lipstick off his face. Felix turned to look at the ring. His opponent--presumably that was Maura--was already waiting for him, dressed in a skin-tight pink body suit and hooking herself up to the aero-accelerator. She was a tall, slender woman, and Felix wondered if that put him at a disadvantage. Did thinner women take longer to overinflate than heavier women? Or vice versa? The crowd murmured amongst themselves as they waited for the next round to begin. "Remember," Imogen advised him. "Don't get popped. It's my job to pop you." "We'll see," is all Felix said, and he walked out into the ring, possibly to his doom. As it was his first match ever, Felix had the buxom blonde referee show him how to hook himself to the machine that would inflate him and Maura. It was actually pretty simple to use; he just wanted a closer look at the ref's rack. Strangely, as the referee stood back and raised her arm, Felix did not feel nervous. He just wanted it to begin. The blonde threw down her arm. "Go!" Felix had often speculated what inflation felt like, but he still wasn't prepared for the sudden rush he felt when Maura, with the help of the aero-accelerator, puffed him up like a balloon. It was downright euphoric. He watched in wonder as his gut blew up nice and round, filling him not only with Maura's warm breath, but also with an overwhelming sense of well-being. He ran his hand over his belly, absorbing just how much bigger he had gotten in so little time. And then Maura blew into him again, blowing his belly up twice as big. It was then that Felix finally snapped out of his reverie. He had to start blowing--now! He realized already that he had made a bad start: Allowing the opponent to get even one breath ahead of you could be fatal in such a match. And so he blew into the plastic tube in his mouth, the air traveling through the tube, through the aero-accelerator, through the black wire, and into Maura's belly. She looked instantly pregnant. Felix's heartbeat sped up as he puffed hurriedly, trying to make up for lost ground, all the while inflating larger and larger. He couldn't help but be amazed at his own ballooning body, watching it expand, feeling fuller and fuller in a wonderful, orgasmic sensation. And yet, he didn't have the luxury of pausing to admire it, because Maura would pop him unless he kept blowing. And so he puffed, hurriedly at first, his nervousness clearly showing. The match was just a few breaths in, but the crowd had already rallied around Maura. "Go, Maura! Pop him!" "Blow him to the moon!" "He's yours, Maura! Make him burst!" Felix briefly closed his eyes. He had to focus. As difficult as it was, he had to stop thinking about his own inflation, ignore how big he was getting, how he was so plumped up that he couldn't even move. He had to just blow, quickly but with deliberation. He opened his eyes again to see that his breaths had the desired effect: Maura was becoming ball-shaped. She was still smaller than he, but he wasn't out of the game yet. He blew and blew, observing with satisfaction that Maura inflated as easily as a toy balloon. If he could pop a balloon, he thought, he could pop this beautiful woman. He just needed to catch up. He tried to suppress the nervous energy that would cause him to lose his breath. He just kept puffing away, marveling in his own glorious expansion, while at the same time admiring the way Maura surged bigger and bigger. She was a round balloon-ball now, just like him. And it was all his doing. The bigger he got, the better he felt. And the bigger Maura got, the bigger he wanted her to be. He let the cheering voices turn into white noise, filtering out the calls for him to burst, and instead just focusing on the realm of the ring, watching Maura fill out bigger, feeling himself grow larger. As he puffed, he cheered within his own mind. I'm a balloon! I'm a balloon! I'm a BLIMP! I'm a giant, inflating BLIMP! And so is she! Look at Maura! She's my balloon! I'm making her bigger, and I love it! I'm going to make her so big that she pops! And so it went on, the two tight, globe-like figures puffing and inflating, puffing and inflating. Imogen watched nervously and quietly from the stands. It didn't look good for Felix; he was a size smaller than Maura, and Maura had a little more experience. Felix was blowing hard, but so was she. He always seemed a breath or two behind. And then something happened that almost made Imogen stand up from her seat. Maura made another large puff--and the plastic tube flew from her mouth. The crowd collectively gasped. Strangely, at least in Imogen's experience, this had never happened before. No one had ever before let her blowing tube fall from her mouth. Maura's eyes opened wide as she flapped her stubby hands in a futile attempt to reclaim her weapon. But the tube just rolled off her round body and hit the floor. There was a moment of indecision by the crowd. What were the rules in this situation? Did they stop the match? Did the referee step in and give Maura back her tube? Would Felix stop to give Maura a chance? The answer, of course, was no. Felix knew the rules: There were no rules. It was pop or be popped. As the crowd fell into deathly silence, and Maura squirmed to get away, Felix inhaled deeply...and he blew. Maura's growth surged again, pushing her out in all directions. "Stop! I lost my tube!" But Felix just blew again. Maura was now as big and as full as he was, her advantage completely gone. Maura pleaded. "Wait! It's not fair! Someone help me!" But everyone just froze, waiting for the next move. It came from Felix, who just blew, and blew, and blew again. Maura swelled and swelled, surpassing Felix's size and still growing. "Stop the match!" Maura cried. But the referee just watched from the sidelines as Felix kept blowing. "Please!" Maura begged Felix. "Give me a chance! I can't blow back! It's not fair!" Felix just kept blowing, watching Maura stretch and stretch until she was nearly twice his size. He wondered at first if he should stop. But the crowd and the referee had done nothing, apparently feeling as he did that, if Maura lost control of her weapon, she had only herself to blame. Besides, he admitted to himself, he wanted to see her burst. His attention was now totally focused away from his own inflated state and onto the beautiful, giant balloon woman in front of him. She was, in fact, a beautiful balloon, Felix thought. And she just got more beautiful the bigger she got. And so he kept blowing and blowing, watching her get bigger and ever more beautiful. She knew, he knew, everyone knew what was going to happen. Maura is going to pop, he thought. And I'm the one who's going to make it happen. "Please," Maura said, her head now inflating as her body stopped expanding. Her voice was faint, as if she had already given up. She probably had. She knew it was inevitable. Felix puffed once more, and she let out a little squeak. Her body seemed to quiver ever so slightly. Felix puffed yet again... BANG!! Like a spectacular firework display, Maura burst into lovely shrapnel, the explosion shaking the ribs of the front-row spectators. A pregnant pause followed. And then the crowd burst into applause. Felix, at first the underdog, was now the hero, basking in the applause and adulation. He looked at the lovely shrapnel that had been Maura and wondered if he deserved applause: After all, it's not like he won fair and square. What would've happened if Maura hadn't made that fatal error? He'd never know. Imogen smiled and applauded from the stands, even though she knew she was out fifty bucks, having put her money on Maura. The crowd broke into packs of discussion groups as cleanup began. Two lovely women in tight blue jumpsuits cleaned up the debris that had been Maura. As the audience mixed among themselves, one woman walked from the stands to approach Felix, who still sat there in the ring, a helpless, inflated balloon-boy. He recognized the woman as Dreda, the founder and all-time champion of Inflate Club. Unfortunately, there was no mistaking her: That freakish face was, sadly, difficult to erase from one's memory. Felix scowled. Did she think that dressing in those tight white shorts, low-cut tank top, and high heels made her look sexy? Did she really think she could compensate for those giant ears and that oversized mouth with the crooked teeth? What was she thinking? Dreda looked up at him with her hands on her hips, which carried small but noticeable spare tires. "It'll take you about fifteen to twenty minutes to deflate," she told him. "And then it'll be time for the next round. That'll be between Tamika and your girlfriend, I believe." Felix looked to the stands for Imogen, but he didn't see her. She had apparently gone backstage to prepare for her round. He was on his own. "You like her, don't you?" Dreda asked. "Yes," he said simply. "That's good," said Dreda, in a way that suggested that it wasn't all that good. "You must be pretty proud of your victory. Especially the way you won it." Felix didn't like where this was headed. "There are no rules in Inflate Club, except that you don't talk about Inflate Club. And that there are no other rules." "Maura was a friend of mine," Dreda said coldly. Felix just swallowed. Dreda stepped closer, lifted one of her high-heeled shoes, and dug the pointy heel lightly but firmly into Felix's taut flesh. He inhaled deeply, feeling the point come dangerously close to piercing his fragile, gossamer skin. "You think you're pretty big right now, don't you?" Dreda asked him. "Well, you are nothing compared to how big I can be. You better hope that I don't get you in the ring, because I'd blow you to bits. You lucked out in this round. You won't be so lucky next time. You'll have to get by on your own breath, and I think you'll pop. But if not..." She lifted her high heel off his skin, and Felix finally exhaled. "I'll be seeing you." As she walked away, Felix tried and failed to resist the temptation to look at her butt in her tight, revealing shorts. Damn it, that ass was too big to be in shorts like that, but he had to look. He hated her even more for that, because he was SO not attracted to her. It was Felix's turn to sit in the stands--after getting several congratulatory salutations from attractive female spectators, along with a few flirtations--and he watched as Imogen hooked herself up to the aero-accelerator. Her opponent was a flamboyant black woman, who, Felix knew, was actually named Tamika, but competed under the name "Spice," as if she were a wrestler of some sort. She wore a star-spangled outfit, a red-white-and-blue number with stars and stripes on the up-the-crotch shorts and the ever-straining sports bra. She did some wild dances, playing to the crowd, which apparently carried a sizable fan base for her. She was over the top--sort of like her sports bra, Felix noted--but she deserved the attention, because her body was flawless. It was almost too bad that he'd have to see her pop. Almost. The match began in the usual way, and Felix watched these two gorgeous women, a petite blonde and an athletic black-haired beauty, lose their womanly figures and swell into big, round balloon women. And it continued in the familiar way, each women's supporters shouting encouragement as the two women blew each other up. Soon the two women were as big as weather balloons, and there was still no clear frontrunner. They were both disciplined, focused inflation athletes, and Felix felt a little nervous. Could this be an occasion where both competitors wind up bursting? It looked like that was a possibility, though perhaps Imogen was just slightly bigger than Spice. It was a tense few minutes as each women blew, and each woman inflated. The crowd was going nuts: "Pop her, Spice!" "Go, Imogen!" They were stamping, cheering, clapping. All the while, Felix just quietly watched. The two women were nearing the size of parade balloons, almost totally round except for their heads sticking out on top. They still blew, still swelled, each keeping pace with the other's inflation. And then the crowd sensed it just as Spice did. Spice's eyes widened in concern as Imogen took an impossibly large breath, apparently using lungpower she had kept in reserve, and focused it all into one powerful gust. Spice was kept off guard, unable to compensate for her sudden expansion, too flustered to regain her composure. Imogen pushed out all the air she possibly could into the plastic hose, the constant flow of air accelerating into Spice and multiplying in force. Spice grew at an alarming rate, surprising everyone who had never seen a woman that big inflate so much more in so short a time. Instead of just a growth spurt, Spice billowed steadily outward in one constant expansion that lasted what seemed to be an incalculable amount of time, panic flaring in her eyes as she began to pulsate ominously, her taut skin squeaking from the rapidly increasing strain. Imogen kept up the pressure, keeping Spice from ever catching her breath or from ever letting her inflation stop. Spice's growth slowed only modestly as she reached the limits of her endurance, having time for only one quick "Mmmmph!" before she went... KABOOOOOOMMMM!! The crowd rose to its feet in exaltation, except for those who lost a fortune on their bets. The applause lasted several minutes, and Felix enjoyed it almost as much as Imogen, who soaked up the spotlight as the cleanup crew arrived. Eventually, after several long minutes, the applause died down, and the spectators turned to each other to talk about perhaps the most intense, exciting match they'd seen in a while. Felix sat back down again, but he wondered if he should go out to the ring to give Imogen his congratulations. Before he could decide, Dreda appeared from the stands and walked straight up to Imogen, just as she had when Felix was in the ring. Oh, brother, thought Felix, trying in vain to keep his eyes from straying to Dreda's slightly exposed buttcheeks. Don't tell me Dreda gives everyone that "I can be bigger than you" speech. But in fact, Dreda said nothing. With a swift kick of her high heel, she pierced Imogen's elastic skin and caused her to burst with a loud BANG! The sudden explosion caused all conversation in the arena to a screech to a startling halt. An overpowering silence filled the room. Felix rose from his seat in disbelief. Where a moment ago Imogen sat helplessly inflated, there was now just scraps of skin floating to the ground. Although the rules of Inflate Club were minimal, it was unheard of to pop someone after a match was over, especially when that person had no chance to defend themselves. But no one seemed inclined to punish Dreda, perhaps because she was the Club founder, or perhaps because the vast majority of the crowd were her fans. In the stunned silence that followed, Dreda stepped in front of the bleachers where Felix sat and flipped him the birdie. "I just popped your girlfriend, fucker! What are you going to do about it?" The crowd let out a "Ooooh!" from the challenge. Felix just stared dumbly. "Next week, then, I take it? You and me?" Dreda asked him. Felix looked around the arena. It was filled with beautiful women, all of whom he would rather compete with. He wouldn't have minded so much being popped by a hot chick like Imogen, Shanelle, or even Maura. But he didn't find satisfaction in competing with the ugly chick--especially since she just happened to be the top popper. And yet he couldn't back out in front of the entire arena. And besides, this time, the competition was personal. After a long, tense moment, Felix nodded. "Bye-bye!" Dreda sang, and walked out of the ring. Felix's eyes followed her shorts, as usual, but he was barely aware that he was doing it, as he was already planning his revenge. He had to pop that freakishly ugly chick. And he knew just how to do it.
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Other Inflation
My friend was a curios one, her name was Sarah; she was always up to something. But this time it seemed like she was overly excited about something new. She was standing in front of me with a light brown dress, it was almost transparent, and it reached above her knees and was revealing some of her firm thighs. You could see she was wearing a black bra, but you couldn't see her panties through it. She was wearing a thing belt around her flat stomach for a more visible waistline. My friend wasn't the most busty girl in town, but she had boobs, I would guess she was about 36-D although no cleave today. Her hair is long dark brown and curly, her lips were wearing red lipstick and she have big brown eyes which could attract any and make him obey her will.. She was probably one of the hottest girls in the neighbourhood or maybe in town. Anyway, enough of that, the important thing was she was jumping up and down in front of me, you could see her dress blew in the wind as she was jumping up and down, while her boobs were bouncing along with her. "To bad I was in the *friend zone eyh?*" Again, enough of that. I asked her what she was on about. And she giggled and leaned forward towards me, I could clearly see her bust now, as her dress opened at top, due to her weight of her breast and gravity of course (Silly me). She said, "I have a huuuge surprise for you" and giggled some more. I answered, "Am I going to see you naked today?" with a silly tone in my voice. She just laughed at me saying; first you need to come with me. I just answered her "alright, alright I'm coming with you" as she took my hand and dragged me along with her. We arrived at a amusement park, I thought to myself, I never seen that around before, and its huge! She jumped excited up and down again saying "here we are!" I just nodded slightly to her and said "Is this the surprise? A new amusement park? How did it get here anyway, I can't remember seeing it before?" She just shake her and said "Yes, yes, and never mind that silly" as she giggled and pulled my hand. We came up to the entrance and she asked for two tickets, the seller wished us a good day and told us to enjoy the parl. When I came in I tried to look around, and there was tons of people here. I thought to myself that I can't believe I never heard about this place, but kept thinking, never mind that, I'm going to have fun. I kept looking around, but I couldn't find any attraction except a roller-coaster, a few different houses which you couldn't look into, and loads of booths with sales men screaming something. I couldn't make sense of what they were saying, due to the distance. Sarah pulled my hand again, "common silly, let's have fun!" We walked a minute or so before we met a women looking at us as she smiled. She was wearing a tight t-shirt and just bikini panties and walked bear footed. She was well fit and had quite big breasts, a little bigger the Sarah's breast I think. Her hair was blonde and pretty much straight down, although she was wearing it well. She reached her hand out and greeted us. I could see on her left breast it said "STAFF". I greeted kindly back to her and smiled, and so did Sarah. The lady said her name was Camilla, I thought that was a usual name, but didn't make any comment on it. She looked at me and giggled. I just thought to myself "now what?" She reached her hand out with a bikini in it, it was white and probably fit Sarah quite well, but instead of giving it to Sarah, she was giving it to me instead. I grabbed it and looked at her as a question mark. "W-w-wait. Why are you giving me this?" She just giggled and said," You might need it soon." I screamed out to her, "I'm not putting on a bikini!" She just giggled some more, and said "I'm sure you will." Sarah just looked back at me and pulled her hand around me, "just keep it for now. It's okay" She said. As it was Sarah, I thought to myself, guess it couldn't hurt carrying it for a while. I suddenly got stung by something. "Ouch!" that hurt. Sarah looked at me and asked if I was okay. I just smiled and said "sure, it was just a bug bite." Sarah smiled back and said glad you're okay. She pulled my hand again as I was to follow her, but I had to let go as the bug bite was scratching on my arm. It looked a bit swollen I thought to myself. Suddenly I felt tingly all over my body and I panicked. "Sarah, I feel weird, I think I might have been allergic to that bug!" The tingling kept increasing. Sarah just stood back looking at me as she said "I'm sure you'll be fine, you are just worried" and smiled. I looked down and felt something weird beneath my t-shirt. I looked down and my nipples were all hard. Suddenly I felt my crotch get all warm as well. I looked back at Sarah. "Are you sure? I asked her. Again she just looked at me "I'm sure you'll be fine, don't worry." She said as she was certain, almost to certain. I felt something was changing about my short blonde hair; I quickly grabbed my head and felt my hair grow longer in my hands. "What the..? I yelled in slightly panic. I could feel something kept pressuring my t-shirt outward at the same time, so I moved my hands back down and felt like I had gotten small boobs. My heart skipped a beat. I could feel them growing in my hands. My crotch still felt warm, but didn't think much in to it, as much was happening on the same time. Sarah just looked at me and said "Don't worry, you'll be fine." I snapped back at her and tried to say, "No!" But as I was opening my mouth, my voice felt different. I chuckled again, and tried to make it darker, but it was impossible. "No! I won't!" I grabbed my mouth as a I quickly realised I sounded like a girl. Sarah was still looking at me and started to laugh. I felt a heat wave hit me as I tried to get hold on everything that happened. I stumbled a little and tried to keep on my feet when I realised my pants wasn't fitting as they should anymore. I reached down and felt my arse feeling a lot rounder then it had a few minutes ago. Sarah was still laughing at me, as she couldn't stop. I took one hand and grabbed my pants to keep it up and used the other one to try forcing back in a my new developed breast which was still growing and was about the size of Sarah's breasts back in again. I could feel my hair was getting pretty long now and said to Sarah "help me!" My voice sounded like a woman's voice now, sexy and soft if I could say it myself. The tingling stopped. Sarah looked at me as she was crying of laugher and had a hard time keeping on her feet. "You.. haha.. You.. You better go inside and change to that bikini." and pointed towards a wardrobe. I felt like my head was going to explode from the embarrassment. But I slowly walked to the wardrobe and decided I would change. I quickly realised once I started to take of my clothes I was truly a girl now. Wonder if I ever will change back again I thought as I grumbled. When I came back out Sarah was stilling laughing, "I can't stop laughing" she said. I giggled back and cool feel my boobs bouncing. "haha, that's for laughing at me." She grabbed her own boobs, and I noticed they had gotten a little bigger. Just a inch or so. But they did seems a little firmer. She said "do my breasts look bigger" as she squeezed them. "they sure look so" I said is grabbed them. She kept laughing and kept trying to say "I can't stop laughing... I can't stop laughing!" Her breast seemed to grow bigger in front of eyes, as they were blowing up. They had grown about two sizes by now. And I you could clearly see her light brown dress getting pulled upward revealing more and more of her thighs. Sarah grabbed the end of her dress trying to pull it down again. Suddenly her breast seems to float up towards her face. She grabbed them again and pulled down down. They had grown to two football sizes now (yes proper football, not the American one), they kept getting bigger and bigger and I could see her panties, they were white and was fitting quite well around her arse. You could see she had to force them harder down by putting more weight on them as they got bigger and bigger. A few second later they were like two huge balloons, and she was her toes moaning, she had stop laughing now. Sarah's breasts stopped growing now. She said, I can't get down on my heels again. And giggled and tried to walk, but was just scratching the ground. She laughed of her state, but stopped quickly and said, "oh no.. ahh see you later!" her feet wasn't touching the ground anymore and she started to float. She quickly explains she was coming down again about 30 minutes or so, and she would find me then if I wasn't in the same situation. I looked up to her and said "uuhh. Okay." A bit unsure of what's going to happen next. Over her I could see some sort of netting about a 100 meters up in the air (YES, meters, I'm Scandinavian). I thought to myself she'll be okay, she's been here before it seems. I could see Sarah float higher and higher as her boobs got bigger and bigger, she could no longer hold her arms around them anymore, even though she tried. I screamed back to her. "See you soon!" I decided to look around, was approaching the booths, a sales man screamed. Buy helium guns here!" I walked towards him and asked him what that was for. He looked back at me and asked if I was new here? I replied "yes" carefully as I was a bit unsure if that was a good idea considering what happened last time someone figured out. The shop keeper quickly replied. "Ahh. Let me explain, if you shoot someone with this, they will get slightly inflated with helium. You would have to use like 10 shots to fully inflate someone and make them float away." I looked back on the man and asked "wont it hurt to be shot?" The man looked back on me and picked up a gun. He said "no, you will only feel a pinch in the area where you get shot." He picked up his gun and aimed at me, "wait! No!" I said before I could feel a pinch in my arm. "ouch." I managed to say, but it wasn't really that bad, just like a small little hitting you and stops hurting after a second or so. The man looked at with a smile and I took a step backwards. It felt like air was rushing though my body. I felt my bikini panties and thighs get a bit firmer and tighter, not touching each other, but a little tighter if I could put it that way. My breast started swelling a little too. They grew a couple of centimetres (still Scandinavian) They still fit my bikini, but looked like I had a bit bigger bust. The air flow stopped in a instant and I stopped getting bigger. The shopkeeper smiled and said, "Now?" I just replied. "I look even hotter now! And I was a bit excited about my new body. The shopkeeper said that it's a bit expensive gun, so you might want to try being here without one first and look around. I said "thank you" and kept walking. I approached a fountain. I could see tree ladies standing in circle around a fourth lady. The fourth lady hand long curly blonde hair, she was well fit and had quite a big bust. She was wearing a white tight tank top with a blue bra underneath and some skin tight jeans shorts. She was suddenly breaking out of the ring saying "Stop it! Stop!" while she was slightly giggling with a sort of worried look on her face. One of the ladies had gun in her hand which looked pretty much like the shop keepers gun. I could see the lady who just broke out of the ring grabbing her breast and giggled. The girl with the gun aimed at her and giggled a little, he pressed to trigger and she hit the girl holding her breast on her arse. There as a little "ouch" coming from here, but nothing more. I could see her breast grew a little bigger again, and her shorts getting tighter a long with her thighs which seemed to star pushing against each other. Her breast looked like she's a porno star or something. Again she went "stop it" and giggled as she tried to walk a little. Again the girl took aim and fired. The girl being shot on didn't say anything now. Her breasts stared to float up towards her face, but she gently forced them back down by holding them. Her belly seemed to swell a little outwards, not much, but gently. She was shot 4 more times rapidly. I could see her body swelling more rapidly again now. She still holding her breast, but had to put more weight on them. She had to adjust her stance as her belly started to bloat much faster outwards and she started moaning. Like if she was enjoying it. She was more and more forced to kneel down to the size of her growing belly. Finally she knelt down properly and moaned "enough now" and giggled some more. Again the girl took aim and shot her 3 more times rapidly. The girls belly started to inflate again along with her breast. Little by little her breasts and belly started to make her more and more spherical absorbing her arms and legs. She started to float in the air as she got more and more spherical. She giggled and said "Unfair! Suppose I see you in 30 minutes! Byeee!" The three girls left the area as they smiled to each other and giggled. Suddenly someone grabbed my breasts from behind saying "Gotcha" with a girls voice. My body froze, but it felt good at first as someone finally touching me but I didn't realise who it was, so I turned around slowly to take a look.
food, Prose that Blows 500 (2009), Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Character that You'd Like to Fuck
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Rachel was a nervous slender girl. Her ample breasts merely drew more attention to her shyness. As did her striking looks and long red hair. Even her freckles on her very pale skin only added to her knocking knees. Of course tonight was even worse for her. Kevin was near. He was a friend of her roommate Heather and oh god he was so cute. Heather was having a small party maybe ten people and she had set up a buffet. Rachel nervously stood at the table covered in finger foods nibbling at a creampuff or two. Then he came over, her stomach flipped. "Hey Rachel! How are you?" "Good, just eating some creampuffs..." she blanked out. She blushed as she grabbed another using the sweet taste to calm the awkward moment. "Yeah, I have trouble resisting them..." she blushed. "Well be careful," he winked, her heart fluttered. "You are what you eat." She blushed more. "Sorry kinda a mean tease...Rachel...uh..." His eyes shot wide as he stared at her at a loss for words. "What?" "Your stomach!" Rachel look down at her formerly loose red dress. It was a bit tight at her waist! "My belly!" Her stomach lurched outward. It groaned and churned as her hips started to enlarge too. The indent of her bellybutton was visible now. Her whole waist spread wider with a gurgle. "Rachel you're fat..." muttered Kevin. "...but how?" Her upper thighs distended out with disturbing forced. With a pop the elastic of her panties broke as a huge bubble butt launched out behind her. Kevin meekly pushed at her massive gut trying to slow it. Rachel was afraid to even touch it, her arms held away. The belly refused to slow down each moment getting more rotund despite Kevin's pushing. "You feel weird, it's not fat..." Rachel got over her meekness and pressed down on her growing belly too. Her pushed away from her belly. Slowly they puffed in unison with her thighs. Her tummy gurgled loudly as her body started to become truly round. Her dress was a belly shirt. "This can't be happening!" Rachel's arms rose up. Her thick arms swelling so fast her dress straps popped before she knew it. Arms and legs were joining with the orb of Rachel faster then imaging. In mere seconds her knobby legs were forced so wide she fell to the ground. Useless arms flapping to catch her fall. Bloated little shins with fat distend feet popping from her cute shoes kicked meekly. "Please help me feels so weird!" With a sudden rip her red dress slipped off. Her face was now bloated beyond believe as the heavy filling in her searched out every nook and cranny to fill up in her. "Rachel... you've turned into a... very big beautiful creampuff!" "No, oh god, I'm still growing!" "Good..." Kevin laughed. "What? How is this good?" "I just love a good creampuff girl, tastier to kiss."
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"What a night..." sighed Kaylee with a huff as she walked out to her car. The Vienna Sausage Emporium was far from what one would call a dream job. Sure. You could eat all the sausage links you could ever possibly want to for free but why? Wasn't like they were all that good and besides, all the girls she worked with who had partook in the freebies now resembled stuffed sausages themselves. No thanks! Like all the one size fits all swiss miss uniforms they had to wear weren't horrific enough. Just because you're selling sausages don't mean you have to turn yourself into a pork product too. Jeez, that sounded mean, she thought. But in all fairness, she did get that notion that they were all talking about her behind her back. "That skinny bitch, Kaylee!" she sneared the one side of her lip and bobbed her head sideways in a mocking way. And besides, even if they didn't, it didn't mean that them getting all porkified off sausages wasn't any less true. She made her way through the empty parking lot, loosening her blonde princess leia bun curls into regular pigtails. She could smell the pork byproduct on her, which was pretty typical, but never something she got used to. She was so looking forward to going home and hopping in the shower. But only a mere four feet from her car, something grabbed her attention. Off in the distance, a bright flash started from somewhere over the horizon. In a broad halo, it passed through the clouds in the nighttime sky. She watched as the ring of the halo passed overhead, electrical bolts surging sideways as it fanned out. She expected to hear maybe a blast or a thunderbolt or something but it was just a white noise sort of pulse, almost like wind passing over a microphone, like when you see golf on tv. Everything underneath it quickly lit up like daylight but it faded back to the dim mall parking lot lamps just as suddenly. She swore she felt a tingling feeling as it passed but she didn't give it much more thought than that. She stood silently for a second, waiting to see if whatever it was would happen again. "That was weird." she finally admitted, ready to go home. She jingled her keys, trying to seperate the one for her ignition from the others. As she did, suddenly she noticed a strange feeling deep within her. She couldn't put her finger on just what it was exactly, but it wasn't something that felt right. Maybe the sausage scent was playing tricks on her. She could smell it so vividly she was starting to think she had eaten a pound of it. Make that two pounds. She was feeling a bit bloated and suddenly realized she was still jingling her keys like an idiot. She quickly stopped and plugged the key into the door to unlock it. She took inventory of the parking lot. There were a few cars far off in the distance but if she was to maybe burp or worse before she got into the car, she was definitely out of ear shot. She relaxed her throat, opting for a burp. But it didn't come. Instead, the bloating only intensified. She opened the door and chunked her purse in the front seat. She took a deep breath, hoping it would help. It didn't. So instead, she tried to ignore it and sit anyway. And that's when she noticed what was happening to her. Pushing against the busty white blouse and embroidered liederhosen-type vest of her Vienna Sausage Emporium uniform, she noticed a bulge poking outward from her middle. She was growing a potbelly! And on closer inspection, she could actually make out the growth. "Oh my god!" she managed. It was more in a tone of shock than horror, even though the idea of it did horrify her. She poked at it with both index fingers, her eyes widening as she felt the fingers poking with her belly, reassuring her that it wasn't just a trick of light and shadow, she was actually growing! Suddenly her breathing got more rapid, with a bit more anxiety added in. She needed to sit down but she was too stressed out to think of doing so inside the car. Instead, she spun herself back and leaned against the rear driver side door. She noticed her butt hitting the door a little before it should have. She reached down and smoothed her "Traditional" long skirt against her thigh. Looking over her shoulder, she noticed a bubble of butt cheek protruding more than it should have through the heavy, cottony material. She was getting bigger all around! Plumper! She was starting to feel like one of her chubby coworkers. Great, was even the stench of those sausages fattening now, she thought, trying to propose a reason for this sudden growth spurt. No, she knew it had something to do with that thing in the sky! But she didn't know how. Or why. What she did know was, that all she wanted to do was just hide somewhere and never come out. But she was frozen solid, horrified by what she was quickly becoming. No way she could gain enough composure to drive home like this. All she could do was smoosh her softening rear up against her car and watch what happened to the front of her. Watch as "plump" quickly became an understatement in terms of describing her. Every bit of her seemed to be growing. Even her boobs felt fuller, and tender to the touch. But it was the bulge that was overtaking her middle that commanded the most attention. It bobbed in and out with each and every panting breath she took. It started to untuck her blouse from out under her skirt, as her navel began to poke through the slight gap under the stretching cotton frills. She must have looked something like her one coworker Amber, who had been chubby from working at the Sausage Emporium and then, up until a few months ago, got knocked up on top of that. A double whammy. She was as big as a house at her peak. Kaylee remembered the one night the two of them had to close together and Amber just being able to fit behind the counter and thinking every hiccup she got was the onset of labor. No fun. And now Kaylee was the same size as she was. Only with a larger ass, from the feel of things. Almost as if on cue, she noticed her skirt hiking up little by little, as her ankles felt the draft of the cool night air. Looking past her expanding tummy, she saw the cause. Her hips! Along with the help of her thighs, they flared out in almost each direction, but mostly sideways. The wider her hips got, the higher it hiked her skirt up. She tried to pull it down a little but noticed that from all the bulging, the waistline of her skirt and the tie of her lap apron thing, had developed a trenchlike equator around her. Her body pushed up around it, displaced as it grew against the strain of the elastic and tough cloth strings. She would have dug to get them both off but she was out in the open. Maybe she should duck into the car. But then what if she just kept swelling and got trapped. Oh god. They'd probably have to use the jaws of life. She shut the driver door gently and conceded to just deal with it. All the while the feeling of being so full only seemed to intensify. It was almost started to hurt. This made her pant harder, which made her belly surge more. With each surge, she noticed it press out further. Good grief. None of her coworkers were as big as she was now. Not even Ruth, the nerdy girl who had gotten a job there when she was in high school and was still there, little over a decade later. She had to have been real close to 300, yet at this moment in time, Kaylee was putting her to shame. "Wait a second..." She realized, taking a step forward, but her butt still pressed against the car. It just dawned on her that she wasn't the least bit heavier. She wasn't getting fat, just... round. Like a balloon or a bubble or something. But why? She staggered around for a second, feeling the air shift about inside her as she moved. It displaced the same way it would in a balloon. It was like her waist. Or what had become of her waist. If she squeezed in one part, it bulged everywhere around it. Speaking of which, her clothes were starting to kill her. They were so tight. She regretted calling her fellow employees sausages earlier, now that she was truly stuffed inside her own uniform. She felt her own girth starting to pull apart the stiching of her vest. She felt her own flesh pushing up through the drawn tight strings. The frumpy long skirt flared every which way and must have started looking like a circus tent stretched across her fat ass. The sight must have been ridiculous she thought candidly, trying to calm herself down by thinking of other things. Her panic wasn't helping. She tried a lamaze style breathing thing to cope with the soreness of being so full. It worked a little, but didn't effect the growth in the least. As she stepped carefully back to lean against the side of the car, she noticed she was starting to waddle like a duck. Her thighs were huge and rubbing uncomfortably. With a hissy "pthh" noise, she propped herself up against the car again. Sitting in the front seat was an impossibility at this point. Laying down across the back seat crossed her mind but to squeeze herself in would have been too much of a hassle. Besides it was a mess and as a human balloon, what if she laid on something sharp? It'd be the end of her. No. She just continued to lean against her car, feeling the fabric of each article of clothing she wore get stretched tighter around her bulging frame. Maybe wandering back into the mall, she could find someone to help her? No. Her waddle was too slow and besides, the fuller she got, the harder it started to seem to bend different joints. With each surge, the mall entrance looked further and further away. By the time it took her to get to the door, she would probably be far too big to fit through it. "Help!" She tried. "Hellllp!" It was only an idea. What did she have to lose in trying? No one came. But she could hear something snap. Suddenly a great deal of pressure had been relieved. She had bursted through the knot of her lap apron, leaving her body to surge stronger against the strain of her skirt's elastic waistband. It roared outward rapidly, suddenly unrestrained. The amount at which it did so frightened Kaylee who could only watch. She must have been starting to look almost as wide as how she was tall. Suddenly a seam busted in her vest. That she figured she could take off and began trying to do so. Thats when she realized that even her upper arms were puffing out. They were getting squeezed by the arm holes of her vest. She resigned herself to the fact that she would just have to bust out of it too. She looked at her breasts. They were growing but not as fast as everything else. She adjusted the low neckline of her wenchy blouse as she noticed the boob flesh starting to billow out around it. Then, she noticed the draft along her kneecaps starting to hit her lower thigh. Good god, were her hips that big? She didn't look and instead examined with her hands. Sure enough, even with her arms jutting out at a slight angle from all the pressure, all she had to do was reach down. They were huge, monstrous. Almost inhuman to a certain extent. And she knew that it rounded back into an equally proportioned ass. Though scanning with her hands, she started to notice something peculiar. From her crotch to her navel to just under her bustline, to her sides ot the beginning of her ass cheeks, her entire middle started to take on the shape of a perfect sphere. She was blowing up exactly like a balloon. "Ohhhhhhhgh...." She moaned, almost ready to pass out. And what didn't help was the fact that her body showed no signs of slowing down, let alone stopping. How big would she really get before this was all said and done. Jesus, would she pop?! Her mind began to race again as she couldn't help but begin to panic. She stopped trying to feel the growth with her hands. She peered down again quickly but all she could see were boobs and belly. Suddenly with a series of pops, the seamlines to her vest went. Her boobs rocked forward from the momentum and almost up out of her skirt. Her belly also gained more unneeded inches, as the bits of vest fabric sort of gently streamed off her shoulders, leaving her in just the skirt, blouse, panties, stockings, and boots. Oh god. She hadn't thought about them. She couldn't see them past her belly but she could feel her calves getting just swollen enough to pull tight on the knot of her hiking boots. If her calves got any rounder, her boots would squeeze the bejeezus out of them. She leaned against the car and tried to use one foot to kick them off the other. No use though. The area between her legs was starting to swell now too, pushing outward, which meant lower. The lower it got, the shorter and further apart her legs got. She could no longer bring her feet together. She lifted her leg feebly, trying to plant the heel in at an angle to wriggle them off. It took a great deal of work but she got one off. Then shortly after, the other. She went limp with the feeling of accomplishment. Then she noticed her legs feeling so tightly packed into her stockings but wasn't about to try and shake out of them. Screw it. She decided she could stand to still wear everything else she had one, huffing, still trying to cope with the pressure. She reached out across her belly, as far as her shortening, stiffening arms would allow. Why her, she wondered, giving her full, rounding tummy a gentle rub. Almost as if in response, a gassy gurgle sounded from deep within her. It didn't help anything though. Pressure was still unbearble. She was still full and filling out further by the second. She could only coo as her belly spread her arms further out to her sides. She could no longer bend them at the elbow, just the wrists now and even they felt stiffer. Her breast pushed up into her face, riding the wave of her surging belly. Aside from them and her butt cheeks that formed fleshy little mounds, she was taking on the shape of a ball, from her elbows into her kneecaps up into her chin. All were becoming rounder, almost as if someone was blowing up a bubble inside her own skin. She was becoming less and less concerned about her modesty as the bigger she got, the less like a girl she even looked. Now, she made her main concern trying to feel comfortable. Luckily, her lowering crotch pushed her stockings off slowly, as her enormous calves started to bust the seams in each leg. It would just be a matter of time before she was out of those. Another loud pop sounded. It was her panties. Stretched beyond their limit, they had popped, but not gone very far, the fabric still wedged in her cavernous buttcheeks. Remarkably the cheap fabric that went into her blouse and skirt were tough enough to cling for dear life. The blouse had rode up and now only had to contend with her massive arms, disappearing into swollen shoulders and pulling it sideways. It slowly began to tear in the center of her back. She wiggled a little, hoping to help it along. The tear continued and her blouse split in two. She wrestled with the scraps. That was easy, all things considered. Now it was just her skirt. It was miraculously still in one piece, stretching right along with her. But now the waist was far wider than the hoop bottom of it. She forgot and feeblely tried to reach down and pull it off. No such luck, her arms were useless up to her wrists. Duh. She could hear its stitching starting to pull. It was almost to its limit. She took a deep breath and tried to push her belly forward. The stitches continued to pull. Then Pop! Scraps of her skirt fell to the ground. Finally, nothing to hold her flesh back. She was huge, but at least, pressure aside, she was comfortable. Wow. Here she was, relieved to be naked in the middle of the mall parking lot. Her body continued to grow and it was taking more and more to keep her composure. She continued with the deep breaths but they didn't seem to be helping too much. As she felt her neck puff up along with the rest of her, her head slowly tilted away. Watching herself become bigger wasn't really helping anything. Her shoulder slowly rose as her neck widened, becoming less of a neck and just part of her shoulders. It was such a bizarre feeling. She just remained still, trying to cope. But, this didn't last long. After a few seconds, Kaylee was once again restless. She beat her hands up and down, almost like the flapping them like a hummingbird's wings. It caused her whole body to jiggle. "Please stop!" She pleaded with her own body with a pitiful whimper. "I'm big enough already! I don't want to...... Oh god." A horrific thought crossed her mind. Bothered by the fact that at this rate, her body was about to outgrow her legs, she wondered what if there was a sharp pebble or something in the middle of the asphalt? She folded her hands down along the bulge of her sides and tried to 'lift', which was useless. It took her a second to think it through. Instead she wobbled to her side, trying to lean against the car as she brushed the area clear with her stocking foot. She felt one she knocked out of the way. Oh, and her keys. She must have dropped them in all the commotion. They wouldn't do her much good in this condition. She used her foot to sweep them under the car. Good thinking, she congratulated herself, waddling back into the position she was just in. Her limbs continued to soften into cones, disappearing into the rest of her. It was getting tougher to move and bend things. So she stopped trying to. She took a deep breath and just allowed her body to round out into a ball shape, with dainty little hands flapping and dainty little feet just starting to lift up off the ground. She tried to maintain contact with it via tippy-toes but it was way too much work for too little. Wasn't like she was going to be walking around much like this anyhow. She had conflicting hopes. Even though she hoped no one would ever see her like this, at this size, she was becoming so helpless, she wished someone would stumble upon her, and hoped they could do something to help her. She took a deep breath. "This... s-sucks..." She struggled. She had a sinking feeling that those could possibly be her last words. "This Sucks", while awfully fitting, didn't seem profound enough for her, but it was starting to get too hard to breathe, let alone think of something flowery and poetic. But seriously, what a way to go out! Bursting apart after turning into a blimp after a shitty day of work, wearing the tatters of some cruddy corporate franchise's exploitive faux alpine wear. She thought about all the things she hadn't gotten to do with her life. Finish college. Quit Vienna Sausage Emporium. Bum around Eastern Europe for a few years. Meet the right guy. Get married. Adopt. She let out a squeaky little sigh as the amount of pressure seemed to restrict her insides. She hoped that if she was going to go out like this, that the blast would be big enough to take out this side of the mall. Sausage Emporium and all. It wouldn't been in vain if that was the case. She bobbed a little as if she wanted to chuckle, but she really couldn't. Somehow, more and more air found space inside her and she continued to blow up even larger! Problem was that her bones would only stretch so far. The rest of her wanted to keep going though. Slowly she felt her head tilt back and her hands pull up, and her feet point down, as the flesh swelled all around them. Despite being stretched out to her max, the surges continued and things only seemed to get worse. Her reaction didn't change much. Not that she had accepted it, more because it was impossible for her to react. Soon, she went from a large sphere of a girl with a head, hands, and feet poking out to a massive sphere of a girl with divots forming where her puffed up face, and tense, fully swollen fingers and toes should have been. It was such an odd feeling to have her long pigtails draped out along the wide expanse that used to be her shoulders, but still lifting higher up past her head. So that was kinda neat. Despite the discomfortof being this full, she took pride in the fact that she was able to go this long and stay in one piece. But now she was starting to hope that she'd just pop. She was so sore and she didn't know how she could ever get back down to a normal size ever again. Hell, she must have been bigger than her car by this point! If she didn't pop soon, she was afraid that her own swelling flesh was going to close in around her face and asphixiate her. And that kinda seemed worse. At least the explosion would be quick. She had fingernails. She figured maybe if she could poke one into her sides, amazed at her own composure in such a matter. That proved a lot easier said than done though. Her fingers could no longer bend. They were completely swollen little stubs. Like sausages, she ironically thought. Maybe if she bit her lip? No. Her cheeks were so swollen she couldn't even move her jaw. Besides, her lips were so full they were puckered in a perpetual 'o'. The terror of not being able to move a single muscle hit her but only her thoughts. She could only feel her eyebrows furrow a little. More like a twitch. But slowly that even started to get hard. It almost felt like her eyelids were starting to swell. She didn't mind it as much as the pressure she was feeling from behind her eyeballs. Pressure was all she felt, through out. Her skin was stretched so tight, the nerves were numb to things she was touching, but the fullness was still unbearable. Each heartbeat shook through her like an earthquake. She couldn't hear anything over the muffled echo of it in her own ear drums. Pop. Pop. Pop! She mantra'ed wantingly in her own mind. Just then her body contracted the slightest bit. The pressure wanted her to bulge outward, but her body said no way. This was it. This was her limit. Didn't look like she was going to asphixiate on herself at least. So that was a plus. These surges were painful. Her skin had no more extra give. She felt her sides billow with it, but then quickly retract. Moreso the following time. She clenched her eyes shut. If it was going to happen, it was going to happen now. She held her breath. One more surge shook through her. And then, the pressure stopped mounting. It took her a few seconds to realize it had stopped. She was still unbelievably full, but it had stopped building up. Almost miraculously, she had stopped just at the point of critical mass. She 'sat' there, propped against her car, which was dwarfed by her taut spherical body right next to it. She was so thankful she decided against getting in earlier. She probably would have swelled out enough to blow out the windows, her flesh pressing against glass shards. Oh god. She tried not to work herself up. She tried to stay as relaxed as possible in such a situation. There was nothing she could do. Breathing was hard, luckily she was able to still do that, just enough. Needless to say, Kaylee didn't get much sleep. She was constantly fearful some wayward bird flying by would land on her, claws first, or a strong breeze would take her and start rolling her out the parking lot and right into the busy street. Not to mention how uncomfortable she was. Each and every one of her muscles were tense from being stretched, and despite the air kind of acting like a cushion, her flesh constantly felt like it was just seconds from bursting. She tried to blank her thoughts, tried to shut her eyes; which wasn't hard considering how swollen her face was. Just before the sun came up, Kaylee finally got that bit of shut eye. Suddenly, she didn't so much hear the noise as feel the vibrations deep within her massive body. Something was driving up next to her. Oh good god. She panicked on the inside, still unable to move. She sincerely hoped it wasn't a customer. Just then she heard a car door open then close. "A-a-another one?!" She heard. She tried to respond by saying something, at least by moaning. But all she could muster was a bit of a wheeze. "Take it easy... m-m-m-mall... security..." Oh great, Kaylee thought, listening to the surprise in his voice, making her self-conscious. Then she got angry. Mall security? Why hadn't this putz made the rounds earlier? She wanted to let out a disgusted moan but couldn't even do that. It seemed to take an eternity. The sun rose and got high enough to just be shining in her eyes. She could only squint as she heard more vehicles drive up. More car doors. Someone whistled, probably in regards to her size. That wasn't such a good sign, she thought. Suddenly, she felt herself being rolled forward by hands trying to be gentle. An EMT stood in front of her, not in the least surprised about her appearance. She stared out at him through the divot of her swollen balloon body that her head rested in. At this angle, he only had to bend his neck a wee bit to look 'in' at her. "Don't worry. Flatbed's coming soon. We'll take good care of you. Just take it easy." He reassured her, then stood back up. Cranky, her mind still raced. Take it easy. Like she could take it rough? Like she could take it any way at all other than ready to blow? And that statement didn't even make sense! Asshole. In all fairness though, she did feel a little apprehensive about the whole idea of being moved like this, but it wasn't like she could stop them anyhow. Oh god. What if they weren't as careful as she had been and this jerk rolled her onto another sharp pebble. At this point, as big as she was, it could be catastrophic! Her? Him? The flatbed? Maybe even the entire mall itself? "Now thats just a bad idea." she heard another man shout. "What?" She could see the torso of another man walk in front of her, but she couldn't see a face, just a fine italian suit. "Worked just fine for the others!" There are others? Like her? Like this? Kaylee couldn't imagine. But then again too, she couldn't quite imagine what had become of her either. "This one is the fullest victims we've come across, as of yet!" Hooray her, She thought flatly. "Her skin could be a millimeter thick in places and with enough PSI behind it to essentially make her a pretty effective, living bomb." "Shhh. She can probably hear you talking about her like that!" The EMT said, trying to lower the other's voice. She could hear. Every word. "Beg your pardon, my good man, but I'm sure she, of all people is painfully aware of her own situation." the man in the suit said smuggly. "Now as originally discussed, my people are coming in with aide and more than enough field equipment for the more advanced cases. What we're looking at here? A pretty advanced case. Extracting her from this location, at this point, I'm afraid, is just not an option." "I thought the field equipment was for those effected who we couldn't 'extract'. Ones stuck in certain places." He said as though expecting an answer. Instead, Kaylee felt a gentle series of pokes, coming from the man in the suit. It was uncomfortable and annoying. But then the EMT started talking again and the poking stopped. "So you're just going to rope her off and set up a tent over her here in the middle of a freaking mall parking lot?" The EMT argued. "This poor girl is too unstable to move. What part of that is so difficult for you to understand?! You don't have the slightest clue how easy it would be for her to rupture in the process of being transported. Just leave her to me, here." The suit said, trying to end the debate. There was a second before the EMT chimed back in. "Yeah that's a great plan! Hope you've got a big enough tent..." "Better than trying to move her! Might as well just stick her with a pin right now. Get it over with." Kaylee felt like a 3 year old helplessly listening to its parents bicker. The other torso bent at the neck to peer at her. The face was a lot younger than she had expected. And handsome too. "Hey there. Sorry about all that. This is a new one for the local officials." He nodded. Something about the way he carried his expressions on his face seemed very arrogant to Kaylee, even through puffy eyelids. But she wasn't going to let a thing like that bother her. She suddenly felt an incredibly delicate stroke against the flesh of her once right shoulder. So delicate, it was more ticklish than comforting. "I know you're having probably the worst day of your entire life, but I can assure you that I will do everything in my power to not only make sure you're going to be ok, but that I get you back to as close to normal as I possibly can. I just need you to trust me. Deal?" Kaylee wanted to say something to the extent that it wasn't like she could really argue.
Prose that Blows 2 - Summer Fun (2010)
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Heather kept glancing backwards as she walked to the beach. She told herself that she was eighteen now, and that the swimsuit she was wearing was appropriate for her age. Heather considered herself rather thin and scrawny, but the bikini top and thong bottom did a good job of presenting her feminine assets and making her look more womanly. All the same, she was glad her parents couldn't see her as they sunned themselves on the elevated back porch. Heather had brought a rubber inner tube with her, planning to work on her tan as she floated in the surf. She plugged the portable air compressor into the valve and switched it on. About a minute later, the tube was half-inflated, but for some reason, it didn't seem to be holding its pressure. After some inspection, Heather discovered a small tear on the opposite side from the valve. Fortunately, she had thought to bring a patch kit with her in case of such an incident. The tiny tube of glue didn't include an applicator, so she used her fingers to spread it around. After several minutes of fumbling with the patch, she finally managed to form a seal, and the tube continued to inflate. When it reached full size, Heather moved to unplug the compressor β€” at which point she discovered that her left hand was glued to the rubber surface. Instinctively, she grabbed the tube with her other hand, trying to pull it free. Almost immediately, Heather realized her mistake, but it was too late: now both of her hands were stuck fast. At this point, Heather considered whether she should go back to the house and ask her parents for help. But presenting herself to her parents in her skimpy swimsuit, stuck in such a childish situation, was more embarrassment than Heather was ready for. She pulled on one hand, then the other; strain as they might, her pipestem arms couldn't pull themselves loose. Next, she braced a foot inside the inner hole, and pushed down as hard as she could. As the tube swelled with excess pressure, Heather could feel the rubbery surface slowly peeling away from her skin. Just when her fingers were almost free, Heather's foot slipped, and the tube snapped back and socked her in the face. The impact knocked her backwards, her butt plopping down into the surf. When her head stopped spinning, Heather found that not only had her hands smushed back into the glue, but her mouth had also adhered to the rubber. And so Heather finally resigned herself to going to Mom and Dad for help. As she struggled to get her legs under herself, Heather didn't realize that the air compressor was still running, and that the inner tube was dangerously overinflated. Strained far beyond its capacity, the vinyl patch ripped wide open. Unfortunately for Heather, her glued-on lips formed an airtight seal that completely covered the breach. Heather's eyes bugged in surprise as a torrent of air forced its way down her throat. Before she knew what was happening, her belly had bloated to near-term-with-twins size. The gas then quickly sought for other room to expand. Her hips and butt ballooned, carving out deep grooves in the wet sand beneath her, her thong snapping apart against their growing girth. Heather felt her small, pert breasts rocket upward through the cup sizes, tearing through her flimsy top, and her nipples swell and harden into twin spearpoints tipped with pain. By the time Heather realized what was happening, the pressure had reached equilibrium, and her expansion slowed to a crawl. But a gentle hum in front of her made her realize that the air compressor was still running, and the pneumatic force would continue to build, until it became more than her body could handle! Fearing for her life, Heather again struggled against her bondage with renewed vigor. But though she fought with all the strength in her slender frame, her face and hands remained hopelessly mired. Meanwhile, the trickle of air still flowing into her fought for room to expand. Heather felt the inflation spread through her torso and back, up her shoulders, arms, and fingers, and down to her calves, feet, and toes. Her legs involuntarily began to straighten at the hips and knees, and Heather flopped backward into the shallow water. Something hard and plastic banged into the bottom of her rotund belly β€” that air compressor... In a flash of inspiration, Heather curled her legs with all her might, and squeezed the compressor between her zaftig thighs. As the pneumatic force mounted and forced them back down, she held on with every ounce of strength she had, knowing that blowing this chance would seal her fate. Just when her skin began to creak ominously, the hose finally tore loose from the valve. Relief washed over Heather as she considered her current situation. In this condition, she could neither move an inch nor call for help, but her parents would probably come looking for her in an hour or so. If she could see around the inner tube blocking her view, Heather would find that her once-lithe figure now had more curves than her high school's cheerleading squad. Her body felt like an overstuffed sausage, but at least she was safe now. With a dull roar, a flat wave washed under Heather. It was only a couple inches high, but the cushion of air under her skin allowed it to lift her body off the sand, and buoyed her atop the receding water into the surf. She twisted and writhed, but her bound arms and inflexible legs only splashed pathetically in the water. She tried to scream for help, but her mouth was still clogged with compressed air and rubber. And so, as her parents obliviously basked in the sun not 100 feet away, Heather floated out to sea like a forgotten inflatable toy, drifting away until she wasn't even a dot on the horizon.
anchorwoman, April Fools Day, clothes ripping, news, prank
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation
Carmen looked herself over in the bathroom and made some final touches to her hair and makeup before feeling confident enough to talk in front of the camera. There wasn't much she could do. Even though she had a small kit with her, there wasn't much she needed to change. "Alright tiger, get out there and knock 'em dead." She walked toward the door and hesitated. "But, maybe I should just make sure everything is perfect one more time." Carmen walked back to the mirror and, for the fourth time, looked herself over. She needed to be perfect. She could not show a fault, an unruly hair, a freckle, or a blemish. It was pointless, really. All the effort to style up her silky chestnut hair, smooth out and touch up her makeup, and practice talking in the mirror would become nothing more than evidence of wasted time as soon as Camera One's red light blinked on. Everyone would be staring at her triple D chest and Jessica Rabbit hips, even the cameras. Especially the cameras. To some extent, she must have known this deep down somewhere; her form fitting purple dress was no coincidence. On the other hand, she was as oblivious to the world around her as the ancient pyramids of Giza, which guarded the long ago raided tombs of long dead kings of a long dead empire. Nothing went through her because it always sailed over her head; jokes, snickers, wandering eyes, and calendar dates to name just a few. On the plus side, every birthday party was a surprise birthday party. It was truly a miracle that, three years later, she still believed that she was hired as an anchorwoman for WMFB's midnight news briefing for her great communication skills and double Bachelors' from UNH. "Okay, now I'm ready." Carmen took a deep breath. "Let's do this!" Carmen put on a brave face and walked into the studio. Today, she was doing her first live interview. Nerves jittered up and down her spine with every step she took, and her head felt like a ten ton weight balancing on a matchstick. "Hi, Paul!" "Heya, Carmen!" Paul Slocum was Carmen's co-anchor, and her first choice when it came to her weekly urge for storage closet sex. Second to Paul was Steve, the married meteorologist. Then came Job -pronounced Johb not Jahb, he'd correct her-, who was the eight o'clock news anchor. The last person on her list was Herb, the teleprompt writer. He was short, fat, rude, and ugly, but she liked him because he would sometimes write flattering or dirty messages in the teleprompter when no one else was looking. Little did she know, however, that she was Paul's second choice -Pam, the front desk secretary was first-, Steve's fourth -he didn't like her nose-, Job's only choice -he wasn't very handsome or charismatic-, and Herb's third choice -he was bisexual-. None of them liked her on a personal level. Paul walked beside Carmen and discreetly goosed her before resting his hand on her pelvis. "Paul!" Carmen giggled. "How are ya feelin'? Ready ta give yer big interview?" Carmen smiled and blushed. She felt safe around Paul's Army Veteran physique. "Well I'll be honest, I'm kinda nervous." "Aw, you'll do just fine! With yer wonderful smile and voluptuous..." Paul glanced at her breasts. "...eyes, you'll win 'em over fer sure!" "Thanks, Paul!" God, even off camera she sounds like an anchorwoman, Paul thought. "But, is there any donuts left? I'd love something to hold me over for a bit." "Oh, of course! They're over where they usually are." Carmen walked over to the breakroom and kept her brave face on. Paul looked over and winked at Herb, who then looked over and winked at Dave the Intern, who then slipped a suspicious foil packet under the cover of Carmen's seat. He then gave a thumbs-up to Herb, who gave a thumbs up to Paul, who then turned around and gave a thumbs up to Michael the Operator, who would make sure the cameras were rolling the entire time. ~andand~ "Alright, people! We're on in ten, nine..." Everyone ran to their positions, except for the anchors who were already seated and practicing their vocal exercises. "Eight, seven, six..." Carmen took a deep breath. "Five, four, three..." Paul thought of what was to come and tried not to snicker. "Two, and one!" Carmen put on a big smile and straightened her back, unintentionally heaving her breasts forward like a pair of wrecking balls at the camera. "Good evening, Heavensport. I'm Carmen Louise-" "-And I'm Paul Haversam." "And it's time for the eleven o'clock news!" Paul folded his hands and spoke clearly; his accent, vague of origin but clearly not entirely American, vanished instantly. "Tonight, we have a special set of exclusive news segments for today and today only!" "That's right! It's the first day of April, and Spring is coming in slowly but surely. So, as part of ushering in Spring we have a special interview coming up next with local writer Howard P. Laufmann!" "Hosted by none other than our very own Miss Louise." "That's right, Paul!" Carmen stood up, the camera trained on her every movement, delicately coordinated to be as smooth, effortless, and human as possible. She spoke as she walked to the interview set ten feet away. "Mr. Howard Phillip Laufmann has been writing short stories for most of his life, from science fiction to historical fiction, to what's he's known for the most; writing fantasy stories for children's magazines. Yet, despite time and effort, his fame has done anything but skyrocket. Still widely considered a 'hidden gem' of the Massachusetts literary circuit, his fantastical stories of mystical lands and magical beasts have been described as everything from 'eye opening' to 'mesmerizing' by his small but dedicated readership, and have even played crucial roles as inspiration for fellow writers and artists alike." Carmen came to her sabotaged seat and Laufmann hobbled into view. He was a short, pale strip of beef jerky in the shape of a human. His suit was ill-fitting and bland, and his eyes were weak and dead of energy. He cordially shook Carmen's hand before quickly sitting in the chair opposite of Carmen. Sitting looked like his natural state. "Good evening, Mr. Laufmann." "Good evening, Miss Carmen." His voice sounded like saltwater and sandpaper. Carmen sat down gently and felt a small shift in her seat. "How are you? I hope it isn't too late in the evening for you!" Carmen joked. It was part of the script. Laufmann laughed a dead, wispy laugh and waved his hand, "It's fine, it's fine. I'm a night owl, myself. I haven't even seen a sunrise outside of pulp and paper in ten years!" Carmen laughed. "That's good to hear! So, what was it that inspired you to be a writer?" Whatever it was shifting under Carmen's seat grew far too big in far too little time for it to be ignorable, let alone comfortable, but she tried her best to continue as if nothing were different or odd in any way. "Well, I want to say Theodor Seuss Geisel -Dr. Seuss- but I feel like everybody says that. It was the books I read in my youth, The Lord of The Rings, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and Robert Frost's poems, that gave me this feeling that the world was a beautiful, colorful place full of magic and wonder, and that all we needed to do to see it was to close our eyes and let our imaginations run free." Carmen nodded. "And were there any people in your life that pushed you to it?" Laufmann bitterly laughed. "No, not in the way you mean. My father wanted me to enlist, fight in the Marines like he did in Double Ya Double Ya Two. A big, muscled man's man, my father. Hated his guts. My mother pushed me into business school back in the days when you could pay for college with a summer job being a lifeguard- which is coincidentally exactly what I did. Ugh, I hated business. Hated it. Every second I spent in that field was like slowly drowning in paste. I started writing in- " A small, dense pop from under Camen's seat broke his train of thought. Carmen blushed intensely, knowing that it absolutely registered on her lapel microphone. "I'm sorry, I don't know what in world that was." "It's quite alright, uh, where was I? Ah, yes. I started writing around '68 when Bobby Kennedy got shot. 'Course I was writing anti war speeches like every other shmuck with too much hair! But, that got old when Nixon took over so I went back to slowly drowning in paste. Was a salesman for a glue company. My grandfather died in '81 -was born in 1910 in Luxembourg. Got the hell outta Europe as soon as he could!- and the first thing ma did when he passed on was raid the house of its valuable antiques and throw everything else away. Pragmatic, that's what she called it." Laufmann snorted scorfully. "Pragmatic. Well, my ma was already starting to get old and decrepit, so she had me do the heavy lifting with my pa. I was hauling the trash bags away -they were all full of old books and magazines- when one of them ripped open. Spilled all over the place, it was embarrassing. Well, I pick one up- are you alright? You look a little flushed." Carmen nodded her head, trying to keep as discreet as possible her sudden and violent stomach pain that had lunged onto her. She had an arm wrapped around her gut and another at her mouth, where she very subtly was biting her finger. "Are you sure? Well, as I was saying, Ma was yelling at me and I pick up on of those magazines, and you know what it was? It was an old copy of Weird Tales. I open it up and the first thing I read was one of Robert E. Howard's Conan the Barbarian stories. The first thing I did was stuff those trash bags fulla gold in my car and take off. I never looked back." Carmen nodded, visibly uncomfortable. Commercial break wasn't for another few minutes. "Wow, that's something. Tell me, was it stomach pain- I'm sorry, I mean was it... Ugh! I'm sorry, I just..." Carmen doubled over, gripping her stomach with her arms. "Oh my goodness! You look ghastly! Here, uh, you!" He snapped his fingers at Dave, who shook his head. "Young man, get over here!" Carmen's face was contorted in embarrassment and pain. "No, no! Let's get back to- Oh, my!" Suddenly, Carmen's stomach billowed forward like a sudden pregnancy, pushing into the table and knocking her backwards. Carmen flailed her arms as she tumbled, but luckily her fall was cusioned when her butt blew up as well. "Wah? What in the-" "Oh, dear! What in blazes is happening?" Paul, Herb, and Steve snickered off screen. Carmen's dress felt like a tourniquet on her body, pulling tighter and tighter on her ballooning form. It quickly hiked up beyond her bottom, and Carmen -not realizing her dress had taken some of her modesty- accidentally displayed her expensive back lace panties to her entire audience when she not only fell over -giving a healthy shot of her crotch- but also when she rolled over on her stomach to get on her feet. The cameras continued to roll. "Ah! Ngh! W-what's going on?" Carmen grabbed her chest and blushed as her breasts, now the size of volleyballs, shot out of her dress and displayed the top half of her lace underwear. Her bra strained and the steel clasp warped. Her thighs swelled out and pushed against each other, shoving her slightly puffed up crotch into the forefront. "What the? Wh-What?" Suddenly, just when it couldn't get worse for Carmen (even though it absolutely could) the inflation stopped. There she was, on live TV, with her underwear exposed to thousands of people, and her body inflated like a balloon! Carmen did her best to cover herself, and Laufmann even draped his jacket over her chest. "I... But, what..." Tears welled up in Carmen's eyes. Suddenly, ten or twelve coworkers rushed onto the stage and gave Carmen a big group hug (half to touch her breasts, half to cover her up) and shouted in unison, "April Fools!"
Male Inflation
Enri was with others in the inventing room just as a large machine rumbled and churned in front of the tour group. Ms. Wanda Wonka, the distinguished but quirky chocolatier, cheekily grinned as the guests gaped at the remarkable device. "Watch this!" Wonka jeered, as the machine slowly pulled out and unfolded a long, mechanical arm - out of which emerged a tiny strip of gum. Enri immediately took it, and examined it closely. "You mean that's it?!" Mara exclaimed. "Do you even know what IT IS?" Ms. Wonka asked, excitedly. "It's gum, obviously" Enri replied, his tone rife with arrogance. Enri was by far the most spoiled, proud and ego-centric member of the ticket-winners. He was a very attractive boy, and what's worse is he knew it. He'd brought his sister, Clara, along with him on the factor tour, an almost as awful specimen. While less sharp than Enri, she was just as proud and far more brutal. Vince on the other hand was less extroverted and up-himself, and very chubby. He'd brought his friend, Chanelle, along with him. A sweet but dimwitted girl, who unfortunately paid no heed to the slights that Vince had received from Enri all day. "Yeah," Ms. Wonka explained. "It's a stick of the most amazing and sensational gum in the whole universe! Know why? KNOW WHY? 'Cause this gum is a full three course dinner all by itself! HaHa!" Ms Wonka laughed. Everyone looked at the gum Enri was holding, and then back to Wonka. "Why would anyone want that?" Vince complained. What do you mean "why would anyone want that?" Morons like you, Vince, don't know anything! Enri thought to himself. "It will be the end of all kitchens and all cooking. A strip of Wonka's magic chewing gum and that is all you will ever need at breakfast lunch and dinner. This gum contains tomato soup, roast beef, and blueberry pie!" Wanda Wonka explained. "It sounds weird" Vince replied. YOU'RE weird. Not to mention crazy enough to show your ugly face in public. "It sounds great!" said Chanelle. Finally! Someone with the right opinion! "It sounds like my kind of gum" Enri said, undermining Vince and eager to chew the gum. "I'd rather you didn't, there's still one or two things tha-" Wanda Wonka started. "You think I'm stupid enough to believe that? I'm not missing out on this rare opportunity, and I'm NOT afraid of any of your small mishaps." Idiots! Side-effects never affect me, anyway. Enri popped the gum into his mouth and started chewing. "How is it, Enri?" His sister asked. "It's amazing! Tomato soup, I can feel it running down my throat!" "Yeah! Spit it out!" "Why would I do that? You even said yourself that it's sensational!" How could such a simpleton like her create something so extraordinary? After a short moment, Enri's face lit up again. "It's changing, roast beef and baked potato! Crispy skin and butter!" "My big brother's gonna' be the first person in the world to have a chewing gum meal!" Clara proclaimed energetically as she grinned at the others. "Keep chewing, bro!" "Yeah! I'm just concerned about the-" "Blueberry pie and ice-cream!" Enri proudly announced. "That part..." Ms. Wonka said, a look of genuine concern on her face. "Whats happening to his nose?" asked Vince. "Huh?" replied Enri. "What are you talking about?" "It's turning blue!" "Oh yeah, nice try loser. I'm not phased by your desperate attempts to scare me." Vince is so jealous of me he tries to frighten me? What a sad case! "I think you probably should be," interjected Wonka. "Your whole nose has gone purple!" Clara remarked. Enri rubbed his fingers against his nose. "Wha- what do you mean?" His voice confused, and somewhat nervous. "You're... you're turning blue!" Clara desperately turned to Wonka. "What's happening?!" "Well, I told you I hadn't got it right, because it goes a little funny when it gets to the dessert. It's the Blueberry Pie that does it... I'm terribly sorry!" She then suddenly dashed out of sight. Enri started looking at his hands, as they too were turning a shade of purple! "Guys! Do something, quick!" But no one budged. Vince just stood there smirking. Within a short moment Enri's entire body had turned blue. He looked nervously at his sister and the rest of the group. "Clara... What's happening to me?!" Suddenly there was a low rumble, and Enri put his hand on his stomach. There was another rumble, and then slowly his middle began to expand outwards, as though he was puffing it up himself. But then his sides began swelling outwards too. Enri tried to turn to see what was happening to him; he was ballooning outwards in all directions! I feel funny... The end of his shirt began lifting up over his stomach, and the button on his jeans popped off with a quiet 'ping!' He hobbled back a few paces, literally taken aback by his rapidly increasing girth. Vince laughed at this, prompting a very threatening look from Clara. Nervously, Enri tried to waddle several steps forward but his arms and legs had begun sinking into his inflating body, which was quickly turning spherical. His pants were reaching their limits and his shirt had risen just over his belly button. He tried to pull it back down but he couldn't reach! "He's swelling up!" Chanelle said. "Like a balloon!" Exclaimed Mara. "Like a blueberry!" Corrected Vince, his audacity now plain and clear. Him and Enri had been bitter rivals since they arrived at the factory. At this point Enri's arms and legs had all but disappeared, leaving behind a pair of vestigial feet and hands that he flapped uselessly. His head had slightly sunk into his enormous, round body, and pretty soon all he resembled was a giant, ridiculous blue balloon. His body had rolled forward ever so slightly - lifting his feet off the ground - and he could feel the hard floor on his upper thighs and the cold air on his exposed belly. He moaned uneasily as his violet eyes looked side to side helplessly, barely able to speak or move his head. I'd rather die than be publically humiliated like this... Vince thought to himself. But it serves you right! Clara gazed up in horror at what had become of her brother. His scared face, still partially obscured by his huge body, now peered down apprehensively at the very people he thought himself so superior to not 3 minutes beforehand. "I've tried it on like twenty oompa-loompas, and each one ended up as a blueberry. It's really weird!" Wanda Wonka suddenly said to Clara, causing her to jump and startling everyone else. "What... what do we do with him now? How do we put him right? Can you reverse it?" Clara hounded at Wonka. "Stick him with a pin!" Vince joked. "He'll pop!" Replied Chanelle. Enri whimpered as Mara cautiously approached him and started prodding his tummy sharply. "I've just called for some Oompa-loompas," said Ms. Wonka. "Perhaps they'll know what to do. I'm afraid I don't remember what actually became of the blueberry oompa-loompas." "Will Enri always be a blueberry?" Asked Vince. "Hopefully not. I don't know..." answered Wonka, seemingly distracted by something off in the distance and oblivious to the fact that Enri could still hear everything being said. "Someone... please... help.. me..." Enri begged, struggling to finally get the words out. "Help... me..!" "You had better hope not, Wonka" Clara retorted at the candy-woman. "For your sake! If you don'-" "Aha! The juicing room! That's what we did with the other oompa-loompas" Wonka announced, delightfully. "I think your brother's too full to move himself, so I'll get the Oompa Loompas to roll him to the juicing room." "The Juicing Room? What are they going to do with him there?" "They're going to squeeze him, of course!" Laughed Ms. Wonka. Clara looked both frightened and disgusted. "Now where are those Oompa-Loompas?" Just then, a strange rhythm of drums and other instruments began playing as a team of little people marched into the inventing room. Enri gazed at them nervously as they stood in a circle around him, and groaned painfully as several of them climbed up onto his back. "I want you to roll our guest here back onto the boat and take him along to the juicing room at once. See if you can find a big enough juicer." Ms. Wonka directed the Oompa Loompas. "Wait, what? What happens if there isn't one big enough?" Cried Clara. "Well then I imagine he's going to have to avoid sharp objects for the rest of his life..." replied Wonka. Vince chuckled again. "M-Ms Wonka... I'm... so sorry! I'm so sorry! Just turn me back!" Enri pleaded. Wanda Wonka just smiled and gestured for the Oompa Loompas to take him away. "You best go with him, the Oompa Loompas can put on a spectacular show. You wouldn't want to miss this one!" Clara glared threateningly at Wonka and the others before following the Oompa-Loompas back to the boat. "Shall we roll on?"
balloon, inhale
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Roger often referred to Leslie as a "living contradiction." She had an outlandishly outgoing and unabashed personality that was far too large for a woman who seemed so delicate and petite in every other way. Her bright, playful smile and twinkling blue eyes only served to add to her air of impishness. Her oversized attitude had been the second thing that had drawn Roger to her; he'd always had a thing for redheads. Roger had first met her through his old buddy Harry. Harry and his girlfriend Belinda were planning a surprise birthday party and had invited just about everyone they knew. Leslie was a friend of Belinda's. When Roger walked in, Leslie was showing off how well she could blow up balloons. Much to the embarrassment of several men she'd goaded into competing with her, she was easily outpacing everyone. They all watched in disbelief as she picked up one of the brightly colored balloons and blew it up with ease. She took in a deep breath, and it almost looked as though her whole body swelled. Then she pressed the mouth of the balloon to her lips and with one long gust filled it to near bursting. She tied it off and nonchalantly batted it away to join her rapidly growing pile. Meanwhile, several men around her were still huffing and puffing to fill their balloons. Roger watched, amused, as Leslie repeated the process over and over. Inhale, exhale, tie off, repeat. After a while, the others conceded to her superior lungs and staggered off, lightheaded from their exertions. "I'll leave this job to the expert," one of them muttered. Leslie just smiled and carried on with blowing up balloons. Roger had always had a bit of a fascination with balloons, and had been thoroughly enjoying Leslie's performance. But now that the competition was gone, she was going about her task with far less gusto. Roger approached her, intent on changing that. "You look like you're having a lot of fun." "Yup," she grinned, swatting another balloon away. "Most guys think it's all about brute force. Technique's what really matters." Roger tore open a bag of balloons and pulled out one several times the size of those Leslie was working with. "I'll bet ya dinner you can't blow this one up in one breath." He tossed it to her. Leslie caught it with a swift hand. "You're on. Oh, by the way, I'm Leslie. And you're about to lose this bet." "We'll see. And the name's Roger." "Okay, Roger. Check this out." She grinned and took in a huge breath. Her chest rose and her belly bulged, filling and completely filling out her blouse. Roger's jaw dropped as she continued her intake, swelling up until one button, then another popped open. Leslie winked as she brought the balloon to her mouth and blew. The bright red rubber grew into a giant sphere, rapidly inflating as Leslie expelled her air. Her entire head was hidden behind it, then her shoulders. Roger thought she must have used up all of the air she'd inhaled, but she kept on blowing steadily. The rubber became translucent, and he could see her face through the balloon, still grinning faintly as she blew. There was a soft groan, and Roger jumped as the balloon exploded. Tiny shreds of red showered down on them both. "I like Italian food," she said as she rebuttoned her blouse. That first date led to another, and another. It wasn't too long before Leslie was spending most nights at Roger's house. He was always curious about her "technique" and searched for another opportunity to get her to demonstrate. Luckily for him, it was pretty easy to taunt her into testing her limits. One such opportunity arose on their trip to the beach. They'd planned a couple of days ahead, and Roger had taken the time to prepare. They spent a while rubbing suntan lotion on each other and lounging in the sun. Leslie had no problem with showing off her slender body in a shimmering silver one-piece swimsuit. After a while, Roger sprung his surprise on her. "I brought a beachball," he said, reaching into his bag. "Oh?" That caught her interest. "Hold on, I'll blow it up." He knew what her reaction would be. The beachball he'd brought was supposed to be over three feet across when fully inflated. Leslie laughed as she watched him puffing away feebly. "Gimme that," she said, snatching the limp plastic form from him. "This is how you do it." Roger watched her with rapt attention. A familiar look of concentration came over her face as she pursed her lips and inhaled. Her chest rose as her lungs filled. But ever since seeing her burst the balloon at the party, Roger had suspected her ability was more than a trick of simple lung capacity. He was still uncertain as he saw her belly puff up under the silver of her swimsuit, but his doubts faded as she continued to swell and her waistline vanished. Her pert breasts plumped up, a generous cleavage rising up under chin. Before her clothes had hidden what happened to Leslie's body, but there was no concealing her inflated condition now. Just as her shoulder straps started digging into her shoulders and he was certain her swimsuit would split, she brought the valve to her lips and blew. The beachball quickly filled, its crumpled panels smoothing out as it took shape. Leslie's puffed up body subsided, but still she blew. With a long, drawn out "whoosh," she kept blowing for several seconds after Roger was sure she'd exhausted all of the air he'd inhaled. She filled the beachball until its seams pulled taut, then plugged the valve. "There," she gasped. "Wow," Roger gasped in return. "Let's play," Leslie called to him as she bounced the ball off of his head. She had caught her breath and was prancing off into the waves. "Sure," he responded absently, but she was gone. He reached for his bag again, but stopped as a smile spread across his face. We'll save that for later. He grabbed the beachball and chased after her. That evening, they returned to his apartment, still in high spirits from their frolicking at the beach. "We have to go again soon," Leslie said as she let herself fall next to him on the couch. "Yes," Roger smiled. "Maybe next time we'll use the really big ball." Leslie raised an eyebrow. "The really big ball?" "Yeah, I got an even bigger beach ball, but I wasn't sure I wanted to spend all day blowing it up. Wouldn't want to waste valuable play time, y'know. Next time we go to the beach, we can really find out if your lungs are strong as you think they are." He reached over and tickled her gently. Leslie fought off a giggle. "Let's see it." "It'll be there next time." "I mean it, let's see this 'really big ball' of yours," she smirked "Let's change first, then you can show off how well you can blow," Roger smirked right back at her. He knew full well that she'd taken the bait, and wouldn't let it go. "Come on, let's see it!" She started poking him playfully. "Ok, I'll get it." He went off to the corner where he'd tossed his bag, and retrieved the beach ball. Made of alternating bands of red and white, it was supposed to be over six feet across when fully inflated. This'll take a few breaths for sure, he thought, though he was hoping she could do it in one. "Here it is," he called, throwing it across the room to her. "Good luck." She squinted at him. "You don't think I can do it, do you?" "I don't care how big your lungs are, there's no way you can fill that up in one shot." She winked at him as she took the beachball up in her hands. "I think you know by now it's not all about lungs." Her face set in a look of focused determination, she inhaled deeply and exhaled several times. Roger walked over to stand next to her to get a better view. He looked over her shoulder as her chest rose and fell, puffing out a little more each time. Finally, she opened her mouth wide, inhaled, and didn't stop. Roger heard the soft rush of air flowing into her as her swimsuit shimmered across her expanding stomach. She was blowing up faster this time, and swelling quickly spread to her breasts. Leslie took in air even faster, her waist and hips pushing outwards as her rapidly developing breasts grew fuller and rounder. She closed her eyes, concentrating on her breathing as she strained to suck in even more. Roger's jaw dropped when he saw her slender legs plumping up with pressure, then her shoulders started to rise up under the straps of her suit. The silver cloth was stretched skin tight across her now huge breasts, which sat atop a belly that was several times bigger than pregnant. Behind her, the suit was starting to ride up between her enormous buttocks. The sides of the swimsuit began to fail, first with a soft popping of stitches, then a loud rip as her bulging sides burst through. The rush of air slowed, and a blissful smile spread across her lips as her breath almost finished. She wished Roger weren't standing behind her so she could see the look on his face. Although she might have been concerned about what devilish thoughts were causing him to grin just a little bit through his gawking astonishment. She paused for a moment, taking in that last puff of air. I think I might have overdone it this time, she pondered as she took stock of herself. Her body was insanely distended, her new swimsuit ruined by her hugely rounded shape. I've never gotten this big before, she thought, but it'll be worth the effort to see his face when I blow his precious beach ball into little bits. Her body quivering slightly from the pressure, and barely able to bend her swollen arms, Leslie let a huge gust rise up in her throat as she brought the ball's valve to her lips. Her eyes snapped open wide in panic as she felt Roger's hand reach around and cover her mouth. She tried to force her breath back down, but it was too late. "MMMMFFFFF!!!" She shrieked into his palm. She was so bloated with air she could barely move, much less break free from his grip. Her cheeks puffed out as the torrent of air that she'd captured inside her desperately sought escape. Finding none, it angrily returned from whence it came. Leslie started to swell. Roger held his hand firmly in place as Leslie continued to bulge out on all sides. The swimsuit held out for only a few more seconds before the last of the seams were ripped apart, the tattered remains falling to the floor. Leslie tried her best to free herself from his grip, but her arms swelled with air and were forced out stiffly from her body. Completely immobile, her entire body trembled as though there were a hurricane raging inside her. Bigger and bigger she grew, her lightly tanned skin stretching out to a shiny tightness. Gradually, the enormous bulges that made up her form began to merge into each other. The canyon of cleavage between her mountainous breasts spread wider and wider as her hills flattened against the vast expanse of her inflating body. Roger had to step back a bit has Leslie's growth started to press into him. She was swelling up as well as out, so he had to roll her back a bit to keep his grip. Her arms were being engulfed by the rest of her body, but he could only assume the same was happening to her legs since her massive bulk was blocking much of his view. She was blowing up into a huge globe, now taller than he was. She was fully on her back now, her belly looming over him as he held her head at chest level. Her protruding head and hands were the only indications that he wasn't simply standing in front of a giant, flesh-colored balloon. Looking down into her fear-stricken eyes, Roger finally relented. He took his hand away, and was nearly knocked flat by the blast of air that came from Leslie's mouth. When it stopped, Leslie hadn't shrunk at all; she remained huge, round, and firm, her absurdly inflated body taking up a good portion of the room. Her taut skin trembled slightly as she drew long, heaving breaths in panic. "Oh my God," she gasped. "Look what you've done to me!" Roger was awestruck. "Are you alright?" He carefully held his hand out and touched her warm, smooth skin. "I feel like I'm about to burst," she said softly, closing her eyes. "I've never gotten anywhere near this big before." "How...?" Roger's voice trailed off, his mind not able to form the question. But Leslie understood. She opened her eyes and stared intently at him, though her flesh had bulged up around her head so much she could barely turn it. "When I was younger, I played with balloons a lot. I liked blowing them up, making them as big as I could, as fast as I could. I got pretty good at it, too. Practice enough, and you get really strong lungs. But it wasn't ever good enough for me. I always tried harder, pushed myself farther. Then one day, I was about to blow up a really huge balloon. I took a breath, but when I stopped inhaling I could still feel the air rushing inside me. I just kept getting bigger, and it didn't stop until I just blew it out. At first I couldn't control it much. I burst a few outfits before I figured it out." She laughed gently. "It just felt so good. It was like, I'd inflate myself, then pass the air on to the balloon, make it my own private little toy. Guess the tables are turned now." She closed her eyes, and a blissful grin came over her face. She was calming down. "But how do you deflate now?" She shook her head. "I don't know. I'd always just exhale and let all the air out, but it doesn't look like that's going to work this time." Roger rubbed her gently. "Don't worry, we'll figure something out." "In the meantime, could you turn on the heat? I'm getting kinda chilly, and I don't think any of my clothes'll fit a three hundred inch waistline." "Sure." Roger went to adjust the thermostat. Before he went back to Leslie he made sure all of the curtains were drawn. He returned to the living room to find her wiggling her fingers and toes, finding that to be the extent of her range of motion. He still couldn't quite believe how absolutely enormous she was. Her belly rose several feet above his head at its highest point, leaving only a couple of feet between her and the ceiling. The tanlines she'd gotten that afternoon were now stretched across her, forming vast arcs over her body. As he walked around her, he noticed her comically distorted nipple. Stretched out to the size of a frisbee, its dark pink gradually faded to her normal skin tone at the edges, a swollen nub timidly poking up from its center. "How do you feel?" "A little bloated," she giggled. "How do you think it feels to get blown up?" He walked around until he could see her head. "So...what now?" "Hey, you're the one who got me into this fix in the first place. Didn't you have a plan?" She glared at him for a moment before breaking into a smile at the awestruck expression that still held Roger's face. "I don't think I'm stuck this way, if that's what you're worried about. I hope the air just leaks out on its own. If I'm still this big in the morning then we might have some serious problems, but for now I guess I'll have to just hang out in your living room." "Well, I can't have you spending the night out here alone," he said. "Hold on." "Not like I can go anywhere," Leslie muttered as Roger started moving furniture around. He took a pair of couches and formed a 'V' with them at her feet. "What you doing?" she called to him. "Just watch." He gently rolled her forward towards the couches, then propped his armchair against her. "This should keep you from rolling," he said. "Why should I be worried about rolling?" Though she wasn't fully upright, her head was higher up now, so she had to strain to turn around and look at Roger below. He was stripping down to his boxers. "You shouldn't. I just didn't want to fall off when I tried this." She scowled at him. "Hey there, don't you even think about that at a time like --" "Don't worry," he laughed, though the idea had occurred to him. What would it be like to make love to this giant balloon woman? "I'm just going to keep you company up there." He stepped up onto one of the couches and carefully climbed onto Leslie's swollen body. "Hey! Be careful whhhoooaaahhh!" Roger's weight slowly sank into her, the pressure causing her to flatten slightly. She felt her hands and feet begin to plump up as the displaced air was forced outward. As Roger put his full weight onto her belly, Leslie felt the pressure rise slowly up her neck, filling out her face until she had to squint over her swollen cheeks. He reached the top, being careful not to bump his head on the ceiling, and brought himself face to face with her. "See," he smiled. "Now I've got a nice soft cushion to sleep on." "Just make sure you don't pop your new toy, mister." Her voice was slightly muffled by her overly plump lips. "Oh, don't worry. I'll play nice." He leaned in and kissed her delightfully full lips and nuzzled up against her face. He started to laugh. "What's so funny?" "I've just never had a girlfriend I could use as a cushion before." He snuggled up to her a bit more, settling in to sleep, listening to the soft rise and fall of Leslie's breath echoing through her body. "I should smack you upside the head," she said, smiling. I guess it's not so bad. Leslie still wasn't sure how or even if she'd get back to normal, but for the time being she just closed her eyes, gently rubbing her cheek against Roger's. She sighed. She'd worry about it in the morning.
bikini, thumb blow
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
The morning sun shone through the blinds as Joyce stood in front of her bathroom mirror. Summer had come, and with it bikini season. She stood clad in her red bikini, running her hands over her body. An exercise regiment had done wonders in slimming her down, but it had also left her top a little less full than she liked. Joyce wasn't at all disappointed however, as she had a talent for solving such problems. Raising her hand to her mouth, Joyce blew onto her thumb, puffing her cheeks out. At first it appeared to do nothing more than that, but something began to stir. There's a faint rustle of fabric, then a visible shift in her bikini top. Her breasts perked up, nipples poking through the fabric. Slowly but surely, Joyce could see her tits growing, forming cleavage as they pushed into each other. She kept blowing, emboldened by the visible swelling of her bust. Air could be heard swirling in each tit, a hollow woosh of wind sounding with each breath blown. With each breath, she felt herself growing more confident, her boobs a proud symbol of her femininity. Bigger and bigger Joyce went, even as her top began to strain against her swollen breasts. The fabric creaked in protest as the beachballs they contained inflated. Remembering that she needed her top intact for the beach, she relented in her growth and took her thumb out of her mouth. Her hands squeezed and prodded as she inspected her handywork. Soft cleavage bulged around the triangular cups, her breasts big enough to cover her upper body from view. Going for the larger, stretchier top had been a wise choice. Giving herself one last appreciative grope, Joyce turned and squeezed out of the bathroom door. She couldn't help but laugh at how her tits squeaked like balloons when they rubbed against eachother. As she gathered her things and prepared for a trip to the pool, a thought crossed Joyce's mind that made her smile. Balloons expanded when they warmed up. Remember that scene in El Superbeasto where Velvet von Black inflates her boobs by blowing on her thumb? I sure as hell do.
water, women inflating men
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation
It was yet another dusty, barren day at the county fair. In the past six hours, only three groups of people had passed by, and none stopped at the water-balloon game he'd been tending. His name was John, but he'd taken the nickname "Tax"--partly because of his love for the Beatles' song "Taxman," but also because it connoted something that brought people pain, and he liked the thought that he too frightened and intimidated people. He did not. It was nearing closing time on this totally wasted day when his world became a dream. Tax wiped the sweat from his brow and sat up, looking in the distance as, yes, three potential customers began walking his way. They were tall, they were leggy, and goddamn, they were beautiful. From left to right was a redhead, a brunette, and a blonde. They walked with deliberation toward his booth, with a self-confident--perhaps somewhat arrogant--swagger. Knowing grins were on their flawless faces. They wore matching low-cut white blouses and tight, tight bare-backed jeans. As they reached his booth, Tax stood at attention (as did the bulge in his pants). He could now read the gold embroidery on their blouses: The redhead was "Kitty," the brunette was "Brianna," and the blonde was "Baby." "Can I help you, ladies?" Tax asked, hoping they didn't hear the crack in his young voice. Wordlessly, the three put their dollars on the counter and picked up their squirt guns. Tax collected the money and had barely stepped aside when they fired at their targets. The balloons above the targets began to inflate. They giggled softly amongst themselves as the balloons swelled bigger and bigger, racing each other to burst. Tax liked watching the women enjoying themselves, but he couldn't help but keep one eye on the swelling balloons, getting larger... larger... larger... POP! Kitty squealed in delight as she popped her balloon first. POP! Baby's balloon burst. POP! Brianna's balloon had held out the longest, but it too succumbed to Brianna's will. Tax had never given it much thought before--maybe because his few previous customers had all been children--but there was something deeply erotic about these women popping balloons. Something about their laugh as they forced the innocent, peaceful balloons to meet their destructive end... Kitty began a victory dance, at first gyrating wildly and laughing. The other two merely watched and smiled. But then Kitty's dancing slowed, her eyes closed, her laughter stopped as her dance became more seductive. She ran her hands over her body, tossed back her hair, and moaned softly to some silent music. And then Brianna sprayed her with her squirt gun. Kitty squealed again, putting up her hands in surprise; but then she put them down again and let the water drench her blouse, soaking it to her skin. Tax saw her breasts cling to the wet cloth, feeling as though he himself would soon swell up and explode. It was all too much for him to take--all the world was birthday cake. But it got better. Because, to Tax's astonishment, Kitty's wet breasts... began to grow. Tax would almost think he was dreaming if not for the unbearable throbbing in his shorts as Kitty's breasts swelled larger, filling out her blouse, becoming more prominent. Becoming rounder and bigger, like the balloons in his game. Kitty threw back her head and laughed, allowing herself to grow a couple more cup sizes. And then she turned her own gun on Baby and Brianna. Unbelievably, their breasts grew too, as the water soaked their blouses. They laughed and sprayed each other, becoming wetter, and considerably more buxom. Soon they were all drenched. And their swollen breasts nearly burst through the thin, transparent cloth of their tops. They all ignored Tax as they played. Until Tax spontaneously ejaculated his pants. He doubled over, clutching his throbbing groin, feeling the wetness spread over his crotch. The women had stopped and watched him in silent amusement. He looked up, wondering if they knew what was happening--or, God forbid, if they thought he was pissing his pants. They knew. And the knowing grins returned to their faces. Brianna turned her water pistol on tax and shot him, drenching his shirt. The other women laughed. At first, Tax smiled too... but something in their laugh seemed different, almost menacing. And then his body began to swell. Like their breasts, like the balloons in his game. It was impossible. It couldn't happen. But his midsection was expanding. At first he just stood there, unable to accept that his belly and chest had grown rapidly bigger, bulging out of his shirt and gurgling as the water gushed inside of him. It was far more water than could be coming from Brianna's pistol. But he had no time to digest the illogical situation. He was definitely getting bigger. Filling up like a water balloon. He opened his mouth to call for help--but Kitty sprayed her gun directly into his mouth. And his inflation doubled. He tried to run, but several pounds of water pressure inside him kept him planted firmly in one spot. Baby also turned her gun on him, and he swelled even faster, and ever so much bigger! Unable to move, unable to scream, Tax grew and grew and grew. His midsection had rounded out to a giant ball shape, forcing his arms outward. Soon, even his extremities plumped up with water. He was so heavy, he fell forward--but his swollen body didn't have far to fall. His bloated belly made a "sploosh" sound, like a water balloon hitting the ground. The pressure inside him mounted. He swelled and swelled, the sounds of rushing water all around him. And over that was sound of their laughter. He grew bigger. And he grew bigger. He could no longer tell how big he had become. But he could no longer feel his arms and legs, and with good reason: He no longer had any. He was now just a ball, a large rubbery ball, water pouring inside him, filling him bigger and bigger. His skin had become transparent, revealing no visible internal organs--just water. And as the water filled him bigger, their water guns constantly spurring him to greater and greater sizes, the squeaking from his body grew louder and louder. Tax began to realize that they were playing the game, but with him as the balloon. And he knew how the game ended. The booth began to creak as Tax's body threatened to outgrow it. His full, rubbery body squeezed against the wall and the counter, the pressure growing as he became increasingly snug. Still the water flowed. Still the women laughed. And still his body expanded. Growing bigger... bigger... bigger... The tension built as his skin stretched ever thinner. Tax ignored the squeaking of his body and became barely aware of his increasing expansion. Instead, he looked lovingly down at the three exquisite beauties, for he had now swollen so big they seemed far below him. Their laughing faces, their wet blouses, their swollen breasts. They were so beautiful. He couldn't speak, but he hoped they could hear his thoughts. I'M YOUR WATER BALLOON. MAKE ME BIGGER. POP ME. And he swelled and swelled and swelled and... He exploded. There was a loud "whoosh" as torrents of water poured down on the gleeful women. They were thoroughly soaked to the skin from head to toe. Their laughter turned to giggles, which also silenced, to be replaced once again by their knowing grins. All that could be heard was the dripping of water from the booth and from their sleek, sculptured figures. The declining sun dried their bodies as they swaggered away.
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
In a plume of sulphur and brimstone he arrived, kneeling in the center of the sigil. He slowly rose on sandaled feet, leather pants clinging to his lean body. The candles lining the room cast it in a dark glow, illuminating his deep purple skin, raven black hair, and two dark horns curling back from his forehead. He straightened out, his mouth upturned in roguish smile as he opened his eyes, an unnatural gold on black. "So, is it you who..." His smile fell. "...summoned... me?"He would be called by a woman; this much he knew and expected. What he did not expect, however, is that the woman would be at least two heads taller than him, with breasts that could put most succubi to shame. The incubus was not particularly tall - indeed, he was slightly below average in height - but this didn't excuse his first glimpse of the mortal world of being so... plump and pendulous."Hey." The owner of the breasts waved a hand in front of his line of sight before pointing up at her face. "Eyes." The incubus looked up to long-haired brunette smiling back at him. "Don't worry, a lot of people are surprised when they see me. It's good to see the ritual worked, though." She looked him over. "How old are you?"He made an attempt to turn the charm back on as he casually brushed a lock of hair back. "Two hundred and sixty-""Oh, right. Demon years. Let me rephrase that: If you were a human, how old would you be?""I would have just turned eighteen," he replied, after a moment of thought.She breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay, good. For a minute there I was worried that you might be too..." She trailed off."Too young?""...yyyyyyeah." She coughed into her fist as she quickly composed herself. "I'm sorry, where are my manners? I'm Nicole Stenam. You know why you're here, obviously.""Of course.""Have you done this before?""It's in my nature to please women.""That's not what I asked," a faint, amused smile crossing her lips. "I asked if you did this before.""I have not been summoned before, no.""So you've gone out on your own.""No.""So you haven't done this before."He hesitated, his cool demeanor quickly crumbling. "No."Nicole laughed. "It's okay! You need to start somewhere! Now..." She began pacing the room, twirling a finger in the air as she thought. "Being an incubus means you need to satisfy my desires, right?"He nodded. "That's right.""But you don't know them, and this is your first time, so how about this." She stopped, turning to face him. "I'll tell you what I want, okay?""Okay.""So you just follow my instructions, and do what I say, and everything will be just fine. Okay?""Okay.""Is it a deal?""It's a deal."Nicole beamed. "Good! Now, about my desires. When it comes to men, I like them..." She leaned in close, lowering her voice to a breathy whisper. "-Big.-""Big?"She straightened up. "Big.""Simple enough." Opening his mouth wide, he drew in a deep breath of air. A gentle curve began to appear on his trim stomach, and Nicole watched as a modest belly quickly appeared on his trim frame. He closed his mouth, resting his hands on his stomach. "Is this what you desired?""Yes, but..." She gestured, spreading her hands then raising one up. "...more."The incubus nodded, then resumed pulling in breaths. His stomach grew inch by inch, rising but never quite falling back to the same size. Hanging off of his frame, it gently bobbed in time to his breathing, pushing out towards Nicole.The swelling spread elsewhere as his chest and shoulders filled out, adding further pneumatic bulk to his frame. Another few inhales and his arms grew thick, doubling in width. Shortly thereafter the creaking of leather heralded the widening of his legs and hips as his pants were filled to capacity, then stretched beyond that. He looked almost fat, Nicole noted, were it not for the weightless, bouyant look of his body.She watched as he huffed and puffed, gaining in all directions. His chest pushed out, almost but not quite keeping pace with his stomach, giving his torso a pear-like shape. His limbs had begun swelling to the point where he could not bend them all the way, limiting his movement.For a second he paused before leaning back, opening his mouth wide and sucking down a deep torrent of air, his stomach growing larger than a beach ball as inches were added to his waistline. Clamping his mouth shut he flexed his arms, straining as his belly began to groan. With a series of creaks it slowly returned to its previous, albeit massive size as the incubus gradually grew taller, the air inside him moving and shifting. Letting out a sigh of relief he resumed breathing, now inflating up as well as out.Nicole quietly stepped to the side, circling around and leaning into him from behind. His breath caught in his throat as her breasts pressed against his back, warm and soft. Her hands encircled him; one gently brushed along the side of his belly as the other slid down to the bulge between his legs. Her breath was hot as she whispered into his ear. "So, you haven't told me your name yet.""I... I really shouldn't say-""Really? Even when we're becoming so..." She gently stroked him, and he trembled at her touch. "...close?""Well-""You can trust me.""Lilu," he said finally. "Lilu Giostou-Vual-Doulostou-Empusae."She laughed quietly. "You know, Lilu, if you're ever getting a bit... -uncomfortable-, you can always tell me. I'm willing to stop if you are.""No!" He quickly composed himself. "No, that's not necessary.""Really? If you say so." Her voice was like wine, sweet and intoxicating. "Now... grow for me."Lilu was happy to oblige.Each breath made him bigger: Stomach growing wider, limbs growing fatter, body growing higher. Nicole smiled, feeling him swell beneath her fingers, honeyed words urging him on. Within moments he was at Nicole's height, and half as wide as he was tall. His arms hung at an angle by his sides, and his legs were so wide he was forced to stand with them spread lest he fall over. Most prominent of all was his gut, blown up to the size of a beanbag chair; Nicole circled back around, tracing a finger along its side, drawing a lazy circle around a navel sunk deep into his belly."So," Lilu said, "is this more to your liking?"Nicole smiled. "It is. I think you'll be perfect. But there's just one more thing..."With one smooth motion she drew a plain black collar from her pocket and, leaning into him, wrapped it around his neck before snapping it shut. She took a step back as Lilu struggled to reach it, his bloated arms waving feebly a foot from his head."By the seals of Solomon and the words of the contract, I, Nicole Stenam, do bind Lilu Giostou-Vual-Doulostou-Empusae to my service!"Lilu's neck tingled briefly, and the color drained from his face as his jaw went slack. His arms fell to his sides as he stared at Nicole in utter disbelief."Hey." She reached out, pushing his jaw closed with her index finger. "Don't feel bad. You're not the first incubus this has happened to, and I know for a fact that this isn't the worst 'first time' anyone's had, human -or- demon. Besides, you were in Hell. You can't honestly tell me that this-" She gestured around her. "-is worse than Hell.""I... suppose not?""There, you see? And hey." Nicole leaned into him, wrapping her arms around him as best she could and giving him a gentle squeeze. "Do you think I would keep you around if you weren't cute?"Lilu blinked before giving her a faint smile. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, he thought."Just think of all the -fun- we can have."On second thought...
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
From the moment of his birth, Isaac knew nothing but privilege and wealth. Born into the prestigious von Bargen line, he grew up with a retinue of servants tending to his needs before he could even speak or walk. His youth was spent under the guidance of the finest tutors and scholars of the realm, educating him in stewardship, governance, and the natural sciences. There was little his parents could not provide, and when his father died of consumption he inherited his titles and lands, and with them the means to satisfy his needs. At least, for a while.As time passed ennui gradually set in, and Isaac grew dissatisfied with mere worldly pursuits. His interests were sparked once more, however, by a chance encounter with an old and forgotten tome speaking of rituals and ancient spirits. He delved deep into the occult, gathering whatever books and artifacts he could, obscurity and confiscation by the church doing little to stop one with sufficient reach and coin. More and more of his time was spent in cloistered study, comparing and cross-referencing notes, translating incantations in long-forgotten languages, and learning ways to speak with forces not of this world.A small, forgotten chapel beneath the castle proved a suitable - and ironic - location for Isaac to ply the fruits of his research. Candles were lit, incense was burned, and an intricate chalk circle was drawn upon the dais, ringed by salt. A goat, freshly killed, provided a suitable offering, and from the page in his hand he spoke the words to call forth power from beyond.The chapel was filled with the howl of the storm, and the flesh and blood of the sacrifice was consumed in a sulfurous flame. The light from the candles was blotted out by a darkness that bordered on the physical, blinding Isaac. The sound of wind faded and the darkness lifted, revealing the fruits of his summoning.She was nude, lithe and sharp-featured, standing confidently with one hand on her hip. Her skin was the tan of stone and sand, brown feathered wings extending from her back, long, loosely tangled brown hair framing her face. With a tilt of her head she looked at Isaac expectantly, sapphire eyes glittering in the light, before bowing deeply. "Focalor," she said; her voice was like red wine. "Great Dutchess of Hell. To whom do I owe the pleasure?""Isaac von Bargen," he replied. "You are a murderous spirit, Focalor, and I have been wronged by many."She inspected the nails of one hand. "Doubtless you would, as a king.""I desire to see them taken care of.""Naturally. So you summon a Dutchess of Hell to satisfy your grudges." Focalor sighed, turning her attention back to Isaac. "So what happened? Did a chef overcook your roast beef? Chambermaid refuse your advances?" Her lips spread in a toothy grin. "Your wife found another more handsome?""You think me that petty?" he snapped."Humans generally are. I suppose you'd like to justify mass executions without trial in a way that makes you out to be the victim. If not to me, then at least to yourself.""Those who have wronged me are enemies of this country. Enemies of its people!"Her expression softened, and after a moment of thought she nodded slowly. "You wish me to slay the enemies of this nation's people. I misjudged you; you clearly care for their well-being if you would go to such lengths for them.""You understand.""I do," Focalor replied, smiling. "So, is that the condition of our contract?""That you may strike down the foes of the citizens of this nation. By the seals of Solomon and the words of the contract, I, Isaac von Bargan, do bind Focalor to my service.""It shall be done, my master; my winds and storms are yours. But," she gestured towards the ground, "I can do little within this circle of salt.""Please, allow me." Isaac dragged the toe of one boot across the salt, breaking the circle, and Focalor visibly relaxed, as if a great weight were lifted from her shoulders."Thank you." She gestured, and the sound of wind filled the room a second before Isaac's stomach bulged, the lower buttons of his vest straining and popping.He recoiled, pressing his hands against his midsection in shock. Whatever was inside him was weightless, shifting with pressure and, as more buttons broke free, continuing to fill him. "What is this? What are you doing?""Following our contract, of course." She smiled. "I normally prefer drowning, but certain other methods have their charm."Isaac's vest burst open, belly sticking out a full foot in front of him as his pectorals grew fuller and rounder, his shirt pulled taut across him. "You betrayed me! We had a deal!""We did. That I would 'strike down the foes of the citizens of this nation.'"His belt grew tight as his backside began to swell. "Yet you turn on -me!- Their king!""You live in changing times, your Highness." Reaching down Focalor undid his belt and, with a snap of her arm, pulled it free; unencumbered, his waist and hips billowed outward, his torso taking on a rounder shape. "Your people are learning what we discovered when your empires were little more than mud huts in the wilderness: That being forced into obedience by an absolute ruler is no life for them."His mouth moved wordlessly as he continued to fill with air, legs of his pants and sleeves of his shirt beginning to grow snug. He awkwardly turned, legs spread to keep his thighs from bumping together, and waddled for the doorway to the stairs. Fumbling with the knob he pulled it open and pushed through, only to wedge himself firmly in the stone doorframe.Focalor laughed. "Are you that eager to show off to your subjects?" She strode towards him, grabbing the back of his shirt collar and giving it a tug. He popped free, struggling to stay on his feet as she pulled him to the center of the room. With a push she spun him around, stopping him by resting both hands on the band of exposed flesh between the hem of his shirt and his beltline. "Sorry to say, but you're going to have to stay here with me.""Stop this!" His limbs grew conical, the stitches in his sleeves and pants popping as his arms and legs thickened and stiffened. He tried to struggle, only managing to bend his arms partway. "I demand it!""'Demand.' Really." She gave him a gentle push, and he flailed as he tipped onto his backside. Her hands sank into his body as she leaned on him with both arms, leering. "It would appear that the ship of state is more a balloon."The last bits of Isaac's clothing were torn apart, falling to the ground and leaving him nude in the chill air of the chapel. There was an overwhelming roundness to his body, soft curves where his pecs and backside were. As his limbs were absorbed into him, little more than fat stumps, the swelling spread to his neck, giving him a double chin. He was as wide as he was tall, utterly helpless, and still growing. "Please! I beg you!"She pulled away, letting Isaac roll back to an upright position. "First demanding, then begging. Well, well. This is what you call 'carrot and the stick,' isn't it." She cupped her chin. "What could you possibly offer me? Wealth?"He looked up as best as he could manage, seeing the ceiling grew closer before looking back down at Focalor over the curve of his chest. "Yes! All the wealth in my realm! Gold, artifacts, jewels, all of it yours!""Land?"He could feel his growth begin to slow, a rising tension across his skin and an overwhelming pressure throughout his body. "I have a map! Just point to wherever you want and I'll give it to you!""Power?""You can be my queen!" Angry red stretch marks formed across his belly as a creaking began to be heard, at first barely audible, then gradually rising above the sound of the wind. "No, empress! I shall be your servant! Your slave!""Anything?""Yes!" He forced the words out through fattened lips and swollen cheeks. "Anything!"Focalor nodded. "Very well. I want..." She took a step forward. "" She touched her index finger to the bulge of his stomach, his body firm. " pop."As he felt his skin begin to tear, Isaac realized that she would get her wish.His body erupted, forced apart by the immense pressure inside of him. His flesh was rent asunder, blood and gore showering the chapel, snuffing candles and splattering across the walls. Focalor received the brunt of the cascade, her figure positively coated with ichor but his brutal, violent demise not even warranting a flinch from the demoness."Ah, yes," she sighed. With a shake of her arms and a flick of her wings the blood sloughed off of her, leaving her clean once more. "So fragile, yet so rewarding." She sauntered towards the door, stepping over Isaac's tattered clothes. "A new era is upon your people, your Highness. A pity you never had the chance to see it."
floating, helium, Prose that Blows 11 - It's All About the Feels, Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Best Depiction of a Negative Emotion
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Brooke was bored. No no, not just bored, sad. She'd just broken up with her longtime boyfriend, and she was feeling the pain. They had been through everything together, traveled all over the world and back, and now this. She had caught him cheating on her with another woman, but not just any other woman, her best friend. So it was safe to say she was feeling a little low. She had a random show she needed to watch playing on her TV, and she was lounging on her couch, feeling lower than she ever had before. She was half tempted to run out to get her favorite ice cream, but that really wasn't her thing. She was a health nut, and rather athletic to boot. She had a slim form, dwarfed by the large blanket spread over her body. Underneath, she was wearing her favorite pink fuzzy pajama pants, the pattern covered in small hearts, with a simple spaghetti strap shirt as her top. She sighed, and rolled over. "Why did they do this to me? What did I ever do to them? Why couldn't-" She sighed. If she got into this way of thinking, she'd never get out. She sighed, and flipped over to face the TV. She knew what she could do. What she did instead of what all of her friends did. She called it, 'Stress Inflating'. Instead of going on a binge and eating as much ice cream as she could shove down her face, she put on her favorite clothing, got comfortable, and blew herself up as big as she could. The feeling always put her mind at ease, and by the time she had deflated, she was feeling much better about life and about herself. Brooke lugged down a new helium tank she'd picked up, this one the best of both worlds. 'Chocolate Helium' was printed on the side in curly red letters. She got it from an online specialty store after browsing for new ways to blow herself up like a balloon. Setting it down next to the couch, she walked over to turn on a good romantic comedy before laying out under the blanket. The movie started, the two leads starting off as simple coworkers. She slipped the hose into her mouth, and turned on the helium, low to start. Looking down at herself, she watched as her chest started to fill up, her top starting to stretch over her growing breasts. She felt the air moving in them, making them softer as they grew. Her stomach wasn't far behind, filling up like a toy beach ball in no time. "Mmm..." She sighed, putting her hands behind her head to watch the movie. Lazily, she turned up the air, feeling it rush into her cheeks before down into the rest of her body. It was rather good chocolate, tasting like she was eating the real thing. She turned it up again, feeling the helium start to rush into her body, filling up and out at a much faster rate. "Mmmm..." She moaned, the fabric of her shirt teasing her sensitive skin. Her chest was the size of two large watermelons, with her torso now rounded out like a small parade balloon. Her arms soon filled up, as well as her legs, stretching out like points on a star. The blanket slid off, now too small for her rounded form. "Mmmph." She grunted, feeling the strain and heat in her cheeks. The helium was still pumping into her, stretching her out into a round ball, save for her still growing breasts, now blocking the view of the TV. She floated up to the ceiling, bouncing lightly when she made contact. Before long, her top ripped off, leaving her only the stretchy pants as cover. With a sigh, Brooke closed her eyes, taking in how good she felt when she was this big. She flapped her hands a bit, using her foot to turn herself to see the romantic leads on their first date. She spit the hose out, and let out a high pitched sigh. "Perfect." She squeaked, happy to watch the movie from her floating vantage point. It wasn't the best solution, but it worked for her.
kiss, magic, self inflation, superhero
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The rabbit blinked under the stage lighting, watching his pet person perform her stupid human tricks. "Abra haberdashery," The Amazing Enchantra passes a hand in front of the rabbits face and to all appearances pulled a black wand from the rabbit's mouth. She displayed it before the audience, giving it a quick twirl with her fingers and balanced the wand upright and spinning on her palm. Then she closed her fingers around it and stopped it's motion, then slowly turned her hand to show the "wand" had become a flat black disc. Then the magicienne raised the disc to the audience and gave it a sharp shake, so that with a 'POP' it became a black top hat which she perched on her honey-coloured hair, and secured it with a pat. "Anyone can pull a rabbit out of a hat, but how often do you see it the other way around?" she asked the audience who rewarded her with applause. The Amazing Enchantra was really at the top of her game, she loved being a stage magician at the best of times, but she was impressed with the connection she had with this audience and the air around her felt dynamic and charged with showmanship. In the back of the bar a small bright flash of like as a patron fired a match. Enchantra peered back at him, "Excuse me sir, this is a smoke free facility," she said and pursed her lips and blew a short sharp breath at him exactly as if she were going to blow out the match, from forty feet away. The match went out. "Huh that was lucky," a patron in the front remarked. "Luck?" Enchantra exclaimed, "Who needs luck when one is a mistress of the Arts Arcane. Allow me a further demonstration of my power." She pulled a balloon out of the cummerbund around her slim waist, stretched it a few times, then held it up, puckered up and blew at the balloon held at arm's length from her face. And nothing at all happened. The audience laughed easily, a few well staged failures often yielded greater applause. Enchantra pretended to examine the balloon, then snapped her fingers, "Magic words, I need magic words." She waved a hand at the balloon, fluttering her fingers, "Kamal Nachrach," she intoned, then blew again. This time the balloon twitched, then started to fill and expand, the air somehow going from her lips directly into the balloon. The sphere of rubber in her palm grew and grew. It was a silly campy trick, used as interactive filler between her larger demonstrations, and if she had had any idea that she had actually inadvertently tapped into true magical power, she would have stopped at once. As it so happened, the decision wasn't hers to make. At the back of the room the bartender opened a fresh bottle of average sparkling wine. The 'POP' of the cork broke Enchantra's concentration for a moment, and all the air rushed out of the balloon. This failure got the expected round of giggles from the crowd. Enchantra wasn't smiling though. Her pretty face was frowning in confusion. She wasn't sure what was happening, but she was pretty sure it wasn't good. The truth of the matter was that Enchantra was in fact an excellent stage magician. She was skilled, clever, witty and very, very attractive. Her long slender legs were displayed to great advantage in black high heels and fishnet stockings. Shiny black hi-cut stretch satin briefs and a loose white silk blouse, that managed to conceal and accentuate her ample bust line. A black top hat and a back silk cummerbund around her trim waist accessorized the costume. In fact it was that same cummerbund that was currently the reason for Enchantra's frown, because she was absolutely certain that it had become...tighter. She placed both hands to her flat stomach only to find it not so flat anymore, her black briefs were bulging around her middle. Looking down at herself she could see that somehow, someway, she was getting bigger! The stretch satin of her costume was earning its name as her belly bulged, and swelled, her slender figure becoming fatter and fatter her cummerbund burst off of her bloating waistline with a soft 'pop'. She could feel the material shift around her as her hips and rear inflated, spreading wide and round. Her thighs plumped up, stretching the fishnet stockings. Her growing body forced her to shift her stance to accommodate her new girth. Enchantra ran her hands over her swelling figure, pushing in against her plush but firm curves. She was blowing up like a balloon! That was it! Somehow the air she had managed to put into the 'magic' balloon was blowing back on her, making her blimp up. She felt a shift in her bra as it tightened around her. The air filling her had risen to her chest and her already substantial bust line was expanding, the cup sizes she was gaining drew her blouse tight across her inflating chest, and pulled at the gaps between buttons. She was afraid she was going to explode! Then it stopped. Enchantra was certain she wasn't getting any bigger, she discovered when one if being inflated, one is perfectly exactly how inflated one is getting. "Well," she said softly to herself, relieved, "At least I'm not going to burst. Ohhh, even if I look and feel like I am." She ran her hands gingerly over her newly-inflated figure. "I can't believe how fat I've gotten. God, I'm a blimp!" Then she became aware of a new pressure, not the pressure of the gas bloating her body, but the pressure of dozens of eyes on her. The audience. Horrified, she raised her eyes from her bulging curves to meet the eyes of the audience, who quite naturally were initially surprised, then amused. "She's huge." "That was different." "She's so fat!" "I think she's sexy." "She looks like she's going to pop!" "She looks like she's going to float away!" "Her next trick will be seeing past that big belly to take off her shoes." "Talk about a big trick." While definitely surprised, Enchantra wasn't nearly as amused about her new shape. And it was only a matter of moments before the inevitable happened. The audience laughed. They erupted into howls of delight, their eyes tearing up, slapping the table. It was too much for the poor bloated Enchantra. While their glee built and built, inside her was a pressure just as tangible as the gas pumped into her. Rage. If hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, it must be based on volume, because the fury that gripped her far surpassed any previous anger she had ever felt. In fact, it surpassed the sum of all the anger she had ever felt. "Stop it, somebody help me, I'm all blown up!" No effect. "Stop it, it's not funny, I don't know what's happened to me!" Unnoticed in the gales of laughter. "STOP IT!" she shrieked. Somewhere in her, something went 'click'. Enchantra gestured at a laughing woman... ...who dropped face down on the table as if someone had turned her off like a light switch. Meanwhile, Enchantra feels her body expand slightly. The unconscious woman's table mates stared at her for a moment, then, as Enchantra pointed at each of them, they also dropped in their tracks, collapsing over each other. Her body blimped up a little more. In a flash of insight Enchantra realized that she could forcibly yank all the air out of a person's lungs, stunning them into instant unconsciousness. However, the breath she stole got pumped into her already distended figure. The inflated magicienne smiled a grim smile, made even more menacing on her pretty features. She waved her arms to encompass the entire room, patrons dropping silent and unconscious as her gesture and will covered them. With the room silent Enchantra put her hands against her bulging waistline as the air from a few dozen pairs of lungs filled her. The buttons of her blouse across her over-inflated breasts popped off, exposing her over-stuffed bra. In the new silence Enchantra concentrated on assimilating the new pressure within her. Her body swelled several inches around, then stopped. "Well," she said to herself patting her ballooned figure, "I'm definitely even bigger than before, but I can still manage my body even extra inflated like this. I wonder how big I can get? I hope I can somehow deflate." She scooped her rabbit off the pedestal he occupied during her performance, and carefully considering her extra girth, made her way off the stage onto the floor of the club. "Well, as far as being a magicienne I'm probably out of a job, so...." She grabbed a table cloth and easily jerked it free from under the table setting and proceeded to pick every wallet, watch, jewel and purse from the unconscious patrons. She was emptying the till when she noticed the rabbit staring past her. Enchantra turned to see one of the waitresses, who had apparently been in the back, staring at her. "Wow," the young waitress breathed, "You got so fat." Big mistake. Enchantra dropped her loot bag and gestured with both hands at the waitress who put her hands to her waist as she started to swell with the air Enchantra was pushing into her. The waistband of her miniskirt couldn't hold her inflating belly in for very long, and in a moment she had burst out of the miniskirt, her expanding waist, hips, belly and butt bloating up and filling out her panties. Then over filling them as her inflated rear plumped out around the seat of her panties making them into an inadvertent thong. Likewise her breasts ballooned up hugely, drawing her t-shirt tight and short over her expanded bust line, the bottom hem of the t-shirt not even coming to the bottom of her inflated breasts. The girl's arms and legs filled up as well, rounding softly with her inflation. Shocked at her new proportions, the waitress fell over in an inflated daze mumbling to herself, "I'm so big and fat...I've blown up like a balloon." Enchantra smiled her grim smile once more, bent over to pick up her loot bag and the smile turned to one of delight. She was back to normal, her figure had deflated! She must have pushed all of the air filling her into that waitress. Enchantra looked over her slim legs and trim figure once more and placed a hand on her trim waist and once-again flat belly and sighed with relief. She arranged her popped-open blouse over her chest, picked up her loot bag and scooped up her rabbit. "C'mon Gandalf, we're outta here." That evening the rabbit and his young pet magicienne looked over the pile of cash and bling on the kitchen table in her modest apartment. Not that show biz didn't pay well, she made a pretty good living, but the profit margin on crime was a bit broader. The Amazing Enchantra stood up and walked into her bedroom, where she stared at her reflection in the mirrored closet doors. Still in costume, which displayed her figure to excellent advantage, she stood, hands on hips, then turned around to look at her shapely bottom in the mirror. She stood in profile, hands on her belly, which she then stuck out as far as she could then relaxed, stared at the reflection of her waist and then at her own eyes. She sighed. Making a decision, she pursed her lips and blew her cheeks out just as if she were inflating a balloon that wasn't there. The magic worked perfectly. Once again her figure bulged and swelled with air, her slender form becoming full and fat. When her bloated body was stretching out her costume sufficiently to cause the straining material to groan from the pressure of holding her body in and the seams had started to creak as the inches of her curves grew and grew. Once again fully inflated, she looked at her wide reflection. The pile of loot on her table was a great return at the expense of her figure. "Ooof, I think I'm even bigger than when I blew up that waitress. I may have overdone it a bit." She waddled back into the kitchen, her wide inflated hips brushing the edges of the doorway. She sat, a little awkwardly at the kitchen table again, higher in her seat from her inflated bottom, and full curve of her bloated abdomen pushed her farther from the table. She looked at the rabbit, "What do you think?" Gandalf the rabbit hopped across the table to her. She petted the rabbit with one hand while patting her bloated tummy with the other, "You love me even when I'm fat. Partner, I think the world has seen the last of the Amazing Enchantra, let's see how they deal with Expandra!" "...White female, blown up like a balloon..." the police scanner squawked. Lynn rolled out of bed, snatching up a pen and writing the details of the incident on her palm, then padded over on bare feet to my bed. Padded was a more than apt term. Lynn was dressed for bed, which was to say a short shirt and stretch satin panties. We had both taken to wearing loose or very stretchy garments, especially underwear. Lynn's underwear was in fact doing some stretching as her belly bulged up in her panties, and I knew her curves were bulging out of the back of the panties as well. She was still a little inflated, her body wasn't as fat as we had sometimes become, but she was obviously plump, and just as obviously inflated. I actually knew all this before she even got up, because as I lay snug in my bed, I was still very very conscious of how snug the waistband of my silk jammies were around my own bloated midsection, and the extra tightness of my jammie shirt around my inflated breasts. "C'mon hero," she said, shaking me fully awake. "Some girl has managed to get, quote, 'blown up like a balloon.' If that isn't our kind of caper, I don't know what is." I sighed rolling myself out of bed, "I'd better get changed." Changed meant my costume. Now that I was a super heroine, I had to have a costume. Lynn helped me work out a few bugs, like the hidden airtanks in the belt under the black cape. Otherwise the rest of the costume was sleeved white spandex tights with tall black boots and now a new black mask, with a built in radio courtesy of Lynn, to protect my secret identity. Of course wearing something so skimpy and snug advertised every extra inch I was carrying. My belly bulged out, drawing my belt tight around me my hips and butt were wide and round and I was very self conscious about the amount of inflated cleavage stuffed into the straining top of my costume. Looking at myself geared up, I thought once again how silly I looked dressed like this and my figure all pumped up. At the same time I thought, "Damn I look good. I look like a super heroine!" I looked over at Lynn who was stuffing her own inflated figure into some Lycra bike shorts to match the sports bra she had managed to get on over her over-inflated breasts. "What are you doing?" "Coming with you, what does it look like? Oh don't start with me again. We're a crime fighting duo, I'm like your Control, I help you figure out problems." "You don't have any superpowers." She set her jaw stubbornly and put her hands on her wide inflated hips and glared at me until I caved. "Fine," I said, opening the window of our dorm room. We were on the top floor, but rather than it opening over empty space, our window opened up onto the roof of the adjoining wing. I carefully maneuvered my bulging figure out the window, then turned back to Lynn, "hang on a sec," and I dropped the hose off my mask into my mouth and opened the valve on one of my airtanks. The pressurized air pumped into me. I had the valve wide open so I grew quickly. My belly blew up inside my costume and my breasts got so full I almost blew out of my costume. The gas filling me rounded hips, waist and sides into one big swelling curve making my arms lift up as they also plumped up full of gas. "Airtankgirl, what is it, why do you need to get so big? Is there a threat?" I wasn't done yet. My thighs were getting thicker while my whole figure bloated with gas. My fattening legs and belly forced me to widen my stance and I knew I'd be waddling if I was walking anywhere. I closed the valve, letting my arms rest on my bulging round sides. "Whew, I feel stuffed." "I should say so Airtankgirl, you look like a blimp! Why do you need to be that big this early?" I leaned towards Lynn through the open window. My round arms grabbed her and too late she saw my plan. By then I already had her and it was too late. I kissed her on the mouth, stepped back and held the window shut. Through the window I saw the shock on Lynn's pretty face. This time the first thing on her to inflate was her breasts. Her chest ballooned up, her cleavage pushing up under her chin as her bust line expanded, making the sports bra creak and bulge roundly with her increasing volume. Then her hips and butt plumped up, pushing out against the tight Lycra bike shorts, followed shortly by her belly growing. Her already plump figure grew wide and round, her clothes creaked and strained to contain all of her growing curves, soon she had grown big enough that she was having trouble standing and she was certainly blown up enough that she wouldn't be able to fit through the window and follow me. "I'm sorry hon, but I couldn't bear it if you were hurt." Lynn was trying to push her inflated bosom down enough to see me, "You fink! Look at me!" "Oh you like being blown up anyway, you aren't that angry. I'll be back in a jiff." I ran as fast as I could for the edge of the roof and leaped into the air, the super strength in my very pumped up thighs propelling me up into the night sky. A dozen super-hops and I managed the few blocks between the campus and the hospital where the police bulletin indicated they were bringing their inflated victim. I landed easily and lightly, even in heels, and strode up to to nurse's station. The nurse on duty took one look at me and pointed down the hall, "Room 101." I followed her directions to 101 where there was an officer stationed outside the door. He caught a glimpse of my inflated body strolling towards him and pushed the door open and called inside to the room, "Sergeant?" I was met at the door by the same lady detective I had tussled with at the apartment fire. Swell. "Hmmph, I'm not sure if this good or bad," she said, eying me, "But it's not like I have any better ideas," she swung to door fully open to admit me into the hospital room. Then followed me in, closing the door behind us. Filling the bed before us was a pretty young lady dressed only in a small t-shirt and some very small striped panties. This little clothing looked small because of size of the girl herself. One look at her and I could tell she was definitely inflated. Her whole body had become bloated while her figure was dominated by her hugely inflated belly. The detective watched me as I gently touched the girl's inflated stomach, testing it's resilience, pressure and finally putting my ear to her waist, listening. "Any thoughts?" The detective sergeant asked. "Well, I can tell you she is definitely inflated, probably with common air, nothing exotic like helium or such. I assume she hasn't gained any weight, just girth?" "Yep." "Care to tell me where you found her?" She stared at me for a moment, "Listen Fatgirl..." "Airtankgirl," I snapped, bristling. "Fine, Airtankgirl. I'm Detective Lise Frey. I'm half-tempted to run you in for questioning on this. I don't really understand what's going on with you or her, but I'd like some answers." "All I can tell you right now is that she's definitely been inflated, what I want to know is what were the circumstances surrounding her." Making a decision within herself the lady detective narrated the scene found early this morning of the roomful of unconscious, robbed people at the equally robbed magic club, and this one inflated girl. As if on cue, the victim opened her eyes, and looked around, then down at herself, gently touching her new body with curious hands. I looked down at her, "Hiya, how are you feeling?" She looked up at me, "I feel...really big and sorta bloated." "Are you in any pain?" As she shook her head the lady detective whispered to me, "They gave her a sedative to calm her." "It doesn't hurt or anything, I just feel so strange, I've never been inflated before," she gently touched her full round belly. I patted my own bulging midsection, my stomach sounding hollow, "It's not so bad some of the time," I said smiling in what I hoped was a reassuring manner. "In fact a few more of us and we might have a new fashion trend." "I think I'm probably out of a job though. Probably not much call for inflated waitresses." "Your job is the last thing you should be worried about. Just relax and we'll figure out a way to deflate you." I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and stepped into the hall with the detective. "Well?" she asked. "Well, she is definitely inflated, I don't know how or who blew her up like that, I suspect there are no ill effects-" "Other than being pumped up like a parade float." "-or if the effect is permanent." "Which if it is, will make her life difficult," she looked at me, "So are you permanently bloated? I mean I know you expanded, but do you ever totally deflate?" "I'm not sure," I answered truthfully. I actually couldn't remember not being inflated in some way since I got this wacky power. Frey's radio chirped for her attention, she pulled it from under her jacket, listened to the stream of jargon and codes coming from it, then replaced it. "You'll have to excuse me, we've lost contact with a cruiser, its just down the block, and I'm the closest officer. I'm going to check it out." "What was that cruiser doing before you lost contact?" Frey was already striding down the hall, "Vandalism at 83rd and Randall." I happened to know that that corner had a Cartier's, "I'm coming with you," I called, trotting awkwardly after her. Oh I was still pretty big, it was hard to run. Outside the hospital Frey turned to me and said, "With all due respect Fatgirl-" "Airtankgirl!" I snapped back. "I don't think you'd fit in my car," she said coolly. I put my hands on my wide hips, "Fine, you can meet me there then," and with a flex of my mighty pneumatic legs, I soared through the pre-dawn air. It only took two hops to reach the corner in question. I landed lightly in the middle of the deserted street and spotted the patrol car in front of the jeweler's. I waddled quickly over to the slumped form of the cop at the driver seat. He was unconscious without a mark on him that I could see, though oddly, every window of the car was blown in. Then I straightened and turned my attention to the store. One of the glass doors was shattered and I could tell even from here that the window displays had been looted. A few steps closer and I became aware of someone moving around the inside of the store. I dashed less than gracefully to the edge of the door. I wished I was a little slimmer, I felt being this full really robbed me of my agility. Besides, I was going to have to rip off the other door in order to fit through into the store. Then suddenly I felt as if all the air in my lungs had been suddenly sucked out of me. The shock and the oxygen starvation stunned me a little, and my legs gave out from beneath me and I fell to the ground. I wasn't actually unconscious, but I was pretty dazed. "Who...?" I felt a toe push me over and roll me onto my back, the full shiny white dome of my bloated stomach rolling upright. I heard a low, throaty laugh. "Wow, and I thought I was fat, you're a blimp! I had no idea there was a inflated super heroine! Heh, and in spandex no less. Sorry dear, but that outfit makes you look a little hippy." The first thing I could focus on was the pair of long legs, in fishnet stockings, but even in my dazed state I could see what were supposed to be shapely calves and thighs were a good deal more plump than they were supposed to be, the fishnets were gaping over her expanded thighs. Above that was an impressively round and fat belly stuffed into some shiny black hi-cuts. I couldn't really see much more over the new woman's obviously inflated waistline. "I'm new, I'm Airtankgirl." I muttered, trying to roll my bulky body over onto a side. "And you're still conscious, impossible, my vacuum blast should have robbed you of all the air in your lungs, rendering you as unconscious as that cop over there," she gestured over to the patrol car. "In case you hadn't noticed, I have a lot of extra air." The villianess stopped my attempt to roll over by planting a high-heeled shoe on my full waist, pressing down on my gassy belly, "So I see," I felt the same sucking sensation as she hit me again with her vacuum attack. Above me, Expandra's belly swelled slightly, her briefs creaking as she expanded from the air she robbed from me. Meanwhile I could feel the difference a few inches lost from my waistline from her attacks. I played possum, until she strode off, her high heels clicking loudly on the empty street. Then I rolled to my feet and charged her from the rear, her rear wide and bulging with the full roundness of her plump and inflated bottom. Expandra must have heard me coming, for she stopped and half turned to face me, pivoting on one extra curved hip. Luckily this maneuver didn't make her any less wide of a target, and her sexy half-turn, had her off-balance, so I barreled into her like a freight train. OK, more like a hippity hop, but it still knocked her high in the air and across the street where she slammed into a building and slumped to sitting position. "Yeah, that's what I'm talking about," I said grinning. Expandra grunted as she tried to sit up enough to see over her stomach, "Oh! That hurt! If I hadn't been pumped up that might have really injured me!" "You just wait Miss Thing, the next one will." I said stalking towards her. She vacuumed my lungs again, making me stagger, and again making me drop gracelessly to one knee. Every attack was slimming me down, I could now be bent over one knee, and while I was loosing strength as well as girth, I was still plenty blown up to handle her. From her collapsed position at the base of the building, Expandra pressed her hands against her waistline as she bloated and swelled with the air she was stealing from me. As she struggled upright I could see her waist and hips loosing definition as her torso rounded. I had only gotten both feet under me when she hit me again. She was growing so much her white blouse was gaping around the buttons over her breasts as they pumped up like balloons. "Hey Expandra, your eyes look as wide as your hips!" And they did too, I had a feeling she was pulling more air than she usually did, she looked a little worried at the state of her figure. All I needed to do was have more air in me than she could hold. But I was a little worried about that. At the start of the fight I was substantially larger than she was, but after her attacks, we were pretty evenly sized. "Freeze!" Naturally it was Detective Frey, standing there in a Weaver combat shooting stance, pistol in hand, looking all action-girl in sleek grey slacks and having shed her jacket for the mobility of just the tight green stretch top she wore beneath it. Naturally I stopped. Naturally Expandra didn't. Staring down the barrel of Frey's Sig, she reacted, pushing both hands at the policewoman. Detective Frey's slim backside bulged up in her sleek slacks, plumping out her rear and drawing her slacks snug across her expanding bottom and hips. Understandably Frey dropped her pistol and dropped both hands to her widening hips. Eyes big, she asked, "What's happening to me, I...I'm spreading out!" I couldn't do anything as Frey's chest swelled up like balloons, her rapidly growing breasts bulged up and overfilled her bra, stretching out her top. She looked like a...well to be honest she looked like a superheroine, all pumped up hips and bust. Her hugely exaggerated hourglass figure was definitely all out of proportion to her slim, athletic body, and it was just as definitely inflated. Not only could no normal person ever hope to achieve curves like that but they had the signature roundness and bounce of the inflated anatomy. She moved her hands up to her over-inflated breasts and was alternatively squeezing and pressing down on herself, as if to push out the air filling her up. Then Frey dropped her hands to her waist and looked down at herself, unable to see her body below her huge chest. But her hands confirmed what her clothes were telling her, her slacks were getting tighter in the front as her once flat belly, now bulged out, bloating up with air. Her inflating belly surged forward, bursting buttons and seams, pushing her plump round thighs apart as she tottered with the new center of balance that her bloated body was giving her. I watched Expandra laugh at her plight as the policewoman's trim figure swelled with air, buttons and seams splitting as her curves developed, then overdeveloped. In a few moments, Frey was an inflated caricature of herself, her figure all blown up out of proportion, her neat action-girl look burst open by her expanding body. I also watched with great interest as Expandra's figure returned to what I assumed was her normal shapeliness, slender but curvy. Her blouse stopped gaping between buttons and returned to it's loose fit. Likewise, her air-filled body stretching out her black hi-cut briefs and the fishnet stockings deflated, the material of her costume, creaking but this time with relief as her internal pressure lessened. She looked down at her deflated body, "Hello feet," she said, obviously happy to be back to her slim self again. I leaped into the air, landing right in front of her, knocking her once again on her rear, though this time it was a lot less well-padded, "Remember me?" She was agile and quick, I'll give her that. Once upright she vaulted right over my head, somersaulted- -And I smacked her into a graceless lump. I may be a little clumsy when inflated, but I was a lot smaller than when I started this fight, and there was nothing wrong with my reflexes and I certainly didn't lack for strength. "Ow," Expandra said from the ground. Realizing her lithe, deflated figure lacked the power to defeat me, she hit me with an other vacuum attack. I staggered again, and her body began to swell, filling up the magicienne's costume once more. But it took her too long to charge up. I allowed my stagger to turn into a fall, and I fell, belly-first right on top of her. Once I was certain she wasn't moving I rolled off her, yup, out cold. "Nice move," the inflated Detective Frey said, moving over to me with the careful waddle and awareness of her new girth of the recently inflated. "Thanks. How are you?" Frey looked down at herself, "Well, it's weird. I've never been..." "Inflated?" "Thank you, yes, inflated. I guess I'll have to accept that. I've never been inflated before. I feel so...big," she said, patting her large round stomach. "I smiled sympathetically, "You are big. But you'll get used to it." "No offense, but I'm sorta hoping I won't have to. It will make things a little awkward when I'm seeing my boyfriend, oh I hope he can live with this. Oh God, my Mother, what's she going to say when she sees me like this?" "Look at the bright side, you probably don't have anything that fits, so you'll need to do a lot of shopping. Soon." Frey looked down at herself again, her over- inflated figure bulging in nothing but her top and some stretched full and surprisingly lacy panties. Then she looked up at the sound of sirens in the distance, "You probably better scram, I'll take care of the administrative details. But you did good here, thanks," she said, extending her hand. The pair of us were almost too big in the belly for our hands to meet, but we managed. Then I bent down and launched myself into the lightening sky. I dropped lightly to a roof top and looked back at small (But still large in comparison) figure of Detective Frey directing the crime scene. For all her bravery during the fight with Expandra, what impressed me the most was the poise and calm with which she directed her crime scene, orders given by her were obeyed immediately by her officers, without them giving a pause or anything more than a brief glance at the bloated policewoman in her underwear. That was command. I hopped back to the dorm, landing on the roof in front of my window. The lights were on, and I could see Lynn inside. That wasn't a good sign. Even worse I could easily tell from here exactly how angry she was with me. Furious really fit her mood better. I made a decision, and opened the window. Luckily I was just small enough to be able to squeeze through the window, though it got a little tight at my hips, and I managed to fall into the dorm room in an inflated lump. I could feel Lynn's glare on me as I righted myself. She opened her mouth to speak and I sprung forward, clapping my hand over her lips, both of our inflated bellied colliding with a hollow 'BUUUM'. ""Lynn hon, before you give me the ass-chewing that I so very much deserve, let me say that I made a mistake. We are a team, I can't do this alone, I thought I could, and I probably would have failed tonight if it hadn't been for the actions of someone helping me. And that someone should have been you, there's no one else I'd rather have backing me up in a fight than my very very best friend, and I'm so sorry I bushwhacked you, and I understand if you want nothing else to do with me or this wacky life I've got now." I took my hand from her mouth. Lynn opened and closed her mouth several times, deciding what to say. Then she made her decision, "All I was going to ask was when I deflate some can I borrow your last year's Prada shoes?" "No," I watched her frown, "They aren't last years." She grinned, "And yes you do deserve an ass chewing of titanic proportions, and conveniently your butt is currently of titanic proportion, but luckily for you, you have more butt than I do teeth. But, fail me again and I shall not be so forgiving," She said the last in a deep voice, making mechanical breathing noises. I grinned back, "Yes Lord Vader, shall I roll you into bed?" "Yes, please." Epilogue: I landed on the roof of City Hall. I was pumped up enough to hyper-accentuate my figure, all the gas in me was going to my hips, legs and rear and my chest, straining my costume. This allowed me a good balance of maneuverability and power. I opened my left arm and let Lynn drop to the roof. Lynn was inflated in a similar shape as I was, top- and bottom-heavy. The gas filling her didn't convey and super strength, but she did gain a measure of invulnerability. She had also gained a costume, hers was sorta like a negative of mine. A black one-piece with white tights, cape, boots, mask and utility belt. Like myself, her inflated curves bulged and strained at her costume. Detective Lise Frey stood next to the helium tank that had inflated the 12 foot wide white weather balloon that now floated and bobbed from its tether. Lise's body still showed the ample signs of her battle with Expandra last week. She had shopped for her new size, so her large inflated breasts pushed out past her jacket in a clingy camisole. Her hips and bottom, quite full and wide made her plus-sized wool trousers snug around her, while her air-fattened belly bulged in the front of her pants, and bulged up over the waistband, her extra girth covered by the large, tight camisole. She raised an eyebrow, "There's two of you?" Lynn stepped forward, "I'm her sidekick...Bubbles!" Frey looked at her, "Bubbles?" I looked at her, "Bubbles?" "Go with it," Lynn said sotto voce. "Cute," I said to Frey, nodding at the tank and balloon. "Well there wasn't a Bat-signal in the budget." "You're looking...well," I tried. Frey snorted, "I look like something on a truckers mudflap. I've started carrying a high cap nine because my breasts are so large I can't reload. My breasts are also too large for me to shoot in Weaver, so I'm having to retrain in a new stance." "I'm sorry to hear it." "My boyfriend doesn't seem to mind though, Even though I'm super busty, I'm so light that I don't need a bra, which is good because I doubt I could find one in my size anyway. But my Mom can't resist making me salads when I visit her. I'm mostly on desk duty until I deflate." "Is that going to happen?" Bubbles asked. "Well Expandra's other victim, the waitress and I have both lost about two inches. At this rate we might be back to normal in a month or two." We were lucky, I thought, it only took us a few days to completely deflate. I'd had to pump up just to answer this call. "Well, I'm glad you're coping." "It's not so bad after all actually, I mean I know I'm bloated with all this air, but it's not life ending. While I never am not totally aware of how full my body has become, sometimes I find myself just not as concerned about it. You think I'm getting used to it?" "Sounds like it," Bubbles said, smiling sympathetically at her. "God I hope not," Lise said rolling her eyes and clutching her big round belly. "But I didn't call you up here to discuss my super-sized figure, I wanted to tell you that Expandra escaped." "What! How?" "Well we had her in plastic restraints and it looks as if she or something else managed to chew through the cuffs. She stunned her guards, and strolled out. I'm sorry Airtankgirl, but we're a local police department, we aren't really equipped to deal with supervillains. Think of it as job security." "Swell," I muttered. "We probably will," added Bubbles.
chemical, floating, inhale, Prose that Blows 5 - Taboo (2011)
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Having been a smoker since the age of sixteen, Marti made many attempts to break the habit. She first went cold turkey at nineteen when she couldn't afford to buy cigarettes, but found herself bumming smokes at every opportunity. At twenty-two, her boyfriend introduced her to nicotine gum. It tasted unsavory and did little for her cravings, so she dumped both the gum and the boyfriend. At the age of twenty-five, she tried the patch. After making herself sick from applying too many at once, she found smoking to be safer after all. Pushing thirty, Marti made a last-ditch effort at finding an alternative. Through extensive research, she happened upon electronic cigarettes. Not only did they appear to be healthier, but Marti was thrilled to find that they came in delicious flavors. After slogging through the flood of reviews, message boards, videos, and testimonials, Marti wearily settled on a brand of e-cigarette at random and ordered a getting-started kit. When the box arrived, Marti spent the afternoon reading manuals and preparing. Jargon such as "atomizer" and "vaping" along with the assembled cigarette looking like a black magic marker made her feel like a science fiction character. She filled a blank cartridge with dulce de leche flavor, loaded it, and took her first vape. It was heavenly. Marti drained the cartridge dry, finding it increasingly difficult to exhale the delicious vapor. With her second cartridge (this time, chocolate mousse) Marti trapped the vapor within her, savoring each vape like a consummate stoner, before exhaling. With the third cartridge, caramel mocha, Marti didn't exhale. Instead, she closed her eyes and drifted off into a delicious dreamscape. She didn't notice her jeans' tightness until the cartridge was empty. She ran her hands up and down her figure and released her vapor in a gasp of shock. Her breasts were more buoyant, her flat stomach was flat no longer, and her hips had enough swagger to knock a military contingent dead. Marti scoured the documentation and found nothing about electronic cigarettes having "increased voluptuousness" as a side-effect. Was trapping the vapor causing the dramatic change in her physiology? Curiosity got the better of her, so she took in cherry cola flavored cartridge four. By the end of the cartridge, the button of her jeans rocketed to freedom. A round belly poked from beneath her top and her brassiere seemed four sizes too small. As Marti made her way to her mirror for inspection, she felt as though she was hopping on the moon. Sans clothing, she looked like a hyper-sexualized love doll made real. Despite the enormity of her breasts, they were perkier than ten years ago. Her stretched belly was less like a gut and more like a dome, and she swore that her robust thighs squeaked as they brushed together. When she gazed over her shoulder to get an eyeful of her backside, her jaw dropped. Her widened hips melded into an ass of immeasurable size. All she could think was that she looked like "one of those rap guy's girlfriends." Through poking and pinching, she discovered that her skin yielded but it had no heft. It was as though her meat was as insubstantial as the vapor she absorbed. This enraptured her. With the fifth (French vanilla) cartridge down, she could jump to the ceiling and float down as lightly as a feather. Her billowing hips and buttocks were too broad to fit comfortably on her couch and her abundant breasts and belly obscured most of her vision. By the sixth cartridge, banana crème, Marti was floating both literally and metaphysically. Her body was more a collection of luscious spheres than anything that resembled a normal feminine silhouette by the time she drained her seventh cartridge of its apple pie flavor. She could no longer maneuver herself to the ground to refill her cartridge. Worse yet, Marti's arms were too fluffy for the dexterity needed to put the e-cigarette to her lips. Having vaped herself into a human zeppelin, Marti helpless bobbed against the ceiling while pouting and creaking. Darkness fell and her body was no less pneumatic. Though Marti couldn't see the time, her roommate should be home shortly. They would then figure out a way to get Marti down that didn't involve sharp objects. In the mean time, Marti lulled herself to sleep with thoughts of open windows and fluffy, vanilla-flavored clouds.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Vaughan stood in front of the ornate mirror and smiled mischievously to herself, stifling a giggle. A cute waistcoat, a blouse, a pencil skirt and she was transformed from platinum blonde hipster to deferential waitress. She had dyed her hair black to match and rounded the outfit off with a bow-tie. This get-up made her look so sweet and subservient, how could she possibly arouse suspicion? She smiled again, a touch of menace in the smile betraying her malevolent intentions, but only to her reflection. Behind her, the decadently tiled bathroom put her new character in an appropriate context. Checking nobody was watching, she took a bicycle pump out of her bag and secreted it out of sight inside her waistcoat. With her foot she pushed her bag into the cabinet beneath the sink, closed the cabinet and heading out of the bathroom. Emerging into a plush carpeted hallway, Vaughan immediately blended in with the identically dressed waitresses. She followed a group who looked like they were just clocking in for the day and stepped through a pair of large glass doors into a large, brightly lit dining room. She cast her eyes around, on the lookout for a potential victim. The room was large and elegantly decorated, it was lit by floor to ceiling windows to Vaughan's left, which opened into a large conservatory full of tropical plants, and beyond that a large country park. Vaughan estimated it contained in the region of 100 dining tables. She noticed a few diners were sat alone on single tables. She felt sorry for these lonely people, but she also felt the desire to find a pretty girl sat on her own to be her victim; as though her trap were an act of kindness toward the poor isolated darling. Vaughan always thought like this about her victims, a mixture of mischief, wickedness, pity and affection. Vaughan followed another waitress-facsimile into the kitchen, it was large, thronging with people in all the different uniforms of the catering trades and the air was thick with steam and the smells of cooking. It was busy enough that so long as she blended in Vaughan could walk around without anyone noticing she was new. Then, emerging from the activity like a figure walking out of the mist, she saw a man coming toward her who she instantly knew could only be the maitre d'. He was a hunched, grey figure, gaunt with a widow's peak. She felt a pang of fear... would she be found out? Would he issue her an order? She worried that the game was up, but the man walked past her without even a cursory glance, absorbed by his own duties. She breathed a heavy sigh of relief and turned her mind back toward the plan. Back near the door to the dining room Vaughan saw her opportunity, a dessert trolley crammed with delectable sweetness, the perfect vehicle for her trap, where temptation could be her ally. She wheeled the trolley into a corner and hiding her actions with her back she produced the bicycle pump. A cream puff low down on the trolley caught her eye, both alluring and curiously fitting for inflation, she moved it to take pride of place atop the trolley. Then, twitching from excitement and nerves she pushed the needle of the pump into the puff with surgical deliberateness. As she started to pump air into the puff she saw it bulge and pulsate slightly becoming bigger and more distended. She continued to force the gas into it for as long as she felt safe, stopping when it was about twice its normal size. 'Excellent' she said to the puff under her breath 'now we have to go find you someone to pump up'. She wheeled the trolley into the dining room. As she moved through the dining room she kept an eye open for any cute , lonely girls. She had to stop once to let an elderly gentleman take a piece of gateaux but it wasn't long before she spied her quarry. Sat alone, was a pretty Japanese girl looking slightly forlorn and pushing the remains of a spare rib around her plate. She looks ready for dessert Vaughan thought, and whisked the trolley in the girl's direction. <> Kaori had been stood up, it angered her, the guy had seemed so keen... lying bastard. She pushed her plate aside, well at least she'd had a good meal. If her upper-class would-be date hadn't used the weight of his family name to get this booking she'd never have been able to eat at such an exclusive restaurant. She started to wonder about whether she could afford a dessert when a lithe waitress wheeled up to her with a dessert trolley. 'Are you OK love?' said the waitress, in an accent Kaori didn't recognise. 'I've been stood up' she replied, sensing an opportunity to garner the friendly waitress' sympathy. 'aww, he probably wasn't worth it' said the waitress comfortingly, before holding out a plate on which was a large cream puff. 'on the house' she said, winking 'the person who ordered it seems to have left'. Kaori thanked the waitress, beaming at this random gesture of kindness. The waitress smiled warmly back at Kaori. There was a hint of mischief in her smile but Kaori presumed this was because she was breaking the rules by offering it to her; and with that , she wheeled off to serve more customers. Kaori felt a warm glow as she bit into her treasured gift. It was really quite enormous, but very light and fluffy like eating a balloon. As she swallowed it felt as though she were just swallowing air, she felt gulps of it pass down her throat and into her stomach. The taste was perfect, the consistency of the Chantilly cream divine. Within a minute, she had finished it. She smiled again and pushed the plate away. Satisfied with the way things had turned out, Kaori sat back in her chair. She felt slightly full, it had been a good meal, and the cream puff at the end had been a nice treat. She didn't need whiny guys who didn't respect her when she could rely on the kindness of strangers. Kaori rubbed her tummy, she was starting to feel a little gassy. She leant back a bit further and unclipped the wide elastic belt she was wearing over her soft polyester dress. Since finishing her dessert she had felt a rather sudden build-up of trapped wind, she rubbed her abdomen again. She moaned slightly as the feeling of pressure in her stomach continued to mount, something wasn't quite right, she shouldn't be feeling this gassy, this suddenly. Then, she felt her belt become tighter and shift against her abdomen, she looked down and rubbed it a third time and was shocked to notice it was bigger. From both rubbing it and looking at it, it was clear her abdomen had bloated out significantly; even though her belt was unbuckled, it felt a bit tighter than expected and she was certain her belly seemed a little rounded. She also thought the bloated region of her abdomen was a bit lower than it should be, it didn't seem to correspond with her stomach, but was more towards her crotch. She could definitely feel a sensation of building pressure though, as though she had drank a whole bottle of Pepsi and jumped onto a trampoline. She actively tried to burp, opening her mouth, clenching her stomach, even pushing in on the paunch with her hands to try and force the air out, but nothing happened. 'Maybe I need to pass the gas from the other end' she thought, and instantly became aware of the people around her. She felt increasingly embarrassed and squirmed uncomfortably in her seat with a mixture of embarrassment and the pressure in her belly. She noticed something else too as she sat with her hands across her crotch; it was still rising along with the feeling of growing pressure. She moaned as quietly as she could but noticed the distinguished woman at the table in front of her give her a look of disapproval, leaning forward slightly to hide her embarrassment she continued to rub her distending paunch. As her hands stroked around her hips, she noticed that they too seemed wider and rounder, she felt a shiver of fear and trepidation at her lack of control over her body and decided she needed to get to the toilets. Sitting more upright she felt her body stretching her clothes tighter, and she assumed, still expanding. She felt like she really needed to just force all the gas out of her in private and now she was sure she could see and feel herself rising off the seat. 'My ass!' she thought, lifting her bottom off the seat slightly and sliding her hand beneath. Her bottom felt smoother, rounder and tighter. She was sure now that she had a very unusual problem with gassy build-up, and it hadn't escaped her attention that a man to her right had noticed the location of her hand and coughed as if to express his discomfort towards her. Placing her hands on the table in front of her, she rose to her feet. Now she was standing she was very aware that some people had noticed her discomfort, that her belt was unbuckled and that she now had a visibly bloated midsection. She let out a quivery mumble and turned to face the exit, feeling her bloated bottom bump the table as she turned. She walked away from the table and as she did her ass knocked into the chair, it leaned slowly backwards and she watched with horror as it tipped back past it's centre of gravity and began the descent to the floor. The back of the chair slapped against the carpet with a dull thud that created far too much noise for the rarefied air of the dining room. As she tottered through the mass of people she felt exposed, with all those judging eyes directed against her. She tried to deflect attention from herself as she shuffled towards the exit but she couldn't make the way she walked any less noticeable, her thighs felt tighter and her hips wide and cumbersome. A couple of times her bum brushed unexpectedly against fellow diners who turned to glare at her angrily, nothing was said but she could feel the air of restrained condemnation as tight as her thick black leggings, containing her ever expanding ass. She tried not to touch her inflated hips and abdomen but as the pressure grew she couldn't help rubbing her tummy or gently caressing her hips and moaning softly, she blushed bright red and craved the instant relief of leaving the dining room through the large double doors like an actor leaving the stage after a poor performance. As she passed through the doors the kind waitress who had given her the cream puff met her coming in the opposite direction, the two women exchanged glances and Kaori noticed the waitress cast an almost appreciative peek downwards at her swelling hips. She smiled nervously and made eye contact with the waitress, who smiled in a more self assured manner further heightening Kaori's discomfort as she felt the waitress' lithe body stroke past her ballooning midsection. As Kaori burst though into the hall she could have sworn she felt a hand gently stroke against her enlarging bum; but when she looked back the waitress was gone. She rushed as quickly as her pumped up thighs would let her, bustling into the toilets and being massively relieved to see there was no-one else in there. Once in the toilets Kaori looked over her shoulder into the ornate mirror; this definitely wasn't right, her ass and thighs shouldn't be expanding with the trapped gas. Her bottom had expanded so much that it was stretching and lifting the back of her dress which normally stopped just below the tops of her thighs, her dignity spared by the dark leggings she was wearing. Now she could see the nape of her swollen bum peeking out beneath the dress and her rounded butt-cheeks shaping the dress into two balloon shapes with fabric stretched tautly across the crevice between. She grunted with another surge of pressure in her abdomen as rubbed her ass with her right hand. Instead of having the give of soft flesh it felt tight, resisting her attempts to squeeze her buttock; it felt exactly as though it were inflating like a volleyball. She turned to the side to view herself in profile. The way Kaori looked now could only be described as though her crotch, ass and thighs were being inflated, filled with air, pumped up. She moved her hand gently across the straining fabric of her dress, feeling the tightness of her belt as her hand moved over it and on to her abdomen. She whined a little as she stroked her hand up and down between her abdomen and crotch, arching her back slightly. She could feel the pressure mounting as though more and more air were being pumped into her but it couldn't get out and had nowhere to go other than to distend her poor body outwards like a high-school science experiment she once did where they mixed vinegar and baking soda together in a closed balloon and watched as it spontaneously inflated. Her mind wandered a little bit and she noticed the feeling wasn't at all displeasurable; when something suddenly crossed her mind. In that experiment, the balloon had inflated until it popped! With her body inflating in much the same way, was there a chance? She daren't think it, might she too go pop! She looked across at the mirror again, she could actually see herself visibly blowing up, her abdomen surging forward, battling wilfully against her clothing and the tautness of her flesh and pulling her crotch with it. Her ass was also pumping outwards in the opposite direction as she increased in volume and now her thighs we so massively pumped up it was starting to spread to her lower body as a whole and she felt a growing rigidity of her swollen flesh behind her knees. Suddenly Kaori heard a creak of the outer door to the toilets open, as quickly as possible she waddled over to the nearest cubicle grunting with the effort of budging her bloated legs along and feeling the agitation of her lower body intensify the gassy sensation. By now her body had blimped up so much she had to turn sideways to pass through the door. She just managed to shut the door when she heard the inner door creak open. She applied the latch and breathed a small sigh of temporary relief as she heard footsteps on the tiled floor outside. Fortunately the cubicles were quite spacious, with room for an individual sink and towel rail so she didn't have to worry about getting stuck... yet. Outside she heard the sound of the unknown intruder pattering around the room she felt the hair rising on the back of her neck and held her breath. She tried to remain as silent as possible for fear of the embarrassment it would cause if she were discovered. In the silence she could hear her abdomen gurgling and creaking softly, she gently placed her hands on her hips and felt them being pushed apart by her expanding frame. She reached behind her to place her hands at the roundest point of her ass, as it gradually pumped up bigger and bigger it was becoming difficult for her to reach back there. Her breathing became rushed and irregular as a sensation of doom draped itself over her and she felt a shiver along her spine, her heart was palpitating and she was powerless to prevent involuntary sharp intakes of breath. She heard a cubicle door open at the far end of the room, but then the footsteps moved closer to her and another cubicle door opened. Kaori tried to suck her fear up like an animal playing dead as she heard cubicle doors open one after another. 'What's wrong with all the other cubicles?' Kaori asked herself, feeling panicked and frustrated as the person came closer. She was still standing, side-on to the door and tried to turn her back to it and cover her mouth in a vain attempt to be more silent, but she was sure the person would be able to hear her bulging body creaking and groaning now as her lower body continued to pump up. The turgidity of her swollen legs made it difficult for her to adjust her posture, and her leggings rubbed together, making shuffling noises as she moved. As she turned her hips, she felt them brushing the sides of the cubicle. 'Is there someone in there?' a female voice asked from outside. Kaori winced and stroked her crotch, saying nothing. The impression that there was some pleasure involved in her body blowing up came over her again. 'Hello?' the voice asked. Kaori placed her hands astride her hips again, only just able to slide them between her burgeoning flesh and the cubicle walls. Her dress no longer looked like a dress only able to sit on top of her flared out lower body which was now only contained by her leggings, straining against the building pressure inside her crotch, her bum and her legs as though everything below her hips were being viewed through a distorting magnifying glass. Above her belt, her belly was the size of a pillow and felt slightly inflated, still soft but definitely ballooning and her nipples had become hard, like tiny hypersensitive stones, aroused by the dull pleasure she felt tingle between her legs. She closed her eyes and shook her head resignedly as she felt her body steadily but relentlessly increase in volume. She had to take her hands away from her hips lest they get crushed against the cubicle walls. Her body was now wedged into the cubicle with her ass facing the door, she sighed to herself, she didn't want anyone to see her like this, to open the door and be confronted by the two huge blimps that were her ass cheeks, but if nobody helped her then she would continue to puff up until she exploded. 'I can't believe I'm going to explode!' Kaori thought to herself 'It doesn't happen, I've never heard of an instance of anyone having such bad gas that they blew up and burst.' The gassy sensation and the creaking of the flimsy cubicle walls as her body tried to burst them apart, indicated otherwise. 'Don't worry, stay where you are, I'm going to get help' said the voice outside, before she heard the doors through to the hallway creak. 'Now I'm alone' she thought to herself. 'Stuck here to bloat up until I go kaboom'. Kaori relaxed her breathing and placed her hands at her belt, stroking down underneath her bulging crotch which was now blocking her view. She lifted her feet off the ground, but didn't fall, her hips wedging her in were keeping her aloft. She glanced over her shoulder and was able to see her ass expanding behind her. Kaori felt as though she was an airbag someone had let off in a box, only instead of blowing up all over suddenly, she was gradually expanding, which just delayed the conclusion. She reassured herself that help was on its way and even if it was embarrassing, it would beat exploding... she wasn't going to explode. She might even see it as a funny story one day, not everyone can say they've been blown up like a balloon. 'I just hope that if I do explode, I explode before they get here, so I remain anonymous'. Kaori almost giggled at this last thought. She felt the bubbly, gassy feeling shifting gradually upwards and looked down at her belly to see it had swollen further and was now tugging at her dress. Moaning softly to herself, she rubbed it, feeling it becoming tauter and noticed her breasts were plumping up too; rising and becoming more pert. The feeling of dread returned and she bemoaned her situation out loud. 'Oooh, am I going to inflate all over?' she asked nobody in particular. 'Well, yes, the gas will keep coming until your body can pump up no bigger' a familiar and unexpected voice answered. Kaori jumped slightly causing her body to flex between the walls. 'Who are you?' Kaori enquired. 'You not remember me?' the voice replied 'I thought you'd remember someone who gave you such a fantastic gift'. 'The waitress!' Kaori exclaimed, 'Did you do this to me? I'm bloating up like a balloon in here' 'Do you not like it?' the voice asked 'I was always led to believe it was a pleasurable experience.' 'Well...' Kaori hesitated as she stroked her expanding belly and considered the feeling between her legs. 'It is kind of nice... but I don't want to explode!' The waitress' head appeared just above the cubicle wall in front of Kaori. 'You won't explode,' she said 'you'll just keep filling with gas for a while yet.' She explored Kaori's ballooning form with her eyes 'It's a shame you got stuck' she said, and smiled happily. Kaori didn't feel so assured, something unusual was happening to her and she didn't know who to trust. She wanted to believe that she wouldn't burst but couldn't shake off the image that just that would happen. One of the waitress' legs came over the cubicle after her head and Kaori watched as she swung herself over the wall. From below Kaori could appreciate she had a nice body, if not as voluptuous as her own had suddenly become. Her mind was drowning in questions, chief among which were 'how 'and 'why'. The waitresses plopped down onto the floor , only just managing to make sure her legs landed astride the toilet bowl in the only space that wasn't full of Kaori. 'Hi, my name's Vaughan' she said merrily, holding strong eye contact and grinning at Kaori. 'Er... I'm Kaori' Kaori replied, looking confusedly over her own body as her belly and breasts thrust forward even more, threatening to block her view. 'How did you manage to do this to me? And what do you want me to inflate for?'. 'Those, I'm afraid...' said Vaughan, leaning into Kaori mischievously and stroking a hand up the front of her swollen right leg and slightly inwards towards her crotch, 'are trade secrets.' Kaori shivered as she felt the sensuality in Vaughan's touch. Vaughan continued, running her hand over Kaori's belt and around her belly, now the size of a large beach-ball onto her melon-sized breasts. Kaori relaxed more, falling into the sensation of bliss like a thick feather duvet, not caring as she heard her ass creak under the pressure, still building up intensely within. Vaughan's hand came to a rest on her right nipple and she winked at Kaori before allowing her right hand to cup Kaori's left nipple. Vaughan's fingers danced softly as fairies over Kaori's stone-like nipples before falling flat, smothering them with her palms and sliding her hands over the smooth contours of Kaori's breasts. 'You've pumped up beautifully!' Vaughan remarked, giving each of Kaori's breasts a gentle squeeze, delighting in the lack of give and the slight creaking noise as her hands shifted the pressure inside Kaori. Kaori closed her eyes and was only vaguely aware that now her whole upper body was also inflating, including her arms, which were pushed upwards by their own inflation; she felt Vaughan's fingertips flowing like honey from her shoulders right down to her own fingertips. Vaughan arched her back to reach up to Kaori's neck, linking her hands around it and pulling herself up to Kaori's face. She kissed Kaori fleetingly on the lips which Kaori noticed were also plumper than before, before demonstrating her agility, swinging around Kaori and under her expanding right arm in one motion, sliding over Kaori's huge ass and landing on the floor behind her like a child sliding off an inflated toy, but landing deftly as a ballerina. As the gas filled up Kaori's body more and more her arms were pumped up and straightened, forcing her to brace her hands against the sides of the cubicle. The pressure felt relentless and still there was no sign of escape for the gas trapped inside her. Her body moaned and groaned as it struggled to contain it all. As she pushed the cubicle walls apart she felt a sensation that her own body was being pushed apart by the tremendous pressure within. 'Er... Vaughan' she asked, 'are you absolutely sure I won't explode?' 'Absolutely not', Vaughan replied softly, stroking Kaori's bottom with her hands 'I love how your ass is holding in most of the gas, it's so tight, like a pressure vessel about to blow' Kaori heard a deep grumbling inside her as though to confirm Vaughan's observation. She felt as though the pressure was forcing all the air out of her lungs and her breasts were now like two huge weather balloons blocking everything in front of her, she turned to face Vaughan. 'I just really really feel like I might burst' she grunted 'the pressure is sooo sooo immense'. Kaori was struggling to get words out 'and phrases like that really don't help'. 'You're not going to blow' Vaughan said reassuringly... pressing her body between Kaori's ass cheeks, falling against the stretched leggings like a hammock. She made eye contact with Kaori and smiled, stroking her hands along Kaori's ass until her arms were stretched as widely as possible. She tried to bear hug Kaori's bottom, but the pressure quickly rebounded, knocking Vaughan back into the cubicle door. Kaori turned back to the front, as her body swelled up around her and pressed more intensely into the walls of her chipboard prison she felt increasingly trapped. The air had been pumping into her body for a good fifteen minutes now and it still felt like there was going to be no release from the ever-building pressure. She could feel the gas inside her pushing out in every direction. She felt Vaughan's hand stroking her inflated bottom again and with the tremendous pressure within it felt as though there was another massive soft hand inside her pressing against Vaughan's delicate feminine hand. Kaori tried to look over her shoulder and found she couldn't. It was as though she was trapped inside an inflated prison, with the important difference that the prison was her own body, creaking regularly like a balloon being stretched, and she could feel the sensation of it expanding right at its limits as air pumped and pumped into her from nowhere. 'I can't see you any more Vaughan' she called back nervously, grunting as she forced the words out as though trying to speak and hold her breath at the same time 'I really mean it, it feels like I'm going to go pop' The panic in her voice this time was evident and this combined with pressure caused chaotic changes in the timbre of her voice 'I just have to explode right now, my body can't take any more pressure.' She started breathing more heavily as her body creaked again, adjusting to manage its increasing volume. 'I keep telling you you're not going to burst' Vaughan replied. She was still stroking Kaori's bum. She seemed to be having so much fun, rubbing her body up and down in the scant space now available to her; this made Kaori suspicious of her motives. Vaughan was definitely not someone to be trusted, a suspicion confirmed when she heard Vaughan laughing behind her 'Nope, you definitely won't blow' she slapped Kaori's voluminous bum making a deep, empty booming sound 'Do you really think I would have you pump full of so much gas you go BLAM?' she asked, and slapped her ass again 'as much I would like that' she muttered softly as though confiding her desires to Kaori's posterior. By this point Kaori knew that Vaughan was definitely a psychopath, revelling in Kaori's discomfort and terror. Her cheeks puffed out as the air forced its way up into her mouth. Quickly Kaori blew the air in her mouth outwards only for more to rush up from below reinflating her cheeks. Kaori blew the air out again, and a third time when more air came up. With each puff of air she felt a tiny relief from the pressure inside her. 'Finally!' she thought, 'I'm able to release the gas... I'm not going to explode!' with great relief she forced a few more puffs of air out of her mouth. It hadn't done much to deflate her, but she was sure that with this release she at least wasn't getting any bigger. Then, as she blew another load of air from her body, she could feel it getting more and more difficult, as though she was blowing through a smaller opening. Disaster! Her lips were swelling up and blocking off her safety valve. She desperately tried to blow as much air out as possible, but within seconds she was completely airtight again. Her cheeks puffed out but this time it offered no release, she looked around as much as her head would turn as the pressure started mounting again, now she knew she was going to explode... her body groaned deep, long and ominously as if sharing her displeasure... and soon. She could feel the soft moist sensation of Vaughan's lips on her bottom; was Vaughan actually kissing her inflated ass? She tried to protest but could only squeeze out muffled 'mmmph' sounds. Kaori tensed her body as much as she could, contracting all her muscles in one go in an attempt to force the air out some other way, but it was useless. It was like squeezing a bubble-wrap pod, if anything it made the pressure feel worse, and the only way the air was going to escape was by blowing her apart in one big exodus. Her body groaned again, nearing annihilation. Kaori felt Vaughan's hands suddenly move down between her legs, over the tautest part of her leggings, that part covering her crotch. The feeling was definitely very pleasurable, as though being inflated heightened the sense of touch, and Kaori shivered, slightly orgasmically. Then Vaughan pushed her head between Kaori's legs, pushing her whole body through like a cat squeezing through a narrow gap. She now felt Vaughan's hands running along the underside of her belly, out of her own view before Vaughan popped up again in front of her, having to stand on the toilet so Kaori could see her over her massive growing breasts. Kaori wanted to say something, she didn't want Vaughan's reassurance, she knew she was going to explode, and she knew Vaughan would claim she wasn't. She knew now that this was what Vaughan wanted to happen and as she looked into Vaughan's eyes she could clearly see that recognisably glazy look, and dilated pupils of someone who is in love. 'Vaughan is in love with me?' Kaori thought, 'but she wanted me inflated, she wants me to explode? What happens then? Kaori couldn't deny that a lot of the sensations they had shared were pleasurable, and she could even now admit to herself a feeling of love towards Vaughan. But she certainly wasn't ready to explode, even if she felt a quiver of excitement ripple across her taut skin at the thought of bursting like a balloon, like too much air was the ultimate excess and paying the price was to be her climax. She wondered what would happen to Vaughan. Would Vaughan be hurt in the explosion? Would Vaughan stay to witness Kaori go bang? Would Vaughan take anything as a trophy of her conquest? Would she have other 'victims'? Had she had other conquests before Kaori? Kaori longed to know the answers to these questions, but was unable to force anything more than muffled squeaks though her inflated lips and as Vaughan was just silently staring into Kaori's eyes, she knew she would never have her answers. Vaughan once again hitched her legs up and around Kaori's waist and pulled herself so that her own bottom rested just on top of Kaori's blimp-like belly and she was able to push her head between her breasts to get her face close to Kaori's. Kaori felt Vaughan's fingers dancing to a swansong delicately around her nipples again, and Vaughan had kicked off her shoes, which slid over Kaori's ass, so that she could play footsie with Kaori's hips and gargantuan bloated bum. Vaughan brought her face gradually closer to Kaori's when, suddenly, they were disturbed from their moment by the sound of the doors outside being thrown open in some manner of urgency. As Kaori twitched in shock she heard a loud bang come from her right hand side and a sharp twinge in her hips. She turned her head slightly just able to see that her leggings which had stretched with her body for so long had finally started to lose the battle and a few stitches had blown off exposing an area of taut looking flesh, which bulged through the hole as if her body were trying to escape her clothes. 'This is the ambulance service' a booming male voice shouted 'are you in there?'. Kaori's body was now creaking and groaning almost constantly as it filled up the last bits of the cubicle; she could feel the hand dryer and sink pressing uncomfortable against her left buttock and her ass pushing against the door. A deep grumble started inside her body, like creak, but deeper with her and so low she felt it as vibration more than noise, there was a loud snap as another stitch on her leggings blew off. 'Oh, I have to go' Vaughan whispered as the ambulance man starting banging on the cubicle door. 'Don't worry you'll be fine' she said. Something Kaori knew to be a lie 'You won't go pop'. She knew she would never see Vaughan again and felt a deep sense of loss and longing for Vaughan, dread at exploding, but also excitement and climax as the pleasure built inside her, almost replacing the air as the main thing she was filling up with. Vaughan kissed Kaori softly on her plump lips. Kaori could only watch and pine as Vaughan clambered up to the small window at the top of the cubicle, glancing over her shoulder, probably able to see the tops of those gathered outside the cubicle The ambulance man banged on the door again. Kaori felt a twitch between her legs as some stitches down there blew off, creating a pleasurable release of tension for her. 'Don't worry, we're coming in' he shouted banging the door again. Now that her ass was pressed against the door, Kaori felt the thuds of the men rebound throughout her body like sonic booms. Vaughan clumsily twisted and turned the handle until, with a push, the window burst open. Kaori wiggled her fingers feeling that even they had plumped up and both her distended body and the cubicle walls were creaking together. Vaughan slipped her lithe frame through the small gap feet first until she was hanging on, with only her head and chest inside the cubicle. She cast one last look over Kaori. 'Oh, and one last thing' Vaughan whispered so only Kaori could hear' 'wwwht?' Kaori managed to eventually forced a reply through her bloated cheeks. 'I keep telling you you're not going to go pop' she said, before adding 'you're going to go KABLAM!' taking particular delight in the percussive quality of the final word. Kaori widened her eyes as Vaughan winked then dropped out of view... she longed for the pleasure to return, for Vaughan to help her, but the creaking built up to a crescendo and she felt the pressure, the tightness of her clothes built with it. She could see the joints holding the cubicle walls in place beginning to come apart. Behind her, her ballooning ass finally pushed the door off it's hinges and it fell with a loud bang onto the floor... she closed her eyes. 'What the f....' a voice behind her said. 'ooooh here I go...' she thought, as the creaking reached a limit and her body firmed up all over. <> Vaughan had no sooner dropped softly onto the gravelled service area outdoors with the precise landing of a cat than she heard a deep kaboom come funnelled through the window, shattering the glass, small crystals of which showered onto her. She cowered as the glass rained onto her before rising back to her feet and dusting off the sugar-like shards. She looked up to the window she had just come from. The explosion was still echoing around the mountain valley the country house was situated in and a number of animals had been disturbed by the noise, furiously twittering birds and melancholic cows added their noises to the outdoor symphony, but there was no sound coming from inside the building. Tentatively Vaughan hooked her fingers around the window-frame before hauling herself up again; just enough to peek back into the room. Cubicle walls had been blown in all directions, toppling like dominoes away from where Kaori had blown. Against the far wall were 3 prone paramedics and the maitre d' she recognised from earlier, seemingly knocked unconscious by the sheer force of the blast. Plumbing had been knocked from walls, and smashed ceramic bowls piled up beneath bare pipes gushing water onto the floor. The doors into the hallway were blown from their hinges and presumably were now several feet into the hall, she could hear a commotion outside but as yet nobody had braved entering the toilets. The ornate mirror had been smashed but in it's reflection, Vaughan could see Kaori's shoes still in the same location. Scraps of black leggings and the green polyester from Kaori's dress were everywhere and immediately in front of Vaughan's eyes, on the window ledge was even a scrap of Kaori's silk white panties. However, of Kaori herself, nothing remained but perhaps a slight humidity which was steaming up the mirror. Vaughan caught sight of herself at the window, lord of the scene of devastation. She smiled 'not so sweet and subservient now' she thought, and dropped out of view.
revenge, vacuum cleaner
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
It was a big, rambling three bedroom, three bath house. In the center was a huge open area with a vaulted ceiling that contained a living room, kitchen, and dining room. I fell in love with it immediately. But there was no way I could afford the rent by myself. If only I could get some roommates... I thought. After making some inquiries at work, I found two girls about my age who were amenable to sharing a house with me. One was named Shelly, who I kind of knew, and got along with well enough. The other was named Brenda. I didn't know her much. Only by reputation..."She's really fun to be around," was the general consensus. Things worked out well, initially. Shelly and I really clicked. We became almost like sisters. Brenda, on the other hand... To give the devil her due, Brenda was conscientious about paying her share of the bills. Shelly and I loved her for that. But she seemed to think that by giving us money it elevated her to the level of Queen of the Castle. As if chipping in for rent and utilities didn't just get her a roof over her head. In her mind, apparently, it also bought her two maids: me and Shelly. We were tacitly expected to cook and clean for her lordship. If that wasn't enough, Brenda was predisposed to throw parties at the drop of a hat. Weekdays, weekends, holidays, it was all the same to Brenda. Many a time I would be soaking in a nice hot bath, trying to relax from a hard day at work, when a loud pulsing, thumping noise from the great room would interrupt my solitude. Another epic Brenda blow-out would be underway. Usually with an unruly mob of crazed banshees, judging from the amount of carnage they left behind. Which Shelly and I would be expected to clean up. Naturally. The morning after her latest party found the three of us playing our usual parts: Shelly, garbage bag in tow, policing up all the trash. Me, stripping apart and cleaning the vacuum cleaner, since it had encountered a mess beyond its capacity to handle. And Brenda, splayed out on the couch in a t-shirt and panties, "recovering" from her hosting duties from the previous night. For probably the umpteenth time, Shelly asked, "Brenda, could you give us a hand with the cleaning?" Shelly, bless her, doesn't seem to know the meaning of the word 'futility'. "Not part of my job description around here," Brenda stretched and yawned. "Hosting parties is my job. Cleaning up afterwards is yours. I think its been working out quite well so far, don't you?" Now that really chapped my ass. Brenda was definitely the most popular of our trio, but that didn't give her carte blanche to treat us like servant girls. It was time to take her down a notch. As Shelly dragged her garbage bag past me, I grabbed her arm and pulled her in close. "Go back over to Brenda," I whispered. "Hold her arms down. Its time we teach her a lesson in humility." Shelly grinned and nodded. She silently crept back to the couch. I followed in her wake, carefully carrying the vacuum cleaner. I clicked the switch on the side of it to "reverse". As Shelly grabbed Brenda's wrists and pulled them back over her head, I jumped on top of her. Lighting quick, I jammed the plastic nozzle into her mouth and flicked on the vacuum. Brenda's eyes opened wide in shock as air rushed into her. "Mmmpphh?" Already I could feel her belly start to expand. "You know, you really have an inflated ego Brenda," I sneered. "Maybe its time you had a body to go along with it." Brenda thrashed her head around in an attempt to dislodge the nozzle, but I held it in tight. Her stomach swelled larger and larger. Her face twisted in panic. "Awww, what's the matter Brenda? I thought you liked being the center of attention. Right now, you have Shelly and mine's complete and undivided attention!" Shelly stared at Brenda's ever expanding belly in wonder. "Whoa!" she exclaimed. "I didn't know you could do that! This is so cool!" Brenda's skimpy T-shirt rode up higher and higher on her as she inflated. Her pink panties, meanwhile, were pushed farther and farther down. That was probably for the best, since her tight butt was now beginning to expand as well. It was starting to lift her midsection upward. I was having a hard time staying perched on her legs while keeping the nozzle in her mouth. I was being pushed up away from her. Eventually the air made its way into her back, and her torso became more spherical. Rounder and rounder she grew. I was flabbergasted. This sort of revenge had come to me on a whim. I didn't know what would happen. But now my curiosity was piqued. How big will she get? I wondered. Brenda's limbs seemed be absorbed by her body as she inflated. By the time her globular body had reached her knees and elbows, I told Shelly, "Take the hose. I can't hold on any longer." Shelly released her grip on Brenda's wrists and grabbed the vacuum hose. Brenda flailed her arms in vain, trying to dislodge the hose, but it was no use. She couldn't bend her arms anymore. I slid off of her expanding body. I grabbed her ankles to keep her from kicking herself off the couch. Her panties continued their slow march towards me as her inflating torso pushed them farther downwards. By the time her orb-like body reached her wrists and ankles, I turned off the vacuum. Her taught skin creaked and squeeked from the air pressure within her. She was nearly half a dozen feet in diameter. Her useless panties were scrunched at her feet. Brenda's t-shirt was stretched tightly around her upper hemisphere. Her boobs seemed to have disappeared into her round body. She was just a large balloon, with head, hands, and feet. Shelly removed the hose from Brenda's mouth. "What have you done to me?" Brandy wailed. I was awestruck by the enormity that was Brenda. Out of curiosity, I grabbed her two widely seperated feet and tried to lift her. To my surprise, she hardly weighed anything at all! I lifted her right off the couch. With just a quick flex of my fingers, I propelled her into the air. "This is just unbelievable!" I gasped. "EEEEKKKK!" squealed Brenda. Shelly just gaped, dumbfounded. As Brenda floated down, I gave her a playful slap and launched her over to Shelly. She spun slightly as she arced towards Shelly. Reflexively, Shelly batted her back to me. I grinned, and motioned Shelly to get behind the couch. She did, and we started a game of indoor volleyball, with Brenda as our ball. I gave our Brenda-ball a light finger-push back towards the couch as I retreated back behind the coffee table. Shelly positioned herself squarely behind the couch, and returned my 'serve'. Brenda's body made a "blap" sound as Shelly smacked her with her palm. Shelly giggled. "This is fun! What should we call this game?" "I dunno," I said, as I watched Brenda float down towards me. "How about Brenda-ball?" *BLAP* I returned Shelly's volley and sent Brenda back to her. "Yeah! Brenda-ball! We should have another party, and have everybody play this! It'll be a big hit!" *BLAP* Shelly slapped Brenda back to me. "What???!!!" gasped Brenda. "C'mon Brenda, it'll be fun! And you'll still be the life of the party. Moreso, I'll wager," I said. *BLAP* I sent her back to Shelly. "Ooooo! Ooooo! I know!" Shelly squealed excitedly. "We could take her to a concert, and throw her into the crowd!" *BLAP* I smiled at that mental image as Brenda sailed over to me. "You wouldn't dare!" Brenda exclaimed. "The only problem with that.." I began, *BLAP* " that we'd never get her back. We'd have to go look for another roommate to help pay the bills." Shelly pondered this as she watched Brenda float towards her. "We could always sell her to a sex shop," *BLAP* "Y'know, as some sort of new inflatable sex doll?" "Nooooo!" Brenda shrieked. "That would just get us a one-time payment," I countered. *BLAP* "We need a perpetual source of monthly income" "We could rent her out as an advertising gimmick," *BLAP* "like what they do for new store openings and whatnot." Brenda let out an unintelligible, high-pitched wail. "Now you're talking, Shelly! That could work!" I said enthusiastically. *BLAP* "Companies would pay serious money for that kind of advertising, I'll bet." Shelly watched Brenda slowly float down towards her. In a flash, she lept up, her right arm held straight above. "SPIKE!" Shelly yelled, swinging her right arm straight down into Brenda, propelling her violently downwards into the coffee table. Brenda screamed as she bounced off the edge of the coffee table and ricocheted into the kitchen. "Match point, I win," declared Shelly as she did a little victory dance. "Oh, yeah! Who's the Brenda-ball master? This chica, right here!" "Doesn't count unless she hits the floor," I protested. "No fair! There's hardly enough empty space in here for her to touch the floor." "Thus, the challenge of Brenda-ball. It is not a game for rank amatures. It requires skill and finesse." Brenda shrieked. She was wedged between the refrigerator and the island in the center of the kitchen. Her hands and feet flapped mightily, to what purpose was unclear. I calmly walked over to Brenda. I knelt down underneath her, and pushed upwards. She popped out of her trap with a stretchy squeek. As her momentum carried her upward, I grabbed her hair so her head stayed at my level. I locked eyes with her. I was deadly serious now. "Are you going to help us with the housework from now on?" I asked in a frosty tone. "Yes..." she blubbered. "No more parties, without asking us first?" "Promise," she sniffled. "We'll just see about that," I said. I lifted her up out of the kitchen and tossed her towards the couch. She floated gently down, eventually resting on top of the couch and coffee table. I motioned for Shelly to retrieve the hose while I bent down and switched the vacuum cleaner back to 'suction'. "Open wide," Shelly coaxed. Brenda complied, and Shelly stuck the hose in her mouth. I hit the on switch, and Brenda began to deflate. Her limbs started to reappear. When she deflated to the point of just looking like a pregnant her ninth month...with quintuplets...I switched off the vacuum. "What? Hey, why'd you stop? You said you'd make me normal again." Brenda demanded. "I just want to test your sincerity," I said sweetly. "Help us clean up your mess from your party, and we'll bring you back to normal." Its amazing how quickly a house can get cleaned up when you have an extra person who is well motivated helping you.
Female Inflation
Other Inflation
Flora sighed, closing the door behind her. It had been a hectic week full of meetings, conferences, more meetings, visits to factories, motivational speakers of dubious quality, still more meetings and, curiously, a visit by the police regarding an escaped convict posing as a motivational speaker. At some point during the day she had resolved to strip off her suit and mini-skirt the second she got home, but when she finally arrived she was too worn out to even put in the effort, only wanting to relax and not have to worry about anything. She would have liked that very much, to the exclusion of most everything, which was probably why reality conspired to deprive her of it."Jordan," Flora said, lazily gesturing with one arm to the pile of opened cardboard boxes in the dining room. "What is this?""My Skymall shipment came in," Jordan replied, fiddling with a chrome and black plastic device with no visible purpose.Part of Flora's brain told her she should be angry but she couldn't work up the energy. "Your Skymall shipment.""Yeah, I've been unpacking most of it to try it out. You wouldn't believe the sorts of things you find in there." Picking up her empty glass, she walked into the kitchen, setting it down on the counter before plucking an orange out of the fruit basket and dropping it inside. Taking a few steps back, she aimed the device at the glass and pulled the trigger. The orange quivered before twisting and compressing, squeezing the juice from itself. Jordan waved the device, smiling. "Remote juicer.""A remote juicer.""They have remote everything these days." She strode back into the dining room and dropped the juicer back into its box. "It's all Smartphone compatible, too. You can make a glass of orange juice, polish your silverware and change your car's tires, all remotely, without even getting out of bed!" Jordan beamed. "Isn't that awesome?"Flora had to admit that it was impressive, even if it was the biggest waste of technology she had seen since that factory visit on Tuesday. "Aside from buying things you don't need, what have you accomplished today?""Made thirty-five thousand dollars conning 419 scammers."Flora stared.Jordan fidgeted. "Well, thirty-three. One of the checks didn't arrive yet." Turning her attention back to her purchases, she picked up one of the larger shipping boxes and began carrying it upstairs. "If anyone calls asking for the exiled Dutchess of Welshire just act like you're my butler.""So you're saying I should act normally, then.""You got it."She let out a short laugh, trudging into the living room before falling into the closest seat, staring at the ceiling. One of these days she would have to ask Jordan how she managed to pull off such grand schemes. But not now. Now she wanted to do nothing. Nothing sounded like an excellent plan.Flora scraped at the heel of one of her shoes with the toe of the other in an attempt to remove them with as little effort as possible. She had been standing all day, and while she had merely been uncomfortable before, her shoes were starting to crush her feet. She dragged both her heels along the floor a few times before her footwear popped off, the pressure instantly abating.Sighing, she wiggled her toes. Her feet were stiff, she thought. Perhaps Jordan purchased a remote massager while she was at it. That would entail speaking and possibly standing up, however, and she didn't want to waste energy doing either. Especially since, for some strange reason, her pantyhose were beginning to feel tight around her feet. She tugged at it alongside her leg, hoping she could fix the problem with the minimum amount of effort possible, and a second later she heard it rip and a cool wave of air blew against her toes.She looked down and went wide-eyed at the sight: Puffy toes poking out of her pantyhose, resting atop her bloated feet. A second later there was another surge of growth, then another, her toes filling into balls as her feet grew longer and wider, rounding out in a steady rhythm.Flora stared, transfixed by the sudden growth before shaking herself out of her reverie and quickly pushing herself up. As soon as she put her weight on her feet, however, the air inside of them shifted, and she struggled to maintain her balance before falling back into her seat. By now they were over twice their normal size, and there was a barely audible "puff" that accompanied each influx of air.Edging forward in the chair, she moved into a crouching position, balancing precariously on the cushions of her feet as she carefully stood up, spread-legged. She slid one leg forward, then the other, advancing towards the kitchen in a painfully slow shuffle, the sides of her feet brushing and bouncing against each other as they continued to swell. She must have looked ridiculous and didn't have a plan for when she reached her destination, but it was better than sitting around doing nothing.As she continued her trek a softball-sized toe bumped into the leg of the table, rebounding harmlessly but sending Flora into a fit of arm-waving as she struggled to keep her balance. No sooner did she come to rest than she heard the puffing grow louder and more frequent, her skin vibrating in time as she grew even faster.She redoubled her efforts, shuffling forward on two growing pillows that were slowly but surely lifting her upward. The living room, once airy and open, now seemed narrow and awkward to navigate. Movement became more and more difficult as her legs were forced apart by her inflated feet, until finally they had grown so large that it was all she could do to remain standing.Immobilized by her own feet - bloated with air, as long as she was tall and growing larger by the second - Flora was left with only one option. "Jordan!""One second!" she shouted back. "This thing is being dumb!"Flora looked up, noting that the ceiling was closer than it was a few moments ago. In front of her a toe, now grown to basketball size, slowly pressed into the sofa in its quest for space. "Jordan! This is important!""Fiiiiine." A few seconds later she stomped down the stairs, walking into the living room. "I think this stupid remote foot pump is defective," she said, distracted by the device in her hands. "It won't-"Tripping over something soft and round, Jordan fell forward onto something soft and flesh-toned and wondered why she landed on a novelty queen size mattress shaped like a pair of massively, cartoonishly over-inflated feet. Then she looked up and realized it was attached to a pair of legs, themselves in turn attached to an unhappy-looking Flora. She glanced at the device in her hands, then at Flora, then at Flora's feet, then at the device again before gently turning it off, the puffing suddenly coming to a stop."You know," Jordan said, "I probably should have seen this coming."
deflation, floating, giant, magic, Prose that Blows 5 - Taboo (2011), Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Least Contrived Use of a Thesaurus, Prose that Blows Winner: Best Story
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Nelia was running out of energy. She closed her eyes, and forced another surge of power into the spell. More air filled her, and her body stretched to accommodate it. She opened her eyes to see Maren rising above her again. Dammit! Nelia had studied magic harder than any other student. By her third year she'd surpassed everyone. Then came Maren. Thanks to distant shapeshifter and wind elemental ancestors, she was a natural at transformation and air spells. And Nelia refused to be beaten at anything. Mixing a stretching effect with air creation, she made a spell that could turn a person into a giant... a very round giant. She'd challenged Maren to meet her under the floating gardens, where there was nothing but the levitator seals and plenty of room, and where they could settle who had more skill. This was the tenth challenge. So far they'd all ended with Maren barely beating Nelia in size. Maren had to be practicing just as hard as Nelia to stay ahead. Maren wasn't like any other rival. She politely accepted every challenge. She never trash talked; she barely talked at all. She showed up dressed nicely, while Nelia just wore robes. Maybe a show of confidence? Well, Nelia had confidence too. She'd practiced for this like never before. By the look of it so had Maren, but Nelia just needed to make it a little further. Nelia felt a twinge of pressure from her robes. She smiled. Here it comes... Her robe's enchantments failed. There was a SNAP that left the remains of her robe fluttering away, and Nelia naked. Maren's reaction was everything Nelia could have hoped for. Her eyes opened wide, her cheeks turned bright red. Neila had never seen Maren anything but calm, and couldn't help but feel victorious at breaking her composure. You're going to have to pop out of that dress to beat me, thought Maren. And you didn't bring spare clothes! Maren shook off her surprise, though the blush remained. She caught up to Nelia with another SNAP. Oh, wellβ€”it wouldn't have been satisfying if that was all it took. Nelia resumed her spell, but couldn't hide that she was almost spent. Maren looked the same, but was keeping up. Just one more push, thought Nelia. She readied herself, shifted her stance... and her foot came down on something cold. She'd stepped on a levitator. And she was draining power from it! The power reacted with the spells. Nelia shot upwards, both from doubling in size and from starting to float. The pressure was immense, the stretching spell wasn't keeping up. She triggered her spell's release, trying to relax. Nothing happened. The levitator's magic was interfering! There was another problem. With power stolen from the levitator, the slab above was dipping. In mid-air, Nelia couldn't escape. She couldn't even manage the simplest spell to move away. The slab fell. Nelia closed her eyes. When a hundred tons of rock didn't crush her, she opened one eye. There was nothing but a pale peach color. No... she was looking at Maren. And Maren was enormous. She reached all the way up to the slabs, where... She was holding up the slab! Maren could increase her strength and stretchiness at the same time? And she'd done it so quickly! Maren had been toying with her. Nelia barely noticed her spell finally release. As she descended and shrank into a small, naked girl, there was nothing but the humiliation. Maren withdrew her hands. The slab was floating again. She breathed a sigh of relief that went on and on as she shrunk. Nelia got up, tears in her eyes, and ran. A giant pair of hands grabbed her. "Let me go!" "Let me explain!" "You made a fool of me! I can't beat you!" "No!" Maren was still shrinking. The hands wrapped around Nelia's body became small hands resting on her shoulders. "I didn't want you to give up, because I think you can! I've never met anyone as good as you! And..." Maren's blush was returning. "And... no one's ever devoted so much time to me as you." Nelia stared at her. "Uh," said Nelia, finally. "There's spare clothes in my bag. Why don't you take them... and I can tie what's left of my robes and your dress around me." For the first time, they walked back together. Nelia still wanted to defeat Maren, but maybe it was time to change how she made that journey.
Prose that Blows 2 - Summer Fun (2010), Prose that Blows Winner: Sexiest Story
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
"Honey.. are you absolutely sure about this?" Standing in the surf with water splashing at her ankles, she stares directly at me, her eyes indicating that she's deadly serious about this. "Of course I'm sure. I wouldn't suggest it otherwise." "It's just... it sounds pretty dangerous. And a little dodgy." "It's not. Loads of people on the internet swear by it." "On the internet?" I scoff. "Now I'm less convinced." She steps forward, hips swaying tantilisingly, and places a hand on my cheek. "Honey, please trust me. This won't hurt a bit. And I promise... the result will be worth it." It's either her reassuring voice, or the promise of her body changing in the incredible manner we had often fantasised about, but either way, I'm in. I have to see if it will actually work. I pick up the bicycle pump and long hose we had purchased beforehand and hand her the valve attrached to the end. Carefully, she pushes the valve into her belly button. With a slight wince of pain, she inserts it deep inside. I hand her a towel, which she wraps around her stomach and the valve, tieing it as tightly as possible. I hold the pump in my hands, ready to begin. "Ready?" She winks at me. "Go for it." I begin to pump, slowly at first. My eyes never leave her, waiting for a sign of change. At first nothing happens. Her look of dissappointment matches mine. But then it starts. Her breasts start to swell, inching out bigger and rounder. Her hips are also slightly wider. "It's working!" I yell, surprised. "Keep going!" She urges me. Now emboldened, I begin to pump faster. Franicaly at first, but then at a steady pace. She gives a long, intense moan of delight as the air enters her body, rushing to the places where it's needed the most. Her breasts rapidly expand, growing into basketball sized orbs which rapidly cover more of her torso. The fabric triangles and bindings of the string bikini she wears stretch to keep up with her chest, but already they're fighting a losing battle. Her buttocks and hips widen and plump up, exceeding the width of her shoulders and pulling her bikini bottoms into a thong. Her belly also swells slightly, but the towel around her waist prevents it from growing along with the rest of her. She stands with a blissful smile on her face as I continue to blow her up, a contrast to the goofy, lustful look on my face as I watch her expand. Sensing that we've reached her limit, she orders me to stop. Reluctantly, I stop pumping. As I stare at her, I almost can't believe that this is real. She now has an hourglass figure seen only in my wildest fantasies. Breasts the size of beachballs barely constrained by her now tiny bikini, and a set of hips, thighs and buttocks to match perfectly. She removes the towel and pulls out the valve, revealing that her stomach is puffed out slightly, but her waist is still wasp-like compared to the rest of her. "So.." She raises her arms and poses. "Like what you see?" "Yes. Oh definitely yes." "Then you'll love this." She turns around and runs into the surf, breasts and butt bouncing all the way, before she leaps forward and splashes into the water. I follow her is, the water reaching my waist as I approach her. I see her surface, and I assume she's swimming... I'm stunned once again. She lays face down on the water, her breasts and butt keeping her afloat like some insanely curvy liferaft. She grins at me as she bobs on the surface. "Huh..." I speak. "So it does work after all." "I told you it would!" She laughs, clearly enjoying herself. She rolls herself over onto her back, her boobs breaking the surface of the water like two rising submarines. She smiles coyly at me. "Well, want to take a ride?" She pushes herself upright as I approach her, her buoyant bottom sinking underwater for a short moment. Her arms wrap around me and hold me as close to her body as she can manage. Her breasts are firm, but yield slightly under my weight. "Ready?" She falls backwards, dragging me with her, and before I know it I'm laying on top of her, my head resting in her cleavage. I'm certain we're going to sink, but her chest and bottom support us both easily. There's silence between us as we adjust outselves, she wrapping her legs around mine as I shift myself carefully so I don't send us both falling over. Then we are just floating, enjoying the sensation of the cool water under us and out warm bodies pressed together. The waves rock us slightly as we slowly drift away from the shore, but I barely notice. Nestling my head against her inflated bosom, I have never felt more comfortable. "So.." She asks, smiling. "Beats renting a boat, eh?" "Oh, definitely." I stroke the skin of her breasts with my hand, enjoying the feel of her body below me shivering from the touch. "Think we could sail all the way across the Channel?" "Why not?" She replies playfully. "Anything's possible."
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The door to the small apartment opens, revealing a form, barely recognizable as feminine beneath layers and layers of warm clothing. With a flick of the switch the lines of stress and exhaustion are revealed on her normally cute face. Thin lips, slightly blued by the Michigan winter, let loose a sigh of depression. A small, rounded nose beneath brown irises wrinkles at the smell of her neighbor's illicit refuge in mind-altering smoke.She takes off her hat and lets loose a shoulder-length bob of sandy hair, matted by hours under a protective plastic cap. Coat after coat comes off, until all that is left is an oil-stained white blouse beneath an orange vest most clashing, and a pair of equally greasy jeans. Her boots, safety-soled and steel-toed, already lie by the door, waiting for her next shift.A low-energy shuffle takes her towards the bathroom. With the door shut and locked, a habit born of having 3 privacy-smashing siblings, she removes the last of her workwear. Satisfied with the adjustments to the shower's water, she climbs in, the heat returning her color and some of her vigor. Around the drain circles the dirt and grime, the bodily and unnatural smells of hard work. If only unwanted emotion was as easily washed off.She exits the bathroom, now clad in her comfortable clothes. Blue cotton sweats wrap her lower form, while an oversized green blouse covers her top. She plods her way to the couch and sits down, regarding the many items strewn about the coffee table before her.Letters and notes cover the cheap particle-board top. Many of them are from schools, some local, some remote, some universities, some high schools. A glance takes her eyes above the television set, a BA in Art History from a decent school standing watch over the room's contents. Not that it has any other use,Β she thinks sourly, as she turns her attention once again to the stack of letters, this time focusing on the loans attached to that degree. Still more letters, this time pay slips from the factory. It wasn't that she was being paid very little. It was simply the fact that it wasn't something she wanted to do, and it wasn't something she wanted to work herself to the bone over. More letters still, only these in her hand writing. Poison letters, dripping in venom, after she learned of her boyfriend's infidelity. Number 3 was a charmer,Β she thought to herself. Too bad he just could not stop charming.A fresh smell of weed as her neighbor continues to lose himself in smoke permeates the room. Smells like Dustin is making full use of his Friday evening,Β she thinks. The thinnest of smiles reached her lips. I suppose I should do the same.She reaches below the couch and pulls up a grey lockbox. She had found it in the cafeteria trash, its feeble lock having given way to a thief's awl and hammer. The thief had taken all the money, of course, but she had something of more personal value she wished to stash. She opens the lid and reveals a number of bottles, pink and grey capsules rattling within white plastic. She takes one bottle, unlabeled, safety seal breached, and places the box amongst the detritus of her coffee table as she makes her way to the kitchen.A glass of water is drawn from the sink, tiny bubbles breaking the surface. She smiles knowingly. Too small for my needs,Β in regards to the bubbles. I need something bigger. She pops off the safety cap, tips out one pill into her cool palm, reseals the container, and regards the capsule in her hand.Do I really need it? Every time she has gone through this ritual she has thought the same thing. Every time she has weighed the pros and the cons, the feelings of joy and the feelings of dread. Every time she has wondered if someone walked in on her most private of time. Just as many times before, the pros win out. She puts her hand over her mouth and tips back her head, chasing the pink and grey delight with a glass of water.Calm,Β she thinks,Β you need to be calm. Enjoy this. She walks back to the living room and stands behind the couch, the only light seeping in through the blinds to her right, and waits.As always, she feels it first rather than hears it. The lightest of pressures on her insides. There was no way to accurately describe it, part filling meal, part deep breath, part something squirming within her, seeking release. The changes within her had yet to manifest themselves visibly, but they were just beginning to assert themselves audibly. Light gurgles begin to fill the room as see feels the feeling of pressure spread beyond her lower trunk. The pressure spreads, pushed along beneath her skin by its incessant, forceful nature. The skin of her breasts flush with her cheeks as the force builds up there. An electric thrill races up her spine as the pressure seeks out her womanhood. Her thighs join in the pneumatic embrace, as does her hindquarters, and her arms feel the lightest of airs build within them.Primed,Β she thought. There was no more room to spread. It was time for the bubbles.Today, the bubbles start within her calves. The fizzing and gurgling become louder, more assertive, within the still confines of her apartment. The internal tickle fills her legs, stretching her creamy flesh most deliciously. Larger and larger bubbles form, shifting, swelling, breaking new ground as she feels one monstrous bubble shift from her right thigh into the cheek above.It was different every single time she had done this before. Sometimes it started up in her belly, sometimes in her chest. Sometimes the swelling was even, symmetrical, sometimes random, making her Picasso-like in her transformation. She didn't care. Every time was a thrill, a pleasure unlike any other, for her and her alone to enjoy.Her effervescent nature continues to assert itself, as her left cheek plays catch-up with its sibling. Her breasts begin their steady rise, perking and swelling as one, lifting the fabric of her blouse. That won't be the only thing they'll be lifting,Β she thinks, as she gives the bottom of her shirt an experimental tug. Her feminine balloons, becoming more so by the minute, are restrained, pulled down by her actions. That, however, is not in their nature anymore, and as soon as she releases the cloth, her swelling chest pulls upward, hanging away from her body, devoid of gravity.She closes her eyes as her hands shoot to her belly. The bubbles continue their campaign of tickling and filling. The swelling and stretching of her curves affects her feelings, her perception of the world. Gone are the bills, the heartache, the stress of work. Gone is the poorly-maintained apartment, its brickwork crumbling. Gone are the incessant calls from family, calls to find a better job, as if she had not been trying, calls to start a family, as if she could control her last boyfriend's wandering eye. All that is left is the stretching, the swelling, the hug of her lightly constricting clothing. Her body sings an electric tune, audible in swelling and creaking flesh, but only appreciated by those who swell with it.Almost there,Β she thinks. She gives an experimental push off with her toes. That lightest of bounces nearly takes her to the ceiling. Drifting down, she opens her eyes to take sight of her new form. Breasts light and round dominate her vision, stretched out from teardrop shapes into swollen, tall domes by the swelling of her now continuous chest cavity behind them and belly beneath them. Her entire trunk a spheroid dominated by her basketball sized chest and watermelon sized rear. Swollen, cone-like thighs connect beneath her weightless girth, barely contained by her stretched-out sweatpants, the elastic band cutting pleasurably into her swollen middle beneath her out-turned bellybutton. Gently swollen biceps and forearms she drapes across her gaseous bosom. "One last place," she gasps, as she awaits for her feet to reach terra firma.She never reaches the ground. A massive bubble forms within her belly and drops down to the last patch of uninflated flesh. The forbidden vault between her legs fills with lifting gas. One last electric thrill shoots through her body, a lightning storm of feelings, of ecstasy, as the walls of her most intimate orifice swell with passion, pressure, and the purest of all cardinal pleasures. A muffled scream escapes her lips, heard only within the thick walls of her home, as she hangs, weightlessly, before her buoyant nature finally asserts itself and carries her up on a sea of gas, caressing her inflated form, until she finally takes refuge upon the ceiling. Her energy spent, her stress released, her clenched eyes relax as dreamless sleep takes her....I am hollow,Β she thinks to herself. Awoken by the flash of a police car's lights behind the blinds, she finds herself resting atop her swollen belly. Buoyant still, but no longer sky bound, a swollen mound making only the smallest of influences upon the gravity-bound world. I have nothing to look forward to, no pleasant past to reminisce. I work a dead-end job where nobody takes notice of me. My family does not understand, nor do they try to. My friends are distant, my choice of potential companions, disastrous. The world sees me as having no substance, no weight, a hollow shell of a woman. All I have to look forward to on the weekend is to revel in my hollowness.Idly, she traces a line around a breast, a tingle of swollen delight and buoyant promise received in return. A moment's pleasure in a sea of pain.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation, Stuffing
After seating Rose at a table in the large private guests dining room alone, the matre'd tried giving her a menu. But she pushed it back to him and said "I'll just have one of everything on the menu please." The matre'd's eye brows went up a fraction, but he said nothing, as he was used to the rich patrons making odd requests. And he had long since decided not to rebuff them. Besides, it looked as though this woman with blonde hair and a very plump figure was serious. So he went into the kitchen and informed the chef himself. And his eyes shot up into his hair line. He opened his mouth to protest, but the matre'd held up a forewarning hand. The chef closed his mouth and then turned to his assistants and started preparing the food. Perhaps a large group of executives had shown up unannounced, he thought. 30 minutes later.............. The waiters had brought in the first course, and Rose was excited at the sight of all the food. She loved to eat and also loved being fat, for she was quite large. Her breasts were each roughly the size of volleyballs and her ass looked like two basketballs squeezed together. Her belly was far larger, looking like she had a large beachball beneath her blouse. She had plump legs and arms to match. "Thank you." she said to the matre'd, and he left, heading for the main dining room. On his way out he left word with one of the bus boys to make sure Rose was attended to, and to come and get him when she was done. Meanwhile, Rose had started eating......everything. Down to the last crumb on each plate and then moving on to the next one. She was thrilled with the thought of all this food that would eventually be in her tummy. "But this is the first time I've tried to eat this much food," she thought "I hope I'll have enough room in my belly......and my clothes!" this as she looked down at her round belly. She new her clothes would be fine though, because she was wearing two layers. On the outside she wore a pull-over knit sweater that buttoned up part way, and a pair of slacks with a wide leather belt, both her top and pants were big and baggy on her. Under all this she wore a white, full-body jumpsuit of lycra, which had a black circle in the middle of her belly. Se wore an elastic belt with the jumpsuit that went right over the circle. The bus boy watched as the over-voluptuous woman ate everything of the first course and signaled him to bring in the second. He stared in disbelief for a moment and then carried out her wish. 2 hours later........... Rose leaned back in her chair, sighed, and rubbed her bulging tummy with her hand. "Well," she thought "I guess I did have enough room for all of it in there. But just barely! Even just one more bite and I'll pop!". She giggled at the mental picture that brought on. She imagined herself attached to a soft serve ice cream machine and inflating into a round ball with hands, feet, and a head. Then eating a cherry and popping. Just then the matre'd came back in. He had gotten the word that the "fat blonde" was done. But he didn't figure that meant she had eaten everything she'd ordered! He want over to her and set the bill on her table, which he weighted down with a peppermint as was usual. He was standing there staring at the remains of her desert when he realized she was trying to get his attention. She handed him a credit card and said, "Thank you." He was just about to go and ring it up, but instead he watched as Rose smiled at him and popped the peppermint into her mouth. She giggled as she thought of her dream self eating that cherry, and swallowed the peppermint whole. Not more then 3 seconds passed and she got a look of surprise on her face. She suddenly looked down at herself. When she did her mouth dropped open and her eyes got as big as the empty plates in front of her. Her entire body was swelling up! She watched with a mixture of fascination and fear as her already big breasts grew fatter and fatter, an within seconds pushed up against her chin! Rose felt herself rise up out of the chair as her buns blew up with fat. Her blimping belly was being restricted by the belt she wore. The matre'd stumbled backwards, tripped over a chair, and banged his head on a table, rendering him unconscious. Rose watched in silence as her body blimped out in all directions. One part of her mind was hrilled at how big she was getting. Another, more rational, part silently screamed for help, fearing she'd burst! She soon filled her clothes out, and then some. She listened as stitches began popping and pinging. Her belt finally burst with a loud snap, her belly bouncing forward and filling the waist band of her pants instantly. The buttons on her sweater popped off in a machine gun barrage. Her bloated butt and hips snapped the arms off her chair. Her stomach knocked over the table as it got fatter and rounder. "I must be gaining ten pounds a second!", she said "I just keep getting bigger..." Her pants split and burst off her. "And fatter..." Her sweaters seams began to split. "And bigger..." her ballooning butt now touched the floor and raised her to a standing position. "And fatter!" Her sweater finally gave, split into shreds and fell to the floor. She now only stood in her white lycra suit and elastic belt, which was stretching easily to accommodate her swelling body. Still, Rose continued to get fatter and fatter without any signs of stopping! But now her body began to groan as it ran out of room for all the food turned fat she eaten. "Maybe I'm getting too fat here..." she thought as that small rational part of her mind began to take over. meanwhile, the black circle over her belly had stretched out with the lycra, showing it was not a mere circle, but words smashed together. Rose couldn't read the words, due to her immense swelling breasts getting in the way. The elastic belt was still holding on, but not for much longer. The matre'd came to and all he could see of Rose was an enormous 12 foot wide belly and a huge pair of 8 foot diameter breasts. He read the phrase stretched across her expanding tummy..... WARNING! IF YOU CAN READ THIS I'VE TAKEN ONE BITE TOO MANY AND AM.... Unfortunately the belt covered the rest of it. Rose's body was now emitting a constant low groaning noise as it reached its limit, unable to hold anymore of the endlessly muliplying fat. "Now I know I'm getting too fat!" she said as that tiny rational part of her finally took control. Just then her elastic belt burst, revealing the rest of the suits' warning to the matre'd. He read it aloud... AND AM ABOUT TO EXPLODE. He turned, ran for the door, and locked himself outside the room! Rose's body now touched the floor and ceiling. "Too fat!", she cried, her eyes wide with terror as she listened to the warning sounds coming from her body. "Help! Somebody help! I can't possibly get any fatter! I'm too big! Too fat! Too fat!" She felt her body begin to reach it's limit, the bloating slowing to a crawl. "Nooooo! I'm a fat filled balloon ready to pop! I'!!" Rose's breasts, belly, and buns had stopped growing, but the fat inside her kept multiplying, trying to make her even fatter. "I........ooooooohhhhhh.......I'm.............oooooooohhhhhnnnooooooo..........b-b-bursting!" And at that moment Rose exploded with a loud BOOM!
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation
"Hi, Cherry I guess? I'm here for THEIR appointment..." smile Marie, a stunningly beautiful red head entering the laboratory. Tall, stunning and curvy, she point to her unavoidable and most striking feature: her HUMONGOUS chest. As cute and sexy as she is, Marie sport ridiculously large breasts implants, ballooning each of her boobs to about the size of full-blown beach balls. "I grew tired of those smaller implants and want to get bigger ones, like I already did a few times as you can guest, and my doctor want them checked before I can go any bigger" smile Marie, sitting on a lab shelf while sending obscene waves of bouncing and sloshing on her gigantic rack, seemingly threatening the very existence of the layer of clothes covering them. She's speaking to Cherry, also a red head, but smaller, more athletically built with a smart and sassy wink on her eyes. Those eyes, at the moment, are quite naturally firmly pinned to Marie's whooping jugs. "So, I guess I let them loose so you can start?" casually ask Marie to Cherry, lifting her hands as to unbutton her distended blouse... "Ah, you must be Marie! let's get started!" Cherry greeted her guest with a smile, but inside she wasn't very happy! Piston may have left her in charge of the lab while he was away, but he didn't say anything about taking clients! And this girl wants her giant boobs blown even bigger? well, whatever! "Yeah let's just take a look at those... WOW" they where stunningly huge!! "O.K, let's begin!" "Right then!" gleefully answer Marie, unceremoniously unbuttoning her shirt, letting loose her tremendous chest bounce off from her clothes, showing a whooping, dangerously distended bra. "My doctor wasn't really sure about my next operation, he fear my implants may explode if they get any bigger..." muse Marie to Cherry as she get her hand over her back to untie her large bra. "So he sent me here so you can properly measure me all around, test my breath, muscle and overall chest capabilities - something about my implants again, new ones may have to get designed to accommodate the size I want to grow to - I'm sure it's all routine really. It's not like my boobies were THAT big to begin with anyway, they're not exactly zeppelins, aren't they?!" ask Marie, casually popping her incredibly large and round balloon boobs out of her gigantic bra. They're so full, large and tight, sporting cute little pointed-up pink nipples, that each of her cartoonisly large breast barely drop when leaving to restrain of her specially-designed bra. Since Marie's sitting on the desk, her overgrown fake boobs are now standing, bare and unavoidable, right at the height of Cherry's eyes... "N-no, they're not THAT big! lets measure you, first." Cherry took Marie's measurements, then said, "Ok, let's see you with your chest fully distend, take as deep of a breath you can and hold it!" Marie inhaled greatly, blowing up her huge chest even further! Cherry had to back up to avoid being knocked out by the bloated boobies. "W-whoa.. those thing look fit to burst... Um.. right, let's test your lungs by seeing how long you can hold this..." "M'kay" managed to muffle Marie, holding her breath further, clenching her fist and pushing her incredibly large bust even further. As Cherry meticulously counted the seconds while starring at Marie's incredible bosom, the big boobs red head held her breath longer, longer and longer. As she held, held and held, a faint but continuous breath found is way up in her nose. Surely, almost menacingly, her breasts steadily, slowly inflated bigger, bigger and bigger. As she grew and held more, her pale, freckled face flushed from pink to fire engine red. As she turned redder and redder, bead of sweat starting pearling on her brow, and her balloon-like boobs only grew, bigger, bigger and bigger still. Cherry couldn't help but gasp as Marie reached a point a point where she looked she achieved her absolute, absolute bursting point, her boobs so large they stopped inflating. And still she held, held and held... until... "GASP!" thundered Marie, finally breathing, letting was seemed like a metric tons of air from her lungs and gigantic pneumatic tits. Breathing heavily, sending what seemed like obscene bounce and wobbling through her round balloon chest, her face slowly turned back to a pinkish hue. "How did a do? Not bad I hope? I wouldn't want my doctor to stop me having bigger boobies..." she gasped, breathless yet happy... "O-oh my god! That was incredible!" Cherry stood in awe of Marie's display. She was stunned by what she had just seen, Piston would have loved it, his loss! She regained her composure. "W-well, that was enlightening, it looks like you have a lot of give. You should be able to get those implants... but we need to be sure." Cherry went and got a air tank. "we could pump you up to the absolute limit using this... or I could do it using more.. 'hands on' methods" Piston must be rubbing off on her, but she was obsessed with blowing up this big-boobied red head! "your choice..." Marie, slowly getting is normal breathing pace back and resting her hands on her deflated, yet enormous boobs. "Oh, of course, if it's what needed to convince my surgeon. Beside, it'll be fun to have some 'practice' at being bigger. It's so fun to have them grow bigger and bigger... one of my favorite feeling is getting back from the doctor still a bit groggy from anesthesia and try my older clothes, bra and shirt just to see how much bigger I got. On my best boob job I managed to burst out my older bra! I was so proud. Can wait to feel this feeling again... That being said, what exactly do you mean by the 'hand on' method?" ask Marie, bubbly and joyful, as she take Cherry hand into hers. "Here, let me show you..." Cherry then took a deep breath of her own, filling her breasts out. she was no stranger to inflation, but that's what you get when you work for one the leading inventors in inflation technology. She took in enough air to begin ripping seams on her shirt, then she brought Marie close, and planted a large kiss on her lips! She held the kiss for a moment, then Cherry blew. First Maries cheeks puffed out, then sure enough, her boobs begin to swell! Cherry blew until she was all out of air, leaving Marie with a much larger chest, although not nearly as large as before. "Mmm, that was just a taste!" Cherry said, licking her lips. "what do you say, you want more?" "Oh... Okay" told Marie, a little surprised. "You have good lungs - look how much my boobies grew with a single kiss!" witnessed Marie, satisfied. Cupping her large bust, she calculated "I was larger when I took my deep breath, and this is meant to puff me up as large as I can get to see just how big my new implant can get, isn't it?" Cherry nodded, still mesmerized by her visitor pneumatic asset. "Then go on and puff me as large as you can - and that I can take - that way I can maybe skip one operation or two in my breast expansion venture!" enthusiastically told Marie to Cherry, as the she bent forward and pushed up her pouty lips in an inviting grin... "Ok, then, you asked for it!!" Cherry took a huge, deep breath, swelling herself up like a balloon. she filled and filled, bloating up her chest. Then... she blew into Marie again. Marie's pneumatic bust swelled bigger and bigger at an alarming rate! Creaking and groaning, she inflated so big that Cherry had to rest on top of Marie's boobs just to keep blowing! Finally, her breasts reached the size they were at previously. "Yeah, this seems to be your limit," Cherry said, not breaking the kiss, "but let's see what one more puff does!" before Marie could protest, Cherry blew into her one last time... then Cherry's eyes shot open! something was wrong! Marie, her eyes closing shut, pinched her nose in a frenzy, her face flushed red and her cheek puffed up explosively as big as handballs - a millisecond before her chest almost doubled in size in a mere instant... For a second she seemed twice as big she could ever get and doomed to pop, yet before Cherry could flick her wide shot eyes, Marie cheek and mighty puffed-up bust deflated like a balloon and all the air ran thought the duets sealed kiss... Marie, letting go her nose while rubbing it, distractly exclaimed to Cherry "Oh, sorry, I tried to warn you I was about to sneeze..." Opening her eyes, she gasped! All the air, which seemed like enough to blow a hot air balloon, went into Cherry, who now was enormous! Cherry, her eyes still shot wide, gasping, was running her hand across her newly ballooned curves, amazed... "Oh, poor girl! Are you alright?" cried Marie, jumping up, her topless breasts bouncing like big mound of tight jelly. Looking around the lab in a rush, she asked "Oh sweetie! How can I help you? Oh, there, maybe this thing can deflate you back to normal?" Cherry stood dumbfounded, admiring her new size. "whoa, was not expecting that? bless you, I guess!" she was so enamored with her new curves she didn't notice what Marie had in her hands! "No, WAIT! I know it looks like that vacuum thing will deflate me, but it can only in -MPHP!!!" before she could finish protesting, Marie jammed a nozzle into her mouth and switched on the machine. Cherry's cheeks puffed up and air began flowing into her! "MMHP! HPPH!!!" Soon, it was much more than Cherry cheeks that puffed; her already swollen body steadily rounded up, her bust filling up like balloon and her waist enlarging massively, down to her hips and buttock which were obscenely getting bigger, bigger and bigger over the heavy motor hum of the device she got stuck in her mouth. "See, all fine now!" triumphantly jolted Marie, looking at the device's control "you'll soon get back to..." but she was cut short by a flight of buttons popping from Cherry's lab coat. "Oh no! I made a big, big mistake! You're getting even bigger! How do I turn this thing OFF? Oh no, you're getting HUGE!" panicked Marie, trying to find a button to turn off the one-way lab air pump she just stuck at full blast between poor Cherry's sealed lips from which intelligible "MMHP! HPPH!" filtered to no avail. Steadily, poor Cherry blew, blew and blew, getting bigger, bigger and bigger. Her expanding frame and overgrown breast had already exploded through her lab coat and all of her clothes were now bursting at the seams. Her eyes round and helpless, she could but inflate while watching a clumsy, red haired bimbo with gigantic tits running around her lab without much help. Inexorably, she inflated bigger and bigger... Creaks could be heard around the room as Cherry's inflation continued. She tried to blow out the pump, but this only caused her cheeks to swell bigger and turn redder. Marie looked on in fear as Cherry's boobs soon eclipsed her own tits at their biggest size! Cherry winced as the speed of her growth began to slow, signaling her limit quickly being reached! Her form was outgrowing the room, pressing Marie close, and squeezing her massive melons. "MMHPP! MHPPH!!!" Cherry flailed her useless arms, hoping that the pump's limited air supply will run out before she runs out of room! "Ooohhh, poor thing! I'm so sorry! How do I stop this damn thing? It's not fair - I should be the ones blowing out like this - Can you imagine just how big my new implants could have been with such a demonstration? My surgeon and the implants company would comply to ANYTHING I could ask them - just imagine... Damn, I think I envy you..." though Marie, first frantically working on the super pump only to get distracted and measure in awe Cherry's ever-expanding bust. Mesmerized by the sheer, obscene size of the lab techie inflating breasts, Marie and her own record-size tits soon get smooched to the wall by the uncontrollably inflating mass of Cherry's balloon body! "MMHPP! MHPPH!!!" try to scream Cherry, her whole face now flushed fire-engine red, her cheek blown out like basketballs, throwing on top of a zeppelin-sized body still growing larger, larger and larger... So large, the side of her elephant-sized tits began touching on the walls and ceiling, squeezing Marie tight. "Oh, poor girl, I think you're getting... TIGHT! Sorry I got distracted by your wonderful boobies, they're sooo BIIIG, I couldn't help... I think I really should do something, not the be alarming or anything, but I fear, you know, if we let this thing run... you might POP of something!" manage to say Marie, squeezed hard on the lab wall by Cherry's still enlarging, monstrously oversized breasts, that just keep getting bigger and bigger, tighter and tighter..."Oh dear, I think I can't reach it!" moan Marie, smooched by a hot-air balloon sized breast, helplessly trying to waves her arms past it, just as a muffled "MMHPP! MHPPH!!!" faintly come from above the growing flesh balloon, as Cherry grows, grows and grows... Creaking and shaking, Cherry swelled bigger and bigger. She felt herself run out of room as her body pulsed. Hearing Marie say the word "pop", muffled by her boobs, she realized that she was going to blow! She closed her eyes, waiting for the BOOM - but it never came! She looked down at the pump, and saw that it was out! She was safe! of course, she was still inflated to her limit, but she wasn't still blowing up, so she could try to figure a way out of this mess! "Oh, you look fit to BURST but you're still in one piece! Don't worry girl, I'll fix this!" breathe Marie, who also thought the explosion was inevitable. Powerfully smothered to the lab wall by Cherry room-filling bosom, she got herself to climb, twist and turns up to Cherry's head to disconnect her to the one-way pump. On her way, the topless redhead unwittingly rubbed her own massive boobs obscenely against Cherry's mountainous pairs. Sweating and panting, she managed to get on top of Cherry's mound to crawl some more, squeezed between the ceiling and Cherry's outgrown mammary glands. At this moment, a flush of panic ran thought Cherry; "MMHPP!!!" she tried to scream, as Marie sharp high heels dangerously rubbed against her distended skin. Her red, almost purple face with melons sized cheeks, still connecting to the devilish super lab pump bobbed from one side to another, as she felt certain the implant-obsessed bimbo was about to pop her like a kid popping balloon with a pin... Once more, she closed her eyes shut, certain to go with a BANG... PLOP! she didn't burst, the pump flew off her mouth! Marie had managed, helped by the sweat covering her half-naked body, and despite her own tremendous boobs, the get herself on top of Cherry canyon-deep cleavage and unplug the lab techie from the accursed pump. Since the pump stopped, the pressure felt just enough to allow Marie to detach it. Immediately, Cherry felt a rush of compressed air flew between her lips, and while tremendously over-inflated, she felt the pressure take off a nod down the "imminent explosion" scale. Marie was ecstatic, despite her awkward squeezed position between Cherry's balloon body and the ceiling "say girl, about the 'hands on' method you showed me earlier, how about you REALLY go on and puff me as large as you can - if you got this BIG, I sure can!" "Ugh... that's all you can think about, at a time like this?! Your worse than Piston... fine, anything to get some of this air out of me! Get over here and give me a kiss!" Marie made her way over to Cherry's lips, and planted a kiss on her. Eager to get rid of her excess air, Cherry began blowing at once. Marie began to swell up as Cherry deflated, her boobs growing huge as the rest of her followed suit... "Ooohhh, Ooohhh, that's... that's PERFECT!" managed to moan Marie as she blew, blew and blew, engulfing Cherry titanic breath of what seemed like several metric ton of pressured air. "MORE! MORE! Oh, THAT WILL DO IT! MOOOOOORE!" she screamed as she grow bigger, bigger and bigger and then again even BIGGER... <a>...</a> "Hope you're not too disappointed?" asked Cherry, impeccably dresses a classic lab coat and impeccable hair and glasses, looking very dignified and academic. "No, thanks for asking, but to be honest I'm not surprised they didn't let me..." answered Marie, who's back to a "normal" size, perfectly clad in a superb executive suit that managed to make her incredibly large bosom appear casual, sober yet breathlessly sexy. Both redhead girl are walking off an office corridors, their hands heavy with attachΓ©-case, thick pile of dossier and laptop. "I mean, we built a bulletproof case that not only your implants, but your whole body could hold your current boob job size tenfold without beginning to strain and yet they won't have you go more than two time your current size! That's absurd! Me and Piston worked overnight (not that HE complained) to design you a specially adapted pair of implant not only able to grow to accommodate your need, but deflate as well so you could occupy any size from your current one to about the volume of a small house... Not only we fulfilled your initial test but went above and beyond to show just how much you could take" complained Cherry, looking at Marie as they walked out. "Don't worry Cherry, I know you and Piston stacked the best dossier I could ever have - My surgeons and doctors are just too square to let me get as big I REALLY want. Beside, implants twice as big as those is already quite an honest growth... " she paused, looking down her already ridiculously large boobs. Soon carried away and smiling, Marie took a deep breath, swelling around the chest like a balloon. As Marie ballooned up in her own reverie, and the seams of her classy executive suit begun to crack under the tremendous pressure, Cherry dared to ask "Marie, I would perform back those tests anytime - apart maybe for the part where I got blown up - same thing for the long hours at the lab to design your super-inflatable implants - this is just a fascinating and daring medical and scientific challenge to meet. Yet, may I dare to ask you a question, even if it may sound odd at this point, but..." "No problem Cherry, go on!" answer Marie, caught mid-breath, her rack now visibly bigger and tighter in her power suit, as the tallest and the bustiest of the two redhead gave all her attention to her smaller, brainier friend. "Just why you love getting your tits SO DAMN HUGE? As I got inflated I didn't found it particularly enjoyable, yet you begged me to do it to you! Why?" finally asked Cherry to her pneumatic friend. "Oh... I just like it - I guess it's a fetish at this point, You see, it first started as..." Marie stopped mid-sentence, thinking "Cherry, sweetie, do you still have that supercharged, one-way lab pump back at your research facility? My new boob job is not anytime soon, and if you want I can show you just why I love it soooo much in FULL details. Using your very own "hand-on" method so you fully understand, naturally!" wink the cartoonishly top-heavy redhead to her friend. "Oh... Sure Marie. A fetish at this point? You went way over that point a few cups ago girl! Maybe we should drop of your new suit at your place do, I wouldn't want you to rip it open and ruin it..." play along Cherry, mischievous. "Already done - besides, I doubt any clothes, apart maybe a pair of parachute sail would be able to cover me when your trough with me..." exclaim Marie, hugging Cherry with joy, trapping her friend head between her balloon boobs, each one roughly the size of an exercise ball - for the moment...
bike pump, blowkiss, date night
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Kay and Joseph sat quietly on the couch as reruns of Modern Family hummed in the background. The sun was low on the horizon as it cast a blazing orange tint on the wall of Joseph's apartment. She scrolled through her Facebook feed on her phone as he finished ordering Chinese food from the restaurant's delivery website."Alright Kay, food should be here in about 45 minutes. If we eat quickly enough we should be able to get to the bar right as happy hour starts." Said Joseph."Uh huh." replied Kay, half listening as she looked through a Buzzfeed top ten list about puppies.As usual, Kay looked great for their night out on the town. Her tight, sleeveless black button-down blouse showed off her ample breasts, with the buttons undoneΒ justΒ enough to show a little cleavage when desired. Her athletic legs and nice ass were packed tightly into a pair of skinny jeans, which turned more than a few heads when she walked over to the apartment. Her lightly tanned skin showed her Greek roots, and her hazel eyes complimented her brunette hair very nicely.Β After a long week of work they both looked forward to a night out at the bars. It had become a tradition to order Chinese food before heading out ever since that unfortunate evening when Joseph tried to drink on an empty stomach. The Chinese place always took forever to deliver the food, so they had nothing to do but kill time. Kay liked Facebook, and Joseph liked Reddit. Both websites were perfect for wasting hours of time if need be.After a few minutes of silence, Joseph began to giggle to himself, which slowly turned to full blown laughter as he scrolled through a thread."What's so funny?" Asked Kay."Nothing, it's just a joke I saw on here." Replied Joseph, "Some poor loser is trying to learn how to talk to girls, so someone suggested that he buy an inflatable doll to practice. Another guy commented, saying 'If I've learned anything from Japanese porn, any woman is inflatable if you blow hard enough.'"Kay rolled her eyes and smirked as she looked back at her phone. "I think they all need to spend some time outside in fresh air." She said."What, are you saying that's not true?" Joked Joseph. "Maybe you're just trying to cover it up now that the big secret is out. You're going all reverse psychology on me."Joseph reached over and tickled Kay's belly. "Are you afraid I'll blow this little tummy up like a balloon?""Stop that!" Kay laughed as she wriggled away from him. The two began to play wrestle on the couch, with Joseph eventually pinning Kay on her back while holding both of her wrists above her head."I guess you win." Said Kay as she looked seductively into his eyes."I guess I do." He said as he leaned in for a kiss.Their lips met with mouths slightly open. Kay was lost in the moment until she heard Joseph inhale sharply through his nose.Fwoosh!He blew a full breath of air into Kay, making the distinct sound of a balloon inflating. Her eyes shot open as she heard him inhale for a second blow.Fwoosh!She felt the air begin to fill her stomach as her belly began to tighten, slightly straining against the buttons of her shirt.Fwoosh!Joseph could feel Kay slowly expand underneath him as her belly began to fill out. He put his whole body weight on her to feel it in action and was mesmerized by the sensation of being lifted up with each puff of air. It was like blowing up an air mattress while lying on top of it. He continued to slowly inflate her, with each breath making her a little bit bigger, a little bit tighter, and a little more scared.What the hell is going on?!Β Thought Kay in her newly inflated state. She had no idea that this was possible, and now that Joseph was beginning to blow her up she had more questions than answers. He was still on top of her and had her arms pinned, and with their mouths interlocked there was no way for her to tell him to stop. The air was beginning to migrate up towards her breasts.Fwoosh! Fwoosh! Fwooooooosh!Ping!The top button of her blouse shot off towards the ceiling as her growing bust caused the button to finally give out. Her lacy black bra was now completely exposed."Mmmph!" moaned Kay as she attempted to get Joseph's attention. He lifted his head but let go of her hands so he could pinch her mouth shut. She tried to push him off now that her hands were free but it was no use. He quickly grabbed a roll of duct tape from an engineering project off of the coffee table and bound her wrists together."What's the matter Kay? Feeling a little bloated?" Teased Joseph as he sat on top of her now very pregnant looking belly. He bounced up and down like an excited child on his first hippity hop, causing her body to emit a low rubbery creak. Her boobs were incredibly tight from the air, and a quick squeeze showed that they had very little give."You know what I think the problem is? This shirt is just too small for you. Let me help you get it off!" Joseph said as he slid off of her belly and knelt down next to her face. He planted his lips on hers again and began to blow.Fwoosh!Ping!Fwoosh!Ping!Fwoosh!Ping!Each blow caused another button to pop off of Kay's blouse. Air was now moving down to her ass and legs, struggling to stay contained in the already tight pair of skinny jeans. Tan bubbles of skin began to break through the stitching on the sides as her jeans began to come apart at the seams. A lone button struggled to stay on her blouse as she filled with more and more air."What's this? Looks like this button doesn't want to give up!" Said Joseph as he took a quick break to admire his work. Kay had to be about four feet across by now, and her breasts were the size of beach balls. Her ass had also blown up quite a bit too, but it was still constrained by her pants.Oh God! I'm so full!Β Thought Kay as she lay helplessly on the couch.Β Why is he doing this? He proved his point a long time ago! If he keeps going like this I'm going to pop!Joseph leaned back in to see if he could bust the button off of her blouse with another good puff of air.Fwoosh!Crack!The tape holding her wrists together tore as her inflated arms shot to her sides, the pressure causing them to stick out in a "T" formation.Fwoosh!Riiiip!Her pants finally gave as they tore to shreds, leaving Kay in nothing but her lacy bra and matching black panties.Fwooooosh!Ping!The last button finally gave out after a valiant effort. Now that she was in nothing but her underwear, Joseph stood up. The pressure was so intense that he didn't have to pinch her lips closed anymore to keep the air in. He stood back and admired what Kay had become."Look at you, you big beautiful balloon!" he exclaimed. "Who would've thought that would work?"He ran his hand along her belly and gave it a light slap, hearing the deep echo go through her whole body."I... want to say this is it. I've had my fun and saw what I wanted to see, but I should really start to deflate you before you accidentally roll onto something sharp. If you exploded in my face we'd both be in a lot of trouble"Joseph walked into his bedroom and began to rummage around.Ok, he hasn't gone completely insane.Β Kay thought in relief.Β For a second there I thought he was going to go all the way.After a couple minutes he returned with a huge, devilish grin while wearing an old hockey helmet. Under his arm was a bike pump."With this baby I can finish the job while hiding behind the sofa, completely out of harm's way!" Said Joseph as he walked over to Kay."MMMMMPHHH!!!" She moaned as he shoved the hose inter her mouth. He then ducked behind the couch and lifted the plunger."Kay, I'm sorry but I have to see this through to the end. There's simply no going back now."PsssssssstThe air hissed into her drum tight body as he slowly pushed the plunger down.That bastard!Β Thought Kay.Β He's actually going to pop me like some cheap party balloon! After everything we've been through... I'm just a piece of rubber to him. A balloon girl for his own amusement. Nothing more, nothing less.Tears began to stream down her face as she accepted her fate. He continued to pump from behind the couch.PssssssstBang!Her bra and panties finally snapped off, leaving her completely exposed.PsssssssstPop!Her belly button went from an innie to an outie, the final warning sign that she was about to blow. More air was being forced into her with every pump, but she was just getting tighter and not growing at this point. Creaks and groans could be heard from her nearly translucent body.Pssss....This is it.Β She thought.Β I can feel it. This next pump is going to pop me. I just wish I could've-BOOOOOM!She exploded into a million pieces as bits of tan rubber flew around the room. The tv and windows were both completely blown out. The couch cushions were nothing more than mangled pieces of fabric and stuffing. Papers of all kinds were scattered about the apartment. Joseph could barely stand up as he used a chair to support himself, his legs still shaking after being thrown across the room. The ringing in his ears subsided just in time to hear a knock at the door.Knock-Knock"Hey, it's Jade Garden Chinese delivery... Are you ok in there?"
balloon, bouyant, floating, helium, science
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation
Through yet another set of swinging double doors and around a corner, Pam lead Sandra. She stopped at a door in the wall that had a small window in it, peeked through while elevating herself on the tips of her toes, and then partially opened the door with her clipboard bearing arm. As she poked her head through, her pneumatic chest pressed up against the frame, squeaking noticeably. "Gotta newbie with me - mind if we have a look-see?" she called in. From somewhere inside the room came an echoed and muffled response in the affirmative, accompanied with a sarcastic sounding comment and chuckle. "Yeah, yeah, you wish" came her reply. Withdrawing her head, she closed the door. "Whoops - forgot about this" she remembered out loud, absent mindedly glancing down at her ballooned cotton tee-shirt. Sandra watched as Pam's swollen bazooms began shrinking beneath the shirt, squeaking and hissing as they rubbed up against each other. Funnily, they actually sounded like deflating balloons. Pam looked downward at her chest with determined concentrentration. When she had returned to normal, Pam looked up at Sandra, quipping "Easy come, easy go." The newbie nodded in wide eyed agreement.Inside, the room was like a small, brightly illuminated gymnasium with an unusually high ceiling. Around the periphery on shelves and tables were various bits of technical-looking equipment. Milling about were several engineers and technicians of mixed gender and age in white lab coats. Each one held either a clipboard or a small computer and had a network voice comm link slung over an ear. The white walls appeared to Sandra to be padded. "Loony bin?" she silently mused to herself."We call this 'The Loony Bin'" Pam quietly recounted as the two stepped toward the small group gathered in the middle of the room. "Not as in 'crazy', but more like in 'balloony'. We keep sharp objects out of here.""Oh" replied Sandra. Then thinking about it for a moment, "Ohhhhhhh"."There's no real danger, of course. Inflatee skin is actually quite difficult to puncture. But, still, no need taking chances." Sandra did not find the reassurance entirely comforting or even convincing, but she held her tongue.In the center of the room stood two engineering technicians and a woman who looked to be a little older than Sandra. She wore a green hospital gown and near her feet was what looked like a flat board sitting on a short stand. It was angled upward and had a large bundle of cables running from its base over to a computer workstation at the foot of the wall. At about twenty feet from the small group, Pam stopped and put out an arm to indicate for Sandra to do the same. "Oh good, they're almost ready" Pam quietly said.From under the hospital gown, the slightly nervous woman had several wires that gathered at her feet and also ran over to the workstation. "We need all the data we can get." Said Pam, pointing out the wires. Sandra quietly nodded.A male technician dragged a hydraulic pallet truck from out behind a cabinet. It had on it a large block of concrete about eighteen inches high and a fabric bundle of some sort atop it. He pulled the heavy load over to the group, stopped, and then gently released the pressure valve foot control to lower the payload to the floor. The lift, now freed from its burden, noisily clanked as it was removed from beneath the load and pulled over to from whence it came.One of the technicians grabbed her earpiece, obviously receiving a voice message from somewhere. She nodded to the disembodied voice then turned to face the woman in the hospital gown, obviously relaying the message. The woman, too, nodded and then quickly and unceremoniously removed her green gown, handing it to the other technician. Other than the probes attached to her skin, she was now stark naked. She turned to the just delivered concrete block and climbed atop it as the female tech bent down and grabbed the bundle, handing a corner of it up to her. The woman dutifully pulled it over her shoulders, being careful not to pull any of it over her head. It wasn't really a fabric, Sandra noted; it seemed more like a fishing net. The woman pulled more of it over herself until there was an equal amount of loose material cascading from each of her shoulders and down her back. It looked like a long flowing ball gown. Directly between her feet was a large steel eye bolt embedded in the block that had many small ropes attached to it.The male technician walked over to the workstation and sat down as the female tech stepped well back from the woman and gave a "thumbs up sign". It was returned in kind. The woman atop the block then hunched over the eye bolt, spreading her arms apart and smiling nervously. The female tech then turned toward the workstation, pointed, and then gestured another thumbs up at the other tech while speaking to him through her comm link. She stepped back a few paces more. Meanwhile the rest of the team had gathered around the periphery, holding their clipboards and computers. One manned a video camera mounted on a tripod to record the scene.The workstation tech tapped a few keys and a loud chime tone sounded twice as a small red light mounted above the entry door began flashing.The woman stood in mute anticipation, hunched over on the block."This is her first heavy lift" remarked Pam. "She's gone through the whole series really well."A moment later, the upwardly pointed surface of the mounted board glowed, bathing the woman in a bright green light. Across her face, a momentary look of surprise passed quickly. A slight smirk remained on her lips....
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation
Our story begins on a rainy saturday morning with a teenage girl by the name of Lynn in the town of Tomorrow's Wake. She was nearly 18 and just had gotten her first job. Lynn always did very well in school, and was very intelligent. Lynn was fairly popular in her grade despite being a bookworm. She was very kind, and energetic though a bit shy and was always eager to help her friends with their assignments if they asked. Tomorrow's wake was a small town and the people were fairly close knit, and it had a lot of charm. Though Lynn had never dated, any and all riffraff didn't even dare try anything as her friends both male and female were highly protective of her. Lynn had many friends but was accustomed to reading many a romance novel and hoped one day to have a whirlwind romance like those she had read so much about. Lynn ran down the sidewalk trying to avoid the puddles as the rain poured down. Splash! Unfortunately she didn't miss them all. "Dammit!" She cursed. Fortunately she was wearing a knee length skirt so the only thing that really got wet was her socks. Rolling back her sleeve to see her watch she realized she didn't have much time and took off running. Dodging the occasional umbrella using citizen and trying not to crack anyone with her hand bag she wanted to show up early again as it was day 4 of her job and she wanted to keep it. Finally arriving at her place of work she opened both doors dramatically and stepped in one of her favorite places to be, the library. This town's library was a dual purpose one. It was also in many ways a museum, most of its books were knowledge bases of its exhibits though it sported a well worn fiction wing. Lynn ran her fingers through her blueish black colored hair trying to remove some of the excess water so she wouldn't have her back soaked. Shaking her head did the trick, but then her bangs hung straight down over her eyes. Silently cursing the straightness of her hair she tucked it behind her ears and dried off her glasses on the corner of her vest. "Good morning Lynn! Hell of a storm going on out there isn't it?" Her employer said. He was in his mid 40ies but had been walking with a cane ever since an accident when he was young. He bit absent minded but helpful and encouraging to the kids. "Hi Mr. Baxter! Yea, the storms getting pretty bad. I hadn't realized I forgot my umbrella until I had already locked the door and I didn't want to be late." "But Lynn, you've been here early every day so far." He chuckled. "At any rate, I have a favor I need to ask of you." "Yes sir?" Lynn said eagerly. "Well you see, my wife just called, she's under the weather." He paused grinning at his own pun, "And the kids need to be looked after. Do you think you can handle the library alone today? I can call Karen in if you feel uncomfortable at all." "No no no. That won't be necessary! I can handle it!" Lynn said enthusiastically, wanting to prove her capabilities. "Alright I know you can do it. Also, those scrolls from Aztec just came in this morning. The careless idiots broke their water seal. So when it arrived in the warehouse in Arcadia, they had to repackage it and they didn't do that great a job. If you could after the library closes, use some of the spray sealant to keep them from disintegrating from the moisture. There are covers for your mouth so that you don't inadvertently exhale moisture on any of the items as well. I don't think we have enough for all of them but I placed the crate on the top floor storage so it should be good till at least tomorrow. Just go by the ones on the top first as they would have been exposed to the most air" And with that he was out the door. Lynn made her way behind the receptionist's desk and sat on the nice comfy leather bound stool. Opening her handbag she pulled out her latest read, a fantasy novel involving a hybrid girl born as a weapon, a god forced into a mortal body, and a demon child. It was a fairly slow day at the library as no one really wanted to brave the weather just to read. However Lynn did take interest in a rather attractive classmate who seemed to have a large assignment due on monday and was working feverishly at one of the provided tables. So as the day progressed on Lynn read, attended to her duties, and occasionally looked up to observe the busy worker. One time however she must have lost track of time because the worker looked up and smiled at Lynn. Lynn blushed badly and dove behind her book hiding her face. When 4:30 rolled around Lynn picked up the PA. "The library is now closed. Please return, or borrow any books and make your way to the exit." She said softly. After waiting a few minutes she walked around the library to make sure everyone had left. When she arrived at the workstation she noticed a small red wallet was beside the chair. "Hmm, They must have forgotten it. I wonder if a number is inside." She thought opening the wallet. She found some money in it yet the thought to take it never even crossed her mind. She found the ID and it had the proper contact information. Making her way to the phone she already could feel the nervousness and apprehension. With shakey hands she dialed the number. "Hello?" A female voice answered. "Hi, may I speak to Andrea Greenwood please?" She said, glad this wasn't in person as she was blushing badly. "This is her." "I'm Lynn Eldritch from the library. I'm just calling to let you know your wallet was left behind here. Ill put it in the lost and found until you can make it back." She said having to nearly force herself to speak. "Oh my god! Thank you so much!! I didn't know where it went. I could kiss you!!" Andrea said happily. "Buh?" Lynn almost dropped the phone. "Its just an expression." She said coyly. When there was awkward pause on Lynn's side. "Unless you don't want it to be. Anyway I'll be there tomorrow to work on my project more so I can pick it up then, is that ok?" She said changing the subject. "That's fine. Ill be here tomorrow. If you want.... I could help you with your history project. I'm pretty good at that kind of thing." Lynn offered. "How did you know it was history?" Andrea said a bit confused. "Oh! Your THAT Lynn! You're in my class! As you know I moved here kind of recently so I haven't gotten acquainted with everyone yet. But yea that sounds great. Thanks a bunch babe, see you tomorrow!" "B-bye." She stammered. When she heard the click she let out a huge sigh. "Well that went... better... than I thought it would... I think." She thought all flustered. "I certainly didn't expect it to go like that though." Attempting to compose herself she walked up the stairs to get to the 3rd level. Pulling a key from her vest pocket she unlocked the door and went into the storage area. It was of course a huge mess like always with tons of previous exhibits laying around gathering an impressively thick layer of dust. The air was very dry thanks to the dehumidifiers scattered around the floor to make sure everything was preserved. Making her way over to the small office where the supplies were kept she found the mask and the can of sealant. Looking in the mirror to make sure she got the mask on right Lynn looked at her reflection. Her lithe frame stood at a diminutive 5"3" in her knee length skirt, plaint white shirt tucked in her skirt and navy blue vest. Adjusting her round glasses she wondered about Andrea. She had often enough been told she was beautiful but more in cute way than sexy. The number of people that hoped to take advantage of Lynn's innocent nature but subsequently were sent to the school nurse with various injuries by her friends was proof enough. "I wonder how she would see me?" Lynn asked herself not really sure if she wanted to know the answer. Placing the mask over her mouth and grabbing the can of sealant and a crow bar she made her way to the crate. She thought she could hear something moving around in there but when she put her ear to the box she couldn't hear anything. With a resounding crack she pried the box apart with relative ease. Lynn was a lot stronger than she looked or anyone really gave her credit for. Putting on a pair of rubber gloves so her hand oils wouldn't damage anything she carefully removed the ancient scrolls one at a time and then began spraying one side, very delicately flipping it over, and then covering the back. Lather rinse repeat. This process went on for a while but eventually the aerosol spray started forming a misty cloud around the area she was working in. This started to bother her nose and Lynn felt a sneeze coming on. Dreading the results of sneezing on the unprotected scrolls she pinched her nose and covered her mouth with her hands. Upon sneezing her cheeks puffed up momentarily but other than that crisis averted. However Lynn felt slightly bloated and a bit uncomfortable. Unfortunately for her Lynn was still standing in the cloud and her nose got irritated again. "Ah- Choo! Ah- Choo! Ah- ah- ah – CHOOO!" Lynn sneezed again, the last one being a big one. Covering her nose and mouth as she did last time she felt more and more bloated and noticed her shirt was getting untucked from her skirt in jumps with every sneeze. On the Last sneeze it was pulled completely clear of her skirt. Her belly had surged forward with every sneeze. After the last big one it pulled the shirt free from the skirt and jiggled around for a big. Lynn looked down and shrieked. She looked as if she were pregnant and a couple weeks overdue. Hastily moving far away from the spraying area she found walking quite different with her large stomach bobbing and jiggling in front of her. Pulling up her vest and then undoing the bottom buttons of her shirt she poked at the large fleshy orb in front of her only to confirm it really was there. Her finger met fairly little resistance and she could poke inwards a surprising amount. When she took her hand back out her belly sprung back to its spherical shape. On her tiny frame her stomach looked especially huge. "B-b-but... how??" She stammered. Thoroughly confused by the situation. She realized that holding in the sneeze left no where for the air to go, so it went inside her. Lynn simply sat on the ground and kept poking her belly dazed by its presence. She was broke out of her trance when she heard a weak mewing noise. Lynn turned to see a small kitten weakly climb out of the crate. "Aww.. you poor thing. You must be a stray that got caught in the repackaged crate. Fortunately Arcadia is only a couple hours travel from here." Lynn said worried for the poor things health. It slowly walked over to her and Lynn carefully extended her hand. The kitten sniffed it and then allowed her to scratch it behind the ears. It then jumped up on her belly and sank down into it a bit, looked up at her and mewed. "Alright. Lets get you some food and water. You must be starving." Lynn said smiling. She loved cats. Placing the thing on the ground she picked up the can of sealant and noticed it was empty. "Good. Thing has caused enough trouble for the day. Looks like I'm done." She thought frowning. Placing her hands behind her she propped herself off the ground. The kitten however had decided to roam around. It jumped up onto a shelf and started batting at a Chinese vase. The vase started to wobble and Lynn ran over as fast as she could. "KITTY NO!!" Lynn yelled as time seemed to go in slow motion. The vase fell from the shelf and Lynn dove for it catching it in her hands safely and crashing into the floor. Landing on her bulbous belly it didn't actually hurt and she bounced up and down for a while. However her crash to the ground kicked up a ton of dust and it wasn't long before Lynn got the feeling she was going to sneeze again. "Ahβ€”ahβ€”ahβ€”ah" She started. But the sneeze never came. Her nose kept feeling ticklish though. Returning the vase to its proper spot and taking the kitten of the shelf she started for the door. "Ahβ€”ah" She started up again. But still nothing. Lynn couldn't ever remember inhaling this much before. Then it finally hit her right as she touched the doorknob. "AAAHH- CXDBH." Came the muffled noise as she had plugged her nose again. She dropped the kitten as her belly surged outwards. It looked as if she had eaten an overstuffed beanbag. Fortunately the kitten didn't fall far it landed on the shelf her stomach provided. Lynn just sighed and left the storage while she could still fit out the door. She went to the receptionists desk to grab her handbag and then went to the bathroom. All the while the kitten purred contentedly as it sat all curled up on the distended sphere that was Lynn's stomach. Lynn placed the kitten on the counter and then lightly ran the water for the kitten to drink and picked out small pieces of chicken from her sandwich for some food for it. Then she obsereved her reflection again and her eyes went wide. She was thankful she had undone the bottom of her shirt or she would have been missing some buttons for sure. Her midsection now stuck out a good 3 feet in front of her and was almost 4 feet wide. It was forcing her skirt to go quite a bit lower than she ever would have been comfortable with and it caused her vest to ride up higher on her chest. "My friends would kill me and about every male that ever went near me if they saw me like this." She mused. Just then she let a most unlady like belch that caused the kitten to jump up in the air and echoed off the tile walls loudly. Lynn was grateful no one else was in the library and blushed putting a hand across her mouth. However looking again at her belly she noticed it had gotten considerably smaller. Forming a theory she pushed in on her belly, in an effort to cause herself to burp again but to no effect. Then she tried running into a wall and bounced back on her bottom but still nothing. Flipping over to her front she lay on her belly and just bounced up and down for a bit. The kitten was observing her like she was crazy and despite herself Lynn was having quite a bit of fun with this. Finally Lynn's efforts were rewarded with a good 15 second long burp that was the loudest by far she had ever heard. Looking down at her midsection she found it was flat as it once used to be. Lynn smiled and restored her clothes to their previous state. The kitten having had sustenance was looking kind of sleepy. Gently Lynn picked it up and put in her handbag. Having done all her duties Lynn locked up and started to leave. "I wonder if we have any pepper at home..." She thought with a mischievous grin.
competition, huge, inhale
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Belly Inflation, Full Body Inflation
While Dani DeGrassi had her start in the family business, there was no denying that she went far beyond anyone's expectations. Scant years after graduating with two degrees, she was the owner of several businesses, one international, and involved in a variety of foundations dedicated to the arts and sciences. She had a singular presence which tended to leave a deep impression on everyone she met; most people described her as "unique." Others, with a better grasp of language, more correctly described her as "deeply eccentric." Dani openly described herself as a "size queen," which was generally taken to mean one specific thing. When she was approached in public by an aspiring suitor who bragged of having nearly twelve inches, she laughed, going on to elaborate that it wasn't quite what she meant: It wasn't a matter of liking them big, but liking them -big-. More specifically, bigger than her, and she immediately took steps to demonstrate. In an act that cemented her status as an eccentric, Dani took in a deep breath, far deeper than should have been possible, and the front of her dress simply swelled outward, fabric pulled taut across the bubble of her belly. Another breath and she grew further, double the width of her hips as her breasts pressed against the top of it and the sides of each other in the confines of her clothes. This, she explained, was what she meant by being a size queen. Anyone who couldn't be bigger than her wasn't worth her consideration. Despite the looks they were drawing and the utter ridiculous of the situation and demand being placed on him, the suitor found Dani's hand too tempting a prize. So, he tried to breathe in as much and as hard as he could. Dani watched, bemused, as he struggled, not sure of what exactly to do or how to do it until finally happened, the buttons on his shirt popping as his pecs and gut puffed up suddenly. He grew slowly, in fits, going red in the face as he huffed and puffed, belly quickly becoming tight and straining with a tinge of red covering it. He was barely even half her size before he wobbled on his feet, and it was only through the quick reflexes of two other gentlemen that he didn't pass out on the floor. Dani merely laughed, returning to her conversation in her inflated state without a second thought. The next several weeks brought with them a gradual escalation, both in the scale of challengers as well as her entourage's sense of how badly they were underestimating Dani. A morning jog brought her before a man whose gut hung over his belt like an exercise ball with a popped-out navel; in response she blew herself up even larger on the spot, spandex stretching over jiggling breasts and a bouncing backside, waiting but a moment for his response and, getting none, continuing on her way despite her view being partially blocked by her own gut and chest and her jog being more of a wide-armed skip from her notably thicker arms and legs. A visitor at a charity luncheon waddled in, fitting through the double doors as narrowly as his clothes fit him; Dani took it one step further, inflating in all directions to meet him, then surpass him as her limbs spread and widened, smoothing out and growing so round that they were half-pulled into the form-dominating curves of her torso. A visit to her favorite fashion designer resulted in one of the staff proving he could be as wide as he was tall, if not more so; Dani immediately proved that she could touch the ceiling with her head, only deflating later on when her personal assistant reminded her that it was time to leave and the doors were far too small, and in any case her arms were getting tired from rolling Dani around. Things quieted down for a week or two after that. Dani proved to be intimidating and perhaps insurmountable in both her size and her demands, much to the relief of the guests at one of her evening parties-slash-meet and greets, at least a few of whom weren't looking forward to another impromptu contest. Thus, none of them really thought much when she was approached by a short, mousy-looking young woman with round-rimmed glasses, wearing a one-piece dress and pantyhose, who visibly needed to build up the courage to speak with her. "Miss DeGrassi?" Dani turned, eyeing her expectantly. "My name is Tamela, I'm a big fan of yours and I... I!" She wrung her hands together for a moment before blurting out, "please let me be your girlfriend!" "If you want to be with me," Dani said with a smile, "then you do know what that means, right?" Tamela slowly nodded, looking to either side at the people watching her. She shuffled back a step, taking a few experimental huffs before heaving in a deep breath, stopping with a squeak of surprise when her stomach dramatically billowed outward and her chest jumped several cups. She gave her midsection a gentle prod in disbelief, not really expecting that it would work, let alone so easily. Suddenly she heard a sharp intake of breath and looked up to see Dani, still smiling and now quite gravid, looking a good deal larger than her. A second poke to her stomach revealed a great deal of give, and Tamela was comfortable enough with this knowledge to continue. She breathed in and out a few times, trying to reproduce what happened when she all but tripped over it, swelling again. Keeping up the momentum she pulled in air, her vision rising higher as more of her view below her was taken up by her breasts and belly. The straps on her shoulders and pantyhose grew tight as her arms and legs flared out, balled-up fists resting against her sides. When she stopped she could only see her upper half, looking fat but for the weightlessness and lack of rolls. On top of that she had gained a few inches, now nearly eye-to-eye with Dani; it was short lived as, huffing and puffing again, Dani blew up in kind, the curve of her belly merging with her growing hips and ass to create a figure that politely be called "apple-shaped" and more appropriately absurdly round. When she stopped she stood a full foot taller than Tamela, and her sausage-like arms were half bent, resting on her front as she looked at the young woman expectantly. Growing larger came easier to Tamela, inhaling deeply without exhaling. Her scale and proportions were thrown more into contrast as she bulged out in all directions, her limbs filling and sapping her range of motion until they became wide cones, their shape soon turning to domes as her shins and forearms swelled up around her ankles and wrists. Her dress, meanwhile, was doing a fantastic job of staying in one piece, accentuating the curves of her backside that she now rested upon as well as the wide, shallow domes of her breasts which protruded in front of her. Around her people fell away as she grew, watching them disappear out of view on either side as her horizon rose up and her head began to sink into her swollen neck. She let out a quiet burp as her forced growth came to a halt, double the height of the other party-goers. Dani nodded, pleased, before taking in air, growing with such force that her limbs stuck out straight. Her underside swelled, bumping against the ground and launching her into the air several feet, giving both Tamela and the party-goers a clear view as she transformed herself into a large-breasted blimp. Gently floating back down, she bounced several times before coming to rest, blowing a stray strand of hair out of her face. She couldn't see Tamela, but it was clear to others that she was a yard or two larger than her. Tamela stared. "No way..." "I haven't had to get this big to outdo a courter in a while," Dani said. "I'm really quite impressed, but but I'm afraid that-" She was interrupted by the sound of a deep, heaving breath, and Tamela's head - and the rest of her body - surged up into view. Her brow was furrowed in deep concentration, and there was another loud whooshing of air as her cheeks swelled in time with the rest of her, surging up and out with a loud creak. Her figure grew violently and in pulses, feet at a time; Tamela's lower hemisphere, covered by pantyhose stretched so thin her black panties were visible beneath, shot out towards Dani's front, bouncing her away with a loud "bwong." She let out a long cry of panic, bounding and rolling back through a table of drinks, deflecting off an ice sculpture, and finally coming to rest in the pool, thankfully face-up. As she watched Tamela take up more of the nighttime sky over her mansion, she wondered if she finally hadn't met her match. It took a while for Tamela to calm down after she had stopped inflating. It was partly out of fear that she had gotten so big, and partly a deep desire to impress. But Dani DeGrassi was such a beautiful and intelligent woman, and normally so far above a simple office worker like her, that the thought of having to quit - or have her turn her down - after finally working up the courage to approach her like this made her chest ache. Though her chest being larger by scale probably made it a little worse. The tension was almost unbearable as she waited for Dani's response, expecting her to effortlessly outgrow her again. After several minutes none came, though there was a faint tugging against her underwear, then her dress. It almost felt as if something was climbing her; a few moments later this was confirmed, as Dani came into view, scaling the cloth between Tamela's breasts. As her curvature grew less steep Dani rose to her feet, walking across the soft surface of Tamela's skin, unshod feet feeling positively tiny against her. Falling to her knees in front of Tamela's head, Dani let out a weary sigh. "Well. Do you know how big you are?" Tamela shook her head. "Not really. Is everyone down there alright?" "Oh, absolutely." She leaned to one side, then the other, swinging her legs out as she sat on her backside. "A little shaken up, but they're fine. You know, you're the biggest I've seen." "Is it enough? I feel like I could get bigger if you'd like, Miss DeGrassi." Something in Dani's eyes lit up at the word "bigger," and she pushed herself forward. "Maybe later," she replied. Her thighs were on either side of Tamela's head; twirling a lock of her hair around her finger she added, "and please, call me Dani."
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The doctor broke him the news as plainly as possible: "You've got to relax and stay away from stress. If you don'tβ€”boom! You'll blow up." Frank looked over at his girlfriend Taylor, who merely shrugged. "What are you talking about?" "It's stress," the doctor repeated. "And it's not helped by the fact that you have anger management issues. You've got to learn to control your temper or it'll manifest itself physically." "How, exactly? You mean, like a heart attack?" "Nope. I mean: Boom." "Boom, what?" The doctor mimicked an explosion with his hands. "Just...boom!" Frank scowled. He hated it when doctors spoke in medical jargon. It pissed him off. He looked over again at Taylor, who gave him a placating smile. She patted Frank's hand and told the doctor, "Thank you, Doctor. I'll make sure he's taken care of." The couple headed for the door, but the doctor called out after him: "Remember!" "Yeah, I know," said Frank. "Boom. Gotcha." They drove away from the clinic, Frank barely surpressing his rage. "Man, what a quack! For that he's billing my health insurance! I oughta sue!" "Now, honey," Taylor began. Frank pulled up close behind a car that was merely driving the speed limit, and not the ten miles over that he prefered. "Damn it! Get out of my way!" "Honey, the doctor told you to relax." Frank ignored her, still screaming at the car in front of them. "Pull over and let someone who drive who knows how!" He continued screaming until Taylor noticed his skin turning red. "Easy, honey! Your temper!" Frank opened his mouth to tell her to shut up, but at that moment, he felt his clothes getting tighter. He looked down to see his body plumping up, puffing up all over as if he were filling up with air. "What the hell?" he asked, angry that his doctor didn't warn him about this. "Honey! Pull over!" Frank did so, barely managing to move his inflated limbs to turn the steering wheel. He looked over his puffy body, looking as if he had gained weight suddenly in every nook and cranny. His stuffed legs filled the front seat, and his midsection had become his own airbag. And he was slowly getting bigger in every direction, his skin getting redder as it stretched further and further. "Your temper, Frank! Control your temper!" Taylor patted him on his shoulder, and Frank looked over at the hot brunette beside him and relaxed a little. He took a deep breath and exhaled. As he did so, his body seemed to deflate a little. "That's it, Frank," Taylor encouraged him. "Relax." He continued to calm himself, and in a few moments, he had shrunk down to nearly his normal size. "My God," Frank said, clutching his chest in relief. "The doc was right. I gotta learn to calm down or...or..." "Boom," Taylor finished. "Yeah, right. Boom. Thank God you're here, Taylor." Taylor smiled back at him, and Frank didn't even notice that it was not a particularly friendly smile. "Honey! Come quick! Hurry!" The urgency in Taylor's voice made Frank leap up from his chair, only to stub his toe on the table. "Son of aβ€”!" He clutched his injured toe (man, that bastard hurt!) but still rushed to his darling Taylor, who was obviously in some kind of distress. He limped upstairs to their living room, tripping over a rug and slamming into the floor. "God damn it!" he screamed. He felt his body turning warmer, and he immediately suppressed his next outburst. He tried to calm himself as he picked up and made his way to the couch where Taylor lay. "What's the matter? Are you sick?!" Taylor looked up at him. "Could you hand me the remote? It's over there," she said, pointing to a coffee table not two feet from her arm's reach. "That's what you called me up here for?! To get the damn remote?! Do you know what I went through toβ€”!" Just then, his body plumped up, making a slight hissing sound. His legs and feet pumped up, making him marginally taller as his midsection grew wider. His eyes also widened as he looked at his puffy arms, now twice as chubby and growing as his skin took on a familiar red tint. "Fra-ank!" said Taylor in a sing-song voice. "Remember your nerves! You'll blow up!" Frank closed his eyes, chanting, "Happy thoughts! Happy thoughts! Happy thoughts!" He continued to expand all over, still resembling a pumped-up tire; but in a few moments, the exapansion slowed, the hissing eased, and his body slowly, ever so slowly, resumed its normal shape and color. "You've just got to control that temper, honey," Taylor reminded him. "Then don't do that to me!" he said. "You can't just treat me likeβ€”" He heard a faint hissing sound and shut his mouth. The hissing stopped. "Now: Hand me the remote." Frank just nodded, handing Taylor the remote. "Bring me some doughnuts. Chop-chop, now." Frank complied, as he would do very often in the upcoming weeks. Taylor put on a few pounds as Frank lost weight, having worked his ass off for the last couple of weeks, doing every chore imaginable while tending to Taylor's every need. Even when Taylor went out shoppingβ€”putting way more on her husband's credit card than he would have likedβ€”Frank couldn't rest. He had to catch up with every chore he hadn't done while he was waiting on Taylor like a slave. He had just finished doing the laundry and took a rare break, collapsing in a chair just as Taylor pulled up into the driveway. She walked into the house, a little heavier than she was two weeks ago, but definitely still eye candy in her halter top and black stretch pants. She wore her glasses and her hair was put in a pony tail. She carried several bags that Frank correctly predicted he could not afford. "Frank!" she yelled, and he jumped up from the chair that he desperately needed. "Promise me you won't get angry." Frank frowned. "How can I promise you that? What happened?" "Now, honey, you know what'll happen if you get angry," Taylor said, as if explaining something to a small (and really stupid) child. "Damn it, Taylor, what happened?!" As soon as the words left his mouth, Frank slapped a hand over it and took several deep breaths till his natural color returned. "I took your car shoppingβ€”" "My Lincoln? The one I told you never to take out of the garage?" "Don't interrupt, dear. I took it shopping and there was a little accident." "A littleβ€”!" He bit his lip. Then he sighed. "Well, that's okay, dear. I'm sure it wasn't your fault." "I ran a stop sign and slammed into a cop car." "Oh, God!" "The car's been deemed a total loss." "Jesus!" "So I bought another one." "You what?! You bought another car?!" His skin turned red. His cheeks puffed out slightly. "Yeah, I had to write a check, though, cuz I maxed out all the credit cards." "Taylor, for Christ's sake!" Frank's body plumped up all over. "Why are you doing this? We can't afford the way you're blowing through our money!" "That's why you need to get another job," Taylor said simply. "And the sooner the better, cuz I called your boss today and told him you were quitting." "What?!" His sides blimped out, his gut billowed forward, his body trembled as it swelled like an inflatable doll. His arms and legs kept filling up, but they became shorter as they receded into his ballooning midsection. "Oh, I did you a favor," Taylor assured him. "Just like when I threw out your baseball cards." "My baseball cards?" He swelled farther, blew up bigger. "And your favorite shirt. I don't think it suited you." "Taylor!" Frank's growth surged, plumping up so much that his arms and legs were now just puffy stubs sticking out of the reddening orb that was now his figure. He shook with rage and helplessness as he continued to get bigger and bigger and bigger. "Fra-ank!" Taylor teased. "You're losing your temper! Naughty, naughty! You're going to explode!" Frank tried to control his temper, but his rage spurned him on to greater heights and widths. He grew and grew, and the room became smaller and smaller. His inflating body began to knock over furniture and shelves. Taylor, still grinning slightly, backed away and let Frank expand until his head touched the ceiling and his sides were pressed against the walls. His eyes opened wide, struggling in vain to supress the rage that consumed him and inflated him. His indignant trembling continued, rocking the walls until the house was shaking. "Nnnng! Nnnnggg! Nnnnggg!!" he grunted, feeling himself stretch farther than he had thought possible, the tautness of skin warning him of his imminent bursting. He closed his eyes. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts...! There were some ominous squeaks from his stretched skin, but the trembling finally stopped. And so did his inflation. For now. Taylor smiled and patted his wide, bloated belly. "There, there, Frank. Feel better? You don't want to burst, now, do you?" "N-n-no." "And you're not going to be angry with me, are you?" "No." "Good boy. Bring me my supper when you've deflated, will you?" Taylor left for the living room, leaving her blimp of a husband to think about happy thoughts until he was no longer in danger of popping like an overinflated balloon. It was a week later when a car pulled into the driveway, and Taylor rushed out the door to meet it. "Brad!" she shouted. Frank turned off the vacuum cleaner and scowled. "Who's that?" Welcoming an excuse to get away from housework, he followed her outside, where Taylor had her arms around a man who had just exited a Cadillac Seville. Frank looked the man over. "Old friend?" Taylor turned to face Frank, still having one arm looped around Brad's shoulder. And Brad had one hand on Taylor's bounteous ass. "Oh, no!" she told him. "This is the man I've been sleeping with for the past couple of weeks!" "You WHAT?" Barely aware of it, Frank's body turned red. "You said you were too tired for sex this past month!" "I was!" she said. "I was tired from all the sex I was getting from Brad!" "You--!" Frank's body took only seconds to inflate into a giant ball. Brad burst out laughing at Taylor's husband. "Hey, you're right! He looks just like a balloon!" Taylor smiled and whispered in Brad's ear. "Just watch this." Frank was so enraged that he allowed himself to expand just a bitβ€”he knew he wasn't in danger of exploding, having had so many episodes. But Taylor wasn't through. She stepped up closer to Frank, running her fingernail ominously down his bloated chest. "Oh, yeah, Brad's much better in the sack," she told Frank. Frank grew uncontrollably bigger, his circumference expanding a few feet. He tried to calm himself, but having to suppress his rage just frustrated him, and he swelled even larger. Taylor continued. "Oh, and you know your old college buddy, Lenny? Had him." Frank groaned as he blew up bigger. "And he was better in the sack, too." Frank winced as his body reached dangerous proportions. He had only once been this big before, and he felt then, as he did now, that he would soon burst. "You b-bitch!" "Frank! Your temper!" "You bitch!" he repeated, swelling a little larger, despite himself. "You're a slutty, evil bitch! You've been doing this to me on purpose, trying to make me explode!!" He inflated so large that Taylor had to take several steps back, craning her neck to address him. "Well, duh!" shouted Taylor. "I can't claim all your money if I divorced you after all this sleeping around I've been doing. But if you were to, you know, 'accidentally' pop yourself...then I'd get every...single...penny!" With each word, she thrust her fingernail into his belly for emphasis. Frank couldn't think of any happy thoughts other than Taylor's head on a plate. He groaned and he strained, his body slowly reaching greater heights. He looked at Taylor's smirking, victorious face and heard the laughter of her new boyfriend, and he finally snapped. "You bitch! I hate you! Hate you! Hate you!" He shouted out several more obscenities and threats, inflating higher and higher into the air, growing as big as the garage, and was soon as big as the house. Taylor just watched expectantly as he grew larger and larger, approaching the inevitable result. "I hope you die, bitch!" Frank shouted. "I'm gonnaβ€”!" It lasted only a brief moment, so short it happened in an eyeblink. In that fraction of a second, Frank's voice cut out, his eyes widened sharply, and a thought flashed through his head. Oh no. And then he exploded like an overinflated balloon. Taylor removed her hands from her ears. "Whoooo!" she cheered, having more fun than the last July 4th celebration. "Cool," said Brad. "So where were we?" He put his arms around Taylor again. She pushed him away. "Oh, please! You were just here to upset Frank. I wouldn't date you if I were desperate!" She strode quickly toward the house. "You were just using me?" Brad asked. "Looks like it," she said over her shoulder. "You can't just use me like that, you little prick-teaser! Why, I oughtaβ€”" Taylor turned when she heard a slight hissing sound. A red-skinned Brad suddenly became awfully quiet...and slightly bigger. "On second thought, I can use you," Taylor told him. "After all, Frank's gone and the lawn still needs mowing..."
floating, latex
Female Inflation
Inflatable Clothing
I'm rather nervously sitting in the green room. It was a brand new game show being shot, it was called rather ominously "Bounce". I look around and meet eyes with a fellow contestant. She was about 5'11" tall, had enormous boobs, green eyes, and shockingly red hair, not ginger, bright red, she looked about the total opposite of me, I'm 5'4" tall, blonde, and I have a fairly curvy figure, but nothing like hers. She caught me staring and I looked away. We get a call to go into our dressing rooms, and I wander down the corridor of the studios and find my room. There's a girl in my dressing room, apparently we need help getting dressed. "You'll need help getting dressed." she smirked at me. She has one of those headsets on so people can bark instructions at you. "Take your clothes off, the suit will cover you up". I go behind the screen and put on the suit that's hanging off the rail. It's weird, feels like rubber. "You'll need to dust it with the talc, it'll help slide it on" the assistant said to me. So I do, I talc it up and put it on. It's quite tight. I push my feet through the legs and pull it up, arms now, and I look over at the zip behind me. So that's why we need an assistant. "Can you give me a hand now please?" I say. The assistant pops around the screen and zips up the back of my suit. I go and look at myself in the mirror. The suit is all dusty with talc. I turn around to get a good look, and as I do so the assistant starts spraying the suit with something. "This just gives a good shine, for the TV cameras." she smiled. Certainly did give a good shine. I'm clad in rubber, shiny black rubber, it clings to me like a second skin. I turn all the way around, looked over my shoulder into the mirror, and see just at the bottom of the zip a set of small snap-on valve connectors. "Let's just give it a test" the assistant said, and she snaps a bundle of small hoses to the valves. She's holding a remote. "Test one, not don't be alarmed" she said pressing a button on the remote, and she does my boobs inflate slightly. "OK, test 2" she presses another button and my butt inflates slightly. "Test 3, nearly done" and now my legs inflate slightly. "Test 4, no really we are nearly done" and my top and arms inflate very slightly. "OK no leaks, great. Last one" and she pushes the last button and the whole suit inflates slightly. "All done." I take a quick look in the mirror, I now look like slightly curvier version of myself, glistening in the dim light of the dressing room. She presses another button and I return to normal size. "Diagnostics complete" she says "You're ready, try not to brush against anything on the way to the studio". She disconnects the hoses. She ushers me to the studio floor, I walk in, there's something that looks like a boxing ring in the middle, bright lights all around and the word "Bounce" overhead in a very bulbous font. Beside the rings are two very large shiny metal tanks bearing the designation "He" and some electronic equipment. "OK this is rehearsal time, you're up against Diane to start with, get in the ring" the assistant said, she rolls her eyes and barks "I know, I know, as long as it doesn't do it this time..." into her headset and wanders off. I look in the ring, there she was, the redhead from the green room. Great. I climb up into the ring. Another assistant hooks up the electronics and the hose to the back of my suit. "Testing visuals" says the other assistant, and my suit lights up with several blue dots, about an inch in diameter, one on each boob, one on each thigh, one on my bellybutton, one on each shoulder and I look over my shoulder, one on each butt cheek. Diane has the same, only hers are red. "The game is simple, tap your opponent on the dots, and that part of them will inflate, making it harder to move, tap them on two dots at the same time, their whole suit will inflate. This is a rehearsal, so we've dialled down the amount of gas... You guys are ready... Go". the assistant explains. GAS?! What gas. Diane charges towards me and lands a tap on my boobs. There's a whoosh and they blow up about 2 cup sizes. I retaliate and she duck out of the way and taps me on the butt and now whoosh, my butt expands, fantastic. I'm losing already. On the scoreboard it says "2psi vs 0psi". I take my chance and slap her on the leg dot, fwoomp, both her legs expand slightly, she looks comical. "Your legs look fat..." I say... "Yeah, well you've got a big ass" she retorts, slapping me on it again, it inflates more, and yes, looking in the monitor, baby has got back. I growl and grab her boobs, hitting both at once, she looks visibly shocked, as they both inflate two cup sizes and then her suit inflates all over, making her look a bit chubby. "Who's fat now!" I shout at her. She bounds over to me, seething. Grabs my boobs hard, and twists. "You are..." she scowls, right in my face. "Don't, please, don't twist the suit, you'll break the connection, they're not meant to do..." said the assistant as he looked at the electronics readout. I look down, my boobs are blowing up rather fast, they're approaching the size of a couple of melons. "What have you done?" I say "can you stop it please?" I grab them myself, but that made things worse, now the rest of the suit was inflating. Apparently you're not supposed to grab yourself either. I huffed and shifted around slightly, there was a sense of pressure building in my suit against my skin. "This is getting uncomfortable now" I gasp, looking at one of the monitors around the ring I see myself, my legs getting thicker, arms now looking comically sausage like and my belly, well that was rapidly expanding past my boobs, which were also inflating. My attention was distracted suddenly by the realisation that my feet were no longer touching the mat in the ring. Diane smirked at me. "This is hilarious" she said. "It's not, I'm turning into a balloon!" I cry as a slowly drift upwards, my suit is becoming a ball now, legs and arms getting shorter, and the boobs squishing up into my chin. "I'm trying everything I can!" said the panicked assistant. Looking up at me. He looked quite small as I bounced against the "Bounce" sign over the ring. The pressure was immense. I looked at the scoreboard. "120psi vs 6psi". This was just great. I look at the monitor again. I am now a ball with just feet and hands and a head. A big shiny black rubber ball hovering over the ring, now facing upwards thanks to the hose keeping me from drifting any further. Suddenly the director bursts into the room. "This is great! We'll have to do this in the show. Fantastic, I love it, can we get some more helium! She needs to go bigger! Get her down from there!". They yank on the hose to get me down. Thankfully the assistant guy in charge of the technology had figured out the issue and was able to deflate me, eventually. But I would have to do it all again in an hour.
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation
Allison was a social girl. She loved company, almost to a fault. She basically relied on it. She had dirty-blonde hair that fell a little bit past her shoulders, but she usually kept it in a neat ponytail. A few loose strands covered her forehead, down to her brown eyes. She had a small smattering of freckles on her nose and rosy cheeks. She was five-and-a-half feet tall with a thin but not frail frame, with a hint of athleticism adorning her body. She had a respectable C-cup bust and an ass that did its job. She was no celebrity. Nowhere near what she wanted to be, but she made a point of trying her best to get there. She was attending a pool party on this night. It was being hosted by the college's most popular boy, Nathaniel. Allison thought she had a chance to woo his heart, and what better place than a pool party? She knocked on the door, and when it opened she came face to face with Nathaniel. "Allison!" Nathaniel said, excitedly. "You made it!" "Yep." Allison replied, modestly tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I made it." Nathan stood to the side of the door and presented Allison with a path to enter. Allison did so, and her ears were overtaken by the blasting of music, her bones thumped with each pulse of the overdriven bass, and she saw an orgy of sweaty teenagers dancing in the commons room. She turned to speak to Nathaniel, who had followed her in. "I need to change, where's the bathroom?" Allison tried to shout over the music. "What?" Replied Nathaniel. "The bathroom!" Allison repeated, even louder. Allison couldn't hear what Nathaniel said, but he pointed to a door on the other side of the room, and when Allison opened the door, it was indeed a bathroom. She took off her T-shirt and shorts and put on a skimpy aqua-blue bikini. She exited the bathroom and made her way to the pool. A few of the boys looked at her body. She wasn't the most amazing, but she was damn close. She arrived at the pool and dived in, trying her best to keep her motions fluid, and look sexy to any onlookers. What other point was there to a pool party, after all? After a short while she had done her share of swimming, and took her place on a reclining seat. She fell asleep, and nobody dared to wake her. She looked too good. A few hours later, when the party had run its course, only a sparse handful of attendants remained, most of them drunk out of their minds. Nathaniel was one of them, and he saw Allison sleeping on the reclining seat. He got an idea. He went to the side of the house and pulled a green, rubber garden hose over to where Allison was sleeping. "Hey guys," he drunkenly slurred. "Watch this." A small crowd of drunk boys watched as Nathaniel turned the hose on and stuck it in Allison's mouth. Allison sat up and looked around in a shock. She noticed the hose in her mouth and tried to pull it out, but something was stuck. All the drunk boys were laughing and pointing, but Allison pulled and pulled on the hose, and it wouldn't come out. She could feel a steady torrent of cold water cascade down her throat and into her stomach. She felt her stomach starting to bulge out slightly as it was filled with liquid. "Uh oh." She thought to herself. "This isn't good." She tried once again to yank the hose out, but to no avail. Her stomach was quickly swelling up. She could feel her abdomen cool down from the coldness if the water. She felt her skin beginning to tighten slightly. Her stomach stuck out like she was nine months pregnant. As she stumbled around she felt the water slosh around inside her. She tried to yell at the laughing boys, but the only thing that made it through was a gurgled muffle. Her stomach was not a few feet wide, and a few blue veins were starting to make themselves shown. Allison fell down into her back and her full stomach shook wildly around from the impact. By now it bulged out farther than she could reach around with her arms. Her belly button was starting to stick out, and her skin felt stretched out. The boys continued to laugh as Allison lay there and her stomach continued to swell with water. It was several feet high, and she felt like a giant water balloon, moments away from bursting. The water was putting a high amount of pressure on her from the inside. She felt like she might burst. She tried once more to yank the hose out, but to no avail. One of the boys got the bright idea to jump inter her stomach. The boy's impact on one side of her stomach ripples and stretched out the skin on her other side. The impact caused her to move, and she rolled into the pool. She fell into the deep end, and the water in her stomach caused her to sink. However, her stomach was so huge that it just barely kept her body above pool level. As her stomach continued to swell, she was slowly pushed high and higher up. She felt the sides of her stomach push against the sides of the pool. She was filling the pool up. Eventually, her stomach overflowed out of the pool, and she stuck out like a muffin sticks out of its mold after baking. Allison was slowly pushed higher and higher up by her expanding stomach, and she was several feet above pool level when she burst, and a miniature tsunami flooded the entire backyard in several feet of lukewarm Allison-water. The brief soak sobered up the boys, who now realized what had just happened. There was no trace that Allison has been there, or had even ever existed. The action of her bursting from all the water pressure inside of her essentially vaporized her. The only thing left was an aqua-blue bikini at the bottom of the backyard, which was now a pool a few feet deep.
first person
Male Inflation
Breast Inflation
So I'm driving along, fresh out from a long day at work. It was just one of those days you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy, or maybe you would. Anyway, I'm driving home, but there ain't no real reason to go there. I share my apartment with myself, and the though of cooking something for dinner isn't really appealing to me. It's Friday and come to think of it, I'm not really hungry, but thirsty. So I figure I'll stop at my favorite spot for a beer or two or three. So like I said before, I'm driving and wouldn't you know it, my regular route home is closed off for something or other and I got to take a detour through some part of town I ain't been to before. So I turn down the way the cop tells me to, and before long I have no idea where I am. That's when I spot this little restaurant/bar called the Balloon Bar. It's a neat looking little place all decorated up with balloons around the outside, and I've always had this thing for balloons since I was a kid, so I pull into the parking lot and head inside. The inside of the place isn't bad either. It's nice and clean and decorated sort of haphazardly with balloons all over the place. There are a couple of guys sitting at the bar and a few more people sitting at tables eating. I'm looking around when one of the waitresses' calls out ant tells me to sit wherever I want to. There's an empty table right next to the place where they inflate the balloons, 'cause there's a helium tank there and some bins with different colors and sizes and shapes of balloons. I take a seat there because I figure I might get the chance to watch some balloons get blown up. I don't know. Just watching balloons inflate always turned me on. Anyway, I sit down and pretty soon this knockout girl comes over and says that her name is Kim. She hands me a menu and asks what I want to drink. I ask for a pitcher of beer and she heads off. The menu is all decorated with balloons, but at the moment I'm not really hungry, so I put it down and wait for my beer. Kim comes back with my pitcher and a glass and I get to have another good look at her. She's got a real pretty face with long, blonde hair and about medium tall. But the thing you really notice about her is her tits. They're perfectly shaped; maybe a double D; maybe bigger and with the top button undone, I get a great view of them as she pours my beer. And I think she knows I'm looking, 'cause she gives me this little smile and I think to myself those are the nicest tits I've ever seen and that I really like to get my hands on them. So after a couple of seconds of this, she finally asks if I want to order some food and I say that the beer will be enough for now. She goes about her business, coming back every so often to top off my beer and asking if I want to order something. Before long, I'm halfway through my pitcher and the last of the customers in Kim's section have left, and she's cleaning up after them, and I'm beginning to stare at her and her tits more and more. I think she notices, because she comes over and starts asking me questions like if I like balloons and stuff like that. And with the beer in me I start talking and telling her about the fact that I really do like balloons. She asks what kind of shapes and colors I like and I tell her that it really doesn't matter. I tell her that I just like watching balloons getting blown up, either by tank or by mouth. Then suddenly out of nowhere she asks if I like big boobs. I guess with all the beer in me I really wasn't thinking and I just blabbed out that I did. I wasn't really sure where the conversation was going from there, but just at that moment, the bartender called out to her and told her to start filling up some more balloons. She nodded her head to the bartender, and said to me that she hoped I didn't mind having her have to do that. I said that it was no problem, and she told me that if I needed anything, just give her a little yell. I had enough sense not to say what I needed was a better look at her breasts and that a nice feel and kiss would be good too. Well she goes over to the tank and turns on the valve and I hear the short wisp of helium fill the filler valve. She digs for a moment in one of the bins and pulls out a nice big blue round balloon and puts in on the rubber valve of the filler. She presses her finger against it and the balloon steadily starts to fill, slowly getting bigger and bigger. I can feel a tug in my groin as if fills and I start to feel a tingle all over me. Finally she gets the balloon to what she thinks is the proper size and ties it off and attaches a ribbon to it and lets it float to the ceiling. It didn't take any more than a couple of seconds before she had another balloon (this one was yellow) on the filler and was on her way to filling this one the same way. Just as before, watching it inflate really turned me on and she smiled at me as if she knew it. I took another drink from my glass and filled it again from the pitcher. Kim continued to fill balloons, one after another. Occasionally she would take the balloon and rub it against the exposed part of her breasts and my heart would almost jump out of place. She had done about ten or twelve balloons when I noticed it. There was a strange tightness in my chest and it seemed to increase each time she filled a balloon. It was when I went to take another drink of beer when I noticed it. My arm touched something as I lifted my beer to my mouth. I figured it was the beer, but it looked like my tits were bigger. Not much, but bigger. Kim was starting another balloon and as it filled I though I could fee my tits grow with it. They didn't seem to grow much, but I got the definite feeling of them growing under my shirt, stopping when she finished filling the balloon she was working on. I looked at her, and she smiled back at me. She began digging through another one of the bins and pulled out what looked to be a larger balloon than she had been doing before. It indeed was a larger balloon; maybe twice as large as the ones she had been filling before. She put it on the filler and began to fill it quickly and I could now definitely feel my tits grow for they were now starting to press against my shirt, making it blossom out much as Kim's uniform did. I looked around the place, but no one seemed to take notice of what was going on. I wanted to say something to her, but for some reason it was if I couldn't say a word or protest. I just stared at her and she smiled back at me. Again she pulled one of the larger balloons from the bin and quickly began to fill it. As it did, I could feel it starting to tug at my polo shirt (my "uniform" from work). As my tits got bigger, it began to pull the shirt out from my pants. I filled my glass from the pitcher and drained it in one draw. I filled the glass one more time and took note that the pitcher was empty. Kim finished filling the balloon she had been inflating and tied it off. She too had taken note of the condition of my pitcher and glass and went to the bar. After a moment of discussion with the bartender, she returned with a new full pitcher and a fresh glass. Almost at some unheard command, I drained my old glass as she filled the new one from the new pitcher. Then off she whisked the old glass and pitcher and returned to the balloon filling station. I tried to tell her that she could stop, but the words just hung in my mouth, almost as if I wanted her to keep doing it. She smiled at me and began again as she had before, filling one after another of these larger balloons. Soon my boobs were the size of an extra melon and my shirt looked more looked more like a cut off tee shirt, then a polo. It was getting extremely tight around my chest, and I was sure I could hear a seam starting to give under the strain. The ceiling where she was working was now filled with balloons of all different colors and there was no longer any space for her to fill any more, so she starts gathering them in bunches and brings them over to my table and ties them to the chairs there, but she made sure I could still see the helium tank. There must have been at least thirty balloons of both sizes, and just the pressure of the balloons around me, and the pressure of my nipples against my shirt were making me more horny than I could stand. I'm thinking to myself that I got to get out of here, but all that I can do is take another drink from my glass. Kim tops off my glass from the pitcher and heads back to the helium tank. This time though, she doesn't get a balloon out of the bins, but she ducks under the counter and after a couple of seconds, she comes up with a box and puts it on the counter. She reaches into the box and pulls out a different rubber valve for the filler. She turns off the tank and replaces the filler valve. This valve is much bigger and wider than the one that was on before and as she turned the helium on again, I'm wondering what's going on. Then she reaches into the box and pulls out an absolutely huge pink balloon. I've got no idea how big it is, but she puts it on the filler and slowly starts to inflate. I know it's got to be big because, just the little bit of helium that filled it before it started to stretch, looked like it filled it almost to five or six inches. Like I said, she starts to inflate it and I can feel my boobs get bigger and bigger with it. I figure that it wasn't even half full and my tits are the size of basketballs and I can feel that the bottoms of them are now out from under my shirt and resting on the table. I can hear the seams starting to give way and still this balloon is getting bigger. The balloon is just about as big as I think it can get and the better portion of my breasts are now exposed under my shirt. Just the fact that my nipples are as hard as rocks and sticking out is keeping the shirt from rolling over the top and letting them fall completely out of my shirt. Like I said, I figure the balloon is about as big as it can get 'cause she's stopped filling it, but she still has it on the filler. But then she presses the filler valve again and I realize that the balloon still has a huge stem to fill. Suddenly I realize that as the stem of the balloon starts to fill, my nipples are starting to grow with it, pushing out further under my shirt. The pressure is diving me crazy, but watching her fill the balloon to the point of exploding was an even bigger turn on. Finally when I figure the balloon was about to explode, she takes it off the filler and ties it up. My nipples feel huge, but I can't really see them 'cause there's so much tit in the way. I didn't even have time to take a breath (or a drink of beer) when she's got another one of the huge balloons on the tank and filling it and I can't take my eyes off of it as it grows bigger and bigger. I watched until the sound of ripping cloth distracted me from my fascination with the balloon. The seams on my shirt could take no more and tore away under my right arm. With the tension released, the shirt just rolled up my boob and let them fall out onto the table. I had stopped paying attention to how big they were until then, but they were now as big as two overfilled beach balls, and getting bigger by the second. Kim finished filling the balloon (including the stem again, which seemed to make my nipples feel like they were the size of rolls of quarters). After she finished tying it off an let it float to the ceiling, she walked over to the table and asks if something is wrong because I haven't touched my beer and she's afraid it might go flat. I reach over and take my glass and empty it and Kim fills it back up again. She sits down in one of the chairs and starts talking about the fact that she really likes balloons and is glad that I seem to like them too, and she seems oblivious of what is happening to me. I'm staring again at her tits again, wish what was happening to me would happen to her. Or was this happening, or was this some kind of beer induced hallucination. My tits couldn't be that big. They didn't feel heavy, but as I reached out to touch them, there was no doubt that they were there and that my shirt was torn or that my tits were starting to get big enough that I was having trouble seeing over the top of them. Kim walked back over to the tank as I took another drink of beer. She pulled another balloon out of the box and started to fill it. As I watched the balloon fill, I was glad that the tank was off to my side a bit, otherwise I'd soon have a problem watching her doing her thing. As I looked straight ahead, my view of the world was being cut off as the bulk of my breasts began to obscure more and more of my view. Pretty soon I wouldn't be able to see anything in front of me. I reached for may glass and drank what was left in it. I filled it again and realized that the balloon she had been filling must be almost full 'cause I could feel my nipples growing again. They had to be huge at this point, but I really had no idea, because there was no way I could see them. There, my tits are growing again and sure enough, she had another balloon on the tank. She smiled at me and pressed hard on the valve. The balloon jumped in size and was quickly full. When I turned to look straight ahead, I realized that my view forward was almost completely cut off. As I took another drink, I mused that it would be tough to see where I was walking. Oh, there she goes with another one. She was filling this one fast also because I very quickly felt it in my nipples. I looked over to her again, staring intently at her tits. She had to excuse me for it with this much beer in me. I held the beer glass to my lips and though that I'm really going to have a tough time driving home after two pitchers of beer. She's filling another balloon, and all I can see in front of me is my tits and the ceiling. They've got to be covering the entire table by now. I'd better not knock the pitcher off the table. Then I think, how the heck am I going to drive. I can't see anything. Heck, I can't even fit behind the wheel. That's when the panic set in. What the heck am I going to do. I can't get home like this. Oh no ... there goes another balloon. I try to get up, but my balance is all screwed up. It's not that my tits are so heavy. I just can't get my balance, and the beer isn't helping. I look over to Kim and she's just tying off the last balloon she filled. She asks if there's a problem and I start babbling about balloons and tits and beer and all sorts of thing. People are starting to look and I think they're going to think I'm some kind of freak, but they just turn back to their beer and business. I'm trying to find the door, but I can't keep my balance well enough to walk to it. Kim reaches under the counter and pulls out a balloon that is almost as big uninflated as the first balloons were fully inflated. She's putting it on the filler and it starts to inflate. I get enough balance and start to walk to the door. My breasts are growing before my eyes as I know the balloon is. I look over to Kim. The balloon is at least three foot and steadily growing. I try to walk through the door, but there's no way my tits will fit. I turn sideways, but still the same problem. I look over and the balloon is at least five foot now. I even try to back through the door, but my tits are so much wider than me I have no luck with that. The balloon is now at least six foot and almost touching the ceiling still on the filler. It's got to be almost full. It can't get any bigger. I can't get any bigger. Suddenly, I feel the growth center on my nipples. She's filling the stem and I can feel my nipples growing again. They've got to be almost a foot long by now. Suddenly, everything stops and I feel a hand on my shoulder. It's Kim. She has the last batch of balloons she's done in a bouquet and she's leading back to my table saying that I probably shouldn't be driving after that much beer, but that I shouldn't worry. I was still early and she'd take care of everything. I sat down in my chair and positioned my tits so that they were comfortable on the table. They were so big not that even standing, I could barely see in front of me. If they got any bigger, I wouldn't be able to walk 'cause my feet would be right off the ground. She tied the balloons off to one of the chairs and said something about being right back. There was still enough room on the table for my beer and there was still beer in the pitcher. What the heck, I say to myself as I fill my glass and quickly empty it. What the heck else could I do? I emptied what was left in the pitcher into my glass and drank that too. Behind me, I could hear an noise. I turned around and there was Kim rolling another helium tank into place. She told me that she'd emptied the other one, and wanted to continue to amuse me with more balloons. I took a deep breath and buried my head in my tits. In a moment, there was a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Kim bearing another full pitcher of beer. She was saying something again about not worrying about getting home, that she'd take care of it. She filled my glass and went back to the tank. She took out another balloon like the last one and began to fill it. With the surge I expected, my tits expanded again. I watched as the balloon filled...three foot...four foot...five foot...six foot. I knew what was happening to me. The stem filled and so did my nipples. She tied it off and was just about to reach for another one when the bartender called out to her and said that she'd done enough of the round ones for a while and that she should try out some of the new extra large airships that had just come in. She said that would be great. I just said Oh no...
floating, Inflatrix, superhero, Zephyr
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation
"And that, class, is how you measure the orbital motion of a planet around it's sun using Kepler's laws. Any...questions?" Greeted by vacant stares from her astronomy class, Dr. Gina Valentine sighed heavily. Only a handful of students enrolled in her advanced course, and this particular lesson offered reasoning for that. One of her students seemed on the brink of tears, another was practically snoring, and the rest hastily scribbled down the equations their professor had written on the chalkboard. Wiping the board clean, Ms. Valentine began to rewrite the equations one by one. "Okay, class...this is Kepler's first law. Pay attention, I'm not going to do this a third..time...oh, NOW you want to concentrate." The young instructor crossed her arms and faced her class. She was used to stares from her previous employment at a co-ed community college, but Turgidia University boasted an all female student body. She was young for a college instructor, early thirties in age. Her dark brown hair was done up in a conservative bun, and her green eyes peered from behind spectacles that rested on her dainty nose"What?" Gina queried. "Um, are we covering lunar physics today?" One student chimed. "Similar equations could be used in regards to lunar orbi-" "How about eclipses?" "All of that will be covered in due, my, I've never had such an inquisitive class!" Dr. Valentine exclaimed, resuming her inscription. Her star pupil raised her hand. "Yes, Ms. Katie?" "Um, with all due respect Professor...I think they were joking." The girl sheepishly muttered, her classmates snickering. Gina furled her eyebrows. "What makes you say that?" She asked sternly. "Cuz...your booty's getting bigger." "....What." Gina scowled as her entire class burst into laughter. "That's not very funny. Huhn?" clasping her hands over her rear protectively, it felt as if there was more butt than usual. Looking back at her posterior, the professor cried in dismay as her skirt was pulled tightly across her undeniably larger asscheeks. The volume of her student's boisterous cackling only increased as she squeezed herself in disbelief, but Gina knew precisely what was happening as pressure built in her midsection. Her eyes frantically scanned the room, falling on the air vent in the corner near the door. Pink vapors spilled out of the duct. "C-class..hnf...get out of the school..." she ordered...and received little response beyond more humiliating stares. "She's blowing up like a balloon!" "Hope she doesn't pop." "You idiots! Get out of here before..." Gina pleaded with her students, but it was too late. A pronounced hissing noise filled the room. The attitude of her class was altered instantaneously as all of the girls started to scream and expand. One of the buttons on Gina's blouse burst off as her now titanic chest-orbs sought freedom, richocheting off of one of her student's swollen belly resulting in a shrill yelp. Chaos erupted. Some of the would-be scholars dashed for the door while others could not even free their billowing bodies from their desks. One lucky student reached the door, succeeding only in wedging herself into the doorway and cutting off the only escape route for her friends. The professor winched as her skirt ripped in half, exposing her panties. "It's has to be her..." Gina thought, waddling over toward their only hope; the fire alarm. She slid across the floor precariously, her body become increasingly buoyant. A cacophony of fabric tearing reached her ears. Her entire midsection had become spherical, her limbs slowly being enveloped. "So close...g-got it!" The stalwart instructor exclaimed, managing to reach the alarm lever just as she began to rise. As she did, the handle was pulled out and upward, the shrieking siren sounding across the entire building as the heroic woman became a balloon-girl. Immediately, the main academic building on campus inacted evacuation procedures. Many of the classrooms were similarly afflicted with the pink-fwoomping gas, but dozens of students who were in the hallways managed to evade being afflicted and poured out of the main exit. The tide of escapees was almost stymied when several multi-colored beams hit the frontrunners, and the girls started to swell up like blimps. "Going somewhere, ladies?" The sultry voice could barely be heard above the desperate screams of inflating women. Enormous battery pack strapped to her back, The Inflatrix indiscriminately fired her powered-up Inflat-o-ray into the frightened crowd. Targetting an exotic looking cow girl out of the herd, she pulled the trigger and uttered a sinister laugh as the ray splashed, affecting multiple girls around its intended victim. The blond dominatrix smirked as the she-cow stopped in her tracks, her body surging out into a sphere rapidly. "Dee!" One of her friends cried out, suddenly gasping as her breasts deployed like airbags, bursting through her shirt and bowling over a fleeing professor. "H-help!" "I've got you Kate!" Yet another girl, this one with a hugely distended belly, leaped up and grabbed the blimp-boobed Kate. Dee, by this time, was rising above the roof of the main building already. A purple haired girl with a sizable rump clung to clumps of grass while her bloating derriere threatened to send her skyward as well. "Somebody call the police!" " No! I don't wanna be seen like this on the news!Hang on Saki-nyeep!" Kate squeaked, her breasts starting to pull her upward. Despite the additional weight of the girls grabbing her, the lift generated by her titanic helium filled tits proved to be too much, and she too drifted away. Women rose into the air in various shapes all over the school grounds. One balloon huffed angrily within feet of the assailant, casting a threatening glare at the villainess. "What are you looking at, blimp? Why don't you be a good balloon and float away?" Anette sneered and delivered a swift upward kick to the balloon's underside, knocking her higher into the air. Glass shattered, and the Inflatrix's attention turned to the school. Windows blew out and bulges of balloony flesh poked out, the building practically groaning with strain. "Hot damn! Look at all those cutie-balloonies..." she gleefully admitted, nonchalantly zapping one of the few uninflated students that remained. The sky was full of girl-balloons. It was like a dream come true. "Better call the lab to come pick those balloons up before the whole school floats off." as she reached for her communicator, her hair was blown forward by an unexpectedly powerful gust of wind. "You fiend! Didn't you learn anything last time, balloontrix?" A new voice reached the villainess' ears and she happily turned to greet it. "Well, if it isn't....Zeffie...Zoofi...Zoophile...oh, blast it...what's your name again, future-balloon?" Anette played coy, tapping a finger against her chin. Zephyr, slightly rotund with air, glowered at her arch-enemy. A light crimson blush came to her face as the reality of the scene set in. There were helplessly ballooned girls all around her, some having faded into nothing but barely noticeably flesh-colored dots against the blue sky. "Zephyr, balloontrix. It's Zephyr. You're gonna pay for what you've done to these poor women!" Pointing an accusing finger at the black-clad blond, Zephyr clenched her fists and sucked air into her belly through her iconic belt...eliciting little reaction from the other woman. "'re supposed to be runnin', know...shooting me?" "Oh, don't mind go ahead and do what you do, girlie." The Inflatrix replied, setting her battery pack down and stretching. She was bemused by the puzzled look that appeared on the heroine's face, Zephyr's middle becoming increasingly spherical. "So, you-nnnff- give up then? It'll make blowing you away even easier than last time!" She boasted triumphantly. She groaned as her body emitted a soft creak, releasing the buttons in her gloves and cutting off the intake. Unfazed, Anette reached into her cleavage and procured a small remote control. Zephyr groaned, "I'm sure those...hnnff...girls would love to see you up there with them!" Zephyr depressed the buttons in either palm with her fingertips, expecting to blow Anette head over heals with a blast of air. To her chagrin, nothing happened at all and the heroine was left fruitlessly pressing the buttons over and over again with a repeated clicking. "Oh, did your little toys break?" The Inflatrix chimed in, rolling the minute remote in her palm. Zephyr desperately tried to activate her belt, but her glove-based controls refused to respond. Noticing the villain sauntering towards her, she paled and waddled backwards. "Did you really think you could beat me, The Inflatrix, at my own game twice?" her voice was seductive, causing Stephanie to feel hot in the face. "Poor, deluded balloon...I recognize that prototype lense in your belt. Disrupting the radio frequency between it and your gloves was a trivial task." "T-that's not fair! You're not even gonna give me a fighting chance?!" Zephyr's voice trembled. "Girlie, did it ever occur to you that I' can I put this delicately..." Anette pushed her plaything over onto her back. "EVIL? When somebody says the word 'fair', I assume they're talking about my skin. That's the only definition I give a damn about." Sternly stated, she placed a heel atop Zephyr's swollen gut and put pressure on it. "Nnnggfff!!! OFF!" The heroine flailed her limbs like a turtle attempting to right itself. "You wish! You're going to PAY for what you did to me...what you made you!" The Inflatrix's face reddened from a mixture of anger and arousal. Delivering a swift kick, she sent Zephyr rolling like a kickball. "By the time I'm through with you, you'll bow down to me like all the others..." Anette seethed, straddling the now belly-down Stephanie. Squeezing her thighs around the bloated girl, the villainess took hold of Zephyr's shoulders. "W-what are you gonna-EEP! WHAT THE-OOF!" Stephanie shrieked. She was being riden like a bouncy-ball! Her belly sounded like dodgeball each time he collided with the ground, the girl's face flushed with indignation. "Y-you can't-UUNF- do this to me!!! It's sick-OW!" "Shut up!" Anette intentionally made the final bounce a hard landing, getting off of her toy. "Why don't we go back to my place for some" "You'll...never get away with this..." Zephyr's voice was weak, her body spent from being bounced so thoroughly. "I'll...fight every step of the way..." "Who said anything about 'stepping'?" The Inflatrix retorted, collecting her inflat-o-ray and its battery pack. Then, she walked next to a large tree. "Let's see if you can figure out where I'm...I mean, you, are going with this?" She clucked her tongue, dragging a basket and rope from behind the tree. "...Y-you've got to be kidding me..." Stephanie muttered in disbelief. "I'm not one to kid around..." The villainess smiled and adjusted the Inflat-o-ray. "I've been dying to test this on some poor, helpless girl...and look at what we have here!" she grinned and pointed the device at the bouncy heroine. Pulling the trigger, the gun-barrel did not emit a beam, but instead pulled energy into itself. Her hands shook violently as the entire ray-gun glowed and quaked violently. Zephyr squealed. "Nnngh! W-wait!" It was too late. The Inflat-o-ray issued forth a crimson beam that enveloped the heroine's entire figure. The device in the villainess' hand smoldered and beeped frantically as it's entire battery supply had been expended in one spectacular blast. "Oh god-Mmmph?!" Zephyr's rounded torso exploded outward, immediately swallowing up her limbs up to the ends. Her cheeks bulged comically, and the belt that served as her heroing trademark now cinched her middle painfully. "Oh, my! Ahahahaha! This is fantastic!" Anette exclaimed and clapped her hands together. Casting the battery pack off of her back, there was a glint of mayhem in the Inflatrix's eyes as she moved swiftly to tie the basket's ropes to each of Zephyr's rapidly dissapearing extremities. Stephanie was inflating by several feet a second as the overcharged beam worked its magic. The balloon rocketted into the air, coming to an abrupt stop as the ropes pulled tight and the basket anchored her down. With an ear-raping snap, Zephyr's belt finally lost its fight against the pressure building within the heroine and fell to the ground. "Uh oh...I think it's almost time for liftoff, blimp!" The Inflatrix ran her fingers across the teal balloon's underside, eliciting several muffled whimpers. Practically skipping with glee, the Inflatrix approached and knelt before the heroine's girdle and snatched it up, unceremoniously casting it into the basket along with her battery pack. "Mmmmmm....." Zephyr's high pitched wail tapered off into a pitiful squeak as her head dissapeared into the enormous sphere her body had become. Her hands and feet were sucked into her body, only the ropes tied to them sticking out from where they used to be. The Inflatrix crawled into the basket slung underneath her new method of transportion and prodded the orb roughly. "Up, up, and away we go, girlie!" The Inflatrix cheered as the enormous sphere that was Stephanie began lifting the basket and its contents off of the ground. Higher and higher they went, carried onward and upward by the winds. Several of the students-turned-balloons drifted past them, squealing curses and cries for help as the hot air balloon floated in the direction of the Inflatrix's lair. "Mmmm...if you think this was bad..." the villainess cooed." have no idea what's in store for you. I'm going to break you, Zephyr...Hahahaha!" Anette's malevolent laughter trailed off as the ball-shaped Zephyr vanished over the horizon. The wrath of the Inflatrix is not easily avoided, as the heroic young woman would soon find out...
Prose that Blows 9 - Here I Come to Save the Day, Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Most Action-Packed Story, Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Most Superest Superhero/Supervillain, superhero
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Last time in Action-packed comics: the malevolent League of Bad People has taken over the city. A state declared martial law has been declared to keep peace, order, civility, and all other things that people somehow believe exist under normal circumstances under the rule of law...but whatever. Heroes and villains, cops and criminals go all out on the streets. It is in these times of distress and uncertainty that certain heroes rise, when honor, hanging by a thread, pushes on to defeat evil! However, such heroes are all pretty busy, so we will have to make do with copycats. Enter: Cheergirl! After months of carefully studying the moves and strengths of heroines like Super Woman, Joanna Lawson took the mantle of unwanted and annoying sidekick, Cheergirl. By stepping in where she wasn't invited, many a villain escaped the claws of justice. Instantly earning the rage of her idols, Cheergirl, with her one-piece cheerleader outfit and pom-pom nunchucks, saw no choice but to proof herself. Being obviously underpowered, the common female crime fighter fought the small timers that looted in the chaos. Of course, until things started escalating. One day our heroine felt the ground quake, and loud kabooms filled her ears. One explosion caught her attention: PickandGrab Bank and Trust was under attack! Bracing herself for action, Cheergirl remembered she had no fancy cape to glide between buildings, so she just used the stairs and the elevator. When she was on the street she started to notice big black dots all over the bright pavement. When she looked up, she gasped at what she saw! Bloated people floating skyward!!!! She deduced the only explanation for such a bizarre sight: this must be the work of the villainous, evil, malevolent, heartless and incredibly sexy Helium Woman! The fiend was Super Woman's most infamous foe, and beside her fear, Cheergirl knew this was the chance to prove herself to her idol: by delivering Helium Woman to the police on a silver plate, she would surely be up in the ranks of the city's strongest! As the pavement looked like a checkers board with the shadows of more people floating to their doom, Cheergirl ran as fast as she could. She saw deserted police cars and swat vans in front of the bank, as its facade was totally blown to bits. Dozens of masked pawns loaded bags of cash to the back of a van. In the middle of the street, she saw something that stopped her in her tracks. The villain was there, all clad in skin tight grey, a backpack and a slick black belt around her waist. In her hands she held a cylinder-like object from which protruded a thick black hose. More interesting and frightening to the young heroine was into what the hose was plugged. An enormous ball blotted out the sun in the middle of the street, with over stretched coat, shirt, pants and tie. Cheergirl thought that must be the police commissioner. The gigantic man produced ominous creaking sounds that grew loud and unbearable, until a thunderous shock and then silence. "Load it up boys and girls! Its time to move!", yelled the super villain. It was time to strike. Jumping from her hiding place and landing in style, Cheergirl signaled the villains to stop. "Halt you fiend! This is my town", she said heroically, but seriously, is there any other way to say such a that? "Look what we got here. Some wannabe came to join our party", said the villainess. "If you think you can get away, you got another thing comin'", replied the heroine. Helium Woman and held up her hands. With a soft clap, the working pawns stopped their loading of the stolen booty, and charged at Cheergirl. Ass-whooping came easily to Cheergirl. A high kick here and there, a quick flurry of blows elsewhere, and the occasional throwing technique, Cheergirl made easy work of the henchmen and henchwomen. The villainess only looked at the rookie hero with a grin, while she got closer and closer with her sultry step. Little round spheres covered one side of her slick belt, and the woman grabbed one of them as one of her henchmen dropped next to her thanks to a roundhouse kick by Cheergirl. At that moment, Helium Woman pressed on the little sphere, and jammed it into the goon's mouth. Almost instantly, his face fwoomped obscenely, followed by the rest of his body becoming a bloated caricature. He started floating away as a female minion fell next to her as well. She took another sphere, depressed it, and jammed it into the woman's mouth. She ballooned as if she were connected to a helium tank at full force. One by one Cheergirl defeated every enemy, and one by one Helium Woman bloated them up until they were all skyward bound. "Silly girl, this job ain't for kids", said Helium Woman. In cowboy style, Helium Woman disconnected her helium tank from her backpack, and began spinning the tank's hose, until she finally tossed right into the mouth of Cheergirl. Instantly a hissing sound could be heard, followed by a creaking sound as the villainess twisted the valeve. Caught completely off-guard, Cheergirl quickly threw her hands to the hose in her mouth, until she couldn't move her arms. They stiffened and bloated, along with her legs as she took a starfish position. She was moaning wildly through the hose, not believing what was happening. She thought she could win this stand off, but it seemed she was in quite a pickle. A big, bloated, inflated pickle. Helium Woman giggled. "What's the matter? Got way in over your head?" Cheergirl expanded at an alarming rate. Her torso bloated up fiercely, as her extremities slowly became balloons in their own right. She kept on moaning, not prepared at all for this kind of thing. Her heart raced as the pressure kept building and building, stretching her body and outfit. Soon she looked overweight, and then fully inflated into a small parade float version of herself. Her lips, hands, and eyes were bloating along with the rest of her. "You know...I think I'll make an example out of you", said the villainess, tapping her fingers noisily on the tank's valve. By now, Cheergirl's clothes were popping at the seams. Her boots burst as her balloon feet broke through them, her one piece snapped as her belly, waist and breasts bloated to immense proportions, and her glover were snapping as her hands resembled inflated gloves. Each of her fingers inflated to the size of baseballs. The failed heroine floated upwards to the length of the hose at the mercy of Helium Woman. In one of the police radios nearby in one of the patrol cars, a call was made for all officers to retire from Downtown, as Super Woman had the villain outbreak in that area controlled. A glimmer of hope filled Cheergirl up...but she realized it was the helium. "Well my balloon, too bad she will come too late to help you", said the villainess. Cheergirl could not stand any more air. She wanted to scream, but she couldn't . She wanted and needed help, but she felt just about to go boom. Will our heroine be saved at the last minute by Super Woman? Just how much bigger can Cheergirl get? Does Helium Woman have an inflation fetish? Find out on the next issue of..... BOOOM! Nevermind.
College, fight, hand pump, revenge, volleyball
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The first semester is always the hardest... right? Kelly had been accepted to her dream college on an athletics scholarship to play volleyball. She had dreamed of going to school at Indigo Grove University ever since she was a little girl and knew that volleyball would be her way in. Unfortunately she didn't realize how hard it would be to balance academics with practice, so now with her final exams coming up she was scrambling to see if she could save her grades. If she didn't score well then she'd lose her scholarship, which means that she'd have to drop out and go to community college back home. Kelly was ready to do anything to make sure that didn't happen.Her roommate, Taylor, was the captain of the volleyball team but sure didn't act like it. While most captains would do everything in their power to help a teammate succeed, Taylor looked on with indifference. Her family was able to afford extra tutoring so Taylor wouldn't fall behind like Kelly had. Taylor never had to worry about anything growing up (a rich lawyer/doctor combo of parents works wonders for financial stability) and got to focus on volleyball along with her modeling career. She had been getting bit roles in local commercials and ads ever since she was a little girl, but now that she was 19 she practically had to swat away the constant barrage of agents asking her to do a shoot. Her lightly tanned skin complimented her beautiful long brunette hair; each silky strand seemed to be styled perfectly even when she had it up in a ponytail. Her soft brown eyes could capture the attention of any man with just the slightest glance in his direction. Volleyball practice also worked wonders for her figure. Atop her long, slender legs could be found the usual bubble butt that many volleyball players display proudly. She loved to serve since her perky C-cup breasts would bounce up with her, lifting her shirt just enough to show off the trim and toned belly that she works so hard to achieve through constant conditioning. Simply put, she was gorgeous... but she knew it. She only cares about herself and looks down on anyone who doesn't live up to her standard. Kelly would definitely be one of those people."Haven't you finished the math homework yet?" Asked Taylor in a condescending tone."Not yet... I just need to figure out how these coefficients factor in to the equation..." Mumbled Kelly in response.This wasn't the first time that Taylor had picked on Kelly for her inability to comprehend homework assignments. It got worse as the semester went on since they were both in the same classes, so every time an assignment was handed back Taylor could gloat about having a higher score than Kelly. Thankfully Kelly wasn't discouraged easily so she was able to block the taunts out... Most of the time."Whatever, we have practice in an hour and you need to get your sorry ass over there. I'm tired of coach chewing me out because you don't show up." Said Taylor."Well, maybe if I had my own team of tutors I wouldn't have to skip practice to figure this stuff out." Snapped Kelly in response."Or maybe if you weren't so stupid you'd just get it like everyone else. I still don't know how you even made it in here. I could get a better SAT score drunk." Said Taylor."Or maybe if you weren't such a bitch I'd be able to concentrate and finish my work. Ever think of that?" Kelly hissed through clenched teeth.If there's one thing Taylor can't stand it's being called a bitch. Kelly knew this and usually only said it when she really wanted Taylor to shut up."Excuse me?" Said Taylor, clearly angry. "You did not just call me a bitch!""Oh, I'm so sorry." Said Kelly in a sarcastic tone. "I forgot you're perfect in every way."At this point Taylor was absolutely fuming. She was at a loss for words, which usually ended with her storming out of the room. Kelly was hoping this would be the case so she could finish her math homework in peace, but this time Taylor had had enough. She walked right over to Kelly and smacked her across the face. Hard."What the hell?!" Yelled Kelly. "You're fucking crazy!""You think this is crazy? This is the sanest thing I've done all semester!" Yelled Taylor in response.Kelly was scared now. Taylor clearly wasn't messing around and had her hand cocked back for another smack. Hands trembling, Kelly frantically looked around for something to defend herself with. Her eyes fell onto her gym bag right next to her feet. Sitting on top was the little hand pump they used to blow up the volleyballs that had gone a flat during practice. She quickly picked it up as she stood up to face Taylor."What the hell do you think you're going to do with that?" Mocked Taylor.Without a second's hesitation Kelly lunged forward, planting the pump firmly into Taylor's mouth. She began to pump furiously since Taylor was still stunned."MMPH!" Grunted Taylor as she attempted to process what was happening.The first few pumps just made Taylor's cheeks swell out, but after that it was difficult to tell where the air was going. Kelly kept pumping but couldn't see any results. Taylor, on the other hand, began to feel pressure building in her stomach with each and every pump.Shick, shuck! Shick, shuck! Shick, shuck!"This is what you get for being such a bitch all the time!" Yelled Kelly as she continued to pump with reckless abandon.Taylor's stomach began to round out under her tank top. The seams on the side of her top were noticeably strained from the building pressure. Her belly started to resemble the volleyball she was so used to hitting every day at practice. The air began to look for new places to reside since Taylor's belly was beginning to get full. Her arms, legs, breasts and ass all started to slowly get bigger and bigger with each pump. Kelly started to show signs of fatigue after doing this for a while."How does it feel huh?" Panted Kelly, taking a quick break. "You, (pant) you always acted as if you were better than everyone. Not all of us can afford tutors, or private school, or half the crap you had given to you as a kid!"Wide eyed, Taylor attempted to reason with Kelly but could only get out a muffled "MPH!""What's that bitch? You want more?" Taunted Kelly as she lifted the plunger of the pump and slowly pushed it down with a long hiss."MMMPPPH!" groaned Taylor as her stomach let out a low creak."Time to finish what I started!" Said Kelly with a newly found vigor.Shick, shuck! Shick, shuck! Shick, shuck!Taylor's breasts started to block the view of her expanding stomach as Kelly continued to pump air into her. Her arms and legs were completely rigid from the air so she couldn't bend them even if she wanted to. It sounded like it was becoming harder for Kelly to keep pumping.Shick, shuck!... Shick, shuck!... Shick, shuck!The sides of her tank top began to rip up the sides as the air was continuing to force its way into her body.R-R-RRRIIIIP!The tattered remains of the tank top hung loosely around her neck as she began to feel the waistband of her gym shorts start to dig inter her stomach. What would burst first, her shorts or her body?BANG!Taylor's elastic volleyball shorts shot across the room as they finally gave in to her increasing waistline. Now in nothing but a bra and panties, Taylor was not only scared for what would happen to her but also humiliated."I doubt Victoria's Secret will want you to be modeling those undies now!" Mocked Kelly.Shick.... Shuck.... Shick.... Shuck....At this point Taylor wasn't growing any more, she was simply getting tighter. Creaks and groans could be heard coming from her body as Kelly continued to struggle with the pump. Taylor could feel the pressure building with every pump, knowing that the next could be the one that pops her. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she imagined the inevitable happening."Aw, what's the matter?" Said Kelly. "Afraid to go boom? Don't worry, it won't hurt... much. I'd be more worried about everyone seeing this picture."Kelly pulled her phone out and took a quick picture of the hopelessly inflated Taylor, pumped to the max with noting but her underwear on."I'll make sure to send that out to everyone once we finish up here." Laughed Kelly as she picked the pump back up.Shick.... Shuck...."Oh God, this is it" Thought Taylor. "I'm gonna pop."Shick.... Shuck...Taylor's face was turning red from the enormous amount of pressure inside of her. Sweat was beading on her forehead as her body did its best to hold together.Shick... Shuck....The loudest creak so far emanated from her body as Kelly forced the plunger down."Please, just pop me already! I can't take any more!" Pleaded Taylor in her mind.Shick... Shu-BOOOOOOM!Kelly flew back onto her bed as Taylor's body finally gave to the pressure and burst into a million little pieces. The windows shattered from the blast, sending a mix of glass and rubber shreds into the street. Kelly lay on the bed panting, watching the loose paper around the room begin to settle. She checked the clock and saw that practice started half an hour ago."That's... probably the least of my worries." Said Kelly to herself as she began to think of ways to explain what just happened to the small crowd of people that began to congregate outside of her window.
belly, popping, superhero
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
As Wonder Woman flew through air to reach Volcano Island, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of worry. According to the papers she found in Steve Trevor's apartment, he was investigating some obscure demonic ritual that summoned not one but two demons of the air. While she felt reasonably certain of her victory record, the idea of Steve fighting something that had technically never been born made her feel uneasy. As she sighted the island, she saw that the volcano was dormant. Since coming in through the front door wasn't her thing, she dived towards the ocean, her costume changing to her famous wetsuit as she hit the water. Resolving to do her duty, she sped onward, fingering the dagger-shaped silver amulet around her neck as it grew warmer and closer to Steve. Spying the coral reef surrounding the island, she corkscrewed through it and under it to get to where she suspected to where an underwater entrance to the lair could be. Her suspicions were confirmed as she suddenly saw the water lighten as she slowly came up just a few feet under the surface. Poking her head up gradually from the water, she looked around. Light shone in through the crater's opening as her eyes adjusted. Her nose was immediately assaulted by an odor of sulfur and what might have been brimstone. Slowly emerging from the water, she landed and walked to where she heard two female voices in conversation. Looking around, she appeared to be in the base of what seemed to be the base of the volcano. Shaped like an inverted "V," the opening to the crater was a narrow seven feet across compared to the rather spacious hundred or so yards across at the bottom where she was. Peering around a corner, Wonder Woman spied two curiously shaped women. Voluptuously shaped, they stood about her height, with shiny red skinβ€”one with a midnight mane with blue tints, the other a platinum blonde. Strutting around naked, both had wings like bats and long flexible barbed tails; both were poring over a map on a table. Her eyes caught by a hint of movement, her eyes traveled up...and stopped. Creeping closer, she could see Steve tied up on the ground. The blonde succubus looked over at Steve as the brunette slinked over to Steve. "Well, darling, are you going to give up the location of that dagger, or are you going to have to go through the same hi-pressure situation your driver went through? "Give up where the only useful weapon against your kind is? You know I won't do that," Steve answered. "You know what we did to that driver of yours? It was kind of cute, the way he went," purred the blonde. "The way he kept begging for his life, the way our tails entered his body in unison, forcing our venom into him and making him get all big and gassy. Especially nice was the way the whole length our tails fit nice and snug around the bloated sphere his body had become...and the way he realized that today was his last day on earth? Wow." The brunette said, "It was really fun the way he realized what he was turning into with no way to stop it...well, no survivable way to stop it. Best of all," she said as her barbed tail neared Steve's midsection, "was the fact that he rather liked it, but couldn't stop. We succubae are like that, you know, preying on people's desires. But the absolutest bestest part of it all, was when I sat on his face after wrapping my tail around his body with my barb firmly planted against his poor taut belly, and asked him to kiss my ass. I could tell he knew what would happen if he did, but I told him what'd happen if he didn't. He knew what was coming, and nothing he could do. I pinched his nose, put this round ass of mine up to his mouth...and ripped a fart from hell straight into his quivering body. Poor guy. He couldn't take the pressure and went all to pieces," she sang out. "Priceless. So what's it going to be, honey?" That was quite enough for Wonder Woman. She leaped at the brunette succubus and dealt her a back hand blow, sending her reeling. Picking up Steve in one hand, she lifted him out of the way just as the blonde succubus sent a tail where he had been. As the brunette tried to recover, the blonde took up into the air after them. For Wonder Woman, it was all she could do to keep Steve safe while avoiding the strikes of the succubus's deadly tail. She was mostly sure she could resist it, but didn't feel like tempting fate. Looking over the blonde's shoulder, she could see the brunette taking off into the air to join the fight. This could get interesting. Okay, no more Ms. Nice Gal, time to even the odds, Wonder Woman thought. Dealing a swift kick to the blonde, she knocked her back into the brunette and gained herself just enough time to put Steve down and grab her golden lasso. Twirling it quickly, she threw it at the stunned brunette just as the blonde succubus started to make a pass at her. The brunette had just enough time to look down and see the golden threads about her ankle when Wonder Woman heaved a mighty pull just as the blonde succubus used her tail to strike at Wonder Woman. Her eyes grew very wide when she saw Wonder Woman grin...and then saw her plan. "Nooooo!" she screamed as the blonde's barbed tail struck her midsection. The two succubae looked at each other in astonishment as the tail pulsed twice before being successfully withdrawn. Hoping against hope, the brunette wailed as her belly quickly started to swell with hellish pressure. Rapidly ballooning out, she screamed as the most terrible pressure she ever felt insistently assaulted her belly. As dark red stretch marks started to show over her belly, Wonder Woman vented a little spleen. "How does it feel, hellspawn? This is exactly what your poor victims went through before they blew up!" "Auuughhhhhh, do something, you blonde turd!" she yelled as Wonder Woman quickly collected her lasso. Visibly straining now, the demonette'sΒ belly was starting to force air into her limbs, causing her legs and feet to swell and expand, making her marginally taller and remarkably wider as her midsection grew...and grew...and grew! Her eyes also widened as she took in her swollen arms, now twice as chubby and growing as her skin started to make squeaking sounds. As her belly started to creak, she yelled, "Somebody do something!" Shrugging to herself, Wonder Woman started to lasso her, hoping to encapsulate her entire body and thus contain her. As her rope started coiling about her legs and waist, it also forced the air into the demonette's breasts, casuing them to grow massively.. "Auuuughhhh," cried the raven-haired demonette as her boobs quickly grew, swollen with air forced from her belly. As the golden cords reached the middle of her waist, the blonde succubus took the chance to threaten Steve as Wonder Woman arrived at the same time. "Check, wouldn't you say, sweetie? Give me that lasso of yours and I'll let your mortal toy boy go," the blonde succubus said as her tail poised ever so closely to Steve's midsection. "It'll make a great trophy." Wonder Woman looked over at her captive. Noting that air inside her was forcing her cheeks out to comical proportions, she hesitated, then shook her head. "My lasso in the hands of hellspawn like you? Not gonna happen," she said. She looked at the brunette succubus and said, "Sorry." "What?! NOOOOOOO!" yelled the raven-haired demoness as the air inside her continued its assault against her body and breasts. Denied any space below her waist, the air forced its way into her breasts, turning them into twin twenty-foot orbs, nipples begging to be touched, even as little squeaks of air came out of them. As her partner's hellish venom spread throughout her body, so too did her bloating as she grew and grew...a helpless demonic balloon, pumping up bigger and bigger. "Please, restrain all of me!" she cried. As the blonde succubus merely said, "Wonder Woman, hand the lasso over here, now," the venom in the raven-haired succubus kept creating more air as her tits grewΒ larger and larger. "Tum...tum...tummererer...!" now came from the dark-haired succubus's body, stretching her out to a pair of shiny red-skinned 30-foot wide orbs with bat wings. As terrible creaking sounds emanated from her overinflated form, echoing around the volcanic cavern with foreboding, the succubus's body was tingling all over as the enormous air pressure stretched her taut body out even farther. Finally, the occasional creaks and "tums" became one continuous "TUMMMMMMMMMMM..." as her body stopped expanding while the hissing continued. "A hundred years, you Amazon bitch!," she wailed. "A hundred years and then I can reform! Just you waiiiit..." And with an ear-stinging "BOOOOM!" and a brief hurricane, the foul demoness's earthly existence ended. As Wonder Woman drew in her lasso, the blonde demoness said, "I still have your precious Steve here, y'know," as her barbed tail danced over his body, then came to a rest on his belly, point threatening to enter him. "The lasso, now," she said in a voice filled with grim menace. Taking a calculated gamble, Diana lowered her head in faux defeat and landed. Holding forth the golden lasso, she said, "Come take it." Cackling, the blonde succubus landed, her hand outstretched to take the lasso. C'mon, vile creature, you know you want it, thought Wonder Woman. As the succubus reached for the lasso, Wonder Woman quickly stabbed her in the belly with the silver dagger as she qickly flew beyond the reach of her foe's barbed tail. "AUUUUUGH!" The succubus screamed as she clutched her midsection in pain, then looked at Diana with dawning wonder as a hissing started to emanate from her body, her belly now takig on a swelling..."You've stabbed me with something that's inflating me, but my sister's gone...the amulet!" she cried. "No! How could you do such a thing!" "Demon, you made it easy for me," Diana said as the swelling slowly spread to her hips, causing her butt to gradually grow to enormous proportions, wider and plumper, two mounds of perfect shiny red ass, just begging for penetration. As Wonder Woman started to free Steve, he told her, "Her sister will never forgive you, Wonder Woman. The secret to the amulet is that it can give them the Fnal Death." "You mean, once she reaches her limit--" "Boom. No more demon. No return," he said admiringly as the demon screamed in fear, her breasts and belly now becoming three more massive red spheres that threatened to fill the dead volcanic cavern. "Uh, one little problem, though, Wonder Woman. She's not filling up with air, from what I've read." "Oh? What is it, then?" "Hellfire. Once she reaches her maximum capacity, she'll go big, possibly bibilically big. The book I read implied that the destruction of some cities by fire in history are due to that; I don't want to be here when she goes." The succubus obviously heard this, for she cackled. "That's right, Wonder Woman! Not even you can fly fast enough to get your precious Steve out of here! You might survive the blast, but I gurantee he won't!" "Lasso, bind," Wonder Woman ordered as the lasso lengthened and completely engulfed Steve from head-to-toe. "Completely invulnerable to any blast now, demon. Got anything else?" As the demon struggled against the gas, she cried out, "You've got to do something to help me, save me! You're Wonder Woman, you're not allowed to kill people or let them die!" "Wrong! First off, you're a demon, so you don't even qualify as being alive. Second, you're not only a killer, but a murderer. Third and last, while I don't get off on death, I will get a warm feeling of job satisfaction very soon." The succubus gritted her teeeth in frustration as the hellfire inside her swirled horribly, insistently trying to escape the confines of her body. Already it pushed mercilessly against her entire body, causing her breasts, belly and ass to creak a little as her body continue to expand, gradually coming near to filling the entire massive cavern. As her over pressurized form started to near Wonder Woman, she yelled, "You frigid Amazon bitch! I hope my sister makes you die the way I die! I'm so fucking tight, so big, so HUGE! I will see you in hell!" "Not gonna happen. In fact, let me tell you something else that isn't gonna happen--you're not going to reach your maximum size and blow up half a continent," Wonder Woman said as she shook her head, a light smile playing over your face as she stood there in her wetsuit. She flew up and as she dove into the water, said, "Now don't go away, I'll be right back," as the succubus, a massive shiny red sphere, rose to the dome of the volcano and stopped, far too large to leave via the small exit cone. "Ohhhhhhh" cried the demon as the hellfire gradually plumped out her lips and face, the constant pressure and burning sensations warring within her. She so desperatly wanted to explode, if only to take a lot of innocent lives with her. What could Wonder Woman be planning? Blocked from her body from seeing anything, in the last moments of her existence, the demon reached out with her "third eye," trying to determine where Wonder Woman was...and saw. She had a brief moment to scream a curse... Wonder Woman flew to the bottom of the sea floor and drilled down briefly for about a hundred yards, thinking I'm going to need a little starting room. That done, she reversed herself, planted her feet on the seabed, and launched herself straight up like an arrow. She flew out of the water like a missile. Had there been an observer, he would have seen her spiral up and out, her beautifully curvy form seen from all angles for a split second... and hit the succubus's pulsating, hellfire-filled body like a thunderbolt from the gods. AT NORAD "Sir, will you look at this?" said a corporal. "What is it, soldier?" "It looks like Volcano Island has gone active again, sir. Just look a the the IR screen." "Nah, it's just temporary, just look at it. Lots of debris, but no real lava flow. Good thing there's no populations nearby. As you were, son."
floating, magic, Prose that Blows 500 (2009), Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Best Character
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Hourglass Inflation
Stuck twenty feet in the air, trapped in an old haybarn. Looking back on her bizarre situation, Hayley knew she should have stayed in bed today. But Emma had insisted she come here, claiming that she had discovered an 'awesome spell in the 'Magick for Beginners' book they had bought. "Em, are you really sure this will work?" She had asked while Emma mixed up the potion in a beaker. Emma had glared in response. "Of course it will. All the other potions we made did. The fire one, the hair growth one..." "But a potion which makes you fly? Even for magic, that's a little farfetched." "Come on Hayley, you gotta believe! Belief is the entire cornerstone of magic, you know. Besides, what do we have to lose?" She had a point. And thus, they both held two mugs of the strange smelling concoction. "Sooo, how does this stuff work? Do we grow wings, or is it a telekinesis thing?" "Beats me, the book just says it makes you fly. Come on, let's try it already." The drinks were swallowed. They waited for something to happen. Nothing did. Hayley was about to give up... When she'd felt it. A strange tingling sensation in her chest. She'd turned to Emma for answers... And witnessed Emma's chest suddenly explode outwards. Emma had stared in awe as she watched her breasts expand to the size of melons, pushing out and drawing the fabric of her dress tight around her chest. Her skirt was pushed upward as her hips and thighs grew thicker. It was only when she'd felt her bra snap that Hayley realized the same thing was happening to her. She'd looked down to see her view filled with her breasts, pulling her t-shirt tight around her as they grew. She'd tried to move away, but her legs were suddenly stiff. Her jeans had become skintight around her fattening legs and bottom, as they filled up every inch of space. They could only watch each other in shock as their tops tore open, and two pairs of basketball sized breasts spilled out, swelling even faster once free of their confines. Buttons popped and cloth shredded as their lower garments gave up the fight against their growing hips, and fell around their feet. The tingling stopped, but was replaced by another sensation, of being pulled into the air. Hayley shrieked as she realized she was floating upwards, flailing around helplessly as her expanded breasts rose, pulling the rest of her body behind them. So here they were. Half naked, sporting gigantic breasts and hips, and hovering in the air like living balloons. But while Hayley was glaring at the floor in frustration, Emma was having the time of her life. Hayley watched as Emma pushed against a wall, sending her swollen body careering across the room. "This is so awesome!" "Awesome?! You turned us into balloons!" "Oh, minor details. We're flying, aren't we?" Emma laughed as she spun around. "Look, when does this stuff wear off?" Emma suddenly swallowed uncomfortably "Wear... off?" Hayley groaned. She never should have bought that damn book.
blowkiss, inhale, superhero
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Jill Masterson sat at her desk at the Daily Star, typing away at her current story. Some sappy human interest tale about a dog who saved a woman and a baby from a pack of vicious dogs and a burning building, respectively. The damn thing was getting a medal while she, who secretly fought crime as Athena; a full-blown superheroine; was one step away from an arrest warrant. She was incredibly fast and super strong, but couldn't fly, or use heat vision, or anything fun like that; so most of her confrontations with super villains ended up in titanic fist-fights that destroyed lots of expensive property. And since she couldn't fly, she couldn't just take off into the air after she subdued the villain, she had to sit and listen to a lecture from the police about how if she ever destroyed this much property again, blah, blah, blah. Jill realized she had just typed out half of what she had just thought on her computer monitor and quickly slammed her finger on the "delete" key. She looked around hurriedly to make sure no one had seen. Luckily it didn't look like anyone had, so with a cautiously relieved sigh she went back to typing. She wasn't typing long however, before John, who's job it was to listen to the police scanner; began running through the office like Paul Revere. "Come on people," he shouted, "we've got a supervillain attack! Down at 5th and Broadway!" He was already practically out the door. The other reporters began to leave their seats. "That's just down the block!" one said, "we'll be the first ones there!" "Exclusive!" others were practically shouting. "Who is it?" Jill shouted after John. He replied: "It's War Machine!" "War Machine." Jill practically cursed to herself. War Machine was tough. She had been a military scientist working on a kind of super-soldier serum; but in a lab accident had gotten dosed with it herself. The serum had actually worked perfectly, she was nearly impervious to harm and super-humanly strong. But she had gone a little power-mad with her new abilities, and completely destroyed the rest of the serum, the lab, all the research notes, the other scientists; and any evidence or notation of the super-soldier serum, so she would be the only one. Now she traveled the world as a mercenary and thief, trying to make as much money as she could. The chaos at the Daily Star office made it easy for Jill to slip away unnoticed. The proximity to the villainess in question had everyone leaving, either just to see what happened or to get as far away as they could. Jill slipped into the stairwell and discreetly headed up instead of down. She went two floors up and slipped down the hall to a bathroom that nobody ever used. Once inside she looked at herself in the mirror. Chin-length blond hair, blue eyes hidden behind glasses; and a slight frame. But that was all about to change. She had received her powers while on a story in Greece, stumbling into a temple and awakening an ancient Goddess. To activate her power, she had to say a prayer to her; which is what she did now. Athena's power rushed into Jill; and she watched in the mirror as she transformed. Her hair darkened to brown, and grew longer; down to between her shoulder blades. Her eyes deepened from blue to an almost black color, and her vision grew blurred as she altered beyond need for her glasses. She pulled them off and set them on the counter. Her cheekbones became higher and more prominent, her lips grew fuller. Her skin tone deepened to a dusky olive. Her bones creaked as she grew almost a foot taller; and her clothes strained as her muscles grew. The buttons on her shirt pulled tight, and then one popped off as her bosom filled out; and the button on her skirt pulled open from the strain put on it by her swelling rear. Athena looked at herself in the mirror, a perfectly-proportioned mediterranean Goddess, in a too-small businesswoman's outfit. She pulled off the outfit, revealing the one-piece leotard she wore beneath for emergencies. It started at her neck and ended at her crotch; pulling itself almost into a thong in her voluptuous behind. It covered her ample breasts but left her arms bare; it was a deep purple color down the center, while the sides were of a lighter hue. She pulled open the utility closet, and placed her folded-up clothes on the top shelf, and pulled down the thigh-high purple boots and purple elbow-gloves she needed to complete her outfit. No one ever used or cleaned that bathroom, so she had no problems storing her stuff there. She pulled them on, then opened up the small window near the ceiling. It was a tight squeeze with her current proportions, but she managed, falling the four stories to the alleyway below. Using her incredible speed, Athena ran out the opposite end of the alley, taking a roundabout route to 5th and Broadway, where War Machine was. She ran around and came down the opposite side of the street, moving at a pace that made her just a bit more than a blur to anyone who could see her. She spotted her co-workers at the Daily Star in a crowd outside the bank on 5th Ave, where a massive hole had been opened in the wall. Athena sighed to herself as she ran; this was going to be messy. She reached the hole in the bank and came to a stop, buffeting everyone in the crowd with the wind she had been dragging. "What's going on in there?" she asked John; due to the change in her appearance and even the deepening of her voice, she had no reason to worry about her identity. "Uh, I think she's in the vault..." John said. Athena nodded to him and cautiously stepped inside. The lobby was emptied, everyone must have gotten out OK, since there wasn't even any bodies. Athena made her way into the back and towards the vault. There was no sign of War Machine. The vault door hung wide open, and Athena cautiosly stepped inside. While she was in the doorway, the vault door suddenly flew closed, propelled at a speed no regular human could muster. It slammed into Athena's back, knocking her into the opposite wall. The wall crumpled like cardboard, showering Athena in dust and debris. Athena unsteadily got to her feet and cursed to herself, she was tough but not impervious; and that had hurt like hell. She got a short, running start at the now-closed vault door and jumped up to dropkick it. The huge metal door blew off of its hinges and flew outwards, and Athena heard a yell as it presumably crashed into War Machine, knocking her out into the lobby. Athena walked into the lobby while War Machine simply pushed the vault door off of herself and got to her feet. She was dressed in a skin-tight, black, full-body lycra leotard. With combat boots at the bottom and a military-issue utility belt around her waist. The belt contained gear she needed for full-on combat situations, as well as her pistol. Sometimes she had a rifle with her, but not today. War Machine herself was actually a beautiful woman; with short black hair and a pale complexion. Her green eyes seemed to glint in her face like emeralds. The super-soldier serum hadn't actually altered her muscles, so she was more lithe than bulky. Although as Athena looked her over she looked a little more voluptuous than usual, Athena smirked at that. "Athena, I should've known." War Machine said, dusting herself off. "I can never have any fun in this town." she continued. "War Machine." Athena replied, "You're looking, healthy today. Enjoy the food in Europe?" War Machine turned red, putting a hand to her now soft stomach. "Oh you bitch." she said. "You'll pay for that." And she advanced on Athena. Athena got into a fighting stance, this would be a tough fight. War Machine was tougher and stronger than her, but she had the advantage in speed. And now she'd made War Machine angry, which meant no matter how the fight ended, it was going to make a real mess. Sure enough, as the battle raged, the bank lobby was destroyed, and Athena got thrown through the wall into the alley adjacent; causing the bank to partially collapse since two of its walls were smashed. In the alley, War Machine pulled her pistol and fired at Athena. Using her speed Athena dodged behind a dumpster, and as War Machine reloaded, Athena pushed the dumpster at her with all her might. This knocked her over, and gave Athena a second to think. "If we destroy any more buildings," she thought to herself, "we might as well make up and go into business together, 'cause I'll be just as big a criminal as she is. I need to put a stop to this now." she looked around and saw War Machine starting to regain her feet already. "But how do I immobilize a freaking juggernaut like her?" War Machine got to her feet. Athena started to walk in the opposite direction, intending to lead War Machine on a chase that might keep property damage to a minimum until she could think of something. "Come on blimpy-" she called, intending to finish with "is that all you've got?" but she didn't need to. She had just gotten her idea. Athena rushed up to War Machine, War Machine began to raise her pistol but Athena quickly grabbed her in a bear hug, pinning her arms to her sides. War Machine struggled and Athena head-butted her several times. While War Machine was reeling, Athena began to inhale. She reached her lung capacity, but used her strength and will to continue. If this didn't work, her whole plan was a flop and War Machine would have her, if it did... Her doubts were cut short as she felt her lungs began to stretch. She looked down and sure enough she could see her chest began to expand. War Machine shook her head and came to, and also began to look down at Athena's chest. "What the..." she said. War Machine began to struggle, and with her chest pushing her shoulders farther apart, it was getting hard for Athena to hold her; so she put her plan into motion. She leaned forward and kissed War Machine full on the lips. "Mmpf!" War Machine said in shock. And then Athena blew all of the air she had just inhaled into War Machine. Sure enough, her chest began to swell, but unlike Athena, her stomach also rounded out as well. Athena let all her air out and released War Machine, backing away. The two of them both looked down at War Machine's body, her torso and middle swollen with air. "What did you do to me?!" War Machine screamed. But when she looked up, Athena was already advancing on her; her torso swelling up as she sucked in air. War Machine raised her pistol again, but Athena high-kicked it out of her hand. She grabbed War Machine by the shoulders and pulled her into another kiss. The sound of a balloon being filled was unmistakable as War Machine swelled some more. When she was finished Athena pushed her away and looked her over again. For some reason, unlike Athena, War Machine's whole body filled out when she inflated. Her torso and middle were even bigger, but this time her arms and thighs and even her breasts had swelled slightly. She looked like an inflated parody of herself. "You.. you.. I'm gonna... I'll.." War Machine stuttered, advancing on Athena, who just continued to inhale. She threw a punch at Athena's face, but it was awkward because of how bloated she was, and Athena dodged easily. This time Athena inhaled until her torso was completely spherical, then she grabbed War Machine again and kissed her. War Machine tried to scream but the air rushing into her forced it back down her throat. Athena felt War Machine's breasts press into hers as they swelled, she heard a loud pop and then a clatter as her belt burst off and fell to the ground; then she felt War Machine's stomach pressing into her. War Machine's shoulders got too round to grip firmly, so she moved her grip to her neck. When she finished, she stepped back and looked at her handiwork. War Machine looked like a parade balloon, an inflated parody of herself with a huge stomach; standing spread-eagled because her arms and legs were too bloated to hang down properly. "I'll.. kill.. you." War Machine told her. Athena just smirked. She knew she should just leave and let the police take it from here; the battle was clearly over. But she couldn't resist the temptation to mess with War Machine a little bit. The last time they had fought, War Machine had driven her head first into the street, all the way up to her waist, and left there for several hours until the police got a construction crew to pull her out. She was going to enjoy this. She sauntered over to the inflated villainess, walking around her in a slow circle, running a finger along her inflated stomach. "Tsk tsk tsk, you really have let yourself go, haven't you?" Athena asked her. War Machine was so enraged she couldn't form words, she just made a small exclamation of rage. Athena stood behind War Machine, grabbing her around the stomach and leaning her chin on her shoulder. "I knew European food was fattening, but damn girl; you've turned into a blimp!" she giggled a little at her own comment. She stood up straight, intending to leave it at that; when all of a sudden War Machine propelled herself at Athena, knocking her over and landing on top of her. "Oof!" Athena said. Even though War Machine had only moved a few feet, somehow it felt like she had been hit with a dodgeball; only the size of a human being. Athena lay on the ground with the wind knocked out of her, while War Machine got to her feet. Athena just stared in shock as War Machine concentrated hard, then forced her arms to bend. Using sheer strength and willpower, War Machine bent her knees and moved her legs to a more comfortable stance. "Get. Up." She said, so furious she was shaking. Athena leapt to her feet, expecting an easy fight. She threw a punch into War Machine bloated middle, expecting her to bounce back like a huge balloon. Instead, her arm sank in to the elbow. "What?!" she cried, while War Machine grabbed her by the shoulders and threw her down the alley. She landed with a thud and rolled, somehow being inflated only seemed to make War Machine more powerful! She struggled to get to her feet as War Machine advanced on her. She raised her fists to fight but War Machine just swung down with one mighty blow to her head, knocking her flat. The pavement cracked under her chin. "I'm gonna fucking kill you." War Machine said. She pulled Athena's dazed form up and grabbed her into a bearhug. "You think it's so funny to blow me up like a balloon?" War Machine asked. "Well check this out." And she started to inhale. The sound of a balloon being inflated could be heard again, and she began to swell even bigger. At first Athena couldn't figure out why War Machine was inflating herself, and then she felt it. War Machine had her in a bearhug, and as her body swelled it forced Athena against her arms, which were also swelling; essentially bending Athena the wrong way! If she didn't find a way to escape, the pressure would break her in half! She struggled to get free, but the pressure was too tight, she was trapped! War Machine was really getting huge now. Her stomach was the dominant feature of her body; she mostly resembled a sphere with arms and legs. Even her face was rounding out. Athena began to panic, she didn't know what to do, her spine was screaming in agony. Then she had it. She allowed herself a quick smirk at War Machine, then she too began to inhale. The trick was to do it before her spine snapped. She tried inhaling harder and faster, not sure if it was working. Her torso rounded out, but it was only the top half of her body, she had to get herself to swell up where War Machine was holding her. She did her best to inhale harder and faster, but she could see War Machine struggling to do the same. And finally, she felt it. The expansion spread to her stomach, and as her middle expanded; physics began to work with her instead of against her. Now both her and War Machine's expansions were putting pressure on War Machine's arms instead of Athena's body. With a slight "fwoomp", War Machine's arms were forced apart, and Athena fell to the street below. She allowed herself a second to look down at herself, she looked like a sausage with arms, legs, breasts and a head. Then she had to act quickly before War Machine exhaled. She jumped up onto War Machine's bloated stomach and threw her arms around her head so she wouldn't fall off. Then she kissed her full on the lips and exhaled all the air she had in her. War Machine's eyes went wide as she swelled even larger. Athena felt herself being raised up as War Machine's stomach swelled even larger. The sound of a balloon swelling became really loud, and Athena began to hear an ominous creaking. She debated with herself for a second and decided she didn't want to pop War Machine. She was supposed to be the hero, after all. She let go of War Machine's head and slid off to the ground. Her torso was still a little rounded, and she blew the excess air out to the side; returning to her normal proportions. War Machine though, was not so lucky. She was frantically exhaling and blowing as hard as she could, but nothing was coming out. She looked less like a human now and more like a bloated starfish with huge breasts. There was no way she would be able to move her arms or legs now; as they were little more than cone-shaped extensions from her spherical middle. "You'll pay for this." War Machine told her. "In blood." Athena just smiled at her. "Keep dreaming blimpy. I think you should be less concerned with me, and more concerned with how well stocked the prison gym is." she couldn't resist just one more. She walked up and patted War Machine on the stomach. "You've got a lot to work off." after a second she added: "fatso." Then she turned and walked out the opposite side of the alley. The police could take it from here, and she needed to get back to being Jill before anyone realized she was gone. EPILOGUE On a dark and stormy night at a Russian prison; grunting and groaning can be heard. It's coming from a dark and dirty room in the basement; the section that used to be a gulag. Inside of one of the filthy cells, a vaguely humanoid shape in black lycra is wobbling and twitching as it tries to move. And then, one of the cone-shaped extensions bends at what would be the shoulder and elbow. The round face cracks into a grin; and Wrecking Balloon is born.
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation
The cold, dark halls of the Rez-Corp research facility was not a place full of activity. Nobody was usually in the halls except to get from one research department to another. Rebecca Anderson walked down the barren halls to the parking lot, ready to go home for the day. She built her success mainly on stealing other people's projects or spying. The Rez-Corp research facility was a semi-casual place, so people didn't have to wear specific uniforms. Rebecca wore her usual black slacks with black belt, and a plain button-down white shirt. As she turned a corner in the hall two strange men came out from the shadows, picked her up, and carried her to some office. "Hey! Put me down! I'll call security!" "Hello Rebecca. Steal any good information lately? "Dr. Pand? What are you doing here? "Well, after you stole my trademark project, the company saw no use for me so I was fired. Ever since I was planing the perfect revenge." "What are you going to do to me?" "Just wait and see. Men." With that the two men put Rebecca on a metal table where automatic handcuffs clasped here wrists down. Rebecca twisted and turned trying to move. Dr. Pand rolled over some type of machine with a tank that read "20 gallons". He opened up a drawer on the machine and pulled out a mask attached to a tube. "What the heck is that? Dr. Pand, please! Let me go! I'll do anything! Dr. Pand!" "Please Rebecca, call me by my first name, Xavier. Or even better, Dr. X Pand." Dr. X Pand put the mask over Rebecca's mouth and flipped a switch. The sound of rushing water could be heard. Rebecca began to moan as her belt became tighter and tighter. Her thighs slowly tightened her slacks, her butt became bloated, and her belly slightly bulged forward. The rushing sound stopped. Rebecca was on the table, her body slightly bloated like and over-inflated doll. Dr. X Pand took the mask off of Rebecca's face. "Oh! I feel so full! what happened?" "Let's go men. Quickly!" Dr. X Pand and his men left the room, an automatic steel door closing behind them leaving Rebecca trapped alone in the metal room. The hand straps released and Rebecca sat up. "Hey! Come back here! What happened!" Rebecca stood up rubbing her bloated thighs and butt, patting her swollen belly. "What is this?" "Why, Rebecca, it's my new chemical" A portion of the back wall began to slide open revealing a monitor and video camera behind a plate of glass. On the monitor was Dr. X Pands' face. "Is this your revenge? Pumping me up with 20 gallons of chemicals, leaving me fat and bloated?" "Oh, Rebecca. If you think you are bloated now just wait. Soon that chemical will start to produce a gas, inflating your body even more! HA ha ha ha!!" "No!" Rebecca ran for the door, her butt, thighs, and belly sloshing around full of water. Rebecca pounded on the door, yelling. "Help! somebody help me!" It was no use. The door was solid. Nobody could hear her. For minutes she paced (or should I say waddled) around the room thinking. Soon something was wrong. She heard a small gurgling noise. "No!" Rebecca yelled in panic. She looked down and saw her belly and thighs quivering. The face on the monitor began to smile. "I see the formula worked, ha ha ha." "Ohhh... the pressure.." Rebecca's belly began to swell even more, filling with gas. Her hips and butt expanded outward under her belt. Even her breasts filled up, her chest slowly filling like 2 balloons, stressing her shirt. With a loud snap her belt burst, allowing her waist to blow up, filling her pants and shirt. Her ballooning thighs made her black slacks look like and inner tube being blown up. The button on her slacks strained to hold together. Still her belly was being loaded with gas. Even Rebecca's cheeks looked a little puffy. "Wow Rebecca! It looks like you have a pretty bad case of gas. I didn't know it was that time. Should I get you some Midol?" "Oh please make it stop! I feel like I could burst!" Rebecca's incredibly huge and bloated butt was ready to tear apart the seam of her now skin tight slacks. The gurgling sound increases and Rebecca's belly bulged outward. The buttons on her shirt were straining to hold together. One by one they blew off, exposing her swelling stomach. Rebecca's pants could no longer take the pressure as the button flew off and her pants unzipped as her belly violently surged forward. Unrelentlessly her thighs widened and butt grew giving her body super proportions. Her belly was now the biggest, most bloated thing on her. "Oh my! I'm nothing but a swollen blimp! Please, I feel so bloated! Stop it!" Rebecca's growing body soon slowed, but the gas didn't. It sounded like squeaking rubber as her body tried to expand even more. "My my my, Rebecca. It looks as if someone has had enough! I don't think you could possibly contain any more gas. Gee, I wonder what will happen when the swelling doesn't stop? I hope someone's bloated body doesn't pop! You look so full and tight, I hope your punishment lasts. Rebecca, don't you explode on me! Ha ha ha!" "Oh no! I'm too big! Too big! I'm going to burst! So full, oh. Bloated....want to burst!! Stop the pressure." Rebecca's body began to pulsate as it couldn't hold anymore. She was so big and swollen. She began to moan as she reached or limit. "Well, Rebecca. Our time together has come. Let me tell you, it was a real gas. Now it is time to explode you bloated blimp. Enjoy your last minutes as a gassy air sack who got too big for her britches. Tell me, how does it feel?" "Ohhhhhhhh............"
Prose that Blows 500 (2009), Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Most Epic Plot Crammed into the Limited Space, Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Best Use of Tension, Prose that Blows Winner: Most Believable Expandee Reaction
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Andrea strolled about in her camisole singing softly to herself as she merrily tossed rose petals across the floor. Eric would be home soon, and her skin tingled at the thought of cavorting with him among the fragrant petals. Suddenly an arm reached around her waist. Andrea squeaked girlishly. It wouldn't be the first time Eric had surprised her from behind. Confusion, then fear flashed through her mind as a chemical-soaked cloth was brought to her face and something pressed against her navel. Her vision blurred, and a surge of pressure ballooned within her; her bosom billowed forward, her arms grew plump and turgid. Black lace tightened about her swelling torso, the sharp staccato of popping seams growing dull as she faded into unconsciousness. When Andrea awoke, she was huge, round and immobile. The hose attached to her navel stretched to an air tank near the front door. A piece of twine connected its valve to the doorknob. Terrified, Andrea watched the twine pull taut as the door opened. "Hey honey, I'm home!" "Eric, no!" Andrea shrieked. But it was too late. With a metallic squeak, the valve opened wide. A loud hiss filled the air as a rush of air filled Andrea. "Oh my God! Andrea?" Eric stood frozen in the doorway, gawking at the living balloon before him. "What happened to you?" Andrea was blowing up, growing larger and fuller with each passing second. "Help me!" Andrea screamed. Following her frantic gaze, Eric ran to the tank and twisted the valve. It didn't budge. Andrea outgrew the height of the room; her hugely distended body was squeezed between the floor and the ceiling. "Hrrwyy!" Her cheeks had swollen enough to impede her speech. Giving up on the valve, Eric tried to detach the hose. But no amount of twisting or pulling could dislodge it from the tank. "Hhhmmmmff!" She couldn't take much more. Desperate, he tried to yank the hose from Andrea but it was pressed too tightly underneath her vast belly. Andrea's overstretched skin strained, creaked, groaned. Shuddering with muffled sobs, Andrea clenched her eyes shut. The windows shattered explosively, showering the lawn with rose petals and shards of glass. "And then?" June asked. "Andrea was gone," Eric said. "Nothing left but her torn lingerie. Funny thing is, even without a body, convicting an innocent man of murder is easier than you might think." The guard returned to the interview room. "Time's up, Meadows. Let's go." Eric stood. "Nothing more to say anyway. The rest was all in the papers." "Thank you for meeting with me." "Thanks for listening." That evening June gathered everything she had relating to the case and placed it into a folder labeled "Meadows, Andrea". Sighing gloomily, she stashed it in her safe, neatly filed between Maritz, Stephanie and Miller, Elizabeth.
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
"Hold on! I've got you!" "No! No! I'm slipping!" "Don't squirm! I've got you!" Your hand grasping mine was slippery with sweat. You reached up trying to grab at the little bit of fabric left clinging to my neck. "I'm filling up more! Ooh! Don't let me go!" I cried as my breasts swelled even bigger. My panic was making me breath in gulps of air. The air was making me balloon up larger and larger. Your grip slackened for a second as you attempted to grab at the collar of my blown out sweater. That was all it took for me to suddenly shoot towards the sky. "Noooo!" I screamed as I rose into the big blue, flying up one hundred feet...two hundred feet...three hundred feet into the air. The land shrank away as my bulging breasts grew larger and larger and larger... I shot up in bed, my big breasts plopping in my lap. I gasped as I wiped the perspiration from my forehead. My breasts had blown up in my sleep and were bulging in the see-thru black silk nightie I was wearing. They were a lot bigger than my normal sized 68EE bust. "Honey, are you okay?" you said, waking and rolling over in bed to face me. I leaned to the side of the bed and clicked the bed-side lamp on. Your eyes widened seeing that my breasts were pushing out in my black nightie. "Oh, baby. Not again!" I looked at you sorrowfully. For the last two weeks, I had been waking up from nightmares of my breasts or body ballooning up to incredible sizes without control. There was no reason for the dreams. Unfortunately, each time I had the dream, I would be breathing so heavily in my sleep I would wake up with my poor breasts plumpened up to larger than normal (?!) sizes. You, being the great guy that you were, felt sorry for me. Reaching over, you pulled me to you and kissed me gently. My huge, ballooned up breasts rubbed against you. "Don't worry, baby. Things will be fine," you reassured me. "But I can't figure out why this is happening. Why am I having these nightmares? What do they mean?" I said buried in your chest, my fingers fumbling under the covers for...something. "They probably don't mean anything. You just have to thik of something else before you go to sleep," you suggested as you felt my probing fingers. We settled back under the covers. I crawled on top of you and playfully buffeted you with my ballooned-up soft bosoms. The balloon cart appeared around the corner. The short fat man pushing smiled at me as it stopped before me. He motioned me closer, holding a rubber hose in one of his pudgy little hands. "Yes?" I inquired. "It's time for you to grow bigger," the balloon seller said, holding the hose out towards me. "But I am big enough," I said, as I felt my big breasts bulging in my summer top. The man pushed the rubber hose into my mouth. I couldn't let it go or spit it out. I heard a hissing sound and looked up seeing the balloons attached to the cart start to swell. "It is time to grow bigger," the fat little man said as I felt a tingly taut sensation in my chest. I felt my breasts grow taut, as if groping the outside of a inflating balloon. I shook my head, trying to gesture that I didn't want this to happen. It was too late. I felt my poor breasts begin to swell bigger and bigger in my little hands. My top stretched with my ballooning bosom. The short man grinned and turned a dial behind the cart and the hissing grew louder. My boobs fattened more rapidly, blowing up bigger and bigger and bigger. My top was soon stretched with giant round breasts. They pushed so hard against the material that my nipples--which were also plumpening--could be felt pressing against the strained top. "You must grow and stay that big," the little fat man grinned as I blew up and up and up, bigger and bigger. I tried to cry out, but more air rushed into me and into my ballooning breasts. I was going to explode! I was going to pop! I woke up drenched in sweat, laying on the lawn chair on the deck near the swimming pool of our place. I gasped seeing the two large round domes of flesh bulging off my chest. My bikini top had blasted away, leaving my gigantic globes exposed under the afternoon sun. I placed my hands on my huge breasts that were now way beyond my normal 68EE size. They felt odd--maybe filled with air, but... "Sweetie! What happened to you?" you exclaimed as you stepped outside with a pitcher of lemonade. Your eyes were on my naked boobs that were bulging big and firm almost from my chin and partially obscuring my trim tummy. "I...I had another dream," I said rubbing my hugely swollen breasts. My nipples started to pop up. "Oh. Is that all. Another one of those irritating dreams," you said, stepping up to me, setting the lemonade down on the little table next to our lawn chairs. "I think it's more than a dream." "Huh?" you said incredulously. "There..there was a little man in this dream and he said I was going to stay this way," I sobbed, as I dropped my hands from my gigantic boobs. I just stood there with them sticking out before me. "You're going to stay that big? Stay that size?" "I think so," I replied. "Are you upset?" "Upset! Are you kidding!" you exclaimed as you moved even closer, your eyes on my humongus chest. "I think it's great!" As you physically admired my breasts I decided not to tell you that something like this had happened before, a year or two ago. I had gone from a paltry 38D to my current 68EE after a series of bizarre dreams. Now, I had gone from a rather large 68EE to...what? Only my seamstress would know...
big breasts, breast inflation, floating, helium, revenge, swimsuit
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
"I can't believe it," huffed Suzie. "That's that same woman!" Michael stifled a growl. All he wanted was a peaceful weekend, being off call for the clinic, and to spend the day at the beach with his wife. Their car was packed for a lazy day in the sun and surf: towels, blankets, beach chairs, a cooler full of cold drinks and sandwiches, and a large umbrella to give them shade so they could relax and read books on their Kindles when not in the water. But Venice Beach was jammed with people, all coming out to enjoy the first warm, non-rainy Saturday in the last month. So they moved north to Santa Monica beach, fighting traffic all the way there, almost in a crash with a yellow convertible along the way, until they reached the bustling parking lot. He had spotted a car leaving a parking space, and casually waited for the car to depart before moving to take the space. The same yellow convertible that had almost caused the accident five minutes before came flying around the corner from the other direction, almost clipping Michael's classic 1967 Ford Mustang, and screeched to a halt in the space he was aiming for. "Too slow, moron!" the convertible's driver yelled, waving. She was a fiery Latina, with long straight dark brown hair that almost matched her complexion, wearing a long white beach cover-up over a swimsuit. Her passenger, a tall blonde, laughed at the couple in the Mustang, and flipped them off when Michael honked his horn at the two women in frustration. Giving up, Michael moved on, and eventually found another spot to park his car. They unloaded their gear, Suzie grumbling angrily about what had happened, and moved towards the sand. Santa Monica beach, in the shade of the world-famous pier, was just as packed as the one they left in Venice. So they had to drag their stuff quite a distance through the hot sand before spotting an open area big enough to spread out the blankets, chairs, and umbrella. But as they approached, Suzie saw that they would have competition for the choice beach spot. "I can't believe it," Suzie turned to her husband. "It's that same woman!" "And it looks like they are headed to the same place we are," Michael said through gritted teeth as he dragged the heavy cooler and umbrella. The Latina and her blonde accomplice were headed in the same direction, and both groups increased their pace. Suzie pulled away from Michael, racing ahead and planted the beach chairs in the same to claim the spot. "Oh no you didn't," Latina wagged a finger at Suzie. "This is our spot!" "We saw it first, bitch" declared Blondie, dropping a towel on the sand defiantly. "Too slow, moron," Suzie echoed, smiling haughtily at the karma of the situation. Michael caught up to her and dumped his burden. He maneuvered the cooler between the women that were staring daggers at each other, and winked at his wife. "I think there's room enough for all of us," he said, trying to play the peacekeeper. "Unless you ladies want to go somewhere else." "We aren't moving," Latina said, placing both hands on her hips. "And neither are we," Suzie responded, copying the other's stance. They both continued to stare each other down as Michael popped the umbrella open and planted it into the sand behind their beach chairs and sat with a loud sigh of satisfaction, tugging on a baseball cap and donning sunglasses while waiting for the women to resolve their issues. Finally, Latina gave in and broke the stare, but still refused to move on. "Alright, like he said, there's enough room for all of us." She dropped the towel that was rolled up under her arm and spread it out on the sand, dangerously close to Suzie's feet and daring her to do something about it, mumbling a string of harsh words in Spanish as she did. Michael knew that Suzie understood every word Latina was saying, and was holding back bravely from responding in kind. Instead, Suzie moved next to her husband and began to undress. Slipping off her shorts and t-shirt, she exposed the blue bikini she wore underneath. It was one of her own design, a style that had begun being sold at several major retail stores around the country last summer. "Hey, Esparanza, look!" Blondie said, pointing at Suzie. "You two are twins!" Suzie looked over to see the Latina, Esparanza, pulling off her white beach cover-up to show that she was indeed wearing the same swimsuit, even in the same color. "Shut up, Amanda!" she said, throwing the cover-up in her friend's face. "I would not be caught dead wearing the same thing that she is." "Check your pulse, then," Michael said nonchalantly, pulling off his t-shirt and stretching as he sat in his chair, "because you are wearing a suit from Ba-Luna Fashions." "How would you know?" smirked Esparanza, looking over her shoulder at him haughtily. Michael smiled. "You could say I am intimately familiar with the clothing line," he said with a mischievous wink, "and the designer." "Well, hurray for you," Esparanza replied, snarky. "Anyway, I wear it better than you." "True that!" Amanda barked, slapping each other with a high-5 for the cutting comment. The Latina arched her back, thrusting out her D-cup breasts for emphasis. "I fill this out much more than Miss Saggy Bags over there!" "In your dreams, Chica," Suzie threw back, nonplussed. She turned to Michael. "Hey, pool-boy, I have a job for you," she whispered. "Pool-boy?" Michael asked as the other two women settled down onto their towels. "What's that about?" "You know, he who plays with inflatable toys," she purred. "Why don't we show up our new atmospheric-pressure-headed friends what we can do." "Meaning what?" he questioned, peering over the tops of his sunglasses. "Give me a boost," she whispered, holding her hands to her chest and then moving them outward, pantomiming. "You know; you blow me up now, I blow you later, understand?" "Got it," he said. Michael sat back, closed his eyes, and opened his mind to bring up the control of his special power. He could count on one hand how many times he had done this in public, not behind closed doors in his clinic. With all the noisy activity around them, he had to concentrate and block out the distractions before his ability could manifest itself. Suzie sat back and waited. She felt the first tingle, starting at her nipples and spreading across the skin of her breasts. She had had this done to her so many times already that she knew what to expect, and didn't jump in surprise when her boobs began to rise like bread dough in a baker's oven. With all the noise around, she could barely detect the slight hiss of the gases as her breasts began to inflate. Watching them grow, she felt another tingle further down her body; seeing herself ballooning like this always made her aroused. The twin blimps began to strain the extra stretchy fabric of the swimsuit's cups. Michael let his power flow just for a few seconds, long enough to expand his wife's chest to about an F-cup, and stopped. "Saggy Bags, eh?" Suzie said loudly. "I think I fill this bikini out much more than you ever will." Esparanza turned to throw another brash remark, but what she saw instead cut her provocation short. "Hey, did you see that?" she smacked Amanda on the shoulder. "Her tits got bigger!" "What gives?" spat Amanda. "Do you have inflatable implants?" Suzie smiled nonchalantly, squinting into the high afternoon sun. "This body has been touched many times by a plastic surgeon," she cast Michael a knowing look, "but I don't have implants." "Either you are lying your ass off about not having implants," the Latina remarked sharply, "or you are on some drug that makes your boobs bigger. What's your secret?" Suzie sat up, her inflated breasts bumping into her knees. "You really want to know my secret?" "Yes," Amanda sat up on her knees, keenly watching. Even Esparanza turned, interested. Grabbing her beach bag, Suzie rummaged through the bottom, searching for some unknown item. When she brought out her hand, she held in it a small bottle of Lubriderm. Amanda took the bottle from her hand. "What's this?" she asked. "It just looks like regular lotion." "No, it's a special blend of breast enhancement creams that my plastic surgeon gave to me," Suzie said calmly, trying to keep a straight face. Michael had to catch himself from chuckling. "I hide it in an ordinary lotion bottle so no one knows what is really in it. I rubbed some of this on myself before we got out of the car. Then all I had to do was wait for the sunlight to activate it." Amanda squirted some of the creamy substance into an open hand. "How much do you use?" "Oh, you mustn't use too much. A little goes a long way." Suzie sat up straight and puffed out her inflated chest. "As you can see," she added for emphasis. "Just rub a little on your breasts, but avoid touching your nipples. You don't want them stretched out to the size of dinner plates." The blonde reached her full hand into her swimsuit top and smeared the cream all over her boobs. "Give me that!" Esparanza demanded, snatching the bottle from her friend's hand and squeezing an amble amount into her own. Pulling down the bikini top, not caring who she was flashing her bare breasts at, the Latina rubbed the substance on her chest generously, and then tossed the empty bottle at Suzie's feet. "I told you not to use too much," Suzie pointed out, a faux note of concern in her voice. "You don't know how powerful this stuff can be." "I don't care, Saggy Bags," Esparanza spat defiantly. "When this stuff kicks in, we will be once again bigger than you, and everyone will be staring at us." "Yah, and since we used it all, you won't be able to make yourself bigger," Amanda added, laughing a Suzie. "We will have the biggest tits on the beach!" "More like you will be seen as being the biggest boobs on the beach," Michael retorted. "So how long does this take?" Latina asked, sitting back onto her towel. "Not long," Suzie grinned maliciously. "You should be getting a boost right" Michael, behind his sunglasses, took a deep breath and closed his eyes again. He had to concentrate, specifically targeting the two haughty girls while not allowing any of the other women close by to be affected by his special power. When he had his ability under tight control, he released it with a sigh. "OH!" both girls remarked in surprise, hands instantly rising to grasp the cups of their swimsuits. Touching themselves lightly, they felt their breasts begin to expand. "I think it's working," Amanda said almost at a whisper. Through his control, Michael was making sure that Esparanza's boobs were blowing up faster than the others'. "Look at you," Amanda pointed. "Your tits are blowing up like freaking balloons!" The Latina's hands were being forced further away from her body as her breasts continued to expand. The blonde's growth was far behind. Both women were cupping themselves and rubbing their hands over their burgeoning mammaries, getting bigger and bigger, straining the fabric of their suits until the straps burst, unable to contain the inflation. The two women were both well past the size that Michael had inflated Suzie to, and he continued to flow his power into both of them, slowly increasing its speed. Esparanza was having to hold the blue cups of her bikini over her nipples with her hands to keep herself covered. "I feel so tight," she said excitedly. "I'm going to be bigger than any porn star has even been!" Amanda had her arms wrapped around her volleyball-sized breasts, squeezing them up under her chin. "My boyfriend is going to love these!" she declared as she was forced to drop her arms, unable to hold back the expansion. "Nah, forget him! He's a loser! I can get anyone I want with these things!" Suzie just smiled again, watching both women blow up from under the shade of the umbrella. "Don't let your egos become as inflated as your tits, ladies. You might want to remain grounded and not get ahead of yourself." She leaned forward. "Then again, I told you not to use too much of that cream. You might not be able to stay grounded for long, since you did that." On cue, Michael sent a surge of power across the air and into the two women. Amanda's breasts exploded from the top of her one-piece swimsuit, her growing blimps pushing upward into her face. "Whoa!" she cried, falling over backward and landing on her ass in the sand. Esparanza's twin flesh-tone beachballs escaped their blue captivity like a couple of front seat airbags, staggering her momentarily. "Oh shit!" she snapped, as a dozen people turned to stare at the expanding duo. Her breasts bobbed up under her chin, forcing her head back, her naked nipples pointed straight into the afternoon sky. She tried to reach the tips of her breasts to pull them down, but they were well out of arm's length by now. "Look!" people around them could be heard saying, "they are blowing up like balloons!" "Are they going to pop?" said another. "Help!" Esparanza screamed, her face buried in her own overblown cleavage. "How do we stop this?" Amanda begged. Michael, not taking his eyes off the surf, said, "You should have listened to her. You did this to yourselves by rubbing on too much. If you don't burst from blowing up too much, you may just be left overinflated permanently." "Or, maybe, you will just float away, out to sea, like a couple of helium balloons on a gentle breeze," Suzie added, "and no one will ever see you again." It was then that the Latina's feet lost contact with the beach. Carried aloft her flesh-blimps, she bellowed a string of Spanish curses as she gained altitude. No one came running to her rescue, all stunned by watching her inflate and begin to float away. Amanda, fighting her own balloon boobs, reached out and caught Esparanza's hand, anchoring her tenuously to the ground. "I've got you!" But that lifeline was short-lived, because the blonde felt her breast surge outward again, their upward tug increasing to the point of buoyancy and beyond. "I'm floating too!" she said, letting go. Amanda turned to the two people closest to them. "Help us!" she cried, extending a hand toward the couple. Suzie slowly got up out of her chair, waiting until Amanda was almost out of reach before extending her hand upward. "Thanks," Amanda said with a sigh of relief, grasping the proffered appendage. But her upward pull against gravity became too much, and she soon slipped out of Suzie's purposefully weak grip. "I'm sorry," Suzie called. "Your hand was so slippery, probably from using too much of my lotion." She waved goodbye to the two inflated women, their tit-balloons pointed proudly skyward as they began to drift upward and across the crowded strand. All activity ceased on the beach, as everyone gazed up at two half-naked women, hanging ponderously below pairs of flesh-toned blimps twenty feet above the onlookers' heads. The panicked screaming slowly faded as they floated further away, leaving the crowd stunned and quiet. Which was what Michael and Suzie had come to the beach for: a peaceful, quiet, relaxing afternoon. "Don't worry," Michael whispered. "They won't float too high. They'll probably be found by some hiker up around the Hollywood sign later today. But they won't be treating other people like dirt ever again." "You do good work, doctor," Suzie said, looking down at her own inflated boobs stretching out her bikini top. "Sure taught them a lesson." She rubbed her hands gently across her tight top. "I think I'll have you leave me like this for the rest of the day." "You told me to blow you up, remember?" he prodded. "Yes, I remember," she replied, reaching down into the cooler and pulling out a cold drink. "I said that if you blew me up now, I would blow you later." She seductively licked a piece of ice off the side of the long-necked bottle, her tongue traveling up and down the bottle's side several times before she sucked the foam off the tip. "And I intend to keep my word." Michael shuddered excitedly, feeling a tingle stir things in his board shorts.
blowkiss, deflation, inhale, revenge
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation, Hourglass Inflation
Leslie awoke, but didn't open her eyes at first. She no longer felt Roger's weight on her. She was lying flat on her back now, to whatever extent she still had a back. Best as she'd been able to tell, her body had been one giant curve before she went to sleep. She wiggled her fingers, breaking into a grin as she realized she could move her hands freely once again. Her feet were similarly mobile. Moving her arms and legs proved somewhat less fruitful. She could wiggle them some, causing her to wobble in place and displacing the air inside her, but bending simply wasn't happening. Leslie was still somewhat heartened. At least now she could distinctly feel that she had limbs. Taking a deep breath through lips that she could feel were still significantly plumper than normal, she steeled herself in preparation for viewing her current condition. Leslie opened her eyes. "Holy shit, my tits are huge!" she cried out, then laughed at the absurdity of her response. She was used to her breasts growing larger when she inhaled, but she'd never had the opportunity to appreciate her pneumatically enhanced mammaries. Previously she'd never stayed inflated very long, and last night she'd gotten so huge that they were stretched to near nonexistence across the vast surface of her body. But she'd shrunk down considerably while she'd slept. Now her breasts stood out from her body as two towering, swollen domes blocking most of her view. She couldn't even see the rest of her torso. "I've β€” I've deflated." Not completely, that was obvious. Looking to the left and right, marvelling at her reclaimed ability to turn her head, she could see her hugely distended arms tapering to hands that had returned to their normal size. Leslie was still massive by any reasonable estimation, even though she was a mere fraction of her former size. She looked more like an overinflated doll, whereas before she'd been a weather balloon with feet. She smiled, laughing with relief. "You're awake," Roger said as he approached. "And in good spirits by the sound of it." "I'm not a blimp anymore," Leslie said. "I was worried I might be stuck like that." He leaned over her and kissed her, gently stroking her tousled red locks. "Good morning." "Yes," she said. "Yes, it is." "You started getting smaller around midnight while you were asleep," he said, looking her over. "Somehow the air was leaking out." "Enjoying the view?" she asked cocking an eyebrow. Roger quickly turned his gaze from her enormous bosom and back to her face. "By the sound of things, so were you." "Don't change the subject," she chided. "They are rather β€” enticing," he said. "And large." He reached out to gently press a hand to her colossal bosom and could clearly hear Leslie's sharp intake of breath in response. It was a fascinating sight. "Large" was an incredible understatement. His hand looked so small against the vast, pale surface of her breast. And although her dark pink areola was vastly diminished in size from last night, it was still far too large for him to cover it. And despite being swollen to several times its normal size, her nipple still looked absurdly small by comparison. Her flesh was soft and yielded easily to his touch. Her pale skin was smooth and showed no distress from having been so impossibly overstretched. There were sharp transitions to a darker shade where her swimsuit hadn't shielded her from the sun the previous day. At her current size, the rhythmic rise and fall of Leslie's chest was barely discernible, but had noticeably quickened at Roger's touch. Roger turned his attention to Leslie's face once again. Her eyes were closed, her lips slightly parted, her freckled cheeks blushing. "That feels a lot better than I was expecting," she breathed. "Do you want to?" Roger asked. "It would be a bit cumbersome, but you're small enough now that we could probably manage it." It felt strange to describe Leslie as "small" in her current state, but recent events had greatly altered Roger's sense of scale. Leslie bit her lip nervously. "I do, but I don't?" she said. "I mean, I bet it would be amazing, but this is all pretty new to me. It's definitely something I'd want to explore. But right now I really feel like a balloon, and I'm a little apprehensive about how a balloon might respond to a vigorous poking." "As you wish," Roger said with a chuckle. "Coffee?" "Coffee sounds wonderful." While the coffee was brewing, Roger made several attempts at standing her up. It was to no avail. With her decreased mobility Leslie was unable to maintain her balance. Even a small shift in weight resulted in a slow-motion fall and gentle bouncing. "At least I have built-in airbags," Leslie joked. They decided that the best course of action was to lean her against the sofa so she could be comfortable and mostly upright. She could hear the clink of ceramic and silverware as Roger prepared the coffee, but with her back to the kitchen she couldn't see him. It was frustrating. Will he remember? Cream, no sugar? This was the sort of thing she'd normally handle herself, but now couldn't. After taking a sip to make sure it had sufficiently cooled, Roger brought the mug to her lips. She smiled. "Good?" Roger asked. "You remembered." "Of course. Now, what would you like for breakfast?" While Roger was cleaning up after breakfast, he heard Leslie grunting in the living room. He went to investigate and found Leslie flexing her arms. She'd strain to lift them as much as possible, then let them fall back to their resting position, sticking out nearly straight from her body. She'd repeat the process, bending them forward, then down, then up again. "Under the circumstances, I think it's okay for you to skip a day of aerobics," Roger said. "I'm trying to force the air out faster," Leslie responded. "Do you want me to help?" Roger offered. "I could β€” squeeze you?" "Squeeze me? What, you're not going to roll me to the juicing room first?" she teased. "There's no juice in there, that's air," he countered. "Besides, my juicing room's out of commission. The living room will have to do." "That's alright," Leslie said with a laugh. "Honestly, I have no idea if this is speeding things up. But I'd rather do something besides sit here and wait." "Whatever makes you feel better." He kissed her cheek. "Let me know if there's anything I can do for you." "Could you put something on the television? I could use the distraction." "Certainly." As much as she would have liked her thoughts to reflect the cheesy levity playing out in the sitcoms she was watching, Leslie couldn't keep her mind from wandering into unpleasant places. She knew that Roger had only meant it as a lighthearted quip and it was completely irrational for her to read anything more into it, but his comment about the juicing room had left her unsettled. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was one of her favorite movies. She'd long felt a deep kinship with Violet Beauregarde, and her recent experiences had strengthened that connection. In the movie, Wonka stated that Violet had to be juiced immediately lest she explode. Had the juicing room not been available, that scene would have had a much darker tone to it. What if Violet hadn't been juiced in time? What if Roger hadn't let go in time? Leslie pushed the thoughts away and concentrated her attention on her arms. She could already feel her range of motion increasing as the air slowly left her. After several episodes, Leslie wanted to test her progress. "Roger, could you help me up?" He lifted her from the couch and stood her upright. "Okay, gonna let you go now." Roger took a step back. Leslie swayed a bit, but managed to adjust and remain vertical. "I can stand!" she cried out overjoyed. Her spirits lifting, Leslie's ambitious drive was returning. She shifted her weight to left, lifting her right foot. Carefully, she swung it forward. And set it down. She then shifted right and brought her left foot forward. "Oh my God, I can walk!" "Where do you want to go first?" Roger asked. "The bedroom," Leslie replied. "Changed your mind about some pneumatic naughtiness?" Leslie was already lumbering away from him, so he couldn't see the look of consternation on her face. "No. I'm exhausted from that workout. Now that I can, I want to sleep in an actual bed." As it turned out, regaining the ability to walk wasn't the only hurdle she had to clear to get to the bed. She was too big around to make it through the doorway on her own. Roger had to pull her through the doorway sideways. She just barely squeezed through, and nearly smothered herself with her own bosom in the process. He helped her onto the bed and laid a sheet on top of her. It couldn't completely cover her, but she didn't even notice. By the time the sheet was in place, she was already snoring. Leslie awoke to a number of pleasant surprises. Most of the air had left her. Her limbs were still quite puffy, but she could easily bend her knees and elbows now. And to top it off, most of the air that remained had settled in places where she was naturally curvy. Even though she still had a prominent paunch, her hugely swollen breasts and backside gave her the most exaggerated hourglass figure she'd ever seen. It's a bit much, but I guess getting blown up isn't all bad. Admiring her new shape in the mirror, she gave a quick shimmy and watched with amusement as her various swells quivered and jiggled long after she'd stopped. The end of Leslie's ordeal was in sight. She was still comically curvaceous, but she didn't mind much. At least she could now move with relative freedom and easily fit through doorways. She was no longer trapped in her own body and could leave the house if she wanted to. Assuming she could find clothes that fit, of course. But her first order of business was to get a shower. She giggled at the loud patter of droplets against her swollen body as she sudsed herself up. The warm water and fragrant foam relaxed her. She revelled in her ability to reach most of her body; she would never again take that for granted. Leslie searched through her drawer to see if she had any clothes that were stretchy enough to accommodate her. Of the few garments that she had any chance of squeezing into, most weren't capable of providing much coverage. Leslie suddenly realized that her sense of modesty had returned. She hadn't even noticed its departure. It wasn't that she'd quite literally had bigger things to worry about. She'd been naked since she burst out of her swimsuit yesterday, but she didn't feel naked when she was round. Now that her areolae were smaller than serving platters, she felt the need to cover them. Underwear simply wasn't an option yet. She didn't even try. After an extended struggle, Leslie was able to stretch her leggings over her enormous posterior, and over the audible protests of the garment's seams. Thank God for spandex. She gave up on her tops and borrowed one of Roger's t-shirts. It covered her boobs, but left her bulging midriff exposed. Although she'd finally reached some minimal level of decency, she was reconsidering the wisdom of leaving the house. She was quite large, but she didn't appear fat. Her firm, gravity-defying curves reflected her preposterous reality; she was a living balloon, and would certainly look the part to a casual observer. "So what?" she mused, defiant. It's not like being inflatable was a crime. She'd puffed herself up in front of people many times before, but never to this extent. She'd always limited herself to a size that people would dismiss. It was amazing what people could rationalize when faced with the impossible. Inflating that beachball for Roger was the first time she'd let someone see her pumped up to the point that her true nature was undeniable. "And look where that got you," she grumbled, giving her gigantic boob a squeeze. Strangers would stare, but likely just assume that she was some kind of freak of nature. But if she was recognized by anyone who knew her, her secret would be out. She couldn't risk more people knowing. Leslie sighed. She'd have to stay hidden away in Roger's home for a bit longer. "Mmmm," she purred as she emerged from the bedroom. "That smells wonderful!" "My cooking skills aren't exactly top notch, but I figured I could manage a passable lasagna," Roger said. He had just set the pan down. His jaw dropped when saw Leslie's new curves. "Still enjoying the view?" she asked with a grin. "After all, they're a lot smaller than they were this morning." "So's the rest of you. But I have to say, I'm liking the proportions." He pulled her in close for a kiss, running his hands over rounded bottom. "What do you think?" Leslie glanced down at her bulging cleavage. She was so big, Roger couldn't get close without her breasts squeezing against his chest. "I know I look and feel pretty impressive, but this is a bit overboard. But at the rate I'm shrinking, I think I'll be at a pretty fun size by the time we're done with dinner." "So maybe after dinner, we could have some dessert?" Roger asked hopefully. Leslie licked her lips. "Maybe," she chirped. He pulled out a chair for her and they sat down for dinner. "Thank you," Leslie said as Roger refilled her wine glass. "Dinner was wonderful, by the way." "You're quite welcome," he replied. "You're lucky I'm such a good sport," Leslie said. "I can't imagine any other woman being so understanding after her boyfriend blew her up." "Technically, you blew yourself up," Roger corrected her. "Is that really a hair that you wanna try to split, mister?" Leslie glared at him sternly. "Okay, okay." He held up his hands in surrender. "And you're right. I am lucky in so many ways. Honestly, I'm surprised you're not furious with me." "I am. Kind of." Leslie was so deeply conflicted it was hard for her to think straight. Despite her generally bold nature, she'd never been aggressive about pushing the limits of her ability. She had no idea what would happen if she went too far. Sure, she might just spring a leak and deflate like a cartoon character. But she knew all too well what happened when you put one puff too many into a balloon. And you never know how many is too many until it's too late. But now thanks to Roger she knew her capacity far exceeding anything she'd ever imagined. There was so much to explore in her newly broadened horizons. A day had passed, and she was almost completely back to normal; everything had worked out in the end. But what if it hadn't? Things could have easily gone horribly, catastrophically wrong. And Leslie couldn't purge that possibility from her mind. "Good. You should be," he said. "I shouldn't have done what I did. My curiosity got the better of me, but I should have just asked you about your talent. Not doing so is one of my two great regrets from last night." "One of two?" Leslie asked. "What was the other one?" "We never determined if you could fill that really big beach ball in one breath." "Are you serious?" Leslie scoffed. "After watching me blow myself up to the size of a weather balloon, do you really think that puny thing would give me any trouble at all?" "So we're in agreement now that you blew yourself up?" "Hair," she snapped. "You're right, what was I thinking?" Roger conceded. "Having seen what I've seen, it would be foolish for me to question your capabilities." "You really don't think I can, do you?" "I'm sure you can," Roger said. "But at its rated maximum size it's over six feet across, and it can probably handle a bit moreβ€”" "I was definitely more than six feet wide last night," Leslie retorted. "Definitely," Roger agreed. "I'm six feet tall, and you were a little taller than me." "Just a little?" Leslie asked, tersely. "Well, we never actually measured you," he said. "Fine," she said, setting her glass down. "We can settle once and for all just how much I'm capable of. Go get it." "Maybe we should settle this later, after you've fully deflated." "No, we're going to settle this right now," Leslie growled. "Get the ball." "You don't have to β€”" "Now." "Okay," Roger said. It was all he could do to keep from smiling. Leslie was definitely getting back to normal; her competitive nature always got the best of her. They returned to the living room, where Roger fetched the beach ball for her. "You stand over there so I can keep an eye on you." Leslie pointed toward the couch. "There will be no funny business this time." "Of course." Roger stepped aside. Holding the beach ball in one hand, Leslie closed her eyes and inhaled. Her already distended body plumped up even more. Her her chest rose, her breasts billowed, her belly ballooned forth. Her shirt rode up, revealing more of her expanding form. Leslie's eyes snapped open; her steady intake of breath turned into a series of frantic gasps, her arms windmilling in panic. It took Roger a moment to realize what had happened; she was already swollen when she started, and had inadvertently puffed herself up to the point where she couldn't properly maintain her stance. She'd lost her balance and was slowly listing forward. "I've got you!" Roger shouted as he ran to her. He reached out to halt her descent, mostly winding up with two armfuls of Leslie's billowing boobs. "Oops," he said sheepishly. He looked up at Leslie's bemused expression and realized that she'd stopped inhaling. Suddenly, and with astonishing agility, Leslie grabbed his head with both hands, pulled him close, and brought their mouths together. Quickly, but not quickly enough, Roger realized she didn't intend to kiss him. Leslie blew. It all happened so fast. A torrent of air rushed down his throat. First his torso surged outward, his belt painfully cinching his midsection. The seams of his jeans growled and popped as the increasing girth of his legs overwhelmed their strength. Through no accord of his own, his arms straightened, releasing his hold on Leslie's bosom. They slowly rose as they filled, bursting his shirt's stitches. Roger tried to scream against the onslaught of Leslie's exhalation, but only produced the faintest of muffled squeaks. His attempted cries were fueled by both fear and pain; his waist was still held in the death-grip of his belt, while his bodily continued to expand above and below. The pressure was immense; something would have to give, and soon. Bang! The belt made a noise like a gunshot when it finally failed. It flew to a far corner of the living room as Roger's middle rushed outward with a loud bwoom. He was pretty sure he could feel Leslie giggling at the noise. He allowed himself to feel the briefest moment of relief; freed from his constraint, he didn't feel nearly as full anymore. Leslie seemed to take this as a challenge. "Mmmrrph!" Leslie blew even harder, and Roger ballooned even faster. His body rounded out, steadily absorbing his limbs as the ceiling grew ever closer. When he was nearly spherical, he felt the pressure within him rising. The swelling spread to his furthest extremities; first his hands puffed up, then his feet. He could even feel his manhood filling and stretching. Finally, his cheeks began to bulge, pushing Leslie's hands apart. He was running out of places to grow. With a rising sense of terror, Roger wondered whether Leslie would stop before it was too late. He was certain that point was mere moments away when Leslie finally relented. She released her hold on him before heaving one final gust of breath. "Wow, I wasn't sure that would work," Leslie said. She looked down at herself with a mix relief and disappointment. While blowing into Roger she had completely deflated. Although she was happy to be back to her normal, petite self, she missed having a bit more more bounce to her figure. It looked like Roger was trying flail about in panic, but his struggles only resulted in a bit of slow rocking. "Wh-what...what have..." It was only with great effort that Roger could utter even that little bit. His face and lips were hugely swollen. "What have I done?" she asked. "Let me clear that up for you. I blew you up. See? Simple. No hairs to split here." "B-b-but...why?" "Why? Why? Do you really have to ask that after what you put me through?" "I'm so sorry..." Leslie had been wondering how long it would take for Roger to actually apologize for what he'd done to her. At this point the words felt as hollow as Roger himself. "You damned well better be! I could have been hurt! I could have been stuck as a living blimp forever! I could have fucking exploded!" Leslie trembled, blinking back tears of rage. "So I think you've earned this. We can call it even now." "I feel like I'm β€”" "About to burst?" Leslie finished for him, giving his drum-taut skin a soft pat. "I know, I've been your shoes before, remember?" Although Leslie had to admit to herself that the shoes seemed to be fitting Roger much more tightly than they did her. It made sense; Leslie had been inflating for most of her life before her big blowup. This was Roger's first time, and she'd made him huge. She'd assumed that since Roger was a bigger person than she was, he could handle more air. At his highest point he nearly touched the ceiling; he was significantly larger than she'd been and he appeared to be under much more stress. As frighteningly firm as his body felt, she wouldn't dare try to climb on top of him. Roger's reaction echoed her concerns. The pressure inside him greatly magnified the sensation of her gentle touch. "Please, d-don't! I'm too full!" "Calm down, you'll be fine," she said. "You'll just have to wait it out like I did. Maybe this can be a learning experience for you as well." "Help," he whimpered. "It's too much! I can't--" "And don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for what I've learned from this," she continued, dismissing his fearful cries. "Now I know that I can stay inflated and that I can deflate afterwards. And I can inflate other people. That's amazing! I just know I'm going to get myself into so much trouble with that." Roger found her gleeful grin and wide-eyed excitement to be more than a little disconcerting. "And I meant what said this morning. I'm really looking forward to finding out how it feels to make love while inflated. But that won't be today," Leslie said with a sigh, "and it won't be with you." "What?" "We're done, Roger. Maybe in time I could forgive you, but I'll never be able to really trust you. I think it's for the best if I just grab my things and go." "No! Please, don't leave me like this! I'll β€” uuurrrrrghh!" Roger clamped his eyes shut and clenched his teeth as his body shuddered, groaned, and swelled. "Oh shit!" Leslie reflexively took a step back; as he grew, Roger's skin had flushed to an alarming shade of pink. Is he right? Did I go too far? What if he can't hold all that air in? "On second thought, I can get new things," she said, her voice quavering. She picked up her purse and quickly walked to the front door. She wouldn't want to be anywhere nearby if something precipitous were to happen. "No!" Roger screamed. "Goodbye, Roger." Leslie shut the door behind her. Really not sure how I feel about this one. I guess that makes it a fitting sequel for Leslie's Blowup. Leslie's Blowup is one of my more popular stories overall, and has the most favorites on my DeviantArt account by a huge margin. Readers have described as "sweet", "cute", and "romantic". So I took a swing a writing a sequel that would cover what happened the day after Leslie inflated. I ran into problems. Leslie's Blowup only works as a happy story because of how Leslie reacts to Roger making her inflate. She doesn't freak out, she doesn't get angry, she calmly accepts her situation and adopts a "we'll have to wait and see what happens" attitude. This is an incredibly charitable response under the circumstances. This is only credible because Leslie's established as having years of experience with inflation. What happened was just an extreme version of what she'd done many times before. And while not being able to deflate as she usually did was alarming, Leslie is a sensible woman; becoming panicked or enraged when one is helpless and vulnerable isn't constructive. I've written a few times in the past about the willfulness of my characters. They have their own ideas and their own desires; they don't always follow direction. So while I wanted to write a sequel in the same vein as the original, Leslie had other ideas. While she waited to deflate, Leslie didn't have much to do besides contemplate her situation. And during that time she developed some rather strong opinions. Eventually, she felt free to express those opinions. In short, Leslie was pissed. And she had good reason to be. When you get right down to it, Roger assaulted and forced her to inflate to a massive size when he had little knowledge of the nature her ability and no knowledge of its limitations. She could have suffered permanent harm. She could have taken days or months or years to fully deflate. She could have popped. By any reasonably objective evaluation, Roger was a reckless asshole who very well could have murdered his girlfriend. That she escaped the ordeal safe and unscathed was incredibly fortunate, and not an outcome that Roger could have predicted with even the tiniest certainty. So Leslie wanted payback.
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
"So, Mrs. Maloy, what can I do for you?" Dr. Judith Pritchard quickly scanned through the patient's chart as the door to the examination room slowly shut behind her. The sounds of the busy OB-GYN office were muffled as the door closed with a soft click, and the doctor took a seat in front of her patient. Danielle ducked her head in embarrassment, not truly wanting to be there, but having nowhere else to turn to for help. Her long blonde hair fell below her shoulders and onto the standard universal gown that most doctors required their patients to be dressed in for any kind of examination. Normally her legs would be up in the stirrups that protruded from the lower end of the table, but she was not there for THAT kind of visit. "Well, Doc," she stammered, "I need your help with a growing problem." "What?" Judith queried, raising an eyebrow. "Are you pregnant again?" "No, not this time," Danielle answer, not looking up from the floor. "But it is sort of a sexual problem." The doctor set the chart aside on the countertop next to the sink. "Are we taking about the early signs of menopause? You are too young to have that problem." "Well, not quite," Danielle dared to look up, and her face turned a darker shade of red. "My problem has to do with my husband, and what happens to me when we have sex." Judith folded her arms, becoming irritated with the vagueness of her patient's answers. "Danielle, are you having problems achieving orgasm, or is this something that your husband should be talking to a urologist about?" Danielle sighed. There was no getting around putting what she had to say delicately. "No, everything with my husband is working fine, at least where it comes to sex. And I am not having problems getting to climax. It's just that, for the past month, every time my husband touches me in any sensual way, I....grow." "Grow?" Reaching upward, Danielle gently cupped her breasts. "My....boobs," she said quietly, looking down at her chest. "They get bigger." Judith dropped her hands to her lap, relaxing a bit. "Actually, Mrs. Maloy, that is quite natural. Especially when women become aroused during foreplay, the body sends extra blood to the erogenous zones. The labia become engorged and the breasts will also swell slightly." "Slightly?" the patient exclaimed. "You don't understand. My breasts don't just become a little bigger. They blow up like balloons." She spread her fingers out and moved her hands away from her breasts, pantomiming their growth. "What are you saying?" the doctor asked, leaning forward in the seat. Danielle held her hand out in front of her as far as she could. "They literally inflate like balloons; sometimes this big, sometimes even bigger." Judith rolled her eyes slightly. "Come now, Mrs. Maloy, surely you aren't saying...." "I'm serious, doc." Frustration flashed in Danielle's eyes. "They blow up to the size of large beachballs whenever my husband touches them or even sometimes when he just kisses me. There has been even times that if I even daydreamed about sex with him they start to inflate." Judith paused, trying to keep a straight face. "So, how come it doesn't look like your breasts are blown up now? Surely they aren't inflated now." Danielle looked down at her chest again. "No, they aren't right now. But what you see is the residual effect. My breasts were B-cups a month ago, and now they won't shrink down smaller than DD-cups." "If you don't mind my being blunt," the doctor said with a wry smile," but is that such a bad thing? I have had women by the scores want advise from me about breast enlargement, and here you have accomplished it without surgery. Do you like being bigger than you were before?" "Well, yes... I do like being bigger than I was," Danielle admitted. "And when they inflate, its not painful at all, in fact it is a little pleasurable. But there are other complications that happen along with the growth." "Complications?" Danielle hesitated. "When they start to blow up, they become...ah...lighter." "Lighter?" Judith repeated, confused. "Yes, lighter," the patient answered, a little smile curling the edges of her mouth. "Like they are being filled with helium." "Helium," Judith reflected back, suppressing the impulse to snicker by forcing her face to remain non-emotional. This being the most intriguing conversation she had experienced in many weeks of monotonous work, she decided to play along. "Well, I guess that if your breasts become lightened like helium-filled balloons, you don't have much need for a bra. Giant boobs without the back strain." Danielle let out another frustrated sigh. Clearly this doctor had no idea of the cause of her distress. "Yes, they have remained lighter, and for the past month I haven't had the need to wear a bra. But I also can't swim anymore. I have become my own floatation device. My husband says he loves what has happened to me, but I know that the complications have taken their toll on our sex life." Judith had to put her hand over her mouth to hide her smirk. "What complications? Most men I know would love having a wife with inflatable breasts. How is that a detriment to your sex life?" Danielle had to take in a slow, deep breath to calm her distress. "Listen, when I mean my boobs become lighter, I mean a lot lighter. Sometimes, in the middle of getting it on with my husband, I blow up so big and light that....I can't stay grounded." That caught the doctor's attention. "You mean you FLOAT?" she blurted. "Yes," Danielle resigned. "My boobs inflate big enough to lift me up off the ground. How would you feel if you were helpless to stop yourself from floating away every time your husband started fooling around with you? I even had an erotic dream one night last week and woke up hanging in the air with my nipples touching the ceiling. " "Hmmm," Judith said, considering the incomprehensible nature of such a wild story, but still willing to see where the conversation was leading. "I can see where that might be a problem. But tell me, Mrs. Maloy, if you keep blowing up like that and flying away every time you begin having sex, how is it that your breasts are not the size of beach balls now? How do you get back down to earth after having them inflate with helium and you floating away? Do they just randomly deflate after a while?" Danielle bit her lip. "They don't just deflate randomly. The secret, Rob and I have found, is that I have to have an orgasm for the inflation to stop and my boobs to deflate. I guess that since the process starts with some sort of sexual thought, touch, and the buildup of sexual tension, the release of that tension when I cum is what causes the deflation." Judith could not believe that her patient could still be saying what she was with a straight face. This was the most incredible story she had ever heard in her years of practice, and she had heard some doosies, from immaculate conceptions to the sharing of STD's, but this had to top them all. There was one bit of information from within the unbelievable yarn that she just had to take the bait on and ask about. "I must ask you, Mrs. Maloy," she pressed, "about one thing you have said more than once. You said that this all started about a month ago. Why then?" Danielle ducked her head again, evasive. "Because I was doing some research into improving my sex life and found information on a drug that promised to give me the results I was looking for. I ordered it and took one pill a month ago, and this is what happened since." "So you are telling me that one pill caused your breast inflation problem to begin?" Judith probed incredulously. When her patient would only knob in admittance, she pressed on. "Tell me the name of this drug you found." A small grin curled the corners of Danielle's mouth. "I was sent only three pills," she said, extending an open hand to Juidth, which held two crimson capsules. "This is all I have left. Believe it or not, the name of the drug is 'Mammotol'." "Mammatol?" the doctor echoed forcefully. "Do you have any idea the dietary supplements like that aren't regulated by the government? Nobody knows what benefits and side effects they can have. Obviously you had no idea that taking the pills would do this to you." "No," Danielle replied, ashamed. "That's why I came to you today. Can you tell me if anything can be done about the inflation? My boobs are getting bigger that I ever wanted and it's getting harder to control when and where they begin to blow up." Judith folded her arms across her own modest-sized chest, barely stifling a guffaw. "Mrs. Maloy, that was the most unbelievable story I have ever had to listen to within the walls of my practice," she began. "Breasts don't blow up like helium balloons and cause women to float away when their husbands touch them sexually. But I tell you what. I will take a minute and consult my partner, Dr. Williams. He is seeing patients next door. I'm sure he will be as amused by this incredible fabrication as I am. And I will need to take those remaining two capsules for chemical analysis. I'll be right back." Danielle watched with stunned bewilderment as Dr. Pritchard rose from her chair, snatched the two red pills from her hand and left the room. She doesn't believe me, she thought. And just prove her point, Danielle could heard the physician laughing as she walked down the hall toward the other doctor's office. In the distance she thought she heard Judith say, "Sam, you are not going to believe this..." and then another door shut and the room went quiet again. "That does it," Danielle muttered to herself angrily. "My sex life is in ruins and my doctor laughs at me instead of offering any help." Then a thought flashed. "I will have to prove it to her that this really is happening to me." Danielle closed her eyes. Reaching underneath the hospital gown, she gently rested her hands on her bare DD breasts, and began to imagine that Rob was touching them. In her mind, she picture what Rob would do next, moving his lips to her nipples, and she began to stroke and pull on her nipples to mimic the sensation. This was the first time that she had actually tried to purposefully initiate her breast inflation, and she wasn't sure how long it would take for the growth to begin, or if it would work at all. She just laid back on the uncomfortable examination table, cupping and kneading her boobs while imagining her husband licking and sucking them as he so loved to do. Danielle pictured herself straddling Rob, her ripe breasts dangling into his face, his head pressed into her cleavage. And a warm sensation began to spread over her. As she pinched her nipples between her fingers, Danielle felt the first hint of expansion. Her breasts pushed forward, pressing her hands outward as she continued to twiddle her nipples. Within the quiet examination room, with the daydream of Rob working a furious tongue across her nether regions, Danielle thought she heard a faint hissing sound as her boobs blew up to size of volleyballs and continued to grow. Her flesh felt warm and firm in her soft hands as they were forced away from her ribcage with the expansion. Keeping her eyes closed, Danielle reached around to the back of her neck and untied the gown, allowing it to fall to the floor. Freed from any constraints, her breasts continued to inflate, growing rounder by the second, and aiming straight at the tiled ceiling. Her enlarged nipples, now exposed to the cooler air of the exam room, stood at attention. The hissing grew louder as she blew up more. Her hands pressed the sides of her expanding mounds together as she imagined her hands were Rob's, feeling the pleasurable stretching of her breast-flesh, and sensing the first hint of an upward tug. Her boobs were now past the size of basketballs and soon surpassed the size of any beach ball she had ever seen. Her hands fell to her sides as felt the light-than-air effect take over, and her towering breast began to pull her into a sitting position. Danielle slowly opened her eyes, and was able to see nothing but a sea of pink breast-flesh. She could not see her nipples anymore, dwarfed by the shear size of her inflated tits. They were five feet around and still growing when she felt her rear loose contact with the cushion and she began to lift off the exam table. Upward she went, her breasts defying gravity and lifting her again. For a moment Danielle hung suspended in the air, half-naked, not touching anything else, until her nipples gently contacted the ceiling. The hissing began to subside as she calmed her breathing, allowing herself to relax. She knew, though, that there was only one way for her to be able to get down from her precarious position. After a few minutes of hanging from her double blimps, Danielle heard footsteps coming her way. "Alright, Mrs. Maloy," Dr. Pritchard said as she stepped through the door, looking down again at the chart in her hand and not noticing her patient, "I have consulted with Dr. Williams, and he says that you should....HOLY SHIT!" She was staring at Danielle's feet. Judith shifted her gaze upward and saw two legs protruding from a female abdomen that was attached to a pair of flesh-colored balloons that were pressed against the room's ceiling. Each naked globe was easily eight feet in diameter, and there was so much breast flesh in the way that she couldn't even see her patient's face. "What the hell....!" "NOW do you believe me?" Danielle blurted out, wiggling her feet in frustration. Later that evening, within the quiet confines of her home, Dr. Judith Pritchard stared at the flickering computer screen. The monitor displayed a web page devoted to extolling the virtues of Mammotol, with phrases like "uplifting experience" and "enhancing pleasure". On the desk top, between her and the monitor, lay the remaining crimson pill that Danielle had given to her earlier. The other was saved back in her office, to be sent out to an independent lab for analysis. Taking the pill in her hand, Judith scrutinized it. "One pill count NOT have done all that," she murmured to herself. "But it did make her bigger. And I could use that kind of improvement myself." With one deft flip of the wrist, she popped the capsule into her mouth and swallowed. "Just wait until Jake gets home from work," she remarked to herself, relaxing back into her seat.
floating, inhale
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Deep within the bamboo forest the wispy branches and leaves swooned and floated around near the top of the stalks, like an eternal and organic green mass. In the background they watched a tall snow-capped mountain that appeared to be bathing among the crystal clear blue sky. It was a plain yet beautiful sight; that is until a large dark round shadow began to fly around on the surface of the bamboo canopy. Up in the azure sky, a dark blue orb with an deep shiny luster hovered over the bamboo sea, almost perfect in its roundness except for four cones for limbs and a tiny head with a healthy and shiny black ponytail flapping in the wind like a banner. Kamiko the Fuusenkuniochi was flying around, but not on a mission to steal anything or assassinate someone, but instead she just needed to relax. She decided to heed the advice of her mentor Tomoko earlier in the day to go out and soothe her nerves after her mission at Lord Hanzo's castle. She had known that her special abilities to inflate herself and others as a weapon gave her great power, but what she did last night instilled a sense of shock and awe not only in the elite ranks of Lord Taro's aristocracy, but within herself. As she shifted her head around and admired the panoramic view she had of the area, she sighed deeply and wondered: "Sometimes I feel like this forest is about as big as my task at hand. How much longer will I have to go on as an instrument in Tomoko sensei's plans? I don't know why I trust her, but for some reason she really does know how to make things better for people out there." As Kamiko contemplated her conflicted feelings, she closed her eyes as she floated gracefully over the forest and remembered the time when she sat beside the bed of her dying stepfather, Yoshiyuki. She remembered how pale and weak he looked, and how his once-hearty and tanned face had transformed into what looked like white wax. Kamiko placed her hand on his side, feeling the gasping breaths shake his dying body. "Oh Kamiko, did... did you ever know you were more like a true daughter to me rather than, than, an adopted one?" "You treated us all like your own papa-san. You helped us grow into something better." Yoshiyuki sighed and narrowed his eyes as he heard Kamiko speak. Her voice soothed his battered nerves as he fought of the onslaught of the disease wreaking havoc within his body. "Kamiko, Kamiko-rin. I am dying, I know it. But I don't feel I am dying in vain. You right next to my side is proof enough, as well as Minako, Rin, Eiko, and Mao. All of them have grown up to be such mature and fine example of women. It makes my withering heart feel full again." "Oh please papa-san, don't despair like this! You may look like you're in bad shape now, but you'll eventually get better." "Kamiko, this disease has eaten away at my health for almost two months. I am reaching the end of my life for sure. But please don't waste your energy trying to bring me back. I want to see you and your sisters keep things going well around the farm, I know you can do it." Yoshiyuki looked up towards the ceiling, just as his breathing began to slow down. "Before I go Kamiko, you must know this. I know the harvests haven't been doing too well. I think the rice paddies around here have been loosing a lot of their vitality. There hasn't been enough water to go around and keep them fertile. It is a shame really; I miss the time when Lord Hideyoshi was in power. He and I were such good friends and he made sure everyone else had enough resources to keep their crops healthy and productive." Yoshiyuki sighed as he thought again about Hideyoshi, remembering his once-proud rule over the land. "However I don't trust the ones who have replaced him. They have let the farmers down by neglecting their relationship with us. I don't even know who the name of the new ruler is, its madness." Kamiko put her hand on Yoshiyuki's forehead and gently rubbed his sweaty brow to sooth his slight frustration. "Kamiko, dear Kamiko, if you can in some way, get him out of power. We need someone again who isn't selfish and neglectful. We need help, and the ones who have protested have had their opinions fall on deaf ears. It may take time, but you have to work in a way that neither he nor the hawkish eyes of his cronies ever catch a glimpse of your motives." "But, but I'm just a girl." said Kamiko. "That has nothing to do with anything dear. People out there might think men are the ones who can do everything, but I'm not so sure of what they think. I have seen women who have done greater things than men, and they have sacrificed themselves in ways that even the strongest and hardest men would cringe over." Yoshiyuki began to cough hard. Kamiko quickly ran to the bucket of fresh water than she had on hand and attempted to pour some down the mouth of her ailing step-father. However he just turned his head to the side and refused. "Please father, drink. You need some fluid to regain strength." "Don't worry Kamiko; I have all the strength in the world. It isn't in me, but I see it right in front of my face." Yoshiyuki's eyes then began to slowly close as his last breath filled his lungs. Then he expelled the last gulp of oxygen that he would ever take as his heart within the deep recesses of his chest began to slow down its beat. Kamiko just kneeled by his side staring into the lifeless eyelids of Yoshiyuki and tears welled up in her eyes. A single tear drop tapped the leaf of a bamboo leaf at the tip of a branch perched at the top of a chute as the still-inflated Kamiko sobbed over the bittersweet memory of Yoshiyuki's passing. She hovered steadily as she remembered the pain of losing the man that helped her grow into a young woman. She then realized how his final words were not just an emotional farewell, but they were the means by what she could justify her current lot in life. She knew about Lord Taro's neglectful rule not just from the mouth of Tomoko, but from Yoshiyuki as well. What she was doing as a Fuusenkunoichi might seem strange and sometimes violent, but it did have a distinct and worthwhile purpose. Ahead of her she looked towards a single tall bamboo stalk that stood out among the others. She hovered over to it and gained a bit of altitude. After she positioned her globular bottom over it she began to expel the huge mass of chi-heated air inside her and descend. Kamiko tilted her body to the side so that her right foot would alight upon the tip of the bamboo chute. It gently touched the blunt bamboo edge as Kamiko's body continued to compress and release the gas inside her. After a mere few seconds of deflating, Kamiko was back to her normal lithe feminine form. She kept her legs close together as she balanced herself on the tip of the bamboo stalk, then she crossed her arms as she looked off into the horizon and began to contemplate some more. It was a beautiful sight, and her hawkish eyes used the magnificent panorama in front of her to fuel her imagination. Just a mere ten miles away from the bamboo forest, the castle of Lord Taro towered above the village in front of it. Perched on a hill, the brilliant red pagoda watched over the humble residences like an eternal imperial guard. The main courtyard within the imposing heavily-guarded walls housed calm and serene stone gardens with fountains, creeks, and a few swooping pines. Lord Taro strolled towards a small Shinto shrine at the far-east corner of the garden. There Lord Hanzo kneeled and prayed at the wooden edifice, praying and chanting while uttering the name of his horribly deflated daughter, Kazuko. Taro just stood behind the hunched-over man as he prayed towards the recovery of his daughter. Feeling a presence behind him, Hanzo lifted his torso up and looked behind him. His eyes opened in shock as he turned towards his master and knelt before him. "Oh Master Taro! Do you have good news regarding my daughter!? Please tell me we can get her back to normal." Taro's grey eyes just glared down at the groveling man, both filled with a slight sense of pity, yet also with a hint of disgust. "Well my dear Hanzo. It is too early to tell whether your daughter can be helped. However I do have someone who might be able to lift both your spirits and satisfy my needs." Hanzo still bowed his head to the ground in front of Taro's feet, he felt a little confused upon hearing his master's news so he looked up into his face and asked... "Someone? Like who?" Lord Taro stepped aside to reveal a woman in a white robe with plain embroidered blue flowers lining her sleeves. Her smooth black hair was done up in a tall and long ponytail as she stood with her arms planted on her front, looking towards the kneeling Hanzo. "May I introduce you to Sadako, probably the best female assassin in the land. I have hired her specifically with the intent of dispatching the person who obliterated your castle and disfigured your daughter." Hanzo kept staring at the serene yet deadly woman in front of her, his once-morose face morphed slowly into a gleeful grin. He know had a chance for revenge and whenever Master Taro summoned someone who could do the job, he knew the people whom he hired would succeed. "Please bring me her head, so I can spit upon it." requested the vengeful and delighted Lord Hanzo. Sadako just bowed her round and graceful face towards Lord Hanzo in compliance and turned around. She walked towards the doors that lead to the main yard so she could embark on her mission. As she disappeared Lord Hanzo turned towards Master Taro and again bowed deeply. "Oh thank you. Thank you so much my Lord." "Quite an impressive request dear Hanzo. Just make sure I am around when you claim your trophy." Lord Taro chuckled slightly in glee at the thought of his sycophantic minion defacing Kamiko's decapitated head; that is if Sadako the assassin did her job. As the day passed, the sun began to dip towards the horizon, tinting the once-blue sky into a deeper shade of orange. Kamiko still stood perched on the tip of the bamboo chute, staring off into the distance. As she continued to think about her current quest to bring stability back to the kingdom, Kamiko felt a low rumble within her stomach. She remembered that she hadn't eaten the whole time she had been away from the temple. "I'd better go back to Tomoko-sensei's place. I hope we can have ramen tonight." Kamiko sighed in pleasure at the thought of a hearty bowl of steaming ramen to fill her empty belly. Just as she was ready to inflate herself her senses tingled but not out of hunger; there was something near her. Quickly she looked behind her and jumped backwards. Just as she did this a long spear swooshed past her, flying up towards where her torso used to be before she moved. As Kamiko flipped backwards she landed right on top of another bamboo stalk and saw the spear that had almost skewered her and discovered that it had a thin chain attached to it. The long chain then suddenly turned taut and it pulled it back through the bamboo canopy from where it came from. Kamiko looked towards where the spear disappeared and she immediately jumped down feet first into the sea of bamboo leaves. After landing into the ground and standing up from a crouch the blue and rubbery Kamiko saw an elegant lady with white robes standing in front of her. As lifted her head to stare into Kamiko's eyes, Sadako grinned and slung another chain-attached spear towards the Fuusenkunoichi. Kamiko quickly leaned back and fell back-first onto the ground as the chained spear flew over her and embedded itself into a thick stalk of bamboo. Sadako tugged on the chain and rocketed the speak back towards her and also caused the large bamboo chute to break at the spot right below where the spear had embedded itself, pulling the jagged bottom of the chute right toward Kamiko's head on the ground. She swiftly rolled to the right as the deadly bottom of the bamboo stalk hit the ground where she once-laid. The rest of the bamboo just fell down to earth, emitting a loud dull thud. To avoid another attack from the spear-chucking assassin, Kamiko jumped up towards another bamboo pole, grabbed it, and held on as she eyed the deadly woman below her. "Who are you!?" Kamiko yelled at the killer woman below her. "Who sent you!?" Sadako just grinned and grabbed her white robe, pulling it off with a swift pull and flinging it to the cold forest floor in back of her. She wore a loincloth around her pelvic area, similar to what a sumo wrestler would wear. On her legs she wore a pair of long white knee-high stockings and a pair of sandals on her feet. Her arms had two elbow-length black-leather gloves adorning them with metal studs on each of her knuckles. On her chest she wore some tightly-wrapped strips of cloth around her chest and a red vest over her shoulders, with white cherry blossoms as a pattern. Sadako spread her legs apart and placed the two spears connected by a single long chain behind her shoulders and said... "I am Sadako, or the Bloody Blossom as some people prefer to call me. I hope you enjoyed the fun you had with Lord Hanzo and his daughter, because I am going to place a price upon it. And now you must pay." Sadako then lifted both spears and positioned them horizontally above her head. She began to spin around, slowly at first, but quickly she began to pick up speed. She allowed the spears to dangle from their chains as they suspended themselves in mid-air from the centrifugal force. Now Sadako was spinning around like some sort of possessed top, she let the spears out further and further, any bamboo stalk that got in the way of them instantly got cut cleanly in half. Kamiko realized that Sadako was turning herself into a giant spinning rotor of death, so she flung herself off the pole she clung to and ran away while ducking the falling bamboo stalks that were cut down by Sadako's deadly spinning fury. Furiously trying to avoid Sadako's whirling onslaught, Kamiko desperately tried to think of a way to escape. She couldn't inflate and fly out of the way; Sadako's flying spears would surely pop her as she flew off. To make matters even worse; as Kamiko ran away from Sadako she followed her. Kamiko knew she had to run towards an open space so Sadako's spinning spear attack wouldn't be as effective due to the lack of bamboo stalks to cut down. Since Kamiko had lived in the forest for a while she had grown accustomed to remembering the layout of it, especially the clearings that were within. She remembered that there was a particularly large one to east and she was currently running in that direction. All Kamiko could do right now was get away from Sadako in a quick and efficient manner so she ran towards a nearby bamboo stalk, grabbed the stalk, and swung around it a couple times like a gymnast. She then let go and propelled herself towards another stalk, grabbed it, swung around, and flung herself towards another stalk. Kamiko was able to escape the deadly spears of Sadako in a quicker and swifter fashion once she had become more dexterous as swinging off the bamboo stalks. She did this method for at least five minutes straight until she spotted a light ahead. "There's the clearing!" Kamiko thought. She sped up a bit to reach the clearing faster and then she finally slingshot herself into the open area and landed on her feet. She started running towards the middle of the large spacious grassy space and waited for Sadako to emerge from the side she had just emerged from. Within the bamboo forest the sound of the whirling spears and shattering bamboo grew louder, louder, and louder, until a few stalks began to explode from the clearing fly towards where Kamiko stood. The athletic and inflatable ninja girl jumped out of the way of a particularly slim rod of bamboo that flew towards her and planted itself in the ground. It was at least six feet long and it was totally hollow in the middle. Kamiko plucked it from the ground and held it as the spinning Sadako emerged from the forest. Sadako still spun wildly and approached Kamiko, but as she grew closer to her Sadako slowed down and began to reel in her spinning spears. As the spears came closer to Sadako's body, she slowed down her spinning whirl. "I can't believe she isn't falling to the ground yet. She should be dizzy as hell." thought the impressed Kamiko. Finally Sadako stopped her spinning, planted her feet into the ground, and grasped both spears by their handles firmly in her hands and held them over her head. She then held them in front of her and crossed them. "You're good at running, but you still haven't proven your fighting skills. Young girl." snarled the sultry femme. "Now let's face off against each other." Kamiko's right hand grabbed the small katana tied around her wrist and pointed it towards Sadako. "Let's go." Kamiko held the long bamboo pole in front of her and held the katana in front of her, ready to clash weapons with her adversary. Immediately Sadako tossed both spears at Kamiko, still crossed while flying through the air, and as they neared the ninja girl the two spear-tipped poles closed up while attempting to cut Kamiko in half like a pair of oversized scissors. Kamiko jumped up into the air, landed feet first on the spear handles, and jumped towards Sadako with her katana aimed at her head. Sadako saw Kamiko hurdling towards her with the small katana, so she pulled the spears back towards her, let the limp chains fold upwards and smack Kamiko's right wrist, forcing her to let go of the katana. This caused Kamiko to stumble about in mid air as the mini-katana swiveled about in an arc and planted itself blade-first into the ground. As Kamiko fell towards the ground she firmly grasped the bamboo pole that she held, swung it forward and pointed it towards the ground. As the tip dug into the ground the rest of the pole vaulted forwards, and Kamiko pointed her feet in the same direction. As the pole completed its arc, Kamiko landed feet-first on the ground and pulled the long stick out of the ground. Just after performing her impressive acrobatic stunt, Sadako turned towards Kamiko and shot one her tethered spears towards her. Anticipating this move, Kamiko lifted her left arm with the grappling arrow tied around the wrist, aimed it towards the approaching spear, and fired. The swift arrow flew towards the base of the spear's handle and wrapped itself around the chain section, and Kamiko tugged the string attached to the arrow towards the left, allowing the spear to just narrowly miss her head. After missing Kamiko, the spear hit the ground, but before Sadako could pull it out, Kamiko did the job for her by giving the string within her left hand a powerful tug. The base of the spear flew towards her and Kamiko grabbed the base of the spear just before it could hit her. Wasting no time, Kamiko established a firm grip on the spear's handle and with all her might gave it a gigantic tug strong enough to allow the stunned Sadako to let go and start spinning around as she lost her grasp on her prized weapon. Sadako spun around a few times and just as she began to stop she fell down towards the ground on all fours. While Sadako lost her balance, Kamiko saw that she had fallen down with her butt facing her. As Kamiko stared at her snowy jiggling buttocks she instantly got a fantastic idea. Immediately Kamiko pointed the long and thin bamboo tube towards Sadako's backside and began to sprint right towards it. Before Sadako could get any chance to respond she felt a hard cold shaft penetrate her hindquarters. Her eyes bugged out in shock at what had just happened to her as the bamboo pole that Kamiko brandished violated her. At first she couldn't do anything but stay frozen in her squatted position, unable to comprehend what had just happened to her. Just as Sadako started to turn her head to face her opponent, Kamiko took a huge breath, large enough to distend her stomach to the look of a nine-month pregnant woman and blow into the long bamboo tube. As Kamiko's large stomach deflated, Sadako's stomach billowed out. Sadako winced in pain as the warm air flowed into her, blowing her up. "Oh, oh, oh GOD!" Sadako shrieked as she placed her hand on her naked round belly and felt how huge it had become. Showing no mercy, Kamiko took another huge breath and blew into the tube again, inflating the hapless Sadako like a party balloon. "Stop, STOP! The pressure! It's, getting, too much!" Sadako pleaded with desperate mercy. "It isn't too comfortable, isn't it?" said the confident and victorious Kamiko. "I can blow myself up like a balloon all the time, and I don't bat an eye. And yet you can't handle any of this. I thought you were a professional." "You're a witch! A freak that needs to be burned so that your presence can never plague this world again!" Upon hearing her insult, Kamiko took another puff into the tube, this time causing not only Sadako's stomach to billow out to gargantuan proportions, but her limbs to plump up and her butt to billow up. All Sadako could do was wiggle her arms and legs as she rolled over onto her back and stared up into the sky. Sadako's view of the purple night didn't last long as Kamiko's masked face blocked it and looked straight into her frightened eyes. "I see Lord Hanzo and Taro have sent you to get me back for giving them a slap in the face. And it looks like you've just failed." Tears began to well up in the eyes of the swollen and defeated woman warrior as she began to ponder how horrible her fate was. Being blown up like a balloon at the hands of a smaller and presumably weaker feminine opponent. "However, don't think that you won't see him again. You can tell Lord Taro that you screwed up, and I'll let you return back to the castle since you bothered to come such a long way to meet me." Sadako stared into the eyes of Kamiko. She could see a grin form underneath shiny blue rubber that covered her mouth. "Now, before we leave, I have to meet someone before you begin your journey." Kamiko's face then dropped out of Sadako's view. Her brow was drenched with sweat as she frantically wondered who Kamiko was going to meet. Then her eyes bugged out in fear as she heard Kamiko inhale and blow another large gust of warm air into her. The last thing Sadako saw was her belly rise up into the cool night air and the strips of cloth around her breasts snap and fall off. Back at Lord Taro's castle the midnight moon shown above the blue roof tiles. Within the lop level of the pagoda, Taro himself was preparing for a good night's sleep. "That assassin I sent hasn't come back yet." Taro scratched his chin as he wondered about the whereabouts of his hired minion. "Maybe she decided to camp somewhere when it got dark. Her little tiff with Tomoko's helper probably took a little longer than expected." Taro then stretched his arms above his head, laid himself down on the bedding, and looked up towards the white ceiling. Before he could doze off, Taro began to hear a bunch of commotion among the guards in the main courtyard down below his window. Irritated by the disturbance he got out of bed, stomped towards the window, and slid it open. He looked down and saw a group of guards pointing upwards. The sentries on the walls held bright lanterns to shine light at an object in the night sky. "What on earth are you all shouting about down there?!" Taro angrily screamed at the guards below." "Commander Taro!" One of the sentries holding a lantern yelled back. "There's something in the sky approaching the castle! It's getting near the wall!" "What!?" gasped the puzzled Taro. He looked upwards and spotted what looked like a large round thirty-foot diameter blue orb approaching the floor right below him. On the shiny blue orb were what looked like a pair of tiny feet sticking out, another pair of little hands down below, and while the huge balloon tumbled towards the towering castle, a tiny masked head with a black ponytail rotated over the horizon of the huge floating globe. "It's Tomoko's assassin girl! She's foolish to think she can infiltrate the castle like this!" Lord Taro grinned at the chance to dispatch the intruder easily and effortlessly. "Archers!" shouted Lord Taro. "Shoot her down! Let us pop this silly balloon girl!" The tiny face on the huge balloon-female suddenly began to shake around and murmur in protest. Lord Taro couldn't hear what she was yelling due to her distance and also the huge bulging cheeks that prevented any intelligible words to escape her mouth. "What are you waiting for!? Take her out men!" Down below, three men reached for arrows in the containers behind their back and placed them on their respective bows. They placed the butts of the arrows on the tight strings, pulled them back, and aimed at the huge inflated rubber-clad girl above them. They grinned at the easy shot and fired the deadly pointy projectiles. A split second later, a huge explosion echoed throughout the village below the castle, instantly forcing the inhabitants within each house to wake up. Just a mere minute after the huge explosion, Lord Taro exited a door on the bottom floor of the pagoda and entered the main courtyard. There was hardly anything left of the pneumatic intruder that had harassed the castle just a minute earlier. Many of the guards were still rubbing their heads after having been knocked over by the blast. There were a few spots of spattered blood on the castle walls and some limp pieces of blue flaccid rubber lying around in random spots. "Ugh, look at the mess she made. But at least she will not bother us again. Now I can hunt down Tomoko and get her out of the way as well." said Taro. "Commander Taro! We've found her head!" shouted the captain of the guards as he approached his master. "Excellent! Now my friend Hanzo can have his wish." As a guard ran towards Lord Taro with the head of the now-popped girl dangling by the long ponytail that he grasped firmly within his hand; he kneeled in front of Lord Taro and offered it to him. Taro gleefully snatched the disembodied head and held it in front of his face. The girl's eyes were rolled back into her head, frozen still after she expired, yet the rubbery mask still covered her mouth and nose. At first Taro grinned, but then he noticed something suspicious about the face that he looked at. Quickly he pulled the mask down and his eyes grew wide with shock. It was Sadako. Lord Taro's face grew red with fury as he tossed Sadako's head at a nearby guard. He caught it as it hit his chest and knocked the breath out of him. All Lord Taro did was storm off towards the entrance to the castle, fuming at Sadako's failure. But before he could return to his room and stew with anger, another guard approached him from behind and called for him. "Lord Taro! We've just found this small scroll among the remains! It appears to be a message!" "Quickly Lord Taro turned around and snatched the small rolled-up piece of paper from the hands of the guard, opened it up, and read... "Greetings Taro, This is just the first thing that will blow up in your face. Tomoko" After seeing Tomoko's name at the end of the brief message, Lord Taro's face turned a crimson red as he tossed it to the ground, raised his arms into the night sky, and bellowed furiously towards the heavens. Back at the old temple nestled within the middle of the bamboo forest, a dim light shone from within. Inside Kamiko was enjoying a nice large bowl of hot ramen while wearing her comfortable light red kimono. She wolfed down the thick hearty noodles, the battle she had with Sadako had famished her. Kamiko took a pause from eating to look towards Tomoko who sat on the floor on the other side of the room and read from a parchment. "Did you hear that sound just now sensei?" "Yes, it looks like Hanzo just broke our 'little' present for him." "Ugh, I'd hate be there now." grimaced Kamiko. She tried to imagine the fate Sadako had just met, but quickly put it out of her mind. "Hmph, that Sadako was always a wild card. Oh she seemed calm at first, but she would lash out at your without any warning." Tomoko reminisced. "Quite a few villagers lost their lives that way when she walked by Taro's side a few times." Kamiko put down her bowl and turned around to face Tomoko. "Why must he use such violent and careless people to accompany him?" "You need force from others before you can show everyone how powerful you really are. Just as samurai instill fear in the peasants Lord Taro does the same via his own group of thugs." Tomoko looked towards the planks on the floor and sighed. Now people will learn that his posse can be defeated, and when he has nobody left to turn to the people can overthrow him." Kamiko listened to Tomoko's observation and tried to fathom the support Lord Taro had. "But just think how many people we'd have to get out of the way. Plus doesn't Lord Taro have his own army!?" "Yes that is true. His army is powerful and perfectly complements his junta, so we might have to find a way in the future to cut them down to size as well." Kamiko's eyes widened at Tomoko's proposition. "Take on a huge army!? Are you nuts!? He must have five-thousand people working for him!" Kamiko shrieked. Tomoko just shook her head and chuckled. "Oh Kamiko, you have already blown down two castles and dispatched a trained assassin with your powers, so what makes you think you can't take on a five-thousand man army?" Tomoko got up and walked towards the main door. She slid it open and walked out into the cool evening air. Kamiko just leaned back and stared into the twisty and steamy mass of ramen noodles within her bowl. All she could do was reflect on not only what she accomplished up to this point, but also what her step-feather Yoshiyuki said on his deathbed. She looked at the noodles, all of them represented a path in her life that she had to travel on, and they all were contorted into complicated squiggly shapes that made her get confused and lost as she tried to follow them. "And yet it all leads somewhere." she thought.
blowkiss, Prose that Blows 5 - Taboo (2011), superhero
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"Things don't always go according to plan." a sultry female voice cooed from behind Investigator Lynn. This voice was accompanied by the click of a pistol loading. The blonde woman's hands shot into the air as she turned to face her assailant. She had to fight to keep herself from laughing. Sitting there on the desk, holding the pistol, was perhaps the broadest, most pregnant looking woman she had ever encountered. She looked as though she were ready to pop with triplets any time soon. Though, knowing who she was facing she might have just been ready to pop. The raven haired young woman, no older than 22, her cheeks rounded as she cradled her overstuffed belly in her left arm, a pale taut globe protruding from her abdomen. This was the scourge of the city? this overstuffed ex-superheroine has been who looked about to bust out of her too small leotard? the investigator was still pondering the shine over her captor's belly and how she managed to fit into it in her condition, when she was rudely snapped out of it. "Please forgive my appearance, I haven't been able to discharge my powers in a while. as you know, I can hold a near limitless amount of air in my body without...what you see here." she gave a sly, yet seductive grin as she hopped off desk and sauntered her wide inviting hips toward her would be adversary while still pointing the gun at her face. "What do you want?" Lynn asked, as the other woman pressed her tight, near spherical tummy and her breasts against her. Without a word, Lynn's ass was grabbed by the woman, who still held the gun. she played with the supple, spandex-clad booty in her hand before leaning in for a kiss. "You'll enjoy this before you explode, i promise." the raven haired beauty smiled. Acting quickly, Lynn knocked the gun out of her captor's hands, it hit the floor uselessly with a clatter before the climax. Their lips met. The investigator's eyes widened. And so did she. First her cheeks stretched to contain the airflow filling them, then her breasts engorged themselves like small planets, forcing open her coat as they pushed relentlessly outward. Next was her belly. It forced her turtleneck to expose the bottom curve of her creamy smooth (and at this point excessively tight) skin. Her belly first started to look a little fat, like she put on a little weight. then it rapidly overfilled through the stages of pregnancy. She didn't let go, even as the ass she held on to started to fill and widen into a bottom-heavy pear shape. "MMMMMPH!" Lynn tried to scream around her assailant's mouth, but as the flow of the other woman's breath was mercilessly stuffed into her own body, her voice was lost. her limbs started to pull themselves outward as her breasts and belly continued their trek outwards. Lynn knew she couldn't last much longer. she was utterly, and completely stuffed to the brim with air. She felt as though she could explode at any second... Then, without warning, the other woman's lips left hers with a wet pop. "I bet you feel so tight right ready to..." she said lustfully with a grin on her plump red lips... "POP!" Lynn's green eyes widen at the word from behind her plump cheeks and overfilled bosom as the other woman laughed wickedly. "I promised you fun, didn't I? I won't burst you just yet..." She said, pushing the overstuffed investigator onto her back and climbing atop her belly. Their bellybuttons met for the briefest of moments, Lynn's turgid form bulging below the weight of her rider. "Try to have fun, I know I will." the raven haired woman grinned as she started bouncing, softly at first, then wildly bucking and writhing atop her makeshift mount. Then, without warning, the sound of straining spandex echoed through the air. "What?" The raven haired woman said as she peered down at her belly. Round as it was, it appeared to be puffing out further and faster than she had before. "How?" She gasped as she started to feel herself fill out in her butt. Lynn laughed through plump, pink lips. "Not everything goes according to plan." She told the woman atop her size 300 waist. The pop that reverberated through the building was deafening.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Francis knew there was someone in her apartment the minute she walked in. As a police investigator she was quick to pick up on details, and there were things in her place that were not in the right place. She pulled her gun out and proceeded on in cautiously, heading for the kitchen first. She checked the room, and finding no one there went on through to the back bedroom. She began to push the door open slowly with her foot, only to have it violently flung back at her, knocking her gun from her hand as well as hitting her forehead. Francis was momentarily stunned by the unexpected attack as she stumbled back a bit, but the sight of a silencer followed closely by the attached gun brought her around quickly. Seeing only the gun and an arm, she lunged forward, grabbed the arm, and pulled as hard as she could. The woman didn't act fast enough and in short order Francis had her disarmed and in an arm bar. "Not a bright idea breaking into a police officer's place...who are you and who sent you?" Francis virtually growled as she noted the woman's jet black straight hair, black vinyl pants, black turtle neck and maroon sport jacket, and black gloves. "You can call me Denise, and as for who sent me, you've made allot of enemies Investigator Francis Drebbin, you figure it out." she said calmly as Francis held her painfully at a safe distance. Now that Francis had the woman at a disadvantage she wasn't quite sure what to do, her handcuffs were on the floor in the hallway so she had no way of securing her perpetrator. "Move." Francis stated as she began, painfully, directing Denise out into the hallway. "Now pick up the cuffs on the floor slowly, and don't try anything or I'll break your arm." Denise leaned over further and with her free hand snagged the cuffs off of the floor. She straightened up as much as she could, then held the cuffs out for the investigator to take. Francis reached out to get the cuffs, involuntarily relaxing the pressure on Denise's arm....who took the opportunity to spin in a crouch out her grasp, and leg sweep Francis, knocking her to the floor. Denise ran for the apartment door, she would escape now and finish the job another time. Francis recovered quickly, rolling to her feet and dashing after the culprit. Just as the would-be assassin passed the right hand wall mounted fire hose in the apartment's outer hallway, Francis lunged in attempt to tackle her. The investigator fell a bit short, and managed only to grapple Denise's legs who tripped and managed to get her arms in front of her face before she broke her nose. Denise rolled over and brought her knee up to her chest to aim a kick at Francis' face. Francis saw it coming and rolled to the left, and began getting to her feet. Seeing her mark still on her knees, Denise did a gymnastic flip, coming to her feet much quicker and putting her right next to Francis' side. She reached down and put her arm around the woman's neck, and began strangling Francis. Francis acted on reflex to save her life, and jabbed Denise three times in the stomach which had no apparent effect, she then aimed her next blow at the black haired woman's inner thigh. Denise gave a stifled shriek of pain, releasing her victim and stumbling back against the opposite wall. Francis aimed several quick jabs at her opponent's torso, the two traded punches for a few seconds, circling as they did so. As Francis had her back to the fire hose in the wall, Denise suddenly lunged forward and grabbed Francis around the throat with intent to maim. Francis felt the other woman's nails digging into her skin, and as her vision went blurry from tears in her eyes, her flailing left hand found the handle of the fire hose compartment. Too angry and intent on the kill, Denise didn't notice what her victim was up to. Francis put all her effort into getting the small door open, and grabbing the large heavy nozzle of the fire hose. Her fingers found the cold metal, she grabbed it, brought it up against her stomach and shoved upwards as hard as she could. She had meant to at least knock out or stun the other woman, and figured that she might even break her jaw, the nozzle being metal and all. What happened instead was quite unexpected. Denise had looked down just in time to see the nozzle coming at her face, and had opened her mouth wide in surprise...and so the nozzle had jammed into her mouth, chipping a couple teeth as it went in. Denise let go of Francis and began yanking at the hose as she stumbled about a bit. Francis slumped against the wall, her throat raw and breathe wheezy as she gasped for air. She paid no attention to Denise, and as she made her way leaning against the wall to her apartment, she unwittingly grabbed the hoses water shunt handle for support when her knees tried to give out on her. Francis blinked a bit at the handle she was holding onto, as if trying to figure out what is was doing there. Denise's eyes went wide as she saw the hose begin to unravel from its compartment, pressure the flat hose round out as water gushed down its length. The black clad assassin began pulling with all her might on the metal nozzle in her mouth as she watched the round vs. flat section of hose rapidly approach her end of the hose! A bit water sprayed from the fitting in the wall, bringing Francis about some, and it took her only a few moments to realize the impact of what she had inadvertently done. She spun, weaving on unsteady legs a bit, and looked at Denise just as the water reached her. Denise's hands were flung from the hose as it suddenly bulged with water, the pressure of the hose pinned her against the wall. Francis reached for the valve handle and quickly wrenched it to the off position...the cheap pot metal handle which was probably made and installed around the 1930's simply snapped off in her hand. Francis stared in horror at the handle for a second then rushed over to Denise, grabbed the hose, and began tugging on it to save the woman who she expected would drown in moments with so much water gushing into her mouth. Denise had reached the same conclusion as well, that she would drown, but what happened next surprised them both. Denise had started swallowing as fast as she could as soon as the water rushed into her mouth. Denise had expected her stomach to feel very full by now, as the fire hose was probably putting out about 5 gallons per second. What she felt instead was her vinyl pants getting tighter around her calves, thighs, hips, crotch, and buttocks. This tightness grew with each passing second, and Denise quickly realized what was happening...her body was filling up like some kind of human water balloon! The swelling began moving upwards, Denise felt her waist and belly bugle, followed by her already ample bosom. As Denise began pointing at herself and mumbling around the hose in her mouth, Francis let go of the hose for a second and said "What? I have to get the hose out or you'll dr..." she stopped and looked at the woman's body...she had to shake her head to make sure she wasn't seeing things, but nothing changed. The woman in front of her was actually growing before her eyes! Denise's hourglass figure was expanding, the curves of her well formed body expanding as the water poured into her. The vinyl pants were making quiet creaks and moans as they stretched along with their occupant...the studded belts clasp looked strained as it held back her swelling waist line and of the sports coats buttons suddenly gave a creak and burst through the threads holding it, pinging off the glass door of the fire hose compartment. Francis stood there gaping at the woman in front of her for several seconds, only able to watch as Denise filled out in every direction. Denise pointed frantically at the wall compartment, Francis knew what she meant, she reached down, picked up the broken handle, and showed it to her. Denise tried to shout and scream around the nozzle just as the second and last button of her jacket popped off, but it only came out as a series of moan. After that minute or so of just standing there, Francis backed away from the incredibly bloated Denise and jumped as the belt suddenly broke with a loud crack. Denise began pulling on the hose again, but this didn't last long as the water began to fill her arms now, forcing them out to her sides. Denise's buns were pushing her towards the opposite wall and each of her butt cheeks was easily the size of a basket ball, her hips were rounding out to near 5 feet wide, her thighs and calves were now proportionate to her huge blimped ass also. Her vinyl pants could only stretch so far, busting at the seams in various places, and Francis noticed that the flesh showing through was just as shiny as the pants. Denise's upper body was faring no better, her breasts were bloated to the size of beach balls, her torso had become a huge dome, sticking out 5 feet in front of her, and had untucked the turtleneck shirt from her pants. This allowed a 2 foot strip of her enormous swollen stomach to show, and the skin there was had also taken on a rubbery shine. Francis now had her back to her own apartment door only 20 feet away, watching as Denise steadily swelled bigger and bigger and bigger! "How much bigger could she possibly get?" Francis wondered "The water pressure has got to make that hose pop out of her sometime! That or..." Francis' mouth dropped open "Oh my god!" she murmured. Just then, Francis' neighbor at the other end of the hall open her door, she had apparently been in the tub as she was soaking wet and had suds dripping from her in a few places...that and she only had a towel on. "Hey! What's going on with the water! I'm trying to..." She stopped as she saw the massive blimp of Denise, who's belly was now touching the opposite wall. The newcomer gawked as she witnessed the remnants of Denise's pants burst off her inflating ass and thighs with several loud short creaks. Denise felt her butt, boobs, and belly pressing against the walls as she still continued to expand with the relentless flow of water. She could hear the seams of the turtle neck begin splitting and tearing as it too had reached it's limits. "Oh god! I can feel the pressure in me building...this has got to stop!" Denise felt the hose in her mouth shift a bit, and her eyes lit up with relief "Yes! The pressure inside me is so great that the hose is ready to pop out!" Her relief was short lived though, as she nozzle moved outwards only a quarter of an inch, but stopped there as it pressed against her massive tits which were expanding back towards her face now that the couldn't go forward anymore. "NO! NONONO! OH MY GOD! SOMEONE HELP ME!" Denise felt her skin growing rapidly tighter, as she reached maximum capacity. Francis reached was about to head into her apartment and call the fire department to shut off the water, when she stopped and stood stock still...listening. She slowly looked back at woman water balloon filling the hallway, "That's like..." "Hey what sounds like stretching rubber?" Her neighbor asked out loud from the other side of Denise. "Holy shit...she really is going to burst!" Francis thought "Get back inside Laura! She's gonna' blow!" she yelled to be heard over the gush of water and creaking of Denise's body. Francis locked her wide eyes on the still swelling Denise, as she clawed at her door knob. When Denise heard Francis' words her eyes went even wider then before. "OHMYGOD! I'm really going to explode! BURST!...POP LIKE A WATER BALLOON!" A door to her left slammed shut as Denise began moaning loudly as she felt her skins stretching come to a halt...but the water was still entering her, adding to the already incredible pressure inside her overfilled body. The last of the turtleneck's seams burst as a low ominous groan filled the hallway...Denise heard Francis' door slam shut. "OoOoOHhH! This is it...can't...take anymore..." Denise's eyes went wide as her body suddenly swelled at least a foot in all directions, she let out one loud short moan, then with a rubbery creak her body burst apart soaking the entire hallway and leaving several inches of standing water behind. Francis slowly stuck her head out her door, expecting to see a horror scene from the movies. But the only thing that remained of Denise was her shredded clothes, a pair of boots, and a still gushing fire hose. "Chief is going to just love my report on this..." she muttered as she went back inside to phone the office.
cheerleader, floating, magic
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Other Inflation
The four young, nubile cheerleaders spilled out onto the empty football field for their weekly practice, and once again their every move was watched by a young man seated alone in the stands. He was dressed in dark gothic leather and wearing a silver medallion, and had curiously silverish-gray hair, which everyone assumed was dyed. The gorgeous female clan converged into a small circle and spoke in auricular tones. "There's that creepy kid again," said Irma, a foxy, sculptured blonde bombshell, whose flawless skin gleamed in the late-afternoon sun. "Oh, just ignore him," said Sheena, the short-haired brunette and squad leader with a future in modeling. But her advice was ignored. "I say we tell him to fuck off," said Nettie, the tall, tan-skinned beauty, whose cascading black hair cradled her dexterous shoulders. "No need to provoke him," said Sheena, who abhorred confrontation. "Oh, I think there is," said Tammy, the short, cute, but pug-nosed blonde. "I wasn't put here on this earth to be some creep's masturbation material! I'm a real human being!" "He's not hurting anyone," Sheena insisted. "Let's just do our practice." But Nettie couldn't resist. She spun around and flipped the young Goth her middle finger while sticking her tongue out in a "you-gross-me-out" message. Tammy and Nettie laughed, while Sheena rolled her pretty brown eyes. "Well, someone had to let him know he's not wanted," Nettie said, turning back to her three hot friends. She didn't see the silver-haired young man gently, slowly turning his finger around on his medallion while staring unblinkingly at Nettie's back. "Nettie," Sheena asked, "are you putting on weight?" All the others turned their gaze to Nettie's belly. Nettie looked down to see her belly bulging out of her uniform. Her exposed midriff became even more exposed as more and more of her belly edged out from under her top. "Whoa!" said Irma, adequately summarizing the situation. "What's happening?" Nettie asked, but the only answer she got was a growth spurt. The other girls backed away instinctively as Nettie's midsection resembled a balloon, blowing up like a rapid, grotesque pregnancy. "Ohmigod!" said Tammy. "She's, like, a balloon!" This became even clearer as Nettie's expansion reached other parts of her body, starting with her sides, which bloated her out into an oval shape, causing stitches in her blue-and-white cheerleader outfit to groan and pop. Her arms and legs filled up too, spreading out in opposite directions as they became fuller. "I think we need to get her to a hospital!" Sheena observed. "I think we'd better hold her down!" said Irma, as Nettie began to float slowly upwards from the ground. The other girls responded, holding Nettie to the ground, even as Nettie forced them backwards with her continued inflation. "Make it stop!" she cried. "Help me!" "I don't know what to do!" Sheena admitted. "Why are you blowing up like this?" In the commotion, none paid any attention to the smiling silver-haired Goth. Nettie continued to blow up into a rounder shape, screaming occasionally as she became more and more of a balloon ball. The other girls held her tight, but Nettie seemed determined to float. "Hold on to me! I keep feeling like I'm going to float away!" "We're trying!" said Sheena, but it was like some magnet was pulling Nettie off the ground. And as she got bigger...and bigger...and bigger, the force became ever greater. Her round body made it difficult for the other girls to maintain their grip, and she kept increasing her girth, making her friends appear smaller and smaller. Her body began to squeak, and her cheerleader outfit, already stretched thin, tore into shreds. "Oh, God!" said Tammy. "She's gonna pop!!" Instinctively, Tammy covered her ears, releasing her section of Nettie. "Don't let go!" Sheena ordered, but it was too late. Nettie bobbed up into the air, and the other girls lost their grip on her. With a squeak, Nettie slipped from their arms and shot into the sky. Sheena almost made another attempt to clutch an area of Nettie's skin, but she hesitated for a just a moment, realizing that, as big as Nettie was, Sheena's fingernails might very well cause her to burst. That hesitation was all it took to allow Nettie to shoot into the sky like a toy helium balloon that was cast to the winds. Too stunned to speak, the three gaping cheerleaders watched as the Nettie balloon soared into the sky, getting increasingly bigger as she flew towards the clouds. They craned their necks, watching helplessly as Nettie drifted farther and farther from earth, until she was just a blue and white dot in the sky. And then Nettie burst. They heard a popping noise and saw scattered fragments of cheerleader outfit raining down like a bizarre fireworks display. Dumbstruck, Tammy and Irma continued to gaze unbelievingly at the sky. Sheena turned her eyes downward, and the first thing her gaze settled on was the calm, unfazed form of the medallion boy, seated placidly in the bleachers. "Look," was all Sheena said. The other girls looked instinctively at their observer. And all knew from his demeanor that he had somehow been responsible. "Tammy, get your cellphone and call the cops," Sheena said softly, keeping her eyes on the spectator. Tammy didn't respond immediately. "And tell them what?" "Just do it." Tammy made her way to her backpack, often glancing askance at the medallion boy, as if she were watching a potentially rabid dog. She pulled out her cellphone and opened it up. And then her breasts blew up to twice their size. Stunned, Tammy staggered backwards, dropping her phone and vainly holding her breasts in place. But they continued to inflate, now three times their size. Then four times. "Tammy!" said Sheena, as she and Irma raced to her to attempt some kind of rescue. Sheena looked at the Goth boy, who ran his index fingers in two small circles around his medallion. "What are you doing to her?" But it was pretty obvious. Tammy's breasts inflated so large that she could no longer see over them. Her top ripped, exposing two massive, growing breasts, barely held in check by a transparent bra. An instant later, that too snapped off her chest as her breasts unabatedly ballooned larger and larger. Each breast was now as large as her entire body, and she too gradually began to drift upwards. "Hold on to her!" said Sheena. She and Irma each grabbed one of Tammy's legs before she got too high, but it wasn't enough. Tammy floated higher and higher off the ground, carried away by the still-increasing helium blimps on her chest. Sheena looked down and saw that she too was being lifted up into the sky. She and Irma had to let go or be carried off with Tammy. Irma let go, but Sheena held on for a few more seconds before she too accepted the inevitable. She dropped several feet to the ground, laying there as she watched Tammy fly higher into the air. Sheena turned her gaze briefly to the medallion boy. "Let her go!" she yelled at him, but she got no response. She looked up again to see Tammy disappear into the clouds. Not a trace of her could be seen. Then she addressed the silver-haired Goth again. "Why are you doing this?" she demanded. "Just because Nettie flipped you off?" Finally, he seemed to react, leaning forward in seat. "No," he said softly, yet somehow his voice sounded as if amplified. "You cheerleaders have such swelled heads." He traced a small gesture at the top of his medallion. Irma found she couldn't speak when her head inflated into a toy balloon, her features spread out comically like a funhouse mirror. She held on to her head as it grew, blowing up until it dwarfed her body. "Stop it!" Sheena pleaded. "We haven't done anything to you!" Meanwhile, Irma's head expanded into the size of a weather balloon, and she lifted off the ground. But instead of floating away, she drifted easily toward the medallion boy. He grabbed her by her neck, looking as if he were holding a giant balloon with a cheerleader body sticking out of the bottom. "Oh, this'll never do," he said, and gave her head a squeeze. All the air left her head and went down into her body, which was now blown up as big as her head had been. Sheena could only watch in morbid fascination as the young man held Irma's balloon body in front of him, considering other ways he could play with her. "Let her go," Sheena ordered him. He glanced upward to the sky. "You really want me to?" "Just leave her alone!" "Okay," he said, and when he released Irma, she didn't float away. She just hovered in the air expectantly in front of him. Sheena sighed in a brief moment's relief. Then the young man reached into his pocket and withdrew a switchblade. Irma's eyes shot open. "Don't!" Sheena said. He held the blade just in front of Irma's taut balloon skin. "Don't what?" "Don't, please." He seemed to think it over. "Please?" Sheena repeated. "No," he said, and with a quick thrust, Irma burst into nothingness, her empty, torn cheerleader outfit falling to the grass. Sheena just stood there for a while, waiting for his next move, knowing she could do little else. He pocketed the knife and stood watching her. After a long, tense pause, he said, "You, Sheena, you're a good kid. I realize that you would have preferred to leave me alone." "Does that mean you're not going to inflate me?" "No, it just means I'm going to keep you around and play with you first." His hand went up to his medallion. Sheena took off running down the field. He watched her go for several moments, letting her have some hope. And then he twirled his fingers on his medallion. Sheena was picked off her feet when her inflation began, but surprisingly, she went crashing down to earth, her bloated body cushioning her fall. She didn't float away as her friends had done. She just lay there as her head was lifted up and up, being lifted by her ballooning form. It took only moments for her to swell up into the size of an SUV. Her outfit tore apart as ballooning body freed it from any restriction. "No, that won't do," said the Goth. Sheena couldn't turn her head anymore, still lying on her bloated stomach and facing the ground, but she could sense him near her. He came into view and ran his hands along her torn uniform, and the stitches melded together, reforming to fit Sheena's enlarged size. And then he gave her a swift kick. Despite her mammoth appearance, Sheena was quite light, and she bounced across the field like a beachball. She bounced farther and farther away from her tormentor, so much so that she believed for a moment that she would keep bouncing until she was far into another county. But just like that, he suddenly appeared on the other side of the field, arriving just in time to give her another swift boot, sending her to another far corner of the field. And so it continued, Sheena bouncing from place to place, always at the whim of the strange silver-haired young man. She made no protest, knowing it was pointless. He held all the power. Finally, a gentler kick nudged her dead center in the middle of the football field. Sheena landed at a slight tilt, looking down at the Goth boy. And he looked up admiringly at her. "Please," she said. "Don't pop me." He just smiled and twirled his fingers on his medallion. He did it harder and faster than he ever had. Sheena grew rapidly bigger. "Please! I don't want to explode!" She doubled in size and kept growing, growing, growing, until the medallion boy was forced to retreat. She called out to him as her body filled more and more of the field. "Don't make me burst! I don't want to pop like a balloon! Please don't pop me!" But her inflation increased exponentially, and she surged in size, growing higher than the bleachers, taking up more and more of the football field. She could now be seen for miles like some advertising blimp. And she still inflated bigger and bigger, her cries getting farther and farther away, as her bloating stomach lifted her higher into the air. She blew out wider and higher, becoming the most gigantic blimp ever seen. Still her faint voice pleaded, "Don't pop me! Don't let me burst! Please! Please! PLEASE!!" The thunderous boom could heard all across the city. The silver-haired boy released his medallion, which was smoking from the friction and lightly burned his fingers. Fortunately, he was immune to intense heat.
floating, magic, Prose that Blows 5 - Taboo (2011), Prose that Blows Winner: Funniest Story
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"Superior Lace Underwire, this is Suzie." "Hello, I'm trying to procure some unmentionables for my wife, but I'm not even sure if it's feasible given her unusual requirements. I'm wondering if you could help." "Custom lingerie is our specialty." "Excellent. By the way, I've always thought the name was devilishly clever." "To be honest, I never cared for it. Over the top if you ask me." "Shouldn't that be under?" "You're pretty clever yourself." "I can't help it, it runs in the family." "I see. Well, I'll need your wife's measurements to get a rough idea of what we're dealing with. Do you know them offhand? "Actually I've written them on my hand, right here." "More cleverness?" "More irony than anything else, I think. I wasn't even trying." "I'll still need those numbers." "You see, that's where we have a problem. My wife's measurements are quite extraordinary." "You're a lucky man." "Indeed, when I count my blessings I never forget to include my Holly's ample bosom as one of them." "Don't you mean two?" "I suppose I could count her breasts separately, but that almost feels like cheating. Besides, 'bosom' is singular. And how often do you encounter a woman who's blessed in one breast, but not the other?" "I make custom lingerie. You'd be surprised." "Indeed. Seems there's clever enough to go around." "Just trying to keep up. So you're having problems measuring her?" "No, I managed that with some effort. But I don't know if I'm converting her measurements to a bra size correctly. I found directions on how to size a woman's bust, but the first step is to measure her while she's wearing a comfortably fitting bra. You'd think the second step would be to check the tag on the aforementioned bra and be done with it, but instead it goes into some rather complicated mathematics." "Maybe they assume that the bra's old and has lost its tag." "Are comfortable bras usually old and timeworn?" "Most of mine are." "That's good to know. Regardless, I had to skip that part entirely, since my wife currently has no bras that fit, comfortably or otherwise. I measured her and did the calculations, and she came out as a size four fifty double-Q." "Pardon me, sir, did you say size four fifty double-Q?" "Yes, four five zero. Twenty-two score and ten, if you will." "Followed by two Qs?" "Yes, Qs as in quails. It doesn't really sound like proper bra size." "No, it doesn't. BCV regulations require me to dock you half a point unless your wife's torso is twelve feet across." "That sounds about right. She's rather puffy these days." "Is that discreet way of saying 'obese?'" "Oh no, Holly's not heavy at all. Quite light in fact. She's not overweight, just overfilled." "Overfilled? What could you possibly fill a person with, much less overfill her?" "It's some sort of gas. Whatever it is, it's quite a bit lighter than air. I had to tether her to measure her." "I don't mean to pry, sir, but how on earth did your wife wind up full of gas and floating?" "It was a spellcasting mishap, I'm quite chagrined to say. While Holly's bosom was already quite impressive, she wanted more. I cast the spell, and her bust plumped up nicely. But then her belly began to bulge, and the rest of her body followed suit. A few moments later she was bursting out of her clothes, understandably alarmed. And wasn't just gaining in volume, but buoyancy as well. She quickly achieved liftoff, and by the time the magick had run its course she was taking up most the living room. It turns out the Abstastathi words for 'breast' and 'woman' are distressingly similar." "That's all it took?" "Indeed. I confused heleldelzodeth with heldelelzodeth, and the rest is history." "Oh my!" "Yes, it was quite the spectacular error." "No, I mean, I suddenly feel strange. Lightheaded and tingly." "Oh dear, did I? No, that's impossible by phone–" "What's happening to me?" "Try to remain calm." "My tight..." "Just try to get somewhere with lots of space." "Oh God, the pressure! It's too much! Help! Call 911! Oh no no, no! Quick, somebody grab me!" "Hello? Suzie are you still there? Hello? Damn it."
balloon, science, Valentine's Day
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
It was a cold and snowy February night on the campus of North Chicago Tech, few people were out and about as the snowstorm was supposed to last until the next night. One of those few people out was Caitlin, a communications major, who was making her way to take advance of an uncrowded library. As she walked on the slick sidewalks to the library, she thought about what all of her friends were doing and why she was spending another Friday nightin the library. Caitlin checked into the library and made her way to her favorite writing area, which looked like a scaled down version of New York Public Library with rows of hardwood tables underneath huge rounded windows frosted by the blowing snow and cold outside. Caitlin settled down to a table by herself and pulled out her notebook to write down some notes about her latest story idea. She'd been thinking about her latest story all day, thinking through the mechanics of the plot and how she'd introduce the idiosyncrasies of the main characters. She had even thought about how she'd build tension with the central conflict around a rollercoaster of emotional swings and a climax that would serve as a reveal and bring about redemption to a lovelorn soul. Caitlin adored her creative writing classes growing up and had developed quite the penchant for crafting stories, she had even published a few of them to critical acclaim and had many folks practically begging her to write more stories. Caitlin smiled at the thought of being an "in demand" author with adoring fans clamoring for her every tale of fantastic fiction. Her face dropped though went she opened up her web browser to DeviantArt and saw that her newest story had only received a single favorite and zero comments. It had been two days since she'd posted the story and she was getting a very tepid response to her latest masterpiece, something was not right. As Caitlin checked over her stats, made sure she had submitted the story to the right groups and had used the best hashtags to increase the visibility of her stories, she finally succumbed to the reality that her description of being an author in demand may have been a little delusional. She navigated up to her notes and saw that there weren't any new notes and that the latest note just asked her if she'd send pics of herself naked. "Ugh!" she exclaimed, blowing a strand of blond hair out of her face. "I even included that part where she climaxes by rubbing herself frantically against the ballooned body of her lover! C'mon!" Yes, being an inflation fetish story writer wasn't the path to success. Ever since she was young, Caitlin loved writing and loved to write stories about everything her mind wandered to. All of that changed in middle school, Caitlin had seen Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory at a sleepover and was enthralled at the scene of Violet becoming a blueberry. That scene played out in her mind until she finally decided to write a story about it for a class creative writing assignment. Though her teacher wasn't too thrilled, she received a good grade based solely on having a "creative" perspective toward the assignment. Beaming with pride, Caitlin had found her niche and throughout the years developed her stories from predictable tropes about hapless girls getting inflated to well-developed characters and plots. Her writing skills were honed by taking further creative writing classes in high school, writing for the school newspaper and getting accepted into North Chicago Tech on a journalism scholarship. Caitlin still loved to write about inflation in her free time and had been on a recent creative streak, she had published two stories in the last week and had great ideas for the next one that she had been dwelling on all day while in class. Vicky squeezed herself out of the warm confines of the bathroom, her mountainous water-filled breasts making the exit much more difficult than when she had entered. Her hand reached to the bottom of her boobs and found that they were resting below her belly button, had she been inflating herself in the shower for that long? The click of the door signaled that Kelly was home from the weekend, much to her... Caitlin's cell phone chimed suddenly and startled her out of her writing zone. She reached across the table and saw that her boyfriend Jesse had just texted her letting her know that he would be spending another night working in the chemistry lab late and that he'd talk to her tomorrow. "Figures! Does he even care that it's Valentine's weekend?" Caitlin scoffed as Jesse's text. She wrote back wishing him luck and asked if they were still on for their plans the next night. "Of course babe, wouldn't miss it for the world" Jesse replied. Caitlin rolled her eyes and wondered what exactly he was working on in the lab for so long, it had been almost a month and nearly every night he was in the chemistry lab working on his new project. Caitlin thought about their relationship and wondered if it was going where she hoped it would go, Jesse seemed great at first and now it seemed as if he was all-consumed with his work. "Might be nice to be a genius," Caitlin said as she focused back on her latest steamy story. Meanwhile across campus, Jesse was nearing a breakthrough. His passion project that he had worked so hard to keep a secret was nearly complete and he couldn't believe his timing. "If I can get this wrapped up tonight, I can accelerate testing to get this stable much sooner than I thought," he said to no one in particular. It's true, Jesse was a slave to his work, he always had been. He dreamed of discovering the mysteries of the biochemistry, unlocking the secrets of the human body and researching how to improve our species. While Jesse was a little of an idealist, he was also nearly a genius in the field of biochemistry and had already published several research papers, applied for (and received) numerous grants, and was already working on his third patent; all while being 22 years old. However his newest pet project, named ERIN-2217, was born in the vein of many modern improvements; he wanted to impress his woman. 3 Months Ago "Youuu're kindaaa cu-cuuutte" slurred Caitlin as she walked up the steps into her apartment with Jesse's help. Caitlin had been partying that night with some friends who had come into town to visit, one of them had contacted Jesse to come help Caitlin get home safely. "Caitlin, you're an awfully complimentary drunk you know?" Jesse said to his clearly inebriated girlfriend, helping her down the hall toward her room. Caitlin saw the bathroom and made a sudden move to the door, trying to get to the toilet. Jesse helped her to the porcelain throne and held back his girlfriends' long blond hair as she violently expelled the contents of the night into the toilet. He thought about how they met, how he figured he didn't have a chance with this beautiful, creative and outgoing woman who now brightened every area of his life. Jesse helped his girlfriend to her feet and down the hall to her room, he tucked her into bed and kissed her forehead as she was now very asleep. Jesse was gathering her things from his car, her notebooks filled with tales and stories tucked away in her messenger bag. Jesse placed the bag on the couch and one of the notebooks fell out of the bag, he reached down to pick it up and was intrigued by the title of the notebook "Technical Writings". Now Jesse knew Caitlin was a creative free-spirit and wouldn't title a notebook Technical Writings, he knew that he shouldn't but decided that he was far too curious about the notebook to not read what was contained within. He flipped open the notebook and saw various writings in Caitlin's beautiful handwriting, he read a title that didn't seem like it fit with Caitlin's usual writings he had read; Tales by the Balloon Girl. He read through what was written and his eyes went wide with the imagery that his girlfriend painted through her words, he never knew his girlfriend had this side to her. He read sentences like "the balloons rubbed against her massive body, eliciting moans of from the blown up beauty" and " his body steadily growing below her naked body, she bounced against his growing girth producing a cacophony of squeaks from his rubber-like skin". Jesse felt dirty, not because the words on the page but the fact that he had discovered this new side of his beautiful girlfriend without her knowledge. He didn't know what to make of the stories that he read through, but nonetheless, he continued to read until he had read an entire notebook of steamy and sexually explicit stories involving body inflation and breast expansion. He hadn't know that his normally modest girlfriend had this wild streak inside of her, and she had obviously used her considerable talent to produce stories that were...well...pretty sexy. Jesse had to admit it, the thought of his girlfriend writing fetish stories turned him on a little. He heard her roommates walking up the steps to the apartment and quickly stashed away the story-filled notebook before her roommates arrived. Jesse said his goodbyes to Caitlin's roommates, telling them to make sure she drank plenty of water in the morning and made his exit. Rather than going home to his condo, he decided to go to the lab to research a new project that he had thought of during the night. Back to Present Day Jesse had just texted his girlfriend while in the chemistry, opting to finish his three-month passion project in his free time. It was proving to be a strain on his and Caitlin's relationship but he reasoned that the struggle would be worth the pay-off in the end, and with that end in sight he was working late many nights in the lab. If ERIN-2217 was ever going to be successful, he would know tonight after his first live tests. He had run countless computer simulations, constantly checking for anomalies, aberrations, and unfavorable outcomes until he had arrived at the current state of the ERIN substance. Before administering the test to a live subject, he had pulled in a favor and received some limbs from cadavers from a friend of his in the biology department, while this was a shady practice he knew that he would need to test the substance's effect on the epidermis of a human. Jesse loaded the specimen into the chamber and through safety glass administered the substance to the limb, paying close attention to how much of the substance was applied to the sample area. Numerous sensors were producing real-time results on the effect and molecular makeup of the sample area. As the young biochemist applied the sample to the limb, he did not observe any effect that the substance was having on the skin which was not entirely unforeseen, he had theorized that to penetrate the epidermal layers the substance would have to be topically applied and rubbed into the skin. Jesse continued to coat the limb with the substance and now the desired affect was taking place, a slight sheen developed the lifeless limb as the substance began to change the limb at a molecular level. This latest test confirmed his previous tests on inanimate objects and now he was felt as confident as could be expected to proceed with a live subject, and with the only subject with the knowledge of the substance being himself; the choice on who to test the substance on was easier. He knew how cliche it was that a genius scientist would test his secret project on himself, but time was of the essence and he knew the risks associated with the test. The blue-hued substance shimmered while interacting with his forearm, it felt like he had just put a lot of aloe vera on his skin. As he proceeded to rub the substance into his skin, the changes were felt throughout his arm. There was a distinct tingle, followed by a comfortable numbness that within a minute subsided into about the exact opposite; his arm felt everything! Jesse grabbed a pair of tongs and decided to put his skin to the test, pinching his skin between the tongs didn't feel too uncomfortable and as he pulled away from his skin, his eyes went wide with the sight before his eyes. ERIN-2217 was a success! The Next Day Jesse had spent the day recovering from working another late night and was making preparations for that evening at his house just a few blocks from campus. Almost too conveniently, his roommate was going to be on a ski trip in Colorado with his fiancΓ©'s family so he would be gone for the entire weekend. Jesse had talked to Caitlin that morning and apologized for another late night in the lab, but they made plans to do dinner at Jesse's as well as their Valentine's Day gift exchange. Jesse told Caitlin that he wanted the night to be special and offered to cook a meal, Caitlin quickly agreed knowing that Jesse's cooking skills were second to none. Though Caitlin had been miffed about the lack of quality time they had been spending together, she sensed that he was up to something. Jesse spent the day running errands, getting a haircut, picking up food at various stores in preparation for the night ahead. Caitlin on the other hand spent the day in her pajamas doing laundry, catching up on The Bachelor, and writing her latest story. She just knew that it was going to be her best story to date, she wanted to set a high bar for herself when it came to writing for the inflation fetish crowd as she was tired of so many stories with tired plot lines and one-dimensional characters. "The door opened and Kayla appeared saying "would you come in already?" beckoning Sarah inside her house. Sarah walked into the small house and closed the door behind her. The room was dimly lit and Sarah immediately saw that there were some giant balloons filled with helium floating in the living room as well as smaller balloons scattered out on the floor. Kayla came up to her and wrapped her in a tight hug then whispered in Sarah's ear "we can take this as fast as you want, or we can just talk if you'd prefer for now." After lounging around all day, Caitlin finally got ready to go over to Jesse's putting on one of her (and his) favorite outfits while thinking about her story, she wasn't sure why she couldn't get this one out of her head but it's all she could think about. After driving toward campus, she arrived at Jesse's split-level house that he shared with one roommate at the time being. The other roommate, Damian, had just moved out suddenly and the two roommates were still looking for another to take the vacant room. She entered the house to the most wonderful smell, she announced her arrival to Jesse and he came out of the kitchen on the top level of the house to greet her. The two kissed and he helped her out of her heavy winter coat to reveal her beautiful outfit that, turning for him to see the whole outfit. Jesse had a drink ready for her, as he put it "a delightful Cab", and asked her to take a seat on the couch while he finished putting the finishing touches on the meal. As they walked up the stairs, Caitlin noticed that he seemed a little nervous and inwardly laughed at his shyness and his dorky demeanor is one of the things that initially drew Caitlin. She surveyed the room to find a large bouquet of red and pink balloons above the couch with a note hanging from the ribbons of the balloons. "I saw how big these balloons were and thought you'd like them!" Jesse said with heightened excitement. Caitlin smirked as she walked toward the balloons to retrieve the note, saying to herself "if you really knew, you'd be the balloon floating by a string". She read the note, it was a beautiful note about how they had stuck together during a rough season of life and that he loved her very much. Caitlin walked to the kitchen and hugged her boyfriend from behind, nuzzling his shoulder blades and saying how much she loved him too. "Babe, what are we having for dinner it smells incredible!" Caitlin asked. "Well I'm trying a new recipe but we're having black pepper-encrusted new york strip steaks in a red wine reduction sauce with garlic-seared bok choi and polenta." Jesse with an air of pride, knowing that his cooking was almost always on point. "Take a seat at the table, everything is just about ready!" The two sat down and caught up over dinner, enjoying being able to talk without having any pressing deadlines or projects that normally consumed their conversation. After eating dinner and refilling drink again, they moved to the living room where they prepared to exchange gifts. Jesse appeared from down the hall, holding a small box and presenting it Caitlin. Having a good idea what was inside the box, she was overjoyed to find a Mont Blanc pen with several ink refills. Caitlin fished out Jesse's gift from her handbag, a small box accompanied by a small envelope. He opened it to discover an Apple Watch and an Amazon gift card. Both Jesse and Caitlin were feeling very joyous and snuggled on the couch in front of the fireplace for quite some time, just taking in each other's presence and reminding themselves that though the last few months had been strained, their love remained as strong as ever. Jesse excused himself to the bathroom and Caitlin pulled out her iPhone to indulge in one of her favorite activities; scrolling through her Instagram. While Jesse was in the bathroom, she scrolled through her friends Valentine's photos which included many romantic dinner and activities. Hearing Jesse return, Caitlin kept scrolling through Instagram absently hearing Jesse coming back into the room. Jesse was in front of the couch and looked up at the balloons, then looked down at his gorgeous girlfriend and was filled with nervousness. She was scrolling through her feed on her phone, so he doubted that she'd notice his change in appearance. Jesse took hold of one of the giant balloons and bopped Caitlin on the head with it. Without looking up at her screen, she waved her hand around and threatened to pop the balloon if Jesse did that again. Jesse gulped and decided to go for it... "Hey remember doing this as kids?" He untied the balloon and inhaled some of the helium. He laughed in a squeaky voice to pull Caitlin's attention away from her phone but failed to get anything besides a weak acknowledgment of his changed voice. Undeterred, Jesse began to inhale more helium steeled by his girlfriend's lack of attention. He was releasing all the helium into his awaiting mouth, the helium kept entering his mouth as the giant balloon lost its shape. He squeezed the last of the helium from the balloon and exhaled deeply. His body was electric, he hadn't felt this good in years and looked down at his girlfriend for her to look up from her phone. "Oh my god, Ryan and Molly finally got together! Look at the spot her took her too!" Caitlin exclaimed, finally look up at her boyfriend. She immediately dropped her phone on the floor when she saw her boyfriends' appearance. Her eyes went wide, standing before her was her boyfriend but he was big. His skin was shiny and he was big. "OH MY GOOODD!" Jesse knew this was going to be a big surprise and wanted to reassure her that everything was ok, but he found it hard to ignore the amazing sensations pulsing throughout his bloated body. He looked at Caitlin as she slowly got up from the couch and stepped toward him, she cautiously reached out to his white shirt and pressed her hand against his body. A dull squeak emitted from his skin, at which she quickly removed her hand from his body. Jesse breathed deeply through his nose, noting how amazing it felt to be touched. His mind was still reeling from the physical contact when Caitlin pressed both hands against his bloated belly, causing Jesse to shudder in response. "What the hell is going on?" Caitlin said slowly and breathlessly as she examined her bloated stomach. "Caitlin I want to explain everything to you, but I need you to not touch me right now," Jesse said trying to focus as the pleasurable sensations coursed through his veins. "Jesse, what's going on? Are you ok? My god, let's get you to the hospital!" Caitlin was starting to panic. Jesse ignored his girlfriends concern and calmly asked her to sit down. They sat next to each other on the couch and Jesse began to explain everything over the last couple of months to Caitlin, talking about the stories he read, to his research, to exactly how this was even possible. Caitlin experienced a whole range of emotions, her trust felt violated that Jesse had read her private notebook without her knowledge, she felt concern for his well-being, not to mention she felt hurt because Jesse had hidden this knowledge from her for the last few months. Jesse assured her that he did all of it because he discovered this side of her and wanted to support her interests, which caused Caitlin to blush like mad. He told her about how ERIN-2217 affects the molecules after it is rubbed into skin, making it very pliable and not unlike latex rubber but the changes don't stop there, inside the body the bloodstream takes the substance through the body and makes the cells very flexible while forming a barrier around any vital organs. Caitlin looked at him dumbfounded, so Jesse distilled it as best as he could to her. "This substance makes me a human balloon for 12 hours. While I was in the bathroom, I applied the substance to my entire body. I got you the balloons because I wanted to have a fun way to introduce this to you." Jesse said, still trying to reassure his girlfriend. She extended her hand and traced the skin above the collar of his shirt. "I did this for you, for us, because when I read your stories I discovered this hidden part of you that I wanted to get to know." Caitlin was fighting back tears, blushing madly, and was still apprehensive but what Jesse was saying was registering as an act of love. He meant no ill will by reading her stories and had invented a way for him to be a participant in those fantasies. She looked up at his eyes and kissed him hard on the lips. "I love you, Jesse, I love you so much. Don't ever make me worry like that again!" Caitlin said after the lengthy kiss. "There's nothing to worry about babe, I know all the risks and have accounted for everything," Jesse said beaming a goofy smile. Caitlin grabbed another balloon from the bouquet and asked Jesse what another balloon would do to him. As Jesse explained, Caitlin's hand were busy untying the neck of the large balloon. Jesse was explaining every detail of the affect of helium on his body when he found a balloon neck in his mouth expelling its helium down his throat further bloating out his body. He nearly choked in surprise but allowed for Caitlin to inflate him until the balloon was empty. He'd really blown up and having a hard time meeting Caitlin's eye line over his impressive girth that he was gaining all around. "As you can see babe, I'm very much...your balloon! Happy Valentine's Day!" Jesse said as Caitlin was busy untying another balloon readying it to further blow up her balloon boyfriend. "You're amazing Jesse, you are simply amazing. Not only are you a great boyfriend, you're willing to indulge my fetish!" Caitlin said while squeezing the balloons' helium into him. "I can't believe it, you're actually inflating!" No sooner had she finished with the balloon, she was preparing another to fill up Jesse further. "Say, babe, I don't exactly know how big I can get yet, but based on my projections I should be able..." Jesse tried to continue but another balloon was in his mouth and the familiar feeling of helium rushing down his throat into his growing body was again present. He inwardly sighed at just how enthusiastic Caitlin had received the news yet she didn't seem very interested in the science behind ERIN-2217; she only saw a human balloon that needed to be filled. After several balloons, Caitlin noticed that Jesse's feet were starting to leave the floor! "Shit Jesse, you're floating like a balloon!" Caitlin breathlessly said, absently untying the knot in the balloons' neck. "How does it feel to be a balloon hun?" "Wonderful. It feels wonderful. The substance also effects the nervous system and I was able to tap into all of the body's pleasure receptors to make sure the inflatee feels absolute bliss while being inflated." His rounded body was growing very big for the room, and while he didn't have far to float up to the ceiling, it seemed like he was slowly removed from gravity's downward pull. "Babe, you look right now!" Caitlin ran her fingers up and down Jesse's still-inflating body. His clothes had long since been "grown out of" and he relished the feeling of the warm air tickling every inch of his massive body. Caitlin began to remove her clothes while taking in the sight that was her lover, she had never felt more loved or more intimately know in her life and she knew that she would do anything to make Jesse feel loved too. Jesse floated in front of his lover looking very much like a balloon and feeling very much the part as well, the air currents tickling his skin causing him to shut his eyes in pleasure. For the moment Jesse had stopped inflating, his head rested against the ceiling and his shiny round body took up a considerable amount of space in the living room. He felt Caitlin pulling him down and trying to climb up his expansive body, her head slowly cresting into his vision. Balloons in tow, she looked at him with pure delight. The couple stared in each other's eyes for a minute, Caitlin taking in the incredible sight below her as her body weight became on actual ballast for his buoyant boyfriend. She still couldn't believe that Jesse had blown himself up all because he read a notebook full of inflation stories and now she was staring at her very own personal balloon. Caitlin became to trace circles on Jesse's taut skin; admiring the way his skin even squeaked at her touch! Jesse shuddered below his girlfriend trying his best to take in all of the pleasurable feelings of being Caitlin's balloon. "You said that this formula lasts for 12 hours, right?" Caitlin asked with a devilish grin. Her mind running wild with being able to live out her fantasies of having a helium filled boyfriend for the night. Jesse could only groan in affirmation as Caitlin shifted her weight on top of his chest, now straddling the highest crest of his body. Jesse turned his head and realize that they hadn't touched the floor, but were caught in a zero-g dance floating a few feet above the floor. "How is this possible? The balloons didn't have THAT much helium in them?" Jesse asked himself in his mind. He would be doing more research about the properties of ERIN-2217 as soon as he was able to move again which caused him to smile for the meantime he was in the care of his loving girlfriend. He felt Caitlin bounce a few times on top of him, rolling his eyes to the back of his head. "Jesse, you're so thoughtful! I always wanted a balloon ride for Valentine's Day!"
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation
The shrouded figure approached walked down the long, cracked sidewalk, stepping over the exposed old oak roots. St. Ignuitius's was just up ahead. the shrouded figure stopped under one of the suburban street lights, passed by a thick mist. Shortly after, it was knocking at the door. Commotion could be heard from inside. After a short wait, the door creaked open. "Are you the one we called?" asked an old nun. The shrouded figure pulled off the hood to reveal the short blonde hair of a girl wearing a preacher's collar. "Yes Ma'am." said the exorcist. "My name's Reilly Stevenson." she said offering a hand to shake. The nun was taken back. "Listen... it's bad enough we can't get a Catholic priest to ordain an exorcism, but we sent for a Reverend Michaels." she argued, shutting the door behind her. Reilly looked around to see she wasn't the only nun there. Another two flanked her as she took of her coat. "Reverend Michaels had a heart attack this morning. I'm his protege. I've accompanied him on three exorcisms. I know what I'm doing." said Reilly with great seriousness. The nun sighed and slowly accepted. "I'm Sister Grace. And this is Sister Bethany and Sister Margret. We only called you out of the severity of this matter. Not a word to anyone about doing this. If word got out.." started Sister Grace. "So where's the problem?" asked Reilly. "Upstairs." said Sister Margret, a redhead about Reilly's age, if not a little younger. "You see, it all started yesterday... with our field trip to the city." She started to lead Reilly up the stairs. The other two nuns followed. "One of our students, Karyn, strayed from the group. We don't know what happened but after we got back, she said she had a tummyache and went straight to bed. We didn't think of it as much until this morning. She said her clothes felt tight and that she was really gassy. We took her to the doctor's where she got a clean bill of health. Her weight, blood work, everything was normal. But once we entered the school again, she started to..." "What?" asked Reilly. "Grow?" The nun turned and nodded. "She looked like she was swelling up like a balloon." said Sister Bethany. She was in her late forties, a shade younger than Sister Grace, but rather balloonish herself in a hefty sort of way. "We brought her to her bed and left her there with some of the other girls. But she kept growing bigger and bigger. She is still able to speak, well last time i checked. But she has no control over what's happening to her body. It has to be the work of Satan himself." Sister Margret was on the verge of tears. "No. Not really." said Reilly. The nun looked back for an explanation but only got silence. They reached the top of the stairs to see all the girls standing outside of a door and peering in. "Veronica!" shouted Sister Grace. "Didn't I tell you to stay by Karyn's side?" "I'm sorry, Sister but... she started to... grow again and I thought she might burst." Sister Grace peered into the girls' room past the fearful black-haired teenager with the lithe body and ample schoolgirl breasts. "That's nonsense. You mustn't talk about your classmate in such a way. Especially at a time like... Oh In Sweet Jesus's name!" She hollered. Reilly pushed in thru the crowd of girls in their nightgowns to the door past the paralyzed nun. She walked into the room, the three nuns reluctantly following behind her. The girls shut the door, acting as though the hallway would act as the perfect bomb shelter should the girl 'go off'. Reilly surveyed the dark room, light from the street lights below gave a dim view of the surroundings. There were two rows of beds on either side, like a typical boarding school set up. But on one of the beds laid a girl. Or at least she probably was a girl. She was so swollen and full of air, it was hard to tell. A blanket covered only the top half of her incredibly swollen body without wrinkling. She must've heard them enter the room because her hands and feet jiggled in anticipation, her body swollen out to her wrists and ankles. "Who.......?" she moaned softly. Reilly grit her teeth at little as the girl's face, with monstrously puffed out cheeks came into clearer view. This was the worst case she'd ever seen. But she wasn't going to tell the tearful blue eyes peering out over swollen cheeks. She looked over at a nightstand to see a picture of the girl with a dog. This one was skinny as a rail, if not skinnier, with blonde hair and big blue eyes. Those two things were the only give away that this was the same girl. "She's gotten a lot worse..." Sister Bethany whispered, stating the obvious. You could tell she was trying to keep Karyn from hearing her but the girl was only possessed, not deaf. "Help....... me?" asked the girl with a coo. There was the high pitched hiss, like the noise of air being sucked thru a straw. Her eyes grew heavier with fear. "No... No..." she said, kicking her feet and flapping her hands. She could only lie there helplessly as her body grew larger. "Well aren't you going to exorcise?" asked Sister Margret, tears dripping out of her eyes. Reilly looked back at the girl, getting larger by the second. "Oh... no......... burst.... burst!" she groaned. "By the power of our savior, Christ the Almighty..." she started, holding up a cross. The growing slowed to a halt and the girls hands and feet drooped. Reilly could see reilef beset the girl's squinting eyes. Then it started happening again, and faster, with more pressure. She made a yelping noise as she got rounder. She was starting to look to be about the size of a compact car. Reilly growled and placed the metal cross she carried up against the girl's swollen side. Her tender belly rocked a little, feeling the cold metal cross against her skin. But the growing stopped and suddenly a mist steamed up over the girl. A bestial growl echoed out of the girl with the steam and both the mist and echo dissipated into thin air. "Is it gone?" asked Sister Grace, taking cover from Karyn's swollen-to-almost-bursting body. "For now." said Reilly. "But the demon isn't banished completely. We've got to keep our wits about us. What we have here is an elemental demon. One akinned to the air. It enters the body of its victim, usually young females, and alters the victim in certain ways. Air demons prefer to do this to their victims, swelling them up like this. It passed on, but it's probably looking for another victim righ now." Karyn flapped her hands and feet demonstratively, her body so large she could hardly do much else. "So it left her body?" asked Sister Margret. "But will she stay like this?" Karyn's body bobbed, trying to hear Reilly's body over her own heartbeat. "Not permanently." She said, and turned to the inflated schoolgirl. "Give it a few days and you'll deflate again to your normal size, although you might retain a little bit here and there ." The girl wasn't happy about the response she got. "But why?" asked Sister Grace. "Why fill them with air?" "Do they fill their victims till they burst?" asked Sister Bethany. "They prefer to just humiliate the victim. They feed off that and the fear. If a girl thinks she'll pop, she'll get frightened. But sometimes... their victims don't scare to easy and the demons try to compensate by making them larger... until..." said Reilly with a half sneer. She turned back to Karyn, taking deep exhales, trying to get the air out of her faster. "So what happened to you in the city, hon?" She reluctantly started to moan her story. "Vendors... man there... had pretty... neck...lace." strained the swollen schoolgirl forcefully trying to speak. Reilly saw her left hand pointing between rubs of her tender sides. She saw a golden locket near the picture of her minus the air. "Felt....... funny... when...... I.... bought.... it!" "What is it?" asked Sister Margret. "A satanist's medallion?" "It's a necklace. Probably held the demon." She looked up at Margret. "You see, sometimes, a trained exorcist can imprison the demon into something if they can't banish it. This demon is pretty powerful. An exorcist probably sent it into the locket. When she opened it to inspect it... Blammo!" Sister Margret nodded. Reilly turned back to Karyn, blowing air again. "All you're going to do by doing that is run out of breath!" smiled Reilly. "Now you've been a trooper this whole time... but you just need to be patient, okay?" The girl looked as though she was trying to nod, but with her middle being swollen up past the edge of her chin, it wasn't feasible for her to. Reilly smiled. "Don't let... it... fill...... others....!" she moaned softly. Reilly gave a thumbs up as she started away. "So we just leave her here like that?" asked Sister Margret. "Sisters Grace and Bethany can take care of her. She'll be fine as long as the demon doesn't reenter her." She walked thru the door back to the fluorescent hallway, blinking her eyes to adjust. "Well where are you going? You said it's still on the loose!" "And it is... What I'm looking for is a library, some place where I can find medieval literature. We might find out more about this demon." She held onto the locket. "We have old books downstairs." said Sister Margret. Seeing the exorcist leave the room, the girls hesitantly started to make their way into the room again. "It's gone girls and after a few days, Karyn will be back to her normal size.!" said Sister Grace. "Now get your sleep." she commanded. Everyone was too busy staring at Karyn, keeping their distance because of her body's tension. "Is she fat? What made her so big?" one of the girls asked. "Why don't you poke her and find out, dared one of the others. Veronica just sighed, hoping they all could just get some peace now. "Is this what you need?" asked Sister Margret. She opened the basement door to a vault like room. Inside, nothing but books. "It's a sort of depository i guess but there's old books and bibles and stuff in here too." Reilly looked around. That weird twingey smell of wet, mildewed paper struck her noise. "Great! Let's start looking! Gather all the oldest books first!" said Reilly, already peering thru a stack of dusty, cobweb ridden books. Upstairs, as the nuns left the room, Veronica slowly got onto her bed. She peered over at the large, round silhouette of what Karyn had ballooned into. She couldn't believe that the swollen mass was once one of her bestfriends. She felt horrible about not being by her side to help comfort her but the girl looked ready to burst! That's when she heard a cackle. It was a loud echo. It seemed as though she was the only one that heard it. She jumped out of her bed and looked around. That's when she heard the laughter again and it sounded to be outside, at street level. She looked but nothing was there. Shrugging, she lowered into bed again. She pulled her nightgown off and laid on her comforter, relaxing in the cool drafty breeze. She sighed as she snuggled in and tried to get comfortable. She saw Karyn's giant swollen form bob a little. She rolled over, not trying to think about all that had happened. She snuggled again and laid there as the cold draft breezed over her body. She sighed one more time and shut her eyes to go to sleep. That's when she felt a little funny. She couldn't describe it any better than a cool fullness deep inside her. She sighed and put it off as nothing. Just then, she felt her skin starting to press against her nightie andpanties' straps. Wait! A fullness? She doubletaked but it was too late. "Here it is..." said Margret. A picture of the locket adorned the old, yellowed page of the archaic book. "I can't believe that it's in here." "You'd be surprised." said Reilly, running over from her stack of books to see what Sister Margret had found. The library was old, dusty, and dimly lit, creepy in its own right, despite the fact that there was an air demon on the loose. "So what does it say?" "Remoth's Locket. Used by Bishop Jean Michel Bordeaux to imprison the powerful air demon Ganone after the latter took an entire French countryside under siege in 1464. It says here that by the time he was done, every young woman in about 8 villages had been filled with air until almost bursting." "And my guess is that after what, 537 years, the bastard's probably royally pissed off." Smirked Reilly. Margret was appalled that anybody of the cloth could speak like Reilly did. "He's not the first air demon I've seen though." "Were you successful?" asked Margret. "Well it was Reverend Michaels that performed it. And I guess you could call it successful." "Wait!" said Margret. "Guess?" "We were able to lock the demon into a music box, but the victim... wel... I don't want to talk about..." "A-A-A-AIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" The two jetted up the stairs, Sister Margret concentrating on not tripping over her long dress. "It came from the first girls' room" said Bethany, joining them in the grand hall as they ran up the stairs. Reilly burst into the room, all the girls were huddled in the corner, except for Karyn of course, too big to move even the slightest. And Veronica, writhing on her bed and clenching at her middle, looking the tiniest bit puffy. "Help... something... inside of me!" she whelped. Reilly and the nuns slowly approached, Reilly reached for her crucifix. "Just stay calm!" said Reilly. "But you said that if the victim doesn't react, the demon makes them bigger until they explode!" screamed Sister Bethany. Veronica only screamed louder as her swollen sides began to pull at the seams of her nightgown. Reilly grit her teeth. "But the more they do scream, the demon gets stronger!" "Help me... plea-" The girl's cries were cut off with a squeak by the bulging of her cheeks like she was concealing balloons in each one. In a smooth motion, the inflation continued down towards her middle and with one large pop, the girl was half the size of the fully-inflated Karyn. Her arms and legs, all the shape of soft cones were thrown out, the pressure stretching her into a spread eagle position. Margret gasped. She glanced over at Karyn, kicking and wailing. She couldn't get away, so filled with air. She could barely watch Veronica swell out of the corner of her eye. "Do something! Help her!" cried Bethany.Other girls from other rooms came running. Reilly glanced down at Veronica, her panties and nightie pulled tight against her bulging flesh. She began to pray again. Veronica only screamed, the pressure becoming more intense. She was filling up and faster than Karyn ever had. She was growing rounder and her panties couldn't take much more. Reilly kept praying but nothing seemed to work. The girl's screams and coos and moans only made the demon stronger inside of her. With a pop, they flung off of her and drooped over one of the hanging fluorescent lamps. The girl flapped her arms in embarrassment, looking as though she was trying to cover herself, which was impossible now, seeing how her arms were swollen up to her elbow in firm, round cones. "Help..." pleaded the swelling Veronica. Reilly prayed but the demon was growing too strong for prayer alone. Veronica rounded out. Her cheeks were so puffy it became hard for her to open her mouth. Her nightie burst off next, the swollen cheeks taking on a reddish blush color. Reilly got impatient. She took the crucifix and planted it firmly on Veronica's side, just as she had to Karyn. With a screech, the demon left in a mist, leaving Veronica just a hair smaller than Karyn. The two girls bobbed there hands and feet as the mist dissipated into the darkness. The demon was on the loose again. "Why aren't you banishing it?!" screamed Sister Bethany. Reilly pushed by her without answering. "It's getting too strong, too fast. I'll have to imprison it back into the necklace or something!" said the distraught exorcist. Sister Margret delicately brushed the girl's jet black bangs over her ears, lord knowing the girl could no longer reach them herself. "Don't worry!" said Margret. "You're not going to pop! You're going to be fine!" Veronica still cried. And she cried louder when the echo of laughter shook the room like an Earthquake. "Shit!" screamed Reilly, Veronica's panties slipping off the light onto her head. The same hanging lights sparked, temporarily lighting the room and suddenly, a mist-like figure swooped from the ceiling, heading straight for the crowded flock of schoolgirls in pajamas. They all screamed. Some were able to jump out of the way, others were frozen by fear and the demon passed thru them like a cool breeze. A breeze that made whatever it touched puff the slightest bit. Girls clenched at their breasts and hips, feeling them get wider and rounder. Reilly chased the demon as it swooped thru the wall and out into the hallway. Girls ran everywhere, trying to escape it. Their panic made it look like the cast of a Godzilla movie, some of them with swollen bellies and breasts and others with swollen hips, thighs and ass, making them trip and spill across the hallway. Reilly continued her pursuit as the demon cut thru the walls. She skidded on her heels around a corner. It was one of those hallways that intersected with other hallways down the stretch. But Reilly knew that the demon could jump out around one of those corners and possess her. "Help... Help me please!" screamed a girl with short brown hair. She crawled out from around the first corner, her face drenched with tears. Reilly approached. "What's the matt... whoa..." Reilly looked down to see the girl's ass swollen , her panties so tight, they were giving her an atomic wedgie defcon 2. The demon had left her, but left her ass massive, each cheek about twice the size of your average volleyball. There was another scream up the hallway. "Just take it easy!" said Reilly, jumping over the massively assed girl. "Please come back.. Don't leave me here... not like... this...." said the girl, crawling along the ground, her ass cheeks bobbled and jiggled, rubbing against the two walls of the adjacent hallway. She could only whine. "...Oh!" "Halt, demon!" she said, waving her cross. She ran down another corner and heard heavy breathing. The dead ended hallway lead to a door. She tested it, thinking the scream came from inside. "Open up!" she poinded. "Is... someone down... there...?" asked a gasping voice. She looked up behind her to see a girl, her massive breasts stuck between the walls, both larger than the last girl's ass cheeks. Reilly had to back up completely against the door to see over the massive mams and catch a glimpse of the girl's face. "I ran.... I felt it... touch me..It made me float....then my breasts started to blow up like balloons... I'm stuck... And it's... oh god... I feel it in me again! Oh! Oooooh! Feeling... so full..." Reilly watched as the rest of the girl's body began to catch up with her tits. Hips, thighs... everything started to inflate and the girl started to gain a belly as her midsection pushed out and made her grow larger. Reilly fiddled with the door but it was locked. The girl swelled larger and rounder. Her sides squeaked like a rubber balloon as they pressed against the walls. Because of being squeezed, the air inside of her grew in a displaced fashion, her belly pushing downwards. The demon was using this girl to trap Reilly. "So... full..." winced the gigantic schoolgirl as she grew large, her face falling out of Reilly's view.Reilly had to make her move or she was going to be trapped. "Help! Help!'.Reilly rolled under the girl's dropping belly and dodged the flapping cone like appendages that had once been her legs..The girl stopped growing. Reilly sensed the demon leaving her and looking for another victim. She thought it was toying with her, not swelling her up like one of them because it was playing a game with her. Reilly ran back trying to intercept it before reaching the girls back in the first hallway. She ran and forgot about the girl with the swollen ass. Reilly saw the mist hit her and watched as her ass began to swell and block the way thru. Reilly jumped over, landing in a somersault on the other side of the squealing girl with the beyond-massive ass. She laid there for a second, trying to catch her breath. That's when she saw a mist build up in front of her face. The features of a bestial human head started to form. "Ganone I presume?" The laughter echoed with a rumble and the fog wisped down the hallway. She jumped to her feet and followed after it. There was another scream as an inflating black girl flailed her arms as her belly grew bigger. She stumbled down into an adjacent corridor and Reilly jumped to help the poor girl. "Weaken, damn you!" she said, pressing the cross against the girl's belly. The mist spiraled away thru the wall and the girl wailed as Reilly chased after the mist. Further down a hallway, a short, latina girl hid in a broom closet, figuring it'd be the safest place for her..She took a deep breath as suddenly, the door began to steam. But it wasn't steam. She'd seen that very same vapor leave the two swollen girls; that was the demon . She was cornered. All she could do now was scream. "That was Angel!" said Sister Margret, catching up with Reilly as she reached the main hallway again. "Sounded like it was from the closet!" Reilly ran and opened the door. She narrowly dodged the cleaning equipment and shelving units being pushed out at her. She looked up to see the puffy cheeks of the hispanic girl begging for her help. The demon Ganone had made her swell up so large, she was actually taking up the whole broom closet! And she kept growing, her body starting to crack the door frame around her. Reilly pounded the cross into the girl's bloated girth lower in the door frame. The demon hazed away and Reilly tried to comfort the massively swollen girl, her head pressing out of the closet and her inflated flesh bulging around the doorway. "Um!" stuttered Margret. "Reilly?" Reilly turned to see the mist spiraling around the redheaded nun. "Just take it easy, Margret!" warned Reilly. Just then, the mist flew into her at the navel, knocking her a step back, and making her vail fall to the floor. "Oh... It's starting to... Oh... I feel so full!" she winced, rubbing her middle. She was puffing up but it wasn't easy to make out under her black robe. "Get rid of it while it's busy... inflating me... quick!" screamed the ballooning nun, her belly bulging out to look like she was going to give birth. Her hands rubbed at her swelling growth, trying to soothe the soreness from all of the swelling. Reilly started praying. "Oh father who art in Heaven..." "In the name of the father... the son..." both began to pray at the same time. "It's working!" screamed Margret. Catching her off guard that split second, the beast pushed more air into her. Margret shrieked in fear, she had to! Reilly continued to stay focused and pray, but Margret's squealing made it more powerful. Reilly was running out of options. That was why she did what she did. As Margret swelled and rolled on the lower half of her belly, Reilly threw the locket around her neck. "Hey... stupid demon pussie piece of shit! I fingerbanged yout mother!" she said, trying to get the beast's attention. Margret spun around uncontrollably, her body rounding out to her wrists as she bacame as wide as she was tall. "Sad little hellspawn... all you can do is make girls puffy. Weak little pussyshit!" screamed Reilly. Margret looked appalled but her fac expressed the surprise of the growth stopping and the demon leaving her. The mist swirled around inside her and out her mouth, the most unpleasant thing she'd ever experienced, ever. "Aw... come on... I know you wanna taste me!" Margret winced out of Reilly's words alone. She watched as the Demon Ganone swirled into Reilly's body. Margret could only watch, swollen on top of her own belly to the point of sheer immobilization. She started to feel her body come under a tingling pressure. She winced and started to grow. Only a little at first but it started to gain momentum, like the initial breath into a balloon she thought. She began to pray again and focus on vanquishing the demon. The growth picked up. She felt herself get rounder and larger, the cloth of her clothes getting pulled tighter with each passing second. She focused though. As all the schoolgirls and nuns still able to move crowded around her, she continued to chant her prayers, her hands around the both the locket and the crucifix at the same time. But as her body grew, it became harder and harder for her to keep her hands clasped in prayer. Her melon-sized breasts squeezed themselves larger between her wrists. With loud pops, the buttons of her pants and blouse started to burst off of her in sequential order. But her thoughts were fixated on finishing the prayer. That's when she started to feel the demon get weaker. It wasn't leaving her like she'd hoped, trying to, banish it completely but it definitely started to loose some of its power to her prayers. As the last button shot off her, the growth stopped and she let out a sigh. "It's over!" she smiled. "Everything should be okay now!" smiled Reilly to Sister Grace. Everyone who was still capable of moving was there to see her off. Poor Margret and some of the other girls had to be rolled to their beds and they were going to be there a few days, at least until the air started to leave their bodies. She opened the door. After such a brutal night, the birds chirped perkier than usual. "You know who to call though if anything else goes wrong, right?" "Yes and thank you again, Reilly. God Bless." "You too!" smiled Reilly, turning to walk out the door. She took a deep breath and pushed herself into the doorway. "Hrrrrmgggh.... Hrngh!" she grunted. "Are you going to be okay... like that?" asked Sister Bethany with an hidden smirk. "I'll be fine." smiled Reilly, grunting again as she tried to press herself thru the threshold. After capturing Ganone inside of her, she realized that she'd never be able to deflate herself again as long as the demon was trapped inside her. She'd have to contend with her new, rounder shape for quite sometime. Since all her other clothes were in tatters, the nuns lent her one of their robes and she wore it like a tight muumuu. With an audible pop, Reilly finally squeezed her swollen self out of the doorway and hesitantly lowered herself down the stairs in front of the school. She felt like a blimp, her body rounded out to her ankles and elbows. but at least the demon wouldn't be victimizing anybody else for a while. The schoolgirls and two mobile nuns all waved to her. As she took a few waddling steps towards the bus stop, her bulging arms waving to keep balance. Her thighs would rub as she shuffled along, making the rubber balloon squeaks she'd expect them to make. She thought about it. Being so full of air wasn't so bad. She could get used to it and could possibly find herself enjoying it. Sure, she was bigger, slower, and one hell of a lot less agile, but she could have some serious fun like this. She just had to be creative. Her next stop would be the hospital to see Reverend Michaels. He'd be shocked to see her like this and probably have another heart attack, but on that same note, applaud her for her resourcefulness. She panted as she reached the bus stop and rubbed her massive sides as best she could reach. She noticed the other people waiting there staring at her. She thought she could feel two teenaged girls poking at her backside. She waddled in place to turn and face them. They both looked scared of her, afraid that she'd yell at them. She smirked at them and turned again. That's when the two girls started to feel a strange sort of pressure deep inside of them. Reilly just hoped she'd fit on the bus okay. And sighed over a good night's work.
allergy, floating, Prose that Blows 5 - Taboo (2011)
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Mary shivered in the brisk autumn air as she jogged down the path. She knew that most people would think she was nuts for being outside in such flimsy attire. But she liked the exercise, the crisp evening atmosphere, and the solitude of the lake behind her home. And when she met a cute guy on the path, she liked showing off her shapely body in this tight leotard. Distracted by the cold and by her music player, Mary let her guard down. And so, when a bee landed on the back of her neck, a moment's hesitation was all it took for her to get stung. Mary froze in her tracks, her heart racing. She knew from experience that her allergy would flare up in moments. Indeed, she could already feel her chest tingling as the reaction took hold. She only had a few minutes to get back to her house, all the way on the other side of the lake! As fast as her legs would carry her, Mary took off back down the path. As she ran, she felt the tingling sensation pour down her torso, spreading through her hips, and flowing into her thighs. Seconds later, the pressure began. Her breasts stopped jiggling and firmed up with gas. Her neckline slowly dipped from modest to plunging as pale, creamy flesh bulged out the top. Mary shuddered, covering her blossoming bosom with her arms as the chilly air caressed it. Soon, Mary's condition spread to her lower body. Her butt and abdomen rounded out, their tumescent curves filling with yet more gas. Her protruding belly ate up what little slack the tight fabric had to spare, and she grimaced as the leotard bit deeply into her crotch and billowing backside. Mary found herself constantly having to readjust her gait. Every time she picked up some decent speed, her hips widened, or her inner thighs starting bouncing off each other, and she had to slow down and sort herself out before she lost her balance. Halfway home, Mary couldn't even run anymore – her thickening thighs were so turgid that she could barely bend them. After some experimentation, she found she could skip reasonably well; the springiness of her pressurized legs practically launched her into each step. She kept overshooting her mark and flying off the path, though, which slowed her down even more. And, worryingly, every skip seemed to send her higher and higher into the air. The lake was situated at the bottom of a depression in the earth, and a set of stairs led up to her backyard. At this point, Mary could no longer lift her legs, so tightly were they packed with pneumatic force. By standing on one tiptoe, she was barely able to get her other foot on the next step. Beads of sweat ran down her forehead, and she nervously bit her lower lip, as she felt her body getting lighter by the second. Just when she had cleared the final step, a sudden gust of wind sailed right into her. Mary screamed in sheer terror, pinwheeling her arms, as she was plucked from the ground and sent flying out over the lake! Looking down, she saw only the gaping chasm of her cleavage; she didn't know whether she was rising or falling. After what seemed like an eternity, she heard a faint splashing sound, and felt a soft sensation beneath her feet. After a moment of confusion, Mary realized, to her astonishment, that she was literally standing on the surface of the water! She also noticed at this point that the tingling sensation had abated – her allergic reaction was finally over. Mary was wracked by sobs of relief that she wasn't going to float away. Soon, however, she found that she was in a different sort of trouble. Her shoes had no traction on the lake's surface, and she couldn't get her feet down far enough to tread water. Not many people used this jogging path, and the wind didn't come down the depression, either. Finding herself stranded in the middle of the lake, Mary decided to make the best of things and listen to her music player. As she was fiddling with the controls, her boobs burst forth from the overstressed spandex, knocking the device from her hands. She made a clumsy grab for it, but it slipped between her fingers. And as her ballast sank to the murky bottom, Mary rose slowly into the colorful dusk sky.
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
"Whoa...OK, it's starting." It had taken months, but at last, we'd found the answer. A strange concoction of the lighter chemicals of the periodic table had resulted in what could be modern science's (and plastic surgery's) biggest coup -- a formula that could inflate the female breast, much like a balloon. While it added no additional weight to the body, it did alter its appearance from within. Carrie was a coed with a keen interest in science, but beyond that, as one of the less-endowed on campus, she was eager to take a risk if it meant a better self-image. So far, however, the risk had been slight and our work had progressed without incident -- no pain, little discomfort, and almost immediate (if not permanent or terribly dramatic) results. And this was our final test. Carrie had just downed the formula and taken her place on the examination table. Clad in shimmering spandex, she looked stunning, but since our relationship had remained professional to this point, I could hardly have commented now. Besides, the outfit was more than merely cosmetic -- lycra allowed room for the expansion. Her suit also contained computerized sensors to gauge the growth accurately. And now, the growth was starting. "OK, Carrie...just talk to me." Slowly, but definitely, her breasts began to expand before my eyes. As incredible as the process was, I still had to get feedback. "It seems fine," she responded, a tad short of breath, "feels normal. What's the density on this one again?" "Ten." "A 'perfect' ten?" she smiled. For a moment, I thought it meant something. "You could say that," I mumbled, trying not to reveal anything. "But please," I replied more audibly, "this is science." I glanced up at her. Her chest was swelling slowly, but evenly, with a barely audible intermittent hissing sound as the gasses reacted inside her body. I had to admit, this was more than a scientific experiment -- this was a miracle. The computer reported her size as just below the projected goal. "We're close to the target...OK, 36 C. That's it." And she was a *perfect* 36 C -- full, round and firm. Utterly amazing. Despite my better wishes, I felt myself stiffen. "How does it feel?" "Well, it doesn't hurt, but going to ten's not entirely comfortable...or dormant. It's still going." "That's fine; there might be a little run-on," I hypothesized. "Um, this isn't run-on. It's not even slowing down." She was right -- her chest was still swelling steadily. "Well, ten was stronger than we've tried before. I wouldn't worry." "Well, I would! *Look* at me!" She started to sound panicky, and looked physically uncomfortable. The readouts registered a 40 D, and I realized things might actually be speeding up. "Something is wrong!" "The chemicals aren't stopping...the gases are still reacting and increasing. Just hold on!" I could hear the hissing, louder and no longer intermittent, along with the impatient beeps of the computer. And Carrie was fast becoming enormous -- she had swollen to a 44 DD, and with her slight frame, looked like she might topple over...or float away. "Stop it!" She was crying now, and I was desperately trying to figure out what was going wrong. "I don't understand...the ratio remained the...oh my God." It was then I realized that the terrible error was mine. In my hastily scrawled notes, I'd misinterpreted one zero as two--the intensity of this experiment would not end at ten, but one hundred! I was startled by a different, higher-pitched hissing noise that broke my concentration from my notes. With horror, she gazed at her right arm as it, too, slowly began to inflate. Her left arm soon joined in, and for a moment, it seemed her chest had slowed somewhat, as if the same air were distracted and eager to invade a new area of the body. But it was undeniable: her entire upper torso was now filling with air! "Do something!" she shrieked, but I was at a loss for words, let alone action. What I was seeing was beyond my control and my imagination. Her lycra shimmered as it was almost maliciously being stretched further and further by the ever-increasing pressure. A few seconds later, her hips and thighs began to distend, slowly swelling at will. Only certain parts of Carrie's body were being affected; since I didn't even know how it was happening, I couldn't explain the seemingly random selection. I quickly gathered my wits and switched from analytical thought to emergency, irrational-situation logic. I'd created this serum, and therefore I could theoretically un-create it. The elements have a delicate balance, and what I needed now where the right chemical numbers to restore that balance -- if not reverse the process! Carrie's severely exaggerated hourglass shape only expanded further as moments passed. By now, the instruments were screaming wildly of an already too-obvious danger, and Carrie joined in with her own halting shrieks. Her face screwed up in a wince of torment. Her arms had blown up to six inches in diameter, her hips had swollen out voluptuously, her legs were being pushed apart with increasing inflated force, and her breasts...her breasts nearly defied description. Carrie clutched at her now- 56-inch chest clumsily with her rounded arms, as if somehow restricting her bosom would reverse the process. Instead, her arm sprung back to her side, larger than it had been when she first moved it. Her body continued to take on more and more pressure, pumping itself up with an unseen, volatile gas. "Do something!" she cried. "I'm blowing up all over!" Sloppily I poured concoctions into different beakers, hoping to stumble upon the proper antidote. I turned away from my work as stitches began to pop and Carrie began to crack. She was definitely inflating more rapidly, and more uncomfortably. She seemed to be bracing herself for an inevitable explosion that simply would not come. The computer in the corner flashed its current "SHUTDOWN" state ominously, but that didn't improve Carrie's situation -- it only meant we'd no longer be able to track just how big she'd swollen. I heard her gasp as the weakened stitches that joined her suit's left arm to the torso gave way. As her clothing grew tighter and tighter, Carrie thrashed as much as she could to resist the intense pressure from within. As the haunting hissing filled the room, I fiddled with the test tubes until I found what I was looking for -- a basic compound that could slow any chemical process and, depending on the circumstances, bring about its reversal. I only hoped as I rushed to Carrie with a beaker and poured the concoction into her open mouth. She swallowed uncomfortably, and made a terrible face at the taste, but managed to nod slightly to show that it was making its way down beneath her basketball-sized bosom. I still had no idea what the new potion's effects would be. A release in pressure? An increase? No change? We didn't have to wait long for results. Carrie's eyes shot wide open, and her jaw shuddered. I watched as shivers shot through her rapidly inflating body. Whatever was happening inside her body was intense; Carrie was obviously not in control of it, but was fighting it all the way. Suddenly, with renewed vigor, I watched as the inflation actually increased. "Oh God, I'm getting bigger!" Carrie squealed, as her chest blew up quickly under the effects of the second wind and her hips ballooned to immense proportions. Quickly, her distended arms, bulbous thighs, voluptuous hips and truly enormous chest swelled to their absolute limit. "I can't take the pressure!" she gasped. "I'm too big! I'm going to pop!" My solution had failed. She had blown up just like a balloon, and I was now sure that she would simply burst like one. Then, as Carrie let out a scream, the brave remaining stitches that held her lycra suit together all were broken with one muffled pop. But as her clothes finally tore away from her tortured body, I heard a different kind of hissing -- not one of air being forced into a smaller area, but one of...release! I watched in equal disbelief as Carrie started to slowly deflate-- why or how the air was escaping was as mysterious as the rest of the entire episode. Still lying on her back, she craned her neck to watch as her arms contracted, while the pressure in her chest subsided. She laughed out of nerves and began to cry slightly,but I realized she would be otherwise okay; apparently, before the antidote took effect, her condition had to get worse before it got better. Her once-swollen body now steadily returned to normal proportions. Soon Carrie was able to sit up; as she did, she saw the last of the swelling disappear from her thighs and hips. She eased herself off the table and ran to me, throwing her naked arms around me, sobbing. And as she did, I felt her breasts press against me. I realized that they were, in fact, larger than when we'd started, and that the harrowing ordeal had actually given her the bosom she longed for. "Carrie," I stammered, "it's alright. I'm so sorry. You're safe now. There will be no more experiments. Look." I pushed her away gently so she could inspect herself. She smiled and laughed through her tears, and hugged me again. "It's over," I said softly, and drew her close. And then I thought I heard a slight hiss...but I could have been mistaken.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Ashley was beautiful. Five foot six with a well sculpted body and noticeably inviting breasts. She was one who loved to flaunt her looks by wearing shirts at least two sizes too small. And when none of those could be found, she'd wear a t-shirt, and tie a hoody around her waist in order to pull the bottom of the T down past it and make it tight. Today, it was cold; Ashley was wearing a hoody rather than using it as an accessory. She also wore some navy sweat pants. The hood lay across her shoulders, bouncing cutely as she walked. Watching not too far away was a girl by the name of Hillary. Hillary wasn't what you'd call overly attractive. She made it through the day simply keeping her spirits up with jokes. She was the type to make fun of herself rather than let teasing get to her. But when Ashley talked to her, it bothered her deeply. In such a way that Hillary wanted revenge. Ashley spied Hillary and walked over to her, knocking her books from her arms, "Oops, sorry about that, freak." Hillary glared at Ashley, starting to growl. Ashley laughed and walked off. Gathering up her things Hillary muttered to herself, "One of these days... I'll show her what a freak is. I'll show her she's the freakiest thing to hit Mayfield High school..." Suddenly, Hillary got an idea. Biology was next period, followed by lunch. Hillary knew Ashley and herself were in the same lunch period. Hillary went off to Biology, a plan in mind. Lunch started off without a hitch. Ashley, sitting with her close circle of cheerleader friends, was gossiping, and didn't notice when Hillary strode by and sprinkled something onto Ashley's French fries. Hillary then moved on to her table and folded her hands with a smirk. She watched Ashley intently. Ashley ate her fries and continued to gossip. After lunch was Algebra, this time Hillary wasn't in the same class as Ashley, but she didn't worry, not at all. "Miss Preda, can you tell me why you're late to class?" said Mrs. Iacco as Ashley strode casually into Algebra five minutes late. Ashley had simply been gossiping in the hall. She gave a shrug and pranced to her desk. About five minutes into class, Ashley felt strange. Oh man... she thought. I thought my period wasn't until next week. She made a face as her stomach did flip flops. Ashley shot her hand into the air and asked to use the bathroom. When permission was granted, she hurried from the room. As Ashley headed down the hall, she had to stop, she was simply to nauseous to make it any farther. Leaning against a wall, Ashley placed a delicate hand to her tummy. An odd feeling came over her. Looking down, Ashley's eyes widened. Her stomach began to feel full. She hadn't eaten -that- much had she? Rubbing her tummy with her hand she waited for the feeling to go away, but it didn't. Instead it got worse. Ashley let out a groan of discomfort. Then something strange happened. Ashley watched with surprise as her tummy started to get bigger. She blinked to make sure she wasn't imagining it but low and behold, her tummy was filling up like a balloon. She put her hands on her tummy, feeling them being pushed away as it became a belly. She looked several months pregnant and was still expanding. "W...what's happening to me?!" she exclaimed in a frightened tone. Frozen by fear, Ashley just stared as her belly grew fat with god knows what. It was the size of a basketball now, growing with a steady rate. She looked full term pregnant and ready to deliver at any second, her belly now creeping out from under her hoody. That wasn't the only thing though. Ashley felt her hips start filling up. Her belly and hips combined drove her legs apart and she nearly lost her balance. Next, Ashley's sides started swelling, her arms slowly being pushed upward. Now her breasts would begin to inflate, pressing tight against the fabric of her hoody. In a short time, her hoody was completely filled. Ashley, entirely petrified by fear and surprise, only whimpered. Her body didn't stop growing. The seams of her hoody slowly split as her torso became more and more ball like. Her crotch ballooned downward, absorbing her swelling legs into her ball-like body. Ashley took a few wobbly steps forward which shredded her hoody completely, leaving her in an overstretched sport's bra and sweatpants which were down around her rapidly disappearing ankles. Her bra snapped, letting her beach ball sized breasts bounce freely. This didn't last long as they flattened out against her distended form. Ashley could only waddle around flapping her hands and whimpering. One could weigh her at this point and see her tip the scales at an easy 6 or 7 hundred pounds. She found it harder and harder to waddle as he continued to swell up. Ashley now resembled a human water balloon, her head, feet, and hands the only thing making her look remotely human. Ashley stopped altogether, yielding as her body grew outward. When she finally stopped growing, there was pressure in her, but it didn't seem to be getting any bigger. Just then, Hillary strode down the hall from Art class, a hall pass in her hand. She was headed Ashley's way. "Oh, I was hoping to get down the hall, but I can't, seeing as you're blocking it, freak." Ashley looked down at Hillary, flapping her hands in frustration. "You retard, you are so dead. Just wait until I tell Mr.-" Hillary cut her off "You won't be talking to anyone." she said coolly, producing a sharpened pencil from her binder. Ashley whimpered and tried to waddle away. But she couldn't. She was a sitting duck at Hillary's mercy. Hillary closed an eye, drawing her right arm back. Then she threw the pencil like a dart and BLSHHHH!!! The cops had no explanation for what had happened. Witnesses concur that they all heard a large bang and went to check it out. A young girl named Hillary said she was splashed with what she thought was red paint while going to retrieve a book from her locker and that's all. The same day and girl named Ashley Preda went missing. Well, that's too bad. At least people can get through that hallway again.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Mitzi looked at herself once more in her pocket mirror and gave a self-satisfied smile. She reached up and patted a stray hair back into place in her impeccably fashionable style. The mirror folded shut with a little click and went back into her pocket as she turned to face the camera, plastering a bright smile into place on her face. It was easy to see how Mitzi had risen to be the star reporter of the local TV news channel. She simply radiated bright, perky charisma. Her wide blue eyes sparkled with verve and enthusiasm and her short dark hair seemed to bounce even when she stood still. The expensive tailored suit she had chosen accented her fit, curvaceous figure perfectly, enhancing and flattering it. Behind the camera the cameraman waited a moment, then nodded. "OK, we're live in three... two... one..." he pointed to her as the light blinked on. "Thanks, Jeff," Mitzi laughed, picking up her cue from an invisible anchorman. "Well, we're here live in the suburbs of Littleton, covering the unfolding story of a very unusual epidemic that seems to be plaguing the populace. With me today is Robert Smith, a student of medical science at the local university and self-proclaimed 'expert' on the odd condition that's arising from this disease. Now, Robert, perhaps you can tell us exactly what's happening here?" Robert, a gawky, nervous young man with the pallor that comes from long hours spent in front of a computer screen, cleared his throat awkwardly. "Well, Mitzi, nothing like this has ever been seen before, so we're still trying to figure out exactly what's going on. As far as we can tell, it's an airborne bacteria that seems to be selecting victims at random. Once a person is infected, the bacteria quickly multiply and spread throughout the host's entire body – as far as we can tell, the disease only incubates for an hour before symptoms start showing. It would be extremely alarming except," he added hastily, "that the symptoms appear to be completely benign. They're just a little startling, is all." "Well, that's good to hear," Mitzi said, laughing and giving Robert her sweetest smile. Much to her surprise, the young man blushed. He must not have had much to do with girls, she thought sympathetically. Pity, he really seems like a nice guy. Mitzi had been chatting with the subject of her interview while her camera crew got their equipment set up and had found Robert to be charming and likeable, once you got past the clumsy awkwardness. Hm, she pondered, maybe when we're done here I'll ask him to go have a drink with me. She cut off that train of thought and returned to the task at hand. "So Robert," she said, "can you bring me up to speed? What are the symptoms?" "Well," Robert replied, twisting his hands together uncertainly, "once the bacteria have populated the host's body completely, for some reason they start manufacturing a harmless inert gas. This gas quickly fills the body of the infected person, and the person..." he cleared his throat again, pausing to loosen his collar, "well, they blow up. Like a balloon. They just start swelling and bloating up. In some cases, where there's enough of the gas, which appears to have especially buoyant properties, the host actually starts floating off the ground. It's really weird but," he chuckled nervously, "it's kind of cool to watch, once the initial surprise wears off." "Isn't that something!" Mitzi gave one of her famously charming laughs again. "And this doesn't hurt the infected person at all?" "No, and that's odd too," Robert answered, warming to his subject. "The bacteria appear to manufacture a substance that renders the host's skin and tissues extremely elastic and strong, so they can stretch almost indefinitely without tearing or breaking. The... inflation... lasts about twenty-four hours, and then the host's immune system starts killing off the bacteria. Within another twelve hours the infection dies down, and the gas starts diffusing out of the person's system. We've examined the subjects and there appear to be no permanent effects, other than the fact that many of the victims are a little hysterical or unhinged by what they've experienced. They're receiving psychological treatment. Actually there's a surprising percentage who say that it's kind of a fun sensation." "Fascinating! So now let's talk about you. You say you're an 'expert' in these cases, what's your connection to..." Mitzi trailed off, frowning slightly. Her stomach was grumbling slightly. Her cameraman caught her eye and glared, reminding her that she was on the air, so she plastered her smile back on and turned back to look at Robert. She opened her mouth to continue her question, but suddenly she noticed that Robert was staring at her. "Er... miss Mitzi," he said timidly, "do you feel okay?" "Me? Yes, of course," she said, frowning again in puzzlement. "Well... although, now that you mention it, it does feel a little hot out here." She hadn't noticed it, but she was starting to feel a little flushed and short of breath. "And my stomach feels a bit funny," she added as it growled again. She reached up self-consciously to rub her belly. It was an odd sensation. Her fingers felt strangely detached, as though she was feeling them touch her midriff through a layer of rubber, and they hit her skin with a strangely hollow feeling, like tapping a balloon. Weirdest of all, her touch actually made a hollow "thunk" noise, like hitting a drum. She looked down at her stomach in puzzlement, then back up at Robert with dawning horror. Robert's face was resigned and sympathetic. "You've got it," he said simply. Mitzi squeaked in fear and dropped her microphone as the implications hit her. Even as she stared pleadingly at Robert, an unusual tingling sensation swept through her body. She gasped and wrapped her arms around herself, doubling over. She slowly straightened up, drawing her arms away and staring down at herself. Her belly had grown. Not grotesquely; it looked as though she had just stuffed herself with Thanksgiving dinner. Nevertheless, it was enough that the waistband of her closely tailored suit skirt was cutting into her newly swollen midriff. Mitzi snapped her head up and gave the cameraman a panicky look. "Turn off the camera!" she wailed desperately, waving both hands at him. "I can't let them see me blow up like a blimp!" "Are you kidding?" the cameraman retorted, continuing to stare into the camera's eyepiece. "This is gold! An actual case of the disease in progress!" Mitzi gave an incoherent shout of frustration, but even as she did so the tingling in her body intensified. Suddenly the taut, overheated feeling she'd been noticing became noticeably stronger, as did the tightness of her clothing. Glancing back at herself she could see that her whole body had become bloated slightly. Her thighs felt tight and thick, rubbing against one another, and her breasts had inflated as well, much to her horror and humiliation. It just looked as though someone had stuck a bicycle pump into her and pumped it once or twice. She could tell it wouldn't stay that mild, however; even as she watched she could see herself swelling further. Her trim waistline widened yet again, this time shooting out enough to pop the buttons on her skirt. Her belly bounced free, seeming glad to be released from its constraints, and started swelling with a vengeance. Mitzi could hear a faint hissing noise as she bloated all over, which was joined in a moment by another, rather more worrisome noise – the sound of seams tearing. "Oh, no..." Mitzi moaned, tugging at her clothing as her bloated form filled it out and pressed against the fabric. The threads of the seams stretched and started giving way. Mitzi fidgeted uncomfortably, breathing quickly as her formerly well-tailored clothing grew unbearably tight. She looked imploringly back at the camera. "You have to turn it off," she pleaded, even as her swelling bosom began popping the buttons from her shirt. Her breasts bounced free, each the size of a ripe watermelon and growing fast. Her bra, audibly creaking and straining, was holding them for the moment, but Mitzi could tell it was about to give up the ghost. "In a moment I'm going to be totally naked!" "The censors back at the studio can fix it up," the cameraman said firmly. "This is going to send our ratings through the roof." Mitzi closed her eyes in silent despair and turned away from the camera, wrapping her arms around her growing midriff. To her surprise she found that she could barely reach around her own stomach, and she opened her eyes to examine herself. Her stomach was a huge sphere now, but it wasn't sagging at all – the buoyant gas filling her body was actually pulling her up so that she felt much lighter. Fascinated, she reached out and stroked her humongous belly for a second or two. She was distracted, however, by the sound of tearing cloth as her skirt finally threw in the towel and parted at the seams, falling around her feet in rags and leaving Mitzi standing in nothing but her bra and pink flower-printed panties – on live television. She gave an indignant squeal and spun around again, glaring at the cameraman while doing her best to cover herself – which wasn't easy. Not only was there much more of her now to cover, her arms were starting to plump up as well, making it difficult to move them. In fact, the skin all over her body felt tight as it stretched to cover her new, larger shape. It felt hot, tingly, and not altogether unpleasant, although it was a sensation she would have preferred to experience without having to turn into a blimp on the morning news. Mitzi's stomach protruded so far forward now that if she had fallen forward, she would only have fallen for a few inches. The rest of her body was so swollen that she looked as though she had gained about four hundred pounds, except for the fact that the bulk was tight, smooth, and round instead of jiggly and flabby, and rather than gaining weight she felt lighter every second. A breeze might have bowled her over, and the way things were going now, she would have rolled. Looking down at herself for a second, Mitzi saw that her stomach didn't appear to be growing any farther outwards. For a moment she felt a brief, soaring hope that her humiliation was over, but it quickly plunged into misery again as she felt what was happening to the gas that was still being produced. Her round middle was expanding again, beginning to engulf her torso, turning her into a sphere with arms and legs. Mitzi whimpered as the swelling pushed her legs apart, making her sway slightly and almost lose her balance. The hot tightness was intensifying, making her sweat and breathe heavily, as though she'd been excercising hard, and what was worse (given the circumstances) it was even more intense as the swelling continued to blow her breasts up and push down on the space between her legs. Under the combined assault, it took all of her self control not to just give up and enjoy the feeling. She decided to make one last effort at getting the cameraman to shut things down. "I'm warning you," she said, even her voice sounding thick and laboured. Her swollen cheeks were making talking difficult. "Turn that camera off or I'm going to sue." The cameraman snorted, sounding unconvinced. Mitzi waddled forward threateningly, but she still wasn't used to her new round shape. She overbalanced, waving desperately with her pudgy arms, and fell over backwards. She bounced when she hit the ground, and the inflation, as though spurred on by that, suddenly accelerated. Within a few seconds Mitzi had swollen out to a completely spherical shape, and to her shock, she kept blowing up, her whole body growing until her new... well, she supposed she had to measure herself in diameter now... was bigger than she had been tall before. Mitzi tried to think how that was possible; she focused on herself, but she had no feeling inside herself except for the uncomfortable hot tightness of her skin and, below that, the full, contented feeling of having a belly full of food. Again she was distracted, however, as her much abused undergarments finally gave up the struggle. With a twanging noise that seemed to Mitzi like an elastic the size of a city street breaking, the clasps of her bra parted and it flew off. A split second later the waistband of her panties parted, her underwear shredding into rags. As though her mortification had appeased whatever force was driving her expansion, Mitzi's rate of growth abruptly began slowing, and within a few seconds had stopped. She was now a perfectly round sphere, about ten feet across, with pudgy hands and feet sticking out and a face that seemed small and insignificant over stuffed chipmunk cheeks. She sat there, rolling helplessly back and forth as she stared in horror at the camera, which had recorded every detail of her experience. After another few seconds, the cameraman, apparently satisfied that she wasn't about to bloat up even more, looked up and nodded, flipping off the camera and hoisting it over his shoulder. "OK, people!" he called to the crew as he strolled back to the van. "Let's get back to the studio." "What about me?" Mitzi called forlornly. The cameraman glanced back at her and laughed. "You wouldn't fit in the van, lady. We'll send a truck back later to pick you up." With another nasty laugh, he climbed into the van and drove away, leaving Mitzi all alone. Mitzi closed her eyes, despair welling up inside her. Around her, there was no sound except the wind blowing, and a faint creaking as her tight skin tried to hold in the air inside her. Two tears rolled down her swollen cheeks. Suddenly, she felt something. A hand, touching her massive middle. She started and opened her eyes, glancing down at the ground far below. Robert was standing there, one hand on her skin, stroking it gently. He gazed up at her with eyes full of sympathy and compassion. Mitzi sniffed, wondering what exactly one was supposed to say in these circumstances, but Robert didn't seem to need words. He put both of his hands on her belly and pushed gently, rolling her over so that she lay on her back, looking helplessly up at the sky. Robert walked around her so that he could see her face. "The clinic's just over this way," he said softly. "I'll help you." Placing his hands tenderly on her side, he rolled her over again. Turn by turn, slowly, Robert rolled the swollen woman out of the street and into the shelter and privacy of a nearby building. Several hours later, Mitzi had been comfortably installed in the temporary inflation clinic that had been set up in a nearby apartment, chosen because it had the widest doors in the neighbourhood. Someone had brought in a big white sheet to cover her and informed her that there was really nothing to do but wait. Fortunately, as Robert had said, it would wear off in about twenty-four hours, but until then Mitzi was left alone with her misery, unable to even move by herself. She had been crying again for a while when she heard the sounds of the curtain being pulled aside, startling her. She sniffed and blinked away the tears, looking down at her visitor. It was Robert, looking uncomfortable and holding a bouquet of a dozen red roses. "I came to see how you were doing," he said quietly, reaching around her to put the bouquet on the table. For a moment Mitzi was just going to mutter a sullen "just fine, thanks," but as she opened her mouth she suddenly found herself crying again, the feelings that had been stewing inside her suddenly flowing out. "Terrible," she said miserably. "My career is probably over. All of my colleagues, all of my friends saw me blow up into a blimp on camera. They're not going to be able to take me seriously after this; none of my viewers are. Any guy I date in the future isn't going to be able to stop picturing me as a big round balloon. Maybe things aren't so bad, but right now," she said, sniffling, "it seems that way." Robert stepped forward and, to Mitzi's surprise, stretched out his arms and put them as far around her as he could reach – which wasn't very far. It looked so funny that Mitzi started laughing through her tears. For a few minutes she couldn't stop laughing, though she was crying at the same time. It gave her the hiccups, and that made her laugh even harder, until when she finally calmed down there was a weak, tentative smile on her face. Roger smiled back and stepped away, patting her belly gently. "First of all," he said softly, "it's not quite that bad. Your studio called and told me to tell you that they're getting calls from all over the city from people who saw your clip and have either had the inflation disease themselves or sympathize with you. There's such strong feeling in your favor that not only are they letting you come back as soon as you're feeling up to it, they're giving you a raise." "That's good..." Mitzi sniffed, but before she could say anything else Roger spoke up again. "And second," he said, voice becoming soft and tender as he stepped forward again, placing both hands on her belly and massaging it slowly, sending tingling waves of excitement over her skin, "guys may picture you like this now, but not all guys see that as a bad thing." Mitzi looked down at Robert in shock. He smiled shyly up at her. "It's true," he said, "there are some of us out there that absolutely love stuff like this. We draw pictures, write stories... to us, this inflation bug is a dream come true. That's what I meant when I was telling you I was an expert on this stuff." "So the whole time I was inflating, you were..." Mitzi started, but Robert interrupted her again. "I was excited at first," he confessed. "I watch you on the news every day. I've had a huge crush on you for a while now, so it was nice for me to watch you blow up like this." He smiled nervously up at her. "But when I saw how miserable you were, that you were so embarrassed about it, I felt terrible for you. All I could think about was getting you inside and getting you some privacy, but you were too busy arguing with the cameraman." Mitzi stared down at him with mixed feelings. It was true, the inflation had happened so fast she hadn't had much time to do anything besides feel embarrassed and angry. She had completely forgotten about Robert during that time. Had he really been trying to think of a way to help her? "For what it's worth," Robert added with a nervous grin, "I think you're absolutely beautiful right now. I've never seen anyone get quite this big before." He patted her belly then, awkwardly but tenderly, reached up and took her hand, tilting her forward. Standing on tiptoe, he kissed her full on the mouth. After a second, he let her go, and she rolled back, mind in a turmoil. All she could do was stare down at Robert, who was beginning to look extremely uncomfortable and starting to fidget. "I... I'm sorry if I..." he began, but this time Mitzi interrupted him. "There are people who find this attractive, you say?" she said slowly. Robert nodded, unsure of where she was going. Mitzi squirmed awkwardly and leaned forward, tilting herself forward again so her eyes were on a level with his. The two of them stared at one another for a moment. Then, Mitzi smiled. "Tell me more," she said, and kissed him.
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Belly Inflation, Full Body Inflation
It was eerily dark that night, despite the cold glow of the full moon. The young couple seemed oblivious, walking hand in hand through the woods. Wind howled suddenly, rustling dead leaves that still clung desperately to the gnarled trees. The girl jumped. "Ernst, something touched my cheek!" The young man smiled and wrapped his arms around his companion, hugging her close. She held just the right amount of air, and he felt it rush to other parts of her as he squeezed. "It was just a leaf. Nobody's out here but us." She turned to look at him. "I don't think this was such a good idea. This isn't romantic, it's creepy. Can't we go back?" "If you really want," he frowned, "but I was looking forward to doing a little exploring while we're here." A look of concern washed over Ilsa's face. Her voice fell to a hushed whisper. "Ernst, here of all places...? Are you mad? Please, let's leave. I'm frightened." "What, with me here to protect you?" Ernst chuckled. "What are you so afraid of? Surely you don't believe those old stories. They're meant to scare children. You're perfectly safe." He gently patted her belly. It thumped reassuringly. "See? Plenty of air in there." He grinned mischievously. "Perhaps a little more will calm your nerves." Before she could protest, Ernst dropped to his knees in front of her. He eased her blouse up over her stomach. Her navel was perfect in its shape and depth. He kissed it, eliciting a moan from the young woman. "Please, not now...this is hardly the time or the place..." "It's always the time and the place," he breathed, inhaling deeply. He placed his lips around the inviting bellybutton and blew. There was a slight resistance that faded quickly as Ilsa's already ample tummy bulged outward. She closed her eyes and held him tight as he drew another breath. Before long she'd become so round that even standing was difficult. Ernst stood back, admiring his handiwork. "You're beautiful," he told her, kissing her tight belly over and over. There was a loud bang and a sudden rush of air. Ilsa opened her eyes. Before her was a shadowy figure. Something bright and shiny glinted in his hand. "Ernst? Ernst, where are you?" Her voice rose in panic. "I'm afraid your boyfriend had to leave rather suddenly," the figure rasped, his toe nudging the pile of empty clothing on the ground at her feet. "Ernst! No!" Ilsa screamed. She tried to run, but it was impossible. She merely wobbled back and forth in place. "It would seem you're stuck, my dear, in a different fashion than your ex." The man smiled crookedly. "No matter. I have plans for you." Ilsa closed her eyes as the world grew darker still. Her captor rolled his unconscious prisoner along through the woods, careful to avoid anything sharp in their path. "We'll need you intact," he mused. "Greatness awaits." = The moon was at its zenith when Arn stepped outside of the warm cottage. His breath misted in the frosty air. "That girl is due a whipping, sneaking out like that, and with a young scoundrel like Ernst!" "Oh, know you've never beaten anyone. I've never even seen you swat a fly." Ingrid's voice couldn't conceal her concern for her twin sister. "You don't see her anywhere?" Arn frowned, his brow furrowed with worry. "She should know better. It isn't safe to venture out at night." "I'm sure she'll be all right with Ernst. He really isn't such a bad sort." "Just the same, I'll take a lantern and go search, if for no other reason than to give that hoodlum a sound verbal lashing." Ingrid took her father's arm, handing him a small lantern. Its feeble light was quickly swallowed by the looming darkness. "Wait, I'll go with you." Arn shook his head. "Stay here, where it's safe. I'll return soon with both of them." He drew his tattered coat more closely about him against the wind, and set forth into the night. = It had been quite a struggle to get Ilsa through the entranceway to the castle. Thankfully the ancient walls were stone, still fairly smooth. Had they been wood, there would have been splinters to watch for. Ilsa moaned in a darkened corner while the man set about his work. With great effort he dislodged the heavy granite lid from a sepulchre in the center of the chamber. It fell to the flagstones with a heavy thud. The man anxiously peered inside the tomb. A long, blackened pin rose from the middle of a pile of what appeared to be rags. He quickly worked it back and forth until it finally came loose. He cast the tarnished silver pin aside with disdain. "Now, my dear, it's time for you to fulfill your destiny." The man got behind Ilsa and rolled her up onto the open bier. He carefully turned her face down, so that she resembled a makeshift lid, then stood back. "Master, it is time for you to awaken," he offered reverently. "Accept this token of my servitude!" He withdrew into a corner to observe. Ilsa moaned again. "Ernst...where are you? What is this place...?" She felt a tugging at her navel. "Ernst...what...oh!" Something had fastened itself to her belly. She tried to push up, but found herself unable to move. "Help me! Help -" The man watched eagerly as he heard a barely audible pop followed by a sibilant hiss. Ilsa's rotund form began to shrink, first losing its roundness, then gradually growing smaller and smaller until what remained of her fell into the stone receptacle. A moment later a pale hand clutched the edge, and a dark figure slowly rose. "Master!" the man clasped his hands together. "You have returned!" Baron von Blote stepped out of the sepulchre, dusting off his cape. "Yes." "Have I served you well?" "You have. There is but one last thing for you to do." "Anything, Master! Name it!" Von Blote reached down into the tomb and pulled out Ilsa's inanimate remains. He inhaled slowly. The chamber, as cold and dank as it had been, seemed to grow moreso. Ilsa's air inside him appeared to imbue him with power. He held her empty form to his lips and exhaled. The shapeless object rapidly inflated. Ilsa moaned once more, but this time it wasn't out of pain or pleasure. Von Blote regarded her flatly, then nodded toward his servant. "Take him," he intoned. The smaller man's eyes grew wide. "Wait, you can't! I have done everything you've commanded!" Before he could speak another word, Ilsa was upon him. She tore his jacket and shirt from his scant belly, affixing her ripe lips to his navel. "Master, please! Ah!" He felt himself grow weaker as she ravenously drained his air, her own belly swelling as his shrank. He managed a sigh as his legs buckled. He collapsed to the floor and into oblivion. Von blote gazed at her emotionlessly. He saw the hunger in her eyes and was pleased. "You have done well," he spoke. "Now come. I have a task for you." He unfurled his cloak, beckoning her. Ilsa wordlessly entered into its folds. Together they escaped into the night. = Sitting before the hearth, Ingrid suddenly stiffened and cried out. Her father had been unable to find Ilsa or Ernst. He dropped the wood he'd been gathering and ran into the cottage. "What is it, child? What's happened?" Ingrid fell into his arms, sobbing. "Oh, Papa, it's Ilsa. Something terrible has happened to her. I can feel it." Arn held his daughter close. "Ingrid, you mustn't say such things. Ilsa will be fine. She and Ernst most likely fell asleep somewhere. She'll be back in the morning, you'll see." "No, Papa. I'm afraid." "Afraid of what?" A familiar voice came from the door. Arn and Ingrid stared. "What, have I turned green or something? You both look as though you've seen a ghost!" Ilsa laughed, a sound like tinkling glass. "Ilsa! We were so worried!" Arn's relief took hold of him, and he started toward the door. Ingrid took her father's arm. "Papa, wait." Arn turned toward his younger daughter, puzzled. "Wait for what? What's come over you, child?" "Sister, aren't you glad to see me?" Ilsa pouted. "I thought you were worried too. As you can see, I'm fine." She stood there in the entrance as if waiting for something, smiling benignly. Ingrid watched her sister, and a chill ran down her spine. She felt the air inside her contract sharply, reducing her belly to hardly more than a tiny bulge. Ilsa noticed this, and Ingrid saw a shadow pass over her face. She froze. "Papa, this isn't Ilsa." Arn looked at Ingrid incredulously. "What are you about, Ingrid? Of course it's Ilsa." He pulled free of the girl's grasp. "Ilsa, why are you standing there in the cold? Come in. You must be starving." "Oh, I am, Papa, more than you know." Ilsa stepped into the room, her eyes flashing. Before she could advance further, an arm shot into the room from the darkness, snatching her back. She snarled furiously before disappearing back into the blackness. Arn's face was ashen, and he sat down heavily. "You were right, Ingrid. That...creature...was not our Ilsa." He lowered his face into his hands. "I need some air. Please fetch me the bellows." Ingrid brought her father their modest bellows. This one had been in their family for generations. The use of bellows was only permitted under the most dire of circumstances. She handed it to Arn, who carefully inserted the nozzle into his bellybutton. Ingrid watched as Arn filled with fresh air, his belly pushing out rhythmically with each squeeze of the bellows. The life gradually returned to him, but he was clearly distraught. He returned the bellows to his daughter. "Your sister," he began. His voice faltered, and he sobbed. Ingrid stood behind him, holding him as he wept. It was their worst nightmare come true. Baron von Blote, Lord of The Nosfairatu, walked the earth once more. But who could have willingly unleashed such a horror, knowing what destruction it would bring? And now this unspeakable terror had taken her sister, making her one of his own, one of the Unbloated. There was only one way to free her, and her heart ached at the thought. Arn placed his hands over his daughter's. "We can't leave her like this," he told her, his voice a whisper. "I must deliver her from his influence. I must burst your sister." Ingrid hugged her father. "I know, Papa." "It must be done before she spreads this curse to anyone else." He stood up, his face set in grim determination. "And then I will seek out the monster who has taken her from us. I will destroy von Blote." = "Why did you stop me?" Ilsa paced angrily. "I'm wasting away!" Von Blote sat at an ornate wooden table in an abandoned monastery, his fingers folded in a tent. He was obviously deep in thought, and didn't appreciate the interruption. "You have feasted already. Learn to pace yourself. Gluttony will be your undoing." "Hardly a feast," Ilsa spat. "There was nothing in him. I need more! I'm hungry!" Von Blote got up and glared menacingly at her. "Be silent, or I'll burst you myself." She knew from his expression that he was quite serious. Her air contracted, and her skin hung on her like rags on bones. "You will do as I command. Is that understood?" His eyes blazed, boring deeply into her own. "Is that understood?" he repeated, punctuating each syllable. "Yes, Master," she replied, hatred simmering in each word. "I'll steal a bellows instead." "Little fool. Our air must be drawn from a living vessel. Now leave me. I have plans to make." Ilsa swept out of the room. The moon hung low in the sky. It would be daybreak soon. She feared von Blote, but hunger took hold of her. He wouldn't know if she were to take one more victim before the sun rose. Her diminishing figure glided over the frozen ground. She could hear the hissing as her air slowly fled her body. She weakened with each passing moment. If she didn't find someone soon, she would never survive the coming day. The sound of metal striking wood caught her attention. She turned toward the town tavern. The innkeeper stood out in the chill air, well-inflated arms swinging an axe, chopping wood for his wife, the cook. The man was huge, the balloon of his belly attesting to his good fortune and success. She knew his woman, Johanna, too...her swollen belly nearly matched his in size. She hissed with anticipation. She would fill herself until she dwarfed von Blote. Lips parting in a twisted smile, she moved in to feast. = Ernst groaned miserably. His head was pounding, and he felt weak and disoriented. "Welcome back, lad." He tried to open his eyes and sit up. A strong hand gently pushed him back down. "Not so quickly. You're in no shape to do anything." Ernst could only make out vague shapes hovering over him. "Ilsa...?" His voice sounded strange, thin and distant. "Don't try to speak. I found you in the woods. It's a miracle we were able to save you. Had it been much longer, we couldn't have brought you back." Ernst felt a rush of air pumping into him. It was enough to give him strength to speak, but little more. Another pump. His eyes regained their focus. Arn and Ingrid were at his bedside. He was in their cottage. Arn was slowly squeezing their small household bellows, literally breathing new life into him. Ernst was still dreadfully emaciated. "Ilsa!" Arn put his hand on Ernst's shoulder. "Ilsa is gone." Ernst read Arn's expression, and saw Ingrid's face, flush from crying. "Oh, no," he sobbed. "This is all my fault. I should never have taken her to the forest. Ilsa!" Ingrid held Ernst as her father continued to inflate him. "It's fortunate whoever burst you used something so small. I was able to repair the puncture until you mend on your own." His face darkened. "We'll have to be certain Ilsa remains at peace, once she's..." he stopped. "Ingrid, tend to Ernst. It's nearly light. You should be safe then." "Arn, please, let me go. I've almost enough air in me now. I know what must be done. Stay here with Ingrid. If anything happens to me, you'll have to set things right." Arn regarded the young man intently. It was clear that he was resolved to do whatever was necessary to redeem himself. "All right. But be careful. She isn't our Ilsa any longer." "I know, sir. And I will." Arn removed the bellows. Ernst looked as if he'd never been burst. The older man hoped that he would prove as sturdy as he looked. Ilsa would find her rest, but von Blote was another matter. "Papa," Ingrid spoke, her tone determined. "I believe I know how we might rid ourselves of this plague. Don't try to forbid me. I won't be swayed. Now, help me find my longest gown." = The first rays of dawn had yet to creep over the horizon when Ernst reached the tavern. He found Hans the innkeeper first, his deflated form flat and puckered on the ground. Not far from him he saw Johanna, Hans' wife, carelessly cast over a barrel like an old towel. He was about to try to bring them back when he heard a voice behind him, dark and sultry. "Ernst! I thought I would never see you again." He turned to see Ilsa, and was immediately stunned by her beauty. She was fully ballooned, glutted with air stolen from the innkeeper and his wife. Her round cheeks glowed, and her arms and legs were swollen to near uselessness. But her belly... "Ilsa," Ernst gasped. "I've never seen you look so beautiful." "Thank you, Ernst. Come closer." She smiled alluringly, reaching out toward him. He felt impossibly drawn to her. Her eyes fell to his stomach, searching hungrily. "Come to me, I've missed you so!" Ernst approached Ilsa as if in a trance. She smiled smugly, ready to draw his air into herself. She felt his hands on her belly, holding her firmly. "This is for you." He took a deep breath, pressed his lips to her navel, and blew. "What are you doing? Ah, Ernst..." Ilsa closed her eyes. This wasn't how she'd planned to drain him, but the air felt so good... Ernst took another breath. And another. Ilsa slowly swelled, bigger and fuller as he continued. Her cheeks grew full and widened, her fingers and toes became mere nubs on her swollen hands and feet. At length her arms and legs disappeared into her body, now a huge round sphere. Ilsa was moaning as daylight tinged the sky. Her belly had become so tight Ernst was unsure he could inflate her further. "Why have you stopped...I must have more..." Her words were strained, yet filled with desire. "And more you'll have," Ernst promised. Her belly was trembling, the stretchmarks lacing across it becoming deep and red. It groaned ominously as the sun's first rays fell upon her. Her eyes snapped open as she realized what was about to happen. "I'll always love you, Ilsa." He took one last, enormous breath and blew into her with all his might. = Baron von Blote entered his castle just as thin gray fingers of light raked the sky. He had barely reached the crypt when the pre-dawn silence was shattered by a loud boom. He snarled. Ilsa had meant nothing to him, but it was still annoying that he had lost her so quickly. It mattered little; he would find another companion soon enough. As he made his way to his sepulchre a figure emerged from the shadows. In the faint light he was delighted to discover he had a visitor. She was young and fair, and her long gown looked painfully tight over her belly. She was extraordinarily bloated, and there had been scant air to be found elsewhere that night. "Come here, girl," he commanded, his eyes riveted to her midriff. Ingrid slowly moved to the Lord of the Nosfairatu, careful to remain in the shadows. "Please, milord, I've come seeking my sister, who hasn't returned home. She spoke of visiting this castle. I'd hoped to find her here." Von Blote smirked. "I'm afraid all you have found here is your fate. Show me your belly." Ingrid obediently opened the front of her gown. Her full stomach bounced out, round and firm with air. Von Blote approached her as a spider does a fly. Her navel was deep, the delicate rim stretched by the pressure within. He smiled with anticipation. "You'll prove a far more satisfying meal than your sister." Ingrid made no move to resist as the baron placed one hand on each of her hips. She steeled herself as she felt his lips encircle her bellybutton. There began a tugging, gentle at first, then more forceful. She shuddered as she heard the soft pop of her navel being pulled outward. The soft hiss of her air being drawn out of her sent shivers down her spine. Despite this, she remained still and acquiescent. Von Blote drew fiercely. His belly began to swell, pushing against his fine suit. The fabric grew snug, gapping as buttons strained to contain the expanding abdomen beneath. He ravenously continued to pull, ecstatic to have found so bountiful and compliant a feast. His brocade vest burst open with the staccato clattering of buttons. His opulent silk shirt held for a moment, then abruptly split to hang in tatters over his distending stomach. Ingrid watched as von Blote steadily bloated, growing larger by the instant. "More, milord, take more. It's all for you." Her words seemed to fan his hunger, for the pulling became so strong and quick she nearly swooned. She reached out and held his head firmly to her belly. "That's it," she encouraged him. "Take it all." Von Blote sensed the sun had begun to rise, but he was helpless to stop. He had to drain her, to leave her deflated and empty. Then he would bring her back as he had Ilsa. Surely Ingrid was near depletion. He yanked furiously. His belly stretched tighter and tighter, an enormous balloon rapidly reaching capacity. But that was impossible. This had never happened before. Yet still he drew. "Just a bit more..." she coaxed. She felt him slowing despite his hunger. He grunted as he struggled to pull more, but he'd already taken several times any amount he'd had in the past. "Certainly you haven't finished? Am I free to go, then?" Von Blote snarled and forced himself to continue, goaded on by his intended prey. His pale skin had stretched tight and still the air hissed into him. He could no longer hold onto Ingrid, as his turgidity forced his arms apart. Only Ingrid's hands held him to her belly, which was still maddeningly full. He pulled and pulled and pulled until he was so gorged he could no longer move. Ingrid let loose her grasp, and the baron rolled back, an enormous balloon, completely spherical save for his head, hands and feet. He'd taken so much it was an effort even to speak. He glanced at her in disbelief. She hadn't shrunk at all. "How?" Arn stepped out of the shadows from behind his rotund daughter. "Take cover," he instructed her. As she turned von Blote could see the hose she'd had concealed by her long dress. Ingrid picked up the attached bellows and quickly left the chamber. " tricked me!" he growled. "Yes, you monster. It was my daughter's idea..." Von Blote's eyes widened as he noticed what Arn held in his hand. He rocked back and forth trying to move, but it was futile. He'd taken too much. "...And this is mine." Arn raised the long tarnished pin high above his head, then plunged it deep into von Blote's navel. The Lord of the Nosfairatu exploded with a deafening boom, showering the chamber with scraps of skin and cloth. The force of the blast hurled Arn from the room. The interior walls shook and crumbled, burying von Blote beneath a funerary mound of ancient stones and rubble. Outside, the heavens were awash with pastels as the sun climbed the early morning sky. For Arn, the world sank into inky darkness. = Alan Charles consulted his map, wondering why the ruins before him weren't listed there. The pamphlets and brochures were of little help. They briefly mentioned some sort of incident that had taken place in the area nearly a century ago - a terrible accident, some type of malady, injured townsfolk who'd subsequently recovered - but didn't touch on any of the details. He'd hoped to find something of interest inside, but aside from rubble and brambles it had been a complete disappointment. "Are you certain this was a castle, Alan? After all, it doesn't look like much." Lee made her way over to her husband and peered over his shoulder. "It isn't even on the map." She pouted. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have insisted we come here." "It's all right," he assured her. "I know how you're fascinated by local color and superstition. Besides, what better adventure for a pair of amateur archaeologists? Forgotten old castle, monastery, whatever...just adds to the mystery, don't you think? There could still be treasure buried in there." He playfully squeezed Lee's belly, causing her arms and legs to plump. "Not as much as in here, though." "Ah, you're a dreamer," his wife giggled. "Maybe this was a grand old place once, but I'm sure anything of value has already been removed. And I certainly don't look forward to chancing a puncture from that undergrowth again. All those barbs and nettles!" "Don't worry, I have the first aid kit right here," Alan winked. He held up a hand pump. "Of course, we needn't wait for a puncture." "Emergency only, remember? Besides, there will be plenty of time for that back at the hotel." Alan cast a concerned glance at his wife. "Come to think of it, you do seem a little underinflated. Are you feeling all right?" "Just fine," she replied. "Let's get back." As they started toward the forest Lee caressed the thinly stretched scraps in her pocket, barely able to control her excitement. Perhaps there hadn't been gold, silver or baubles for Alan, but she had found the treasure she'd been seeking. Behind them, the ruins seemed to swallow the sun's dying rays, holding the darkness to them like a jealous lover. Lee patted her navel furtively and smiled.
cabin, fairy, magic, vacation
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Little wisps of fog charged at the windshield of Angela's Corolla as it wandered in the night, deep in a maze of paved-over indian trails, wagon paths, and modern blunders bored through a forest as dense as it was ancient. A thick leafy canopy reached around the road like a grasping hand. The Corolla's dim, foggy headlights served as a surrogate for whatever little moonlight could reach the tarmac below. She was looking for a gravel road. Angela made the turn and winced as rocks pelted the underside of her car. She had been driving for hours already, and with only some few minutes left before she would finally reach her cabin. This was the follow-through of her long-planned sabbatical. A week to unplug, relax, and reconnect with nature. The idealized vision played in her head like a troupe of dancers: soft and warm birdsongs to forget the earsplitting shrieks of ambulance sirens, the murmuring trees to swallow up the maddening shouts of neighbors and their spouses, and the warm sun to smile down on her instead of an overbearing manager staring her down. She so longed for this vacation that she nearly connected with nature head-on. She always wondered if tires would screech on a gravel path, but the answer was as definitive as it was negative. Her car lurched to a stop mere inches away from a fallen tree blocking the road. "Perfect, " was the only thing she could muster herself to say. She turned the engine off and pocketed her keys. Somewhere in her glove compartment there was a-- aha! A flashlight! Quickly checking her passenger doors and locking them, she climbed out of her car and locked her door. The flashlight was pitiful, to be honest, but it was better than nothing. There was no way her little car could get around the log. She walked to the back of her car and opened the trunk. Everything she needed was packed away in an external frame backpack, which she bought specifically to feel more outdoorsy. At least it was coming into use. She closed the trunk, tossed her bag over the tree, and climbed over it herself. Perfect. She hadn't expected this, and if she had she would have worn something else. Her sandals were a nightmare on gravel, and the nike short-shorts and tank top screamed "Open Season!" to any and all mosquitoes within a mile-radius. Not to mention the straps cut into her shoulders, and the waist strap was ready to slice her in two. She kept herself going with the promise of an idyllic lakeside cabin, and the threat of driving back home. By the time Angela reached her rented cabin it was far too late at night and she was far too exhausted to care about how idyllic it was or wasn't or how peaceful it would or would not be. All she cared about was the expectation of a bed and eight hours of sleep. After fumbling with the keys, she pushed the door open and dropped her backpack, then shut and locked the door. It was a one room cabin, complete with a bed next to a kitchenette across from a fireplace. At the center of the room was an olive green loveseat facing the fireplace. "I don't even wanna know how many shoestring horror movies happened here." Thirty-six, and none of them good. The air in the cabin was thick with dust, and everything looked ready to crumble into even more dust. But that involved things that were not a bed, and those things were beyond Angela's concern at the moment. Without any hesitation, she stripped off her sweat-dampened clothes and tumbled onto the bed without so much as pulling the sheets over her. The witching hour struck. Someone stirred within the old cabin. Something had changed. The peaceful and solitary life it had grown accustomed to was suddenly shattered, and it was very, very frightened. The room chilled, nearly imperceptibly, apart from the goosebumps that washed across Angela's naked body. It watched Angela sleep and deliberated on how to deal with this potentially lethal threat. What is that thing? It's so huge! Why is it here? A faint blue light traced the edges of the cellar door under the loveseat. The door slowly rose until a crack small enough for a mouse opened. A little more blue light spilled into the room, but it was too soft to wake the intruder. The cellar door opened further, and a small creature of no more than six inches height crawled out. It had a definite humanoid shape, though there were no indications of eyes, mouths, or any other defining features. The figure appeared genderless --it lacked any of the basement equipment needed for baby-making, or the upstairs equipment for baby feeding-- yet it oozed an inexplicable femininity. On it's back were a pair of blue butterfly wings that carried the figure aloft to the edge of the mattress. "What is it?" The fairy asked in an ethereal voice. It fluttered to Angela's face and looked at the teeth in her open mouth. "Sure looks dangerous, though." The fairy studied Angela's body. On second thought, it didn't seem like much of a threat after all. It was big, but not hairy like other animals were. All it had was a patch of long yellow hair on its head and some curly hair between its legs. At least it didn't look that scary. In fact, it looked anything but scary, once the fairy got used to its size. What were those huge fleshy things on its chest? They're as big as its head! The fairy extended a pensive hand. "I wonder what they feel like?" Angela snapped awake, thinking that someone dropped an ice cube on her tits. "What the fuck?!" "Eek! Retreat!" The fairy launched itself off the bed and flew behind the loveseat. "What the fuck was that?!" Angela pulled a sheet off the bed and tossed it around herself. Was someone spying on her with a drone or something? Are drones even that small? "Hello?" She tiptoed toward the loveseat. That's where it went, right? She didn't really know what she expected to see, but when she peeked behind where she could have sworn it went, the last thing that would have crossed her mind was a small blue fairy. "Hello?" "Eek! Don't eat me!" The fairy blew a big cloud of glittering dust in Angela's face, then flew away. Angela coughed and spluttered. "That was a fairy! I swear to god, it was a fairy!" According to the Faustus University Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures, fairies are tiny humanoid sprites capable of casting all manners of rudimentary elemental spells, and are highly valued for the dust they produce. When refined, it can be used for a wide variety of potions, but raw it is a dangerously potent and utterly bizarre defence mechanism. Angela's stomach developed a paunch. Fairy dust is akin to a squid inking, used as a means to get away from potential predators. However, while ink confuses predators, fairy dust is meant to utterly immobilize. Even a pinch of it when inhaled is more than enough to ruin an unlucky mage's day. Angela walked back to bed and tossed the sheet on the mattress. Her stomach was definitely growing, but Angela didn't notice it until she sat down on the bed and realized that the bottom of her stomach was grazing her thighs. Since cures for acute fairy dust poisoning are hard to come by, it is imperative that all fairy hunters and alchemists know what to do in case it happens. Angela screamed and pushed on her stomach, which only responded by swelling faster. First and foremost is to stay calm and collected. Fairy dust works faster if the heart is beating rapidly. Second is to get indoors as soon as possible, or if not possible, to tie oneself to a firmly rooted tree. Over mere seconds, her flat belly developed a paunch and then swelled out to Angela's knees. Her breasts, thighs, and rear began to grow as well. "Oh my god! What's happening?!" Angela groaned and squeezed her belly again. "Make it stop! I'm not a balloon!" And as a last warning, no matter what, subdue, capture, or evade the fairy at all costs! Fairies are fickle, unpredictable creatures at best, and at worst they can be downright vicious. Angela's breasts, which were large before, quickly ballooned into her face. Her butt lifted her off the mattress while her thighs pushed themselves apart, squeaking like rubber as they swelled. Angela rubbed her overfilled stomach, and crossed her ankles to force her legs together. "This isn't real! This can't be real! I must be dreaming, or delirious or something! Oh god, but I'm so tight, I feel like I'll burst! It has to be real! Why does it have to be real? Why is it happening to me?" Angela's rear, already bigger than her massive breasts, lifted off of the mattress. Angela flailed her legs and arms, but they just as soon started swelling like the rest of her body. Her legs grew wider and wider, and shorter. Her belly dominated her globe, devouring her legs and arms into its curvature. "Stop! Stop growing, please! I-- UF!" She smacked into the ceiling. "I can't get any bigger!" Her breasts peaked in size, each a third as big as her belly, and started shrinking into her expanding globe. All she could do was stare at the fading paint on the ceiling and bemoan her fate. "I'm gonna pop! Like a party balloon! Just a bunch of scraps and pieces all over the place!" Her body groaned as the swelling slowed to a painful crawl. "Oh god! What'll they do with me? They won't even know it's me, won't they? They'll just sweep me up with a broom and... Oh god!" "Don't worry, it should be stopping." "What?" The fairy fluttered into Angela's limited view. "The inflation, dummy! See? It's already stopped." "Oh, thank god! I'm alive! I'm not gonna die! I'm not gonna die!" The fairy glowed pink in embarrassment. "I'm sorry you got so big. I didn't know you were so harmless!" "What?" "I mean, if I'd known you were this dumb, I wouldn't have been so scared in the first place." Angela clenched her distant fists. "Really?" "Yeah, sorry. I've just never seen your kind before. I've dealt only with big, hairy, four-legged animals." "That's great. So, are you going to deflate me?" The fairy drummed on Angela's skin. "Hmm... Yeah, I guess so." The fairy then promptly flew out of sight. "Hey! Where are you going?" "I'll get around to it eventually!" "What?! You can't leave me like this!" "Do you want to be left as a pile of scraps? I can do that right now, if you want." "No! No! No, that's fine! I'll wait, I'll wait!" "Thought so. Be back soon!" Angela sighed and listened to her body creak and groan. Why did this have to happen to her? Maybe that fairy really can't deflate her. Maybe it would have been better to pop. Better than a life of... this. If that fairy really is going to deflate her, it had better be soon. Spending seven days as a balloon squished against a ceiling wasn't what she had in mind for a vacation.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
It all started innocently enough. "Tenchi's home!" Sasami called out to the rest of the house, "Welcome home, Tenchi." The sweet young princess with the turquoise hair bowed slightly as she wiped her hands on her apron. A moment later the rest of the house bustled to life to welcome Tenchi home. "Teeennnnchiiiiiii," cooed Ryoko as she phased into existence. She drifted towards the front door and wrapped her arms around Tenchi's neck as she drifted around behind him. "It's been simply ages Tenchi," Ryoko said, "I was beginning to think you weren't coming back to me Tenchi." "Tenchi was only gone for a week," said Ayeka, as she appeared on the staircase, she was drying her long purple hair having just finished washing it. "And who said that he came back to see you?" Ryoko replied with a ripe raspberry. "Now now," said Washu as she came out of her lab under the stairs, "If you two start fighting, Tenchi won't give you your presents." "Oh my," Ayeka said as she stepped off the stairs. Ryoko giggled giddily, for a present from Tenchi, she could stand being in the same room as Ayeka, at least for a little while. The space pirate floated away from Tenchi and took her place to stand next to Ayeka. Tenchi took a wrapped box from each pocket and handed the pink box to Ayeka and the blue one to Ryoko. "Oooh perfect," Ryoko cooed after opening her present. It was a pin in the shape of a reclining panther; it was blue-black with golden eyes. "Tenchi you're so sweet," she said. Ayeka's pin was in the shape of a tree; it was shaped a little like her Ryu-oh, the tree that was the main component of her spaceship, it was faux-gold with little green leaves made out of fake jade. The pins were just costume jewelry, but if they were from Tenchi, then they were very precious to the two of them. "Where are Mihoshi and Ryo-ohki," asked Tenchi, for the two were nowhere to be seen. "Last I saw of those two they were asleep on the back porch," answered Ryoko. The back door opened a moment later and in stepped a young blonde woman with deep tan colored skin and blue eyes. This was Mihoshi. In tow she was followed by what appeared to be a five year old girl, save for the fact that she was covered with soft rabbit-like fur and had a pair of lop ears that looked like a cross between a cat's and a bunny's. This was Ryo-ohki. "Did someone say Tenchi was home?" asked Mihoshi. Ryo-ohki rubbed her sleepy eyes and then pointed. "Meow!" "Hi Mihoshi," said Tenchi, "These are for you." Her box contained a pair of gaudy magenta earrings with flashing LED's in the center. "Washu," Tenchi handed the diminutive genius her box. Washu beamed as she opened her box. "A wind up crabby," she announced gleefully, "This is just what I wanted, Tenchi, thank you." Ryo-ohki was just as pleased with her present, a big plush carrot. "What about me, Tenchi?" asked Sasami. "I saved the best one for last," Tenchi replied. He opened the door and brought in Sasami's present. It was a big tako balloon, with its long balloon tentacles bunched up underneath its bulbous looking head. The whole thing was about three feet around. It made Sasami giggle. "Ohhh, neat," said Mihoshi, "But what makes it float like that." "It's a gas called helium," Tenchi explained, "It's less dense than regular air so it floats up." "Unlike Mihoshi," said Ryoko, "Who's density personified." "What?" said Mihoshi whose bottom lip suddenly developed a pout. "You're mean." "Helium," mused Washu, as Ryo-ohki pounced after her crabby toy. "Why does this give me such a bad feeling?" "Hey Sasami," said Mihoshi, "Want to hear something neat?" The neck of the balloon was tied in a slipknot with a bit of rigid waxed string in the loop to keep the knot from coming undone. Mihoshi undid the knot and put the neck of the balloon between her lips to inhale a lung full of helium. "Space Police Policeman, help me," Mihoshi squeaked. Sasami giggled as she took the balloon back by the neck. "I want to try," she said and stuck the balloon into her mouth. "SASAMI, NO!" Washu's warning came too late, for a moment later Sasami's eyes were the widest part of her, with the rest of her body competing for a close second. "What's happening," the princess squealed as she floated towards the ceiling, "Somebody get me down!" Ryoko phased out and then appeared above the bloated Sasami. "Gotcha, princess," Ryoko said as she grabbed Sasami out of the air. "I thought something like this would happen," said Washu. "Oh my," Mihoshi sobbed. Tenchi looked at the swollen Sasami and bit his lip; the princess had been inflated more than three feet around her middle. She was a little bigger than the balloon Tenchi had brought her. "Little Washu, what just happened?" asked Tenchi. "It has to do with the kinetic energy of helium molecules and the unique biology of the people of Jurai," Washu explained, "Think of it as a benign allergy. If any pure blooded Juraian person inhales helium they swell up to odd proportions. How do you feel Sasami?" "I feel kinda full," Sasami replied, "It doesn't hurt, it just feels kinda weird." "Don't worry," Washu replied, "It should wear off as your body metabolizes the helium, but in the meantime." Washu stretched her fingers out and started to type on the ethereal keyboard that she always kept at hand. A moment later a hole opened up in midair causing a small silver anklet to drop to the floor. "Bring her down here, Ryoko," said the genius. "Right," said Ryoko as she floated towards the pink haired scientist. Washu clipped the anklet around Sasami's leg and then instructed Ryoko to let her go. Sasami bobbed up a foot or two before she stopped to float at six feet in the air. "I knew these little graviton anchors would come in handy one day," said Washu. "Hey Princess," Ryoko said as she snatched Sasami out of the air, "You up for a game of Sasami ball?" The space pirate gently tossed Sasami across the room towards her sister. "Ryoko you stop that," Ayeka hollered as she caught her inflated sister. Sasami giggled for a bit. "That was fun, Ayeka," the younger princess replied. Ayeka put Sasami's feet to the floor and let her go. The little girl bobbled once more up to her six-foot drifting height. Ayeka grabbed her once more and planted Sasami's feet firmly on the floor; but it was not good, for as soon as Ayeka released her little sister... "Whee," giggled Sasami, "That's almost as much fun as Sasami ball." "I give up," Ayeka said finally. Washu looked up from playing with her crabby. "Sorry princess," she replied, "The anchor will only keeps her from floating any higher, it won't keep Sasami on the ground." "Now I won't get dinner fixed," pouted Sasami. "It's okay Sasami," said Tenchi, "We can order in for one night." * * * "What are you giggling about, Ryoko," asked Ayeka. They were sitting on the sofa drinking sake. "I was thinking about what Washu said," Ryoko replied. She cast a sly gaze on the purple haired princess. Ayeka's eyes suddenly widened. "Whatever you are thinking Ryoko, put it right out of your mind." Ryoko just smiled. * * * Late at night Ayeka dozed peacefully in her bed while Sasami drifted overhead. It was a bit chilly, so Washu made her a quilted robe to sleep in until the helium left her system. Ryo-ohki had taken over Sasami's bed until then. Early in the morning the moon came out from behind the clouds and shined on the elder princess's face. A heartbeat later, a spiky haired shadow blotted out that very same moonlight. * * * The breeze blew a wisp of Ayeka's hair onto the tip of her nose. The princess gave a puff and blew the wisp away. "Sasami," Ayeka said "The window's open, would you please close it?" "Prinnnnnceeess," said a voice through the haze of sleep. Ayeka knew who it was almost immediately. "Ryoko," the princess replied as she rolled over in her sleep, "What do you wan-wha?" Ayeka's eyes shot open to find that she was at least fifty feet in the air. "Where am I?" she asked frantically, "How did I get up here?" Ayeka suddenly rolled back over to see her body had been inflated to radical proportions. In her nose was a tube like the ones used on an oxygen tank, however Ayeka suspected that the tank she was hooked up to didn't contain oxygen. At the moment, there was only one thing Ayeka could do. "RYOKO!" "You called, Princess?" Ryoko replied as she phased into existence. The space pirate folded her legs to sit Indian style on Ayeka's now immense belly. "Something wrong, Princess?" "What have you done to me, Ryoko," Ayeka said short of shrieking, "I, I, I'm huge." "I just didn't want Sasami to have all the fun," Ryoko explained, "I simply filled you up with a whole tank's worth of helium and anchored you up here. Oh, before I forget." From her pocket, Ryoko took a bottle with a yellow pill the size of a gumball inside. "Say ahh, Princess." As Ayeka started to respond, Ryoko popped the pill into her open mouth. The princess swallowed the pill with a cough. "What was that?" "A scrubber," Ryoko replied, "Just a little something to prevent further embarrassment. Your gonna be up here a while Princess." "Ryoko you get me down from here before you get into bigger trouble," Ayeka shouted. "You shouldn't have said that, Ayeka," Ryoko smiled. Ayeka then heard three sharp beeps and then started to feel a soft trickle flow up the tube in her nose. The change wasn't instant; Ayeka really didn't notice anything until she saw Ryoko rising up from her belly, then the princess realized that it was her belly that was rising. "I'm inflating," Ayeka gasped. The princess tried to pull the tube out of her nose, but her arms had swollen to a point that they wouldn't reach. "Please stop this." Beep. Suddenly the trickle of gas from Ayeka's nasal tube stopped. "I was going to tell you about the voice activated switch on the regulator," said Ryoko, "It's keyed to your voice, if you want to grow some more all you have to do is say so." "Why would I want to grow some more," Ayeka asked in return, "And why did you bring me up here anyway?" "I wanted you to see something," Ryoko replied in her slightly nastier tone, "and you're too heavy to carry." "So you turn me into a blimp?" "I wouldn't have had to if Washu's anchors worked right," Ryoko replied, "Their distance is based on lift; the more lift you have, the greater the distance between the anchor and the ground." "Oh my," said Ayeka, and her face started to blush. "What is it with this gown of yours anyway; you're about ten feet wide and it still fits you like a glove. What's wrong?" "It's just that I don't want Tenchi to see me like this," explained Ayeka, "It's embarrassing!" "Embarrassing?" said Ryoko, "This from the princess who calls Masaki 'my mommy' in a little girl's voice when she comes to visit." Ayeka's face reddened a bit more. "I'll let you in on a little secret princess," said Ryoko, "Even for people like us, life is too short to worry about embarrassment. If something strange happens to you, don't go crawling into that shell of royal properness; make the best of it. If you can, have fun with it, if you can't just go 'eh' and move on." Ayeka sighed softly. "And if your still worried about Tenchi," Ryoko said, "I'll make us even." "Now just what do you mean by that?" asked Ayeka, but Ryoko was gone. Ayeka turned her head to see that the space pirate had just drifted off a few yards. Ryoko chuckled a bit, then took in a deep breath and blew on her thumb. Ayeka's eyes widened as Ryoko's normally trim midriff suddenly bulged out from beneath her blouse. The princess watched as the bulge grew to the size of a beachball before Ryoko stopped blowing. Ryoko just gave one of her mischievous smiles before taking another breath and started blowing again. Ayeka's mouth was agape as she watched Ryoko swelling immensely. The space pirate slowly ballooned up bigger and bigger until she was six feet wide. "Oh I've forgotten how much fun this is," Ryoko squealed with delight. "You think being fat with air is fun," Ayeka asked. Ryoko nodded. "Don't children play with balloons on your home planet, Ayeka," she asked. The princess shook her head. "We have nothing like them really," Ayeka replied, "I think my father would consider such a thing as a disruptive influence." "I used to do this all the time before Kagato got a hold of me," Ryoko said, "Sort of a neat way to test my limits." She blew on her thumb once more causing her blimped body to widen another two feet. One more deep breath and Ryoko was the same size as Ayeka. The space pirate's body gave a deep groan from the pneumatic stress. "You're not going to burst are you?" asked Ayeka. "If I want to," Ryoko replied, "Remember, Washu made me from the Masses in her lab. Takes more than popping like a balloon to get rid of me." "That's good," Ayeka replied, "I don't think Tenchi would for give me if I let you burst while you were trying to show me up." Ryoko started to giggle madly. "What's so funny?" asked Ayeka. "Did you know that about the only thing we had in common for the past few months was how we felt for Tenchi," explained Ryoko, "Now look at us. We've fattened ourselves to the point of ridiculousness with air and helium." "Ahem, you fattened me up with helium," Ayeka corrected, "I was asleep." "The point is we can both do it whenever we want to," Ryoko continued, "For whatever reason." "Well maybe," said Ayeka, "I feel kind of like a big pillow. I don't feel anything like Sasami described." "That has to with the pressure," Ryoko explained, "I didn't want to disturb you while you were sleeping; so I had the pressure on the regulator set low." "Oh," Ayeka mused. A moment the sky began to slowly brighten, as the first golden shimmer of the sun began to peek over the horizon. "This is what I wanted to show you," Ryoko said, "Up in the air is the best place to watch a sunrise." "You're right," Ayeka replied as she rolled over to rest her chin on her hands. "You know just because we're rivals for Tenchi's affections doesn't mean we have to be enemies. We could even be friends." "Maybe," said Ryoko, "I just know one thing." "And what's that?" asked Ayeka. "I'm going to be the biggest!" And with that, Ryoko sucked in her biggest breath and blew on her thumb. "Not while I'm around," replied Ayeka, "BIGGER!" "You've only got a couple of tanks worth of gas left, Princess," Ryoko replied, "But I don't need them." "Then I'll just have to hope you burst first," Ayeka replied with a cheer. * * * A week later: Ayeka and Ryoko were just coming in from the hot springs on the island that floated out back of the house. Sasami was floating a few inches off of the floor watching the television; she still had a little helium in her system that let her float just a bit. Ayeka's own experience had left her a bit pudgy around her middle and her bust slightly fuller, but Washu said that both princesses would be back to normal by the end of the week. Tenchi, Washu, Mihoshi, and Ryo-ohki were all on the floor watching the TV. They had too; the couch was missing. "Where's the sofa?" asked Ayeka with piqued curiosity. Tenchi looked towards the door. "Oh hello you two," Tenchi replied, "The sofa was looking a little threadbare, so dad sent it out to be reupholstered." "Well it doesn't look like your too comfortable," Ayeka said. "We're not," said Washu, "And there's a glitch in the subspace field so I can't get into my lab for my pillow." "I can fix this," Ayeka replied. She opened the door to the storage unit and pulled something out. "What can you do about this?" asked Mihoshi. A softly spoken request, "Bigger please," was the only reply. * * * "You didn't have to do this Miss Ayeka," said Tenchi. "Nonsense," Ayeka replied, "There's no sense in everyone sitting on the floor. And I don't mind anyway, it's part of who I am and I like sharing it with you." "POPCORN!" called Mihoshi, as she emerged from the kitchen. Mihoshi walked over and handed the bowl up, before climbing up herself. "So how long before Ayeka gets back to normal, Washu?" "Well, last time it took her about four days, and that was after five tanks worth," Washu calculated in her head, "I'd say a day, maybe a day and a half." "By then the couch will be back," said Sasami, "Perfect timing." "Well then here's to Princess Ayeka," said Mihoshi, "The best TV chair in the Masaki Household." Ayeka merely chuckled. "Well Princess," said Ryoko, "Over your fear of embarassment?" "At least as far as as my friends are concerned," the princess replied, "You were right this is kind of fun. And the best part is..." "Hmm..." "I get to be closer to Tenchi than ever!" "Wah!" The sound of Ryoko hitting the floor echoed through out the household. Ayeka simply giggled softly to herself.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation, Hourglass Inflation
"Manda, look at those women there!" Lynn hissed at me. I looked over my fashion magazine at the two women walking into the coffee shop. They were about the same age, late twenties, older than us. They were both attractive and both dressed well in designer clothes, one in tight jeans and a loose top, the other in a casual jacket and skirt set in a lovely salmon colour silk blend. Their clothes weren't exactly why Lynn had alerted me. Rather it was what was filling them. The figures of both women were noticeably and obviously inflated. Their bodies bulged in exaggerated hourglass shapes from the gas filling them. The blonde in jeans was filling her jeans in a very well-padded way, the tight denim bulging around her inflated hips and bottom, while her top, meant to be loose was now tight across her swollen chest, the extra volume of her inflated breasts drawing the bottom edge of her top up, exposing her midriff. Her companion, a brunette, whose wide hips and round bottom filled her skirt almost to bursting across her figure, was even bigger up top. Her bust was so exaggerated that her overfull breasts pushed her jacket wide open, making her overstuffed bra quite visible through her stretched out sweater top. The bloated pair made quite an impression on everyone else, for naturally when a 50-inch F cup bustline bounces into view, no one cannot look. Just as many women we watching them as were men. They two ladies made polite apologies for any collisions their expanded curves had with other customers, until they reached their table, and with some difficulty due to the tightness of their clothes, managed to sit their wide, inflated bottoms, in the small coffee shop seats. "We so have to find out what their story is," I said, rising from my seat. "I'm right behind you." We moved made better time getting to their table, give our, relatively, uninflated bodies, "Excuse me," I asked, my professional curiosity overcoming my natural shyness. Both women looked up at me, "Yes?" asked the woman in the bulging skirt suit. There was something about the casual candidness of her answer in that one word that made me suspect something strange was going on. This close to her I was positive that she and her friend were inflated, but the whole vibe I got from their expressions, their voices and their body language was that they weren't aware that they were inflated! I was a little shaken, I was ready to interrogate, I was ready to defeat evasions, I wasn't planning on dealing with people that didn't even know they had been blown up. "Uh, I just had to say I really like your outfit. Where did you get it?" "Why thank you, I got it at Lord and Taylor's," she smiled up at me. "But if you get one make sure you're careful with the fit, Ronnie's practically bursting out of hers," Her friend chimed in with a smile and a little laugh. Ronnie looked down at her large, full breasts bulging out of her jacket, "Well, it may have shrunk a bit at the cleaners, but its funny how much bigger it makes me feel," she pressed a hand into the front of her plush bustline, "I mean," she blushed and giggled a little, "I feel so...big!" Both women laughed, their overinflated breasts bouncing on the tops of their table. Lynn and I glanced at each other, she decided to try the other one, "Well you both look a little, uh, big," she said, uncharacteristically diplomatic. "How are you women feeling today?" "Well," the blonde began, "I was feeling a little, well, you know," she puffed out her cheeks and held her hands out in front of her to indicate a greater girth, "Sort of bloated, I was actually afraid that I wouldn't be able to fit into these jeans, but I think it was my imagination because I was able to squeeze into them after all." "Sooo, you tow don't find anything unusual about you clothes, or your bodies today?" I prompted. They looked at each other, eying each other up and down, bulging clothing, straining seams and all. "Nope." "Uh uh." "Manda, what's going on, they're stuffed like turkeys, are they stoned?" Lynn whispered out the side of her mouth. "Hypnotized?" I guessed, in a whisper. "What do we do with them?" "Well, they aren't getting any bigger since they came in, and they don't seem to be in danger, or even upset...I don't know what we can do. It's not a crime to be bloated." We thanked Ronnie and her friend, Betty, for their time, and walked back to our table, where we both sat in silence, mentally chewing over the interview. We sulked and pondered for the whole next twenty minutes, while the two inflated women finished their drinks and shared a cookie. As they extricated their swollen bodies from their chairs and gathered up their shopping bags, and made their clumsy way out, again apologizing almost continuously every time one of their overstuffed curves bumped into someone, I had an epiphany. I snapped my fingers, bolted from my chair and ran out the door to catch them in the street. Lynn gaped at my explosion into action, but recovered quickly and was only a few steps behind me. "Excuse me! Ronnie!" The bloated brunette waddled around to face me, "Yes?" "Were you ladies shopping today?" I asked nodding at the bags they each carried. "Sure, Lord and Taylor's, the same place I got this outfit." "Both of you?" Betty held her bag out, displaying the department store's logo on it. "Let's roll." I was familiar with the upscale clothiers, so I led the way up to the second floor, where swimwear was to be found. "Can I help you?" The shop girl asked. "Hi..." I looked at her nametag, "...Tina, we were wanting to get some new bathing suits, what do you have that might look good on us?" The shop girl squinted at us thoughtfully, sizing us up and noting our colours, then nodded and trotted off to a rack where she picked out two swimsuits without hesitation. She was obviously a master of her craft and lady of her domain, knowing exactly what she had for exactly what need. Returning, she handed us the swimsuits on their hangers and waved us into the fitting rooms where we stripped down and slid into the new swimsuits. In just a few moments we were able to step out, barefoot, into the fitting parlour. My bathing suit was a one piece in a dull green colour while Lynn came out with a one-piece in a dark blue. The fit and styling was really spot on though. We looked each other over, and looked ourselves over in the three-way mirror. "Well?" the shop girl asked, looking smug. "The colours both seem a little darker than current fashion," I mused critically. "Really?" the shop girl asked. "I think you'll find that the dark green really makes your tan look even richer," she turned to Lynn, "And always use a darker colour to bring out the colour of your eyes." "Oh," that made sense, she certainly knew her field. The shop girl smiled at us seeing us fall under her spell, "Oh you ladies look wonderful, those suits really flatter your figure. You get such great cleavage from them." "Oh," I looked down at my chest, watching my cleavage deepen as my breasts swelled up inside my bathing suit. I smiled and looked over at Lynn whose chest was similarly inflating, the soft hiss of the spandex tightening and shifting over our expanding bustlines. "These suits really flatter our figures," I said, my breasts bulging out the sides of my suit. I was already a little inflated so I was affected even more. "We get such great cleavage from them," Lynn added smiling at her now substantially inflated breasts. The shop girl goggled at my top-heavy shape while I smiled complacently, smoothing the swimsuit over my figure, and turning at the waist to better see myself since I couldn't see much over my massive chest. "Wow, I may not know my own strength", Tina muttered, "She's blown up like a balloon!" Addressing us again, she said in a more normal volume of voice, "the cut in the seat of these is the latest thing, it really draws attention to your best assets." Lynn was turned with her back to the mirror, watching her own bottom fill up full and round, straining in the tightening spandex of her bathing suit, "This bathing suit makes my butt look so good!" she exclaimed, running her hands across her newly-widened rear. I put my hands on my rear, smiling as I felt my bottom spread out, tightening the seat of my bathing suit, then plumping out the sides as my bottom swelled up round and full, "I know, I don't think I've ever had a swimsuit that suited my figure so well!" Tina stared at the overinflated hourglass shape I had developed, my bloated curves bulging and straining in my too-small bathing suit, "Jeez, I hope she doesn't burst!" she muttered, "Um, I think you ladies have made your decision." I don't want to suggest them any more, Tina thought, the tall one is getting so fat I don't know if she'll be able to fit in the clothes she came in with. I had decided to buy the new bathing suit and easily talked Lynn into purchasing hers. We retreated into the changing rooms. I skimmed off my tight, sexy bathing suit, feeling the bulging curves of my figure bobbling and bouncing as I tried to stuff myself back into my street clothes. I could still feel my tummy bulging out of my pants as I tried to get dressed again, and I continued to try to stuff my belly into my strangely smaller pants. This wasn't helped by not really being able to see anything of myself below my bust, I wound up trying to hold down my large breasts while holding my tummy flat and zipping up my pants, I was about two hands short. Even using the dressing room mirror, I was able to let my big boobs bounce free but I was still at least one hand short of being able to close my pants. There was a knock at my stall door, and I heard my friend's voice, "Everything working out in there?" "Lynn...ughh...get in here," I grunted, struggling with my waistband. Lynn opened the door and stepped in, her full figure squishing up against me, "I'm not sure there's room enough in this stall for both of us. What's going on?" "I can't get my pants to close, look how small they are on me!" "Wow, there's no way you can fit into those, are you sure they're your pants? Maybe someone put your pants away and left you with these?" "That must be it, got out there and find me something that fits, ask Tina the shop girl." Lynn stepped out of the stall, and I heard her conversing with Tina, explaining my dilemma. A moment or two later, a pair of Lycra blend trousers dropped over the door of the stall. I reflexively checked the tag, "I don't wear a 14!" I shrieked. "It's...European sizing. It'll fit!" Tina assured me. I was able to finally stuff my figure into them, though it was still very snug, but I wasn't really averse to wearing tight clothing anyway. Newly dressed I stepped out, smoothing the new slacks over my big curves, though I had to leave my shirt unbuttoned from the bust up, my large breasts filled my shirt and bra to bulging. Lynn was standing at the sales counter, her wide hips and full round bottom bulging in her tight jeans while her full bust bounced against the counter as she signed for her purchases. I walked up next to her to complete the business portion of the transaction. My bill was a little higher due to my purchasing two garments. I paused over the gratuity, in upscale clothiers referred to as 'consideration'. I considered how helpful Tina was, and wrote down a nice round thousand dollar consideration. Having satisfied our tribute to consumerism, we left the store, mostly ignoring the stares of passers-by. Just as we passed the pet store I practically collided with a tall shapely blonde woman in a dark pants suit and sweater. I say practically because she didn't actually make it to colliding with me, rather she ran into and bounced off of my extra big bust. We paused to make sure the woman was all right, and Lynn picked up the bag of rabbit chow she's dropped in the collision. She sputtered a bit, catching her breath, the looked at me in the eye, swore, hauled back as if to hit me of all things, then recovered her composure, but still looking a bit shaky. "Are you ok?" I asked. She looked at me, mouth open and eyes wide. "Maybe she's deaf," Lynn suggested, leaning right in front of her field of vision, "ARE YOU-" "I'm fine, I'm not deaf," she interrupted Lynn, absently reclaiming her bag, " are you guys doing?" "What, us? We're swell! Thanks for asking." She nodded, "Uh huh, you look...swell." She looked for a moment as if she was going to say something, then thought better of it and smiled at us, "My apologies, I must have not been looking where I was going." As Lynn and I left her behind, continuing on our way home, I faintly heard her say, "Villain," as if that was supposed to explain why she walked into us. We were only another block down when a city bus splashed through a large puddle of cold rainwater directly in front of where we stood on the curb. The icy, and rather dirty, water hit us with a shock that made us both squeal in outrage at being drenched. I shook the water from my face and hair, frozen in a stance of shock from our impromptu bath. "Lynn?" "Yeah?" came the gasping reply from my roomie. "Did we just squeal?" "Yeah." "Oh," We relaxed our rigid, shocked stance, shaking water from our hands and looking at ourselves and each other eyes and mouths open wide. "What the heck happened to us?" I breathed, trying to stare at Lynn and checking out my own figure at the same time, "We're so...big." Lynn pressed her hands into her ballooned breasts, then tested the pressure in her overinflated bottom, "We're...stacked!" She looked around, "People are staring." "Of course they are. I'm bigger than you and even I'm staring at you. Can you run?" Lynn hugged her inflated figure, "I...I don't know. I'm so stuffed into my clothes, I feel like I'm going to burst out of them if I move too quick." "Alley then," I grabbed her hand and we both swayed our exaggerated figures into a nearby alleyway, moving down it away from the street where a few curious bystanders still peered into the alley from its mouth. "Masks," Lynn said, donning hers. "M-oh hell," I searched my pockets, "I lost mine!" "We can track it, just get us out of here!" I grabbed my inflated roommate, holding her awkwardly due to the extra inches we were both sporting. I flexed my legs and sprang for the sky in escape. A few fast, high altitude jumps later, we landed atop the Fatcave, then dropped through the skylight into our living room. "Ooof!" We both exclaimed, dropping onto the sofas of choice. We both immediately undid the buttons and flies of our pants letting our expanded tummies bulge out. "Geez, I'm huge, I can't see anything past my chest," Lynn groaned, cupping her inflated breasts in her hands. "I know, and I'm even bigger. Whew, we should get into costume." Lynn bounced off her inflated bottom to stand up, swaying off to her room; "If you think they'll fit..." she called over her shoulder. I walked into my room, conscious of the extreme sway my inflated hips were giving my walk. I pulled out my costume and once again thanked whoever it was that invented spandex, the only material that stretched enough to slide over all of my overinflated figure. Pulling my arms through the sleeves I looked at my body in the mirror, big, ballooned breasts swelling inside the top of my tights, a plump round tummy and plush wide hips and bottom. I I started at this revelation, clapping my hand over my mouth, then threw open the door and stalked, ok, jiggled really, into the living room, glaring around suspiciously. "Faelina," I growled. "Yes?" came the deep, yet indistinct reply from somewhere in the room. "Get thee behind me demon," I grumbled at our invisible houseguest. I managed not to shriek when the demoness' soft lips touched my ear, "I am behind you," she said in her very deep yet feminine voice. Her tone was perpetually and sardonically twisted with her infernal amusement at foolish mortals. I turned to face the voluptuous, green haired, demoness, and giggled, my sense of humor overcoming my irritation at our houseguest. In an attempt to get Faelina to blend in around campus (as if you could have a tall, gorgeous, stacked, girl with green hair, big curling horns, a barbed tail, batwings, slit pupil eyes, a voice that sounded like a thunderstorm and a mouth full of huge shark like teeth blend in) Lynn, in her own slightly twisted sense of humor, had been picking out clothes for Faelina to replace her usual shiny purple skintight outfit. So what made me giggle was our demoness dressed in knee socks, a short plaid miniskirt and a white blouse with a short school blazer over it. So she looked like, well, like an adolescent's fantasy schoolgirl. Naturally, Lynn being Lynn she had convinced Faelina to stuff herself into a skirt that was way too short and tight and a blouse that wouldn't actually button closed. It was pretty comical, and also again annoying, because Faelina carried off the trampy, sexy look with so little effort. Freshly re-grouchy, something about Faelina really got on my nerves, I scowled at the demoness, "First, back off." She obediently stepped back one-step. "Second, whatever you are doing to me, stop it." "Whatever do you mean?" She purred. She always purred. It really annoyed me that I reflexively believed her, but knew better. Demons are experts at appearing sincere, "I mean, my body is all revved up, I'm turned on, and even you're attractive to me you creature of the pit. So that tells me you're mucking up my hormones or something." "Well, just a little. But you come in here all pumped up, so round, so firm, so fully packed, what's a girl supposed to think?" "You aren't a girl Faelina, you're a demon. And you're the most oversexed creature I've ever met, so please stop whatever it is you are doing to me before I have to embarrass myself by trying and failing to hurt you." Bubbles came bouncing out of her room, her over-inflated chest and hips straining in her two piece black spandex costume, her inflated belly bulging over the waistband of her briefs, "Hey is Faelina over there?" She called to me. The demoness stepped into view, waving. "Thought so, I'm so horny I can't see straight." "Bubbles!" I cried, shocked. "Geez 'Manda, its not like you aren't either, its just what Faelina does." "You look very good Bubbles," Faelina rumbled, nodding at her over-inflated figure. "Thanks, I'm not sure about the two piece though, I feel a little fat." She patted the soft swell of her belly. "Is that your idea of a joke?" I asked Bubbles, nodding at the demoness' wardrobe. Bubbles looked Faelina up and down, "Yes." "She's barely in it," I muttered. Bubbles tapped the bulge my ballooned breasts were making as I overfilled the top of my costume. Faelina took an uncharacteristic cue and walked into the living room and sat down on a couch. We both watched the demoness' ample bottom sway to the couch. I shook my head, "That girl, I don't know why she gets on my nerves so much. I guess I'm still riled that that...that shop girl was able to put one over on us so easily." Bubbles shrugged, her large chest bouncing, "It's not so bad. I mean, it's not like anyone got killed or anything," She looked down at herself and ran her hands down her super curvy body, "Y'know, this is actually quite a body I've got now," she mused. "Do you want to keep it?" "No, she sighed, "Though I'd love to have this body when Sven was around," she grinned. "You're as bad as Faelina." "I wish," she snorted, "Nah, we still have to take that chick down." "Did you track my mask?" Bubbles favoured me with a patient look, "Manda, our masks are a marvel of fashion and microelectronic engineering. They are comfy, they stay in place they fold, they act as a cell phone and radio, they hold a gas tube ready for use from the belt canisters, and they are GPS locatable. I know all this because I built them." "So that's a yes?" "Yes." "Not bad for a theatre major." She grinned, "Not bad at all." "So, we know where she is, we need a plan." "Can I help?" Faelina asked, the creepy infernal acoustics of her voice made it sound as if she was standing right next to us when in fact she was still sitting on the couch, twenty feet away. "No!" I snapped, "Sorry," I apologised to Bubbles. "It's not me you have to apologise to." "I just don't know why Faelina gets on my nerves so much." "Is it because she doesn't pay any rent?" "No." "Is it because she's a demon?" "Probably." Bubbles shook her head, grinning her 'I'm so much bloody smarter than you' grin, "No its not. It's partly what she represents. All the things that you aren't. Power without consequences. And there's the unfortunate resemblance." I leaned my elbows on the countertop, knowing how much she liked to lecture. Then I moved my arms apart as my over-pumped breasts rested on the counter top as well. Geez, I was big! "Faelina, come her for a-" The demon stepped casually over to us as if she weren't sitting in another room an instant ago. "-good. Get rid of the horns like we talked about." The demon reached up and broke the horns off flush from her forehead, then opened her mouth and stuffed one than the other in the wood chipper of her mouth chewing, and swallowing. "Suffering cats!" I yelped, never having seen this demonstrated. "Pull in those teeth, do your eyes," I watched her teeth reshape themselves into a more human fashion and her eyes turned large, round and dark green, "and your hair dear, brown with a hint of red, auburn. Just right!" "God's holy trousers," I breathed, "She looks...normal." It was true; there wasn't a hint of demonic influence in her features. She could have easily passed for any normal attractive college girl...I looked at her again, and screamed. "Pod people! Pod people!" I shrieked, falling backwards, bouncing on my inflated bottom, scooting away from the demoness. She looked like me. Bubbles bent over, a little awkwardly, given her inflated figure, to give me an arm up. Once standing again, I couldn't not stare at my doppelganger. "Oh my god," I whispered, "I look like a demon." "Sorry," Faelina said with my face and her deep voice, and let her eyes elongate, her hair shimmered back to green and her teeth blossomed. "That's why you really don't like her," Bubbles said softly. She looked me in the eye, concerned, "Hey, you ok? You're white as a sheet and your eyes look glazed." "I think I'm in shock," I muttered dully, then slowly brightening with each word, "But I think you've given me an idea. I'll deal with my demonic resemblance later, first we have a villainess to catch!" In her apartment, Tina stared at her kitchen table where the little folded pair of connected diamonds that was my mask rested. She jumped as the device chirped, then chirped again, and again until the shop girl finally picked it up, the mask flipping open ready to wear or be used like a cell phone. She put the sleek little device to her ear, "Hello?" The front door to her apartment crashed inwards, dropping to the floor, knocked totally free of its hinges. I strode in, making my heroic entrance, only slightly marred by my supersized proportions bouncing a little in my tight costume, "Hiya Tina," I looked down at my greatly inflated chest then back to her, "We need to talk." "Airtankgirl?" she exclaimed, "But you're so...big!" "I know, thanks very much, you did this to me this afternoon. Two girls buying swimsuits, remember? My phone was in the pair of slacks I was too big to fit back into. Thanks for hanging onto it for me." I held out my hand and she closed the phone and dropped it my hand, which I then tucked into my utility belt. Tina closed her eyes in exasperation, "Oh, that was you, I had no idea-" "Of course not, but how many people have you blown up like that? I ran into two of your other victims this morning. What's your game? And answer carefully, if I even so much as strain a seam I'll punch your lights out!" The slim young shop girl sagged, collapsing into a chair, "Working there I discovered I had the ability to inflate, not only one's ego, but one's figure. I don't understand it, but I've figured out that it only works apparently on young, fit women. Usually the attractive and shapely types such as yourself. The start of the scam was just to get you pumped up and agreeable enough to sign for big considerations. Then I figured out that if people with nice hourglass figures like yours suddenly found themselves a little fattened up then they'd pay to keep themselves as slim and trim as you are. It was like, blackmailing people for their figures, pay and you stay nice and shapely, like you are in that costume, don't pay up and watch your figure expand like bread dough. "You were a surprise though Airtankgirl, I had no idea why you were so responsive to my powers, you're delightful figure just seemed to blow up, I guess the inflatable nature of your fantastic body made you more susceptible to my powers. Before you knew it, you had blown up much fatter than I expected." Tina stopped talking then looked up at me. I was standing over the dejected villainess, but I wasn't actually interested in her story anymore. I was staring at the shiny white spandex swell that my body had become. Somehow she had managed to sneak her powers in on me and I'd ballooned up! I pressed my hands into my fattened body, swelling up in my tights, my torso and waist rounding out. My figure had gone from an overstuffed hourglass to egg-shaped! "Ugh," I grunted, waddling as my expanding belly pushed my legs apart, my spandex tights creaking as my girth increased, "What have you done to me? I...I'm getting so fat!" Tina stood up with a wicked little grin, "Too fat to catch me now!" She ducked nimbly under my flailing arm and dashed for the open doorway. She got one step out the door, but never saw the punch that took her down. Tina sprawled across the lawn, then sat up, looking woozily at Bubbles and myself, then she looked at the ruined open doorway of her apartment where another Airtankgirl was waddling through the doorframe, her round bloated sides squishing as she squeezed herself through the door with a 'POP'. The dazed shop girl looked back up at bubbles and myself, shaking her head as if to clear it. Bubbles and I had gone through substantial figure enhancement as well, we'd also gone from the overstuffed hourglass to growing fat and round. My white and her black spandex tights creaked and bulged as out bodies inflated, making our costumes full and tight around us. Faelina waddled over to us, shaking her head, changing her hair back to its original green and her horns and teeth growing back, her body assuming its normal design, the straining white tights on her overfilled body changed to her preferred purple. Her arms rested on her bloated sides as she patted her newly fattened belly, "Hi, I guess there were a few unexpected effects?" She said in her deep voice, nodding toward our fattened bodies. "It mostly worked out fine," I replied, "We laid out here monitoring your action inside the apartment through the mask comlink. We got the whole conversation but when she turned on her power we were pretty surprised when we started to swell up as well." "Though we didn't get hit with the suggestion whammy, we were still in control of our minds even as we inflated even bigger." Bubbles added, patting the soft spandex dome of her ballooned belly, "Did you suffer any from her powers of suggestion?" Faelina chuckled, "Please, I'm a demon remember? The only thing she did was fatten me up a bit," she smiled horribly, "And I happen to like it." Bubbles and I shifted our bloated bodies, feeling our costumes grow even tighter as our bodies swelled in response to the arousal radiating from the distended demoness. Sitting on the lawn Tina yelped as her body raised up as her bottom plumped up inside her yoga pants and gasped as she looked down to see her chest expanding inside her hoodie. "Wha...what's happening to me? I feel so hot...and so...full?" We three bloated superheroines, our inflated bodies stretching out our costumes smiled down at the growing villainess who was responsible for our fuller, fatter figures. "Oh that's Faelina, it's the effect she has on people. Would you like to show the nice villainess what else you can do Faelina?" The demon wiggled her plumply inflated bottom, shaking loose her barbed tail, which she held up in front of her, then shot into Tina's bellybutton. We all watched as Tina's body began to bulge and swell from Faelina inflating her. Her yoga pants filled up in the front with a large full belly, then stretched out behind her as her bottom fattened up to match new, wide hips. Her legs plumped up along their length while her hoodie strained as her breasts inflated like balloons. Bubbles and I shared a look as Faelina smiled, pumping Tina up even more. Her plump legs spread out as her belly ballooned between them; her torso filled up and rounded out even more that we were. Tina's swelling torso was starting to take up her arms and legs, her body had grown fat and rounded out all the way to her elbows and knees. "Ugh, what have you done to me? I...I've gotten so fat!" She gasped, parroting Faelina's words inside the apartment. The demoness chuckled again, patting Tina's blimped body, pulling her tail free, and tipping her over on her side, "There, she should be pretty easy to roll over to the police." I nodded, "Yeah I think detective Frey will be very glad to see you. She has a special soft spot for inflating villainesses-" "Yeah, her waistline," Bubbles joked, "you want some help getting her over there?" "Nah, I may be fat, but I'm still super strong. I think the fewer inflated superheroines there are out here, the better. I'll roll her over," I patted Tina's bloated body, "You two head back to base," I easily rolled the blimped villainess to the parking lot and out into the street. Epilogue: (third person) Bubbles and Faelina watched Airtankgirl roll Tina out of sight, and then Bubbles sighed and leaned her fattened bulk against Faelina's equally inflated body. The demoness looked down at the short, inflated blonde superheroine, "Are you injured?" Bubbles laughed and straightened up, "No Fae, I'm not hurt, it's just the erotic radiation coming off you has me so turned on I'm weak in the knees." Faelina smiled horribly, "Is it anything I can help you with?" she asked, deflating her waistline leaving her hips wide and full, a round plush bottom and big full breasts. Bubbles bit her lip, looking down the street in the direction of the police station, "No," she said hesitantly. Faelina shook her head, her hair, eyes and teeth changing to normal human. She still had her horns and tail, "If you're certain," she said in Amanda's voice. stepping closer, her body pressing into Bubbles' big, inflated belly, her taloned hands resting on Bubbles' bloated sides. Bubbles smiled up at the demoness, "Okay, but if you tell anyone, you have to move out." "Deal"
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
I must admit that part of the fun of being a balloon girl is the attention. Recently I was called to do a small radio spot for a station in town. I arrived at the radio station and was guided to the broadcast booth. The place was rather warm so I slipped out of my blouse, revealing the tank top I wore beneath. I sat comfortably in the seat with headphones and a microphone hanging before my face. The headphones would be used so I could hear the radio announcer and the callers questions once the broadcast started. As I sat there, waiting patiently for the my little question and answer session to begin, I listened to the music that was being pumped through the headphones. The music was soothing, slow hypnotic rhythms and tones. I found myself gyrating slightly to the tunes. A tiny voice whispered through the gentle beat of the music. I couldn't make it out entirely, but it made me feel peculiar. I started to moan and gyrate a little more as I felt my tank top begin to tighten. I raised my hands to my chest, clasping my breasts that were suddenly swelling in my top. "What's happening to me," I said aloud, but not at all in distress. The music and the almost inaudible voice buried within it was keeping my spirits under a haze of cool emotions. I put my arms down to my sides as my boobs blossomed larger. A smile formed upon my face as the sensations built within my enlarging bust. "Grow," I heard the voice say within the music as I swayed to the enthralling notes. "Yes," I breathed, smiling as the tingling sensations crept down, down, down, as my bosoms ballooned up, up, up, stretching my tank top out further and further. I rocked gently back and forth on my seat, my pants crotch tightening against me as I swelled a little down below. "Grow," the voice repeated again and again. I moaned. "Yes, I must be bigger." My breasts inflated larger and larger, my nipples hardening and rubbing against the coarse material of my top. "Grow. Grow. Grow." My chest swelled up even more. The sensations coursing through my body built, but were strongest in my breasts and crotch. The bigger my boobs grew, the stronger the sensations built in my slightly swollen nether region. It was the most pleasant sensation I had ever felt, and I wanted more and more! My tight tank top kept my expanding breasts from torpedoing out altogether--somewhat contained, but filling the material out. I felt my ballooning boob flesh press warm against my the top of my tummy. Suddenly, the strange music stopped and the voice of the broadcaster came through the headphones. The growth of my chest stopped just as suddenly, along with the sensations. "We're talking to Helia Melonowski, the famed Balloon Girl. Welcome, Helia! Our first listener would like to know how big your bust can grow," the radio personality said. I looked down at my jutting huge boobs and grinned on the verge of orgasmic bliss. "I don't know," I smiled. "Why don't you whisper your wishes in my ear?"
giant, women inflating men
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"...are you sure this is safe?" Nathan asked, eyeing the strange industrial pump. He knew that, relatively speaking, standing in the middle of a field completely naked with his girlfriend was safe. He just wasn't sure about what was going to happen next."Oh, you always ask that," Maria replied."Well, I just want to know. You -do- do a lot of strange things to me.""I do a lot of strange things -with- you. There's a difference." She handed him a hose. "Now stick this up your butt.""Is this going to be like all those other times?" he asked, wedging it in firmly."Up to a point." She walked back to the pump. "Ready?""Ready."The air began to flow, and Nathan's body offered little resistance as it began to inflate. His chest rose up and rounded out and his belly surged, sending his newfound man-boobs bouncing up into his face. He flinched, holding them still, then held out his arms as he watched them grow thicker and thicker. "Why is this happening so fast?""Because there's more air going into you, silly."His legs thickened and his thighs brushed together, forcing him to widen his stance. A few seconds later they brushed again, and he spread them only to lose his balance as his ass suddenly blew up a foot in all directions. He teetered, waving his conical arms in a futile attempt at balance before tipping forward onto his stomach, now the size of a beanbag chair. As he bounced gently, he suddenly became aware of a familiar low hissing sound coming from somewhere inside him. "I know, but shouldn't there be a little more... resistance? It doesn't feel like I'm stretching, it just feels like I'm getting fuller.""Oh, that. Well, you know how when you blow up a balloon, it gets stretched out and you can blow it up bigger?""Yeah?""You're the balloon.""Oh." He made a gesture to pat his belly, but only succeeded at flapping his arms. Behind him his back rounded out, merging with his sides and stomach, rendering his body spherical save for his head, limbs and still-prominent chest. He felt his feet leave the ground as they began to be pulled into him, and as his neck swelled he could hear the hissing grow deeper. Nathan could only sit there as the pump continued to hum, feeling the air fill him and make him larger and larger, watching as Maria slowly disappeared over the horizon of his own body.As he continued to grow he heard Maria shout, "ready for part two?""There's a part two?""Yup! You ready?""...yes?"There was a loud pneumatic hiss as the air eddied and swirled inside of him, and he suddenly grew light-headed as, all at once, he felt the skin of his limbs and member stretch. Another hiss, another burst of swirling air, and another stretch. Hiss, swirl, stretch.The first sign that something was amiss was when he felt his feet brush against the ground. He turned his head to see that his arms had regained their conical shape, and with every pump they took on a more natural, albeit over-inflated shape. Another pump, his hands and feet swelled into larger versions of themselves, and he felt something long and thick bump against the underside of his stomach. Nathan flexed his limbs, experimenting with them as he felt a tug as the hose was pulled free."Can you stand?"Despite his newfound mobility, his body was still difficult to move. He wobbled side to side, trying to build momentum before tipping over and rolling onto his stomach. His feet pushed against the ground as he struggled to gain footing, eventually succeeding. He rocked back into a kneeling position, waving his arms to keep balance as he slowly stood, and marveled at the sudden sense of scale of the world around him. "Wow...""Down here!" Nathan leaned forward to see Maria smiling up at him. She barely came up to his knees. "Pretty cool, huh?""How did you do this?""You mean turn you into my own personal Michelin Man? Transform you into a massive, inflated giant? Pump you up into a super-endowed boy toy?" She shrugged. "I have my ways.""I'll say." He paused. "'Super-endowed?' How big -am- I?"Maria bit her lower lip. "Let's just say that Little Nathan isn't so little anymore. Now lie down, I'm gonna ride you Strangelove style.""What?"She unbuttoned her jeans. "You heard me."
helium, women inflating men
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The store window was filled with balloons of all colors, and as he peered inside, Julio felt strangely at home. He stared at the full, floating balloons, wishing briefly that he could be one of them. After several long moments of staring at their round, rubbery forms, he felt himself almost pulled into the shoppe. And there She was: Adrianna, a woman he'd seen so many times in his dreams, a dark skinned, black haired beauty with large emerald eyes, full sensual lips, and well-rounded cheeks. It pleased Julio for some reason to imagine that Adrianna's cheeks had become rounded from puffing them out to blow up balloons. At the moment, though, She wasn't blowing the balloons up by mouth. She had a deflated balloon mouth wrapped around a helium tank, and Julio heard the familiar "woosh" of the pump as the balloon suddenly swelled forward, expanding rapidly into a tight, smooth globe. He hadn't realised just how erotic that sound was; he could close his eyes and become mildly aroused at the sound of the pump, knowing that it brought a new balloon to life every time it spoke. The machine spoke again, filling another bright blue balloon with its gift of helium. As it grew larger and larger, Adrianna turned Her lovely green eyes to Julio. "Can I help you?" She asked, in what was, not surprisingly, a light, breathy voice. "Just watching," Julio admitted, his eyes shamefully downcast, but also taking in the rest of Her finely sculptured body in its tight, stretch-fit jumpsuit and plunging V-neck front, showing enough of Her large, shapely, tanned breasts to let Julio know just how perfect they were. Adrianna gave him a curious look as the balloon continued to swell... and swell... and swell... She turned Her attention back to it just in time to see it go POP! She giggled, a warm, musical laugh that made his chest go hollow. He felt himself turn red. What was it he was feeling? As She reached for another balloon to inflate, he knew what it was: Jealousy. It seemed impossible, but true: He was jealous of a balloon. How was that possible? In particular, how could he be so jealous of a balloon that just burst? But it all came flooding back to him: Although he could never admit it aloud, he knew that every time he saw a balloon inflate, he wished it was HE who was inflating. He wanted to blow up just like the balloon, but much, much bigger. And he knew that, even if the balloon burst, it was--for that one brief, magical moment--the biggest and fullest it could get, pushed to its maximum limit. Unlike Julio, that burst blue balloon, just before it popped, knew at last exactly how big it could be. And its popping made Adrianna laugh. What an honour. I would definitely pop just to make Her laugh, he thought. And at that moment, that is exactly what he wanted: to blow up like a balloon for Her, fill up to his absolute limit, and make Her laugh when he popped. Although he had wanted to be a balloon all his life, he never wanted it more so than that moment. He wanted it so much--SO MUCH--that he felt like he'd explode! He grew warmer and felt his face flush red as he stood there, trembling with desire. She looked back at him again, smiled Her glorious smile, and something snapped inside him. For in the next moment, Julio began to inflate like a balloon. He wasn't sure how it happened. He briefly wondered if it was Adrianna's magical smile; the magic of the balloon shoppe; the overwhelming presence of all these fellow balloons. Or maybe it was force of will, the all-consuming desire to be a balloon finally causing him to blimp up. He didn't know; all he knew is that his midsection billowed out, tearing through his shirt as his skin stretched outward, breaking free of their confines. His arms and legs plumped up as well, but they grew shorter and stubbier as his round middle absorbed them with its ceaseless outward growth. He heard the helium tank going "whoosh," but he realised that it wasn't even on. The sound was coming from his body, punctuated by occasional rubbery squeaks as he blew even bigger. And all the while, Adrianna did nothing. Nothing but watch and smile. Wasn't She surprised? Shocked? Terrified that a human being was becoming a balloon before Her beautiful green eyes? Of course not. He was just a balloon, after all. Nothing more than a big, round balloon boy, inflating for its Master. Just one of many balloons that filled Her wondrous balloon shoppe. "I'm nothing but a balloon," he thought, as his inflation increased until only his head, hands and feet were sticking out of his otherwise totally round body. "But I'm not going to be just any balloon. I'm going to be so much bigger than any balloon in this shoppe. I'm going to be the biggest balloon Adrianna has ever seen! She's never seen a balloon as big as me, I know it! I'll be the biggest balloon ever! The biggest balloon in the world!" Adrianna giggled. He took his gaze off his inflated body to look back at Her, and he noticed that She was getting farther and farther away. He was floating. Floating like a helium balloon, lightly sailing upwards until he batted lightly against the ceiling, where he continued to swell and swell and swell. "Who are you, my big, beautiful, balloon boy?" Adrianna called up to him. "Just call me Helio," he said, suddenly recalling the Spanish word for helium. "I think I'll be calling you shrapnel in a few seconds," She called back to him and laughed. God, what a privilege to be laughed at by Her, he thought, still growing and growing until his neck was gone, his hands and feet melded with his circular surface, just his face looking down at his balloon Master as he drew ever nearer his breaking point. He grew tighter, the squeaks grew louder, his globular body warm with tension. "How big will I get?" he thought. "Will I be the biggest balloon She's ever seen? I just know She'll laugh again after I burst. So watch me burst, Adrianna! See how big I get before I pop for you! Watch me burst! Watch me burst! Watch me BURST--!!" "Can I help you?" She repeated, and Julio snapped out of his daydream. Julio blinked, avoiding Her gaze long enough to check out Her sexy cleavage. He swallowed nervously. He still felt flushed, but used his nervous energy to step up to counter. "Actually, yes," he admitted. "I'd really like to watch you blow up one of those balloons by mouth." She quizzically tilted Her lovely head at him. Oh, lord. What if She asked WHY he wanted that? What would he say? As far as that goes, why DID he want to see Her blow up a balloon? What was the goal? But She silently did as he asked. She picked up a yellow balloon from behind the counter and put it to Her large, full lips. And then She blew, and the balloon at once expanded. And Julio became jealous once again: jealous of a balloon. How he wished that it was he who could feel Adrianna's gorgeous lips around him, feeling Her warm breath filling him up, being nothing more than a balloon that would get bigger and bigger at Her leisure! He would love every puff She blew into him, knowing that it would make him bigger for Her, so big that She would have trouble holding him. He would feel Her hand holding him, rubbing his tight, inflated body, which became increasingly transparent as he neared his limits--! She pulled the balloon away from Her lips and he snapped back to reality once again. "You look like you could get blown up yourself," She said. Julio just stood there, stunned. She could see through him as easily as She could see through that full yellow balloon. She seemed to look him over. "I bet I could do it," She told him. "I could make you into a balloon, just like all the others." She waved Her hand at all the other balloons in the shoppe. "I'd blow you up nice and big, tie a string to you, and keep you as my toy forever." "I'd love that," he blurted out. "I'd love that more than anything." "Of course, if you got out of line--" She hugged the yellow balloon tightly to Her ample chest and squeezed until the balloon went...POP! "I understand," he told Her. "Then come here," She said, leading him to the other side of the counter. She grasped the back of his head and pushed him down until his mouth was on the nozzle of the helium tank. "Don't let go," She told him. "I'll be unhappy if you do." He would have nodded, but he didn't have the chance. He heard the "whoosh" sound of the helium tank, and it never sounded more beautiful than now. His eyes shot open as he felt his cheeks puff out, but that was only the beginning. His belly shot out from under his shirt, looking comically pregnant for a moment before the rest of his body joined in, bloating up like another one of Adrianna's many helium balloons. She still held his head firmly to the nozzle, even though he had no intention of letting go now. But soon She had to step back, because his expanding body took up more and more space in the confined quarters. As his arms and legs began to disappear, just as they had in his fantasy, he felt his feet lift up from the ground. The helium made him lighter than air, and it was if his body were being magically lifted up towards the other helium balloons in the shoppe, as if he were coming to join them at last, pulled as if by magnetism to the balloons of which he so much wanted to be a part. He was held to Earth only by holding his puffy lips to the helium tank nozzle, which poured more and more of its wondrous force that brought this new balloon to life. He couldn't see Adrianna, but he could hear Her giggle. Would She soon pull him away, tie a string to him, and make him part of Her balloon collection? Or would She allow him to drink in as much helium as possible, until that one brief moment--just before the Big Bang--where he would reach his full potential, grow to as big a balloon as he could possibly be? Both were too good to be true. "Just call me Helio Globo," he thought to himself, suddenly recalling the Spanish words for helium balloon. Adrianna laughed as if She had heard him. "I think I'll call you Balloon Boy," She giggled. "Yes, I'm your balloon boy," he thought, as every part of his body filled up with helium, stretching him tighter and tighter, the strain on his body manifesting itself with loud rubbery squeaks. "I'm nothing more than a balloon for your amusement. "Nothing more than a balloon. "I'm just a balloon. "I'm just a balloon! "I'm just a BALLOOOOOOOONNNNN!!" I'm just a balloon, it thought. And indeed, that is all it was: a balloon. It had long dreamed of being human, so that it might approach its beautiful Master as equals. But now it realised that it didn't want to be equals: Even in its human fantasies, it still returned to being a balloon. So maybe life was better as a balloon. It would just have to pray to its Master that someday She would see fit to cull it from the herd of its balloon brethren, put Her beautiful lips to its mouth, and personally blow it up with Her warm breath until that magical moment--just before it burst for Her--that it would be the biggest balloon it could be. Maybe the biggest balloon in the shoppe. The biggest balloon his Master had ever seen. The biggest balloon in the world! And it would make Her laugh when it popped. Until then...well, it could dream.
floating, hydrogen, infidelity, Prose that Blows 3 - All Hallow’s Eve (2010)
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Hugh liked to do everything big: big house, big cars...Hugh liked to think of himself as a big man, though a more accurate description would be "round." Hugh had big appetites to match his big attitude and it showed prominently. He liked to make a big scene and be the center of attention, even though people were more disgusted by him than impressed. Hence the gasps of surprise when he showed up at the masked costume party dressed as the Hindenburg, all dark gray latex, his massive belly jutting out as he entered the room. While disguised, everyone knew his gait and form by sight and tried to avoid him as he pushed his belly into other people. After ten minutes of mingling, he found his mistress, spotting her in her Wonder Woman wetsuit costumeβ€”no mistaking those voluptuous curves. Going up to her (the costume was her idea), she ran a lingering hand down his belly. "Got a surprise for you in the upstairs on the balcony," she whispered, taking his hand as her hips sashayed, chuckling as he pressed his gut into her ass. As they entered the balcony, she continued to run her hands over his belly. "Nice costume, nice belly. Can your belly get bigger, you know, so you can make a bigger scene?" she whispered. Hugh shook his head. "Thought about putting in a little gas canister to look real big, but then I'd be too big, dear." She ran her hands all over his belly as he closed his eyes. "Sweetie, in my line of work, ain't no such thing," she announced in a normal tone of voice as she unmasked. Hugh cried, "What? You're not..." Glancing down, her glimpsed a hypo in her hand, then saw it plunge into his fat gut. "What the..." A swift blow knocked him down. Hugh opened his mouth to cry for help, but was treated to the view of the strange woman's ass descending on his face "Thank you for the costume choice," said the female assassin. "This is compliments of an irate sister-in-law." Hugh was shocked as a terrible bloating feeling struck him, causing his body to slowly expand in all directions as he (feebly) tried to get his face out from under her sexy ass. "If you're wondering, the serum has the dual effect of slowly and temporarily paralyzing your voluntary muscle movement while converting all body fat into hydrogen gasβ€”like I said, thanks for the costume choice, it's rather appropriate," said the assassin Hugh tried to cry, but could barely produce a feeble whisper. A hissing sound arose from Hugh as a great pressure started in his belly and rapidly spread to the rest of his limbs. As it got louder, his limbs started to visibly distend, she slowly unlocked her legs from under his head. Pulling him up, she produced a twine and briefly tethered him. "Sweetie, I don't care your past. Ah, you're filling out nicely right now, it shouldn't be long now," she said as her nails ran over him. A terrible hollow feeling overtook Hugh as his girth swelled massively; as his internal pressure increased, he couldn't help but wonder how this would end. "Wow, honey, my compliments to the maker of your costume. You must be a good fifteen feet across by now, yet it's still holding up." His enormous belly was still expanding, though now at a slower rate, Hugh couldn't help but notice that the pressure in him was still increasing. He feebly tried flapping his arms in an effort to do...something. "Party isn't over yet," she said. "When I told you I liked your costume choice, I wasn't kidding. You know how the Hindenburg ended," she said a she held up a block of four M80's. Looking on in horror, she taped them to his belly as she eyed his overpressurized form. "Safe flight!" she cried as she lit the six foot fuse and cut his tether, letting him float away. "Oh the humanity," she murmured. Hugh desperately tried to wriggle his arms, hoping against hope that he just might get the fuse out and then "somehow" expel this gas. Wriggling and struggling, he discovered that he regained some use of his sausage-shaped arms. Looking down, his heart sank as he realized that the fuse had burned to the point where he couldn't see it over his horizon He had just enough time to clutch his belly in a futile attempt to forestall the inevitable.
competition, decompression, first person, floating, helium
Belly Inflation, Full Body Inflation
It's late afternoon by the time I arrive at the empty stadium. I notice that you're already there, waiting for me. You're looking smug, as though you already know the outcome of our little competition. I absent-mindedly finger my navel. I know that if I lose, that wonderfully familiar hose will be pushed into it. I remember well the sensation of my belly swelling as you pump it full of air. This time, it won't be as easy... "Hello! Sorry I'm late," I apologize to you. "I had to get a few things ready, so that I could meet your challenge." "I think you'll look great as I blow you up until you can't hold any more," you smile. "And then I'll hold my ears as you pop." "I think you might be surprised," I reply. "I've done a little preparation for this." "It won't help. You have to inflate me, then pop me, to win. When you lose, I'm going to have some fun with that belly of yours..." "Remember the agreement...if I don't get you to burst, you can only fill me with half the amount of gas you're containing. I hardly think that'll be enough to do much of anything." I know that my arrangements will give me a definite edge in this contest. Hearing you blow apart will be music to my ringing ears! "Let's get started," you say, as you expose your bellybutton. "And remember the other part of the only have three puffs to blow me up. You can't win!" As you laugh, I notice that you're wearing loose-fitting clothing, with lots of give to it. So, I think to're not so confident after all! I walk over to you, then run my hand over your stomach. It's firm, but with plenty of room for growth. I shrug, as I reach into the satchel I'm carrying. I remove a hose which I've designed myself, just for the occasion. It's long, and terminates in twenty smaller hoses. "Ladies?" I call out. I note the puzzled look on your face, and chuckle. "Oh, I forgot to tell you...I'll be working with the ladies' Olympic weightlifting team. Quite a set of lungs they have between them!" I see you fishing for words, as I insert the single end of the hose snugly into your navel. I hand the other ends to the dazzling Amazons. The spandex material covering their chests stretches to near-transparency, as their bosoms swell with their first enormous inhalation. "Puff number one," I announce, as the buxom troupe, lips firmly clamped on their end of the hose, exhales in unison. Your face reddens as you resist the charge of air. "Not that easily," I smirk, as I produce a snow white feather, and bring it closer to your stomach. Ever so gently, I begin to trace a circle around the hose's insertion point. "Relax," I coo, "this'll feel good." I see your belly quiver, then notice just the faintest trace of a puffiness surrounding the hose. I brush the feather around your bellybutton more rapidly, and I'm rewarded by a sudden bulging. Resistance gone, your gut balloons outward. The incredulous look on your face is priceless! "Again, now ladies," I direct. "Deep breaths, as deeply as you can take them!" The chorus line of shimmering spandex heaves mightily, then pauses, waiting. "Puff number two!" I call to them. I turn to observe you as the air shoots forth from twenty ruby-lipped human compressors. The hose stiffens with pressure, as the gas slams into you. I place one hand on either side of your girth, nearly purring with satisfaction as your stomach acknowledges the augmented pressure. You suddenly swell outward, skin stretching fairly tightly. You've grown a good deal, but not nearly enough to explode. I'm starting to feel a little less confident as the Olympian titans prepare for their third, and final, assault. You have that knowing look on your face, and I feel my navel twitch in anticipation. Not yet, I think. We'll pop you yet! "Deepest, fullest breath, now!" I shout the command. "Inhale until you feel like your lungs are about to burst!" A ripping noise, followed by several others, greets our ears as spandex screams and flees the straining chests. "More...more...NOW!!!!!!" I bellow. I hold your belly in my hands, stroking it, almost trying to coax it to blow apart. I'm aware that it's're nicely distended...but not nearly enough. It begins to jiggle as you quake with laughter. "Ah, that felt good," you grin, patting your well-bloated belly. "Just like a tiny meal." I look up at you with trepidation. "Ah...I suppose this would mean that you're not going to burst?" I ask, meeting your glee-filled gaze. You smile, shaking your head. "I guess it's my turn, now?" You nod. "Well," I snicker, "at least I know that you won't be bursting ME this time, either. Half the amount of gas you're holding will blow me up considerably, but it certainly won't make me pop." My bellybutton starts itching like mad, so that it's almost a relief when you reach behind you for the tank of gas, then insert the nozzle. "Are you upset that you can't overinflate me this time?" I ask, as you turn the valve. The sudden hissing is oddly soothing. I relax as I feel the familiar pressure flooding into me. "I'm not upset at all," you reply. "Half is quite enough. Hold this, will you?" You hand me one end of a length of string. The other end is tied around the tank. "What's this for?" I inquire, puzzled. You fully open the valve, and the instant rush of gas immediately balloons my stomach. The sudden increase in pressure begins to bloat me impossibly. Lightheaded, I imagine that I'm floating above the ground. With a shock, I realize that I'm not imagining it at all! Slowly, lazily, I drift upward, tethered only by the hose in my bellybutton and the string I'm desperately clutching. "You cheat!" I exclaim. "We never specified the type of gas we'd use," you offer with a shrug. "Why helium? Out of curiosity." "You're smart. I think you'll figure it out," you chuckle. Squeezing my plump belly, you find that I'm half as filled as you. You remove the hose, watching in bemusement as I bob up and down, clinging to the string. "The bottom line is, you still didn't inflate me until I exploded. I guess you haven't scored a complete victory." "Guess not," you wink, as you produce a pair of very shiny, very sharp scissors. I float helplessly, as you bring the lethal points ever closer. "Hey! What do you think you're doing with those?" I cry in alarm. In one fluid movement, you snip the string. I hover for an instant, then begin to ascend. "Very funny," I call down to you, as you grow smaller and smaller beneath me. "Just wait until I get down!" "We'll have a rematch," you shout back up to me, but your words are nearly lost in the distance. It's colder, and becoming somewhat harder to breathe. I begin to feel a little fuller. Then fuller still. My arms and legs quickly swell up to join the rest of my steadily expanding form. The pressure inside me continues to increase. Suddenly, I recall third grade science. "Damn!" I have to laugh, appreciating your ingenuity. "You've done it again!" Just ahead, a bright red child's balloon bursts from internal pressure. I continue to rise, the air thinning about me, my overblown body bloating outward to accommodate. At last, my tautly stretched, paper-thin skin offers surrender. There's an odd creaking noise, as the gas in me launches a final assault on my drum-tight belly, strains for release, and finds it, in a very explosive way...
accident, belly inflation, breast inflation, butt inflation, chemicals, science, soda pop
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation
"Let's see here... if I combine these two compounds I get this strange combination which has unknown but possibly adverse effects." Jazette shook around the vial full of the unknown liquid. She brushed her black hair done in braids back to avoid them getting in the way. Her floral print sleeveless cheongsam was her favorite piece of clothing as it was a gift from her tailor aunt who personally designed it for her. The stockings she wore doubled as shoes thanks to the padding on the feet beneath it. Her lab coat was outfitted with harnesses and cartridge belts holding sealed vials and syringes filled with dangerous chemicals for self-defense. It was commonplace for her to be wearing a surgical mask. "They never even explained to me what it was supposed to do. Why do I always have to do the dangerous things around here? First, it was planning the research team to go and observe Adrenaland, now its test what these strange chemicals found on the Shambling Isles do. Ever since she's gone missing, mom and dad haven't been the same..." She complained out loud. Jazette sighed in frustration and slight sadness. She had to stay focused on the project at hand no matter how much crazy stuff was going on in her life. "I can't wait until the next time where I'm told to test a new chemical weapon that I have no idea what it does and just have faith in it. It could even contain Atom for all I know." She ranted on, not paying attention to the vial as she shook it harder and harder as her anger rose. "I could even be told to go check out a Lurker nest where I could be eat-!" The chemical liquid splashed all over Jazette and her lab coat. "This... this is why they shouldn't be putting all these dangerous responsibilities to me..." She sighed in frustration at herself. "Better go clean myself off." She took off her lab coat and hung it up. Her face took the brunt of the liquid but it surprisingly appeared as clean as it was before the liquid got onto her. "Strange... I should note this down." She headed over to her research terminal and typed away. She noted that she felt strangely parched all of a sudden before stopping. "All this researching sure does make a girl thirsty." She stood up and looked around for a sink but her eyes were instead set upon a soda machine they found at Adrenaland. "I don't see why I couldn't just have a little sip from it... after all, they did say it was just a harmless soda machine." She waltzed over and observed it carefully. They had found with the machine a hose that split into several more that was enough for the eight soda pop flavors there were. She attached the hose to the machine and nervously eyed it with thirst, "I mean... this wouldn't be professional..." Jazette took up the hose, she carefully lowered her surgical mask and slipped the hose into her mouth. Jazette reached for one of the flavors only to be surprised by a clamp suddenly activating and closing down on all of the levers and another strap wrapping itself around Jazette's head and tightening itself. The soda began filling up the hoses and making its way to her her mouth. Quickly she tried to pry the hose from her mouth before this got out of hand but the hose wouldn't budge. She struggled continuously but she there was nothing she could do about it, the soda entered her mouth and forced its way into her stomach. Jazette gulped down the fizzy treat regretting the choices she made that led up to this happening. 'How could I be so stupid to let this happen!? Ohhhh nooooo.... How am I going to explain this to the others? Well, if this doesn't happen to... JAZETTE DON'T THINK ABOUT IT!' She nearly freaked out and panicked but regained composure, 'I just need to stay calm and find a way to stop this.' She tried to assure herself but her growing stomach wasn't helping calm her nerves. Jazette had never been in a situation like this and nobody ever told her what to do if you were being forced to down tons of soda. 'Those idiots so owe me big time if I survive this! I did not agree to this! They're lucky that I accepted this room as my own private laboratory...' The soda machine tank hummed surprisingly quietly letting Jazette think to herself without much distraction. She looked around in an attempt to find anything to get the soda machine to stop. Much to her dismay nothing in the lab looked like it was meant to stop the thing. 'Typical AggrasonLabs... not giving me anything to help out my current situation...' She huffed the best she could with the hose in her mouth. Jazette caressed her stomach which had begun stretching out the fabric of her dress. 'I really hope this doesn't destroy my dress.' Jazette thought worriedly. As the soda continued to pour into her body, Jazette began noticing other body parts of her anatomy were beginning to expand. 'Is my body already beginning to adapt to the amount of fat this is going to produce if my body is allowed to keep taking in this much soda.' She cupped her breasts which had started a test to see how much strain her dress could take. Quickly her hands flew to her hips in which were also indeed growing at a slow but steady rate. 'Aunt is going to be so disappointed that I destroyed my favorite dress of hers because I was too careless with a chemical. What am I going to-?' The hose suddenly came loose with a click allowing Jazette to remove it from her mouth. She noticed the soda machine had run dry causing her to sigh in relief. She slipped her surgical mask back on and uncomfortably waddled over to the machine as her dress strained against her constricted nine-month large stomach. "You had me worried there for a moment. Luckily there wasn't that much left in you *BURP*!" She blushed as her stomach began rumbling and groaning louder than ever, "Good grief, the soda wasn't that fizzy- ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" Jazette looked down to notice that her stomach was actually once again growing out. "How is this happening? Is the soda inside my system reacting to the chemical compound? This better not last for long." She complained as her stomach pressed against her dress ever more painfully, there was nothing that Jazette could do except wait and hope for the best that this wasn't going to be her final minutes. Her stomach groaned relentlessly as it ballooned outwards ever more along with her breasts and hips which resumed their steady rate. It became harder and harder for Jazette to breathe as the dress was desperately fighting against the expanding ball of flesh that was her stomach. She moaned and clenched her teeth in extreme pain until... *RIIIP* the abdomen part of Jazette's dress finally gave away to her expanding stomach. The very few threads that remained spread apart making her now bare stomach prominent, "Now I've got to find more thread of this kind to repair this special dress." She whined. "I hope my dress can withstand my breasts and hips. I am SO going to kill someone if the rest of my dress is ruined." Jazette claimed. At this point, her stomach began expanding at a tremendous rate without the confines of Jazette's dress holding it back. It rumbled and gurgled like there was no tomorrow as the soda bubbles inside her stomach began gooifying into slime which would only make more bubbles, but Jazette knew none of this so the girl was forced to wait until this chemical concoction hopefully wore off. "I have to find out what's going on and find a way stop it before this gets too out of hand, and I... OH MY GOD I'M THINKING ABOUT IT AGAIN!" Jazette freaked out thinking about her possible fate. She couldn't stand the thought of it all ending here. As Jazette rubbed her arm she could feel something rather off, her skin was strangely stretchy. Stunned, she observed closer as the skin had quite some give to it, "This is intriguing..." She was mesmerized by the stretchiness of her skin, "The effect this chemical is having on my skin needs to be further investigated." Her breasts bobbed up and down as she kneaded them. "You know, this is actually kind of fun to play around with my breasts." She lifted them up and let them drop causing them to jiggle. She put a hand on her hips which had also grown just as soft and jiggly. It would've felt quite nice if there wasn't the threat of possibly exploding. "Maybe... I could... play around with this if I survive it. My stomach isn't hurting and it feels nice and soft." She kneaded her stomach happily. Her skin felt like it still had plenty of room left to grow and it could go all day if it could. "As nice as it feels, I should get to work on a way to reverse this as quick as possible before I play around with it anymore." Jazette reached for a clipboard and jotted that note down. Her expanding breasts posed some troubles but she was able to get it done in the end. "My dress is holding up well in the chest and butt regions, they don't even show any signs of strain. Does this chemical also affect fabrics? We'll need to look into that study as well. Luckily all that'll cost us is some cheap clothes." She joked to herself. A while later and Jazette's body had seemed to slow its rate of growing over that time. Despite her stomach now as large as a blimp her hips and breasts seemed to slow they're expanding to the point that she assumed that they stopped growing. Though her stomach now sounded like it couldn't take much more making growling sounds that could've been mistaken for roaring and violent gurgling that intensified every passing minute. It all worried Jazette that her fate was about to be met. "Please... please... calm down there... you can take it... I don't want this all to end here..." She tried to talking to it as if it would calm it down. The final moments were dawning upon her as her belly reached its climax. The roaring grew and grew, Jazette clenched her eyes shut and tears streamed down as the rumbling finally stopped and... "*Urp*" Jazette let out a tiny burp and her stomach finally calmed down. "It's... It's all over... That nerve-racking incident can finally be put behind me on this one hell of an anti-climactic ending. I survived it, and now I can continue my research on it." She jiggled her breasts once more before breaking out into great laughter. The door to her lab suddenly opened up and shut. "What did I say about barging in here!?" She yelled at the intruder, "I'm so sorry niece! I forgot about that! I just wanted to check... in..." A woman with long black hair that went down to her heels and wore a sleeveless dress with a whitish-pink sleeveless turtleneck sweater. "What kind of chemicals did they give you?" The woman asked, "Aunt Tulissa! It's so nice to see you! I'm sorry you had to catch me at a time like this. I was just testing new chemicals and this happened to occur." Tulissa walked over and rubbed Jazette's stomach causing her to giggle in joy. "I'm so sorry that this happened." She said sorrowful, "Sorry? This is amazing! We need to document this immediately! Please, go over to my computer and help type down these observations." She pointed to her computer before feeling her plush behind once more, there was something that made it impossible not to feel how soft it was every five minutes, "Very well. Anything for my one of my favorite nieces." She walked over and sat down, "You just tell me what to write and I'll get it down," Tulissa explained, "Thank you. Now..." Jazette cleared her throat and began her observations. No day in the labs for Jazette was a dull day, and this one was one of the most exciting for sure.
blow kiss, club, female inflation, justice
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Lights illuminate the dance floor as Sammy stepped into the club, men and women dancing around as a faint hissing fills the air. She proudly steps in, her stretchy dress already expanding a bit as people gaze at her. In a club where being the center of attention gives you a literal overinflated ego, clubs could be dangerous... or the greatest night of your life, if you knew how to play your cards right. Sammy looked around, watching girls of varying sizes dancing and having fun with other people around them, each one dancing with them blowing the girls bigger by attention alone. "Hey there, girl. How are you doing?" Sammy gasped as she felt herself swell up a fair bit, her belly poking out from her as her hips and breasts puffed up a little. Her sparkly red sequined dress now hugging her curves more than normal, she turned to face her impromptu inflator. "Dang, you look good like that. How are you, cutie? I'm Zoe." Zoe was cute, but not inflated much. Pretty thin, not too much to look at, but a friendly face regardless. Her long black hair obscured her eyes slightly, but Sammy could see green eyes staring back at her from beyond the curtain of hair. "Well, nice to meet you! I'm Sammy, and I came here to inflate, dance, and have a good time." She held out her hand and Zoe took it, shaking vigorously. She got a huge grin on her face. "Well, you came to the right place, and the right girl! There's plenty of folks here to give you attention, and more attention means more air! Come on, let's hit the dance floor, and get you huge! I'll show you how to enjoy the club." Zoe dragged Sammy to the dance floor, and they started dancing as a fast-paced song picked up. As Sammy danced, she felt herself growing slightly, as all eyes were on her every now and again, her hips and chest and belly growing larger, but still manageable. Her sequin dress pressed up against her growing flesh, it all felt so good as she stepped on the spots of light provided by the disco ball, using them as a guide for her steps as she danced, each step carrying her around in a whirlwind of light and movement, the club's lights blasting off her sparkling dress as she bloated up more and more, the club's patrons stopping and watching as she got bigger and began to look several months pregnant while remaining light on her feet. Zoe dashed over to her and grabbed her hands as the music changed pace, Dancing together as their bellies swelled into each other, making it difficult to stay together as they moved around the dance floor, stepping on segments of light from the disco ball above as to stay in sync with the beat. "Having fun, Sammy? Look at us, two big girls getting bigger from the attention we get. What a world we live in!" "I'm having a great time, Zoe!" Sammy replied. She spun Zoe and dipped her low, pulling her back up and enjoying how light she was despite her size. Patrons began to gather from the bar, and the rest of the dance floor, and the arcade area, all of them watching the two girls on the dance floor, which only served to fill them bigger. Over at the bar, two men watched the dance floor, casually observing the swelling figures on the dance floor. One older, with graying hair and a few wrinkles, and the other young and spry, with cropped brown hair and only glasses to make him look older. The younger one spoke up, awed by the spectacle. "Steven, look at that! Those girls, almost everyone on the dance floor is filling up like balloons! That's impossible!" The older man, Steven, casually sipped his drink without even flinching. "Yup, it should be, but not here, Jonny. Like I told you, this club is different. Welcome to the Pump n' Bump. Here, you get stared at, you get big. Get stared at enough, and you might not be able to shrink down and leave." "Not leave?" Jonny asked, flagging down the bartender for another drink. "What happens when you get too big to leave? Do you just... stay here forever, or sit around and wait to deflate?" "Oh, when you get big enough there's no deflating. Not unless you choose to inflate someone else. See those two girls on the dance floor? Not-so-little miss red dress and her dance partner? I know that girl, she loves getting huge but always ends up bailing out and filling her partner. Watch the one in red, you'll see what happens when you get too big here." Sammy and Zoe were the center of attention, their bodies swelling bigger and bigger. "Oh my gosh, Zoe! Look how big we are! We look like two big, bloated balloons with arms and legs!" Zoe chuckled, bumping into her and knocking her to the floor. "You are, but I'm not going to be in a few moments..." Far away, Steven sighed. He'd seen this song and dance before, this was always how it ended. Zoe jumped on top of Sammy and locked lips with her, blowing into her as the air left her and blew into Sammy, swelling her larger and larger as her limbs became immobile and her body swelled even to the point her red sequined dress struggled to stay intact, making Sammy a giant sparkling balloon girl shining in the neon lights of the club. Zoe hopped off, and tied ropes from the ceiling to Sammy's hands as Sammy kept getting rounder thanks to the stares she was getting. She pulled the ropes taught, and Sammy found herself being lifted up, her bloated, sequined body casting sparkles of light on the dance floor as her limbs were swallowed up and she became a big ball with hands and feet, and a head. "Alright, everyone! Looks like we got ourselves a new disco ball! Let's dance and enjoy it, dance until it pops like a balloon and we can fill up each other more!" Zoe cheered out, before patting Sammy on the side and walking off, lost in the crowd as everyone started to dance and sing, bumping against each other as the Sammy-disco ball swelled larger, creaking and groaning as her skin fought the losing battle against the pressure inside her. She grinned happily as her head was swallowed up by her body, the last thing she saw before her red sequins overtook her vision being the wide-eyed stare of Jonny at the bar. Creak, groan.... BANG! Sequins and rubbery tatters of skin fly across the dance floor in a blizzard of sparkles and light, drifting to the ground as everyone cheers amidst the gust of air created by Sammy's explosion. Jonny just stares, stares at where she used to be, and considered his options. Nodding his head, he walked over to Zoe, who had just emerged from the crowd. "Hey there, care to dance?" Jonny and Steven walked out of the club in the early hours of the morning, Steven beaming as he patted Jonny on the back. "Boy, I've been coming here for years, and I've never seen that girl get what's coming to her. I think when we meet up at the office on Monday, You've earned that raise you wanted. That raise, and a few drinks." "Thanks, sir. I think I have a new favorite club to visit on the weekends."
floating, helium
Female Inflation
Inflatable Clothing
Gillian looked up at the sign above the shop and gulped. It read 'Skin Tight', and the black curtains in the window were always kept drawn acting almost mirror-like. She could see herself in the glass of the doorway, her shocking not-at-all natural red shoulder length hair draped over her University's womens rugby team t-shirt, which met at her waist with a pair of light blue jeans with a tear in each knee. Slapped in the middle of the doorway was a sign saying "Over 18s Only, open 8 til late". She looked at her watch, it read 7:30pm.Her friends had gathered around holding up their phones and started filming. "Go on! Go inside." her friend Trisha goaded her a little bit. Just a little bit earlier they had been playing a particularly hard game of Truth or Dare and stupidly she'd chosen the dare. "Come on! Please don't make me do this." she pleaded with her tormentors. They just grinned and corralled her closer to the door."Fine." she steeled herself and walked into the shop. The brightness of the lights hit her first, from the outside the shop looked gloomy and dirty, but inside the floor was clad with bright white tiles, and the walls in equally bright white paint in the ceiling. Along each wall were racks of shiny clothes, some long, some short, in a variety of different colours. "Wow." she whispered to herself.Β The shop was quiet, and all that could be heard was someone quietly humming to themselves in a back room. Suddenly an older lady, probably 40 years of age, appeared from behind a white curtain. She was wearing more or less business attire, a black skirt to her knees and a white blouse, her dark hair up in a bun and her feet clad in black patent not-so-high heels."Hello dear!" the lady said cheerily. "I'm Karin, how can I help you?""Well... Erm... " Gillian blushed slightly. "My friends are outside and they pushed me in here on a dare."Β "Oh a dare is it?" said Karin "Well, I like dares, it's good to be daring isn't it?""I guess so." she replied and looked around at the clothing hanging on the walls. "What's this stuff?""It's the finest latex rubber dear. 100% natural, all organic clothing, we've got skirts, dresses, trousers, leggings, catsuits, hoodies, things that are tight, things that are loose, things that infl... You're new to all this aren't you?" Karin patted Gillian on the shoulder. "Listen, I know you came in as dare, and most people would just dash out again, but why don't you really show up your friends and try something on?""Well I suppose... What about that?" she said pointing at a rack with about 15 dangling yellow catsuits on it."I'd guess you're a size... 16?" guessed Karin, getting it spot on. She went over to the rack and pulled a yellow catsuit from it's hanger. "Changing room are over there" she said pointing "Please use the talc!"Gillian peered at herself in the mirror and looked at the catsuit drooping from the hook in the changing room. She stripped down to just her underpants and bra and dusted herself down with the talc just as Karin had asked, she tugged herself into the catsuit and pulled the zipper up her back. She put her trainers back on and stepped out of the changing room."Oh wonderful! You do look good!" said Karin honestly. Gillian looked in the mirrors, her breasts were pert, it lifted her bum, the black stripe down the side make it look a lot like that movie she'd seen not so long ago. "Can I go outside and show my mates?"Β Karin nodded, and Gillian opened the door gingerly. There was a flash of LEDs from her friends' phones outside as they took photos. Trisha grinned "That's one for Twitter!"Β Gillian dashed back into the shop and sighed. "Well that's going to be all over the Uni by tomorrow. Wish I could get them back for this.""Tell you what" said Karin, grinning. "I have a plan."A little later, Gillian re-appeared at the door, still wearing the suit. "Guys, come inside, it's actually really nice in here, the shop lady is amazing."Trish looked a little skeptical, but did secretly admire the way it looked on Gillian. Karin appeared at the door as well. "You aren't just going to let your friend look this amazingly sexy when you're out tonight are you? I mean, just think of how many looks she'll get, heck I'm thinkng of asking her to be a model for our store..."Β Trish looked incensed, and crashed between them both into the shop with a couple of her rugby club friends following. "Our turn then." she said assertively.Karin pulled a thinking face. "You look like a size 14, and you, you look like you'd be a size 16, and lastly you, you're about a 12. Same colour as your friend?" she asked. The three girls in the shop nodded.Karin went over to another shelf and pulled three identical yellow catsuits from the rack and passed them to Gillian's friends giving a knowing glance at Gillian. "Go put these on please, and don't forget the talc!" she shouted as the three girls went into the changing rooms. Each of them donned their latex suits with ease and came out of the changing rooms at the same time."Oh yes, each of you looks wonderful" said Karin, Gillian giving a wry smile.Β "Tell you what" said Karin "as I think you're all such wonderful people you can keep these ones on for tonight, just bring them back in the morning without damage. If you could leave a small deposit of Β£100 and I'll put your other clothes in a bag."Trish paid the deposit on her credit card and left the shop holding her old clothes in a bag, they swaggered down the street in their new rubber suits turning the eyes of everyone going in and out of the clubs and bars.Gillian coughed "Oh Trish..." she said, grinning from ear to ear. "You look... Lovely." she held up a small remote control in her hand and wiggled it.Β "What's that?" Trish replied, stopping just outside a pub."A remote... Your suits are a little different." Gillian replied. "This one is for facebook". She prodded the remote and a faint hissing sound could be heard. Trish immediately put her hands up to her breasts. "My boobs, they're... Growing" slowly her breasts expanded along with her two friends, growing gently from a C cup to a D cup and on to even larger cup sizes.Gillian watched agog. "You're inflating!" she said with a chuckle. "Oh this is priceless. How about one for Instagram?" she cackled pressing another button, a slightly louder hissing was heard. The yellow suits started inflating rearward, the three girls bottoms started to blow up and Trish grabbed her bum then her boobs smooshing them with her hand. "OK OK I'm sorry for tweeting the photo! You can stop that now". Her blow-up bosoms were now approaching the size of large beachballs and her bottom wasn't far behind.Β Gillian was almost bent double in laughter and took a photo... "And now for Reddit!" She declared pressing another button, a much louder hissing could be heard, this time Trish held onto her stomach, the latex bulging outwards, her legs and arms started to pump up too. Trish and her three friends inflated quickly. Trish swiped at Gillian for the remote, but lost balance and fell forward onto her giant inflating form and came to rest face down but still 4ft from the pavement. Gradually her legs and arms were pulled into the inflating sphere of a suit. Gillian pulled a few lengths of string out of her bag. "Think I might need these" she said attaching them to the girl's ankles. "Wouldn't want you floating off!""Floating..." Trish said panting as the pressure grew."Yes... Helium floats you idiots..." she replied gleefully.Β Slowly each of the girls lifted skyward, each of them panting at the pressure built up in the suits, each of them a sphere around 6ft in diameter with hands, feet and head in small dimples. Gillian held on tight to the strings as they became buoyant. "That'll do for twitter... Stupid... Balloons.Β #sillygirls." she said, tying them off to a nearby bench. She stood back and took a photo on her phone. "Well worth it." she said and squeaked off into the pub. "See you girls later, I'm going to get smashed." True story. Maybe.
floating, kiss, self inflation, superhero
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Laetitia had a wonderful life. The coastal resort they were shooting the swimsuit section of the catalog was heavenly. Clear water, clearer skies, warm sun and clean sand. The supermodel backstroked towards the beach, her slim arms and shapely but powerful legs driving her through the water. Still many yards out she rolled over onto her flat stomach and began to stroke for home when something below her in the water caught her eye. No expert in tropical marine life, she was certain that there wasn't normally anything that glowed bright green in these waters. Sucking in a lungful of air she dove down through the surf, making the few yards between her and the bottom with no effects from the pressure. Laetitia had always been a great swimmer, handled pressure well and her eyes weren't too bothered by salt water so she could see around her. She drifted down to kneel on the sandy bottom to get a better look at the funny glowing fish. It was rather squat and spiky, not cuddly but still kinda cute. But the remarkable thing was that the little guy was actually glowing! She'd seen fish that had luminescence, but this was different. Laetitia stayed down to watch the funny fish until she began to feel the demands of her lungs. Just as she was ready to push off for the surface, she felt a little tingly pain in her finger...the fish had nipped at her. She pressed her thumb over the tiny wound...and was then surprised to find her need for oxygen was gone! A moment ago she was out of air, and now she felt as if she had just come down. How strange. She knelt there in the sand, under ten feet of water looking around her, marveling in her apparent new lung capacity. She wasn't going to be an angel anymore, she could be a mermaid. Then Laetitia became aware of a change in the fit of her halter top, it seemed as if it was somehow tighter. She tugged on it to settle it over her breasts better, when she felt herself float to her feet. She hadn't pushed off, she looked down at herself and her now ill-fitting halter top and blew out a surprised stream of bubbles. Her top was unchanged, it was her breasts that had gotten bigger! Her already ample bust line was swelling, filling up the cups of her bikini. Her breasts seemed to somehow be inflating, and their extra buoyancy was pulling her up to the surface. Moments later she broke the surface, her arms wrapped over her expanding breasts. "Oh my God, my chest! I...I'm blowing up! I've got to reach the shore!" she started swimming, feeling a strange tingling all over her body. She paused in her swimming for a moment to drop her hands below the water to her shapely bottom, feeling the bikini bottoms grow tighter and her rear plump and spread out. The extra buoyancy of her bottom pulled it up behind her until her butt broke the surface. Whatever she was filling up with was at least in no danger of drowning her, she felt full and light, as if she were being inflated like a pool toy. It wasn't just her rear plumping up either, she could feel her thighs pressing together as she swam, and her arms felt puffy too. Laetitia sighed with relief as she reached the shore. Her body had become so full of gas that she couldn't put her feet down to the sand beneath her, rather she Had to paddle until she could reach the beach at a crawl. Her crawl was even more awkward as she climbed to her feet she noticed that her stomach was now filling with gas as well and was bulging out of her bikini bottoms. "Ooof, I'm getting so bloated with all this gas, I look like a blimp! My figure, my career, ruined!" She tried to run off towards her rented beach condo but soon found that her figure was too bloated for her to run easily. Laetitia's inflated legs were too full to allow her move her legs easily past one another, she'd discovered that her newly inflated breasts were so large that she bounced with every step, she needed to use one arm to hold her inflated bust line down. While her bulging stomach gave her an obvious waddle. Running was out of the question, but she clumsily made her way home as fast as her new shape allowed. "Uhhh so much gas...I'm already over-stuffing my bikini, it can't hold out much longer. I need to get home before I burst!" Dear Ms Casa, Thank you for your portfolio submission. While we don't feel you have the shape for our lingerie line, we would like you to consider modeling our plus-sized and maternity swimwear. Dear Ms Casa, Thank you for your audition, and while we commend you on having slimmed down from your last recorded measurements, we feel that your proportions are currently too voluptuous to contest with current fashion sizes or compete with current model sizes. Laetitia stood staring at herself in front of a mirror. Her figure had been reshaped since her blowup in the surf. Her waist and tummy still bulged substantially. Her hips, bottom and bust were still extra large and extra curvy, stuffed with gas, as was most of the rest of her. On her hyper-hourglass figure, the gas plumping and softening her legs, arms and middle wasn't as noticeable, but she was obviously inflated like a Romanesque cartoonish parody of her former svelte supermodel self. "I'll show them, I'll get my life back...Or take theirs." It was definitely a weird semester. Me becoming an honest to god super-heroine was totally freaky, but being an inflatable super-heroine often totally dazzled me. I mean there was, and still is in many ways, a learning curve. I'm still surprising myself with some of the things that I can do. I am sorta really enjoying some of this heroine business, buildings burning, cats in trees, muggings, what Lynn calls 'civic heroism'. But I have to say that in a life of near-constant surprise, I was stunned to actually run across an inflatable supervillianess. It changed my perspective, for certain. Civic heroism is like running a race against a clock. Fighting another super-powered person is like running a race against someone. There's someone out there who actively wishes me harm. I really don't like that thought, but I think I have the powers to deal with it. In an attempt to deal with it we had come up with a solution: A holiday. A few days of rest and relaxation on a nice warm beach to work on my tan. Great idea! As we walked to our terminal I was once again aware that we couldn't be any more of a mismatched pair. Lynn, short and blond, was wearing a Grey tank top and cutoff jeans and sandals with a gym bag over her shoulder. I was normally about six inches taller than her, but I happened to have on heels so I towered over her. My ensemble for the afternoon was these shamefully snug Lycra pants with the zipper hidden in the back so they were very sleek, and a clingy short sleeved black top with big dark sunglasses and a Gucci (real) tote bag. Remember when I started all this I mentioned my vanity? Lynn snickered, "I've been running some numbers and I'd say about one out of three guys is staring at you. You look like a supermodel trying to be undercover. Or a playmate." Well of course I cheated. I happen to like to dress expensively, I also happened to be a very good-looking young woman. I also happened to be inflatable. After dressing, I had inflated my hips a few inches and padded out my rear a bit, making my figure a little curvier and rounder, while adding a little bounce and wiggle as well. Not wanting to be bottom-heavy I also happened to pump my breasts up an inch or three, and an accidental cup size. I was pretty well stacked, and a knockout. Yay me. "I'm not complaining," Lynn continued, "I just think its interesting that the woman who never wanted her inflatable powers is now using them for cosmetic purposes." "With great power comes great vanity. Besides don't pretend you aren't going to want me to blow you up some once you get into a bikini and hit the beach?" "Wow," she murmured, "I hadn't thought of that." We made our boarding exactly on time and as I swayed down the aisle of the plane I could feel my wider hips brushing against the seats I passed. Behind me, Lynn was grinning at the hollow raspy noise my enhanced figure made every time I brushed against something. Take a balloon, blow it up, cover it with a piece of cloth like a t-shirt or something, then rub it against something. That's the exact sound my hips made. At our seats I decided not to risk the overhead compartment and just stowed my bag beneath my seat, then settled down into my seat, my body shifting a little as I settled on my inflated bottom. Try sitting on a pair of balloons, you'll see what I mean about shifting. It isn't easy being an inflatable super-heroine. Lynn managed to settle herself in as well, and we both buckled in. I had to do it by touch, my chest was a little to full to see over. I read fashion magazines and Lynn listened to her Ipod while we taxied, took off and climbed to our cruising altitude. Then things got interesting. I nudged Lynn who pulled out her ear buds. "S'up?" "I have a problem." "There are airsickness bags in the seat pocket." "No not that." Lynn yawned to equalize pressure in her ears, and her eyes got big, "Cripes, you mean...?" I nodded, "I'm starting to swell," and I was. The lower air pressure in the plane's cabin was causing the air I was already carrying to expand, which meant my body was starting to expand. I could feel my breasts swelling up and over filling my bra. The extra material of my top that my expanding bust line was taking up pulled my top out of the waistband of my tight sleek pants, which were getting even tighter, but I was looking much less sleek as my belly bulged out. "'Manda you're getting fat!" Lynn hissed at me as she struggled to release my seat belt which had now drawn tight across my expanding middle. I pushed down on my pillow tummy, allowing her the slack she needed to open the belt. I sighed with relief as my stomach grew up under my hands. "Getting out of here is going to be tricky too, I can already tell my hips have spread out enough that I think I'm stuck in here." Lynn watched me rise in my seat as my rear plumped more fully with expanding gas, "Gee 'Manda, how big are you gonna get?" I pressed my hands against the leading edge of my inflating bust line, as my breasts pushed further forward, "I don't know, I didn't think I was this pumped up, I can't control it. You're the brain, how big am I going get?" We both watched my body bloat and bulge, no sound other than the hiss of my clothes as they stretched around my new curves. "Well," she said, "At least I'd expect you'll deflate once we are at sea level again." "That's two hours from now, do I have to do the whole trip like this?" I patted my bulging waist, bringing a deep BUUUM from within me. "I can't think of anything else to do, its not like you could fit in the bathroom." "Excuse me Miss?" We both looked up at the cute flight attendant looking down at us. Specifically, me. Her eyes were big and round as she took in my big, round figure, "Peanuts?" she offered lamely. Lynn smiled at her, "Sure, starving college student you know, I never turn down free snacks." I held up a hand in an "I'm fine, I don't need anything," gesture. Then explained, "I've just got a little gas." "So I see," she said, leaving the peanuts and moving on down the aisle. As it so happened, Lynn was right in that I did deflate once we made it back down to sea level. I was still as cosmetically inflated as I was before I boarded the plane, but I was no longer fattened with gas. We had no bags to check, and I managed to get a taxi very easily, the discomfort of my airborne inflation was already a memory as I noticed how, even in a tropical resort, where attractive women were commonplace, I was still managing to turn heads. After checking into our room and unpacking our bags, which didn't take long, they weren't big bags, we both immediately switched into swimsuits, Lynn in her white bikini and I had a new red bikini that I had bought for this trip. It was only 11 AM local time, still plenty of time to get some sun, some fruity drinks, and guy watching in. I had finished adjusting myself in my new bathing suit, perched my sunglasses on my head, and had my fluffy towel and sunscreen, and we were out to the beach side elevator. On the way down Lynn turned to look up at me and puppy-dog-eyed me. "Come on 'Manda, it was your idea in the first place." "But I'll be smaller by half my volume." Lynn opened her beach bag, pulling out one of the light costume tanks, "Fill up now, and give me half. I think I can do very well here with a figure like yours." By the time the elevator doors opened we were both sporting enhanced figures. Lynn was filling out her bikini quite impressively up top and bottom. "Thanks babe, I'm gonna catch a volleyball game, see you in a bit," and she bounced off, leaving me in relative peace and quiet to do a little sunbathing. I spread out my towel, oiled up, settled my shades and settled down to a nice golden toasty color. Any experienced tanner can tell you that napping while tanning can be a blessing and a curse. Its great if you manage to fall asleep and wake up at the moment of perfect hue, the effect appears instantaneous. It isn't so great if you oversleep and burn. Veteran tanners like myself have learned to sleep lightly and awaken fully at the least discomfort. Which I did. I wasn't burnt, my tanning reflexes were too well-honed. However I had managed to overlook one small detail. Lying here and baking in the sun had a few side effects on the inflated figure. The heat had made the gas inside me expand, and for the second time that morning I found myself unintentionally fattened up and bulging with gas. My figure, previously enhanced to merely bikini-filling levels, had spread out and bloated up to bikini-bulging proportions. I tried to tug my top around to cover my extra-inflated breasts where I was bulging around, over and under the halter. With some difficulty I manged to pull my plump legs beneath my large round bottom and stand up. Running my hands over the hollow fullness of my expanded figure I could tell I had grown from stacked to cartoonish. And I had practically grown out of my bathing suit, my poor new bikini was still managing to satisfy a beach-goers sense of decency, but couldn't keep up the strain of covering my bigger body for too much longer. I grabbed my towel and lotion and took off at a run for the hotel. Two steps later, after I managed to control my bouncing, I took off at a brisk walk for the hotel. It only took a few moments to reach the building, but when walking inflated, through a sea of perfect bodies, it felt like a long time. I ducked around to the shady side of the building, seeking cover and solitude. I found both, or at least no one close enough to pay any attention to my overstuffed bikini. Looking up at the building I found my floor and counted over to which one my room should be. One more quick scan assured me of relative privacy, then I crouched on my inflated thighs and wide bottom, and sprung into the air, leaping up to my balcony. I did pretty good, I only overshot by one floor, I broke my momentum with my arms and dropped to my balcony. The sliding glass door was locked, but not a problem for my strength. Lynn looked over at my entrance from the balcony with more interest in my size than in the fact that I was entering through the balcony. She sprang to her feet, "Are we under attack?" I waved her down as I swayed over to the AC controls, "Calm down action girl, I just dozed off in the sun and expanded some. I just need to cool off and vent some of this heat." "When you're done with that, get changed for lunch. You should get a kick out of this, Victoria Secret happens to be shooting their summer catalog here and there's a reception and lunch with the models." "Uh huh, you, me the models and ten thousand men." "Wrongo," she sang, "Its invitation only," she fluttered an envelope at me, "So hurry up, if there's no fois gras left, I'll hold you personally responsible." I took a glass of champagne from a very pretty and very busty, food staffer who was filling them from a punch bowl and nodded and smiled especially at me. I was looking glamorous again, in my sleek snug black, 'supermodel under cover' outfit, while Lynn was typically comfortable in cutoff jeans and a tank top. "I guess fashion works," Lynn admitted, "As far as I can tell, the champagne is for models only." I knocked back half the flute and gave her the rest, "Here, share." She finished it off and set the glass on a table in passing. We took seats in the circular arrangement that had been laid out in the ballroom. Apparently, along with the meet and greet and snacks, there was to be a little private fashion show. Once we were all seated the models started their route, wearing mostly swimsuits, but a few in lingerie and a few in street clothes as well. Our places were right in the inner edge, which wound up being the front row, so I had a great view of the clothes. I had even picked out a new one piece that one of the models was wearing to replace my slightly stretched out bikini. "I think I'll get one of those." Lynn shook her head, "I think it'll make you look hippy, look how it looks on her." The model wearing the white bathing suit, staggered a little on her high heels, and paused in her display and let out a loud burp. Blushing, she dropped her hands in shock to her wide and widening hips. "She's inflating!" We both exclaimed. "Darlings!" Everyone, including the expanding supermodel, turned at the new voice. The pretty and busty food service staffer stepped forward and grabbed double hand fulls of her uniform and pulled it off her. Her exaggerated figure was shown off very well in a matching stretch black bra and panties, heels and a short, filmy black robe that she wore open to reveal her exaggerated figure. The full swell of her chest her rounded waistline, wide hips and plump legs all showed the full curves and smoothness of inflation. "Is that Laetitia Casa?" Someone in the crowd asked. I answered for them, "It looks like her, but it looks like two of her." Rebeca Romijn stepped forward in her white tankini, "Laetitia, what are you doing here, you were fired when you blimped up...burrp!" Rebeca dropped her hands to her bulging midsection as her slim figure bloated with gas. "Yes once a girl bulks up a little you were all so eager to be rid of me. But when I'm through with you, I'll be the skinniest supermodel left and I can have my life back! By the way its not Laetitia anymore. The name is Inflatress! Bwah ha ha ha ha!" Around us civilians were running as supermodels became super-sized models. Mostly their inflation started in their stomachs and spread outward, though there were women who spread out in the hips or bust first, and then their growing bellies caught up. Bathing suits were bulging, street clothes were straining and teddies were tested as the most attractive women in fashion filled up and out. I started to feel strangely gassy myself. Putting a hand to my own waist I realized, "Lynn, the champagne...burrp" "It was for models only...burrp" "Oh she's got us too!" I felt my belly bloat up with gas, filling up the front of my sleek stretch slacks. Lynn was similarly swelling, her waistline tightened the button to her cargo shorts then popped it free. "Uhh, 'Manda I'm getting so big. This isn't nearly as much fun as when you blow us up." "I know, we're blowing up like balloons, we need to get out of here and into out costumes!" We pressed our inflating bellied down as best as we could so we could awkwardly run, hunched over to be as small a target as possible. The growing pressure in our bodies however had forced us upright by the time we reached the outside hall. We leaned our swollen bodies against the wall as we took stock of our new shape. "'manda how big are we going to get?" "I've no idea, I can't seem to do anything to control it." Our expansion has spread down our lower bodies as well, filling out our bottoms, spreading out our hips and rounding out our legs. The most distracting thing though was our breasts. Naturally they were inflating too, but they were getting so big and light that they were obstructing our vision. Lynn had already shucked her shorts and had opened her bag and fished out our costumes. My pants were making high-pitched pings as my growing body split the seams along the hips and across my wide, round butt. Once again I was thankful that both of us had taken to wearing most of our costumes under our street clothes. Lynn merely rolled down her leggings and we both fastened capes and masks in place and I looked wistfully at my utility belt. There was no chance I could get it around my bloated middle. "Ready?" I asked. "I think I'm still filling up." "We are but only a little. We only got a half dose. But whatever we're filling with is definitely lighter than air. I can barely keep my feet on the ground." "I've never gone into action this big before." "You'll be fine. What could possibly happen, we're super-heroines? Let's get that overstuffed hussy." We waddled into the ballroom where Inflatress was gathering the inflated and floating supermodels. She was tying tethers to their ankles and collecting them like a big balloon bouquet of bloated beauties. I put my hands on my hips, then readjusted my stance to where my hips now were, "Inflatress, your revenge is as finished as your career." Lynn looked up at me, raising an eyebrow, "What?" I muttered to her, "That's how they all talk in your comic books." I sub-vocalized into my mask's microphone, "Bubbles, you try and secure the super-sized models, I'll distract our bloated friend here." "Check." The swollen supervillainess turned to face us, then laughed, "How about that, I had no idea that super-heroines were getting so fat, thank God for spandex right?" She was right, even as bloated and cartoonish as her figure was, I had grown pretty fat. I hoped my extra girth and buoyancy wouldn't be too much of a hindrance. I really did feel like a balloon though as I skipped lightly from one foot to another. "I got news for you sister, you aren't exactly a slender reed yourself," I leaped into the air, planning on coming down on her in a kick. It was a good plan, and it might have normally worked. Right now however, I happened to be pumped pretty full of lighter than air gas, which meant that instead of dropping down on her with the high heels of justice, I sort of lazily drifted down towards her like the spandex balloon I had become. "You're going to have to move faster than that!" Bubbles' voice came over my mask radio. Still floating downwards, I pressed my hands into my plush inflated belly, "I can't! I'm too full of her gas, it's making me all floaty!" Inflatress grinned up watching my slow descent towards her, "You're a big, fat target." When I floated into my range, my plump slow legs missed my kick at her. When I floated into her range, she wound back and punched me right in the tummy. I flew backward like a rocket, that woman could hit! "Bubbles, watch out, she's super strong too!" Inflatress spun back for a kick at Bubbles who ducked sideways and rolled on her expanded waistline to get behind Inflatress. The kick was good but too much for Inflatress' extra full figured size. She overbalanced and fell square on her bouncy round bottom, and in fact bounced a few time on her padded posterior. Bubbles grinned at her as she rolled past, "Those pretty kicks aren't as easy with your center of gravity all changed, not to mention how wide your hips are." Then my sidekick rolled under the long table set up for the press and wedged into place. "Airtankgirl, I'm so big I'm stuck under a table!" Behind her, Inflatress had bounced to her feet and grabbed the table pinning Bubbles, easily flinging it aside. Bubbles winced as the bloated supervillaness grabbed her by her round waist, and lifted her ballooned body easily, then drop-kicked her. Bubbles also took off like a rocket and was headed right at me, or rather where I would be once my feet reached the ground. Her round body slammed into me at almost the same instant I landed, so I didn't have much of a chance to anchor myself before she knocked me into the air again. We bounced off of each other, struggling to get our feet beneath us before we landed again. "OK, that's it, nobody punts me," Bubbles fumed. Inflatress was smiling and laughing, "This is great, its like playing dodge ball!" "She's right," I said, "she's wiping the floor with us." "Well as long as we're ballooned up like this, we're too buoyant to be able to fight her on even terms. We've got to find some way to let some of this gas out of us." Bubbles said, hefting her gas-filled, round belly. Our eyes met, I grabbed Bubbles by the sides of her face and before she could complain or fight me off, I planted a kiss right on her mouth. The effect was immediate. I had the odd sensation of my body not only slimming down and my costume gaining slack around my distended figure, but I was also getting heavier. My booted feet settled firmly on the ground, and my footing got more firm by the moment. My waist and bust deflated to where I looked merely fat and not actually round. While my hips, butt and sides slimmed down making me much less wide than I was before. "Well," I said, running my hands over my relaxed, though still bloated, figure, "It isn't exactly fighting trim, but it'll do." Bubbles' limbs were spread out from the gas filling her. Her belly and body had swelled up and rounded out. Her waist had grown so much that if she were on the ground, which she wasn't, she'd be able to roll easily. She had achieved a neutral buoyancy, she didn't actually float up or dow, she just sort of hovered in place, about six feet off the ground. Bubbles looked down at herself, which really meant looking down at her her ballooned breasts, they being so inflated that they cut off her view of the rest of her, "I hope you have a plan, because in the shape I'm in now I don't think I'm going to be much good to you." "Yep," I said, whipping off my cape and tying it to the buffet table and handing Bubbles the other end as a tether, "I'm going to put my boot up her inflated butt." After anchoring my sidekick, I ran towards my foe. While still pretty bloated, I was capable of what was recognizable as a run. I was also still extra buoyant. I wasn't pumped up enough to float, but I could tell I was only maybe half my normal weight. I planned to use that to my advantage this time. Inflatress charged at me, her muscles super-powered from the air bulging in her swollen figure. Just before we collided I leaped into the air again, and Inflatress smiled, anticipating the same error in my judgment, and a similar easy victory. My legs were slimmer and faster now. My first kick stunned her, and I hung in the air in front of her and managed to get three more kicks in before I dropped to the floor. When I landed I grabbed Inflatress by her robe and dropped, pulling her down with me. Both of our inflated bellies flattened together with that hollow BUUUM. I rolled backwards, pushing Inflatress over me, and arched my back at the exact instant our bulging middles flexed and bounced off each other. I flung the scantily-clad villianess over me. Inflatress landed hard, and stood up woozily. Despite my slick little move, I was still a little slow and awkward regaining my footing, so I was still working my puffy body upright. Inflatress shook her head to clear it and was greeted my the smiling face of my sidekick floating right in front of her. "Hiya, remember me sweets?" Bubbled said as she put a hand on Inflatress' head and smashed it down onto the buffet table among the refreshments. Did you figure it out? I admit I hadn't. So when Inflatress straightened up again, champagne streaming from her hair I was still ready for a fight. So was she. Both of us were surprised when the next words out of her mouth was, "Burrp!" She looked down at herself in horror, while Bubbles and I watched in delight. Inflatress had begun to swell. Her breasts inflated like balloons, growing round and light, straining in the cups of her bra and floating and bouncing in front of her. Panicked, she tried to hold down her big breasts with her arms, but also needed a hand free to press into her middle as her already bloated belly bulged and tightened with the gas blimping her up. Her waist filled out, stretching the already tight panties on her, the letters of 'Victoria Secrets' were stretching out as the waistband bulged with her. Her hips spread out wide with her rear plumping out around the seat of her panties, until her rear had spread out around the underwear like a thong. Her hips lost their definition though as her sides bulged out, her waistline expanding like an equator around her fattening form. Her robe drew up short and tight across her ballooning body which just then pulled her feet off the ground. Her body was tight and full of the gas that turned her from a supervillianess to a parade float. "Curse you Airtankgirl, look what you've done to me, I've turned into a blimp!" "It's no worse than the fate you planned for us Inflatress." Inflatress, having swallowed a full dose of the inflating champagne was rising in the air, as big as any of her supermodel victims. I caught her hand and towed her over to the coil of tethers she had been using on her victims. I fastened one around her wrist and grabbed another one to tether to my now-super-sized sidekick. I helped Bubbles draw herself down to ground level where she held herself down by holding onto the edge of a table. We both looked up at Inflatress, bobbing helplessly above us. "Alright Inflatress, tell us how to reverse the process, how do we deflate Bubbles, the supermodels and yourself of course. Not to mention me, I'm still carrying around a bit of gas from you as well." "And I should tell you exactly why?" I reeled her down to face me, pulled her close and said, "Because if you don't I might have to pour more of that champagne down your throat and see how much bigger you can get." "My, how fierce. Very well, if you must know..." she paused. I pulled her closer, almost nose to nose, "Well?" I of all people should have been prepared for what happened next. She kissed me. Immediately my body began expanding again, as her gas filled me up. My belly and breasts blew up like balloons, my waist grew and swelled, my body widening around me. The super-sized models were at a full dose. Bubbles and I had each had a half dose, and were half their volume. When I blew up Bubbles, she went up to three-quarter dose size and I went down to one-quarter when I fought Inflatress. She had taken a full dose, but now when she kissed me, she deflated to half volume, or the extra bouyant fattened figure that I had when we started this fight, but on the other hand ballooned up to match Bubbles' three-quarter sized volume. What all this meant was that Bubbles and I were too inflated to even get our feet on the ground let alone fight, making us helpless before Inflatress. However, Inflatress, while smaller than us, was still carrying a lot of excess gas and she herself was having a hard time keeping her footing as she drifted and bounced from step to step. "Your luck holds tight Airtankgirl, Uhh almost as tight as I feel. Neither one of us is really in any shape for a fight," She patted her bloated sides, "To think you two actually attacked me when you were blown up like this?" she marvelled. "Hey we're heroines. We do that sort of thing." "Well luckily I guess we supervillianess' know when to cut our losses. You get off easy today Airtankgirl, but next time I won't be so lenient." She winked at our helplessly floating, blimped up bodies, "See you 'round," and she waddled away from us. "Hey Inflatress, how are you going to slim down?" I called after her. "I didn't prepare any antidote, I wasn't expecting to get expanded. We'll just have to wait it out. We should all be back to normal in a few weeks." "A few weeks!" Bubbles and I exclaimed. Inflatress nodded, "Afraid so. You're coming out of it lucky you know. You at least aren't as gassy as the supermodels are, you can almost sort of walk around and such." Bubbles and I patted our greatly inflated bellies filling out and straining against the spandex of our costumes, "I don't feel lucky, do you?" Bubbles asked. "Nope, I feel fat." Lynn and I relaxed in the sun, in new bathing suits, courtesy of Victoria Secrets. While their model force was still bloated and floating, the company, and if truth be told, the models themselves were all very grateful. VS had in fact supplied us with piles of new clothes, swimsuits, workout wear and lingerie. All of it in their biggest sizes and stretchiest materials of course. "Sure a lot of fattened supermodels down there." I nodded taking a sip from my drink, "Yep, lots of crowded beaches too." "It was nice of the hotel to grant us use of their yacht." "Well, we did prevent a major fashion catastrophe in their hotel." Lynn nodded, sipping her drink, "Still nice of them though. Allowing us to get some tanning in in privacy." "True," I agreed, "We'd look silly if we had tan lines where our masks were." "You know we could have done without the masks, I mean, we won't exactly blend in in street clothes you know." "Not now no," I agreed, "but give us a week or two to get our feet on the ground and we'll be fine. Besides, can you honestly think of a better way to spend your vacation? The view is spectacular!" Lynn turned a little to look down at the yacht that was anchored ten stories below us. Yes, a hundred feet. Our bodies were still stuffed with Inflatress' gas, we looked like spandex-clad weather balloons. Each of us had a tether and cuff attached to one ankle, which went back down to the yacht, so the crew could reel us in when we wished. "Yeah, but the service is a little slow. Hey," she rolled over a little to face me, "Do you think Sven likes me?" "The big blond guy with the dreamy eyes?" "Yah." "Umm, he might, but..." "What? Don't tell me you want him too?" "Nooo, its just that, well you might be a little more woman than he can handle." I patted my bulging belly and her swollen side at the same time. "He's an artist, he wants to sketch me." "If he wants to sketch you, he better be a cartographer." "Blimp." "Fatso."
belly, male, romantic
Male Inflation
Belly Inflation
A busy day, winding down, coming close to its end. In our dorm room, we sit on opposite sides of our room. You are tending to your work, scribbling in your notebook. I am in my bed, casually reading a magazine. For a while there's simply the sound of your pencil tracing on paper, with the occasional flip of a page from my magazine. The sun is still well and up in the sky, and as I look out, a small sigh escapes my lips. I drop the magazine on my bed and roll to my side, focusing on the back of your head. I wait there for a moment, pondering something to say, but no words roll off my tongue. I take in a breath to say something, but just as I do, a thought strikes me. As I think it over, my lips curl into a childish smile. I swing my legs over the side of bed and then stand up to go to my dresser. Pulling out the top draw, I shift through some of my clothes to find my ball pump. Giving the plunger a few pumps, I grin, hiding it behind my back. A expression of mischief fills my face, but it cools into a soft smile. Step by step, I walk up behind you, taking note of your attire: a college logo'd t-shirt and some running shorts, with socks on because you like to lounge with them on. Leaning in close to the back of your neck, I tighten my mouth, and blow a short burst of air through my lips. You react not as suddenly as I imagine, but I grab your attention nevertheless. The sound of your pencil hitting the desk as your turn around is enough for me to know that you're mine. As you try to speak, I lay finger on your lips, hushing you quietly as my nail trails to below your neck, beckoning you to rise. Your lifted eyebrow shows me your concern, but you know this isn't the first time I've done this. My hand finds its way to your chest, guiding you to your bed until I can safely push you back on to it. I reveal the pump. Your eyes match mine. A pleasant, yet understanding smile is shared between us. You back-crawl up until your head rests on your pillows, and I follow, an eagerness flowing all around me. Taking the end of the hose in my hand, I slowly lean forward to teethe the bottom of your shirt, pulling it upward while my hand slides up and through your short pant leg. With time, I find the spot I'm looking for, and gently usher the hose inwards. Your tight and then relieved breath lets me know its in a secure place. I feel your thumb brush my cheek before I raise back up, kneeling between your legs, the pump primed in my hand. For effect, I very slowly pull the plunger upward to its peak, and then make feint to pump it, just to see your reaction. To my amusement, your closed eyes and sharp inhale let me know that temporarily faked you out. When your glare locks on to me, I give up my charade and finally... I push the plunger downward, a hiss eminating from the cylinder... I hear you let out a soft wisp of breath, a deep satisfaction as you feel a swift rush of air enter you. Yet this is only the beginning, as my hands kick into action, already starting to pull the plunger back up. Though, instead of giving you full pumps, I want to give your body some prep time so that we can truly enjoy your soon-to-be-obtained size, and thus I bring the plunger only up half way before pressing it back down. A hiss sounds out, and another, and another. My hands working now like clockwork in a constant pace. Those soft breaths of your get a deeper, full of more sensation than the first. You can feel it, although you can't quite see the results of my work. You can feel the pressure slowly but surely building, mounting up as the bursts of air fill your middle. My eyes roam up and down your body and I can see how thoroughly you are enjoying this. Your legs are wavering side to side, your hands are smoothing around your midsection caringly. Your head rolls into your pillows, a mix of pleasure and sheer contentment ever-present. Every now and then, my hands curiously leave the pump to feel your plushness. The softness of your skin is welcoming, and I can't help but tickle it. You squirm slightly, and I laugh, but I do not stray from my business. I lean in to kiss the warmth of your stomach shortly before I return to the pump, a new vigor in my eyes. The kiddy gloves are off, and I take the plunger to its fullest, again and again... With each full pump, your face says a thousand words. Pleasure, excitement, sensation, happyness, giddyness. I pick up the pace, and soon enough, I see it. The round of your belly, the bulge of your paunch, primming up ever so slightly over the belt-line of your shorts. You must be really feeling the pressure now. With more pumps per minute, your middle starts to form a more defined roundness. At first it was barely noticeable, but now by itself its steadily lifting your shirt upwards. Each hiss signals more pressure, more pleasure, more fullness. My eyes revel in the fascination of how much your swelling. As much as it is in my control, I know you'll stay my hand when you are ready, but until then I plan to make you writhe with sensation. Your stomach is clearly reaching upwards, like a balloon being inflated while flat on the ground. Your increasing girth shows the extend of how far your being stretched internally. At this moment, I'm thankful for the amount of pratice you've had making it possible for you to get this large. Even now, its pushing the size of partially inflated volleyball, only getting wider by the moment. Swelling. Puffing. Bulging. Billowing. Lurching steadily upward. Yet I know you want more, and you know I want more... My pace accelerates once again. I can hear your moans. They are music to my ears, and an incredible motivation. I long to see you huge. You're grasping the sides expanding, inflating midsection, squeezing it softly, its tautness becoming more and more apparent. It can still go bigger! Your eyes are flutter at a deft speed, while mine are locked on your expansive roundness. It has surpassed that of a volleyball and is seeking to be much more more. Every hiss pushing your limits, every pump trying to give you a new max size. I see it now that you are simply huge. Perfectly rotund. Marvelously sized. And as I pull the plunger upward, a grin stretched wide across my face... I feel your hand reach out, and rest upon mine. I realize that you are still human, and your gentle hand brings me back down to Earth. My expression shifts somberly, but you let out a chuckle, and poke my nose with a out-stretched finger. I feel your heaving chest, rapid breaths winding down after all the excitement. Your breath is mine as well, as I notice that I had been exerting a great deal of effort to get you this far. You beckon me to your side, and I crawl over your legs, laying next to you, stroking your massive tummy. A sincere sigh escapes my lips. Knowing next time is going to be just as good, if not better.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Marge Simpson, an average mother of three and wife of a lovable neanderthal, was vacuuming the house today, trying to keep the dust off the floor. She has a blue beehive hairdo, a bright green dress with matching shoes, and had a normal, skinny body. She was almost done with the vacuum, but then the power of the cleaning tool went out. Marge notices the vacuum being shut off, and takes a look at the end of the hose. "Hmm, that's odd, i just got this new vacuum from the store today," Marge says to herself. The hose was almost close enough to her mouth as she was examining it for a second. Then, the vacuum turns itself on again, letting the hose suck itself into Marge's mouth. "Mmmph!" Marge exclaims as the hose plants itself inside her mouth. She tries to pull out the hose, but no luck. Then the vacuum switches itself from "suck" to "blow".Marge's cheeks filled up with air inside. "MMMPHH!!" The blowing air of the vacuum started to fill Marge's yellow body up with air. Her breast start to become big as melons, and the top of her dress rips itself a bit, exposing her bra. Her thighs filled up inside her dress, revealing her panty lines over her big bubble butt. Her belly soon swelled up and made Marge look 9 months pregnant again. "All this air is filling me up like a balloon!" She thought to herself, " I better get outside before I get too big!" Marge waddled her inflating body to the back door with the hose still stuck in her mouth carrying the vacuum with her. As she was about to exit the house, her big hips got wedged within the door. "Mmmph! Mmmm!", she moans as her expanding thunder thighs kept her from exiting the house. Her big hips continue to fill, ripping the dress apart and fully revealing her frilly panties and her huge booty. Her breasts were now four extra bra sizes bigger then before, and her nipples started to poke out of her stretched bra. "Whoo, look at my bazooms! They've really filled up completely," she thought to herself, as she had one hand on one of her big breasts. Her belly now touching the grass below her feet. The front of her dress started to rip apart, revealing her big 'golden' belly. Her huge hips then was able to squeeze out of the door, freeing the big balloon of a housewife.As she waddled out in the middle of the backyard, her expanding body soon ripped her dress entirely, now revealing her big inflated body to the world. Her bust now eight bra sizes bigger then before, and her nipples starting to puff up a bit too. Her big butt now starting to eat her panties a bit, revealing her big butt cheeks. Her belly continuing to expand and glisten in the sunlight. The front of her panties are also visible too, and is starting to reveal an inflated 'camel toe'. Even her arms are now inflated and stiff with puffy fingers. Her cheeks are still bulbous and round."Oooooo," Marge thought, "my body feels so full and intense. I can still feel myself getting bigger... And bigger." At first Marge was starting to fear her new shape, but now she is starting to enjoy her big, inflatable body. Her creaking, moaning body continues to fill up, giving her a huge pair of boobs, a big bootylicious butt, and a nice big belly with a tight bra and even tighter pair of panties. She finally decides to let her body go, and watches herself become a blimp. "I'm so BIG, I'm SO BIG! I'm no longer Marge Simpson. I'm now Large Marge, the inflatable housewife!" She thought to herself, "and this BIG mama's going to get big till she blows!" She closes her eyes and lets her creaking body fill up to its limit. Her breasts, hips and belly are all full up to the brim with air and she was as tall as the trees through out the neighborhood. She let out a moan of pleassure as she thought to herself, "Time for this big mama to blow!" She was prepared to pop, but then, the vacuum stopped. The hose stopped filling the housewife with air. Large Marge opened her eyes and noticed that her body's stopped. "Mmm?" She groaned confusingly. She then spit out the hose, letting her talk at last. A small ounce of air escapes her lips as she looks down on the falling vacuum hose. Her big inflated body now standing firm and tall over her house. Her tight skin feeling the sunlight and blowing winds. "Look at me, I'm as big as a blimp. I almost look like Rosie O'Donnal's bigger sister In a bikini. I wonder why I'm not deflating, though?" She asked herself. " Oh well, guess now that I'm Large Marge, I should enjoy my new body." She then bounces over her house, thanks to her lightweight body, and starts to waddle down the street. She was no longer embarrassed to show her huge balloon body anymore. "Look out Springfield, cause Large Marge is coming to town!" exclaimed Large Marge.Meanwhile back home, there was a baby who was sucking her pacifier that was playing with the vacuum switch. She then noticed a big, yellow balloon outside of the house, waddling towards town. She just sat there with her pacifier, sucking on it, with not a care in the world.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The whispers started early that day. "Ugh, it's disgusting, she's such a whore." Sarah mumbled. "I know" Michelle replied "those fucking basketballs she calls breasts are obviously plastic. And could her shirt be any tighter? I feel like we're only seconds away from a free show, and buttons flying everywhere." As Katie gave a presentation to her global economy class, she was oblivious to comments from onlookers. She stood 5 foot 5, with tan skin, long brown hair (which reached her lower back), an athletic body and an absolutely perfect face, with beautiful big brown eyes, and plump pouty red lips. She had D cup breasts, which was unusual for a girl on the dance team, and most people assumed they were fake, and rightly so. As she pointed to her power point presentation, her white cotton button down shirt tightly hugged her globular breasts; her overly abundant and deep tan cleavage was prominently displayed through the gaps between the straining buttons. It looked as though the top button was begging to burst free, but alas, it did not. A large red vinyl belt was wrapped around her waist, atop very tight black suit pants, which complimented her pronounced rear very well. While guys loved Katie's "upstairs", they really loved her "downstairs". It was probably because she was a dancer, and knew how to wear tight pants which looked as though they were painted on. Her butt was the size of two firm cantaloupes, and was shaped in a perfect bubble. Guys fawned over her for it, and other girls hated her for it. Personality wise, Katie was much less perfect however. She clearly understood how attractive she was, and consistently used it to get her way. She cheated on boyfriends, used guys to do work for her, and treated all girls as if they were below her. She was like a mini celebrity within the community of her college. All the guys wanted to do her, the girls wanted to be her, and everyone wanted to talk about her. After copying Sarah's answers on their latest econ test, and earning them both failing grades after being caught, Sarah had developed a true hatred for Katie. She hated everything about her, and she had devised a plan to exact her revenge, and take Katie down from her high society status. As Katie proceeded with her presentation, Sarah decided it was the perfect opportunity to give her plan a little test run. Staring at Katie, she snapped her fingers. Katie, who was facing the wall where the presentation was being projected, momentarily went wide eyed. Her mouth went agape and her hands shot to her stomach as she felt a sharp growing pressure. And then within moments, the pressure was gone. Katie let out a sigh of relief, composed herself and continued on with her presentation. But that's when it happened, with her back to the students, Katie's pants started pushing out toward the audience, each cheek ballooning and becoming rounder by the second, stretching out the seat of her slacks and slowly reaching the size of two over pumped volleyballs. Katie continued on, unaware of the growth, her rear swaying from side to side as it swelled and as she pointed to the board. The seat of her pants, ready to burst down the center began to give way, a single stitch ripped, and Sarah stopped the inflation. Katie's rear now protruded a full 8 inches behind her and each side could even be seen from the front (each butt cheek, not her hips). It was large enough for a soda can to rest on top of, and looked as though if it were slapped, or any sudden movement, would force it to burst free from it's paper thin confines. It continued to bob up and down, as Katie moved around enthusiastically. She didn't even notice what had happened, and only a few classmates could tell her rear was bigger than usual (with nobody besides Sarah actually seeing the growth in its brief glory). "Wow," a girl in the front of the class whispered to her friend, "Katie needs to lay off the sweets, her butt looks enormous!" "Katie's always had a fat ass, you're just noticing now?" the friend responded. "I know she's always had a big ass, but look at it... it looks so much rounder and wider than usual, like it's just sticking so far out" the girl insisted. "Ha, you're right," the friend replied upon closer inspection, "it looks ready to pop free or something" "I mean, how does she even sit down on that thing without ripping her pants wide open? Can she even fit in a chair?!" The other girl continued. "She probably likes it so she can arch her back more and show the world those enormous fucking clown boobs." "Haha, yea, well if she keeps on with that sweet tooth her butt will be bigger than her implants in no time." "...Yea, it does look like her pants are going to split open any second." "That'd be funny." Their conversation came to an end as Katie's presentation concluded with a round of clapping from the class (or at least from the guys anyway). As the clock struck 3:30 the class ended and the students gathered their things as they prepared to head to their next class or activity for the day. Sarah peered over at Katie, she grinned as she looked at her comically large bottom, which was bouncing slightly with each step Katie took and was pleading to rip right through its black skin tight boundaries. Sarah snapped her fingers, and walked out. Katie walked through the hall, garnering the usual stares from guys drooling over her, and an unusually high amount from girls. Some pointed and giggled upon sight of Katie's gargantuan rear which looked ready to burst out of her clothes, but she didn't even notice, completely lost in her own world on the way to practice for the dance team. She was the captain, and was very excited to go over a new routine she had choreographed the previous night. Katie arrived at the locker room to find all her team mates already changing. Stripping down to their bra and panties, getting ready to put on their dance team uniforms: skin tight black spandex pants, a matching tight black top, and large white belt across the abdomen. As Katie walked passed the other girls to her locker, some said hi, and some just gawked at the sight of her jumbo bubble butt. "Holy shit Katie!" Kristen exclaimed, as she approached Katie. "It's time to lay off the Taco Bell! Your ass is huge!" she exclaimed as she grabbed it with both hands and gave it a firm squeeze. Her hands sinking in to the mountains of butt flesh. Katie yelped and spun around to face Kristen. "Hey! None of that today, I'm in no mood for it!" Katie replied. Katie always had a pretty big rear end, and was used to the comments, so she didn't realize anything out of the norm. "No, I'm serious." Kristen retorted as she pointed to Katie's rear, "Your ass is looking seriously extra fat today, like its massive, I'm surprised your pants haven't exploded off of it!" Some of the other girls giggled upon hearing this, none of them liked Katie, but only Kristen had the Gaul to confront her about anything. "Shut up, Kristen!" Katie exclaimed, "How would you like to warm the bench for the rest of the semester?!" That zipped shut Kristen's mouth, and good. Katie turned to her locker and began undressing, she unbuckled her belt, than unbuttoned her blouse and took off her shirt, proudly revealing her silicone bust, which seemed to be desperately trying to escape an entirely too small sports bra which left her tan grapefruit sized breasts crammed together (creating a grand canyon of cleavage) and spilling over the sides. She finally came to her pants. She tried to undo the button, but she couldn't – it was altogether too tight. As she struggled for what seemed like forever, she received a comment from the peanut gallery. "If you're having trouble Katie, just bend over, I doubt your pants will survive the pressure from the twin moons of fat you're smuggling under there. I'm shocked they're surviving right now" Katie's eyes darted to Kristen, giving her a look which essentially read "shut the fuck up, or I'll end you." Finally she unfastened the button and began to pull down her pants. This also appeared to be no small task with her rotund rump's newly inflated mass. After hearing many stitches rip in the process and vigorous effort Katie finally forced her pants down, leaving her near naked enormous butt jiggling in the air. 'Oh god, why was that so hard!? Maybe I do need to lose some weight...' Katie thought to herself. Upon seeing Katie's panty clad butt, all the girls who looked over were shocked. It appeared as if her almost nude butt had swallowed up her light blue panties, creating an enormous wedgy and making it seem as though she was sporting a thong. "Woaaaaa," one of the girls whispered to another "how did she gain that much weight that fast!? Her ass is gigantic!!!!" "I don't know" another replied "but it's pretty funny that it all went to her butt! Did you see how long it was jiggling when she pried her pants off? It had some kind of perpetual motion going on!" "I can't even believe she was able to get them off, it looked like she was going to need the jaws of life to get her fat butt free" Kristen, barely overhearing the other girls saying this, took another gander of her own at Katie's oversized rump. 'What the hell!?' she said to herself, doing a double take. As Katie bent over with her tan bulbous butt in the air, she searched the inside of her locker for her uniform. Kristin watched as Katie's rear began to expand, her thighs joined in, filling out ever so slowly getting bigger and rounder, and adding another 2 inches to her butt's overall already enormous circumference and causing her already dire wedgy to become even deeper, slipping further up her butt. Her lower half was beginning to look drastically plump. As she found her uniform, and stood up, the inflation stopped, and Katie hadn't realized a thing. Her corpulent rump distended about a foot behind her at this point. Kristen decided to say nothing, none of the other girls noticed, and she figured Katie deserved it. Katie, finally finding her uniform, slid on her black cotton top, which was a little too small, and really showed off her relatively gargantuan tits (which was her intention) seemingly suspending them in mid air. She then pulled up her pants, albeit with some difficulty, but not too much considering it was spandex. She then secured the large white belt around her petite waist and began to lead the team into the gymnasium. Her rear vigorously wobbling with each step she took. "Congrats Katie!" Kristen said mockingly, "I never thought you'd be able to cram your colossal ass into such a small space without exploding out of it!" Katie shot her another angered glare in response. Once all the girls reached the gym floor, they all got into their respective positions, with Katie in front, and providing them all with an excellent view of her already monstrously plump and tight rear. One of the girls turned on the music and they began their usual routine. Almost instantly Katie felt the pressure she had felt earlier that day in class, but much stronger. 'Ugh did I eat something bad?! Why I am feeling so bloated!?' she thought to herself and once again, as fast the pressure came, it left. And that's when it started again; Katie's butt began to inflate outwards growing bigger in all directions. Slowly at first though, you would have only realized it if you were staring at it. Each buttock pumped up to the size of a basketball, and all the girls began to take notice. Katie didn't feel a thing however, and continued dancing, her butt bounced and jiggled as it swelled larger and rounder with each beat of the music. The girls started gasping, pointing and whispering amongst themselves. "WHAT THE HELL!" one girl whispered, "What's happening to Katie's butt?!!" "She's getting fatter by the second!" "Her ass is blowing up like a balloon!" "I guess she should lay off the fast food afterall!" "Her butt is so fat! It looks like it's about to burst right through her spandex!!!" Katie's butt now appeared to be a little larger than two firm basketballs in black spandex, bouncing up and down wildly along with her, and still growing, pushing out the seat of her pants, and stretching the spandex thinner. Then, the growth picked up pace, and each butt cheek inflated to the size of a small beach ball, extremely round, and continuing to defy any hint of gravity. Her butt got bigger and rounder and wider with each step she took. Katie, still unaware, came dangerously close to touching Kristen with her continuously expanding rump during the routine when Kristen screamed, "Get your huge ass the fuck away from me before I stick it with a pin and pop it!" "What the fuck are you talking about!?" Katie said as she whipped around. "Are you a fucking moron Katie?" Kristen replied "Look at your ass, it's probably about to explode." Katie turned her head to get a view of her growing butt and instantly screamed, "Oh my god what the fuck is happening to me!!!!?!?????????? My ass is blowing up, someone help!" She felt her feet freeze in place unable to move. Upon finishing that sentence, she immediately felt an enormous pressure directly within her rear, and her butt started growing even faster, quickly approaching the size of two enormously tight over pumped beach balls begging to burst. She could feel her skin widening and stretching, trying to adapt to her new backside. She felt as though any second she would literally explode. Her ass at this point distended about 2 and a half feet behind her, and was about 5 feet wide, and growing fast. It looked like an entire 30 rack of beer could safely rest upon it. "Oh...OH... I feel like my butts about to bust wide open! Do something!" Katie screamed in utter panic. The girls crowded around her trying to figure out what was happening and began poking and prodding her swelling rump. "Wow its so tight" "It feels like a balloon" "Is she filling with air??!" "Stop touching me! Help me!? Someone DO SOMEHTNIG NOW" Katie demanded. "Your butt is getting so fat! What did you eat Katie!??!" a girl asked. "I didn't eat anything you slut!" Katie screamed. "You're a bitch, or should I say, an ass," Kristen replied, "you don't deserve our help." Katie shrieked in anger. Her butt's inflation was showing no signs of slowing, growing at an extremely rapid pace, and getting bigger and bigger with each passing second. Her taut black spandex pants began to make warning noises, a sign they couldn't take any more of Katie's huge ass, even starting to shine. As the spandex seemingly forced the swelling to slow down, each butt cheek began to now touch the floor even as she was standing. "OH MY GOD!!! HEELLPP!" Katie screamed. The girls, who continued to poke and slap and pinch her growing butt, couldn't resist but make more unhelpful remarks. "It looks like there's no more room in the spandex!" "Its so big and tight! Its touching the floor!!" "I've never seen such a fat ass before! It looks like its about to pop!" "It feels like it too!" "I feel like I'm touching a basketball!" "I wonder if it bounces like one...?" Kristen put in. "Ughhhhhhhhhhh," Katie moaned in pain feeling her skin stretching, "stop touching my ass and get help before I pop you fucking bitches!" Hearing this, a big grin rolled across Kristen's face, she walked behind Katie and placed a hand on each side of her inflating rump. "What are you doing!!?!" Katie asked in a panic, unable to see that far behind her, "get your hands off my ass!" Kristen didn't respond, she began pushing her hands into Katie's stretching ass, her hands easily sunk into the black spandex buttocks, pushing it out and making it bloat and stretch in all other directions. "You're hurting me!! STOP!!!" Katie screamed. Kristen said nothing, she put more pressure on her hands and brought each knee onto Katie's extremely distended butt making it bulge and widen out even more. "Oh my god what are you doing!?!!!" Katie hollered Kristen stood up, keeping one foot on the center of each bulging bulbous butt cheek, they squeaked and groaned Kristen began slowly moving her body up and down, bouncing Katie's ass. "Stop Stop!!" Katie exclaimed, "get off of my ass! Its so tight! You'll make it burst!" "That would be cool I guess, but I just want to see how high I can bounce on it," Kristen replied and began vigorously jumping on Katie's butt, repeatedly slamming it into the ground. "OH..OH..OHHHH...OHH...!!!!!" Katie screamed with each bounce, fearing her butt's imminent explosion. The inflation slowed even more as the spandex couldn't began to reach its limit. Katie's butt filled with even greater pressure and became increasingly firmer. Kristen bounced higher, and higher, "Wow this is great Katie, your butt is like a trampoline!!!" "OHH!!! OHHHHHHHH!!!! OHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! PLEASE STOP!!" Katie screamed "My ASS!!! OHHH!!!! ITS SO TIGHT!!!!!! ITS!!! OHHH!! GOING TO!!! OHHH!!! POPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!" Kristen jumped one last time as Katie's rear felt as tight as a balloon on the verge of popping. "BOOM!" Katie's drastically stretched spandex exploded off her. Kristen was thrown to the floor, and Katie's ass jiggled uncontrollably, like a dropped water balloon. Her panties were long gone, lost in her all encompassing ass. The inflation in Katie's butt picked up again, Katie screamed as her ass surged out another 6 inches getting even bigger, now free from restricting apparel. The entire inflation then slowed to a stop. "Fine Fine" Kristen replied as she got off the ground. "It was getting too tight anyway" she said, as she wacked it which made a resounding thump. "You fucking whore!" Katie screamed. "My butt is so tight! Call 911! Before it explodes!" "Oh shut up," Kristen replied, "You're only pissed because your ass is bigger than your fucking fake tits." "UGhhhhhhhhhhhh.......The pressure is growing again" Katie moaned due to the growing pressure. Her eyes went wide, "Oh...GOD" She looked down at her tits while simultaneously grabbing them. "oh no no no no no!!!" Katie screamed, as she watched her hands begin moving away from her and feeling her breast flesh swelling into her hands. "hahahaha, her fake tits are blowing up now too!" one of the girls pointed and screamed. Her D cups began swelling at a rapid pace, quickly pushing out her tight cotton top, each breast grew to the size of an extremely tight soccer ball. "Whats happening to me! My tits! My beautiful tits are ruined!" Katie cried out, still trying to hold on to her breasts in vain. The inflation quickened, stitches began to rip in the shirt and each orb inflated to the size of a basket ball, growing bigger and rounder by the second. A rip formed in the middle of the chest of her shirt, revealing 10 inches her immense overstuffed tan swelling cleavage which was still growing and dying to pop free. With each breath she took the rip increased in size, showing more of her growing cleavage and chest, which was now the size of two large beach balls. All at once her top burst off of her over pumped tits, and drifted to the floor, leaving her breasts bouncing in her extremely tight blue sports bra. It no longer looked like a bra any more though – more like a belt. Her breasts had grown so large that they were simply clamped down in the middle by the bra, growing above and below it. As the pressure, and Katie's tits grew, she let out a scream of pain. "Get this bra off me now!!! It's cutting my tits in half!" A girl started to approach her, almost feeling bad, but Kristen grabbed her hand and shook her head. She pointed to Katie's tits. "There's no way you're getting the bra off those things." As the other girl looked over more carefully at Katie she saw why, the bra was so tight around Katie's massive chest that each gargantuan boob began to pulsate, rumbling and vibrating with pressure as they continued to bloat. Katie clenched her fists and teeth, closing her eyes in pain. "BANG!!!!" The sports bra burst free from her ever expanding globes. Some of the girls jumped in surprise. Her breasts wobbled violently in different directions in the air for a moment before slowing to a stop. They were perfect spheres without a bit of sag, and without restraints they were growing fast. "OH NOOO!!!" Katie screamed as she watched her breasts balloon out in front of her. The girls laughed at Katie's new misfortune. Her blimping breasts approached the size of her gargantuan rear and also came to rest on the floor. The girls poked, pinched, and slapped her tits. "Stop that! You're going to pop me! Get away!" Katie yelled. "They feel just like her butt, but even tighter!" one girl said. The inflation slowed as room ran out in her tits. "Oh godddddd, I feel so tight! Ughhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!" Katie screamed. "Wow Katie," Kristen said, "You're everything you always wanted to be, all tits and ass!" she said as she gave her left tit a loud slap. Katie moaned in pain. There Katie stood, almost completely naked, all except for a while vinyl belt, tightly hugging her still slim waist, and some unseen panties. "Oh my god. It stopped!" Katie screamed, even though she could feel her tits and ass still filling with pressure. "You're all going to be fucked when I'm back to normal, I'm going to turn you all in to the police!" Some of the girls started to actually look a little worried. "Well, I guess we're not going to let that happen." Kristen replied. A look of confusion overcame Katie. She was obviously immobile, and couldn't see anything that wasn't in front of her, but she could hear something being dragged across the gym floor behind her. "What the fuck are you doing you bitch!?" Katie screamed. Then she saw Kristen, and a fire hose in Kristen's hand. Katie opened her mouth about to say something when Kristen jumped on top of Katie's tightly stretched and tan globular tits and shoved the fire hose directly into Katie's mouth. A Look of shock overtook Katie's face. "mmmmmmmPHHHMMMMMMPH!"She tried to scream. "Good bye Katie", Kristen said, climbing down from her tits. "At least you'll go out with a bang!" She said as she patted the overinflated tits. She turned on the fire hose, and instantly water began filling Katie's stomach. But somehow she wasn't drowning. Her stomach began to get a little puffy, and then began to swell outwards, rolling over and under the constricting white belt, and filling fast. "MMMMMMMMMMPHHPHHHP!!" Katie groaned in protest. Her belly approached the size of lady 9 months pregnant being clasped down in the middle by the oh-so-tight belt. BANG! The belt exploded, letting her stomach swell freely, and push her seemingly weightless tits right into her face, almost smothering her. He stomach quickly approached the size of a large beach ball, widening and rounding out in all directions, growing bigger and tighter by the second; her skin was stretched so tight it was almost becoming shiny. Kristen placed her hand on Katie's mammoth belly and pushed. She could hear the water sloshing inside. "Wow" Kristen said, genuinely surprised. She left her hand on Katie's stomach and watched as the pressure within it pushed out her hand. "She's getting so big!" Kristen exclaimed, "And her belly's as tight as a drum, she's probably going to explode any time now." She said as she firmly jabbed Katie's stomach. A slap and sloshing water echoed throughout the gym. "MMMMMMMPH!!!!" Katie motioned, flailing her arms (which couldn't reach the hose due to her gargantuan tits). Her stomach pulsated, swelling even more, and began sinking down to the floor due to the weight of the water churning inside. As her belly swelled out and filled up more and more, her enormous abdomen reached the size of the three large beach balls combined and the overall weight began rolling Katie forward, right out of her shoes (which stayed stuck to the floor) until she was resting atop her giant tits and tummy. "Woa" Kristen said in a daze as she stared at Katie. It was a site to see, Katie's little tanned athletic body, resting a top two breasts the size of Volkswagens being sandwiched into the ground, an ass that stood about 8 feet high on her backside and jiggled with the slightest movement, as she slowly raised due to her inflating belly which was now the size of a large truck, and looked ready to explode. "Now this looks fun!" Kristen exclaimed. She had one of the other girls give her a lift as she climbed on to Katie's back, pushing her stomach and tits into the ground even more, making their sides stretch out even more. She grabbed two handfuls of Katie's hair as she straddled her, leaning back into her tight rear end. Kristen began to sway front and back. "Neigh like a horse Katie!" she screamed with joy, picking up pace, bobbing up and down, and slamming Katie's ready to burst belly and breasts into the ground repeatedly. She bounced and bounced, as Katie moaned in pain and swelled even larger, but became even tighter. Soon Katie's tits, ass and belly were too tight. Kristen's bucking motion just became her bouncing up and down and causing the sound of sloshing water to fill the gym. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPHHH!!!" Katie tried to scream, her tits started bouncing violently and her butt began jiggling wildly, completely wide eyed, there were two ear piercing POPS! As her gargantuan tits burst, as she rolled forward her belly throbbed and then POP!! BANG!! Her enormous belly and ass, burst in all directions, sending Kristen to the floor and a torrent of water momentarily filled the gym. All the girls seemed dazed and confused, not remembering why they were in the gym, or why they were wet.. Sarah, peering in the gym through a window in the door grinned. "Wow, who knew inflation and mutiny spells would work so well together?" She chuckled to herself and walked away.
Chell, GLaDOS, Portal
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Full Body Inflation
You wake up in a dingy room, almost like a hotel room. It is blandly decorated and pale, looking as though it hadn't been cared for in years. You cough slightly as dust fills your lungs. You sit up, feeling a little woozy still. Your head pounds. After a moment, you catch the glint of a mirror near the bathroom. You rise shakily, slowly walking towards it. When you reach it, you take a moment to look into it. You see a slender woman, willowy, yet not flat. Running your hands down your sides, you feel your gentle female curves. Big blue eyes look at you from under a mop of black hair. Most of it hangs down your back in a ponytail. Your torso is clothed in an off-white tank top with "Aperture" emblazoned across it. Your legs glow orange in their uniform-esque sweats, and a matching jacket is tied around your waist. Tall white boots encase your feet, reaching halfway up your calves. "I certainly hope you have finished." A computerized voice said. It was feminine and musical, yet you recognize it with a thrill of horror. "I know there is, well, a LOT of you to examine. But you and I have unfinished business." The voice of GLaDOS was like a voice from the grave, considering you thought you put her there. "Your heart rate has risen, which means you are surprised to hear from me. Which is strange. Usually murderers have some sort of dreams where they hear the voices of the deceased." You certainly do feel your heart racing. You never expected to hear from her again, much less find yourself back under her control. Your mind already begins racing, trying to figure a way out of the computer's clutches. "I would bet your mind is racing, trying to figure a way out of my clutches." The computer mocked. "I think you know what to expect. But I don't hold a grudge. I just want to get back to testing." You remember the tests, never knowing when your life was going to end. Lasers, bridges, passive turrets, and only your handy portal gun to get you through. You recall surviving her every challenge, finally defeating her. At least, you thought. "Wait, you can't test without your portal gun. Fortunately, I anticipated this." Your closet door slides open, and a mechanized arm holds out the portal gun. "See? All shiny and new. And the portals are in your favorite colors, blue and guilt. I mean, orange. Did I say guilt? Who knows, that's probably the only words you hear coming out of my speaker." You take the gun and strap your right arm into it. You feel more complete now. Without another moment, you stride toward the door and grab the knob. It doesn't move. "Oh, I forgot." GLaDOS says. "You think you're ready to test. Well the bad news is, I got enough information with you the way you are. I'll need to make some changes, then I can test your reactions. It should be fun." The walls in your room move backwards, giving you another fifteen feet of space. The ceiling rises several feet. The bed, dresser, and sideboard sink through the floor and are replaced with empty tiles. "Since I monitored you awakening, I started filling the room with a specialized gas. No neural gas this time. I've learned that humans will fail 100% of every test if they start off dead. It won't kill you, at least not perhaps in the way you think." Butterflies fill your stomach. You massage it without looking down, trying to determine where GLaDOS could see you from. Something presses against your hand and you look down, filled with alarm. Your stomach is expanding. It's fairly slow, slowly growing one pulse at a time. Your heart beats a little faster as soon, you look like you ate a large meal. After several more moments, you look about eight months pregnant. Your thin tank top keeps up with your growing stomach. You reach down and loosen the jacket tied around your waist. The hiss from the vent intensifies. "You're taking a little too long," GLaDOS explained smoothly. "I thought I would speed up the process." The expansion speeds up, your belly almost exploding in size. You could fit a companion cube in your stomach. Reaching down, you can feel your belly button poking out from under your shirt. The hem was riding up, exposing your enormous belly and sides. Even though you know it won't do any good, you try to pull your shirt down. There is a tinkling sound from the speakers that you belatedly recognize as laughter. Abruptly, your stomach takes a pause. Before you can celebrate, your sweats begin to feel tighter as your slim thighs and perky butt swell. Your thighs widen and, as you grab your butt, you feel it expand like a pair of exercise balls. They soon catch up to your enormous middle in size. Your boots lift a little off the ground. "How about some atmosphere? It seems awfully quiet in here." On the white walls, suddenly you see a hot air balloon inflating. "That should lighten the mood." The swelling resumes, your waist growing steadily. You reach down and run your hand over your swelling body. It feels just like a latex balloon, growing like someone was blowing into you. Soon, you are almost completely round, your toothpick arms and slightly swollen calves sticking out of the giant orb that is your body. "Would you like to see yourself?" GLaDOS said happily. A picture replaces the hot air balloon- a pink, cartoony pig, its legs akimbo. "Wait, that isn't quite right." Then you appear, looking at yourself in the mirror. You look like a ball with three stripes- the thin white at the top, which is your severely ridden-up shirt, the middle stripe of pale flesh tone, your huge stomach, and the bottom stripe, the bright orange of your inflated pelvis and legs. Your head is comically tiny and your arms thin, spread out to keep your balance. Your vast thighs shrink slightly into big round calves, which end in your tiny booted feet. You try and move, the motion turning into an exaggerated waddle. GLaDOS titters over the speakers again. "You know, now that you outsize me by several feet, you almost intimidate me. Of course, I could always do this-" The room shakes violently. If you were your original size, this wouldn't bother you. However, in this state, you are thrown to your buoyant stomach. Your nose is about six feet from the ground as you wave your limbs helplessly. "Aww, like a turtle. I've always wanted a pet turtle. But that will have to wait until testing is concluded." The floor vanishes from under you. You can feel yourself spinning through the air, arms and legs waving as the wind buffets you. Suddenly, with a rubbery smack, you hit the ground on your side. Surprisingly, it doesn't hurt. You bounce and roll a bit, ending on your enormous rear. A mechanized shelf pushed you from behind, steadying you on your little feet. "Since I haven't had time to reconstruct the elevators to fit your, gracious, size, all of your transportation will be like that. However, it may matter even less. You'll see..." Shaking your head, you determinedly waddle in the direction of the door. The dark room lights up one light at a time until the door is illuminated. It is an extra wide door, with a cartoon depiction of you. Rather, it's a circle, white on top and orange on the bottom, with a head and arms. The room you enter is huge and fairly simple. There is a giant lake in between you and your exit. Everything around you seems portable, so you shoot your portals- one next to you, the other next to your exit. It is a bit of a tight fit, but you squeeze through. The door too is a bit of a challenge, but you make it easily. A giant hole awaits you where you remember the elevators to be. "You know what? Not enough has changed. So we'll add this." With a thrill of horror, you feel the inflating in you again. You look up at the far wall and see your reflection. You are visibly growing. It doesn't last long, but you know it's added several more cubic feet to your size. "So I will be testing several things this time around. How you react to testing in your constantly changing state, and how long it will be before you explode."
expierment, lab, popping, test lab, women inflating men
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation, Hourglass Inflation
Doctor Daily gently rubs his eyes and slides his eyeglasses back into place. He gently stretches and walks around the concrete floor of the underground facility. The fluorescent light hums above him as he looks at his watch and sees it's three in the morning. Questions swirling in his mind as he rests a hand on the tomato the size of a weather balloon at the center of the room. He feels his heart race as he touches the massive tomato and thoughts flow through his mind. These experiments would help fight hunger and food shortage issues. Suddenly, Doctor Daily turns away from the tomato and fires up the ray sequencer. It hums and lights dance across the barrel as he returns to stand in front of the huge tomato. He drops the lab coat to the floor, his heart races, and he struggles to control the panic building inside. He forms his hands into fists as he watches the barrel light up and light bursts outward toward him. The green burst of light hits him in the stomach and the ray sequencer's hum whirls down as it cools from firing. Doctor Daily looks down at his stomach and sees no change. He frowns knowing theoretically the ray sequencer should affect him like any other organic matter, but this is the first human test. Suddenly a hissing sounds and Doctor Daily feels a pressure building. He watches with shock and excitement as his belly, waist, sides, and lower back round outward. Squeaks sound as he begins to resemble a bowling pin with arms and legs. The pressure stretches him a little bigger like a balloon and the hiss fades away. Gently he prods his bloated belly and laughs softly. The ray sequencer made things bigger, but not in a way that will help food shortage problems yet. He smiles as he rubs his hands across his rounded belly and loud squeaks sound as he attempts to bend over to get his lab coat, but he finds he isn't very flexible anymore. Suddenly Jan's voice responds, "You really packed it on, Doctor Daily." Doctor Daily jerks his head up to see the rail thin blonde, standing in her lab coat behind the ray sequencer. He swallows, "I can explain, Jan." Jan smiles slyly, "You don't have to." The ray sequencer hums and a green light escapes the barrel. The light hits Doctor Daily and the hissing returns. Jan watches excitedly as squeaks fill the air and the Doctor's torso rounds out. "Getting bigger, Doctor." "Ughhhhh." Doctor Daily moans and stretches bigger along with the hissing. "Ughhh." He grows more and more excited as he swells like a balloon with air. His body is an oval shaped sphere with arms, legs, and a head as the hissing fades. His body squeaks as he looks down at himself, "Oh my." Jan smiles as she strides over to him and a few squeaks as she gently pokes him with her left index finger. "I see you have started human trials, Doctor Daily." "I was curious....I..." Panic fills him, "What have you done to me?! They're going to lock me up and do tests one me the rest of my life now. I know how those scientists think! I'm one of them!" Jan smirks, "You were one of them, balloon boy. Now you're just an inflatable toy to play with." Doctor Daily glares at her, "That's not funny, Jan." Jan gently rubs a hand across the curve of his body, "I know. I'm sorry. You could get as big as that tomato behind you." She sees the excitement on his face and smiles, "I'll make you a deal. I'll blow you up if you blow me up in the right spots and when we're done I'll get us out of here." Doctor Daily looks at her sternly, "You're not blowing me up bigger." Jan pulls her hand away, "Well okay. If you help me though, I'll still get you out of here." Doctor Daily grins slightly, "Okay." Loud squeaks sound as the doctor slowly waddles his inflated form toward the ray sequencer and loud creaks sound as Jan grabs hold and pulls him into place. She smiles and returns to the spot in front of the tomato. She bends over and sticks her butt out. "Okay we'll start with a little more junk in the trunk." Doctor Daily grins as the ray sequencer hums to life, "One inflated posterior coming up." Suddenly the green light hits Jan's rear, a hissing sounds, and her butt grows. "Ughh..oh..ughh." Her butt splits her pants and her hips flare. Squeaks fill the air as her butt rounds into two half volleyballs and the hissing fades. Jan gently shakes her new bottom and rubs her hands on her enlarged hips. "Half the hour glass." She faces the ray sequencer, "Now let's get the rest of the hour glass. Give my breasts a good shot." Doctor Daily smiles warmly, "I wish I knew you when I was in highschool." Suddenly a blast of green light hits Jan's a-cup breasts, the hissing returns, and pressure builds. "Ughhh." Squeaks and creaks fill the room as they swell to volleyballs and Jan bites her lip as pleasurable sensations flood through her mind. "Ughhh....oh....ughhh." The hissing fades as her breasts reach the size of basketballs and she looks down at them to see they're blocking her view of her feet. "Oh wow!" Jan gently squeezes her new boobs together and bounces over to Doctor Daily. His fave reddens, "You're huge!" Jan smiles, "I know. Now I will keep my word and get us out of here. Don't worry." Doctor Daily, "Uhhh...." Jan smile fades slightly, "What is it, Doctor?" Doctor Daily sighs, "Will you make me as big as the tomato before we go?" Jan's face lights up, "Of course." Loud squeaks sound as her inflated breasts collide with his bloated form and drags him to the spot in front of the tomato. She quickly returns to the spot behind the ray sequencer, "Time to get big!" A large blast of green light hits Doctor Daily and the hissing returns. The pressure builds and rubbery groans fill the room as it pushes him bigger. "Ughhh." His sphere torso groans as it slowly engulfs arms to the elbows and legs to the knees. He moans as he feels the pressure swirling him, building in him, and pushing him bigger. The feeling is incredible and he feels like he is becoming the impossible. He smirks knowing he'll be as big as that tomato soon and finds it strange to being helplessly stretched by a force within. "Ughhhhh." He feels super tight as his expansion slows and loud squeaks sound as his sphere meets his hands feet and head. The hissing fades. "I'm as big as the tomato, aren't I?" Jan smiles, "You're actually slightly bigger." Doctor Daily looks at the curve of his sphere body, "Oh." Suddenly, the heavy man named Paul moves into the room, "What the hell is going on in here?!" He strides confidently toward Doctor Daily and gently pokes the inflated doctor. A squeak sounds, "Are you okay, Doctor?" The Doctor sighs, "I'm fine." Paul frowns as the ray sequencer hums louder, "You don't look fine." He turns to face the ray sequencer and a green beam of light hits him. "What the..?!" A thunderous hissing sounds with high pitch squeaks as the pressure builds and he stretches outward. "Ugh....ughh....what's happening to me?!" Angry squeaks sound as his sphere body swallows his arms to the elbows and legs to the knees as the green beam continues to shoot light at his bloating belly. Too late he realizes he should have gotten out of the path of the beam and he watches Jan bounce across the room. " this!" Jan smiles, "No! Just inflate and enjoy!" Loud squeaks sound as she collides with the sphere doctor and begins rolling him toward the doorway. "Time to get out of here, Doctor." Doctor Daily moans as his inflated form is rolled, "Please be careful!" Four loud horrible squeaks sound as Paul's hands and feet are absorbed into his sphere body. "Ughhh." He feels the pressure building and building as it stretches him bigger and bigger. "Ughhhh." He feels confined as the pressure builds and his expansion slows. A horrible thought enters his mind and he wonders if he can pop. Pop like a balloon? A horrible squealing and groaning of rubber sounds. Bang! Paul's head jerks and he realizes the tomato is no more. His expansion continues unhindered and he swells over the ray sequencer and fills the room. "Ughhhh." His body groans with pressure as it touches the walls and a loud creaking sounds as his head is stretched flat upon the sphere he's become. "Ughhhh....ohh.....ughhh no!" His body feels impossibly tight and fragile as he completely fills the room. Paul closes his eyes as part of him inflates outward into the hallway and begins moving to fill the hallway. Someone sees his inflating form moving down the hallway and they sound the alarm. "" Above ground, Jan struggles to drive the cargo truck away as chaos ensues in the facility below. She glances at Doctor Daily snuggly in the back and smiles. Squeaks sound as her massive breasts squeak against the wheel and she wonders what her life will be like from now on. Suddenly, the ground cracks as the inflating Paul begins to push outward and a horribly, thunderously, loud groaning fills the air. Jan winces as she drives and tries not to stop. Kabooooom!!!! Jan gasps, checks herself, and looks to see the doctor is alright. She swallows with relief and returns her attention back to driving. She smiles and knows that will keep everyone distracted for awhile.
floating, helium
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Yulia entered her hotel room. She took off her red business jacket, remaining in her soft white silk blouse and red business skirt. Hard day's work, and now she could finally lie down, and wait for another delegate of her country to call her up and she would have to go work once again. Yulia was a warm looking woman with a thick accent. She had long, wavy brown hair, and stood about 5'7. Red complimented her light skin and her shapely shins. She was a beautiful woman, not what you'd expect from somebody into the political world (no offense to the cute girls reading this who may be in politics). But she was tough and so, pretty much a perfect fit for the political game. Yulia was....a little wild, and demanding. Had always been so. But, she had made amends when she could: with her best friend for stealing her boyfriend, totaling her sister's car one night she drank too much in her school days, had alienated one woman from her group of friends to take her spot in the group. Even with her friends she was a little.... Ok, as far as most people are concerned, she was a bitch. But she was ok now, right? Right? Yulia went to the bathroom to freshen up before she had her late lunch, already set at the table by the five star hotel personnel. There were fruits mostly, bread, orange juice, and some finger food. It was all set in a small dinning table in the middle of the room, between the bathroom and the bed, which overlooked a big window with a great view. It was all there, just as she had ordered. Although, no wine. She went out of the bathroom, and munched on a couple of strawberries, apple and a piece of bread. The bread was buttered and still warm. She got to the phone, swallowed, and dialed the kitchen. She made her complaint. "Excuse me, this is room 708. I specifically asked for the complete afternoon lunch special, and I was assured there would be a fine bottle of wine. To my surprise...there is no wine in my room.", she said with her thick accent, calmed down, and smiled, but continued with a slight unpleasant tone. That was one of the things with her: she could go from sarcastic to mean just like that. "We are sorry miss, we will be sending someone there shortly to fix this. Sorry about any inconvenience." "I forgive you" she said with a sharply and hung up, before hearing the guy at the other end yell out "You're welcome!!" "Some help..." said Yulia. About twenty minutes afterwards, someone knocked at her bedroom door. "Finally", she said, in that exasperated manner she always had when she felt every one was out to do their job wrong. She opened the door, looking casually at the hotel attendant, who proceeded to set the basket with two bottles of the most expensive wine at the table, and went to the door. Just as she turned about to extend her hand to get a tip, Yulia shut the door, not even looking at the girl. She brushed her hair in contempt, and sat on her bed to continue eating. She would need to eat, since she wouldn't be able to eat anything more until well after the afternoon's meetings. Unknown to her, but maybe not the neighboring rooms, there was a pained yelp and a thump from the hallway. A minute later, someone knocked on Yulia's room door again. She sighed, and put on the fake smile she gave the press, boyfriends, and occasionally, girlfriends. She opened the door with that smile, and the girl at the other side of the threshold was another hotel attendant. She somehow looked like the other girl, but.... "Did you order room service, miss?", asked the girl. "Humm...not right now. I did have an order straightened..." "Yes, miss" the girl stormed in, interrupting Yulia. She stood there, lips pursed as if trying to get the word "out"...well, out. She stood with her lips frozen, looking at the girl who had brought in with her something she rolled around, in some cart. It was covered in a sky blue blanket. "Umm" "Where do you want this, miss?" "I don know..." "Alrighty", the girl set the thing down "Miss, could you pull up a chair please" Struck dumb, Yulia did so, and pushed up a chair from the nearby dinning table, next to the bed, in front of the big windows with a splendid view of the city. Yulia sat down in the chair she had pulled up, and asked "Umm...what exactly is that? I didn't order anythi...." "Shhh, this is a surprise order", said the girl, softly putting a finger to Yulia's red lips. "I have a message delivery to this room. Would you like to receive such message and prepare for what its knowledge entails?" "Umm, whos it from?" "Anonymous, miss" "I guess it is okay..." "Alrighty then", the girl said, and she took the blanket off the thing she had rolled around, and revealed it to be a helium tank. The girl took the hose that was attached to its nozzle, and grinned at Yulia. Yulia opened her mouth, with an inquisitive look on her eyes, just before the other woman plugged the hose into Yulia's mouth. The force almost made Yulia fall backwards, with chair and all. As she fell back forward, she heard the terrifying sound of a metal knob twisting, and a hissing. She gasped in surprise. Her eyes bulged comically as she realized what this crazy girl was doing. Her face filled with panic, but inside she had no idea how to react. The idea was so surreal, she couldn't even face fear. Before she could collect her thoughts, her vision was blurred, her heart pace quickened, and she noticed she was rigid, her back against the top of the back of the chair as her whole body straightened up like a limp balloon suddenly taking new shape. She was facing the ceiling. She felt intense pressure all over, just when her face filled with something slightly more substantial than panic. She moaned slightly at what was happening, and only if she strained her eyes enough she could look at her tormentor, who seemed taken aback by what she was doing, as if it had all caught her by surprise. "I can't...I can't believe it...." The woman disguised as a hotel attendant slid off the buttoned blouse of the service of the hotel, leaving a dark blue attire visible. She was breathing hard, her body going up and down and she ventilated each hard breath. The sight was wonderful, and it hadn't even begun. Her hands caressed the length of her neck, drenched y the steamy sweat. She could hardly bear the thought of what was about to happen. Yulia was breathing in a similar fashion as her tormentor, but soon enough she found out she could not breath anymore, yet she did not seem to need breathing. The sensation worried her, and she could not express her panic with quick frantic breaths. She could feel it all over her body... She felt the tingle of her soft silky blouse course all over her torso, and the worrying tightness as her bra started to become painfully tight on her breasts and back. She looked down, but she didn't need to. She could feel her skin pushing out, spaces being over taken by an increasing amount of helium forced into her frame. Her torso pushed out in all directions it could, while her breasts struggled their own battle. Everything pushed out, she felt full all around. "You are...inflating, inflating like a balloon..." the other girl could not believe her eyes. Her breathing became even more labored. She almost lost all composure. She rubbed her fingers against her body, and stared. Yulia's form had painfully exaggerated, to the point where her torso and breasts could have been attached to some sort of air mattress with the shape of a woman. The soft fabric of her blouse strained with uncharacteristic strength as her arms plumped up, trying to break her sleeves apart. Her eyes shot even wider, her moans became even louder and more desperate as she could feel her crotch and belly push out on their own, straining at the poor, lonely button that held her skirt in place. Her exaggeratedly inflated frame rocked side to side, balancing itself on the back of the chair as it expanded like a human air mattress. Her eyes watered, and as if on cue, the button exploded off of her skirt, a humiliating further reminder of the pretty big pickle she was in. "Ooooh!!" cooed the other woman, and suddenly, she snapped out of her self. As if slightly humiliated with herself, she went over to a small bag that sat beside the tank in the cart, and took out a digital camera. "Oh darling, I had almost forgotten...." The woman snapped pictures at the expanding Yulia, getting her from every single angle, as the ballooning girl moaned as her tormentor moved from side to side, pacing all over the room. Yulia had grown several inches already, and the other woman could simply not resist. She went over to Yulia, and straddled over her thighs, pinning the balloon girl down. The pressure went up, and Yulia could feel it mounting at her cheeks, the back of her eyes, her very head... The woman rode up the expanding flesh slightly, as one would a lover, to face her puffy victim. "I have a job to do darling, its not all fun". Click. Just as she took the pic, she pressed down on swollen Yulia's poofy torso. The pressure rode up even stronger than before. Yulia's arms shot up comically, and the misplaced air made her sleeves lose the fight against her burgeoning arms. Her breasts and faced puffed up enormously as the helium kept going in relentlessly, not caring about the pressure applied to her middle. She felt her face was going to explode when she felt a slithering tendril of pressure ride up from her pressed in stomach, causing a rising burning sensation that rose up her middle, to her impossibly huge breasts, and finnaly, up her puffy throat and.... POOOF!! Like a rocket blasting off, the hose shot up from Yulia's mouth. The other woman got up from her female mattress, which balanced the air inside and regained a pretty ballooned figure once more, but quite a bit deflated from her former state. She picked up the hose, spewing helium like a mad little thing. She looked over at Yulia, who made pleading sounds at her tormentor, who proceeded to crank the helium valve down a bit. With sensual malice, she connected once more the hose to the protesting Yulia. With frustrating patience (patience to Yulia at least), the air shot through her body once again, resuming its fulfillment of...well, of Yulia. Even in a lower pace, the helium still considerably bulged the woman out to her previous size in a couple of minutes. As Yulia continued her battle with her sense, the other woman cleared her throat, wiped hot sweat from her forehead and cleavage, and from underneath the cleavage took out a note. "As you can see darling, this doom befalling you has a name: Rosemary. Know anyone by that name?" Yulia wimpered helplessly, as now her plight had a face, and with it no chance of repentance. "It reads as follows", said the hired killer. "Yuli, my dear old friend! How has life been treating you of late?" The woman shot a smirk in her victim's direction, who visibly could not bear the words of her past arch rival in the affairs of love and business. "Well, no matter, I take it you are a very busy girl" The creaking of her body was painfully audible, as well as the long rip as her growing thighs broke free of the restraint of her skirt. As she was angled in her rigidness like a blow up doll, though she was way too big now to be seen as one, Yulia felt as if she was been toppled upwards, but quickly realized, since she was a smart girl after all, that the feeling was due to her feet leaving the floor. She was now floating slightly, as if suspended on an invisible table just centimeters above the back of the chair. The killer giggled, and went on reading. "I guess you are indeed quite the busy girl. The pain and humiliation I've carried for almost 8 years, however, has made me VERY busy. After losing my husband because of you, not to mention my career after you replaced me for a job that is now, undoubtedly, far beneath your current status, I could never trust anybody again. I have been going clumsily through life, through men, becoming a nagging hag of a woman, unable to trust her partners, both sexually and professionally. Oh yes, reminiscing is healthy" The female killer was hyperventilating again, as the words, the scene of the ever expanding Yulia were simply...entrancing. BANG! BANG! The killer was startled for a second from her lusty escape, as Yulia's over stretched panties and what she figured was the bra, snapped. Her blouse was still holding on though. Her middle was big enough to keep the blouse from rolling up her stomach, but there were a few rips here and there were beautiful, pink bloated flesh seeped through.... The killer snapped out of her lusty thoughts, and went on reading. "But nothing is as healthier and cathartic as revenge, don't you agree?" Yulia could only whimper. "Well, let's agree to disagree old friend." The killer moved to where Yulia bobbled slightly, grabbed her as if she were a toy, and pinned her to the bed, again as if she were a mattress...far bigger and rounder than a mattress should be. Yulia felt uncomfortable, as there was far too much pressure in her to misplace the air inside her, yet the weight of the other woman felt painful to her continuously ballooning body. "I was asked to read this next bit to your face darling" Yulia could only stare wide eyed. "I have wanted this for years, and it is with great comfort that at last, my dear Yulia, the world will be rid of you. And good riddance. Hope you DON'T enjoy your last moments, but the evidence of your undoing that this killer for hire will bring me, will surely be to my enjoyment. As well as hers, I take it", at reading that part, the killer blushed, but concluded. "Goodbye my old friend. How I would have liked to see you right now, as you must be right now..." The killer slid off Yulia, who then floated like a balloon, and whimpered at the sensation when the hose went up for all its length and the force made her body shift vertically until she was face down. The killer snapped photos of the whole occurrence. She proceeded to turning the tank's knob to its former speed. She moved her fingers along the stiff hose, feeling the surge of helium blasting from within, and what it implied to the poor balloon woman above... "Alright", she snapped out of it again. "As you see darling, this is nothing personal, I am merely a messenger. No hard feelings?" She looked up to Yulia flirtatiously, and the balloon woman whimpered and groaned, frustrated at her inability to express herself as she was. The killer snapped a couple more pictures, and just then, her silky white shirt exploded off. A naked balloon Yulia now floated above the bed, slowly closing completely the gap between bed and ceiling with her balloony-ness. The killer rolled the tank a bit away from the bed, so the balloon could float away from it. She turned the knob even more. Yulia could not believe it, but this would be her end. Whenever it may come, she knew she was done for. She had lost. Her thoughts clouded, and the intensity of her inflation felt like a second layer of skin being impossibly outstretched like a parade balloon. "Oh darling, you still have so much ROOM! You could go so much bigger..." She turned the knob even more. Room?! Yulia felt extremely pressured, as if everything was about to explode off her at any moment. Whether there was in fact more room inside her, she could not say. Her astronomical size threatened to cover half the room when the killer decided it was enough. "Time to finish this, hon. Any more and this could become extremely messy, completely ruining all efforts at secrecy" Yulia could not bare the thought, but could only moan in protest. The killer moved to the big glass door of the terrace, and opened it completely. She took the ballooned Yulia, amid her protests, and jammed her blimp-ness through the opened way. Yulia could not believe it. She instantly knew what her fate would be. For the moment though, her huge balloony body was jammed halfway out, huge arms and breasts inside, the rest outside in the cool altitude. The killer looked her straight in the eye. "Darling, you are so beautiful, I could never bare the fact to see how this concludes. Also, my employer gave me instructions to prolong your discomfort as much as possible so...", she giggled "Bon voyage" and gave out a soft laughter, that no matter how hard she tried to sound mocking, it could be said it was even reassuring, in some twisted way. "Care for me to open the wine?" The killer uncorked the wine that Yulia had received after the order incident earlier, and poured herself a cup. Wine cup in one hand, cork in the other, she went to Yulia, and look at her in the eyes. Yulia's face even mocked her present state. Cheeks comically bulged, eyes wide and watering, huge lips enclosing the helium hose. Lust in her stare, the killer leisurely sipped wine, and with a loud POP, took out the hose from Yulia's lips. She closed in.... And gave Yulia a passionate kiss on her huge, strangely inviting lips. Yulia's mind raced at light speed. "Oh god, now is my chance! I have to blow all this air into her! Come on Yulia, blow. BLOW!!" Only muffled sounds came out of Yulia's lips, and the tender passion of her inflator's seductively lips obscured every instinct. She wanted to cry, to scream, when her heart sank as she felt the soft female lips leaving contact with hers. She lost her chance. "Im so sorry darling. Like I said, nothing personal", warmly, almost affectively, she screwed the cork in Yulia's lips. The helium would be trapped inside her until...The killer snapped a couple more pics. With a couple of pushes, Yulia was free from her glassy prison, but now fell prisoner to physics. Her body rose up. She tried to scream behind that cork in her mouth. The killer waved, sipped a cup of wine, and stayed transfixed as Yulia floated to the great big blue. She took a couple of pictures, and when the woman was nothing more than a dot in the sky, she placed a "Do Not Disturb" sign in front of the hotel room door, laid down on the bed, and took out her camera.
chemical, floating, latex, muscle growth, prank
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Hourglass Inflation
"Good Lord, Jenkins! What happened?" Dr. Kent had just stepped into the lab and was alarmed by the condition of one of his lab rats. And rightly so. Dr. William Jenkins was supposed to be running another battery of tests, and it looked like one got out of hand. The lab assistants were scurrying around trying to make themselves useful. And getting only mixed results. Fortunately, Jenkins remained calm, which was surprising when one considered that, just a few feet away, was a rodent that had been inflated past four feet in diameter that had floated up to the ceiling. "One of the techs didn't watch this batch carefully. The refrigeration unit had failed, and the NFP-3 had been sitting at room temperature for a while." "Ah," Dr. Kent muttered, understanding now what had happened. The NFP-3, while still far more stable than the two prior formulas, and extremely predictable at normal operating temperatures, went unstable if stored at temperatures above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. "Can you fix it?" Dr. Jenkins punched away at a nearby keypad. "Setting stabilizing!" The pulse emitter started humming, and the rat gradually began to shrink down to its normal size. The clamor in the lab died down, and people went about their normal business. Dr. Kent shook his head. "I don't know why we even run tests on this stuff. NFP-4 is already on human trials." "Actually," Jenkins said, rifling through some computer printouts, "this little mishap was quite educational. Check this out. Even though the gas generation rate went unstable, elasticity and spatial distortion response stayed steady right with it." "Well I'll be damned," Kent muttered. "So the poor bugger was never in danger of exploding. I was wondering why you hadn't cleared the room." "I'm sure our human subjects will be quite thrilled to hear it, too. We know already that NFP-4 has an even better response." "Excellent! Write it up then. But do it next week,Jenkins. It's Friday night, you should be at home right now, doing those weird young people things that you young people do," Dr. Kent said, smiling. "Yeah, I'll be taking off soon." William Jenkins was the youngest doctor working for KandS Labs, Biochemical Division, and often felt pressured to prove himself to his elders. It wasn't really necessary anymore, since he'd been the main driving force that brought NFP from being a government reject to almost a saleable, multimillion dollar product. NFP had been one of those projects that consumer groups used as an example of government waste. It was a rather strange substance, completely inert outside a living animal, but having some rather interesting effects when metabolized. It deposited in certain tissues, then it expanded, causing the subject to inflate but without harming the affected tissues. Afterwards, the subject could be deflated (or inflated further), by exposure to certain ultrasonic frequencies. Millions had gone into its development over many years solely because a particular Congressman's district got a major economic boost from the grant. Then Somebody asked, "So what can we use this for?" And, in the usual government fashion, they declared a gold mine worthless, pulled the funding, and the research was sold off to the nearest buyer. And if anyone asked ol' Billy Jenkins (which, by the way, nobody did), he'd say that KandS Chem wasn't doing much better with it. If they'd been smart, they'd have sent it to the Physics or Materials Science Division as well to find out how the hell this stuff manages to hold the cells together and keep them functioning when their volume's been increased a thousandfold and then some. But the exec who'd engineered the purchase only saw the potential of replacing the mainly defunct breast implant industry. While NFP-3 affected just about any fatty tissues, NFP-4 had been engineered to deposit only in the breasts. Even more importantly, it remained stable at temperatures over 200 degrees higher than its predecessor. There was an NFP-5 in the works as well. Much to his dismay, Billy had been informed that he would be working on that project if NFP-4 still didn't prove stable enough for public consumption. Well, Billy thought, if I'm going to be working on such a project, I might as well snag a perk or two. So he'd managed to smuggle out a canister of NFP-4 crystals. Building an emitter was pretty simple if one knew the necessary frequencies and a bit about electronics. It was the one time he'd let his breast obsession get in the way of professional prudence. He was actually quite anxious to leave. His wife Sarah had surprised him with her eagerness to try the formula. So tonight, after a romantic dinner, she would be partaking of a rather special dessert... "Resorting to one of the old classics, eh Cindy?" Sarah said, only mildly irritated as she wiped the spilled milk from the front of her blouse. Cindy was giggling in uncontrollable glee, seeing the aftermath of her dribble glass. "You do realize I'll have to get you back for this, don't you?" "Of course," Cindy smiled as she munched another chocolate-chip cookie. That's how it had always been between the two of them. Best friends since childhood, they were constantly playing jokes on each other. Sarah had put itching powder in Cindy's first training bra, and Cindy had sabotaged Sarah's bikini at a pool party (much to Sarah's embarrassment, but much to the enjoyment of the boys present). They both grew up, Sarah was married, Cindy was an artist, but their friendly war continued. Cindy finished drinking her own glass. "Now tell me more about Billy's Magic Mixture." "Well," Sarah said, back on the subject at hand. They'd been chatting out on the patio, ans Sarah just couldn't keep this little secret to herself. "Don't tell anyone, cuz Billy could get in a lot of trouble if anyone in the lab found out." Not likely, since most of them never saw the sun, she thought. "But basically it'll make my breasts bigger. A lot bigger." She smiled mischievously. "Damn, Sarah! How much bigger do you want to get?" Sarah and Cindy were opposites in that and all other aspects of appearance. Cindy was a tall, slender blonde. Sarah, while being a bit shorter, was much more curvaceous. She had Cindy's slim waistline, but it sat between a broader set of hips and a pair of double-D breasts which Cindy had always envied. "You know how much Billy goes gaga over big boobs. He was thrilled when I said I wanted to try it, but I had to talk him down to giving me a sixty-inch bust! All it takes is a pinch of that stuff, and a couple of hours later--" Sarah cupped her hands out in front of her chest in anticipation of her new bustiness. "I think it'll be fun trying on a new figure. He said he could always make me bigger or smaller later. He already mixed up a drink for me to take before dinner." "So I guess you two will be having an interesting evening. Assuming, of course, you can drag him out of the lab." Sarah arched her back and thrust her chest out. "These, Cindy, would drag Billy out of his death bed." They both laughed. "I think I'll go get myself some more milk now." "Don't bother, I'll go get it." Cindy went inside to the kitchen and opened the fridge. As she reached for the milk, two things caught her attention. The first was what looked like a glass of milk that had a slight yellowish tinge to it. The second was a metal cylinder, about the size of a soup can, sitting next to the glass. She picked up the cylinder and screwed off the lid. Inside was a coarse yellow powder. The gears in her mind began to whirl. "On the one hand," Cindy thought to herself, "I'm already up one from the dribble glass, so it's her turn to get me back. On the other hand, there's no reason to let Sarah get ahead, and this would be the ultimate gag..." She quickly grabbed a spoon and scooped a big spoonful of the powder into the glass, stirred it, and replaced both the glass and the cylinder exactly as she'd found them. She poured herself a glass of milk, and went back out onto the patio, trying to suppress a smirk. Sarah's romantic little evening of blossoming would be a bit more exciting than she'd planned. "I'm sure Billy will thank me later," she thought. She sat and took another cookie. "Sarah, these cookies are just great!" "Thank you. I made a whole bunch, I can pack some up for you to take home. I know you're not exactly the baking type." "Hey, I'm a starving artist, remember?" Well, not exactly starving. Cindy's work had sold quite well, and she'd recently moved into a very nice new studio apartment. But she did admit she was pretty incompetent in the kitchen. "That would be great, Sarah. I'll take off so you can prepare for your evening of romance and figure-enhancing." Dinner was fabulous, if a bit unconventional. Billy came home and showered, and Sarah had insisted that he eat dinner wearing nothing but his boxer shorts. She dined while wearing a silk robe she'd recently bought. Sarah knew her husbands weaknesses, and had used this occasion as an excuse to buy new lingerie. The food was delicious, but Billy could hardly pay attention to what he was eating with Sarah sitting across from him carefully revealing little flashes of her skin. He couldn't tell exactly what she was wearing under there, but from the little peeks he got through the meal it was white and lacy. It was amazing how lingerie could add new and exciting mysteries to a familiar body. "Have a little patience, honey," she murmured. "You'll get to unwrap your present soon enough." She took another sip of champagne. She loved how it tingled on the way down, but this time the tingling lingered. She felt a soft pressure in her bosom. "Oooh, I think it's starting." Oh yeah, she though as she felt her breasts begin to gradually push out against the front of her robe. She knew it would be a dramatic change, but it still surprised her to look down and see her bust expanding before her eyes. "How do you feel?" "It feels... strange. I feel all tingly, a bit lightheaded...I think it's time to go to the bedroom," she said with a seductive grin. "Let me see--" "No," she said firmly, closing the front of the robe to hide her deepening cleavage. "You'll have to wait like a good little boy." She turned her back on him and strode slowly toward the bedroom. Billy's heart began to race as he followed her. Though he couldn't get a clear look, even through the covering of her robe he could see that she was bigger. His formula was working. He closed the door behind him. "Now," she said, softly, "you can look." She opened her robe and shrugged it off letting it slide down her body and to her feet. Billy's jaw dropped. Her breasts, which had always been double-Ds, had swollen up three or four cup sizes and were now much fuller and rounder. Sarah had apparently bought her new white lace negligee in a size for her new upcoming figure, as it still hung a bit loose on her. She smiled, looking down at his own swelling boxers, "You can breathe now." "Wow." He'd seen the effects it had had on some of the human test subjects, but that had always been after the fact. Now, watching as his wife's breasts continued to expand to fill her lingerie, it was having an entirely different effect on him. He took her into his arms and kissed her deeply, feeling her soft bosom squishing wonderfully against his chest. She led him to the bed, where he laid down on top of her. He propped himself up on his arms to survey her process. The incredible change she was undergoing had distracted Sarah slightly from the mood. "Look at them," she marveled. When she was standing, her breasts had stood out from her body, but now as she lay on her back, they had flattened slightly and quivered with each breath she took as they continued to fill. "They're still so soft. I guess I was expecting them to feel different, since they're filled with air now." She giggled, causing a delightful tremor. "Feel them." Billy hardly needed any prompting for that. He gently stroked her left breast through the flimsy lace. He could feel it rising up, pressing against his hand as it gradually inflated to cantaloupe size. "Don't worry," he said. "You should start to firm up soon." "I hope so. I'd hate for these babies to start sagging." She'd filled up her negligee now, and huge boobs bulged up in her plunging neckline. "This thing's getting a bit snug," she purred. "Maybe you should help me out of it." Billy grinned. "Sure," he said as he tore open the front of her lingerie. He was amazed at how big she was now. "Oh my, we're quite the devil tonight, aren't we?" She said as he pressed his lips to one of her nipples. "Oh my," she gasped. Sarah had expected her inflated boobs to be less sensitive, but as she felt the intense pleasure of Billy's passionate suckling, it seemed as if the pressure inside her had made her even more responsive. "Oh god, that feels incredible Billy, don't stop!" His reply was muffled against her swelling flesh. After a few minutes of this, she opened her eyes to see her breasts had grown to almost a foot and half across, each. And they were still growing steadily. "Uh, Billy," she said nervously, "I think I'm getting too big." "There's no such things as too big," he said, chuckling. Then he noticed how much she'd inflated and a perplexed look came over his face. She glared reprovingly at him. "Did you plan this?" He shook his head. "No, I swear, Sarah, you said sixty inches, and that's what I'd intended...You're right, you're getting too big." Now she was worried. "Is something wrong?" She sat up, breasts jiggling and almost reaching down to her lap. "I may have slipped up a bit, but not by this much! You didn't take any more of the formula, did you?" "Of course not!" "Then how--" He cut off as he saw Sarah's face change first to one of wide-eyed shock, then dissolve into giggles. "What?" "I think I know. I made the mistake of telling Cindy what we were doing tonight. She had the chance to do it, and it would be just like her to slip a little extra into my drink as a joke. I think she just went a bit overboard. You can fix this, right?" Now sticking out over two feet in front of her, her breasts looked very much like balloons. Sitting as she was, they were beginning to rest on her thighs. She reached around them, barely able to cover her nipples. As she squeezed them gently, she could feel they were still rather soft, like cushions. "Of course, I just need to get the emitter." He shook his head. "I don't think I want to know how you're going to get back at her for this one." She smirked. "Oh, I'm sure I'll think of something. I was worried for a bit. You told me this stuff went crazy if it got unstable." She was still a bit worried, as her enormous boobs were still puffing up. Billy laughed. "Trust me Sarah, if the NFP had gone unstable, I woulda known pretty quick. It does some weird stuff when it does that, but you'd have to heat it up pretty hot." Sarah's eyes grew wide again. "What?" he asked. "I, uh -- just how hot would it have to be?" Billy waved off her concern. "I know it was hot today, but NFP-4 is pretty damn stable. It would have to be heated over 300 degrees for several minutes to do anything to it, and it stays stable once it's ingested." "Yeah, I know, but what if -- just hypothetically -- someone were to, oh, I dunno -- bake it?" Billy glared at his wife. "Sarah, what did you do?" As she swelled up even bigger, Sarah felt her nipples slip away beneath her fingers. And she was still getting bigger. "Maybe you should go and get that emitter thingy now--" "What did you do?" Sarah sighed. "I set aside some of the dough when I was baking today. I put some of that powder in it and gave some cookies to Cindy to take home with her. I mean, how bad can it be, right?" Billy went pale. "Oh shit. What's her number?" he shouted as he reached for the phone. "She's number one on the speed dialer. Is something really bad going to happen?!" "No," he said as he dialed. "But depending on how many of those cookies she ate, she'll probably need my help real soon. Damn! I got her answering machine!" "She has to be in. She always watches TV on Thursday nights. Maybe she's just screening her calls." "She probably is in," he muttered. "she probably just can't reach the phone." He reached the end of Cindy's greeting, and the machine beeped. "Cindy. this is Billy. Whatever you do, don't eat the cookies that Sarah gave you. If you already have, don't worry you're not in any danger. Everything'll be okay, we're coming over right now!" He hung up the phone. "You have her spare key?" "Yeah." "Get dressed, we have to go out there." He ran to get a pair of pants. "Uh, small problem, dear." She stood up and thrust out her chest. Her quivering breasts stood out like a pair of blimps, drooping only slightly. Each globe was over two feet across, hanging down past her waist. Her aureolas had been stretched out to the size of dinner plates, and even her nipples had plumped up to the size of wine corks. "My shirts won't exactly fit now." "Hold on." Billy yanked the sheet off of the bed. He tied two corners behind Sarah's neck, the other two around her waist. The sheet was big enough to hang very loose on her, but it was still quite obvious that she had some incredible endowments underneath it. "There, now you'll be presentable." Sarah tugged at the sheet. "You really think we need something this large?" "I don't want to worry you, Sarah, but I don't know how much powder Cindy slipped you and the control signal from the emitter doesn't work that well until the initial growth stops. I just hope that sheet's big enough." Cindy giggled to herself as she picked up the remote and clicked on the television. "I wonder how Sarah's doing now? She always been so proud of those boobs, so she must be just bursting with pride now!" She was overcome by another giggling fit. She'd contemplated going on a short hiatus in order to dodge Sarah's inevitable retaliation prank. "But there's no way she can top this one," she said to herself. She took a gulp of milk and reached for another cookie, and realized there were only a few left. Guess I've really made a pig of myself, she thought. She was watching TV for a while before she noticed her bra was feeling a bit uncomfortable. She didn't even give it a second thought before taking it off. She was clad just in jeans and a t-shirt. There was nobody around, so she didn't care about how she looked. But her attention was drawn from the TV by a sudden tingling in her breasts. "What the hell..." She brought her hands up to her chest, and was shocked to feel her breasts pushing outward against them. "What the hell?!" In less than a minute she went from flat as a board to more than a handful. She laughed, realizing what was happening. "I guess great minds think alike, eh Sarah?" Then she laughed even harder. She'd always been a bit self-conscious about her rather small breasts, and now Sarah had gotten her "revenge" by giving Cindy what she'd always wanted. She watched excitedly as her bust was pumped up to a D-cup. Then, just as suddenly as it had started, the inflation stopped. "Wow, this is great!" she squealed with delight, fondling her new assets. She remembered Sarah saying that the chemical's effects were permanent until reversed, so she figured she'd have some fun before Sarah sent Billy to "fix" her. She went to her closet to see if she could find anything that fit that would suit her new shape and mood. Her eyes fell on the red latex dress she'd worn simply for shock value to a recent gallery opening. It should be pretty easy to squeeze into... In minutes she was undressed, then wiggled into her shiny red outfit. The rubbery material easily stretched to accommodate her. It had a zipper in the back, and she was standing in front of her mirror struggling to reach it when she was overcome by a tingling sensation all over her body, accompanied by a soft, bubbly, hissing sound. Then she began to swell. She watched as her breasts began to inflate again. Her already ample cleavage squeezed together and bulged up in two fleshy mounds in the low cut neckline. But this time, her arms began to puff up as well. Her shoulders became broader, her biceps grew, becoming more defined. Even the muscles in her forearms became larger and firmer, until she had the arms of a bodybuilder. Cindy gasped in surprise as she felt pressure building up in her backside. Her ass and hips began to blow up, making an audible creaking, stretching noise in the latex. Her thighs bulked up to match her widening hips, and her calves began to pump up as well. To her even greater surprise, as her body inflated she grew up as well as out. When the hissing finally stopped, Cindy was struck by the incredible figure she was facing in the mirror. Reflected back at her was an amazing phenomenon of a woman, standing nearly six feet tall with huge, bulging muscles and full, round breasts the size of volleyballs straining the front of her dress. It had once come down to just above her knees, but her new expanded body had caused it inch up until it didn't quite reach a third of the way down her shapely thighs. She'd put on only a few inches on her waist, resulting in a dramatic contrast between bust, waist, and hips. "Oh, my God!" Cindy gasped. "I'm an Amazon!" It was so strange, because all of her added bulk was air. When she flexed, she could feel the gas rush from one part of her arm to another, making her bicep bulge even more. "Hmmm," the wheels in her mind began turning. She really didn't like her ass being as huge as it was, so just for kicks she tried squeezing her butt up against the wall while pressing down on her thighs. Slowly, she felt the air seeping from her legs and buttocks, up through her stomach, and into her chest. Smiling, she arched her back as her huge boobs filled up even more. It took several minutes, but her breasts gradually doubled in size, growing firmer and more spherical as they ballooned outward. Her feet had long since disappeared from view, her nipples were so hard and swollen that they seemed they just might puncture the latex, which was stretched out so thin up front that anyone who looked closely could just barely make out the slightly darker circles of her aureolas. She bounced experimentally, giggling at how long it took for her taut bosom to stop quivering. But now she had a problem. With her increased size came decreased flexibility, so she could no longer reach behind her to zip up the dress. She wasn't even sure it was still possible, since it was already covering more than twice as much flesh as it was designed to. But hey, it's latex right? She was thinking about going on a night on the town with her new body to get all the attention she hadn't gotten when she was younger and flatter, but she'd have to find a way to get zipped up. Cindy smiled. "I'm sure there'll be no shortage of male volunteers to help me get dressed." She remembered Steve, who lived across from her a bit down the hall. He was a computer games programmer who'd made it big and was able to afford one of the huge apartments in the building. Cindy was beginning to feel very naughty in this new body, and figured he'd probably appreciate a little thrill. Steve hammered away at his keyboard, and had pretty much tuned out the outside world. He got like that when he was coding. He was working on a new rendering algorithm, and figured if he sacrificed a little bit of accuracy in the interpolation, he could reduce -- the doorbell shook him from his programming trance. Strange, he thought, I didn't order pizza. He opened the door. "Hello, how can I --" His jaw dropped, and with it went his ability to form coherent speech. Standing before him was a tall blonde goddess with a figure that looked like someone had tried to cram a week's worth of sand into the top half of an hourglass. She stepped closer, and though her feet were still in the doorway, her enormous breasts were well on their way into the apartment, and Steve had to step back. Well, he didn't have to and immediately kicked himself for not letting her "accidentally" bump him, but it was a reflex response. Besides, he thought, those nipples could put out a man's eye. She was wearing a rubbery looking dress that was so distended by her supremely voluptuous curves, it was becoming translucent in some very interesting places. His eyes locked onto the foot and a half of cleavage that was overflowing her neckline. Steve's eye's nearly popped out of their sockets when she sucked in a deep breath, causing her chest to swell outward. Dear God, how did she get into that dress? One more breath like that, and it might explode off of her! "Hi there," she sighed lustily. "I, uh, I, uh, I mean me, uh help, uh how...," he stammered. Finally, "How can I help you?" There were so many things that came to his mind, and he was just praying that whatever it was she wanted involved touching her. "I'm so sorry to disturb you, but I was just trying on this dress, and I wasn't sure if it fit ok." She turned her back to him, showing him beautiful, ivory back, exposed all the way down to her slender waist. "I was wondering if you could zip me up?" Thank you Lord! "Sure." He reached for the zipper, struggling with it a bit. He wanted to tell her she was far to full figured for a dress this tiny, but was trying to think of a way to say it without sounding too sleazy. Meanwhile, he was having lots of trouble with the zipper. "Hold on, this thing's real tough," he said. Trembling slightly, he braced one hand on her hip to hold the material in place while he yanked on the zipper. It finally moved, and she wiggled her hips a bit as he zipped her up. She turned back to him and flashed him a smile. "Thank you so much." She looked down at herself and did a little shimmy as if she were testing to see how the dress fit. Just about everything on her jiggled deliciously. Steve blushed as he felt his erection springing to life. "I think I'll have to return it though, it's a bit too tight." Understatement of the year. "I just hope I haven't stretched it out of shape too much." In Steve's opinion, the dress was in, or rather on, the perfect shape right now. She took a small step towards him, her erect nipples just barely brushing against his chest. Steve swallowed, hard. "I never would have gotten this thing on without your help. How ever can I thank you?" she purred. Steve's mouth opened slightly as if he were about to say something. Funny, I don't remember closing it, he thought. He had no idea why he'd opened his mouth, since he had no inkling of what he might say. At least nothing that wouldn't make him sound like a blathering idiot. But his mind had instantly come up with a top ten list of inane suggestions for how she could thank him: #10 - "My pillow's a bit worn out, do you have something soft I could lay my head on?" #9 - "Let's have sex." #8 - "Be my personal flotation device." #7 - "Smother me with your tits, so I can die a happy man." #6 - "Tell me you have a fetish for tall, lanky, reclusive technophiles." #5 - "I think you have a really great body, so you could hold that against me." #4 - "Take a really deep breath, see if something pops." #3 - "Just call me whenever you need that thing unzipped." #2 - "Did I already mention the sex thing?" And the number one response clanking around in Steve's head is... Well, he'd have to get back to it, since the mystery woman in his doorway just decided to cover his open mouth with hers. He'd completely forgotten what number one was, which was unfortunate, since he thought that one might have actually been decent. They kissed deeply, Steve just barely able to reach her waist as she pressed her incredible, soft, curvaceous body against him. No, that was number five. He was in heaven, but the idea that there was something semi-intelligent he might say to her was nagging at him. They parted for a moment. Dammit, what was it he wanted to ask her? "You know," she murmured in his ear, "later on I might need some help getting this thing unzipped." Steve shook his head. "No, that's number three." She glared at him. "What?" "Oh no, I mean, I, uh, I'm always glad to help out a damsel in this dress, er distress." Nervous smile. Great Steve, you think you could be any cheesier if you tried? Cindy actually liked the damsel in distress line. Steve was pretty cute, in a geeky sort of way. At any rate, he made for good entertainment. Her mind was awhirl with ideas for all the mischief a gorgeous, buxom blonde could cause. She pulled him close and kissed him again. He was quite a good kisser, once he got over the state of shock he was in. She felt him squeeze her closer, and began to wonder why he was holding her so tight when he suddenly broke their liplock. "What's that hissing sound?" he asked. It wasn't on his list, but he asked anyway. A look of fear came over her face as looked down at herself. He hadn't been squeezing her, she was getting bigger! Indeed, the hissing had returned, and brought with it more inflation. More and more of her overblown boobs was bulging out the front of her dress, and her ass was puffing right back up to it's earlier majesty. "Oh shit!" she squeaked. "I've got to go!" She walked away stiffly, her increasingly cumbersome form causing her to waddle slightly. Her latex outfit made soft squeaking noises as she made her way down the hall as quickly as she could manage. "Wait! I finally remembered!" Steve shouted after her. "What's your name?" But she was already in her apartment. Cindy was quite alarmed. Her breasts had brushed the door frame on both sides of her as she entered, and she was rapidly blowing up even bigger. Had she waited a few seconds longer, she never would have fit back inside. "Okay, Sarah, enough's enough," she muttered nervously. "I think this little joke has gone a little too far." The latex was squeaking its loud protests as her body continued to expand, heedless of her objections. She resisted the urge to try to squeeze her boobs down to a more manageable size, realizing it would only force the air to other parts of her body. "I've got to call Billy!" she thought to herself. "He'll know how to help!" She slowly tried to make her way to the phone. Her enormous thighs made walking difficult, forcing her legs farther and farther apart. Her expanding tits were outpacing the rest of her, bulging up against her chin and beginning to block her vision. She turned sideways to keep her breasts from knocking over the table that the phone was resting on. As she started to reach for the phone, her arms began to puff up more too, her biceps plumping up to the size of footballs as her shoulders blew up so big she could barely turn her head to the side. She could feel her skin being pulled tighter and tighter as the pressure built up inside her. Suddenly, there was a loud bang. Cindy jumped, thinking for the briefest moments that she'd exploded, then realized that the air around her was filled with tiny bits of red latex which were fluttering toward the ground. Her dress had finally given out. "Almost there..." she gasped as she stretched for the phone. She was going by touch alone, since her ballooning flesh blocked must of her view. Her body had blimped up so much, she could could barely bend any of her joints. And the pressure, oh God, the pressure. Then, just as she felt the cool plastic of her salvation at her fingertips, it slipped away from her. "What the hell?" Suddenly, Cindy could no longer feel the floor beneath her feet. Her heart raced with panic as she realized she was slowly rising up toward the ceiling. "Oh no!" she shrieked. "Somebody help meeeee!" Her gigantic hooters, so big she could no longer see over them, gently pulled her upwards. Then the phone rang. Cindy could only listen helplessly to her answering machine message playing far below her, along with the soft hissing of her inflating body. Beep. "Cindy, this is Billy. Whatever you do, don't eat the cookies that Sarah gave you. If you already have, don't worry you're not in any danger. Everything'll be okay, we're coming over right now!" The cookies?! Now he tells me. Cindy sighed and waited for them to arrive. Feeling the chill of the ceiling against her taut skin, she was left with nothing to do in the meantime except ponder how in the world she was going to top Sarah on this one...
Female Inflation
"Hello once again!" The short-haired brunette in a lab coat and T-shirt gestured to herself. "I'm Jordan, and this-" She gestured to the pony-tailed brunette in a lab coat and pant suit beside her. "-is Flora."Flora gave a polite nod. "How do you do.""We're here to do more science.""I couldn't help but notice that we're both in lab coats," Flora said. "Which one of us is the subject of this experiment, pray tell?""Neither of us."Flora arched an eyebrow. "Really.""Really. It's the sort of science that we need another person for." She turned, waving someone over. "Come on!"A caramel-skinned young woman with deep brown shoulder-length hair confidently walked into view, dressed in green latex bike shorts and a crop top that left her toned midriff exposed. "The name's Kesia. How's it going?""Quite a bit better," Flora replied, "knowing I won't be getting very small or very large for once.""But I will," Kesia said. She gestured to her abs. "I know you had me wear this to show off, but not in the usual way."Jordan reached into the pocket of her lab coat, producing several index cards. "Usual for most people, maybe, but not for you. Flora?""I'll be right back," Flora said, walking off."Thank you. Now then, let's talk about food. Food has calories, but what we call 'calories' is actually known as a large calorie, kilogram calorie, kilocalorie, or food calorie, the symbol for which is 'Cal' with a capital 'C'. The symbol 'cal' with a lower-case 'C' denotes the small calorie or gram calorie, and is defined as the amount of energy needed to increase the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius at standard atmospheric pressure. So food calories are basically measures of the amount of energy required to heat one liter of water one degree Celsius.""You brought me here for a lecture?" Kesia asked."It's for science." Jordan threw an index card away. "Now, the average woman needs 2,000 calories of food per day, and any calories in excess of that are typically turned to fat. One pound of fat is approximately equal to 3,500 calories so, for example, if Kesia or I ate 2,500 calories a day we'd be gaining one pound a week." Holding a card between two fingers, she sent it spinning away in a lazy arc. "Coincidentally, do you know what else equals 3,500 calories?"There was a pregnant silence as Kesia stood there with her hands behind her back, waiting patiently for a few seconds before glancing over at Jordan. Jordan made an encouraging gesture with her free hand, to which Kesia replied by shrugging. Jordan rolled her eyes, though before things could continue Flora returned, wheeling in a large table stacked high with boxes and trays of thick, creamy white discs."Cheesecake," Jordan said."Oh!" Kesia laughed nervously. "Sorry, you didn't explain what was going on.""She usually doesn't," Flora said, setting down a chair. "Enjoy."Kesia's gaze went from Flora, to the table, to Jordan, back to the table, then back to Flora. "For real?""Yes.""All of this-" She gestured. "-is for me?""Yes.""For science," Jordan added.Kesia rubbed her hands together, licking her lips as she sat down. Picking up a slice, she brought it to her open mouth, neatly inhaling it in two huge bites. "If'h goob!""I know, right?" She took a second to read the topmost card in her hand. "So let's say that Kesia here is a hundred and forty pounds, and she's interested in becoming three hundred pounds.""She's certainly on her way," Flora said, watching her devour the food."She'd have to gain a hundred and sixty pounds, or take in 560,000 calories. That's the equivalent of three hundred and twenty cheesecakes." She let the card drop just as Kesia began working on the second cake. "Anyone could do it, just not in one sitting."Kesia let out a muffled "mmf" and pointed to herself, holding a half-eaten wedge of raspberry swirl cheesecake."Don't worry, I was getting to that. Now, the average human stomach holds thirty-three ounces and can stretch to a hundred and thirty-five. That's a little more than a gallon.""I'm reminded of the time," Flora said, "that you recorded yourself doing the gallon of milk challenge and acting like it was absurdly simple in order to trick others into doing the same and getting sick."She laughed. "Yeah, that was great. Anyhoo, that's not a lot of room for food when you get down to it. If you wanted to eat all of that cheesecake in one sitting, by the time you were done your stomach would be four feet across and weight about six hundred and forty pounds."Flora and Jordan looked over at Kesia as the latter threw another card away. She was making rapid progress; her abs had lost their definition, replaced by a soft bulge."We might be here a while," Flora said."Dnn wrr-" Kesia held up an index finger, swallowing what was her mouth. "Don't worry, I'm willing to do whatever it takes for science.""That's the spirit!" Jordan replied.Following that statement Kesia fell silent again as she ate unrelentingly, without pause. Her gain was both slow and fast, a gradual swelling that started out round, then became ever so slightly teardrop-shaped once it was large enough to be burdened by gravity. It grew onto her lap then, as she spread her legs, filled the space between them, curving around her as it merged with her newfound love handles. As cakes continued to disappear and be delivered by Flora and Jordan she sagged towards the floor, forced to sit bow-legged due to its size. Eventually they began stacking the food up on the shelf of her belly once it rested against the floor and, after what felt like hours, the last of the cakes disappeared down her throat.Kesia smacked her lips. "That was good." She leaned forward, spreading her arms across the swell of her distended gut. "That was -so- good.""I can't imagine you'd have the opportunity to do it too often," Flora said."Oh, no, I have a figure to maintain. Besides, food is more expensive than water or air.""Now," Jordan said, putting away her phone and pulling the index cards out again, "let's talk digestion. The breakdown of food varies depending on where it is. Carbohydrates, like sugars, break down in the mouth, proteins in the stomach, and fats in the intestine. Digestion takes about six to eight hours, but that's for a normal meal. Something like this-" She patted the side of Kesia's stomach. "-would take several orders of magnitude longer to break down.""As an aside," Flora added, "all of this is discounting certain... other bodily functions.""Yeah, you'd need to go somewhere else for that." She threw the card over her shoulder. "Finally, the average human contains 110,000 calories, or about thirty pounds of added weight. But don't eat people.""Don't tell me what to do with my life," Kesia retorted.Flora and Jordan eyed Kesia warily before exchanging a glance and quietly edging away from her.
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation
Cassie was a rough party girl down to her very core. Every aspect about her was rowdy, from her messy, short bob of a haircut she had, down to her punk-ish eyeliner. She was attending college, and a rowdy gathering of teenagers and young adults was taking place across the hallway, right outside of her dorm. Naturally, she was one of the first people to be invited, but she still showed up a few hours late anyways. Cassie knocked on the door. Evan, the party host, opened the door, and a loud plethora of rock music and teenage language assaulted her ears. Evan invited Cassie inside, and she found a nice spot for herself at a table in the corner. Cecelia, or "Cece," sat across from Cassie. They were dorm mates, but usually spent most of their time separately. Cassie thought this would be the perfect opportunity to solidify their relationship. Evan sat to Cassie's right. He was your average, well-built, not-so-smart jock type, but he knew how to throw parties. Even when he wasn't hosting a shindig he would always supply a party with plenty of alcohol. Despite this, Evan himself never drank; he thought drinking leads to bad judgement. Annie sat to Cassie's left. She was, in essence, a girl with the body of a bimbo but the mind of a genius. She was known for being prodigiously smart, while also having an insatiable thirst for beauty. At the young age of 19, Annie was endowed with a pair of massive implants, much too large for her thin frame. As always, Cassie drank the most liquor, with Cece and Annie tied for second, and Evan in dead last. They talked for hours, bonding and laughing. Eventually, the party started to die down. The only ones left were the four friends, hopelessly drunk (except for Evan), seated at the table, and a few other partygoers scattered around the commons space. "How about a game of truth or dare?" Cece proposed. "Sure thing." Agreed Evan. "Who wants to go first." A short silence took hold of the table, until it was eventually broken by Annie. "I'll go first." Annie said. "Truth." Cece took this chance to ask Annie a personal question, one that she'd been curious about for a long while. "Annie, are you planning on getting bigger implants? And, if so, how much bigger are you going to get?" Annie took a sip of beer and said "I'm not sure how big I want to go, but I'll keep going until I'm satisfied." Annie looked around the table, and chose Evan. "Evan, truth or dare?" "Truth." Said Evan. "Why don't you drink anything?" "Because I think it clouds judgement." "Alright. Fair enough." Annie said, taking another swig of beer. It was Evan's turn. "Annie, truth or dare?" "Dare." Answered Annie. Evan thought for a moment. He wanted to try and make a dare that she didn't want to do. "I dare you to take your shirt and bra off for the rest of the night." Evan, Cece, and Cassie looked at Annie. She did nothing for a while, but eventually started to take her shirt off. Her breasts were the size of basketballs. Same shape, too. They were unnaturally round. She took her bra off, and the trio saw her nipples, with the areola around them stretched far out. "Damn." Evan said after a brief while. "Didn't think you'd actually do it." Annie smiled. "I choose Cassie." She said. "Dare." Cassie replied. Annie thought long and hard about another dare. One that was even more ridiculous than Evan's. "Cassie. I dare you to drink an entire liter of coke, and then eat an entire pack of mentos." "What?" Said Cassie. "Where'd you pull that one out of?" "Who cares?" Interrupted Cece. "Do it!" Cassie was not one to back down from a dare. She loved the look on people's faces when she proved them wrong. "Done deal." She finally said. Cassie got up from the table and went over to the mini-bar. The other three followed. Annie got scores of looks from the other partygoers, who now realized her chest was completely bare. Cassie pulled out a liter bottle of coke, a large pack of mentos, and walked over to the middle of the open dance floor. She wanted everyone to see this. Cassie took a deep breath. "Here we go..." She opened the liter bottle and started gulping down the soda. She took big gulps, and the fizzy soda somewhat hurt her throat as it passed through it. She had only gotten a quarter of the way through. She kept the bottle glued to her lips, chugging the entire thing. Halfway there. Her throat was starting to sting. Her lungs were sore from not taking a breath. Almost done. Almost... Cassie threw to liter bottle onto the floor. It was completely empty. She took a huge breath, a sighed a sigh of relief. She felt very light headed and nearly lost her footing when she noticed that a crowd of a few dozen people were surrounding her. "What?" She asked, playfully. "That was nothing." She got no response from the crowd. She noticed they were all staring at her stomach. Cassie looked down and let out a quick gasp. Her stomach bulged out greatly, as if she were several months pregnant. She quickly spun around, trying to locate her friends. The side sloshed around violently in her stomach. The shaking caused some gas to build up, and she let out a colossal burp. She faced her friends who were also staring at her giant belly, wide-eyed. "Cassie? Are you okay?" Asked Evan, worriedly. "Yeah, I'm fine." She answered. "Where are the mentos?" "I really think you shouldn't." Evan advised. "Oh, what's gonna happen?" Cassie said as she took the mentos from Cece. "It's not right to back down from a dare, right guys?" She said, addressing the crowd. "Yeah!" They shouted. Cassie looked at Evan. "Don't worry, it's just a little fizz. What's the worst that could happen?" Cassie filled her mouth up with a few dozen months and swallowed them all in one gulp. Cassie turned to Cece. "Dare complete." She said with a smile. Suddenly, Cassie felt a fizzy, bubbly sensation come from her stomach. She rested her hands on her belly. She could feel her skin start to stretch under her palms. She looked down and saw that her stomach was visibly growing at an alarming rate. She looked back up and saw the crowd slowly backing away from her. "Uh, guys..." She said with a nervous laugh. "Don't worry, I'm fine." Her stomach continued to grow. It looked like she had been pregnant with twins for nine months. The crowd continued to back away. "Don't worry guys." Cassie said, her voice quivering with fear. "I'm sure it'll stop soon. I'm sure." Cassie tried to push her stomach back down with her hands, but it was expanding with a force greater than her own. Her stomach stuck out several feet. It was unnaturally round, much like Annie's breasts, and it felt hollow, like it was filling up with air. Cassie felt like a balloon. It was at this point that she noticed her skin felt unbelievably tight and stretched out. She felt a strange, growing pressure ruminate from inside her. The skin on her stomach began to tingle from the stress. Cassie instinctively began to back up in an attempt to distance herself from her growing stomach, which, of course, was useless because it was attached to her. Cassie's foot hit a beer can, and she fell over inter her back. Her stomach was whipped back and forth with the impact, as if it weighed nothing. The tingling in Cassie's skin became much more severe, almost to the point of hurting. Her stomach was halfway between the floor, where she lay, and the ceiling, which was 10 feet above. "Help!" She cried. "Help!" She pleaded. She looked around, only to see the the crowd remained standing where they were. "Someone get help!" She cried, a few tears beginning to roll down her cheeks. Her skin felt immeasurably tight, the pressure within her grew at an unrelenting pace, and her skin was hurting from being stretched to such a degree. "Help! Someone help!" She sobbed. "It hurts! It hurts!" A few people, including Cassie's friends, started looking around the room for anything that might help. Some of them continued to watch in silence. Most of the others started to back away even further, and making their way towards the exit. Cassie's sobs gradually turned into cries of pain. Evan and Cece looked hopelessly around for, well, nothing really. Annie started to approach Cassie stomach, which was almost touching the ceiling. She put her hand in it, and it felt just like a balloon. A warm balloon of human skin, which she could feel getting stretched under her palms. "Oh my god." Said Annie. "Guys, we need to go! She gonna pop! She's gonna burst!" She started running for the exit. "She's gonna blow up!" "No!" Cassie begged. "Don't leave me here! Help me!" Everybody had left, except for Evan and Cece. The other people took cover behind overturned tables or watched through the window. The top of Cassie's stomach was inches away from the ceiling. "Evan!" Cece grabbed Evan's hand. "There's nothing we can do!" Evan stood still, speechless. Cece took Evan's hand and pulled him away. "I'm sorry, Cassie!" She yelled over her shoulder. Cassie's cries of pain turned into piercing shrieks. The skin on her stomach caused her indescribable pain. She felt the pressure inside her, contained in too small a space for the power it possessed, ready to explode out like a bond. Her skin felt intensely thin and stretched. Finally, Cassie's stomach reached the ten foot ceiling. With nowhere else to go, Cassie's stomach started growing to the side. The displacement in the pressure caused the pain in her skin to exponentially increase. She felt like she was moments away from bursting. She knew she was. She let out one last, piercing scream, skin gave way. A loud pop could be heard from miles away. A shockwave of air knocked the onlookers back several feet. A red fizz covered the walls. All traces of Cassie were nowhere to be found.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The hand on the large clock turned to 11:50. She stood alone on the veranda, idly sipping her champagne. Platinum blonde, slender build, she was wearing a stunning white dress that sparkled and shone under the moonlit stars. She walked slowly to the railing, surveying the darkened valley below. The sounds of the party behind her were muted, even with the wide open doors, as she sipped from her glass. The champagne bubbles sent a chill down her arms and legs, causing her to shiver as she turned back toward the reveling crowd. The hand on the clock crept to 11:55. She took a step toward the lighted portal, stifling a small burp. All this champagne, she mused, was catching up with her. She placed the near empty glass on the rail, raising her hand to discretely obscure her mouth as she felt the bubbles tickle her nose. The clock turned to 11:57. She paused after only a few steps. She felt the need to burp again but try as she may, the gas seemed to lodge in her throat. She patted her chest in hopes of eliciting a response, but to no avail as she felt the pressure increase slowly. The clock turned to 11:58. She felt the pressure grow, moving into her stomach, leaving her feeling bloated and uncomfortably full. Too much champagne, she thought again. She began to rub her stomach and gasped as she felt the mild bulge welling. Her eyes shot down, looking at a belly gently curving, building in fullness and girth even as she watched. With both hands she grasped the sides of her midsection, pushing hard as she tried to stem the growth. Her abdomen felt hard and tight, swelling inexorably. Cradling her belly, she felt it press back against her arms as she grew, looking full, then pregnant as she began rounding out in front. The clock turned to 11:59. She stifled a whimper, barely audible in the din of the party. A few partygoers glanced out in her direction as she felt her waist begin to thicken. She swelled larger in the midsection, growing wider with no signs of slowing. She took a tentative step forward, feeling the fabric of her immaculate white dress wrapped tightly around her, restricting her movement. Her hips and thighs, plumped and growing, made even this minute movement awkward. Her mind, fuzzy from all the champagne, raced as she desperately tried to think of something. Equally as fast, her hands rubbed up and down her increasing girth, feeling her body grow larger and larger with each passing moment. The second hand swung slowly passed thirty seconds. Her waist grew wider around than a hula-hoop, making it difficult for her to maintain her balance. More revelers glanced out in her direction as she gained more attention, some moving to the balcony to see what the commotion was about. Her arms and legs began to fill, forcing her to stand like a giant "X" as she widened her stance, her arms lifting of their own accord. Her jaw was pressed shut by her swelling chest, which rounded out from just under her throat all the way down to her thighs. Thus quieted, her eyes darted back and forth over people, silently pleading for help. The second hand swung past forty-five seconds. Her arms and legs were almost completely engulfed by the growing globe of her body. She flapped her hands in desperation as she took a few waddling steps; it was not unlike watching a penguin walk. By now, most of the partygoers were on the balcony, watching her muted cries for help as she grew almost completely round, her sparkling white dress a glowing sphere in the moonlight. The second hand passed fifty seconds. Somewhere in the background, an over-loud television set called off "Ten!" from Times Square as she felt her feet lift gently off the ground. "Nine!" She rolled gently backwards, looking first at the moon and the stars, then a moment later back at the partygoers' faces fifteen feet below. "Eight!" She passed higher, still growing. A blimp in a dazzling white dress, she continued to inflate as she slowly gained altitude. "Seven!" She felt the pressure increasing. As she rolled, she saw the crowd below, the balcony washed in the light of the open doors. "Six!" Panicked, unable to stop, she flapped her hands and wriggled her feet as terra firma receded into the night. Below, the crowd watched as the glowing white sphere lifted higher and higher, still swelling appreciably to the naked eye. "Five!" She felt herself quickly running out of room. Her skin felt taut and stretched, as it became translucent in the moonlight. "Four!" She grew impossibly huge, still visible to the naked eye. Mouth clamped shut, tears streaming down her face, she heard her body groan in protest against the mounting strain. "Three!" Over the whispering of the wind she heard the hollow hissing emanating from within her body. It distantly reminded her of a balloon that had been filled to capacity and about to burst. "Two!" People on the ground strained their necks skyward as the woman-turned-balloon ascended into the night sky. As she turned over and over, she lost sight of the countryside in the darkness, her attention drawn elsewhere as she felt the pressure continue to build, but her body unable to swell any bigger to accommodate it. "One!" Everyone on the veranda peered expectantly into the night sky, anticipating. She clamped her eyes shut and, against the pressure of her rounded body forced her mouth open enough to squeak out an "Oh my-" "Happy New Year!" The gathering crowd watched the flash of light in the night sky, exploding like starburst fireworks. Sparkling glitter rained down softly, catching the light of the moon as the revelers lifted their glasses and echoed the jubilation on the television.
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"Quickly now, we don't have much time." Still gazing into me with that mischievous smile of hers, she reaches over and sets the fizzing concoction back down on the dimly lit kitchen counter. I smile back, losing myself in her magical eyes - still not quite believing what I've been told; bewildered at how she knew, at how she new so much. "No complaints here," I whisper. We embrace gently now, nose-to-nose. Her arms are up over my shoulders, hands in a loving caress as mine cascade down along her sides, fingers searching for the small of her back. Each of us presses into the other, basking in the intimacy. I tremble. We close our eyes. A kiss. She pulls back with a slight gasp - I felt it, too. A muffled hiss rises. I cast my gaze downward, watching as the curves peeking out from beneath their lacy restraint slowly begin to swell upwards and outwards. She, too, looks down as the cups of her bra push her billowing assets together. They squeak in protest, attempting to circumvent their cotton bonds. Our eyes meet again. She smirks, raising an eyebrow as if to scold "do you believe me now?" My widening eyes answer in an emphatic "yes!" Again we press into each other and as she rests her head against my shoulder, I can feel her chest growing against mine. I reach down with great care and enter her loosened blouse from below, sliding my hands up along her back to embrace her shoulders from the rear. My fingers slide along the straps, and then gently beneath as they grow tighter by the moment. Thumbs and forefingers find the clasp and with one deft movement, it releases. The loose ends fall to the side and I find her waist again. She turns around in my arms, pressing into me more urgently as she guides my hands over her tummy. I caress it for a moment, and then reach upwards until I encounter the fabric covered under wires and the curves of the garment's cups. I can feel her ballooning through the fabric, pushing my fingertips out of the way. The hiss rises. Carefully, I slide my hands beneath the cups as if to banish them, substituting myself in their stead. My fingers work their way along her fullness, gently gliding along the inside of the cushioned fabric. She continues to perk and I soon find that her softness yields slightly less than before, spreading my fingers apart as her flesh presses out between them. A balloon spell, indeed - just as she described. I'll never again castigate her for having a weird hobby. No, sir. I just won't do it. As I gaze over her shoulder with my cheek behind her ear, the smell of her fragrant hair fills my senses and I sneak a peek down at her deepening cleavage as it pushes out from behind the unbuttoned blouse. She grinds her hips into me for a moment, alerting me to what's happening down below and I reluctantly extricate my hands from her swelling chest. Amusingly, her breasts fall upwards against the blouse, already buoyant. Their ascent is checked by the fabric of the blouse, behaving as would a tether. Gliding down her midriff, my hands find their way to the waistband of her sweat pants, then dive beneath and find that her thighs have joined in on the swelling. Working my way around to her hips I can feel that they are following suit. Her backside, too, seems to have joined the chorus and as it expands I can feel her lower back pushing away. She rests her arms atop mine and then gently coaxes my hands back up to her tummy. This hissing intensifies. Her belly begins its inflation, its dome swelling while my hands choreograph a gentle caress. I soon find that they are retreating from each other as the surface expands. Warm and soft, when I press inward it gently returns the effort. She shifts her weigh on her feet as if measure her stance, causing her thighs to rub together through the material of her sweats, sounding like the two balloons they are becoming. Suddenly, she pushes away and twirls around to face me, clasping my hands in hers. Her countenance is alight with excitement as she looks at me. "Hold on tight now," she admonishes. I intertwine my fingers with hers, our thumbs playing with each other's. As she stands before me, I am astonished at the transformation. My face must be doing a good job of illustrating my thoughts because she giggles at my expression as I look her up and down. Before me stands the most voluptuous creature I have ever beheld. Her skin is smoother, softer, and is almost shiny. Her inflated breasts jut out proudly from the blouse to just below her chin, urgently pushing upward to free themselves - and almost succeeding. Even her shoulders have swollen a slight bit. They are softer and curvier than I have ever laid my eyes upon. Despite her newly inflated belly, rounded and curvaceous hips flare out from below a still remarkably narrow waist into soft, enticing thighs. The hissing continues, and all about her she is still inflating as her curves continue their jubilant exaggeration. It is as if she is my own personal parade balloon woman. Slowly, I feel her pull up on my hands, as it seems she is elevating herself by standing on her toes. But looking down again, I see that she is no longer in contact with the floor. I watch as her legs rise and her body approaches the horizontal. Again, we are face to face. Her bra hangs loosely, dangling from her shoulders, as her rounded breasts seem to engulf her torso, insistently pushing her upward. With only our hands for leverage, together we are able to hold her there in front of me for a moment, but the lift continues to increase and we are unable to fight it as she rotates to the vertical. With her above me now, it looks as if she is balancing on my arms like an acrobat. Her raven black hair falls down in front of her face into mine, tickling my nose as I look up at her. The undone blouse has fallen down and has gathered at the base of her neck and her legs rise vertically toward the ceiling high above. The lift generated by the gas continues its progress and it takes more effort for us to keep our hands together. As if on queue, the hissing begins a slow retreat. It is my turn to guide her hands, now, and I pull her down to me so that she can grab my collar one-by-one in her fists. My shirt slides up along my back when she grabs hold but it remains secured around my arms. As I reach up and around her shoulders, she manages to fight her body's buoyancy enough begin swinging her legs down. I pull down on her upper back as she pivots downward - so much lift! Together, we are able to bring her down so that we are again facing each other, albeit she a little higher up than I. Carefully, I wrap my arms around her waist and I am delighted to find that that I am staring directly into her marvelously inflated cleavage. She wraps her arms around my head, drawing me into her soft chest. I nuzzle her, gently kissing the inside of each swollen breast as they bobble up into my face like a bouquet of helium balloons. The hissing has stopped, now. I slide my hands around her waist and find it isn't too difficult to press down on her newly flared hips so as to bring her to eye level. Playfully, I push down a little more forcefully and then let up, allowing her to float upward remarkably quickly. This surprises her a bit, but I make sure to stop her ascent. Again, I push down on her hips and bring her to eye level with me and she takes the opportunity to wrap her squeaking thighs around my hips, straddling me. Her inflated potbelly pushes into my midsection as she reaches under my arms and hugs me. I can feel the skyward pull she has on me; most certainly she would shoot up to the high ceiling and receive a bump on the head if we let each other go. And so, again, we find ourselves nose-to-nose. Looking me directly in the eye, she whispers, "It's now, or never". Understanding perfectly the ultimatum, I begin to tremble again - adrenaline-fueled butterflies in my stomach taking flight. Have they been present the whole time? I... I - simply can't remember. I hesitate, excitement and fear in my eyes. "It's okay. We'll be okay," she says to me, her lilting voice like a siren song. My hands shaking, I reach over to the counter and pick up the glass, bring it to my lips, and down the remaining half of its fizzy contents. Her smile broadens and she kisses me on the cheek. Quaking even harder now, I place the empty container back on the kitchen counter, almost dropping it. I wrap my arms around her once more and she tightens her grip on me. Our warm intimacy once again established, she coos to alleviate my distress. Slowly, I begin my trek towards the door and out onto the deck. But suddenly, I stop. The muffled hiss has returned, but this time it is different - much more immediate, sounding as if it is coming from everywhere. I tense at the realization and she instantly knows what I am experiencing. Kissing me on the cheek, she asks, "See? Not so bad". Wide-eyed, I nod - the surprise still omnipresent. But I resume my slow march toward the door, careful that I may not lose my footing and let go. Through the open French doors and outside on the wooden deck, the lights from the kitchen dimly illuminate the trees that stand just beyond the redwood railing. The night air is cool and dry and the scent of the pines washes about us. The gentle pressure continues its rise in me and as I stand there inflating with this beautiful woman in my arms, I begin to feel light on my feet. High above, the arc of the surrounding treetops frame the stars of the Milky Way as they smile down, pleading for us to join them. Such a gracious invitation, it is. How could we refuse?
chemical, Danger, demolition, floating, huge
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
She just keeps getting bigger.At first we didn't know what had happened. A panicked call came in about an emergency in the pharmaceutical lab in the outskirts of town, shortly followed by reports that a building collapsed in the same area. People in the department thought it might have been a terrorist attack designed to cause a biological outbreak, but they wouldn't have let them build it anywhere near the city limits if there was anything dangerous in it. Regardless, we went in expecting the worst. What we found was... different.Half-buried in the ruins was this... thing. At first we thought it was some sort of hot air balloon, but it was too large and too oddly-shaped for that. If you look up at her you can see that she's not perfectly round; those curves on the sides are her arms, the ones in the back are her legs - or what passes for arms and legs, I suppose - and the two mounds there are her breasts. She had the same shape when we found her, only smaller. We didn't realize it was a "she" at the time, though; our main concern was getting everyone clear.As we evacuated the area, we all expected it - her - to stop growing. But she didn't; she continued to swell up, shoving broken slabs of concrete aside before pressing into nearby buildings. Eventually she took up the entirety of the city block, at which point she simply floated into the air, hanging above us. Three days later and... well, you can see for yourself.A state of emergency was declared and all civilians and non-essential personnel were evacuated from the city. Meanwhile, details filtered in from the people working in the lab: The balloon was a woman, Nancy MacCallister. She was part of a team developing an anti-wrinkle cream, but had been working late hours by herself the past few weeks. The last time anyone saw her before the incident, she was tampering with one of the chemical vats. From there details get sketchy. Some said she fell in, others said she jumped. Some said she was screaming, others said she was laughing. All anyone can agree on is that she did something to the contents of that vat to make it do something it was never meant to do.We still don't know what we're going to do. She's several miles in circumference at this point, and the entire city is in her shadow. Even if we knew where her head was we couldn't get a helicopter close enough to try and communicate with her. I've heard a few people say we should just try to pop her, but there's so much of whatever's inside of her and under so much pressure that releasing it all at once would level the city. Others think we won't have to; every few hours you can hear deep rumbling like thunder, like she's suddenly on the verge of bursting but stops at the last second. Still others think about how she destroyed an entire building wonder if she even -can- burst.And she just keeps getting bigger.
balloongirl, deflation, floating, helium
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
Sandra's Balloon Shop was extremely successful, at it had every right to be – after all, it provided a must-win recipe of original balloon colors, creative shapes, a large selection featuring all sizes and, of course, the lovely, alluring saleswoman and owner, Sandra. In recent weeks, the store had been continuously flooded with customers and Sandra knew that it was time for expansion. Using her magical powers and the income from her balloon-store, she soon bought the warehouse next door and transformed one half of it into a storage for the balloons and the other half into yet another balloon-store. Feeling quite nostalgic, she closed up her original shop for good and moved into the bigger one. She had such fond memories of the place: all the happy faces of the customers and of course, the fun she'd had with the couple of people she'd turned into balloons. But it was time to move on. However, the expansion brought even more customers and even though it was Sandra's dream to own a balloon shop, she still realized that she could no longer do this on her own. But rather than hire someone to help her, she decided, creative as she was, to create a balloon-woman to help her out. She took several pink balloons – some of them were long, others big, round ones – and began arranging them in a way that they began to resemble a human body. Once two balloons had been pressed together, they melded into one and thanks to Sandra's powers, resembled human flesh. Soon Sandra was left giving the balloon-woman the final touches: Using tiny water-balloons, she managed to create a unique hairdo for her balloon-woman. To bring her to life, she chose a balloon with a face printed on it and stuck an uninflated balloon were a human's mouth is positioned; it quickly morphed into lips and was now able to talk, breathe and live – Sandra had created an attractive woman out of balloons! "Welcome to my balloon shop," Sandra said with joy in her eyes. She was impressed with her creation – a work of beauty. "I think I will call you Loona. How do you feel?" The balloon-woman began to move a bit; some squeaks became audible, but quickly dissipated. Then she spoke: "I feel great: Inflated, but not too light. Stretchy and expandable, but I cannot be burst. Rubbery, but human too. I'm a balloon, but I'm alive!" Sandra was impressed with the answer and quickly explained to Loona what she was supposed to do. Soon it was time to open the new shop. There were dozens of customers and Loona did just fine. She received numerous compliments and Sandra smiled at each one, as if it had been directed at her. By noon-time, Sandra realized that they had already earned a lot that day and happily she locked up the store for their lunch break. "You know, Loona, I think that you are for a great part responsible for the profits we made today – especially the male customers seemed very impressed with your style and looks." – "Well, that doesn't surprise me, Sandra. I mean, obviously a balloon-woman like me is superior to every other employee one could ever have. I must admit that I like the looks of the men." She giggled and Sandra smiled as well. She thought to herself, "Wow, this Loona-girl is developing an attitude real fast. But I guess if it works for the store, it's okay." Later on that day, there was only a young woman in the store, picking out some balloons for a surprise birthday party. Sandra was busy showing her some of her unique creations when she noticed Loona blowing up a balloon behind the desk and then letting the air out of it again right away. At first, she thought nothing of it. She had done this herself frequently when she was bored. But then she noticed what effect this had on Loona: Her breasts were growing. She was about to go over and say something, when the woman asked her another question and another customer came in. She would have to do something about it later. Unfortunately, things were getting busy again in the shop and Sandra just didn't get a chance to talk to Loona. From the corner of her eye, she witnessed men (and also a few women) coming into the store, asking about balloons and then being gradually seduced by Loona and her inflated breasts. Loona had made them double-D's and let them bob up and down constantly. But then Sandra noticed something else: She couldn't help but hear every single customer compliment Loona in one way or another... but the compliments had a strange effect on the balloon-woman: With every compliment, Loona's breasts grew a bit! She realized that the kind words weren't only letting Loona's ego inflate, but her breasts were becoming puffed up as well! Every couple of minutes, her breasts were bulging out even more, soon looking like beach-balls. The customer's jaws dropped open when they saw her and everyone was eager to talk to her, not to Sandra. And of course everyone had even more compliments for Loona, who was showing off with her huge tits. Finally, the day was over and even though there were still so many people waiting in line to see Loona, Sandra sent them all home and told them to come back the following day. Loona's breasts were now big balloons sticking out from her body and as Sandra closed the door, Loona was staring at them with wide eyes. Sandra walked towards Loona angrily. "Loona, you shouldn't have begun inflating your breasts when you blew the air from the balloon into you before. That made your breast inflation possible, but then it got out of hand – look at you." Loona didn't seem to concerned with her huge boobs. "All those compliments made you inflate even more. Hell, if I hadn't thrown these people out, you might have popped in a few minutes!" – "I can't pop, have you forgot that? I am the perfect balloon woman!" Sandra was upset – she had created Loona and this was what she got in return? She had to do something against this attitude problem. "I'm sorry, Loona, but I must teach you a lesson..." Sandra decided to use her powers. "Before I reverse your breast growth, you've got to learn the hard way that you mustn't blow up your breasts anymore... at least not that big," she added with a grin. She did feel attracted to Loona's balloon-breasts. "So now all the air that inflated your breasts will turn to helium, this is your punishment." Loona didn't understand right away, but soon she felt her body being lifted into the air – she was being pulled up by her huge, inflated tits. "Help me, Sandra," she cried in a high helium-voice. Sandra decided that Loona had learned her lesson. "Promise you won't do it again." – "I promise," came the squeaky reply. Sandra pulled Loona down and explained that it wasn't so easy to reverse the breast inflation: "I'm going to have to press all the air, or rather: the helium out of your boobs." And so Sandra reached far across to Loona – she couldn't even manage to touch her hands behind Loona's back, so she grabbed her by the shoulders because her tits were too huge. The two women stood there with their boobs touching each other. Then Sandra began pressing against Loona's enormous breasts. The helium began rushing out of Loona's mouth. Sandra began to feel extremely turned on by the feel of Loona's breasts and so she rubbed herself against Loona's body even more for her to come. Soon, Loona was back to normal and she thanked Sandra for giving her another chance. Sandra decided that she might allow Loona to inflate her breasts again some time in the future... just for her. The next day, when all the customer's arrived, eager to see Loona, she had huge breasts again. But it was all Sandra's idea: With all the men gawking at her, she reached underneath her top and pulled out two huge balloons. "I guess I fooled you all," she said with an adorable giggle before handing the balloons to two lucky customers.
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation
There Sarah stood behind me again; I can't believe it already had passed 30 minutes. I took a good luck on her and her breasts seemed a bit bloated, but only like mine did, a little bustier, if I may say. She leant over towards me and asked "do you enjoy it here so far?" I Giggled and said "yes, so far so good", She pulled my hand again and said "let's go!" as she giggled and danced in front of me. Always so eager I thought to myself. We arrived at something that looked like a fun house. We entered slowly, and there was a lot of color in the rooms with loads of hoses, tanks, colored liquids and other stuff I didn't even know what was. As I entered this room, and some clown girl appeared in front of me and blew some dust at me. "Achoo" I went as I sneezed. My boobs jumped up and down, so I reached for them. But they seemed smaller, like if they had returned to normal afer I got shot with the helium gun." "Achoo, Achoo!" I sneezed several times more. I could hear someone going "Oohh my.." It was Sarah. I turned around and was about to walk towards Sarah when I felt something warm and soft hitting my face. I didn't realise for a second until I heard Sarah's giggling over my head. "Are you enjoying it down there?" I heard her voice and looked up. It was Sarah, and she was tall! "How did you get so tall?" I asked her confused. "I didn't grow at" she said as she pressed my head against her soft chest and giggled some more. She realised again after a second or two and said "you shrank when you sneezed." She said as she smiled down on me. At least I had stopped shrinking now. We entered another room; there was a lot of different bottles with different colours, as purple, glowing green, yellow. Let's just say it was a lot of them. They all said "Try me." Fair enough I thought, although I didn't dare to drink them. Another girl showed up from behind us. She was smiling and said "Hello, my name I Jamie." She was wearing a blue flower pattern bikini with white background. She was well fit, just as Sarah, but had slightly less size on her boobs. I'd say a 36 C. But I'm not really sure. We both ended up with greeting her and Jamie replied "Awww.. Aren't you cute down there?" I replied, "Well, it's not like I can help it". I said with a slightly annoyed voice. "Don't worry about it "Sarah said with a caring voice. Suddenly Jamie ran over to the bottles on the table "I wonder which one I should try?" She was moving her hand in front of them slightly pointed with her tongue out of her mouth, like was unsure. In the end she took the glowing green one and drank it. First, nothing happened at all then suddenly Jamie started to get loads of hiccups. "I can't Hiccup! Stop!" she said and giggled as she tried to hold her hands in front of her mouth and stop getting the hiccups. But it was for no use. I could see her belly start swelling slowly but steady; she moved her down and said "But wanted boobs!" The hiccups continued with a fast rate and her belly kept swelling bigger and bigger, after a minute she had to adjust her stance due to the size of her belly. Her upper body started to turn more and more spherical as she continued to hiccup. After about a minute her upper body started to consume her shoulder and slow her arms. Her breast was sticking out like two small balls from the swollen body. She tried to reach around her inflating body. And come with a "Common" Between the hiccups. Her legs were staring to slowly being absorbed by her body now and she was turning more and more spherical. She starts to float upwards slowly but steady towards the roof. Jamie said her goodbyes as I saw the roof opened for her. Me and Sarah smiled back to her and said "nice to meet you!" Sarah took a step forward and said "My turn!" and giggled as she approached the bottles. "Mmm.. Which to choose" she said. "Black!" I said excited and picked up, and drank it. we waited few seconds. Nothing happened. Sarah asked me if I wanted so, but I just shake my head and went "no, I don't want to risk getting smaller!" I said slightly annoyed due to the fact I shrank. We were about to leave the current room when we heard a little "hiss" from Sarah. I could see her arse got a little tighter around her dress, but I could barely notice. It just looked like it was tighter, not a big deal. The hissing stopped as quickly as it came. "aren't you going to blow up like last time?" I asked her and Sarah just replied "doesn't appear so. But look! There is two doors in front of us. I take the left!" She said excited and run towards the left door. I guess I have no choice but taking the right one then. As I entered my room I heard a strange voice saying "WRONG CHOICE, "PREPARE TO BE SOMEONE BALLOON FOR 30 MINUTES!" I looked around frightened. Suddenly a girl in in a little bunny suit appeared in front of me. He had huge breast, maybe the twice of Sarah's and she was wearing high heel boots. She had a little tank with a 2 meter hose from it in her hands. "Are you prepared little one?" Suddenly she charged towards me holding the hose in one hand and the tank sitting well in her belt. It was only a second or two before she was 10 cm away from my face and I could feel her putting something down my panties. I felt my body get warm, then suddenly I could feel some pressure in my boobs and arse. It had only been a few seconds and I quickly stepped backwards. The bunny girl went "you better run if you don't want to end up like a balloon" with a scary look on her face. I started to run with all I had, but I couldn't keep away from her, as my body was to small to match her speed. She quickly caught up with me and I could feel the hose she was holding sleep down my panties behind me. As I tried to fight her off, I could feel the pressure in my breast started to build again. They had gained about 4 centimetres in a about 5 seconds. I slipped away once more and started running around the room. Again she quickly caught up with me and this time I could feel the hoes slip down in front of me, and her breast squeezing against the back of my head. They were both soft and firm. I felt the warm sensation again. My breast grew slowly but steady, and it started to feel good. I snapped out of it and tried to fight back. But another wave of the warm sensation hit me again. And I could feel my panties where getting tighter around my arse. I turned around to try fighting her off, but it just felt so good I couldn't help myself. She smiled at with an evil look in her eyes and said "You are staring to enjoy this now, aren't you?" "No.. I mean.. Y- Yes." I stuttered for a second. Now I could feel my thighs getting tighter and the warm sensation moved down to my belly. I looked down and see my belly started to swell up. I could watch it get bigger and bigger, until I looked I was 8 months pregnant. The Bunny girl removed the hose and looked at, suddenly I was on my toes for a second and then I was floating in the air. I felt pretty helpless were in the situation I was. My boobs were basketball sized and my butt and thighs and doubled in size and my belly was huge! At least it felt that way. The bunny girl looked at me, maybe a bit more, but first. She pulled a string from her belt and tied it around my leg. "There we go" she said as she found the hose again and put it down my panties again, I my breast and belly seemed to swell slowly but steady, I could barely reach around my breasts now. The lady stopped and caught the string she bound around my foot. She smiled and looked up on me. "I think your friend in the other room just got herself a personal balloon for the next 30 minutes" she said as she smiled. For some reason I couldn't talk, the only sound I could make was a "MMM... uIUhhMmff." The lady opened the door, and there Sarah was. She looked almost the same as before, her breasts looked slightly bigger than before, but not that all noticeable. She looked up to me and smiled as she said "oh dear, what have you gotten into." The bunny girl hands Sarah the string and said, here's your balloon. "Thank you!" Sarah said as she smiled and giggled. The bunny girl turned around and got back to her room. Sarah danced out of the building with me in the air behind her, just as if I was a balloon. Sarah stopped for a second just outside the building. The hissing sound returned again, her breasts started to grow again lifting her dress a little more, revealing more of her firm thighs. And it stopped again. Her bust was pushing a lot out of her bra, but she didn't seem to mind it. Again it stopped just as suddenly it had appeared. Sarah decided to keep walking and look for new attractions. I will take a writing break now, but will keep up adding new parts of the Amusement park after christmas.
Female Inflation
Hourglass Inflation
Kathy yawned and stretched as she moved another file from the mountain high "in stack on one side of her desk to the pitifully small "out" pile on the other. She glanced at her watched and groaned when she saw that it was past 11:30 pm. Working this late would really have bothered her if she weren't getting all the overtime pay. When she had taken the position of assistant secretary to Norman Doyal, the most successful lawyer in the city, she knew her job would be difficult, but not like this. Mr. Doyal was an incredible lawyer, but his lack of organizational skills made paperwork horrendous. To make matters worse, while she was one of three secretaries on staff, she was the only one who could not work in the "organized chaos" philosophy of the office. She had been working two weeks and was only a third of the way through getting the filing system into something manageable. Picking up another file she sighed as she saw that not only had it not been filled out, but it needed to be signed in triplicate. "I really have to stop working these late hours," she mumbled as she rose and crossed the room to the copying machine. The lack of sleep was bad enough, but the fact her social life had taken a serious nose dive had hurt worse. "Yeah, what social life?" she though with a chuckle. Kathy was not an ugly girl, in fact nothing was farther from the truth. She was tall and lean, with legs that went up to her throat, long blonde hair and deep royal blue eyes. A strict regiment of good diet and exercise made sure that her lithe body was all muscle. However, her body lacked curves that Kathy knew attracted most men. Her bust was barely an A-cup and if not for the subtle flair of her hips her body was virtually a straight line. Her school careers were marked with such nicknames as "Giraffe" and "Beanpole." Even her friend at the office, Annie, had affectionately named her "Stretch." Kathy sighed as she opened the copier lid and placed the file in. "Oh well, she thought as she adjusted her black rimmed glasses. "Could be worse. I could have buck teeth." She hit the print enlarge button to make the print a little more readable and then pressed copy. The machine warmed up and began to whirr as Kathy leaned against it and rubbed her neck. She was definitely going to have to stop working these late hours. For a moment she toyed with the idea of leaving, then her gaze fell to the stack on her desk. She couldn't just leave that there. "I must be a glutton for punishment," she said with a laugh. Then she noticed something. The machine had stopped. She turned to get the copies but they weren't there. She lifted the lid and scowled. "Oh great, no again." She banged it once with her fist, but it did not respond. Mr Doyal, may have been a successful lawyer, but he preferred spending his money on fancy sports cars than new office equipment. The copy machine was almost fifteen years old, an antique that was outdated, troublesome and slow. Some people in the office joked that the thing was possessed it broke down so many times. Kathy leaned over it, reaching for the screwdriver the office staff used to pry off the paper door, but as she did her elbow it the copy button. Kathy yelped as the machine suddenly sprang to life and the light bar slid past. She stood, waited for it stop, and checked the paper feed, hoping it was working again. But no copy came out. "Shit," she growled, momentarily playing with the idea of using a sledgehammer to fix the machine. She leaned toward the paper door when suddenly she noticed that her chest felt warm, hot even. She glanced down and gasped. Her chest was growing! Kathy's usual nubs had started to swell, poking out against her blouse. She shook her head once, thinking she was hallucinating and looked down. They were still growing. She felt her bra grow snug, then tight, then finally pop as it tried to hold a bust size larger than it was supposed to. Her breasts swelled and filled out form her normally modest A-cups to a perky C. Kathy was stunned to say the least. I must really be tired," she thought in amazement and gently squeezed them, trying to see if they were real. She gasped as she felt warm, sort flesh rolling under her fingers. The were real! But how had it happened? She looked at the copying machine. She had set the print enlarge to x2 and somehow it had made her breasts grow two cup sizes. That couldn't be it, could it? She decided to try and experiment. Laying her new assets on the copier she hit the button. The light bar slid past and again no paper came out. She felt the warmth move through her breasts again and her eyes widened. Her chest began to swell again, inflating like a pair of balloons. They moved out of the C-cup and through the D in a matter of seconds. Her blouse grew snug, the stretched and finally sent a buttons flying as she filled out to a very full 44DD. Kathy was ectatic as she watched her bosom grow to the size of two large melons. She had always felt a little cheated with her slender figure, but now all that had changed. She cupped her now massive mammories in her hands and squeezed. Despite being taunt and perky to the point of defying gravity they were soft and fleshy. Wait until the guys get a load of these! she thought, then stopped. The wheels of her mind started to turn. If the copier could make parts of her body bigger, why stop at her chest? Kathy hopped up and seated herself on the copier. She adjusted the print enlarger to x4, pushed the button and held her breath. The light bar slid by again and again, no paper came out. Then she felt the warmth move through her body and pressure build in her backside. She hopped down from the copier and looked down at her self. Her ass started to pump up, curving out under her skirt. Her hips underwent a similar swelling, adding a full four inches to them. Her skirt stretched and groaned, then finally split along the right seem. Kathy tired to get a good look at the new figure that was bursting out of her clothes but was blocked by a yard of cleavage. She went to the ladies room (a task that took a little longer than usual considering her new form and center of gravity) and was shocked by what she saw in the mirror. Instead of the usual twiggy form she was used to she saw that her body now sported a voluptuous hourglass figure with full hips, a narrow waist and a magnificent bust. She was also happy to see she had added virtually no inches to her waist and stomach and that her new curves didn't make her look fat, but full-figure. She smiled and winked at herself. She finally had the body she always wanted. Kathy headed back into the office, putting a little bit of a wiggle into her hips as she walked. Ok, funtime was over, back to work. She put the file back on the copier and adjusted it to do 20 copies at x2 print. She wondered what the other people would say when she came in tomorrow looking like Betty Page, but shrugged the thought off. It didn't matter. In fact it might be fun to see if she could use these new curves to get a raise out of Norman, both physically and financially. She laughed and hit the copy button, but was instantly hit by wave off dizziness then nearly sent her to the floor. She shook her head to clear it and as it passed she was suddenly aware of a faint hissing sound. What was that? she thought. Then she found out. The pressure in her hips and butt increased as they started to fill out more. Her already huge breasts also began to swell up to the size of basketballs with no signs of slowing. In a matter of moments her body went curvaceous to ridiculous. Kathy looked at the copier in a panic. It was now glowing with a red light and no paper was coming out. It was still effecting her! 20 copies times 2, she was going to inflate 40 times! Kathy struggled to reach the machine, but her now beanbag sized breasts blocked her view. Her hips and ass reached an equal girth, making it difficult to walk. Somehow she made it to the machine and tried to yank the lid up. But it wouldn't budge. She hit all the buttons, trying to jam it but it would not stop. Kathy's body grew bigger and bigger. Her legs were forced apart as they swelled and her breasts cover her face. The machine started laugh as she finally fell over thanks to the added bulk. In a panic Kathy strained to reach the power cord. She could feel her skin growing tight in places. If this didn't stop soon she was going to burst. The cord was only a inch away, but she couldn't reach it. She was too big. She pumped up like a balloon, growing taunt, then tight. Her skin quivered with the pressure. Still she swelled, bigger and bigger until finally... "KATHY!" the voice said. Kathy's head jerked up with a start "Huh, wha...?" she mumbled as she looked around. She was sitting at her desk nearly buried in an avalanche of paper. Her eyes flew from the desk to her body. A wave of relief washed over her when she saw she was back to normal. Annie laughed. "Did you spend the night here?" she asked. Kathy stood and was instantly aware of the crick in her back. "I guess so" she said with relief. "Yeah, it must have all been a dream." "What was?" Annie asked. "Never mind," Kathy said with a yawn. "Just a bad dream." "Ok. Tell you what, Stretch. Why don't you go home. I'll cover for you today." "Thanks, Ann." she said with relief and glad to hear her nickname again. She picked up her coat and headed for the door, passing the copier on the way. What dream. She was going to have to stop working so late. As she shut the door to the office, she could have sworn she heard the machine chuckle. She tried to put the thought out of her head, but it was then she heard the machine go on and a failure warmth spread through her body.
deflation, floating, helium
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
Lucy climbs the iron stairwell quickly, with heavy footfalls, two hands hauling on the rails. She glances sidelong at the windows she passes, almost apologetic. It's not that what she is doing is illegal, and it is a kind of emergency, but she has that guilty feeling again. The sense of being at the root of consequence. Somewhere nearby her friend Amelia is crying like a child. On the third floor the fire escape spills onto a flat concrete roof, covered with pine decking. Here the flat transept of the old church has been fashioned into a sun deck, or communal garden for the flats it contains. Small potted fruit trees loiter amidst white plastic chairs and a suspiciously clean barbeque. In front of her the slate triangular vault of the nave rises above for another 20 foot, but she's not going that way. In front of her twin patio doors glare silver-grey with reflected sky. They lead directly from Amy's flat onto the small roof-garden. Though this was nominally shared Lucy knew that easy access gave Amy a fierce sense of undeserved propriety. She named the plants. Set her favourite chair apart by the unused barbeque. They had sat through evening there, watching jets chase early starlight along the Thames whilst midges nipped and hazed about the light spilled from the kitchenette. She pauses, hands pressed to knees with her breath shot between them. She's run most of the way here, and wishes that she had given up on the smoking rather than the gym membership. Her throat holds the aftertaste of spent wine and chasers. Cloyed and acrid, it draws down the fog of the night before. But then her air seems to flux; hard candy at the edge of perception. A scent which melts to a unique sweetness. She can taste helium. What has Amy done? Of course, the cylinder. A cheap little thing; not worth the money but perhaps enough to....Lucy looks around; she's sensitive to such things of course, but the rain has washed context out of the world. A suffuse light pools on the dark stone roof, drenched wood underfoot. Overhead, the sky is peregrine grey where thin clouds hover distantly, waiting. Her own clothes are melange of anonymity, de-saturated. Dark track bottoms and a plain white tee lie crumpled about her. This morning her hair is tied back, nondescript to her appearance, offering no angles to the wind. She glances back, down towards the street. Is she hoping that someone will take notice, up here? Demand the explanation that she is unwilling to give to herself. But no; the street is quiet. They never pay attention. She's going to have to figure out why that is someday. She reaches out for the doors. The scent of helium is stronger here, spent amidst steam and excitement and fear. She moans slightly in recognition. Part of her had hoped that wasn't going to happen, even as another part willed it. It tells her she is in the Strange again. At least, that's how she understands it, within herself. Giving a name to the pneumatic force that comes as it does; the rising flush of blood, the intuitive chemistry. Like a bubble of unreal forming about her; pushing back the normal world. The door is latched, and inside it is umber dark. She peers through the patio door letting her eyes adjust. The studio flat is simply furnished in pine and glass. Strips of sunlight are thrown from chancel windows to her right illuminating an unmade bed and discarded beige towel in the centre of the wood floor. No sign of Amy but... she raps on the glass, knuckles splashing a reflection. "Amy? It's Lucy. Are you in there?" She knows the answers already. "Lucy?" Her friend's voice carries faintly, exhausted. There's a pause, thick with guilt. "I...I can't come to the door. You'll have to let yourself in. The spare key is under Henry....umm....that's the aspidistra, to your right." Lucy blinks, reaching over. The hidden key is ice-cold to the touch and it turns awkwardly. She slides the long plate glass just far enough back to squeeze across the threshold. At once the scents of steam and gas are renewed, mixed with cold adrenaline and tears. She takes two steps into the gloom, motion stirring the dead air. "Amy....." she breathes. "Lucy....I..." The voice trails off. There's nothing to say. Somewhere in the background a clock keeps time with her heartbeat. 4 foot above her head, a pair of purple and black socks wave in mid-air. The legs they're attached to extend upwards in washed denim. At the waist, blush pink knickers peek out whilst the curve of a spine arcs up a naked back. Further above, a mess of brown hair tussles forward to bury a face long with tears. A face buried in two blush-pink globes, each the size of overstuffed armchairs. Breasts. Unmistakably. Impossibly. Their undercurve is rounded, taut with gas and showing goosebumps. 5 foot of cleavage distends upwards, squashing against the ceiling. Amy trails suspended in the wake of their expanse. Floating. Lucy remembers to breath again, tersely, eyes wide. Amelia Rowlands, 24 years old, deputy Human Resources manager and her friend of these last 12 months, is floating on the ceiling. Hanging from a pair of breasts which resemble nothing less than flesh-toned weather balloons. OK. Lucy breathes deeply. Not what she expected, but... the moment rushes at her. Shit. She wasn't supposed to experiment. Not so soon. Or like that. Shit. She should say something. Act. But the other girl is too real-in-the-moment, too jarring. Words threaten to spill from her in panicked exultation. She struggles to keep the sense of strange down, to hint her voice away from familiarity. "Bloody hell..." Lucy whispers "Amy.... I....what.....are you doing..." The other girl doesn't reply, or at least not directly. Her arms thrash limply, as if clawing at the air. Her hair is beaten back by a barely-audible whimper of shame or exhaustion. Lucy can see the dried channels of tears meshed with eyeshadow across her cheeks. Her face appears a stained counterpoint to her fulsome breasts. Her gaze is puffy and haunted such that Lucy takes a step backward, calves bumping against the bedframe as she nervously edges around the spectacle. Unconsciously her eyes widen and her arms hang open at her sides, as if Amy would swoop down to an embrace at any moment. Part of her wants that; to assure and comfort and hold. But another part demands the price of strange. That this experience is for Amy alone. Hers to live or die for. "Amy..." Lucy repeats herself, slowly, " are you...what happened to you?" When they come, the words rush out with such vehemence that for a moment Lucy imagines her friend has burst, and will go flying across the room like a punctured inflatable. "Cantimstuckuphereandcantcomedown." Amy edges on hysteria, drawing a ragged breath that makes her globular body quiver. "Justfloateduphere. Hurhuhuhuh. Itsmybreasts. Hurhuhuhuh. Its my stupid, fucking, breasts, ok? They just blew up and now they're balloons and I can't get down and its helium and I'm stuck here and I can't let them down like earlier." "Amy, people can't...." Lucy draws out her words, emphasising the disbelief. But Amy anticipates her, the explanation tumbling down. "There's a nozzle. A nozzle. Or valve, or something. On my side. I blew up. I blew myself up. Used Sharon's helium from the birthday. It was really stupid but I didn't think and was careful but it got stuck 'cos was just fooling to be a little bigger. Just tripped and now like everything's inflated and it's like I can't come down like earlier and I'm really worried. Like, just don't say anything and don't laugh at me 'cos I've been here for ages. OK?" Lucy shrugs and throws a glance about the apartment. The sun slices through the curtains of the great window behind her. Her trainers clonk hollowly against a white cylinder as it peeks from under the bed. A stack of unopened mail lies on the buffet table near the walk-through kitchen. Somewhere outside, there comes the noise of a car parking. She thinks about putting the kettle on. Maybe later. "I can't come down." Amy repeats herself, mournfully now. "I think I'm stuck here forever". "Listen Amy, don't panic.... I....we'll figure out something. Can you, umm, push down or something?" "Yeah, but...I just go up again. It's like I'm heavier up than down. Don't you think I tried that?" Lucy climbs onto the bed, gauging distances. The purple socks wave perhaps 2 foot above her head. She shifts her weight, wondering if it will be enough. She could force her to ride it out; let tears and time draw out the secret. But no, she wants to help, to cradle wonder like an uneasy midwife. Besides; from what Amy just said, there's something wrong with the valve. "Just do it," she says, exasperated. Amy wriggles and grunts, her fingertips barely reaching past the curve of her breasts to push against the white plaster. She seems to bite her lip and blush at the exertion, her legs flexing strangely as if seeking to grip the air. Then her motion is swift, shuddering-strange as she comes free of the ceiling. Lucy jumps at the same time with her arms wide and eyes tightly closed. The two girls collide with a startled "Oomph" in mid-air. The impact reverbs through Amy's inflated expanse with a hollow strum. Lucy's arms pirouette about Amy's waist and she feels herself swing out and wide. Still not looking, she grabs tightly on denim and clenches. Lucy feels her face press again the cool toned midriff of her friend, burying like an anchor in her softness. The nub of Amy's belly button twitches; its motion draws down the curve of her groin. The strange smell of sudden intimacy. The girls rotate slowly, descending together under momentum of their rendezvous. Twin pairs of feet skate a helix through empty air. A closeness of hearts. A waltz to an unspoken song. The dance pauses. Overcomes her anchor. They start to rise. Lucy's hands clench against Amy's bum, butterflies forming in her tummy as the floor drifts away under her. "Damnit Amy, how much helium did you...need to go down.....Wooooooooah!" There's a soft pop as a brass button springs from Amy's jeans, followed by a purring rip. With a slithering inevitability the blue denims glide down to around her ankles and snag there. Lucy falls away clasping an empty waistline, her exclamation hollow in the air. Defeated, she sprawls unevenly on the flooring, swearing. Amy rises, freed from her erstwhile ballast, once more in her solitary element. Her breasts wobble like helium jelly, pillowing against the ceiling joist with hollow percussion. Tautening, her lithe body rebounds with their vast convexity, floating gently to a stop. Then, as she settles, something invisible, sensuous grips her. Eyes closed, she bucks gently in secret reverie. When she opens her eyes again, her face is red and strained. Lucy picks herself up from the floor. Her hands smell of pine polish and dust. She looks up. Her friend floats above her again, now bare legged with the jeans shackled about her ankles. She can see the goosebumps raised along her claves and thighs. Her bum is blush peach, anointed with a small tattoo. Smoothed around, the washed pink of her knickers are visible only by their braided trim. If they're from MandS, I've got a pair just like them. The soft stain runs through, revealing. Invisible grace, desire, wraps about Amy. Exhausted moisture pools between her thighs, force-fragranced in her shame. It means something. But Lucy has to make sure. She reaches up to the dangling jeans. Surged to tip-toe her fingers are barely entangling the empty waistband. Then she is tethering the other girl like an errant balloon. She jerks down with her arm, hard. At once the force ripples the length of Amy's body, finding an echo. Her arms and legs swing out, the impulse pulling her down. She clearly wants to grind down with it. But her balloon-breasts quiver, asserting their lift. Her breaths come shallow, her mouth gulping. The air so thin, yet so supportive. For a moment she fights her buoyancy, then she is carried away. Washing upwards on an unseen tide. Lucy lets herself watch. This is knowledge that edges on wisdom. Desire is the twine that fastens people into fantasy; binds them. On some level, Amy wanted this. Wanted enough to force the meld deep into her. Lucy says nothing, watching as her friend tries to curl up, lifting legs to cradle them below the curve of expanded femininity. She rocks slightly overhead, trembles at the air that binds her. When she finally speaks, the words are cloudy with embarrassment. "Don't that's....ohgod.....that's....makes me....sensitive." Amy mutters, so faintly. "It...nozzle...they....does that as well. Makes me sensitive." Lucy remains silent, both of them have to accept this, embrace this. Amy unfolds herself slowly, hanging loosely with resignation. When she speaks, a disbelieving hollow inflects her voice. "This can't happen. Breasts do not...cannot...inflate. Women do NOT float. I am NOT a balloon. " Amy concludes slowly. "I am dreaming. This is a dream. I am asleep and I am going to wake up and be normal. Really normal....and......" "You're not asleep, Amy." Lucy says, with infinite gentleness. "This is real..." "Then its magic." Amy says defiantly, as if that explained everything. "No such thing as magic." Lucy says with a certainty that surprises even her. She realises she means it too; the notion is absurd as fortunes in tea leaves or a rabbit from a hat. Lucy thinks that to know magic you'd need to know reality, and everyone she's ever met is a bit vague on that. Maybe it would make it easier if she pretended this was all magic; to make things mysterious, blameless. For Amelia wants the gift but won't accept it. And it won't let her down until she does. Lucy speaks slowly now, choosing her words with care. "Amelia. This is real. You are floating on the ceiling, with your breasts inflated like helium balloons. And...I think they just made you orgasm. That's not going to change." She pauses, forcing nonchalance. "This...nozzle. How long have you had it?"" Amy hesitates. "I don't know. It wasn't there before. Just this morning". Lucy knows how it got there. She remembers cutting it out from the Β£3.99 beachball yesterday. Playing with it. Dreaming, pondering its utility. Wanting too? Pressing it to her lips, to blow a kiss. She remembers later at the club. They went to the bathroom together. The room was wet and bright and drenched in perfume. Noise ran off the hard surfaces. She was holding Amelia, drunk. Holding her as she was throwing up in the basin. That's when she remembers reaching under the strap of Amy's dress, pressing the stubby plastic to her side. Feeling it sink in. Honestly, the moment just came to her. She didn't do anything else so stupid all night. Lucy moves gather the sagging jeans again in her hand. The sequins fall from the battered blue, drifting like stardust. Made a wish for you, Amy, she thinks. Above, her friend remains mute, unmoved. Adrift between despair and acceptance. Don't think of it as a thing. Think of it as you. "This nozzle...have you tried...I mean, if you used it to....blow yourself up. " She lingers the words, faking incredulity. " said there was also a valve, something to let the gas out?" "I already tried, I told you" Amy repeats, her hands moving curiously to her side. "It won't let me down." "Look...Amelia....maybe...maybe you were panicking. You think this is something that has happened, been done, to you. But...maybe...maybe it's you. The way you moved back there, the way you felt.... you seemed....tuned. Don't fight with the nozzle. Don't pinch the nozzle. Pinch yourself. Just let yourself down." Amelia, listens blinks back tears. Some strength gathers with her. She bites her lip, suppressing disbelief, letting her body float, her hands drift. Seizing the nozzle, herself. Hope and acceptance. A warbling hiss fills the room. Amy half-sobs, but holds it, lets it broaden to a steady rush. Lucy feels the tension in her tether slacken at once. She can smell it cleanly now, sweet-watery to her senses. Her eyes blink, owl-brown. Cheap helium. If Amy had used the good stuff she'd have been airborne at half that size. Hell, if she'd used the good stuff she'd probably have gone through the roof. Piped by a descending tone, the Amy's breasts contract, diminish. Slowly but visibly they deflate into her, goosebumps smoothed along their surface. Her skin slowly loses its lustre, becoming tan and matt. Five foot, then four. Now her body shifts, no longer dominated by her fantastical lifting balloons. Curving around, the expanse of her nipples becomes visible, shrinking below a hand's span. Four foot, then three. The edge of translucency fades. She thrashes lightly as first one breast then the other detaches from the white ceiling. Three foot, then two. The paleness wraps around her like a feather, drifting down. The angel of the buoyant annunciation. "Easy...." cautions Lucy. "Easy now." Lucy guides the falling form, spooling the jeans hand over hand to draw her half-floated friend over to the bed. Amy's legs buckle into the feathered softness. Her skin is cool to the touch at the waist. Two foot, then one. The deflating tone lowers with the descending girl. Her femininity concaves perfectly upon itself, surrendering all memory of the gas. Distinct and apart, Amy's bosom is rounding and falling to gravity. To one side the pressure relents, muting itself in a dying whisper. Behind her eyes, it lingers. "Nuh....not...normal....". Amy rocks backwards, her arms clutch-crossed as if to hold her breasts in. She gulps down air as if drowning whilst Lucy holds her. Cradling the ship of cares whilst waves wash through. Far outside it starts to rain. Slow spring rain, drumming the patio in sympathy. "'re're...still the same person...". Lucy tenses, suddenly unsure of her reading. She knows enough that the danger is not going up, but coming down afterwards. ",....its alright. You were right...God, you were right." Amy struggles through the feeling. Her face shows something stronger alloyed by the heat of desire, the iron of self. "It's just that all my life I...I've just been normal...plain old Amelia Rowlands. Telling myself to be content. Afraid to admit I always wanted something special. Something fantastic." Amy kindles with acceptance. "And even when it found me I was too scared to want it. Even with what it was doing to me. I needed to be told to accept it. To accept myself." "And now I.....I....I'm....inflatable." The words are spoken softly. But Amy's eyes widen with something akin to wonder. "This is me. Perhaps more me than I've been for years. I'm...I'm inflatable. And that's OK. Jeez...Lucy....I...I can float! I can make myself lighter than air! Just up and up and....How cool is that?". Amy whirls, her contemplation of delight washing against Lucy's calm. Amy gathers up Lucy's hands hopefully, as if mistaking her friend's hesitation for reticence. "And...I're OK with me being this way? I mean, I've got some secrets too? Things you don't want to talk about?" But the clasp of unspoken trust is in the moment alone. The young women form the words together; "We can't tell anybody." They share the silence of understanding. Now their eyes meet, suddenly mischievous and wild. Loosing laughter at the serendipity. Amy smiles, gasping relief. "Oh, bloody hell, Amy you had me worried for a moment." Lucy scowls her own smile, her hand waves upwards in intimation. "I floating there like some pink balloon...I can't imagine....I mean....what was it like?". "Oh God, it was...its kinda hard to describe. Like pillows? But all around you. Like when I was little I many balloons... and you know. I'm not making much sense, am I?" Amy reclines, her hands flutters briefly over her thighs. "It was good though. Oh God, it was good. " "Listen, we should get you sorted out with some clothes. Wouldn't want people seeing you in your underwear and getting the wrong idea. I'll put the kettle on...". Lucy rises, keeping her gaze steady and reassuring. Amy grabs her hand. "Lucy?" "What?" "What....what" Amy swallows hard, collecting herself. "What if I....we....did it again. Outdoors? With a rope or something. At first, I mean." "Are you sure?" The older girl hesitates. Her friend has accepted a gift, such that her joy outruns her, leaving her trailing. For a moment Lucy feels jealous, trapped in a junior confederacy. But the moment passes. "Amy....I guess floating outdoors is....could be...dangerous." "Yeah." Amy says, cupping her breasts determinedly. "But I want to float. I want to balloon." Lucy guesses where the gift might take them both. But she'd answer the same way regardless. "Well then.... I'll see what I can do."
floating, helium, magic, potion
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Calisea's desire for a hasty departure to Stormwind was halted by the Shattered hand, much to her dismay. Her guild had taken the liberty of having her fitted for some human sized clothing, Calisea having been forced to also endure an unbelievably boring lecture on human culture by an orc elder. At last, the guild deemed her prepared for her lengthy task, Calisea packing for what could be a very long time away from home. "I just wanted to leave and improvise...but no!" Calisea grumbled, packing her new clothing, alchemy supplies and potions, and her enchanted helium tank. The assignment document she was handed told her that there was a flower shop on the outskirts of the run by a young woman, informing her that dealing with her and taking residence in her shop would provide her with a temporary home, and more importantly...a base of operations. After packing, Calisea left a note letting Cailee know she would be gone a while, and left. She was taken on wyvern back to Elwynn Forest, dropped off just outside of the town of Goldshire. Calisea waved to the departing wind rider, heading north along the road to Stormwind City. As she approached the massive gates, she was stopped by a guard holding a lantern. "Miss...It's after nightfall, what business brought you to the city this late?" He asked, Calisea struggling to remember her alibi. "The Defias torched my home in Westfall...I came here to find a safe place to stay!" She acted desperate, the guard changing his tone to a more amiable one. "Oh...I see. Then hurry along, I'm sure the inn will accommodate you until you can rebuild, or find a new place to stay...good luck!" The man motioned for her to be allowed in, Calisea trying her very best to hide a smirk. Calisea had been to Stormwind before, but in her troll form, which did not allow for much sight seeing. She was in awe as she walked unimpeded through the city, sneaking peeks at the small map she was given. "The inn...ah! Here it is!" She walked into the cozy little inn, telling her sad story to the inn keeper...who bought it just as easily as the guard outside. Calisea was given a nice little room, the girl not bothering to unpack. She collapsed onto the bed, getting a much needed nights sleep. When Calisea finally woke up, it was approaching noon. She cursed herself slightly, gathering up her backpack and other belongings and immediately heading out, and thanked the inn keeper as she left hurriedly. Following the directions on her mission paper, she walked the trade district, attempting to find the flower shop in question. Calisea wasn't looked at oddly but a few times, due to her vibrant blue hair. "Stormwind we go!" She smiled, opening the shop door and heading inside. Rachel was having a relatively uneventful least until the blue haired girl entered her shop. Calisea licked her lips a little, thinking the flower girl was pretty cute...but mostly because she was wearing cherry lip stick. "What can I do for you?" Rachel asked, Calisea looking at the large variety of plants on display. "Erm...I'm looking for king's foil..." she said, silently locking the door from within once her target had turned her back to look for the herb. Calisea then walked over to the counter, quickly chugging the water in Rachel's glass, replacing it with one of her newest creations; a clear, odorless helium potion. "I'm sorry...I think I'm out! The stuff makes great medicine..." She apologized, Calisea smiling a little." It's fine...I'll just keep looking around..." she replied, Rachel drinking the "water" in the glass, coughing a little, Calisea almost giggling out loud. "I'm gonna go get some more water...I trust you won't run off with my plants!" Rachel said jokingly, heading up the stairs to the second story of the shop, her house. Calisea played the waiting game, looking out of the front window to make sure there were no guards patrolling nearby. Rachel had begun to feel funny. A soft tingling feeling crept all over her body, the girl sitting on her bed to rest for a moment. A moment was all she had, however, as she began to feel gassy. "Ugh...was that water bad?" She groaned loudly, laying on her back. What she felt next caused her to cry out in alarm. Rachel felt her belly start to expand, an audible hiss coming from within her body."What's happening to me?! I'm getting bigger..." She moaned, gripping the sides of the bed as her ever-expanding belly ripped through her blouse. Calisea chose to walk in at this moment, smiling at her poisoned victim. " think something is...wrong with me!" Rachel squeaked out, her stomach easily the size of a huge beach ball, feeling her thighs starting to plump out. Calisea seemed to ignore her plea, getting onto the bed and kneeling by the ballooning girl. "Hmm. You have quite a ways to does this feel...." Calisea traced a finger along the girls belly, caused a squeaky moan to escape the victim. "Oh!" Rachel gasped as Calisea began to rub her ballooning belly, her skirt bursting off at the waistline. Her breasts began to fill up with the lighter-than-air gas, Rachel coming to the realization that she was starting to float. Calisea was debating on what to do with the girl, noticinga trap door leading into the attic. Rachel bobbed along the ceiling, her body creaking loudly as the potion has nearly finished running it's course. Rachel moaned at her attacker, the pressure and the feeling of lightness quite pleasurable. Her limbs were soon absorbed by her round body, and before long, Rachel was nothing but blimp. Calisea dismissed the attic idea, shoving corks into the helium-filled woman. "I need this place for a while...I'll keep you around as decoration! If you behave...I might deflate you some day..." Calisea remarked, tying the girl down in the bedroom, Rachel content with bobbing there for now. "Now...on to bussiness...." Calisea said, reading her documents...