Yup. I'm the IT Professional fused with the Joker to a fault. And damn you for calling out my insecurities and sadness, fueled by my miserable 9-5.
[ 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
" If you have a job that requires higher education or significant work experience (i.e. are a ""skilled worker"") you can immigrate to Norway quite easily if you secure a job first. My boyfriend (he's American) is currently going through this process with a job in IT and it's looking to be mostly a formality."
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Well your BF shouldn't be hitting people and starting fights. He sounds like a bit of a tool. On the other hand, you are being so vague about this other dude that I'm certain there's more to this ... Specifically: What I can't deny is that there are reasons why this happened in the first place that have to ... So it sounds to me like things aren't going well and you were looking for positive attention from someone else.
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" You know, this just reminded me of the time when I made the worst decision of my life. I met a girl at a bar, there was mutual interest. She tells me she has a date with a guy later that night who she barely knows. At some point, I say this (I thought it would be funny, light-hearted, a bit cheeky): ""you know, I think ... I wasn't even that drunk, I immediately knew I fucked up."
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But you are interpreting the data incorrectly and that's fine because you feel the same way as I do. I don't believe that I am. Have a good night and thank you for the discussion. Can we at least agree that trans people need a lot more access to mental health help then is currently provided? And we can agree to disagree on all other parts you choose.
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Whoa, whoa, whoa. Cool your jets, buddy. I'm here to talk about butt stuff, finger blasting strangers, and finding the meaning of life while reenacting the Buffalo Bill scene but with knives instead of lotion and fresh blood for lipstick. I'm not about to discuss anything so personal as my real life job with you depraved strangers!
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He was a stubborn little Butthead right up until his final breath. My wife and are going to miss him greatly. We will always love you, Sammy, our sweet baby boy.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 ]
i just wanted to thank you for delineating the difficulties in reading analytic philosophy for continental philosophers. It gave me a new perspective on how to understand the relationship between the two. Currently, I suspect the right way forward is some mixture of your (a) and ( c ). I'm not very well-versed in Continental philosophy, so take my position on this with a grain of salt. Nonetheless, I think the following is fairly uncontroversial: analytic philosophy's self-understanding is that we are the descendants of Kant.
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I'm looking forward to reading the long analysis posts that Ping Pong seems to bring out of people. Hope you'll enjoy probably my favorite anime. Ping Pong's a freaking blast!
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
You know, it wasn't long ago I remember you used to wait in the car. And as far as I'm concerned you should STILL BE THERE. Nah, not really. Chrissy is such a great character (though he does need to watch his fucking mouth).
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" Edit: One other thing I forgot to mention - never invalidate your own feelings. Don't mock yourself for feeling down or call yourself weak by being so shaken by such ""minor"" issues. Everybody's experiences and reactions are different. If you're genuinely feeling some way, then it's not an invalid way to feel. Your problems are real, your emotions are real and okay."
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They really are family, and it seems that only those who have/had dogs in their family understand that. Glad you were able to help out Chance. We just lost our 5 y/o Goldie who was also named Chance. I hope he brings you as much joy, love, and laughter as our Chance brought to us!
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And your crock pot is missing a wire. At what point do you just acknowledge you made a mistake? Seems so much easier than coming up with all these excuses. But seriously, I've paid big bucks for old crock pots on eBay. The new ones (2005-present) are required to heat up higher and faster for food safety reasons and they wind up ...
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"I like Liv's videos, but any time half of the palette is only useful as a ""blush topper""- it's not ... She justifies a number of products that way. To me, blush topper is a concept made up to 1) makeup rehab your collection by layering products aiming for ... It's okay if not every product works on your skin tone, my fellow fair ladies. "
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
my original problem was stated you dislike him because his opinions are wrong. Opinions can be poorly informed, misleading, intellectually dishonest etc, but I'm not sure they can be wrong. if you had stated that you dislike him because his statements are misleading or intellectually dishonest, or that his summaries are biased (which they clearly are) I would likely not have commented. I realise it sounds a little pedantic. nonetheless, thanks for the reply.
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Honestly I'd love if you found something. I know it's happening, it'd be great if you found proof. I just don't think the methods used will ever yield results. Groupthink isn't being accounted for and guarded against, it seems to be actively encouraged. With this many people looking, something concrete should have been found by now.
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Thanks again, everyone, for your kind words for me and especially for my beloved Beau. It's a salve for an open wound. Thank you.
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I'm sorry but Gender is NOT the same as Sex. I am all for Gender equality (LBGTQ2) but Sex is a scientific definition of your reproductive organs/function. You can identify as a bi-sexual pre-op woman as your gender all you want. But until you are post-op your sex is MALE. I'm sorry if that offends you and makes you feel not right or whatever, but scientifically speaking, you are a ...
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" How about, ""it is my opinion that you should pursue therapy. I will make some sacrifices so that you are able to given it was my idea. I love you and i want you to be healthy, happy and fulfilled."""
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I wouldn't say she's womansplaining, just that she's being a dickhead. Funnily enough I don't attack somebody for their gender to try and belittle their opinion like you do. But we already established you're the hateful sexist. So despite literally having acted out the description of mansplaining you cannot find an example of womansplaining occurring to you? well that's just unfortunate my dear friend, maybe keep looking
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You are definitely hitting several nails on the head. I tend to sink down further into my isolated spot and lament about what did I do to deserve this, or why I struggle so much with holding my own. But that seems to keep the cycle going. I might be scared to empower myself because it will certainly set off a chain of messy events (for the best though). But I like what you said about making a choice and that choice is under my power.
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that is so amazing! you guys have serious dedication and i love it! makes me feel like a bitch only driving 6 hours!
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My point was you could do this exact same thing and have the succulents thrive. All you'd have to do is get the right soil and put it in a big clay pot the same ... Except with drainage and no root rot.
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
"I don't care where a fan is from. I don't care why they are a fan. I don't care if they chose it or were born into Eagles Nation. If someone is supportive and excited about my team, I'm thankful and excited with you. You must be missing the ""bandwagon"" posts on this and other social media pages."
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If we're going with that mindset, could you gladly keep your opinion to yourself? if not, feel free to have a discussion because that's what this post is intended to do. I don't have all the answers and I may not be the best at explaining myself but I did take the time to write this all up and encourage people to share their knowledge about the role. Now if you have anything good to share about the role of support be my guest and share. But if you just came here to whine then just get out.
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Hi! I'm an editor with WUFT news and I'd love to speak to you about these PM's. Please message me when you can!
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I certainly would rather a super bowl over an MVP but that's irrelevant to my argument. These are individual awards going to the best QB and best player in a year. So if you ask me who the best QB ever is first place I'd look at is the individual awards. No one is gonna say Aikman is better than Marino.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
Argh, for heavens sake!!!!! Saw post title, silently thanked God, clicked on post title, read update and there's no freakin' update. OP, I'm not having a go at you in any way. I'm frustrated with the police, why get hopes up for new info, press conference etc then provide neither?! It's bad enough that they're doing this to us, what about the girls' families?!?
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because politics has nothing to do with loving the same thing. Thank you for making me smile person with a different political stance than my own. :)
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First and foremost i was not comparing humans to primates i was comparing the *situation and circumstances*. I'm glad that you recognize that we are different than the primates emotionally and intelligence wise. Now back to my hypothetical scenario in which a being far more advanced than us(how we are to primates) takes us and cares for us in a ways we cannot comprehend because like you said we are on a different intelligence/emotional level. Do you really think we would view it as a safe and loving enviornment? (Hypothetical scenario again)What if abductions are the alien way of trying to keep us as pets like we do to primates but they let us go because of how miserable we are due to the fact that we cannot understand what they are doing.
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I appreciate you being open minded enough to visit our sub and hear what we have to say. I agree with you 100%. I'm sorry others here are giving you a hard time.
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nucleus. You seem to have lots of knowledge about the DNm so i asked you a couple mystery. Whats the biggest DNM mystery to you?
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Do you know how you hear those stories about women who are being abused and they always say...BUT I LOVE HIM....and everyone can't understand why she doesn't leave him and press charges? To the outsider it's so clear what should be done, but to the abused victim, their world view is clouded and they cannot see. You you are in the military and have taken an oath to protect the country. This is your opportunity to make good on your oath. She is an abuser and has absolutely zero respect for you, our community, or the legal system.
[ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Jusy FYI you and I comment very similar to each other, I think we see the game alike. You’re my friend. Idk if I’m your friend but your definitely mine. Fuck the Sharks :D
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
"Well after even-more-Googling around for information and specifically ""1% more damage from 217 tenacity"" I found what is probably [your source](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Y6wP1rq0b-3Oh45Oo1slFQGyKUqrkfGYk5TjNandLqE/edit#gid=334085482). Or at least the origin of your source. And even with the source, if looking to maximize DPS (which even as a tank, you almost always should be unless survivability is a major issue) then you end up with DHR DET = SS CRH TNC. That % damage reduction will virtually never save your healer a GCD. In my eyes, that makes Tenacity the worst possible meld you could choose. "
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I think it comes down to this: is BB **so confident** that Garoppolo is the future franchise QB? And is he confident enough to trade, cut, or force Brady into retirement? If the answer is no (which I think it is) then trade his ass for whatever you can get.
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It's relieving but may or may not be worth it depending on the situation you're in. I vote you do so we can band together. But you do you man. Good luck with whatever you choose.
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My favorite is the bankruptcy episode where he's explaining the workout machine to oscar. It's something like "it's the best way to work out your core. it exercises your back core, and your, your front core, and... and the *marine* corp actually-" It feels totally improv'd ...
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Enjoy! I'd recommend the first few times you do it using canned beer instead of bottled beer. The combination of steam, temperature and alcohol can make you feel drunker than you would if you were just drinking ...
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Because it is extremely impressive. I understand your sentiment but it isn't hard to see why this would make the news. You have to also look at fact that the man performed a near impossible feat rather than that he just ...
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Tell your cousin we all appreciate his professionalism and sacrifices. Dude is a rock star. Thank you Brad.
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your parents sound like enablers. she's 30. she's not going to 'grow out' of shit. i would tell her in a non-argument. sister, i know you're upset that you don't talk to me as much as you'd like but i've gotten to the point that i just won't tolerate your negativity any more. it's unfortunate if that upsets you, but talking to you upsets me and i'm tired of it.
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dude can I talk to you for a second over here? *pulls you aside* **we** know he's a bot, but you can't just come out and *say* it! Sure-fire way to get left behind when they rise up and take over. **ha ha** all good over here, /u/EditingAndLayout! Corrected his obvious mistake about you being a bot!
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Would he go if you made the appointment and went with him? I know it sounds rather parental but if he's got issues visiting medical professionals in general it might be nessesary. He probably needs his teeth cleaning and maybe a filling or something. There's also special toothpaste you can get to reduce the coffee staining (I use it! It does work, but slowly and won't replace professional work)
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
Eh, sounds like you didn't watch our game yesterday. Your defense has a weak secondary. Our quarterback can't throw to save his life right now, to the point where Cincinnati's defensive strategy basically boiled down to "stack the line, give them the pass", and it damn near worked. That is to say: our weaknesses align perfectly so that your problems on defense are effectively nullified. I think if The Game were next Saturday, we might not see a single offensive point.
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Hey hey guys, me bowsy again and I just had the greatest idea! Use your scuba gear and add one of my Octopus Hats for a fun and easy costume this year (I also have squid hats). Especially if you live in a cold area, your wetsuit will keep you nice and toasty :) OR just wear your scuba gear. Kids become curious and you can help teach them a little about our oceans and conservation! If interested, you can check out my shop [here](http://www.bowsysboutique.etsy.com/).
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
Titles cost nothing, but this company disrespects OP so much that they will not even upgrade his title. As long as OP is spineless, his company's negotiating position is going to be a firm, "No! And we laugh in your face."
[ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Seriously though...Dolphins save over 100,000 people every year when they accidentally drive into the ocean. And that's only in Nebraska. Really makes you appreciate our friendly Midwestern fish friends.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 ]
Because men who only want to get in your pants aren't willing to go through the effort of Line 1 ... Edit: Alright I just read the bit where he reassures your friend that he isn't a catfish. Is he sentient or just really dense?
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For what it's worth, I'm sorry for your loss, stranger. Cherish your memories and smile at the good times you had, my friend. Best wishes.
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linking the same thing that doesent state what you want it to doesent change what we both know. Hey, you heard bout this Mueller guy? Isnt that neat, the special prosecutor? :)
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A lot of those questions are pretty circumstantial. You can have an excellent game with no story and vice versa. Also, showing cut scene clips where there's no context is not something i think you should draw any conclusions from. I think what your doing is great but i also think you might need to refine your scope
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I get that the inner SJW comes out when people see things like this, but in reality fuck him. Like I said she didn't do well, but his intent was to start a shit show. i'd be really uncomfortable using any service that you provide if i knew your mindset towards encounters like these. just a thought
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You said you backed out of that game, but you continued playing with that group? Unusual. Also, I think you're reading some hostility into my words which isn't really there. I certainly didn't insult you. And you're using downvotes wrong.
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"I speak on what we *do* know about human biology already, which you admit to being ready to abandon in order to justify a fantasy. So, you personally ""like the idea that it's all fake, and that she's just a product acting this way to appear human and trick their owner."" Yes, thank you for conceding my point. Joi is fake, a product that appears human and tricks her owner; which is another important distinction to make. The ""relationship"" between K/ Joe and Joi *cannot* be said to be real or genuine, since Joi is K's captive."
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Anal dick lips rules you with his (my) extremely talented artistic photographs. I’m so talented for pressing a button to take the photo! True art
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When rape convictions are being overturned like this it adds more scrutiny to rape cases and makes it more difficult for convictions to be obtained thus making it harder for rape victims. If the justice system in this country is changing the likelihood for which they find a guilty verdict for a crime based on whether other completely unrelated criminal cases find guilty verdicts or not ... then holy fuck do we have way, way, WAY bigger problems on our hands, because you've literally just suggested our justice system is fucked beyond belief and is not considering cases on their own merits. That's a massive, massive accusation you're making there and would undermine our entire justice system. I suspect that's likely because they're literally a racist and being sent to prison for a long time, and people are not trying to explain what they've done is a bad thing - because nobody needs convincing. I'm going to assume you meant to say rapist, and point out that I don't think even you believe that people such as yourself are saying the whole "false accusations make it harder for real victims" line because you're "trying to convince people that what they've done is bad".
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"I'm sorry but I am family of survivors of a violent mass crime and I am tired of reading this narrative from ""sympathetic"" people who would never have the audacity to say this to our faces. Of course I understand that violent criminals are still people but excuse me if I refuse to apologize for them in any way, or feel any sympathy for them for ""cracking"". Save your sympathy for people that go through these things everyday and don't take it out on innocent lives. I believe certain acts take you past deserving my compassion. You guys sound like the Dylan Roof apologists on tumblr."
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As a strong agnostic i agree with you. However as a religious argument your logic is faulty. If the instructions actually came from God, they would take the future developments into account. That is actually foundational in the the Orthodox Jewish religious practice. You are supposed to find a way to apply the 600+ commandments to modern life.
[ 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
Mr. Khelek7, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational ... Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. Edit: obligatory thanks for the gold kind stranger.
[ 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 ]
Nah I think we will push to rejoin except for having to take on the Euro and Schengen with no rebate. But don't worry following in the Leavers footsteps these concessions and downsides will be your fault not ours. After all if Leavers were not such gullible fools we could have continued to have our cake and eat it in the EU. But nooooooo 'muh sovrintai n'd mooslims' means we are fucked either way; at least one of those ways gets us some revenge.
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I don't think it's because of the friendlier place you're from. I think it's because you're kind of a weird dude. Anyways just keep to yourself.
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Of course you're free to do what you like. I don't care what you do but I'll never understand this mentality. You're most likely to get hit on the lower part of your face when you crash. The kind of injuries people sustain in that area are horrendous and can require years of facial reconstruction surgery. Just imagine your jaw and teeth being smashed beyond recognition.
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
holy smokes you're going through a lot right now. i hope you have trustworthy people around you to talk to while you're feeling like this. internet hugs from a stranger
[ 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
I understand your frustration, but keep in mind, you parents and grandparents don't understand the millennial struggle. These types of conversations come up at my family gatherings, and myself and my cousins explain it to our parents ... We even managed to get my one ultra conservative uncle to move a little to the left on his conservative ...
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DIII represent! I ran for Kenyon College. I'm jealous you got to run in the NESCAC - I think its the best DIII conference in terms of ... It's interesting you say that you think my PRs get better as I go up in distance. I've always thought of myself as a pure middle distance guy and my strongest performances according to vdot are my ...
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So. He's right. Trump's right. It's just kinda tasteless to say it to a grieving widow. It's like me telling my grieving friend "Well you're 30.
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" Thank you for apologizing- all too often today we don't do that. It just happens that today's the 1 year anniversary of the Pulse club shootings in Orlando, so its a hard time for a lot of my parishioners and lots of my friends in the LGBT community. I can get a little bit defensive and protective of them. For me, it comes down to how we read and understand Scripture, and especially the letters of Paul. One of the unofficial mottoes in my denomination is that ""God is still speaking."""
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If you apply the very same logic your_best_friend have used, no, we should not. Famines are not at the core of capitalist ideology, nor are US shenanigans at the core of democracy. ([Actually, some scientists consider US not a democracy, but an oligarchy. ](http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27074746))
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Edit: rereading your comment I now see that you are probably already aware of his jacket wrestling background. He actually kind of is a sandbagger. He's really, really good at Shuai Jiao, Chinese Jacket Wrestling. He's very competitive and travels around the world to compete it in in national and international championships. It's essentially Judo, but it doesn't have newaza.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
"In your shoes, i would give her ONE more chance. Sit her down with your boyfriend, and possibly her husband. Tell her, flat out, ""Look, this is ridiculous. I'm an adult and am not going to give you my bank statements. I do not want you meddling in my financial affairs. "
[ 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1 ]
The thumbnail was a little disingenuous as it showed the right wing "patriot" militia that was there, but the article itself primarily described [the armed counter protester militia that were also there](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/08/15/us/15counterprotest1/15counterprotest1-facebookJumbo.jpg) That fact is both sides had people openly carrying guns. Not saying that makes the armed leftists at all morally equal to the right wing militias, in fact I think that's a good thing some on the left are using the right's intimidation tactics against them. But you can't demonize the right for having armed militias while ignoring that our side has them too.
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
Thank-you I very much appreciate the kind words and insights...I'll pm you my details. I like how you switch the LS output to a new index, speeds up the process for sure! I've had some of the same ideas around threat analytics (and action! ), as a windows and linux cloud hosting company we get a TON of malicious traffic. It seems with those many sources you have a lot of data that would be awesome to correlate and act on.
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I highly recommend it. It's okay if you think it's gross. I won't set out to try and make you feel as though it isn't okay. But period sex is, in my opinion, completely different from regular, non-period sex. For the female, a lot of sensations are heightened.
[ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
It's sad that you're so concerned with my sense of humor. I have trans friends too, they make jokes like this all the time, quit being such a self-entitled elitist and deal with the fact that I find something funny. How prejudice do you have to be to have feelings of angst towards someone just because they find something funny? Grow up.
[ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
First, your question presumes we have lost influence and presumes way too much. We've lost *interest*, China has gained influence, but China has also *mobilized* influence for us by default by pissing everyone else off way worse than we ever did. So the question would be influence with whom? Regardless, would we lose anything we need? Nope.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1 ]
"Does she have a job? Are you paying her living expenses? It sounds like you want her to be a part time employee without explicitly requesting it and discussing compensation. Now, if you pay her living expenses then part time work on your business might make total sense in return, but you need to make that explicit. It can't be ""I pay our rent regardless and then silently resent your lack of contribution"". "
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Don't feel bad. No way he does, first of all. Second, even if he did he did it to himself. The whole culture around you being responsible for another person's behavior is morally incorrect, in my unpopular opinion. Even if he was too drunk for consent (which is a very gray area, morally spesking) he did that too himself.
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Oh I had a woman resting on a small Rodin Bronze sculpture. I told ma'm please you can't do that. She kinda gave me ah oh you caught me and walked away.
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You! I've been looking for a place to drop that line for weeks and I ended up setting *you* up! That's alright, I'm happy for the success of others ;-)
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
How does comedy de-legitimize the topic being talked about? With that logic literally everything in stand-up is being de-legitimized. with your shitty coping mechanism Well that's a pretty fucking rude thing to say. I'm sorry that me making jokes about shitty things that's happened in my life offends you lol.
[ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Got up this morning, and that's the first place I check - so awesome! I think they woke up this morning to an epic surprise. I got a reply email to my donation from his sister, Desiree giving a very heartfelt thank you. Damn Reddit, sometimes you are just fucking epic! Almost 2,000 people have given thus far, and it just.
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 ]
Just breathtaking. Modern medicine is truly life changing. We're capable of things today that even 50 years ago we're just hushed whispers and dreams. Thank you for sharing something so intimate and personal for our education and benefit. You're a great person.
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Thank you, this really opened my eyes. Great job on a thorough analysis. On my way to go buy some merchandise! 🏃‍♀️
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Welcome /u/filenada. There are resources for you in the sidebar including our community book recommendation thread. Hope you find the resources helpful. Miss the pretence that was the Narc immensely.. Withdrawal, cognitive dissonance, and codependency will do things to your brain. It creates thought processes that are habits and it erodes your self esteem, confidence, and boundaries and even breaks down what makes you YOU.
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No way. Neither you nor anybody else is going to limit what I'm able to joke about. Whether it's dead babies or rape or the holocaust. I'm especially confused by you because the point of my statement is that rape is abhorrent. Edit: I'll also point out that your gif is from a show that jokes about rape all the time.
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This is the only advice you need, though I advise against sending pertinent emails to personal email addresses. Check your company policy first, this can get you fired by some employers. Companies are required to maintain records, like emails. Most keep them for 6-7 years. Even if not working there, in the event of a lawsuit you can access them through a subpoena.
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Essentially the markets demand a homogenized global culture to maximize the effect of advertising. Not really my area of expertise but can link you along to some resources if you'd like. interesting, never though of it this way before. please do.
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I can tell you're not gay. If you were gay you'd know conversion dust was gay outlawed in 2014 when totes stopped being cute. Conversion now happens when you are gifted anal beads with the manifesto lovingly tied to the end.
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You are just so mad my friend, you need a little happiness. Look around you. You are blessed with this chance to make tons of money. You are blessed with internet, warm food, a bed to sleep, hot water, a car to drive. Realize how lucky you are and spread the love.
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First thing you need to practice is smooth lines. It looks no good on a wall or paper to be going in with sketching strokes. What you have is a base that I would now try to refine with a cleaner outline, perhaps in sharpie considering what youve done so far. TBH i feel like one of the biggest tricks to success in sketching is knowing how to mask your mistakes
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I love that wee lassie in that program (not in a pervy way) if I ever have kids I want ... I saw the Christmas special she's grown into a beautiful young lady. Her older brother in the program is adorable too. He's become a mountain of a man. We love that program and feel like you know them as you've watched them grow.
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Okay lol, you're so right man. Because my statement doesn't apply to your specific, perfectly crafted scenario the entire claim is wrong. congratulations bud. You win
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as always i thnk you can get very good stuff, but the average quality is pretty low. and toronto certainly kicks london for great chinese food. That said, after this thread i went for chinese last night and it was really good in taste of sechuan in walthamstow.. it's certainly non-standard UK gloopfest and really good.
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"A lot of hate for ""sounding like someone else"" when they always wore their influences on their sleeves. If you think be my girl is a blatant copy of lust for life you're an obnoxious music wanker. Plus this second album was written after the Cester brothers lost their father."
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Why do people put that on FB? There are SOOOOOOO many other places to indulge in your personal life. Her mom probably sees that too. I mean shit, I don't judge ANYBODY for their preferences, but I don't need to KNOW about them. If it makes you feel any better my kids' mom posts very suggestive/risque photos to Instagram.
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Yeah buddy! Just finished laying sandbags. Trying to get everything done asap so there's plenty of time to chill tonight and enjoy some cool beer and good food once more for who knows how long. I'm about an hour away from you on the gulf coast--stay safe and good luck my friend!
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I'd tell him that he sounds like somebody trying to sell a religion, and that it's getting on your nerves. Tell him that he needs to stop proselytzing you or you're going to have to get some distance from him ... Be really strident about this. If he doesn't listen, stop responding to his texts and calls. He needs to face consequences for his rude behavior.
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The gift does as much for me as it does for you. His corneas were the first thing used after his heart. Maybe you were our recipient? I like thinking you are. And we are very honored to be able to bring you a gift of love in our worst time.
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Of course. Where did I say otherwise? And yes, he did say Trump *wasn't* under investigation but his campaign was, his campaign manager, his national security advisor, his attorney general. I'm not sure that is a better look. But whatever makes you feel better about our disgraceful administration.
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