not really overweight not looking to count calories See that is the trick though because it's actually *more* important for ... You have less error margin than an overweight person. Otherwise? I guess, if you *do* end up going out, the breakfast menu is your friend. A burger can be insanely high-calorie but three eggs and bacon can only go so high.
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"Yes, I have tried lexapro and it did slightly make me manic but not to the extent that zoloft could. Wellbutrin was horrible for me and my memory become so horrible on it that it became hard to spell words. It also made me very agitated too like you said and it had no benefit for my ADHD. For Zoloft, I always say that its the ""five-day"" drug. For me atleast, it seems that I can tell if a SSRI is gonna make me manic after five days as thats when it starts while most SSRIs that do not make me manic take 4 weeks for me to start to feel the effect."
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I don't know if it's something Nintendo genuinely wants or not, but that's why 'if' was such an important word in the comment you were replying to. Someone made the correct statement that *if* Nintendo wants Splatoon to be competitive they'll have to fix it. And in response you lashed out with 'But I don't want it!' If you want my own opinion, it's that competetive depth gives a multiplayer game staying power. Brawl might have sold well, but it's a dead game now, whereas Melee still has a thriving scene, despite being older, uglier, and requiring CRTs for tournaments.
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Proud member. You're doing the lords work my friend, thank you for all you do! !
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Just stop. You are full of shit. Boston is a VERY racist place with VERY racist fans. More so than anywhere else in the US. I represent my city and fans well and we are not racist or defensive about being racist like you.
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Honestly it makes the dynamic more fun. Than "yes Qrow we will sacrifice anyone or anything for some grand unknown cause because you say so." Like damn I'd be bummed if there was no one in the group kinda grilling Qrow
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Make sure you do it in the private browser or on your phone. Someone told me Wikipedia blocks your IP Adress for too much wrong stuff. I'm not sure though, so please correct me ASAP if wrong
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1) I think this is a bit pedantic. Sure, go ahead and call them a mass shooter if you want, but what's the real difference? The victims don't give a shit if it's politically motivated or not. Also, what's the point of being rude? The tones of our comments are very different, and I don't see the need for your hostility.
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Join Alphaethica! We'd love to have you. Our clan fits your description of what you're looking for and you fit ours. Use the link below to view our clan page and to join: https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2489753
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You basically wrote my inner monologue for this past year. Thank god I'm not the only one who felt that way! I was on night float for my last month and we do official morning reports, with legit presentations of new ... We have discussions about differentials and go over teaching points. It's really nice in the beginning of the year but by the end I just did not care.
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"Fried rice" in the US (at least the Northeast US, where I am from) typically refers to the non-plain rice ... Please note also that most of the food we Americans refer to as "Chinese Food" is American in that one ... As such, I might assume that your rice in question might be American Chinese food style fried rice. What's in that "American" rice served in Malaysia, besides rice?
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Oh my goodness that's so nice of you to say. I've just recently upped my eyeshadow game so getting a blending compliment makes me so happy. That sounds like such a beautiful look! I didn't know about Looxi before you mentioned them but wow they have beautiful colors. How do you like them?
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Thank you very much and we hope to see you there. I used the share button on The News Tribunes site, and I think the Reddit app got a little confused. But I agree posting with text is probably better. Rather than a link post with a comment that has all the stuff I posted.
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"Sources? Not even doubting you, I just love reading about my favorite show. And isn't the mantra ""Halo is canon to RvB, but RvB is not canon to Halo""?"
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i hope it eases for you, even if it won't be soon. i hear it gets better after you manage to actually teach them how to be a human being. toddlers are barely human, this is known. get therapy for you AND your wife. find a way to leave kids with family for a weekend.
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*I also am not creative in a traditional way. I would say creative in that I brainstorm out of the box, but art of any kind is not my thing. *I am extremely open with people. None of that mask/shell stuff for me. Ask me anything and you will get an honest answer and normally my life story along with it.
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Haha thanks dude! It was a one day shoot, we were having fun :) thanks for your feedback! :)
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I hated (and still hate) both nominees. There was literally no reason to be anything other than disgusted and distrustful. Both sides had hints of treason. Both sides were flaming sexists. Whether you agree or disagree, I believe that the majority of Americans agree that our choices were shitty.
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" It's not my job to convince you, believe what you will. Actually it is. You are making the accusation so you have to provide the evidence. Also, nobody of intelligence should ever say ""Not my job to teach you/educate you"". You clearly care abotu this topic, so why won't you provide evidence?"
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AimPoint pro would be my go to answer on something to trust your life too. A little heavy but built like a tank. PrimaryArms/Holosun for budget T1 style knock off optics.
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" I'd say ""securing the existence of white people and a future for white children"" is an uplifting vision. I just want you to know that my family and I took the US citizenship test in Spanish, passed, and have been part of American culture for decades even though we're not white. For decades we've contributed to society, met great people, and grew our mixed white and non-white families. We are mixed, diverse, and successful and the fact that bothers you so much is why we're happy to be here. Because our lives are our uplifting vision and you can't stop any of it. "
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Precisely my point. You believe the police are no different than a street gang. I don't. I think your perspective is immoral, dangerous, and against our own government.
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I love you and I want you to be my best friend. I am SO SICK of plus size women policing other plus sizing women. You look amazing! Pottery class is my favorite outfit-- I love your style, it's so effortless.
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"Stan Van Gundy: ""Hello Cleveland Cavaliers. This is Stan Van Gundy brother of Jeff Van Gundy. I have been informed that a player on your team, Kyrie Irving, has requested to be traded. What can we give you to make this exchange mutually beneficial for both organizations?"" Cavs: ""No."""
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So I actually have some real insights here. I worked for an Evergage and RTP competitor called Get Smart Content. RTP is garbage and people have a terrible time with deployment and they don't offer services. With personalization i think this is very important to have a dedicated csm to help manage your campaign. Honestly, evergage is pretty good from what i gather and they cost about the same as GSC.
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Indian burn on the hand and then a picture of a panda in a burned bamboo forest. If you still have an erection after those, then you need the big guns. A picture of your grandma holding a puppy that is licking a kitten, while Bambi plays in the background. And then immediately followed by a BBC documentary about the destruction of Nanjing or something narrated by Sir David Attenborough. If you still get erect, then I'm out of options.
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You dislike eating bananas. I expect you dislike engaging in gay sex too, but that's not what we're talking about. If you disliked bananas (not just eating bananas) just because, that'd be an irrational fear.
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I told you that I only wanted to have fun the last summer. And that college (and all that college includes) comes first. Long distance was not an option. It’s not my fault that you caught stronger feelings than me. I’m sorry I hurt you, but you should have listened to what I told you repeatedly.
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But all Christians, who oppose gay marriage, hate gays? If you're are a Christian who doesn't support gay marriage then you are bigoted as best i can tell. Not all Christians are prejudiced against gays, therefore not all Christians are bigoted. I never said all Christians hate gays or oppose gay marriage. Is it possible to oppose gay marriage and not hate gays?
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i was freaked out cause i created an account way back when before the app and then when i used the app i had to create an account with the same email. i loaded a gift card and when opened the app again my email didn't work. they found out that my app had a .con email instead of .com. and as a thank you they gave me a reward on my account. this is just their way of going above and beyond.
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So long as you're being respectful, we typically answer all sorts of questions. There's also an AMA from a t guy who had phallo (what your question was referring to) on there too in case you wanted to know more. Also, I am more than happy to answer any other questions you may have. (I'm a trans man)
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one of them you could definitely have a good life with I'd much rather be deaf than blind tbh. I'll still be able to read books and play videogames and browse the internet and ski and program. The only things I care about. I would miss the music tho.
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If you are still looking I am recruiting one to two people for a game on Thursday nights at 8/9pm Eastern us time. We are running tomb of annihilation and a sandbox campaign outside of the hard cover. If you are interested message me back and we talk on the discord.
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Thank you very much excuse my ranting but good God that is frustrating. My first experience with it, didn't know it was possible. WOW.
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NSA is a subordinate to the DOD. Neither concern themselves primarily with domestic matters. Maybe with international terrorism making its way here, but domestic matters belong to law enforcement. Any high ranking military official will tell you our greatest threats exist beyond our borders. Cyberwarefare is important, we should not put down our greatest weapons if only because we cannot ensure others will.
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Well done, 4ON! Keep that up! In my experience working the mindful aspect of your game really pays off.
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I want to tell you how much I appreciate the trigger warning at the head of your post. Animal stuff is a huge trigger for me, and you make me feel safe. Thank you. And sorry about your fucked up MIL.
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If you see someone getting stabbed and don't interfere, you're allowing something to happen. If you see someone dangling off a cliff and don't help them and they fall, you let them fall. If you know of someone getting raped and don't interfere, you're letting it happen.
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Fortunately for me, I won't have that problem for a long time in my career, if ever in my lifetime. But if it happened, I'll understand that this is how the world works. I am not naive. Again, with your worldview, we'd all be manual labourers and our standards of living would be terrible. Automation is inevitable.
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Yay! Nobody got killed in a crazy road rage incident. Thanks to you both for restoring my faith in humanity!
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I mean, yeah your candidate endorses sexual assault, but i'm the one with a mental illness. that's brilliant deductive reasoning there, exactly the sort i would expect from someone who endorses sexual assault. Edit 1: if i was a /r/the_Donald user i would respond to this with a paste bin full of all the lies and misinformation trump has told over the last year but i know that you probably already know about them, and when it comes down to voting trump it's not about morals, Christianity or even common decency, it comes down to a protectionist racist sentiment. Trump won because of a lie, a lie that immigration affects a country negatively. If you buy into that lie, you are already ignoring economic scientific consensus in favour of racist sentiment.
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I get that he may not want to judge his friend Why? Reacting to your friends behavior (negative or positive) is normal and how friendships are built in the first place. We want to surround ourself with people we like after all.
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P.s. Three months into my Vegan lifestyle change. I've always loved to cook and hope you'll forgive my propensity to keep posting what I'm cooking. I'm finding that the vibrant and colorful palette of ingredients and flavors is every bit as inspiring as animal based cuisine.
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" Ahh i think you misunderstand the ""safe, mutually agreed place"" concept. It is not that I do not feel responsible with a firearm when ive had a couple beers. It is that it is illegal for me to conceal and carry if i have 50% of the legal limit. So i can conceal when i got out and have a burger and a single light beer... but if i break .04 BAC while carrying I lose my permit. And usually the gun stays at home or locked in the trunk if i know that im going to have a drink or plan on it."
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Again over aggressive. Most don’t run and most chases are short lived. Our gang is bigger than your gang and we have radios. It is impossible to catch everyone period and pursuing a person for even a minor offense until they are desperate is so cowboyish as to be laughable. Human beings are not throwaways because they tangle with law enforcement.
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Charlotte swoops in and offers *Will Tucker* 6m of our MLE for however long he wants. Will, your extensive experience and shooting ability will fit perfectly with our team. You'll have the chance to make one last run at another ring. Your height and rebounding skill will also confirm that you'll have a huge role on a talented team in need of defensive skill. We are willing to negotiate.
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i am argiung that the individuality/autonomy you see is an illusion. i am not talking about circlejerks i am talk about self organization. the very existance of the cooperation and interconnectedness costs us our autonomy. the best analogy i can think of is a bird in a flock, the bird thinks he is free to fly wherever he wants but his connection to the flock gives him a very strict rule set to determine his flight path or in our case our thought-paths.
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well strategic missile defense system, nuclear subs and aircraft carrier stationed in the area. You attack us and we will destroy your strategic defense systems. Then let china clean up the mess so they can exploit NK natural resources.
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Hey, fellas, Celtic fan, I come in peace -- And also, as a sports better, i.e., I'm a lot more ... Unless I miss my guess, you don't need to worry much about the winner of the Celtics-Wiz series at all. Not now, not after the series with Toronto. (usual caveats, barring injury, etc.) But I would be very worried about the Raptors -- or anyway, I think your series with them will be ...
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I believe that once you are saved, you're saved, that's it. Scripture disagree with you, my friend. It is possible to walk away and renounce your salvation.
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Same here! My friends all listen to different genres so I'm pretty solo in this music endeavor but am enjoying it so deeply I feel so amazing ever since discovering him!! I hope my love for it stays as strong as some of you here :)
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"""Girls do whatever they want now."" We should totally go back to the days where you could negotiatie marriage with the bride's father. And she had no choice."
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I'm curious, how do you decide who's deserving medical assistance? Is there a public poll or something? I mean, one ambulance for 5 million people must be a little bit underrated.
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If she is making you feel uncomfortable, speak to one of the other medical staff. Even if what she is doing is completely normal, they should try to assign someone else to you if you ... And if it is not normal, someone needs to know.
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"I believe you believe whatever your told. When you remove the ability to question by labeling something a ""fact"" you eliminate discussion. That sounds pretty fascist to me. There are world dynamics beyond your knowledge that orchestrate how we see the world for their benefit. They want you to not question facts and believe mass media."
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Before you downvote me, hear me out. Do you truly love him or do you just wish to be a wife? Do you want him to be your spouse or do you just want a spouse? I am in no way trying to doubt your relationship, it is just some food for thought. Maybe you haven't thought of this before.
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What? Brown my nose? Oh my gosh, that's cute, you actually think you're clever!
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Hello! Can I ask why you think we are a scam? We believe in transparency so I will try my best to answer all the questions and concerns you have.
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It's not an overstep at all. You're applying the same logic people have for sex ed. You prefer abstinence only when it comes to firearms? Whether you like it or not firearms are an ingrained and ever-present part of our society. Pretending they don't exist is dangerous.
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i believe libertarianism is a system where everyone's liberty is maximized. not specific groups, religions, or donor classes. i think what you are describing is either the endorsement of institutionalized discrimination or laissez faire approaching anarchy. otherwise, how can you possibly explain that a certain group of government provided and taxpayer protected rights (such as property) are absolute while other democratically and legislatively and judicially created and validated rights (civil) are illegitimate? you seem to have concluded that there are some valid rights that exist in an absolute way, but any other rights that have come into existence in the exact same process are not legitimate.
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You really need to take your dog to a vet. It's impossible for internet strangers to tell you what's wrong with your dog based on those nonspecific behaviors. It's also illegal to give medical advice without having seen the patient. I hope your vet can determine what's wrong and that your dog is pain-free soon!
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Traffic is different on a motorcycle. I've also put 100k+ miles of track days and commuting. I ride aggressively, split/filter, wheelie and go fast. I have a perfect driving record, and no accidents. If you're not a complete idiot, riding aggressively is safer in my opinion and experience.
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They always say don't meet your heros... I disagree. As a kid the titanic was a subject of fascination to me and as such you were always somewhat of a hero to me. This story is endearing and to me; in my opinion it speaks volumes about your character. Thank you for your many contributions on mankind's eternal journey of discovery and exploration.
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This seems reasonable. You want to take your nasty shells home fine, but don't expect someone else to clean them for you. Of course it's all in the asking too. Ask, say please, be a nice person will get you far; demanding something will get you a bare minimum.
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The torque and fuel economy is nice with diesel. Plus +5 water resistance. If you're building a competition rock crawler go petrol, but for overlandy type stuff I'd lean towards diesel. However at the end of the day both can get the job done.
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Man, thanks so much! your prayer makes me so thankful for people like you and our community. MAGA, my friend, and God bless you as well! You all make me feel so thankful! It's very humbling...
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Demps: You want a physical? I can get you a physical. There are ways, D-Mo. Hell, I can get you a physical by 3 o'clock this afternoon.
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Very nice.... love the lingerie! I'd love to bury my face between those luscious thighs and tickle your clit using just my tongue. While caressing those bodacious tata's with my hands
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Not sure if you're aware but that is the root of our entire market system. Imagine if no one logged on Facebook today, or searched on Google? Imagine if no one ordered on Amazon and instead shopped at local and small business ecommerce sites. Imagine if no one bought factory farmed meat. The market is beholden to the user of it, in the age of digital economies everything is one click away from becoming irrelevant that is why Google restructured as a holding company.
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It is a a fucking weird time, when science and statistics are no longer relevant. Alright I'm with you. If you are not heterosexual then something did not develop properly in the brain. Lost me.
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" It was pretty fun to explain everything I'm imagining you really just hamming it up. ""And this is the quarter pounder. It's a playful beast, a full 4 ounces of prime ground beef topped with cheese and onions. But you ain't seen nothing yet - wait till we get to the delicious apple pies..."""
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I do not support our covert interference in other nations political processes and agree with you. But my government is predictable and unaccountable, especially our world wide intelligence network and our news is very nearly a propaganda arm for our foreign policy. Currently they want to take out Iran and if you look at the roots of the protest, there will likely be western backed NGO's involved in organization of them. As we have done in multiple countries. It is no coincidence that the protests in countries that are firmly in our pockets, but arguable worse in character, are not given media coverage or support of these same NGOs.
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That’s not even remotely what I’m saying. Maybe you should ask why we have a lack of a resources, and a lack of educators. I think what it comes down to is, as you said, a lack of caring. We don’t value teachers in society as we ought to. We champion policemen and firefighters and doctors, and pay them proportionately.
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"That's what I thought would have happened as well. I'm not sure why some people say that a Union victory might have ended the war. Perhaps it is just unjustified conjecture that not much thought went into prior to making that statement. I could see how possibly in 1861, some people (laymen without correct, intimate knowledge of what was truly going on in the minds of the southerners that were very serious about seceession - hence the reason some people rode out from Washington to picnic and watch the Union army put down the ""little rebellion"") might have looked at the Confederacy as nothing more than an unorganized insurrection that would crumble after 1 major defeat, but I believe that the benefit of hindsight and current knowledge of the Confederacy's seriousness of its desire to separate from the Union show that even had the Union won, the Civil War likely would have still been the long, drawn out, bloody affair it ended up being. Thank you for confirming my initial thoughts! "
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That's a pretty good design, but still, it could be anything at all about the contexts of the two different ... It could be an effect of Estonian long vowels for all we know. You might argue that the tense explanation makes sense, but I could argue that other explanations also make sense. For example, let's say that bilingual Estonians know that among Russians environmental policies are less popular, so they downplay their ... When talking amongst Estonians, they reveal their true opinions (according to the concept known as 'recipient design' in language).
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Y-you've uhh... been a disappointing son, Ed but your mother and I... we still love you. Now go to your room. No porn for 2 weeks.
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Eh, I thrive in the Apple Hate. These are the first BT headphones I don't hate. Plus if you live in an Apple Ecosystem the integration is wonderful. But yeah, sound quality is as good as any other BT set. They do not compare to an expensive pair of wired earphones or cans.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
The work conveys your ability, clients don't really understand design or the nuance of what we do. Sometimes they get it but mainly designers have to answer the brief in creative ways and be able to sell it. The latter is the difficult part. That's why a good case study with a solid rationale and clear story helps hold the clients hand enabling them to understand why the brand changed and the benefit. The best studios in England/Europe have exceptional work and simple logos.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
You know, I hear this a lot--people always say it's weird to adjust to being middle class or more. I feel like I'm totally the opposite lol. I grew up in a super poor setting (like third world, poop in a hole in the ground, group bath ... It is remarkable how quickly I have come to take things for granted and rely on them. I legit worked as a kindergartener for school supplies, walked 6 miles to school every day.
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Okay Poor wording on my part. You can pull them and use them as bare drives. but from my understanding you still need to keep the original enclosure to service it. Plus if you look at newer posts in regards to the shucked ones, theres a chance you need to mod your sata cable or use molex for it to function properly. As stated earlier, people are free to make offers, but my prices are based off what a bare drive goes for.
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It was a blatant case of asking leading questions designed to persuade people to go out and vote. They were exactly the kind of leading questions that unpaid volunteer canvassers ask voters during an election. The point is the moment you pay people to canvass you compromise the integrity of our democratic system. I would say it is both morally and legally indefensible.
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CNN went around threatening the guy in order to stop him from producing non-racist memes they don't like. They are shutting him up with threats. So, in other words, they're telling him to quit being racist or we'll tell people you're racist. Good for you. And other people think that highs-school teachers watching teen BDSM porn is morally reprehensible.
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lol why? you want some big man love i'd rather not make you horny. have a nice day tiny.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
" In my experience, religious communities can be more open to environmentalism than you would think. In Genesis, ""take care of the garden"" is one of the first 3 commandments given and there's a large ""Christian stewardship"" movement. Christianity Today, one of the mouthpieces of the religious right, generally endorses a ""green Christian"" viewpoint on environmental issues."
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As a musician, I get not being able to clearly hear the music through your stage monitor or ear piece. It happens from time to time. And it's terrible. You find the best place on stage to hear something and you give it your best shot. You're being paid to perform.
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Part of what we need versioned correctly in the drivers is Direct Mode and HMD detection. Without it we may have no way of knowing with perfect reliability which GPU you're going to use. Sure, if we find the Rift on a current driver but the other GPU's driver is out of date, we could proceed. Making this work consistently among several components and drivers is far more complicated than just enforcing all GPU drivers to be up to date. Heterogeneous discrete GPUs is rare enough we decided full driver enforcement is the more easily maintained path.
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" Then God help us if you read my wife's diary talking about how often she molest her husband. More information has been revealed by OP since my initial post, but don't be an idiot. There is no twisting needed, learn to English, ""molest"" means more than one thing."
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sorry haha, i call everyone man! ladies and dudes alike! but yea i'd totally love that, and am 10x more comfortable knowing you's a chickadee.
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I have three that tell me a lot about a girl. They are specific to my preferences, and you should come up with some that fit you. I'm not listening specifically for the words she answers with, but more about how she answers these questions. 1. What do you like to nerd out about?
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It's a parallel drawn to your terrorism assertion. I find it a fair analog, don't you? Also, thanks for drawing my attention to the edit, quite moral of you. In response, I'd say any amount of deaths are important. 50 in the Orlando nightclub is quite a large number imo, and in the opinion of most.
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Aye, since when was Stephen Hawking an authority on the NHS? Since we decided that if you excel in a narrow field, you're an authority on anything and everything. You're either a universal genius or a mouth breather. Makes everything simpler.
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Very very condensed version is that he got laid off from his job and wasn't able(willing) to find another one. After 6 months of supporting him and paying for everything while he laid in bed I finally had enough when ... I told him no and that he needed to get out of my house. He pulls out a knife and points it at me and says 'no you get out'. Lol ok.
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Is Skyrim worth playing? Edit: wow never had so many replies! Thank you so much, adding another game to my steam wish list!
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I'm not trying to be rude, but what is the best follow up if someone tells me this kind of ... I wouldn't have actually said what you mentioned, but I wouldn't have known what to say. I've read books about autism (biographies and other non-fiction, as well as some fictional) and it'd be interesting to discuss ... The fact that someone is autistic doesn't bother me (I don't see why it should, there's no reason to pity ...
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I owned an M M M10 and sold it to my cousin. Great rifle, never really had any awful issues. One thing I would like to point out is that the sight's were not only straight, but you won't run into some issues with canted sights like you would on some WASR's since the front sight post is integrated into the gas tube, comparable almost to the design of the M4 F marked sight. In my opinion, you shouldn't experience the canted sight issue that some WASR's have dealt with. I highly recommend installing their MRL kit if you want to utilize Pmags.
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I mean technically if you are giving paid speeches as a politician it is literally the definition of corruption. She could only give those speeches because she 'retired' from politics. If she had been publicly planning to run getting paid for those speeches would have been corruption. It only wasn't technically corruption because she 'decided' to run for President after getting paid. If you think Hillary is corrupt or not, giving those speeches with the Presidency on the line is just bad ...
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I love when things line up perfectly, like objects that fit really well that weren't meant to. I love when my cat sits in her little cat tree. And I love when the sun hits you just right on a cold day and you get warm briefly.
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This isn't a rule change, it's a rule clarification to be perfectly fair. We've always tried to act under this guidance, this just calls it out more explicitly. As it is, we're discussing it internally and then will likely bring it up for discussion with the subreddit, as clearly there's a lot of passionate opinions on both sides. I appreciate your input, and we definitely want to hear everyone's opinions on the matter. Personally I can see both sides, and my thoughts on the matter are conflicted.
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I have nothing against trannies so long as they are respectful. I treat everyone the way they deserve to be treated based on their own behavior- which is why I treat you like the miserable piece of shit that you are. Look around at some of the respectful comments and you will clearly see my respectful answers. The only hate and vitriol is the what's dwelling in your psychopathetic mind and serial killer heart. Fuck off you vile scum.
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I wish I could provide it myself. All I have are words, my mind, and a burning, loving desire to provide a path to a different kind of healing; the kind of healing that I speak of which I found for myself, though many have come before me. And for that, you have my gratitude. Knowing that the less we have, the more valuable the gifts we give.
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