I agree with you, but at the same time, we have done a number on communism. Or it just collapsed on itself. Whichever.
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So you're a kiddo. I am a grown ass man who owns a house. Lol Meet me in the real world and tell me about how chicken shit tickets are liberty You realize only ... Right? Im sorry you got a seatbelt ticket, I really am, but seatbelt tickets save lives.
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" To be clear, though, we have different content styles, which may change your audience's duration preference. 10min works well for A Friend, Alkan, Soup, etc, but not for me. I remember receiving comments about how my 30min+ videos were way too long, but my own experience shows that duration has little impact on my own analytics. Just wanted to say that ""content is king, duration hardly matters,"" more or less."
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Anddddddd we all get a pony, cancer will be cured, everyone gets free plastic surgery to be beautiful and no one ages over the age of 27. Dude you have just singlehandedly figured out the solution to all our socioeconomic situations. Do you mind if I submit your name for the Nobel prize? How many years of study in the subject led you to such insightful conclusions?
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In my experience the best way to get your salary up is to find a new job. Keep looking. I feel like this is a thing that your current company likely won't remedy, and at least for me it would make me resentful to know that I'm getting paid less than the people I manage.
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You are a 19 year old whose studies have not gotten into anything advanced. My son, you haven't had the joys of even basic econometrics and our techniques yet. Macroeconomic forecasting has improved much like weather forecasting, we have very good forecasts a few quarters out, other than that, too many variables. But please, proceed. --An economist.
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We love freedom but we will crush you for not advertising on Hannity. You're free to do whatever the hell we tell you to do or MEME WAR! Yay! MAGA! /s
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Relax. Take it easy. Email your teachers and tell them this, they will 100% understand guaranteed. Sending love your way my friend 333
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538's predictions were far better. But, like a stereotypical Trump supporter devoid of any attempts to actually get at the truth, you've decided to pick and choose your facts to fuel your hate filled anti-american narratives. Reality is waiting for you when you decided to stop fucking around and come back to the world of the sane. In the mean time, thank you for reconfirming my stereotypes and beliefs about Trump supporters
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"Being able to bounce back from failure is a positive quality. Depending on your background and the specific context, I'd share in a sentence that it was involuntary. Don't try to make it sound too melodramatic or go into too many details. If you worked for a while for the employer, but just had a bad experience at the end, I'd stress ... If you hadn't worked there very long, I'd just say, ""I wasn't a good fit for that organization"" or ""it ..."
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I'm going to go against the grain and disagree with the other two posters. I think it is very important to say thank you to each guest/table. Most of the weddings I've been do the bride and groom do this. Not necessarily a meaningful interaction between every single person but the bride and groom came to my table and thanked ... The few times this didn't happen made it seem like they invited people for the sake of having more people ...
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Thank you for the support my friend! I enjoy being different . Oh what?!? No way it couldn't be! You must be blind as I am I guess!
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In the real world? I think you are confusing my meaning with political opposition. China remains a one party state, but within the party there are factions and competition for the main position. That is who Xi is dealing with right now, and why he seems to be preparing to enter the meet from a position of strength.
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You're putting a lot of assumptions into my having not thought about this before today. I actually have very open communication with my SO about sexuality and we talk a lot about desires/turnoffs/etc. I also have a wide spectrum of LGBTQ in my family so I've had most of my life to be ... It's not about getting my Good Liberal sticker.
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I'm no fan of welfare -- no doubt neither are you. Just want to voice some support for all the people on public assistance who'll read this and feel hurt. I'm a huge fan of having a safety need for people who need it.
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I don't think the twitter following in your first example is weird at all. I can see getting emotionally invested in strangers that you heard of through an internet celebrity or event, and that's ... The other stuff is taking it much further than I'd ever go, but it sounds like she's not doing anything ... She doesn't seem to be lying to them, or anything, just putting together clues that they've freely shared. I can get why it seems a bit bizarre or overreaching, but I don't think there's anything wrong with it.
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Hey i'm always here to help others, i think with youtube being so competitive it's good to help each other out especially as smaller youtubers! If you ever have a moment I'd actually love some of your thoughts on my comedy channel! You seem very honest
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yesterdays game was a hell of a lot of fun. And I don't just mean listening to the game, but talking to some of you guys here was really great. There's sorta a stereotype that Dodgers fans are ass holes, but when we get chatting in a game day thread ... We all have that in common, and 99% of you are really cool people. Anyways, the reason I'm talking to you now.
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gahh this came out adorably!! i love your array of expressions here. fantastic work!
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Question for you: does he say these things to his boss? To police officers? Because if not, he totally can control his tone when he doesn't want to be fired or arrested. What he says is not what he means. What he means is 'There are no consequences which matter to me when I say abusive things to you'.
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Stuff like that really depends on your own preference and whatnot, like i absolutely love the game. The themes resonate with me and i very rarely feel like that happens. However everyone simply has their own feelings on games and what they enjoy in one, so i can't blame anyone for not liking a game as long as they're not being a shit about it
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Yes, 97% of climate scientists and every national scientific academy on the planet are all in a giant conspiracy. I wonder if you people even listen to yourselves sometimes. environmental chemist Appeal to your own authority much? Climate science is not your field.
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If by 'fucking glorious' you mean 'fucking duplicitous', yes I see what you mean. That website was designed to address and dispel those specific concerns about Corbyn - framing it to sound like it ... All the while avoiding answering any questions... Despicable.
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I think that's definitely possible, but imagine it was something else, like your kid wanted to be a singer. Say you'd always shit on it and treated it like a joke, and that you were disdainful towards your kid ... Then, suddenly you see them in the finale on American Idol, they're singing their heart out, America loves them, the ... It probably makes you reevaluate. I personally don't think there's anything wrong with a parent encouraging a kid to try to play it a little ...
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It's something that is highly sacred that not everyone in that culture gets to just wear In this case, cultural 'appropriation' is doing society a favor by breaking down stupid rules that conflate status with clothing. flaunting something as a new hip trend I need to stress this point: This is what we **do** in a free and open society. In the west, memes are allowed to compete. Only in repressive societies do you place harsh restrictions on what memes we can exchange or adopt. We don't want to live in a culture like that.
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People living in poverty shouldn't have children but they do. While our economic system has it's flaws you can't just ignore irrational human behavior. Poor people tend to graduate high school at lower rates and have more children and at earlier ages. There is a cultural aspect that doesn't get discussed enough where this type of behavior is permitted and even expected in some communities. Changing these cultural norms would be a far more effective way of reducing poverty than raising the minimum wage.
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Share. Cook all that beautiful food and share it so that your portions are smaller. I also love cooking, baking, and all things decadent when it comes to food, but as long as I keep ... If you find your ideal deficit and stick to it, it doesn't matter what you eat, just how much. If you cannot share your lovely meals, portion them out into meal prep containers.
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You are a seriously wonderful human being, and you've helped uphold my faith in humanity. I am sorry for your loss, and thank you for being a friend to the poor kiddo and recognizing his effort. You may have been one of the few to do so, and I'm sure that made it that much more special to him. May your road be ever smooth and your companions true.
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You sound like you're wearing the wrong bra size. That's similar to my size and I have none of the issues you mention. Check out r/ABraThatFits/ :)
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Please do! My dad does it and sometimes without water and it's like ummm can you not?! It's so dangerous taking more than once
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Yes. I know. But you were rebutting my first point by stating the abuse would be premeditated. But I wasn't talking about premeditated acts. I was talking about opportunistic acts.
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I respect that level of honestly quite a bit. I might not be either. So you're probably right that my lack of experience is what makes me so comfortable.
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Oh crap, didn't even notice that bit, my bad XD [This](http://mod-minecraft.net/powercrystals-core/) is where I downloaded PowerCrystals. I searched MFR 1.6.4 and saw it needed Power Crystals, so I followed the link provided and came to this page :) EDIT: Found the two files on Curse Forge and added them to my game. Works like a charm now :D Thanks very much for your help and sorry about all my noob questions XD
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Yup. Actually, if the BTA drops, I think you can still add for the other BTAs. This is probably not well known I guess. For example, if I bought in at $1 when BTA is at $4.50, I can add $3.51 at any time, ...
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Oh my god. After all this woman's done her family still thinks it's okay for her to see your kids so they don't ... Glad they care so much for your daughter and son's wellbeing. Jesus. Keep strong.
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As ImperiumForever has said you can basically do as you like my Black Templar Marshall has a Wolf from the space wolves box on his Base with him. Not cause there's rules for that but because it looks cool. http://i.imgur.com/vKm89US.jpg Have fun with the hobby and make the minis yours
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Nah, your feeling aren't correct. I've never been in the military, but I'm telling you I'm right. You have to be offended by colored foosball players doing absolutely nothing disrespectful because I'm offended. If I'm offended, you have to be too. Because my irrational feelings trump yours.
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Hope you enjoy having an exceptionally vocal and dog-like cat - I certainly love my Maine Coon! My friends often carry on lengthy conversations with her. They are special indeed.
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I have been, to my knowledge and intent, arguing in absolute good faith with you. But you assume malice on me. Honestly, it's just sad.
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Doesn't it suck? Like I was the only kid in the gifted classes that got in trouble and had a better ACT score than 3 of the top 5 in my graduating class but didn't even finish with honors. I have ADHD, an addictive personality, and high testosterone levels. You would never know I had a genius IQ if you looked at my overall GPA and criminal history. It really fucking sucks.
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I respect you and I respect your choices. I know you've been treated in a shabby way and I'm sorry you were so profoundly let down. I have no uplifting message or plea, because I get it, chronic pain is...I get it. I just hope you get some kinda Hail Mary awesome twist ending, my friend. Something that spares you and frees you up to live in peace.
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man packers fans are slamming you with the d votes. Julio, AB, AJ Green, OBJ tier 1. tier 2 is like Jordy, Mike Evans, TY Hilton, Dez, Cooper. I think Dez would normally be T1 but with Prescott he's T2 and Jordy is closer to T1 than the ...
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The first letter is just a notification about the value of your property. Future city tax payments will be based on that value. The second letter is a sewage bill that you need to pay.
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Actually I ignored your authority arguments because, well, we are on the internet. As far as either of us knows, we are arguing with a 16-year old drop out with Wikipedia in front of him, so it's kind of a waste of time to tout credentials. But I can see how when you are losing an argument, it is convenient to try and salvage dignity by saying you're an expert. You're still wrong.
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I read something along these lines in one of my biology books way back when. Most groups/communities eventually become some kind of separate phenotype or end up holding unique genetic markers. This is especially true in previous centuries because of less travel and mixing of races. with religion i would assume Jews are an even better example of what you are describing about Mormons. more than just a religion and culture, it can eventually becomes pretty genetically unique.
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You are focusing on the wrong things. When you look at these other women you are expecting them to be the same person as your ex. And that's not fair to them and it's not fair to you. I feel you need to take a step back and realize that no one will be the same as your ex. But what you will build our new relationships and new stronger feelings for other people.
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"Your discussion in the comments section sounds a little like metempsychosis. Plato was interested in the kind of epistemological void you mentioned. But what about the vague ambiguities of your own mnemonic existence at the penumbra of your ability to form memories in early childhood? There's a similar vein of thinking in Benj Hellie's ""vertiginous question"". The end to my subjective experience is the presence of the implication of another's: namely yours. "
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I'm a manager, and I live by this rule. I can't help you learn if you don't ask questions. It's perfectly fine to say you don't know how to do something. I'd rather spend 20 minutes explaining something to you than spend 5 hours fixing a mistake because you were too ...
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The NSA are the ones who would be spying on Americans, if they did do that. https://thecitizenng.com/cia-unveils-new-rules-for-spying-on-us-citizens/ You are so uninformed as to make my continuing this conversation effectively being a volunteer tutor for you. My time is worth more than that.
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Why? Isn't his show award winning? I loved him from mock the week and his podcast show before he left cause you know.
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I don't think Buffet is implying holders should literally never liquidate. I think he is suggesting that you should hold for long enough to make sentiment-driven market fluctuations meaningless. In terms of markets generally, prices always rise over the course of decades. There are only a handful of times in the history of the stock markets when an index fund was worth ... The markets have never been lower 15 years after an investment.
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you really can't base your type off of one specific trait about yourself. i suggest going through a few different type descriptions and choosing the one that you feel emcompasses you. look mainly at basic fear and basic desire :)
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Thank you, i was almost in tears. I still have a ways to go, but 1lb at a time. My only advice i can give is: Drink plenty of water Track your macros Vitamins Plenty of sleep Bacon is your friend Lots of good fat Don’t weigh yourself every week. Have patience
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Good for you! On so many levels. And thanks again for your encouragement to not regret my decision to say something to them too early.
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Of course he fails to mention his team hasn't played any top tier offenses this whole season. Beef jukie will eat you alive bitch Good shit man, love me some comprehensive analysis. I think Ima do a power ranking over the weekend. Also, we aren't one of, we are the best offense this season by a mile 🌚🌚
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No. If you can understand me having faith in the people originally writing them (i.e. I believe that those people were guided by God to write them), is it not equally reasonable to assume that God also guided the men who compiled certain ones together?
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No. I mean I've watched the entire thing twice and that line means very little to me. The premise for the entire story is set almost immediately as well. Please watch it and report back so I can relive it through your eyes lol.
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how are you telling me to calm down, you called me a fuckin retard when i wanted to know what you mean. i'm just amused at your outrageous response. only thing close to describing it is "urban sounding and synth oriented" but you can't even prove he said that. "synths and sugary pop" doesn't say much, and it especially doesn't say it's going to be bad, nor does "straight up pop" mean anything if you can't be more descriptive. as i said, white, green, and raditude are all "straight up pop" yet very different.
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I'm sorry, are you high? You're reading a *hell* of a lot about what is being said and what comes after into this. When I am both surprised and fall over like that, I'll get up looking for someone to blame as well. It looks to me like he immediately calms down after he gets up, which is why he steps away towards ... It looks to me like his body language is saying 'what the hell are you doing man'.
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If you have to pay for a service it is not a right, but a privilege. "Free" Healthcare is not free. Someone is paying for it. Too many people don't understand what "rights" are.
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And, TBH, I'd rather argue and debate with social democrats than anyone to the right of them. We at least have *some* things in common. To be realistic, any action that benefits the working class should be lauded, even if it is remaining within capitalistic ... Otherwise, you'd be cutting off your nose to spite your face. They people who often need socialism the most often don't give a shit about politics because they're trying to survive ...
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Yet another straight guy here. Same age as you as well, but close to two of you if we compare weight. You look phenomenal. I wish I had the willpower to get myself down to 270, much less 195. Be proud of what you've got bro.
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Don't freak out. Write every day as you do your research. Every day, summarize what you read and how it pertains to your topic. Every day write what you did and how it pertains to your topic. When it comes down to putting it all together into a paper, go through those writings and more or less ...
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If you're looking for grooves using 5+ string bass, neo soul is where you need to start. Erykah Badu's album, "Mama's Gun" starts off with an amazing groove in "Penitentiary Philosophy" with Pino Palladino on 6 string ... The verse groove spans 5 strings in 16th note rhythms and is just so awesome! I'd also recommend listening to some Jill Scott. Her live album, "Experience 826+" has some incredible playing on it and I'd say is another great place to start ...
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What your not taking into account is the effect our presence in the middle East has. How would you feel if your country was invadex. Would you sit back and take it or pick up arms? What's so hard to understand. War is NOT the answer!
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If I were you I would spend a little time looking into sustainable and fair trade companies. There are some great clothing stores out there that sell long lasting or recycled clothes that don't harm the environment ... Often times too, these clothes last much longer than something you could get at H M. It's not that hard to ...
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" time. Scientifically speaking, humans don't really ""remember"" things. We encode what we perceive, and while you might consider that a semantic distinction, it isn't. I was told once, that it's like we as humans don't remember the memory, we remember the last time we remembered it. So if we forget something once, it might be gone forever."
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Only if we accept the premise that what you think and what you do/say carry equal weight. I think that’s a ridiculous premise. The person who hates Jeff but does Jeff the courtesy of treating him kindly is absolutely nicer than the person who hates Jeff and regularly tells him that. No idea how you can honestly think otherwise.
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A little late to this, but in case you're still answering at some point: what's with the end of Titan? Seems odd to me that only the 2 main characters are revived. I somewhat understand wanting to keep the human viewpoint and I guess a sense of hope for human survival, but after the long, dark slog through the rest of the novel, just seemed awkward to me. Really enjoyed your Manifold series, some of my favorite "hard sci-fi" books. Thanks!
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I'm not too certain what you describe was stolen is enough to fraudulently impersonate you. I think the police report is the right step, but after that, there's not much to do. You might create an account on credit karma and check it once a month to see if there's any activity ...
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This one is tough as we don't know the entirety of your family situation, relationship, etc. I think a lot of it depends on how much money you have already sunk into DragonCon. If you have already paid for your badge, hotel deposit, and possibly travel arrangements, then it is unreasonable for your family to expect you to throw away potentially up to a grand to go to a holiday wedding. As others have stated, holiday weddings are pretty tacky. If you have only paid for a badge then it's a little fuzzier.
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I understand how our government works very well, thank you. I asked a simple question, so why ignore it and go off on some tangent? Also, your “concrete examples” are nothing more than personal anecdotes. And I understand the shape the ACA is in right now, but you also need to understand how it got to it’s current state. Although there are many people I could blame for it, do you know who I blame the most (at least up until Jan ‘17)?
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Am I wrong that you'd rather read Breitbart than anything else? Yeah, I prefer your mom's erotic love letters to my non-family member, though Breitbart's a close second. Just kidding, I think I've only ever clicked on Breitbart like once or twice. Hitler used propaganda, "fake news" is an excuse Just different words - you used Trump's fake news bias as an argument for his poor orator skills, I just said apparently that didn't take anything away from Hitler's.
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Aw, thanks so much! We really want to make this an amazing experience for both the students organizing the event, and the teams coming on campus for the invitational. I hope that we can live up to the vision that you share with us! Please spread the word if you can!
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Fair argument. And you're right, we can agree to disagree. Cheers for the links and the peaceful convo!
[ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
"This is fascinating. I'm 18 minutes in and glued to my phone. ""His dick looks like corn on the cob"", you can't write this stuff. Thank you for this unexpected development in my evening "
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But is the potential for maybe getting some closure, closure that most people either get form getting a conviction or won't get at all because nothing unmakes the crime happen with the potentially killing of innocent people. At least with life in prison there's the potential to exonerate an innocent man. We don't currently possess a perfect justice system that ever really knows for sure it's right in its convictions, innocent men go away all the time. But beyond even that our justice system dosent exist to exact revenge or make you feel better. It exists to make akciatey safer for everyone and to keep what has happened to you from happening to anyone else.
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"i'm sorry i moved on to my country france becoming part of the EU Which has only a 30% bigger GDP than the USA. That's after the NYC and California trip of course. SO i guess i'll stick with my redistribution-and-housing-everyone ideas thank you very much. PS : Somalia was a communist eastern europe-like republic where everyone was housed and fed till reagan bombed the country to shit to bring it libertarian capitalism by force and people started dying from hunger and the elements in the 5 figs yearly. So yes, i think the libertarians are simply thugs and gangsters who yell that ""might makes right is the real world, it is now my property by law !"""
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I adore you guys...probably to the point of annoying my friends and family. So needless to say, I've frozen up now. Either way, what's your favourite lyric or song you've written?
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Let's say the jackpot is on the green tiles and all the other junk is on the other tiles. You spin the wheel and the ball moves around. Whatever the ball lands on is whatever prize you get. Many people go to the wheel to see what they win.
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Yeah. I'll be the first to own up to the fact the Thematic Consultants have been asleep at the wheel for a bit. After 9 years of working on a project for free, it doesn't ping as highly on the priority list. And while we're extremely proud of our artists' track records of moving on to bigger and better projects after wrapping a Dresden volume, the fact we have to re-teach each new artist about all the character and universe details is exhausting. Still, apologies for my part in your frustration.
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You're overthinking this. I'm laughing, because you sound exactly like my husband. "I like this guy, so I can't like that guy." I have to have a #1 driver, and a back-up favorite driver." "What if I pick this guy and he doesn't pan out?"
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Unless you want to be a practicing physician, it might be better to simply collaborate with a diagnostician and go the straight PhD route. The problem with an MD/PhD is that the PhD typically gets rushed, and you don't come out the other end with the same research skills as a pure PhD. This is particularly true if you want to become an AI expert, when there are a solid 2-3 years of graduate coursework to be completed to bring you up to speed on AI and machine learning, especially given it sounds as though you won't be taking any of the mathematically rigorous AI/ML coursework in undergrad. With the typical 4 year cap on the PhD portion of an MD/PhD, you end up shortchanging your knowledge or your research experience. In any case, the core of my advice was that you should acquire a solid background in mathematics.
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"Lmao I never said locker rooms are a utopia? I remember a couple times where dudes said creepy shit in the locker room and it gets weird quick. Trump's comments were definitely not traditional ""fuck she's got a great ass"" comments. It's almost as though there's roughly 15M people playing rec sports in the US and most people aren't creepy motherfuckers. If you found those comments normal in the locker room, you were probably the creepy fucker we all clowned "
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I'm sure my description of what someone experiences under the influence of LSD seems obscure to you. You sound like a complete fucking square. But at least acknowledge you're arguing from a point of ignorance. apparently the republican party has always been full of neo-cons Thats implicated no where in any of my responses. However unfortunately for you, the president, congress and those on tv shows who support and defend the aforementioned do believe those things.
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Completely sums up my opinion. Because I don't speak Japanese, and as such don't associate with the characters as much as I would were they ... It's like going to a circus. Sure you get high flying, amazing wrestling, but as an outsider I don't massively buy into the stories. It to me doesn't feel like anything more than a dance routine, especially (for example) the Ricochet - Ospreay style ...
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You can charge up shots for absurd damage (and hold the charge across rooms so you always open with a ... It also works *really* well with Tammy's Head, too, which fires out shots at your current charge level. Charge it up to full, and you've got 8 high-damage, full-charge shots.
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I think that statements like this are so demonstrably stupid that they should disqualify you from being an MP.
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SPEAK. Don't be afraid to be honest about how much bullshit you see this is why i don't have friends. It's either i'm too bold and straight forward or don't talk enough. I shop at farmers markets for veggies,meats still plugged in however.
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See, I don't have that same pet peeve, and I think you're a peasant for having it. God, you're so dumb. Good thing my education and upraising has allowed me to hold these superior views to your shitty outlook
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Just wanted to say that while this is a very commercial event, RedBull should be complimented for their excellent online ... The fact that they have interspersed the women's rounds with the men's is perfect. Pro road cycling broadcasters could learn a thing or two here. I'm older than most of you here, but I think this is a really fun event. Anyone who can't see what a great, light hearted idea it is needs to get outside more.
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I think you're missing the point, someone asking if you're high is just pointing out that they know you're high. It's much more friendly than saying "I know you're high." It's contextual - I doubt at a party anyone would go about asking people if they're high or drunk, but ...
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Thank you very much for taking the time to read my post and write a very thoughtful response. I was very apprehensive to say the least when I first saw it, and after reading about how there are a number of counterfeit 1943 copper pennies in circulation, I was fairly certain that I was not in possession of an authentic 1943 copper penny. Nevertheless, I want to thank those who wrote suggestions on what I should do. I will post pics of the rest of my collection in case anyone is interested. I have a bunch of Liberty coins from the 1800's, as well as some coins from around the world.
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It's the same with the socialists though. There are those who want to dramatically increase the income tax and have the government own most industries. I can at least understand the more extreme versions of the opposing side when it's Libertarianism. I may not agree with you at all, but I understand the philosophy.
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That's what you get for name brand, in my experience. Our Juniper brand 40km single mode SFP's MSRP was $10,000, sold at $2,000. The cheaper ones do fail more often but you can buy a whole buttload of em and they still come with warranties. Just depends on your use case. We are financial so if we have a outage or blip cause of a failed SFP no one wants to get fired for buying off brand stuff.
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Most people are regular people, by definition. Doesn't mean they aren't also capable of being terrible. I guess you're only willing to split hairs when it comes to excusing terrible people who do terrible things though.
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interesting. TIL that 'convicted' when used in this context means seeing the loathsomeness of sin. i thought you were meaning conflicted as in having mixed feelings. apologies for my incorrect correction. but knowing this new definition, i think your relationship as you knew it is over.
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Because there is no way that will end badly. Edit; quick search through /u/EuthanizeRacists confirmed my suspicion. Bitches about racism but you have gems like this in his history People agree with me. Your white skin needs to go extinct to end white superiority
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I would hate to think that all three of you could have died. Water can be unforgiving. Thank God this wasn't a rushing river, or the ocean. I hope this serves as a warning to people, to always have a safety plan and someone watching the water ... People die every day, unexpectedly, assuming they're a good enough swimmer to do something stupid.
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So automation has as much effect on your job importance as theirs. Great. So you both deserve a wage that allows you to survive in our current economic climate. Great. I dont think it matters who you vote for, you still deserve to not have to starve, even if your job can be automated.
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