i guess if you enjoy watching hysterical women cry about the election and clowns for 40 ish mins. to me it seemed lazy and honestly cringy. i will keep tuning in to see if it goes a new way tho
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Do you not think that racism exists? Sure, you are saying that we should live this way. But you seem to forget that we are living in a totally different way. Yes things would be all be better we racism was a thing of the past. But, we don't live in the past.
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Not physics or engineering per say, but try learning some linear algebra. Its all about the study of vectors, which I'm sure you know are very important in math and physics. There's also not very much background knowledge required, save for maybe a few examples from calculus that are useful, but ...
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Hi I'm from the UK and am going into my second year studying Psychology so maybe I can help a bit. Biology is a good A level to have, but you don't need it (unless the University you're applying to requires you to have studied a science that isn't Psychology). Like you, I also really enjoy history and my university degree choice was between History and Psychology. I always had a stronger career preference for Psychology though. For A levels I took English, History, and Psychology.
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Ahh, thank you for putting words into my mouth. You are so level-headed and reasonable! You are truly just like a Trump supporter!
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Concentrate on enjoy your process of why you love photography. Forget social media, it sucks the fun out of what you love, in my opinion. I went through this phase over the last year. I quick facebook altogether, deleted my website and concentrated on enjoy taking pictures and editing them. The ones I really love, I print and put in my own album.
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It makes me feel great about myself when you guys voice such pleasant opinions regarding my presence here. Thank y'all. It's like I haven't made a bad choice with all these hours wasted and records/tapes hanging out on my shelves displays.
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Minnesota offers Robert Castillo (64) Scholarship (1/8) Hey Robert. I am EastBeast, the coach of the Minnesota Golden Gophers. I think we could really use a Foward Center like yourself. Your skill set fits the talent need we have at the position and if you go to our school I can guarantee you a shot at the starting 5. Our school is a great one, and I also think you will love our great fanbase here.
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Go for it if you want to. I personally think that social housing is archaic and backwards, and much prefer systems like a simple housing credit. But if you want to gather likeminded people and try to make social housing work, be my guest.
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It's always seemed really manipulative, because it's always coincidentally what that person wants me to do. I lost a child to stillbirth. That is not even in the same universe of trauma from losing a living child, but it is a trauma ... It's been 8 years, so it doesn't happen much anymore, but at the time of his loss and for the ... Like you, I got it often enough that I learned to just not talk about it ever.
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how on earth is this a top level comment in this sub? you counter my anecdotal experience with your own. I want to see research. Edit: since I'm being downvoted allow me to copy/paste the relevant rules for this sub: All claims in top level comments must be supported by citations to relevant social science sources. No lay speculation.
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I hope you don't take my criticism too harshly. Great, in depth article calling out a company for at the very least questionably ethical practices. And great follow up calling out the many lazy and/or ignorant reporters out there. Keep up the good work 👍
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Hey! We're practically neighbors! I do lift. It's my passion :) Maybe I'll see you around! though I'm not sure if I'll be going to the Y, Princeton Club is right out my back door, but we'll see what gym I find I like the best.
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Not 100% sure, but lethal in this case could totally mean stillborn or aborted. But my interpretation is that you are correct and they're all heterozygotes. The caveat with that is, of course, that mendelian genetics is starting to fail in adequately describing what we observe in nature. Off the top of my head, I want to say that epigentic factors have more influence than genetic ones, based on recent studies. I would look but I have class in 10 minutes ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯
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I haven't actually seen a chiropractor in a long time. Every actual doctor I see says they see no issue, however I know how badly I am hurting. In my experience doctors don't listen to their patience and just give you the run around. That's why I am at a loss because I really don't want to go through a long drawn out process where they refuse to send me to specialists. My insurance won't cover it unless a doctor makes an appointment with them.
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ITT: lonely homeless guy who eats from dumpsters cries because he isn't in a loving relationship.. Jesus, dude. Just accept that our marriage isn't confined by your preconceived notion of what others can achieve. You admit that it's possible for two people to have an amazing, incredible, conflict-free marriage. But your anger and jealousy has you now making the preposterous assertion that it just can't be us. You're completely embarrassing yourself, man.
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I don't think anyone is is *offended* when you talk about privilege. They just take a mental note that you're delusional and derailed and anything that comes out of your mouth will ... Also. I swear to fucking god I will gift my car to someone who can *EXPLAIN* and *provide concrete evidence* of ... Like, actual facts based on fucking pedias.
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"This needs to be higher up. First thing i thought when i read this was. ""Dude you've already fucked up"". I just find the whole notion of ""getting wet"" hilariously dumb. EDIT: i love how all you guys are assuming i'm a woman. "
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I mean his advice is just situational and in a lot of cases will just make your life harder. I work in glass and when I'm trying to achieve a new shape or sell a new thing I make, ... That's how you get the help you need and an idea of what is actually wanted instead of what you ... How will you know if someone has good advice for you unless you talk about the results you want? Also it's good to vent your frustrations to someone instead of letting it get to you so much.
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Hi Dave I wanted to ask about your inconsistencies 1. You complain about the left's anti free speech tendencies rightly, but ignore anything and everything the right does. You didn't say a single thing about Greg Gianforte assaulting a reporter for asking a question about healthcare, but spent ... We have a man who thinks it's ok to assault people for asking difficult questions making laws and you don't ... You also don't seem to care about anti free speech laws republicans pass.
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Legit reply: you look so handsome, that I'm unsure if you're trolling. And some commenters who say you're ugly are *for sure* trolling. You look model tier handsome, but it's possible low self esteem made you doubt everything.
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How did this get 200 upvotes? It sounds cliche and fake. If your ex knows who she is then why did nothing come of your police report? And you say your boyfriend "used" to live with you like you already moved out and time has passed, but ...
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What works for me is coupling stretches with workout kinda like a superset. This will help you remember to stretch and make it part of the routine For me it's started with hips. I couldn't squat all the way down comfortably and relaxed (Asian squat) ... So anytime I worked squats during the rest I stretched (20-30 second hold)...I can comfortably Asian squat now. Now I also do loaded stretching, which is stretching with weights, which help pull you.
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I guess I'll answer since I'm apparently the only one who has done it before. The plan itself is fine, and is just a different challenge to throw in now and again. As long as you aren't just doing this once in the gym and excluding everything else, who gives a shit? This is just meant to be a way to introduce some different training stimulus and volume, as well as breaking ... You won't wake up with an extra inch on your arms doing this or anything else, but anyone who is ...
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It's curious... I've never *ever* read the words Deobandi / Wahabi / Wahabism before your posts. I'm sure as hell not an expert but what does it say (if anything) that it's taken me years of ... to even hear those words as a potential source problem? Is there a reason they're not spoken of more often?
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"The sleep research is starting to stack up. I'd say shoot for 7.5-9hrs depending on your work situation. Sleep is critical for a host other health benefits like tissue repair, memory formation, learning, and lots of other things. Everyone is different so there is ""individual differences"" so I am not surprised someone on here chime in like ""I ... Another interesting study about sleep was that sleep-deprived faces were rating less attractive and participants could detect even the smallest ..."
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Gay Ex-mormon here. You've got a double issue--your parents dealing with your disaffection from the church and them dealing with you coming out. (I'm assuming you are breaking with the church based on you starting to see a guy.) Those are both going to be hard things for them to deal with. In my experience, the religious aspect will be even harder than you being gay.
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Here's a source from this female engineer: https://code.likeagirl.io/actually-i-was-biologically-designed-to-be-an-engineer-460ab0c377dc Thank you for a sane, reasonable response. My interpretation of the manifesto is that it was a humbly submitted, thoughtful alternative to current initiatives… initiatives that have failed to deliver desired goals. Damore said basically this: Google can’t change people, but they can change job descriptions. Instead of convincing women to pursue tech jobs they may not want, why not make those jobs more appealing to women in the first place? Never did he say women weren’t biologically suited to tech jobs.
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What a jackass! People need to mind their own business. Plenty of people raise kids on their own and do just fine. I think you're better off on your own than with an unsupportive partner anyway. No need for you to have to deal with a man-child on top of a newborn.
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Dear honest businessman, We were sorry to hear of your issues with hotlinking to our images. Please provide us with full details of which images have been involved, including estimated duration. We will then pass this on to our legal department and are sure that they will then be able to satisfactorily resolve these problems. Yours sincerely...
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35 year (more or less) native of Cambridge, OH. You've got it pegged pretty accurately. I can try to answer any questions, if you have more. It's not a horrible town, or a bad place to raise kids. But the people aren't overly friendly, and the schools aren't great.
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One of our commentors who frequents the RaisedByNarcs sub made your same observation. It's like the narc is the center of the universe. Everyone else is their satellite, and the very thought others disagreeing with how they thought or felt almost was beyond their imagination. So many of us have seen it happen in our own lives. Everyone kowtows to the narc to avoid the emotional fallout.
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I like this guy. No nonsense, here are my conditions, meet them or fuck off. That is, you need to explain why I should consider that your claim of systemic prejudice flatly contradicts my ... As a feminist would say, you need to not deny my lived experience. fucking rofl
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You may shake my tiny hand if you like. LAWYER: Under the circumstances, I'd rather not. TRUMP: Eh? LAWYER: President Trump, I'm afraid you are the most corrupt president in the history of the United States.
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I can't tell you how much we appreciate clear, detailed, and responsive communication like this. I wish I could buy some keys and have it show up on this post like Reddit Gold. (Gonna buy 5 keys when I get home just for this, anyway.)
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You've never had to defrost her bottles? Why did you wait to have your mother clean her up and give her a bath? How much are you involved with caring for your daughter? All of this. I was horrified when I started reading, but I wonder if Carrie really did just intend to take a five ...
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What it should be is that you vote on the computer, and it prints out two receipts. You verify the information on the receipts is how you voted. One you keep with you and one you put in a box. You can't do this. It would allow people to sell votes, or extort votes.
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It's called RES mate, no one gives that much of a fuck about you. Not my fault you're having an whinge against some perceived oppression. Do you ever sleep at night or are you worried feminists will come for you in the night?
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I thoroughly enjoy it, and you can get it for pretty cheap these days. The story is great, and it feels like a nice hybrid between a traditional MMO (like WOW or SWTOR,) and ... Also the graphics and art style are beautiful.
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That's why they closed S4P so fast. They didn't want festering dissent to turn into votes for Trump. Thusly, everyone was corralled to redacted and fed the same bullshit we still see you today.
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Hey Jim Henson I think you owe me a great big apology. I was on The Muppets. Now I'm down in it.
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I'd love to go to work and have lunch with my SO every day, share coworkers/friends, and be able to ask/offer help to them at any time of the day. That sounds horrible to me. Sorry honey. I love you but I need some areas in my life that don't intersect with your's.
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Dear sir or maam, I know two things about you. 1) You worry for our future. We all do and we should. Don't discount the kids for being kids though. I wasn't my most level headed at 14 and chances are you weren't either.
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Sorry, I didn't mean that the phone was capable of determining that situation. I just meant that it's up to you to do so. iOS is likely capitalizing based on your habit of doing so. The word predictor and correction learns your typing and spelling habits.
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I'm sending you all my love and strength and hugs. I'm so sorry you lost your little Amelia. I wish there were more I could say or do. Take care, friend.
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From my understanding, you still need the ZRTSI controller to use z-wave with Bali AutoView. They have this info on their page [https://www.baliblinds.com/motorization/](https://www.baliblinds.com/motorization/) Using your motorized blinds with a home automation system opens up a whole new world of possibilities—like setting your Bali Blinds to automatically tilt while simultaneously dimming your lights, controlling them via your smart phone while you’re away from home, and so much more. Somfy tilt motors communicate using exclusive RTS radio language, and most home automation systems speak a language called Z-Wave. So all you really need is a good translator! That’s where the ZRTSI II Home Automation Interface comes in.
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"Like another user said, it depends on how you approach the philosophy. I'm uneasy about the ""No True Scotsman"" fallacy about to be used here but I don't really think that the ... They called themselves socialists, they wrapped themselves in the terminology and iconography of socialists, but in reality the state controlled ... Now I suppose there's an argument that the state is a representative of the people, but I don't think anyone ... Beyond that, I think the prosperity you reference is all relative. "
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"I could never do that." Yes you could, you just don't want to. I really don't care what personal dietary choices you make, but to me this sounds like making excuses so you ... Also, I have yet to figure out an appropriate response to this. "Oh yeah, I guess I must have more willpower than you"?
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"You seem to have an obsession with my mom for whatever reason. I get my health insurance plan from my employer. I have what is considered a ""great"" insurance plan in this country, and that's not saying much because it is a high deductible piece of shit. You want me to act like Obamacare is some gift from the gods, and I say fuck that. It's not my fault that you have such low standards. "
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By your logic, rape victims should just give consent because then it's not rape anymore. "Hey Russia! You committed an act of war when you interfered in our elections! ...but it's okay, in fact, our oil-magnate Secretary of State just eliminated the entire cybersecurity office. Go nuts!
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" You're right, I could be, but we were at Bard at the same time. His whole ""fuck you"" attitude and the way he paraded around campus was just kinda gross. My opinion."
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Jesus. Haven't you heard the rule that you aren't allowed to go on one date with someone and then end up ... I mean, he cleared his ENTIRE BUSY SCHEDULE just for you.
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I training on radar at the moment, but I control IFR, SVFR and VFR flights. I wouldn't necessarily categorise VFR as being from the tower solely. It's the flight rules the pilot is using, right? There are controllers where I work who provide ATSOCAS only to GA planes flying VFR. From my perspective the main difference is whether you are providing separation, or traffic information.
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I can only say from my experience. I was in a cell. There are also dorms, and I haven't been in a dorm. I was in a 2-3 man cell (new guy had to sleep on floor). I woke up around 5:30 AM or just before( you get used to it).
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There is no distinction when it comes to the law. The sex on my ID doesn't match what you'd probably call my biological sex. It's still valid. A non-binary marker would work the same way. Non-binary people can apply to have it changed so they don't have to be identified as a man or woman.
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Sorry about the loss of your friend OP. I hope our community helps ease your pain a little. Welcome.
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I think your wording of running 12mi daily may be making giving the wrong impression and leading to these replies. I took your original post as you want to run 12mi every day / 365 days a year (or 84mpw with no rest days ever). 10 to 12 mi training runs 5 days a week is not bad. In my limited opinion, long distance running is way different than what your experience just running 10Ks. Most people big limits on distance running is how much their body can take, especially the skeletal-muscular system.
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How? Using your Titan kit effectively isn't a dick move. Getting caught by that combo is really your own fault.
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Yo, Republicans, where is your moral outrage over this??? Ryan, Mitch, anyone there??? We need to hear from you as the moral leaders of our country. Tell us how much you are outraged by this. Anyone, VP Pence?
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I’m super happy in the hospital and as long as people get sick enough to need inpatient care I’m going to be in this specialty. I do see the NP profession imploding and failing within the next 10 years. Hopefully it can right itself with a complete education overhaul and abandoning the idea we are better for primary care. I just don’t see how with so many graduating from online programs they are prepared to step into a role and somehow have the idea they will start at 150k-200k in primary care. We as a profession and our leaders need to listen to your earnest concerns.
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God we love you AD, really. It's not this man's fault we aren't putting wins on the board, AD is an absolute powerhouse who plays his heart out, has a great attitude, and is a captain in every fucking sense of the word. A few of our pieces need to start performing as well on the other end of the court as they do on offense (lookin at you boogie, but man i love you too warts and all) but more than anything, we need a coach that can fit with our talent. There was a glimmer of hope there that gentry was pulling it together, but that train left the station. AD tho, bless his heart.
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Hey, was always curious why you're always in the lobby, it became a meme in our discord. Anyways I loved your page with all that data. I'm curious though, how you managed to get so much info without violating our privacy? Like, how you knew this guy changed his name? Also, what drove you to gather up this info?
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Bernie Sanders? (Pre-sellout) Edit: and I'm not coming up with one myself, just a system to select qualified candidates. Not this scratch your back - scratch mine mentality/control political system we have now. Look who's in office
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" my understanding is that with MFP you have to do the carbs-fiber math to get net carbs. Sugar: sadly, you might have a harder time than you'd think finding sugar-free bacon (even the uncured ones) because of the ""need"" for everything to be sweet. Even BBQ sauces and jerky. Don't understand the need for sweet meat. Lowered tolerance for alcohol is normal."
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"Dude your caught in the middle cause you keep trying to mediate things and are doing a terrible job. Neither side feels like your being kind to them so now everyone is pissed at you. It's painfully obvious your younger sister is in the right and your older sister is a classic ""victim"". You need to step the fuck back and just say your stance and leave it at that. Something like ""I love my younger sister and will be attending her wedding regardless of your decisions. "
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Happy viability day! 24w today. Which means I probably need to sort out baby gear past, you know, a couple of bras. Took the opportunity during the snowstorm yesterday to embark on some serious cleaning/decluttering, because holy cow are we going to ...
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Now you've just gone out into left field swinging wildly at who the hell knows what. I'm also tired of you dismissing my arguments as me being obtuse and unhelpful, ad nauseum. It's a shitty way to have a conversation with someone. I'm done here. edit: For anyone else who is reading this and thinks /u/Nomanorus is right about my not understanding how QS works in these games.
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I am so absolutely impressed with the way your town came together to protect the town from hate and discrimination. Awe inspiring and just so heart warming when it comes to the unity and solidarity of the citizens of Charlottesville. Nazis and White Supremacist deserve to be shamed into obscurity. Racism is incomparable with the nation, goes against founding documents and unfairly harms citizens.
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Let me put it this way. If you have predatory gambling companies they deliberately push people towards debt. This causes wider social problems that you will inevitably end up footing the bill for (i.e. crime, bankruptcies, negative effect on kids etc). Its far cheaper and easier for you to have some regulation over how these things are managed than advertised than to have to deal with the wider social shit show, even if you yourself can walk away.
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I didn't give any medical advice and all the stuff you mentioned isn't relevant regarding what i said. The person I replied to stated that they have no control over how skinny they are, and that simply isn't true. They cannon eat infinite amounts of food and not gain weight. That's impossible and that's all i was commenting on. Telling someone that if they're not gaining weight then they're not eating enough isn't giving out medical advice at all.
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Yep. I really just want the Democrats to save Medicare/Social Security and keep us out of war. Everything else they should allow Republicans to burn to the ground. I want the ACA repeal to go into effect immediately. If you want to really piss voters off, tell the their health care is going to change.
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I appreciate you kind people here taking the time to respond to my question. Much appreciated, and your responses allay our concern. We're very excited to move to Maine! thank you
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I actually hadn't heard that statement before. To answer your question though, comfortable security is probably my best definition/image of wealth. My grandfather drove the same little old truck for decades, but he did so because he liked it and he just didn't care. During the same period I saw him buy 7 nice vehicles as presents and drop 50k on some house work without blinking. We were talking in the kitchen, he got told some work needed to be done, he asked how much, wrote a check for the amount, then went back to our conversation.
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I assure you, vile creature, there shall be no pleasure in our acquaintance. Prepare yourself... for a world... of _PAAAAINNNN! !_
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Thanks for coming to visit and for all your wonderful compliments about our state. Most of my family is in Minnesota and Wisconsin, and I'm a big fan of you wonderful Midwestern people! Also thanks for building great Subarus in Indiana, seriously! You probably saw all the big trees out here in Oregon... A few years ago a tree landed on our car and our home during a crazy wind storm. The Subaru took the full brunt of the hit and ended up saving our home from more intense damage.
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I don't think we have information on enough Riders to notice a pattern, let alone infer significance. However, you're also wrong in that of pairings we know, the majority are same-sex. Dumb!Eragon/New!Saphira = mixed. Brom/First!Saphira = mixed. Arya/Fírnen = mixed.
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I read the website and I understand why is it called what it is. And I understand your perspective, but i believe that OP's perspective is different. The title for example, he or she erroneously believes this to be the pond that is featured in monet's paintings. It is not. Several of the commenters were misled as well and said things about how they always wanted to visit...the place that is actually in giverny, France.
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Not at all. Once I was able to admit that spec was there. I started realizing there were a lot more specs. So much so that I'm a bit laughing at how prideful I was being. I don't know where you're getting this idea that we're one of the only species to show kindness.
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Style and comfort are both subjective; you may or may not like the same thing as we do. Best to surf around Hypebeast and other sneaker/streetwear sites to see what you like. I'm partial to Vans Sk8-Hi sneakers, but wouldn't turn down a pair of Adidas Ultra Boots, Yeezys, or Nike Flyknits.
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Thank you!! Also, I find it hilarious that your well wishes for my newborn has negative votes! Is my baby being brigaded?
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Where did I compare meat to slavery and rape? You asked why we shouldn't always choose the most convenient route, so I provided examples. Even if I did, you do realize you can compare aspects of things without claiming they are completely equal, right? I have no claimed to be morally superior to you; why are you putting words in my mouth. You even used quotes when I clearly haven't said that.
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Wow you're so edgy!! You look so cool on an Internet forum man, shit I wish I could be you!! You're so cool that I can't contain my admiration for your totally original and edgy comment! Please teach me more!
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Let's get it right, don't include Geri in that list of talented players. He's done nothing this season, looks tired after 10 minutes and doesn't give anything close to what Koeman wants. He doesn't start because he hasn't earned it, Valencia for example was poor on Friday but previous to that had ... I love Geri but he's not what Koeman wants in a player, you need more than 10 minutes of fitness.
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I mean, you can feel how you want about her overall character. All I'm saying is that, unless you consider the matters I brought up as trivial, you can't call Rebecca a ... Personally though, I like Rebecca. I find it admirable how much she tries despite her ineffectiveness. I've always had a soft spot for people who can persevere through impossible situations.
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probably too late, but everything everyone said financially is spot on, however I lost my wife in 2015 and the one thing I would suggest is to just get into a good place and take care of yourself first. There is NOTHING On that list that cannot be done a week from, hell a month from now. In order to really process what is going on you need a clear head to make the right decisions. Good luck to you and my condolences
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Sorry if by answering it myself that it comes across that I'm suggesting that you can't answer it as well, that wasn't my intention. By asking a question and then answering it myself I'm basically saying although I have my own perspective on matters, I don't think I have a full picture and would appreciate others input as well. I also recognize that it might be useful to know my opinion in case it contrasts with yours.
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As if the few thousands of Syrians that Poland would have to take in could be compared with the hundreds ... I already asked you nicely not to use false equivalency. People will not take you seriously…
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Ill call you an unpaid cab so you can pray to god you make it to checkin. Oh an cabs hate going the 2.5 trip for an 8 buck fare, so hope they dont yank your luggage ... I also hope Tsa doesnt have to probe your cavities to find cocaine.
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Thank you, that was a really helpful analysis which fits in with my rather basic music theory understanding. I don't really know enough about modes, but I definitely can see how it keeps changing keys. There are lots of runs which start and end in strange places, and with odd notes in them.
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I understand this is frustrating, but you need to be your own advocate here. Go down there and press for direct answers and hard dates. Don't yell, be polite and firm. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
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It's actually been going okay up until now. And difficulties that we do have are because of the hatred that you and others like you espouse. Maybe you could stop being part of the problem.
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I know I can trust my own protective instincts, but thank you for reaffirming that for me. It's comforting. The biggest issue here is that I desperately need opportunities to be alone. She's the only one willing to help me out there. I try to be present for anything that could involve personal privacy issues, specifically to combat any potential abuse issues that might crop up.
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Hey man - To be completely honest with you, I have been a commercial grower in Denver for the past two years, and the two years prior to that, I worked in I.T. I recently had a falling out, with the company I was working with, and instead of getting right back into the work force, I have been thinking hard about starting my own business. There are these consulting firms in California, that are trying to push me to invest in a delivery service, and really aren't being open as to what all the risks are, and a long term vision for a business model. I appreciate, your openness in answering my questions. Is there any chance I can call you sometime, to pick your brain?
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I stole this and I paid with an upvote. Thank you for making me feel slightly more witty to my friends. Sleightly. Fuck that doesn't work as well.
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This is the kind of shit I like to see. Best of luck to my brothers and sisters in Tucson. I'm in California, but I'll wear my silkies and cheer you on from here. And by cheer I mean drink heavily.
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I didn't mean to defend the stupidity of Kadyrov being president, but to point out, that for some people, Georgian and Chechen are very different. If for you and your community race is no big issue, great, but it has been for a large number of Russian people I've known, with the remainder usually the types to complain about racism in Russia. Perhaps it was too much of a generalization. Sorry. But this has been my experience of general attitudes with little to make me feel incorrect besides your claim.
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I really can't thank everyone who has taken a moment out of their day to give us a listen, we're pretty blown away by your responses; you've made our week! I hope we can take your input and make even better music moving forward. We just got nominated to be featured as 'the Deli Philly's Emerging Artist' today which is insane - we could use all the votes we can get (obviously no obligation but thanks either way) : http://philadelphia.thedelimagazine.com/25629/delis-artist-month-poll
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I don't believe we lost talent, we lost experience. Still significant, but I'm more confident in talent over experience once you take our coaching staff into account. The schedule is going to be tougher most likely but I believe this team should be better than last years.
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I'm not telling you not to think of anything of it, but to doubting someone's suicide attempt as valid is ... What I am saying is that it's clear you don't trust her. She's done things or exhibited behaviors that make you anxious and this is adding fuel to that fire. I'll say it again, if you don't trust her, you shouldn't date her. You view her as manipulative, end it.
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"This is far from the place for this discussion, but I'd also have to point out that even the most extreme nit-pickiest liberal whining at least comes from a place of wanting people to be inclusive and understanding. The ""equal but opposite"" end of the spectrum however, is motivated by nothing but 2500 year old fairy tales, theories of economics that fail all but the richest, and nightmares about scary dark people taking their jobs and daughters. The whole ""you're intolerant of my intolerance"" is also fundamentally spurious. Nobody chooses to be black/gay/etc., but people do choose to be racist/homophobic/etc. Sure, it's a lot to expect somebody raised around racist homophobes to not be racist and homophobic, but I feel like the party of personal responsibility should be able to work that out."
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