I know that everyone is different but I want to share my story with you because it's fairly similar. I'm early 30s and have PCOS and never thought I could get pregnant and had pretty much resolved that I wouldn't have children. Last year less than a month after starting a new job, I had been sick which wasn't normal for me. I also felt hot all the time and nauseous. I was paranoid, took a pregnancy test and it was positive.
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That's fine. But you admit you lack knowledge of our politics and telecommunications companies. How then can you form an opinion on our politics and telecommunications companies? Genuinely curious. Maybe I am off base here.
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Precisely my point. You believe the police are no different than a street gang. I don't. I think your perspective is immoral, dangerous, and against our own government.
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Xanax definitely dulls a trip and it definitely won't be as profound of a trip as it would be with LSD alone. That being said, the combo can be fantastic especially with weed. In my experience, the xanax allows you to push the dose pretty high without any worry. The xanax also allows you to smoke weed, again, without any worry of getting too lost or far down the rabbit hole. I've had very fun times on 300-500ug + Weed/Xanax.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
Yeah and you commented it on a thread encouraging your members to come spam our sub - the exact thing you're crying about being done to you. If you aren't smart enough to connect the dots then you have no business questioning my intelligence. I wasn't a part of spamming your sub, so my point of reference is probably different from yours. I only came to this thread because it was linked on my sub, yes by a bot, but we all know how reddit bots work and the OP of this thread absolutely knew what he was doing when he linked the way that he did. So I guess I played right into his hands, well done u/WestJoe
[ 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 ]
"I used to have the mentality of ""Please switch"" if they picked Hanzo or Widow on attack, but I'd never ... I'd just fill what was needed more. I give everyone a chance with their picks now no matter how weird it is. I'm in Silver FFS, literally anything that you're good at works. I only start getting annoyed when that hero clearly isn't working out and refuse to switch."
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Why does it have to be black students? If I run an A+ program, it doesn't matter what color you are. If you get an A+ you can do the program. I really am failing to see how race has anything to do with that. Unless of course you're implying black students don't do as well?
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There have always been people who everyone went to for advice or direction, just as there have always been those who can't stop flinging their dung. just to be clear, no one is flinging dung just for the sake of flinging dung. i feel that that term troll is pretty much used to categorically oppress valid views you find distasteful. This goes hand in hand with what I have learned as a teacher. It's not about the transmission of X, it's about doing Y so that the person you are teaching will walk away with X in their heads.
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and you think because the symptons are the same the cause is compareable.. oh jeez.. seriously?! lol i'm beyond words.. you can't be that special.. thats hilarious! thank you! You made me spill water out of my nose!
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*audience claps and shouts as show starts* "Good evening everyone I'm Stephen colbert, we've got a great show for you tonight. So, Trump" *audience chuckles* "Fuck him." *audience erupts in applause and laughter* "That's our show everyone, see you tomorrow night"
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They still win more often -- they quietly had an incredible season last year and will probably be the prohibitive favorites to win the conference this year and maybe next. TL;DR Go to women's games everybody! They're our historically best revenue-sport team and need your support!
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Sadly, I don't really see anything that applies for your situation. It seems our license agreement is wide enough to allow it, but I don't see any place where we grant non-commerical license for non-student/educator/OSS developers. Hopefully when we switch to a different sales model in the near future, you'll be covered there.
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Ah yes, taking people at their word and assuming they're acting in basically good faith is the thing to laugh at. You're a moron who got called out so you need an escape route. Pointing out that you're dumb doesn't mean my feelings are hurt, you insecure loser.
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"""Fucking weird"" Sure, telling a gal she's striking, stylish, but probably packs a mean punch so I wouldn't want to offend her, way out of bounds, so strange. You better stay vigilant, Batman, there's all sorts of fucking weirdness out there, people paying vanilla compliments and such. I'm glad we have people like you dedicated to regulating all compliments. People like you who can swing in and start calling people creeps and dorks, yourself above reproach! I mean, at least own up to being a complete asshole if you're into name-calling."
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"I hate how freely ""robbery"" gets thrown around. Robbery means it wasn't even close yet the loser got the win. A closely contested bout isn't a robbery. You can say the decision was wrong, but it is in no ways a robbery. And about last night, I agree with you 100%, last night was atrocious. "
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The head of the DNC apparently fed her the questions to the debate before hand. The head resigned after she was found out. That's the story I heard anyway, you can Google it for more info. I dont really believe most of what I hear these days, so I don't really care how accurate that claim ...
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YES! Thank you for posting the link. Also major love for you doing what you're doing, it's not easy, but it's so valuable. It also tells me you're an amazing human being my friend. We have a similar scheme in my town.
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Could it be possible that people have complained? Sometimes too many plants becomes an eye-sore. Also, you said she was disabled, is she actually keeping them neat and trimmed? I would also make sure that you know if they plan on billing her for the removal.
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"The LL Bean ""bean boots"" are great, often recommended. LL Bean makes amazingly warm winter coats, you'll need a warm coat for winter. If you put the money into a good pair of boots and good coat and take good care of them, ... If that's doable for you, it's really what I'd suggest! "
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I would tell my dog this: Quit tearing up your dog beds, maybe you'll get one in your cage from now on if you don't. Stop getting into shit around the house, then you won't have to be in the cage at all when I'm gone! Quit jumping on people, they will give you attention and loves if you're just calm. I love you, my sweet little Stella 3
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your whole movement consists of smelling your own farts while looking down at people This is not smelling our own farts. Using VeganSideKick comics would be. This is being interested into how your thinking works in order to improve our activism. Absolutely improvable but it's something. But you'll find this in every subreddit.
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i think you're confusing logic with confusion and anger. i've noticed you guys really have problems with language, can't seem to grasp that different words mean different things. which is hilarious because you constantly accuse other people (only immigrants or black people) of not speaking english properly, yet you can't even do it yourself.
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I'm pro-life but I feel like the issue isn't black and white. Here in America there is sooo much more that can be done to help. Like free birth control and better sex Ed. You would not believe the amount of young Americans who don't even know how a baby is made. Actually, you might believe it because of our education system...
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I mean, without such killings and actions in the past, you might not have the freedom to say such a thing in the present. Sure, but what does that have to do with Cody? The last war you could make an argument that soldiers "fought for our freedom" was WW2. No recent war was (is being) fought to protect American citizens or our freedoms, that's just objectively true. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate our soldiers, the opposite in fact.
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Hey folks! As you can see, I am a new user on reddit. I just wanna fit in with you all, so I'm looking to get some karma. If you all could pitch in, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!
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A part of me wonders if he didn't suffer from body dysmorphia, it sounds like he put a lot of work into body and never felt happy. I understand penis shaming is a society wide issue that really needs to stop, I'm sorry that he felt badly enough to end his life over those pressures. I'm also sorry for your loss, no matter how we lose people the grief is always overwhelming. I hope you consider getting grief counselling in your own time, it does really help.
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" But I didn't want Colin's Last Stand to hinge on and revolve around that moment. Note that there hasn’t been a single, solitary video dedicated to political correctness or the culture surrounding it; note that I still don't use the terms ""SJW"" or ""snowflake"" or ""cuck;"" note that instead of taking the easy bait time and again, I make 40 minute videos on aborted moon bases and extensive histories of presidential impeachments. As one of your liberal fans, this has been such a relief. i was worried that you would become a voice of the right's version of outrage culture. I have been continuously impressed with the thoroughness and fairness of your videos."
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i think part of what you're learning with classes is how to organize code. It doesn't really relate to user input because that's just one slice of the pie. You can get user input from anywhere, really, be it in a class or not.
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Or revel in it like an asshole. Funny, the clowns that for years have always been about MURICA ! and a constitution they have never read are siding with the guy that will take down both. Nice job asshats. You are exactly as dumb as we knew you were.
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A bite from a Springer Spaniel doesn't *generally* land you [in the hospital. Who knew?
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Because you just put in the rice and water, turn it on, and walk away. You come back to perfect rice every time, and it can be used for lots of other things as well, ... It's perfect for dorms and people who eat a lot of rice. I had a friend whose parents were from Hong Kong, and she made her lunch every day by sticking rice, ... It's like an electric kettle.
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Lol I was going to add 'sorry boys!' to my question too but it's good for the ladies to know, thanks. If you don't need painkillers, that's an improvement on my normal period :/
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I don't see it that way. Unless that person, directly, comes to clarify that the intent was otherwise, I'm taking it the same way as everyone else who said it, did. Replying as you have is a call to marginalize my own experiences. Past experience doesn't trump present statements, but when present statements can be taken in the same vein, then it is their responsibility, not mine, to clarify. We all make mistakes.
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Oh, you have my condolences. This is a rocky road you travel. Unfortunately, people like this tend not to change. Not because the can't, but it's really difficult. They are just not mentally equipped for it.
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What's phenomenally shitty is how you seem to know what's best for me, my child and my relationship. What are you some kind of arm chair Dr. Phil? Seriously where the fuck do you even think that you have a right to decide what my relationship needs? I set clear boundaries with my SO, he accepted and agreed to the terms of our relationship and it works for us. Obviously if we've been in it for 3 YEARS it's working out pretty well for us.
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I don't think having a baby is racist, didn't say that and don't even personally believe that. I simply explained why I personally would adopt and not have kids. If you have a legitimate rebuttal to one of my points I'd genuinely love to read it. If you don't, or can't articulate it, perhaps reconsider your position?
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The only time I have felt good about myself is when I thought I had a chance at a relationship with someone. this is a sign of codependency. i'm going to level with you, i was in a relationship for similar reasons. i thought the other person would make me happy, instead of finding that happiness within myself. we had a lot of ups and downs due to my manic depression.
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Well you're about to go on an epic fucking musical journey my friend. There are few artists as popular, influential, and relentlessly uncompromising. She only ever made the music she wanted to make, and everything she did was intensely personal and instantly recognizable. If you want to just mainline the densest of her work, listen to this; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNMihq3J7h8 The Ninth Wave is a song cycle from her fifth album, Hounds of Love. She'd built her own studio at this point, was producing her own records, and this is the result.
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" You also judge other men who do display emotion and believe them to be emasculated Sure but I don't shame them or anything, the I judge them internally. I am a woman and the only thing that emasculates men in my eyes is their fear of appearing ""unmanly"". I will pick a guy who is comfortable with himself and can display a range of emotions over think a guy who thinks crying is weak. I don't see how your attraction to feminine guys makes my masculinity toxic. it would definitely hurt me to have a bf who is so emotionally stunted How it dealing with my emotions in other ways than crying make me emotionally stunted?"
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I believe in you! Your grandfather seems to be a smart man. I could write a book on how depressed and hopeless I felt on 12/31/2015. Man did things suck. Just get the ball rolling a little at a time like a Katamari, and soon you'll be rewarded!
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President George W. Bush mandated that the time tho process clearances take no more than 6 weeks... but the best I saw during his tenure was 4 months. That process in a nutshell: It must be faster and more accurate! Except you must accomplish this with no extra money, and maybe actually even less money. And we won't give you a dedicated funding stream for it, so no hiring employees to do this. Instead you have to rely on contractors, and basically the lowest bidder at that.
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I can appreciate that. I started a blog a few years ago for redraft leagues but those are a dime a dozen these days and with my growing family, it's impossible for me to find the time to truly commit to doing it. I know I speak for everyone here when I say we appreciate your insight! I don't know if you have it available, but I would love to see your track record -- not to discredit you or anything because I know it's impossible to have a high success rate in rankings but I'd like to compare your work with some of the industry leaders. Thanks again!
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"That's not the biggest one. Most ""nones"" are not atheists. In my personal experience what you say fits, but the bigger numbers from pew studies disagree. Most of the religious unafilliated do not identify as atheists. http://www.pewforum.org/2012/10/09/nones-on-the-rise/"
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OP, you realize his sob story about mismatched libidos is what 99% of cheaters tell their side pieces, right? He couldn't get you to sleep with him if he just said "I want to have sex with you because ... And your little piece about him being a good person at heart while doing bad things is nonsense. People aren't 100% good or 100% bad. We are shades of gray and we are the products of our actions.
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Wow, I just want to press my face onto your ass and take a deep breathe. Then I'll kiss those sweet lips, make my way down your calves kissing them. Finally I will take a deep whiff of those soles. In my mind I'm hoping you haven't showered yet, because I want to clean them for you, but with my tongue.
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I'm a volunteer content transcriber for Reddit! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here! I can't handle driving without my seatbelt, it just feels weird. *[Image of a tweet with a picture, and a caption above it.
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On first glance at the thumbnail, I thought you were writing with whisky. Thank you for not giving me a heart attack. Also I enjoy the combo.
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The thing is that we can't change your personal experience. If your views are solely based on that it's kind of hard to change. The only thing I would say is that your personal experience doesn't speak for everybodys experience.
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Christmas Eve 2009, say goodnight I love you to my dad. Wake up to find out he's in the hospital on life support, 6 days later on 12/30/09 he passes away. Unknown causes, not a heart attack, stroke, or anything like that.
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I admire your brevity, but a single question mark doesn't accurately express my rage-shock-surprise as a pet lover. Can we compromise with this: ? !
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Here's where I disagree: you don't get to tell people if they're suffering or not. You don't get to dictate what people value, how they feel, or what they think will complete or enhance their ... Honestly your post is what this sub was set up as a shelter to avoid, just coming from the opposite ...
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Lol. Chill out that wasn't some weird threat. I'm just saying you shouldn't vocalize your absurdity out loud.
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I can't prove to you that I am knowledgeable. if I sound like an authority it is because I know what I'm talking about. what you refer to as a jaded slant is my 'better to be safe than sorry' approach. we don't have to agree on this, I get it. but please consider how you approach people in the future.
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I wasn't clear apparently. You have lost my interest because you cannot create or respond to a coherent argument. Do not talk to me again.
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This is the very best not only of humanity but of all life, what has plagued us forever is weakness, stupidity and masturbatory, maladaptive non-reciprocal altruism and other such forms of hedonism. That is so patently false in light of human history that I'm not sure how you can say that with a straight face. Every single atrocity in human history has been caused by someone trying to impose their ideas through might and not caring about the welfare of others. The only reason we haven't killed ourselves ages ago is because of the morality that you disdain. The world you advocate for in this post would be a living hell and there would be no human race left before long.
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They both seem to have good chemistry and common interests (cannabis, cannabis activism) so I highly doubt Marc is with Jodie just because of her looks. You in the other hand are acting like some sort of moralist that goes around judging other people's relationships. I find it funny how enraged you got by my comment about older men being with younger beautiful women. You sound like a bitter post wall woman. Don't hate the player hate the game.
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I literally don't think I disagree with any of you said. But when you said, "Then we have the fearmongering deeply ingrained in the media. Poor people are seen as dangerous, stupid, aggressive, and criminal." I mean.... they kind of are. Homeless people are more likely to be mentally ill, addicted to drugs, etc.
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Not a doctor, just ended up looking this up a while ago. From what I remember when you have diarrhea it's your body saying "something bad is in me, get it out." Unless it's chronic like IBS. Anyway, so as your body is trying to purge the system it causes your intestinal track to clench, sometimes painfully, ... The muscles contract around the intestines, small and large, until it gets it all out.
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"""Honey, I'm concerned that you're relationship with [Her] is crossing a line. Do you realize that you spend more time and energy on her than me, and that she is openly flirting with you. It is creating a rift in our relationship, whether you have noticed or not."" "
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I hate how my government treats people around the world. As an American, I've always wanted to visit Tehran. That doesn't make me a terrorist, just like it doesn't make you one. Maybe one day my government can pull its collective head out of its ass and we can be a sane, ...
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"Honestly that's crazy. If you're a good server i'll tip, if you're bad then I wont. It's ultimately my decision and 100% optional. That's why it's called ""gratuity,"" so I shouldn't be shamed for not doing it. It's not my responsibility to subsidize the wages that your employer should be giving you. "
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So I am pretty rabbidbly VACCINATE ALL THE THINGS, but there may not be much convincing to be done. It comes from entirely different basic instincts of who we can trust, and you can't reason with that. Just like o can't be convinced to just trust any whackadoodle hippy trying to sell magic salts or oils, the most rabid anti vax can't be convinced to trust in vets and science. What you may be able to do is point them to vaccine cautious people that walk the line between pro and anti vac. There are a LOT of them in dogs, following their fogurehead Dr. Jean Dodds.
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Hey same here, it was pretty fun. At it's best it was like writing a short story with someone. I think it did shape some of who you are. You're still talking to strangers in the internet lol
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
You're asking advice but not listening to it when it's given. No. 1 rule in life: Don't Spend money you don't have. You said you knew you did something stupid and that's okay, we all do sometime. But now you have to suffer the consequences of your actions, as we all do.
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I'm curious. What is your ideal dad dick? I have my own ideas on the matter of course but i'd like to hear your opinions
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Edit: Guys, don't downvote him for that. He's not wrong that /u/cutdownthere was also just stereotyping southerners in general. If you're gonna upvote me, also upvote /u/Hexxman007 for inciting conversation.
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You know, if we do win it, I'm kinda worried about what that crowd will do. I think we will see their true colors, everyone thinks they're such a great crowd because they're rowdy. That's a two-way street. Expect a lot of shit to get thrown on the ice and I'm not talking catfish.
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" How dare you challenge my authority, Mr. Educator? Time for you to get punched and arrested too! The p.d. is ""taking this very seriously""."
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Unless he’s funding terrorism or committing crimes, how he chooses to spend his money shouldn’t be anyone’s business. "But funding trump IS funding terrorism! It's like you WANT the bands of racist lynchers roaming the streets!!!"
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
simmons will not cover a wing lol. Did you watch him at all in college or the summer league? He's going to be guarding Power Forwards in the NBA, that's not even debatable
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
I haven't read through the whole thing yet but this is a wall of text. Upvote for the effort and hopefully some debate on your observation Edit: so what I gather is that you think shaimus should be or could be credited with the emergence of European talents and wrestling? I was ready to disagree with your statement but cataloging back through I can't recall a prominent European wrestler outside of William Regal in a long time. The certainly isn't my area of wrestling knowledge but its kind of hard to disagree with you.
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Agreed. I'm in NYC too and SW is exhausting. Getting your C in NYC is exhausting. It doesn't offer much hope and the money you get paid for the emotional stress we face is discouraging.
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Thank you, I would like advice and I'm sorry for my knee-jerk reply earlier in the thread. I realize how unappealing I am on paper. I am not averse to effort or hard work- being frank about the fact that I'm disabled is not the same thing as being lazy. I'm asking for advice because I know it's not as easy as people make it out to be! I don't think emigrating is a quick-fix, but my situation with healthcare is pretty dire.
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So no they don't influence our elections in the same way. Glad we agree on that. The CIA, Mossad etc definitely have their own troll farms, its unlkely they had them the size of the russians but then they have access to all the FB and other data to do better targetting. There is obviously a difference that people seem to willfully miss with Obama and Russian active measures. To equate the two demonstrates you maybe don't fully understand the reasons for Russia meddling in our politics.
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Dear diplomat of r/Terraria, Okay then you little peacemonger, what's this? Sucking up to everyone for a diplomatic victory? I think you'll find there are no city states on Reddit! Diplomacy victories are for pussies, and seeing as r/GlobalOffensive has stolen our wonder, it looks like a true, domination victory ... You terrarians can defend yourselves with your yoyos in your caves, we Civ players will never surrender.
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Not particularly a sentece but when it's a blog and I have to click the 3 stories about how this particular dish made them feel throughout *summers on the lake* or *weekends at grandmas*. Edit: Gilded?! Thank you kind stranger for sharing my same frustrations!
[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
" But we already know actively using your phone in any capacity is likely more dangerous. Alcohol ruins your life irrespective of whether you're behind a wheel. Willie Nelson's friend dropped a hay bale on himself one time vs. ""all the other deaths due to alcohol poisoning and accidents."" We should outlaw phones being on moving faster than 20 miles per hour if we're going to make draconian over-reaching laws."
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"Lol i know what you mean, it's hard to meet people with similar backgrounds or interests. For my dorky interests I'm usually too much of a ""bad kid"" to mesh well with those people, for my bad kid interests I'm usually too much of a dork, drugnerds is probably one of those rare places where there a bunch of people like us. Too bad about the stigma and illegality of what we do, cause i feels you. The internet makes it easier to find like minded individuals"
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Friendly reminder - double check the person's comment history before taking their advice - or listening to anything they have ... I recently noticed there are a ton of new accounts, all of them with no other post history other than ... Do not trust these accounts. Look at the person's comment history before listening to anything they have to say, especially if it's advice or some ... EDIT: Yes, my history is only 26 days (third account) but you don't see me selling hype.
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Blasto? I hope you find answers. Sending my love and thoughts to Kandie (and you! ).
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" Thanks man, you're very kind, and sorry but i'll abuse this kindness of you for another question. The website quotes ""Do not manually flash with ntrboot."" on the R4i Gold 3DS. What does that mean? That I can't use the switch or that it comes with ntrboot in it?"
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Perception is a beautiful thing and I do not for a minute discredit anything you said. I haven't lived your life or experienced the things you have. Especially the part about the apathetic social views (which is a great point btw). However, that being said, I respectful disagree with what you say about my last sentence.
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Rejecting someone for their race shouldn't be an issue. I'm not saying that being an asshole about it is ok, but knowing what you prefer aesthetically/culturally and such should ... I'm a hispanic guy and I totally get if dark haired brown dudes aren't your thing. I personally don't think i could date an Asian guy. Just not attracted really.
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What if you parked a block away and walked over there? I mean, you said it's not a great neighborhood, so perhaps that's a bad idea. But essentially, if it's a public street, I would just inform them that you're playing a game that has real-life ... Is there some specific reason they've decided they don't want you there? If they don't really have one then I'd say, I'll be out of your way in just 10 minutes and ...
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Seriously, it's no fun when you just can't cum. Very occasionally my wife has already gone and I just can't. We just both get frustrated and give up. Ideally you orgasm at about the same time, at least in my experience.
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I'm not really offended persay. It's too bad that a fantasy dictates so much social policy. Religion is fucking stupid. If you believe in some altruistic being you're just weak minded in my opinion. Obviously what I wrote was an extreme take on the Catholic Church.
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Yeah probably on the native born Americans, but not by much. I'm definitely more nationalist than many Americans, not super nationalist of course, but a lot of people my age (18) just really seem to hate what America stands for. Like hate how we practice egalitarianism all you want but recognize it as a good principle at least.
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Why is everyone so upset? If we lose that’s a strong argument against keeping Caldwell, something many of you want. If we win we have a better chance at the playoffs, something everyone should want. Why so mad
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First off, thank you for the service, my friend! Your list of artists is pretty solid! I concur with the suggestion on Austin Lucas, Cory Branan, and definitely Lucero. Given your list, you're going to LOVE this new artist (who Sturgill is working with) named Tyler Childers. He just released his first full-length called 'Purgatory.'
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Listen and listen closefully, it is never, never a good idea to sell your gaming collection unless you financially need it. You will cherish them, share them with your kindling, you will regret it everyday you can't play a level of Sunshine or maybe give Melee the ol' whirl. Please don't do it, there are so few GC collectors and you're one who has been so dedicated! Don't leave our precious niche community, we love you!
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What part of democracy requires capitalism specifically? We will never return to before 1979, because the underlying economic dynamics have shifted, and politics has shifted irreparably in accordance with that. How could an anti-citizens united congress, senate and president possibly gain enough power to change the constitution? Stop burying your head in the sand. The fact that you accuse me of advocating immediate violence shows that you have fundamentally misunderstood my position.
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"It seems that Private Simpson has come down with a case of hepatitis. He's the most remarkable shade of yellow." See ya in the Swamp, Father. There will alaways be a place at the poker table for you.
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Have you seen how powerful the Engineer is though ? I managed to quickly upgrade the one you get as thorgrim and holy shit, the buffs to range and artillery ... My rock lobbers annihilated Grimgor's black orcs in 3-4 shots. I'll also add that you can't ignore the underway interception blue skill for Lords. This shit is perfect for catching retreating armies.
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You can't tell the architect to include them... The product is not available yet and you've already started construction so it's too late to include them... I'm still confused about what your point is?? What are we disagreeing over because you keep telling me stuff that is common sense...
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Come hug me while I try to hit you in the head/face with a hammer or axe. Let's see how that works out for you. As an alternative, you get an axe/hammer/etc, and I'll keep my distance and use objects (tables, cars, etc) as obstacles, ... If I have to engage, weaponless, obviously a tackle or other close quarters takedown would require me to be close... But that's situation dependent.
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Pretty good video overall i love the energy and personality you bring to it! Are you filming with a go pro? the video was warped, make sure you adjust that in the future! Also, the video length was a bit long for probably most people if you cant keep their interest, look at your audience retention to make sure people aren't dropping off so you can address that and adjust your formula! Also, the thumbnail was a bit lack luster, consider things you can do to make it pop more!
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Apparently my opinion is going to be going against the vast majority of opinions posted here, but... I'm a huge fan of travelling. I think it broadens your world view and teaches you many things. The more you travel, the more you see people and cultures that look seemingly *very* different from your own. But the more you see that, the more you also realize we're pretty similar underneath it all.
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From what I could understand this is some shit that happened at work that you think you red-pilled your way ... A lot of guys here like to throw a load of hate in the comments as soon as they know ... PLEASE refrain from making any more posts here for at least a year, or unless something of genuine interest and ... Your personal triumphs are great, but we've heard the stories many times before. For now, stick to reading, the sidebar is fantasic, take the time to let the knowledge soak in, (no chance ...
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I would probably delete the section entirely and remove dates from your degrees. Now your resume should have your current experience on top followed by your two internships followed by your education. Voila, no gap.
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I'll explain my hatred to you. It starts with Doc. He is a very whiny coach. He complains constantly and comes off as blatantly arrogant. I feel that between him and CP3 their culture centered around complaining and flopping and just being bitches.
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