I wouldn't tolerate this crap from a doctor. I'll respect your degree, but you respect my intelligence. I'm not here to serve your ego, I'm here to treat something, and I'm going to seek understanding. Sure, I realize I won't have more than a 'Discovery Channel level of knowledge, but you will work with it and educate me.
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Don't investigate my business transactions! Don't investigate my business transactions with the digital video editing company that all my campaign funds were funneled through! Don't investigate my business transactions with shell companies that proxies for the Russian government used to purchase my condos! Don't investigate my business transactions regarding my debts to Russian banks! Stop taking advantage of my reckless twitter exclamations that corroborate your investigative evidence!
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I'm an Episcopalian too, and so I remember you telling this story before. Like, what the hecky heck. There are tons of conservative congregations, it's not a Gay Pride Parade all day every day. Edit: THOUGH IT SHOULD BE
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Goldbond body powder, in the orange/yellow container. Cup a decent bit of powder in your hands and lightly smack under your goods and your upper thighs. If you can come back here and tell me that doesn't change your life, I'll buy you gold. It's like being kissed on your balls by snowflakes
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It's used in Afghanistan, heat isn't an issue, unless it just so happens the ground is the same temperature as ... Plus I'm pretty sure you can set the temperature range on high end systems. Even if the difference is only several degrees the image will show it differently.
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" I've answered your incessant nitpicking questions about every possible drug, scenario and complication ...you really, really haven't. I mean, unless you count the same constant answer ""same as if it were a toddler."" I refer you to our prior discussion about the importance of thinking about details of proposed policy. --- You mentioned a moment ago that you thought that people did not need to inform the government that they were pregnant. Now you are saying that a judge can order somebody to reveal to the government whether or not they are pregnant."
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You're suppose to lay a pillow under her while you do that position. otherwise she can't balance her body while you're fucking her from behind w/ her arms tied behind her back. Noob.
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Wrong. You're making broad generalizations about other human beings and frankly it's kind of disgusting. Remember that point you made about Nazis being evil? They generalized Jews much in the same way you generalize our police force. Also, possession is only a misdemeanor in my state and I rarely see people get in more trouble than a verbal warning.
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Your statistic took none of the thousands of factors that lead to crime into account. It only mentioned the one thing that does not lead to crime, the colour of someones skin. So yes, you are racist and so is your statistic.
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Those funny noises that you hear coming from stomach is my IBS having fun with me. Yes I know its annoying and loud. Yes it can suck, but there's not a god damned thing I can do about it and you pointing it out is only making it worse.
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Apricot has been one of my favorites, so I sought out substitutes when its production ceased. Some kind soul here in our sub suggested Sailor Kin-Mokusei (thank you! ), which ironically arrived at my home this week. Here are side-by-side comparisons.
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fair enough, fair enough. we could argue about the context, but i appreciate your impartiality. it is up to mueller and then ultimately a judge.
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If you are truly asking, my understanding is that he did in fact pass a background check. But as I've said I don't think any regulations are going to stop every single gun-related homicide, or even every mass shooting. People on the terrorism watch list can buy a gun, or at least they could before, I'm not sure if that loophole is been closed. We've had shooters who have been known to police. So while we may not have stopped this shooting, perhaps we can stop the next one.
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I'm almost positive you are holding the cheaper fare bucket with your previous attempt to buy. If you look at the fare classes I can guarantee they are different. The Delta website back end is kinda crap, by hitting the back button in the browser it's not releasing that ... Just go to the Delta website, sign in, use the Delta website search for the flights you want, and look ... They should match what you saw on Google flights.
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I'll be the voice of reason, Cards Against Humanity is a boring, lowest common denominator game. It's popular because you can teach a monkey, baby or a hamster to play it. It's Apples to Apples with shock value. I hate that it's so popular and ubiquitous, because I have to play it more than I'd like. This doesn't look better, because it's the same dumb premise for a game.
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How am I being toxic? When have I acted toxic around people? Please, do elaborate. I'm sure you have great insight into my life and how I act around others.
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From my experience Generating your own is usually always better. Just a few more steps. As far as conflicts go, i havent heard of lods conflicting too much
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Ugh I live in Dallas. I love GLL. In trying to tell myself I don't want to spend 3 grand on a dress I've never tried on but now everything else seems so lackluster to their gowns. This just deepens my desire for a gown of theirs because you look amazing. Is that the nude underlay?
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No we actually do know that, that is what Biden said leading up to the primaries and he also said ... They're no different than the RNC, they just want to win and will give the nominee to whoever has the ... That's it, that's why we ended up with Trump and that's why we ended up with Hillary. You're dreaming if you think the RNC wanted Trump as their man.
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"I mean even stocks will go up and down in price. In my opinion any gain is a gain, even if you could have potentially gained more. In the stock market you could""lose"" tons of money by not selling at the perfect time, but that doesn't mean you should never sell ever again. Money is money and if you don't have a serious amount as an initial investment then it shouldn't really Matter​. Now if we are talking hundreds to thousands of dollars as an investment, then yes, it is important when you sell and I would consider it a true loss."
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thank you, and i wasn't trying to say i wasn't happy how it turned out. I did the best I could and i like it personally. i was just saying this concept art is more of an eastern style while most of the concept art i see here is western. However what i like is irrelevant when you are designing the overarching style an entire game will have. Just because the art is well done doesn't mean it will bring players to the game.
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[It does what now? ](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/BHYVks-yInE/maxresdefault.jpg) [Sorry, can't year you over our tifos and deafening cheers. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ukT-6cQ41E)
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Not all trans people have mental health problems, just like not all men/women or any other population of individuals.... So your argument is fundamentaly flawed. And most of these mental health issues you listed are correlated to social matters like social acceptance and how the trans community is treated. By continuing to denigrate the Trans community, you are actively encouraging the discriminatory treatment of said community. You are not helping the Trans community, nor are you helping our nation as a whole.
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"I had someone try and bingo me with this logic once. It was super awkward because she was the one who couldn't have kids... we had a roundabout conversation about her saying I'll change my mind because she ""changed her mind and now it's too late"" for her. It was just awful. What I wish I would have said was, ""If I could gift you my fertility I would... but I can't... and I'm sorry. Please respect my life and personal choices as I respect yours."" "
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Thank you, that is my most often played and very special to me. I took the neck to 800 grit, big improvement. It's a great instrument.
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I agree, very well said. I personally view that meme as the over exaggeration that is portrayed by many people in our generation who feel the need to put everyone down if their opinion/views aren't agreed with. I don't believe it was ever meant to target people with legitimate psychological problems but rather people who associate those terms to things that are nothing more than personal preference, to which people take to heart when not agreed with. It's all absolutely ridiculous if you ask me but this is not the correct platform to address those issues, certainly not the place to call out the entire community for something that amounts to one misplaced meme at most. I love you guys and our nerdy avatar conversations!
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"This, in my opinion is a narrow way of looking at education. As a teacher, our job is to make you more literate. Knowing how to ask questions, make predictions, visualize, summarize, and so on. We teach you these things so you have an easier time learning about anything else that might come your way in life. It's a lot like the ""Give a man a fish..."" saying."
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Haha, actually he said the 12 dollars a year *as though that is what healthcare actually costs. * He wasn't voicing an amazing plan but just being utterly out of touch. Which I think adds ammo to your argument that he is stymieing their chances of doing anything.
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Regarding the influence Christians had in the stolen generation I very much doubt that will ever happen. I'm sure most of the public have accepted that as fact. But can you honestly imagine religious organisations in this country accepting blame to that part of our history. As far as they are concerned and as far as many Australians think. The government took blame.
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We need you to make 5, don't ever stop showing up. Plus we're all secretly very proud of your weight loss and are inspiring us all to be better people. Just don't put your head down when you drive and don't pick up your dribble 30 feet from the basket,
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In my opinion, you really messed up sleeping with a friend. There is an emotional bond there already that would make a lot of people uncomfortable. Your fiancé from my understanding wanted you to see if you were attracted to women and you seem to be ... In my opinion, you seem very insensitive to your husband.
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The idea here is that if Player B wishes to be a decent person, he needs to give a sincere apology to those he may have offended with his behavior. "I'm sorry that my behavior made you uncomfortable." Player B does not have to follow that up by saying "Even though Player A is an asshole and I don't think I said anything wrong" even if he feels that way. In turn Player A could say something like "I'm sorry that my choice of play caused you to not enjoy the game." Even if he still thinks it was a valid choice and Player B is an asshole.
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What the hell are you smoking? The interception happened because a near-sack on Moore forced a rushed throw which our secondary capitalized on. And the fumble was punched out by McCourty on hard-hitting tackle. Both of those were really great "big plays" by our defense. Neither of them were "easily preventable turnovers" on your behalf.
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I'm sorry this happened to you. It sounds extremely awful and frustrating. My question is why you assume these negative things happened to you because you're a woman. A man in your position may have the same experience of their ideas being stolen and their voice ignored.
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I'm the opposite. I'll delete your number so quick and then when you text me be like who is this. The game annoys the shit out of me. Though if you want to get her attention you should just stop responding. You're probably 1 out of 30 dudes in her DM if she's attractive and you need a way to stand ...
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"No. Say it. I want you to say a homeless person would be the best choice."
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Well, that saddens and disappoints me to hear that. I always enjoy hearing different viewpoints and info, but if that's how you feel about it, then I sincerely feel sorry for you. But as I said before, I have no ill will or grudge against you. Matter of fact, I pity you. And I hope you have a wonderful day my friend.
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I have quite a lot of dreams where I am a man actually, I don't know if it means anything. A lot of them are sex dreams so I'm having sex with my own penis, it's very curious. I should mention that almost all my dreams are sex dreams before you draw any conclusions about that though
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Your parents didn't love you as much as my parents did. They gave me a real car. Of course it was a 1973 Dodge Dart that my grandmother had been driving for ten years and she was too old to drive it anymore, but it was a real car. The engine blew up after less than a year, but it was a real car.
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Yes you do. None of the non whites have joined western culture in sufficient numbers. And don't tell my 2017 democrat party is western culture. It's a monstrous creation of this multicultural, multiracial hellscape in USA. Just lmbo if you think Muslims for example will join our culture.
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I'mma let you finish, but a script blocker is the best extension of all time -- *of all time*. Blocking shit you didn't even KNOW you didn't want to load. You got uBlock Origin, stopping explicit ads. You got Ghostery, stopping all the weird background nonsense. And then you got your script blocker, for when some weird Russian-sounding javascript tries to load in an iframe and ...
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I believe 'killing people for oil' is a poorly coined phrase that people use to describe the US's support of ... Technically you are not wrong. However, we both know it's much more complicated than what your comment suggests. e: a letter
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I guess at this point it's a mtter of personal opinion. I respect what you say but i would have to disagree. Have a great night.
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It makes some shots easier, some harder. New cloth will make it easier to power your way out of poor position (i.e. too straight, wrong side of the ball), but a little harder to maintain excellent position once you have it, because precise speed control is harder. All things considered though, fast cloth is a bit easier.
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You need to think more like I do about the games. I BET you could raise an Onix and still roll through the main storylines. You can raise any pokemons you like, these games are so damn easy these days. Even in Red/Blue, it's not as easy but you can beat the game with six Ratattas if you really, really ... Yes, I know battling other players is an entirely different thing, and Onix probably IS bad there.
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From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for your kind and gracious reply!! I didn't expect to get any reply, (not because I thought I'd be ignored but I just wanted to put it out there and wasn't worried about a reply) let alone one that would be so calming and encouraging. Thank you for such methodical and practical advice. I will certainly be making some lists over the next few days as well as being intentional about chilling out and understanding that this could be just a springboard to a better opportunity. 😍🌻 Thanks Mom!!
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First, thank you for engaging my argument seriously. That doesn't happen often enough online. That the NFL and Disney have other jobs available doesn't diminish the discrimination for those specific jobs. On the other side, these shops probably aren't restricting their accountant hiring to beautiful young women who will wear bikinis. How big does the butcher get to be before these rules apply?
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A stat like this shows you how extremely flawed our current popular social media platforms are. They systematically glorify and promote loud and extreme perspectives, regardless of true consensus. Sometimes it's hard to remember that, and we get sucked in to drama that doesn't exist, thereby continuing the cycle of overhyping marginal perspectives. Sometimes it helps to take a break from twitter, facebook, and reddit to remember that social media is not necessarily representative of real life.
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Oh my you have such a genuine smile! You look so happy and your personality radiates in this picture! Smile away friend! :) You seem like such a cool person to hang w real talk. Keep on keeping on!
[ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 ]
hi my ancestors came over in the 1600s. one fought in the american revolution. i have ancestors who fought on both sides of the civil war you have nothing to do with me. you are not my kind asian, muslim, mexican, and brazilian americans who are tolerant like i am are my people. these are fellow americans.
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"If Weird Al can use the same beat to a song and just change the lyrics, I don't see why you can't alter the images of Magikarp and Gyarados and sell this sticker under parody law. It's obvious that this is an altered image, and won't, in any way, hinder Nintendo from selling their product. From my basic understanding of parody law, you should be in the clear. I mean, I've seen the images of ""Garydos"" on all kinds of things like sweaters and T shirts. I think you should be good to make $2 off each one of these stickers."
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" ""Don't read anti Mormon literature or you'll end up like your aunt"". This will backfire because we all know you are the cool aunt the cousins love. Right?"
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Point being, I don’t think whites will be the only group selected from, even in majority, in the same sense that sperm banks only want people who could’ve appeared on a nazi propaganda poster. As of now, there is no such selection criteria besides desire to go and affordability. The establishment of selection criteria or systems to promote specific groups who can't afford to go is based on this current lack. The idea that we should send specific ideologies is more contentious than you would think. For instance, I've argued before that religion should be preserved during space colonization and was met with hostility.
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I gave you a different way to think about it since you said you only played it once, I'm not trying to force my opinion on you, I was just trying to help you look at it a different way if you already had the game(which wasn't stated) and not enjoying it. Here I'll go into more detail since I was so silly apparently. I thought the same thing the first time I played it, and I myself mostly used abilities on slots 4-5. I replayed it and tried a different strategy and the game opened up for me. Hence I used my own experience to try and lend a different viewpoint to you.
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Or even just the more abstract, "guess that particular joke flopped; wonder why?" without making it personal at all. But that dude is going to be actually funny to begin with, probably. The only way to making better art is to analyze your stuff.
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" They can't really be like ""I see no race"". Saying that means they don't see any struggle or have any empathy. Thank you for putting my feelings into words. I am a high school teacher and I run a club that is currently planning an event for LGBTQ+ students for Pride Month. I have had both staff and students say, ""but shouldn't we treat gay students like everyone else instead of drawing attention to them like they're different?"""
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"The old ""We don't need America!"" followed by ""America is responsible for our borders"" Not sure how that even works. America would gladly help secure your borders because we're friends. But some of these guys blaming Trump make my head spin. You can't blame him for everything, it's ridiculous now."
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And here it is. The last Other Games Thread of the regular season. It has been an honor cheering against the Broncos, Colts, Ravens and Jets with you, gentlemen.
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Isn't Marx primarily associated by his use by mass-murdering AND deprivation inducing commies? Say what else you want about them but the Nazis never starved anyone in peacetime they didn't mean to. I hope you're not offended by my Nazi joke, Mr. Kulaks Deserved It. To answer you slightly more seriously though. Nietzsche's sister was a dumb bitch (makes you wonder what informed his opinions on women) and after his death she edited some of his works to make them more appealing to Nazis.
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And that runs no risk of further corrupting our elections? I don't get people sometimes. You seem to be concerned about manipulation, including by states like Russia. In other words, an outside country. Yet, you want other countries or bodies to regulate our elections.
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If you think that hirez doesn’t have an interest in having the biggest orgs and players at HRX you are crazy. It is understandable from a business perspective. But from a fans perspective I don’t want the casters to sit there and oogle over adapting like he is a fuckin God. Like say your point and move on. But that is my opinion and you are welcome to disagree.
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I mean, both organizations have their lines. I'm sure Hillel would never accept Messianic Jews, even if they say that's how they follow Judaism. No group is 100 percent pluralaristic. Also, my university's orthodox services have plenty of women praying thank you very much.
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Yes. Be as original as you can be with the plot points that your campaign is built around. In my experience, your players will really appreciate and enjoy it!
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"Freewill is radically more unlikely under an omniscient god - if someone literally knows all things that will happen in the future how can we claim to have freewill? So, as a starter, an omniscient god is a significantly greater challenge for freewill than is a mechanical mind. Secondly, if your perspective is true then we can't make artificial intelligence that has freewill either. This seems unlikely, since we already know we can create systems that produce results we can't predict and that have complexity that betrays their original state. Why is it so unimaginable that a biological machine would be capable of being or having programs that produce unpredictable results and that within the envelope of that ""unpredictability"" we have things like choice and decision making and....freewill?"
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exsqueeze me? I have ~holo~ undertones. I'll have you know I am a top mod of /r/palemua and have over 9000 confirmed foundation mismatches.
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Oh, a conspiratard too. Next you'll tell me about cheese pizza and benghazi and buttery males. People like you are pathetic. I often don't disrespect those who have served, but you don't deserve my spit.
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aww you gave me a big ass grin on my face. i didnt see the new JS trailer until now. The reason I made this was in hopes daybreak would see it and somehow I could have access to a 3rd person camera to make shorts and such. never happened and I was stuck to regular in game POV
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It's not my fault that you can't understand the difference between correcting a friend and supporting an enemy. It is possible to be wrong and still be on the right side of something. And in this case saying there's a contradiction in his statements given his perspective is indeed wrong. The inaccuracy of calling it a contradiction is a factual inaccuracy. This means that there's no real debate associated with it and calling it out as such does not imply respect.
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Thank you, too. I don't know that we're too different in our convictions; but it's an absolute pleasure to be able to have a civil discussion about them, same or different. I believe that divisiveness you speak of is one of the greatest poisons in our society. Maybe some fine day, far in the future, we'll all realize that we're on the same side, even if we disagree about the methods of making our society a better one. I wish you a beautiful day.
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Nice, we need that here in Cali. Too many rolling death traps. There are so many cars in my area with worn out tires or temp spares as permanent wheel replacements that it is crazy. As soon as it rains there are crashes all up and down the freeways and you can't help but wonder why. Maybe we need a driver education course on how to take care of your vehicle.
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Oh yeah, I read it, well done! I know what you mean about finding truth vs faith crisis. I never considered what I was going through a faith crisis until John Dehlin used that term with me. I use the term but I think "finding out the truth" is more applicable.
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It all depends on what you like and how the day is going. When I was in school 10-12 hour days in Ortho or ICU/Trauma flew by. On my psych rotation my four 8-hour shifts a week felt like I was working 100 hour work weeks and felt like the rotation itself was as long as PA school. The beauty of our profession is that if you ever get truly bored, change specialties.
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yehhhhhhh fuck the suicide hotline. Called them, still tried to commit suicide later that night. and before more bullshit fake concern happens, yes I dont want your help now
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NC means you don't read when she sends you a text or email. NC means you don't answer when she calls. NC (no contact) is what *you* do. Don't initiate contact with her, and don't respond when she tries to contact you. If you can't keep yourself from reading when she emails you, change your email.
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Do you have any other family you can contact and possibly live with? What about a friend's family back home where maybe their parents would be cool with letting you stay? Or even if you could reach out to teacher or counselor at school to just tell them about your situation ... Outside of that: Find ways to spend as little time at your house as possible. Join other clubs at school to keep your time occupied.
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Lucky Number Slevin is easily one of my all-time favorite movies. To anyone who hasn't seen it, I recommend knowing nothing about it before your first watch. It is not a film for kids.
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Basically, what you are saying is that we praise Kanye to much. I would personally disagree, and I will explain why. Great musicians haven't come close to recreating levels of sheer musical experience that Kanye has. I don't see how you can look at his body of work and not be blown away. For god's sake, look at the industry before and after College Dropout and tell me that there isn't a visible difference.
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I try to, but some times I wake up on the wrong side of the bed too. I do appreciate you responding to my comment in a very mature manner, so much respect for that. Lots of people will just tell me to go the feck out. :)
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This is a monthly Ruby programming study group and networking meetup. You are welcome to work on any projects you would like in our friendly and helpful environment. Coders of all abilities are welcome!
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*takes out top hat* Dorenbos: Is... THIS your heart? Doctor: For the fifth time, no sir, its yours and we need to put that back into you
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I owe so much to you guys, seriously. I love this community and am so happy to share my music with you. Please give me feedback, whether positive, constructive, or straight up negative. This track is on iTunes and Spotify, if you’re interested. If you like what you hear please keep up with us: www.facebook.com/neverhomenc www.instagram.com/neverhomenc www.twitter.com/neverhomenc www.neverhomenc.bandcamp.com (free download) EDIT: since people are asking, here are our tour dates (we haven’t officially announced these yet, so you heard it here first I guess).
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Here's a little test for parents. If you can run the vacuum cleaner right next to your infant child and they just look at you like ... ", but don't cry, then you can take them to loud movies and they'll be fine. Ya gotta test them every time, though because babies change fast, and what worked last week may not work this ...
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Congratulations!! 🇺🇸🎉🎈🍾🎊🇺🇸 Another Filipino-American in the house!!! Pagbati!! I'll tell you my favorite English/Filipino joke to celebrate. What do you call a couple of Filipino pilots?
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" I see a lot of word salad but I guess your point is MUSLIMS = DANGER. Fearmongering aside, the fact that socioeconomically weak groups such as refugees commit crimes really doesn't warrant Trump mentioning ""what happened ... I don't know about local papers, but what you're asking for is a compilation on the national level."
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" i'm not sure ""polygamy"" is what you meant, since that specifically means having multiple wives. EDIT: meant to say multiple ""spouses"" rather than wives. My assumption was that the person I responded to was find a term for having multiple partners without being in a relationship"
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Nope. He was online but didn't reply. That's why I decided to post it. :P Figured I'd share my crazy with you lovely trolls.
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If you're struggling with crappy bargain knives, as you put it, I'm assuming you don't know how to sharpen. And if you don't know how to sharpen, buying an expensive knife is a gigantic waste of money. Just buy a Tojiro DP and a King 1000/6000 combination. $100 or so alltogether and learn from there.
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I hate when people say this, but I wish I could upvote you more than once. I'm a leftie and that's not hard to figure out if you read my comment history. Most of my friends that are actively involved in the social justice scene push the idea you are describing. It's not about being bias free, because we are human. It's about recognizing your biases and trying to limit their impact.
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yeah people keep talking like only country people hear gunshots. When I'm with my friends in the boonies, sure I hear them echoing over the hills. But I promise when you hear them where I live the proximity is *much* closer.
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PPD. Just because you have a vagina, you don't get to act that way. While it actually sounds like you understand that, many do not. ANY person who hits another person first is lucky to not get hurt in return. I would suggest, having learned your lesson, that you should support his businesses, rather then boycott them.
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Why does everyone love Catan so much? Your description of your experience sounds kind of awful imho, and similar to my experience as well. I've never completed a game of Catan, partly because I didn't really get what I was supposed to be trying to accomplish in the game and the other players lost interest as well. I guess I picked the wrong starting locations because my turn was last so I was screwed out of getting any resource types anyone cared about throughout the entire game, and the few things I could scrounge up were stolen by the robber. Honestly I'd rather play Monopoly than Catan any day.
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"what was the great depression, the global recession, the housing marlet crash, the bailing out of the banks, all the dead soldiers ""protecting our freedom"" for some money hungry billionaires. All the murdered ""enemies"" and civilians of the world. Maybe one day you'll realize we all share the same earth, and brotherhood transcends policy. "
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Not the person you're replying to, but here's my take: For me, it wouldn't be a deal-breaker. I would not find it attractive if my husband wore a thong (being honest here), but I mean, I'm not ... And since he wouldn't be wearing it during sex, it wouldn't hinder that for me either. Would I like it? Nah.
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I guess you will have your opinion and I will have mine. I'm just glad my friends are not as judgmental and opinionated as you are. Not very well bred? Comparing people to animals, wow.
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Thanks for sharing this. I wasn't aware that there was this type of civil protest happening within DA offices. I think publicity to this effect could be helpful to the community. Huh, I've actually never considered it a form of civil protest, so much as us doing our jobs. lol You make us sound more radical than I feel like we are.
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when i'm doing technical terrain, using the front brake helps you steer into the turn better. if you use only the rear brake, your back tire will skid/shudder making your steering less stable. a simple tap of the front brake is all thats needed for the most part. try it on open flat ground with some obstacles like cones to weave in and out of. learn your brakes so you know how they respond at different speeds.
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They were not repealed and they're not planning on repealing them. It's as if you have zero knowledge of our current situation. Net Neutrality is hinged on ISPs being classified as Title II common carriers. That's what Pai is planning on removing which then leaves Net Neutrality in place but removes ISPs from the classification that binds them to it.
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you're a good person. dealing with a sister like that is tough! i've experience similar family drama like you, hang in there!
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Nobody argued aluminum is stronger and you also are using examples that are decades old. I knew the post would end with you saying you carry a full size 1911. We should take your word it is negligible when the vast majority of people and the market disagree.
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No need to apologize, if anything I should be the one apologizing for barging in with a rude joke. I'd buy you lunch to make up for it but you probably wouldn't eat anything. ;) Ok I'll stop now. I'm actually envious of naturally thin people.
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