All governments do shit like this and no one can really do anything. But they should be held accountable. I respect your opinion but i disagree
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1. You have massive low self esteem, which is all in the mind. 2. you're fulfilling your own doom prophecy 3. Everyone is faking at least 70% of their life.....learn that skill. You don't have to tell a new partner you're a newbie etc.
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Damn it. Fuck you guys for beating us and knocking us to the 5 seed, but also thank you for not letting ... That's not what a division rival should do. We have been cast into some circle of Injury Hell but you did what you should. So...fuck your team *but*: 1.
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That really depends on which liberals and which conservatives your talk to and generalizations are dangerous. Having said that, there are a couple things to consider. I'm guessing you are a liberal based on your question, so am I for the record. Think about how you feel about Trump, now think about spending 8 years with him as president. You would be furious (for good reason).
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Hey there, and welcome to PXR! Phoenix Rising is a League community based in EUW that looks to provide a place for players of all ranks. We are a relaxed, mature community with plenty of games and weekly events. Whether you are serious or just want a laugh we'd love to have you! **What we do** Free coaching from top coaches on leaguecoaching.gg Weekly Tournaments with RP prizes LoL Quiz night every three weeks - with additional themed quizes such as overwatch, pokémon, etc.
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You know, you’re right. It’s honestly one of those things I kept hearing on Reddit and just now regurgitated without fact checking. Maybe I’m confusing it with not cooking blade tenderized steaks “regularly” since I prefer medium rare. Either way, thank you kind stranger, as I have learned my lesson. I’m excited to pick up some cheap Costco beef to SV!
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Depends on what you like. Tarleton is a lot more country and would say more conservative where UNT is way more liberal. Not saying you should choose based on that but that is my experience from what I know. Depends on if that matters to you. As far as places I would pick Denton over a school in the middle of nowhere.
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I would pay double retail for this game. The map is insanely huge to me. Idk where it ranks with other open world games map size wise but I haven't been bored just walking around. There's always something to do and the world feels alive. I'd say if you like the new tomb raiders and assassins creed it's worth it.
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Out of the top 3, I'd prefer /u/billbrasky. Sure Bubba is on my sus list, but it's because of the Chewie role claim. That leaves you and Bill. You don't really buzz for me, and Bill *barely* buzzes, but at least you contribute a fair amount. I don't like it when people lynch quiet members early on solely for being quiet, but when we're halfway through ...
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Okay so i was going to just kind of laugh it off but i have some questions about your idea. Why would someone who has the capabilities to pull someone from a low point over multiple areas of their life ... Which you can't possibly achieve since you're not going to book 4 clients year round without fail. What possible kind of contact hours can you provide somebody over a month when you have 4 different people likely ... Have you made any plans for how you're going to take clients out frequently when they live all around Brisbane?
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You rock! I hope you don't mind, but I tried to make the pictures more proportionate, so they compare better. I think you can see that the loss is more dramatic when you're not closer to the camera in the ... :) That... Or I'm just a neurotic weirdo about progress pictures, lol. In any case, nice work, sister!
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Don't touch it! Eye infections can be extremely dangerous. Put a hot pad over your face for some relief.
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Ramen! I don't give a flying fuck your ancestor walked across the plains. I guess I do feel bad for them, guy was blind and literally showed blind faith waking across the plains. And his great great grandmother was one of 7 wives. But how is the story of getting hit by a pig in the eye causing you to go blind spiritual.
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As a chicagoan i can assure you Gutierrez is one of the most despicable people alive. The ONLY reason he isnt in the top 5 worst humans alive is he doesnt have the power or money. He is vastly underrated as a total stark raving lunatic cocksucking motherfucker.
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This isnt nearly as bad, but a girl i was absolutely crazy in love with fucked a disgusting 40 year ... Then she told me about it. The thought of that shithead grunting and sweating on top of her made me actually, physically sick. I had no idea a single mental image could do that. What you posted really flashed me back for a sec.
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We have a lawn, yard care business that uses some of his methods, but we developed our site from scratch, ... We don't subscribe to any saas. We like better control, full code ownership and don't want to rely on a 3rd party. You don't have to use service software like that if you don't want to.
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i'd disagree, you need some delay between drawing and firing unless they're actively attacking you. If you draw and they back down, no reason to pull the trigger. at that point, you definitely put yourself in a position to get charged. \ Mind you, this delay doesnt have to be very long. If i draw and they take another step or any sudden movement, that firing pin is falling.
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"as proper as the government defines it That's the crux of our disagreement. We live in a democracy, so technically we decide on a regular basis collectively to change what is ""proper"". Therefore there is nothing can be assumed about how ""proper"" things happen to be on any given day based solely ... there were people far smarter than me who wrote the tax code I have bad news for you. They don't collect the smartest people and let them write the laws."
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Thanks again CheisSz. It's amazing how you and I have come full circle with the Lobos. You're a legend in my eyes, you're always friendly, and make me laugh/smile. Cheers, I'll drink a Grolsch in your honor.
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It was never my intention to disparage your love of Indycar. I too will be a fan until the day I die. You could have simply stated your unwillingness to watch a driver die without all of the empty stands, small purses, and poor TV ratings comments and I would have said nothing at all. As for the 10x TV ratings I mentioned...No, Road America won't get better ratings than Texas, and it may get worse ratings. 5-600k is about all the viewers NBCSN gets for Indycar.
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"Tucson is a great city, and I would recommend anyone come visit before deciding to move here. Do some research and see if we have anything that aligns with your interests. Downtown and 4th Avenue have a fun night scene and a lot of great restaurants (you'll find great food everywhere), we have awesome natural parks, museums, art galleries, an opera house, shooting ranges, and the surrounding mountains are covered in campsites and trails for all sorts of outdoor fun. That only scratches the surface. And seeing as how most everyone here has already dissected your post history I'll say this: I would wager most people here find the extreme left and alternative right equally as insufferable, whether it's an SJW screaming about oppression or a loud mouthed Trump supporter firing back calling everyone ""cucks"" and spewing nonsense about political correctness."
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Lol. Maybe this is the wrong place to say, but that 'oh shit it jammed' button is useless, and even causes more problems than it's worth. Whether prone to malfunctions or not, forcing the bolt into battery when there is a problem only makes more problems. This isn't to support or undermine your preference though, just my opinion on the forward assist. But I do sense an elitist in the making.
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"It would be less of a problem, but yeah, I think it would still be somewhat bad. In a perfect world, we'd have one ""scouts"" for both boys and girls, and every individual could pick a mix of whatever they want. So a kid could do some ""boyish"" and some ""girlish"" things. Maybe a kid is mostly one way, but decides to get one badge in the other - that would be a good thing, I think. Instead, we have two separate groups, representing stereotypes, and you have to pick one. "
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thank you for the advice about lowering my standards a bit, thats really smart. i have a routine i stick too about cleaning the house and im going to adjust it to make it a bit easier. when i cant deal, my car is actually my happy place. its easy for me to keep it spotless, and i tend to sleep in it parked in the driveway when dealing with my house is too much. i feel like it sounds unhealthy, but its really refreshing for me haha
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Hey pirate, flair up first, then maybe we'll entertain your opinion as something worth considering. edit.Frack. I fell for it. 3 day old account. And 3 days is probably more than his maturity/intelligence level.
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Why would you be downvoted for your comment? It sounds like you're being incredibly safe while cosleeping with your son. The sleeping arrangements don't sound exactly comfortable (no blankets or pillows? ), but I can understand why it's necessary when cosleeping. Thank you for validating my feelings!!
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" Look dude, we both know you don't understand how NN protected your freedom to view all content equally.... But thanks for proving my point. Btw, you didnt make a point.... You assumed (incorrectly) that if you wanted faster internet speeds, you just have to pay more!.... That's not how this works. Stating the facts is not a ""hivemind""...."
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Fuck it I'll talk about my racial harmony friendship since you guys are doing it! I'm a black dude (now 30) and my best friend is white, same age. We met when we were 18 both buttheads working at a market. We were complete opposites. Growing up I was more into hip hop and from the projects and he was a metalhead and into various other kinds of rock who lived with his mom.
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Hi! I have a non-gender conforming child; and our experience has been very different than what you suggest. Accepting our child unconditionally was the path to deep wholeness. I'd be happy to answer any questions you have if you want to hear from a parent that's actually gone through this.
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There are no facts in theology. It's pure speculation that convinces people who already believe in the religion. The OP is purely about the paucity of good evidence and the lack of a decent argument. While we quibble about specifics, you're forgetting that theology is unconvincing to those outside your religion. No matter how solid you think your argument is, the fact is that no one finds them in the least plausible that your conclusion of your God is the best answer.
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So you're taking time out of your day, traveling to a thread your not a member of, commenting on a game you don't like, and posting just to inform others that their game is not perfect? Wow. That solidifies that you are just pissed others are content with a game and you feel the need to tell them they are wrong. Pathetic. Trust me, criticize all you want, we all do it.
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In my experience, don't bet on games with odds of like 1/4 or lower. There's barely ever any value in those. Other than that, my advice would be to stop betting if you've been losing so much money. Don't bet money you can't afford to lose.
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You don't actually want that. The military is predominantly Republican/conservative, as is the NRA membership. But justify your sleazy way of viewing our generally robust Democratic Republic however you'd like. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
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Hi friend, can you please keep us updated! I have a very similar setup to yours and am experiencing the same problem with my Bublicious. I have 5 gallon fabric pots, 600w HPS, 40-50% RH humidity, temps between 75-85. I am using Fox Farms Tiger Blossom and Big Bloom. I had thought it was from a nute burn.
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Did you model it out? Looks good and the orientations look good. If you are looking for criticism then in my opinion i dislike sideports like that. What year tahoe and are you trying to keep the rear seats?
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EDIT: Holy crap that's a lot of messages. I've gone through first come, first serve. I've tried to give each person one thing, so if you asked for more than one thing, but it's still ... If you didn't get a PM from me then someone else got there first. There are a lot of keys, so be patient.
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My my, your butthurt at being called out for your douchebaggery is quite amusing to watch. There's nothing more gratifying than watching a precious snowflake go into full meltdown because their overinflated self-esteem is punctured. Your inference was wrong, your assumption was wrong, your attitude was wrong and you were wrong. But please, continue to justify, your sad, sad tears are so delicious.
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Great post. I would add a final stage of **Relapse. ** Along with skills to help you get back on track. When making a major change it is very common to have setbacks, if you are prepared for this and have ...
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Lol, as a white new orleanian who was there during Katrina, you are wrong. The storm didn't give a fuck about color, it ravaged black and white, rich and poor alike. And what... you think the government response was to only help...white people? Fucking outsiders came in after the fact and made it about race. Hey thanks guys, not like our city has enough problems without your divisive race rhetoric.
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Yes THANK YOU! Of course I looked up the tourism Winnipeg website and that stuff, but it's not quite winter yet, so alot of that stuff isn't open, and all the summer stuff is closed. Hence why I posted here. Thank you very much, and no problem my boyfriend is a big beer lover so these are perfect!
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"Well if it worked for you there's that at least. Just don't expect it to get very far, especially if you're approaching from an emotional rather than rational perspective (""there's no argument against veganism"" is an emotional rather than rational view). In my experience men tend to not be convinced by emotional over rational arguments but your mileage may vary. Most men that I know also don't respect typical alpha males or their behavior, but again that's just my experience."
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If they can keep the injuries down, and if the optimism I've seen in the saints sub comes to any ... Hopefully next year they will have a middling defense. Plus isn't the cap crisis in NO about over after this season? This year the league average for points allowed is a little over 23 points and the saints average points scored ... I think you should say "next year" one more time Drew!
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own it, which you have in words, but really own it, which it sounds like you are. i am taking your word about the alcohol problems, and going out on a limb and going to suggest strongly ... Alcohol will do nothing to lift you up from where you are, it might numb you so you dont feel ... It will not numb you tonight so you can do something to rise higher tomorrow. It will just numb you as you go lower.
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I once started a new subreddit in the comment section of a post, that got 3000 points (before the change). My comment got 120 points and we gained about 1200 subscribers through that comment. I don't know if that information helps you a bit.
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Hi everyone, thank you for the positive feedback on my Wingnut Dishwashers Union cover! This next post I made to commemorate the death of my friend from an accidental heroin overdose on October 2015. He was a great songwriter and musician and always inspired me. Hope you all enjoy my take on his song!
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If you look at my post history, you'll see some of my funny dedede moments. Too bad I play on 3ds. I'd love to play you sometime
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If you are exactly who I think you are I would do a few things. Raise your concerns in writing to your supervisor, his supervisor, and the CIO. If you are not the poor kid upstairs then I am sorry. Resetting root passwords on linux machines is fairly trivial with physical access. Admin credentials for applications like ldap, mysql, nagios, etc may have to be reset in similar fashion.
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I think it's a good hobby and not weird at all. I've recently just started back up with Lego after years of building with them. 40 years or so. It is funny but most of you posting your ages are young enough to be my kid. LOL
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I think the emphasis on the term unicorn hunting has lost its luster for me. I used to think it was an effective tool, now I've changed my mind. What I think you need to worry about are the particulars. The selling of you guys as a package deal is trouble. His jealousy of other guys outside your relationship is trouble (but i understand the validity of wanting poly-fi as well).
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What the H? Yeah, I get that you're trying to make fun out of tuberculosis. Hell, we've all been there. It's funny as shit. At first, anyway.
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Really all the weapons finally being healthy is the key. Look at the past 3 games. Le'Veon was suspended, Landry Jones was the QB, then Martavis was suspended and Bell got hurt early. Our full arsenal gives us a much better shot against a depleted Pats defense. There's a lot you have to respect on our offense to focus on a single player.
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Yes! Thank you very much. It may seem silly but I really like your cop show Under Arrest that they have on Netflix and I honestly noticed the bias against native people by police and others. Overall though it seems your police force may handle things better than ours. I think sometimes we feel as Americans that our problems are uncommon in other countries, but all cultures face the same challenges.
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The dual military decision has been hard fought and long awaited. I think we'll be fine but thank you for your concern. A lot of younger kids don't know what they're getting into when they do dual mil early in their marriage so it's nice someone is trying to watch out for people. Thanks for all of your advice. If I get him one it'll definitely be something generic to be honest.
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I absolutely appreciate your advice and help. I think I have tried that Rx. I went through a year of something different every month or so, and I think I did. I really appreciate your compassion, as it is definitely a huge stress factor in my life.
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We met online by Tinder which was out of character for both of us. We tell people jokingly that we met at the mall because that's where we had our first date! Now we kind of just gloss over it because it really doesn't matter to us. We got engaged really quickly to the surprise of a lot of people, so our wedding website reads "After a whirlwind romance, we're getting married! We are so excited to share our love and excitement with you."
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"""We realised what people are doing is using Allo and Duo to talk to each other. So we released a brand new app for that! It's called Google Talk. It uses the open XMPP standard for communication and we're sure you're going to love it!"" "
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The turquoise is most likely dyed howlite, a normally white boron rich mineral. Real turquoise commonly has black veins running through it, tenorite, copper monoxide. I don't see this in your specimen, the veins are grey.
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Over a thank you card? Decent hotels send those out all the time. The hotel card doesn't say btw your husband is fucking some other woman in our hotel. It's a freaking thank you card
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Didn't he hit well with us in spring training? Honestly with all the injuries our club seems to have been blessed with this year you never know. Stay on the roster and good things might happen.
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ah, I see you are a lady of culture as we- wait. But honestly, that sounds like a fun fetish to have as a woman. It's not even unachievable or anything.
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If you aren't smart enough to look it up then you deserve evil Phil Murphy. However the people of NJ deserve better. But we both know you are being willfully ignorant and are trying to spread a disinformation campaign.
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Golly, that game affected you way differently than it did me. Skyrim made me look forward to adventuring and running about all willy-nilly without any responsibilities. That being said, it's great that you can be inspired to think positively about the future and your life. But I do hope you don't let your future kids play with daggers so readily. :P
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lol just realized why youre so heated. I forgot to put not like a greek god. I meant you don't need to look like a greek god, but a demi god would help. It was half a joke. I was 290 in February and I'm 235 today.
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Not really. If Trump thinks invading the Middle East to stop Afghanistan/Iraq from harboring terrorists was a waste of money, then invading Pakistan to stop them from harboring terrorists is also a waste of money. So my criticism is directly responsive to your argument that countries that harbor terrorists can "get fucked."
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I'm the exact opposite of you; born in Istanbul and living in Seattle and honestly, I'm dumbfounded by your comment. First of all Istanbul is not designed by any means. 1/3 consists of old city, 1/3 of illegal slums that turned/ turning into half decent apartments and 1/3 new apartment ... Slums and old city have everything within walking distance because of the lack of zoning laws that gives a chaotic ... It has no traffic planning, no development plans, nothing.
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I like these as general guidelines. For me I've always felt uncomfortable when the purchasing/acquiring is a bigger part of your hobby than anything else. It's super common in fashion, too, and ties to really complicated stereotypes of women that are super annoying. My buying something can take really long and I do get a lot of enjoyment in the decision but its ... The way I interact with makeup as a hobby is 75% about how I use it to reflect my enjoyment ...
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I disagree with most of what you say, I was in the Navy from 05-09 and it's lead to a free bachelor's and nothing but opportunity after opportunity for me. But we all have different experiences and I can respect how you feel. One point that I did want to make is if you didn't feel comfortable with the crossing the line ceremony why did you participate? I knew what to expect on our deployment for crossing the line, had zero interest in going through it or participating so I simply said I wasn't going to do it. Nobody pressured me, nobody forced me, I just had a completely normal day.
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Funny. If the Right had been willing to compromise on the gun issue in this country, than this man may have not been able to acquire an assault rifle. And you miss part two of my argument: Nobody wasted time in condemning him and his actions.
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I think only an expert in the field can analyze you my friend. There are so many symptoms on so many kind of levels relative to aspergers/autism. Having a select few of 'special interests' is only one symptom. But NTs can do this.
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That would be our society speaking to you. When you become more comfortable with yourself, you should begin to see that you define you. Nothing on tv, commercials, or social media, etc. Just you. You're life will change as you meet new people.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 ]
If you're in Illinois, the first thing you need to do is apply for your FOID (firearm owners identification) card. You can't legally handle a firearm in Illinois without one. I haven't lived in Illinois for years, but iirc you can't even buy or handle ammo without one. They're fairly easy to get. Get a passport photo taken, print/fill out the application and mail it with the fee.
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I can perceive you are adroit at finding these types of homes. Would you be interested in helping find a house? Thank you for answering all my quesitons
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The 1964 National Championship wasn't one they awarded years after the fact, that's simply untrue. It was a split national championship that year, and Arkansas was awarded the national championship by a major organization at the time. The part about going back after the fact were sports writers determining we had the most legitimate claim to the title, but it had already been awarded to us by the Football Writers Association of America at the time. I know the narrative you're trying to push here about Arkansas relevance recently, and I'm not going to argue with you and act like we're LSU or Texas. But what you're trying to push there about our national championship is complete bullshit.
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*Texas - Sleeping with the window open uh, what? I mean... I get why you wouldn't want to do that here (it's hot as satan's taint) but nobody does that.
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Yet loads of foreigners think it´s all we listen to. We don't *think* that, we hope that. When the alternative is A-Ha, you'd better up to some Mayhem.
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Just a poor attempt at humor, I suppose. I was thinking more about the general observation of many conservatives in my experience who see the left as distrustung Russia, more specifically Putin. According to a few of my very right-wing co-workers, Putin is not a globalist, they equate globalism with both the left general intellectual types. Again, perhaps the scope of my observation is rather narrow in general, but I made myself chuckle. I don't know what that tells you about my sense of humor!
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If you believe in equality among the sexes, then you my friend are a feminist. You might not like the word because it has been so politicized, but if you Google the definition, it is the same as what I have been advocating here. Also, you really cant speak for most feminist. All of my friends and I are feminists, and we all find what this girl did abhorrent. I think you may be confusing your everyday feminist for a stereotype.
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Same. It's actually incredible when you think of the things that you do without second thought. Then, when you next see your chiro, they're all "What have you done!?!?" Then, when you next find yourself at an amusement park, you're that asshole. "I'm sorry, I can't go on this roller coaster, my chiropractor has told me not to."
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"There is a scientific term for the phenomenon of ""seeing it when you're not looking for it"". I think dropping your keys onto carpet of the same color. You won't see it when you're looking for keys but you will see it if you're just looking at the ..."
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The President’s twitter page should be boring. Obama had the @POTUS account for his entire presidency and no one mentioned it once. Why would you want our head of foreign relations to act like a joker on the internet.
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6.000.000 Jews died there and about 5-15.000 gay people. According to your percentages at most 20.000 gay people and 18.000.000 Jews were captured. Now tell me that the torture of 20.000 people is worse than the murder of 6.000.000! No matter how harshly they were treated, in the moment you choose one site you completely ignore the torture, the other group had to face. In my opinion you can't say Jews had it worse or gays had it worse.
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Oh I agree, one single chair is a little off, asymmetrical as all hell. I think it fits this room, definitely could do much better than a lone chair, but I think it works. Like you say, a good plant or two does the trick better, but hey, maybe the owner isn't a plant person and likes something to stick out? It certainly works in my opinion, but I do agree with you that there are better options.
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I wonder if that's why he felt justified in being possessive of you. Like he knew you had been Muslim and was therefore offended that you were behaving "out of line". I read that for a lot of Muslims, if someone leaves the faith it's a big deal. Please know I'm not saying you did anything wrong and the person was completely out of line and possibly crazy.
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Honestly that's exactly what I did. 5x5 was great and all but I needed to lift more days per week and the basics get boring. Now I do a modified PPL with an added shoulder day. Also starting at the bulk at 180 should be fine, it all evens out over time anyways. In my opinion, anything works if you train with enough intensity.
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To begin, I feel it is worth mentioning that there isn't anything wrong with your significant other wanting to have ... It sounds like there is a lack of respect in your relationship. My advice to you would be to talk to him about it, talk about how you feel and that you ... If you feel unable to do this, I think you need to seriously reconsider your relationship. There should never be one person in the relationship with more power/respect than the other person and if you're afraid ...
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"First of all, in the first scenario; as a boyfriend, I would imagine your first response would be something to ... Overall, I think it sounds like you are suffering from some immaturity. It sounds like in all these scenarios you are rip roaring and ready to be jealous/defensive. And to boot, you're jumping ready to put the blame on your girlfriend for x y and z (whatever, you ... Honestly, you should be happy your girlfriend is confident, assertive and doesn't need to rely on a ""I have a ..."
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"I dunno. Olenna Redwyne got around that pretty well. ""I wasn't originally engaged to marry your grandfather Luthor, you know. He was engaged to marry my sister, your great-aunt Viola. I was engaged to marry some Targaryen or other."
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" https://mobile.twitter.com/seanhannity/status/867350193741672448 ""Thank you to all my irredeemable friends!! Very humbling!!"" Did he just call his fans ""unable to be saved, improved, or corrected""? I'm not the greatest with words, but that sounds like a confession on how brainwashed he's gotten his audience..."
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You called me a racist. Edit: you implied it twice. Once claiming I wanted to kick Hispanics out. I ignored that. Second when you twisted my words into claiming I think all illegal aliens are violent.
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My pleasure, i'm glad you're pleased. /u/MmmmBeer814 does this count? :)
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"Unless your husband communicates that the ""apology"" wasn't acceptable, they will assume it was. If you and your husband want to continue to work towards a resolution, he could reply to the text with something like, ""I'm not the person you should apologize to. Before you send my wife the apology she deserves, here's what a REAL apology looks like."" Include a link to the [six parts of an apology](https://www.psychologicalscience.org/news/minds-business/effective-apologies-include-six-elements.html). But really, don't expect much."
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Low information voter. A sad result of a mentality among some that "my ignorance is as good as your knowledge." Before I talk politics I gauge the level of actual knowledge they hold. If its like you describe, I just disengage. You will not convince someone who literally does not have the level of requisite knowledge sufficient to even have an opinion.
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We'll stop criticizing him when you stop telling us we are obligated to support him. This is just circular logic. Progressives like us will stop criticizing purity tests tests and DNC bashing when you stop telling us to get into ... People like Booker are the least of our problems. Solidarity with others on the left absolutely matters.
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Really like the thumbnail of this video, simple yet elegant! The video quality and sound were good, the camera angle wasn't the best, you had a lot of head room, i'd set your camera or phone on a tripod so that the angle stays steady! I liked you giving your insight, i think you have a good personality! So just keep working hard and you can achieve the success you're after!
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"Yeah snoop talking more in a ""Macking""? sense basically you use your social intelligence to get laid (easiest explanation i can come up with). Playas gonna play bro. taking the pussy in the hood ? not cool will get back to you and you will be clowned."
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i agree with you however at that level of packs the legendary change will make a huge difference. It will be a LOT less dup legendaries which means a LOT of dust saved crafting legendaries. A silver lining. I too buy every pre-order and sometimes I'll buy a pack of packs
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You need to stop being involved with this guy before you get hurt. He has already been clear that he does not want a relationship so don't try and convince him. Sex is not a good enough reason to keep seeing someone who doesn't want the same things as you. You can make this a lot easier for yourself by ending this now. Try to overcome your emotional side and look at it rationally – it's a skill you will need for life.
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Good lord, I almost spit up my coffee. Enjoy your well-deserved flair, my friend! ____________________________ **Edit:** And your gold!
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aside from being poetic about my anger against your enemies i dont troll in /r/qatar. you guys dont deserve my level of vulgarity for i am truly disgusting and despicable. :)
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"""""you didn't wash ya ass -A"""" LMFAOOOOOO I HAVEN'T LAUGHED THIS HARD IN A LONG TIME. thank you but yeah i agree, and i've been thinking about that a lot lately. AD must have at least a few minions because this is getting really unrealistic with how AD knows everything at all times."
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