Your dad should eat the deposits and move the wedding, or he should be understanding that you have to miss ... This firestorm is his mess due to his poor planning and poor communication. I don't think that it's fair for you to cut your trip short because of his idiocy.
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This actually has big ramnifications for us. We will make your Wizards experiences more efficient, connected, and convenient. From getting matched in a big tournament to tracking your achievements to simply getting friends together for game night, there's ... A revamped technology team led by longtime Wizard Arron Goolsbey will be focused on connecting these kinds of in-store and ... This last one is especially intriguing.
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"I figured it would be more about sodomy, like the ""it's not procreation if there isn't a penis"" mentality. Still odd. EDIT: Even if you do not like it, it is not my opinion. "
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Yup. And even then, Hitler and many Germans were veterans of WW1, the largest and bloodiest war in history, and then ... Say what you want about the Nazis, but they were not a soft and cucked people. They were created by hard and brutal times.
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Playoff games average 112 commercial Where do you get that number? That sounds impossibly high, even before you exclude network promos. (Which are unpaid but take up slots) Even if every single commercial were only 30 seconds long, that would still ... Last year's Super Bowl, for example, only had 62 paid commercials over 48 minutes. And that's nearly a 4 hour spectacle.
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Well im glad you guys are here. I really hope to be graced with this glorious PC! Thank you either way for giving back to our community!
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Through various situations, in different times, I loved each and every one of you. I Thank you all for our wonderful moments. I hope you've thought fondly of me as I assure each of you that I have done the same. During each of our relationships, you've all been quite perfect.
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I find this interesting re: her refusing to let you pay for her "half" of stuff so as a result you guys often don't do something that you want to do. Have you discussed splitting things in proportion to your income as opposed to 50/50. For example, tickets to a concert cost $200 for 2 tickets. You make 2x what she makes, so you pay 2/3 and she pays 1/3? It's unreasonable (in my opinion) to split things 50/50 when your income discrepancies are significant.
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Hi thanks for your response this is very helpful. I am considering staying longer now but haven' fully decided yet, as I have given word to my friend already that I would move in together. But you do have a good point and I think our values are pretty similar. So, my employer does offer 401k matching but after 1 year of service, would you recommend still putting it in there or should I do IRA Roth? Or let it sit in savings account?
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First, thank you for answering my question. You may not see it as allow, which is fine since it's your relationship, but for others a one-time incident with no consequences would be enabling a behavior. In the end, it's your relationship and it's not a big deal to you guys then that's that. We all have our past history (as you stated above) that leads everyone to their deal breakers.
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The archangel will teach you how to use the s-curve in your distance throw. I think it's a great slightly understable starter disc. If you're used to throwing an ultimate frisbee, the zephyr will be your best friend.
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"Yes, the Quran generously praises ""Some of them who are faithful..."" to encourage them. Apparently, these few were the exception to the rule: [Some make excuses, lie, and avoid battles](https://quran.com/9/90) [They are extreme in disbelief, hypocrisy, and ignorance](https://quran.com/9/97) [Some are stingy and wish misfortune on the faithful](https://quran.com/9/98) [Some persist in hypocrisy](https://quran.com/9/101) [More cowards...](https://quran.com/9/120) [More liars and hypocrites...](https://quran.com/48/11) [Again cowards...](https://quran.com/48/16) [Not truly believers](https://quran.com/49/14) You get the idea. I'm aware this sub has a few people who just want to bash Arabs. In my opinion, the disingenuous comments praising Arabs and bedouins like yours is what prompts it. The point is, Muhammad most certainly was not from the bedouins, nor was he raised among them."
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I'm not the OP of this thread or the np one, but I find it rather rich how some Asian Females spin themselves as the only Asian folks capable of being enlightened, acculturated, liberal, and egalitarian as my ilk GREW UP IN THE SAME HOMES AND SAME ENVIRONMENTS. Do you, but get our fucking names of out your mouth. I could not care less who you date. I'm not here to police your love life. But I won't abide by your misrepresentation and strawman of our issues.
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Fair enough. Maybe a better way to phrase it would have been, "everyone thinks they are immune to advertising". In the same way that I might consciously brush off a Coca-Cola advert but be subconsciously influenced, a non-vegan might ... In fact a large part of your "Info" campaign is probably sponsored by Big Fruit Veg. That's a joke, right?
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"""Opponents feasted on Jokic at the rim. "" - Lowe. All of you Jokic apologists who down vote my criticism of his defense can suck it. "
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Not just that, make sure you record a copy of the voicemail as well, some vm systems give finite lives ... My old carrier used to store your voicemail for a month before deleting them permanently. My current one seems to go a lot longer.
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31??? Holy shit. You look like my dad and I'm older than you. I'm sorry.
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The president doesn't need to threaten the NFL, he is by design the most influential person in the country. He is the government. He is no longer a private person. You lose the right to attack a citizen exercising their rights when you assume the office. You're probably a paid shill but your views legitimately threaten our freedoms.
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I've seen quite a lot of your two clubs rivalry.. But I have no idea where it stems from. Any reason?
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..... yes. What could possibly cause it to stop? If we stop being affected by our animal natures, we will lie on the ground and die. Tribalism or xenophobia or whatever you want to talk about is a part of our biological nature. It can't go anywhere.
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Aww that is cute how you think opinions like that are related to my sex life. How about because of the way they behave and think? How about because they fuck everybody?
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"The juxtaposition and placement of the stripes have always been extremely off-putting to me. And some of our shirt/pant color combos over the years have been downright criminal. In college football, your uniforms either have to be ""sleek"" or be ""traditional,"" and USC just never seems to be able to walk that line very well, always in the middle. All my personal opinion though, obviously there's people out there like you and others that love them! "
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I'm glad that others are experiencing this too. I've been banned from subs for asking questions respectfully. Or asking people to back up what they're saying. I love a respectful political discussion but any questioning of the hive is squelched and you're banned. It's crazy town up in here.
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Coming from the non-profit world myself, pretty much every charity would say they need donations to keep up/expand their operations. I'd recommend starting with a service or necessity you feel passionate about (education, food, clothes, shelter, "keeping families together", etc. ), and researching those charities that have the highest merit.
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I bought a piano for the sole purpose of teaching myself To Zanarkand. I've hknestl completely forgot about the Via Purifico part. Adding that to my must learn list, thank you
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Awesome answer I myself am a trans woman, and while I may often disagree with what you have said in ... I really hope you can get into the Hall someday! :) Cheers
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your confusing my lack of desire for the government to fix this problem with a lack of compassion. I don't think the government should be trying to fix these problems. I think churches and other charities should be the ones that handle this.
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Rift owner, here. A couple replies downplayed the audio, but you're right to care about it. The integrated headphones are quite good and really do add to your comfort and convenience. The microphone is also miles ahead of the Vive one. The roomscale on Rift truly is lacking, though.
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"Adam Smith didn't write about ""self interest"" driving progress. He talked about ""enlightened self interest"". If we end up with a socialist revolution you can blame the misinterpretation of that difference "
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Thank you for the concern and yes I am talking to my family about it. My dad doesnt really understand some of my problems because...I dont know, he's just a dad but he's still open to hear me out about my issues. I love that old guy so much. Its just tough out here for a girl.
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You resort to personal attacks of my intelligence because you're being emotional about this issue. This *is* in regards to proposed laws, and arguments over government policy; for example, you can't take down a statue just because you feel it's offensive, that is against the law. I'm not saying that this is going to be suppressing minority groups in direct relation to the Confederate flag currently, I'm trying to make sense of the allowances that you're proposing that can and will be used to suppress minority groups in the future. And also, Auburn High School is a **public** high school in Auburn.
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Bro, I accidentally did the same thing except I killled my ducking cat of 12 years when I accidentally turned ... I came home from work and opened the dryer (where she liked to. Hill on the warm clothes) and there was my cat dead as fuck with blood all over my clothes. It was fucking horrible. I know how you feel but it really wasn't your damn fault.
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And he's not sharing it with the **current** president? That means he's either lying or he's withholding material evidence regarding an ongoing case of electronic espionage against our country. So which is it? Are you just a liar, Mr. Trump, or are you also a traitor?
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Okay, first off, take some accountability - you're going to struggle until you understand your situation. You didn't "somehow" rack up $2,600 on credit cards - you make it sound like it just happened magically. You bought things you couldn't afford. First step - ditch the credit cards. You don't have to close the credit lines (and in fact you shouldn't), but put them in a drawer.
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Excuse me?! Did you just assume my internal coloration? I'll have you know I identify as being internally gamma ray colored!
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Well congrats on the job. If you need emotional support we are here. I would suggest reading the social work code of ethics at some point. I just want to point out that ppl all live different lives. Social workers arent here to judge, you can do that own your personal time.
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The worst part is that people apparently have no idea anymore what flashing your lights at them means. I've flashed my lights at people with no lights on, and a couple have swooped around behind me and started ... No, retard. You didn't have any lights on, that's what I was telling you.
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Probably a very smart move. I would just suggest you arrange your own draft with some of said old-timers out of hours. I started speaking to some of the people at my store around the time of conspiracy 2, and now we ... It's a good place to bring other friends who are interested in trying a draft and ensures a good experience.
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i generally agree with you i'm just saying there's a rational psychological reason for uneasiness. those who have blind trust in apple will always believe they can do no wrong and that all changes will work perfectly and make our lives easier. and it might. the consensus still seems to be removing the 3.5mm jack is a detriment to the consumer. it has been for me.
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It's exactly because you put people into molds and play identity politics. I can't agree with that. I'm speaking statistically. I don't know anything about you specifically that you haven't directly informed me. I'm only referencing how your _extremely homogenous_ demographic votes and how those policies affect our country.
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This is going to get downvoted but good on you, OP. I know many here will say you should not have complied or should have been an ass to the officers ... Illegal or not, everyone knows they can expect these on NYE on busy highways looking for drunk drivers. Take the fight to your state representatives or contact the local PD/highway patrol office and have a discussion there. That is unless you honestly think you have nothing to lose and have deep enough pockets to fight it in ...
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So you prefer a for profit death panel to a democratic one? Insurance companies are horrible to people. Things we require for safety and well-being shouldn't be negotiated over, they should be provided by the state. If you put my life on the bargaining block, that isn't civil society any more.
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It's like building a model train set in your basement. You go to the shop and buy your tracks. Then you buy the train cars you want. No one is expected to buy everything, just the train cars you want to play with.
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Well, there's also the question of if Mueller will fast track his investigation. I totally get taking your time and making sure it's bulletproof, but let's face it, this is unprecedented. If the sitting President colluded with Russia, the longer he's in control the more damage can be done. This isn't a murder investigation where there's no longer any threat, Trump can continue to help Russia as long as ...
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90% (made up number) of people that do these runs like having the photos posted online. The organizers are not going to pay someone to sit and find every shot of people on a blacklist and ... If you go out in public at all, you're already known, tracked and watched. Get over it.
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Hey there, friendo u/taughttolove! Thanks for submitting to r/wholesomememes. We loved your submission, *This community helped inspire me to make a meme for my wife. Maybe the sentiment is something the people here can understand. Thank you everyone.
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Fuck me man you're still trying to shame me about smoking and drinking? I do both because I enjoy them. And cmon, at least stay consistent with your opinion on my relationship. First I'm lying about having a girlfriend. Now my non existent girlfriend is cheating on me.
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I worry that the devil has you in the midst of one of his tricks. Maybe the being that you think is half Satan half god is really just beelzebub? Cute puppy 3 I send you my love and hope and worry. I don’t know you, but I’m worried and I hope you can live In this world god created with us
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"I think you may have just clicked wrong... We don't have the ability to do so as far as I am aware. But thank you for jumping to the conclusion that we are nefariously trying to control everything. EDIT: and in any case, if it were sorted that way, how hard is it to simply click ""top"" or whatever you want? Not hard at all. My god, the amount of paranoia is astounding."
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Ok, so you don't want to or can't formulate a plan B. What's your plan A? You can call my statement normalcy bias, but yours sounds like impotent whining. What are you doing about it? Edit: And I'm not trying to insult.
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Thank you again, i really enjoyed the play. I felt so bad for the husband. Also for leo. Its weird how connected we can get with random strangers online. Spoilers for those who didnt hear it yet: im totally bummed that they didnt meet.
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I unfortunately don’t have much advice in this situation. I just wanted to wish you the best and offer my condolences for losing your wife. This is my biggest fear, losing my wife and step daughter this way. I do hope you are able to get it worked out, she deserves to have you in her life.
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Thank you so much for sharing! I go to a lot of metal shows, but felt I've had a hard time breaking into the community. I hope to meet you at an event and share my passion with the community.
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" Thanks for your opinions, I think we have a different subjective definition of wealth. I don't view having cheap electronics like TVs as wealth, more things like education, ability to travel, etc. - luxury items, not items that are pretty much standard in every household in the world at this point. I also just wanted to point out that you said ""the American middle class is shrinking is a myth"" and then pointed to statistics that show the American middle class is shrinking. Yes, some of the middle class will move to the upper class."
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Dude, at work this dude was into a girl I quit messing around with. He sneezed 1 Desk away and just silence. I sneezed, and got the bless you and a heavy glance my way. /r/brag but I never get to brag about shit in person so Edited for whatever clarity was necessary edit two ...
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You guys are delusional. But also The Cowboys are a better team. I know you are trying to troll, but its just too damn funny to rustle my jimmies.
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God Tha k you for that, I will always replay that in my head no matter what. I used to do it aloud every time said new York City but had to stop because people would always ... So thank you for remembering that lol
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Dude I can't stand here and watch you put yourself and everyone around you at such great risk. You need to wear at least level 200 gloves while handling that shit. If I were you I'd make sure I had some kind of blast proof shield between me and that round. I mean it's your funeral, I just don't wanna see you scooting around with no legs or arms on a ...
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I hope you're right buddy, otherwise you guys elected a real clown for no good reason. Don't worry my friend, the swamp is draining. You will see in due time. I know you may hate me, and you may hate my political beliefs and that is fine. Just keep in mind that we Americans do not have to hate each other because of the actions of political elites who don't care about us-and I'm talking about political elites from BOTH major parties here.
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Thank you, i feel the same way. the one we lost actually inspired me to make a custom bed for her. Also i really enjoyed the story you shared, its always great when things fall into place like that especially when its helping an animal in need.
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Honestly think a lot of depression and anxiety is being too busy, working too much, too much of a ratrace and you have no time for full, real and genuine connections and friendships. Then they think that social media can replace that. Plus unlike 80 percent of the world people are in a hurry to leave home and family behind. We arent different than we were 80,000 years ago you need family support. It does your body and mind good to be around family a lot of the time even if they are annoying af.
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Make sure to do the tutorial. Have fun and remember, the world could always use more heroes, glad we found one in you. :)
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I don't know about you, but my interaction with co-workers is entirely different from my interaction with friends. If you are doing it correctly, one is much more personal. Also, you don't choose your co-workers. You choose your friends.
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"Cool! I didn't know that. This works on the JP eShop too if you search for ""taiken"" (体験). Click the search bar to bring up the keyboard, choose the 日本語 keyboard, type in ""taiken"" and choose the first ... (To save you the time, Snipperclips, Spelunker, Puyo Puyo Tetris, Dragon Quest Heroes I II.) "
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"yes, you've been playing since day 1? sorry if i question your sincerity but sfv fanboys have an incredibly strong reputation for lying. I got the game pre release, i played the beta which was fine, after a month ish the netcode started degrading for loads of people as they tweaked it. it got to the point where between the shoddy netcode and the rollback bug my whole scene just said screw it and packed up, that and other reasons. meanwhile i ton of other fgs work flawlessly before you go for the ""its your internet"" os."
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My first thought was that this is standard shit talk on my fantasy hockey league. Just throwing out the most ridiculous over the top shit you can think of. For reference check out fx's the league. I will split you from poo hole to goo hole!
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hello! If you are interested in joining a long standing active community check out our smite community's recruitment post. http://forums.smitegame.com/showthread.php?169998-DOM-Clan-Recruitment-Thread!-Seeking-all-SMITE-Players
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They have been brainwashed into hating liberals for years. What do you think Faux New, Rush, Breitbart and other have been doing all this time? They don't even know why the fuck they hate us. They just know that their "heroes" tell them to.
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Wow you're assuming I'm in some voluntary social situation. Big miscommunication, I drink alone, and rarely. No, the only way we have this interaction is at work. This is the only time I have no control over my exposure to you.
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Operating as a devil's advocate here, If I made a political sub I wouldn't want someone who clearly likes an opposing political side to spread propaganda to my sub. Regardless if it was for "debate" you're coming to our sanction to spread the seeds of corruption. Imagine a Christian coming into a mosque to spread the word of Jesus Christ. It's unheard of, because no one wants that. If you wanted to debate, you could go anywhere else.
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Yeah, I'd be royally pissed if someone did this to me. At a wedding, I'd be in a good enough mood and love the other person enough to laugh it off. But don't smash my oily face in a perfectly good cake so you can have a quick laugh.
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I actually have the exact same setup as you do and use the app for my job. I have the same phone as well. I haven't had too many issues with it, but there are times when the main system has gone down and we have had to get in touch with the system admin. I'm not sure if that's a local issue or an app issue. The issues are infrequent and most of the time the signatures work well even though there is only so much you can do with a finger on a screen.
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Here's my take, since I never see anyone bring up this point. I'm pro marijuana legalization btw, but not for drugs that are very addictive. Basically, the position I see libertarians take is that people should be free to do whatever drugs they want. But, from my perspective, drug addiction alters your mind and body to be dependent on the drug. Therefore, you no longer have the free will to stop (at least, not without great difficulty).
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A drug that suppresses appetite and is safe enough to prescribe to pretty much anyone. All of our medical options for intervening with the obesity epidemic are invasive surgeries. I thought for sure we'd have a magic drug you can take to help regulate diet by now. There are drugs that heavily suppress appetite, they're just addictive or dangerous to use specifically for that.
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it was a yes/no question to determine how barbaric you actually are. it wasn't leading, it was a character test. now i know you're an emotional savage.
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You're right but you should not normalize terrorism in Turkey! Terrorism will *not* be normalized. When I was growing up terrorism was almost unheard of. Sure, there was PKK but weekly attacks were something I would not even imagine. Now, we hear attacks even on the New Year's Eve.
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Has Spearfishing, fraud and abuse never happened to you? Thing is if I give you a game, its now on your account. I can call customer service to use my credit card number as proof I own your account. After all your most recent game has my credit card number on it. Was that glitch fixed?
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The dubbing in China isn't due to them being Korean - it's a Chinese thing. Most shows are dubbed in a very standard Mandarin to be broadcast to a wider audience because of regional differences ... Everyone is dubbed over. I don't think you can compare what China does to what Japan can do. That's just not how it works in Japan.
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Blood is your biggest enemy on this case. Sometimes the best expression of love is to force our loved ones into what's best for them. Leave him to figure this one out. Also read up on squatter laws in your state before he stays there too long. Edit: I want to add to this by asking you a question.
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You should probably keep your goals to yourself. This is like the easiest way you set yourself up to fail.
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Hey Curt! Really appreciate someone of your caliber coming onto here for an AMA! However, I have a slightly contentious question, hopefully it's not too uncomfortable and you're willing to answer. Simply, do you think some of the political statements or actions you've made outside of baseball have affected how the ...
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You needed a rheumatologist to tell you that eating better and sleeping better can improve your health? That seems like common sense to me. Specialists like rheumatologists are highly trained doctors. That means they have spent years delving into the minutia of the differences between treatment A vs treatment B. It is their job to guide the management of your specific disease process (i.e.
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what you did was dodged. not ask a question. we're both in agreement that identitarianism is bad, but you seem to think it's just white nationalists.
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"Because I said so." Basically being treated like less than for something entirely out of my control; being a child. Creating this authoritarian, hierarchy relationship with your child is grossly irresponsible in my opinion. E: after reading the replies here it seems like I have little to no room to complain.
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then why didnt you generalise it at all? and calling you out on something makes me entitled..how exactly? entitled to freedom of speech maybe, but i'd love to see how you connect that to anything else.
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"I worked at a restaurant and a friend of mine and her family came in to eat one night. I asked what's up and she's like ""oh ya know, I'm in labor"". I freaked, I was like WTF ARE YOU DOING HERE, GO TO THE HOSPITAL! She was hungry I guess?"
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Rebranding.....gee why was that????? Your lack of understanding just made you prove my point. Maybe if people who celebrate Kwanzaa knew who started it they would want to rebrand it as well. Check myself? Again I simply stated facts why these offered you guys so much baffles me....
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Thanks for the first even remotely substantive response here. Not sure I agree with you, though. Cash and credit cards and wires and ACH transactions are far more convenient than crypto-currencies and transaction fees are far lower than crypto-currencies. And, with cash and credit cards, you don't risk losing 5%-50% between sending and receiving because of the crazy volaility. That alone kills any advantages that you've described, even if we could agree that those advantages actually existed.
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These are the worst as far as I am concerned. They want you to bend the phonics structure of our language to meet their needs. You dont get to just demand letter combinations are pronounced any way you want.
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It's reddit dude. What exactly was I trying to deliver? I was half-joking when I said I "felt bad". Sorry for my harsh reaction, but you were condescending for no reason. I explained my position in the comments in thread.
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"*you have a grammar error right on the first page-------------- * Under ""our goal"" you mis spelled Management -- you have ""Managment"". I found these in the first 15 seconds of scanning the site. Is there more ? here's more : Under ""Our Promise""-- We will treat your business like its our own. We will work to grown your business like its our own. "
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It's not even 10 seconds, though. The gif is 1:22. I think that makes it even worse, because you might as well have watched a video at that point.
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This was hilarious and made my day thank you! As a side note horsepower does not always equal faster as it also depends on the weight of the vehicle that's why many low weight sports cars with lower horsepower can on the line drive faster then some other cars with even more horsepower than itself. Porsche is a very good example of this especially in their GT line of sports cars. They are notorious for cutting every single ounce possible up to and including removing air conditioning power windows even door handles.
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Oh my god I can't count! I have 2 more weeks to savor this show!! Yay!!! Thank you kind stranger for reminding me of my remedial math skills!
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I'm gonna just embrace my sinfulness and admit that I laughed in inexplicable joy at your title. What can I say, [Ewan McGregor was hot in his priest...dress...thing.] (http://c8.alamy.com/comp/F6MAMG/release-date-15-may-2009-title-angels-demons-studio-columbia-pictures-F6MAMG.jpg)
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How do you know it was brigading, or that it was people from this sub? If you know either of those things for a fact, there are ways to deal with it, so go ahead. But not everyone who disagrees with you will come from this sub. Also, if you are against "a circlejerk of anger and resentment" maybe you could avoid 1. making accusations while offering ... Don't act like you're better than OP and then come here and be rude.
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This. Mistakes happen a lot with new people starting work. Don't assume it was done on purpose until you know for sure.
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Yes, thank you for bringing attention to our plight! My house just barely missed the flooding, and we're MILES from the Colorado River. I had two feet of water at my back gate, but luckily our house is built up enough. Most of my neighbors weren't so lucky. I talked to a guy Wednesday afternoon that already had seven feet of water in his house, with another two expected.
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I thanked you in my own comment, but I just can't thank you _enough_ for your amazing video edits. They have been absolutely delightful, and I and other fans really treasure them. I'll share all of them with the tumblr community (crediting you, of course) and I know for a fact that ... Know that you've made a lot of days brighter with your clips, and know that we appreciate all the effort ... By which I mean, we appreciate _you._ (Hey, maybe I'll see you around /r/Baccano sometime).
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I will, and likewise remember not all of us Americans are these pathetic racists you see on TV. The vast majority of us are peace loving individuals who don't care what religion or race you are. So long as you desire peace and progress and love we love you back and welcome with open arms. I'll spread the word about the Kurdish people if you try to convince your brothers we aren't all racist idiots please :) Peace and love
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