" Pardon, I've been hanging with my asshole friends too much this week! I took the ""Genius!"" as snark and didn't for a second think you were being sincere :( my bad friend!! It's alright; I'm glad we cleared this up :)"
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You seem like a cool dude. I know my girl friends would like your personality. The problem I have is all the hair frizz. As a girl, I hate my hair frizz, so I definitely hate a guy with it. You need a new hair cut, and weight loss, then your good.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 ]
Thanks for your input. I appreciate our relationship and will surely send you a gift next holiday season. :) your 1 template was sent out to maybe 12 or 83 contacts. My e-card went out to about 3500 contacts. Granted, there are plenty of clients at which 6-10 (or more) people will get that same message from us because we touch that many people at some offices of some clients.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 ]
Gotta say, this is hilarious. And I'm sorry we're not laughing with you, we are laughing at you. But that's okay :)
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They feel safe in their little comfy room behind a keyboard. Personally I try to act as though I'm personally speaking to someone when I'm speaking online. Your online presence is just as real as your physical one. The way you speak and act online speaks multitudes about your personality in my opinion.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
I always found the mentality that all the good things are from god while all the evil things are from something else to be rather silly. Well In a sense we do believe that. But your conception of God is probably different then ours. We do not believe the Father is a being. Human or otherwise.
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
Get it straight buster - I'm not here to say please, I'm here to tell you what to do and ... I'm here to help - if my help's not appreciated then lotsa luck, gentlemen. If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of ... So, pretty please... with sugar on top.
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
But I didn't want Colin's Last Stand to hinge on and revolve around that moment. Note that there hasn’t been a single, solitary video dedicated to political correctness or the culture surrounding it; note that I still don't use the terms "SJW" or "snowflake" or "cuck;" note that instead of taking the easy bait time and again, I make 40 minute videos on aborted moon bases and extensive histories of presidential impeachments. As one of your liberal fans, this has been such a relief. i was worried that you would become a voice of the right's version of outrage culture. I have been continuously impressed with the thoroughness and fairness of your videos.
[ 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Your first comment was just a tad rude, plus he didn't say he was trying to get undocumented people bank ... Maybe your interpretation is correct, or maybe it's not, either way I'm sure there is a better way to communicate ... Your response back to me would've actually made a nice reply to him.
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I like the three fingers on someone's chest - you get a little control, can slam a short punch in (which isn't fun, not so painful, but not fun) and loads of other responses. It's a control position in my eyes; keeps you in control of the situation. Also, any movement they make is betrayed by the chest. Source: unsavoury past.
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The facts of a crime don't care about politics, they are facts. Only people who care about their political party over the country, like you, think its ok to say facts don't matter. The FBI exists to prove facts in court. It is what the FBI does. What you're doing is gaslighting and obfuscation and trying to discredit our nation's top law enforcement for political gain.
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 ]
Thank you for being a trustworthy person. I am surprised that they let you take it, though. Also, *standard*. I'm sure it was just a derp. I just can't help myself.
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Right, so we can agree that your intelligence and mine are different in part due to genes. (I'll grant that you're smarter, as well as better looking and funnier.) We can also agree that your children and my children will have some difference, in part due to genes. And so on with their children. Expand this until the Subscribe family and the McDanger family have each populated a separate continent, and we observe significant IQ differences in the two populations.
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Pretty sad stuff. I said earlier this year that you know it's summer when Gus's pretzels come around. It won't be the same without Joe. He was always ready for conversation and remembered familiar faces. Rest In Peace, Joe.
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Peeved at not seeing the King, the envoy spoke, *It is a great honor to see the heir of the Kingdom of Mazicia, such a new nation in the lands of Lazica. I hope you Berbers are respecting our Lazic cousins. * He took a glass of wine and sipped on it. A slight grimace crossed his face then disappeared. *I have come here to open up diplomatic and trade relations, as well as gauging your Kingdom's ambitions for the region, so that the Empire can avoid conflict with your peoples.
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There isn't anything that Cincinnati is outstanding in. I suppose you could argue their defensive stoutness but even that is a weak argument. I don't know.. the defense is pretty fucking legit. Its not best in the country, but it is extremely good. Most teams don't touch 65 against us and often teams don't touch 60.
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Yeah, instead of Obama making fun of him, now he's got the entire world making fun of him! Thanks Obama!! Seriously, thank you, as we now know all the stupid people that live among us.
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
"Personally, I think people are too quick to impose universal personality traits on animals. In my experience, there is a wide variety of personalities you will find in cats dogs. Some cats are sweet and caring, and other are assholes. The same goes for dogs, although I think there's a bit less variance in personality with dogs compared to cats. An animal's ""personality"" is really dependent upon that individual pet."
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Be enthusiastic. Know a little bit about us. Take the time to read through the website, google us, etc. Show your passion for our mission and our vision of the future
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IANAL but am an Architect. I am not providing you with professional advise or services. You need to attend any hearings for the variance request. Variances can only be made for a HARDSHIP. Why does your neighbor need a garage back there?
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
I'm in a tribe of two, PVE, and we can't afford to do 100% imprinting even on 2x.the time requirements are nuts and if I Imprint, my husband can't do the imprinting if I'm offline. It's quite frustrating when you get a really nice Dino like my 422.2% base melee anky. Could only get 86% imprint because I was dced twice over the weekend and it took two hours to get back in both times.
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They're selling out like every game though. When you're in LA, you don't have to be good to be profitable. Kroenke is fucking raking it in either way
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congratulations, you just triggered my PTSD. are you happy? ?
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HAHA! good video, i love your personality! keep up the energy! one thing you can easily improve on is the thumbnail, by adding some contrasting text it will make it pop that much more in the search which is really what you want! Think of a thumbnail as a first impression and first impressions matter on youtube with the amount of videos being uploaded daily!
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Yotes fan here coming in peace. You will note that never at any point did we vote against your team. We demonstrated our friendship in the strongest possible way by never targeting you. There is an alliance of SJS, STL, WPG and MIN that aims to eliminate the rest of the competition. Maybe you want to root for CBJ as the last remaining team in the East.
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Oh oh but you know really, it's the DNC's fault for not handling all correspondence via couriers. Like how if poor people are dying in the streets it's their fault for choosing not to have daddy give ... That's what daddies are for right? Stupid poor people are just too stupid to ask daddy for the money. They're not smart like Drumpf.
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So you're saying I could go order soup from McDonalds and they'll have it? What about stew? What sort of stew do they have today?
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Not nearly that much. You don't get to 98% without *both* of her parents having around that much, and they don't get there without ... This isn't a drop of Ashkenazi genetics indicating one or two ancestors several generations back; this seems to suggest that ... And there were plenty of reasons for Jews in Poland to hide that fact 70-80 years ago. I think it may be worth your time to look a little deeper at your mother's ancestry.
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WG shill detected. I dare you to try playing 250XP worth of games in the Graf Spee. Also, those only apply to KM and IJN captains. How about USN or RU captains? It IS blatant monetization.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
1. 99.999999% of Veterans will give zero fucks. If you're of military age or older I'm going to assume you are/were in/maybe National Guard and not care. If you look way too young, or stupidly amazingly out of shape I'm going to assume you're someone's overlarge dependent ... 2.
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You nailed it. I had been laughing reading all the other comments but then I just went wtf at that one. Thank you for putting words to my emotions, I feel better.
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This is because you do not understand the U.S.A. We are the United **STATES** of America. Donald Trump is the president of the union of **STATES**. The **STATES** pick their president. How they do that is up to the individual states. Many states have all-or-nothing elections.
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I went to Jerusalem. Lovely city. I saw the wall there. Let me tell you, this wall was in terrible shape. Holes everywhere.
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As someone who has dealt with horrible stomach issues for most of my life, I cannot fathom the kind of ... I was in fucking hell even after I figured out what was wrong but at least I was able to ... Jesus fucking christ. Your FMIL has some serious issues. I'm glad that your FH has managed to put on some weight and has a better situation now.
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Interesting to me that your criticisms of the genre haven't really applied to Kemet in my experience. The winners have always been the people who can attack and then hold the temples the best. The guy we play with who is almost always just out for blood never does as well as the people who can fight and defend. For us, our meta, defense and area control quickly became the most important skill. Funny how these things diverge.
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" I understand your position because I'm real pissed at her (and this trial now!) for what happened to Sanders. However, the ""refusing to reward cheating"" logic doesn't work. If you vote for her and she wins: * You reward her * The white house doesn't get controlled by ... * Millions of people don't die because they lost healthcare."
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**I don't want you to ignore your life experiences. ** Life experiences are so important to how we live and how we feel about the world that we live in. I'm just telling you that your life experiences have nothing to do with women as a whole. You obviously live somewhere that has certain values that color your world (as do we all). That has nothing to do with the outside world, so just don't claim that it does and you won't seem so illogical.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
"Every day, in person, over text, over the phone. Sometimes I tell him and my son that I love them together ""I love you guys!"" and I get ""We love you Momma!"" as a response."
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Well, that's just messed up. Living animals are not mere decorations, they're not disposable, and no, most people are not going to spontaneously take home ... Sorry, I know it wasn't you, just - reading that made me need to rant. Your friend sounds awesome for re-homing them, though.
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I honestly feel you, I have an uneasy peace with one of my fiancee's best friends. You are about to enter this it seems. My honest advice is to speak to both of them, especially her, ASAP. She is the middleman and kinda has to make a decision on the relationship. The reason my relationship with the BF is approaching hostile is because I think the BF is underhanded in a lot of her actions.
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To my knowledge you havent been in a discussion with anyone else currently. But you guys were talking about the universe that simulated us and our brains. I dont see how anything there could have warranted your response about Mario that you made.
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Do some independent research bro. I have some memes if you need help getting started. Edit: I like gooooooold. Seriously, thank you anonymous, I'm a big fan of your Fawkes masks and how you're woke as fuk.
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
Wow - This is just like me! Please don't give in and call again. I know it's hard, but my therapist says that you have to resist the compulsions. I will reassure you (and this is what I'm always looking for - reassurance) - you are FINE. You did nothing wrong.
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"What an ironic article. It basically concludes ""my understanding is the only correct understanding and yours is limited."" This isn't for making unity, it's for making uniformity."
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Yeah if you've ever had to issue a chargeback, they make it pretty clear that you should exhaust all options for resolving the dispute with the merchant. In my experience, they make you thoroughly explain what was wrong and how you attempted to resolve it. So if you immediately initiate a chargeback in this case, you're being dishonest with Blizzard and probably lying to your bank/credit card issuer.
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Sure. That still doesn't negate that he was shaming her, though. And to your point - we all have different experiences. So it's about being open and listening to each other's experiences - *not* shaming them.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 ]
Disagree, wholeheartedly. I'll upvote you for providing good discussion, but my instincts are telling me not to. That's just how much I hated the new movie - big fan of the old one.
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I'm sure you do. And we thank you for keeping that to yourself. You won't see the posts he deleted.
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Seattle dweller here. You can just go ahead and keep Montukey and Wyoming, we don't need 'em. Idaho's a bit of a stretch, but we like their potatoes so it's cool.
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
I mean, I'm all for upturning gender dynamics and following your bliss (follow your bliss! ), but: a cool masculine Taylor tattoo that I just thought of based on your post would be Taylor wearing ... That would be fuckin' rad. I will draw it if you will get it tattooed forever on your body.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
" If we were here to improve the relationship between you and me, yes. We're not, we're here to give OP the most useful advice possible. Which does *not* mean ""the advice that produces the most harmony and agreement in the comments section"". You don't need to patronize me, dude, I understand how communication within a relationship is supposed to go."
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I don't believe you. How did you apply for jobs last summer without putting a GPA on your resume? Did you not see your grades when you downloaded your transcript and sent it to employers? Or do you know your overall GPA, but not your grades in any individual classes?
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Aww we love you, too! And, well, just about everyone! (wags tail)
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
The thing is that this has been a predicted phenomenon for 100+ years. You can demonstrate CO2's heat trapping ability in a lab, and by polluting at the rate we do the concentration of CO2 has increased dramatically over the last 100 years. Surely enough, the temperature data has born out an increase in temperature with CO2 emissions once you deduct for soot emissions and other known effects. In science you need a mechanism and you need observations that support that mechanism, and we have both. No one has put forward a scientifically compelling counter argument that some other cause can explain the warming trend.
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nah, I guess we should all buy our records on discogs ;) support. hate. do what you wish, just putting our effort against the dehumanization of music and music communities. cheers y'all
[ 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Prior to her installment as First Lady of Arkansas and the United States, she was only on track to be somewhat accomplished. Like a 6 out of 10. Those promotions really provided her with the means to be granted a seat on the US Senate, and thereby be taken seriously enough as a Presidential candidate to pressure Obama into making her Secretary of State. I'm not sure why you insist on believing my antipathy toward HRC must be attributable to her gender. Can't I just be a hopeless socialist crank?
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
You just explained exactly what happened when my sister and I tried talking to my mom 1. We were terrible children who *just happened* to stay out of trouble at school, get good grades, and clean the ... But deep down we were terrible and she knows it 2. Her life was 1000 times worse so anything she did to us doesn't matter She would usually give an apology ... And then for months she said that she apologized so we better be over everything she ever did to us.
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"Any you have a hetero-normative, sexual-normative society to thank for that. With the word ""gender"" being redefined, and the education system not only tolerating it but also preaching it, pretty soon you will have little boys wanting to be little girls, wondering what the difference is. Its pretty easy when you divide the genders my sex... Boys have penises and girls have vaginas, but if kids are taught that the can be whatever gender and sexuality they do desire, expect there to be a lot of confusion for kids going through puberty."
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
Yesssss!!! The guys I tried grinding on prior to meeting my husband always complained about it, so I never even tried ... I just assumed he was like the rest of the men. Then one night, I was tipsy so naturally all inhibitions were gone, and i did it to my husband... When I got done he was like, you've never done that before!
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YES THIS. I would have avoided so many problems with personal boundaries in my childhood if I had been taught that I ... I plan on letting my kids decide when and if they want to hug their relatives. I don't care if it hurts your feelings, Aunt Carol! Suck it up.
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Really? That's an odd verb choice. I love the assumption of my character just because I'm offering a differing mindset to yours. Lonzo was good in college. He's alright now and can definitely be good in the future.
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
That kinda sorta happened. He asked if IT would get him a wireless mouse and keyboard, and I told him no, we wouldn't. Our policy is that if you want a non-standard set up, you buy it yourself. Want a standing desk? BIY.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
Probably my biggest pet peeve are videos or sound clips where you can here these deep tongue clicks. Like they are sucking their tongue before every sentence, or just talking way to close to the mic... I dunno why it occurs but it bother me
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With all of my heart, I am so sorry for your loss. That is devastating and your MIL doesn’t help either. Sending all of my love and support to you.
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 ]
I didnt defend Islamic extremists, and most Muslims don't share the views of Islamic extremists on women, Jews and homosexuals. Bigotry is the defining feature of white supremacy. Its not my fault you're too thickheaded to see the difference between a religion and a hate group
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Thanks spending your time giving me my psychiatric remedy, I do appreciate it. Maybe it will help. But, the second part of being unfair was referring to the team and management. They are trying to build a team atm and this is a business. Its not my money he is sitting on, I watch win or lose.
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
i have to agree, fulfilling your child wants even when older seems to work very well. Ive owned a motorbike and 2 cars i thought i would never own from my childhood. Even now i would still want one of those cars back, however i know its not good on the pocket.
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
OP this thread just gave you a fuck ton of info. Another reason you should be a Dolphins fan is because of the fans themselves. Us. We are kind of awesome. Just avoid Facebook Dolphins fans and you will enjoy being a part of our community.
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
I don't think you quite grasp how big 2^512 actually is. It's on the order of 10^150 which is (much) more then the number of atoms in the (observable) universe (around ... So no, this is not feasible.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
I'd like to remind you and all Blue Jays fans about the robbery that was the Josh Donaldson trade. Every team makes good and bad trades. I don't even think the RA deal is as bad as the Donaldson one tbh. All in all I think you guys have a pretty good trade record. I definitely don't pity the Blue Jays for that trade.
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
The merchant strokes his chin, deep in thought. "Ah, you want to see what else I have in stock, hm? Well, let me show you!" Chi'nbus exclaims, cracking a wide grin. He throws off his trilby, catching it by the brim with his fat, stubby fingers.
[ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
I'd love to have the altruism discussion when you get back. Just reply to this and I'll notice the mailbox eventually. I'm a biologist by training, so I think it is fascinating as well. Our discussion verged on game theory at points, which is a similarly interesting to me and relevant to our line of progress. I understand your skepticism of my cynicism (a distinction that is blurry, but important).
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
Yes they did. And many people got it battered which is unacceptable. The mailer was not suitable. And my original point was that people should not accept damaged items because it makes the situation worse as time goes on. Because you are happy to accept bullshit service doesn't make my point bratty or invalid.
[ 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
While I thoroughly enjoyed my literary education, to be honest I wish I’d pursued something a little more practical these days. But we all have different talents and strengths...pursue yours. It will pay dividends, not always in the way you expect, but it will. The puns *are* fantastic. I catch more and more of them on each rewatch.
[ 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
"I wouldn't call it idiotic. Here in America we have a different kind of nationalism, civic nationalism, not ethno nationalism. Hell, our moto used to be ""e plubris unum"" (from many, one). This goes for all Native, European, Middle Eastern, African and Asian Americans. Despite your country of origin, we are here now, under the same banner of freedom and equality. "
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
Uhhh can I ask why you'd spend this time to post anti marijuana statistics in this subreddit of all places? Do you know how many people die from prescription drugs every year? Do you know how many addictions and how much brain and body damage is caused? Marijuana is far less dangerous than alcohol and tobacco products, which are available at basically every corner store in the ... You're aware that the dea just made a specific declaration against cbd... Cbd the derivative with no thc and no ...
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"Stockholm syndrome is not the feeling of legitimate sympathy. It's a survival mechanism during hostage situations that becomes inflated as a result of the intensity and duration of the situation. That's not what happens on the other side of screens; the opposite is true, that people will always tend to be crueler, pass more judgment and ignore opposing perspective when the ""freak"" being targeted is not someone you will ever have to actually confront. Saying we need to understand the personality of pedophiles doesn't mean you need to let them babysit your kids. This reductive, ideological skewing of logic is why we'd rather throw people like drug addicts in prison than attempt to fix the conditions that turned them into unproductive or violent people."
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HA! Too bad I'm a patent troll, and your intellectual superiority is my intellectual property. Prepared to be sued for one billion yen.
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Your ignorant no one here sees things the way you do. Do we support trump yes but supporting trump does not necessitate being a racist as you clearly are. You are allowed to say anything you want, this America. Don't act surprised or like an ass when you are condemned for it though. Actions have consequences you spewing racist bullshit was the action.
[ 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
I'm actually part of a group that is actively trying to have as many people coordinate together so everyone can get a legendary. We have a facebook group and a discord. Bring your friends and share our group so we can be as efficient as possible. [Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/hT2NVEU) [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/618089028347530/)
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Thanks for the insight. However, I'm surprised you aren't following your own advice: When you actually know something and people want to hear it ... I don't see anyone here asking for your 2 cents. I'm not trying to say you shouldn't have shared, I just feel like it's a bit hypocritical. edit: And after looking through your post history, it's clear you're a grade 'A' troll.
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I served in the West Indies from 2010-2012, specifically on the Dutch Side. We felt the repercussions of your mission presidents affects up until I left. Activity rates were horrendous however when our mission president tried to replicate your's "success" it failed miserable. Times are a changing.
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I prefer the new ones since they take a lot less time. With the original victory poses, they were cool (loved Lobo, Batgirl, Killer Frost) but got old after so many times. And if I'm not mistaken you had to sit through them each time. The new ones are fast while capturing the character at the same time.
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ]
You must have the property owners permission to bring a RAW on their property. So you need to ask the range what their rule is before bringing your weapon. If your weapon is illegal or questionable, expect to be asked to leave. Remember the law is vague and businesses are going to be cautious on gray areas. Also I've noticed the ranges near me have started banning 5.56 and .223 regardless of build.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 ]
"So your saying that DH didn't know you were the name on the loan? Because if so, then he was a big part in screwing you over. Lesson learned, next time MIL offers to pay for ANYTHING remind her of all these times she's offered and never followed through and say ""No"". Actually say ""I'm sorry, my credit can't handle your generous gifts. Because you never follow through and we are the ones who get screwed."
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
OP you deserve the love as we all do around here. PCMR is a brotherhood and everyone here knows that! It feels super awesome to be apart of this community. Happy holidays. Praise GabeN!
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 ]
I was glad you were lost in New York. I still haven't found my tarantula after you trashed my room. You're a jerk.
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Oops, you're right. But you're also reinforcing my point, that multiple design needs crippled the design. I'm Canadian, and unhappy with how this project turned out/is turning out. We do long patrols in isolated areas, and two engines would be helpful. It's still the best plane available to us, though, and with the geopolitical situation being as it is, we need to have a competent military.
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You realize I never said that, right? Which means you are misquoting me in order to hurt my reputation. That would qualify as defamation, which is illegal. Which, by your definition you shouldn't be doing. In fact, defamation is a deliberately malicious action that only serves to harm another person.
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This is common. And it happens for a very good reason. When you first start out, on your first day, and you know NOTHING you get paired with some blue belt. Usually your size or a little smaller, and they tie you up in knots like some kind of Grappling Sorcerer. You can barely tell what they are doing, but you know you're helpless.
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"Eh, no sex is guranteed without risk - even though it may not help much to look at that angle. If you frequently hookup look into PReP or if the costs are too much you could always lower your sexual partners and/or go get tested with them. But the risk you describe depends upon if we're talking about ""deep kissing"" or oral sex. If it's the former you don't have much to worry about it unless both people have meth mouth and even then the risk is still low. If it's the latter the risk is higher but still VERY low."
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First, you're falsely conflating my opinion with a hypothetical response from Chipotle themselves which doesn't exist. Let's get that very clear. Nothing I've said has been said by them. Second, I quite literally deal with pest management and what you're talking about is a physically impossible state to achieve. If a structure is designed for entry and habitation by humans, it has entry points for pests and after a time, food for them to eat.
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FATTOM goes as follows Fat Acidity Temperature Time Oxygen Moisture Because the Roux is basically just fat with a stabilizing ... I'm not saying it's not the tried and true method to a convenient sauce, but I've seen quite a bit ... Do some research into White Roux/Brown Roux, you can really affect the flavor of your sauce by slightly tweaking your ... :) Happy Cooking! Edit: I was simply a chef with personal experience unlike you braniacs!
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In your movie [Accidental Courtesy](http://accidentalcourtesy.com), there's a scene where you meet with two BLM activists. They have a problem with your tactics — they say the results aren't good enough (I think it was 25 conversions in 25 years? ), and that your work doesn't address the widespread, systemic nature of racism in our country. I know the scene was heated, but I thought it was the most interesting part of the movie. What's your response to those critiques now?
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"We just started trading last trip! So while we're not ""experts"", I have a little advice to at least get started :) Pretty much all souvenir shops have pins. They'll differ based on different shops so my suggestion is to take a quick look when you see them. However for trading purposes we really enjoyed buying the hidden Mickey mystery packs! They're in a plain colored package with no pictures of what you might get on the back."
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Depends on the part of the state. I live 15 minutes from downtown Atlanta and no one has asked me what church I go to for at ... But the small SC town I grew up in was just like you described. Luckily I grew up in a small congregation so no one knew if we skipped church. My family stopped going altogether by the time I was 15 because we got a new pastor who was more ...
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Here is a hard truth for you: This is an Asian MMORPG. They are known for a number of bad things, but these are especially prevalent: No good reward system, no endgame, ... For some reason they absolutely hate putting more into their games than pretty waifus and infinite grinding. Expecting proper rewards from PvP is unrealistic, and something that needs to be changed by the Korean devs, Pearl Abyss, ... Absolutely no interest in the west whatsoever.
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Thing is, I live in a modern Western European country. I have never seen a professional bagger in my life. Yet still, we do not experience these problems you are describing. It sounds like a made-up problem.
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Interesting! I've noticed the color shift In fluorescent but never knew that you could fix it with shutter speed. Thanks!
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